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1. Make sure you Customer knows who you are

 Call your key customers regularly. Let them know you are there if they need your
 Get involved in solving their problems.
 Always remember you are working for the Customer (NOT the supplier)
2. Make sure your Supplier knows who you are
 Always aim at getting the best possible deal from your Supplier
 Be fair to your Supplier.
 Make sure your team makes a difference to the relationship between NEXT and
the supplier.
3. Be pro-active, not re-active
 Work with your team and Vogue UK teams to develop strategies for each
 Identify the key issues you are facing and develop strategies or action plans to
overcome the challenge.
 Get good at ‘making things happen’- It’s easy to discuss ideas, much harder to turn
them into reality.
4. Work closely with Directors and Managers
 Respect the hierarchy/structure and make it work for you.
 Keep Managers involved if having discussions with their team members.
 Ask your Managers to do the work for you.
 Share ideas. Don’t be afraid to ask for advice.
 Be discreet with confidential information.
5. Deliver difficult messages yourself
 Make sure you are organized and have your facts straight before delivering
 Don’t shy away from difficult conversations.
 Manage disciplinary issues yourself, personally.
6. Be a good decision maker
 Don’t delay decisions – take quick action wherever it’s needed.
 Be decisive…. Don’t be afraid to make decisions.
 Don’t be afraid to make a ‘U’ turn if you need to, but don’t keep changing your
 Always support your team members with decisions they have made. If they have
made wrong or poor decisions pull them to one side and tell them.
7. Give direct, clear feedback
 Speak to Managers and Team members as often as you can.
 Give them praise wherever it is deserved.
 Tell them directly if you feel they have done something wrong. 9this should be
done in private, not in front of other team members)
8. Always make yourself available for your team
 Encourage team members to share their problems with you.
 Be approachable.
 Be reasonable and consistent.

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