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Alexia Colom


1. Unreal Past

If only If only I had studied harder for the exam, I

would have gotten a better grade.

I’d sooner I'd sooner go to bed early than stay up late

and feel tired the next day.

It’s high time It's high time we started taking climate

statement that action needs to be taken. change seriously and taking action to
reduce our carbon footprint

Had I known Had I known that the restaurant was

closed on Mondays, I wouldn't have made
a reservation for tonight.

Where it not for the fact Where it not for the fact that I have to work
tomorrow, I would have stayed out later

Had I not Had I not lost my phone, I would have been

able to call for help when my car broke

Were I able to do so, I’d Were I able to do so, I'd love to travel the
world and see all the different cultures and

Had it not been for Had it not been for the quick thinking of the
firefighters, the entire building would have
burned down.

Alexia Colom

Exercise 1:

● If only I had a different job, I would be a lot happier.

● What if you were made redundant tomorrow. Would that make you happy?
● Well, not really. I’d rather I had some idea of what to do next before I lost my job.
But it’s high time I made a change.
● Supposing you were able to choose any job in the world - what would you choose?
● That’s the problem - I have no idea! I would sooner someone told me what I should

Exercise 2

2. I'd prefer for us to hire a part-time assistant. (sooner)

I’d sooner we hired a part-time assistant.
3. It would be really good if I had a newer car. (only)
If only I had a newer car.
4. They'd prefer us to meet at their office. (rather)
They’d rather we met at their office.
5. Should we rent a bigger office? (supposing)
Supposing we rent a bigger office?
6. I might reduce my working hours. (what)
What if I reduced my working hours?
7. We need to update our website. (high)
It’s high time we updated our website.

2. Inversion in Conditionals

Exercise 6. Rewrite the sentences using inversion.

1) If you need to use a car this week, you can borrow mine.
Should you need to use a car this week, you can borrow mine

2) If I'd been late for the plane, it would have ruined my holiday.
Had I been late for the plane, it would have ruined my holiday.

3) If you applied for the job, I'm sure you wouldn't be sorry.
Were you to apply for the job, I’m sure you wouldn’t be sorry.

4) You wouldn't have met Olga if you hadn't joined the book club.

Alexia Colom

Had you not joined the book club, you wouldn’t have met Olga.

5) If you need help with the application, please ask.

Should you need help with the application, please ask.

6) My job would be much easier if people arrived on time for the appointments.
Were people to arrive on time for appointments, my job would be a lot easier.

3. Vocabulary

Exercise 6 Complete the suggestions for reducing a budget.

1) Looking at our research costs, I'm drawing a blank.

2) It occurs to me that we spend too much on training.
3) I checked through our warehousing costs, and I can’t come up with anything there.
4) I have one part-time assistant, so I haven’t the faintest idea how we can cut any staff
5) It's dawning on me that we could reduce our office space.
6) Checking the IT budget, I'm coming to the realization that we can't afford a computer
7) I’m stuck for ideas.
8) Going through our meeting costs, it strikes me that we could save some money by
reducing travel.


Types of time wasters:

- Thrill seeker: People that procrastinate in order to experience the pressure of working
against a deadline. which they enjoy.
- Avoider: People that procrastinate to avoid being judged. They fear success as much as
- Indecisive: This kind of persons are often perfectionist, but they procrastinate to move the
responsibility away from themselves.

1. Purpose

Alexia Colom

Exercise 3 Page 67: Answer the questions.

- Is followed by a present tense to refer to the future? (x2)

So as not to repeat, to avoid.
- Introduces something that happened in the past?
So that.
- Can be followed by a new subject?
So that / In order that (+subj.)
- Is followed by the infinitive? (x3)
To, so as not to, in order to.
- Is being used to refer to something you don’t want to happen? (x2)
So as not to, so that, in order that.

Exercise 5. Rewrite the words in italics using the word in brackets.

