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The Paschal Candle

- The fire is lit which represents Jesus rising from the tomb.

- The priest traces the design of the alpha and omega, which symbolizes Jesus has been present from the beginning to the end
of time.

The priest inserts 5 holders containing incense - 5 wounds Christ received

- The priest lights the candle - the light of Christ is coming in the world to overcome the darkness of sin and death.

- The priest processes with the candle to the alter - Shows all believers can share in Christ's victory.

- Paschal candle used to show the deceased/ baptized person has joined in Christ's victory.

Michaelangelo's last judgement

- Christ is the central figure emphasizing his importance over all, he has wounds from the crucifixion and he right hand is raised
to show Jesus came to glory from obedience. Christ is also raising the people to heaven

- In the bottom people are rising from graves for the last judgement, and in the right people are descending to hell which is a
place of darkness.

- In the right there is a book of revelation which brings around the end of the world, and an angel is holding a book showing
which people go to hell.

- Saints near Jesus holding tools using to torture them, shows how the forgave.

Memorials for the dead

- Tombstones - inscribed with RIP - to rest in peace and enjoy happiness of eternal life.

- Monuments - Buried to indicate importance. Some Christians had a CHI RHO symbol which showed the person believed in
Jesus and is a reminder Jesus died for them to have eternal life. Monuments in the Middle Ages were decorated with decay to
show no matter how wealthy they still face God's judgement.

- Remembrance Gardens - areas of peace to help a mourner reflect on the peace and beauty of heaven where the di one is
present. Also helps mourn for loved ones quietly.

Life after Death

-The son of man will judge all of creation at the end of time (a cosmic disaster) and the end of this world will lead to a creation
of another and the reign of God will be established.

- Belief of afterlife comes from Jesus' resurrection and Jesus taught that life continues after death in the presence of God.

- Early Christians believed Jesus' resurrection meant the end of the world was coming and everyone would be taken to God's
presence but now we believe Christians live the life of resurrection on Earth to prepare for the final judgement.

The four last things

- Death: Transition into a new phase of life, not something to fear because the soul lives on after the body dies and you are
either sent to heaven or hell and at the final judgement you will return to perfect form.

-Judgement: They will be judged by God, where people must accept responsibility for their actions.

-Heaven: They will go to heaven if they are judged favorably

-Hell: If you are judged unfavorably you go to heaven which is a state of eternal separation between you and God, and you are
aware of what you have done and you exist in a continual state of frustration with yourself.

Purgatory and judgement

- When you are judged you clean your sins so you can feel happy in the presence of God and purgatory can be quickened with
the help of prayers.

- Judgment happens immediately after you die on an individual basis.

- Final judgement is at the end of time where Christ will come in glory and judge the whole of creation and the reign of God will
be established and those judged favorably will stay with him for eternity.

- Many Christians do not believe in purgatory or that judgement does not happen immediately after death

The parable of the rich man and Lazarus

- The man showed no love to Lazarus, and he went to hell.

- The rich man feasted "sumptuously" every day while not giving any to Lazarus.

- The torment and suffering of hell are shown when he asks for a drop of water - "in agony in these flames"

- The rich man is aware Lazarus is in heaven, which increases his suffering.

- Abraham tells the rich man that you cannot cross from hell to heaven - actions in their lifetime will outcome their afterlife.

- "if they don't listen to Moses and the people neither, will they be convinced" - all they need to know on how to live is in

Cosmic relation

- God created everything through his son, but sin broke this harmony, so Jesus destroyed the power of sin and his death and
resurrection restored harmony and relationship between humans and God. And the whole of creation will be perfect at the end
of time when the cosmos will be eternally reconciled with God.

The End of time

- Second Vatican council shaped beliefs of end of time. Christ will come in glory as the judge and Saviour, and no one is
predestined to go to heaven or hell and God does not choose who goes to heaven or hell, but the people themselves whom
reject God. But people should be preparing for the end of time by following Jesus' teachings and KEEP FAITH IN GOD, PERFORM

The last rites

- Anointing of the sick: use of holy water which resembles baptism, laying of hands which fills the person with the Holy spirit to
overcome the sickness, blesses oil and anoints the sick which gives hope for a new life with God or as non-sick, the sick person
confesses their sins to have a clear conscience and holy communion is given to the person to show that Christ is with them.

- Commendation of the dying: The dying person may hold a crucifix to remind them they are sharing in Christs death, they
might repeat the promises of baptism, they list to bible readings to assure them God is with them, the dying person receives
holy communion to join with Christ, a prayer is said to hope the person will experience eternal peace with God.

The Funeral rites

- Reception of the body: the coffin is taken to the church which symbolizes the deceased person being taken to God. The coffin
is sprinkled with holy water which reminds baptism. The coffin is also placed next to a lit Paschal candle - shows the light of the
Risen Christ is shining on the deceased person.

The mass: the priest holds a mass to pray that the person is resting in the presence of God. The readings of the mass focus on
Jesus' resurrection, to emphasize how his death allowed us a chance at afterlife.

Burial or cremation: Holy water is sprinkled - a reminder of baptism. The priest waved smoke of incense - the prayers are being
offered to God for the deceased person. The coffin is blessed and sing " May the angels lead you to a paradise" to hope the
dead person will spend life with God. A prayer is also said for the mourners in the hope that they will meet the deceased person
in the afterlife. The lord's prayer is followed which reflects the belief the deceased person was a child of God.

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