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Foreign Languages Press

ISBN 7-119-02546-5

http: // www.flp. com. cn
sales @ flp. com • cn

作 者汪福祥李素洁李巍

社 址北京市百万庄大街24号 邮政编码100037
电 话(010)68996075/68995883/68996077(编辑部)
印 刷春雷印刷厂
经 销新华书店/外文书店
开 本大32开(203X 140毫米) 字 数 270千字
印 数 8001 13000册 印 张 11.5
版 次2002年第]版第2次印刷
装 别平
书 号 ISBN 7-119-02546-5/H • 879(外)
定 价16. 50元

Kids Say: Chill!
They want their parents less stressed and tired
from mrk. Here's howto grant that wish
else’s—did for a living‘ As far as I could tell, all grownups had myste¬
rious jobs that involved drinking lots of coffee and arguing about
Richard Nixon. My parents didn’t seem to have career aspirations that
reached beyond the end of our driveway, and if they had job-related
stress, they kept it (like sex) private, ^ow families are expected to be
much more intimate, and while that has happily resulted in a lot of
hugs,"I love yous” and full attendance at We can start by leaving work, and
football games, unfortunately we parents thoughts of work, behind as soon as we
also insist on sharing the frustrations of start the trip home. Think about how to
our work lives. make the most of the upcoming time with
While we have groused about Bud in your family. And do something to get
accounting or fallen asleep in car-pool yourself in a good mood、whether it’s

Time \'oiJember 15, 1999

Kids Say: Chill!


工作的母亲们(working moms )以满足事业野心

(career aspirations)为乐,而在孩子们眼里她们总是

工作压力(be less stressed and tired by work)。chill 疋
LIZTILBERIS, 1947-1999

A Woman of Substance
LIZ TILBERIS. THE EDITOR IN CHIEF OF or interest in the editing of a fashion magazine." she \\Tote in her au¬
Bazaar, died on April 21 after a six-year bat- tobiography. "All I cared about was being able to hand J ean Shrimp~
ovarian cancer, even her closest friends and ton a pairoi: shoes." After graduating from design school and marry¬
olleagues couldn’t quite believe it. “She never, ever ing her college tutor Andrew Tilberis. she returned to Vogue as an
on," said Braua Wolf. Bazaars editor-at-large. | assistant and worked her way up to editor in chief, an ahnost un¬
“In her mind she was always fighting to get better." As late as i heard-of ascension. It was there, working on fashion shoots, that she
the week before she died, the British-bom Tilberis. 51, was sitting | honed the love of photography—and photographers — that she later
upright beneath an oxygen tent, going over final layouts for ; transferred to Harper's Bazaar. )ust a year after her arrival at Bazaar
the June issue. “It was such a shock." said her longtime friend in 1992. she won National Magazine Awards (the mdustiy’s highest
Calvin Klein, “because she has been so strong.” honor) for photography and for design. “One thing I think she would
like to be remembered for is that
That strength was Tilberis's
she really made photographers
trademark (along with her
tick/’ says Bruce Weber, who
silver hair, which she early
worked with her on countless
on refused to color). Wolf calls
British Vogue sittings. “She
her "the most loved person I
knew that by giving them some¬
ever met," but she was never
thing that would make their
sickly sweet. When a security
hearts beat a little (a^ter that
guard at a crowded Jean Paul
she'd get a better picture. She
Gaultier show in Paris pushed
was so smart that way." She
one of her editors into a pud¬
indulged Weber s passion for
dle. she famously slugged him.
populating pholographs with
She struck back again in 1993,
"real*' people “She was the first
when she received the terrible
one who really let me photo¬
diagnosis of cancer. She had
graph girls without hair and
just begun the toughest job ot
her life, transforming Bazaar makeup, and she loved good-
looking guys in the pictures. "In
from a stodgy has-been into a
Los Angeles, when the good-
beautifully designed modem
voice. And though it had cer¬ looking guy was a little-known
tainly not been her vsnsh to be¬ actor named Matt Dillon, he
come a "poster girl for ovarian complained that he was a prop
cancer," she did that too. writ¬ for die models rather lhar the
ing humorously and honestly focus of a shoot- “ Pinch a bottom
about her disease in her 1998 from time to time," Tilberis told
autobiography. “No Time to him, "and you'll feel better."
Die,” and chairing the Ovarian At the helm of British
Cancer Research Fund Vogue, she made her mark by
She faced it all with her befriending Princess Diana,
crisp and often sardonic Brit who let Tilberis run ground¬
ish humor. After her first breaking sexy photographs of
On the job. she lived in Prada and Chanel. her bv fashion photographer
surgery and chemotherapy in
At home, her heart belonged to the men in her life, her husband Patrick Demarchelier. When
1993 caused her to shed 30 of 28 years and their two teenage sons.
pounds from her size 14 frame. Tilberis went to Bazaar. Diana

\eu snrek \Ia\ 3 , 1999

A Woman of Substance

时尚杂志(fashion magazine)编辑丽兹•蒂尔伯
快嘲讽的英国式幽默(crispand sardonic British humor)
性o A woman (man) of substance指一个精神上或物质

Friends in Need
Kabila reaches out to powerful allies to turn back a rebellion. Is this
the start of regional war that could tear apart central Africa?

By Marcus Mabry and man whose rule grew so sour that Rwanda border. '*We thought if he was given some
Alan Zarembo and Uganda—both of which helped him top¬ support and time that he could turn things
HERE IS THE CRACKLE OF GUN- ple Mobutu Sese Seko 15 months ago—are around." says a top Rwandan inUitary offi¬
fire in the capital, the dull thun¬ now sponsoring a rebellion to destroy him. cer. “only to realize that he is not different
der of artillery, public lynchings Kabila's new allies have no love for him. But from Mobutu.M Once that realit>' settled in.
and television footage of burned they see a &actared Congo as a worse op¬ Congolese began to see another problem:
bodies. But the battle for the tion, and so stoi-med to his rescue two weeks too many Tutsis—both Congolese ai>d
Democratic Republic of the Con¬ ago just as the capital, Kinshasa, seemed on Rwandan —in senior government jobs. In
go is no ordinary African war. Most other the verge of falling. Now the war is likely to late July. Kabila bowed to popular pressure
conflicts remained civil wars. This one may go on. as some of Africa s most powerful— and ordered them to leave. On Aug. 2. the
not. and Africa couJd someday remember and most stubborn — nations face off and re¬ 16,000-maji 10th Brigade of his army mu¬
August 199S as Europe does August 1914. gional alliances come into play. tinied—with a push from Rwanda s Tutsi-
At least five countries —and maybe more— Kabila in many ways brought the war on led military, foreign diplomats believe. The
have sent troops into a war that could split himself. Welcomed as the man who could insurrection spread and, with foreign help,
not only Africa’s third largest country but clean up Mobutu’s mess, Kabila promptly the rebels quickJv captured a large chunk
also much of Africa itself. *The whole conti¬ restored Zaire's old name, Congo. Then he of the easi and several key points west of
nent's destiny/' says Congo's foreign minis¬ jailed politica] opponents and stacked the Kinshasa.
ter. Jean-Charles Okoto, ’.is in danger.” government with relatives and members of The turnaround began with the arrival of
They came m tanks, planes and armored his own ethnic group TW bigger problem Kabila’s allies. Angola quickly took back
combat vehicles — several thousand troops was what Kabila did not do. stop Ugandan the military base in the town of Kitona.
from Angola, Zimbabwe and Namibia. and Rwandan rebels from using Kivu m which the rebels had been using as a stag¬
Why? To save President I^aurent Kabila, a eastern Congo as a base to attack across the ing ground. Zimbabwean and Congolese

Newsiveek September 7, i998

Friends in Need

这句话出自 i彦语 A friend in need is a friend indeed


Falling for Mr, Wrong

Jennifer Aniston in an unconventional dither

By David Ansen version,more interesting character. Nina

N MOST RESPECTS, THE SLICK, LIGHT- and George love each other,but it’s harder

I weight The Object of My Affection is in¬

distinguishable from dozens of other
fluffy Hollywood romances. What’s dif¬
ferent about this romantic comedy—a loose
adaptation of Stephen McCauley’s 1987
for her to keep up her platonic end of the
bargain. She’s jealous of his affairs with
men; he isn’t jealous of hers. Aniston’s Nma
is always a little out of control; she crashes
through life hurting other people’s feelings.
novel—is the dilemma keeping our lovers Aniston comes into her own here, bringing
apart: the heroine, a social worker named all of Nina’s contradictory emotions alive in
Nina (Jennifer Aniston), is a heterosexual a strong, likable performance. Rudd is also
woman and the schoolteacher George (Paul good as the sweet, sensitive schoolteacher,
Rudd), the object of her affection, is a gay but he’s blander than the novel’s hero; re¬
man. About the hero’s sexual orientation moving George’s edge makes the movie
the movie is blessedly nonchalant; it’s nei¬ duller than it needs to be.
ther cause for laughter, outrage or special The straight woman/gay man dilemma is
pleading. a fresh Hollywood subject. So why does the
George, having just been dumped by his movie feel so conventional, so unexciting?
callow college-professor boyfriend (Tim It's as if, in trying to appeal to a wide audi¬
Daly), takes up his new fnend Nina's offer ence, quirky material has been forced to fit a
to move into her Brooklyn apartment. She formula that can’t really contain it. Since it’s
already has a boyfriend of sorts—a civil-lib¬ clear to us that Nina and George shouldn’t
erties lawyer (John Pankow) whom she become a romantic couple, we re in the odd
keeps at arm’s length. But Nina infinitely position of watching a romantic comedy in
prefers the company of George; indeed, he which we know it’s best the lovers stay
feels so much like a soulmate that when she apart. The scene where the two almost sleep
discovers she’s pregnant, she asks George together is one of the best: it has a complicat¬
if he will raise the baby with her. ed erotic tension that’s missing in the rest of

Newsweek May 25, 1998

Falling for Mr. Wrong


同性恋问题是好莱鸡言情片(Hollywood romanc¬
es) 的新题材。电影The Object of My Affection讲述了
一 1、姑娘不幸蒙上一位同性恋男子的故事。Mr.
W rong指“负心郎”,而Mr. Right则指“如意郎君”


E He’s gaining on George W. Bush in New Hampshire. Here’s why
very talented politician has a sweet spot—the issues
that stir his deepest feelings, trigger his best thinking and ig¬
nite his most persuasive oratory. John McCain's sweet spot
from voter apathy (people don’t bother voting because they believe
money runs the show) to abortion (organizations on both sides use
the bitter fight for fund raising and don’t want to find areas of com¬
maybe the smallest of all the presidential contenders', but it s promise). He even finds a place for stubbornly local issues such a&
also the most powerful. He’s like an old-fashioned wood golf dub- education. Move against corporate welfare, he says, and you can free
hit it just right, and the ball sails out of sight; miss by a hair, and it up cash to help poor kids attend better schools. He suggests putting
squibs into the rough. Ask him what's wrong with the campaign- an end to $5.4 billion in sugar, ethanol and gas-and-oil subsidies and
money game or Clintons foreign policy, and McCain can be daz¬ spending it on a three-year program to test school vouchers.
zling-puzzled and outraged but full of strong, simple ideas for In New Hampshire the people who come out to see McCain
cleaning up the mess. Ask him, however, about the concerns that ac¬ know their issues and aren’t looking fora showman. They find a can¬
tually dri\ e elections—health care, education. Social Security, what didate who doesn't appear artful—he stalks around like a boxer wait¬
he listlessly calls our “various do- ing for the bell, twists his wading

Time November 15, 1999

McCain Hits the Sweet Spot


sweet spot原指球类运动中的“最佳击球点”。

寻找自己的sweet spot,即最能激发自己演讲口才的


Playing for High Stakes

A tricky start for the Pastrana administration

By Brook Lahmer in roughly half the country, with the Marxist

ESS THAN A MONTH AGO,COLOM- FARC controlling much of the coca-produc¬
bia seemed ready to be reborn. Four ing south. The Army has been too weak and
years of rudderless rule by Ernesto incompetent to stop the guerrilla expansion,
Samper—a president debilitated by and in some regions it has fallen into a casual
accusations that his campaign received alliance with brutal right-wing paramilitary
$6 million from the Cali drug cartel—had armies that are funded by large landowners
left the country mired in political corrup¬ and the drug traffickers. “Few Colombians
tion, economic stagnation and an increas¬ believe in armed struggle anymore,” says
ingly violent civil war. But newly elected Carlos Franco, a former guerrilla strategist
President Andres Pastrana promised a who is now a Pastrana adviser. “But the
fresh start. Even before taking office Aug. 7,

Newsweek September 14, 1998

Play for High Stakes


多年的混乱局面(turmoil situation)。他冒险与游击
生死索赌。(a high stakes gamble)。

slakes o
70% 的学生的答案十分相似:(1) She can’t save money. (2) In Ameri¬
ca, poor people can’t enjoy this kind of treatment. (3)1 haven’t got the skill
of remembering words. (4) She says that cooking fish has a lot of trouble.

此后,笔者把四个句子的答案展现在他们的面前:(1) Money bums

a hole in her pocket. (2) In the United States, the poor have no access to

such a treatment. (3) I haven’t got the hang of memorizing new words. (4)
She says that it takes a lot of doing to cook a fish.几分钟后,笔者又让

学生说出这四句话中的生词,大多数学生说除了 access以外,句中
有介词词组,还有副词词组。first-hand information是名词词组,con¬
centrate on (something) / doing something 是动词词组,interested in 疋

形容词词组,in relation to是介词词组,by leaps and bounds则是个具

Sentence Structural Collocations。

中的第一个动词词组to abandon oneself to ...这个搭配为例。汉语中
楚。我们再以be afraid for ...这样一个形容词词组为例。该词组可
以用来表达“为某人(某事)担心”的意思。我们可以说We have
been very afraid for his failing health.并可以通过此词组表示诸如“为


目 录

[001 ] to abandon oneself to ...纵 长于…;在…方面很有成就

情于…,沉溺于…;肆意… [013] to do something of one’s own
[002] to be abashed at ...因…而 accorc!自愿干某事,主动干
感到惭愧,窘迫,不好意思 某事
[003] to take up one’s abode with [014] to leave something out of ac-
(in)...和…住在一起;住 count忽视了某事;没想到、
在… 没料到
[004] to abound in (with)…充 [015] to bring an accusation against
满,盛产…;有大量的… ...控诉…;指控…
[005] to keep abreast of (with) .. • [016] to accuse someone of doing
与…并驾齐驱;跟得上… something控告,指责某人
[006] to absolve someone from (of) 干某事
...免除(解除,宽恕)某 [017] to accustom oneself to . ■.使
人的… 自己习惯,适应于…
[007] to be absorbed in …专心于 [018] to be acknowledged as …
…,全神贯注于…;沉醉于… 被公认为是…
[008] to abstract someone’s atten¬ [019] to acquaint oneself with ...
tion from ...转移某人对… 认识,熟悉,了解…
的注意力 [020] to act on the square to…以
[009] to heap abuse on …辱骂, 诚相待…
to adapt oneself to ...使自
、曰op op
谩马,责马… [021]
[010] to have access to . • •能够进 己适应于…
入,使用,得到,获得… [022] to be adept at ...善于,擅
[011 ] to accommodate oneself to 长,精于…
...使自己适应于… [023] to be adjacent to ...与…田比
[012] to be accomplished in .. •擅 邻,邻接;靠近,贴近…
[024] to adjust oneself to ...使自 [041 ] to be agitated about ...对…
己适应于… 感到焦虑;因…而心绪不宁
[025] to administer a crushing blow [042] to agree on…就…取得一
at ...给…以毁灭性的打击 致意见;在…方面达成协议
[026] to admonish someone against [043] to come to someone's aid 前
...告诫某人不要… 来援助(求援)…
[027] to sing in adoration of …歌 [044] to be aimed at 旨在…;目的
颂…;赞颂… 在于…
[028] to adorn …with …用…点 [045] to give someone the air 抛弃某
缀,装扮… 人;不理睬某人;解雇某人
[029] to take advantage of …利用 [046] to be alarmed for ...对…放
…;占…的便宜 心不下;对…提心吊胆
[030] to advertise for …为…做广 [047] to put someone on the alert
告;登广告招聘… ...使某人对…警惕起来,
[031] to follow someone’s advice 听 防备起来
从某人的劝告、意见 [048] to make an allegation that ...
[032 ] to advise someone against 硬说,偏偏说…;断言…
...劝告,劝阻某人不要… [049] to be allergic to…对…有过
[033] to have an affair with …与 敏反应;厌恶…
…有不正当的(男女)关系 [050] to make an alliance against
[034] to be affected with …受… ...联合抵御(反对)…
的影响;与…息息相关 [051] to allure someone into .. •弓I
[035] to affiliate oneself with …与 诱某人去…,诱惑某人去…
…来往,结合;加人…的行列 [052] to have no alternative but ...
[036] to have an affinity for . •.对 除了…别无选择
…有吸引力;喜欢… [053] amuse oneself by (with) ...
[037] to be afraid of ...为…担心; 以…自得其乐
害怕… [054] be analogous to (with)…
[038] to be dead against . • •断然 类似于…;与…相似
反对…;顶着,迎着… [055] be annoyed with ...因…而
[039] to obtain the agency for … 感到烦恼或厌烦
获得…的经营权 [056] to come into antagonism with
[040] to be aggrieved at ...因… ...与…闹翻,对抗
感到焦虑;对…感到悲伤 [057] to feel an antipathy for ...厌
恶,嫌弃…,对…反感 [074] to make arrangements for ...
[058] to go ape over ...被…搞得 为…做准备,安排
神魂颠倒 [075] to arrive at (in)…到达…;
[059] make an apology to someone 抵达…
for ...因…而向某人道歉 [076] to be ashamed of oneself for
[060] to make one’s appeal to… ...因…而感到害羞,惭愧
向…发岀呼吁;求助于… [077] to aspire after (for, to, to¬
[061 ] to apply…to…把…应用 wards) ...渴望,向往,追
于,运用到… 求,有志于…
[062] to make appointment with ... [078] to be assigned to…被分配
与…约定,约会 从事…;被派到…
[063] to be appreciative of …欣赏 [079] to associate oneself with ...
…;感激… 赞同,支持…;与…交往
[064 ] to feel an apprehension for [080] to associate ... with • • •把
(over) ...对…感到不安 …与…联系在 起 一

