Proposal SEP 210784819

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Application forms

Call: CERV-2021-CHILD
(Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child)
Topic: CERV-2021-CHILD
Type of Action: CERV-PJG

Proposal number: 101056590

Proposal acronym: Pro-Active
Type of Model Grant Agreement: CERV Action Grant Budget-Based

Table of contents

Section Title Action

1 General information

2 Participants

3 Budget

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Application forms
Proposal ID 101056590
Acronym Pro-Active

1 - General information
Field(s) marked * are mandatory to fill.

Topic CERV-2021-CHILD Type of Action CERV-PJG

Call CERV-2021-CHILD Type of Model Grant Agreement CERV-AG

Acronym Pro-Active

Proposal title Pro-Active – Protecting rights of orphan children through active engagement

Note that for technical reasons, the following characters are not accepted in the Proposal Title and will be removed: < > " &

Duration in

vulnerable children, social care, orphanages,

Free keywords

The current proposal builds on the needs of children in social care to know their rights and to be empowered so that they can have a
successful transition to independent life. To meet these needs, it is necessary we work on different areas, from documenting the
current situation of children, in particular have up to day information on the factors that influence children well-being and mental
health and to work directly with children and developing programs to empower them and turn them into active citizens.
SO1: Document/ research the impact of Covid19 pandemic had on children living in orphanages and foster care in Romania and
draw conclusions on further actions and policy changes needed to protect vulnerable children amid emergency situations
SO2: Increase participation opportunities for children living in orphanages and foster care by establishing at least 21 local territorial
structures led by informal groups of initiative composed of children that aim to promote and protect the rights of children living in
orphanages and foster care
SO3: Train, empower and motivate 120 children, aged 12-18 living in orphanages and foster care in Romania in becoming activists of
children rights and developing the competences needed to establish an informal group of initiative that runs activities at the local
level in favour of the vulnerable children
SO4: Trigger policy changes that aim to reduce the negative effects Covid19 had on vulnerable children and promote new public
policies that aim to protect vulnerable children during emergency situations by implementing a lobbing and advocacy campaign in
this sense that also involve a meeting between children from orphanages and policy makers.

Remaining characters 291

Has this proposal (or a very similar one) been submitted in the past 2 years in response to a call for
proposals under any EU programme, including the current call? Yes No

Please give the proposal reference or contract number.

Previously submitted proposals should be with either 6 or 9 digits.

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Application forms
Proposal ID 101056590
Acronym Pro-Active

Field(s) marked * are mandatory to fill.

1) We declare to have the explicit consent of all applicants on their participation and on the content of this proposal. *

2) We confirm that the information contained in this proposal is correct and complete and that none of the project
activities have started before the proposal was submitted (unless explicitly authorised in the call conditions).

3) We declare:
- to be fully compliant with the eligibility criteria set out in the call
- not to be subject to any exclusion grounds under the EU Financial Regulation 2018/1046
- to have the financial and operational capacity to carry out the proposed project.

4) We acknowledge that all communication will be made through the Funding & Tenders Portal
electronic exchange system and that access and use of this system is subject to the Funding & Tenders Portal Terms
and Conditions.

5) We have read, understood and accepted the Funding & Tenders Portal Terms & Conditions and
Privacy Statement that set out the conditions of use of the Portal and the scope, purposes, retention periods, etc. for
the processing of personal data of all data subjects whose data we communicate for the purpose of the application,
evaluation, award and subsequent management of our grant, prizes and contracts (including financial transactions and
The coordinator is only responsible for the information relating to their own organisation. Each applicant remains responsible for the information declared for
their organisation. If the proposal is retained for EU funding, they will all be required to sign a declaration of honour.
False statements or incorrect information may lead to administrative sanctions under the EU Financial Regulation.

2 - Participants

List of participating organisations

# Participating Organisation Legal Name Country Action

1 Vocea Copiilor Abandonati RO

2 Consiliul Tinerilor Institutionalizati RO

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Application forms
Proposal ID 101056590
Acronym Pro-Active
Short name Vocea Copiilor Abandonati

Organisation data
PIC Legal name
907522301 Vocea Copiilor Abandonati

Short name: Vocea Copiilor Abandonati


Street Șoseaua Snagov 135, Bl. D4, Sc. 1, Ap. 2

Town Comuna Snagov, Sat Snagov, Jud. Ilfov

Postcode 077165

Country Romania


Specific Legal Statuses

Legal person .......................................................... yes
Public body ............................................................ unknown
Non-profit ............................................................... unknown
International organisation ................................ unknown
Secondary or Higher education establishment ...... unknown
Research organisation ........................................ unknown

SME Data
Based on the below details from the Participant Registry the organisation is unknown (small- and medium-sized enterprise) for the call.

SME self-declared status...................................... unknown

SME self-assessment ............................................ unknown
SME validation sme .............................................. unknown

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Application forms
Proposal ID 101056590
Acronym Pro-Active
Short name Vocea Copiilor Abandonati

Departments carrying out the proposed work

No department involved

Department name Name of the department/institute carrying out the work. not applicable

Same as proposing organisation's address

Street Please enter street name and number.

Town Please enter the name of the town.

Postcode Area code.

Country Please select a country

Links with other participants

Type of link Participant

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Application forms
Proposal ID 101056590
Acronym Pro-Active
Short name Vocea Copiilor Abandonati

Main contact person

The name and e-mail of contact persons are read-only in the administrative form, only additional details can be edited here. To give access rights and
basic contact details of contact persons, please go back to step - Manage your related parties of the submission wizard and save the changes.

Title Gender Woman Man Non Binary

First name Elena Dafina Last name Milea


Position in org. EU projects manager

Department Vocea Copiilor Abandonati Same as

organisation name

Same as proposing organisation's address

Street Șoseaua Snagov 135, Bl. D4, Sc. 1, Ap. 2

Town Comuna Snagov, Sat Snagov, Jud. Ilfov Post code 077165

Country Romania

Website Please enter website

Phone +xxx xxxxxxxxx Phone 2 +xxx xxxxxxxxx

Page 6 of 10 Last saved 07/09/2021 16:47

Application forms
Proposal ID 101056590
Acronym Pro-Active
Short name Consiliul Tinerilor Institutionalizati

PIC Legal name

907394746 Consiliul Tinerilor Institutionalizati

Short name: Consiliul Tinerilor Institutionalizati


Street Strada Intrarea Dâmbovița Nr. 1 (în spate la FORD -

Town Bucuresti

Postcode 060841

Country Romania


Specific Legal Statuses

Legal person .......................................................... yes
Public body ............................................................ unknown
Non-profit ............................................................... unknown
International organisation ................................ unknown
Secondary or Higher education establishment ...... unknown
Research organisation ........................................ unknown

SME Data
Based on the below details from the Participant Registry the organisation is unknown (small- and medium-sized enterprise) for the call.

SME self-declared status...................................... unknown

SME self-assessment ............................................ unknown
SME validation sme .............................................. unknown

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Application forms
Proposal ID 101056590
Acronym Pro-Active
Short name Consiliul Tinerilor Institutionalizati

Departments carrying out the proposed work

No department involved

Department name Name of the department/institute carrying out the work. not applicable

Same as proposing organisation's address

Street Please enter street name and number.

Town Please enter the name of the town.

Postcode Area code.

Country Please select a country

Links with other participants

Type of link Participant

Page 8 of 10 Last saved 07/09/2021 16:47

Application forms
Proposal ID 101056590
Acronym Pro-Active
Short name Consiliul Tinerilor Institutionalizati

Main contact person

The name and e-mail of contact persons are read-only in the administrative form, only additional details can be edited here. To give access rights and
basic contact details of contact persons, please go back to step - Manage your related parties of the submission wizard and save the changes.

Title Mr. Gender Woman Man Non Binary

First name Andreas Last name NOVACOVICI


Position in org. President

Department Consiliul Tinerilor Institutionalizati Same as

organisation name

Same as proposing organisation's address

Street Strada Intrarea Dâmbovița Nr. 1 (în spate la FORD - Lacul Morii)

Town Bucuresti Post code 060841

Country Romania

Website Please enter website

Phone +xxx xxxxxxxxx Phone 2 +xxx xxxxxxxxx

Page 9 of 10 Last saved 07/09/2021 16:47

Application forms
Proposal ID 101056590
Acronym Pro-Active

3 - Budget ?

No. Name of Country Role Personnel Personnel Subcontra Purchase Purchase Purchase Financial Indirect Total Ineligible Total Funding Maximum Requested Max grant Income In kind Financial Own Total
beneficiary costs - costs – cting costs - costs - costs - support to costs/€ eligible costs estimated rate EU EU amount generated contributi contributi resources estimated
without volunteers costs/€ Travel and Equipmen Other third costs/€ project contributi contributi by the ons ons project
volunteers /€ subsistenc t/€ goods, parties/€ costs and on to on to project income
/€ e/€ works and contributi eligible eligible
services/€ ons costs costs

Vocea Copiilor
1 RO Coordinator 47 050 0 0 21 080 0 9 120 0 5407.50 82657.50 0 82 658 90 74391.75 74391.75 74391.75 0 0 0 0 74391.75

2 Tinerilor RO Partner 27 640 0 0 1 100 0 11 820 0 2839.20 43399.20 0 43 399 90 39059.27 39059.27 39059.27 0 0 0 0 39059.27

Total 74 690 0 0 22 180 0 20 940 0 8246.70 126056.70 0 126 057 113451.02 113451.02 113451.02 0 0 0 0 113451.02
Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values
Programme (CERV)

Application Form
Technical Description (Part B)

(CERV Standard)

Version 1.0
01 April 2021

This document is aimed at informing applicants for EU funding. It serves only as an example. The actual
web forms and templates are provided in the Funding & Tenders Portal Submission System (and may
contain certain differences). The applications (including annexes and supporting documents) must be
prepared and submitted online via the Portal.
Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021


What is the Application Form?

The Application Form is the template for EU grants applications; it must be submitted via the EU Funding & Tenders
Portal before the call deadline.
The Form consists of 2 parts:.
• Part A contains structured administrative information
• Part B is a narrative technical description of the project.
Part A is generated by the IT system. It is based on the information which you enter into the Portal Submission System
Part B needs to be uploaded as PDF (+ annexes) in the Submission System. The templates to use are available there.

How to prepare and submit it?

The Application Form must be prepared by the consortium and submitted by a representative. Once submitted, you will
receive a confirmation.
Character and page limits:
• page limit normally 45 pages (unless otherwise provided in the Call document)
• supporting documents can be provided as an annex and do not count towards the page limit
• minimum font size — Arial 9 points
• page size: A4
• margins (top, bottom, left and right): at least 15 mm (not including headers & footers).
Please abide by the formatting rules. They are NOT a target! Keep your text as concise as possible. Do not use
hyperlinks to show information that is an essential part of your application.

If you attempt to upload an application that exceeds the specified limit, you will receive an automatic warning asking
you to shorten and re-upload your application. For applications that are not shortened, the excess pages will be made
invisible and thus disregarded by the evaluators.

Please do NOT delete any instructions in the document. The overall page limit has been raised to ensure
equal treatment of all applicants.

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021


Part B of the Application Form must be downloaded from the Portal Submission System, completed and then assembled
and re-uploaded as PDF in the system.

Note: Please read carefully the conditions set out in the Call document (for open calls: published on the Portal). Pay
particular attention to the award criteria; they explain how the application will be evaluated.


Project name: [Pro-Active – Protecting rights of orphan children through

active engagement]

Project acronym: [Pro-Active]

Coordinator contact: [Visinel Balan], [Vocea Copiilor Abandonati]

TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION (PART B) .......................................................................................................................... 3
COVER PAGE ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
PROJECT SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................. 4
1. RELEVANCE ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Background and general objectives .................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Needs analysis and specific objectives ............................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Complementarity with other actions and innovation — European added value ................................................... 6
2. QUALITY ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Concept and methodology .................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Consortium set-up............................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Project teams, staff and experts .......................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Consortium management and decision-making................................................................................................. 10
2.5 Project management, quality assurance and monitoring and evaluation strategy .............................................. 10
2.6 Cost effectiveness and financial management .................................................................................................. 11
2.7 Risk management ............................................................................................................................................. 12
3. IMPACT ................................................................................................................................................................. 14
3.1 Impact and ambition.......................................................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Communication, dissemination and visibility...................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Sustainability and continuation .......................................................................................................................... 17
4. WORK PLAN, WORK PACKAGES, TIMING AND SUBCONTRACTING .............................................................. 18
4.1 Work plan ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.2 Work packages and activities ............................................................................................................................ 18
Work Package 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Work Package 2 ............................................................................................................................................... 22
Work Package 3 ............................................................................................................................................... 27
Work Package 4 ............................................................................................................................................... 33
Overview of Work Packages (n/a for Lump Sum Grants) .................................................................................. 38
4.3 Timetable .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
4.4 Subcontracting .................................................................................................................................................. 41
5. OTHER .................................................................................................................................................................. 42
5.1 Ethics and EU values ........................................................................................................................................ 42
Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

5.2 Security............................................................................................................................................................. 43
6. DECLARATIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 43
ANNEXES ..................................................................................................................................................................... 44


Project summary

See Abstract (Application Form Part A).


1.1 Background and general objectives

Background and general objectives

Describe the background and rationale of the project.
How is the project relevant to the scope of the call? How does the project address the general objectives of the call?
What is the project’s contribution to the priorities of the call?
Which target groups will be supported/assisted by/in the project. Why have you chosen to focus on them?

The coronavirus pandemic has dramatically changed children's lives. Suddenly they couldn't go to
school, couldn't see their friends. Family members were the only support for the lucky children who have
one. There was fear of illness accompanied by the emotional loneliness that children living in
orphanages had hard times in dealing with. Many children have experienced and are still experiencing
anxiety. Some have even gone as far as suicidal thoughts. With restrictions in place early last year to
limit the spread of the virus, children stayed indoors in the residential centres, not seeing their friends,
school colleagues and teachers. For children living in orphanages, foster care (residential centres) this
meant that even the little joy they had was taken away, as the for many the outside world of the
orphanage is the only place they feel understood and loved. Many children in social care do not have
access to digital tools of their own that allowed them to be in contact with friends, thus the feelings of
loneliness increased and triggered many other negative emotions.
The Save the Children Association has done a study to see how deep the scars left by the pandemic on
children are, and the conclusion is a painful one. "One in three children suffered seriously from
behavioural problems, mostly anxiety-induced, and 50% of teenagers with serious problems of
understanding even the real situation to the point of suicide attempts or ideation. We also had two cases
where there were attempts. These states of depression cannot be resolved within the family. They need
a serious assessment by a psychologist or psychiatrist" (George Roman - representative of Save the
Children, Romania).
We though need to mention that all studies at national level in Romania regarding how pandemic
affected children did not involve so far, the children in social care, living in orphanages/ foster homes.
The well-being of these children at all levels is an issue with long history in Romania, and Covid19 has
only worsened their situation.
The Covid19 pandemic has worsen the situation of the children in social care in Romania, these children
being forgotten by the authorities. The consortium implementing this project is working actively with
children living in residential centres and they have reported more negativity, stress, anxiety, depression
more than ever. However, there are no plans at the level of the Authorities in charge with these children
to take any action to fight the negative effects of pandemic. There are no policies and actions that aim to
improve the situation of these children and at or at least offer some kind of care on the effects pandemic
caused to these children. They are completely forgotten by the system as they have always been.
Thus, our project targets children aged 10-18, in living in orphanages/ foster cares (residential care
centres) all over Romania. The project is focusing on these children as the project is developed in
partnership by two organisations that have been established with the scope of protecting the rights and
contributing to the well-being of orphan children. Amid the current situation, the consortium feels a
pressuring need to implement activities aimed at reducing the negative effects Covid19 pandemic had

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

on these children.
The project is in line with the scope of the call of responding to the impact of Covid19 pandemic – within
the project a research will be conducted on the effects of the Covid19 on children living in residential
care in Romania. The recommendations resulted from this research together with the other actions to be
implemented in this project are promoting ways to mainstream orphan children’s rights and to trigger
policy changes.
Within the project activities – Territorial Structures – Informal Groups of Initiative (TS IGI) will be
established at local level in at least 21 counties (50% of the total counties) in Romania. The TS IGI are
established and composed and run by children from orphanages who have been trained to become
activists of children rights with a focus on the rights of children living in residential care. There will also
be a round table and debate between the children who are members of the TS IGI and representatives
of the policy makers in order to trigger policy changes that contribute to the improvement of the situation
of children in social care in Romania. As presented above, with the proposed activities the project meets
the objective of the current call by creating new mechanisms of child participation at local level – the TS
IGI. The TS IGI will continue to exist also after the funding and will be supported ongoing by the
organisations implementing this project.
The project is relevant to the priorities of the call by involving children living in orphanages/ residential
centres in an extensive research at national level focused on the impact of Covid19 had on them. Within
the research results there will be formulated possible strategies of overcoming these negative effects
which will be presented to the public authorities that will be urged to take immediate action. Children will
also be involved in shaping public policies that affect them by organising a round table and debate with
policy makers.

1.2 Needs analysis and specific objectives

Needs analysis and specific objectives (n/a for Programme Contact Points)
Provide a needs assessment. A need is a gap between what is and what should/ would be helpful or useful.
The needs assessment should be your starting point. Specify what needs will be addressed and how they have been
identified. It should be specific and focus on the actual needs of the target group. It should include relevant, reliable
data and, a robust analysis clearly demonstrating the need for the action (therefore, avoid references to generic
statements and information about the problems and needs of the target group). The needs assessment should
incorporate gender equality issues and non-discrimination considerations that identify the differences between and
among women and men, girls and boys, in terms of their relative position in society and the distribution of resources,
opportunities, constraints and power in a given context. The data supporting the needs assessment should be
dissaggregated by sex, as well as age or disability, whenever possible. You can refer to existing research, studies
and previous projects that already demonstrate the need for action.
If your project is supported by a public authority, annex the Letter of support.

The social care system in Romania did not bother to care too much about the mental health and well-
being of the children in social care even before the Covid19 pandemic, and now, more than one year
later after the start of the pandemic still has no plans in doing so. In the last ten years, situation of child
rights institutions in Romania is worsening and there is little interest on the matter.
It should also be noted that the phenomenon of social marginalisation and the lack of concrete
measures for post-institutionalisation integration of children in social care are not a priority for the
authorities. Romania ranks among the first countries in Europe in terms of the number of children and
young people under special protection measures living in state institutions. However, the authorities
have no solutions for the socio-professional integration of this category of vulnerable persons and no
solutions or programs to ensure the mental well-being of these children, or to promote their rights and
social inclusion.
One of the reasons that leads to failure to integrate in society and have a successful transition to
independent life is that children in social welfare do not know their rights. They do not even know that
there are rights which would allow them for example to be able to benefit for two more years of social
protection when turning 18 in order to facilitate their social insertion. Thus, many of these children end
up on the streets at 18 (or 19 when generally the ones who are in still high school finish their formal
studies), with no plans for their life.
The current project is created to meet the needs of children in social care to know their rights and
benefit from policies that ensure their social integration at the moment when they leave the social care
system. The work for ensuring social integration and success of youngsters who leave the social care
system starts since they are children. However, the authorities have no plans and policies to inform
children on the rights they have and to ensure a smooth transition from the social protection system to
independent life. The few programs that exist in this sense at national level are supported by non-profit
At national level, there no studies have been made in the last 30 years regarding the transition practices
to independent life of children in social welfare. A study was made by the Visinel Balan (project manager
Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

of the current proposal) as part of his doctoral studies. His research revealed that 80% of the children
living in orphanages are not aware of their rights.
Children in the child protection system in Romania (either in institutions or with alternative family
arrangements) are girls and boys of all ages, from 0 to 26 (and over). Boys are slightly better
represented than girls (53% compared to 47%). Of all children in the protection system, more than half
(56%) are aged between 10 and 17. However, our project activities are focused to children up to age 18.
Between 2010 and 2020, approximately 39,5007 young people left foster and residential homes
nationwide, an average of 3,950 young people per year.
The current proposal builds on the needs of children in social care to know their rights and to be
empowered so that they can have a successful transition to independent life. To meet these needs, it is
necessary we work on different areas, from documenting the current situation of children, in particular
have up to day information on the factors that influence children well-being and mental health and to
work directly with children and developing programs to empower them and turn them into active citizens.
According to Study on children’s participation in EU political and democratic life Disadvantaged children
are not included in most children’s participation opportunities. Privileged children often have more
opportunities to be included in children and youth councils or parliaments. Thus, our project is creating
representation bodies led by the vulnerable children themselves and brings these children face to face
with policy makers.
The specific objectives of this project are:
SO1: Document/ research the impact of Covid19 pandemic had on children living in orphanages and
foster care in Romania and draw conclusions on further actions and policy changes needed to protect
vulnerable children amid emergency situations
SO2: Increase participation opportunities for children living in orphanages and foster care by
establishing at least 21 local territorial structures led by informal groups of initiative composed of
children that aim to promote and protect the rights of children living in orphanages and foster care
SO3: Train, empower and motivate 120 children, aged 12-18 living in orphanages and foster care in
Romania in becoming activists of children rights and developing the competences needed to establish
an informal group of initiative that runs activities at the local level in favour of the vulnerable children
SO4: Trigger policy changes that aim to reduce the negative effects Covid19 had on vulnerable children
and promote new public policies that aim to protect vulnerable children during emergency situations by
implementing a lobbing and advocacy campaign in this sense that also involve a meeting between
children from orphanages and policy makers.
The project is supported by the National Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Children
and Adoption.

1.3 Complementarity with other actions and innovation — European added value

Complementarity with other actions and innovation (n/a for Programme Contact Points)
Explain how the project builds on the results of past activities carried out in the field and describe its innovative
aspects. Explain how the activities are complementary to other activities carried out by other organisations.
Illustrate the European dimension of the activities: trans-national dimension of the project; impact/interest for a
number of EU countries; possibility to use the results in other countries, potential to develop mutual trust/cross-border
cooperation among EU countries, etc.
Which countries will benefit from the project (directly and indirectly and why have you chosen them)? Where will the
activities take place?
Clarify to what extent the project builds on synergies with other EU projects. If applicable, explain to what extent your
project builds on previous project results in this field (state of play, relation to existing/recent developments,
approaches, achievements, other EU programmes).
Note: The project should also complement or add benefits to the EU Member States' interventions in the area of
gender equality and non-discrimination mainstreaming.

The project is focused on continuity of actions started by VCA since its founding in 2013 that aim to
empower children living in orphanages and support them to represent themselves in relation with the
authorities in order to stop and prevent abuses that currently take place in the social protection system
all over Romania. The coordinator VCA supports children to denunciate abuses in which they are
victims, inform children about their rights and works toward policy changes in favour of vulnerable
The organisation is actively involved in helping children who are victims of the abuse of the system
(children living in orphanages in Romania suffer from emotional and physical abuse and also are being
given neuroleptic medication without a reason only because the personnel in charge to care for them
wants to control them better). VCA believes the only way to reduce the degree of abuse that currently
happens in the social protection system of the children in Romania is by what can be called a “revolution
of the children” which become active citizens. In this sense, the NGO is making efforts to raise

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

generations of children activists for their rights.

The project also builds on previous efforts of VCA to research the situation of children in orphanages in
Romania and in making policy changes that contribute to the situation of these children.
One of the innovations of this project is that it involves a critical mass of children that will become
leaders of civic actions of the future. These children will participate in a training for activists of children
rights. The training itself is an innovation as along with workshops on public speaking, advocacy, legal
aspects, children will be involved in special sessions to reset their values and become self-responsible
and also responsible to help other children in orphanages to become aware of their value and raise their
self-esteem to be able to make their voice heard. These children taking part in the training will become a
transformation agent a leader of reorganisation of the social life of children living in orphanages and
foster care. It can be noted that right after the training, the children will create Territorial Structures –
Informal Groups of Initiative that are led by children for children. The project innovation is that it
transforms orphan children in activists of children rights that will be able to make a change in the
system. In Romania, VCA is the only organisation that is working on developing orphan children as civic
activists and the project builds on this innovation.
The project also brings these children face to face with policy makers – while it is acknowledged that
vulnerable children are not represented in youth council or in other forms of participation at local or
national level.
The project also comes to continue the efforts of VCA that in 2016 managed to establish– The council of
Institutionalised Youth CTI. Five years later, there is a need that CTI team (composed only from
abandoned children and youngsters who formerly grew up in orphanages and foster care) is renewed
and attracts more children which will be led to become activist of children rights. In the current project
CTI – The Council of Institutionalised Youth is a partner, this representing a continuation of the previous
efforts of VCA to empower children from orphanages.
Even if the project is implemented only at national level in Romania, the report of the research
conducted in the project will be translated in English and promoted at EU level to be used as an
inspiration by other actors dealing with vulnerable children at EU level. For this, an intense
dissemination campaign at EU level is set to take place. We feel that the two organisations involved in
this project will have the chance to make themselves and their activities known at EU level thus
attracting EU level partners/ stakeholders that work with the same target groups: children living in
orphanages/ foster care. This will lead to a sharing of best practices at EU level and the further
development of mutual proposals.


2.1 Concept and methodology

Concept and methodology

Outline the approach and methodology behind the project. Explain why they are the most suitable for achieving the
project’s objectives. Include ethical and safety considerations to ensure that target groups are not subjected to harm
in any way.
Note: Methodology is not a list of activities but are instruments, approaches that will be used, applied and created.

Each activity included in the project will have specific implementation methods depending on the
concrete characteristics of the activity and/or target groups so as to optimally achieve the objectives and
expected results.
The methodology of the sensitization – awareness raising campaign consist in streaming 10 live video
interviews with now youngsters/ adults who once lived in orphanages. During these interviews, the
speakers tell their experiences in orphanages/ foster care and how these impacted them and what was
the road and sacrifices they made to reach success and what determined them to be active citizens.
The interviews tell a story, an emotional story and with the live interview method we aim to make
general public aware of the hardship children in orphanages face but also to show how they can grow
up to bring a positive change in the society, a society that many times rejects and discriminates them.
The Research in the project will be based on sociological methods and all the steps of the research
(focus groups, development of the research, conducting the research, analysis and interpretation of
data) will be based in appropriate measures of sociology studies. Moreover, in the Focus Groups and in
applying the research instrument – where we will be working with children, we will ensure all the ethical
considerations are being respected and children to not feel constrained or affected in any way. We will
use the previous experience in working with children in orphanages in order to prevent any harm.
Moreover, children will be allowed to drop out from any activity in the project, at any pint without needing
to give any explanation and without any further repercussions.
The training that forms children to become activists of children rights will be based on a methodology
developed in the project. The methods will be created/ adapted based on non-formal education
Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

methodology and theories of social constructivism and ensure full involvement of the children
participating. The workshops will also be focused a lot on theatre as the VCA observed in previous
training experiences with children from orphanages that theatre attracts these children and keeps them
motivated. The training methods are to be created by the team of trainers or the project which bring a
combination of expertise as trainers of non-formal education but as well personal experience (as
themselves as former orphan children) combining these with the latest sociological and psychological
discoveries in the field (as one of the trainers’ team members is a sociologist and the other a
psychologist). Among sessions related to advocacy, public speaking and legal aspects the training will
also include transformational methods for the children which act as a “restarting” point in their life.
For the advocay and lobbying campaign, the implementing organisations will use their already existing
contacts in the public and also politic speheres. On one hand, known bloggers and public persons will
be contacted to write/ bring in the public attention the issues of orphan children and the negative effects
of pandemic on their lives in order to attract politicians attention. On the other had, the project manager
of this project has previously worked in the Parliament of Romania and will use the contacts he
maintaines in order to reach the policy makers and promote the causes of the campaigns. Using public
persons and previous contacts is the most suitable way to reach policy makers in Romania and it will
ensure the succes of our campaign. The debate itself will be set up following the procedures of the
„guide to the organisation of public debates on the basis of law no 52/2003”.
The methodology for carrying out the procedures for the procurement of goods and services will be
carried out in compliance with the legislation in force. The data collection methodology will be carried out
in compliance with GDPR laws. The methodology for implementing visibility and dissemination actions
will be carried out using methods from digital marketing, advetrising and public relations.

