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The Intergovernmental Affairs Committee met on March 21, 2023, to review

proposed revisions to the following 8 policies:

ECAB: VANDALISM - Removal of outdated cross reference.

EI: INSURANCE MANAGEMENT - Updates to legal references.

GAB & IIBEA: ACCEPTABLE COMPUTER SYSTEM USE - Edits to reflect changes in
classroom technology and access to remote networks or cloud-based services. A
statement regarding compensation for loss of or damage to technology
equipment has also been added.

GCBEB: MILITARY LEAVE AND BENEFITS - Policy updated to reflect an

amendment to state code, increasing the maximum number of paid leave days
for military leave from 15 to 21 days.


policy to Transparency in Education and adding the requirement for the school
division to post on the division website a list of approved textbooks by grade
level, as well as giving parents the opportunity to inspect, on request, any
instructional material used as part of their student’s curriculum.


expand on the importance of the impartial study and discussion of political and
controversial issues; an elaboration of the nondiscrimination statement that no
race, ethnicity, religion, disability status, or sex is inherently superior or inferior;
and prohibiting discussions with students about sexual orientation or gender

JM: RESTRAINT AND SECLUSION OF STUDENTS - This policy requires annual

review by the School Board and is being presented with no changes.

BCPS Policies
E - Support Services
Purpose: To provide information regarding consequences for students and parents for acts of vandalism
against school property. 
The sSchool bBoard urges staff, students, and the public to cooperate in the reduction of vandalism by
reporting incidents of vandalism and the name of any person(s) believed to be responsible.
The sSchool bBoard may institute action and recover from the parents or either of them of any minor
living with such parents or either of them up to $2,500 for damages suffered by reason of the willful or
malicious destruction of, or damage to, public property by such minor.
In addition, a student who damages or destroys public property is subject to whatever disciplinary action
is deemed necessary and advisable by the school principal.

June 13, 2019

Legal References:
Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, §§ 8.01-43, 22.1-78, 22.1-253.13:7.
Cross References:
ECA: Inventory and Reporting of Loss or Damage
IIBEA/GAB: Acceptable Computer System Use
JFC-R: Standards of Student Conduct
BCPS Policies
E - Support Services

Purpose: Establishment of insurance guidelines for the protection of all stakeholders and the school
system in general. 
The School Board shall maintain such insurance on school property, including vehicles, as it deems
necessary or as is required by law. The School Board may provide liability insurance, or may provide self-
insurance, for certain or all of its officers and employees and for student teachers and other persons
performing functions or services for any school in the school division, regardless of whether payment is
made for such functions or services. Such insurance, including workers’ compensation and all property
and casualty insurance, shall be placed with insurance companies authorized to do business in Virginia or
provided by insurance pools, groups, or self-insured programs authorized by the state Bureau of

September 2002; May 2004; February 1, 2007
Legal References:
Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, §§ 15.2-2700 et seq., 15.2-2703, 15.2-2704, 15.2-2705, 22.1-84,
22.1-188 through 22.1-198.
8 VAC 20-70-120.
BCPS Policies
G - Personnel & I - Instructional Program

The School Board provides a computer system, including the internet, to promote educational excellence
by facilitating learning, resource sharing, innovation, and communication. The term computer system
includes, but is not limited to, hardware, software, data, communication lines and devices, terminals,
display devices, printers, CD, DVD, and other media devices, tape or flash drives, storage devices,
servers, mainframe and personal computers, tablets, laptops, telephones, cameras, projectors, interactive
whiteboards/panels, audio-visual equipment, multimedia devices, workstations, remote network access,
cloud services, the iInternet, and other electronic services and internal or external networks. This
includes any device that may be connected to or used to connect to the school division’s network or
electronically stored division material.
All use of the division’s computer system must be (1) in support of education and/or research, or (2) for
legitimate school division business. Use of the computer system is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate
use may result in cancellation of those privileges, disciplinary action, and/or legal action. Any
communication or material generated using the computer system, including electronic mail, social media
posts, instant or text messages, tweets, and other files, including communications and materials deleted
from a user’s account, may be monitored, read, and/or archived by division staff.
This policy applies to all users of the division’s computer system. By using or accessing the computer
system, the user agrees to abide by this policy and the Technology Use Guidelines established by the
The superintendent is responsible for establishing Technology Use Guidelines, containing the appropriate
uses, ethics and protocols for use of the computer system. The superintendent is also responsible for
reviewing and updating, as necessary, the Guidelines at least every two years. It is the user’s
responsibility to know and follow this policy and the Technology Use Guidelines.
The Guidelines include: 