(焦虑、恐惧) [081] to assume the role of …担

[065] to be apprehensive for (of) . ■ • 任…的角色;承担…的任务
对…感到不安,焦虑,恐惧 [082] to assure someone of …使
[066] to be (become) apprised of 某人确信…,向某人保证…
...熟悉,了解…;得知… [083] to be assured of …得到…
[067] to make approaches to…接 的保证;对…感到放心
近…;和…打交道 [084] to be astonished at •对…
[068] to be appropriate for …适 感到震惊
合于…;适用于… [085] to be astounded at …因…
[069] to be apt to do…有…的倾 而惊诧
向;很容易…;有可能… [086] to create an atmosphere of
[070] to argue someone into doing ...创造…的气氛,环境
something说服某人去干某事 [087] to make atonement for …弥
[071] to get into arguments with ... 补…,报偿…
与…发生争执,展开辩论 [088] to attach great importance to
[072] to arise from ...从…中产 ...极其重视…
生;由…而引起,起因于… [089] to make an attempt at …企
[073 ] to keep someone at arm’s 图,试图,打算…
length对某人敬而远之 [090] to dance attendance on ...奉
承,讨好…,向…大献殷勤 事)是…还是…
[091 ] to catch the attention of ... [107] to be through with ...完成
引起…的注意 …;结束…;厌倦…
[092] to have attraction for ...对… [108] to bear resemblance to ...
有吸引力 与…相似;与…有类似之处
[093] to attribute . _ ■ to .. •把…归 [ 109] to bear something in mind ...
因于…;认为…与…有关 记住…;牢记住…
[094] to have authority over (with) [110] to beef about …抱怨…;因
...对…有权威 …大发牢骚
[095] to avail oneself of ...利用, [111 ] to beg of someone to do ...
趁…的机会 恳求某人去做…
[096] to be avaricious of …贪图 [112] to beguile someone into…
…;贪念… 欺骗(哄骗)某人干…
[097] to be averse to ...嫌恶…; [113] to cherish (nurse) the belief
对…反感;反对… that • • •怀有…的信念;确
[098] to be aware of ...意识到…; 信…
注意到…;明白… [114] to have a fire in one’s belly
[099] to do away with …废除…; that…心里明白…
除掉…;干掉… [115] to bend one’s efforts for • • •
[100] to be in bad with …失去… 致力于…,为…全力以赴
的欢心;不讨…的喜欢 [116] to bend one's mind to ... 一心
[101 ] to be banned …from …… 想要…;专心致志地从事…
被禁止… [117] to benefit from …从…获利;
[102] to bare one’s heart to . •.对 受益于…
…讲真心话;向…倾吐衷肠 [118] to bereave someone of all
[103] to bargain with ...与…讨价 hope使某人失去一切希望
还价 [119] to keep a clear berth of some-
[104] to set up a barrier between one对…敬而远之,避开…
…and…在…与…之间 [120] to think better of …改变…
设置障碍,产生隔阂 的主意;对…评价更高
[105] to base ... on ...把…建立 [121] to be closely bound up with
在…的基础之上 ...与…紧密联系在一起
[ 106 ] be someone ( something ) [122] to bind someone with …用
... or ...无论某人(某 …约束,束缚某人
[123] to bite one’s thumb at . •.对 [140] to brand someone as …称
…嗤之以鼻;侮辱… 某人是…;指责某人为…
[124] to be to blame for …对…应 [141 ] to widen the breach between
负责任;因…应受到责备 ...and ...加大…与…之间
[125] to be a blank on the subject of 的隔阂
...对…(科目)毫无研究 [142] to be a different breed of cat
[126] to blind someone to some¬ from ...…和…不是一■回事
thing 使某人看不到某物 [143] to lay a gold bridge for …为
[127] to make someone's blood boil …留一条退路
使某人无比愤怒 [144] to bring ... under control 对
[128] to put a blot on …使…留下 …加以控制;使…得到控制
污点;损害…的名誉 [145] to have no brow of ...对…
[129] to blush for ...因…而感到 没有好感,对…印象不好
脸红 [146] to brush …aside 把…搁置
[130] to get bogged down in •. •深 一边;扫除,排除…
深陷人… [147] to buckle down to ...认真干
[131 ] to make no bones about …对 起…;努力从事…
…毫不犹豫;毫不掩饰地… [148] to keep oneself busy with ...
[132] to boost the price of …提高 使自己忙于…
…的价格 [149] to have capacities for …有
[133] to be bored with …对…感 …的能力,有能力做…
到厌倦 [150] to make a career of …在…
[134] to speak one’s bosom freely 方面有所建树;以…为生涯
畅所欲言,倾诉衷肠 [151 ] to be careful with …当心
[135] to bother oneself about …为 (留意)…;对…很仔细
…大伤脑筋;为…费心 [152] to carry someone back to ...
[136] to know no bounds 无限,无 使某人想起…
止境 [153] to cash in on ...占…的便
[137] to brace oneself for ...为… 宜;趁机利用…
做好思想准备;准备… [154] to cast a cloud over …给…
[138] to bracket ... with …把… 蒙上一层阴影
与…相提并论 [155] to cast in one's lot with …与
[139] to put a brake on …对…加 …共命运
以限制 [156] to play cat and mouse with
...与…玩猫捉老鼠的游戏 与…相比;比得上…
[157] to be certain of …确信…; [174] compare ... with …把…与
对…有把握 …做一比较
[158] to chalk …up to…把…归 [175] conceal ... from …对…隐
因于… 瞒…
[159] to be characteristic of ...所 [ 176] take …into one’s confidence
特有的…;…的特征 和…推心置腹的谈话,对…
[160] to charm someone into doing 说知心话
...哄骗某人去干… [177] to be confined to…被限制
[161 ] to cheat someone into doing 在…,局限于…
.• •骗某人去做(干)… [178] to conform to ...与-*致;
[162] to take good cheer from … 遵守(遵循,遵照)…
因…而感到振奋 [179] to be confronted with ...面
[ 163 ] to get something off one's 临…,面对…
chest把憋在心里的话说出来 [180] to congratulate someone on
[164] to put a chill into someone 使 ...因…向某人表示祝贺,
某人大为扫兴 祝贺某人…
[165] cannot choose but …非… [181 ] to be connected with •…和
不可;只好… …有关,与…有联系
[166] to run close to…可同…媲 [182] to consider ... as ...把…
美;与…不相上下 看作是…,认为…是…
[167] to coat . •. with …给…涂 [183] to take something into consid-
上~'层… eration把某事考虑进去,考
[ 168] to make a collection for … 虑到某事
为…而募捐 [184] to be consistent with ...与…
[169] to come to terms with …与 一致,与…相符
…达成协议;慢慢习惯于… [185] to lose contact with …与…
[170] to be commensurate with … 失去了联系
与…相称(相当,相同) [186] to be contaminated with ...
[171] to be committed to…致力 被…污染
于…;保证…;受…的束缚 [187] to run counter to…与…相
[172] to part company with …和 抵触,与…背道而驰
…分手(告别) [188] be covered with …被…覆
[173] to be comparable to ...可以 盖着,覆盖着…
[189] to crack down on …严厉打 ...抑制…的欲望
击…,严厉制裁…,严惩… [205] to develop a passion for ...
[190] to give someone credit for … 对…产生激情,开始爱好…
应该承认某人的…;因…而 [206] to watch the development of
称赞某人 ...注视…的发展
[191 ] to criticize someone for ... M [207] to be devoid of …毫无,没
评某人…,因…而批评某人 有,缺乏…
[192] to be cross with someone 生 [208] to devote ... to ...把…献
某人的气,对某人很不高兴 给…;把…用于…
[193] to be crowded with …挤满 [209] to die of…死于…,因…而死
了…,充满了… [210] to differ from .,.与…不同,
[194] to be cut out for ...天生适 有异于…
合… [211 ] to be difficult of …难以…,
[195] to speak daggers to ...恶语 不易…
中伤… [212] to dig into ...深人地钻研…
[196] to do damage to ...有损于 [213] to get in a dig at …挖苦…,
…,毁坏,损害… 讽刺…
[197] to run the danger of …冒着 [214] to take a dim view of …对
…的危险 …抱悲观态度;不赞成…
[198] to keep someone in the dark [215] to do the dirty on ...对…采
about ...不让某人知道有关 取卑鄙的手段
…的事情 [216] to be disappointed at (with)
[199] to turn a deaf ear to…对… ...对…感到失望
置若罔闻,把…当作耳旁风 [217] to sow discord between
[200] to be dedicated to…献身 and ...在…和…之间制造
于…,全身心地投入到… 矛盾,挑拨离间
[201] to deprive someone of ...剥 [218] to discourage someone from
夺某人…的权力;使某人丧 doing •阻劝(阻烧)某
失… 人去干…
[202] to be deserving of ...值得 [219] to be disgraced for ...因…
…;配得上… 而丢脸,因…而岀丑
[203] to have designs on ...对… [220] to make no disguise of …毫
心怀叵测,对…用心不良 不掩饰…
[204] to repress one’s desire for [221] to feel disgust at …对…感
到厌恶 详细阐述…
[222] to enjoy the distinction of .. • [239] to rub elbows with • •.与…
享有…的盛誉 接近,与…套近乎
[ 223 ] to distinguish between … [ 240] to be elevated from ... to
and…把…和…区分开来 ...从…提升到…
[224] to divest oneself of the idea [241] to be eligible for …适合…,
about ...摆脱…的念头 有资格…
[225] to have a lot to do with …与 [242] to achieve eminence in .•.在
…有很大的关系 …方面取得卓越的成就
[226] to be doomed to ...注定要… [243] to place emphasis on …重
[227] to have a great deal of dope 视,强调…;着重于…
on .. •有关于…的大量情报 [244] to be enamored of …倾心
[228] to cast doubt on ...对…产 于…,迷恋于…
生怀疑 [245] to be endowed with ...天生
[229] to get down to ...开始认真 具备…,赋有…
地干… [246] to be engaged in …从事
[230] to be dubious about ...对… …,致力于…
半信半疑 [247] to be engrossed in ...埋头
[231 ] to be earnest about (over) 于…,热衷于…
...认真地对待… [248] to inquire of someone about
[232] to move heaven and earth to ...向某人打听有关…的情况
do ...竭尽全力地去干… [249] to be enthusiastic about ...
[233] to go easy on…对…手下 对…充满热情
留情;节省使用…;宽宏大 [250] to be entitled to do ...有资
量地对待… 格干…
[234] to economize on …节约…, [251 ] to be envious of ...忌妒,
节省… 对…很羡慕
[235] to efface one's memory of … [252] to feel equal to ...感到有能
消除某人对…的记忆 力做…,能胜任…
[236] to have an effect on …对… [253] to establish ... as ...确立
有影响,对…有作用 …的地位,使…成为…
[237] to make every effort lo do ... [254] to speak evil of …说…的坏
竭尽一切努力… 话,诽谤…
[238] to elaborate on (upon)... [255] to find an excuse for ...为…
找借口 [273] to be in a happy frame of
[256] to exercise influence on ... mind心情愉快
对…施加影响 [274] to take freedoms with …对
[257] to drive …to extinction 使… …放肆,随便,无礼
灭绝(绝种) [275] to fret about …为…着急,
[258] to exult over ...对…幸灾乐 因…感到烦躁不安
祸;为…欢欣鼓舞 [276] to be frightened of …害怕
[259] to keep an eye open for … …,对…感到恐惧
密切注视… [277] to be furnished with …配备
[260] to see eye to eye with •…与 有…,装备有…
…意见一致 [278] to be glad of…为…感到高兴
[261 ] to face up to…敢于(勇 [279] to steal a glance at ...偷看
敢)面对… -■眼,瞥-■眼
[262] to cultivate a faculty of (for) [280] to gloat over someone’s mis¬
...培养…的能力 fortunes 对…幸灾乐祸
[263] to fag for…为…跑腿,为 [281] to handle ... with kid gloves
…疲于奔命 谨慎对待…,小心对待…
[264] to be too familiar with ...同 [282] to remain glued to…和…粘
…有暧昧关系 在一起,离不开…
[265] to familiarize oneself with ... [283] to do grace to . • •为…增添
使自己熟悉… 光彩
[266] to find fault with …挑剔,指 [284] to graduate from …in …
责…,对…吹毛求疵 毕业于…学校…学科
[267] to curry favor with ...拍…的 [285] to express one’s gratitude for
马屁,巴结… ...对…表示感谢
[268] to feast one’s eyes on ...饱 [286] to be greedy of …贪图…
赏…,对-•睹为快 [287] to hold a grudge against •• •
[269] to feel like doing ...想要…, 对…怀恨在心
有…的心思 [288] to feel guilty about …对…
[ 270] to fight against,与"•做斗争 感到有罪,内疚
[271 ] to be filled with …充满,填 [ 289] to break oneself of the habit of

满,装满… ...克服…的习惯
[272] to forgive someone for ...原 [290] to do harm to .. •有害于…

谅某人… [291 ] to feel hate towards ...憎恨

…,仇恨… ...给某人一丝…的暗示;
[292] to play havoc with …对…造 使某人了解一些…
成破坏,使…陷人混乱 [308] to inquire into ...追究(调
[293] to get to the heart of …抓住 查,查问)…
…的要点,触及…的实质 [309] to be inseparable from .. •与
[294] to open one’s heart to ...向… …密不可分
倾诉衷肠;同情(帮助)… [310] to have the inside on ...掌
[295] to have a hunch that ...预感 握有关…的内幕
到…,总觉得… [311] to insist on ...坚持要…
[296] to be imbued with …充满 [312] to inspire something into . •.
…,富有… 向…灌输某种思想
[297] to be immersed in …沉浸于 [313] to draw inspiration from ...
…,埋头于…,陷入… 从…中得到灵感,从…中得
[298] to have an impact on .. •对 到启发
…有影响(冲击) [314] to have an instinct for …有
[299] to impose ... on ...把…强 …的本能,天性爱好…
加给…,对…施加影响 [315] to intend …as ...打算使
[300] to be impressed with (by) …成为,想拿…作为…
...被…所感动,对…留下 [316] to interfere with …干涉(干
深刻印象 预,防碍)…
[301 ] to be incompatible with … [317] to intervene in .. •插手(干
与…不一致(不协调,不相 预,调停)…
容) [318] to be involved i门…被卷入
[302] to be indifferent to…对…漠 …;与…有牵连
不关心,无动于衷 [319] to be irritated against (at)…
[303] to indulge in ...沉溺于…, 对…感到恼火,生…的气
纵情于… [320] to keep up with ...赶上…,
[304] to be inferior to ...劣于(次 不落后于…
于,低于,不如)… [321 ] to get a kick out of ...从…
[ 305] to inform someone of …使 中得到乐趣
某人了解… [322] to kneel at someone's feet 拜
[306] to inhibit someone from doing 倒在某人的脚下
...禁止某人干(做)… [323] to be known for…因…而著称
[307] to give someone an inkling of [324] to lay a finger on ...触碰
(伤害)… [342] to meet the needs of …满足
[325] to go to the length of …居 …的需求
然会…,竟然会… [343] to cherish the memory of ...
[326] to be licensed to do…被许 怀念…,回忆…
可干… [344] to make a mental note of ...
[327 ] to keep the lid on ...隐瞒 记住…
(掩盖)… [345] to leave ... at the mercy of
[328] to place a limit on …对…加 ...听任…由…摆布
以限制 [346] to merge with …与…合并
[329] to keep close links with ... [347] to give one’s mind to • ■■专

与…保持密切联系 心于…,致力于…
[330] to pay lip service to ...对… [348] to give a mirror to ...真实

开空头支票 (准确)地反映…
[331 ] to be at loggerheads with … [349] to dispatch a mission to ...

和…发生争执,和…顶牛 派遣代表团前往…
[332] to louse up…把…搞得一 [350] to mistake ... for …误把…

团糟 当作…
[333] to be mad about ...对…着 [351 ] to be not in the mood for ■

迷,狂热地迷恋… 没有…的兴趣(心情)
[334] to make do with ...用…凑合 [ 352 ] to leave a bad taste in

[335] to make place for ...让位于 someone’s mouth …给某

…;为…腾出地方 人留下不好的印象
[336] to have the makings of . •.具 [353] to make the first move to¬

备…所需要的品质(素质) wards ...朝…迈出第一步

[337] to bear malice to (towards) [354] to fling mud at …往…脸上

...对…怀有恶意. 抹黑;诽谤(诬蔑)…
[338] to map out a plan for .. •制 [355] to make a mystery of • •.把

定(拟定)…的计划 …搞得十分神秘
[339] to strip off the mask of . . •剥 [356] to feel the necessity of …感

去…的伪装,扯下…的面罩 到有必要…
[340] to measure up to . _ .符合 [357] to (meet) satisfy the needs of

(达到)…的要求 ...满足…的需要

[341 ] to meditate on (upon)对…沉 [358] to negotiate with • ■. over ...

思,深刻思索… 就…与…进行谈判(协商,
交涉) [375] to place an order for ...提交
[359] to be nervous about …对… …的订单,订购…
感到很紧张(担心,害怕) [376] to owe ... to ...把…归功
[360] to give a nod to…同意(答 于…
应,允许,批准)… [377] to keep pace with …与…保
[361 ] to be noted for ...以…著 持同步,跟得上…
名,因…而岀名 [378] to play a part in …在…中扮
[362] to make nothing of ...不把 演角色,在…起作用
…当回事 [379] to have a partiality for (to, to¬
[363] to notify someone of sth …. wards) ...袒护…,偏爱…
通知某人某事 [380] to bring ... to a pretty pass
[364] to be objective to…客观对 使…陷入困境,把…搞得一
待…,对…无偏见 团糟
[365] to have an obligation to do [381 ] to pave the way for ...为
...有义务… ...铺平道路
[366] to be obliged to do…被迫 [382] to have no patience with …对
(不得不)…;有责任(应 …失去信心;对…没有耐心
该)… [383] to pay off old scores with …
[367] to be oblivious of ...忘记 和…算老账,报复…
(没注意,不顾)… [384] to be peculiar to ...是…所
[368] to be obsessed with (by) ... 特有的
被…所缠绕(困扰) [385] to put a period to…结束
[369] to take the occasion to do ... (终止)…
抓住(利用)机会做(干)… [ 386] to be pessimistic about .…
[370] to be occupied in …忙于 对…持悲观态度
(专注于)… [387] to be touched with pity for ...
[371] to have an open mind to ... 对…动了恻隐之心
虚心接受…,对…思想开明 [388] to take pity on …同情(怜
[372] to have a high opinion of ... 悯,可怜)…
对…评价很高,尊重… [389] to play up to…向…献媚,
[373] to be opposed to…反对 拍…马屁
…,与…对抗 [390] to take a pleasure in ...以…
[374] to be optimistic about …对 为乐,喜欢…
…持乐观态度 [391] to plume oneself on ...因…
而自鸣得意(沾沾自喜) 骄傲,为…感到自豪
[392] to be popular with …深受… [409] to provide ...for …向…提
的喜爱(欢迎) 供…
[393] to be in a position to…有能 [410] to keep one’s finger on the
力…,能够…,有权… pulse of…了解(熟悉)…
[394] to be possessed of …拥有 的情况
(具有)… [411 ] to be qualified for …胜任
[395] to praise ... for …因…而 …,有资格…
称赞… [412] to possess the qualifications
[396] to sing high praise for …为 of ...具备…的条件(资
…大唱赞歌 格)
[397] to prefer ... to…喜欢…而 [413] to make no question of ...对
不喜欢… …不加怀疑,认为…是理所
[398] to have a prejudice against 当然的
...对…有偏见 [414] to quote for…提岀…的报价
[399] to make a pretext for …为 [415] to rain benefits on ...施恩惠
…找借口,为…辩护 于…
[400] to prevent ... from ...阻止 [416] to rain praise on ...对…赞
(防止)…,使…不能 不绝口
[401 ] to pride oneself on ...为… [417] to raise money for …为…募
而感到自豪,自夸… 捐(筹款)
[402] to have priority over ...比… [418] to raise wide concern about
优先,优先于… ...引起人们对…的广泛关注
[403] to be proficient at (in)…精 [419] to rank second (next) to . _ •
通于… 位居…之下,仅次于…
[404] to prohibit ... from . ••禁止 [420] to have reason for ...有…的
…做…,限制…去… 理由
[405] to be prone to ...易于…, [421] to pay due recognition to…
有…的倾向,很容易… 给…以应有的承认
[406] to be prophetic of ...预言到 [422] to reduce …to ...使…沧
…,预见到… 为…,把…贬低为…
[407] to protect ... against …保 [423] to give a reference to •. •提
护…免受…,防御… 及(介绍)…
[408] to be proud of ...为…感到 [424] to regard ... as ...把…视
为… ...对…不负任何责任
[425] to keep a register of …登记 [441] to be responsible for ...对…
(记录)… 负责,其原因在于…
[426] to feel regret for ...对…感 [442] to rest content with ...满足
到遗憾 于…
[427] to bear no relationship to ... [443] to reveal an aptitude for ...
与…毫无关系 显示出…的倾向(才干,素
[428] to be relevant to…与…有 质,天赋)
关,与…很贴切 [444] to take revenge on …对…
[429] to give relish to…对…添油 进行报复,向…报仇
加醋,给…增加乐趣,给… [445] to feel reverence to ...觉得
增加色彩 …可敬,对…肃然起敬
[430] to be reluctant to do…勉强 [446] to reward someone for ...因
…,不情愿… …而奖赏(酬谢)某人
[431] to replace ... with ...用… [447] to get rid of ...摆脱,除掉,
取代…,用…代替… 戒掉…
[432] to be replete with ...充满 [448] to take the risk of ...冒…的
(塞满)… 危险,冒…的风险
[433] to bring reproach on (upon) [449] to assume the role of ••.承
...给…带来耻辱 担…的责任,承担…的任务
[434] to reproach someone for … [450] to leave room for ...留有…
因…而责备(谴责,责难, 的余地
斥责)某人… [451 ] to rub shoulders with ...与
[435] to meet the requirements for …接近,与…来往密切
...符合…的要求(需要) [452] to rule out…把…排除在外
[436] to harbor resentment against [453] to run around with ….与--
...对…怀恨在心 起鬼混
[437] to be resolved to do…决心 [454] to run out of …用完…,耗
要:" 尽…

