Grade 2 Lesson Multigrade

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Lesson Guide

Theme: Occupation

Term 2: Week 4

Domain: Language and Literacy Development

Class: Grade 2

Learning Objectives:

Children will be able to:

1. recognize the Teeth problem
2. illustrate the importance of Prevention

3. share in hands-on game that will give importance of eating healthy habit

Learning Areas:

Aesthetic and Creative Expression Discovery of the World

Language and Literacy Motor Skills and Development

Social and Emotional Development

Language Dispositions:

Perseverance Reflectiveness Appreciation

Sense of Wonder and Curiosity Engagement

What do mouth do book, song chart { this is the way I brush my teeth} pictures,
flashcards, word chart

Tuning In:

1. Teacher gathers students for Circle Time and sing This is the Way

2. From that song, ask the students on how they brush their teeth

3. Ask the class what happens at the dentist. Write their responses on the board ei
4. Demonstrate in class. Show pictures on step on the right way brushing teeth

Explain to the class that today they will be learning about why the dentist is a very
important helper in our community.

Lesson Development:
1. Let's Investigate Tooth Decay.

Encourage the children to share what they have in mind about the pictures.
Explain the lesson about Tooth Decay:
Tooth decay is the destruction of the enamel or the outer surface of the tooth.
Bacteria that are collected on the enamel cause decay. The bacteria are in a sticky
white form called plaque. The bacteria obtain from its food like sugar and starch in
the host diet. When those foods are ate the bacteria produces an acid that is at the
animals and causes the decay process.

2. What will you do to avoid Tooth Problem.

3. Discuss Prevention but get the answer from them and write on the board

See your dentist regularly: Your dentist can help to identify and

treat tooth decay before it gets worse. Be sure to see your dentist
regularly for routine teeth cleanings and oral exams.
 Brush your teeth: It’s generally recommended that you brush your teeth at
least twice per day Trusted Source and after meals. Try to use fluorinated

 Limit sweets: Try to avoid consuming foods or drinks with a high amount of

sugar. Some examples include candies, cookies, and soft drinks.

 Drink water from the tap: Most tap water contains fluoride, which can help
keep your enamel strong and protect it from decay.

 Avoid snacking: Aim to limit between-meal snacks, as this can give the

bacteria in your mouth even more sugars to convert into acids.

4. Do the following activities


Make a slogan in taking care of our teeth
Game (The children will run forward if the teacher mention healthy food, run
backward of unhealthy food. Freeze mean stop)


-Ask students what you need to do to keep your teeth clean?

-What are the food that could cause cavities?
-What will you do to make your teeth clean and healthy.

Done by Teacher Conducting Lesson Checked by Principal

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