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Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 4
2.0 PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................... 4
3.0 SCOPE ......................................................................................................................................... 4
4.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 4
5.0 DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................. 4
6.0 MANAGEMENT / LEADERSHIP COMMITMENT ....................................................................... 5
6.1 OH&S POLICY ............................................................................................................................... 5
6.1.1 POLICY STATEMENT ................................................................................................................... 6
6.2 ENVIRONMENT POLICY ................................................................................................................... 7
6.2.1 POLICY STATEMENT ................................................................................................................... 7
6.3 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................. 7
6.3.1 OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS .......................................................................................................... 7
6.3.2 REVIEW OF OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS: ....................................................................................... 8
6.3.3 COMMUNICATION OF TARGETS AND OBJECTIVES: ........................................................................ 8
6.3.4 MONITORING O BJECTIVES AND TARGETS ..................................................................................... 8
6.4 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................... 8
6.4.1 ROLES OF PROCONSE ................................................................................................................. 8
6.4.2 ROLES OF SUBCONTRACTORS ...................................................................................................... 8
6.4.3 ROLES OF WORKERS .................................................................................................................. 9
7.0 RISK MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................. 9
7.1 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION ................................................................................................................ 9
7.2 RISK ASSESSMENT .......................................................................................................................... 9
7.3 HIERARCHY OF CONTROLS .............................................................................................................. 9
8.0 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE PROCEDURES ............................................................. 10
8.0.1 EMERGENCY AND INCIDENT R ESPONSE ...................................................................................... 10 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS...................................................................................................... 10 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE .......................................................................................................... 10
8.0.2 INCIDENT PROCEDURE .............................................................................................................. 10 REPORTABLE INCIDENTS ............................................................................................................ 10
8.1 INCIDENT / ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND REPORTING ................................................................. 11
8.2 ACCIDENT AND I NCIDENT INVESTIGATION ...................................................................................... 11
8.3 FIRST AID .................................................................................................................................... 11
9.0 DOCUMENT CONTROL ............................................................................................................ 12
10.0 TRAINING, AWARENESS AND COMPETENCY ........................................................................ 12
10.1 INDUCTION AND TRAINING ........................................................................................................... 12
10.1.1 EMPLOYEES’ GENERAL HSSE INDUCTION ................................................................................... 12
10.1.2 SITE SPECIFIC INDUCTION ......................................................................................................... 12
10.1.3 JOB SPECIFIC TRAINING ............................................................................................................ 13
10.1.4 REFRESHER TRAINING .............................................................................................................. 13
11.0 COMMUNICATION .................................................................................................................. 13
11.1 WEEKLY TOOLBOX TALKS ............................................................................................................. 13
11.2 PRE-SHIFT MEETINGS ................................................................................................................... 13
11.3 JOB SAFETY AND E NVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS ................................................................................ 13
12.0 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT............................................................................... 13
12.1 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL REGISTER ................................................................................................. 14
12.2 SAFETY D ATA SHEET (SDS) .......................................................................................................... 14
12.3 WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .................................................................................................... 14
13.0 FIRE PREVENTION .................................................................................................................... 14
13.1 FIRE PREVENTION TRAINING ......................................................................................................... 15
14.0 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT .................................................................................... 15
15.0 SITE HSE RULES ........................................................................................................................ 15
15.1 DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES .......................................................................................................... 16
16.0 CHECKING AND CORRECTIVE ACTION ................................................................................... 16
16.1 MONITORING AND EVALUATION ................................................................................................... 16
16.2 NON-CONFORMANCES, CORRECTIVE AND P REVENTATIVE A CTIONS ................................................. 16
17.0 FITNESS FOR DUTY .................................................................................................................. 16
17.1 HEALTH SURVEILLANCE ................................................................................................................ 16
17.2 DRUGS AND ALCOHOL .................................................................................................................. 17
17.3 SMOKING .................................................................................................................................... 17
17.4 FATIGUE MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................... 17
17.5 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH HAZARD MANAGEMENT .......................................................................... 17
17.5.1 MANUAL HANDLING ................................................................................................................ 17
17.5.2 ERGONOMICS .......................................................................................................................... 17
17.5.3 HYGIENE AND SANITATION ....................................................................................................... 18
17.5.4 HEAT STRESS ........................................................................................................................... 18
17.5.5 COVID – 19 ............................................................................................................................. 18
18.0 MANAGEMENT REVIEW .......................................................................................................... 19
19.0 MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE ................................................................................................... 19
This Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan is to deliver the necessary healthy and safe system of
work controls and measures required to ensure that all employees of PROCONSE AFRICA LTD and our
subcontractors work in a healthy and safe environment. The responsibilities for all members of Proconse Africa
Ltd employees have been defined within this Health and Safety Management Plan.