[438] to resort to…诉诸于…,求 [455] to satisfy the interest of ...满

助于…,使用… 足(迎合)…的兴趣
[439] to be respectful of (to) . •. [456] to be scarce of …缺乏…,
尊敬…,尊重… 缺少…
[440] to bear no responsibility for [457] scarcely …when …一…
就…;刚…就… [474] to find a solution for …找到
[458] to schedule …for . ..把… …的解决办法
安排在… [475] to be sparing of …节约
[459] to give someone scope for (爱惜)…,缺乏…
...给某人以施展…的机会 [476] to speak volumes for …充
[460] to put the screw on . .■对… 分证明…,有力地说明…
施加压力,强迫… [477] to be the spitting image of
[461] to scruple about … 对…有 ...和…一■模一样的人或物
所顾忌 [478] to have a soft spot for …X寸
[462] to be sensible of … 意识到 …有特别的好感
…,察觉到… [479] to be squeamish about …对
[463] to be sensitive about …对 …过分讲究;过分挑剔…
…十分敏感 [480] to stay clear of …回避(躲
[464] to separate …from …把 避)…,不接近…
…与…分离开 [481] to get stuck on ... —时想不起
[465] to shed one’s blood for ... …的答案,因…而停顿下来
为…而献身 [482] to keep a large stock of …
[466] to be under the shelter of … 储备有大量…的存货
在…的庇护下 [483] to strike ... as ...给…以…
[467] to take a shine to • .爱上 的印象
(看中,喜欢上)… [484] to strive for ...为…而努力,
[468] to run short of ...缺乏,缺 力争…
少… [485] to be stuffed with ...填满
[469] to be sick of…厌恶…,对 (塞满,充满)…
…感到厌倦 [486] to stumble on (upon)…无
[470] to show no sign of . ..没有 意中发现…,偶然找到…
显示岀…的迹象 [487] to be subject to ...易遭受
[471] to be similar to ... 类似于 …;受…的支配;必须以…
…,与…相似 为条件
[472] to sing one’s own praises 自 [488] to subsist on ...靠…维持生
我标榜,自吹自擂 计,靠…度日
[473] to have a smack of . _ ■有… [489] to suffer from ...受…之苦
的味道(风格,特色),有点 (折磨)
像… [490] to come as no surprise to ...
不会为…感到吃惊 …,顾虑…
[491 ] to be susceptible to ...对… [497] to turn thumbs down on …
很敏感,易受…,易患… 反对(贬低,不赞成)…
[492] to suspect someone of ...怀 [ 498 ] to tickle someone's vanity
疑某人… (fancy)满足某人的虚荣
[493] to be suspicious of (about) 心;投其所好
...对…怀疑,怀疑… [499] to keep track of …记录…,
[494] to be swamped with …忙于 了解…的动态
应酬…,对…应接不暇 [500] to warn someone of ...提醒
[495] to be taken for …被当作… 某人…,警告某人…
[496] to be tender for (of)…害怕
[001 ] to abandon oneself to ...纵情于…,沉溺于…;肆意…

例句:At the harvesting time, most of the villagers would abandon them¬
selves to wining, eating and even singing folk songs after dark, ik

如:他抛弃了妻室儿女。He abandoned his wife and children.再比如:很少有
人会放弃这样好的工作。Few would abandon such a good job.但是,当该词与
oneself to...的具体意思取决于介词之后的宾语。比如: 1 .任何时候他都不
会沉溺于这类的娱乐之中。Under no circumstances will he abandon himself to
this sort of pleasures. 2.他决不会如此放肆,说岀这样的下流话。He wouldn’t
abandon himself to four-letter words. 3.有些职工下岗后不是自暴自弃,而是找
己的命不好。Some laid-off workers know how to turn the tables by finding some¬
thing that they can do well instead of abandoning themselves to despair while oth¬
ers would just leave themselves at the mercy of fate or curse their own fate, never
taking the initiatives in their own hands and using their heads to create a life they

1. Someone abandoned himself (herself) to . . . just because of the
2.Someone would never abandon himself (herself) to ...

[002 ] to be abashed at…因…而感到惭愧,窘迫,不好意思

例句:Sandra was very much abashed at the sight that all the participants
were wearing a formal dress while she was in mini-skirt.当桑德拉

be abashed at ...表示“因为…而感到惭愧”,“因…感到很窘迫”或“因…感
He felt abashed at forgetting his wife’s birthday.再比如:他的儿子因偷窃被关进
了监狱,他为此感到没脸见人了。He was abashed at the truth that his son was
put into prison because of theft.

1. Someone is very much abashed at the fact that …
2. Someone was quite abashed at the ... and ...

[003 ] to take up one’s abode with (in)...和…住在一起;住


例句: Sandra’s mother became very much abashed at the news that her
daughter had taken up her abode with a guy she got acquainted with
only recently.当桑德拉的母亲得知她的女儿和一个她刚刚认

注:abode作名词用,是“住所”或“住处”的意思。短语to take up one’s

abode with someone表示“和某人住在一起”或“和某人睡觉”。比如:John
took up his abode with his parents-in-law.约翰与他的岳父、岳母住在一起。当
此语中的介词改换成in时,其意思是“住在某处”。比如:The newly married
couple took up their abode in a magnificent hotel during their honeymoon in Rome.

1. Someone decided to take up his (her) abode with ... since he (she)...
2. Someone took up his (her) abode in ... during ...
[004 ] to abound in (with)…充满,盛产…;有大量的…

例句:Rare and precious herbal plants abound in the mountains to the

north of this small city, and the deep valleys to the west of the city
abounds with hot springs.这座小城市以北的山上生长着大量

富的”或“充满”。请看下面的例句: 1.我国自然资源丰富。Natural resources
abound in our country. 2.这个岛上有很多蛇。This island abounds with snakes.
3.他的诗想象力很丰富。His poems abound in imagination.需要注意的是:当
“大量存在于…”或“富于…”等。例如:郁金香盛产于荷兰。Tulips abound
in Holland.而当句子主语是表示方位的名词,介词in (有时也可以用with)后
这个棚屋里到处都是蚊子。In summer, this hut abounds with mosquitoes.

1. Some place abounds in ... and it has a variety of …
2. Something abounds in some place,which boasts a profession of ...

[005 ] to keep abreast of (with)...与…并驾齐驱;跟得上…

例句: To survive in a world full of intense competition, an enterprise

must keep abreast with the most advanced development in its field.

注:to keep abreast of (with)是一个常用的固定搭配词组,表示“与…并进”,

代的脚步。You must read newspapers to keep abreast with the times.再比如:
一 3 一
年岁大的人发现,他们很难跟上电脑技术的不断发展。The older generation
find it very hard to keep abreast with the changing of computer technology.

1. We must keep abreast with ... so that we can ...
2. To do…one must keep abreast with …

[006] to absolve someone from (of) ...免除(解除,宽恕)


例句:The President intends to absolve Frank from his present post as the
manager of the production section, but he doesn’t have the heart to
degrade him, as he had contributed a lot to the development of the

注:absolve为动词,与介词from或of搭配,形成to absolve someone from

(of) something的句式,表示“解除某人的…”、“赦免某人的…”或“原谅某
人的…”之意。比如:他免除了我的这项责任。He absolved me from the obli¬
gation. 再比如:他解除了我的誓约。He absolved me from my vows.请注意:
absolve—词的具体含义取决于介词from之后的宾语。比如:absolve someone
from sin意为“赦免某人的罪”,而absolve someone from a blame则表示“使
某人免受某种责难”。常跟随介词的宾语有:mistake (过错),promise (诺
言),duty (责任),position (职位)等。

1. Someone absolved someone from ... for . . •
2. Taking ... into consideration, someone absolved someone of ...

[007 ] to be absorbed in…专心于…,全神贯注于…;沉醉于…

例句:The professor is completely absorbed in the subject of his research
and the writing of books on the subject, and nothing seems to be
able to get him sidetracked.那位教授完全沉醉于课题研究专著

注:absorb是动词,本意为“吸收”,引申义是“吸收”或“吸引”。to be ab-
sorbed in something是个习惯用法,表示“专心致志于…”,“全神贯注于…”
或“沉浸于…”的意思。比如:他完全沉醉于自己的创作之中了。He was ab¬
sorbed completely in his writing.再比如:很少有像他这么大的孩子能专心地干
他正在干的事。Few children of his age can be absorbed in doing what he's al¬
ready at as he is.

1.Someone is completely absorbed in ... so much so that he (she)...
2. Someone is completely absorbed in , and nothing can tear him away
from ...

[008 ] to abstract someone’s attention from ...转移某人对…


例句:Nothing seems to be able to abstract the professor’s attention from

his research subject.看来什么事也不能转移教授对其课题研究

abstract someone's attention from something 表示“转移某人对…的注意力”。例
如:乔治在课上一次次走神,因为他想着晚上要与女朋友见面的事。The idea
of meeting his girlfriend abstracted George’s attention from the professor’s lecture
from time to time.

1 • To do . . .,someone tried to abstract someone’s attention from ...
2. Something abstracted someone’s attention from ... and he (she) can
hardly concentrate on ...

[009 ] to heap abuse on…辱骂,谩骂,责骂…

例句:Soon after George’s News Comment was out of print, many artists
and people engaged in acting, dancing and singing began to heap
abuse against him. They simply went mad and their rage is like

“堆积”或“堆放”。to heap abuse on someone是英美报刊上常见的固定搭配,
巴长不了了。The newly issued policy by the county government was like a red
flag to the people in the county, who were heaping abuse on the county magis¬
trate, cursing that his days are numbered.

1. Soon after …,someone began to heap abuse on .. . and tried to ...
2.In order to . . .,someone tried to heap abuse on . • .,thinking that ...

[010 ] to have access to…能够进入,使用,得到,获得…

例句:There are only a few colleges in China whose students have access
to such magazines as Time, Newsweek, Economists and New York

注:to have access to something 或 to have no access to something 是个用途极

— 6 —
而to have no access to something无疑是指“没有得到某物的机会”或“不能
期当中学生们也可以使用图书馆。Students have access to the library even dur¬
ing the vacation. 2.只有高级官员才能见到皇上。Only high officials had access
to the emperor. 3.大多数的中国农民享受不到这种娱乐。Most Chinese farmers
have no access to this kind of entertainment.请注意:当表示“获得做某事的机
的权力。He gained access to the library books.

1. Someone has no access to . . . and it was impossible for him to ...
2.Someone should not made to have access to…,because …

[Oil ] to accommodate oneself to •使自己适应于…

例句: You must learn to accommodate yourself to your surroundings be¬

fore you are able to find a common ground with people from all
walks of life.你必须学会使自己适应周围的环境,这样你才

语to accommodate oneself to something是个常用的习惯用语,其意思是“使自
环境。You have just graduated from school and entered society, so you have to
accommodate yourself to the new situation.再比如:我会使自己适应你的计划。
I will accommodate myself to your plans.此外,accommodate 后的反身代词也可
与玛丽的安排一致。In order to please Mary, John accommodated his plan to

l.Qne must accommodate himself (herself) before he (she) can possibly ...
2.Someone finds it very hard to accommodate himself (herself) to ...
[012 ] to be accomplished in…擅长于…;在…方面很有成就

例句: Thomas is very much accomplished in the studies of Chinese litera¬

ture and his recent book on Chinese modem literature is much ac¬
claimed in the field.托马斯在中国文学的研究放面成就斐然,

就的”。短语to be accomplished in something表示“很擅长干某事”,“在某方
个真正的淑女要精于琴艺。In the eighteenth-century Britain, a real lady was sup¬
posed to be accomplished in music.

1. People who are accomplished in .. . may find more . . . than those peo¬
ple who cannot ...
2. Someone is very much accomplished in . . . and he’s especially noted

[013 ] to do something of one’s own accord 自愿干某事,主动


例句: You offered to help her of your own accord and now you complain
about the time you have spent in helping her. Put that in your pipe
and smoke it and you may then realize who are in the wrong.你主

注:accord为名词,有 “一 致”,“调合”,“符合”等意。to do something of

one’s own accord是一个固定搭配,意为“自愿地、主动地干某事”。例如:既

• — 8 —
然你是自愿来到这里的,你就不要再抱怨这里的条件艰苦了。Since you came
here of your own accord, you shouldn’t complain about the poor condition here.再
了。When you start learning English of your own accord, instead of being forced,
you’ll enjoy learning it.

1. Someone did …of his (her) own accord.
2. Since one does ... of his (her) own accord, he (she) shouldn’t ...

[014 ] to leave something out of account 忽视了某事;没想到、


例句:When he was preparing the examination paper, he had left the level
of the examinees out of account. As a result,most examinees com¬
plain about the contents of the paper.他岀考题的时候,没有考

注:to leave something out of account是个常用的习惯用语,其意思是“没有把

例如:由于没有想到天会下雨,所以没有人带雨伞。Since we have left it out of
account that it might rain, nobody had taken an umbrella.再比如:凯瑟琳没有理
会父母的劝阻,毅然和迈克去了美国。Katherine went to America with Mike any¬
how, leaving her parents’ dissuasion out of account.另夕卜,account——问还可以
与take搭配使用。常见的短语有:take no account of something “没有考虑到
某事”,take something into account “把某事考虑进去”等。

].When doing . . .,someone left something out of account, which result¬
ed in ...
2. You can’t leave something out of account when doing ...
[015 ] to bring an accusation against …控诉…;指控…

例句:At present, there are more and more countries which bring an accu¬
sation against the U.S. Government in their attempt to monopolize
the market of computer technology.目前有越来越多的国家谴责


注:accusation 为名词,意为“控诉”或“指责”D to bring an accusation

The next-door old lady brought an accusation of theft against Mr. Smith’s son.再
Many nations brought to the General Assembly an accusation against America’s
hegemony against Iraq.

1. Someone is to bring an accusation against …and he (she) may probably …
2. Having got all the ...,someone is ready to bring an accusation against ...

[016 ] to accuse someone of doing something 控告,指责某人


例句:Many parents accuse school teachers of their indifference to their

children’s psychological development.很多家长指责学校老师对

注:accuse是动词,意为“指责”或“控告”。To accuse someone of (doing)

乔的妻子突然死了,他的岳父母指控他谋杀了他们的女儿。After the sudden
death of his wife, Joe’s parents-in-law accused him of murdering their daughter.
朋友指责他不诚实。His girlfriend accused him of dishonesty.
1. Someone accused someone of ...,not because ... but because ...
2. Because someone has done ..., so someone is accusing someone of ...

[017 ] to accustom oneself to ...使自己习惯,适应于…

例句:To move to live in another country is easy, but it’s by no means

easy to accustom oneself to the new culture and the new way of life
of the country.要想移居并生活在另一个国家并不难,但要使

注:accustom为动词,意为“使…习惯于某事”。短语to accustom oneself to

自己习惯于那里的气候和饮食。In order to know the Tibetan life better, he went
there himself and tried to accustom himself to the climate and foods there.再比如:
父亲告诉我,他当兵的时候,不得不使自己习惯于长途行军。Father told me
that when he was a soldier he had to accustom himself to long marches.

l.In order to . . .,someone tried to accustom himself to ...
2.Someone tried to accustom himself (herself) to in order to ...

[018 ] to be acknowledged as …被公认为是…

例句:Freud is universally acknowledged as the most accomplished man in

the field of psychology and the contribution of his psychoanalysis to
the developments of many areas, including literature and education
is also universally acclaimed.弗洛伊德在全世界范围内被公认

as连用形成to be acknowledged as ...的句式时,其意思是“被公认是…”。
例如:马克•吐温被公认是一位幽默大师。Mark Twain is acknowledged as a
master of humor.再比如:人们公认玛丽是这次演讲比赛中讲得最好的。Mary
was acknowledged as the best speaker of the speech contest.请注意:其中的介
词as有时可以用to be的形式代替。比如:人们都认为他是一名很岀色的政治
家。He is acknowledged to be an excellent politician.

1. Someone is universally acknowledged as ... in …
2.In the field of , someone is acknowledged as ...

[019 ] to acquaint oneself with ...认识,熟悉,了解…

例句:If you go to work in a new place, you’ll have to acquaint yourself

with not only the work routines and the company’s culture but also
the people that are already working there.如果你到了一个新的

注:to acquaint oneself with something是个常用的口语句式,其意思是“使自

就必须去了解和体验各行各业人的生活。To be a successful writer, you’ll have
to acquaint yourself with the lives of people from all walks of life.此外,此语也可
用被动语态be acquainted with…。例如:我和她不很熟悉。I am not acquaint¬
ed with her.

1.Someone tried to acquaint himself (herself) with ... so as to ...
2. You must acquaint yourself with …before you can ...
—12 —
[020 ] to act on the square to…以诚相待…

例句:I’m not sure of his honesty and I know he is not appreciative of my

help, but still Fll act on the square to him.我知道他不很诚实,

注: on the square是个习惯用语,其意思是表示“公正的”,“诚实的”。to act

on the square to ...的字面意思是“以公正的方式或态度对待某人或某事”,
朋友都以诚相待。My principle is to act on the square to any friend of mine.再比
如:这个公司公平对待女雇员吗? Does the company act on the square to wom¬
en employees?

1.1 always act on the square to ... and respect someone’s …
2. You should act on the square to those who are ...

[021 ] to adapt oneself to ...使自己适应于…

例句:If you want to get on with people in a new place, you’ll have to
learn to adapt yourself to their ways of thinking and their ways of
doing things.到了新的单位,如果你想和那里的人和睦相处,

注:to adapt oneself to ...也是个常用的句式,其意思是“使自己适应于…”

里人们的生活习惯。When you are in a new country, you must adapt yourself to
the way of life of the local people.再比如:很多大学都在进行改革以适应不断
变化的社会。Most universities are carrying on reforms in order to adapt them¬
selves to the changing society.
1 .One must learn to be able to adapt himself (herself), so that …
2.One tried to adapt himself (herself) to . . . and ...

[022 ] to be adept at…善于,擅长,精于…

例句:Why don’t you ask Robert to take a look at the refrigerator? As far
as I know, he’s adept at repairing things.你为什么不让罗伯特

注:to be adept at…意为“善于…”,“擅长于…”或“精通于…”。比如:

我哥哥精通计算机。My brother is adept at the computer.再比如:他很擅长玩
游戏。He is adept at playing games.此外,介词at也可以用in代替,后跟名
词或动名词。比如:姐姐很擅长做针线活。My sister is adept in needlecraft.

1. Some is adept at doing . . . and is also good at ...
2.Someone is adept at …,but not quite good at …

[023 ] to be adjacent to…与…舭邻,邻接;靠近,贴近…

例句:This hotel is within a walking distance to the Square and is adjacent

to two banks and the largest shopping mall of the city.该饭店与

介词to连用。例如:我们村子的小学校与一座小教堂毗邻。The primary
school of our village is adjacent to a small church.再比如:中国与日本相邻。
China is adjacent to Japan.此外,adjacent也可直接修饰名词。比如:邻近的
房间,adjacent rooms。
1. There’s a ... adjacent to…
2. Some place is adjacent to . . . and not far from . . . there’s a ...

[024 ] to adjust oneself to ...使自己适应于…

例句:I know I’m not their sort, but for this special task, I can well ad¬
just myself to their habits and their way of doing things.我知道我

注:to adjust oneself to ...的字面意思是“为了…调整自己”,也就是“使自

己适应…”。例如:我们的身体能自行调节以适应气温的变化。Our body can
adjust itself to changes in temperature.再比如:当第一批移民到达北美之后,
他们经历了一段艰难的过程才适应了新的生存环境。After the arrival of the first
group of immigrants in North America, they had a hard time adjusting themselves
to the new environment.

1. Someone has had a hard time in adjusting himself to ...
2. You must be able to adjust yourself to . . . before you can ...

