Eapp m5-8

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A Sentence outline is the same as topic outline except you use a complete sentence

instead of words or phrases. Complete sentences create clarity and can advance you
one step closer to a draft in the writing process. This is commonly used when the topic
being discussed is complicated and requires details.
A topic outline is the same as sentence outline except you use words or phrases
instead of complete sentences. It summarizes the main topics and subtopics in words
and phrases to keep the outline short and easier to comprehend. All the headings,
however, must be written in parallel structure, in other words, be consistent. If you
use phrase, stick with the phrase until the end, do not use sentence in the middle of
the writing.
Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique

Formalist Criticism
– this approach regards literature as a “unique form of human knowledge that needs
to be examined on its own terms.” All the elements necessary for understanding the
work are contained within the work itself.
Reader – Response

is a school of literary
theory that focuses on
the reader and their
experience of a literary

Feminist Criticism Marxism

 Economic Structure is the main diving force behind all social conditions and
Is a literary criticism informed by feminist
historical changes.
theory, or more broadly, by the politics of
 Marx considers human history as a series of struggles between classes,
feminism. It uses the principles and between the oppressed and the oppressing.
ideology of feminism to critique the  Marxist Criticism views literary works as reflections of the social institutions
language of literature. from which they originate.
Writing a Review and a Critique: Works of Arts, Events, or Programs

A reaction paper comprises the following structure.

1. Introduction contains all the basic information in one or two paragraphs.
The writer states the main statement.
Sentence 1 – title, author and publication Sentence 2-4 – brief summary of the text.
Sentence 5 – Thesis statement – You agree or disagree, identify, and evaluate.
2. Body expresses your ideas. It contains paragraphs that provide support for your
thesis. Each paragraph should contain a topic sentence.
• details-examples-quotations
• author-you or you-author
3. Conclusion focuses on your overall reaction. A prediction of the effects of what you
are reacting to but does not include new information.
Elucidating a concept by Definition, Explication, and Clarification 5. By examples
- Giving examples or narrating incidences that can further explain an abstract
Extended Definition or complicated topic.
- It is used to define some abstract concepts. It is an explanation and/or an Examples:
illustration of a word, thing or concept. It generally has components of both 1. Compound exercises are exercises that require multiple
informal and formal definitions. muscle groups to work at the same time, like deadlifts, squats, front lunge with twist,
and high plank T-spine rotation.
1. Used of Synonym 2. The horticulture industry can be categorized into three areas: pomology,
- Using a similar term or phrase to define a word. olericulture, and ornamental horticulture.
a. A charlatan is a quack, an imposter, a pretender, a fraud. 6. By likeness or similarity
b. A bloke is a man, a boy, a fella, or guy in British. - Stating the similarity of one concept with another.
2. By etymology 1. Brighter than 100 million suns, quasars stand like beacons on the shore of the
- explaining the origin or the place where the term comes from. universe.
Examples: 2. A teacher is like a gardener who allows the students to grow under the best
a. Tyrannosaurus rex comes from the Greek word meaning “tyrant” and “lizard” and conditions
the Latin word meaning “king”.
b. Eskwela is from the Spanish escuela and the Latin schola, which means 7. By analogy or metaphor
“conversations and the knowledge gained through them during free time; the places - Drawing Comparison between the topic and another concept already familiar
where these conversations took place. to the readers.
3. By illustration or visuals 1.Love is a battlefield where soldiers have to fight forever.
- Providing a graphic representation of a topic or term to be defined. 2.Laughter is the best medicine, while despair is the worst illness.
1. 2. 8. By negation
- Defining a term by stating what it is not.
1. The Philippine flying lemur is not a lemur but a rodent, and cannot fly as it only
glides in the air from one tree to another.
2. In a vehicle with automatic transmission, the driver is not responsible for shifting
the gears as the car does the shifting.

4. By function 9. By contrast
- Stating what the word or term is for. - Defining by the use of opposites.
Examples: Examples:
1. A straight spatula is a kitchen tool used for scraping food from the sides of pots, 1. Unlike other birds, penguins cannot fly.
stirring ingredients in curved bowls, or folding ingredients into each other. 2. Unlike other mammals, the duckbilled platypus doesn’t give birth to live young.
2. A ledger is a written or computerized records of all the transactions a business has
10. By analysis or partition
- Breaking down wholes into parts, aspects into levels, and a process into

S - ynonyms
E - tymology
I - llustration or visual
F - unction
E – xample
L – ikeness or similarity
A – nalogy or metaphor
N – egation
C – ontrast
A – nalysis or partition

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