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Quirino Hi-way cor. P. Dela Cruz St., Novaliches, Quezon City
Telefax: 3417-9239 email address:

Teacher(s): Email: First Quarter (SY 2020-2021)

1 Prayer in Union of the Heart and Mind of Jesus Christ 6
2 Biblical Prayer: A Moral Compass to the Formation of 6
3 Prayer towards Authentic Freedom and Christian 6
4 Calling God as Our Father 6
5 Prayer towards Growth, Discernment and Responsible 6
Human Participation
Prayer in Union of the Heart and Mind of Jesus Christ

Name: ________________________________________ Module #______ No. of Days______

Grade & Section: _______________________________ Teacher: _______________________

• Identify Gospel accounts on Jesus as a person of prayer.
• Value the importance of Jesus’ prayers in one’s holistic spiritual formation and
development of human faculties.
• Affirm one’s personal commitment to prayer in union with the prayerful Christ.
• Identify a scriptural text/bible passage and compose a short reflection on surrendering
one’s heart and mind to Jesus.

• MAPSA Christian Formation Series: Prayer and Worship (Vibal Group, Inc., 2015)
• Living the Filipino Values Series by Michael G. Millanes (Future Builder Publication Inc.,
• Our Way to God (Phoenix, 2017)
• We Celebrate God’s Love (Vibal, 2016)
• Catechism of the Catholic Church (Doubleday a Division of Random House, Inc., 1995)
• K to 12 Gabay Pangkurikulum Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao: Baitang 10 (PDF)

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A disciple of Jesus knows Him. He/ She is familiar with Jesus’ life and actions. A
disciple thinks and acts like Him so that he/she lives a life according to the example of
Jesus Christ. It is very important to a disciple to unite his/her mind and heart to his/her
Lord and Savior. The disciple’s thoughts, understanding, feelings, and sentiments are
inspired by the life and aspirations of Christ.
In this lesson, we will enter into the very heart of Christian life – PRAYER. A life of
prayer is not only praising God or offering Him our petitions but uniting our minds and
heart to the mind and heart of Jesus. Through our oneness in prayer with Jesus, we will
become Jesus’ disciples and instruments of His love and grace.
“Prayer is the raising of one's mind and heart to God or the requesting of good
things from God. But when we pray, do we speak from the height of our pride and will,
or out of the depths of a humble and contrite heart?” (CCC 2559) To answer this
question, let us reflect on the way our Lord Jesus Christ prays.

The Agony in the Garden

Matthew 26:36-45

Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and he

said to his disciples, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” He took
along Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to feel sorrow and
distress. Then he said to them, “My soul is sorrowful even to death.
Remain here and keep watch with me.”
He advanced a little and fell prostrate in prayer, saying, “My
Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet, not as I will, but as
you will.”
When he returned to his disciples he found them asleep. He said to
Peter, “So you could not keep watch with me for one hour? Watch and
pray that you may not undergo the test. The spirit is willing, but the flesh
is weak.”
Withdrawing a second time, he prayed again, “My Father, if it is
not possible that this cup pass without my drinking it, your will be done!”
Then he returned once more and found them asleep, for they could not
keep their eyes open.
He left them and withdrew again and prayed a third time, saying
the same thing again.
Then he returned to his disciples and said to them, “Are you still
sleeping and taking your rest? Behold, the hour is at hand when the Son
of Man is to be handed over to sinners.

Christians must find time to pray. Prayer is our communication with God. We talk
and listen to Him in prayer. We approach God in our prayer with a proper attitude and
disposition. However, the reality of temptations whenever we pray may also surface.
Temptations may come in external or internal forms. On account of this entering in a

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sacred conversation with God requires a proper disposition of our heart and mind. In
prayer we unite our whole being to Jesus Christ.
We are created in the image and likeness of God (Roman Catholic Church, 1995).
This means that our resemblance to God is not in our physical
appearance but in our capacity to think and to choose, to seek and know the truth
and to will for what is good. These characteristics of man are what we called human
faculties - our intellect and will that direct us towards eternal happiness and
communion with our Creator.
But sadly, we became stubborn and arrogant. Reaching the point that we
intentionally disobey Him and go our own way. Our intellect has brought us to arrogance
and stubbornness. We choose to exploit others for our own advantage, even exploit the
resources of nature just to satisfy our greediness and desire. The destruction of nature,
corruption in the society, criminalities all around and immoralities in our daily lives are
clear proof that we have used God’s gift of intellect and will in our wrong way. (Millanes,
2013). Because of this, we are all called to repent and to renew our way of life by
redirecting our minds and hearts to God. God gave us Jesus Christ our Lord - a perfect
model on how to use our human faculties according to its original and divine purpose.
The four Gospels give us different accounts and testimonies about the prayer life
of Jesus and how He make it as his primordial activity. From the rising of the sun to its
setting, Jesus always finds time to pray and be alone with His Heavenly Father (Mark
1:35; Matthew 14:23). One of the accounts is the prayer of Jesus in the Garden of
Gethsemane in the gospel of Matthew. This is one of the most popular events in the life
of our Lord before His passion. In this account we see Jesus praying to His Father full of
He asked the Father to spare Him from the cup of suffering just like any other
human person who is experiencing suffering in life. But what makes Jesus different from
most of us is that He did not end His prayer by saying “My Father, if it is possible, let this
cup pass from me.” Rather, He continued by saying “Yet, not as I will, but as You will.”
Jesus, like us, is also free to choose for Himself according to His own will and
understanding. But even in the midst of great sufferings, He manages to choose freely to
submit His own mind and will to the will of his Heavenly Father. As Christians, we are
challenged to this kind of disposition every time we approach God in prayer. We express
not just ourselves but our love and gratitude to God, to listen and eventually to obey His
will (Manila Ecclesiastical Province Schools Association, 2015). Prayer is a loving,
conscious, and personal relationship with God, inviting us to submit our will to Him
responding with deep trust and genuine love for God.
What is amazing about Jesus is that His mission is not separate from prayer. For
Him praying and doing good always go together (Manila Ecclesiastical Province Schools
Association, 2015). His actions and goals in life are not just a product of His own
understanding and will but are always inspired and united to the will of His heavenly
Father. This makes prayer very important to us as God’s children. Prayer helps us to
direct our minds and hearts to the mind and heart of God We become truly His image
and likeness, who is always with Him and who has a simple look turned towards heaven,
crying out His recognition and of love for God, embracing both trial and joy of life
(St.Therese of Lisieux, Manuscrits Autobiographiques, C 25r).