[025 ] to administer a crushing blow at …给…以毁灭性的打击

例句: The series of earthquakes last year and the severe flood this year has
administered a crushing blow at the people’s faith that men can con¬
quer nature.许多人相信人能战胜大自然,但是去年接二连三

注:administer是动词,有“给予”或“施予”等意。短语to administer a
crushing blow at ...的意思是“给…以毁灭性的打击”。比如:他把所有的积
蓄都用来做生意,所以破产对他来说是一个毁灭性的打击。The failure of the
—15 —
business to which he had invested all his savings gave him a crushing punishment.
勇的伊拉克人民。The superpower intended to administer a crushing blow at Iraq,
but their missiles did not tear up Iraq and its heroic people.

1. Someone administered a crushing blow at …before ...
2. To do • . .,someone administered a crushing blow at . .. who ...

[026 ] to admonish someone against ...告诫某人不要…

例句: I had already admonished her not to go out alone at night, but my
advice fell on a deaf ear and now she was robbed of all her belong¬
ings and knocked into the middle of next week.我曾告诫她夜间
"" 1 — ■ ■■ - — ---

注:to admonish someone against ...意思是“告诫某人不要…,,或“劝阻某

人不要…”。比如:玛莉劝告丈夫不要吸烟过多。Mary admonished her hus¬
band against excessive smoking.此外,against也可由不定式的否定形式代替。
比如上一例可以改为:Mary admonished her husband not to smoke excessively.

1 • Someone admonished someone against . .., but someone didn’t •
2. You must admonish someone against ... in order to ...

[027 ] to sing in adoration of …歌颂…;赞颂…

例句:At the conference, the Chairman sang in adoration of Foreign enter¬

prises for their triendly cooperation with their Chinese counterparts
and was speaking highly of their contribution to China's economic

注:adoration意思是“钟爱”或“崇拜”。to sing in adoration of…表示“歌

自由。In many of his poems, Whiteman sings in adoration of man’s beauty and
良大加赞扬。At their second meeting, Braddock began to sing in high adoration of
Tina’s beauty and virtue.

1. After , someone began to sing in adoration of ...
2.Someone sings in adoration of . . . and praises ...

[028 ] to adorn…with…用…点缀,装扮…

例句: To celebrate an occasion,many people would adore their place with

flowers and other decorations, but the professor did it for celebrat¬
ing his sixtieth birthday in quite a different way: he decorated his
room with all his publications.庆祝一^个活动,很多人都会用花

注:adorn是及物动词,意为“装饰”。与介词with搭配使用,形成to adorn
something with something的句式,表示“用…点缀...”等意。例如:品位不局
的妇女喜欢用艳丽的首饰来打扮自己。Tasteless women like to adorn them¬
selves with gaudy jewels.再比如:他引用广很多谤语和名_,从而使自己的文
章更具文采。He adorned his article with proverbs and citations.

1. Someone adorned . . . with . . . and the decoration is indeed very ...
2. When . . .,someone would adorn .. . with . . . rather than ...
[029 ] to take advantage of…利用…;占…的便宜

例句: If you have been generous to a person for a period of time, it is

most likely that the person will take advantage of your generosity
and trade on your “weakness” rather than become appreciative of
your kindness.如果你对一个人很慷慨,一段时间之后,这

注:to take advantage of ...是个常用的固定搭配,其意思是“利用…”或

“占…的便宜”。比如:你应该充分利用这次岀国学习的机会。You should take
full advantage of this opportunity of studying abroad.再比如:比利是一个欺软怕
硬的家伙,经常欺负比他个子小的男孩子。Billy is a dastardly fellow, always
taking advantage of boys smaller than he.请注意:该短语的具体意思要随上下

1. Some is • • •,often taking advantage of . . •
2.It is likely that someone will take advantage of ...

[030 ] to advertise for ...为…做广告;登广告招聘…

例句: In 1999 many colleges and universities began to advertise for tal_
ents,and people that are urgently wanted by these universities are
academicians, professors of English, psychology and many other
fields as well as professors engaged in the teaching of Doctoral pro¬
grams. 1Q99年,很多高等院校开始登广告招聘人才。各大学

注:to advertise for ...意思是“为…做广告”或“登广告招聘…”或“登’
告征寻…' 比如:具有讽刺意味的是,这场以卷烟厂败诉的官司却为卷烟厂
的产品做了广告。Ironically, the lawsuit that ended with the failure of the tobacco
factory turned out to have advertised for the factory’s products.再比如:克劳德的
妻子听说他在报上登广告招聘女秘书后,和他大打了一仗。When learning that
her husband had advertised for a women secretary in the newspaper, Claud’s wife
started a big fight with him.

1. They lavish a great deal of money in advertising for their ...
2. Advertising for ... will help promote the sales of...

[031 ] to follow someone’s advice 听从某人的劝告、 意见

例句:Taking other people’s advice is a good thing, but always following

their advice without a second thought may sometimes result in some
tragedy or disasters, as their advice may not always fit one s specif¬
ic situation. 听从别人的劝告是一件好事。但是,总是不加思

注:follow someone's advice是个习惯用语,其意思是“听从某人的劝告’或

you want to recover soon, you must follow the doctor’s advice.请注意:这里的
面。This time I'll take your advice and see if I can turn the tables.

1.1 will follow your advice and see if : •.
2. Someone never seems to be willing to follow others advice unless ...
[032 ] to advise someone against…劝告,劝阻某人不要…

例句: I advised her not to jump ship before she had found a job, but she
insisted on quitting the job and tiding her luck after that.我劝阻她

注:to advise someone against ...的字面意思是“建议某人不要…”,常用来

不要和那个女孩纠缠在一起,可他根本不听。Harold’s mother advised him
against being involved with that girl, but he turned a deaf ear to it.再比如:在他

来中国之前,很多朋友都劝他放弃这次旅行。Before he came to China, many

of his friends advised him against taking the trip.

1.1 advised her (him) against ... but she (he) was just..
2. Before he began to ... I had already advised him against ...

[033 ] to have an affair with…与…有不正当的(男女)关系

例句: The word is that the provincial governor has had an affair with a
film star, and that her husband is trying to trade on her relation
with the governor for booming his business.人们传闻说该省长

注:to have an affair with someone常用来表示“与某人有不正当的男女关系”

或“与某人私通”。例如:据说总统与他的女秘书曾经有过奸情。It is rumored
that the President had an affair with his miss secretary.再比如:当莎丽发现自己

的丈夫竟然与自己的好友有着不正当的关系时,她提岀了离婚。Sally prop¬
osed a divorce when she learnt that her husband had an affair with her girlfriend.

— 20 —
1. It is said that someone has had an affair with ...
2.Someone was ... for having an affair with ...

[034 ] to be affected with ...受…的影响;与…息息相关

侈1j 句:University authorities tend to have their policy making and their de¬
cisions largely affected with the education they have received and
their personalities.学校的当权人士制定政策和做决策通常受

注:to be affected with something意思是“深受某事的影响”或“与某事息息

相关”。比如:我们的情绪常受周围环境的影响。Our emotions are usually af¬
fected with our surroundings.再比如:学生的志向以及他们的追求往往和他们
的家庭环境以及他们父母的职业息息相关。The inspiration and pursuits of stu¬
dents are often affected with their family backgrounds and the professions of their

1. Something is usually heavily affected with ... so we must ...
2. You must make sure that ... is not affected with ...

[035 ] to affiliate oneself with…与…来往,结合;加入…的行列

例句:The general manager said that he wanted to affiliate himself with

the Sitong Group and he was trying to have that goal achieved.总

注:affiliate是动词,意为“加人…”,“附属于…”或“联合在一起”。to affili¬
ate oneself with ...的意思是“与…有来往”,“与…结合在一起”或“加入…
should always affiliate themselves with the local Chamber of Commerce.请注意:
college affiliated itself to Oxford University.

1.Someone didn’t want to affiliate himself (herself) with ...

2. Someone finds it necessary to affiliate himself (herself) with ... for the
sake of …

[036 ] to have an affinity for ...对…有吸引力;喜欢…

例句:The thing is that if you have an affinity for a person, you often
overlook his or her imperfections. This is one of the reasons why

we say love blind reasons.事情是这样的,如果你喜欢上一个


注:affinity是名词,意为“强烈的爱好或吸引力”。to have an affinity for some-

“与某人很合得来”。比如:约翰深受玛丽的吸引。John has a strong affinity for
了她。Although he had met Olivia only once, Joseph began to feel an affinity for

1. He seems to have an affinity for ...

2. If you have an affinity for ...,you will usually ...

[037 ] to be afraid of…为…担心;害怕…

例句:John started his affair with Marie since they met last month, and
* —— 22 •—-
now he is very afraid of his affair being discovered by his old lady.
So he’s in two minds if he should carry it on or not.约翰自从上

注:to be afraid of ...的意思是“为…担心”或“害怕…”。比如:好像大多

数妇女都怕蛇。It seems that most women are afraid of snakes.再比如:新来的
老师样子很凶,班里的学生都很怕他。Due to the fierce looking of the new
teacher, all the pupils of the class are afraid of him.除了可以跟人与物以外,介
美国打来的电话。She stayed at home the whole day, afraid of missing her
husband’s call from America.

1. Most ... are afraid of . .. though they do not ...
2. Someone did …,afraid of ...

[038] to be dead against ...断然反对…;顶着,迎着…

例句: I can’t figure out the reason why he is dead against the pressure
from his upper notches just to please the local people.我真不知道

注:to be dead against ...有多种意思,如“断然反对…”,“硬顶着…”,“硬

冲着…”,“坚持反对…”或“与…对着干”等等。请看下面的例句: 1.校长
坚决反对我们邀请麦克唐纳做报告的计划。The president was dead against our
plan to invite Macdonald to give the students a speech. 2.你的行为违背了我们
的合同规定。What you did was against our contract regulations. 3.乔觉得他是
个倒霉蛋,好像所有的一切都跟他对着干。Joe felt that he was of the worst
luck: it seemed that everything was against him.

此语适用的句子结构 -
1.1 didn’t expect that someone would be dead against ...
2.1 couldn’t figure out the reason why someone would be dead against ...

[039 ] to obtain the agency for ■获得…的经营权

例句:The manager is trying to obtain the agency for this medicine from
the Thai company and he tries to convince the authorities concerned
that he will enable the medicine to have a larger market in China.

各地都有代理处。The company has agencies in all parts in Asia.此外,该词也
权。Our company has the agency for Bentz.短语 to obtain the agency for ..•意
品的经营权。After fierce competition, Martin finally obtained the agency for the
new product •

1. After …,someone obtained the agency for ...
2.Someone is considering obtaining the agency for …

[040 ] to be aggrieved at…因…感到焦虑;对…感到悲伤

例句: The whole country were aggrieved over the loss of their beloved

—— 24 ——
后面跟介词at, by, of或over。to be aggrieved at表示“感到委屈或悲伤”或
感到焦虑等意。例如:史密斯太太因爱犬的死而万分悲痛。Mrs. Smith
was deeply aggrieved at the death of her beloved pet dog.

1.Some is deeply aggrieved at the loss (death) of ...
2. Seeing that • . .,someone was very much aggrieved at ...

[041 ] to be agitated about •• •对…感到焦虑;因…而心绪不宁

例句: Since the beginning of the 21st Century, many scientists have been
agitated about the future of modem science and the directions in
which it will be misled.自从21世纪一开始,很多科学家就一

“使…狂躁不安”或“使…焦虑”Q to be agitated about ...意思是“对…感到
焦虑”,“因…而心绪不宁' 例如:他很为母亲的健康感到焦虑。He was
much agitated about his mother’s health.再比如:听到他的一个主要靠山被革
职的消息,庞德先生很为他生意的未来而不安。On learning the news that one
of his principal backers was dismissed from office, Mr. Pound was greatly agitated
about the future of his business.另外,动词be也可由诸如seem或look等连系

1. On learning the news that . . .,someone was greatly agitated about ...
2. You don’t have to be agitated about, for ...

[042 ] to agree on…就…取得一致意见;在…方面达成协议

例句: After several rounds of talks, the two countries finally agreed on
cease fire and starting to seek more applicable measures to resolve
their conflicts.经过多轮的谈判,两个国家终于在停火问题上

注:to agree with someone to something是个常用的句式,其意思是“就…和…

的计划都表示同意。We all agreed on the plan of going to visit the Three Gorges
next summer vacation.再比如:几个重要的军事大国很难就裁军问题达成协
议。It is very hard for the major military powers to agree on the issue of disarma¬

1. After several rounds of ...,they finally agreed on ...
2. They didn’t agree on . . .,though they saw eye to eye in ...

[043 ] to come to someone’s aid 前来援助(求援)…

例句: Soon after the news was in the air that several cities in Iraq were
destroyed by severe earthquakes, people from many countries hur¬
riedly came to their aid either by providing medicine or by sending
in clothing and foods.当伊拉克的几个城市惨遭地震袭击的消

注:to come to someone’s aid是个常用的固定搭配,其意思是“前来救援某

true friend is one ho will come to your aid when you are in need. 再比如:当南方
各地遭受洪水袭击的时候,全国各地的人民都踊跃给予援助。When the south¬
ern areas were stricken by flood, people from all over the country came to their aid

1 • Learning that . . .,someone came to someone’s aid without delay.
— 26 —
2.When . . . people from ... all came to someone’s aid

[044 ] to be aimed at旨在…;目的在于…

例句: This book aims at providing a more practical and more effective
method for Chinese students of English in their learning and using
idiomatic expressions and in the understanding of the cultural ele¬
ments that these expressions contain.本书旨在向中国学生提供

注:to aim at something是一个常用的固定搭配,其意思是“以…为目的”,

懂他到底要说些什么。The man is beating the bush again, I simply can’t make
out what he is aiming at.再比如:制定这项新规则的目的在于促使学生学习更
加自主。The new rule is aimed at promoting the students to be more spontaneous
in studies.

1. Something is aimed at . . .,and it is hoped that ...
2. Something aims at providing ... for those who are ...

[045 ] to give someone the air拋弃某人;不理睬某人;解雇某人

例句:When John loused up the business, his boss gave him the air, and
ironically, his daughter instantly gave the boss the air just because
of that.当约翰把生意搞糟时,他的老板便炒了他的鱿鱼。

注:to give someone the air是个俑语,其意思包括:一,解雇某人;二,拒绝

一 27 一
句: 1.他很可能因此解雇他的秘书。He’s likely to give his secretary the air be¬
cause of that. 2.我真不知道她为什么再也不理我了。丨really couldn't figure out
the reason why she gave me the air. 3.上个月她把富兰克给甩了,我看你也危
险。She gave Frank the air last month, and so she will do the same to you.

1. Someone is likely to give someone the air if …
2.Someone gave someone the air because …

[046 ] to be alarmed for…对…放心不下;对…提心吊胆

例句: She seems to be very much alarmed for her husband being charged
with a case of being bribed.看来她对丈夫被指控有受贿嫌疑一

注:to be alarmed for ...的字面意思是“因某事而感到惊恐不安”,引申为

安全感到担忧。She was alarmed for the safety of her brother.请注意:除介词
for之外,作形容词用的alarmed之后还可跟about (对…感到惊恐),at (因…
而感到惊慌)以及over (对…感到担忧)等的介词。

1 • When , most people became alarmed for ...
2. Someone was alarmed for ... when someone learned that ...

[047 ] to put someone on the alert…使某人对…警惕起来,


例句:Don’t make a mention of anything about it, or you will put her on
the alert against us before we take the action.这事你千万别跟她

注:alert意为“警戒状态”或“戒备状态”。to be on the alert的意思是“警戒
着”,“防备着”或“随时准备着”,而to put someone on the alert的意思就是
戒状态。The government immediately put the army on the alert when it learnt that
the neighbouring country was increasing forces on their border.再比如:这猫的
听觉很敏锐,哪怕小得不能再小的声音也会使它警惕起来。The cat is very
acute in hearing. Even the least sound nearby can put him on the alert.

1. Someone put someone on the alert soon after ...
2. Something immediately put someone on the alert when ...

[048 ] to make an allegation that…硬说,偏偏说…;断言…

例句: I saw him with my own eyes go into the massage parlor with anoth¬
er guy, but her made an allegation that he didn’t go there.我亲眼

法。短语to make an allegation that…表示“硬说…”,“断言…”或“偏偏说
…”的意思。例如:邻居家的儿子硬说我儿子偷了他的玩具手枪。The boy of
my neighbour made an allegation that my son had stolen his toy gun.再比如:他
断言她已经深深地爱上他了。He made an allegation that she is already head
over heels in love with him.

1. Although . . .,someone still made an allegation that ...
2.Some made an allegation that . . ., though ...

[049 ] to be allergic to…对…有过敏反应;厌恶…

例句: We all know that suggestions and criticisms that sound unpleasant to
the ear are usually good to the soul but unfortunately, many people
are allergic to them and some become abhorrent of them.我们都

注:allergic原意为“过敏性的”或“对…过敏的”。to be allergic to ...常用来

句: 1 •有些人对花粉过敏。Some people are allergic to pollens. 2.我的妻子曾
经很喜欢猫,但结婚以后却极其厌恶这种动物。My wife used to have a strong
fondness for cats, but since our marriage she became violently allergic to the ani¬
mal. 3.身为独子,他极不喜欢被人批评。As the only boy of the family, he is
allergic to criticism.

1.Someone used to be allergic to, but now she (he) seems to be • •.
2. Most ... are allergic to • . .,though some think ...

[050 ] to make an alliance against …联合抵御(反对)…

例句:The two armies are obviously making an alliance against us by sta¬

tioning troops along our defence.两支军队在我们的防御工事

注:alliance意为“结盟”,“联盟,’或“同盟”。短语to make an alliance

against _ •■表示“联合起来与…对抗”或“联合抵御,反对…”的意思。例
ii取得 f 胜利。In the mid-1950s, Chinese and Korean peoples made an alliance
against the American invaders and they succeeded.再比如:村民们联合起来反
— 30 —
对在村里建化工厂的计划。The villagers made an alliance against the project of
building a chemical factory in the village.

1. WE must make an alliance against .. . before we could possibly
2. In order to ...,they fouiid it necessary to make an alliance against ...

[051 ] to allure someone into…引诱某人去…,诱惑某人去…

例句:Money has allured great many people into crimes, crimes that sim¬
ply didn’t exist fifty years ago.金钱诱惑许许多多的人去犯罪,

注:allure作动词用,是“诱惑”或“引诱”的意思Q allure someone into

人去干某事”等意。请看下面的例句: 1.看到天气这么好,很多家长禁不住
带着他们的孩子去逛公园。This fine weather allures many parents into gardens
and parks with their children. 2.菜的香味把一群群的苍蝇招到厨房里来了。
The smell of the dish has allured swarms of flies into the kitchen. 3.这些女人诱
使很多大名鼎鼎的男人干起了不可告人的勾当。These women are trying to al¬
lure men of marks into dirty deeds.

1. Someone tried to allure someone into…,but all his (her) attempts
came in vain.
2. Nothing seems to be able to allure someone into ...

[052 ] to have no alternative but ...除了…别无选择

例句: Under such circumstances, a small company like ours has no alter¬
native but follow others like sheep.在这种情况下,像我们这样
— 31 —
做出选择0 Her father gave her the alternative of going on to college or starting to
work.再例如:除手术外,还有没有其它的办法? Is there any alternative to sur¬
gery? 短语have no alternative but ...是个棄用韵旬式,主萝用来表示“除了…
别无选择”的意思。例如:除了做手术外,没有别的办法。There is no alter¬
native but surgery.再比如:因为船隔天开,所以你只好在此住上一夜,除此
之外别无选择。As the boat leaves only on alternate days, you have no alternative
but to stay here overnight.

].They have no alternative but
2. As . . .,someone have no alternative but ...

[053 ] amuse oneself by (with)...以…自得其乐

例句:These laid-off workers have to amuse themselves by doing a better

job in their homes.这些下岗工人只能是力求把家务干好而自

amused the kids with new toys.他用新买来的玩具逗孩子玩。to amuse oneself
by (with) something的句式常用来表示“以某事而自得其乐”或“用某事让自
己商兴局兴”等意。例如:She knows how to amuse herself with doing some¬
thing out of nothing.她知道该如何在没有事情干的情况下而找些事儿干并从中
在家门口的台阶上看来往的行人,从中给自己找点乐呵。She is a quiet girl.
When her parents work outside the home, she always amuses herself by sitting on
the doorsteps, watching pedestrians coming and going by.