2.2 Consortium set-up

Consortium cooperation and division of roles (if applicable) (n/a for Town Twinning and Programme
Contact Points)
Describe the participants (Beneficiaries, Affiliated Entities and Associated Partners, if any) and explain how they will
work together to implement the project. How will they bring together the necessary expertise? How will they
complement each other?
In what way does each of the participants contribute to the project? Show that each has a valid role and adequate
resources to fulfil that role.
Note: When building your consortium you should think of organisations that can help you reach objectives and solve

The coordinator of this project Vocea Copiilor Abandonati (VCA) name translates to The Voice of the
Abandoned Children. VCA is an NGO dedicated to children in protection systems, founded in 2013. The
foundations of the association were laid by Vișinel Balan, a young man who himself grew up in
children's homes in Romania. Unfortunately, many of the employees who take care of abandoned
children do not take on this work professionally. Bureaucracy, disinterest, incorrect or incomplete
information have created an environment that is aggressive to children's development. This translates
into a high percentage of young people who fail to integrate into society after leaving the centres,
adopting deviant behaviour or resorting to dramatic gestures such as suicide. The aim of VCA is to be
there for children growing up in orphanages and foster care, offering them support both through
educational activities and by the simple fact that they have, among the members of the association,
people to whom they can open their hearts, be listened to and loved. Moreover, the NGO wants to make
these children voices heard. VCA believes is right and moral that Romanian citizens should know how
the state institutions work and to what extent they do their job transparently, as they are, after all, funded
from the state budget. The NGO offers programmes to children and young people living in orphanages
and foster centres that teach them about their legal rights and obligations and show them the legal ways
to contact the competent authorities.
The organisation implements several activities for children in orphanages, including a day centre for
counselling, education, leisure time and social activities for disadvantaged children and youngsters,
orphans or homeless youngsters aged 14-26. It offers a safe space where the youngsters can benefit for
programs of: - Life skills workshops - Counselling, therapy and support - Education and training
(Therapy trough art and leadership, socio-professional integration. Health and life style, academic
support) - Involvement in community - Personal development and Leisure time activities.
The organisation supports children who suffer abuses in orphanages (children directly contact the NGO
when they face an issue) and children receive support depending on the nature of the abuse. The
organisation realises also actions such as support for poor children. It also opened a social house for
homeless youngsters where they receive support to develop their skills for independent life.
The organisations members are sociologist, psychologist and counsellors, educators, trainers, etc.
The other partner in this project Consiliul Tinerilor Instiutionalizati (Council of Institutionalised Young

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

People, by institutionalised we understand living in state institutions such as orphanages) – CTI has as
main purpose to act to defend and promote the rights of institutionalised and non-institutionalised (post-
institutionalised) young people in the special protection system, to increase their active participation in
the life of their communities, and to advocate and promote the common interests of its members at local,
regional, national, European and international level. The Council also promotes education, values and
respect for human life among young people in institutions. The Council aims to prepare, inform and train
young people in institutions for the family and society life and to create the necessary framework for
their personal and professional development. The Council for Institutionalized Youth is a social service
provider accredited by the Ministry of Labour and Social Justice in Romania. CTI is a member of
EuroChild - network.
VCA and CTI will closely work together to meet the objectives of the project. The two organisations
already work together as they have the same target group. However, CTI is more focused on work at
regional level and has members all over the country.
VCA members have strong skills and previous experiences in project management. Another huge asset
they bring to this project is their experience in working with policy makers and public authorities which is
essential. VCA has managed in the past to bring forward policy changes for vulnerable children.
CTI brings in this project the contribution of having very good contacts in the orphanages all over
Romania and in being in close relation with children from orphanages. Like this they already have the
trust of these children and the children will be much more open and eager to get involved in the project
activities. CTI is currently contacted on an ongoing basis by children who suffer abuses and CTI helps
them in taking the necessary actions depending on the case.

2.3 Project teams, staff and experts

Project teams and staff

Describe the project teams and how they will work together to implement the project.
List the staff included in the project budget (budget category A) by function/profile (e.g. project manager, senior
expert/advisor/researcher, junior expert/advisor/researcher, trainers/teachers, technical personnel, administrative
personnel etc. and describe briefly their tasks. Provide CVs of all key actors (if required).
Note: Please ensure a gender-balanced representation in the composition of project teams and staff performing the

Name and Organisation Role/tasks/professional profile and expertise


Visinel Balan VCA Project manager, Researcher. Visinel is a defender of the rights of
abandoned children, who has himself been through this experience.
He was awarded on numerous occasions for civic activism, actor,
lawyer and university assistant at SNSPA. Extensive experience in
project management and in working in public institutions including
Parliament, Senate and also in the private sector.

Virgil Balan VCA Researcher, trainer/ Virgil Balan, who grew up in a children's centre
as well, has managed to overcome his condition of abandoned
children. Today, he is a psychologist at the neuropsychic recovery
centre in Bucharest and president of the organisation Voice of
Abandoned Children. He will ensure institutional and bureaucratic
relations with child protection institutions as well as will be part of
the research and training team.

Claudia M. VCA Project manager assistant, Part of the advocacy- lobbying team.
Postelnicescu Human Rights Lawyer, Migration Expert, Migration & Home Affairs,
European Commission Expert on Radicalisation & Extremism
Narratives. Far-Right Populism. Practicing lawyer since 2009.
Claudia is an activist for the rights of abandoned children. A fighter
for all abandoned children to have access to a family. She has
campaigned for the urgent need to speed up national and
international adoption procedures. Within the project she will provide
legal expertise, lobbying and advocacy, necessary for young people
under special protection and assist the project manager.

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

Corina Benga CTI Researcher, trainer. Corina is a researcher, sociologist and

academician. She has been involved in several social projects for
those in vulnerable situations. Within the project she will provide the
necessary expertise for the research to be carried out and will be
involved in the development of the training.

Andreeas CTI Target Group Responsible, Part of the advocacy- lobbying team
Novacovici Andreas Novacovici, who grew up in children's homes in Co. Timis,
social worker, will deal with the target group of the project, the
institutional relationship with all child protection directorates and the
child protection authority at national level.

Napoleon- CTI Project Manager, Assistant researcher, Part of the advocacy-

Valentin lobbying team. Napoleon Alexandru, raised in the children's centres
in Jud. Brăila, graduated in theology and will ensure the
Alexandru management assistance of the project together with the manager.

Outside resources (subcontracting, seconded staff, etc)

If you do not have all skills/resources in-house, describe how you intend to get them (contributions of members,
partner organisations, subcontracting, etc).
If there is subcontracting, please also complete the table in section 4. Moreover, ensure that subcontractors are
aware of gender mainstreaming and non-discrimination mainstreaming.

A team member specialised in communication and marketing will be hired as a natural person under a
direct contract for this task. There will also be selected two expert trainers for the training that will be
delivered for children. There will be a transparent selection procedure based on the expertise of the
applicants for the role, and non-discrimination will be ensured as well it will be ensured that the final
team is gender balanced.

2.4 Consortium management and decision-making

Consortium management and decision-making (if applicable) (n/a for Town Twinning and Programme
Contact Points)
Explain the management structures and decision-making mechanisms within the consortium. Describe how decisions
will be taken and how regular and effective communication will be ensured. Describe methods to ensure planning and
Note: The concept (including organisational structure and decision-making mechanisms) must be adapted to the
complexity and scale of the project.

The project will be managed by a project manager and assistant project manager on behalf of VCA and
a project manager from CTI. Decisions will be taken based on consensus inside the consortium. At the
beginning of the project an internal meeting (kick-off meeting) with VCA and CTI members involved in
the project is foreseen in order to define and clarify all the management aspects, as well as periodical
meetings during the project implementation. The methods that will be used in the project management
are: planning of activities, briefing meetings and checking the status of project implementation,
monitoring the use of resources through budgets.
Mainly, all the project team members will be involved in each WP planned both because of their
experiences and also because the scale of the project requires so. A knowledge and involvement in all
the WP of the project is necessary for the good implementation. Team members will closely work
together while the management team will monitor the project against the set indicators.

2.5 Project management, quality assurance and monitoring and evaluation strategy

Project management, quality assurance and monitoring and evaluation strategy

Describe the measures planned to ensure that the project implementation is of high quality and completed in time.
Describe the methods to ensure good quality, monitoring, planning and control.
Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

Describe the evaluation methods and indicators (quantitative and qualitative) to monitor and verify the outreach and
coverage of the activities and results (including unit of measurement, baseline and target values). The indicators
proposed to measure progress should be relevant, realistic and measurable.
Note: The monitoring and evaluation strategy should also incorporate gender and non-discrimination considerations
in order to measure changes and assess impact on gender equality issues. The indicators should be gender
responsive so that they can measure gender equality changes over time. For instance, a gender responsive indicator
can measure the increase in women’s rate of employment or changes in social attitudes towards gender roles in
work-life balance. The evaluation should be participatory and inclusive to all stakeholders, ensuring that women’s and
men’s voices are prevalent throughout the entire evaluation process.

The project management will be ensured by the project management team composed of two experts –
one on behalf of VCA and one on behalf of CTI. The project manager from VCA (Visinel Balan), in
charge with the overall management has over 16 years of experience in managing projects for non-profit
organisations from public and private funding.
The project management will take place during the whole implementation period and will consider the
specific phases of the project life cycle: initiation, planning, scheduling of activities and resources, risk
management, implementation, monitoring and completion of the project. Regular monitoring and
evaluation of the project status and how the project objectives have been achieved will be carried out.
Based on the results of this monitoring, the next steps to be taken to achieve the objectives will be
adapted. To ensure an efficient communication, the ways, modalities and rules of communication
between the project partners as well as between the team members will be created and a management
of the communication systems at the partnership level will be carried out.
The quality evaluation system will be guaranteed by ensuring a good information management and by
using IT means to organize and archive the results of the activities. The computerisation of all significant
phases will be carried out, organising and updating an archive that will contain all data related to the
The main monitoring tools that will be used in the project management are: Continuous monitoring
report, bi-weekly/monthly; Quarterly technical report; Technical-financial report; Progress/work report
completed periodically - weekly/monthly, by the implementation team - Soft-ware monitoring system,
(Project Management Software), - Periodical synthesis analysis relevant to the indicators, - Time-Cost
and BCWP (Budget-Cost-Work-Performed) chart, - ACWP (Actual Cost Work Performed) chart. Special
attention will be given to risk analysis throughout the project implementation period in order to intervene
in time to reduce implementation risks. The evaluation of the project activity will be carried out both
through internal and external evaluation by an independent expert evaluator.
The evaluation will include quantitative methods - statistical study, data analysis, application of
questionnaires, as well as qualitative methods. The internal evaluation will be done by: checking
compliance with the action plan; analysing the level of involvement of the beneficiaries in the actions
undertaken, reports of the members of the implementation team on the activities carried out; evaluation
of the training programmes by the children participating, the degree of satisfaction of the beneficiaries
included in the project activities, the degree of visibility of the project, the degree of achievement of the
results and objectives set within the project. The project will end with an analysis of the lessons learnt,
the information and skills acquired that can be transferred to other projects for promotion of the rights of
vulnerable children.
Foreseen quality indicators:
Positive evaluation of the training for children’s rights activists from the participants; Positive feed-back
from the stakeholders (public authorities, institutions, etc.) regarding the content of the research report;
Increased motivation and empowered children to continue to develop as activists for human rights;
Positive feed-back of the policy makers as a result of the debates with children
Foreseen quantity indicators:
Number of focus groups with children from orphanages: 10; Number of instruments for research
developed: 1; Number of questionnaires applied to children from orphanages as part of the research:
1100 (this is the baseline to make the research representative at national level) (50% girls, 30% Roma,
20% from gender minorities, 10% physically/mentally disabled); Research report about the impact of
Covid19 on children from orphanages (including recommendations): 1; Number of young people
participating in the training program for activists of children’s rights: 120 (55% are girls, 30% Roma, 20%
from gender minorities, 10% physically/mentally disabled); Number of Territorial Structures Informal
Groups of Initiative established by children who took part in the training: min. 21, balanced
representation of regions at national level; Number of debates with representatives of policy makers: 1
+ the Visibility and Communication Indicators as stated in the relevant question. A complete
Communication report will be made available at the end of the project.

2.6 Cost effectiveness and financial management

Cost effectiveness and financial management (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

Describe the measures adopted to ensure that the proposed results and objectives will be achieved in the most cost-
effective way.
Indicate the arrangements adopted for the financial management of the project and, in particular, how the financial
resources will be allocated and managed within the consortium.
Do NOT compare and justify the costs of each work package, but summarize briefly why your budget is cost

The project maintains an appropriate balance of individual and collective partner activities and costs. In
order to make the project proposal cost and time effective, all tasks, activities and costs were planned
after negotiations between VCA and CTI. Daily rates and unit prices are calculated on real value,
according to local conditions and regular practice used by CTI and VCA for their everyday operation and
service delivery.
To make the budget, we have carefully planned the needed period to complete each task and the
appropriate resources. A detailed budget was compiled separately, thus upon project implementation
the initial detailed will be reviewed.
The timetable set up for all project activities is optimal from the point of view of appropriate preparatory
activities, actions to be undertaken and results to be achieved. The coordinator will guarantee that the
distribution will comply with the budget, drafted according to the funding rules determined by European
VCA due to its experience in managing funding (as the NGO runs constantly project funded by private
donors) will oversee the budget and manage its correct use. The sums allocated for each task will be
distributed accordingly.
Cash inflows and outflows will be recorded under a cash-flow statement. During the regular meetings of
the consortium, the budget spending and organizational expenses will be discussed. This is mostly to
assure that the project spending is within the initial plan of the project, and also to make sure that all the
expenses stay within the expectations and no surprises occur on the way. During these meetings we will
consider risk factors and make essential arrangements to prevent them. After the budget is allocated
among CTI and VCA, through regular budget reports and feedback we will make sure that those
expenses stay within expectations.
We kept the budget low by considering the work that the team members will cover overall as well, not
only inside each work package. For example, our team of management will actively work in WP4,
however only a smart part of the budget for human resources was added there.

2.7 Risk management

Critical risks and risk management strategy (n/a for Town Twinning)
Describe critical risks, uncertainties or difficulties related to the implementation of your project, and your
measures/strategy for addressing them.
Indicate for each risk (in the description) the impact and the likelihood that the risk will materialise (high, medium,
low), even after taking account the mitigating measures.
Note: Uncertainties and unexpected events occur in all organisations, even if very well-run. The risk analysis will help
you to predict issues that could delay or hinder project activities. A good risk management strategy is essential for
good project management. The strategy should also incorporate risk mitigation measures that redress any gender
inequalities and multiple discriminatory effects in project implementation. For instance, to ensure full participation of
target groups in project activities, gender, age or disability-specific constrains should be taken into acount. The target
groups may face more than one barrier to access project activities (accessibility barriers; language barriers,
availibility of childcare provision, etc ). Therefore, it is essential to identify these risks and undertake preventive
measures in order to ensure full partcipation of women and men in all their diversity in project design and

Risk No Description of risk Work Proposed risk-mitigation measures

package No

1 Public authorities refuse to allow WP2 The team members have

the project team to contact the established a good contact with
children for the purpose of the DGASPC (General Directorate of
research thus creating delay in Social Assistance and Child
conducting the research Protection) and they have contacts
with employees of this authority at
Risk level: low local level in most of the counties.
A close collaboration with this
authority will be kept during the
whole project as well as informal

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

communication to maintain the

positive relations.

2 Public authorities refuse to allow WP3 Same measures as described

the project team to contact the above apply. As a back-up also we
children for the purpose of have to mention that VCA has an
promoting the training course extensive data base of contacts of
opportunity. The impact of this is children living in orphanages of
not to have enough participants Romania (as they previous have
or the distribution of participants contacted the organisation for
is not very well geographically support of information and gave
balanced their consent for their data to be
stored for further communication
Risk level: low of interest to them)

3 Lack of motivation for the WP3 The team will use methods of
children to join the training communication adapted to the
course and later on to get children from the target group. The
involved in the creation of a campaign to inform about the
territorial structures. Risk level: opportunity of the training will be
low made in a language that is
attractive to the children and the
training team will be at the
disposal of the possible applicants
to reply them to all questions: by
messaging applications, email,
social media, phone or even face
to face meetings when required.
The training will use non-formal
methods based on theatre for
which children in orphanages have
a high interest.
Policy makers are hard to reach
4 by the advocacy/ lobbying WP4 Establishing an informal
campaign and refuse to relationship with the
participate in the events. Risk representatives of the public
level: low authorities and using the contacts
that the members of the teams
already have with politicians.
Since the beginning of the project
the team will start the work of
getting close and gather contacts
and create positive relationship
with policy makers. The project
manager has been previously
working in the parliament thus
having good contacts with MPs.
Dely in conducting any of the
5 project activities due to WP1 The management team will closely
unforeseen circumstances – like follow the situation and external
for example a new lockdown. and internal factors that can affect
This impacts the timeline of the the timeline. During the regular
project and completing it in the coordination meetings of the team
set time frame. Risk level: these aspects will be approached
and best strategies planned. The
project activities are digitalised
thus in the case of a new
lockdown many phases can take
place online, however, for the
research it is preferably to have
direct contact with the children.

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021


3.1 Impact and ambition

Impact and ambition

Define the short, medium and long-term effects of the project.
Who are the target groups? How will the target groups benefit concretely from the project and what would change for
them? In what way will the gap identified be reduced? How will the activities contribute to improve the situation
(difference between starting point/state of play and the situation after the end of the project?) How will the activities
contribute to the promotion and advancement of gender equality and non-discrimination mainstreaming?
Does the project aim to trigger change/innovation? If so, describe them and the degree of ambition (progress beyond
the status quo).
Note: Results/outcomes are immediate changes that materialise for the target groups after the end of the project
(e.g. improved knowledge, increased awareness). Results/outcomes are different to deliverables. Deliverables are
activities undertaken and outputs produced with the resources allocated to the project, e.g. training courses,
conferences, manuals, video etc.
When defining expected results/outcomes and deliverables please consider if and how they will reduce, maintain, or
increase inequalities between women and men, boys and girls, in all their diversity. What gender, age and disability
differentiated results can be expected? How expected results will affect women and men, boys and girls from a range
of diverse social groups, differently?

The long-term ambition of the project is to ensure that all children in Romania (and at EU level) who
grow up in foster care/ orphanages are aware of their rights and able to support their voice thus growing
up as adults who fully manage to integrate in the society and bring positive improvements to the
community. We know that in order to achieve this impact we have to work on a systematic level and
impact several target groups.
The innovation of this project is the creation of local structures led by children who are trained in
promoting children rights and growing up a generation of children who are activists for children rights
and motivate and empower as well their peers. On the long term this changes the actual situation where
statics show that over 80% of children living in orphanages are not aware of their rights, suffer of low
self-esteem and will not integrate in the society once they are forced to leave the social care system
(most of them ending up on the streets as homeless or delinquents). Local structures who are led by
children give these children and unique opportunity to not only get involved in shaping the public policies
concerning them, but also develop a multitude of competences for these children (competences related
to the direct activities of the structures and as well competences that come indirect such as soft skills,
increased self-esteem, emotional management). With years of experience in addressing the target
group, we know that this is at the moment one of the best solutions for the social integration of these
children for which now the public system does not have concrete solutions to improve their future
perspectives for social integration and well-being.
The target groups impacted by our project are:
Children living in orphanages, foster care in Romania; the staff of the involved organisations
VCA and CTI and other stakeholders taking part in the project; public policy makers in charge
with children’s rights policies;
The short-term impact envisioned:
•Children will become more aware on how they were affected by Covid19 – via the discussions they will
have in the development of the research instrument. Awareness is the first factor to be considered in
developing measures to fight the effects of pandemic and overcoming any trauma
•The implementing organisations and other stakeholders and national, regional and local authorities and
public bodies acting in the field of social protection of children (in particular vulnerable children) will gain
knowledge on the impact Covid19 had on the children living in orphanages and will become aware of
the strategies and recommendation to be taken to support overcoming negative effects of pandemic.
This effect will be seen thanks to the Research report and it is one of the reasons VCA will ensure this
report is also printed and sent out to the relevant institutions.
•Increased knowledge regarding children rights and how to support them for the 120 children who will be
trained in becoming activist for children rights
•Decision-makers in local and regional authorities acting the field of social protection and children rights
will: a) become aware and informed on the negative effects Covid19 had on children living in orphanage
and will be pursued via the advocacy and lobby campaign to take immediate action and adopt
mechanism that support the well-being of children living in orphanages and combat the pandemic
effects on these children; b) they will acknowledge the needs of supporting children in social care and to
create better policies for them, in particular policies and activities to be applied in emergency situations
thanks to the debates organised in which they will met and discuss with the children members of TS-IGI
The medium-term impact:
It is expected that the participating organisations VCA and CTI and their staff will be more prepared to
implement national level projects for children, to manage projects funded by EU and to further pursue
Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

policy changes and other activities as derived from the recommendations of the Research realised.
Furthermore, cooperation among organizations and public actors dealing with orphan children will be
enhanced during the project activates, creating favourable preconditions for future projects and other
European projects. Based on this project, following its results, the scope of the work will be set. The
gained competences through the process will be followed up by having further projects on this topic,
setting up programs where the results will be used etc. Moreover, we expect that by translation the
research result in English and intensively promoting it at EU level, VCA and CTI will be able to establish
contacts at EU level and work in partnership with other NGOs that develop activities for vulnerable
The territorial structures led by the Informal Groups of Initiative of children will start functioning,
developing new activities in support of children in orphanages and in promoting and mainstreaming
children rights. The children involved in the TS-IGI will develop their competences in regard to
participation and thus they will be able to have an active voice when it comes to decision making
processes that relate to children in orphanages and strategies and measures taken when they are faced
with emergency situations.
The project has a strong component of advancement for the non-discrimination via de sensitising/
raising awareness campaign it planned. General public will become more sensible to the issues faced
by children growing up in orphanages thus leading to a more positive public perception of this and better
social inclusion of the groups of children facing multiple discrimination
The long-term effects:
Social inclusion – in particular for children facing multiple discrimination as a result of better knowledge
of their rights. The project builds on the idea that children in orphanages are not aware of their rights in
relation with the public authorities this leading to a failure as adults.
Also, previous experience of VCA shows that children that over 70% of children who were involved in
their programs manage to socially integrate at the existing of the social protection system.
The children who grow up as activists in the TS-IGI will become active citizens as adults as well and
they will further trigger positive actions to children, to their own lives and society.
As a result of this project, the partners will have a better picture of how to approach children on some of
the most challenging topics in an effective way, focusing mainly on vulnerable children. Eventually,
benefit of this process will have organizations’ target group – the orphan children themselves. However,
those benefits will be felt mainly after the implementation of this project, as it will take a few years to
explore, analyse, innovate and change public policies.
Other stakeholders such as networks of organizations; public bodies and institutions managing social
services for children at regional/national/EU, NGOs etc., will benefit directly of the project’s outputs.
These organisations would be able to freely use the research report and other outcomes for their
members, activities and projects.

3.2 Communication, dissemination and visibility

Communication, dissemination and visibility of funding

Describe the communication and dissemination activities which are planned in order to promote the activities/results
and maximise the impact (to whom, which format, how many, etc.). Clarify how you will reach the target groups,
relevant stakeholders, policymakers and the general public and explain the choice of the dissemination channels.
Describe how the visibility of EU funding will be ensured.
Communication and dissemination activities should also contribute to the promotion of gender equality and non-
discrimination. Communication materials should use gender inclusive language and positive visual representations.
E.g.: When developing videos or leaflets ensure that women and men, in all their diversity, are equally represented in
a non-stereotypical fashion and portrayed in active empowered roles. In addition, consider using communication
channels that they are accessible to general audience, in particular to persons with disabilities, or people from
marginalised groups.

The team of the project involves a member specialised in marketing that will be responsible with the
process of communication, dissemination and exploitation of the results.
The communication and dissemination activities plan include:
1. Branding the project (visual identity, banners, etc.) and adding a page of the project on the websites
of VCA and CTI to present the project available in Romanian and English languages.
2. Visibility activities
Online press: contacting bloggers and online press websites for promoting the project and publishing
articles on the subject;
Traditional press: contacting journalists from regional and national newspapers and TV stations for
publishing articles on the project topics;
During the project lifetime we will intensely promote the project on social media and websites of CTI and
VCA and their partners and supporters, websites dedicated to children, education, social issues etc.
We will use newsletters, social media campaigns, digital marketing tools, etc. (that include a variety of
Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

content like videos, articles, interviews, multi-media).

