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Culture- is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing

language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music, and arts.
2. Ethics- comes from the Greek word “ethos” which means custom, habit, character, or outlook.
3. Globalization- means the speedup of movements and exchanges of human beings, goods, and
service, capital, technologies, or cultural practices all over the planet.
4. Colonization - the action or process of settling among and establishing control over the
indigenous people of an area.
5. Diaspora- this is a phenomenon that refers to people’s movement and inhabitation in countries
outside of their own.
6. Technology-is the study and transformation of techniques, tools, and machines created by
7. Jargons- special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are
difficult for others to understand
8. Language- spoken sound with systematized outline arranged arbitrary and used by a particular
country or community.
9. Grammar- is a set of rules governing about correct usage of words.
10. Plagiarism- is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their
consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement
11. Golden Rule- asserts to always treat others in the same way you want to be treated
12. Platinum Rule- stresses on treating others the way they wish to be treated.
13. Assimilation- is the effort to eliminate the cultural differences towards home and host cultures
14. Accommodation- attempts to retain some cultural uniqueness and to transform the existing
dominant structures
15. Separation- rejects the dominant society and organizations and individuals attempt to join
similar co-cultural group members to form organization that are reflective of their own values
and norms
16. Ethnocentrism- some people have tendency to think and feel that their culture is superior than
the others so they use their own culture as the standard in judging other people’s cultures.
17. Cultural Relativism- see other cultures equal to their own.
18. Phubbing- it means someone is talking to you while he or she is texting or on a computer
19. DIPSET- it means to bail on something- to leave because something is lame
20. JOMO (Joy of missing out)- means missing something that was lame in the first place
21. Purposive communication- is an intentional communication that happens within the bounds of
specific contexts.
22. Feedback- refers to a response from the receiver which gives the sender an idea of how the
message is being received and whether it needs to be modified
23. Verbal communication- is the use of sounds and words to express yourself, especially in
contrast to using gestures or mannerisms.
24. Non-verbal communication- is the transmission of message or signals through a non-verbal
platform such a gesture, facial expressions, and even silence
25. Communicative competence- refers to a language user’s grammatical knowledge of syntax
26. Linguistics- ability of an individual to use language with a level of accuracy


27. Sociolinguistics- the study of language as it functions in society; the study of interaction
between linguistic and social variables
28. Sociolinguistic competence- refers to the ability to use language that is appropriate to social
29. Discourse- refers to how ideas are linked across sentences or utterance using the appropriate
organization of ideas, cohesion and coherence.
30. Strategic competence- refers to a speaker’s ability to adapt to the use of verbal and non-verbal
language to compensate for communication problems
31. Phonology- branch of linguistics that deals with systems of sounds
32. Morphology- study of words, how they are formed, and their relationship to other words in the
same language
33. Phoneme- smallest unit of sound in a word that makes a difference in its pronunciation
34. Morpheme- morphological unit of a language that cannot be further divided
35. Syntax- the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language
36. Semantics- the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning
37. Pragmatics- dealing with language in use and the contexts in which it is used.
38. Courtesy- implies the message should show the sender’s expression as well as should respect
the receiver
39. Clarity- implies emphasizing on a specific message or goal at a time, rather than trying to
achieve too much at once.
40. Conciseness- it underlines and highlights the main message as it avoids using excessive and
needless words
41. Concreteness- implies being particular and clear rather than fuzzy and general.
42. Completeness- it should convey all facts required by the audience
43. Channels- is the medium used to communicate a message affects how the audience will receive
the message.
44. Communication-is a human act of sending and receiving messages where interpretations are
normally constructed in the process.
45. Sender- the source of the idea; the person who encodes and sends the message to the receiver
46. Delivery- the utterance and the enunciation of words; vocal and bodily behavior during the
presentation of speech.
47. Receiver- is the person or group who receives the message sent by the sender.
48. Direct communication- is speech that conveys clear messages or that clearly direct actions
49. Indirect communication- is a way of communicating wherein a person chooses to act out what
they really mean instead of saying it directly.
50. Barriers and noise- noise refers to anything that interferes with the communication process
between a speaker and an audience