1 He couldn’t but amuse himself with ...
2.When . .. someone often amuses himself (herself) with ...

[054 ] be analogous to (with) •类似于…;与…相似

例句:It’s obvious that his paper is largely analogous to Freud’s paper

published in the United States.很显然,他的论文与弗洛伊德

注:analogous是名词analogy (相似,类似)的形容词形式,其意思是“类似
的”,“相似的”或“如岀一辙的”。当该词与介词to或with连用,形成to be
analogous to (with)的形式,常用来表示“类似于…”,“与…相似”或“与…
如出一辙”等意思。例如:心脏的作用与水泵相似。The heart is in function
analogous to a pump.再比如:睡眠和死亡几乎没有什么两样。Sleep is very
much analogous to death.

1. In form, ... and ... are analogous to each other, though in meaning
each is …
2.It’s obvious that ... is largely analogous to ...

[055 ] be annoyed with ...因…而感到烦恼或厌烦

例句:Many people are annoyed with unsought advice and criticisms. ®


注:annoy作动词用,是“打扰”,“烦扰”或“使烦恼”的意思。在be an-
noyed with或get annoyed with的句式中,annoyed作形容词用,意思是“为某
格丽特可烦她丈夫那种漫不经心的态度了。Margaret was annoyed at/with her
husband’s light-hearted attitude.再比如:我希望你不会因为我提岀这些问题而
感到厌烦。I hope you will not get annoyed with all my questions.
一 33 一
1. Some seems to be ver much annoyed with ...
2.1 hope you will not be annoyed with our …

[056 ] to come into antagonism with …与…闹翻,对抗

例句: The two companies came into antagonism with each other as a re¬
sult of their reducing the prices of their products.因为降低产品

注:antagonism作名词用,意为“对抗”,“敌对”或“对立”。to come into

antagonism with someone的意思是“与…发生对抗”,“与…闹翻,,或“开始与
和他闹翻了。When Shelley found that Billy made eyes at his fiancee, he came in¬
to antagonism with him.再比如:因为罗马教皇反对亨利八世离婚,所以他与
天主教发生了对抗。Henry VID came into antagonism with Catholicism because the
Roman Pope opposed his divorce.

1. When . . .,someone came into antagonism with ...
2. It won’t do you any good if you come into antagonism with . . . , be¬
cause ...

[057 ] to feel an antipathy for …厌恶,嫌弃…,Xi*…反感

例句: It seems that Sandra is feeling an antipathy for all her in-laws ex¬
cept her brother-in-law.看来桑德拉很嫌弃她丈夫的家里人,

蒂固的反感情绪。与该词连用的介词包括for,against, to或toward,其前所
用的动词有feel, have, show或take,均是“厌恶”,“嫌弃…”或“表现岀对
— 34 ——
虚伪很是看不惯。She was brought up in a working-class family, and therefore
has an antipathy for the hypocrisy of the upper class people.再比如:她很嫌弃兜
里没钱的人,这一点她是无法掩饰的。She can’t help but show her strong an¬
tipathy toward people who are not in the bucks.

1. Someone is . . ., so she would certainly feel an antipathy for . •.
2.It seems that someone is feeling an antipathy for …

[058 ] to go ape over…被…搞得神魂颠倒

侈1J 句:The Swedish pingpong players went ape over their final success in
the game.瑞典兵兵球运动员为在这次比赛中的最后胜利而

注:ape原指“类人猿”,go ape是一条俚语,意思是“狂热的”,“疯狂的”
或“发疯的”。go ape over something是个常用的俚语,用来表示“因某事而
牛奶的姑娘给搞得神魂颠倒。My son goes ape over the milk girl.再比如:一
听到马克说她漂亮,她简直都不知道自己姓什么了。She simply goes ape upon
hearing Mark compliment her for her pretty look.

1. Someone simply went ape when learning that ...
2. Most of the ... went ape when ...

[059 ] make an apology to someone for ■ • •因…而向某人道歉

例句:The genera] manager made a sincere apology to all the employees

for not being able to carry out his promise for a salary raise this
一 35 一

注:apology作名词用,意为“道歉”,“认错”或“悔过”。to make an apology

to someone for something是一个常用的句式,意为“因某事而向某人道歉”。

例如:学生因上课捣乱向老师道歉。The student made an apology to the teacher

for making trouble in class.此外,apology也常单独使用。例如:请接受我真诚
的歉意。Please accept my sincere apology.

1. Someone made a sincere apology to for ...

2. If you make an apology to . . . for . . .,you will possibly ...

[060 ] to make one’s appeal to…向…发出呼吁;求助于…

例句:At times of war, the President of the county made his appeal to his
countrymen to donate military supplies and support the army.战


注:appeal作动词用,意为“呼吁”或“恳求”。to make one’s appeal to的意

便求助谈判解决争端a When he found that force could not serve the purpose, he
made his appeal to negotiation.请注意:该短语的具体意思要随具体语境的变

化而定。比如:她最后一次请求父亲答应她的要求。She made her last appeal

to her father for permission.

1. When someone found that . • . he (she) made his (her appeal to ...
and ...

2. If I were you, I would make an appeal to . . . and

[061 ] to apply…to…把…应用于,运用到…

例句:What can be applied to one circumstance may not be applicable to
another situation, and this is what we call “exception”.能被应用

科学家们正在尝试把这种科学新发现应用到工业生产方面。Scientists are at¬
tempting at applying this new scientific discovery to industrial production.此外,该
短语也经常用于被动语态的形式:be applied to。比如:电脑已经广泛用于教
学当中了。The computer has been widely applied to teaching now.

1. What ... may not always apply to ...
2. They applied ... to ... and found that ...

[062 ] to make appointment with … 与…约定,约会

例句:The president made an appointment with his aid for a secret talk
about the change of foreign policy toward the country with which it
has had problems.总统与其助理约定进行一次秘密交谈,讨

注:appointment作名词用,意思是“约会”或“约定”。to make an appoint-

ment with someone是个常用的短语,意思是“与某人约定或约会”。比如:对
I can’t accept your invitation, for I have made an appointment with a few of my
friends to go to the cinema.再比如:如果你想和老板谈话,你必须在去见他之
前和他约个时间。If you want to have a talk with the boss, you must make an ap¬
pointment before going to see him.

1. If you want to ...,you must make an appointment with ... so that
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2.He made an appointment with . . .,but he couldn’t ... for ...

[063 ] to be appreciative of …欣赏…;感激…

例句:He is not actually appreciative of your advice, though he pretends

not to give you that impression.尽管他装作一副感激的样子,

定价值的”或“领情的”。当该词与介词of连用,形成to be appreciative of的
很欣赏我们校园的美丽风景。My father was appreciative of the beauty of our
campus.再比如:诗人往往能欣赏到普通生活中的美。Poets usually can be
appreciative of the beauty in the commonplace.此夕卜,因为 appreciative 还有“感
激”之意,所以短语be appreciative of也可表示“对…很感激”。例如:她对
你的善意深表感激。She was deeply appreciative of your kindness.但是请注意:
如要表达“很感激某人”之意,则需用介词to。比如:他很感激你。She was
very appreciative to you.

1.1 tried my best to ...,but she (he) didn’t seem to be appreciative of ...
2. You should be appreciative of the fact that ...

[064 ] to feel an apprehension for (over)…对…感到不安


例句: Most small and medium-sized enterprises are feeling a strong appre¬
hension for their existence and prospects.很多中、小型的企业对

岀现的危险或危机的恐惧。例如:她对自己的未来充满恐惧感。She's filled
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with apprehension about the future.短语 have (feel) an apprehension for (over)
到不安。 Somewhat Jane felt a strong apprehension for her husband’s safety after
he went away on business.再例如:看到目前地球环境被破坏得如此严重,我
禁不住对人类的未来而感到忧心忡忡。Seeing that the environment on the earth
is being destroyed to such an extent, I cannot help but feel an apprehension for the
future of mankind.

1. After ...,someone felt a strong apprehension for ...
2. Most people would feel an apprehension for ...

[065 ] to be apprehensive for (of)…对…感到不安,焦虑,恐惧

例句:Many parents nowadays are very much apprehensive of their

children’s ftiture.近几年来,很多父母对其子女的前途感到焦

“担心的”或“忧虑的”。当该词跟介词of或for连用时,构成to be apprehen¬
sive for (of) ... 的句式时,其意思是“对某事感到焦虑不安”。例如:被强大
的对手击败后,乔纳森担心会再次失败。After being beaten by his powerful op¬
ponent, Jonathan was apprehensive of further defeats.再例如:你不用为他们的
前途担忧。You do not need to be apprehensive for their future.此外,to be ap¬
prehensive 后也可跟宾语从句, 比如:年过八旬的爷爷竟然自己出去了,我们
都担心他会迷路。When we learned that our eighty-year-old grandpa should had
been out all by himself, we all became apprehensive that he might get lost.

1. You do not need to be apprehensive for .. . since
2.If you were me, you would be apprehensive for . . .,too.

[066 ] to be (become) apprised of ... 熟悉,了解…;得知…

例句:We must become apprised of the market needs before we can get a
large share of the market.我们要想占领大部分市场就必须深

的战略布署。Our army made appropriate strategic arrangements immediately after
we were apprised of the enemy’s intention for attack.再比如:你完全可以信赖
他,因为他对这一情况相当熟悉。You can definitely trust him since he is fairly
apprised of the situation.

1. As soon as you become apprised of ...,you should ...
2. You don’t need to worry about ... since he is very much apprised of . •.

[067 ] to make approaches to…接近…;和…打交道

例句:Soon after she got to Chicago, she tried every means to make ap¬
proaches to the hotshots and social celebrities.她到达芝加哥后不

了。Our approach scared the rabbit and it instantly ran away.短语 make ap¬
proaches to someone 常用 来表示 “想法接近某人”,“认识某人”或“和某人打
交道”。例如:我不怎么善于和陌生人打交道。I'm not very good at making ap¬
proaches to strangers.再例如:我们很多人都不喜欢他,因为他总是想方设法
接近上层人物。Many of us don't like him because he runs himself out to make
approaches to the people of high rank.

1. He was tiying to make approaches to ... in order to ...
2.Soon after . . .,someone tried to make approaches to ...

[068 ] to be appropriate for ...适合于…;适用于…

例句:This method might be good for teaching adult students, but it’s not
appropriate for teaching children.这种方法也许适合成年学生的

这一职务是合适的。It’s appropriate that he should get the post.当 appropriate 与
介词for连用,形成to be appropriate for的句式,此语就用来表示“适合于
simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.再比如:你这些不正经的话不适
合在这么严肃的场合讲。Your playful words are not appropriate for such a sol¬
emn occasion.但是请注意:有时appropriate后也可跟介词to。例如:作为一
位很负责任的老师,他总是在课前准备很多与上课内容相关的例子。As a re¬
sponsible teacher, he always prepares many examples that are appropriate to his
teaching situation.

1. Something is not appropriate for . ..,especially ...
2. Your …are not appropriate for such …

[069 ] to be apt to do…有…的倾向;很容易…;有可能…

例句: Parents are apt to make such mistakes as thinking they’re always
right in everything they do and that children should always be at
their mercy.很多父母认为自己做什么都对,孩子就应该听从
注:to be apt to do something是一个常用的句式,其意思是“易于干某事”,
的人很容易犯这类的错误。A careless person is apt to make such kind of mis¬
takes. 再比如:小孩子动不动就哭,以此来引起大人的注意。Little children are
apt to cry to get the attention from the adult.

1. A ... person is apt to . . .,especially when ...
2. People are apt to make such mistakes as ...

[070 ] to argue someone into doing something 说服某人去干某事

例句:A group of students had finally argued the chairman of the depart¬
ment into canceling the courses that are irrelevant to their areas of

为”等。例如:他主张人类应该尽量不去依赖各种各样的现代工具。He ar¬
gues that man should try to do without all sorts of modern facilities.短语 to argue
someone into doing something常用来表示“说服某人去干某事”的意思。例
如:孩子们终于说服他们的父亲答应和他们一起去度假。The kids eventually
succeeded in arguing their father into taking a vacation with them. 再比如:为了
治病,我说服.厂她接受注射。丨 argued her into taking an injection for the dis¬
ease. 请注意:用介词短语out of代替into,则表示“说服某人不干某事”。例
如:我们说服老师放弃了下周一考试的计划。We argued the teacher out of the
plan of having a test next Monday.

1. Someone eventually succeeded in arguing someone into ...
2. After ...,someone finally argued someone into ...

[071 ] to get into arguments with…与…发生争执,展开辩论

例句:The department heads got into hot arguments with the general man¬
ager on the issue of whether they should invest in the newly prop¬
osed project.在是否应该投资搞最近提出的工程问题上,各

注:argument作名词用,意为“辩论”或“争论”。短语to get into arguments

with someone意思是“与某人发生争执“或“与某人展开辩论”。例如:没有
人能相信这样文静的女孩子会和她的母亲发生这么厉害的争吵。it’s incredible
to anyone that such a quiet girl could have get into such violent arguments with her
The jury got into a heated argument over whether they could find Paui guilty of mur¬
dering his father.请注意:当表示“为某事而进行争辩或展开辩论”时,一般
要用介词over或 about,形成 to get into arguments with someone over (about)
something 的句式。

1. Someone got into hot arguments with . . . over ...
2. It’s surprising that such a ... could have got into arguments with
over ...

[072 ] to arise from…从…中产生;由…而引起,起因于…

例句:The “weightless” condition of astronauts in orbit about the earth

arises from just the cancellation of inertial and gravitational forces.

升起袭袭炊烟。Smokes arose from the village at dusk everyday.由该词所引申
的短语to arise from是个用途极广的动词结构,其意思是:“由…所引起”,
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起的。His illness arose from chronic over-drinking.再比如:争执是由于双方缺乏
沟通。The dispute arose from the lack of communication between the two parties.

1 • Many . . . acclaimed that . . . arose from ...
2.Something arises from .. . and it usually ...

[073 ] to keep someone at arm’s length 对某人敬而远之

例句: If one doesn’t know how to keep other people at arm’s length, he
may easily get lost when he is hit below the belt.如果一个人不

注:keep someone at arm’s length是一条常用的口语习语,其字面意思是“与

以前很要好的朋友。Since he got hurt, he keeps everyone at arm's length, in-
ceding those friends he used to hit it off.再比如:如果你不与他过于亲近的话,
你也不致于被他搞得如此狼狐。If you had kept him at arm's length, you should
not be put at such an advantage.

1. Since . . .,someone always keeps ... at arm’s length
2. You must keep ... at arm’s length if you want to ...

[074 ] to make arrangements for … 为…做准备,安排

例句:Please lax to us your flight number and the time of arrival one week
in advance, so that we can make arrangements for meeting you at
the airport and the reception.请您提前一个星期把您的航班号

“安排”。短语to make arrangements for主要用来表示“为…做准备”或“为…
做安排”。例如:我将安排一辆汽车到机场去接你。HI make arrangements for a
car to meet you at the airport.再比如:你做好去云南旅游的准备了吗? Have
you made arrangements for your trip to Yunnan?

1. I’ll make arrangements for ...
2. Please make arrangements for ... so that ...

[075 ] to arrive at (in)...到达…;抵达…

例句:He told me that he would arrive in Chicago at about half past four
on the 15th of May and probably arrive at your hotel in an hour’s
time after that.他告诉我说他将于5月12日下午4,点30分抵

We arrived at the station twenty minutes before the train was due.再比如:一到
北京,来自欧洲的这对夫妇就被他们随处所见的现代化景象惊呆了。 As soon
as they arrived in Beijing, the European couple were astonished by the scene of
modernization they saw everywhere.

1. Someone arrived in (at) ... before ...
2. As soon as they arrived in (at) . .. , the began to . . •
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[076 ] to be ashamed of oneself for ...因…而感到害羞,惭愧

例句: The superstar was ashamed of himself for acting a role in the film
that has degraded his fame as a superstar.那个超级影星为自己

后常跟介词of。短语to be ashamed of oneself for…表示“因…而感到害羞或
ashamed of myself for having asked such a silly question.再比如:汤姆因自己未
能完成老师交给的作业而深感惭愧。Tom was ashamed of himself for not having
finished the task the teacher assigned him.请注意:除了反身代词夕卜,介词of后也
可跟动名词。例如:不要因为穷而感到害臊。Don't be ashamed of being poor.

1. Don’t you feel ashamed of yourself for ...
2.Someone was ashamed of himself for not being able to ...

[077 ] to aspire after (for, to, towards)…渴望,向往,追


例句:After he became a millionaire, he turned to aspire after a leadership

role in the city government.他成了百万富翁之后,转而立志于

常与介词for,after, to, towards等搭配使用。例如:广播员们力图改掉自己
的乡音,渴望达到 BBC 的发音标准。Broadcasters tried to abandon their native
regional accents and aspired to BBC pronunciation.再比如:作为模特,玛丽莲•
梦露一直向往着演员的生涯。As a model, Marilyn Monroe always aspired after
an acting career.

1. Someone tried to aspire after .. . since ...
2 • After . . .,someone turned to aspire for . . •

[078 ] to be assigned to…被分配从事…;被派到…

例句:John was recently assigned to Tokyo as a section chief, taking

charge of the production section.约翰最近被派到东京当主管,

个小房间。They assigned me a small room.当该词与介词to连用时,意为
等。例如:我们学校派来一位新校长。 A new principal was assigned to our
school.再比如:桑德拉被分配到曼谷从事教学活动。Sandra was assigned to a
teaching post in Bangkok.

1. Someone was assigned to . . . to ...
2.Someone was assigned to . . . as ...

[079 ] to associate oneself with…赞同,支持…;与…交往

例句:He tried to associate himself with the local people but nevertheless,
he found it very hard to adjust himself to the local customs and
their way of life.他想方设法和当地人打成一片,然而他却发

注:associate作动词用,意为“联合”或“结交”。短语to associate oneself

with ...主要用来表示“赞同…”,“支持…”或“与…交往”等意。例如:他
们在战争期间关系密切。They were closely associated with each other during the
war.再比如:她与父亲一起从事银行业。She associated herself with her father
in banking.

1. They tried to associate themselves with ... in order to ...
2. He doesn t want to associate himself with . . .,because ...

[080 ] to associate ... with ...把…与…联系在一起

例句:Most intellectuals tend to associate the name of Freud with the theo¬
ry of psychoanalysis and dream analysis.大多数的知识分子往往

进化论联系在一起。We always naturally associate the name of Darwin with the
doctrine of evolution,再比如:在孩子们的心里,夏天是与野餐联系在一起的。
In the children’s minds, summer is closely associated with picnics.

1. People tend to associate . . . with ...
2. To many people, ... is always closely associated with ...

[081 ] to assume the role of ...担任…的角色;承担…的任务

例句:Franklin was made to assume the role of a prostitute s would-be

husband in the film, a role that he felt sick of playing and which
might help boom his career as a film actor.富兰克林应邀在该片

或“承担”等意。短语to assume the role of •的意思是“担任…的角色”或
“承担…的任务”。例如:倶系部成立之初,比尔担任它的财务主管。Bill as¬
sumed the role of treasurer for the club when it first came into being.再比如:乔
— 48 ―
安娜主动承担起新楼的设计工作。Joanna voluntarily assumed the role of design¬
ing the new building.但是请注意:assume作“承担,’或“担任”解释时,还
常与office,duty, command或post等名词连用。例如:他在全国人民的欢呼
雀跃声中就任总统。He assumed office as president amid national rejoicing.

1 • Someone voluntarily assumed the role of ...
2. Someone was made to assume the role of ... in ...

[082 ] to assure someone of ...使某人确信...,向某人保证…

例句: She tried to assure me of her faithfulness to me and did everything

she could to prove that I was her only man.她想方设法使我相信

用,形成to assure someone of something的句式,意思是“使某人确信,’,“向
人相信乘坐飞机是安全的„ We tried our best to assure the nervous lady of the
safety of flying.再比如:彼得向父亲保证他在这次事件中是清白的。Peter as¬
sured his father of his innocence in the incident.此外,assure 一词之后还可接以
that引导的宾语从句。比如:我们可把上面的例句改为:We tried our best to
assure the nervous lady that flying was safe.

