JJ EN120 Assignment4

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John Jameson


EN120 English Composition I

Assignment 4

September 12th 2020

Moths and Butterflies

Moths and butterflies are a prominent part of nature that bring pleasure to lots of people the

world over. They both can sometimes be mistaken for each other due to their similar characteristics.

Each has six legs and a pair of wings that enable them to fly. Nectar from flowers is their source of

nourishment, as they can be seen fluttering in and out of flower petals. Moths and butterflies also

originate from caterpillars and go through a process of metamorphosis to become moths or butterflies.

However, they are still very different in their distinctive ways.

It can be effortless to tell moths and butterflies apart if one knows what to pinpoint. Firstly, a

moth’s wings are always dull in colour, such as brown or grey. On the other hand, the wings of a

butterfly are bright and multicoloured. Another difference can be seen when they rest, since moths rest

with their wings spread out, and butterflies rest with theirs up. Next, moths are nocturnal, so they fly at

night, while butterflies are diurnal, meaning they fly during the day time. Lastly, a moth’s body is usually

fat and furry compared to a butterfly’s, which is thin and sleek.

To conclude, both insects are fascinating and interesting creatures that are very similar in some

aspects. However, their differences make them even more intriguing.

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