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a. Read the story “In Prayer, There is Strength” from pages 3-4 of your CLE book and
answer the given questions on page 4.
b. Read the Gospel Passage on the Agony of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane in
Matthew 26:36-45 and do the activities given from pages 10 to 12 of your CLE book.

Gospel Reading: Using your Bible look for at least two passages or events from each of
the four Gospels that show Jesus praying and make a short description of it. Use the
table provided below for your answer.

Gospel according Gospel according to Gospel according to Gospel according

to St Mark St Matthew St Luke to St John

Concept Map: Using the concept map below, give an illustration on how the corrupted
human faculties is evident in our society; enumerate its causes and how it can be
overcome by being faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.


Corrupted Solution
Human Faculties


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Reflection Making: Identify a Bible passage and compose a short reflection on

surrendering one’s heart and mind to Jesus. Follow the format below for your output.


(Bible Passage)


D. SYNTHESIS(Generalization)/CLOSURE(Wrapping-up)/REFLECTION(Integration):
✓ We are the image and likeness of God. For this reason, we are gifted to know
the truth and to seek what is good.
✓ Sin corrupted our intellect and will, making us blind to see the truth and
indifferent to seek and do what is truly good. Because of this God sent His
Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, to deliver us from the corruption of
✓ Jesus’ life and teachings, taught us how to overcome the invitation of sin by
constantly submitting our will to the saving plan of God and by being devoted
to our prayer life.
✓ Those who become faithful followers of Christ set us an example on how they
were aided by their prayers to know God’s will. One of these faithful
followers is St. Monica.

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Read the story about the life of St. Monica on page 8 of your CLE book and do the
following activities:

Make a short reflection about the prayer life of St. Monica in relation to your own
prayer life.

Based on what you have learned from this lesson write your Pledge of
Commitment to renew and strengthen your prayer life.


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Quirino Hi-way cor. P. Dela Cruz St., Novaliches, Quezon City
Telefax: 3417-9239 email address:

Teacher(s): Email: First Quarter (SY 2020-2021)

1 Prayer in Union of the Heart and Mind of Jesus Christ 6
2 Biblical Prayer: A Moral Compass to the Formation of 6
3 Prayer towards Authentic Freedom and Christian 6
4 Calling God as Our Father 6
5 Prayer towards Growth, Discernment and Responsible 6
Human Participation

Biblical Prayer: A Moral Compass to the Formation of Conscience

Name: ________________________________________ Module #______ No. of Days______

Grade & Section: _______________________________ Teacher: _______________________

• Relate the Bible passage that shows how Jesus prays to the formation of human
• Demonstrate a well-formed conscience according to the teachings and examples of
• Commit oneself to educate and form conscience through praying and meditating the
Word of God.

• MAPSA Christian Formation Series: Prayer and Worship (Vibal Group, Inc., 2015)
• Living the Filipino Values Series by Michael G. Millanes (Future Builder Publication Inc.,
• Our Way to God (Phoenix, 2017)
• We Celebrate God’s Love (Vibal, 2016)
• Catechism of the Catholic Church (Doubleday a Division of Random House, Inc., 1995)
• K to 12 Gabay Pangkurikulum Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao: Baitang 10 (PDF)

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God speaks to us in different forms and ways. He speaks through our life
experience, through the homily of the priest during the Holy Mass, through the advice
we received from the people around us and every time we read and meditate His Word
in the Sacred Scripture. But most of the time God speaks to us through our conscience.
Deep within us we can hear His voice, ever calling us to love, to do what is good and to
avoid what is evil (CCC 1776). Our conscience then must inform and enlighten our moral
judgment, for as human beings we are subject to the negative influences and to the
temptation of sin (CCC 1783).
To begin the task of conscience formation, we will identify and analyze types of
conscience that each person may have.
1. Antecedent Conscience: It makes a judgement on the morality of an action before
a particular action is performed.
2. Consequent Conscience: It Evaluates an act already committed or omitted.
3. Certain Conscience: It passes judgement without fear or error.
4. Doubtful Conscience: It is uncertain about the morality of the act.
5. Erroneous Conscience: It is a mistaken judgement because it judges something
good to be evil, and something evil to be good. This type of conscience may spring
from ignorance and malformation in one’s childhood.
6. Right Conscience: It presents good as good and evil as evil.
Knowing these types of conscience helps us appreciate the need to form our
conscience because whatever moral decisions we make, we base them on the type of
conscience we have (Christian Living Series K to 12 Edition, 2016, p. 35).
“In the formation of conscience, the Word of God is the light for our path.” (CCC
1785) The Gospel passage below shows us that living according to the will of God, that
is, living with a good conscience shall merit eternal happiness in His Kingdom.