1. Someone tried to assure someone of ...
2.1 can assure you of my ability to ...

[083 ] to be assured of…得到…的保证;对…感到放心

例句:We were very much assured of the prospects of the project so we

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went out of our way to do a good job of it.我们对该工程的前景

保证的”或“确定无疑的”等意。例如:an assured income有保证的收人。短
语to be assured of的意思是“得到…的保证”,“对…感到放心”或“对…确
信无疑”。例如:你完全可以相信这种新方法的优越性。Y0U can be assured of
the merits of the new method•再比如:他对儿子的光明前程感到深信不疑。He
feels assured of his son’s bright future.

1. We are very much assured of the ...
2. You can be assured of ...

[084 ] to be astonished at…对…感到震惊

例句:We were astonished at the news that the one we trusted most had fi¬
nally taken side with our opponents.使我们感到震惊的是,我

总统被刺的消息使大家都极为震惊。The news that the President was assassi-
nated astonished everyone.当该词用作被动语态并与介词at连用,形成to be
astonished at something的句式,其意思是“对…感到很震惊,’。例如:Every¬
body was astonished at the news that the President was assassinated.再比如:
约翰犬然失踩,我为之感到震惊。丨was astonished at John’s sudden disapp>ear-
ance.请注意:be astonished之后也可以跟不定式或从句。例如:We were as¬
tonished to hear the news.再比如:I felt astonished that such a scandal should
have been elected mayor.

此语适用的句子结构 •
1. Everybody was astonished at the news that ...
2.1 was very much astonished at the fact that .:.

[085 ] to be astounded at …因…而惊i宅

例句:We were all greatly astounded at the number of rare animals being
killed in such a small place.在这么一个小小的地方竟然有如此

语态,与介词at连用形成to be astounded at的句式,常用来表示“因…而惊
astounded at the sight of so many elephants being killed.请注意:同 astonish —
样,to be astounded之后也可跟不定式或从句。比如:We were astounded that
he even killed his own mother.再比如:We were astounded to learn that he had
killed his own mother.

1.1 was astounded at the sight of ...
2.We were all astounded that ...

[086 ] to create an atmosphere of ...创造…的气氛,环境

例句: We must create a favorable atmosphere of learning for the students

before we can possibly hope to make their learning more fruitful.

注:create an atmosphere of意为“创造…的气氛或环境”。例如:印度接二连

二的核实验造成了南亚地区的紧张局势。India’s successive nuclear tests creat¬
ed an atmosphere of tension in South Asia.再比如:她是一个很好的主妇,很
擅长创造温馨和睦的家庭气氛。She is a good housewife, and is very good at
creating an atmosphere of family warmth and harmony.
1. We must create an atmosphere of ... so that ...
2. He tried to create an atmosphere of so as to ...

[087 ] to make atonement for ...弥补…, 报偿…

例句:The department’s head was trying to make atonement for the busi-
ness loss resulted from his rash actions, but the general manager
didn’t give him a chance to make up for the loss.部门经理一直

或“赎罪”的意思。短语to make atonement for something常用来表示“弥补’,
或“报偿”等意思。例如:他还可以弥补他的过错吗? Is it still possible for him
to make atonement for his faults?再比如:经理试图对自己管理的失误做岀补
偿,但已为时太晚 r。The manager tried to make atonement for his mal-man¬
agement, but ifs too late.

1. Someone tried to make atonement for ...
2. He felt he had to make atonement for ... since ...

[088 ] to attach great importance to • • •极其重视…

例句:Many countries began to attach great importance to the problem of

brain drain, though effective measures have not been taken curve
the growth.许多国家开始重视人才外流问题,尽管目前没有

注:attach作动词用,意为“裏”,“贴”或“连接”。短语to attach great im¬

portance to something 是个标准 的书面用语, 其意思是“极为重视某事”。例

— 52 ——
如:现在很多国家都开始格外重视环保工作了。Now many countries began to
attach great importance to the protection of environment .再比如:目前中国的多
数学校都很重视教学改革。Nowadays most schools in China attach great impor¬
tance to teaching reforms ■请 注意: great可以由其它限定词所代替,如little或

1. After …someone began to attach great importance to ...
2. You must attach great importance to .. . before you can ...

[089 ] to make an attempt at…企图,试图,打算…

例句: It was obvious that he was making an attempt at mending fences

with the boss.很显然,他正在试图改善与老板的关系。

注:to make an attempt at something意思是“企图干某事”,“试图干某事”或

“打算干某事”。例如: 4月1日那天,孩子们试图愚弄爱尔小姐,但是没能成
功。On April 1, the pupils made an attt .npt at fooling Miss Ere, but unfortunately
they failed.再比如:她并没有打算和他结婚,所以他也就没有资格抱怨她对他
不好。She didn’t make an attempt at marrying him, so he was not in the position
to complain about her not being nice to him.请注意:此语中的不定冠词an也可
改换成诸如 no, any, some 等词。比如:He made no attempt at getting the
chance.另外,make an attempt之后也可跟动词不定式。例如:他没有想逃
跑。He made no attempt to escape.

1. He was making an attempt at ...,but soon he gave up
2.She didn’t make an attempt at . . ., though she ...

[090 ] to dance attendance on .. •奉承,讨好…,向…大献殷勤

例句:From the way she is dancing attendance on the boss, you know she
is aiming at something一something in connection with her promo¬
tion. 从她向老板大献殷勤的那股劲儿,你就知道她是有目

例如:既然病人已经脱离危险,医生就不用再伺候他了。Now that the patient
is out of danger, the doctor is no longer in his attendance.短语 to dance atten-
dance on someone是一条常用的口语习语,意思是“侍候某人”,“奉承某人”,
了一间大办公室,并有好几个助手不断地向他大献殷勤。After marrying the
daughter of the general manager, Paul was given a large office, and several as¬
sistants are trying to dance attendance on him.

1. Someone was dying to dance attendance on ... and thought he (she)
could ...
2. Someone knows how to dance attendance on those ...

[091 ] to catch the attention of …引起…的注意

例句:Before 1960, this problem had not caught the attention of most
governments, which have now realized the critical condition of the

注:to catch the attention of someone是个常用的习惯用语,其意思是“引起某

人的注意”。例如:学生的集会引起了警方的注意。The assembly of the stu¬
dents caught the attention of the police. 请注意: 在此语中,除了可以用catch
的意思,我们可以把catch换成give, pay或devote等词。比如:在以前,这
problem had not been given enough attention to before it was too late.
1. No sooner did . . • than it caught the attention of ...
2. Before ...,the ... had not caught the attention of . •.

[092 ] to have attraction for …对…有吸引力

例句:This film has great attraction for young people, especially for those
school children.这部电影对年轻人来说,特别是对那些上学

注:to have attraction for someone是个常用的词组,其意思是“对某人极具吸

引力”。例如:这部电视连续剧对中学生有很大的吸引力。This TV series has
great attraction for middle school students.再比如:剧院对一些现代的中国人来
说没有什么吸引力,特别是对年轻人来说更是如此。The theatre has little at¬
traction for some people in China today, and this is especially so for the younger

1. Something has great attraction for ...,especially for those ...
2. Something has almost no attraction for ...,especially for ...

[093 ] to attribute ... to ...把…归因于…;认为…与…有关

例句: Most historians attribute such a phenomenon to wars and disasters

caused by these wars.大多数的历史学家把这种现象归咎于战

父亲把他的成功归功于艰苦的努力。Father attributed his success to hard work.
再比如:不要把这样的罪名强加在他的身上。Don't attribute such guilt to him.
再比如:我们认为顽固是驴的属性。We attribute stubbornness to mules.
].Most . . . attributes . . . to • . . on the assumption that ...
2. Few ... would attribute …to…,since …

[094 ] to have authority over (with)...对…有权威

例句:You may go and pick the brains of those who have the authority
over the subject, and you may be better advised than just reading
the textbooks.你可以去请教那些该领域的权威人士,也许你

have authority over是“对…有权威”或“具有对…的管辖权”等意思。例如:
你没有权力管我。You have no authority over me.再比如:军官有权力支使其
部下。An officer has authority over the soldiers under him.请注意:介词over 有
用3比如:对他们你应该行使你的权力3 You should exercise your authority
over them.

1. A person who has authority over ... is usually
2. Those who do not have authority with . . . usually

[095 ] to avail oneself of…利用,趁…的机会

例句:She knows how to avail herself of every opportunity to practice her

English with native speakers.她知道怎样利用任何一个机会去

用或起作用。例如:光说4、做没有什么用处:Talk will not avail much
without work.我们在这里讲的to avail oneself of ,主要用来表示“利用或趁
— 56 —
…的机会”的意思。例如:你应该利用图书馆里的书。You should avail your-
self of the books in the library•再比如:公司里来了一位美国专家,杜晓赶紧趁
这机会和他练习英语 口语。An American expert came to the company, and Du
Xiao readily avails herself of the opportunity to practice oral English with him.

1. You should avail yourself of this opportunity to ...
2. Someone readily avails himself (herself) of every opportunity to ...

[096 ] to be avaricious of ...贪图…;贪念…

例句:Nowadays, many people who are in the leading positions become

quite avaricious of nothing but their own profits instead of being
ambitious to upgrade the living standard of the common folks.近

当该词与介词of连用,形成to be avaricious of something 的句式,意为“贪图
persuaded Janet not to marry that fellow, for he tried to please her not because he
loved her, but because he is avaricious of her father’s wealth.

1. She is not ...,but avaricious of ...
2. Someone is obviously avaricious of ... instead of being ...

[097 ] to be averse to…嫌恶…;对…反感;反对…

例句:Many Japanese enterprises are quite averse to merging by foreign

enterprises and this aversion in the Japanese becomes the Number
one roadblock in the development of foreign enterprises in the

屁精。She is averse to apple polishers.再比如:很多儿童早晨不愿意早起床。
Many children are averse to getting up early in the morning.请注意:介词 to也可
以由from代替。比如: He’s averse from working with these guys.

1. Many people in ... are averse to such things as •..
2 He says he is averse to , especially those who ...

[098 ] to be aware of…意识到…;注意到…;明白…

例句:I’ve been aware of this simple truth: those who like to flatter other
people are none out of ten seeking flatter from those that are being

到的或意识到的。当该词与of连用,形成to be aware of something的句
直到玛丽走过来找我说话时我才注意到她也在场。I had not been aware of
Mary’s presence at the party until she came up and spoke to me.再比如:她还没
说完就意识到自己说错 f 话。No sooner had she finished her words than she be-
came aware of the fact that she had said the wrong thing.请注意:在 aware 之前
除了使用be动词之外,还可以用诸如become,feel, seem等的连系动词。另
外,be aware之后也可以接以that所引导的名词从句。例如:No sooner had
she finished her words than she realized that she had said the wrong thing.

1. When …,someone was not aware of the fact that ...
2.1 have been quite aware of ...,though ...

[099 ] to do away with…废除…;除掉…;干掉…

例句: One can not do away with his habits until he forms a set of new
habits or has replacement of the old ones. 一个人在形成新习惯

注:to do away with something是个常用的习惯用语,其意思是“废除某事”,

“除掉某事”或“抛弃某事”等。请看下面的例句: 1.南北战争之后,美国总
算废除了奴隶制。After the Civil War, America finally did away with slavery. 2.
为了达到他的目的,他干掉了所有反对他的人。He did away with all those who
were opposed to him in order to gain his end. 3.我们搬家的时候,把很多旧书
都扔掉了。When we were moving to the new house, we did away with many old

1. One cannot do away with . . . before ...
2. We must do away with . . . before we can possibly ...

[100 ] to be in bad with…失去…的欢心;不讨…的喜欢

例句: I knew I was in bad with the manager when Frank came to work in
the company, but I didn’t think he could possibly squeeze me out
of the sales business within two years.我知道富兰克来公司以后

注:to be in bad with someone是个常用的口语句式,意思是“失去某人的欢

会失宠于他们的父母,特别是母亲。When a new baby arrives, the older ones
— 59 —
are usually in bad with their parents, especially with the mother.再比如:当萨莉
来到公习,珍妮便失去r老板的宠爱。When Sally appeared in the company,
Jenny was in bad with the boss.请注意:有时此语也可以说成 to get bad with
someone,其意思基本不变。例如:这位演员不再受观众的欢迎。The actor
got bad with the audience.

1.1 know I am in bad with . • .,but I still hope that I can ...
2.If you are already in bad with . . .,you must ...

[101 ] to be banned …from ...…被禁止…

例句:Freud’s first book was banned from being published and his first
lecture on dream analysis in the United States was met with a fail-
ure,with only three listeners sitting in the lecture hall.弗洛伊德

film was banned.短语 to ban someone from doing something 或 from something
他进人美国国境。He was banned from entering the United States.再比如:有
一lx时间,该书被禁止岀版。For a time, the book was banned from being pub¬
lished .

1. Something was strictly banned from ... in ...
2. Someone was banned from …,for ...

t102 ] t0 bare one’s heart to…对…讲真心话;向…倾吐衷肠

例句:She says that she needs someone to talk with and someone to bare
— 60 —
her heart to.她说她需要有个能谈谈心的人,需要有个能向

如:他在记者招待会上把问题挑明了。He bared the problem at a news confer¬
ence. 短语to bare one’s heart to someone意思是“对…讲真心话”或“向…倾
吐衷肠”。例如:我必须把我的心里话讲出来,否则我会发疯的。丨must bare
my heart to someone, or HI go mad.再比如:他们彼此说了真心话,感情也随
之发生了变化。Their hearts were bared to each other, and their feelings were

1. She says she needs someone to bare her heart to ...
2.It’s very hard to find someone you can bare your heart to

[103 ] to bargain with…与…讨价还价

例句:Don’t try to bargain with me. I won’t trade my principles of life

with anything.不要跟我讨价还价。我不会为了任何事而拿

价,他拒绝做岀任何让步。I bargained with him and he refused to buckle a bit.
上个介词 for 或over,形成 to bargain with someone for (over) sometning 的句
people like bargaining with the peddlers for a better bargain, but I hate doing it.再
比如:我们上学时,经常为了作业的事和老师讨价还价。We used to bargain
with our teachers for assignments.

1. We tried hard to bargain with …over …
2. You can bargain with . . . over ...

[104 ] to set up a barrier between ... and ...在…与…之间设


例句:His recent promotion to a leading position in the city government

has automatically set up an emotional barrier between him and most
of his close friends.他最近被提升担任市政府的一个领导职

如:长江是华北和华南之间的天然屏障。The Yangtse River is a natural barrier
that separates North and South China.短语 set up 有“设置”或“设立”等意。
所以,to set up a barrier between ... and ...意思是“在…与…之间设置障
间设置了新的障碍。Mr. Li’s recent speech set up a new barrier between Taiwan
and Mainland China.有时set up a barrier之后可跟介词against,表示“对…设
置障碍”之意。例如:该国筑起贸易壁垒对付进口货。The country set up trade
barriers against imported goods.请注意:此语中的动词词组set up还可以用诸
如 build, erect, place, put up 等词代替。而用 abolish,break down, tear down

1. Something set up a barrier between ... and ...,preventing ... from ...
2. They tried to set up a barrier between .. . and ... in order to ...

[105 ] to base…on…把…建立在…的基础之上

例句: Most young men tend to base their love on the pretty looks of the
girls they fall for, thinking light of something that helps build a
solid ground for the development of their love.大多数小伙子容

注:base为及物动词,常用于短语base something on (upon) something之中,

意为“把…建立在…的基础上”或“以…为基础' 例如:艾丽丝总是把她的
观点建立在事实的基础之上。Alice always bases her opinions on facts.再比如:
我的希望是以我们昨天得到的消息为根据的。I base my hopes on the news we
had yesterday.

1. You must base ... on ...,not only on ...
2. People tend to base ... on …,not on …

[106 ] be someone (something) ... or ...无论某人(某事)


例句:Be he a high-ranking government official or the man in the street,

everyone is in want of a family, and this is so not only in our cul¬
ture, but also in other cultures as well.无论是政府的局级官员

注:be someone (something) ... or ...是个常用的书面用语,常作为一句话

力。Be he a teacher or a learner, they must understand that changing the thinking
patterns of the students depends on the joint efforts of both the teacher and the stu-
才的合理使用:没有人才的合理使用,就不可能有企业的兴盛。Be it a state-
run enterprise or a private one, all enterprises must depend their development on
the proper use of their brain tanks, without the correct use of which there’s no pro¬
sperity of the enterprises.
1 • Be it …or , everything must be …
2.Be someone …or , everyone must ...

[107 ] to be through with…完成…;结束…;厌倦…

例句: After you’re through with the book, please contact Mr. Black and
hand it over to him in your own flesh. He wants to read the book
for his graduation paper.这本书你读完后请与布莱克先生取得

注:短语to be through with something是个常用的结构,主要用来表示“完成

完成作业了吗? Are you through with your homework?再比如:这个工作我已经
干烦r,所以我必须找一份更适合我的工作。I’m through with the job, so I
must find a new one I’m better cut out for.

1. Please let me know the result of . . . after you are through with it
2.She said she had not been though with ...

[108 ] to bear resemblance to ...与…相似;与…有类似之处

例句:The Japanese character bears a great deal resemblance to the Chi¬

nese character in form.就其形式而言,日本文字和中国文字

“显示岀”等含义。例如:a document that bears your signature, 一份有你的签
名的文件。短语 bear resemblance to something 意思是“与…有相似之处”或
“与…相像”。在resemblance之前,可以用no,some, not much或little等词
一 64 一
如:尽管他们俩是双胞胎,但性格上却没有一点相似之处。Although they are
twins, they bear no resemblance to each other in character.

1. Although most people acclaim that . . .,they still bear much resem¬
blance to each other
2.Something bears much resemblance to…

[109 ] to bear something in mind ...记住…;牢记住…

例句:We must bear in mind that many countries, many customs, and
that one system may fit one country while it becomes a square peg
in a round hole in another country.各国有各国的风俗,而且,

注:短语to bear something in mind是“记住某事”或“把某事牢记在心”的意

语。Today the teacher told us a very useful idiom and asked us to bear it in mind.
再比如:我们会永远牢记住中华民族的屈辱历史。We will bear in mind the hu¬
miliating history of the Chinese people forever.

1. You must bear it in mind that ...
2. We’11 always bear in mind the ...

[110 ] to beef about…抱怨…;因…大发牢骚

例句:The general manager was beefing about our inability to get the con¬
tract signed, and he was almost throwing off his gloves to the de¬
partment manager, yelling at him and reprimanding him for being a
bom loser.我们没能把这个合同搞到手,对此,总经理一'个

得到这样的机会,对此他牢骚满腹。All except him were promoted, and he is
still beefing about this.再比如:不要再抱怨人家了。那是你自己无能。Stop
beefing about others. It’s due to your own inability.

1.1 can’t understand why he (she) is always beefing about ...
2.Someone is beefing about .. . and he (she) seems to be very ...

[ill] to beg of someone to do…恳求某人去做…

例句:John was threatened with divorce, but he begged of his wife to for¬
give him for his misconduct and to give him a chance to show his
determination to change.约翰面临着离婚的威胁,但是他恳求

贫如洗,只好靠乞讨为生。He was so poor that he had to beg for his bread.短
语to beg of someone to do something表示“恳求某人做某事”。例如:我恳求
他不要走。丨beg of him to stay.再比如:她请求我不要冒险。She begged of
me not to take any risk.请注意:beg后的介词of有时可以省略。

1. He was so . . . that he had to beg of someone to ...
2. He doesn’t want to beg of anyone to…

[112 ] to beguile someone into ...欺骗(哄骗)某人干…

例句:I know it was Frank who had beguiled you into the fraud, but you
should face the music yourself for what you have done.我知道是

to beguile someone into (doing) something 的句式, 常用来表示“欺骗(哄骗)
某人做某事”。例如:他哄骗我签了这份合同。He beguiled me into signing this
Tom's sister beguiled him into telling her the truth and he eventually did it.

1. Someone was trying to beguile someone into ...
2. He didn’t make an attempt at beguiling someone into ...

[113] to cherish (nurse) the belief that …怀有…的信念;确


例句:His business landed on the rocks for one reason or another, but he
still seemed to cherish the believe that he could nurse it back to

有”,“怀抱,’等意。短语to cherish (nurse) the belief表示“怀有…的信念”或
徒们坚定地抱着一个信念“天助自助者”。In the hard years of pioneering, the
Puritans cherished a firm belief that God helps those who help themselves.