1. Types of listeners
 Non listeners
 Minimal listeners
 Pretend listeners
 Active listeners
2. 5 macro skills
 Listening
 Speaking
 Reading
 Writing
 Viewing
3. 4 kinds of discourse proficiency
 Descriptive
 Narrative
 Expositori
 Argumentative
4. Several ways of ethics in communication
 Adhering to the golden rule or the platinum rule
 Considering the feelings of the receiver
 Acknowledging the source if idea & information
 Speaking the truth
5. Drivers of globalization
 Colonization
 Diaspora
 Technologies
6. Different elements of communication
 Sender
 Delivery
 Receiver
 Message
 Feedback
 Channels
7. Components of communication competence
 Linguistics proficiency
 Sociolinguistics proficiency
 Discourse proficiency
 Strategic competence
8. 5 c’s of communication
 Courtesy
 Clarity
 Conciseness


 Concreteness
 Completeness
9. Example of culture
 Norms
 Languages
 National identity
 Culture of diversity
 Music
 A love of classical music
10. Example of settings or environment

 School
 Theatre
 Meeting club
 Church
 Office
 Mountain- environment
 Climate-environment
 Weather-environment
11. Example of social relations (anything u want)
12. Example of scener
 The set that has been painted for a play to show the inside of a house
 having to decide between two jobs
 Shropshire, who was wearing a helmet, was thrown from the bike and was pronounced dead at
the scene
13. Characteristics of woman speeches
 Indirect
 Apologetic
 Sensitive
 Relationship-oriented
 Rapport-talk and advise seeking
14. Characteristics of men speeches
 Assertive
 Dominant
 Power and status-oriented
 Information-oriented
 Inclined to report talk
15. Characteristics of a good sender of message
 Using the appropriate language
 Choice of words or jargons
 Sentence construction


 Discourse competence
16. Characteristics of a good delivery
 Good voice projection
 Use of appropriate eye contact
 Proper articulation of words
 Emphasis on important words
17. Characteristics of a good receiver
 Good listening
 Good comprehension skills
18. Importance of feedback
 It is important to know the feedback of our audience (listener or reader) in order to
make the necessary clarifications and revisions of our messages.
19. Gift giving etiquette of Australia (any of these)
 Small gifts are commonly exchanged with family members, close friends, and neighbors
on birthdays and Christmas
 Trades people such as sanitation workers may be given a small amount of cash or more
likely, a bottle of wine or a six-pack of beer
 If invited to someone’s home for dinner, it is polite to bring a box of chocolates or
flowers to the hostess.
 Gifts are open when received
20. Communication styles in the Brazilian workplace (any of these)
 Having a more direct communication style
 They tend to be confrontational so when doing business business with a Brazilian, it is
important to take a calm and friendly approach
 In brazil, it is not uncommon to be interrupted, it is usually not perceived as being rude
 They send messages personally or prefer meeting with the person or calling on the
phone instead of a written message
 They tend to keep long intense eye contact
 Have a very emotional communication style
 They use their whole body to communicate something to someone
21. Advantages of modern technology (any of these)
 Ease of access to information
 Saves time
 Ease of mobility
 Better communication means
 Cost efficiency
 Innovation in many field
 Improved banking
 Better learning techniques
 Artificial intelligence
22. Disadvantages of modern technology (any of these)


 Causes of distraction from work and study
 Reduce creativity of people
 Causes social isolation of the people
 Digital media manipulation
 Lack of interest in hard work
23. Contribution of Spaniards to the Philippines (any of these)
 Language like “kumusta”, kalye, sapatos, karne, etc.
 Numbers and money
 Catholicism
 Last names
 Foods like corn, flour, squash, sausage, beef, etc.
24. Contribution of Americans to the Filipino people (any of these)
 Religious freedom
 Free education
 English
 Clothing like belt, suspenders, polo shirts, etc.
 Foods like hamburger, oatmeal, ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.
25. Effects of globalization in communication (any of these)
 Increased business opportunities
 Fewer cultural barriers
 Creation of a global village
 Wide-spread telephone and internet access 
 We are able to fully connect with someone who is thousands of miles away in real time
and the effects are profound
 world becomes more accessible and equitable in general.
 We are expanding our understanding of fellowship and as we become more connected,
we are deepening our educational experiences




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