The Beatitudes
Matthew 26:36-45

When he saw the crowds, he went up the mountain, and after he had sat
down, his disciples came to him.
He began to teach them, saying:
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs
is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind
of evil against you [falsely] because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your
reward will be great in heaven. Thus, they persecuted the prophets who were
before you.
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Living the Beatitudes is more of conscience matter and not by force (Sr. Marietta
Angelica R. Gunayan, 2017, p. 89), since It is by the judgment of our conscience that we
perceive and recognize the prescriptions of the divine law (CCC 1778). But sometimes we
are being confronted by situations that make our moral judgments less assured and
make difficult decision. A conscience that is well-formed is upright and tells the truth.
Man’s formulation of judgement in a well-formed conscience is always geared toward
the Creator’s Wisdom (Sr. Marietta Angelica R. Gunayan, 2017, p. 89). Erroneous
judgement or right decision may come as a result of moral choice. But in any situation,
as followers of Christ we must always seriously seek what is right and good and discern
the will of God expressed in divine law (CCC 1787). For these reasons that we must
educate and form our conscience by constantly reading and reflecting His Word in the
Sacred Scripture, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the Authoritative Teaching of
the Church, so that our moral choice may bring us to the everlasting blessedness of
eternal life.
The Sacred Scripture is a book of prayer. Many of the common prayers we recite
every day come from the Bible (Manila Ecclesiastical Province Schools Association, 2015,
p. 16). Because of this, every time we recite our common prayers, we are invited to
meditate on it and not just to mumble its words. The best example of this is the Holy
Rosary. Every time we pray the Holy Rosary the Church is inviting us to meditate on the
saving act of God from the Annunciation of Angel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin Mary
(Luke 1:26-38) in the Joyful Mystery to the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary as
Queen of Heaven and Earth (Revelation 12:1–3) in the Glorious Mystery. By this kind of
prayer we do not only become familiar with the Sacred Scripture particularly to the life
of Jesus, but more than this, the Word of God purifies our thought, imagination,
emotion, and desire and helps deepen our convictions of faith, prompt the conversion of
our heart, and strengthen our will to follow Christ (CCC 2708).
Another form of prayer that use the method of meditative Bible reading is called
“Lectio Divina”. This form of prayer deepens and nourishes one’s spirituality through the
Word of God (Sr. Marietta Angelica R. Gunayan, 2017). The method of lectio divina
follows four steps: lectio (reading), meditatio (meditation), contemplatio
(contemplation), and oratio (prayer) (Sr. Marietta Angelica R. Gunayan, 2017, pp. 8-9).
“Lectio,” or “reading,” is the first step in the prayer process that leads to the second
step, known as “meditatio”—Latin for “meditation”—which invites one to reflect upon
what was read. The Word moves a person more deeply with the third step, which the
ancients called “contemplatio” or “contemplation.” Contemplation is characterized by
an openness of the heart, by which the reader experiences God as the One who prays
within, who allows the person in contemplation to know the Word wordlessly and
without image. By God’s grace, contemplatio gives one a unique ability to connect one’s
newly discovered insights to daily life experiences, with the inspiration that comes from
the Word of God and that has the gracious capacity to refresh the heart and mind. The
fourth and final step, “oratio,” meaning “oration” or “prayer,” invites one’s personal
response to God. This response is dialogical and can be understood as “a conversation
between friends,” as St. Teresa of Avila defined prayer. One takes the time to talk to
God about what was read, heard, or experienced, or about the questions that have
arisen in the depth of one’s being.

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This response can become transformative when one accepts the promptings of
the Word towards an embrace of all that life now holds. (United State Conference of
Catholic Bishop, 2009).
By praying using the Sacred Scripture, we are allowing ourselves to encounter
God deep within us. And by encountering Him we allow Him to heal our wounds from
within, and eventually we let Him transform our hearts according to His own heart.

a. Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide (See attachment)
b. Lectio Divina
i. Moment One: (Lectio) Read the Scripture passage for the first time. Listen
with the “ear of your heart.” What phrase, sentence or even one word
stands out to you? Begin to repeat that phrase, sentence or one word over
and over, allowing it to settle deeply in your heart. Simply return to the
repetition of the phrase, sentence or one word, savoring it in your heart.
ii. Moment Two: (Meditatio) Reflect, relish the words. Let them resound in
your heart. Let an attitude of quiet receptiveness permeate the prayer
time. Be attentive to what speaks to your heart.
iii. Moment Three: (Oratio) Respond spontaneously as you continue to listen
to a phrase, sentence or word. A prayer of praise, thanksgiving or petition
may arise. Offer that prayer, and then return to repeating the word in your
iv. Moment Four: (Contemplatio) Rest in God. Simply “be with” God’s
presence as you open yourself to a deeper hearing of the Word of God.
v. If you feel drawn back to the scriptures, follow the lead of the Spirit.

Gospel Reading: Using your Bible look for the biblical source such as Gospel, Chapter
and Verses of the following phrases taken from some Catholic prayers.

Catholic Prayers Biblical Source

Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with you.
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be
Thy name; Thy kingdom come.
And the Word was made flesh: and dwelt
among us.
Behold the Handmaid of the Lord.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the

Instruction: Give an example of the following kinds of conscience. Write your answer on
the space provided below.

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1. Antecedent Conscience
2. Consequent Conscience

3. Certain Conscience

4. Doubtful Conscience
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5. Erroneous Conscience

Essay: Are we obliged to follow our conscience at all time? Justify your answer.
H. SYNTHESIS(Generalization)/CLOSURE(Wrapping-up)/REFLECTION(Integration):

✓ In all our activity or journey, we are bound to follow our conscience faithfully, to
be lead to God for whom we were created (Sr. Marietta Angelica R. Gunayan,
2017, p. 91)
✓ The Word of God is a light for our path. We must assimilate it in faith and
prayer and put it into practice. This is how moral conscience is formed (CCC
✓ No conscience is fully formed from the moment reason develops in the mind of
individuals in childhood. Thus, there is an absolute need to form, inform, and
illuminate one’s conscience. Unwillingness to form one’s conscience, using the
available resources, can be taken as unwillingness to respond to God’s call for
us to become fully human (Christian Living Series K to 12 Edition, 2016, p. 35).

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Sometimes do you find yourself struggling with your conscience? Write below the recent test of
conscience which you have experienced. How did you respond to the challenge? (Christian Living
Series K to 12 Edition, 2016, p. 40)


Make a commitment to faithfully form your conscience. Write five pledges you will
seriously undertake towards the direction of conscience formation. (Christian
Living Series K to 12 Edition, 2016, p. 41)


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The Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition

Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide

It’s not always easy to choose to do what is right, but if you listen to your conscience, you will usually
know what choice you should make. For each of the following items, describe the choice you should
make. Include two additional temptations you might face and the choice you should make in the face
of each.

Temptation If I Follow My Conscience

1. My mom caught me in a lie. I can 1. ________________________________
lie again to cover up my first lie. ________________________________
2. My friends want me to help them ________________________________
cheat on a test. 2. ________________________________
3. The cashier at the store gave me ________________________________
back an extra ten dollars with my ________________________________
change. 3. ________________________________
4. My friends are spreading a rumor ________________________________
about one of our classmates. ________________________________
5. I can download music for free 4. ________________________________
instead of buying the songs I want. ________________________________
6. My friend wants me to help cover ________________________________
for her so she can go to a party 5. ________________________________
that her parents don’t want her to ________________________________
go to. ________________________________
7. My parents told me not to go to a 6. ________________________________
party that I really want to go to. I ________________________________
can do it anyway; they’ll never ________________________________
know. 7. ________________________________
8. I found an expensive MP3 player in ________________________________
class. I think I know who it belongs ________________________________
to, but I’d love to just keep it for 8. ________________________________
myself. ________________________________
9. My neighbor who is a COVID19 ________________________________
under monitoring knocked at my 9. ________________________________
door asking for some food. ________________________________
10. I received 6,000 pesos from the ________________________________
Social Amelioration Program even 10. ________________________________
if I am not qualified for it. ________________________________

© 2014 by Saint Mary’s Press

Permission to reproduce is granted.

