Kevin Kung-Assessment 1.2 - Research Project - FB1

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Assessment 1.

Research Project
Assessment 1.2 Instructions and Required Resources
Before you begin CLICK HERE to watch an instructional video on how to successfully complete this
assessment. This video will outline the skills and resources you require to receive an excellent grade.
Prior to completing this assessment, we recommend you watch the following online lecture presentations
relevant to this assessment:

Interactive Learning Activity 1.1 - Introduction to Personal Training

Interactive Learning Activity 1.2 - Establishing Yourself as a Personal Trainer
Prior to completing this assessment, we recommend you read the following chapter from the Certificate IV in
Fitness Course Manual
Chapter 1 - Establishing Yourself as a Personal Trainer

Please complete the following:

Student Name Kevin Kung

Assessor Name Stephanie Tuttleby
Qualification SIS40221 - Certificate IV in Fitness

Delivery Method Online Face to Face

Assessment Type Case Study

SIRXHWB001 - Maintain personal health and wellbeing

Units of Competency
SISFFIT051 - Establish and maintain professional practice for fitness

Declaration: I have read, understand and agree to the assessment tasks and criteria outlined in this
document and agree to complete this assessment in accordance with Australian Fitness Academy’s
assessment policy. I declare that all evidence submitted for this assessment is the product of my own
work and every attempt has been made to accurately reference all sources to prevent plagiarism.
Digitally signed by Kevin Kung
Kevin Kung
Date: 2023.04.25 17:06:11
+10'00' 25/4/2023

1 | Document 596 - Assessment 1.2 - Research Project v1

Student Assessment Tasks
This assessment is to be completed after reviewing resources from Topic 1 – Establishing Yourself
as a PT.
Students are required to address ALL questions in this assessment task. Please read all tasks in this
document before commencing this assessment.
For this assessment you are required to:
• Use the internet to identify credible sources of information and use information from those sources
to answer questions relating to fitness industry standards and practices.
• Identify credible sources of information that relates to a client’s health circumstances, as provided in
2 separate case studies
• Communicate appropriate information with an allied health professional for each of the 2 client case
Please ensure you have access to the following equipment for this assessment:
• A device capable of accessing the internet


TIP Struggling with this assessment? Don’t forget that help is

available. CLICK HERE to contact our helpful student support

2 | Document 596 - Assessment 1.2 - Research Project v1

Part A:
1) Use the internet to research each of the following fitness industry practices and standards that
apply to a fitness professional and answer the questions associated with each:
a) AUSactive’s Scope of Practice for a Registered Exercise Professional
i) What is the aim of the Scope of Practice for Registered Exercise Professionals?

To provide guidelines and standards for safe and effective delivery of exercise programs by Registerd
Exercise Professionals in Australia.

ii) What are 7 key components of the Scope of Practice? Provide a summary of each
component in your own words:

1) Pre-exercise screening and risk stratification: before creating any exercise programs for clients,
REPs should assess the health status, medical history, physical activity levels to ensure that the
exercises are safe and appropriate for the clients.
2) Exercise program design and implementation: REPs should create evidence based, safe, effective
and specific exercise programs tailored to their clients needs and goals.

3) Instruction and supervision of exercise sessions: REPs should provide clear guidance on exercise
techniques, progression or regressions, and monitor clients during exercise sessions to ensure they
are performing them correctly and safely
4) Advice on nutrition and lifestyle factors: REPs should have basic understanding on how nutrition
and lifestyle factors can impact exercise outcomes, and offer advice within their own area of
5) Professional conduct and ethical behavior: REPs should maintain professionalism and ethical
behavior, follow legal and ethical guidelines and protect the privacy and confidentiality of their
6) Limits of professional competence: REPs should work within their areas of expertise and seek
guidance or refer clients to other health professionals when necessary.