3. Dissemination events related to the different project key stages
3.1 Press conference at the launch of the research report
The press conference envisions a number of 50 participants, among which journalists, stakeholders,
policy makers
3.2 Sensitisation Campaign – Awareness Rising related to the issues of children facing multiple
discrimination This campaign will be created based on video interviews conducted with adults that have
grown up in orphanages and now managed to be successfully integrated in the society and overcome
the challenges that come with growing up as an orphan. These adults are now active citizens and bring
improvement to the community they live in with their jobs and daily actions. These interviews will be live
streamed on the social media (Facebook and YouTube channels of VCA and CTI) and later on
promoted as part of the campaign. The campaign is set to last for 3 months and has as target group the
general public. The aim is to showcase the issues and challenges children have when growing up as
orphanages and to fight the stigma and discrimination that public has towards these groups. Digital
Marketing tools will be used to reach the target group.
4 Reaching the target groups (orphan children and representatives of the government/ policy makers)
4.1 Below the line activities includes distributing fliers and organising information sessions in
orphanages to potential participants to stimulate their interest in taking part in the project activities and
information campaigns at local and regional level;
To attract policy makers/ representatives of the government VCA will use their already existing contacts
with former and current politicians and campaigns via known bloggers and artists in Romania to
determine the targeted policy makers to take part in the planned debates. VCA already has a good
relation with some of the most read bloggers in Romania and with artists (like actors and TV public
persons) that are involved in supporting the causes promoted by the NGO.
The dissemination activities address the following target groups:
-Press, journalists, media at local, regional and national level; NGOs all over Europe who can use the
research results to replicate/create new activities for children at risk; Social workers, educators, etc. who
can benefit from the knowledge gathered to improve the work they do for children; Local and regional
government, schools, teachers and institutions working with orphan children at local level; General
public interested in the issues of the society; Children in general and in particular children facing social
issues, orphans that will become aware more of their rights and how they can access them; Policy
makers, MPs and other members of public policy institutions.
In all the activities of visibility and dissemination, the support received by the project from the EU will be
ensured by using the official logos and disclaimers required. Moreover, in all the articles and the
publications the EU funding will be mentioned making clear that the project would not have been
possible without EU support. It is also planned a session of presentation of the EU CERV programme in
the press conference (at the launch of the Research Report).
Moreover, in the meetings with the target group – children (local meetings, the training course) the EU
funding topic will be approached and also a discussion on EU values will be included as a separate
session. We have planned this to ensure that children are made aware of the efforts EU is making to
protect them and to increase their positive feelings towards the EU.
Format of the dissemination activities:
The dissemination activities will make use of the latest digital marketing tools (including paid social
media campaigns, Google Ads, digital content). As well, traditional advertising tools and methods will be
use to increase the impact and reaching a higher audience.
For proper and wider dissemination of the project and its activities we will carry out on-line and physical
dissemination activities. The on-line dissemination activities will be carried out through the social
medias; informative articles published in local and national web portals; by publishing project related
information on the project partner's web sites and social media; by active discussion, regular posts
about the project's activities, opinions asking d on the social media for the project; e-Newsletters
delivered to partners e-mailing lists.
The objectives of the dissemination plan are the following:
-Increase the visibility of the project activities and EU funded programs; Attract new partners/stake-
holders which can support the activities implemented at local and national level; Share the project
results and inspire good practices; Promote and mainstream children rights and the need to improve
national policies in the field; Creating new programs that support children rights by attracting new
partners that have similar objectives and activities; Promote non-discrimination of children growing up in
orphanages, in particular those affected by multiple discrimination; Increase the visibility of VCA, CTI
The dissemination plan will run during the lifetime of the project, with a peak at the beginning for
attracting stakeholders and at the end for informing the market on the results and success of the project.
Quality indicators included in the actions:
Professional and adequate communication tools adapted to the target groups of each communication
action; Quality of articles and visibility materials (e.g., quality of content videos of good quality,
professional photos, catchy campaigns and texts); SEO elements; The contribution to the promotion of
gender equality and nondiscrimination; Gender inclusive language and positive visual representation
The use of communication channels accessible to several audiences, including persons with disabilities,
Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

or people from marginalised groups.

The minimum quantity indicators to be reached with the visibility and dissemination plan are:
Articles about the project: at least 21; Pots on social media: 90; Reach on social networks: min. reach of
100000; Articles / offline mentions in local newspapers / TV / radio shows, at least 3; Mailing lists to min.
1400 people covered by the partnership; 3 newsletters issued during the project lifetime; Meetings with
local stakeholders at regional level 3 – as a follow up of the national debates; Prees conference 1;
Sensitising/ Awareness raising campaign 1
On a European level, we will disseminate the project results mainly using the research report. The
outputs will be made available online to anyone who is interested. The organizations involved in this
project will take all measures to publish the outcomes at relevant sites and to inform all other potentially
interested organizations about them.
Monitoring dissemination. Specific indicators to measure dissemination strategy and tools to collect data
will be used to monitor and evaluate dissemination strategy.

3.3 Sustainability and continuation

Sustainability, long-term impact and continuation

Describe the follow-up of the project after the EU funding ends. How will the project impact be ensured and
What will need to be done? Which parts of the project should be continued or maintained? How will this be
achieved? Which resources will be necessary to continue the project? How will the results be used?
Are there any possible synergies/complementarities with other (EU funded) activities that can build on the project

The follow-up of the project is focused mainly on:

1. the continuous support given to the TS-IGI
2. Using the research results
1. An important component of the project that will be maintained are the Territorial Structures – Informal
Groups of Initiative TS-IGI (WP3). VCA and CTI will ensure continuous support of these structures for
an indefinite period. Using other sources of funding, like sponsors and donors, CTI and VCA plan to
organise regular training courses for children from the orphanages who wish to become actively
involved in the TS-IGI. Evry year, a new generation of children who wish to be activists of children rights
will be formed. It is envisioned that at least every summer, a minimum number of 30 children all over
Romania, belonging to the target group, will participate to a training for development of competences
needed to actively engage in the TS-IGI.
Furthermore, it is previsioned to obtain further funding from private or public sources and to establish
TS-IGI at the level of all Romania to have a complete representation and give a change to all the
children in foster care to become activists.
2. The research results will be used in shaping public policies for children in orphanages/ foster care.
VCA will continue its actions of lobbying and advocacy at the level of the Parliament in Romania to
improve the policies that support children rights. The results of the research are also a starting point in
developing measures, strategies and policies to ensure wellbeing of children from the target group and
promote their rights among diverse emergency situations.
As the research results will be also available in English, another follow-up of the project can be
represented by sharing and mainstreaming good-practices in the field at EU level. We envision that the
promotion of the research results at EU level will help the implementing organisations to establish
contacts with other stakeholders at EU level with similar mission.
Regrading synergies and complemntarities with other EU funded we forsee that the Erasmus+ Youth
Participation Activities can be used by the newly createed TS-IGI to access funding to develop their
actions at local level that increase the participation in the civic society and help bring together children
and decision makers at local, regional, national level to improve policies aimed at orphan children.

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021


4.1 Work plan

Work plan
Provide a brief description of the overall structure of the work plan (list of work packages or graphical presentation (Pert chart or similar)).

WP1: Project management and coordination; WP2 Research about the impact of Covid19 pandemic on children living in orphanages and foster care in Romania; WP3
Development of Territorial Structures Informal Groups of Initiative, including training of activists for the rights of institutionalized children; WP4 Lobbying and Advocacy
WP1 takes place on the entire projects duration and is essential for the project implementation. WP1 also includes the visibility and dissemination activities, among which we
would like to highlight the Sensitisation – Raising Awareness Campaign and the Press Conference at the launch of the research report. WP2 starts by involving the children
in the target group in building a research instrument via a series of focus groups and then leading to an extensive research at national level and its final result is the research
report. WP3 is focused on growing a generation of children that become activists of children rights and are empowered as active citizens on a long term. Finally, WP4
forwards actions that aim to trigger policy changes in the benefit of vulnerable children and promote activities that help children in orphanages overcome negative effects of

4.2 Work packages and activities


This section concerns a detailed description of the project activities.

Group your activities into work packages. A work package means a major sub-division of the project. For each work package, enter an objective (expected outcome) and list the activities,
milestones and deliverables that belong to it. The grouping should be logical and guided by identifiable outputs.
Projects should normally have a minimum of 2 work packages. WP1 should cover the management and coordination activities (meetings, coordination, project monitoring and evaluation, financial
management, progress reports, etc) and all the activities which are cross-cutting and therefore difficult to assign to another specific work package (do not try splitting these activities across
different work packages). WP2 and further WPs should be used for the other project activities. You can create as many work packages as needed by copying WP1.
For very simple projects, it is possible to use a single work package for the entire project (WP1 with the project acronym as WP name). For Lump Sum Grants, each event should be one work
Work packages covering financial support to third parties ( only allowed if authorised in the Call document) must describe the conditions for implementing the support (for grants: max amounts
per third party; criteria for calculating the exact amounts, types of activity that qualify (closed list), persons/categories of persons to be supported and criteria and procedures for giving support; for
prizes: eligibility and award criteria, amount of the prize and payment arrangements).
Please limit the number of work packages and reduce the number of deliverables (max 10 to 15 for the entire project). (n/a for Lump Sum Grants).
Enter each activity/milestone/output/outcome/deliverable only once (under one work package).

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

Work Package 1

Work Package 1: Project management and coordination

Duration: M1 – M15 Lead Beneficiary: VCA

List the specific objectives to which this work package is linked.

WP1 ensures the project is implemented within the set timeline, successfully reaches the general aim and all specific objectives of the project by putting in practice correct
management procedures and ensures the project produces long-term impact for the beneficiaries (children in the social care in Romania). The specific objectives are:
 Ensure the project is implemented within the set timeline and in the planned budget; Ensure the project sustainability, replicability and long-term impact;
 Ensure team coordination and proper allocation of time and budgetary resources; Makes sure the project reaches the minimum set indicators;
 Increase public awareness on the issues and challenges children growing up in orphanages face by implementing a sensitisation campaign with the aim to reduce
discrimination of these children and contribute to their social integration;
Activities (what, how, where) and division of work
Provide a concise overview of the work (planned tasks). Be specific and give a short name and number for each task.
Show who is participating in each task: Coordinator (COO), Beneficiaries (BEN), Affiliated Entities (AE), Associated Partners (AP), indicating in bold the task leader.
Add information on other participants’ involvement in the project e.g. subcontractors, in-kind contributions.
In-kind contributions: In-kind contributions for free are cost-neutral, i.e. cannot be declared as cost. Please indicate the in-kind contributions that are provided in the context of this work package.
The Coordinator remains fully responsible for the coordination tasks, even if they are delegated to someone else. Coordinator tasks cannot be subcontracted (see Model Grant Agreement).
If there is subcontracting, please also complete the table below.

Task No Task Name Description Participants In-kind Contributions

(continuous and Subcontracting
numbering (Yes/No and which)
linked to Name Role

T1.1 Setting up the implementation team, The first task will be the mobilisation on the team experts, VCA, CTI COO, BEN No
Kick-off meeting selection of team-members for the roles not assigned yet
(Communication Expert and trainers) and the revision of

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

the team. At the beginning of the project an internal

meeting (kick-off meeting) with all the staff involved from
VCA and CTI in the project is foreseen in order to define
and clarify all the management aspects.

T1.2 Project management The project management will take place during the whole VCA, CTI COO, BEN No
implementation period and will consider the specific
phases of the project life cycle: initiation, planning,
scheduling of activities and resources, risk management,
implementation, monitoring and completion of the project.
Periodical meetings during the project implementation are
planned between staff.
T1.3 Development of evaluation, monitoring, The tools will be developed by the implementation team VCA, CTI COO, BEN No
control and risk management tools and used in the specific phases of the project. All project
documentation will be digitised and organised in a logical

T1.4 Visibility and Dissemination including As described in the Communication, dissemination and VCA, CTI COO, BEN No
Press Conference at the launch of the visibility question. A press conference is planned at the
Research report launch of the Research Report to inform stakeholders on
the results and the immediate measures to be taken in
the favour of children.

T 1.5 Sensitisation- Awareness Rising Ten youngsters/ adults that have previously grown up in VCA, CTI COO, BEN No
Campaign orphanages and now are adults who are successful in
their career and bring positive contribution to the society
will be selected for this task. In the selected group we will
include people who face multiple discrimination like
members of Roma and LGBTIQ community, disabled etc.
There will be 10 video interviews (as detailed described
in the Communication, dissemination and visibility

Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)

Milestones are control points in the project that help to chart progress. They may correspond to the completion of a key deliverable allowing the next phase of the work to begin. Use them only for
major outputs in complex projects. Otherwise leave the section on milestones empty. Please limit the number of milestones by work package.
Means of verification are how you intend to prove that a milestone has been reached. If appropriate, you can also refer to indicators.
Deliverables are project outputs which are submitted to show project progress (any format). Refer only to major outputs. Do not include minor sub-items or internal working papers, meeting
minutes, etc. Limit the number of deliverables (and their data volume) to max 10-15 for the entire project. You may be asked to further reduce the number during grant preparation.

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

For deliverables such as meetings, events, seminars, trainings, workshops, webinars, conferences, etc., enter each deliverable separately and provide the following in the 'Description' field:
invitation, agenda, signed presence list, target group, number of estimated participants, duration of the event, report of the event, training material package, presentations, evaluation report,
feedback questionnaire.
For deliverables such as manuals, toolkits, guides, reports, leaflets, brochures, training materials etc., add in the ‘Description’ field: format (electronic or printed), language(s), approximate number
of pages and estimated number of copies of publications (if any).
For each deliverable you will have to indicate a due month by when you commit to upload it in the Portal. The due month of the deliverable cannot be outside the duration of the work package and
must be in line with the timeline provided below. Month 1 marks the start of the project and all deadlines should be related to this starting date.
The labels used mean:
Public — fully open ( automatically posted online on the Project Results platforms)
Sensitive — limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement

Milestone No Milestone Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date Means of Verification
(continuous numbering No (month
not linked to WP) number)

Deliverable No Deliverable Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Type Disseminat Due Date Description
(continuous numbering No ion Level (month (including format and
linked to WP) number) language)

[R — Document, report] 10 videos interviews of

D1.1 Sensitisation/ 1 VCA [PU — M12
Awareness raising [DEC —,videos, etc] Public] 10 minutes each. Videos
Campaign are in Romanian
language with English

Agenda: presentation of
D1.2 Press Conference 1 VCA [R — Document, report] [PU — M13 Research Results and of
at the launch of Public] EU CERV programme;
the Research Signed presence list: 50
Report participants among
which journalists,
stakeholders, policy
makers; Duration of the
event: 3 hours
Feedback questionnaire
from participants

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

Estimated budget — Resources

A. Personnel B. C.1a Travel C.1b C.1c C.2 C.3 Other D.1 Financial support E. Indirect Total costs
Subcontrac Accomod Subsist Equipment goods, to third parties costs
ting ation ence works and

VCA 22,5 30750 0 EUR 0 travels 0 0X 0 EUR 0 EUR 0 EUR 3000 EUR 0 grants 0 EUR 2362,5 EUR 36,112.5
person EUR persons EUR EUR
months travellin

CTI 12,5 14000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 980 EUR 14980

months EUR

Total 35 44750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3000 0 0 3342,5 EUR 51.092


For Lump Sum Grants, see calculator (annex 1 to Part B; see Portal Reference Documents)

Work Package 2

Work Package 2: Research about the impact of Covid19 pandemic on children living in orphanages and foster care in Romania

Duration: M1- M12 Lead Beneficiary: VCA

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

List the specific objectives to which this work package is linked.

 Develop a research instrument about the Covid19 negative effects on children living in orphanages by involving these children in 10 Focus Groups and in the overall
development of this instrument
 Analize and document the effects of Covid19 on children living in orphanages and what were the most negative impacted areas of the lives of these children
 Develop a series of solutions, proposals for activities and actions aiming at overcoming the negative effects of Covid19 on children living in orphanages
 Provide stakeholders in the field of child protection (including public authorities at national and regional level and NGOs for child protection) with knowledge
regarding the negative effects Covid19 pandemic had on children in orphanages and present a series of immediate measures that authorities and others
stakeholders should put in practice to reduce these effects
Activities (what, how, where) and division of work
Provide a concise overview of the work (planned tasks). Be specific and give a short name and number for each task.
Show who is participating in each task: Coordinator (COO), Beneficiaries (BEN), Affiliated Entities (AE), Associated Partners (AP), indicating in bold the task leader.
Add information on other participants’ involvement in the project e.g. subcontractors, in-kind contributions.
In-kind contributions: In-kind contributions for free are cost-neutral, i.e. cannot be declared as cost. Please indicate the in-kind contributions that are provided in the context of this work package.
The Coordinator remains fully responsible for the coordination tasks, even if they are delegated to someone else. Coordinator tasks cannot be subcontracted (see Model Grant Agreement).
If there is subcontracting, please also complete the table below.

Task No Task Name Description Participants In-kind Contributions

(continuous and Subcontracting
numbering (Yes/No and which)
linked to Name Role

T 2.1 Development of the research instrument 10 Focus groups involving at least 100 children from VCA, CTI COO No
orphanages/ foster cares in Romania will take place.
During the Focus Groups the children will give their input
regarding the most pressuring challenges/ problems they
faced during Covid19 pandemic and how their life was
affected. Children will also discuss about what they believe
are the actions that should be taken by stakeholders
(authorities in charge with them, NGOs, etc.) that will could
help them overcome negative effects of Covid19. Based on
the results of the Focus Groups the research instrument
will be developed by a team of 3 sociologists/ researchers
from VCA and CTI. The Focus Groups will involve in an

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

equilibrated way children representing all areas of Romania

and will ensure representation of children who suffer
multiple discrimination.
The research will be conducted by applying over 1100
T2.2 Research on the impact of Covid19 research questionnaires (based on the research instrument VCA, CTI COO No
pandemic on children from orphanages/ resulted in T2.1) in residential foster cares/ orphanages
foster cares in Romania existing at national level (an equilibrated representation of
all regions).*1058 is the minimum statistical number of
questionnaires to be applied to have a valid research at
national level
This task consists in interpretation and data analysis to
T2.3 Analysis of data and production of the produce the research report. VCA, CTI COO No
Research Report The data will be interpreted using sociological methods
(SPSS statistical software platform). The result will be a
detailed report that includes policy and activities
recommendations based on the data analyses and children
Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)
Milestones are control points in the project that help to chart progress. They may correspond to the completion of a key deliverable allowing the next phase of the work to begin. Use them only for
major outputs in complex projects. Otherwise leave the section on milestones empty. Please limit the number of milestones by work package.
Means of verification are how you intend to prove that a milestone has been reached. If appropriate, you can also refer to indicators.
Deliverables are project outputs which are submitted to show project progress (any format). Refer only to major outputs. Do not include minor sub-items or internal working papers, meeting
minutes, etc. Limit the number of deliverables (and their data volume) to max 10-15 for the entire project. You may be asked to further reduce the number during grant preparation.
For deliverables such as meetings, events, seminars, trainings, workshops, webinars, conferences, etc., enter each deliverable separately and provide the following in the 'Description' field:
invitation, agenda, signed presence list, target group, number of estimated participants, duration of the event, report of the event, training material package, presentations, evaluation report,
feedback questionnaire.
For deliverables such as manuals, toolkits, guides, reports, leaflets, brochures, training materials etc., add in the ‘Description’ field: format (electronic or printed), language(s), approximate number
of pages and estimated number of copies of publications (if any).
For each deliverable you will have to indicate a due month by when you commit to upload it in the Portal. The due month of the deliverable cannot be outside the duration of the work package and
must be in line with the timeline provided below. Month 1 marks the start of the project and all deadlines should be related to this starting date.
The labels used mean:
Public — fully open ( automatically posted online on the Project Results platforms)
Sensitive — limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement

Milestone No Milestone Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Description Due Means of Verification
(continuous numbering No Date

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

not linked to WP) number)

At least 10 Focus Groups

MS1 Focus groups 2 VCA Focus groups with children living in M4 organized involving at least
implemented orphanages/ foster care that help shape the 100 children from the target
research instrument. Children also give group; At least 10 Focus
recommendation of activities to be Groups Reports
implemented that help them overcome
Covid19 negative effects on their lives.

MS2 Research 2 VCA Based on the data collected from MS1 the M5 Instrument for research of
Instrument ready research instrument will be created. effects of Covid19 on
children living in orphanages
and foster care in Romania

MS3 Collection of data- 2 VCA At least 1100 questionnaires (based on the M8 1100 questionnaires applied
research research instrument developed) will be to the target group
applied to children from the target groups.

MS4 Analysis of data 2 VCA Data collected during MS3 will be analysed M12 Research report
using sociological methods

Deliverable No Deliverable Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemin Due Description
(continuous numbering No ation Date (including format and language)
linked to WP) Level (month

The research instrument is a

D2.1 Research 2 VCA [R — Document, report] [PU — M5 document in of minim 3
instrument Public]
pages and maximum 4
pages in Romanian
language. Its lengths has to
be limited considering it will
be further applied on children
as respondents and they can
get easily bored/
Format: electronic (PDF) and
D2.2 Research Report 2 VCA [R — Document, report] [PU — M12 print document; Approximate
Public] no. of pages: at least 60. The
Report contains: results of
the research at national

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

level, recommendations and

conclusions, policy
recommendations (the
research team will compare
data resulted with current
policy for children in social
care in order to formulate
these recommendations).
The document will be
available in Romanian and
English languages (the EN
version ensures
transferability at EU level
and to inspire other actors at
EU level working with
children in orphanages/
foster homes.
The report will be printed in
500 copies (the RO version)
and sent out to ANDPDCA -
National Authority for the
Rights of Persons with
Disabilities, Children and
Adoptions; DGASPC -
General Directorate of Social
Assistance and Child
Protection; Parliamentary
Committees on Labor and
Social Protection of the
Chamber of Deputies and
the Senate.

Estimated budget — Resources

A. Personnel B. C.1a Travel C.1b C.1c C.2 C.3 Other D.1 Financial support E. Indirect Total costs
Subcontrac Accomod Subsist Equipment goods, to third parties costs
works and

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

ting ation ence services

CTI 13 8000 0 EUR 0 0 0 0 0 0 4820 EUR 0 grants 0 897.4 EUR 13717.4

person EUR EUR

VCA 9 person 9600 0 120 EUR 0 0 680.4 10400.4

months EUR EUR

Total 22 17600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4940 EUR 0 0 1577.8 EUR 24117.8

person EUR

For Lump Sum Grants, see calculator (annex 1 to Part B; see Portal Reference Documents)

Work Package 3

Work Package 3: Development of Territorial Structures Informal Groups of Initiative, including training of activists for the rights of
institutionalized children

Duration: M4 – M11 Lead Beneficiary: CTI

List the specific objectives to which this work package is linked.

 Develop a comprehensive training methodology based on non-formal education principles that will provide children with the necessary competences and motivation
to establish, run and be active in an informal group of initiative and further become advocates at local and national level of the children rights
 Empower 120 children living in orphanages/ foster care all over Romania to become activists of children rights and provide them with the necessary competences
and motivation to set up and run an Informal Group of Initiative as a structure active at local level that creates activities and projects for vulnerable children by
organising a series of residential training based on non-formal methodologies
 Support children participating in the residential trainings to set up at local level Territorial Structures – Informal Groups of Initiative and provide them with further
guidance in how to create and implement activities on behalf of these structures
Activities (what, how, where) and division of work
Provide a concise overview of the work (planned tasks). Be specific and give a short name and number for each task.

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

Show who is participating in each task: Coordinator (COO), Beneficiaries (BEN), Affiliated Entities (AE), Associated Partners (AP), indicating in bold the task leader.
Add information on other participants’ involvement in the project e.g. subcontractors, in-kind contributions.
In-kind contributions: In-kind contributions for free are cost-neutral, i.e. cannot be declared as cost. Please indicate the in-kind contributions that are provided in the context of this work package.
The Coordinator remains fully responsible for the coordination tasks, even if they are delegated to someone else. Coordinator tasks cannot be subcontracted (see Model Grant Agreement).
If there is subcontracting, please also complete the table below.

Task No Task Name Description Participants In-kind Contributions

(continuous and Subcontracting
numbering (Yes/No and which)
linked to
Name Role

A number of at least 21 counties in Romania (out of 41 in total) will be

T3.1 Selection of counties (at national selected together with the representatives of the authorities in charge CTI, VCA COO, BEN No
level) where the Territorial of residential foster cares (DGASPC) where the Territorial Structures
structures – Informal Groups of – IGI will be established. The selection criteria are:
Initiative will be created DGASPC at regional level willingness to get involved and support this
practice and their motivation. VCA will contact in writing all DGASPC
at regional level and also ANDPDCA to present this opportunity and
establish a collaboration in this regard. If there will be more
willingness from the authorities, the counties will be selected based on
the number of children in foster care (the ones with a higher number
of children) and also regional balance will be considered. We have
chosen to focus just on 21 counties at the work volume to establish
these centers is very high, however as a sustainability plan it is
foreseen that after the end of the project CTI and VCA will take the
necessary actions to increase the number of TS-IGI until the point all
Romania will be covered.
ANDPDCA - National Authority for the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities, Children and Adoptions
DGASPC - General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child

In all the residential centers and orphanages from the counties

T3.2 Selection of children interested in selected in T3.1 an information campaign regarding the opportunity to CTI, VCA COO, BEN No
becoming activists of orphan take part in the Training Course for Activist and then later on to
children rights and being members become a member of the TS-IGI will be promoted. The children
of the Territorial structures – interested in this opportunity will have to express their motivation by
Informal Groups of Initiative – TS- contacting CTI selection team via any of the following methods:

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

IGI Online communication (email, social media, messaging applications);

Telephone; Post. As we know that sometimes children living in
residential care have limited access to communication channels and
sometimes to digital instruments, the selection team will make extra
efforts to be in contact with all centers where the opportunity was
promoted. No specific format for the motivation of children will be
asked from the same reason (requiring a motivation letter of a specific
type might block the children sometimes).
The selection process will be inclusive and non-discriminative.
Selection criteria: age 12-18, children in foster care/ orphanages,
based on their motivation;Total number of children to be selected:
120; At least 5 children from each country will be selected, as at least
3 children are needed to establish a TS-IGI (according to the national
T3.3 Development of content for the A team of trainers will develop a comprehensive training methodology. CTI, VCA COO, BEN No
training for activists of children The training will have a duration of 5 days. The activity program will
rights – Activity program, structure include a detailed description of each activity – learning objectives
and training methodologies and methodology used. The training methodology will be based on
non-formal education. The methods will be developed by the team of
trainers taking into account the specificities of the participants –
orphan children living in foster care. The main aim of the training is to
empower children to become activists of children rights and to equip
them with the necessary competences to run a Territorial Structure
and an Informal Group of Initiative at local level. The training will also
include sessions that prepare the children for the debates that will be
later organized in WP4 with representatives of the policy makers.
Also, it will include activities related to the EU project, EU values and
raising awareness on the benefits of EU citizenship.
The training will be organized in 4 series (approximately 30 children in
T3.4 Training for activists of children a series, for the total of 120 selected children). The trainings will be CTI, VCA COO, BEN No
rights residential and will take place in a location that ensures the safety of
children and is favorable for the non-formal methods planned. We do
know that taking children out of their foster care and daily environment
and bringing them to a new place motivates and inspires them and
keeps them engaged during the whole training period. All safety
measures will be taken considering the activity involves minors and
also special permissions need to be obtained from the authorities.
Moreover, funding will be attracted from private donors to ensure
children with what they might miss for a residential training (we have
to consider some of them have never left the orphanage, they might