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Quirino Hi-way cor. P. Dela Cruz St., Novaliches, Quezon City
Telefax: 3417-9239 email address:

Teacher(s): Email: First Quarter (SY 2020-2021)

1 Prayer in Union of the Heart and Mind of Jesus Christ 6
2 Biblical Prayer: A Moral Compass to the Formation of 6
3 Prayer towards Authentic Freedom and Christian 6
4 Calling God as Our Father 6
Prayer towards Growth, Discernment and Responsible
5 6
Human Participation

Prayer towards Authentic Freedom and Christian Humanism

Name: ________________________________________ Module #______ No. of Days______

Grade & Section: _______________________________ Teacher: _______________________

• Summarize the relationship of communal and personal prayer.
• Explain the meaning of authentic freedom and how it affects our personal and
communal prayer.
• Give some concrete examples of personal and communal prayer founded on the
authentic freedom.
• Pray with devotion and sincerity.

• MAPSA Christian Formation Series: Prayer and Worship (Vibal Group, Inc., 2015)
• Living the Filipino Values Series by Michael G. Millanes (Future Builder Publication Inc.,
• Our Way to God (Phoenix, 2017)
• We Celebrate God’s Love (Vibal, 2016)
• Catechism of the Catholic Church (Doubleday a Division of Random House, Inc., 1995)
• K to 12 Gabay Pangkurikulum Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao: Baitang 10 (PDF)


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Prayer is both a gift of grace and a determined response on our part (CCC 2725).
God gives us all the graces that we need in order to approach Him in prayer, but having
the capacity to choose and to act voluntarily, to have an authentic and effective prayer
will also depend on how we use our freedom to respond to God’s invitation. Most of the
time, the reason why we failed to encounter God in prayer is the abuse of our freedom,
resulted to sin. God is never absent in our life, not a single moment, especially in prayer,
it is our sinfulness that makes us blind and numb to the divine presence of God. For this
our Lord Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" (Matthew
Prayer is also a battle against ourselves and against the wiles of the tempter who
does all he can to turn man away from prayer and from the union with God (CCC 2725).
To win this battle we must learn from Jesus Christ, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and
strengthen us as we call to God our Father (CCC 2664).
Jesus teaches His disciples the proper attitude in prayer. An attitude that is
founded in humility and trust in the mercy of God and not into one’s riotousness and
power. An attitude that seeks to choose God and His mercy rather than any human
praise and fame. Let us read the Parable of the Pharisee and the tax Collector.

The Parable of the Pharisee and the tax Collector.

Luke 18:9-14

He then addressed this parable to those who were convinced of their own
righteousness and despised everyone else.
“Two people went up to the temple area to pray; one was a Pharisee and
the other was a tax collector.
The Pharisee took up his position and spoke this prayer to himself, ‘O God, I
thank you that I am not like the rest of humanity—greedy, dishonest, adulterous—
or even like this tax collector.
I fast twice a week, and I pay tithes on my whole income.’
But the tax collector stood off at a distance and would not even raise his
eyes to heaven but beat his breast and prayed, ‘O God, be merciful to me, a
I tell you, the latter went home justified, not the former; for everyone who
exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”

One of the gifts a human person has is the gift of freedom. God bestowed upon us
this gift of freedom for us to freely seek Him and eventually to attain the full and
blessed perfection (CCC 1730). It is the power, rooted in reason and will, to act or not to
act, to do this or that, and to perform deliberate actions on one's own responsibility
(CCC 1731). Hence, man must be responsible in using the gift of freedom that God has
given to him that he should exercise in relationships between human beings (CCC 1738).
We need to be responsible with our freedom because the exercise of freedom
does not imply a right to say or do everything (CCC 1740). There is no true freedom
except in the service of what is good and just. The choice to disobey and do evil is an
abuse of freedom and leads to the slavery of sin (CCC 1733). Therefore, it is a call on our
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part to incline our freedom to the will of God, that is, what is good and just. For this
reason, in everything we do, we always commend ourselves to God through prayer
whether it is in personal or in communal form. We always implore His help and
guidance, to choose in everything we do what is for the service of true and ultimate
We become responsible in our freedom and mature in our dealings in our
relationships with others through prayer especially when it is authentic. When prayer is
authentic, it always begins in humility and end with a resolution or commitment to do
what is good and to avoid what is bad and evil. When prayer is not authentic, however,
even a person devotes himself or herself prayer times consistently, that person ends
being arrogant, selfish and corrupt and fails to commit himself or herself make
resolutions to be a better, responsible and mature person.
Prayer is a form of a loving communication with God that we do on two levels,
personal or communal, alone or with the community. Personal prayer is offered in
private and practiced regularly. It is the basic unit of Christian devotion where we raise
to God our love and praise together with our needs and intentions as we listen to His
voice and inspiration. On the other hand, communal prayer is a conversation with God
offered in the context of community of faith. It involves gathering with others who are
seeking from God to share our joy and needs, and lifting up those needs of the
community. The highest form of communal prayer is the Eucharist where we celebrate as
community the love of God for us and where we give thanks to God and lift up to him our
petitions as a community (Christian Living Series K to 12 Edition, 2016, p. 30). But our
prayer, whether it is in personal or communal, can only be pleasing to God if we show
sincerity and humility to Him, acknowledging our sinfulness and most importantly
committing to do what is good and to sin no more, just like what the tax collector did in
the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector.
The parable is also a perfect illustration of how our humility and human
relationship affects our prayer life. The tax collector is favored by God because he
showed sincerity and humility in prayer, acknowledging before God his sinfulness. The
Pharisee on the other hand boasted of his being clean. Though he may really be
practicing what he was saying, still, he used prayer in order to boast and put down
people, not to really communicate with God (Manila Ecclesiastical Province Schools
Association, 2015, p. 30). The humility of the Tax Collector in the parable becomes more
evident by acknowledging his sinfulness before God. From this, we will see that Jesus
wants us to understand that our actions in daily lives are not separated from our prayer
life. The kind of relationship that we have with our brothers and sisters is not separated
from our relationship with God. Therefore, the more we become closer to God in prayer
whether it is in personal or communal form, the more we should persevere in building
good relationship with our brothers and sisters, that can only be possible by constantly
choosing what is good and avoiding what is evil. By living this kind of life we do not only
become closer to God or having good relationship with our neighbor, more than that we
are living our life in an authentic freedom, as what the Catechism of the Catholic Church
says, “The more one does what is good, the freer one becomes. There is no true freedom
except in the service of what is good and just” (CCC 1733).
Finally, the Church is reminding us that “the most common yet most hidden
temptation is our lack of faith.” (CCC 2732). Many people of today are losing their taste
for prayer not because of the kind of prayer that they are using but because they are
making their own desire and preferences of prayer as the main basis for their spiritual
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activity. Some people will say that the personal prayer is more effective way to do while
for others communal prayer is the most effective, to the point that we make our own
taste and desire as the main basis for prayer. We cannot deny that our personal
preferences may play a very important role in our decision making, but we must not
forget that “in order to pray, one must have the will to pray” (CCC 2650). Our own
preferences in prayer may use as an instrument to motivate us in an active
participation, but it should be our faith that makes us persevere in prayer. We willed to
pray because we believe in Him, we choose to pray because we love Him. Whether it is
in private or in the midst of community, whether it is the in great suffering or in the pick
of fame and happiness, we willed to pray because we have faith in Him. The faith that
we received on the day we are baptized and strengthened by the Holy Spirit in the
Sacrament of Confirmation and being nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ in the
Eucharist. The faith that “proves the existence of realities that are unseen” (Hebrew
11:1), in which we are hoping for every time we enter into personal or communal
Communal and personal prayer are both necessary in our life as a Pilgrim Church.
By developing the habit of participating in those forms of prayer, we can live our life
with an authentic freedom, the life that is dedicated to love and serve our God and our
brothers and sisters, the life that will bring us to the fullness of our existence, as what
St. John Chrysostom once said, “Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a
foundation for cheerfulness, a source of constant happiness, a protection against
a. Learn the song “Il Signore” by Ryan Cayabyab
b. Read the life story of St. Francis of Assisi