7) Continuing education and professional development: REPs should continually improve their
knowledge, skills and competencies through ongoing professional development and education.

iii) Give an example of a time when a Personal Trainer may need to refer to the Scope of

A personal trainer may need to refer to the scope of practice when a client who has a pre-existing
medical condition injury. The personal trainer should assess whether they have the necessary
knowledge, skills and competencies to create an exercise program that takes into account the client's
medical history and physical limitations. If they determine they are not qualified to work with the
client, they should refer the client to a more appropriate health professional. By refering to the Scope
of Practice in this way, the trainer can ensure that they are providing a safe and effective exercise
3program to their
| Document 596clients, while protecting
- Assessment their ownProject
1.2 - Research professional
v1 liability.
d) Physical Activity Australia’s Code of Conduct

v) What is the purpose of the Code of Conduct?

The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to establish a set ethical and professional standard for fitness
professionals in Australia. It sets out the expectations for professional conduct and behavior, outlining
the responsibilities that fitness professionals have to their clients, employers, colleagues and the
broader community. It also serves to protect the public by ensuring that fitness professionals operate
within their scope of practice and adhere to the highest ethical and professional standards.

vi) What are the 5 key principles of the Code of Conduct? Provide a summary of each
principle in your own words:

1) Professionalism: Fitness professionals are expected to act professionally at all times and maintain a
high standard of ethical behavior, integrity and conduct.

2) Respect: Fitness professionals must treat all individuals with respect, regardless of their background
or personal characteristics, and show sensitivity to their own needs.

3) Duty of care: Fitness professionals have a responsibility to ensure that their clients' exercise
programs are safe and appropriate, tailored to their individual needs and goals.

4) Confidentiality: Fitness professionals must protect their clients' privacy and keep their personal and
sensitive information confidential and secure.

5) Legal and ethical compliance: Fitness professionals should comply with all relevant laws, regulations
and ethical standards, and avoid engaging in any activities that could harm the public or harm the
reputation of the fitness industry.
vi) Give an example of a hypothetical scenario within the fitness industry where the
actions would be considered to go against the Code of Conduct:

One scenario could be that a personal training sharing a client's personal information or medical
history without their consent. For example, a personal trainer posts on social media about a client's
medical condition or shared confidential information about a client's personal life with another client.
This would violate the confidentiality principle of the Code of Conduct. Sharing personal information
without consent can also lead to legal and ethical consequences, and could harm the reputation of the
fitness industry. Therefore, fitness professionals must ensure that they protect their clients' privacy
and keep their personal information confidential and secure at all times.

4 | Document 596 - Assessment 1.2 - Research Project v1

c) FitRec’s Registration Scheme for Professionals and professional development and continuing
education requirements
i) What are the 3 Registration options that FitRec offer?

1) FitRec Pro

2) Proudly FitRec

3) Friends of FitRec

ii) What are the features of the FitRec Pro Registration option?

FitRec Pro ensures professional background is presented. They have unlimited promotion to
employers, free software (Traky), and a FitRec rating. Best choice for any fitness professional that
wants to influence the industry standard.

iii) How does FitRec’s Professional development and continuing education requirements
differ from those of Ausactive and Physical Activity Australia?

FitRec has specific requirements for the number of CEC that must be earned each year. FitRec's CEC
requirement is based on a point system where each credit is equivalent to one hour of education.
FitRec's CEC requirements are tailored to the specific registration category of the fitness professional
with different requirements for different registrations.
Assessor Use Only
Satisfactory Resubmit

2) Use the internet to research each of the following legal and ethical requirements that apply to a
fitness professional and answer the questions associated with each:

a) Permit requirements for personal training and small group training in public spaces.
Research the permit requirements within the City of Melbourne and answer the questions
i) Why are permits required to run personal training or small group training sessions in
public spaces in the City of Melbourne?

Permits are required to run in public spaced in the City of Melbourne to ensure the safety of the public
compliance with local regulations. Permits help to manage the use of public spaces and ensure that
personal training and small group sessions are conducted in a safe and appropriate manner.