1. a prohibition against use of the division’s computer equipment and communications services for
sending, receiving, viewing or downloading illegal material via the internet;

2. provisions, including the selection and operation of a technology protection measure for the
division’s computers having internet access to filter or block internet access through such
computers, that seek to prevent access to:

a. child pornography as set out in Va. Code § 18.2-374.1:1 or as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 2256;
b. obscenity as defined by Va. Code § 18.2-372 or 18 U.S.C. § 1460; and
c. material that the school division deems to be harmful to juveniles as defined in Va. Code § 18.2-
390, material that is harmful to minors as defined in 47 U.S.C. § 254(h)(7)(G), and material that is
otherwise inappropriate for minors;

3. provisions establishing that the technology protection measure is enforced during any use of the
division’s computers;

4. provisions establishing that all usage of the computer system may be monitored;

5. provisions designed to educate students and employees about appropriate online behavior,
including interacting with students and other individuals on social networking websites, blogs, in
chat rooms, and cyberbullying awareness and response;

6. provisions designed to prevent unauthorized online access by minors, including “hacking” and
other unlawful online activities;

7. provisions requiring every user to protect the security of information necessary to access the
computer system, such as usernames and passwords, and prohibiting the sharing of passwords;

8. provisions prohibiting the unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of photographs and/or
personal information of or regarding minors; and

9. a component of internet safety for students that is integrated into the division’s instructional

Use of the school division’s computer system must be consistent with the educational or instructional
mission or administrative function of the division as well as the varied instructional needs, learning styles,
abilities, and developmental levels of students.
The division’s computer system is not a public forum.
Users of the division’s computer system have no expectation of privacy for use of the division’s resources
or electronic devices including non-division-owned devices while connected to division networks or
computer resources.
Software and/or services may not be installed or downloaded on the division’s computer system without
the prior approval of the superintendent or superintendent’s designee.
The failure of any user to follow the terms of this policy or the Technology Use Guidelines may result in
loss of computer system privileges, disciplinary action, and/or appropriate legal action. Users of the
system agree to indemnify the School Board for any losses, costs, or damages relating to or arising out of
any violation of this policy or the Technology Use Guidelines.