1) Sally starts projects at the last possible minute because she wants to feel the
adrenaline rush. (to)
to feel the adrenaline rush
2) Liam started on his presentation weeks before the conference because he didn't want
to work under pressure. (avoid)
to avoid working under pressure
3) I often break tasks into smaller parts because it makes work seem more manageable.
in order to make work seem more manageable
4) Piet is trying to work more quickly because he doesn't want to miss his deadline. (so
so that he doesn’t miss his deadline
5) Rafa started the work earlier than necessary because he wanted to avoid a
last-minute rush. (to)
to avoid a last-minute rush
6) Helena switches off her phone when she's writing because she needs to concentrate.
(in order that)
in order that she can concentrate
7) I'd like to change some of my work habits because / want to work more efficiently. (so
so that I (can) work more efficiently.
8) I used to avoid responsibility because I didn't want to make mistakes. (so as)

Alexia Colom

so as not to make mistakes.

Exercise 2. Revision unit 5 and 6

1 )got / Had / have / I / I’d / into / music, / not / played / trouble

2) advice, / any / ask / need / please / Should / you
3)a / able / buy / do / I / I’d / so, / to / violin / Were / you
4) a / decision / high / It’s / made / time / we
5) cooperation / in / learn / music / order / play / to / together / We
6) a / as / exam / fail / He / lot / music / not / practiced / so / the / t

1. Had I not played have played music, I would have got into trouble
2. Should you need any advice, please help
4. It’s a decision we made high time
5. We play music in order to learn cooperation
6. He failed the exam as he had not practiced a lot of music, so he did not pass the

Alexia Colom


1. Key Words

His work is idiosyncrâtic and striking but can be difficult to understand.

unusual, individual
The sculptures are ephemeral because of the material they're made from.
lasting for a very short time
The edges of the cloth were decorated with hand-made lace.
a fine cloth with patterns of small holes
The ropes are tied together with a tight knot.
a fastening made by tying string or rope
She uses only fabrics that are made from natural fibres.
long, thin pieces of natural material, such as wool or silk
Large pieces of fabric were billowing from the wires.
filled with air and blowing in the wind

2. The continuous aspect

1) A changing situation in the present: is altering

2) An action in progress from a point in the past to now: have been studying
3) An action in progress in the past: were performing
4) An action in progress before an earlier point in the past: had been performing
5) An action in progress in the future: will be watching

3. Vocabulary (Expressions with mind)

1) When I visualize something, I try to see it in my mind's eye in as much detail as

2) To succeed at anything difficult, you really need to put your mind to it.
3) While visualization might be helpful, you have to bear in mind that there is no
substitute for hard work.
4) You seem to be in two minds about whether you want to do a master's degree or

Alexia Colom

To be in two minds To be unable to decide about


To see something in your mind’s eye To imagine or visualize something in

your mind, without actually physically
seeing it.

To bear in mind To remember or keep something in your

thoughts or memory, usually in order to
be prepared or to make a decision
based on it.

To blow someone’s mind To impress or amaze someone greatly,

to the point where it seems almost
unbelievable or mind-blowing.

To put your mind to it To focus your thoughts and energy on a

particular goal or task, and to do your
best to achieve it.

To give someone a piece for your mind To express your angry or critical
thoughts or opinions to someone,
usually in a forceful or direct way.

To keep an open mind To be receptive to new or different

ideas, perspectives, or experiences,
without being closed off or biased
towards them.

Alexia Colom

Mesmerised Capture the complete attention of someone

To shift Change position or place

Rippled Flowed or covered with small waves

Swelling; Fluttering; Waving Billowing adjective

A knot The place where two pieces of string have

been tied together

Idiosyncratic Peculiar to one person; highly


Lace Delicate fabric

Ephemeral Lasting a very short time

Bronze casting A process used in ancient times to create

bronze sculptures

Bland Dull, boring

Waterfront On the edge of the sea or of a river

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