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This is to certify that

First Syaloom Anastasya Hutasoit


has taken The English Proficiency Test (EPT) which was administered
on 24 November 2022 with the following results:

Section I Section II Section III EPT Score

Raw Converted Raw Converted Raw Converted Converted

24 46 16 39 25 46 437

Section I : Listening Comprehension (50 items)
Section II : Structure and Written Expression (40 items)
Section III : Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension (50 items)
Raw Score : Total correct answers
Converted Score : Equivalent to standardized TOEFL® scores

Grade of English (University Compulsory Foundation Course): D

Jakarta, 28 November 2022

Dr. Myrna Laksman

NIP 196101051990032001

This certificate is valid for one year after the certificate issued date.

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