5 | Document 596 - Assessment 1.2 - Research Project v1

ii) What activities are permitted under the terms and conditions of the permit?

Conducting personal training or small group training sessions, use of equipment that has been
approved by the local council, playing music at a reasonable volume, ensuring the area is left clean
and tidy after training session.

iii) What activities are not permitted under the terms and conditions of the permit?

conducting a session that hasn't been approved by the local council, using equipment that has been
not approved that could damage public property, playing music too loud, engaging in any activity that
may be dangerous to the public or other park users, failing to comply with specific terms and
conditions of the permit.
iv) Give 3 examples of further restrictions and requirements under the terms and
conditions of the permit that are likely to be in place to promote the environmental
sustainability of the area:

prohibition of single use plastics


2) use of eco-friendly products

3) water conservation

v) What are the consequences for breaching the terms and conditions of the permit?

Issuance of a warning, suspension or cancellation of the permit, fines from local council, legal action
against the trainer.

vi) How do applicants apply for a permit, how much does it cost and how often are they

Applicants should contact the local council or visit their website to obtain the application form and
guidelines. the cost of the permit may vary depending on the location, duration and number of
participants, permits are typically renewed annually or at discretion of the local council.

vii) How could you factor the costs of the permit into the fees you would charge clients to
participate in the sessions associated with this permit?

Fitness professionals could factor the cost of the permit into the fees charged for participating in the
training sessions associated with the permit. This may involve calculating the cost of the permit per
session or per client and incorporating it into the overall fee structure.

6 | Document 596 - Assessment 1.2 - Research Project v1

viii) What documentation (qualifications etc) must an applicant provide when submitting
an application for a permit?

Evidence of qualifications, evidence of insurance, evidence of first aid, the completed application form,
and payment relevant to fees.

b) Australian Consumer Law (ACL)

i) Under the ACL, what guarantee must fitness businesses offer for the services they
supply to clients?

Fitness businesses are required to provide services with due care and skill, which includes a guarantee
that the services will be provided with acceptable quality, fit for any purpose specified by the
consumer, provided within a reasonable time.

ii) If a fitness business sells goods to their clients (eg fitness equipment), what must the
fitness business ensure?

if a fitness business sells goods to their clients, they must ensure that the goods are of acceptable
quality, fit for any disclosed purpose, match their description, and comply with any express warranties

iii) What is the client eligible to claim under the ACL if they are unhappy with the service
or goods a fitness business has provided?

if the client is unhappy with the service or goods provided, they may be eligible to claim a remedy
under the ACL.

c) Privacy Act and client confidentiality

i) Fitness businesses should have a privacy policy that is freely available to all clients.
What information should be included in the fitness business’ privacy policy?

Kinds of personal information that the business collects and holds, purpose for which the personal
information is collected, used and disclosed, how the business collects and holds the information, how
an individual can access and correct their personal information, how an individual can amle a complain
ii) What
about a breach steps can
of australian a fitness
privacy business
principlpes take
and howto the
maintain confidentiality
business handles suchof complaints,
their client’sand
whether the business is likely to disclose personal information to overseas recipients. information?
personal details when collecting, using, maintaining and storing private
Ensuring all staff members understand the importance of confidentiality and privacy policy of the
business, ensuring the client information is stored securely and only authorized personnel have access
to it, implementing appropriate password policies and security measures to protect electronic records
and data, obtaining client consent before disclosing and personal information to third parties, ensuring
Assessor Use Only
that all third party service providers used by business have appropriate privacy and security policies in
place. Satisfactory Resubmit

7 | Document 596 - Assessment 1.2 - Research Project v1

Part B:
3) Read Case Study 1 below and complete the associated questions.