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

not even have a travel bag or basic travel essentials). The team will
make sure to ensure practical and logistical preparation of the
children, full support during the residential training and follow-up
support after the training ends. During the training, monitoring and
observation will be ensured by the organizational team to prevent any
wanted event and also to ensure the well-being and physical and
mental safety and care of the children participating.
The training is set to last 5 days for each series and is based on the
methodology developed in the T3.3. An evaluation of each training
and overall evaluation of all 5 series will be compiled in a report by the
team of trainers and organizers involved in the training
Once returned from the training, the children will be supported by the
T3.5 Establishment of Territorial CTI to create a Territorial Structure – Informal Group of Initiative. We CTI, VCA COO, BEN No
Structures – Informal Groups of envision that at least 3 of selected children from each county that
Initiative (TS-IGI) and ongoing participated in the workshops will be motivated to establish a TS-IGI.
support According to the Romanian legislation, a territorial structure is an
initiative group affiliated to an organization without legal personality. In
this case they, the TS- IGI will be affiliated to CTI. CTI will release
official documents in which the TS-IGI will be recognized.
CTI commits for ongoing support of the newly created structures
(training, support in lobby and advocacy at local level, support in
developing new projects and actions, etc.) DGASPC will also release
a document in which it will acknowledge the creation of TS – IGI at
each county level.
Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)
Milestones are control points in the project that help to chart progress. They may correspond to the completion of a key deliverable allowing the next phase of the work to begin. Use them only for
major outputs in complex projects. Otherwise leave the section on milestones empty. Please limit the number of milestones by work package.
Means of verification are how you intend to prove that a milestone has been reached. If appropriate, you can also refer to indicators.
Deliverables are project outputs which are submitted to show project progress (any format). Refer only to major outputs. Do not include minor sub-items or internal working papers, meeting
minutes, etc. Limit the number of deliverables (and their data volume) to max 10-15 for the entire project. You may be asked to further reduce the number during grant preparation.
For deliverables such as meetings, events, seminars, trainings, workshops, webinars, conferences, etc., enter each deliverable separately and provide the following in the 'Description' field:
invitation, agenda, signed presence list, target group, number of estimated participants, duration of the event, report of the event, training material package, presentations, evaluation report,
feedback questionnaire.
For deliverables such as manuals, toolkits, guides, reports, leaflets, brochures, training materials etc., add in the ‘Description’ field: format (electronic or printed), language(s), approximate number
of pages and estimated number of copies of publications (if any).
For each deliverable you will have to indicate a due month by when you commit to upload it in the Portal. The due month of the deliverable cannot be outside the duration of the work package and
must be in line with the timeline provided below. Month 1 marks the start of the project and all deadlines should be related to this starting date.
The labels used mean:
Public — fully open ( automatically posted online on the Project Results platforms)

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

Sensitive — limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement


Milestone No Milestone Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Description Due Means of Verification
(continuous numbering No Date
not linked to WP) (month

Indicators: 4 series of
MS5 Delivery of training 3 CTI There will be 4 series of training for developing M10 training of 5 days/ training
for activists of competences of children to act as activists of 120 children in total
children rights children rights Training evaluation report
Signed presence list
MS6 Establishment of 3 CTI CTI will support the children that tool part in the M11 Recognize notice of the
Territorial training establish at local level TS-IGI and structures from CTI and
Structures – provide all the documentation needed for the DGASPC, at least 21 TS-
Informal Groups of legal acknowledgment these structures and IGI
Initiative further ongoing support

Deliverable No Deliverable Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemin Due Description
(continuous numbering No ation Date (including format and
linked to WP) Level (month language)

D 3.1 Tool-kit of training 3 CTI [R — Document, report] [PU — M6 The training agenda,
for activists in Public] methodologies and
orphan children learning objectives of
rights each session of the
training will be created
by the team of trainers.
The methods will be
created based on non-
formal education
principles. The toolkit for
training and training
agenda will be the basis
on which the team of
trainers will deliver the
planned training for
children Electronic

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

format (PDF), Romanian

language, approximately
60 pages

D 3.2 Training for 3 CTI [R — Document, report] [SEN — M10 There will be 4 training
activists in children Sensitive series of 5 days each.
rights ] The target groups are
120 children from
orphanages/ foster
care (Approximately 30
per training
series).There will be
provided: signed
presence list, report of
the event, including
evaluation report,
training material
package, feedback
D 3.3 Establishment of 3 CTI [R — Document, report] [SEN — M11 Documents that
TS-IGI Sensitive acknowledge the
] establishment of the TS-
IGI at local level
(recognition notice
released by DGSPAC
document by CTI).
Number: 21 TS-IGI to be

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

Estimated budget — Resources

A. Personnel B. C.1a Travel C.1b C.1c C.2 C.3 Other D.1 Financial support E. Indirect Total costs
Subcontrac Accomod Subsist Equipment goods, to third parties costs
ting ation ence works and

CTI 5,4 5040 0 EUR 1 travel 4 80 EUR 400 200 0 EUR 6000 EUR 0 0 820.4 EUR 12540.4
person EUR persons EUR EUR
months travellin

VCA 5 person 6400 0 EUR 1 travel 124 2480 12400 6200 0 EUR 6000 EUR 0 0 2343.6 EUR 35823.6
months EUR persons EUR EUR EUR

Total 10,4 11440 0 EUR 1 travel 128 2560 12800 6400 0 EUR 12000 0 0 EUR 3164 EUR 48364
person EUR persons EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR
months travellin

For Lump Sum Grants, see calculator (annex 1 to Part B; see Portal Reference Documents)

Work Package 4

Work Package 4: Lobbying and Advocacy Campaign

Duration: M 11 – M15 Lead Beneficiary: CTI

List the specific objectives to which this work package is linked.

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

This WP focuses on building contacts with the policy makers and lobbying in order to trigger policy changes in favour of children living in orphanages and foster care in
Romania. Specific objectives are:
 Put in place a lobbying and advocacy campaign to introduce on the public agenda the issues related to how pandemic negatively affected children in social care
 Attract politicians’ interest to participate in a political debate with children from orphanages
 Bring together children from orphanages with policy makers in a political debate that aims to trigger policy changes to help fight negative effects of Covid19 on
vulnerable children
Activities (what, how, where) and division of work
Provide a concise overview of the work (planned tasks). Be specific and give a short name and number for each task.
Show who is participating in each task: Coordinator (COO), Beneficiaries (BEN), Affiliated Entities (AE), Associated Partners (AP), indicating in bold the task leader.
Add information on other participants’ involvement in the project e.g. subcontractors, in-kind contributions.
In-kind contributions: In-kind contributions for free are cost-neutral, i.e. cannot be declared as cost. Please indicate the in-kind contributions that are provided in the context of this work package.
The Coordinator remains fully responsible for the coordination tasks, even if they are delegated to someone else. Coordinator tasks cannot be subcontracted (see Model Grant Agreement).
If there is subcontracting, please also complete the table below.

Task No Task Name Description Participants In-kind Contributions

(continuous and Subcontracting
numbering (Yes/No and which)
linked to
Name Role

T4.1 Contact-making with policy makers Contacting groups of MPs in Romania and CTI, VCA COO, BEN No
Parliament Commissions that are in charge
with the matter of child protection in order to
inform them on the needs for policy measures
to be taken to fight pandemic negative effects
on vulnerable children. As well, the contacted
politicians will be invited to participate in the
political debate related to the impact of
Covid19 on children in social care. An agenda
of the debates will be created together with the
MP representatives, the children and VCA and
CTI. To contact the MPs, the team will use
already existing contacts in the field together
with a communication campaign in which it will
involve known bloggers and artists from

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

T4.2 Round table and debates between A round table and debate will be organized CTI, VCA COO, BEN No
children and policy makers where MPs and parliamentary groups
representatives contacted in T4.1 will participate together with
members of VCA, CTI and children that are
now involved in the Territorial Structures
Informal Groups of Initiative (created in WP3).
The main topic of this round table – debate is
related to the impact of Covid19 had on
children under social care, in particular
children living in foster care. The children and
policy makers will discuss what are some of
the measures that can be taken and future
recommendation for policy in the field of
protection of children during emergency
situation. The meeting will be facilitated by the
team members of the CTI and VCA and will
take place in Bucharest and for it children
members of TS – IGI from all over the country
will travel to Bucharest one day before the
actual debate. The children members of TS-
IGI participating will prepare themselves for
the debates during a series of several online
meetings (at least 3 meetings and increasing
the number to as many as needed). In the
preparation period that will be facilitated and
supported by CTI, children will work-out on
what and how they will discuss with the
politicians and on the main request they have
to them. As a result of these debates, CTI and
VCA will create a Memorandum that contains
immediate actions that DGASPC (General
Directorate of Social Assistance and Child
Protection), ministries and policy makers have
to put in place to reduce the traumatic effects
Covid19 had on children living in foster care.

Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)

Milestones are control points in the project that help to chart progress. They may correspond to the completion of a key deliverable allowing the next phase of the work to begin. Use them only for
major outputs in complex projects. Otherwise leave the section on milestones empty. Please limit the number of milestones by work package.
Means of verification are how you intend to prove that a milestone has been reached. If appropriate, you can also refer to indicators.

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

Deliverables are project outputs which are submitted to show project progress (any format). Refer only to major outputs. Do not include minor sub-items or internal working papers, meeting
minutes, etc. Limit the number of deliverables (and their data volume) to max 10-15 for the entire project. You may be asked to further reduce the number during grant preparation.
For deliverables such as meetings, events, seminars, trainings, workshops, webinars, conferences, etc., enter each deliverable separately and provide the following in the 'Description' field:
invitation, agenda, signed presence list, target group, number of estimated participants, duration of the event, report of the event, training material package, presentations, evaluation report,
feedback questionnaire.
For deliverables such as manuals, toolkits, guides, reports, leaflets, brochures, training materials etc., add in the ‘Description’ field: format (electronic or printed), language(s), approximate number
of pages and estimated number of copies of publications (if any).
For each deliverable you will have to indicate a due month by when you commit to upload it in the Portal. The due month of the deliverable cannot be outside the duration of the work package and
must be in line with the timeline provided below. Month 1 marks the start of the project and all deadlines should be related to this starting date.
The labels used mean:
Public — fully open ( automatically posted online on the Project Results platforms)
Sensitive — limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement

Milestone No Milestone Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date Means of Verification
(continuous numbering No (month number)
not linked to WP)

MS7 Debate – Round 4 CTI Meeting between children members of M14 Agenda and signed
Table with policy TS-IGI and policy makers to discuss presence list, event
makers measures that should be taken to reduce report. Number of
the negative impact Covid19 foster care. participants: 21 children,
The debate will last for at least 4 hours. 20 policy makers, 4
pandemic had on children living in facilitators on behalf of
orphanages. The meeting will take place CTI and VCA
at the Parliament of Romania.

Deliverable No Deliverable Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Due Date Description
(continuous numbering No Level (month number) (including format and
linked to WP) language)

D4.1 Debate – Round 1 CTI [R — Document, [PU — Public] M14 Target group: children
Table with policy report] leaders of the newly
makers created TS-IGI and
politicians in charge with
policies related to
Signed presence list;
Agenda; Feedback

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

Report document of
D4.2 Memorandum with 1 CTI [R — Document, [PU — Public] M15 policy recommendation
immediate actions report] as resulted from the
to be taken by meeting between children
DGASPC, and policy makers. The
ministries and document will be in
policy makers to Romanian and it will have
reduce the an approximate 20
traumatic effects pages.
Covid19 had on
children living in
foster care.

Estimated budget — Resources

A. Personnel B. C.1a Travel C.1b C.1c C.2 C.3 Other D.1 Financial support E. Indirect Total costs
Subcontrac Accomod Subsist Equipment goods, to third parties costs
ting ation ence works and

CTI 1 person 600 0 EUR 1 travel 21 420 0 EUR 0 EUR 0 EUR 1000 EUR 0 grants 0 EUR 141.4 EUR 2161.4
months EUR persons EUR EUR

VCA 1 person 300 0 EUR 0 travels 0person 0 EUR 0 EUR 0 EUR 0 EUR 0 EUR 0 prizes 0EUR 21 EUR 321 EUR
months EUR s

Total X person 900 0 EUR 1 travels 21 420 0 EUR 0 EUR 0 EUR 1000 EUR 0 prizes 0 EUR 162.4 EUR 2482.4
months EUR persons EUR EUR

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

For Lump Sum Grants, see calculator (annex 1 to Part B; see Portal Reference Documents)

Overview of Work Packages (n/a for Lump Sum Grants)

Staff effort per work package

Fill in the summary on work package information and effort per work package. Make sure the figures are consistent with the section estimated budget
from each work package (if applicable). There is no automatic reconciliation function across the different tables within this document.

Work Work Package Title Lead Lead Start Month End Month Person-Months
Package No Participant Participant
No Short

1 Project management and 1 VCA 1 15 35


2 Research about the impact 1 VCA 1 12 22

of Covid19 pandemic on
children living in
orphanages and foster
care in Romania

3 Development of Territorial 2 CTI 4 11 10,4

Structures Informal Groups
of Initiative, including
training of activists for the
rights of institutionalized

4 Lobbying and Advocacy 2 CTI 11 15 2


Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

Total Person- 69,4


Staff effort per participant

Fill in the effort per work package and Beneficiary/Affiliated Entity.
Please indicate the number of person/months over the whole duration of the planned work. Make sure the figures are consistent with the
section estimated budget from each work package (if applicable). There is no automatic reconciliation function across the different tables
within this document.
Identify the work-package leader for each work package by showing the relevant person/month figure in bold.

Participant WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 Total Person-Months

VCA 22,5 9 5 1 37,5

CTI 12,5 13 5,4 1 31,9

Total Person-Months 35 22 10,4 2 69,4

4.3 Timetable

Timetable (projects up to 2 years)

Fill in cells in beige to show the duration of activities. Repeat lines/columns as necessary.
Note: Use the project month numbers instead of calendar months. Month 1 marks always the start of the project. In the timeline you should indicate the timing of each activity per WP.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Task 1.1 Setting up implementation team, Kick-off meeting

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

Task 1.2 Project management

T1.3 Development of evaluation, monitoring, control and risk management tools

T1.4 Visibility and Dissemination incl. Press Confr. at launch of Research report

T1. Sensitisation- Awareness Rising Campaign

T 2.1 Development of the research instrument

T2.2 Research on the impact of Covid19 on children from orphanages

T2.2 Analysis of data and production of the Research Report

T3.1 Selection of counties where the TS-IGI will be created

T3.3 Selection of children interested in becoming activists of orphan children rights

and being members of the– TS- IGI

T3.3 Development of content for the training for activists of children rights –
Activity program, structure and training methodologies

T3.4 Training for activists of children rights

T3.3 Establishment of TS-IGI and ongoing support

T4.1 Contact-making with policy makers

T4.2Round table and debates between children and policy makers representatives

Timetable (projects of more than 2 years)

Fill in cells in beige to show the duration of activities. Repeat lines/columns as necessary.
Note: Use actual, calendar years and quarters. In the timeline you should indicate the timing of each activity per WP. You may add additional columns if your project is longer than 6 years.

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1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Task 1.1 - …

Task …

4.4 Subcontracting

Give details on subcontracted project tasks (if any) and explain the reasons why (as opposed to direct implementation by the Beneficiaries/Affiliated Entities).
Subcontracting — Subcontracting means the implementation of ‘action tasks’, i.e. specific tasks which are part of the EU grant and are described in Annex 1 of the Grant Agreement.
Note: Subcontracting concerns the outsourcing of a part of the project to a party outside the consortium. It is not simply about purchasing goods or services. We normally expect that the participants
have sufficient operational capacity to implement the project activities themselves. Subcontracting should therefore be exceptional.
Include only subcontracts that comply with the rules (i.e. best value for money and no conflict of interest; no subcontracting of coordinator tasks). Make sure that subcontractors are aware of the
principles of gender mainstreaming and non-discrimination mainstreaming.

Work Package No Subcontract No Subcontract Description Estimated Costs Justification Best-Value-for-Money

(continuous Name (including task number and (EUR) (why is subcontracting (how do you intend to
numbering linked to (subcontracted BEN to which it is linked) necessary?) ensure it?)
WP) action tasks)


Other issues: Insert text

If subcontracting for the project goes beyond 30% of the total eligible
costs, give specific reasons.

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021


5.1 Ethics and EU values

Ethics and EU values

Describe ethics issues that may arise during the project implementation and the measures you intend to take to
solve/avoid them.
Describe how you will ensure gender and non-discrimination mainstreaming in the project cycle. This means
integrating gender equality and non-discrimination considerations in the design, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of project activities. Projects activities should be pro-active and contribute to the equal empowerment of
women and men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, and ensure that they achieve their full potential, enjoy the same
rights and opportunities. Gender and non-discrimination mainstreaming are a key mechanism for achieving gender
equality and combating multiple and intersecting discrimination. In the delivery of project activities gender
mainstreaming shall be ensured by systematically monitoring access, participation, and benefits among different
genders, and by incorporating remedial action that redresses any gender inequalities and discriminatory effects in
implementation of planned activities. The activities shall also seek to reduce levels of discrimination suffered by
particular groups (as well as those at risk of multiple discrimination) and to improve equality outcomes for individuals.
If your project has a direct or indirect impact on children and their rights, indicate it clearly here. Make sure that your
project is based on a child rights approach, i.e. that all the rights of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the Optional protocols, are promoted, respected,
protected and fulfilled. The project should address children as rights holders and should ensure their participation in
the design and implementation of the project. If you will have direct contacts with children you will have to provide a
child protection policies in line with the Keeping Children Safe Child Safeguarding Standards.
Explain how you intend to address privacy/data protection issues related to data collection, analysis and
Outline measures to be taken and the policies in place to guarantee full compliance with the EU values mentioned in
Article 2 of the Treaty on the European Union and Article 21 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

The ethical issues in this project are related to the direct involvement of children in the planned
activities. The implementation strategy will avoid any unethical situations related to their participation.
The associations implementing this project have an extensive experience in working with children from
orphanages/ foster care and therefore internal rules guaranteeing ethical treatment of all children and
clear Child Protection Policies. These procedures are built in accordance with children's rights legislation
at national and EU level.
The principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination is a constant in the work carried out by the
applicant in accordance with the policies promoted at EU level. According to the Law no. 202/2002 on
equal opportunities between women and men, it means taking into account the different abilities, needs,
aspirations of people regardless of gender and treating them equally. The application of the principle is
carried out according to the legal regulations in the field of equal opportunities: Law 202/2002;
OU137/2000 on the prevention and sanctioning of forms of discrimination; Labour Code; Romanian
Constitution. These will be put into practice at each level and activity implemented in the project.
The implementation team is made up of people who have been selected regardless of gender, age,
disability, religious affiliation, ethnicity, political views, HIV/AIDS infection, LGBTIQ affiliation, who have
the necessary skills to fulfil the responsibilities and tasks specific to each position (as a matter of fact, in
the proposed team 4 members grew up as children in orphanages, and two of these also a have
physical disability). The selection of new employees will be based on a competitive process in
compliance with the legislation in force and ensuring the principles of equal opportunities. The
procedures for awarding contracts for goods/services will comply with the principles and rules in
accordance with the European legislation in force: non-discrimination; equal treatment; mutual
recognition; transparency; efficient use of public funds; assumption of responsibility; avoidance of
conflict of interest; non-retroactivity of the contract.
The theme of the project is closely related to children's rights, as the project seeks to facilitate the
implementation of children's rights and to facilitate children's access to express their voice on the
policies adopted by governments regarding orphaned children. The project generates an increased
awareness of the situation of orphaned children and a process that aims to improve the legislation
protecting orphaned children to facilitate their better social integration when they leave the protection
system, non-discrimination and integration as well as opportunities for increasing the standard of living
and quality of life of these children.
The project is focused on children as rights holders and its main aim is to empower children to make
their voice heard and exercise their rights. Children are involved in designing the research instrument of
the project as well they are actively involved in the training dedicated to the and active participants in the
debates with the policy makers.
The project corresponds to EU priorities and strategic objectives of social cohesion, fight against
discrimination, participatory democracy, better governance, sustainable development.
In addition, in the project we have planned a public sensitising campaign in relation to orphan children

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021

affected by multiple discrimination (Roma, LGBTIQ, disability) thus reducing levels of discrimination
suffered by these groups and contributing to equality and social inclusion.
The data collection in this project will be done taking into account the GDPR legislation in force at EU
level and the national laws imposed. The answers collected from children in the research carried out in
the project will be anonymous and it will be ensured children are not affected in any negative way by
their involvement in the project activities.
Concerning the identification and selection of the target group, the principles of equal opportunities will
be respected and promoted through a correct information of the children in the placement centres about
the opportunities offered by the project, regardless of gender, nationality, sexual orientation, race,
ethnicity, religion, political choice, social origin, disability, HIV infection. Objective criteria for selecting
research respondents and participants in the training course for children's rights activists: willingness to
participate in activities. A balanced participation of all gender categories in the project activities and
representation of groups suffering multiple discrimination will be ensured by proactive measures taken
by the team members responsible with the selection of participants in activities.
Girls, children with different physical and mental illnesses as well as Roma children and children
belonging to the LGBTIQ community are strongly discriminated against in orphanages in Romania and
their chances to get involved in activities are reduced. 120 children will be selected to participate in the
training courses for children's rights activists of which 55% are girls, 30% Roma, 20% from gender
minorities, 10% physically/mentally disabled. The opportunities will be widely publicised and all children
in orphanages will have equal access. The theme of equal opportunities will also be addressed
theoretically with the beneficiaries in the sessions of the training course.

5.2 Security


Not applicable.


Double funding

Information concerning other EU grants for this project

Please note that there is a strict prohibition of double funding from the EU budget (except YES/NO
under EU Synergies actions).

We confirm that to our best knowledge neither the project as a whole nor any parts of it have YES
benefitted from any other EU grant (including EU funding managed by authorities in EU
Member States or other funding bodies, e.g. Erasmus, EU Regional Funds, EU Agricultural
Funds, European Investment Bank, etc). If NO, explain and provide details.

We confirm that to our best knowledge neither the project as a whole nor any parts of it are YES
(nor will be) submitted for any other EU grant (including EU funding managed by authorities
in EU Member States or other funding bodies, e.g. Erasmus, EU Regional Funds, EU
Agricultural Funds, European Investment Bank, etc). If NO, explain and provide details.

Financial support to third parties (if applicable)

If in your project the maximum amount per third party will be more than the threshold amount set in the Call document,
justify and explain why the higher amount is necessary in order to fulfil your project’s objectives.


Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021



Detailed budget table/Calculator (annex 1 to Part B) — mandatory for Lump Sum Grants (see Portal Reference
CVs (annex 2 to Part B) — mandatory, if required in the Call document
Annual activity reports (annex 3 to Part B) — mandatory, if required in the Call document
List of previous projects (annex 4 to Part B) — mandatory, if required in the Call document

Other annexes (annex 5 to Part B) — mandatory, if required in the Call document

Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021


List of previous projects

Please provide a list of your previous projects for the last 4 years.

Participant Project Reference No Period (start Role Amount Website (if any)
and Title, Funding and end date) (COO, (EUR)
programme BEN, AE,

VCA 54 workshops at 2017 - 2020 COO 5000 https://voceacopiil

EDFORSO centre
(annually). Funded by content/uploads/2
private funding, sponsors 019/01/vocea-
and donors COPIILOR-

VCA Conference Povestea 2017 - 2018 COO 2500 www.voceacopiilo

MEA, funded de BCR
(Banca Comerciala

VCA EDFORSO Home 2017 - 2020 COO 25000 https://voceacopiil
Sponsorship from private edforso/
companies and

VCA Camp EDFORSO 2017 - 2020 COO 2100 https://voceacopiil

Sponsorship from private 020/01/Raport-de-
companies and activitate-2019-
donations 2.pdf

VCA Humanitarian aid in 2020 COO 8500 https://voceacopiil

emergencies – COVID
Sponsorship from private 021/02/Raport-de-
companies and activitate-2020-
donations 2.pdf

VCA Santa Claus reached out 2020 COO 11000 https://voceacopiil

to poor children
Sponsorship from private 021/02/Raport-de-
companies and activitate-2020-
donations 2.pdf

1.0 01.04.2021 Initial version (new MFF)

Proposal Info

Proposal ID Call for Proposal Topic Type of Action

Main Activity Type

Training Activities
Awareness Raising Activities
Mutual Learning Activities
Analytical Activities
ICT Tools
People Reached

Deliver Activity Activity Type Activity Durati Male Femal Non- Total
able Name Awareness Mode on Attend e binary Attend
Numb Debat Raising Face (days) ees / Attend Attend ees /
er e– Activities to 1 Male ees / ees / Person
41 Round Face Reach Femal Non- s
Table ed e binary Reach
with 18 Reach Reach ed
policy ed ed 45
maker 21 6
Deliver Activity Activity Type Activity Durati Male Femal Non- Total
able Name Training Mode on Attend e binary Attend
Numb Trainin Activities Face (days) ees / Attend Attend ees /
er g for to 5 Male ees / ees / Person
32 activist Face Reach Femal Non- s
s in ed e binary Reach
childre 50 Reach Reach ed
n ed ed 120
rights 58 12

Submitted 07-09-2021 16:46:23 DGJUST v4 Page 1

Curriculum vitae

Personal Information VIȘINEL COSTEL BALAN

Str. Cireșului Nr. 3, Comuna Joița, Sat Bâcu, Jud. Giurgiu (România)
Google Hangouts visinel.balan | Skype visinelbalan

Sex Male | Birth Date 07/06/1987 | Nationality Romanian

Job applied for: Project Manager

Professional Experience

01/10/2020–Present Assistant professor

National School of Political and Administrative Studies
Seminar: case study methodology in deviance research

Type of activity or sector University education

01/04/2008–Present INSPECTOR
Ministry of Youth and Sports
Suspended from office during the term of office of dignitary adviser to the Parliamentary Cabinets
Deputy Iulian Bulai and Senator Vlad Alexandrescu
Head of Student Services

Type of activity or sector Government

24/10/2020–Present Independent local councillor

Local Council of Joița, Jud. Giurgiu
Development of draft resolutions, background notes and participation in meetings.
Type of activity or sector local government

01/12/2017–17.12.2020 EXPERT, senator cabinet

Legislative initiatives, interpellations, social media, communication - PROTECTION AND

Type of activity or sector Central Public Administration

10/02/2017–31/03/2018 COUNSELER, deputy cabinet

Legislative initiatives, interpellations, social media, communication - AREA OF PROTECTION AND

Type of activity or sector Central Public Administration

08/2015–12/2015 Trainer in the project “Vulnerabili Redivivus” POSDRU/185/6.2/S/155229

Support training courses for the target group;

28/07/2021 © Uniunea Europeană, 2002-2018 | Page 1 / 6

Development of course materials, assessment tests and course aids.
Type of activity or sector Private

01/2017–01/2018 MANAGER
Development and implementation of national and international projects through the ERASMUS
programme funded by the European Union
Management/ Coordination of the EDFORSO Youth Centre
Management/ Coordination of the Council of Institutionalized Youth

Type of activity or sector NGO

01/2012–09/2013 TECHNICAL COORDINATOR, within the project "Vocational training opportunities

for rural women in home services" POSDRU/110/5.2/G/89059.
Coordinate the work of experts at technical level;
Monitoring specific technical work to achieve objectives;
Ensure, from a technical point of view, the organisation and conduct of events and training activities;
Coordinate the planning of information, counselling, training activities carried out at local level and
collaborate with the project experts.