The School Board is not responsible for any information that may be lost, damaged, or unavailable when
using the computer system or for any information retrieved via the internet. Furthermore, the School
Board is not responsible for any unauthorized charges or fees resulting from access to the computer
The School Board reviews and amends, if necessary, this policy every two years.
May 9, 2019; June 10, 2021; December 9, 2021
Legal References:
18 U.S.C. §§ 1460, 2256.
47 U.S.C. § 254.
Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, §§ 18.2-372, 18.2-374.1:1, 18.2-390, 22.1-23.3, 22.1-70.2,
and 22.1-78.
Cross References:
ECAB: Vandalism
EGAA: Reproduction and Use of Copyrighted Materials
GAB-R/IIBEA-R: Technology Use Guidelines
GBA/JHFA: Prohibition Against Harassment and Retaliation
GCPD: Professional Staff Discipline
GCQB: Staff Research and Publishing
JFC: Student Conduct
BCPS Policies
G - Personnel
All employees of Bedford County School Board who are members of the state or federal military reserves
are entitled to leaves of absence from their duties on all days during which they are engaged in federally
funded military duty, including training duty, or when called forth by the Governor.
Immediately upon receipt of official notice to report for duty, the employee will notify his or her
supervisor the Human Resources Department of the need for military leave. A copy of the official orders
must accompany the leave request. 
All employees on military leave receive up to 15 21 days paid leave per federally funded tour of duty.
When possible, military leave for employees on less than a 12-month contract should be arranged during
non-duty hours.
An employee who is scheduled for a physical examination for military service during working hours,
including but not limited to pre-induction physicals, receives paid leave.
In addition, full-time employees of the Bedford County School Division whose active duty service with the
regular armed forces of the United States or the National Guard or other reserve component requires the
employee’s absence from employment receive supplemental pay in the amount of per diem basis a sum
equal to the difference between their pay from the service and their daily rate if the employee’s military
compensation is less than the regular salary paid to the employee by the school division. 
The employee will be permitted, upon request, to use any vacation, annual, or similar leave that had
accrued at the time military leave began.
Except as outlined above, military leave is unpaid.
If the employee so desires, the employee and the employee’s dependents may continue to participate in
the division’s group health plan for up to 24 months while the employee is on military leave. The
employee must notify the Chief Financial Officer Director of Human Resources if the employee wants to
continue participation in the division’s group health plan. Employees who elect to continue on the
division’s health plan will be responsible for the following payments: balance of the premium after the
board contribution.
An employee reemployed after military leave will be treated as not having incurred a break in
service. The period of military leave will be considered service to the division for purposes of vesting and
benefit accrual. The division is responsible for its pension plan funding obligation. The division is not
required to make its contribution until the employee is reemployed.
The employee is allowed, but not required, to make up the employee’s contributions to a contributory
plan. The employee may repay his or her their employee contributions for a period of up to three times
the period of military service, but not to exceed five years. If the employee’s retirement plan is
contributory and the employee does not make up the employee’s contributions, the employee will not
receive the employer match or the accrued benefit attributable to the employee’s contribution because
the employer is required to make contributions that are contingent on the employee’s contributions.
The employer and employee contribution will be calculated on the rate of pay the employee would have
received but for the absence to serve military duty. 
An employee who is entitled to military leave by reason of service in the federal military reserves is
entitled to be reemployed by the School Board as long as the employee 

● has given advance notice of the need for military leave (unless notice is precluded by military
necessity or is otherwise impossible or unreasonable);
● has not been absent from his or her their job for more than five years; and

● returns to work as outlined below.   

            If the employee was absent from work for 

● less than 31 days, the employee must report back to work by the beginning of the next regularly
scheduled work period after a reasonable amount of time to arrive home, rest and report to work;
● more than 30 days but less than 181 days, the employee must submit an application for
reemployment within 14 days after the completion of service;
● more than 180 days, the employee must submit an application for reemployment within 90 days
after the completion of service.

Employees who are entitled to military leave due to service in the Virginia military reserves must make
written application for reemployment within

(1) • 14 days of release from duty or from hospitalization following release if the length of the employee’s
absence by reason of service in the uniformed services does not exceed 180 days or
(2) • 90 days of his release from duty or from hospitalization following release if the length of the
employee’s absence by reason of service in the uniformed services exceeds 180 days. 
Upon returning from duty, an employee will be restored to the same job he the employee held before
leaving or to a comparable job. The School Board is not obligated to reemploy persons returning from
military leave in certain unusual situations specified by state and federal law. 
A person who is reemployed after returning from more than 30 days of military duty will not be
discharged except for cause 

● within one year after the date of reemployment, if the person's period of military service before
the reemployment was more than 180 days; or
● within 180 days after the date of reemployment, if the person's period of military service before
the reemployment was more than 30 days but less than 181 days.  


Members of the military reserves will not be denied initial employment, reemployment, retention in
employment, promotion, or any benefit of employment on the basis of that membership.