The protection of workers against work-related sickness, disease and injury forms the mandate of this HSE
Management Plan. Disease and injury do not go with the job, nor can poverty justify disregard for workers’
safety and health.

This plan sets out to accomplish a way of working safe. This is where people work in safety conscious manner.
Proconse believes that a safe work is also a positive factor for productivity and economic growth.

The purpose of this Health, Safety and Environment plan is to ensure that we carry out appropriate actions to
comply with all applicable regulations governing construction, general industry, and client’s requirements and
to provide a standard procedure for all work activities necessary for the enforcement of health and safety
policy, for conducting safety audits and reporting to supervision.

Proconse Africa Ltd is committed to implementing a structured approach to workplace health and safety to
achieve a considerably high standard of health and safety performance.

This management plan will assist Proconse in meeting its legal and other obligations per workplace safety,
health and environmental legislation, and associated Standards, Codes, and Guidance materials.

The scope of this Health, Safety and Environment plan includes activities within the company’s premises,
project sites and all other areas where the services of the company are implied.

 Minerals and Mining (Health, Safety and Technical) Regulations (2012) LI 2182
 Minerals and Mining Act, 703 (2006)
 Proconse Standard Operating Procedures

Terminology Meaning
Accident Any unplanned event resulting in personal injury, harm or pollution to the
Incident An unplanned, potentially harmful or damaging situation or event that can
result in personal injury, environmental damage or other loss.
Emergency situation A condition arising as a result of some unplanned event, which has the
potential of serious damage to property, injury to persons or pollution of the
environment if urgent intervention is not implemented (e.g. outbreak of fire,
spillage of hazardous chemicals)
HSSE Health Safety, Security and Environment
ERP Emergency Response Plan
ERT Emergency Response Team
Fire Fighting Equipment used to fight fire (e.g. Fire extinguishers, fire suppression
equipment systems etc)

OH&S Occupational Health and Safety

We Value Safety -

 The health and safety of people takes precedence over the attainment of other objectives.
 Safety, Productivity, and Quality are mutually supportive and safety is integral to each job.
 The safe way to do things is the best and most effective way and each of our actions must reflect this
 Everyone has the right to a safe and environmentally protected workplace. Injuries, occupational
illnesses, and environmental incidents are preventable.
 We each commit to take all steps needed to ensure personal safety, the safety of others, and protection
of the environment and the community in our daily activities.
 Supervisors must maintain an atmosphere where health, safety, environmental and community concerns
can be brought forward without fear of reproach.

We Expect Compliance with the Law and Regulations Wherever We Operate -

 We recognize that health, safety and environmental protection is accomplished through compliance with
laws, regulations, and best management practices.
 Our OHS Management Plan defines the applicable health, safety and community relations laws and
regulations. Compliance with these laws are required.

We Take Responsibility for the Safety of People, for Protection of the Environment and the Community in
which We Work -

 The safety of people and impacts on the environment and the community are line management
 Everyone in line management is responsible and accountable for the prevention of injuries and
protection of the environment in their daily work.
 As role models they must demonstrate their commitment to health, safety, the environment and the
community in their daily activities.

Each of Us Takes Personal Responsibility for the Safety of Ourselves and Other People and for Protection of the
Environment and the Community -

 We each understand that safety excellence is the product of the way that we think and that the way we
think affects our actions. Our thinking begins with the proposition that ‘We Value Safety’. We encourage
our clients, contractors and the community to adopt our values by confident leadership and example.
 We each commit to continuous improvement in health, safety, and environmental protection, and
community relations consistent with the OHS Management Plan.

Personnel are reminded of their status as a guest in the local community and should respect the laws,
customs, culture and religious beliefs of the community and its people. Any person failing to comply with this
Code of Conduct will be subject to disciplinary action.

The management team is committed to ensuring that systems, processes and objects are reviewed continually
to ensure that risks are contained at tolerable levels and clients are supplied with projects that are within OHS


Proconse OH&S Policies provide the overall framework and statement of commitment for Occupational Health
& Safety management. In essence, our Policies on general Safety, Injury & Rehabilitation, Training, and Drug &
Alcohol provides guidance to all employees and stakeholders (contractors, communities, suppliers, regulatory
authorities etc.) on the required safety performance of those working at our offices, workshops or with our
The company has established these policies to ensure that organizational goals and principles for Health &
Safety management are achieved.

Proconse Occupational Health and Safety Policy is regularly reviewed (and updated as necessary) by the Senior
Management Team and thereby authorized for its implementation by the said same Managing Director.

It is the philosophy of the company that all employees are responsible for, and involved in safety management
thereby reflecting this philosophy. To ensure a high standard of safety management and improvement in
performance, the safety policy makes a commitment to continual improvement in line with the principles of
best practice, and as a minimum commit to compliance with legal requirements. The safety policy is
communicated to all employees, is displayed throughout areas of the company’s operations, and is public


Proconse Africa Limited believes that sound occupational health and safety management practices are in the
best interest of its business, employees, and the communities in which it operates.

