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R e p u b l i c o f n a m i b i a M i n i s t ry o f J u s t i c e

Directorate: Legislative drafting

How bills
become law
in Namibia
R epu blic of na m i bi a M i n i s t ry o f J u s t i c e

Introduction The making of laws in

Namibia is entrusted to Parliament.
A Bill that is passed by Parliament,
assented to by the President and
published in the Government Gazette
is called an Act of Parliament. The
Administrative Directive published
under Government Notice No.1
of 5 February 1993 sets out the
procedure for Bills to become laws.
The procedure is the same for new
Bills and Bills amending existing law.
R epu blic of na m i bi a M i n i s t ry o f J u s t i c e


1 2
stage 1 stage 2
Policy Attorney General
Responsible Office, Consultation
Ministry or Agency Responsible Office,
develops policy Ministry or Agency
explaining requirement consults Attorney
for new law General on proposed law
R epu blic of na m i bi a M i n i s t ry o f J u s t i c e

3 4
stage 3 stage 4
Submission to Submission to Cabinet
Cabinet Committee Responsible Office,
on Legislation (CCL) Ministry or Agency
Responsible Office, sends layperson’s draft
Ministry or Agency Bill, CCL Certificate and
prepares layperson’s draft Cabinet Memorandum
Bill and Explanatory to Cabinet for approval
Memorandum and of the principle or policy
submits to CCL for justification for the Bill
deliberation and
R epu blic of na m i bi a M i n i s t ry o f J u s t i c e

5 6
stage 5 stage 6
Submission to Ministry Letter of satisfaction
of Justice, Directorate: by Responsible
Legislative Drafting Office, Ministry
> Responsible Office, Ministry or Agency
or Agency sends layperson’s Responsible Office,
draft Bill, Cabinet approval, Ministry or Agency
CCL minutes and certificate, sends letter of satisfaction
& all other relevant documents with final draft Bill
or information on the Bill to to MOJ Directorate:
the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) Legislative Drafting
Directorate: Legislative Drafting
> MOJ Directorate: Legislative
Drafting translates the policy,
reviews and revises the
layperson’s Bill into formal
draft legislation & sends the
finalised draft Bill to the
responsible Office, Ministry
or Agency for approval
R epu blic of na m i bi a M i n i s t ry o f J u s t i c e

7 8
stage 7 stage 8
Submission of Bill National Assembly
to Attorney General
The Bill goes through 3
MOJ Directorate: readings in the National
Legislative Drafting Assembly – which may
certifies and forwards the result in amendments
final Bill to the Attorney to the Bill. Once the Bill
General for certification is passed in the National
and introduction to the Assembly, the Speaker
National Assembly of the National Assembly
must refer the Bill to
the National Council
for review
R epu blic of na m i bi a M i n i s t ry o f J u s t i c e

9 10
stage 9 stage 10
National Council Presidential Assent
The Bill goes through 3 The President of
readings in the National Namibia assents to the
Council – which may Bill by signing the Bill
result in amendments into law
or additions to the Bill.
The National Council
submits a report and
recommendations on
the Bill to the Speaker
of the National Assembly
R epu blic of na m i bi a M i n i s t ry o f J u s t i c e

11 12
stage 11 Stage 12
Publication in Gazette Commencement
The National Assembly An Act of Parliament
Table Office forwards the commences on the date
signed law to the Gazette of publication in the
Office for publication. Gazette or on a date
Upon publication in the determined by the
Gazette, the Bill becomes responsible Minister by
an Act of Parliament a notice in the Gazette
or on a date specified
in the Law

For further information

access the Ministry
of Justice website:

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