Saint Francis of Assisi

While St. Francis is often known for his love of animals, this saint was known for his poverty,
in imitation of Christ. He was born Giovanni Francesco Bernardone in 1181 in Assisi, Italy. His father
was a merchant, so Francis never knew poverty as a child. He enjoyed wearing fine clothes, singing
at parties, and eating good food. When he grew up, he decided to become a soldier, but was
captured and injured. After the war, Francis was a changed man. While recovering from his injuries,
Francis had come to know Jesus through prayer. Francis wanted to follow Christ by giving away all
his father’s money to help the poor. Francis’ father did not appreciate his son’s generosity and even
locked him in a closet, hoping that Francis would come to his senses. His mother helped him escape,
though, and then Francis began begging for everything he needed to fix fallen churches and help
the poor. Many people were moved by this man who lived a poor life, helping others just like Jesus.
Several men wanted to join Francis in his way of life and became the first Franciscan friars. Francis
died, surrounded by them, in 1226. The Church celebrates his feast day on October 4.,

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Lyrics Reflection
Il Signore, mi rende unostrumento della vostra
Lord make me, make me an instrument of
Your peace
Dove ci e oddio, lascarlo seminare l'amore
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Dove ci e ferita, ferdono
Where there is injury, pardon
Dove ci e dub bio, fede
Where there is doubt, faith
Dove ci e desperazione, sperare
Where there's despair, hope
Dove ci e nereza, illuminarsi
Where there is darkness, light
Dove ci e la trizteza, gio-a
where there is sadness, joy

Oh Divine Master, grant that I may not so

much seek..
to be consoled, as to console..
to be understood, as to understand..
to be loved, as to love (as to love..)

for it is in giving, that we received..

it is in pardoning, that we are pardoned..
it is in dying, that we are born again..
it is in dying, that we are born again..
it is in dying, that we are born again.. to
eternal life..
Song Analysis: Read the lyrics of the song “Il Signore” by Ryan Cayabyab in the table
below. Identify by underlining the gifts that St. Francis of Assisi is asking from God. From
these gifts, make a short reflection on what you can imitate and what you think can help
you become responsible with your freedom.

Instruction: Using the Venn Diagram below, give your understanding on the difference
and relationship of Personal and Communal prayer.

Personal Prayer Communal Prayer

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D. SYNTHESIS(Generalization)/CLOSURE(Wrapping-up)/REFLECTION(Integration):
✓ As followers of Jesus, we recognize how important it is to communicate with him
in prayer, whether as individuals or as a community.
✓ We recognize that no matter how often we pray, perform our devotions, or
attend Eucharistic Celebrations, our prayer will still be meaningless if they do
not come from the heart. (Manila Ecclesiastical Province Schools Association,
2015, p. 31).
✓ Our participation in any form of prayer should lead us to live our life in the
service of others and to show our love for God, by choosing to do what is good
and avoiding what is evil.
✓ Motivated by the grace of faith and the power of the Holy Spirit, we choose to
pray in any kind of situation of life.
✓ Developing a habit for personal and communal prayer can lead us to authentic
freedom and to live our life according to the life of Christ our Lord.

• Make a commitment to make a habit of active and vibrant prayer life using the
table provided on page 35 of your CLE book.
• Make an illustration of Personal and Communal Prayer that are founded on
authentic freedom. Then make a brief explanation of your illustration. Use the
given box below.


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Quirino Hi-way cor. P. Dela Cruz St., Novaliches, Quezon City
Telefax: 3417-9239 email address:

Teacher(s): Email: First Quarter (SY 2020-2021)

1 Prayer in Union of the Heart and Mind of Jesus Christ 6
2 Biblical Prayer: A Moral Compass to the Formation of 6
3 Prayer towards Authentic Freedom and Christian 6
4 Calling God as Our Father 6
Prayer towards Growth, Discernment and Responsible
5 6
Human Participation

Calling God as Our Father

Name: ________________________________________ Module #______ No. of Days______

Grade & Section: _______________________________ Teacher: _______________________

• Justify the importance of Jesus prayers in understanding the true value of human person
• Demonstrate some actions that give value to the dignity of human person
• Create a scrapbook that present the event of Jesus praying and the Christian
understanding on the dignity of human person