1. Most people still cherish the belief that ...
2.In the years of , many people nursed the belief that ...

[114] to have a fire in one’s belly that ...心里明白…

例句:Sandra has a fire in her belly that behind the kindness of her boss
there must be something to pay, so she intuitively keep him at
arm’s length in order to avoid the future trouble.桑德拉心里明

注:to have a fire in the belly that是一条俚语,其意思是“心里明白…”。比

如:实际上我心里明白他是想哄骗我,可我还是上了他的当。丨actually had a
fire that he was trying to beguile me, but I still fell for his little tricks.

1.1 had a fire in my belly that ...
2. They had a fire in their belly that ...

[115] to bend one’s efforts for ...致力于...,为.•.全力以赴

例句:He knew that he could buy the position he was aiming at, so he
bent his efforts for the preparation of it and was trying to get in
with one of his upper notches.他知道他完全可以用钱买到他梦

注:短语bend one’s efforts for something意思是“致力于某事”或“全力以赴

此事做准备工作。Since he was determined to enter for the presidential cam¬
paign, he has bent his efforts for the preparation of it.再比如:艾丽丝•沃克是致
力于美国黑人妇女解放运动的美国黑人女作家之一。Alice Walker is one of the
black American women writers who have bent their efforts for the liberation of black
American women.

1. Someone bent his (her) efforts for ...
2. You don’t need to bend your efforts for ... since …

[116 ] to bend one’s mind to…一心想要…;专心致志地从事…

例句:Many college teachers have jumped ship and gone into business,
but Mr. Wang does not get sidetracked. He bends his mind to dig
into the subject of his research and is determined to concentrate on
writing his book Psycho-linguistics.很多大学老师跳槽去经商,

亦方位的诸如to, toward, on, upon或for等介词连用。短语to bend one’s
mind to something表示“把心思放在…上”,即“一心想…”或“专心致志地
从事某事”的意思。例如:杰克根本无法专心致志地学习。Jack couldn't at all
bend his mind to his studies.

l.It seems that he (she) is bending his (her) mind to ...
2. Someone is bending his (her) mind to ...,hoping that ...

[117 ] to benefit from…从…获利;受益于…

例句: Students who have benefited a lot from reading know the true val¬
ues of books.那些因读书而大有收获的学生了解书的价值。

注:benefit是动词,意为“有益于”,“对…有益”或“受益”。短语to benefit
from something是个常用的固定搭配,其意思是“受益于某事”或“从某事中
获益”。例如:你将从和别人的谈话中得到很大的收益。You will benefit a lot
from talking with other people.再比如:他这种新的经营方式使他受益匪浅。He
— 69 —
benefited from his new way of doing business.

1. We have certainly benefited a great deal from
2. You will benefit a lot from ... if you ...

[118 ] to bereave someone of all hope 使某人失去一切希望

例句:I didn’t have the heart to bereave her of all hope, so I decided to
give her another chance to show her paces.我不忍心使她失去所

YX o

bereave someone of all hope的句式,意思是“使某人失去一切希望”。例如:
儿子的死使她失去了一切希望。The death of her son bereaved her of all hope.
再比如:父亲拒绝给她寄钱使她失去了最后一线希望。Her father's refusal to
send her any money bereaved her of the last hope.

1. Something has bereaved someone of all hope and it …
2. How could you have the heart to bereave her (him, them) of all hope?

[119] to keep a clear berth of someone 对…敬而远之,避开…

例句: You are not his sort, so it would be better for you to keep a clear
berth of him.你不是他那号人,所以你还是对他敬而远之为

注:berth是名词,意为“停泊的地方”或“安全距离”等。短语to keep a
clear berth of someone意思是“对某人敬而远之”或“与某人保持安全距离”。

— 70 —
例如:我觉得这个人不怎么样,你最好不要和他太亲近了。丨don’t think this is
a good guy. You’d better keep a clear berth of him.表示类似含义的另一个常用
短语是give a wide berth to someone。例如:如果遇到醉汉,你最好躲他远点。
When you meet a tipsy man, you’d better give him a wide berth.

1. You’d better keep a clear berth of her (him, them), for ...
2. It would be better for you to keep a clear berth of ...

[120 ] to think better of…改变…的主意;对…评价更高

例句: I was thinking of putting her in the picture about what had hap¬
pened, but I thought better of it and decided to keep her in the dark
for the time being.我本打算把所发生的一切原原本本地告诉

注:短语to think better of something有两个含义:一是“重新考虑后决定不做

价”。请看下面的例句: 1 .她本想问他的房间在什么地方,但后来改变主意不
问了。She thought about asking him where his room was, but thought better of it.
2.我或许会重新考虑,取消岀国的决定。丨might think better of my decision to
go abroad. 3•鉴于他目前的行为,我们大家对他的评价比以前更高了。We all
think better of him for his present conduct.

1. He promised that she ...,but she thought better of the …and ...
2. She might think better of ... if you do not ... now

[121 ] to be closely bound up with …与…紧密联系在一起

例句: Economic progress is closely bound up with educational develop¬

ment. 经济的进步与教育的发展紧密地联系在一起。
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为“联系”,“结合”或“吸引”。短语to be closely bound up with的意思是“与
…紧密联系在一起”。例如:他的前途与公司的前景紧紧地联系在一起^ His
future is closely bound up with that of the company • 再比如:她承认是两个孩子
把她和她的丈夫紧密地联系在一起。She admits that it is the two kids that have
had the two of them be closely bound up with each other.

1. It’s obvious that ... is closely bound up with ...
2.If something is closely bound up with ...,it would be very hard to ...

[122] to bind someone with…用…约束,束缚某人

例句: As a teacher of English, I always think that we should not bind our
students with the number of units they must go through. We should
place more emphasis on their abilities to generate rules and ideas
and use the rules and ideas in their effective communication with
other people.作为一名教英语的老师,我一贯认为我们不应

注:bind为及物动词,有“捆,’,“绑”或“包扎”等意。短语to bind someone

with something表示“用某事约束某人”或“用某事束缚某人”。例如:为了鼓
encourage and give the scientist a free hand in their research, we shouldn't bind
them with the academic rules and regulations.

1. Traditions and old concepts have been binding many people with
2. You can’t bind him (her, them) with ...

[123] to bite one’s thumb at…对…嗤之以鼻;侮辱…

例句: I know you are the authority in this area and have accomplished
much in the field, but this shouldn’t be the reason for you to bite
your thumb at the younger researchers.我知道您在该领域是个

注:to bite one’s thumb at someone的字面意思是“冲着某人咬大拇指”,引申

仅仅因为有钱就对别人嗤之以鼻的人。I hate those who bite their thumbs at oth-
ers only because they are rich•再比如:如果你老是瞧不起别人,别人也会瞧
不起你。If you keep on biting your thumb at others, others will do the same to

1.1 can’t understand why she (he) is always biting his (her) thumb at...
2.Someone bites his (her) thumb at all those who are ...

[124] to be to blame for ... ...应负责任;因".应受到责备

例句:Who is to blame for this social disorder? Is the government to

blame or are the citizens to blame?谁应该对这种社会混乱现象

注:短语to be to blame for something是个常用的句式,主要用来表示“对…

Who is to blame for breaking the window?再比如:谁应该对这样巨大的损失负
责? Who is to blame for such a big loss?

].Who is to blame for …?
2.It is …who should be to blame for such a …

[125 ] to be a blank on the subject of …对…(科目)毫无研究

例句:In teaching English, she is not a bad teacher, but she is a blank on
the subject of teaching methodology and linguistics and, she should
have studied psychology, too.在英语教学方面她也许是个不错

注:blank作名词用,意为“空白”,“空白处”或“空格”。短语to be a blank
on the subject of ...常用来表示“对…毫无研究”的意思。例如:我对爱默生
毫无研究。I'm a blank on the subject of Emerson.再比如:她对财会学毫无研
究,所以她不适合干这个工作。She’s blank on accounting, so she’s not fit for
the job.

1. Someone is a blank on …,so ...
2. She’s so…at ...,but she is a blank on …

[126 ] to blind someone to something 使某人看不到某物

例句: One’s love for a person often blinds him to the imperfection to the
beloved and to the “faults” he or she has had. 一个人爱上另一个

注:blind作动词用,意思是“使…看不到”。短语to blind someone to some-

如:他因爱慕她的美丽而看不到她的缺点。His admiration for her beauty blinded
him to her faults.再比如:由于你骄傲,所以你看不清事实的真相了。Your
pride blinds yourself to the reality.
1. Something tends to blind people to ...
2. You must be watchful of , for it may blind you to ...

[127 ] to make someone’s blood boil 使某人无比愤怒

例句:The government’s inability to wage a counterattack on the hostile

country has made the citizens’ blood boil and they are thinking of
organizing a protest against the incompetence of the government.

注:to make someone’s Wood boil从字面上来看好像是“使某人热血沸腾”,但

虐待老人,她感到无比愤慨。Their cruelty to the aged made her blood boil.再比
如:学生的无礼使她怒火中烧。The students’ rudeness made her blood boil.

1. The ... made my blood boil and I could no longer ...
2. The ... had made all the citizens’ blood boil, and it enraged ...

[128] to put a blot on…使…留下污点;损害…的名誉

例句:The general manager’s love affair with the film star put a blot on
his copybook and therefore, he had not only degraded himself, but
also done great harm to the company’s image.总经理和那个电影

注:to put a blot on something的字面意思是“给某事增加了一个污点”,即

私奔给他们的家族抹 了黑。Mr. Gorge felt that his son’s elopement with their
— 75 —
maid put a blot on the family.再比如:他的叛国使国家蒙受了耻辱。His betray¬
al put a blot on the nation.请注意:与 blot —词搭配的动词还有 leave a blot on
(留下污点),remove a blot from (除掉耻辱),wipe out a blot (除去污点)等。

1. If you …,you will certainly put a blot on …
2. He (she) put a blot on ... by ...

[129 ] to blush for…因…而感到脸红

例句:Even today he would still blush for the remarics he made during his talk
with the girl, and he could bite his tongue off whenever he thinks of

注:to blush for something意为“为某事而感到脸红”或因害羞、激动、困窘、

George blushed for his not being able to answer the teacher’s question.再比如:
她一和男孩子说话就会脸红。She blushes whenever she speaks to boys.

1. Someone blushed for not being able to ...
2.Someone would blush whenever …

[130 ] to get bogged down in …深深陷入…

例句: The company get bogged down in financial crisis and many other
companies have therefore broken ties with it.该公司深深陷入了

注:to get bogged down in something是个常用的短语,意为“深深陷入”。例

如:坦克陷人沼泽之中。The tanks got bogged down in the mud.再比如:他们
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的计划已陷入困境之中。Their scheme got bogged down in difficulties.

1. They are already bogged down in ...
2. He said that he had already got bogged down in …

[131 ] to make no bones about…对…毫不犹豫;毫不掩饰地…

I?1】句:She made no bones about her intimate relations with the general
manager and sometimes she even seems to have a sense of pride
just because of it.她毫不掩饰与总经理的亲密关系。有时,

注:to make no bones about something是一条常用的口语习语,其意思是“对

毫不犹豫地把他开除了。They dismissed him and made no bones about it.再比
如:她会把她对你的看法说出来,而且一定会直言不讳。She'll teli what she
thinks of you, and would make no bones about it.再比如:他毫不隐讳自己是自
私的。He makes no bones about his being selfish.

1. She would make no bones about …even ...
2. Someone makes no bones about …and that’s why …

[132 ] to boost the price of …提高…的价格

例句:If the packaging of the product can be further improved, it may

help boost the price of it by a big margin.如果该产品的包装能

注:boost意为“推动”或“提高”,to boost the price of something就是用来表


—11 —
价格。The media’s condemnation of the woman writer has nevertheless boosted
the price of her books.

1. That’s help boost the price of ... rather than do damage to ...
2.Someone did ... in order to help boost the price of ...

[133 ] to be bored with…对…感到厌倦

例句: The little girl seems to be bored with living with her grandparents
and therefore, her grandfather is trying his best to arouse her inter¬
est in the place by buying her whatever she likes.看来那个小女

注:to be bored with something意为“对某事感到厌倦”或“已厌烦某事”。例

如:我的讲座比较长,所以希望你不要感到不耐烦。My lecture is pretty long,
and I hope you’ll not be bored with it.再比如:很多人已对城市生活感到厌倦。
Many people have got bored with their life in the city.

1. Someone seems to be bored with ...
2. Most people tend to get bored with .. . if ...

[134] to speak one’s bosom freely 畅所欲言,倾诉衷肠

例句: When I am with her, I always seem to be able to speak my bosom

freely. I feel totally at home with her, without any restraints.我
to speak one’s bosom freely表示“畅所欲言”,“倾吐衷肠”或“想说什么就说
畅所欲言。I like the annual get-together of old friends when everyone can speak
his bosom freely.再比如:当你和那个老师在一起的时候,总觉得不敢和他说
心里话。When you are with that teacher, you always feel strained and dare not
speak your bosom freely.

1. When . . . you always feel at ease and like speaking your bosom freely
2.Only with those who are . . . does she like to speak her bosom freely

[135] to bother oneself about…为…大伤脑筋;为…费心

例句:Many parents today have to bother themselves about their children.

They’re especially worried about their going off the beams and
dooming their own future.当今很多父母不得不为他们的子女

注:to bother oneself about something是个常用的口语表达法,意为“为某事

大伤脑筋。He is bothered about how to explain to his girlfriend why he broke the
appointment.再比如:他正在为他的那篇论文大伤脑筋。He's bothering himself
about his essay.

1. You don’t have to bother yourself about ...
2. Why do you bother yourself about ... when ... ?

[136 ] to know no bounds 无限,无止境

例句:His lust for bucks knows no bounds and he is after fame and mate¬
rial gains by hook or by crook.他的贪财之欲实无止境,而且

他的野心是无止境的。There are no bounds to his ambition.短语 to know no

美的表演赞美不已。The admiration of the audience for their perfect performance

knew no bounds•再比如:人们对金钱的追求是无止境的。Man's love for bucks
knows no bounds.

1. Someone is very ...,and his (her) knows no bounds.
2. Someone’s ... knows no bounds, therefore •

[137 ] to brace oneself for…为…做好思想准备;准备…

例句:The local government asked the local people to well brace them-
selves for fighting the flood.当地政府号召人们为抗洪做好充

注:brace用作动词,意为“支持”,“支撑”或“使绷紧”。短语to brace one¬

self for something 表示 “为某事做好思想准备”或“准备好干某事”。例如:全

城的人都为可能再次发生地震做好广思想准备。The city braced itself for a pos¬

sible new quake.再比如:他已做好了辞职的思想准备。He braced himself for

1.Someone has already braced himself (herself) for ...
2. Nothing came to someone as a surprise, as he (she) already braced
himself (herself) for ..:

[138] to bracket…with…把…与…相提并论

例句:I know you have taken pains in the project, but you can’t bracket
your pains with the mistakes you have done.我知道你为该工程


“用括号括起”的意思。短语to bracket something with something的字面意思是

bracket me with him just because we were graduated from the same school •再比
如:琼斯是班上的捣蛋鬼之一,不可以把他和我儿子相提并论。Jones is one
of the mischief-makers of the class. You can’t bracket him with my son.

1. You can,t bracket .. . with . ..,for they are ...
2. Don’t bracket . . . with . . . just because they are ...

[139 ] to put a brake on ...对…加以限制

例句:To encourage the development of national enterprises, we may as

well put a brake on import.为T鼓励国内企业的发展,我们不


短语to put a brake on something表示“对…加以限制”或“对某事进行了有效
的控制”等意。例如:政府已对通货膨胀进行了有效的控制。The government
has put an effective brake on inflation.再比如:你必须限制他们,不让他们吃
过多油腻的食品。You must put a brake on their intake of too much greasy food.

1. To do ...,someone put a brake on …
2. One must put a brake on .. . and make sure that ...

[140] to brand someone as ...称某人是…;指责某人为…

例句:Most teachers brand the principal as a man without principle and

clear-cut opinions.大多数的老师指责校长是个没有原则和鲜

动物身上”或“加商标于货物”。由此,短语to brand someone as something 用
思。比如:那些行为已为他加上盗贼的臭名。Those actions have branded him
as a thief.再比如:在野党谴责首相是个没有原则的人。The opposition parties
are branding the premier as a man without principle.

1. Someone brands something as ...
2. Something is often branded as ...

[141 ] to widen the breach between ... and ...加大…与…之


例句:The event widened the breach between the two factions of the par¬
ty. 这一事件扩大了该党两派之间的裂缝。

注:breach为名词,常表tk友好关系的“决裂”或“裂痕”。短语to widen the

breach between…and…意思是“加大…与…之间的隔阂”。例如:这次争
吵加大了约翰和乔治之间的隔阂。The quarrel widened the breach between John
and George.

1. If you .. .,you are likely to widen the breach between . .. and
2.Something (someone) has widened the breach between .. . and .. •

[142 ] to be a different breed of cat from ……和…不是一回事

例句:Rose is a different breed of cat from Jane. The former is active

while the latter is quiet.罗斯和琼完全不是同一类人。如一个

注:breed作名词用,是“种类”,“属性”或“血统关系”等意思。短语to be
a different breed of cat from…比喻“…和…不是一回事”。例如:虽然生于同
一时代,惠特曼和狄更斯却完全不同。Although they were of the same times,
Whitman and Dickinson were a different breeds of cat from each other.再比如:

How could you compare the two of them? John is a different breed of cat from


1. You cannot conpare A with B, for A is a different breed of cat from B.
2. Although A and B shares similarities in . ..,A is actually a different
breed of cat from B.

[143 ] to lay a gold bridge for …为…留一条退路

例句:When you bawled at your son in rage, shouting that you would
break up with him, you forgot to lay a gold bridge for yourself •当

注:bridge作名词用,意思是“桥,,。短语a gold bridge,或a bridge of gold意

为“体面的退路,’或“容易实行的脱身之计”。因此,to lay a gold bridge for
的答复。想必他是为自己留一条退路好和我们继续讨价还价。丨know why he
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refused to give us a definite answer. I must be that he was trying to lay a gold
bridge for his further bargaining with us.

1. Some did ... not to ... but to lay a gold bridge for ...
2. You must lay a gold bridge for . . . when

[ 144 ] to bring ... under control对…加以控制;使…得到控制

例句:At present, many governments are going out of their way to protect

the natural environments from being further polluted, but it seems

too late to bring pollution under effective control.目前很多国家
使污染得到有效控制看来是为时已晚。 ’一

注:to bring something under control是个常用的句式,其意思是“对…加以控

制”,“使…得到控制”或“控制住…,,。例如:火势终于被控制住了。The fire
was finally brought under control.再比如:警察最后终于使骚乱得以控制。
police had finally brought the riot under control.

1. Someone had finally brought . . . under control.

2. They found it was too late for them to bring ... under perfect control.

[145 ] to have no brow of •..对…没有好感,对…印象不好

例句:It is strange that those whom we Chinese have no brow of are usu-

ally highly spoken of or highly respected in one or two other cul-


国家中倒大受推崇或尊敬。 '

注:brow是名词,意为“眉”或“眉毛”。to have no brow of someone是个常

等。例如:乔治对他女儿爱上的那个小伙子没有好感。George had no brow of
the young fellow his daughter fell in love with.再比如:老教授对原来的校长没
The old professor had no brow of the former principal, so when he heard people
talking about him again, he would either turn a deaf ear or just leave the place.

1. Although many people adore . ..,someone has no brow of .. •
2. He has no brow of ...,so he doesn’t like to ...

[146] to brush…aside把…搁置一边;扫除,排除…

例句: The principal said that he placed much weight on suggestions put
forward by teachers and all those that are concerned with the reform
of education, but when we forwarded our suggestions, he’d just
brush them aside and we no longer hear from him about his opin¬
ions. 该校长说他非常重视老师们和所有关心教育改革的人

注:brush用作动词,意为“刷”,“拂”或“掸”。短语to brush something

除”等意思。请看下面的例句: 1.他把报纸放到一边。He brushed the papers
aside. 2.总经理很固执,他对我们的反对意见置之不理,仍是坚持他那个错
误的决定。The general manager was very stubborn. He brushed aside all our ob¬
jections and insisted on his wrong decision. 3.我们排除一切障碍,终于完成了
我们的计划。We finally brushed all obstacles aside and fulfilled our plan.