Case Study 1:
Azim is a 52 year-old male client who has been regularly participating in a personal training program
with you for the last 6 months. When Azim first started training with you, his blood glucose levels
were at the higher end of the healthy range, so his main goal was to reduce his blood glucose levels
and prevent Type 2 diabetes.
Since commencing the program, Azim has participated in 2 x 60-minute PT sessions per week
(consisting of moderate cardio and resistance exercises) and has walked for 45 minutes most other
days. He has reduced his BMI from 28 to 25, his W:H ratio from 1.0 to 0.98 and has achieved
improvements in muscular strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance.
Whilst Azim recognises these as positive achievements, he’s worried that his blood glucose levels
won’t have changed enough to reduce his risk of developing diabetes and he’s starting to question
whether he should continue adhering to the program.
a) Using the suggested research articles listed below, identify 2 key pieces of evidence (eg
facts/statistics) you can use to demonstrate to Azim the important role that physical activity
has in reducing risk of Type 2 Diabetes.
Diabetes and Physical Activity
Exercise prescription for patients with type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes: A position statement
from Exercise and Sport Science Australia

1) According to ESSA position statement on exercise prescription for patients with type 2
diabetes and pre diabetes, regular physical activity can reduce the risk of development type 2
diabetes by 58%. This statement is based on a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
2) that compared physical activity interventions with control groups or usual care in individuals
The same ESSA position statement also suggests that regular exercise can improve glycemic
at risk of type 2 diabetes.
control and reduce HbA1c levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

b) Compare the exercise recommendations for people with Type 2 diabetes from each of the
articles. Taking into account the information in both articles, what exercise recommendations
would you conclude are appropriate for those with Type 2 Diabetes?

Exercise Type:

Aerobic exercises (atleast 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise per week).
Resistance training: ESSA suggests atleast 2 non consecutive days per week of resistance training.
Flexibility and balance training: ESSA suggests incorporating flexibility and balance training into the
exercise program to reduce risk of falls and improve functional ability.
Progression: Both articles emphasize the importance of gradually increasing the intensity, duration,
and frequency of exercise to ensure continued improvements in glycemic control and overall fitness.
8 | Document 596 - Assessment 1.2 - Research Project v1

Both articles recommend moderate intensity for people with type 2 diabetes. ESSA defines moderate
intensity as intensity that increases heart rate and breathing, causes perspiration and feels somewhat
hard, while ADA defines it as increasing heart rate and breathing but still allows for conversation.
Intensity should be tailored towards the individuals fitness level and abilities, and that a healthcare
professional should be consulted before starting an exercise program. Additionally both articles
suggest that high intensity interval training may be an effective and time efficient way to improve
Both articles recommend at least 150p minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise per week. ADA
glycemic control, but caution should be taken with this type of exercise and medical clearance should
suggest this can be achieved through atleast 30 minutes of aerobic exercise on most days of the
be obtained first.
week, while ESSA suggests that it can be achieved through 3-5 sessions of atleast 30 minutes per
week. It is noted that the duration of exercise should be gradually increased to prevent injury or
burnout, Frequency:
and that a healthcare professional should be consulted before starting an exercise program.

ADA recommends atleast 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity exercise atleast 3 days per
week with no more than 2 consecutive days, while ESSA suggests 3-5 sessions of 30 minutes per

c) How do Azim’s current exercise habits align with the exercise recommendations?

He is participating in two 60 minute sessions per week of moderate intensity cardio and resistance
exercises with his personal trainer, as well as walking for 45 minutes most other days, which meets
ADA recommendations of atleast 150 minutes per week.

d) Prior to commencing Azim’s initial program, you contacted his medical General Practitioner
(GP) to seek advice. You have included the advice provided by the GP in Azim’s program for
the past 6 months. It is now time to update Azim’s GP with information about his progress.
In the space on the following page, write a follow up email to Azim’s GP to:
i) Summarise the details of the exercise program over the past 6 months (goals, exercise
type, intensity, frequency, duration
ii) Provide an update on Azim’s current health and fitness results and progress
iii) Make suggestions for modifications you intend to make to Azim’s program in the near
future and seek guidance on whether they are appropriate
iv) Communicate your concerns over the client’s motivation
v) Request a follow-up blood glucose test to determine whether exercise has had a
positive impact on the client’s condition

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New Message

To Azim’s GP

Subject Update on Azim's progress in personal training program with Kevin

I am writing to provide you with an update on the progress of your patient, Azim, who
has been participating in a personal training program with me for the past 6 months. I
appreciate your previous advice on Azim's condition and have included it in his program
to ensure his safety and progress.

