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5191123, 646 Pat Document 2551353.1 ORACLE wvoncte surronr Powerit pn: he 1,202 6:26 IST Swi to Caud Super @ Rafeh aad) cana tnolagn Sever tenes cet ipsts Of onmnty te] Be ‘ff Vision Demo - Creating Complex PO Retainage Release Invoice Post Completion (Doc ID 2551353.1) In this Document Sal Solution Angund of Comolex PO Terms and Pay Jus, ferences (Oracle Payables - Version 12.0.0 an later Oracle Purchasing = Version 12.0.0 and tater Informaton ins document apples to any platform ‘This sone ofa series of Vision Demo Notes on Complex PO Processing. ==> Step 1 - Note 24568911 ston Demo - How To Create A Complex Services Purchase Ordex(Actul) => Stop 2 - Nato 2457443,1 Vsion Demo - How To Create an Advance Invoice & Payment fr a Complex Services Purchase Orcer(Actals) ‘=> Stop 3 - Noto 24616535.1 sion Dame - Creating Complex PO Werk Confirmation Via uppler & Pracessing the Lump Sum Payment Invoice ==> Step 4 - Note 2470730, Vision Demo - Creating Complex PO Werk Confrmat Payment Invece Via the Buyer & Processing the Rate => Stap 5 - Noto 2550974.1 sion Deme - Creating Complex PO Work Confimaton Via Supplier & Processing the Milestone Payment Lovee > Step 6 YOU ARE HERE >> The focus ofthis note i to list the steps required to create an Invoice to release all etainage associated ‘with a Complex Purchase Order. At this pont all work has been completed, work confirmations completed and now the only thing remaining is the Retainage amount that needs to be paid to the Supplier {In our fictional example, the task at hand isto procure and pay forthe preparation and painting of the Vision HQ Building located in Vi-New York City for $25,000. The services are being procured with an "Advance" Payment to begin the work, a "Lump Sum” payment forthe preparation of the bullding to be painted, a “Rate” payment for the workdays and finally a "Milestone" payment at completion of the project. ‘=+%2% Complex Purchase Orders are only available for creation in the Buyers Work Center (BWC) *##** ‘The example shown inthis note fs based on data inthe ison Demo database including User, Responsibly, Item, Inventary Crearizatin, Supt, St, ete Refer to Appendix at the end ofthis document for more Complex PO Terms and Defnisans To better istrate the lam some Purchase Order Num ‘amounts should maten rs and Invoice Numbers might vary inthe example screenshots the ‘There are 2 Seeded Complex PO Styles - "Complex Services( Actuals)" and "Complex Senices(Fnance)”, 1. Aetuals (ror-fnace): Tis where the Pay Items are NOT Financed and invoices for Pay Items are fr actual work done So the invoice types stendard 2. France: Tiss where the Pay items reprsent a arcing arrangement and invoices fr these Pay Items are fr fnancing the supplier So the invcice type i Prepayment: hitpssisupport oracle, comlepmesaces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=3147151782297758parent=EXTERNAL_SEARCH&sourca Bo) cracus Hep a Rested Products {Information Centars Document Reerences jowToaide255... 111 5191123, 646 Pat For the purpose ofthis note we are focusing on "Actuals Document 2551353.1 NOTE: For Complex Services "Actuals" (progress payments are not feanced), the Pay Items total amount for @ specie PO line MUST EQUAL the PO line amount. Soin the example above al the Pay Hlems equal the PO Line 1 total of $25,000. ‘As we proceed through the demo flow the table below shows the invoice amount thats created for the suppller based onthe ‘above PO terms and Pay Items While ivoicing isnot lustrated inthis note these ae the sequence of evertsnvolces based on this example and the pay ems and rates used sequence atetaton of vic Teta ovr ane Samir oekne eR STEN A NOTE) {18020 Wlai meh ade Mn ae (8 vm NoTE: Inthe images below andor the attached document, user detalls/ company name J adress / ems telehone number representa fettious sample (based upon made up data used Inthe Oraie Deno Vision instance) ‘ny similar to actual persons, Ivng or de86 s purely coincidental ané not intended In any manne. ‘+42 Complex Purchase Orders are only available for creation and editing in the Buyers Work Center (BWC) Reviewing Cur nt Invoices via iSuppli = prior to Retainage Invoice tps: suppor oracle. comlepmosaces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=3147151782237758parent=EXTERNAL_SEARCH&sourcs 1-255, amt 5191123, 646 PM Document 2551353.1 1. Login t the Vision Demo instance od 2. Select the "Supplier Portal Full Access responsibilty ieee 3, Enter the PO # to search hitpsssuppor oracle. comlepmosfaces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=3147151782237768parent=EXTERNAL_SEARCH8scurceld-HOWTOS an 5191123, 646 PM Document 2551353.1 a poo Wee miasines sana ne 4. Olek on the PO 5. Inthe top right “Acton” Pulldown select "View Invoices" ~a screen opens tps: suppor oracle comlepmosaces/DocumentDisplay?