August 26, 2010; February 10, 2022
Legal References:
38 U.S.C. §§ 4312, 4313, 4316, 4317.
20 C.F.R. §§ 1002.259, 1002.261, 1002.262, 1002.267. 
Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, §§ 22.1-289.2, 44-93, 44-93.1, 44-93.3, 44-93.4, 44-102.1.
BCPS Policies

I - Instructional Program


At the beginning of each school year, each school within the Bedford County Public School Division
provides to its students’ parents or guardians information on the availability of and source for receiving
The Bedford County School Board is committed to Transparency in Education. Prior to the first day of
school each school year, the following information shall be posted on the school division website in a
prominent location and in a format that is easily accessible to the public:

● the learning objectives developed in accordance with the Standards of Accreditation to be

achieved at their child’s grade level, or, in high school, a copy of the syllabus for each of their
child’s courses;
● the Standards of Learning (SOLs) and curriculum framework applicable to the child’s grade or
course requirements and the approximate date and potential impact of the child’s next SOL
● an annual notice to students in all grade levels of all requirements for Board of Education-
approved diplomas; and
● the board’s School Board’s policies on promotion, retention, and remediation; and

● a list of all approved textbooks by grade level.

Parents may inspect, on request, any instructional material used as part of their student’s curriculum. Any
changes to the information posted online, that occur during the school year, shall be updated on the
school division website with corresponding dates.

The superintendent certifies to the Department of Education that the notice required by this policy has
been given. 


1. The school board School Board notifies the parents of rising eleventh and twelfth-grade students of
● the requirements for graduation pursuant to the standards for accreditation and

● the requirements that have yet to be completed by the individual student.

2. The school board School Board notifies the parent of students with disabilities who have an
Individualized Education Program (IEP) and who fail to meet the graduation requirements of the
student's right to a free and appropriate education to age 21, inclusive, pursuant to Va. Code § 22.1-
213 et seq.
3. The school board School Board notifies the parent of students who fail to graduate or who fail to
achieve graduation requirements as provided in the Standards of Accreditation and who have not
reached 20 years of age on or before August 1st of the school year of the right to a free public
education. If the student who does not graduate or complete such requirements is a student for
whom English is a second language, the school board School Board notifies the parent of the
student's opportunity for a free public education in accordance with Va. Code § 22.1-5.

May 1, 2001
June 13, 2019

Legal References:
Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, § 22.1-253.13:4. 
8 VAC 20-131-270.
Cross References:
IF: Curriculum Development and Adoption
IGAH: Family Life Education (FLE)
IGBC: Parental Family Involvement
IIA: Instructional Materials
IIAB: Supplementary Materials Selection and Adoption
IKF: The Virginia Assessment Program and Graduation Requirements
INB: Teaching about Controversial Issues
KLB: Public Complaints about Learning Resources
KLB-R: Request for Reconsideration of Learning Resources

BCPS Policies
I - Instructional Program

PURPOSE: To outline general guidelines for instruction about controversial topics.

The Bedford County School Board recognizes that preparation for effective citizenship is one of the major
purposes of education. The preparation for effective citizenship includes the study of issues that are
controversial. Such study is carried out in an atmosphere free from bias, prejudice, or coercion.
In teaching about controversial issues, teachers are expected to shall:

● establish a learning environment where each student can study the issues within a curriculum
that is appropriate to the student’s knowledge and maturity, and
● provide instruction in an atmosphere that is free from bias, prejudice, or coercion.

Although the instructional program includes study of the political party system in the United States, the
School Board does not endorse any political party or candidate.

Teachers shall be mindful of their responsibility to deliver the curriculum while not presenting their
personal political views to students. However, this policy should not be construed as prohibiting the
impartial study and discussion of political or other controversial issues in the classroom setting where
such study and discussion is reasonably related to the standards of the course.

The School Board expects administrators, teachers, employees, and students to respect the dignity of
others, acknowledge the right of others to express differing opinions, as well as foster and defend
intellectual honesty, freedom of inquiry and instruction, and freedom of speech and association.