Proconse Management will continue to take a proactive approach toward creating safe work environments for
all employees and will be accountable for promoting continued safety education and training for all
employees, assigning responsibility for all aspects of the program, continuously reviewing the program to
identify potential areas of improvement, and ensuring thorough evaluations of all incidents.

Management will uphold its core values of safety, knowledge, integrity and leadership in order to achieve its
goal of zero harm. In the light of the above Proconse is committed to:

 Provide the expertise and resources to maintain safe and healthy working conditions,
 Establish clearly defined occupational health and safety programs and measure safety and health
performances, making improvements as warranted,
 Operate in accordance with recognized industry standards, while complying with all applicable
 Set objectives for accident and incident prevention and planning for continual improvement health
and safety processes, systems and performance,
 Investigate the causes of accidents and incidents and develop effective and immediate preventative
and remedial action,
 Ensure that all is made aware of their health and safety responsibilities and the consequences of their
acts and omissions, through appropriate training, instruction and supervision,
 Require that visitors and contractors comply with all the applicable health and safety standards.
The requirements of this policy are communicated to all employees and contractors through the company’s
heads of department and the senior management with health and safety being promoted through consultation
and involvement. The health and safety policy is displayed at all company sites, offices and workshops and
issued to all new personnel joining the company at induction.

As the Managing Director, I accept responsibility for this Health and Safety Policy and all are responsible for
supporting and promoting our commitments and ensuring the effective implementation in the respective
areas of the Business.



Managing Director
Proconse Africa Limited’s Environmental Policy outlines the Company’s general approach to protecting the
environment. This policy is displayed on the site notice board and is available to the public on request. This
plan describes how the project will demonstrate compliance with Proconse HSE Policy.


Proconse Africa Limited is committed to minimizing the potential impact of its activities on the environment.
Through observance and encouragement of this Policy, we management assist in protecting the environment
and the overall well-being of all of our stakeholders, specifically, our employees, clients, subcontractors, and

We will continue to address the environmental and impact of our operations by reducing waste, emissions,
and discharges and by using energy efficiently. We strive to be good citizens in every community in which we
operate. To accomplish this commitment, Management has established the following objectives:

 Co-manage the environment by integrating the consideration of environmental standards, applicable

laws, concerns and impacts into all of our decision making activities,
 Train, educate and inform our employees about environmental issues that may affect their work,
 Promote environment awareness among our employees and encourage them to work in an
environmentally responsible manner,
 Communicate our environmental commitment to our sub-contractors and encourage them to support
it, by monitoring and improving environment performance, pollution prevention and environmental
 Strive to continually improve our environmental performance and minimize the social impact and
damage of activities by periodically reviewing our environmental policy in light of our current and
planned future activities.

All employees have responsibilities for policy implementation by participating and contributing to its success
through their actions and suggestions.

This policy is communicated to all persons working for or on behalf of Proconse Africa Ltd and will be made
available to other interested parties upon request.

As the Managing Director, I accept responsibility for this Environmental Policy and all are responsible for
ensuring its effective implementation in the respective areas of the business.



Managing Director


Objectives and targets are necessary and can be established at all levels of the company. They are documented
and measurable objectives and targets to monitor and improve OH&S performance regarding health and
safety risks.


Each site of operation will establish and document specific objectives and targets which are aligned with
Proconse objectives and targets, demonstrate continual improvement in HSE performance and achieve the
goal of “zero harm.”

Each site of operation will establish HSE targets and objectives annually. Each target and objective is to have an
associated action plan. The plan for achieving objectives and targets includes:
 Identifying the planned action;
 Designating responsibility for achieving objectives and targets;
 Determining timeframe within which the objectives and targets are to be achieved; and
 Verifying completion.


 Objectives and Targets are reviewed regularly (at least annually) and progress toward meeting
established objectives is measured and tracked (e.g., key performance indicators for HSE).


 Objectives and targets for the sites of operation are communicated to employees throughout the
organization, and facility or site-wide objectives and targets are communicated throughout the
respective areas.