• MAPSA Christian Formation Series: Prayer and Worship (Vibal Group, Inc., 2015)
• Living the Filipino Values Series by Michael G. Millanes (Future Builder Publication Inc.,
• Our Way to God (Phoenix, 2017)
• We Celebrate God’s Love (Vibal, 2016)
• Catechism of the Catholic Church (Doubleday a Division of Random House, Inc., 1995)

Have you ever noticed how synchronized your reactions are with the person you
talk to? A common human behavior classified as “mirroring” has been known and
studied by psychologists for a long time. According to Michael Yarbrough there is an
historical explanation for this kind of human behavior. According to him, “People used
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mirroring as a kind of universal signal. In order to survive and evolve, humankind had to
learn and invent many things including socially accepted behavior”. For example, “if
there were stronger, smarter and more honored individuals in human society, all the
others had to develop certain behavioral patterns to show their respect and honor to
these kinds of people. For example, if such an honored man wore a handkerchief as a
decorative accessory, the rest of the group would consider it to be trendy and an
absolute must for them to wear too.” (Yarbrough, 2017).
The disciples of Jesus like any other disciples of old also want to imitate Him as
their Master and Lord. One example of this is the occasion when His disciples said to
him, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples" (Lk 11:1). Let us read the
Gospel passage below and together let us learn how to pray as our Lord Jesus Christ
thought as.

Teaching about Prayer

Matthew 6:5-13

“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray
standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly
I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into
your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your
Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do
not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of
their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need
before you ask him.
“This, then, is how you should pray:
“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.

“In the context described in St. Luke’s Gospel, Jesus had just finished praying
when he was asked by one of his disciples, ‘Lord, teach us to pray’ (Lk 11:1). This
indicates that the disciples felt that: first, their traditional Jewish ways of praying were
no longer adequate; second, Jesus had a new way of approaching God; and third, this
new way was essential for all his disciples, and indicative of a Christian community” (CFC
Jesus Christ is the heart of Christian prayer, without Him we will not have any
prayer life, we will never know how to pray, and we cannot pray, for He does not only
teach us how to pray, but He helps us to pray and shows us how to pray. He tells us that
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our prayer should come from our heart, and not turn it into some kind of performance
where those who see us will applaud and praise us for being prayerful. He tells us that
our prayer should spring from our desire to be in an intimate conversation with God.
And finally, He gave us the “Our Father” that summarize all His teachings, to acclaim and
glorify God, to thank and ask for our daily bread, and to beg for His forgiveness just as
we ask for the grace to be forgiving too (Manila Ecclesiastical Province Schools
Association, 2015, p. 40).
By giving His disciples the instruction on how to pray, He also illumine the path
towards the perfection of human’ heart. He instructed them to call God as Father,
sharing with them the very personal relationship He has with His Father and making
them more united to Him and to His Father (CCC 2780-2781). Knowing this makes us
realize what God really desires for us, that is, to bring us back to the fullness of
communion with Him just like before the fall of Adam and Eve. But the Church is
reminding us that by calling God "our Father" we ought to behave as children of God, for
we cannot call the God of all kindness as Father if we preserve a cruel and inhuman
heart; for in this case we no longer have in us the marks of the heavenly Father's
kindness (CCC 2784). Therefore, it is clear that the Lord’s Prayer is not just a simple
guide to prayer but also an invitation to turn away from our evil ways by being obedient
to the will of our Heavenly Father and letting Him reign in our life. This is the first step
on how to see the real value of man, by recognizing God as our Father and our
neighbors as our brothers and sisters in Christ, who are together living the life according
to His holy will as we hope to enter into the glory of His Kingdom.
“After we have placed ourselves in the presence of God our Father to adore and to
love and to bless him, the Spirit of adoption stirs up in our hearts seven petitions” (CCC


“In the Bible, “name” refers to the very reality of the person named, expressing the
person’s role or status, and often representing the person’s personal disclosure or
self-revelation.” (CFC 2140). By uttering the first petition, “Hollowed be Your Name,”
first, we are asking God to manifest His glory to us, the very reality of His being, the
glory that is being reserved for those who are pure of heart.
Secondly, “we ask that this name of God be hallowed in us by our lives. For if we
live well, the divine name is blessed; but if we live badly, it is blasphemed” (CFC 2143).
And this is that we called as the Two Fold Dimension of Holiness: First, “praise of
God’s being, His ‘total otherness,’ dwell in ‘unapproachable light’ (1 Tim 6:16),
separated from the profane by His exclusive holiness. This rejects all forms of idolatry
since God is different from all created realities.” (CFC 2144). And second, “the ethical
dimension wherein God is ‘shown holy by His justice’ (Is 5:16). He is a God who loves
justice and hates iniquity, who favors the weak, and opposes the oppressor” (CFC
Since our dignity is inseparable from God who created us in His own image and
likeness, it is also our dignity to make the name of God our creator holy. The more
we bless Him the more we live our life with dignity. And since we are His image and
likeness, it is also just to treat each and every one with great respect for the glory of


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“For most Filipinos, ‘Kingdom’ is not a word that spontaneously calls forth any
great personal affective or intellectual response. Therefore, we must view it in terms
of Christ, who clearly gave his life for the ‘Kingdom of God’ he preached. Concretely,
Jesus is calling us into an order of unity and peace, under his own Kingship, in which
each of us serves as servant members, in our day-to-day activities. This petition
relates more directly to God’s transforming presence within each of us and society as
a whole” (CFC 2156-2157).
By praying to His Kingdom to come, we are asking Him to reign in our lives and we
allow Him to use us as an instrument of His love. This is how great the love of God for
us, by giving us His Only Begotten Son He makes us partakers of His Kingdom. By this,
our dignity does not only rely on the dignity bestowed upon us by the state where
we belong, but also the grace of membership of God’s Kingdom. As what St.
Augustine said, “We are all citizens of this world, but we are also the citizens of


“By prayer we can discern ‘what is the will of God’ and obtain the endurance to do
it. Jesus teaches us that one enters the kingdom of heaven not by speaking words, but
by doing ‘the will of my Father in heaven’” (CCC 2826).
It is part of our dignity as “Crown of God’s creation” (Psalm 8:5) to do His will here
on earth as it is being done in heaven, for we are not created in such dignity to
conquer the world but to become the stewards of the world (Genesis 2:15). And as a
good steward we give more priority to the will of our Master for we trust on His will
rather than in our own will. The more we become faithful to His will, the more we
become truthful to our dignity as stewards created in the image and likeness of God.


