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Detailed Lesson Plan

Quarter 4 –MODULE 1:
(Structures and Functions of the Digestive System)

Prepared by:

Den Angelica S. Dungo

(Student Intern) Checked by:
Maricris M. Ibuan
(Supervising Instructor)
School Grade Grade 8
Malasiqui National High School
Teacher Den Angelica S. Dungo SCIENCE
Detailed Lesson Plan g Area
May 2, 2023 – May 5,2023
Date and
Tuesday- Friday Quarter Fourth
48 minutes

A. Content The digestive system and its interaction with the circulatory, respiratory, and excretory
Standards systems in providing the body with nutrients for energy.
B. Most Essential Explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion Week 1 S8LT-IVa-13
C. Learning By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
objectives  Identify the organs that make up the digestive system;
 Give the function of each organ;
 Describe how some accessory organs and glands help the body in the
digestive process; and
 Explain ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation, and egestion

II. CONTENT Structures and Functions of the Digestive System

A. References  Science 8 Learner’s Module pp.291

B. Other Learning 

C. Materials  Instructional materials
 Video clip
 Slide presentation
 Pictures
 Laptop
Preliminary Activities Good afternoon, everyone! Good afternoon, ma’am!
1. Greetings
2. Prayer Before we start our new lesson this afternoon, kindly stand
3. Checking of and let us feel the presence of the Lord.
4. Classroom
Management Yes, kindly lead the prayer.
(The students will stand up and
Amen. Kindly pick up the pieces of paper pray).
and arrange your chairs.
(The students will pick up the
pieces of paper and arrange their
Let’s Check your attendance, just say present if you are chairs.)

Here are the classroom rules class

1. Do not do unnecessary things that are not related in our
2. Listen well and take down important notes.
3. Raise your hand if you would like to recite, share your
insights, or ask questions.

Is it clear class?
Okay, very good
(Yes ma’am!)
A. Reviewing the I prepared a jumble word about our new topic and you need to
previous lesson guess what it is.
or presenting
the new lesson. Is it clear class? Yes ma’am
Ma’am Digestive System!

Okay very good!

Our topic today is all about Digestive System.
B. Establishing a
purpose for the Before we start our new lesson, you will be having an activity
lesson. called Tummy Puzzle!
This activity will test your prior knowledge about the lesson
to be discussed.

Hidden in the word puzzle are terms associated to digestive

system. You are going to encircle the words/ organs
associated with the Digestive System.

Is it clear class?

Okay, let us start. Yes ma’am!

(Students starts participating)

In this lesson you will learn the functions of organs that

compose the digestive system and how these organs
work together.
C. Discussing new This time, I will divide all of you into 5 groups and try to
concepts and arrange the parts of the digestive system. You have only 5
practicing new minutes to solve it.

This time, I will

divide all of you
into 4 groups
according to your
interest and each
group will
have their
respective wor This time, I
will divide all of you into 4 groups according to your interest
and each group will have their respective work
D. Developing What have you noticed about the pictures?
mastery It is all about what? Parts of the digestive system
(EXPLAIN) ma’am!
Okay very good!

Why do we eat?
Is eating necessary in keeping us alive?
Where do we get the energy that enables us to carry out the
many activities that we do each day?
How do we obtain materials needed for the growth and repair
of body parts?

The food that we eat plays a central role in the survival of

species. It provides the energy that enables us to carry out the
many activities that we do each day such as breathing,
walking, studying, and cooking. Food also provides the
substances needed for growth and repair of body parts.

The cells in the body need food for energy used for growth
and repair. Food must be broken down into a form that these
microscopic cells can use. The body changes food into a
usable form by means of a group of organs referred to as the
digestive system.

Let’s define first what is Digestive System? It is the system of

organs responsible for getting food into and out of the body
and for making use of food to keep the body healthy.

