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DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC9527C-F5CB-4A7E-BBD7-C360FFB2A5D8

Dear Partner, 5th October 2021

For Faurecia, the “Key Account Manager” (KAM) is an important contact within our suppliers,
trusted to be contacted about subjects related to critical communications, company updates,
commercial exchanges, and contractual matters. To keep our contact database up to date,
we are sending this confirmation request to all our Partners’ KAM contacts once’s a year

In the frame of our Group Supplier Transformation Program, the quality and effectiveness of
our collaboration are of utmost important to us and KAM for Faurecia is the owner of the
company’s confidential information in our current supplier communications related to business
and strategies. Further in future as Faurecia is migrating to ARIBA, Faurecia KAM at supplier will
be registered and will receive all the Request for X (Proposal/Quotation) (RFx) and updates on

In Process
ARIBA as a single communication portal.

You have received this communication as you are added in our existing database as the
KAM representing your respective organization. By filling the information below please
confirm the same and in case of any changes mention the alternate correct contact from
your organization. In addition to KAM, we would also request you to please share us CEO/MD
contact details as it is a mandatory part of our activity.

KAM Confirmation:

Are you still to be considered the KAM from your company, in-charge of the customer Faurecia
and can discuss commercial matters, update company information, and receive RFX on
behalf of your organization?

Yes X No

If No,
Please specify the contact details of responsible person from your organization by filling the
details below. Once you are done with filling the details please do not forget to click on

New KAM Details:

Please specify the contact details of responsible KAM (Key Account Manager) from your

Company Name: -
Full Name: -
Thierry Coquillet
Email Address: -
Telephone: -
+ 33 (0)6 87 77 32 48
SA au capital de 965 180 307 € - 542 005 376 RCS Nanterre
23/27 Rue des Champs-Pierreux – 92735 Nanterre Cedex - France
DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC9527C-F5CB-4A7E-BBD7-C360FFB2A5D8

Additional Name and Email (Mandatory)

CEO/MD/ Top Management:

Full Name: Yassine Neguir

Email Address:

Additional Name and Email (Optional)

Thierry Coquillet
Commercial /RFx Manager:

Quality Manager: El Bey Ahmed

Logistics Manager: In Process


Operational PO Manager: Hela Azaiez

Finance Manager: Moemen Mahjoub

Sustainable/CSR Manager: ELBEY Ahmed

Customs/ Taxation Manager:

Mohamed Mliki

Legal Contact: Ahmed Foued Zayati

Further, if we require any additional contacts with your organization, we will contact the KAM
to support us gathering the required contact information.

Thank you, we appreciate your help and support.

Date: -

Company Name: - LA SOIE

Best Regards. Signature


SA au capital de 965 180 307 € - 542 005 376 RCS Nanterre

23/27 Rue des Champs-Pierreux – 92735 Nanterre Cedex - France
DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC9527C-F5CB-4A7E-BBD7-C360FFB2A5D8


CEO/MD/ Top Management: If there is any need for us to have a supplier council or High-level
communications, the following contact will be support to us.

Commercial /RFx Manager: The following contact will be helpful for us to provide the details
of Request for Quotations (RFQ) & Request for Information (RFI) of the company.

Logistics Manager: The following contact person will be in contact with the transport suppliers
therefore, this supplier will help in getting those suppliers information.

Quality Manager: The following contact person deals with Alert Management System (AMS)
alerts who are in contact with Quality professional and have rights to view supplier score card

In Process
which will help in increasing our business.

Operational PO Manager: The following contact can help us to find out the purchase order
details from them for record purpose.

Finance Manager: This contact can provide us easy payment advices and Receipts details.

Sustainable/CSR Manager: This contact is useful to us to acquire the knowledge of Suppliers

taking actions related to ECOVADIS activity.

Customs/ Taxation Manager: Activities related to supplier’s Long-term Declaration and other
Tax affairs; the following contact will be our key source for information.

Legal Contact person: Conflict Mineral person is in contact with all the supplier dealing with
3TGS (Tin, Tantalum, Tungsten, Gold) and get the Conflict Mineral Reporting Template (CMRT)
then and finally issue a roll up report at company level and provide the data (CMRT) to our
customers, therefore we require to maintain these contacts as well.

SA au capital de 965 180 307 € - 542 005 376 RCS Nanterre

23/27 Rue des Champs-Pierreux – 92735 Nanterre Cedex - France

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