Monitor and measure processes against HSE policy, objectives, legal and other requirements, and report the
results. The OH&S system is managed by the respective Contractor within the various contracts and monitored
by the Project Management team through the OH&S team on site. Continuous Risk Assessments are
Checklists, Registers, DSTI’s, Toolbox Talks, Awareness Campaigns, Inspections, Audits, Accident / Incident /
NCR Investigations to ensure all risks are monitored and continuously evaluated for effectiveness

Both internal and external assessments will be required to monitor and measure achievements and level of
compliance. HSSE Manager shall perform regular assessments on all Proconse operations to establish the
levels of compliance and performance set against the company’s OH&S programme standards. Inspections are
part of a process, used to monitor the physical condition of premises, equipment, plant and any other
element, which may influence the safety, health or environmental surroundings. Audits shall be conducted as
per the requirements of the Proconse OH&S Management System



Proconse Africa Limited Management is responsible for:

 preparing, updating and implementing this HSE Management Plan, including all associated procedures
 identifying and observing all legal HS requirements
 ensuring that all works are conducted in a manner without risk to workers
 planning to do all work safely
 participating in the planning and design stages of trade activities
 identifying HS training required for an activity
 ensuring workers undertake identified HS training
 communicating and consulting with workers
 investigating hazard reports and ensuring that corrective actions are undertaken
 assisting in rehabilitation and return to work initiatives
 dispute resolution


Sub-Contractors who are engaged on projects are responsible for:

 identifying all high-risk work associated with their activities and ensuring safe work method
statements are developed and implemented
 complying with the duties as listed under ‘Workers’
 following all safety policies and procedures and site rules
 complying with Proconse HSSE Management Plan
 complying with any direction given to them by Proconse
 undertaking site-specific induction before starting work and signing off that they have completed this
 ensuring the workers engage in site specific health, safety and environmental protection training
 ensuring they have the correct tools and equipment and these are in a good condition for the task
Potential sub-contractors who are not capable of satisfying the aforementioned are deemed to be unqualified.


All workers of Proconse (including those employed as and or by sub-contractors) are to:

 take reasonable care of their own health and safety

 take reasonable care to ensure their conduct does not adversely affect others
 comply with instruction, so far as they are reasonable
 cooperate with reasonable notified policies or procedures



Proconse will systematically identify hazards and assess risks before the project starts by using the hierarchy of
controls in conjunction with:

 developing Safe Operating Procedure(SOP) to control risks associated with high risk activities work
 using a risk management form to control general services risks where necessary
Proconse will also identify risks associated with:
 the purchase, use and storage of hydrocarbons for the project
 when introducing a new task
 when new information is received about tasks, procedures, equipment or hydrocarbons

All hazards identified throughout the project must be reported immediately to the Client.

All workers will be communicated with on our risk management procedures and ensure they are trained in the
risk management as well.


Per the risk assessment protocol, consideration is given to:

 Baseline risk assessment;

 Issue based risk assessment; and
 Continuous risk assessment / Job Safety and Environmental Analysis
A baseline risk assessment is conducted on all tasks as a starting block of managing risks. As circumstance and
need arise, separate risk assessment studies shall be conducted to manage these changes; however, a
continuous risk assessment shall take place continually, as an integral part of day-to-day management.


Proconse will control all risks identified by applying the Hierarchy of Controls as follows:


To ensure Proconse is prepared for an emergency we will ensure the following:
 Personnel will be taken through the emergency preparedness and response procedure during
 Organize frequent emergency drills on site
 Display emergency procedures in the site office or other visible location
 Scheduled inspection of emergency logistics including firefighting equipment to ensure they are fit-
for-purpose at all times EMERGENCY PROCEDURE

In the event of a fire or similar emergency requiring evacuation:
 Stop work immediately and vacate the area affected heading towards the assembly point
 Assist anyone in the workplace who may not be familiar with the evacuation procedures
 Notify the Client by calling relevant site emergency services from a mobile phone. Other emergency
numbers are on display in the site office (if applicable)
 Assemble at the designated assembly points until you receive further instructions from the client or
emergency services personnel


If an incident occurs at the workplace the procedure is:

 immediately notify the Client’s HSE Department

 do not interfere with the scene of the incident
The contact person may record details of the incident and will ensure any remedial action is taken. REPORTABLE INCIDENTS

Proconse will report the following incidents to Client’s HSE Department:

 a fatality
 an incident requiring hospitalization
 a dangerous incident, which could have resulted in someone being killed, or suffering a serious bodily
In the event of such an occurrence:
 notify the Client’s HSE Department by the quickest means possible
 email an Incident Notification Form to Client’s HSE Department as soon as possible following the
incident (must be within 48 hours). In some instances, the client’s HSE notification procedure could be
utilized, where applicable
 do not disturb the site until clearance has been given by the Client after necessary records and
pictures/evidences have been taken
 A notification will be received from the client for formal investigation to commence where applicable


Proconse will report all incidents where an employee is injured on duty to the extent that he/she:

 Dies
 Becomes unconscious
 Loses a limb or part of a limb
 Is injured or becomes ill to such a degree that he/she is likely either to die or to suffer a permanent
physical defect or likely to be unable for a period of at least 14 days either to work or continue with the
activity for which he/she was usually employed
OR where:

 A major incident occurred

 The health or safety of any person was endangered
 Where a dangerous substance was spilled
 The uncontrolled release of any substance under pressure took place
 Machinery or any part of machinery fractured or failed resulting in flying, falling or uncontrolled moving
 Machinery ran out of control
The above listed will be reported to the CLIENT, immediately and to the local authorities within seven days,
EXCEPT that, where a person has died, has become unconscious for any reason or has lost a limb or part of a
limb or may die or suffer a permanent physical defect, the incident will be reported to both CLIENT and the
local authorities forthwith by telephone or Email.

