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Let shaft A and disc C be revolving at some speed, say N r.p.m.

Shaft B and the disc D keyed to it are

tionary. initially when the clutch is not engaged [Fig. 3.1 (a)] . Now apply some axial force W to the disc D so
1t it comes in contact with disc C. As soon as the condict is made the force of friction between C and D will
me into play and consequently the disc D will also start revolving. The speed of D depends upon friction force
!Sent, which in tum, is proportional to the force W applied. If Wis increased gradually, the speed of D will be
:reased correspondingly Lilt the stage comes when I.tie speed of D becomes equal to the speed of C. Then the
Jlch is said to be fully engaged [Fig. 3. l(b)).


I .•--t---

(a) (b)
Fig. 3.1. Principle of friction clutch.
Let W = axial load applied .
µ = coefficient of friction
T = torque transmitted
R = effective mean radius of friction surface. The expressions for the same for different types of
clutches have been derived at appropriate places in this chapter.
Then T= µWR .. .(3. 1)
Thus we see that the torque transmitted by a friction clutch depends upon three factors i.e., µ, Wand R. This
~cans that increasing any or all of the above factors would increase the amount of torque which a clutch can
ransmiL However, there are upper limits in each of these cases.
• f.2. Single P\lle Ontch \ ....../ - . . .
A stmjJl:!ied sketch of a single plate clutc h is given in Fig. 3 .4 . Fncuon plate 1s held betwee n the fly wheel
and lhc pressu re p l ate . T here a re springs (the number may vary. depending upo n d es1 g n J arran g ,. ;d
cucumferennal: ~. which provide axi al force lo keep the clutch in engaged position. The fri c tio n plate is m o uno:d
on a hub v. l:µcb 1s splined fro m inside and is thus free to slide over the gear box shaft. Fric tion facing tS art3chc:d
to rbe fricnon p'. ate on both sides to pro vide two annular friction surfaces for the transmi ss io n of po-... .er ...\ pedal
LS provided to puJJ the pres sure plate ag ai ns t the spring force whenever it is required to be disengaged Ord.uw.n!'f
it remains in engaged position as is sho w n in Fig. 3.4 . ·
mo ve d·to the rig ht ag ainst the for ce of the springs . This
pressure plate is
W he n the clu tch pe da l is pr es se d, the n in Fig . 3.4 ) and a thrust be ari ng . With thi s movement of
ge (n ot show
is ac ru ev ed by me an s of a su ita ble linka rel ea se d an d the clutch is disengaged.
the fri cti on pla te is
th e pr es su re pla te, pre ssu re pla te, the sp rin gs , the· release levers and
of the clutch dif fer s. Th e
In ac tu al pr ac tic e the co ns tru cti on
r ass em bly wh ich ca n be mo un ted direc tly to the engine block , or
d the co ve
th e co ve r·f on n a Sl!basse mb ly, ca lle fly wh ee l an d the pre ssu re pla te with the clutch shaft inserted in.
between the
course. , pl ac in g th e clu tch pl ate in . ment.
nic ts in a sim pl e way, this arrange E SS U RE
-·-··.. --· ·-- ··-o-· -·- ·-···
5.8. CentrifugoJ Clutch V
In lhe fully centrifugal type of clutches, the springs are eliminated altogether and only the centrifugal fore
is used ro apply the required pressure for keeping the clutch in engaged position.
TI1c advanlage of the centrifugal clutch is that no separate clutc h pedal is required. The c]utch is opcr:itr,
1111ron1afical!y depending upon the engine speed. This means that car ca n be stopped in gear without stalling th

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