Type of activity or sector Private

06/2014–01/2015 EXPERT within the project "Increasing the competitiveness of rural areas by
exploiting the tourism potential" POSDRU/135/5.2/S/132068
Saatchi & Saatchi X PUBLICITATE SRL
Maintain partnership relations with state institutions at local, regional and central level.
Facilitator target group

Type of activity or sector Advertising Agency


10/2018–present PhD student

National School of Political and Administrative Sciences Bucharest - Doctoral School,
specialization: Sociology, Bucharest (Romania)

10/2014–07/2016 Master’s Degree

University of Bucharest - Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Bucharest (Romania)

10/2011–07/2012 Master’s Degree

Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University - Faculty of Legal and Administrative Sciences,
Bucharest (Romania)

10/2010–07/2013 Bachelor's degree

National University of Theatre and Cinema "I. L. Caragiale" Bucharest - Faculty of Theatre,
Bucharest (Romania)

10/2007–07/2011 Bachelor's degree

Spiru Haret University - Faculty of Legal, Political and Administrative Sciences, Bucharest

28/07/2021 © Uniunea Europeană, 2002-2018 | Page 2 / 6

Curriculum vitae

11/2012–11/2012 Manager
Youth Worker
Asociatia Euro<26 SRL,
Romania, Bucuresti (România)
Bucharest (Romania)

11/2012–11/2012 Manager
Project Manager
Asociatia Euro<26
Bucuresti (România)
Bucharest (Romania)

06/2012–06/2012 Formator
S.C. TRAINING & TEACHING CENTER S.R.L., București (România)
S.R.L., Bucharest (Romania)
07/2008–07/2008 Communication Skills
National Agency for Supporting Youth Initiatives, Bucharest (Romania)
06/2010–06/2010 Socio-Educative Animator
National Authority for Sport and Youth, Bucharest (Romania)


Mother tongue(s) Romanian


Participation in the
Listening Reading Oral speech
English C1 C1 C2 C2 C1

Communication skills Decision;

Ability to work under stress; Team spirit;
Ability to work as part of a team and teamwork skills acquired during the activities carried out in the
organisations in which I have worked and continue to work;
Active involvement in community life by developing and implementing social projects for
disadvantaged groups.

Organisational/managerial skills Ability to analyse and synthesise; Problem-solving ability; Organisational and organisational skills
coordination; Self-control and ability to adapt to different situations; Managerial skills; Enthusiasm, pro-
active attitude and energy.

Digital skills SELF-ASSESSMENT

Information Communication Content Security Problem

processing solving creation solving

Experienced user Experienced user Experienced user Experienced user Experienced user

Utilities: MS Office (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint)

Knowledge of software and hardware.

28/07/2021 © Uniunea Europeană, 2002-2018 | Page 3 / 6

Driving licence B


Awards ▪ 2018 - Nominated for the Lifetime Achievement Award in Social Work, an event organized by the
National College of Social Workers of Romania.
▪ 2017 - Volunteer of the year in the field of civic activism, awarded by the Volum Federation for the
volunteer work carried out in the field of representation of institutionalized children in Romania;;
▪ 2017 - Nominated by Forbes, 30 under 30, for the whole activity in the service of abandoned
▪ 2013 - Volunteer of the Year 2013 in the field of Youth, awarded by Volum Federation for the
volunteering activity carried out for institutionalized youth in Romania;

Publications ▪ July 2021, Human Rights Review, Analysis of the perception of transitional plans among young
people in residential and foster care at national level, author, pages: 75 -90, Romanian Institute for
Human Rights.
▪ June 2020, Human Rights Journal, Analysis of the social impact of leaving care in the last 10 years
in Romania, author, pages: 56 -75, Romanian Institute for Human Rights;
▪ May 2020, Interactions - Leaving care of young people for whom for which the special protection
measure has ceased in the last 10 years, author, Argonaut Publishing House;
▪ I collaborated in the publication of the work: COPIII LUI IROD - Moral report on children left in state
care, Humanitas Publishing House, 2019, author. Vlad Alexandrescu.
▪ I collaborated in the proofreading and adaptation of the text of the work: Preparing for leaving care -
a practical guide, published by SOS Children's Villages International, Austria.
▪ June 2018 - Hecate Publishing House - # Together, the story of children who lived the experience
of orphanages in the 90s.
▪ March 2016 - HECATE Publishing House - Post-Institutionalization Failure, national research
conducted in 27 counties, 190 placement centers, 1000 institutionalized youth on the negative
effects of deinstitutionalization.

Media appearances  2021 - Documentary, lead role, Spanish National Television.

 From 2012 to date I have given more than 150 interviews in national and international publications,
as follows: Antena 1, Protv, Digi24, Jurnaliștii. ro, TVR, The Guardian (England), Kanal D,
Deșteptarea, Ziarul de Bacău, Evenimentul Zilei, Adevărul, SOCIONOMEN Magazine (Sweden),
DR TV (Denmark), Efekt Domina - TVN (Poland), Les enfants pauvres de l'Europe, published in
YOUROPE ARTE (France and Germany), BBC World Service London, MediaFAX, Agerpres, Prima
TV, City TV and many other local publications.
 Since 2016 I have participated in a series of TV and Radio debates on abandoned children:
Realitatea TV, TVR 1, TVR 2, A7 TV, Rfi, Radio România Actualități, Radio România București,
Europa FM, Radio România Cultural

Additional information • 2020 - February, delegate from TIBERIUS to the European Commission on the issue of young
people for whom the special protection measure is being or has been terminated.
• 2019 - October 1, Honors College, Texas Christian University, I spoke about the situation of
youth for whom the special protection measure has ended in the last 30 years.
• 2019 - June 3 - 5, International Interdisciplinary Congress on Childhood, University of
Granada, Spain - at the conference I was invited to speak about the #AmReușit project, life
stories of children/youth who left the special protection system.
• 2019 - 1 - 4 April, Host of the international program - Care Leavers focus group, organized at
the Palace of Parliament, coordinated by Tiberius organization, SOS Children's Villages
International Italy, CareLeavers Ireland, England and Croatia - during the focus group I

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Curriculum vitae

facilitated the relationship with representatives of the Parliament and spoke about the
situation of the special protection system in Romania.
• 2018 - 11 - 13 October, International Conference I WANT HOME, organized by the Council
of Institutionalized Youth, in partnership with Baia Mare Youth Capital, Unicef and Hope and
Homes for Children Romania - during the conference I spoke about research on post-
institutionalization failure in Romania.
• 2017 - 2 November, Social Work International Conference (SWIC) - we spoke about post-
institutionalisation failure in Romania.
• CareLeavers Conference, July 22 nd - 27 rd 2018, Ireland (Maynooth University).
• Social Work International Conference "Social Work Responses to the New Realities of a
Turbulent World", 2nd Edition, November 2nd - 3rd 2017, Bucharest.
• September 2016 - December 2016 - Independent Candidate for the Chamber of Deputies,
Constituency No. 42 - Bucharest Municipality. Result 1770 votes
• May - June 2016 - Manager of the MEA Story Conference - 3rd edition, project funded by
• May 2016 - Founding member of the Council of Institutionalized Youth;
• March 2016 - motivational speaker at the Institute for Happiness - event organized by the
Institute for Happiness Bucharest;
• March 2016 - motivational speaker at Speaker CLUB - event organized by Speaker CLUB
• March 2016 - motivational speaker at BuzzCamp - event organized by;
• February 2016 - speaker at the Alternative University;
• 4 January - 31 May 2016 - Project Coordinator - I, YOU, HE and SHE - We represent
ourselves! - funded by the Civil Society Development Fund (CSDF);
• 29 January 2016 - Launch of the EDFORSO Youth Centre - Education, Training, Society -
Strengthening independent living skills of institutionalized youth - Project Coordinator;
• November 2015 - Inspirational speaker at TEDxBucharesti;
• September - December 2015 - motivational speaker at the Conferences organized by the
• 15 - 20 August - Organizer and Trainer of the Camp EDUCATION for LIFE - for young
people institutionalized - held in Chevereșu Mare Camp, Jud. Timis in collaboration with
DJST Timis;
• July 2015 - motivational speaker at the School of Leaders - organized by I.P.P.;
• June 2015 - speaker and jury member at the event All Different, All Equal organized by
• June 2015 - motivational speaker at the Conference "Dare to Dream" organized by the
Association Lindenfeld Association - national program Ajungem Mari;
• 2015 - 2016 - Research coordinator and mentor for institutionalized youth from Romania -
Post-institutionalization failure, in collaboration with Conf. Univ. Dr. Dan Adrian, University of
Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work Bucharest;
• May - June 2015 - Speaker and Mentor in the project Experss Ideas, organized by the
Association Political Science Students Association, University of Bucharest;
• 20 April 2015 - Moderator and Mentor at the Conference MODELE for Young People
organized by Clubul Romanian-American University Students Club;Martie 2015 – iunie 2015
• Speaker and Mentor at the Changemaker organized by the Student Association Economists
of Romania;
• 25 February 2015 - Speaker at the event Evoluam con sentido organized by the Women's
Association of Romania. Rural Environment;
• March - June 2015 - Project Coordinator - MEA Story Conference, 2nd Edition, funded by
Romanian Commercial Bank;
• January 2015 - Founding Member and General Secretary of FEDEREII - Association of
Adults in Residential Homes. of Children;

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• 26 January 2015 - motivational speaker at the seminar "Get back in the game", organized by
the Agency National Anti-Drug Agency in the framework of the project Equality in the Labour
• January 2015 - June 2015 - Theatre without limits - Trainer, Animator and Mentor -
Penitentiary Jilava, Jud. Ilfov;
• November 2014 - June 2015 - Theatre without limits - Trainer, Animator and Mentor -
School Cosoba Secondary School, Jud. Girgiu;Septembrie – noiembrie 2014

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Bucharest, Romania
+40 763 672 164
Skype – claudia.postelnicescu

SUMMARY: Human Rights Lawyer, Migration Expert, Migration & Home Affairs
European Commission Expert on Radicalisation & Extremism Narratives.
Far-Right Populism.

WORK EXPERIENCE October 2020 – Present

RAN Expert – European Commission
Radicalization Awareness Network Expert on Hate Speech, Women
Rights, Far Right Extremism -


October 2009 - present
Managing Lawyer
“Claudia M. Postelnicescu” Law Office, Bucharest, Romania
Law office/Legal service
- Litigation in civil cases, contracts, administrative & constitutional
law, criminal law
- Strategic litigation in International & European law
- Lead Lawyer international strategic litigation case with Harvard
Law School
- Consultancy for local think tanks and NGOs on public procurement,
human rights, constitutional law, and civil law
- European Commission’s pool of experts
- Reviewing the conditionality imposed on Romania in the
agreements signed at the time of privatisation of strategic
- Revising the spin off procedure of some of the companies listed for
foreign investments.
- Revising the file documentation required by ICSID (International
Court of Settlement of Investment Disputes).
- Drafting agreements on public-private partnerships regarding the
construction of motorways infrastructure in Romania
- Corporate Law, Construction & Real Estate, Insolvency

© European Union, 2002-2015 | Page 1 / 6


October 2015 – January 2017

Head of Legal, In House Lawyer, Group of Companies
- Commercial/Real Estate/Constructions
- Revised and updated standard terms and conditions for
professional services contracts; created new confidentiality
clauses to avoid data breach.
- Managing the companies’ corporate affairs, contracts reviewing
and litigation cases
- Advise on employment issues, including work visas and facilitating
transfer of employees.
- International litigation and case-solving
- Liaise, coordinate, and cooperate with external team of lawyers on
strategy and priorities.
- Negotiate, draft and review agreements, contracts, and dispute
- Due diligence on behalf of business partners
- Reviewing the compliance with EU law and internal regulations
- In-house counselling for the management on several daily legal
- Legal representation in the court and in relation with stakeholders
or business partners
- Organizing the files and legal priorities.
- Supervise and delegate tasks with the administrative stuff.

February –October 2008

Legal Adviser, The Presidential Administration
Bucharest, Romania
Public Administration
- Advising on issues of Constitutional Law, European Law, European
Criminal Procedure, and Romanian Law regarding corruption,
abuses of power, conflict of interests, integrity, and the rule of law
- Advising on international issues (foreign policy & European topics)
relevant to the national agenda and priorities of the President
- Legal expert in the Presidential Commission for the Analysis of the
Political and Constitutional Regime of Romania
- Drafting and preparing political speeches on legal matters for the

June 2004 – December 2007

Associate, “Bogdan Grabowski” Law Office, Bucharest, Romania
Law office/Legal services
- Handling litigation in Property & Real Estate Law, Civil &
Commercial Law
- Consultancy on business investments in Romania – the legal

© European Union, 2002-2015 | Page 2 / 6


requirements for setting up a company in Romania, withdrawing

funds or associates, moving assets, opening a branch in another
country, contracts.
- Negotiating agreements and contracts on behalf of clients
- Mediating disputes
- Due-diligence work for foreign clients or prospectors.

January 1999 – May 2002

Legal Counsellor, Ministry of Finance, Government of Romania, Bucharest
Public administration
- Representing the Romanian State in Property Law, Fiscal and
Financial Law to all the courts in Romania and overseas
coordination with Romanian embassies
- Drafting of new law/amendments
- International Litigation & Arbitration, Tax & Fiscal Law.
- Legal compliance & drafting laws and amendments in the legal
harmonization process to the EU law before joining the European
- Expert in the Privatization Committee of formerly State-owned
- Legal representative to the UNCITRAL Commission (United
Nations Commission on International Trade Law) workings on the
Draft Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in
International Trade, New York City, June – July 2000, on behalf of
the Romanian State/Ministry of Finance.
- Legal Consultant, expert in the team that negotiated a Loan
Agreement with the World Bank for the Custom Administration in
Romania, Washington D.C., April 5, 2000.
- Amending and drafting legislation, government’s decisions and
ordinances, proposals for the alignment with the EU regulations
due in the pre-integration process.
- Legal representative to the Egmont Group on drafting Romanian -
EU legislation on combating and preventing international money
laundering (establishment of international financial units in
Romania), Warsaw, Poland, April-May 1999.
- Litigator in many cases on behalf of the Romanian State in the
administrative and fiscal courts (Courts of Appeals, the High Court
of Justice, the Financial Court).

June 1996 – December 1998

Parliamentary Adviser, Chamber of Deputies, Department of International
Relations, Bucharest
- Providing legal advice and expertise for the Romanian MPs on
internal politics, international affairs
- Comparative law (legal institutions and laws from other EU member
states on specific topics of interest for the working agenda of the

© European Union, 2002-2015 | Page 3 / 6


- Communication and media reports.
- Legal due diligence and analysis.
- Legal research and studies.


2013-2015 MA in Dramatic & Creative Writing

University of Theatre and Cinematography (UNATC), Bucharest Romania
- Creative Writing
- Dramaturgy
- History of Theatre
- Playwriting
Cyber Security and Law
The Hague Institute for Global Justice -Training
- Law
- Cyber security
- EU Law

2011-2013 Women Rights’ Training Institute

- International Strategic Litigation
- Women Rights
- Employment Law, Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence.
- Case Law – CEEDAW, ECHR, ECJ.
2007 Contracting in International Co-productions/film industry – EU training
Athens, Greece
- Law
- Intellectual Property/Copyrights
- Negotiating contracts and agreements in international film co-
MA in European Politics/Globalization and Governance
Birmingham University, European Research Institute, POLSIS, UK, FCO Scholar
– Chevening
- Political science
- International relations
- EU politics and policies
- Globalization and governance
- Security studies
- CEE studies
2000- 2002
MA in International Affairs and Political Science
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Political Science
- International Affairs

© European Union, 2002-2015 | Page 4 / 6


- Political theory
- Political institutions in CEE countries
Capital Market Regulations in Emerging Markets
Rome, Italy
- Regulations on capital markets
- Law and Economy
- Financial Law

1992-1996 BA in Law
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law
- Law
- International Law
- Civil, Criminal, Commercial, Administrative Law


Mother tongue(s) Romanian


Spoken Spoken
Listening Reading
interaction production
English C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
IELTS – 7.00
French B2 B2 B2 B2 B2
Replace with name of language certificate. Enter level if known.
Levels: A1/A2: Basic user - B1/B2: Independent user - C1/C2 Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Communication skills Excellent communication skills gained as a litigator, lecturer, trainer, and
publicist. Strategic communication counselling for political candidates. Strategic
communicator for grassroots organizations. Excellent academic and legal

Organisational /managerial Leadership – former scholar of FCO/UK for leadership capabilities. President of
skills a network of professionals. Leader of a grass roots organization. Spokesperson
for political and civic organizations. Innovator in the legal training. Manager of
several legal projects.

Job-related skills Business and results oriented. Having built a law practice as a self-starter.
Excellent leadership skills, empowering people in the team. Always finding

© European Union, 2002-2015 | Page 5 / 6


solutions. Dedicated. Hard working. Fast learner. Curious mind. Flexible.

Open minded. International experience, skilled in various environments.

Lawyer, Member of the Bucharest Bar. International legal experience with

lawyers from US, and Europe.

Digital competence SELF-ASSESSMENT

Communic Content Problem
n Safety
ation creation solving
Proficient user Proficient user Proficient user Proficient user Proficient user

Other skills Good networker and facilitator between various professional groups. Strategic
thinker in complex difficult situations that require on-the foot reactions and/or
solutions. Deep understanding of psychology and human motivation.

Selected papers – see annex.

Driving licence B

References: available upon request

© European Union, 2002-2015 | Page 6 / 6

Virgil Gheorghe Balan
•Capacitate crescută de lucrul în echipă, cooperare, responsabilitate, experiență în domeniul de
lucru socio-uman, solititudine.
•Adaptabilitate şi flexibilitate, toleranță, încredere, capacitate de empatie.
•Stabilitate şi echilibru, orientare spre soluționarea sarcinilor de lucru.
•Intuitivitate, capacitate de procesare a unui volum crescut de informații .
•Creativitate şi iniţiativă.
•Capacitatea de concentrare pe activităţile de lucru şi obţinerea de rezultate maximal posibile.
Experiență de lucru
Virgil Gheorghe Balan
Psiholog la Centrul de Abilitare şi Reabilitare pentru Persoane sep 2013 - Prezent
Adresă Adulte cu Dizabilități ,,Uverturii”
Str. Cireșilor, nr. 3, sat Bâcu,
comuna Joița, județul Giurgiu Direcția Generală de Asistență Socială și Protecția Copilului Sector 6, București
087151 Bâcu • Observarea, (re)evaluarea psihologică prin aplicarea de teste/probe/metode și chestionare
Număr de telefon specifice în vederea realizării profilului psihologic al fiecărui asistat, a depistării modificărilor de
0723591514 comportament și stabilirea modalităților de intervenție, coroborat cu potențialul funcțional al
E-mail rezidentului; • Acordare servicii de suport și de asistenţă psihologică rezidenţilor/beneficiarilor şi familiilor acestora
Dată de naștere în vederea facilitării și menținerii legăturii adultului cu familia biologică/extinsă sau alte persoane de
30-09-1977 referință ori convenționale;
Loc de naștere • Informarea şi asistarea aparţinătorilor beneficiarilor de servicii specializate acordate în cadrul
Horgești centrului, în scopul reabilitării psiho‑sociale a rezidentului şi a consolidării abilităţilor parentale,
Sex precum şi asumarea responsabilităţii faţă de adultul rezident cu afecțiuni neuropsihice;
Bărbat • Elaborarea și implementarea Planului individualizat de îngrijire și asistență, precum și reevaluarea
Naționalitate periodică a stării bio‑psiho‑socio‑medicale prezentă a rezidentului;
Română • Stabilirea obiectivelor de lucru şi planificarea activităţilor specifice necesare participării
Stare civilă persoanelor adulte cu handicap neuropsihic la viața socială și derularea de programe și activități
Necăsătorit socio‑cultural‑educative;
Permis de conducere • Întocmirea documentației specifice legislației în vigoare privind acordarea serviciilor sociale de
Nu calitate persoanelor adulte cu nevoi speciale, aflate în instituții de ocrotire socială;
Site • Prezentarea misiunii centrului şi promovarea serviciilor de intervenţie specifică în raport cu
Nu aparţinătorul sau alte instituţii implicate în protecţia și promovarea drepturilor persoanei adulte cu
LinkedIn dizabilități; • Manager de caz pentru beneficiarii de servicii sociale din cadrul CAbR. „Uverturii” structură aflată
în subordinea D.G.A.S.P.C. Sector 6, București.
Interese • Informare/documentare/întocmire dosar pentru Comisia de Evaluare Persoane Adulte cu Handicap
sau alte instituții de protecție socială.
• Observare, evaluare și reevaluare psihologică.
Excursii/drumeții, cititul, teatrul,
dansul, conversațiile libere,
muzică simfonică și clasică, etc Președinte nov 2017 - Prezent
ASOCIAȚIA „VOCEA COPIILOR ABANDONAȚI”, Str. Șoseaua Snagov, nr. 135, Bl. D4, Sc.
Limbi A, Et. 1, Ap. 2, sa, Snagov
• Prezentarea scopului, misiunii și imaginii organizației negunernamentale în raportul de lucru cu alți
reprezentanți ai instituțiilor publice ori private şi încheierea de acte juridice în numele şi pe seama
Româna Nativ
acesteia, în limitele conferite de lege, Actul Constitutiv, Statut și Regulamentul de Organizare și
Engleza A1 Funcționare al Asociației Vocea Copiilor Abandonați.
• Implementarea programelor educaționale specifice în rândul tinerilor instituționalizați, în cadrul
Caracteristici Proiectului „Dezvoltare organizațională”, susținut financiar de către Fundația Comunitară
• Participare la activitățile de voluntariat ale organizației privind creșterea calității vieții în rândul
Disponibilitate crescută de lucru
în domeniul științelor umane. copiilor /tinerilor instituționalizați, a capacității acestora de afirmare și implicare proactivă în spațiul
socio‑comunitar de referință, în cadrul Proiectelor: ,,Viața lor, Responsabilitarea Noastră” în
perioada 2013‑2014, ,,Învață‑mă să învăț” în anul 2014, ,,Eu, Tu, El, Ea ‑ Noi Ne Reprezentăm”‑
2016, Conferința ,,Povestea Mea” ediție anuală 2013‑2019,
,,Ajută‑l pe Moș Crăciun să ajungă la copiii săraci”‑ eveniment anual 2013‑ 2020,
,,Marșul Îngerilor” ediție anuală, decembrie 2016‑2019, ONG Fest ‑ ediția
2017, Adoptă un talent în perioada 2016‑2017,
,,Centrul EDFORSO ‑ Educație, Formare, Societate” din anul
2016, ,,Locuință pentru Tinerii Străzii” ‑ 2018 și în prezent, demersuri și activități de
autoreprezentare a tinerilor instituționalizați, precum și constituirea
Asociației Consiliul Tinerilor Abandonați ‑ iunie 2016.

Consilier informare, orientare și mediere sep 2014 - oct 2015

ASOCIAȚIA CULTURALĂ FLOWER POWER, str. Grigore Ionescu nr.3, București,
(România), punct de lucr, București
• Asigurarea serviciilor de specialitate față de grupurile țintă și realizarea dosarului individual de
consiliere și orientare vocațională pentru fiecare dintre membrii grupului țintă alocați;
• Completarea, împreună cu persoana consiliată a documentelor și instrumentelor de lucru necesare
întocmirii dosarului de consiliere vocațională;
• Utilizarea și actualizarea, dacă este cazul, a materialelor de consiliere elaborate în cadrul
• Aplicarea și intepretarea testelor psihologice adecvate grupului țintă și stabilirea profilului
psiho‑vocațional a beneficiarilor serviciilor de specialitate.
• Îmbunătățirea capacității de angajare a persoanelor din grupul țintă prin creșterea nivelului de
informare și orientare a acestora cu scopul creșterii șanselor acestora la un loc mai bun pe piața

Voluntar /Psiholog dec 2012 - dec 2015

Asociația Înger Alb, str. Șoseaua București-Măgurele, nr. 78A, Municipiul București, Sector 5,
Asistarea copiilor aflați cu măsură de protecție specială și participarea la activitățile educaționale
derulate în cadrul organizației gazdă, implicarea minorilor în acțiuni de creșterea capacității de
autoreprezentare în mediul instituțional și în spațiul socio‑comunitar de referință, stabilirea și
prioritizarea propriilor decizii și asumarea acestora într‑un mod funcțional respectând limitele
personale și interindividuale.
• Evaluarea capacității cognitive și comportamentale ale copiilor găzduiți în cadrul asociației gazdă și
pregătirea acestora pentru asumarea propriilor decizii în contexte diversificate de viață, consiliere
psihologică în vederea creșterii gradului funcțional și a stimei de sine, gestionarea optimă a emoțiilor
și furiei în mediul de viață.

Voluntar iun 2012 - sep 2013

Municipiul Baia Mare, județu, Bacău
• Evaluarea cazurilor de copii aflați în familii de risc de pe raza județului Bacău și întocmirea
documentației specifice în vederea acordării serviciilor de suport financiar sau material cu scopul
prevenirii separării acestora de părinți sau rude.
• Acordarea serviciilor de consiliere psiho‑socială familiilor aflate într‑o categorie vulnerabilă în
vederea asumării responsabilităților părintești, de creștere și ocrotire a propriilor copii cu scopul
evitării instituționalizării.

Voluntar apr 2011 - mai 2013

ASOCIAȚIA „ÎMPREUNĂ DESENĂM VIITORUL” , Str. Arhiereul Calist, nr. 18, Municipiul
București, Sector, București
•Participare la activitățile de voluntariat ale organizației privind creșterea
calității vieții în rândul tinerilor, a capacității acestora de afirmare și
implicare în spațiul socio‑comunitar de referință, precum și în cadrul
Proiectelor: ,,De Noi Depinde Viața Lor” derulat în Municipiul Bacău,
județul Bacău, și ,,Cartea, Prietenul meu cel mai drag” implementat în
localitatea Andreșești, județul Ialomița.

Consiliere orientare privind cariera dec 2012 - nov 2013

SC SAATCHI & SAATCHI X PUBLICITATE SRL, str. Calea Șerban Vodă, nr. 133, sector 4,
București, București
•Pregătirea, consilierea şi informarea tinerilor/adulților participanţi la cursurile de formare continuă;
• Realizarea de acțiuni în cadrul comunităților rurale și identificarea potențialilor beneficiari ai
serviciilor de consiliere psiho‑vocațională;
• Furnizarea de informații privind condițiile accesarii unui loc de muncă,alegerii carierei, instruirii și
formării complementare față de grupul țintă – adulți dinmediul rural în căutarea unui loc de muncă;
• Întocmirea documentației specifice și monitorizarea adulților beneficiari ai serviciilor de
• Asistarea, sprijinirea și asigurarea serviciilor suport pentru grupul tință privind cariera
• Asigurarea cadrului de suport motivațional față de adulții implicați în procesul de formare
profesională sau aflați în căutarea unui loc de muncă.

