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Topic: School violence

In recent years, there has been a growing amount of bullying in school.
From my perspective, this problem must have been worked out by schools
and parents.
First and unavoidable reason, there are such a lot of ways of being
violence. Media plays a huge role in school violence with rapid development
such as Tiktok or some fighting games. The teenagers spend so much time
each day on these harmful and useless things. Besides, if they know the
suitable choice, they will have a variety of skills on the basis of life. For
instance, it promotes violent activities in their school, they want to try being
their character in their cyber world by fighting their friends. Thus, the youths
who do this are out of their parents' and school’s control, therefore, they feel
like “I am the best and I can do everything. Moreover, the teenager's freedom
will not help the growth of the country.
The second, as their parents are into their jobs so they do not pay much
attention to their kid. Consider the children who lacked of love and affection
may become violence.In some studies, researchers make a survey and give
the explanation that around 24% of all high schools were familiar with gangs in
their school. A typical example of this is the children doing anything that their
parents do not care about. So it detects a personality to hint at their unusual
behavior. Consequently, this is parent’ and school’ fault, which they do not
take all their costly time to bring up and pay attention to the kids
To sum up, the level of violence has risen in each year. It is necessary
for the youth to understand that the better ways to prevent this situation is
their side to successful life.

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