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ID : U-1337293-4-2094 (zamiq240@gmail.

com) [1]

Grade 2 (Primary 2)
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Choose correct answer(s) from the given choices

(1) A bottle holds 214 ml of milk when it is a quarter full. How much milk can it hold when it is
completely full?
a. 841 ml b. 888 ml
c. 856 ml d. 872 ml

(2) Charlotte bought 3 packets of pens. How many pens are in each packet if she had total 15 pens?
a. 15 b. 4
c. 3 d. 5

(3) Zachary and Nur are printing brochures on their computers. Zachary's printer can print 5 brochures
every minute. Nur's printer can print 4 brochures every minute. After 17 minutes of printing, how
many brochures will they have printed?
a. 155 b. 68
c. 85 d. 153

(4) Cayden wants to arrange 12 toys on the table. What is the appropriate way in which he can
arrange 12 toys on the table?
a. 3 rows of 3 toys b. 4 rows of 4 toys
c. 4 rows of 3 toys d. None of these

(5) What is the rule for this input/ouput table?

In Out

3 6
2 4
9 18
10 20

a. Multiply by 1 b. Multiply by 2
c. Multiply by 4 d. Multiply by 3

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ID : U-1337293-4-2094 ( [2]

(6) Tiffany has four times as many pencils as Kate. Kayden has three times as many pencils as Kate. If
Kate has 3 pencils, how many pencils do all three have?

a. 24 b. 21
c. 28 d. 34

(7) Charlotte ordered 5 sodas, 2 fries, 3 salads, and 5 burgers. If the cost of one soda, one fry, one
salad and one burger is $22, $15, $25, and $20 respectively, find the total amount Charlotte paid to
the shopkeeper.
a. $304 b. $306
c. $280 d. $315

Fill in the blanks

(8) Tiffany bought some lollipops. She gave 6 lollipops to her friend. She then put the rest of the
lollipops into 4 bags. There were 7 lollipops in each bag. The number of lollipops bought by Tiffany

is .

Answer the questions

(9) If stands for 8, then is equal to:

(10) Your class is collecting bottles of water for a service project. The goal is to collect 257 bottles of
water. On the first day, Ashley brings in 4 packs with 6 bottles in each container. Gabrielle brings in
7 packs with 6 bottles in each container. How many bottles of water still need to be collected?

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