Psiholog la CSTF și Şef CCPC iul 2008 - sep 2013

Condorilor nr. 2, municipi, Bacău
• Instrumentarea cazurilor în concordanţă cu managementul de caz (tehnici şi instrumente de lucru
care asigură coordonarea tuturor activităţilor de asistenţă socială desfăşurate în interesul superior al
copilului) scopul principal fiind prevenirea separării copilului de familia naturală/extinsă;
• Acordarea serviciilor specializate în domeniul protecţiei copilului (informare, evaluare psihologică,
consiliere psihologică) în concordanţă cu standardele minime obligatorii privind Biroul de Consiliere
şi Sprijin pentru Părinţi şi Copii şi a ghidului metodologic de implementare a acestora;
• Deplasarea în teren împreună cu responsabilul de caz şi identificarea nevoilor imediate ale
copilului şi asigurarea intervenției individuale în funcţie de caz;
•Realizarea consilierii psihologice individuale, familiale şi de grup;
• Informarea şi responsabilizarea părinţilor care solicită măsură de protecţie specială pentru
copil/copii, cu privire la efectele instituţionalizării în dezvoltarea bio‑psiho‑socială a
•Sprijinirea familiile în scopul depăşirii stărilor conflictuale de risc;
•Acordare de informații şi educaţie parentală părinţilor şi viitorilor părinţi;
•Coordonarea tuturor activităților desfășurate în cadrul centrului/biroului de consiliere, în conformitate
cu procedurile de lucru specifice domeniului de lucru și a legislației în vigoare privind protecția și
promovarea drepturilor copilului;
•Elaborarea planului și strategiei de activitate specifică misiunii centrului/biroului de consiliere.
• Acordarea asistenţei psihologice copiilor şi membrilor familiei substitut în vederea prevenirii
apariţiei unor forme de abuz sau tipare comportamentale de tip antisocial, disfuncțional, disruptiv;
•Informare/documentare/consiliere/planificarea activităţilor de lucru specifice centrului/biroului de
consiliere / centrului de tip familial.
• Informarea şi consilierea părinţilor copiilor beneficiari ai măsurii de protecţie specială şi a rudelor
pană la gr. IV, în scopul consolidării abilităţilor parentale şi de asumare a responsabilităţii faţă de
propriul copil, în vederea reintegrării/integrării acestuia în familia biologică/extinsă;
• Elaborarea, împreună cu specialiştii echipei multidisciplinare a obiectivelor de intervenţie pe ariilor
de interes a copilului, în scopul întocmirii Planului Individualizat de Protecţie, Planului de Intervenţie
Specifică şi altor documente specifice;
• Întocmirea dosarului de atestare a potenţialilor asistenţi maternali profesionişti şi prezentarea
cazului în faţa membrilor Comisiei pentru Protecţia Copilului;
• Coordonator local și participare la acțiunile /activitățile derulate cu scopul prevenirii separării
copilului de familie, în cadrul parteneriatului bilateral dintre DGASPC Bacău și HHC România, în
perioada 2011 ‑ 1013.

Documentarist apr 2008 - iul 2008

• Informare/documentare/consiliere;
• Pregătirea, consilierea şi informarea tinerilor participanţi la cursurile de formare continuă;
• Actualizarea bazei de date şi transmiterea informaţiilor către superiorul ierarhic.

Lucrător comercial aug 2005 - apr 2008

Distribuirea şi depozitarea produselor de larg consum în spațiul comercial.

Portar iun 1999 - aug 2004

Informarea şi înregistrarea persoanelor ce solicitau vizite sau servicii specifice activităților derulate în
unitatea militară.

Educație și calificări

Adeverința nr. 40/10.02.2020 oct 2011 - iul 2013

Universitatea SpiruHaret, București
Programul de Masterat în domeniul Psihologiei Judiciare și Victimologie.

Diplomă de Licenţă oct 1998 - iul 2022

Universitatea Spiru Haret, București
Facultatea de Sociologie ‑ Psihologie

Diplomă de Bacalaureat sep 1995 - iun 1998

Liceul Teoretic „Costache Negri”, Tîrgu Ocna /Bacău
Profil Chimie‑Biologie

Diplomă de Absolvire a Şcolii Profesionale sep 1992 - iun 1995

Tîrgu Ocna /Bacău
Profi: Lăcătuş Construcţii Metalice şi Utilaj Tehnologic.
Abilităţi practice în confecţionarea produselor metalice.


Operare calculator-Word,
Excel, Microsoft Office


Certificat de participare la cursul de formare continuă. iul 2021 - iul 2021

Asociația Institutul de Psihologie Aplicată în Domeniul Sănătății Mintale
,,Actualități în evaluarea clinică psihologică a tulburărilor afective (depresia și tulburarea
bipolară). Redactarea specifică a Protocolului Psihologic necesar Comisiei de Expertiză a
Persoanelor cu Handicap ‑ Adulți”

Certificat de participare la cursul de formare continuă. ian 2021 - ian 2021

Asociația Institutul de Psihologie aplicată în domeniul Sănătății Mintale
,,Actualități în Semiologia pentru Psihologi”

Diplomă de participare la cursul de formare profesională mai 2020 - mai 2020

Asociația Institutul de Psihologie aplicată în domeniul Sănătății Mintale
,,Actualități în evaluarea clinică psihologică a Tulburărilor de personalitate în conformitate cu
criteriile DSM ‑V și ICD‑11”.
,,Actualități în evaluarea clinică psihologică a întârzierilor mintale. Redactarea specifică a
protocolului psihologic necesar la Comisia de Expertiză a Persoanelor cu Handicap ‑ Adulți”.

Diplomă de participare la cursul de formare profesională feb 2016 - feb 2016

Institutul Român de Psihologie
,,Evaluare clinică, psihodiagnostic și intervenție la copil și adolescent”

Diplomă de participare la cursul de formare profesională sep 2015 - sep 2015

Institutul Român de Psihologie
,,Actualități în evaluarea clinică psihologică a demenței. Redactarea specifică a protocolului
examenului psihologic al demenței necesar la Comisia de Expertiză a Persoanelor cu Handicap ‑

Antreprenor în economie socială nov 2015 - nov 2015

Institutul pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane
Competențe sociale și civile, antreprenoriale, de exprimare culturală, menținerea unor relații de
muncă etice, realizarea studiului de fezabilitate, elaborarea planului de afaceri, gestionarea afacerii,
gestionarea activității sociale, promovarea antreprenoriatului social, reprezentarea organizației în
relațiile externe.
Diplomă de participare la workshopul: aug 2015 - aug 2015
Asociația Fluens, Norway Moreno Institute, DGASPC Sector 1, DGASMB
,,Metode psihodiagnostice în terapia persoanelor instituționalizate, cu tulburări de memorie”.

Certificat de participare la cursul de formare continuă în mai 2014 - mai 2014

psihologie clinică
Societatea de Psihoterapie Experiențială din România
,,Evaluarea clinică a copilului”.

Atestat de participare la Conferința Națională de Asistență iun 2014 - iun 2014

CFCECAS, Ministerul Muncii, Afacerilor Sociale și Protecției Consumatorului Austria
,,Coaching și supervizare profesională în Asistență socială”.

Certificat de participare la cursul de formare continuă în nov 2013 - nov 2013

psihologie clinică
Societatea de Psihoterapie Experiențială din România
,,Tehnici Proiective de Desen”.

Certificat de absolvire sep 2013 - sep 2013

Asociația Română pentru Programarea Neuro-Lingvistică, DGASPC Sector 6
,,Tehnicile Programării Neuro‑lingvistice (NLP)”.

Certificat de participare la sesiunea de formare continuă oct 2013 - oct 2013

Agenția Națională Antidrog
,,Asistența integrată a consumatorilor de droguri ‑ Standarde de prevenire și asistență”.

Certificat de participare la workshop-ul: iul 2013 - iul 2013

Test Central și Romanian Angel Appeal
,,Evaluarea clinică cu teste validate și etalonate pe populația României: testul Denver ‑ Denver
Developmental Screening Test (DDST), ABAS ‑ Adaptative Behavior Assessment System,
BASC‑2 Behavior Assessment System for Children‑2”.
,,Repere, perspective, realități în recuperarea copilului cu dizabilități”.

Certificat de absolvire în specializarea: Asistent relații publice și

ian 2013 - mar 2013
S.C. Centrul de Consultanță și Studii Europene S.R.L.
Muncă în echipe multidisciplinare, dezvoltare profesională, comunicarea interactivă și
interpersonală, planificarea activității proprii, organizarea de evenimente, organizarea campaniilor
integrate, evaluarea eficienței programelor de relații publice, participarea la eficientizarea
comunicării în organizație, menținerea relațiilor cu mass‑media, pregătirea întâlnirilor de lucru”.

Certificat de absolvire - Formator mai 2012 - iun 2012

S.C. Centrul de Consultanță și Studii Europene S.R.L.
Pregătirea formării, realizarea activităților de formare, evaluarea participanților la evaluare, aplicarea
metodelor și tehnicilor speciale de formare, evaluarea, revizuirea și asigurarea calității programelor și
a stagiilor de formare”.

Certificat de participare la cursul de formare profesională feb 2012 - feb 2012

Asociația Română de Hipnoză Clinică, Relaxare și Terapie Eriksoniană
,,Disfuncționalitatea maritală și familială”.

Certificat de absolvire pentru programul: Dezvoltare abilități nov 2010 - iun 2011
Eurocenter Management Network
Gestionarea personalului, Managementul schimbării, Operaționalizarea strategiei în domeniul
descentralizării sistemului de asistență socială și protecție a copilului și de cooperare cu autoritățile
publice locale în descentralizarea serviciilor, Creșterea capacității de accesare a surselor alternative
de finanțare având ca rezultat pregătirea de către participanți a unor propuneri de proiecte,
Metodologia de comunicare a serviciilor DGASPC către beneficiari și comunitate, având ca rezultat
un ghid de promovare a serviciilor descentralizate, Creșterea nivelului de informare a publicului și a
instituțiilor interesate prin organizarea de evenimente, seminarii și conferințe organizate pe plan local
în comunele și orașele județului, Creșterea nivelului de responsabilitate, integritate și performanță
individuală și organizațională pentru acordarea misiunii și valorii organizaționale cu cele individuale
și de grup, Gestionarea proceselor de management în vederea diminuării stresului personalului
DGASPC și APL‑uri, egalitate de șanse și dezvoltare durabilă.

Certificat de instruire nov 2010 - nov 2010

Guvernul României prin Ministerul Administrației și Internelor
Utilizarea instrumentului informatic de administrare a datelor referitoare la serviciile, prestațiile și
finanțarea serviciilor publice sociale la nivel județean.

Certificat de participare la cursul de formare profesională ian 2011 - ian 2011

Asociația Română de Hipnoză Clinică, Relaxare și Terapie Eriksoniană
,,Actualități terapeutice în tratamentul depresiei”.

Certificat de participare la cursul de formare în domeniul mai 2010 - mai 2010

Ministerul Administrației și Internelor prin Centrul de Prevenire, Evaluare și Consiliere
Antidrog B
,,Metode și strategii de prevenire și consiliere în adicții”.

Certificat de absolvire și perfecționare sep 2008 - oct 2008

Asociația pentru Promovarea Învățământului European
,,O Nouă Abordare Relațională asupra Autismului”.

Certificat de absolvire a programului de instruire în domeniul sep 2007 - nov 2007

resurselor umane
S.C. ABC Training S.R.L.
Lucru în echipă, Dezvoltare profesională, Oferirea informațiilor privind problemele de personal,
Planificarea activității proprii, Administrarea bazei de date de evidența personalului, întocmirea și
gestionarea documentelor de evidență a personalului, Organizarea recrutării și selecției de personal,
Întocmirea și gestionarea carnetelor de muncă ale personalului, Întocmirea dosarului de
pensionare,Întocmirea statului de plată pentru personalul încadrat, Întocmirea și depunerea
declarațiilor privind contribuțiile la bugetul de stat.

Certificat de participare la cursul de formare profesională mai 2012 - mai 2012

Institutul pentru Cuplu și Familie
,,Copilul și pierderea”.

Certificat de participare la cursul de formare nov 2011 - nov 2011

Centrul de Resurse și Informare pentru Profesiuni Sociale
,,Adopția ‑ finalitate a planului individualizat de protecție”.

Certificat de participare la Proiectul ,,De noi depinde viața lor” ian 2012 - iul 2012
Asociația Împreună Desenăm Viitorul
Creșterea capacității de auto‑reprezentare a copiilor /tinerilor instituționalizați în raportul de lucru cu
reprezentanții autorităților publice locale și centrale.

Certificat de Absolvire iun 2012 - iun 2012

Cent Consult și Studii Europene
,,Însușirea noțiunilor fundamentale de igienă”, Modulul I, Nivelul II.

Secțiune personalizată

Premii și Distincții:
Diplomă de participare la Summitul Tinerilor și ONG‑urilor din Protecția Drepturilor Copilului și
Adopție SOPCA în perioada 14‑18.11.2019 ‑ Asociația Consiliul Tinerilor Instituționalizați din
Diplomă de participare la ,,Conferința și tu poți” din partea Asociației Consiliul Tinerilor
Instituționalizați din București în data de 17.11.2019, în cadrul Summitul Tinerilor și ONG‑urilor
din Protecția Drepturilor Copilului și Adopție SOPCA;
Certificat de recunoaștere pentru activitățile de voluntariat în proiectele derulate cu copiii
instituționalizați ‑ Asociația TIBERIUS din București la data de 16.05.2018;
Diplomă de Excelență oferită în cadrul Conferinței ,,Povești și Destine” la data de 23.03.2017, de
către Asociația TIBERIUS din București;
Certificat de participare la cursurile vacanței educaționale a Școlii de Excelență Kristopher din
17.07‑22.07.2016, din București;
Diplomă de participare la Conferința ,,Persoană de suflet” a Asociației TIBERIUS din București în
anul 2017 și 2016;
Ambasador al copiilor instituționalizați, distincție oferită de Asociația ,,Împreună desenăm Viitorul”
din București;
Diplomă de participare la activitatea de voluntariat în cadrul excursiei organizate la Parcul de
distracție ,,Colinele Argeșului de către Asociația Secolul Următor în anul 2016;
Diplomă de apreciere pentru implicarea în Proiectul ,,Învață‑mă să învăț”, oferită de Asociația
Desenăm Viitorul Tău ladata de 26.06.2014;
Diplomă de apreciere pentru implicare în activitățile de voluntariat ale Asociației Desenăm Viitorul
Tău, în perioada iunie 2013 ‑ iunie2014;
Certificat de voluntar pentru participarea la Proiectul ,,Implicare, învățare, inovare ‑ frontierele
cunoașterii 2010, Modulul Voluntariat și Asociativitate la data de 17.08.2010, emis de Autoritatea
Națională pentru Sport și Tineret.

Secțiune personalizată

Licențe de utilizare a instrumentelor psiho‑metrice:

Chestionarul ASEBA 6‑18 ani;
Testul de atentie d2;
Inventarul Multifazic de Personalitate Minessota (MMPI – 2);
Matricile .Progresive (s) – Raven;
Bateria de teste psihologice CAS ++;
Testul Arborelui;
Desenul Familiei;
Matricile Progresive(c) – Raven;
Holland – (SDS);
Sistem de Evaluare Clinică (SEC);
Evaluare Mintală a Statutului Cognitiv (MMSE‑2);
Chestionarul de evaluare a abuzului asupra copiilor‑ (CCAE) și
Desenul Persoanei (DAP).

Secțiune personalizată

Atestate profesionale:
Membru în Colegiul Psihologilor din România ‑psiholog cu drept de liberă practică în specialitatea:
Psihologie clinică, pe treapta de specializareSpecialist, forma de atestare Autonom și cod
personal 08639;
Certificat de membru al Asociației Psihologilor din România din anul 2018 până în prezent.

Secțiune personalizată

Dispoziții profesionale:
Dispoziția nr. 196/20.03.2014, a Directorului General al Direcției Generale de Asistență Socială și
Protecția Copilului Sector 6 de numire ca Manager de caz (MC);
Dispoziția Directorului General al Direcției Generale de Asistență Socială și Protecția Copilului
Bacău privind exercitarea cu caracter temporar a funcției de șef centru la Centrul de Consiliere și
Sprijin pentru Părinți și Copii Bacău, cu nr. 361/14.02.2013;
Dispoziția Directorului General al Direcției Generale de Asistență Socială și Protecția Copilului
Bacău de numire ca formator pentru adaptarea profesională a salariatei AMP, cu nr.
Dispoziția Directorului General al Direcției Generale de Asistență Socială și Protecția Copilului
Bacău de preluarea unor atribuții suplimentare în cadrul Centrului de Consiliere și Asistență
pentru Persoanele cu TSA, cu nr. 2168/02.10.2012;
Dispoziția Directorului General al Direcției Generale de Asistență Socială și Protecția Copilului
Bacău de numire ca membru în Comisia de soluționare a contestațiilor pentru posturile vacante,
cu nr. 2299/22.10.2012;
Dispoziția Directorului General al Direcției Generale de Asistență Socială și Protecția Copilului
Bacău de numire ca membru în comisia de concurs pentru ocuparea posturilor vacante de
asistent maternal profesionist, cu nr. 2296/21.03.2012;
Dispoziția Directorului General al Direcției Generale de Asistență Socială și Protecția Copilului
Bacău de numire ca membru în comisia de evaluare profesională a salariaților instituției, cu nr.
Dispoziția Directorului General al Direcției Generale de Asistență Socială și Protecția Copilului
Bacău de numire ca membru în comisia de concurs pentru ocuparea posturilor vacante de
psiholog, cu nr. 539/21.03.2012;
Dispoziția Directorului General al Direcției Generale de Asistență Socială și Protecția Copilului
Bacău de numire ca membru în comisia de concurs pentru ocuparea posturilor vacante de
asistent maternal profesionist, cu nr. 538/21.03.2012;
Dispoziția Directorului General al Direcției Generale de Asistență Socială și Protecția Copilului
Bacău de numire ca membru în comisia de evaluare profesională a salariaților instituției, cu nr.
Dispoziția Directorului General al Direcției Generale de Asistență Socială și Protecția Copilului
Bacău de numire ca manager de caz (MC) pentru copiii aflați cu măsură de protecție specială la
asistenți maternali profesioniști, cu nr. 1900/08.09.2011.
10/2020 – ÎN CURS – București, România
Expert cercetare calitativă
Benga Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative - București
DATA NAȘTERII: Proiect: „Dezvoltarea unor instrumente de analiză și intervenție la nivel
comunitar pentru perioada de programare 2021 - 2027” - SIPOCA - 862.
Beneficiar: Ministerul Muncii și Protecției Sociale (MMPS).
Obiectivul general al funcției: participarea la elaborarea și
implementarea metodologiei de adunare a datelor și integrarea lor
CONTACT pentru obținerea rezultatelor anchetelor sociologice; desfășurarea
activității de culegere a datelor de teren la nivelul celor 8 regiuni ale țării;
asigurarea relației dintre managerul de proiect și ceilalți experți din
Cetățenie: română cadrul proiectului; asigurarea comunicării permanente atât la nivelul
experților de la nivelul SNSPA și MMPS, cât și la nivelul tuturor
Gen: Feminin instituțiilor publice care pot furniza date în proiect.

Strada Botorca, sector 5

051591 București, România 10/2018 – ÎN CURS – București, România

Cadru didactic asociat Facultatea de Științe Politice – SNSPA
(Asistent universitar)
(+40) 740400237 Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative, Facultatea de
Științe Politice
Seminare pentru cursurile: Concepte fundamentale în sociologie
(licență, an 1, titular curs: Conf. Univ. Dr. Alfred Bulai); Focus-Grup
(licență, an 2, titular curs: Lector Univ. Dr. Roxana Cuciumeanu), Analiză
electorală (licență, an 2, titular curs: Conf. Univ. Dr. Alfred Bulai), Metode
de cercetare calitativă în științele sociale (master, an 1, titular curs: Conf.
Univ. Dr. Alfred Bulai)

07/2020 – 10/2020 – București, România

Asociația Română pentru Transparență
Analiza factorilor ce pot cauza probleme în cadrul achizițiilor publice de
cadastru sistemic prin realizarea unei cercetări sociologice în cadrul
proiectului „Pactele de Integritate – Mecanism de Control Civic pentru
Salvgardarea Fondurilor Europene”

11/2019 – 03/2020 – București, România

Cercetător în sociologie
Asociația Română pentru Transparență
◦ Realizarea cercetării cantitative privind impactul campaniei de
comunicare desfășurată în cadrul proiectului Servicii de consiliere
juridică pentru victimele ale unor abuzuri sau nereguli din
administrație și justiție
◦ Proiectarea cercetării cantitative
◦ Întocmirea instrumentelor de cercetare
◦ Monitorizarea desfășurării cercetării sociologice
◦ Întocmirea raportului de interpretare a datelor culese

06/2019 – 11/2019 – București, România

Asociația Română pentru Transparență
◦ Realizarea managementului cercetării calitative în cadrul
proiectului Business Integrity Country Agenda (BICA)
◦ Întocmirea instrumentelor de cercetare
◦ Realizare interviuri
◦ Întocmirea raportului final de analiză și interpretare a datelor

06/2016 – 01/2020 – București, România

SC Grupul de Studii Socio Comportamentale Avangarde SRL
◦ Coordonarea a peste două cercetări sociologice pe lună, atât
cantitative, cât și calitative 
◦ Pregătirea documentelor necesare în vederea realizării
proiectelor de cercetare
◦  Managementul cercetărilor
◦  Auditarea rețelelor de operatori (instruirea, coordonarea și
verificarea operatorilor de teren/call-center), organizare cercetare
de teren
◦  Proiectarea și realizarea studiilor sociologice calitative și/sau
◦  Pretestarea instrumentelor de cercetare sociologică calitative și/
sau cantitative
◦  Elaborarea rapoartelor de cercetare cantitativă și/sau calitativă
◦  Contactul cu beneficiarii pe întreaga durată a cercetării (de la faza
de contractare până la prezentarea raportului final)
◦  Prezentarea rapoartelor de cercetare beneficiarilor
◦ Coordonarea realizării de cercetări cantitative de tip exit-poll

06/2018 – 07/2018 – București, România

Coordonator cercetare de teren în cadrul practicii de

Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative, Departamentul
de Sociologie
◦ Coordonarea cercetării de teren în cadrul practicii de specialitate
– proiect cercetare calitativă și cantitativă „Construcția și
reconstrucția memoriei sociale” – Năruja, Jud. Vrancea. Proiect
coordonat de Conf. Univ. Dr. Alfred Bulai
◦ Managementul administrativ al campaniei de cercetare 

06/2017 – 07/2017 – București, România

Coordonator cercetare de teren în cadrul practicii de

Şcoala Naţională de Studii Politice şi Administrative, Departamentul
de Sociologie
Coordonarea cercetării de teren în cadrul practicii de specialitate –
proiect cercetare calitativă și cantitativă „Construcția și reconstrucția
memoriei sociale” –Breaza, Jud. Prahova. Coordonator proiect Conf.
Univ. Dr. Alfred Bulai

06/2016 – 07/2016 – București, România

Coordonator cercetare de teren în cadrul practicii de

Şcoala Naţională de Studii Politice şi Administrative, Departamentul
de Sociologie
Coordonarea cercetării de teren în cadrul practicii de specialitate –
proiect cercetare calitativă și cantitativă „Construcția și reconstrucția
memoriei sociale” – Capu Câmpului, Jud. Suceava. Coordonator proiect:
Conf. Univ. Dr. Alfred Bulai

2015 – București, România

Operator verificare date

Institutul Național pentru Cercetare și Formare Culturală
◦ Operator verificare date în cadrul cercetării „Barometrul de
consum cultural 2015. Preferințe, practici și tendințe”

11/2015 – București, România

Operator de teren
Departamentul de Sociologie, SNSPA
◦ Operator de teren – cercetare cantitativă – proiect „Protestele din
Piața Universității – noiembrie 2015”. Proiect coordonat de
profesorii universitari: Alfred Bulai, Marius Pieleanu și Vladimir

06/2015 – 07/2015 – București, România

Coordonator cercetare de teren în cadrul practicii de

Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative, Departamentul
de Sociologie
Coordonarea cercetării de teren în cadrul practicii de specialitate –
proiect cercetare calitativă și cantitativă „Construcția și reconstrucția
memoriei sociale” – Maglavit, Jud. Dolj. Coordonator proiect: Conf. Univ.
Dr. Alfred Bulai

2015 – București, România

Operator de interviu
Asociația VIRA
◦ Operator de interviu – cercetare calitativă – proiect „Case vii.
Diversitatea culturală a spațiilor de locuit din București și

2015 – București, România

Operator de interviu
AB Research Grup
◦ Realizare interviuri și moderare focus-grupuri – cercetare
calitativă – proiect „Studiu privind managementul serviciilor
publice din educație și gestiunea documentelor în vederea
debirocratizării sistemului de învățământ preuniversitar”

2014 – București, România

Operator de teren
AB Research Grup
◦ Operator de teren – cercetare cantitativă – „Studiu sociologic
privind riscul acceptabil în România – partea III”

2014 – București, România

Operator de teren
AB Research Grup
◦ Operator de teren – cercetare cantitativă – „Studiu sociologic
privind riscul acceptabil în România – partea II”

06/2013 – 07/2013 – București, România

Stagiu de practică/Operator de teren

Departamentul de Sociologie, SNSPA
◦ Stagiu de practică/ operator de teren – pregătirea pentru
cercetări cantitative și calitative
Proiect „Politica înainte și după anul1989 în rândul populației din
Cârțișoara”. Coordonator practică: Conf. Univ. Dr. Alfred Bulai

2013 – București, România

Operator de teren
(+40) 0770436804

(+31) 9793

Data nașterii: 06/07/1994

Gen: Masculin


Site de internet:

Site de internet:

Site de internet:

Skype : andreas elgard

Adresă : Plut. Marin Pazon, nr 4, Bloc G28, Scara E, etaj 4, ap 49, sector 3

București, 032326 București (România)


Director General al Biroului Operațional Național al Consiliului Tinerilor Instituționalizați

[ 04/2020 – În curs ]
Adresă: Str. Plut. Marin Pazon, Nr. 4, Bl. G28, Sc. E, Ap. 49, et. 4, 032236 București (România) - http://

- asigură comunicarea dintre președinții de filiale/coordonatorii de filiale, coordonatorii de departamente şi

organele de conducere ale Consiliului;
- realizează strategia de recrutare şi de pregătire a membrilor şi asigură motivarea şi integrarea membrilor în
- coordonare serviciilor sociale.

Președinte Consiliul Tinerilor Instituționalizați

[ 23/12/2019 – În curs ]
Adresă: Str. Plut. Marin Pazon ,Nr. 4, Bl. G28, Sc. E, Ap. 49, Et. 4, 032326 București (România) - http://

-Management general.

-Scriere si implementare programe nationale.

-Dialog cu institutiile statului.

-Advocacy pentru drepturile copilului.

-Politici publice.

-Reprezentarea organizației la nivel național și internațional.

Președinte Consiliul Tinerilor Instituționalizați
[ 15/12/2017 – 22/12/2019 ]
Adresă: Bucuresti (România)

-Management general.

-Scriere si implementare programe nationale.

-Dialog cu institutiile statului.

-Advocacy pentru drepturile copilului.

-Politici publice.

-Reprezentarea organizației la nivel național și internațional.

Președinte YouHub Association

YouHub Association [ 03/03/2015 – În curs ]
Adresă: Timișoara (România)

- management general,

- scriere de proiecte,

- contabilitate,

- coordonarea membrilor și a voluntarilor,

- conducerea departamentelor organizației,

- reprezentarea organizației.