Over the past 6 months, Azim's main goal was to reduce his blood glucose levels and
prevent Type 2 diabetes. His exercise program consisted of 2 x 60-minute personal
training sessions per week, which included moderate cardio and resistance exercises,
and walking for 45 minutes most other days. His program also incorporated flexibility
and balance training. Azim's exercise program aligns well with the recommendations
provided in the Diabetes and Physical Activity and Exercise prescription for patients
with type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes: A position statement from Exercise and Sport
Science Australia articles.

I am pleased to report that Azim has achieved significant progress in his health and
fitness during the 6-month period. He has reduced his BMI from 28 to 25, and his W:H
ratio from 1.0 to 0.98, indicating a significant reduction in his risk of developing Type 2
diabetes. Azim has also demonstrated improvements in muscular strength, flexibility,
and cardiovascular endurance, indicating that he is incorporating resistance training
and flexibility/balance training into his exercise program.
I am planning to modify Azim's exercise program in the near future to ensure that he
e) The GP responds
continues with
to progress information
and achieve histhat Azim’s
goals. blood glucose
Specifically, levels
I intend have reduced
to increase the and are
stable. The GP has recommended that Azim continues to progress his exercise
intensity and duration of his cardio sessions gradually. However, given his progress, program
I and
suggests small incremental increases to volume and intensity. Give an example of how you
would appreciate your guidance on whether these modifications are appropriate.
would adjust Azim’s current routine to incorporate the GP’s recommendations:

IncreaseI duration
am concerned about
of cardio Azim'sfrom
sessions motivation,
30 to 45asminutes,
he has expressed worry that
gradually working his mins.
to 60 blood
Increaseglucose levels
resistance onhave not decreased
strength enough
exercises he to reduceaiming
is performing, his risktoofcomplete
developing diabetes.
3 sets I reps
of 12-15
have been
with a heavier load.encouraging him to focus on his progress and the positive changes he has
Introduce higher in his health
intensity and fitness,
intervals during but anysessions.
cardio additional advice or support you can provide
would be appreciated.
Assessor Use Only
Finally, I would like to request a follow-up blood glucose test to determine whether
Satisfactory Resubmit
exercise has had a positive impact on Azim's condition. I believe this would provide
valuable feedback and motivate him to continue with his exercise program.
10 | Document 596 - Assessment 1.2 - Research Project v1
Thank you ACADEMY
for your |©
ongoing support in managing Azim's health and fitness. Please let
4) Read Case Study 2 below and complete the associated questions.

Case Study 2:
Yolanda is a 27-year old female client who has just begun personal training with you. She successfully
completed rehabilitation and recovered from an eating disorder (Bulimia Nervosa) three years ago
with the support of a clinical dietician and a psychologist. Yolanda has annual follow up appointments
with her allied health professional team to keep her on track and is aiming to adopt a regular exercise
routine to assist in maintaining her recovery, healthy weight and self-esteem. She requires your
support to exercise safely and maintain her motivation.
a) Identify 1 credible source of information you could access to educate yourself more about the
eating disorder Bulimia. Provide the website link or reference for your source:

National Eating Disorders Association

b) Identify 1 other credible source of evidence-based information that contains useful

information about the relationship between exercise and eating disorders. Provide the
website link or reference for your source:

Academy for Eating Disorders

c) After reading the information from both credible sources, provide 3 key pieces of information
that are important for you to consider when developing and instructing Yolanda’s exercise
program and supporting her to achieve her goals:

