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Assignment: Chapter 2, Part 1

Deadline: Next week, Sunday June 4

Note: I will be checking your homework individually. So, don’t copy from each other.
It will cost you a lot.
Chapter 2 Assembly Language Programming
Part 1
Instruction set and Addressing mode
1. Define instruction set and formats, opcodes, mnemonics and operands with examples.
2. Explain the different arithmetic and logical instruction of 8085 with its RTL description.
3. Specify the function of the following instructions from 8085 Instruction set.
5. What is the importance of DAA instruction? Explain it with an appropriate example along with the
necessary calculations.
6. Define addressing modes. What are the different addressing Modes used in 8085 microprocessor?
Explain with examples.
7. Define flags. Explain the role of all the flag bits in 8085 microprocessor with essential examples

Write short notes on:

1. Operation of CALL and RET instructions
2. Jump Instructions

Part 2
Timing diagram
Coming soon

RTL Language Descriptions

Coming soon

Part 3
Assembly Language Program
Coming soon

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