AntiBullying Ambassadors Romania


No HAte Speech

S.O.S Children Villages Romania [ 01/2019 – În curs ]
Adresă: Bucharest (România)

-Activități de formare și facilitare 

-Prezentarea perspectivei copiilor și tinerilor instituționalizați 

Advisory Council on Youth Consiliul Europei CANDIDAT

Council of Europe [ 03/2019 ]
Adresă: Strasbourg (Franţa)

-contribuie la integrarea eficientă a politicilor pentru tineret în cadrul programului de activități al Consiliului Europei
prin formularea de avize și propuneri cu privire la întrebări generale sau specifice referitoare la tineret în cadrul
Consiliului Europei; după caz, adresați-vă acestor avize și propuneri Comitetului Miniștrilor sau altor organe ale
Consiliului Europei. Consiliul consultativ pentru tineret poate fi invitat, de asemenea, de Comitetul Miniștrilor să
formuleze avize cu privire la întrebări generale sau specifice cu privire la politica de tineret;
-formulează avize și propuneri privind prioritățile, rezultatele preconizate și bugetul pentru sectorul tinerilor;
să promoveze politicile de tineret ale Consiliului Europei în cadrul Organizației și nu numai;
-desemnează, timp de doi ani, membrii CCJ care vor fi invitați să o reprezinte în Comitetul de programare pentru
tineret (CPJ), organismul de co-management însărcinat cu stabilirea programului de activități din sectorul

Expert Tineret incluziune socială Grupul Internațional de coordonare

S.O.S Children Villages International [ 04/2018 – În curs ]

 “O abordare integrată cu privire la dezvoltarea capacității profesioniștilor și a tinerilor” (“Leaving Care –
An Integrated Approach to Capacity Building of Professionals and Young People”)

Young Expert Member Federația SOS Children Villages Internațional

S. O. S Children Villages International [ 20/12/2018 – În curs ]
Adresă: New York (Statele Unite)

Rezoluția Națiunilor Unite privind drepturile copiilor fără îngrijire parentală.

Tânăr expert în grupul focus pe tineret: drepturile ONU ale rezoluției copilului.

Grupul Focus pentru tineret este format dintr-o serie diversă de tineri cu experiență în îngrijire, ca o modalitate de
a asigura participarea incluzivă a tinerilor la procesele de advocacy către rezoluția Națiunilor Unite privind
drepturile copiilor fără îngrijire parentală.

Director de programe
Asociația Tinerilor Creativi [ 03/2015 – 04/2017 ]
Adresă: Timișoara (România)

- coordonarea întregii activități și a echipei,

- scrierea de proiecte și programe pentru finanțare,

- scrierea de scenarii pentru scurt metraje,

- regizarea, coordonarea întregii echipe tehnice și administrative a asociației.

Formator limba Engleza

Fundatia Student Plus Timisoara-Europe Direct Timisoara [ 2013 – 2017 ]
Adresă: Timisoara (România)


Predarea limbii Engleze in cadrul programului "Academia Seniorilor"

Asistent Proiect "RE-Generation"

membru echipa "EVS Team"

Youth Expert Consiliul Europei

Council of Europe [ 03/2016 – În curs ]
Adresă: Strasbourg (Franţa)

-Expert Campania Internațională de combatere a discursului instigator la ură "No Hate Speech Movement"

-Membru Comitetul Național de Coordonare al campaniei

-Facilitator dezbateri publice

Comitetul Național de Coordonare al Campaniei "Nohate" al Consiliului Europei în România
Adresă: București

Ministerul Tineretului si Sportului

- coordonarea activităților de informare și de prevenire a dialogului instigator la ură in Vestul tarii,

- organizarea de seminarii și cursuri,

- reprezentare comitet la nivel național și european.

Lucrător de tineret
Ministerul Tineretului și Sportului din România [ 04/2016 – 11/2016 ]
Adresă: București


- realizarea proiectelor incluse în agenda programului național al Ministerului- tineREȚEA, rețeaua națională a
lucrătorilor de tineret acreditați de Shultz Consulting

- coordonarea celor 5 consultări publice cu tinerii din județul Timiș,

- pregătirea a 3 campanii: no hate, antibullying, stop-violența

Formator - Lucrător de Tineret

Fundatia Judeteana pentru Tineret Timis [ 08/2017 – 03/2018 ]

Șef relații clienți

Carrefour România S.A. [ 08/2015 – 08/2016 ]
Adresă: Timișoara (România)

- șef relații clienți,

- coordonarea departamentului case,

- relații cu clienții,

- contabilitatea.


Lucrator de Tineret acreditat

Ministerul Tineretului si Sportului prin Shultz Consulting [ 2016 – În curs ]

Fundatia SAM Timisoara [ 08/08/2017 – În curs ]

Master Asistență Socială, Practica Asistenței Sociale bazată pe Valori

Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara [ 10/2017 – În curs ]
Adresă: Timișoara (România)

Diplomă de Licență
Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara- Facultatea de Sociologie și Psihologie [ 01/10/2014 – 15/09/2017 ]
Adresă: Timișoara
Domeniul (domeniile) de studiu: Asistent social profesionist

Asistent Social Profesionist

Diplomă de bacalaureat/Certificat de instructor de teatru autorizat M.E.N.
Colegiul Național de artă "Ion Vidu" [ 15/09/2009 – 10/06/2013 ]
Adresă: Timișoara (România)
Domeniul (domeniile) de studiu: Arta actorului


Limbă(i) maternă(e):

engleză germană


Microsoft Office / Social Media / Navigare Internet / Microsoft PowerPoint / Utilizare buna a programelor
de comunicare(mail messenger skype)


- am participat la ECOSOC YOUTH FORUM organizat de Organizația Națiunilor Unite la sediul  ONU din New
York, USA, 6-10 aprilie 2019. 
-am participat la Dezbaterea publică pe tema Legii 272/2004 organizată de Consiliul Tinerilor
Instituționalizați și Senatul României alături de d-na deputat Gabriela Podașcă și Grupul
Parlamentar PSD la care au participat directorii DGASPC, deputați și senatori precum și reprezentanți
ai ONG-urilor din protecția copilului și adopție în anul 2018, în Salonul Alb al Senatului României,
- am participat la dezbaterea naţională „Viziunea tinerilor pentru viitorul României”, organizat de
Guvernanța Capitalei Tineretului din România – Consiliul Tineretului din România, Federația Tinerilor
din Cluj, Grupul PONT și Banca Comercială Română, alături de coordonatorii ediției Bacău –
Capitala Tineretului din România – Primăria Municipiului Bacău și Federația Tinerilor din Bacău și cu
sprijinul Administrației Prezidențiale, (26.aprilie.2018);
- am susținut  conferinţa motivaţională "Eşti. Cine vrei să devii?", organizată de Consiliul Tinerilor
Instituţionalizaţi- Filiala Iaşi, Liga Studenţilor a Universităţii Alexandru Ioan Cuza- LS Iaşi, în parteneriat
cu Fundaţia Blue Heron România, Direcţia Judeţeană pentru Sport şi Tineret Iaşi, DGASPC Iaşi,
Universitatea Aexandru Ioan Cuza Iaşi, cu diplomă de participare (21.mai.2018);
- am organizat Conferința Internațională " Vreau Acasă" cu tema
Independent, dar nu singur!, prima ediție organizată sub egida Baia Mare Capitala Tineretului din
România, în parteneriat cu: Federația Organizațiilor Neguvernamentale de Tineret din Maramureș,
Consiliul Tineretului din România, Fundația Județeană pentru Tineret Timiș, Alianța Națională a
Organizațiilor Studențești din România, Hope and Homes for Children România, Federația
Organizaților Neguvernamentale pentru Copii FONPC, Ministerul Tineretului și Sportului România,
Universitatea Babeș Bolyai prin proiectul european SASCA (11. octombrie-14. octombrie.2018);


Call-Center al copiilor și tinerilor abandonați din România, 0319793, creat de Consiliul
Tinerilor Instituționalizați în luna Aprilie 2020, serviciu pe care îl coordonez în calitate de
- Centrul pentru Deprinderi de Viață Independentă creat de Consiliul Tinerilor Instituționalizați
în luna Decembrie 2019, serviciu pe care îl coordonez în calitate de Director General;
- Summitul Tinerilor și ONG-urilor din Protecția Drepturilor Copilului și Adopție- SOPCA, creat
de Consiliul Tinerilor Instituționalizați alături de 14 instituții și ONG-uri naționale și internaționale
organizat în luna Noiembrie 2019, București, având rolul de Manager Proiect;
- Proiect de acreditare furnizor de servicii sociale a organizației Consiliul Tinerilor
Instituționalizați în perioada Septembrie-Octombrie 2019;
- "Leaving Care- An integrated approach on preparing to leaving care" implementat de SOS
Satele Copiilor Internațional, având rolul de reprezentant al  grupului național de experți tineri;
- Gala Premiilor Mama edițiile 2018-2020, eveniment național organizat de C.T.I. pentru
recunoașterea meritelor angajaților și profesioniștilor din sistemul de protecție a copilului și adopție, în
cadrul căruia am avut rolul de coordonator;
- Primul meu Job, proiect județean organizat în anul 2018 de C.T.I. pentru sprijinirea tinerilor
instituționalizați în căutarea unui loc de muncă și facilitarea comunicării cu potențialii angajatori din
București, având rolul de coordoonator;
- Conferința Internațională "Vreau Acasă" creat de Consiliul Tinerilor Instituționalizați, sub
egida Administrației Prezidențiale din România, și a programului de Capitala Tineretului din România
în anul 2018, având rolul de Manager Proiect;


Competențe organizatorice
-competențe demonstrate de management de proiect, evenimente și programe de amploare (gale, forumuri,
conferințe, summituri, colocvii etc). 
- coordonarea echipei de lucru
- coordonarea serviciilor
- contabilitate primară


Competenţe dobândite la locul de muncă

Competențe Digitale: 
- Pachetul office 365
- SmartBill - program de contabilitate primară
- ClausWeb Mail- serviciu de e-mail și poștă electronică
- Administare web-siteuri
- Administrare pagini de facebook
Competențe Administrative: 
- Administare operativă (registratură, contabilitate). 
- Coordonare servicii sociale
- Coordonare programe 
- coordonare personal
- Monitorizare dezvoltare organizațională

Sunt un tânăr care îmi doresc să las ceva real, credibil în urma mea. Încrederea,
curajul și ambiția sunt doar câteva repere ce m-au convins să merg mai departe.
Oamenii cu perspective și o gândire rațională și deschisă m-au făcut să fiu
statornic în ceea ce fac. Motto-ul meu: Încredere, Demnitate, Implicare,
Seriozitate, Determinare, duc spre luminarea societății noastre.

04/2020 – ÎN CURS
16/06/1995 Director Adjunct al Biroului Operațional Național al Consiliului
Tinerilor Instituționalizați

- asigură comunicarea dintre președinții de filiale/coordonatorii de filiale,

CONTACT coordonatorii de departamente şi organele de conducere ale Consiliului;
Cetățenie: română - realizează strategia de recrutare şi de pregătire a membrilor şi asigură
motivarea şi integrarea membrilor în Asociaţie;
Gen: Masculin
- coordonare servicii sociale.
Str. Plut. Marin Pazon, Nr. 4, Bl.
G28, Sc. E, Et. 4, Ap. 49 Str. Plut. Marin Pazon, Nr. 4, Bl. G28, Sc. E, Ap. 49,
032326 București, România Et. 4, 032236, București, România

23/12/2019 – ÎN CURS
Vicepreședinte al Consiliului Tinerilor Instituționalizați
(+40) 770439267
- sprijină preşedintele şi colaborează cu acesta la îndeplinirea sarcinilor şi obiectivelor statutare şi cele derivând din programele de activitate ale
Consiliului Director;
http://www.youhub- - coordonează activitatea Asociaţiei, în lipsa preşedintelui, prin delegare.

- răspunde de aplicarea prevederilor statutare și regulamentare și a deciziilor

forurilor de conducere;

- exercită orice alte atribuţii de conducere operativă sau delegate lui de către

Activităţi privind sănătatea umană şi asistenţa socială www.consiliultinerilor.

ro Str. Plut. Marin Pazon, Nr. 4, Bl. G28, Sc. E, Et. 4, Ap. 49, 032326, Bucureșt
i, România

03/09/2018 – ÎN CURS

Director Operațional al Asociației YouHub-Association

- colaborează cu Președintele și Consiliul Director pentru elaborarea

strategiilor și a planurilor de activitate pe termen scurt, mediu și lung ale

- pune în aplicare deciziile Consiliului Director;

 - răspunde în fața Consiliului Director de implementarea strategiei și a
planurilor de activitate;

 - exercită orice alte atribuții de conducere operativă sau care îi sunt delegate
de Consiliul Director;

 - asigură conducerea și reprezentarea Asociației în absența Președintelui și

urmărește aducerea la îndeplinire a hotărârilor Consiliului Director și ale
Adunării Generale;

 - poate fi împuternicit să încheie acte juridice de dispoziție în numele și pe

seama Asociației. Str. Arieș, Nr. 19, 300579, Timișoara, Ro


01/12/2017 – 27/09/2019

Secretar General al Consiliului Tinerilor Instituționalizații

- planifică activitatea Consiliului Director, pregăteşte materialele de şedinţă şi

asigură prezenţa la şedinţă a membrilor;

- ține evidenţa actelor şi a documentelor activităţii Consiliului Director;

- întocmeşte actele și documentele Consiliului;

- întocmește procesele-verbale de şedinţă de Consiliu şi de Adunare Generală

şi urmăreşte îndeplinirea la termen a hotărârilor acestora;

- stabileşte, coordonează, şi controlează modul de rezolvare a corespondenţei

şi gestiunea informaţiilor şi a documentelor;

- asigură, alături de președinte, implementarea Strategiei Consiliului și a

Planului de Activități;

- răspunde de aplicarea prevederilor statutare și regulamentare și a deciziilor

forurilor de conducere;

- asigură comunicarea dintre şefii de departamente şi organele de conducere

ale Consiliului;

- face parte din echipa de organizare ca Asistent proiect a Galei Mama, Gala
Națională a C.T.I;

- aduce la îndeplinire orice alte sarcini încredinţate lui de către Adunarea

Generală şi/sau  de Consiliul Director. Strada Teleajen, Nr. 3, Sector 2, 030165, Bu

curești, România

27/11/2018 – 10/07/2019

Agent Servicii Client la S.C. IKEA România S.A.

- preluarea și rezolvarea solicitărilor telefonice, scrise (mail) ale clienților prin

acordarea de suport rapid și calitativ;

- răspunde de urmărirea și închiderea cazurilor de reclamații (inclusiv livrarea

la domiciliu și asamblare) din partea clienților;
- informează periodic superiorii și departamentele implicate privind tipurile
de reclamații semnalate pentru găsirea soluțiilor impuse;

- responsabil de imaginea societății față de clienți, de preluare și rezolvare a

solicitărilor făcute de clienți;

- colaborează, informează și răspunde pozitiv acelor solicitări ce țin de

atribuțiile și responsabilitățile sale venite din partea altor angajați;

- respectă toate indicațiile legate de domeniul său de activitate primite din

partea superiorului direct, precum și cele primite din partea conducerii

- în afara activităților actuale ale funcției, participă și la alte sarcini în cadrul


Informare şi comunicatii Șos. București-

Ploiești, Nr. 42A, Sector 1, 013696, București, România

25/09/2014 – 30/09/2018

Bursier al Fundației Blue Heron România

- consiliere din partea unui mentor specializat pe perioada programului;

- voluntariat permanent în beneficiul ONG-urilor menționate;

- bursă de studii universitare ;

- redactarea unui raport lunar de activitate pentru evaluare;

- participarea la 3 ediții ale taberei Fundației Blue Heron România. Str. Calea Victoria, Nr. 155, Scara 5, Et. 5,

Victoria Business Center, 010073, București, România

01/06/2017 – 07/11/2017

Președinte interimar al Asociației Studenți pentru Viață Iași

- emite decizii;

- poate delega îndeplinirea atribuţiilor sale către vicepreşedinte, iar în lipsă,

către oricare din membrii Consiliului Director;

- încheie acte juridice în numele şi pe seama Asociaţiei;

- reprezintă Asociaţia în relaţiile cu alte persoane fizice şi juridice, în civil şi în

justiţie ; 

- ține legătura cu organizaţiile partenere şi cu mass-media;

- supraveghează activitatea de relaţii cu organismele guvernamentale,

organizaţii neguvernamentale, activitatea de sponsorizare, etc;

- semnează toate documentele eliberate de Asociaţie;

- coordonează şi controlează activitatea membrilor Consiliului Director şi

îndrumă personalul salariat al Asociaţiei;
- stabileşte, coordonează, şi controlează modul de rezolvare a corespondenţei
şi gestiunea informaţiilor şi a documentelor.

Activităţi privind sănătatea umană şi asistenţa socială

spviasi Str. Titu Maiorescu, Nr. 7-9, Bloc C6, Ap. 2, 700460, Iași, România

17/08/2016 – 30/05/2017

Secretar General al Asociației Studenți pentru Viață Iași

- membru fondator al Asociației;

- planificarea activităților Consiliului Director;

- pregătirea materialelor de ședință și asigurarea prezenței la ședinta


- întocmirea planului strategic de dezvoltare și a planului de activități ale


- ținerea evidențelor actelor și documentelor activității Consiliului Director și a


- întocmirea proceselor-verbale ale ședințelor de Consiliu Director și de

Adunare Generală;

- stabilirea, coordonarea, controlul modului de rezolvare la toate problemele

întâmpinate în activitatea Asociației;

- organizarea a două expoziții de pictură "Diversitate".

Activităţi privind sănătatea umană şi asistenţa socială

spviasi Str. Titu Maiorescu, Nr. 7-9, Bloc C6, Ap. 2, 700460, Iași, România

26/06/2017 – 07/07/2017

Voluntar al Primăriei Municipiului Iași

Relația cu Societatea Civilă

- asigurarea comunicării între Primăria Municipiului Iași și instituțiile de

cultură din Iași, cultele religioase, structurile sportive și ONG-urile cu activitate
la nivelul municipiului Iași;

- realizarea monitorizării și evaluării activităților desfășurate în proiecte

finanțate de la bugetul local în domeniile de cultură, culte religioase, sport și

- realizarea monitorizării gradului de respectare a regulamentelor de

evaluare, selecție și finațare a proiectelor din domeniile de cultură, sport,
culte religioase și ONG-uri;

- promovarea de inițiative, proiecte și parteneriate în domeniul de


- elaborează cereri de fințare la proiecte pe diverse programe destinate

administrației publice locale.
Administratie publică şi apărare; asigurări sociale obligatorii http:// B-dul Ștefan cel Mare Și Sfânt, Nr. 11, 700064, Iași, R

15/04/2012 – 20/10/2016

Ajutor de bucătar al Mănăstirii Putna

- pregătirea legumelor în vederea pregătirii preparatelor;

- preluarea de preparate în curs de gătire;

- prepararea de prăjituri;

- preluarea și asigurarea de alimente. Principală, Nr. 140A, 727455, Comuna Putna, Județul

Suceava, România

01/06/2003 – 10/06/2018

Voluntar al Bisericii "Sfântul Mare Mucenic Dimitrie" Brăilița

- membru în sectorul de tineret al parohiei;

- implicare în păstrarea curățeniei locașului;

- implicare activă în programul liturgic;

- participare la programul de catehizare "Hristos împărtășit copiilor" 2011,

2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017;

- implicare în partea de birocrație a parohiei;

- menținerea relațiilor cu oamenii.

Activităţi specializate, ştiinţifice şi tehnice Str. Smârdan, Nr. 89, 810173, Brăi
la, România


27/07/2020 – ÎN CURS – Bd. Schitu Măgureanu, Nr. 9, Sector 1, România

Specialist în Managementul Serviciilor Sociale și de Sănătate

Facultatea de Sociologie și Asistență Socială
Domeniul (domeniile) de studiu
◦ Sănătate și asistență : Îngrijirea copiilor și servicii pentru tineri

Nivelul 7 CEC ECTS 120

01/10/2014 – 07/07/2018 – Str. Cloşca, Nr. 9, Iaşi, România

Licențiat în Teologie Ortodoxă Pastorală

Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă " Dumitru Stăniloae " - secţia Teologie

- Studiul Vechiului și Noului Testament;

- Istoria Bisericii Universale, a Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, a Bizanțului și a
filosofiei religiilor;

- Practică liturgică;

- Muzică liniară și bisericească;

- Spiritualitate;

- Teologie Dogmatică Ortodoxă și Simbolică;

- Morală;

- Patrologia;

- Limba latină și greacă veche;

- Teologie fundamentală;

- Catehetică și Omiletică.

Domeniul (domeniile) de studiu

◦ Teologie Ortodoxă

Viața și activitatea lui Jean Calvin la Geneva Nivelul 6 CEC ECTS 24


13/09/2010 – 20/06/2014 – Str. Mihai Bravu, Nr. 48, Galaţi

Diplomă de Bacalaureat Naţional

Seminarul Teologic " Sf. Andrei " - secția Patrimoniu cultural

- Limba și literatura română, Limba engleză, Limba franceză;

- Matematică, Fizică, Chimie, Biologie, Tehnologia Informațiilor și


- Istorie, Geografie, Lo​gică, Psihologie, Economie, Filosofie, Educație

anteprenorială, Educație fizică;

- Studiul Vechiului și Noului Testament;

- Istoria Bisericii Universale și a Bisericii Ortodoxe Române;

- Dogmatică;

- Morală;

- Muzică liniară și bisericească;

- Studiul formelor, Studiul culorii, Restaurare, Tehnică veche, Sculptură, Istoria


Domeniul (domeniile) de studiu

◦ Tehnician în arte plastice

9 Sfânta Euharistie ca taină, jertfă și cină (ospăț) Nivelul 4 CEC http://
LIMBĂ(I) MATERNĂ(E): Limba română

Comprehensiune Citit Exprimare scrisă Conversație Scris
orală B1 A2 A1 A1

Comprehensiune Citit Exprimare scrisă Conversație Scris
orală A2 A1 A1 A2

Greek, Ancient
Comprehensiune Citit Exprimare scrisă Conversație Scris
orală A1 A1 A1 A2

Comprehensiune Citit Exprimare scrisă Conversație Scris
orală B1 A2 A2 B2

Microsoft Office (Excel PowerPoint Word) - nivel intermediar Navigare
Internet Social Media Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Word Zoom Microsof
t Excel
- am participat la conferinţa motivaţională "Eşti. Cine vrei să devii?",
organizată de Consiliul Tinerilor Instituţionalizaţi- Filiala Iaşi, Liga Studenţilor
a Universităţii Alexandru Ioan Cuza- LS Iaşi, în parteneriat cu Fundaţia Blue
Heron România, Direcţia Judeţeană pentru Sport şi Tineret Iaşi, DGASPC Iaşi,
Universitatea Aexandru Ioan Cuza Iaşi, cu diplomă de participare (21.mai.

 - am făcut parte din echipa de implementare a Conferinței Internaționale "

Vreau Acasă" cu tema Independent, dar nu singur!, prima ediție organizată
sub egida Baia Mare Capitala Tineretului din România, în parteneriat cu:
Federația Organizațiilor Neguvernamentale de Tineret din Maramureș,
Consiliul Tineretului din România, Fundația Județeană pentru Tineret Timiș,
Alianța Națională a Organizațiilor Studențești din România, Hope and Homes
for Children România, Federația Organizaților Neguvernamentale pentru
Copii, Universitatea Babeș Bolyai prin proiectul european SASCA (11.
octombrie-14. octombrie.2018);

 - am participat la conferința internațională cu tema " Fii schimbarea!

Parteneriat în vederea îmbunătățirii tranziției de la îngrijirea alternativă la o
viață independentă” organizată sub patronajul Președinției României la
Consiliul Uniunii Europene de către SOS Children’s Villages International,
SOS Satele Copiilor România și Federația Organizațiilor Neguvernamentale
pentru Copii (FONPC) România (12. iunie-13. iunie.2019);

 - am făcut parte din echipa de implementare a "Summitului Tinerilor și ONG-

urilor din Protecția Drepturilor Copilului și Adopție- SOPCA" organizată în
parteneriat cu: Consiliul Tineretului din România, Fundația Județeană pentru
Tineret Timiș, Alianța Națională a Organizațiilor Studențești din România,
Hope and Homes for Children România, Federația Organizaților
Neguvernamentale pentru Copii FONPC, UNICEF, Concordia, Ministerul
Tineretului și Sportului România, Complexul Studențesc Tei, Fundația pentru
Tineret, București  (14. noiembrie-17. noiembrie.2019).
 - Call-Center al copiilor și tinerilor abandonați din România, 0319793, creat
de Consiliul Tinerilor Instituționalizați în luna Aprilie 2020, serviciu pe care îl
coordonez în calitate de coordonator operațional;

 - Centrul pentru Deprinderi de Viață Independentă creat de Consiliul Tinerilor

Instituționalizați în luna Decembrie 2019, serviciu pe care îl coordonez în
calitate de Director Adjunct;

 - Summitul Tinerilor și ONG-urilor din Protecția Drepturilor Copilului și

Adopție- SOPCA, creat de Consiliul Tinerilor Instituționalizați alături de 14
instituții și ONG-uri naționale și internaționale organizat în luna Noiembrie
2019, București, având rolul de coordonator administrativ;

 - Proiect de acreditare furnizor de servicii sociale a organizației Consiliul

Tinerilor Instituționalizați în perioada Septembrie-Octombrie 2019;

 - "Leaving Care- An integrated approach on preparing to leaving care"

implementat de SOS Satele Copiilor Internațional, având rolul de raportor
grupul național de experți tineri;

 - Gala Premiilor Mama edițiile 2018-2020, eveniment național organizat de

C.T.I. pentru recunoașterea meritelor angajaților și profesioniștilor din
sistemul de protecție a copilului și adopție, în cadrul căruia am avut rolul de

 - Conferința Internațională "Vreau Acasă" creat de Consiliul Tinerilor

Instituționalizați, sub egida Administrației Prezidențiale din România, și a
programului de Capitala Tineretului din România în anul 2018, având rolul
de coordonator administrativ;

 - am organizat conferinţa motivaţională "Eşti. Cine vrei să devii?", organizată

de Consiliul Tinerilor Instituţionalizaţi- Filiala Iaşi, în parteneriat cu Liga
Studenţilor a Universităţii Alexandru Ioan Cuza- LS Iaşi, Fundaţia Blue Heron
România, Direcţia Judeţeană pentru Sport şi Tineret Iaşi, DGASPC Iaşi,
Universitatea Aexandru Ioan Cuza Iaşi, cu diplomă de participare în luna mai
2018 în Iași având rolul de coordonator.

Competențe organizatorice
- competențe demonstrate în organizarea de evenimente și proiecte de
amploare: gale, forumuri, conferințe, seminarii, colocvii etc.. 
Competenţe dobândite la locul de muncă
 Competețe digitale:

 - pachetul Office 365;

 - Smart Bill- program de contabilitate primară;

 - ClausWeb Mail- serviciul de e-mail și poștă electronică;

 - administrare website-uri;

 - administrare pagini de facebook.

 Competențe Administrative:

 - administrare operativă ( registratură, contabilitate, coordonare echipă);

 - coordonare proiecte;

 - coordonare servicii sociale;

 - monitorizare dezvoltare organizațională.

- Discursul ​"Vocația artistului în zilele noastre"​, susținut la ediția I a expoziției
"Diversitate" organizată de Asociația Studenți pentru Viață Iași (11.decembrie.