Proconse will provide CLIENT with copies of all statutory reports required within 7 days of the incident

Proconse will provide CLIENT with copies of all internal and external accident/incident Investigation reports
including the reports within 7 days of the incident occurring.


 Proconse accepts responsibility for the investigation of all accidents/incidents where employees and non-
employees were injured to the extent that he/she/they had to be referred for medical treatment by a
doctor, hospital or clinic.
 The results of the investigation will be recorded in the prescribed Accident/Incident Register
 Proconse accepts responsibility for the investigation of all minor and non-injury incidents and keeping a
record of the results of such investigations including the steps taken to prevent similar accidents in
 Proconse accepts responsibility for the investigation of all road traffic accidents and keeping a record of
the results of such investigations including the steps taken to prevent similar accidents in future.
 The CLIENT reserves the right to hold its own investigation into an incident or call for an independent
external investigation.


 The project site will be equipped with adequate first aid equipment for use in instances where
required. Such will also be available in all the LVs used on site.
 If anyone becomes aware that an item of first aid is out of stock or out of
 date, they are to notify out Health and Safety Officers immediately
 First aid should be administered by trained first aid personnel
In the event of a person being injured, trained first aid personnel should:
 stabilize the person and administer first aid
 place a call to client’s emergency services to assist with ambulance (depending on the extent of the
 if emergency services are called, notify the project owner immediately. In all other circumstances
notify the project owner as soon as practicable.


The approval, issue, revision, and availability of current versions of all documents are controlled to reduce the
risk of unintended practices that might result in deviations from the HSE Policy statement.


The Project/Site Manager in conjunction with the HR Manager will identify the training, awareness and
competency levels that are required for all staff whose work may affect the objectives, targets and/or other
safety and environmental issues identified. They include but not limited to the following:

All staff, sub-contractors and operatives will receive a Site-Specific Induction that will, as a minimum, provide
an overview of the environmental aspects of the project and their controls. Training records will be maintained
by the Site HSE Supervisor, read by each individual and reviewed regularly.

Competency requirements for specific activities will be described in the relevant Method Statements and



All Proconse personnel must attend general HSSE induction, the purpose of which is to raise awareness about
the HSSE, to ensure that all persons are familiar with the company’s Policy. Regular training will be given to
staff on specific HSSE components identified by the committee.
Proconse Africa Ltd will work with the Client to ensure a site specific induction is provided for all employees
before starting work.
This induction must outline:
 the expectations outlined in this OH&S Management Plan, including all policies and procedures
 the emergency assembly point
 the site rules
 the facilities
 any site specific hazards
Proconse will:
 ensure employees are trained and competent for the work to be carried out
 ensure employees are trained to deal with any risks associated with the work and understand the
control measures in place
 ensure all workers have had relevant training required for the job they will be undertaking
 ensure on-site training and supervision is provided
 organise external training for specific tasks where required
 seek high risk licenses for all high risk work and maintain a register of licenses
 communicate with other subcontractors to ensure their workers are appropriately trained and


Employees will complete a site specific induction either led by the client or in the absence of such an induction,
by Proconse.
Job-specific training is identified through the toolbox talks and/or JSAs. The purpose of this approach is to
ensure employees are trained in the hazards associated with their jobs. The supervisor will provide the training
using company HSSE resources or refer it to the HSSE Department if further action is required.

Records of all Proconse training are maintained by HR department to demonstrate conformance to this
requirement and made available to HSSE Department whenever required.

It is further recognised that the provision of training does not guarantee competence. Therefore, job
descriptions and performance appraisals are used, in conjunction with other sources of information (e.g. non-
conformance reports where appropriate), to ensure competence. Competency assessments may be used to
identify on-going training needs.


A refresher training is provided as and when necessary to all employees.

It is recognised that the effective implementation of Proconse HSSE requires good communication between
various levels and functions within the company. Arrangements and procedures have been established and
maintained for:

 Receiving, documenting and responding appropriately to internal and external communications

related to HSSE.
 Ensuring that the concerns, ideas and inputs of workers and their representatives on OH&S matters
are received, considered and responded to.
The HSSE Department where necessary, in consultation with the Team Lead, is responsible for the
management of external communication.


HSSE awareness creation through toolbox discussions is also organized on weekly basis.