The School Board further recognizes the importance of ensuring that instructional resources reflect the
diversity that exists in the community. In accordance with the BCPS nondiscrimination policy, all staff
shall be mindful that ALL children are created equal and:

1. One race, ethnicity, religion, disability status, or sex is NOT inherently superior or inferior to
another race, ethnicity, religion, disability status, or sex;
2. An individual, solely by virtue of their race, ethnicity, religion, disability status, or sex, is NOT
inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive;
3. An individual shall NOT be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment solely or partly
because of their race, ethnicity, religion, disability status, or sex;
4. An individual’s moral character is NOT determined by their race, ethnicity, religion, disability status,
or sex.

Further, Bedford County Public Schools shall not teach nor suggest to students anything to the contrary.
In addition, staff shall not provide or participate in any professional development activities to the

This policy does not prohibit teachers from including in their instruction, as part of a course of study
utilizing the textbooks and other instructional materials adopted in accordance with approved curriculum
that includes the historical oppression of a particular group of people based on race, ethnicity, religion,
disability status, or sex as well as based on class, nationality, geographic region and/or other differences.

In addition, teachers shall not engage in discussions with students about sexual orientation or gender
identity. “Sexual orientation” is defined as an individual’s physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction
to people of the same and/or different gender. “Gender identity” is defined as an individual’s personal
conception of their gender.

Classroom discussions of political and other controversial issues shall be facilitated by teachers without
violating the provisions outlined in this policy and utilizing an impartial and objective perspective of the
subject matter.

October 18, 2012; October 14, 2021
Legal References:
Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, § 22.1-78.
Cross References:
AC: Nondiscrimination
GBG: Staff Participation in Political Activities
IGAH: Family Life Education (FLE)
JOB: Administration of Surveys and Questionnaires
KF: Distribution of Information/Materials
BCPS Policies
J - Students

School personnel may implement physical restraint or seclusion only when other interventions are, or
would be, in the reasonable judgment of the school personnel implementing physical restraint or
seclusion in an emergency situation, ineffective and only to:
1. Prevent a student from inflicting serious physical harm or injury to self or others;
2. Quell a disturbance or remove a student from the scene of a disturbance in which the student’s
behavior or damage to property threatens serious physical harm or injury to persons;
3. Defend self or others from serious physical harm or injury; or
4. Obtain possession of controlled substances or paraphernalia or weapons or other dangerous
objects that are upon the person of the student or within the student’s control.
Physical restraint and seclusion shall be discontinued as soon as the imminent risk of serious physical
harm or injury to self or others presented by the emergency situation has dissipated.
Nothing in this policy shall be construed to require school personnel to attempt to implement a less
restrictive intervention before using physical restraint or seclusion where, in the reasonable judgment of
the school personnel in an emergency situation, a less restrictive intervention would be ineffective.
The School Board encourages the use of positive behavioral interventions and supports to reduce and
prevent the need for the use of physical restraint and seclusion.
The superintendent is responsible for developing procedures to address the requirements of the Virginia
Board of Education Regulations regarding physical restraint and seclusion in public schools.
The School Board will review this policy at least annually and update it as needed.

September 23, 2010
October 20, 2015; March 11, 2021 

Legal References:
Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, § 22.1-78, 22.1-279.1, 22.1-279.1:1.
8 VAC 20-750-40.
8 VAC 20-750-50.
8 VAC 20-750-70.
Cross References:
BF: Board Policy Manual
CH: Policy Implementation
EB: School Crisis, Emergency Management and Medical Emergency Response Plan
IGBA: Programs for Students with Disabilities
JFC: Student Conduct
JGA: Corporal Punishment
JGDA: Disciplining Students with Disabilities
JGDB: Discipline of Students with Disabilities for Infliction of Serious Bodily Injury
KNAJ: Relations with Law Enforcement Authorities

Restraint and Seclusion Procedural Guidelines.pdf (159 KB)

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