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AFS Practice Exercises : Choose the best answer.

Rail worker : Good morning. Can I help you?

Customer : Good morning. I'd like a ticket to New York, please.

Rail worker : ______(1)______

Customer : Return, please.

Rail worker : Are you travelling today?

Customer : Yes, I want to go this morning at 9 am.

Rail worker : If you wait until 9.30, the ticket will be cheaper.

Customer : If I wait until 9.30, I'll be late for my appointment. ______(2)______

Rail worker : It's only half price!

Customer : Really? OK. I'll go at 9.30 then. I can afford a taxi if I can save 50%!

Rail worker : OK. So that's a one day, off-peak return to New York for trains after 9.30.

Customer : Here you are. Thank you very much. Which ___(4)___does the first train leave from?

Rail worker : Four.

Customer : OK. Is there a restaurant on the train?

Rail worker : ____(5)____ There's a restaurant car on every train.

Customer :Thank you very much.

1. 1. Is that one way or return? 2. Would you prefer to go ahead or return?

3. Will you return soon? 4. Do you go back and forth?

2. 1. I. What's the price for the late train?

2. What's the lowest price I'll get?

3. How much cheaper is the ticket after 9.30?

4. How cheap is the ticket at 9 o'clock?

3. 1. You can save $54. 2. That'll be $54.

3. Pay me SS4, please. 4. The cost is $54.

4. 1. rail 2. Station 3. gate 4. Platform

5. 1. Up to you. 2. Not at all. 3. I don't have a clue. 4. Certainly.

Directions : Choose the best alternative to complete each conversation.

1. David : I have never tried Thai food before.____________________?

    Sirirat : Well, we eat quite spicy food like curry. We also eat a lot of rice.
    David: Spicy food and rice? I like spicy food!

1. What do people eat with?

2. What about you?
3. What is a typical dish?
4. How long does a meal last?

2. Sarah: ____________________?
    Wong: My father is from China. So when we eat, we usually use chopsticks.

1. If you have a special guest for dinner, what would you offer to impress him?
2. What does your father normally have for dinner?
3. What kind of food do you eat when you have guests?
4. What do you eat with?

3. A: How would you tell your foreign friends about a typical class in Thailand?
    B: ________________________

1. The teacher usually lectures and speaks most of the class.

2. The students call their teachers by the first name.
3. The students go to school five days a week.
4. It is important to study English. So, English classes are very important.

4. Your friend: What do you like doing when you go on vacation?

    You: _____________________

1. Oh, I love going on vacation.

2. I usually go sightseeing and snorkeling.
3. The most popular tourist attraction in my country is Phuket Island.
4. The trouble with vacation is that I never want to come back

5. Your friend: When you go to a shopping mall, what do you like to do?
    You: _____________________

1. I like to go to a nice coffee shop for coffee and some cookies after shopping.
2. I am not sure. It is quite expensive to buy things at shopping malls.
3. I really enjoy shopping so I go there three times a week.
4. I have to save money for my studies so I go there sometimes.
Choose the word or phrase that is grammatically INCORRECT.

1. While the biology of measles(1) has(2) only come into focus in the past few
years, physician(3) have long been aware of its contagiousness(4).

1. measles
2. has
3. physician
4. contagiousness

2. Even as we eradicate(1) measles, we should become

better acquaint(2) with related(3) viruses and prepare for the possibility that they may
become new threats(4).

1. eradicate
2. acquaint
3. related
4. threats

3. A special series presents how grabbing(1) water from poor people and

future generations(2) threatens(3) global food security, environmental sustainable(4), and
local cultures.

1. grabbing
2. generations
3. threatens
4. sustainable

4. Evolving(1) technology has a strong impact on(2) an individual's life, especially

teenagers, as(3) they are vulnerable changing(4).

1. Evolving
2. on
3. as
4. changing
5. Climate change is one of the most serious public health threat(1) facing(2) the nation,
but few(3) people are aware of how(4) it can affect them.

1. threat
2. facing
3. few
4. how

6.. Phuket, Thailand's largest island on the Andaman coast, contains(1) numerous

beaches, included(2) the activity-filled(3) Patong beach, with its exciting(4) nightlife.

1. contains
2. included
3. filled
4. exciting

7. Customers increasingly(1) prefer the flexibility of online shopping as they

offer(2) the convenience to shop(3) when they want and from wherever(4) they happen to

1. increasingly
2. they offer
3. to shop
4. wherever

8. Psychologists believe Internet addiction should be categorized(1) like other

addiction disorders as(2) it has similar symptoms, including emotional(3) shutdown
and lacking(4) of concentration.

1. be categorized
2. as
3. emotional
4. Lacking
Reading Comprehension

Yellowstone National Park is by far one of the most popular of the parks in the
National Park System with 3,600,000 visitors each year. The popularity of
Yellowstone is the result of a combination of the amazing geology, the highly visible
wildlife, and the relatively easy access to all of this. The peak season is from late
June through mid-September when there is a steady stream of loaded
vehicles coming and going from all of the 4 main entrances to the park. While the
weather is most predictable during the peak summer months, it can still be very nice
well into October even though the nights may be cooler. The advantage of planning a
trip to Yellowstone in the Fall is a significant drop in visitor traffic and some of the
best wildlife viewing of the year. Herds of wild elks begin to gather in the Madison
and Firehole valleys, packs of wolves can be seen roaming the lower hillsides near the
north entrance, and the bison begin to group together in preparation for winter.
Other activities such as fishing in the many rivers of the park also improve as water
temperatures begin to cool.

1. Yellowstone National Park attracts millions of visitors each year due to all of the
following EXCEPT its _______________ .
1. predictable weather
2. diverse geological features
3. rich wildlife habitats
4. easily accessible location

2. The writer uses the underlined phrase "a steady stream of loaded vehicles" to
show _______________ .
1. that the park can easily be reached
2. how the park can be accessed
3. how popular the park is during summer
4. that summer is the best time to visit the park

3. Wild elks, wolves and bison are mentioned in the text as examples of animals that
_______________ .
1. are rare in the Yellowstone National Park
2. are more active when the park is less crowded
3. can easily be seen in October
4. roam during the cool nights of October

4. It is implied in the last sentence that _______________ .

1. fishing is the most popular water activity
2. fall is a good season for fishing
3. the park visitors do not go fishing in summer
4. the Yellowstone National Park is cooler than other parks

5. From the sign, you should ______________that area. (Private)

1. come close to
2. keep quiet in
3. wash your hands in
4. stay away from

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