The digestive system is composed of different organs that

work together to break down food and nourish the body. It
also involves important processes in order to carry out the
function of the digestive system.

Let us take a journey throughout the human digestive system

to see how it works and how the organs coordinate in order to
carry out the processes of digestion.

There are five processes in order to carry out the function of

the digestive system.

A. Ingestion
B. Digestion
C. Absorption
D. Assimilation
E. Egestion

The journey of the food starts from the mouth down to the
anus takes about 18-20 hours.
First, can anyone volunteer to please read the first process?

To make it a little more interesting, try to imagine what

happens to a hamburger when eaten. (Starts volunteering)

Okay very good. Let’s talk about the five processes in order to
carry out the function of the digestive system.

A. Ingestion is the first process that happens in digestive

system. It is the journey of taking in food or any
substance into the body through the mouth. The
journey of food starts when a bit of hamburger enters
your mouth.
B. Digestion is the second process involved in digestive
system. It is the process that involves break down of
large food molecules into smaller molecules for easy
absorption of the cells. Both chemical and mechanical
digestions begin immediately in the mouth.
 Physical/Mechanical Digestion – teeth bites,
chews, and grinds food into something we can
 Chemical Digestion – salivary glands add
saliva to begin the digestive process of
carbohydrates and fat.
 Then, the tongue pushes food around as we
chew and sends food down to the esophagus.
 Tongue helps mix food with saliva secreted by
the salivary glands forming into a moist ball
called bolus so it can be easily swallowed.
This process is known as mastication or
 Esophagus receives food from mouth. A tube
that attaches the mouth to the stomach.
 A series of muscular contractions within the
esophagus called peristalsis delivers food to
your stomach. A series of wave-like muscle
contractions push and transport foods and
liquids in small sections to the stomach.
 Stomach is a J-shaped, bag-like muscular
organ that can hold approximately one liter of
fluid and food. The primary function of the
stomach is to store food. Chums, mashes, and
adds special chemicals, or gastric juices, to the
 Bolus moves in peristalsis and is broken down
some more into a thick liquid known as
Chyme. Chyme is a semifluid material
formed from bolus that is acted upon by the
gastric juices secreted by the stomach.

As the chyme flows through the small intestine by

peristalsis, it is further broken down into smaller
nutritional parts.

Base on the parts of digestive system what do you

think is the three organs that helps in secretion of
essential substances.
From the word secretion it is the process of
segregating, elaborating, and releasing some material.
It is also called helpful organs.

1. liver
2. pancreas
3. gall bladder
Liver, gall bladder, pancreas

 Liver produces bile, a green fluid that turns large fat

droplets into smaller ones and stores them in the gall
bladder. Liver is the biggest organ inside the body
with a mass of about two kilograms. The liver digests
food by producing bile to break down fats, removing
toxins and breaking down and storing some vitamins
and minerals.
 Gall Bladder stores and concentrates bile from liver.
A small pear-shaped sac that can hold about 50ml of
bile. The gall bladder stores the bile that is produced
by the liver.
 Pancreas makes three different kinds of enzymes
namely amylase, peptidase, and lipase released
through a pancreatic duct that aid in the digestion of
all three organic compounds such as carbohydrates,
proteins, and fats respectively. The pancreas is a
small organ found below the stomach. The pancreas
produces enzymes to help break down proteins, fats
and carbohydrates.

Okay, what are the 3 helpful organs again?

That’s right.

Okay, lets proceed to the third process.

which is?

C. Absorption is the third process that happens in the

digestive system. Absorption is the process of passing
the soluble food molecules in the wall of the small Liver, gall bladder, pancreas
intestine through the villi – the tiny, finger-like ma’am!
projections from the epithelial lining of the intestinal
wall. The villi contain blood vessels and help absorb

 The vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fats,

water, and salts from the food pass through hair like
projections all along the interior lining of the small
intestine called villi.
 small intestine is an organ that breaks down food
further into substances, such as glucose, that can be
absorbed by the villi.