- Discursul ​"Conștientizarea frumosului de lângă noi"​, susținut la ediția a II-a

expoziției "Diversitate" organizată de Asociația Studenți pentru Viață Iași

- Prezentarea lucrării ​"Monahii- purtători ai crucii în timpul comunismului​", în

cadrul Simpozionului Na​țional Studențesc "Jertfa, o virtute uitată a lumii
moderne. De la tinerii de ieri, la tinerii de astăzi.", ediția I, organizat de
Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă "Dumitru Stăniloae" și de Liga Studenților
din Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iași, (31.octombrie.2017);

- Prezentarea lucrării "Gândirea teologică a lui Jean Calvin în cercetările

teologice ortodoxe", în cadrul Sesiuniii anuale de comunicări științifice pentru
profesori și studenți, organizată de Universitatea "Adventus", Cernica,

- Prezentarea lucrării "Problemele tinerilor instituționalizați o provocare în

societatea de astăzi'', în cadrul Congresului studenților de la științe social-
umaniste, organizat de Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iași,
AB Research Grup
◦ Operator de teren – cercetare cantitativă – „Consumul de tutun,
alcool și droguri în rândul populației din România”


10/2018 – ÎN CURS – Bdul Expoziției, 30A, București, România

Doctorand, domeniul Sociologie

Școala Doctorală SNSPA

10/2016 – 07/2018 – Bdul Expoziției, 30A, București, România

Absolvent Master Sociologie aplicată: Devianță și Ordine

Departamentul de Sociologie, SNSPA
 Metode de cercetare calitativă în științele sociale, Metodologia studiului
de caz în cercetarea devianței, Sociologie juridică, Paradigme ale
sociologiei, Politici și strategii anticorupție, Teorii sociologice
contemporane asupra devianței, Practica observației în cazul
comportamentelor deviante, Cultura devianței în penitenciare,
Sociologia Guvernării, Delincvență juvenilă și politici publice de
prevenție, Evaluarea psihologică în cazul comportamentelor deviante,
Probleme cheie în management și organizații
Domeniul (domeniile) de studiu
◦ Sociologie
10 | Capitalul erotic. O abordare sociologică

10/2013 – 07/2016 – Bdul Expoziției, 30A, București, România

Licențiat în sociologie
Departamentul de Sociologie, SNSPA
Concepte fundamentale în sociologie; Concepte fundamentale în știința
politică; Istoria gândirii sociale și politice; Istorie universală modernă și
contemporană; Introducere în studiile europene; Introducere în
economie; Instituții politice; Comunicare socială; Metode de cercetare
socială și politică; Istoria modernă și contemporană a României; Gândire
critică și scriere academică; Limba engleză; Informatică în științele
sociale; Politici publice; Comunități sociale; Statistică socială; Sociologia
organizațiilor; Analiză electorală; Metodologia anchetei; Sociologie
politică; Antropologie; Devianță și control social; Sociologie juridică;
Sociologia opiniei publice; Stratificare socială; Focus-grup; Argumentarea
și contrucția modelelor teoretice; Psihologie socială; Școala monografică;
Sociologia cotidianului; Sociologie vizuală; Jurnalism social
Domeniul (domeniile) de studiu
◦ Sociologie
10 | Construcția și reconstrucția memoriei sociale | http://

2018 – București, București

Diplomă expert accesare fonduri structurale și de coeziune


2014 – Bdul Expoziției, 30A, București, România

Diplomă Operator de teren

Departamentul de Sociologie SNSPA

2014 – București, București, România

Voluntar Crosul Societății Academice a Științelor
Comportamentale din România
Crosul Societății Academice a Științelor Comportamentale din

2014 – București, București, România

Voluntar Wings for Life World Run

Wings for Life World Run

2012 – Sector 5, București, România

Permis European de conducere a computerului – Programa

Liceul Teoretic Ion Barbu

2012 – Sector 5, București, România

Voluntar „Junior Achievement”

Liceul Teoretic Ion Barbu

Limba engleză

Comprehen‐ Citit Exprimare Conversație Scris

siune orală B2 scrisă B2 B2
B2 B2

Limba Franceză

Comprehen‐ Citit Exprimare Conversație Scris

siune orală A2 scrisă A2 A2
A2 A2

ECDL / Microsoft Office / Utilizare buna a programelor de
comunicare(mail messenger skype)

Permis de conducere: B


The Voice of Abandoned Children Association is an NGO
dedicated to children abandoned in residential homes
and has been operating since 2013. The foundations of
the association were laid by Vișinel Balan and his
brother Virgil Balan. Both of them grew up in foster
homes in Romania, experiencing at first hand the
hardships and suffering that do not go beyond the walls
of the D.G.A.S.P.C. (General Directorate of Social
Assistance and Child Protection).
Our results in 2020
The aim of the organization is to be at the side of young
people/children in state care, offering them support
both through educational activities and by the simple
fact that they have, among the members of the
association, people to whom they can open their hearts,
be listened to and loved.

Moreover, in 2020, we paid the second instalment for

the house for young people/street children. In January
2021 we paid the last instalment. We want to give
homeless young people the chance of housing. The
chance for an independent life.

We fought to reform the welfare system. #We succeeded

in proposing a number of changes to the Children's Act
and the Adoption Act (Laws at National level in
Romania). We strongly believe that every child deserves
a family. Institutionalisation is a serious form of
intervention for an abandoned child.
Thank you for your continuity.



conducted 5 workshops on
strengthening independent living skills.

The beneficiaries of these workshops

were 10 children from the St. Iosif centre
in District 1. Bucharest.

Among the workshops we mention:

1. Personal development:
Trainers: Vișinel Balan and Iulia Sorescu. 5 WORKSHOPS to strengthen
independent living skills.
2. Melotherapy:
Trainers: Jean Baptiste Manitou and Iulia

2020 was a challenging year. The

pandemic put us in the situation to
reorganize, to direct our work towards
communities of hard-pressed children.

The rent of the EDFORSO centre was

provided by DRUMMERS CONCEPT and
the activities financially supported by
Eurocooling Center.


We joined the programme to help children

at risk of hunger, pure poverty. The "Mentor
In Romania" programme was initiated by
our partners.

We have helped 1500 children in situations

of pure poverty. We provided them with
sanitary hygiene products, food and

We went to poor children in Sector 5,

villages in Ilfov County, Sibiu and Giurgiu,
Unfortunately, the lack of public or private
social communities has made it difficult to 1500 children were helped with products
help children living in extremely poor hygiene, food and clothing.
conditions. Several families with whom we
collaborate have called us, and their
messages were extremely touching:

"They have locked us up in houses without

providing us with common sense
conditions, we have children to bring up,
and who will pay the bills if we have been
fired?" Don't they think so too, the little
ones of families hit hard by the crisis, don't
deserve our attention and support?

It was our organisation's hardest action.

The pandemic created a lot of tension in
society and we continued to support the
children of no-one.


At the Civil Society Gala (Gala Societatii

Civile) in October 2020 we were awarded
for the #AmReușit (#Wemadeit) project.

As we have accustomed you for so many

years, in 2021 the Association Voice of
Abandoned Children continues the fight
for the rights of children in care, as well as
of young people who grew up in the social
protection system.

We have managed to bring to the

attention of the public, but especially to
the public authorities in charge of the
13 LIFE STORIES that have inspired us
matter, 13 interviews, or rather 13 life
in our approach to representing,
stories, of young people who grew up in
supporting and promoting children -
the hell called "child protection", but who
have overcome the obstacles and

#AmReușit (#Wemadeit) is the

spokesperson campaign of these children,
their chance to tell their story, to talk about
the traumas caused by a broken system, to
encourage the 18,000 children who still
suffer within the walls of foster homes,
and, above all, to draw the attention of
those who have the power to change

This campaign has been produced in

partnership with the Council for
Institutionalised Young People and Pac
Pac Studios. of the young people manage to
become successful and
equilibrated adults after leaving
the social care system and
starting a life on their own.
Leaving care, is a national research
conducted by PhD candidate Vișinel

RESEARCH Balan in the PhD program, sociology

field, within the National School of
Political and Administrative Sciences,

under the coordination of
anthropologist Pr. Dr. Vintilă

LEVEL The Association Voice of Abandoned

Children, together with Hope and
Homes for Children and Vreau să fiu
părinte (I Want to be a Parent
Association) joined the initiative started
by Vișinel.

The research on leaving care looks at

how how young people for whom
special care has ended in the last 10
years have been prepared for it. Equally
important is today's preparation of
children in special care.

In 2021 we aim to have a clear

perspective on the phenomenon of
care leavers.

Thank you to sponsors Hope and

Homes for Children and I Want to be a
Parent Association.



1352 950
The end of the year brings wonderful
news. We have managed to pay two out
of three instalments for EDFORSO social
housing. Dear friends, we have huge news.
We are extremely excited, and happy, to
announce that we have been able to
make a considerable down payment -
16,000 euros - towards the purchase of
the social housing we have wanted for so
long. Our dream came true on 21 January
2021 when we paid the last instalment.
Since 1 November 2020 the housing has
~The number of young people for
been available for homeless young
whom the special protection
measure has ended and ended up
on the streets in the last 6 years.
We would like to remind you that
"EDFORSO Housing" is a living space for
homeless young people, whose main aim
is to strengthen independent living skills.

In short, for a fixed period of time, we will

allow two to three young people to live in
this apartment, free of charge. During this
time, they must find a job, learn to
manage their money and eventually be
able to rent or buy their own
accommodation. Of course, their whole
path to independent living will be
monitored by our association. We will give
them all the support and knowledge they
need to make a breakthrough.
In November 2020 we have opened he doors of

2300 1850

From 2016, December 05, until now

(2020), we commemorate the
passing away of children who died 883
in Romanian orphanages from '89 to
the present and we take a stand
against the crimes that the child
protection system has committed or NUMBER OF CHILDREN WHO DIED
ignored in the last 30 years. IN THE ROMANIAN ORPHANAGES OF '89

In 2020, in the context of the COVID

19 pandemic, in an effort to protect
the population, we have chosen to
organise the event online.

On December 5, 2020, at 20:30, we

solemnly marked in front of our
computers an exceptional screening
of a documentary, entitled ON THE

The documentary was made with

the support of artist/director
Bogdan Trandafir.


The magic of Christmas is about love

and good deeds.

On the occasion of the winter

holidays, with the help of eMAG
Foundation, we managed to reach
more than 1500 children in Sibiu
and Giurgiu counties. The families
received food, colouring books,
Romanian alphabet books, hygiene
products and love.

Together with the elves, for 5 days,

without interruption, Santa Claus
organized himself so that the little
ones from Dumbrăveni (Sibiu
county) could enjoy Santa's gifts.
Christmas is not about Santa Claus,
it's about kindness, humility,
forgiveness and the greater good.
It's about loving and bringing joy to
children in difficult situations. It's
about avoiding suffering.

Thank you to the eMAG Foundation

for your trust in this community

shelter for homeless children/youth
We have paid 16,000 euros in advance and by the end of
the year we have to give another 6,600 euros.

16.000 euro
We have helped more than 1500 children with
sanitary products, food and clothes.

8.300 euro


We helped over 1500 children with hygiene products,
food and clothes. The children helped are from
Dumbrăveni, jud. Sibiu and 4 communes in the county.

11000 euro









Special thanks to:


















+4 0743365469
Call: [CERV-2021-CHILD] — [Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child]

EU Grants: Application form (CERV): V1.0 – 01.04.2021


List of previous projects

Please provide a list of your previous projects for the last 4 years.

Participant Project Reference No Period (start Role Amount Website (if any)
and Title, Funding and end date) (COO, (EUR)
programme BEN, AE,

VCA 54 workshops at 2017 - 2020 COO 5000 https://voceacopiil

EDFORSO centre
(annually). Funded by content/uploads/2
private funding, sponsors 019/01/vocea-
and donors COPIILOR-

VCA Conference Povestea 2017 - 2018 COO 2500 www.voceacopiilo

MEA, funded de BCR
(Banca Comerciala

VCA EDFORSO Home 2017 - 2020 COO 25000 https://voceacopiil
Sponsorship from private edforso/
companies and

VCA Camp EDFORSO 2017 - 2020 COO 2100 https://voceacopiil

Sponsorship from private 020/01/Raport-de-
companies and activitate-2019-
donations 2.pdf

VCA Humanitarian aid in 2020 COO 8500 https://voceacopiil

emergencies – COVID
Sponsorship from private 021/02/Raport-de-
companies and activitate-2020-
donations 2.pdf

VCA Santa Claus reached out 2020 COO 11000 https://voceacopiil

to poor children
Sponsorship from private 021/02/Raport-de-
companies and activitate-2020-
donations 2.pdf

1.0 01.04.2021 Initial version (new MFF)

Ietiil'lr[ ,Jinem aproapel Aproape de Tll'lEr'il"
rxrwvr.esn sil i glti nerilor. ro

Asocirlia Consillul Tinsrilor lnstitulionalizafi
Str. Marin Pazon. Nr. 4, Bt. G?8, Sc' E, Et' 4' Ap'
iesident I Director General:
lBAtl: R020RNC80082153198290001 BCR

Vice-president I DePutY Director:

Nanoleon-Valentin ALEXANDRU


The Council of Institutionalized Youth, as national representing organization of

institutionalized children and youth understands to respect the rights of the child mentioned in the
Declaration on the Rights of the Child, Human Rights Declaration, National Legislation, Rules of
procedure of CTI, Internal Rules of frurctioning of the organization, according to our principles on
working with children and youth must be done in total safety conditions:

1. The Board Members or the Project Managers will analyze the risks before implementing
all activities in witch are involved children and youth in our beneficiary group.

2. The Board will create rules, procedures witch will prevent all types of abuse on our

beneficiaries and will make sure that the legislation is fully followed.

3. CIY and its delegates will monitor the wrights of the child trough visits to make sure that
the children and youngsters are well cared for. The Delegates will be 22-28 years old
students or graduates and will present the integrity certificate according to the legislation

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on anti-abuse and the code of conduct and integrity of CYI, they will have a badge and a
written delegation from the President who will than send a list of the delegates to the
National Authority President.

4. In all project teams CYI will delegate a child protection officer for the safety and protection
of all our beneficiaries, the officer must be a graduate in social work, psychology, or
theology studies who will make sure of:
a) The accommodation is provided in accordance with the national legislation
b) The iocation is next to the transportation means and close to a hospital or policlinic. If
there is no clinic or hospital close by CYI will hire a medical nurse or paramedic for
the whole duration of the Project.

c) The meniu will be approved by the nutrition doctor, family doctor, the Kitchen
responsible, the project manager and the board of CYI, the Kitchen responsible has the
obiigation to keep probes of the food up to two days in case of any control from the
d) CYI will ensure immediate response in all situations of abuse(sexual abuse, sexual
relations with the beneficiaries or the team core / CYI team, bullying or physical abuse,
emotional or psychic, extortion, violence or humiliation) on our beneficiaries of our
own projects or projects implemented in partnership'
e) Sexual relations between project team members/CYl members are strictly forbidden to

avoid any situations that can aJfect the quality of the services and the well
understanding between the team members.

0 Alcohol consumption, drogs or other illegal substances is fully forbidden for the whole
duration of the projects or in CYI offices.
g) The child protection officer can decide to exclude the particip antlparticipants who do
not follow the rules above and even to contact the authorities and to inform the CYI
Board on the situation.

5. A1l persons involved in activities, projects and programs of CYI will adopt a civilized
language and will have a good behavior, professional, having as core value the respect for

the beneficiaries and to the CYI Board. If this rule is not followed the CYI Board can create

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' In the commission wili take part this

professionals: 1 lawyer, 1 social worker, 1 psiholog, 1 child protection officer, the

for social services of CYI.

the written
6. The photos, videos and recording of children and youth will be done only with
For this
consent of the legal guardian, representative of parent of the children involved.
Policy of
there will be mandatory to sign the GDPR consent form according to the GDPR
The task to verifi the implementation of point 6 of this policy is given
to the Child
Protection Officer and to the GDPR Officer'

The policy has at its core the principles of integrity and code of conduct and it comes
completion of the rules and decisions of the CYI Board'

www.consiliultinerilor. r,P, .

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Tel: 0743365469


Child Protection Policy

Vocea Copiilor Abandonati

Vocea Copiilor Abandonati is committed to creating and maintaining a caring and protective environment
that promotes its core values and that prevents and deals with child abuse and exploitation. We
vehemently condemn all forms of abuse and exploitation, whether they occur within or outside of our
organization and always respond to any substantiated case, allegation or attempt of abuse within our area
of influence, according to its typology. We strive to have mechanisms in place to raise awareness,
prevent, encourage reporting and facilitate response procedures in cases of abuse. These mechanisms
include human resource development actions such as training and counselling, through to measures such
as suspension, dismissal and legal action.
1. The origin, vision, mission and values of Vocea Copiilor Abandonati
2. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC);
3. Child protection standards as defined by the Keeping Children Safe Coalition.

Every child can be at risk of abuse and exploitation. Some girls may be more vulnerable in this respect
because of different forms of discrimination and marginalisation related to their socio-economic status,
gender, disability, ethnicity, class or living conditions. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that every
person in contact with Vocea Copiilor Abandonati understands child abuse and their own role and
responsibilities in child protection.
Any definition of child abuse requires a definition of the child. According to the UNCRC, a child is "any
human being below the age of 18 years unless national law recognises a lower age of majority."
The UNCRC provides an international framework that highlights the rights of children to protection from
abuse and neglect (Article 19), discrimination (Article 2) and various forms of exploitation (Articles 32--
36); special attention is given to children without parental care (Article 20), refugees (Article 22),
children at risk of drug use (Article 33), children deprived of their liberty (Articles 37 and 40), children in
situations of armed conflict.
Tel: 0743365469


Often the abuser is someone close to the child and trusted by the child. Vocea Copiilor Abandonati
recognizes the importance of children's participation, empowering girls and boys to take a stand against
all forms of abuse, acting as agents with a role of self-defense and protection of their peers.
This policy aims to:
- Prevent child abuse and reduce the number of incidents (child--child, adult—child
- raise children's awareness of their rights and active role in child protection;
- inform children, employees, Board members, families and community members, volunteers and partners
(sponsors, donors, journalists, government authorities, etc.) about the child protection policy and related
procedures (awareness raising/awareness, prevention, reporting, response);
- encourage staff members directly involved in working with children to use their skills to contribute to
the development and protection of each child;
- ensure the necessary working conditions for staff to be able to contribute to the development and
protection of each child;
- Encourage open and frank discussions about child abuse -- in national meetings and workshops - across
all programmes and services -- between different partners;
- Establish fair, reliable and transparent reporting arrangements for all types of programmes that
guarantee the right of partners (children, and staff) to be heard;

Defining the four categories of abuse:

PHYSICAL ABUSE is actual or potential bodily harm caused by an action or lack of action that may be
taken by the parent or responsible person who has power or who is deemed to be trusted by the child.
Bodily harm involves hitting, beating, roughing, throwing, poisoning, burning or suffocating, drowning or
choking. It can also mean physically abusing a child, making up symptoms or intentionally inducing
harm. These incidents may be one-off or repeated.
SEXUAL ABUSE is evidenced by an activity between a child and an adult or another child who, by age
or developmental level, is in a relationship of responsibility, trust or power; the activity is intended to
fulfil and satisfy the needs of another person. Child sexual abuse involves forcing or manipulating a child
to participate in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. These activities
may or may not involve physical contact and penetrative actions. This may also include engaging children
Tel: 0743365469


in watching, producing pornographic material or encouraging children to behave in ways that are
inappropriate in terms of sexual expression.
NEGLIGENCE AND NEGLIGENT BEHAVIOUR is the intention or omission on the part of caregivers
to support children's development in terms of: educational, emotional, developmental, nutritional, shelter
and decent living conditions, in the context of resources available to the family or caregivers, and which
results in or has an increased likelihood of causing harm to the child's physical, mental, spiritual, moral
and social developmental health. This includes failure to properly supervise and protect children from
these incidents as much as possible.
EMOTIONAL ABUSE is the emotionally inappropriate treatment of a child that negatively affects the
child's self-perception and development. It can involve making the child feel that they are worthless,
unloved and inadequate or there to fulfil another person's needs, or the imposition of inappropriate
expectations. Acting out includes restricting freedom of movement, threatening, frightening,
discriminating, promoting the idea of "scapegoating", corrupting, ridiculing, degrading, harassing,
humiliating (e.g., asking possibly embarrassing questions, performing embarrassing actions) or other
forms of hostile or rejecting behavior without physical implications.

Specific considerations:
Allegations or concerns about abuse of one child by another child must be dealt with in a special way,
through thorough child protection procedures. All work with young people who have been abusive
requires an approach that ensures the protection of those affected and at the same time supports them in
changing their own behaviour. Any such approach requires:
- Recognition that a child who has abused another child differs significantly from adults who have
committed such offences, as the child is not fully aware of the abuse and the consequences;
- to bear in mind that the best interests of the child, both the victim and the abuser, are the primary
concern in all decisions.


Protecting children's privacy refers to personal data about children, including photographs, texts, videos,
etc., which are produced for advertising purposes:
Tel: 0743365469


Any information about the child's background, health and family of origin must be carefully stored within
the administrative department of Vocea Copiilor Abandonati. This information must be treated
confidentially and with discretion.
Vocea Copiilor Abandonati respects children's right to privacy. All staff members and external partners
involved in the dissemination of information about the child and in the creation and distribution of
publicity materials, act in accordance with the following guiding principles:
- When publicity materials are produced featuring a child, permission to do so shall be sought from both
the child and the child's legal guardian (or at least the consent of an adult carer);
- We do not actively ask children to do or say anything that makes them feel they are being portrayed as
"objects of pity" (e.g. talking about their past or asking for donations);
- Use children's names carefully, especially when sensitive information about them is involved (e.g.
family history, health, disabilities or negative behaviour);
- We are cautious about combining written and visual information whenever a text includes sensitive
information about the child or when a photo or video recording shows aspects of a child's life and reveals
their identity.

By following these guiding principles we ensure respect for children's privacy and at the same time
prevent and make others aware of the risks of violating this privacy. Based on these principles, staff
members who are directly involved in working with children have a right and an obligation to protect
children from any attempt to violate their privacy - whether intentional or not.

Child protection concerns everyone. It is an integral part of our work and concerns Vocea Copiilor
Abandonati members and everyone who comes into contact with our organisation. The specific approach
is defined by each national association, based on the Child Protection Policy at its disposal.
- Children (under 18 years old)
- Young adults (over 18 and participating in Vocea Copiilor Abandonati activities)
- Programme Directors
- Biological families of children participating in Vocea Copiilor Abandonati activities
Tel: 0743365469


- Teachers and staff working in education within VOCEA COPIILOR ABANDONATI.

- Administrative and care staff of VOCEA COPIILOR ABANDONATI services and programmes
- Sponsors, donors, journalists and visitors
- Partners and other organisations working or interacting with our organisation
- External contractors and consultants providing services

Vocea Copiilor Abandonati Actions

a. AWARENESS RAISING: Raising awareness/increasing awareness of child abuse and its risks.
Developing an open and responsive culture within all Vocea Copiilor Abandonati programmes and within
the communities in which we are actively involved is essential to safeguarding children. We, both as an
organization and as staff members, must have the courage to break the silence and break the taboo of
discussing child abuse. Through safe, clear and fair communication we give and receive positive and
critical feedback.
b. PREVENTION: Counselling in safeguarding children from abuse.
In order to prevent child abuse we need to create and maintain an environment that promotes the core
values of our organization within VOCEA COPIILOR ABANDONATI activities and projects.
A wide range of actions can support this: the main objective is to implement appropriate approaches to
recruitment and human resource development. At the same time, it is essential to listen carefully to
children, take their views seriously, encourage them to participate in discussions on child protection
issues and give them the chance to build relationships based on trust. Clearly, abuse is less likely to
happen in a context that encourages children's participation at all levels.
1. The highest standards are applied to selection, recruitment and vetting procedures. Applicants for
any position (either employees or volunteers) are required to show a criminal record. This is done by
checking with the police or any other means deemed appropriate and by checking references.
2. All staff are included in appropriate training programmes and sign the code of conduct,
confirming that they understand and are committed to our child protection policy.
3. All staff are briefed on the child protection policy during their first month of employment.
Tel: 0743365469


4. Child protection is a common theme in training programmes.

5. Through training and sharing experiences we learn the difference between appropriate and
inappropriate behaviour. Staff in charge care for young people and children treat them with affection, but
respect clear boundaries.
6. Children are given the opportunity to take on roles in their own development and protection. They
are encouraged to participate in all that affects their lives and are involved in discussions about their
rights. Children discuss what behaviour is acceptable and what is not and what they can do if they feel
something is wrong.
7. Each child is given individual opportunities for development, adapted to their needs and potential.
Staff are trained and supported to initiate activities necessary for the child's development.
8. All staff involved in the care of young people and children have access to family counselling when
deemed necessary.
9. Staff are encouraged to regularly share experiences within and across services and programmes on
how to approach child protection.
10. We are mindful of appropriate working conditions in all services and programmes of VOCEA
COPIILOR ABANDONATI at the same time, taking into account the cultural and legislative conditions
11. Support awareness and capacity building of parents, community and religious leaders on positive
discipline as an alternative to the use of corporal punishment.
12. Advocacy work of child protection systems within communities and societies is supported for
better prevention and for multiple opportunities to respond to child protection issues raised by girls and
c. REPORTING: Establish and adhere to a simplified reporting procedure.
We take all concerns seriously, whether it's one of the VOCEA COPIILOR ABANDONATI projects.
Rapid and transparent action is then taken, taking into account legislative responsibilities.
d. RESPONSE/REACTION: Ensure clear action is taken when child abuse is suspected or reported.
All forms of child abuse are treated seriously, without exception, in all Vocea Copiilor Abandonati
activities and responded to in accordance with the seriousness of the allegations. We ensure a response is
given regardless of the seriousness of the abuse. By providing a response we ensure that a transparent and
fair procedure is followed so that no one is wrongly convicted and the rights of all involved are protected.
Tel: 0743365469


In all cases where child abuse or neglect is suspected or proven, safeguarding and protecting the child is
central. At the same time, remedial measures are provided and the protection of all concerned is
guaranteed. Affected persons receive counselling and support.
In all cases of abuse an internal investigation is started by a neutral person. This person presents the
results of the investigation to the child protection team who decides on the next steps.
The response to allegations of child abuse focuses on what is best for the development and protection of
the children involved in such cases.
If abuse is committed by an adult, depending on the degree of abuse, legal steps are followed according to
the national reporting and response system, which defines the levels at which a response is provided in
each individual case. Where necessary, legal assistance is provided.
There is a clear hierarchy in which one person is responsible for the information management and
communication process, both internally and externally, on child abuse within the national association.
This person is supported by the child protection team.
Decisions are taken swiftly and action is taken quickly. Cases are reported to the child welfare authorities
according to a procedure defined by the national association.
Written records of all cases of abuse and their findings are kept within the service or programme.

Virgil Gheorghe BALAN
This proposal version was submitted by Elena Dafina Milea on 07/09/2021 16:46:23 Brussels Local Time. Issued by the Funding & Tenders Portal Submission System.
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