_affLoop=3147151782237768parent=EXTERNAL_SEARCH&sourcsld-HOWTOBA=255... 4/11 5191123, 646 PM Document 2551353.1 SESS ag rosea aay ee es 6. Examine the ivoles here - see there i no retanage released ye. 7, Logout o supper 8 Login as an interal Buyer to complete processing “Thon select 2 Paybles responsibilty ané the invoking form” hntpedisuppor oracle, com/epmes/aces/DocumentDisplay?_afroop=3147161782297768pare 5191123, 646 PM Document 2551353.1 tps: suppor oracle comlepmosaces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=3147 151782237 768parent=EXTERNAL_SEARCHAscurceld-HOWTOS an 5191123, 646 PM Document 2551353.1 9, Enter "Retainage Release a the type and enter the PO 4 andthe Amount of $2500, Enter @ date and lavoce# , Clik the ‘Match button when complete BO B2839 eh ea sO0R? iaPeime_|Sntrh Sua ie rnc Ot line Omri Ne —_ISHEADGUA EDSON ET UND =< i ‘ee Hague Ever Ranga Ras” espe, [EmerhePOsensthenerteche | Std Pam is Reinaga Anounto release nf iomace ints ese we ede [pecs S200 ctraanage 10, Enter PO Number and Cek FIND button hitpsssuppor oracle. comlepmosfaces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=3147151782237758parent=EXTERNAL_SEARCH&sourcsld-HOWTORA=255... 7/11 15191123, 648 PM Document 2551353.1 BO @0S9 «Hg £HOTR? 7 SS [nt On [too ena me USREADOLA FEDS WAT UD 25006 | NenPrymns _§ScealePaymn ew Pept pons ‘di ‘Seat Payee cco ater 11, Reviw the prior invoices with Retainage to release ~ select the Ines ~ then Clic the "RELEASE" button ees Tl 2010 a SmiAmait RoeeAnrueanny |For |fetose Um [Stowe y=) He t+ ee ameamnanieone = oe = — par 4 | So a a =e — a | J cr SSS SS 12. Ivole Total is updated - examine and Vala the invoice hitpsssuppor oracle. comlepmosfaces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=3147151782237758parent=EXTERNAL_SEARCH&sourcsld=HOWTORA=255... 8/11 5191123, 646 PM Document 2551353.1 (ees le 700 rata ooops EES cs — ave eve USFEMDGUA FERRI MET 0 | zamo)| Winsome Peo peo aie | Dein —) Ca aoa ne oe += at this point Invoicing is Completed for the Complex PO and All retainages released and all work confirmations completed **** 13. OPTIONAL STEP Log back as supplier and view the invoices again (Se fst 5 steps of ts note above) tps suppor oracle comlepmosaces/DocumentDisplay?_afr oop=314715 1782237 768parent=EXTERNAL_SEARCH&sourceld-HOWTOBid=255, ant 5191123, 646 PM {votes tr Complon Service chns) PO: 6042 Document 2551353.1 For more Vision Demo Notes, please see Note 1075748.1: sion Demo Document Index Procurement For more information on Complex Work Confirmations See Note 2378796.1 Complex Purchase Order Work Confirmation And Receists If Certain functions tisted above are nol avalible-refr to late £723,115 i Possible to Create a Complex Purchase Order in wth only Purchasing Install? ‘Appendix of Complex PO Terms and Pay items ‘Below sa bce descpton of how the complex payment terms/features ae use “Advance ADU ‘Up rant tance amount given to Supper Detre any work is performed FRecoupment Raie % rae at which the previously released fnancing payments, Suen as Advances, are recouped from Standard invoices, Ths rate 1 applied 10 dhe Standard involee and represents. the maxinra invoice amount thal can be used for recoupment Maximum Retanage Amount ‘Maximum amount the buyer company can rela (oatnne'a) on te contract vin te supple. Relainage Rae % sale at which the buyer company can rela (bathe) tom ‘ine invoices. submited bythe SUppler. Up‘ te maxmum amount, a maamum ipenerea (Pay items [Description wilestone Tulestore: that needs fo be Tuy Complete betore the associated payment can pe claimed by. the Ccoriractor. Example: Successful test fight of ‘completed aeran. Amount $1,200,00.00 Rae "Ral of work completion, Payments for these cai bE claimed 5 units of work are completed. Example Insialtion of 100 lamp posts @ $1000.00Hamp post Camp Sum “Lump Sun? amount allocated fo a portion of work against which payments can be released based on ‘he stage of completon. Unike miestone pay fem, contractors can report parbal regress against suit pay lems and” request. payments Example Excavation of Site_ Amount. $70,000 00 htpsssuppor oracle. comlepmosfaces/DocumentDisplay?_atrLoop* 1471517822377 8parent=EXTERNAL_SEARCHAsourcsld=HOWTOE 26, sont 5191123, 646 PM Document 2551353.1 REFERENCES ‘NOTE:1075748.1 - Vion Demo Document Index (Procurement) |NOTE:10866521 - Work Confrmation Lines of Type Amount Fall ith Ireevant Fils Error aftr Runsing RTP Dent fnd wratyeusr cera? Ease community, | Related Products + tae Sure Ste» Fan Miner > cree fy > Oa Pes > Ie > Hig es Keywords Crore 2203, Ode. leper, eps ones fle Fey Steen htpsssuppor oracle. comlepmosfaces/DocumentDisplay?_atrLoop* 1471517822377 8parent=EXTERNAL_SEARCHAsourcsld=HOWTOE 26, ant

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