D. Assimilation is the fourth process that occurs in the

digestive system. It is the movement of digested food
nutrients into the blood vessels of the small intestine
through diffusion and use of nutrients into the body
cells through the microvilli – microscopic cellular
membrane projections that serves to expand the surface
area for diffusion and to lessen any increase in volume.
 Large intestine – it connects the small intestine to
the rectum.

 Stool or waste left over from the digestive process,

is passed through the colon by means of peristalsis.

E. Egestion is the last process that occurs in the digestive

system. It is the release of undigested food collected in
the rectum called feces and pushed out of the body
through the anus by defecation.

I prepared a short video clip to better understand or to know

how the digestive system works.

Do you understand how digestion take place and how the

different organs of the digestive system work together to
digest food and use by the body?

Any questions? Additional or supplement?

Then, may I ask the class if how much you have understood
the topic.

What are the different organs of the digestive system?

How these organs work in the digestion of foods? What are (student start watching)
the processes in order to carry out the function of the digestive
Very good! I think you are ready to have an activity about are Yes ma’am!
lesson for today.

None ma’am!

(Students start raising their


(Students start raising their

E. Finding Let us then evaluate your learnings. I will be giving you an
practical activity called WORDY GUT!
applications of
concepts & Directions: Complete the crossword puzzle. Write your
skills in daily answers on a separate sheet of paper.

(Student start answering)

[4] secretes acids and enzymes
[6] digests fats
[8] where final digestion takes place
[9] produces pancreatic juice
[11] intakes of food
[12] acts as temporary storage of feces

[1] connects the mouth to the stomach
[2] helps mix the food with saliva in the mouth
[3] reabsorbs water from undigested food
[5] where bile is being stored
[7] produces bile
[10] exit point of feces
[13] products of digestion in the stomach

F. Evaluating Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
learning answers on a separate
(EVALUATE) sheet of paper.

1. Digestion begins in the?

a. Stomach
b. Mouth
c. Liver
d. Esophagus
2. The mechanical and chemical process breaking foods into
simpler, more soluble products is _________.
a. Absorption
b. Digestion
c. Assimilation
d. Egestion
3. The first process of the digestive system is_______.
a. Digestion
b. Assimilation
c. Absorption
d. Ingestion
4. The following organs are part of the human digestive
system EXCEPT:
a. mouth
b. esophagus
c. small Intestine
d. gastro vascular cavity
5. Which of the following helps in the digestion of food in
the mouth?
a. amylase
b. bile
c. protease
d. saliva
6. What is the largest internal organ of the human body?
a. heart
b. gall bladder
c. liver
d. stomach
7. Which of the following is produced by the liver?
a. amylase
b. bile
c. pepsin
d. renin
8. What is the main work of the digestive system?
a. fights disease
b. regenerates cells
c. breaks down food
d. distributes energy throughout the body
9. Which of the following is the correct order of the
digestive tract?
a. mouth → rectum → esophagus → rectum → anus
→ small intestine
→ large intestine
b. mouth → stomach → esophagus → rectum → anus
→ small intestine
→large intestine
c. mouth → esophagus → stomach → small
intestine → large intestine
→ rectum → anus
d. mouth → esophagus → stomach → small intestine
→ anus
→ large intestine → rectum
10. What is the term for the food that is chewed and
mixed with saliva that turns into a moist ball?
a. bolus
b. Chyme
c. Feces
d. gastric juice

G. Additional For your assignment, draw and label the digestive system. Use
activities for different colors to indicate different organs, and briefly
application or describe each organ's function.
Remediation. Goodbye and thank you, ma’am!
(EXTEND) That is all for today class!
See you tomorrow!

Class dismiss!

--- (End of discussion) ---

Prepared by:
Den Angelica S. Dungo
Teaching Intern

Checked by:
Ms. Maricris M. Ibuan
Cooperating Teacher

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