One of the problems throughout human history is the reality of hunger and luck
of resources that always result to different kinds of evil, pushing people to commit
sin and even to the extent of denying the existence of God. In the Lord’s Prayer Jesus
instructed His disciples to entrust to God the Father their daily needs by saying “Give
us this day our daily bread.” The trust of children who look to their Father for
everything is beautiful (CCC 2828), to the Father who can give all appropriate goods
and blessings, both material and spiritual and eventually relieve us from nagging
worry and preoccupation (CCC 2830) for the Father knows everything we need (Lk
To see the real value of man is to recognize his absolute dependency to God
particularly to His Son our Lord Jesus Christ. It is not the money, temporal power,
social status or any possessions in life that bring us to the fullness of life (Luke 12:15),
but rather it is Christ the Bread of Life (CCC 2837). By continuously receiving Christ in
our life in the Holy Mass, we are receiving the Bread of eternal life (John 6:53).
Without Christ, the Bread of Life, we are nothing.


Jesus also shows to His disciples how to trust in God’s mercy by saying, “Forgive
us our sins as we forgive those who sinned against us.” In this context, we see that
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the fullness of life did not end up by acquiring something only but by being free from
something, most especially being free from hatred and sins. This kind of freedom can
be achieved, first, by God’s mercy, that is why it is very important for us to be
humble to admit/confess our sins before/to God as we hold on to the efficacious and
undoubted sign of his forgiveness in the sacraments of his Church (CCC 2839).
Secondly, we can be truly free if we learn how to forgive as we are forgiven by God.
For our relationship did not end only to God but also to one another. Therefore,
repairing our relationship with one another through forgiveness is a vital
requirement to enter into the fullness of life. To forgive is also one way to see the
real value of man for forgiveness also bears witness that, in our world, love is
stronger than sin (CCC 2844). And as Children of God, we are capable of that love for
we are created in the image and likeness of God who is love (1 John 4:8).
The more we forgive and ask for forgiveness, the more we give value to our being
created in the image and likeness of God that is the source and foundation of our
human dignity.


In the Lord’s Prayer Jesus also instructed His disciples to ask the Father to take
away the temptations that lead them to sin. This petition “implies a decision of the
heart, for our sins result from our consenting to temptation” (CCC 2846). And since
He knows how weak we are in regards to temptation, He empowers us by sending us
the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit constantly seeks to awaken us to keep watch until the
Second Coming of the Lord (CCC 2849).
It is the goal of the enemy the Devil to make us separated from God the source of
our dignity and very being by tempting us to sin, and every time we give up to that
temptation we also give him our consent to trample the beauty of dignity God has
bestowed upon us. But by making God as the driver of our lives, we are making our
selves free from any form of temptations for He is our shield and salvation Psalm


And lastly, Jesus instructed His disciples to ask for deliverance against the Evil
One. In this petition, evil is not an abstraction, but refers to a person, Satan, the Evil
One, the angel who opposes God. The devil (dia-bolos) is the one who "throws himself
across" God's plan and his work of salvation accomplished in Christ (CCC 2851). “In
this final petition, the Church brings before the Father all the distress of the world.
Along with deliverance from the evils that overwhelm humanity, She implores the
precious gift of peace and the grace of perseverance in expectation of Christ's return
By praying on this way, She anticipates in humility of faith the gathering together of
everyone and everything in Him who has "the keys of Death and Hades," who ‘is and
who was and who is to come, the Almighty’” (CCC 2854).
In this last part of “Our father” we will see the last step that the Lord’s Prayer can
offer us to see the real value of man and that is to always choose for what is good
and right. As the Children of God, we are capable of overcoming temptation even the
Evil One, if we only learn to listen to the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
The more we chose to do what is good and right the more we become resemblance
to God the Father who is the source of our life and human dignity.

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a. Read and answer correctly the questions in your CLE book at page 39, 43-45
• Search for articles or true to life story that demonstrate some actions on
that value human dignity.
• Report/narrate the article or story to the class together with your
reflections and realizations through artistic virtual presentation.
• Send a soft copy of your report to your CLE teacher

a. Give at least five (5) Petitions from the Lord’s Prayer. In every petition write a
short explanation on how it helps you to unveil the dignity of human person.

1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________
4. __________________________________

5. __________________________________

• Explain the reasons why Jesus Christ is the heart of Christian prayer

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H. SYNTHESIS(Generalization)/CLOSURE(Wrapping-up)/REFLECTION(Integration):
✓ By giving us the “Our Father” as the model of our prayer, Jesus Christ gave us the
confidence to call to God as “Father,” revealing to us the more intimate and close
relationship we have towards God our Creator and sour of our human dignity
(CCC 2134).
✓ The “Lord’s Prayer” is composed of seven petitions that will help us to pray
according to what we truly need and to see real value of man who is created in
the image and likeness of God.
• Look for a Bible passage that highlights the event wherein Jesus is praying and
the Christian understanding on the dignity of human person.
• Read the chosen passage prayerfully
• Pause for a moment and reflect on the Bible passage.
• Create a scrapbook that present the Bible passage you chose and your
realization on the dignity of human person.
• JOURNAL WRITING: Write your own experience and learnings in this lesson as you
discover your value as human person. Use the space provided below.


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Quirino Hi-way cor. P. Dela Cruz St., Novaliches, Quezon City
Telefax: 3417-9239 email address:

Teacher(s): Email: First Quarter (SY 2020-2021)

1 Prayer in Union of the Heart and Mind of Jesus Christ 6
2 Biblical Prayer: A Moral Compass to the Formation of 6
3 Prayer towards Authentic Freedom and Christian 6
4 Calling God as Our Father 6
5 Prayer towards Growth, Discernment and Responsible 6
Human Participation

Prayer towards Growth,
Discernment and Responsible Human Participation

Name: ________________________________________ Module #______ No. of Days______

Grade & Section: _______________________________ Teacher: _______________________

• Explain authentic prayer according to the teachings of the Catholic Church
• Show some concrete ways of developing authentic prayer
• Compose a prayer that has the elements of authentic Christian prayer.