Pre-shift checks are conducted on all equipment (mobile or fixed) and certify it in safe condition before
operating. Otherwise findings are immediately reported to the Project supervisor for attention. Work areas are
also inspected prior to the commencement of the shift for hazards and correct them. All HSSE related issues on
the previous shift should also be discussed.


This is a job hazard breakdown conducted on each job/task to identify and assess hazards and set up safe work
practices. Job Safety and Environmental Analysis (JSEA) is an important incident prevention tool that works by
finding hazardous and eliminating or minimizing them before the job is performed, and before they have a
chance to become incidents. In a JSEA, each basic step of the job is examined to identify potential hazards and
to determine the safest way to do the job.


This is to ensure that controls are in place to minimize the risk of adverse health and safety effects to
employees, customers and the public, due to the exposure to hazardous materials used or produced as part of
the site’s operation. All hazardous materials handled on site are accompanied with its SDS (Safety Data
A list of all hazardous substances used in the workplace, including intermediates and by-products to which
people may be exposed, and copies of their Safety Data Sheet shall be readily available to people who may
contact or handle the material.


The required SDS is added to any hazardous material received or dispatched to/from site. Every SDS on site has
the following details:

 The physical properties of the substance.

 The chemical properties.
 Health hazard information.
 First Aid procedures.
 Storage requirements.
 Transport requirements.
 PPE to be worn.
Safety Data Sheet shall be updated whenever the composition of a material is changed, new information
regarding toxicological or physiochemical properties of the material or its components is received, the method
of use changes or there is new legislative requirement.


Any material considered by the producer to have no value at a particular time or location at the workplace will
be considered as waste, (Waste is associated with dirt, lack of value and cost of disposal. It forms a label that is
not easily lost even when material is employed as feedback for recovery process).

No waste material tipped indiscriminately around the site will be tolerated.

All waste including rags, pieces of steel, oil drums, will be removed from the service location immediately after
service or repairs performed. Proconse should endeavour to recycle as much of its waste as possible.


Prevention as the saying goes is always preferred to cure. Proconse takes a proactive stand to control the risk
of fire through effective prevention, detection, and emergency preparedness. Fire prevention measures

 No source of heat or naked flame should be left unprotected close to flammable materials.
 Cutting, heating or welding should only be done by as specified by the relevant international
standards or when special precautions are duly adhered to.
 Flammable waste should not be allowed to gather, but collected and regularly removed from the site.
 Store flammable and combustible substances in a safe place, such as fire proof cabinet and
 Provide fire extinguishers for the intended activity and at designated offices / workshops.
 Recording of regular checks and maintenance of all fire extinguishers should be done.
 Spills of flammable liquids should be absorbed, or adsorbed and removed from site, or drained to a
sump for removal.
 Petrol or flammable fluids (flash point less than 61.50C) should not be used for cleaning equipment. If
it is essential that a particular fluid be used, then ensure:
o Fire extinguishers are provided.
o Good ventilation is provided to ensure vapor are removed.
o Signs are posted warning of the danger of fire.
o Work is done away from ignition sources.
Training awareness is being created for all employees on how to use fire equipment to fight fire without
endangering themselves.


Proconse Africa Ltd will provide the personal protective equipment (PPE) to workers at
the workplace. Proconse will ensure that the PPE is:
 suitable for the nature of the work and any hazard associated with the work
 a suitable size and fit and reasonably comfortable for the worker who is to use it
 maintained, repaired or replaced so that it continues to minimize risk to the worker who uses it,
including by:
o ensuring it is clean and hygienic
o ensuring it is in good working order
o ensuring it is used or worn by the worker, so far as is reasonably practicable.
Proconse will also:
 provide workers with information, training and instruction in the proper use,
 storage and maintenance of PPE
 ensure that any other person at the workplace (such as sub-contractors and
 suppliers) is appropriately provided with PPE as required.
 Workers must:
 follow all instructions and use PPE
 take reasonable care of PPE


 All employees and personnel are required to follow all HSE rules, policies, procedures and safe work
practices established by Proconse and the client.
 All personnel on site are expected to act in a responsible and a safe manner.
 Inspect the workplace and equipment at the start of every shift to ensure it is safe. All unsafe
conditions should be reported to the area Supervisor immediately.
 No person shall operate vehicles, machinery, or any equipment without authorisation, proper training
and appropriate licenses.
 Use correct tools and equipment for the job. Inspect them before each use and repair or replace
those found to be defective.
 Handle materials with care to avoid injuries and ill-health. Don’t lift materials too heavy for you to
handle, get someone to assist or use lifting tackles.
 Good housekeeping must be ensured at all times. Do not allow litter, rubbish, or spilled material to
 Know the emergency escape route(s) and location of emergency equipment in your work area. Keep
access to emergency equipment clear at all times.
 Personnel are responsible for the safe and proper operation of their vehicles and equipment at all
times and under all conditions. Inform Supervisors of any condition that may affect your performance
 All incidents and accidents are to be reported to supervisors immediately.
 Fighting, horseplay, acting irresponsible and endangering one-self or others is prohibited.
 To work under the influence of alcohol any narcotic drug is a prohibited act.
 Open fires are prohibited.
 Smoking is prohibited in offices and flammable storage areas.
 Observe and obey all posted signs and warnings.
 Employees have the right to refuse dangerous work.
If anyone does not comply with the requirements of this Plan, the following will apply:
 First violation. Verbal warning (and advise sub-contractor if it involves their worker/s)
 Second violation. Written notification (and advise sub-contractor if it involves their worker/s)
 Third violation. Complete removal/suspension from the project.
For a serious breach of safety, workers can be immediately dismissed or removed from the site without notice.