1) Prioritize Yolanda's physical and mental health; as Yolanda has a history of bulimia and is in
recovery, it is crucial to prioritize her physical and mental health when developing and instructing
her program.
2) Individualizing the exercise program; Yolanda's exercise program should be indvidualized to her
unique needs, preferences and fitness levels

3) Promoting a balanced approach to exercise; Encouraging a balanced approach to exercise is crucial

for Yolanda's overall well-being

d) What will you do to ensure this research information is easily accessible for you when you
need it again in the future?

Bookmarking and saving websites of the credible sources.

Note taking key information from these sources, including important facts, findings and
recommendations related to Bulimia and exercises and keep them organized in a digital or physical
Regularly research on information related to Bulimia and eating disorders as they may evolve over

11 | Document 596 - Assessment 1.2 - Research Project v1

After training with you for 4 months, Yolanda has made some positive improvements in her sessions.
She has progressed from fixed to free weights, has increased from walking to running, has improved
her scores on maximum push up and maximum sit up tests and maintained a BMI of 23.5 throughout
the program. Yolanda has a great attendance rate, but when reviewing her training diary, you’ve
noticed she has also been completing a 2-hour session in the gym on days you’ve allocated as rest
days, despite you communicating the importance of recovery.
Yolanda has requested that you provide her psychologist with an update on her progress. Yolanda has
given consent for you to communicate her personal information with them and has provided you with
their contact details.
e) In the space on the following page, write an email to Yolanda’s psychologist to introduce
yourself and establish an ongoing professional relationship. In your email, use professional
fitness industry terminology and language to communicate the following:
i) Your role in supporting Yolanda with her health goals
ii) The intended outcomes of Yolanda’s exercise program
iii) How you intend to communicate with the psychologist and how often
iv) Updates on Yolanda’s exercise progress and health and fitness status so far
v) Concerns you have about Yolanda’s exercise habits and request advice about how to
manage them

12 | Document 596 - Assessment 1.2 - Research Project v1

New Message

To Yolanda’s Psychologist

Subject Update on Yolanda;s Exercise Progress and Collaboration for Her Health Goals

I am Kevin, Yolanda's personal trainer, and I have been working with her for the past 4 months
to support her health and fitness goals. Yolanda has given consent for me to communicate her
progress with you and establish an ongoing professional relationship.

The intended outcomes of Yolanda's exercise program include progressing from fixed to free
weights, improving cardiovascular fitness, and enhancing muscle strength and endurance. We
have been monitoring her BMI, which has remained stable at 23.5.

I propose to communicate with you on a weekly basis, via email or phone, as per your
preference. However, I have noticed that Yolanda has been completing additional gym sessions
on rest days, which concerns me. I would appreciate your advice on managing this behavior in
alignment with her health goals and recovery journey.

I am committed to collaborating with you to support Yolanda's overall well-being. Please feel
free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns, and I will provide you with updates on
Yolanda's exercise progress and health and fitness status.

Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Sincerely, Kevin


Assessor Use Only

Satisfactory Resubmit

13 | Document 596 - Assessment 1.2 - Research Project v1

Assessor Use Only

Performance Feedback/Comments:

Kevin, thank you for a good start on research for becoming a Personal Trainer.
Please read every red note and make changes to each point required with further details to be
For even better grades please make suggested changes at every yellow note.
I look forward to seeing these changes, thank you. Stephanie Tuttleby

Assessment Result

Result Performance Rating

Not Yet Satisfactory (Resubmit) 1 - Not Satisfactory

2 - Satisfactory

Satisfactory 3 - Good

4 - Excellent

Digitally signed by Stephanie
Assessor Signature: Stephanie Tuttleby Tuttleby
Date: 2023.05.02 13:35:07 +10'00'

14 | Document 596 - Assessment 1.2 - Research Project v1


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