• MAPSA Christian Formation Series: Prayer and Worship (Vibal Group, Inc., 2015)
• Catechism of the Catholic Church (Doubleday a Division of Random House, Inc., 1995)
• Catechism for the Filipino Catholic (PDF)

There are different beautiful stories of people attesting the power of authentic
prayers. Different stories with different needs that can move us to the beauty of having
an authentic prayer life.
As Catholic Christians, how do we know if our prayer life is authentic or not; how
do we pray? If not, then how can we develop authentic prayer life? Is it really enough to
recite some devotional prayers like the Rosary or being a church goer for us to say that
we have an authentic prayer life? Does it require more than that? Let us read the Gospel
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passage below and together let us learn the authentic prayer through the examples and
life of Jesus Christ.

The Temptation of Jesus

Matthew 4:1-11

Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. He
fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was hungry.
The tempter approached and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command
that these stones become loaves of bread.” He said in reply, “It is written: ‘One does
not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.’”
Then the devil took him to the holy city, and made him stand on the parapet of
the temple, and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down. For it is
written: ‘He will command his angels concerning you’ and ‘with their hands they will
support you, lest you dash your foot against a stone.’” Jesus answered him, “Again it is
written, ‘You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test.’”
Then the devil took him up to a very high mountain, and showed him all the
kingdoms of the world in their magnificence, and he said to him, “All these I shall give
to you, if you will prostrate yourself and worship me.” At this, Jesus said to him, “Get
away, Satan! It is written: ‘The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall
you serve.’”
Then the devil left him and, behold, angels came and ministered to him.

During our childhood, our parents, guardians or catechist taught us to pray prayer
like the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be. These are basic prayers that help us develop
our prayer life according to our Catholic faith. As we continue our journey in life we are
being challenged to see and understand the deeper meaning of our prayer life so that
our prayers will become more authentic and acceptable to God.
“First, the Catechism for the Filipino Catholic tells us that our prayer should be
grounded in Sacred Scriptures. There are many incidents narrated in the Gospels when
Jesus quotes the Sacred Scriptures, one of them is when He was tempted by the devil. His
responses to what the devils offer Him are quoted from the sacred Scripture, proof of
this is that He introduces His response with the words, ‘It is written...’ Many of our
prayers that we have are grounded in the Sacred Scripture like that of the Lord’s Prayer,
Hail Mary, Angelus and almost all of the prayers we recite in the Holy Mass. But the
Scriptures are not only source of our prayer, there is also Liturgy and Christian traditions.
The Creed that we recite in the Mass, the graces we say before and after meals, our
morning and evening prayers, the Act of Contrition, and the Act of Faith, Hope and Love-
all of these have been handed down to us from our Church Fathers and we still pray
them today” (Manila Ecclesiastical Province Schools Association, 2015, pp. 50-51)
The Catechism for the Filipino Catholic also teaches us that “Authentic prayer,
then, is always rooted in the heart, and related to the neighbor in loving compassion
and service” (CFC 1480). Every time we enter in prayer, we should always remember

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that we are communicating to God who knows everything about us, including what is
inside of our heart. For this reason, the disposition of the heart is very important as we
say every single words of our prayer, for God can hear not just the words that comes
from our mouth but even the silent words that is coming from the deeps of our heart.
And most of the time the content of our heart is being revealed in times of great
suffering and need. If our heart is full of trust in God even in the great suffering our
prayer is always an expression of our trust to Him, as what Jesus did when He was
tempted in the desert. And if our heart is full of love for God, it will flow spontaneously
to our relationship towards our brothers and sisters. Our good works towards our
neighbor is the concrete and perfect expression of our faith (James 2:26) and our being
obedient to God who requires us to be just, to love and to be merciful (James 2:26).
Through our good works, every time we approach God in prayer whether it is in private
or within the community, we make our best to present ourselves to the Lord as one
approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the
word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15). It is therefore our duty to accompany our prayers with
good works by serving God through our brothers and sisters and the rest of His creation,
as what Jesus did in the Gospels, we see Jesus praying not for Himself but for others, like
when He prayed for His apostles during His last meal with them. Our prayer then
becomes authentic when we open our eyes to the sufferings of others and help them
overcome their pains. (Manila Ecclesiastical Province Schools Association, 2015, p. 51).
Authentic prayer is also guided by the Holy Spirit. Through Him we can be able to
discern the will of our heavenly Father every time we pray. He gives us the strength that
we need to follow the teachings of Christ that we heard every time we listen to Him in
the Holy Mass through the readings and homily of the priest. He is giving us power to
overcome the temptation every time we enter in the sacred silence before the Blessed
Sacrament or as we are contemplating the Sacred Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. So that,
like the apostles during the Pentecost we may be empowered and animated to
prayerfully proclaim the Good News of salvation (Manila Ecclesiastical Province Schools
Association, 2015, p. 51).
Finally, authentic prayer opens us to personal growth. Accompanied by prayer,
Jesus was able to accomplish the mission the Father gave Him. In His prayer in the
garden of Gethsemane He expressed His submission to the will of the Father, and dying
on the cross, He prayed as He breath His last, saying “Father, into Your hands I commend
my spirit” (Lk 23:34;46). Prayer is essential to our growth as followers of Christ Jesus. In
our pilgrimage to God’s Kingdom we are bound to meet challenges, suffering, and pain
but we can overcome all these if we call on the name of Jesus in prayer (Manila
Ecclesiastical Province Schools Association, 2015, p. 51).

a. Read and answer correctly the questions in your CLE book at page 49-50
• Search for Christian tips on how to develop authentic prayer
• Evaluate the tips you found using the teachings of the Catholic Church
about authentic prayer from CFC 1480.
• Send a soft copy of your report to your CLE teacher

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• Read and answer correctly the questions in your CLE book at page 54-57
• Identify the four (4) signs of authentic prayer and give one (1) concreate example
for each one of it. Use the space provided below for your answer.
1. ____________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________

K. SYNTHESIS(Generalization)/CLOSURE(Wrapping-up)/REFLECTION(Integration):
✓ Authentic Prayer follows the example of Jesus Christ.
✓ Authentic prayer is grounded on the Sacred Scripture, always accompanied by
act of charity and service, and moved by the Holy Spirit.
✓ Authentic prayer makes us able to listen and discern the will of our heavenly
Father and enables us to actively participate in the saving mission of the
• Recall an event in your life when your prayer is answered by God. Describe this
event in details and write your realizations thereafter. Use the given space below.

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• Do_______________________________________________________________
the activities in your CLE Book at pages 53-57. Write your answers on the
space provided in your book.

All Rights Reserved: RCBNES CURRICUM & INSTRUCTION SY 2020-2021

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