Prior to and during the project, the site team in conjunction with the HSSE Department will determine which
safety hazards and environmental aspects should be measured and will develop a practical monitoring
programme and recorded in a risk and opportunities register.

Monitoring requirements will be incorporated into relevant procedures and appropriate method statements
will be compiled. Results of monitoring will be regularly reviewed and communicated appropriately The
primary monitoring requirements will be:

 Routine site inspections

 Monitoring of Dust, Noise, Discharge, Complaints, Weather and Non-Conformance Reports
The project will also be subject to audits by Proconse HSSE Department in accordance with the audit
programme set up by the company.

All testing/monitoring systems shall be managed in accordance with project relevant procedures


Two types of non-conformance can be defined:

 Failure to conform to this plan, an activity document, method statement or the HSE Policy
 Failure of a procedure or method to effectively manage a hazard or environmental impact caused by
any project.
Activity document provides the framework for the identification, documentation, rectification/remediation,
close out and future prevention of safety and environmental non-conformances. Once an incident has been
reported as per procedures, the HSE Officer is to raise a Non-Conformance Report as required.


Proconse Africa Ltd is committed to ensure workers’ fitness for work is catered for. Fitness for duty
incorporates (but is not limited to) the promotion of physical, mental and emotional health. Proconse
employees undergo a medical assessment to ensure they are medically fit to perform their role. Employees
must advise their supervisor of any pre-existing injury or illness which may affect their performance, or has the
potential to impact on safety and health in the workplace. A medical assessment may also be required to
determine associated risks or limitations.

Proconse will ensure work activities do not aggravate a disclosed injury or illness, or impact the safety and
health of the workplace. Where practicable Proconse will identify alternate, modified or restricted duties.
Where alternate, modified or restricted duties are not practicable, a person may be instructed to take an
absence from work in accordance with leave provisions, until medical clearance is obtained.


Management must ensure that health assessments are carried out in respect of all personnel who engage in
specific tasks with the potential for occupational exposure, if:
 an identifiable disease or other adverse effect on the health of the employee may be related to the
 there is a reasonable likelihood that the disease or adverse effect may occur under
 the particular conditions of work
 there are recognised techniques for detecting indications of the disease or adverse effect OR
personnel are exposed, or likely to have been exposed, to a hazardous substance in excess of the
exposure standard for that hazardous substance.
Health Surveillance is carried out to monitor for possible health effects that may arise following occupational
exposures at concentrations above accepted exposure standards. Where a risk assessment determines there is
a reasonable likelihood that employees may be exposed to an occupational hazard at levels exceeding
accepted values, management shall conduct specific health monitoring to assess actual exposures and the
effects of these exposures on personnel.


Personnel must not commence work if they are not fit for duty or if they are impaired by alcohol, illicit drugs or
medication. All personnel accessing operational areas shall be subject to the Proconse alcohol and drug testing
program, which incorporates random, blanket, for cause and for concern testing. Refusal to submit to testing
shall be treated as a positive result, and removed from site accordingly.

Any personnel taking medication, including prescription and over-the counter medications which may cause
impairment, must inform their supervisor of the potential effects that medication may cause.
Managers/supervisors must monitor the person’s fitness for duty and assign alternate duties wherever

Proconse Africa Ltd has zero tolerance for alcohol consumption. Thus, anyone who is tested positive on a
blood alcohol test will be removed from the operational site and banned permanently from accessing any
operational area.

Smoking on site is strictly prohibited. There will be designated smoking areas for workers and visitors alike.


Fatigue is defined as an impaired physical and/or mental condition that arises from an individual’s exposure to
physical and mental exertion and inadequate or disturbed sleep. Proconse Africa Ltd recognises that fatigue
may arise from hours and patterns of work and activities, and travel/commute time.

It is also influenced by factors outside of work, such as family responsibilities, stress, lifestyle, personal health
etc., the management of fatigue is a shared responsibility between management and the individual.



Where a manual handling task is required a risk assessment shall be completed to identify the Hazards. The
risk of injury should be assessed for each hazard, and appropriate controls implemented, including manual
handling training as appropriate. Management must ensure suitable powered mechanical plant or equipment
and lifting aids are provided to enable personnel to avoid heavy manual tasks.

All personnel must consider ergonomics when designing or arranging operational areas, products and systems
so that they fit the personnel who use them. Management shall ensure that where ergonomic hazards that
pose a threat to personal health and safety are identified and a risk assessment is completed by a competent
person. Personnel shall be informed of the risks, and provided with the necessary equipment and information
to reduce the risk. Special consideration should be given to ergonomics in confined spaces, awkward or
difficult to access spaces, using heavy or awkward tools and equipment, and using repetitive or high force


Management must supply suitable facilities for personnel including:
 toilet facilities within a reasonable distance from each operational area
 sanitation and hygiene facilities that are properly maintained
 eating places that are dry, clean, well ventilated and have adequate seating, tables, hand washing and
waste disposal facilities
 potable water supplies available to all personnel
Personnel must not intentionally pollute work areas or misuse or damage any sanitation or hygiene facilities
Management must ensure commitment to monitoring and reporting of occupational health hazards and
hazardous occupational environments, and implement controls to reduce risk in accordance with all applicable
regulations and, wherever practicable, with regard to accepted best practices. Specific occupational hygiene
assessments must be conducted with reference to approved methodologies and applicable standards. Ongoing
assessments shall be conducted and, as
required, controls implemented for the following occupational health hazards:
 airborne contaminants such as metal dusts, respirable silica and asbestos fibres;
 occupational noise exposure.
Risk assessment, evaluation and control of occupational hazards may be undertaken in consideration of the
following broad hazard categories:
 chemical hazards – such as fumes and vapours
 physical hazards – those related to heat, cold, noise, vibration, ionizing radiation, ultra-violet light and
operational area lighting
 biological hazards – including mosquito borne viruses, potable water contaminants and other water
borne hazards such as legionella and shigella
 ergonomic hazards – including manual handling hazards
Proconse Africa Ltd shall withhold access to facilities should occupational health risks associated with handling
of particular products be unacceptable. The anticipation, recognition, evaluation, communication and control
of occupational health hazards underpin the objective to protect personnel from occupational related injury,
illness and impairment.


Management must undertake all necessary measures and precautions to ensure that employees do not suffer
harm to their health from the adverse effects of extreme heat or cold. If conditions in any workplace are, or
are likely to be, hot and humid, supervisors must ensure that:
 all employees are provided with instruction on measures to be taken to avoid any harmful effects
from those conditions
 appropriate workplace environmental controls such as ventilation, and monitoring are implemented
 if appropriate, a program for monitoring the health of employees in the workplace is implemented.

17.5.5 COVID – 19
Proconse is obligated to maintain a working environment that is safe and healthy to all. Proconse must ensure
that the workplace is free from risk to the health of its employees, subcontractors and anyone affected by its
operations as far as is reasonably practicable.

Practically Proconse will ensure a healthy working environment by:

 As far as is practicable educating employees, subcontractors and their employees and all visitors to our
sites and offices as to the preventive measures to avoid infection;
 Ensuring the workplace, ablution facilities, eating facilities are clean and hygienic;
 Promoting regular hand washing by employees and sub-contractors;
 Promoting the use of nose masks;
 Reducing meetings and gatherings that bring people within 2 metres of each other for extended
 The separation of people where ever practicably possible;
 Promoting good respiratory hygiene by employees and sub-contractors;
 Keeping employees and sub-contractors informed on developments related to COVID-19.

The responsibility for implementing this procedure rests with each Site Manager / Project Manager and Senior
Management. While management is making every effort to implement the necessary controls as quickly as
possible, shortage of certain products may delay full implementation .


Proconse management has the responsibility to:
 Evaluate the overall strategy of the HSSE management system to determine whether it meets planned
performance objectives.
 Evaluate the HSSE management system’s ability to meet the overall needs of its Client and its
stakeholders, including its workers and the regulatory authorities.
 Evaluate the need for changes to the HSSE management system, including the HSSE policy and
 Identify what action is necessary to remedy any deficiencies in a timely manner, including adaptations
of other aspects of all operations sites management structure and performance measurement.
 Provide the feedback direction, including the determination of priorities, for meaningful planning and
continual improvement.
 Evaluate progress towards our Client site HSSE objectives and corrective action activities.
 Evaluate the effectiveness of follow-up actions from earlier management reviews.


The impacts on HSSE of internal changes (such as those in staffing or due to new processes, working
procedures, organizational structures or acquisitions) and of external changes (for example, as a result of
amendments of national laws and regulations, organizational mergers, and developments in HSSE knowledge
and technology) is evaluated and appropriate preventive steps taken prior to the introduction of changes.

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