1. In order to ...,someone brushed ….aside and concentrated on ...
— 85 —
2.He brushed . . . aside, thinking that ...

[147 ] to buckle down to…认真干起…;努力从事…

例句:Having realized the significance of the project and the prospects of

it, he soon brushed aside all other things and began to buckle down
to the project.他意识到该工程的重要性及其光明的前景,所

注:buckle作动词用,意为“以扣环扣住”,短语to buckle down to something

始着手写一本关于此次旅行的书。As soon as he returned from Tibet, he buck¬
led down to writing a book on the travel.再比如:如果你认为这件事值得干,那
你就应该开始干起来并争取把它干好。If you think the job is worth your efforts,
you should buckle down to it and do it well.

1. As soon as …,someone buckled down to…and ...
2. You must buckle down to ... instead of ...

[148 ] to keep oneself busy with …使自己忙于…

例句:I know why she keeps herself busy with all the housework. I guess
she is trying to buiy herself in work in order to avoid the miseries
of feeling lonely.我知道她为什么一直不停地干家务。我想她

注:短语to keep oneself busy with something是口语情景中常用的一个习惯用

语,其意思是“使自己忙于某事”。例如:这些天你在忙些什么? What are you
keeping yourself busy with these days?再比如:她总是手脚不停地忙着收拾屋
— 86 —
子或给她的丈夫做好吃的,可是他的丈夫却一点儿也不领情。She always
keeps herself busy with tidying up the room and preparing her husband’s favorites,
but her husband doesn’t seem to appreciate all her efforts.

1. In order to avoid . . ., someone keeps himself (herself) busy with ...
2. Someone keeps himself (herself) busy with just to ...

[149 ] to have capacities for…有…的能力,有能力做…

例句:Those who have capacities for learning a foreign language are nine
out of ten marvelous at adjusting themselves to his new living en¬
vironments .And these people, I find, are usually more successful
in their communication with people around them than those who do
not have gifts for language.那些有学习外语才能的人十有八九

注:capacity是名词,意为“能力”,“能量”或“才能”等。短语to have ca¬

pacities for something 常用来表示 “有干某事的能力”或“有能力干某事”的
意思。例如:能够努力工作的人往往有更多获得成功的机遇。People who
have a capacity for hard work normally have more chances to succeed.再比如:
她让父母相信她有能力照顾好自己。She assured her parents that she had defi¬
nite capacities for looking after herself.

1. People who have capacities for ... are usually more ...
2. Someone assured ... that she (he) had capacities for ...

[150] to make a career of…在…方面有所建树;以…为生涯

例句:She was trying to make a career of the rug trade,but to her

— 87 —
dismay, luck was not going for her.她试图在服装业干出个大

注:career•是名词,意为“生涯”,“职业”或“谋生之道”。短语to make a
career of •. •表示“在…方面有所建树”或“以…为生涯”等意。例如:富兰
克林开始是个印刷工人,后来却以政治为生涯。Franklin started as a printer,
but made a career of politics.再比如:她决心把教书作为他终生的事业。She
was determined to make a career of teaching.

1. She wanted to make a career of , but she found it very hard to…
2.If you want to make a career of . . • you must ...

[151] to be careful with ...当心(留意)…;对…很仔细

例句:Some politicians are extremely careful with their words, and they
seldom touch the tender spot of those people they are talking with.
And in most cases they lay a gold bridge for further communication
with them.有些政客说话小心谨慎,跟别人说话时生怕戳到

注:careful是形容词,意为“小心的”,“细致的”或“仔细的”。短语to be
careful with…表示“当心…”,“留意…”或“对…很仔细”等意。例如:要
小心那只狗,不知道它什么时候会咬你一*口。Be careful with the dog. You do
not know when it may bite you_再比如:彼德花钱很吝啬,从不给别人买饮料。
Peter is very careful with his money, never buying a drink for anyone.

1. You must be very careful when doing ...
2.Someone is very careful with . . .,never ...

— 88 —
[152 ] to carry someone back to…使某人想起…

例句:Freud was trying to carry the patient back to her childhood so as to

help her call out her miserable memories, but he failed to do so.

注:carry someone back to ...表示“使某人想起…”。例如:这首歌使我想起

大学生活。This song carries me back to my college life.再比如:她怎么也想不
起来那辆出租车的颜色和那个司机的长相。Nothing could help to carry her back
to the color of the cab and the looks of the cab driver.

1. Something carried someone back to …where ...
2. Something instantly carried someone back to…when ...

[153 ] to cash in on ...占…的便宜;趁机利用…

例句:I knew she was trying to cash in on me for a special favor, so I in¬
stantly became alert and kept her at bay.我知道她是为了一种特

注:to cash in on someone是个口语中常用的习惯用语,主要用来表示“占某

例如:这家出版社靠这本畅销书赚了大钱。This publishing house cashed in on
the best seller.再比如:他可能会打你的小算盘,然后从你那儿捞一笔。He
might cash in on you and then strike a bargain.

1. Someone tried to cash in on someone
2.1 didn’t know that he (she) would cash in on you.

[154 ] to cast a cloud over…给…蒙上一层阴影

例句:She has forgiven her husband for her love affair with the general
manager, but it still cast a cloud over their marriage life.她已经

注:cast a cloud over ...意思是“给…蒙上一层阴影”。例如:这次会谈的失

败为两国关系的发展蒙上一层阴影。The failure of this meeting cast a cloud over
the development of the bilateral relations between the two countries.再比如:虽
系蒙上了一层阴影。 Although neither of the two had taken the quarrel too much to
heart, it nevertheless had cast a cloud over their relation with each other.

1. Although . . .,something still cast a cloud over ...
2.Something cast a cloud over . . •,which is likely to . . •

[155 ] to cast in one’s lot with …与…共命运

例句:We know we all cast in our lot with the fate of the republic, so we
are more concerned with its economic development and the prosper¬
ity of the country than anything else.我们深知我们都与共和国

或“运气”。短语to cast in one’s lot with •表示“与…共命运”的意思。例
如:华盛顿很g有,但他决定与殖民地共命运, 一 起与英国对抗。Washington
was rich, but he decided to cast in his lot with the colonies against Britain.再比
如:他站在新兴的左派力量一边并与之共命运。He cast in his lot with the rising
left forces.请注意:有时cast也可以用动词throw代替。
1 .No matter what we ... we all cast in our lot with ...
2. Although . ..,someone decided to cast in his (her) lot with ...

[156 ] to play cat and mouse with…与…玩猫捉老鼠的游戏

例句:The general of that country didn’t want to be involved in playing cat

and mouse with the U.N. troops.该国的那位将军不想和联合

注:to play cat and mouse with ...是现代英美报刊中在讨论世界政局或军事行

如:警察决定对那个小贼采取欲擒故纵的手法。The policeman decided to play
cat and mouse with the thief.再比如:在这个问题上我可不想和你玩猫捉老鼠
的游戏。丨 don’t want to play cat and mouse with you on this issue.

1. It was obvious that ... and ... were only playing cat and mouse with ...
2. He didn’t want to play cat and mouse with ... on the issue of ...

[157 ] to be certain of…确信…;对…有把握

例句:She said that she was certain of her ability to get the contract, but
she was not sure if she could make them increase the volume of the
contract. 她说她有能力而且完全有把握得到这一个合同,但

注:certain是形容词,意为“确定的”,“无疑的”或“有把握的”。to be cer-
tain of something是常用的短语,表^K “确信某事”或“对某事有把握的意
思。例如:我相信我们会得到他们的支持。I'm certain of getting their support.
再比如:她说她有把握得到老板的同情和理解。She said that she was certain
of the boss' sympathy and understanding.请注意:有时 to be certain 后也可川介
— 91 —
词about。比如:我确信他们是真诚地愿意帮助我们搞这个工程的。丨was cer¬
tain about their sincerity and willingness to help us in the project.

1.Someone is too certain of , but he (she) didn’t know that ...
2. Someone seemed to be certain of ...

[158] to chalk ... up to…把…归因于…

例句:Many doctors and medical researchers have chalked these diseases

up to polluted water people drink.很多医生和医学研究者把这

注:chalk作动词用,意为“用粉笔写或画”。短语chalk ... up to ...是个固

于缺少练习。It was a poor performance, and may be chalked up to lack of prac-
tice•再比如:他把他第一次生意的失败归因于经验不足。He chalked his failure
in the first attempt at business up to lack of experience.

1. Many ... chalk ... up to ...
2. You can’t always chalk ... up to ...,for •..

[159] to be characteristic of…所特有的…;…的特征

例句:Fearing to die and selfishness are generally characteristic of most

Americans and this is apparent not only in what they do, but also
in what they say. 一般来说,怕死和自私是大多数美国人的

短语to be characteristic of…表示“所特有的…”,“是…的特征”或“是…特
— 92 ——
有的本性”等意。例如:思维能力是人类所特有的Q The capacity to think is
characteristic of human beings.再比如:三月份多风是北京的特征。Windy days
are characteristic of March in Beijing.

1. Something is characteristic of …
2. Doing ... is usually characteristic of those who ...

[160 ] to charm someone into doing ...哄骗某人去干…

例句:She is able to charm almost any man into believing that she truly
loves him, and this is the reason why she has been able to twist
them all around little fingers.她有能力哄骗几乎任何一个男人

注:charm是动词,意为“吸引”,“迷住”或“使陶醉”。短语to charm some¬

one into doing ... 表示“哄骗某人做某事”或“诱哄某人做某事”的意思。例
如:他女儿诱哄他给她买了一辆小汽车。His daughter charmed him into buying
her a car.再比如:女郎哄骗门卫告诉她总统住在哪个房间。The lady charmed
the guard into telling her which room the president lived.

1 • It was obvious that someone was trying to charm someone into doing …
2.1 tried to charm him (her) into . . . , but she (he) refused to ...

[161 ] to cheat someone into doing ...骗某人去做(干)…

例句:She was trying to cheat me into believing that I was the only man
she loves, but I soon saw through her.她试图骗我相信她只爱

注:cheat是动词,意为“欺骗”或“骗取”。短语to cheat someone into doing
爸爸来接她去火车站的。The man cheated the girl into believing that he came to
pick her up to the railway station on her father’s behalf.再比如:我知道他是在骗
我想让我放松对他的警惕。丨 knew that he was trying to cheat me into losing my
vigilance on him.

1. Someone was trying to cheap someone into…
2.1 didn’t believe that she could cheat me into…

[162 ] to take good cheer from…因…而感到振奋

例句: We all took good cheer from the news that our company has ob¬
tained several major contracts from some European dealers.当我

注:cheer是名词,意为“心情”或“情绪”。短语to take good cheer from

“因某事而振作起来”。例如:大家听带这一消息后都感到很振奋。We all took
good cheer from the news.再比如:看来他们对你告诉他们的那条消息并未感
到很激动。They didn’t seem to be taking good cheer from the news you had told

1. Someone didn’t seem to take good cheer from ...
2. They all took good cheer from ...

[163 ] to get something off one’s chest 把憋在心里的话说出来

例句:It was apparent that she was trying to get something off her chest,
but your disinterest in carrying on the talk put a damper on her ea¬
gerness to speak her mind out.很显然,她是想跟你说说憋在心

注:chest是名词,意为“胸”或“胸腔”。短语to get something off one’s

你有什么烦心事,最好把它说出来。If something's bothering you, you'd better
get it off your chest.再比如:男人往往在喝醉酒的时候才能倾吐心中的憋闷。
It is often when men are drunk that they can get their annoyance off their chest.

1.1 advised someone to get ... off his (her) chest, so that ...
2.If I were you, I would go and find someone to get ... off my chest

[164 ] to put a chill into someone 使某人大为扫兴

例句:The department’s Chairman’s remarks at the meeting had put a chill

into most of the teachers who were enthusiastic about the teaching



语to put a chill into someone意为“使某人扫兴”或“使某人心奴”。例如:这
个消息使大家的心凉了半截。The news put a chill into all of us.再比如:取消
野餐的决定扫了孩子们的兴。The decision to cancel the picnic put a chill into the
children.请注意:我们还可以用to cast a chill over someone来表示“对某人泼

cast a chill over their enthusiasms.

1. Something seemed to have put a chill into . . . and make them ...
— 95 —
2.1 don’t want to put a chill into ... by ...

[165 ] cannot choose but…非…不可;只好…

例句:Such being the case, they could not but give up the project.事情

注:choose是动词,意为“选择”。cannot choose but ...是个固定搭配,意

有办法,只好接受她的邀请。He could not choose but accept her invitation.再
比如:上夜班时,她不得不把孩子留给邻居照看。She cannot choose but leave
her baby to the care of her neighbor when working on night shift.

1. Under such circumstances, one cannot choose but ...
2.In such a situation, you cannot choose but ...

[166 ] to run close to . • _可同…媳美;与…不相上下

例句:In color TV manufacturing technology, no other companies can

possibly run close to that of Sony, and even National is still one
notch below Sony technology.在彩色电视机的生产工艺方面,

注:to run close to ...的字面意思是“跑得接近于…”,引申为“可同…媲美”

牌的电冰箱媳美。The quality of our refrigerators runs close to that of almost al!
Japan-made refrigerators.再比如:我们的有些产品也许能比得上德国的产品,
Some of our products may run close to German-made products, but we must admit
that most of our products are far from being near their products.

— 96 —
1. Although ... runs close to ...,it still leaves much room for inprovement.
2. …is obviously running close to…,though ...

[167 ] to coat…with…给…涂上一层…

句:Some scientists are thinking of coating TV screens with a layer of

some special material that may help reduce the harm done by the X-

漆。He coated the table with red paint.请注意:这一短语常用作被动语态。例
如:他们想给药片裹上一层糖衣。The pill was desired to be coated with sugar.

1. You should coat . . . with . . . instead of ...
2. It will look much better if it is coated with ...

[168 ] to make a collection for ...为…而募捐

例句:The company is presently making a collection for an employee who

is in critical condition.这几天公司正在为一'个生命垂危的雇

注:collection意为“收集”或“募捐”。短语to make a collection for…是

The class made a collection for their classmate who had contracted leukemia, if
注意:此语中的make还可用take up代替,形成take up a collection for…的
句式。比如:学生们正打算为灾民搞募捐。The students are thinking of taking
up a collection for the disaster-stricken people.
— 97 —
1. Someone is thinking of making a collection for ...
2. They decided to take up a collection for …

[169 ] to come to terms with…与…达成协议;慢慢习惯于…

例句:After several rounds of talks, they had finally come to terms with
each other on their boundary issues.经过几轮谈判之后,他们

come to terms with someone意为“与某人达成协议”。例如:他们与对方终于
达成了协议。They have finally come to terms with their counterparts.请注意:此
解。When your parents start quarrelling, you should try to help them to come to
实。We have to come to terms with reality.再比如:她已慢慢学会听天由命了。
She has come to terms with her fate.

1 .After, they have finally come to terms with . . . on ...
2.It’s unlikely that they will come to terms with ... on ...

[170 ] to be commensurate with ...与…相称(相当,相同)

例句:His speech is largely not commensurate with his status as a profes¬

sor. 他的言词与教授的身份很不相称。

的”。短语to be commensurate with ...常用来表示“与…相称”,“与…相当”
或“与…相差无几”的意思。请看下面的例句: 1.你所得的薪水与你所做的
— 98 —
工作相称吗? Is your pay commensurate with the work you did? 2.男女应同工同
酬。A woman’s pay should be commensurate with that of a man who does the
same work. 3.6码相当于18英尺。Six yards is commensurate with eighteen

1. If one ...,his ... will not be commensurate with ...
2. Something should be commensurate with ...

[171 ] to be committed to ...致力于…;保证…;受…的束缚

例句:This company has always been committed to promoting cultural ex¬

changes between China and the United States and providing China
with up-to-date information in modem technology.该公司一直致

语 to commit oneself to ...或 to be committed to ...均用来表本“致力于…”,
“保证…”或“受…的束缚”之意。请看下面的例句: 1.我们必须致力于现代
农业的研究。We must commit ourselves to the research of modern farming. 2.
你应该保证能参加会议。You must be committed to attending the meeting. 3•多
年来,阿伦一直投身于为妇女争取平等权力的活动之中。Allan has been com¬
mitted to equal rights for women for many years now. 4.他不想对任何党派作岀
承诺。He doesn’t want to be committed to any party or faction.

1. Someone has always been committed to ...
2. Someone doesn’t want to be committed to ...

[172 ] to part company with ...和…分手 (告别)

例句: When his theory won international recognition, he parted with most
of his colleagues .当他的理论在国际上得到广泛承认时,他就

注:company意为“伴随”,“陪伴”或“交往”。短语to part company with

如:桑德拉在岀国之前就和她的男朋友分手了。Sandra parted company with
her boyfriend before going abroad.再比如:那次争论之后,约翰和保罗就分道
扬镳 r。谁也没有再见到过对方。After that quarrel, John and Paul parted com¬
pany and didn’t see each other again.此外,part company with 也有“和某人意
见有分歧”之意。例如:在这点上我不能同意您的意见。On this point I'm
afraid I must part company with you.

1. When (After) . . .,someone parted company with ...
2. Someone soon parted company with ... in the research of ...

[173] to be comparable to…可以与…相比;比得上…

例句:No literature after 1960s can be comparable to that before 1960s.


to be comparable to ...常用来表示“可以与…相媲美”或“比得上…”等意
思。例如:论舒适,洞穴是比不上房屋的。A cave is not comparable to a house
for comfort.再比如:这顿饭可以和最好的法国烹任娘美。This dinner is com¬
parable to the best French cooking.

1. No…can be comparable to ...
2.In terms of ...,something can be comparable to ...

[174 ] compare ... with…把…与…做一比较

例句:If you compare Sally’s paper with Mark’s thesis, you will find that
they share a lot of things in common.如果你把萨莉的论文和马

you compare what he said with what he does, you may come to the conclusion that
he’s not consistent.请注意:此结构中的A和B必须指同类事物,其词性也应
professor compared the seventeenth century French drama with classical Greek
You can't compare Lisa with Rose, for they are from different family backgrounds.

1. If you compare . . . with . • .,you may find that A is ... than B.
2.Something cannot be compared with . . .,for ...

[175 ] conceal …from ...对…隐瞒…

例句:If you look in her eyes when talking with her, you may find it very
hard to conceal from her what you want to keep from her.和她谈

注:此结构既可用作主动语态,也可用作被动语态。例如:He wanted to con¬

ceal something from me.他想对我隐瞒一些事。The small house was concealed
from the road by a mass of trees.这座小房子被一片树给挡住f,从马路上看
隐瞒事实真相了。She felt that she shouldn’t conceal the truth from her husband
any longer.再比如:为了避免发生社会动荡,国王去世的消息对外封锁f两
一 101 一
个月。The death of the king was concealed from the public for two months in order
to avoid any public disorder.

1. Someone was trying to conceal ... from ...,but he finally unable to…
2. Someone doesn’t want to conceal ... from ...,as ...

[176 ] take ... into one’s confidence 和…推心置腹的谈话,对


例句:Nowadays it is very hard for you to take anyone into your confi¬
dence .这年月要想找个能说说知心话的人是很难的了。

注:take ... into one’s confidence的字面意思是“使…进入某人的信任之中”,

引申为“能和…推心置腹”或“能完全信任…”。比如:You are the only one I
can take into my confidence.你是惟一我能完全信任的人。

1.One can hardly take . . . into his (her) confidence.
2.Someone is afraid of taking . . . into his (her) confidence.

[177] to be confined to…被限制在…,局限于…

例句:The learning of English by most Chinese students is largely con¬

fined to grammar rules and memorizing new words,few go to the
depth of the language and get the cultural and communicative
meanings of the words they learn.多数中国学生学习英语时局

注:to be confined to ...是个常用的句式,其意思是“被限制在…,,或“局限

于…”。请看下面的例句: 1.他因流感而卧床不起。He’s confined to bed with
the flu. 2.我们今天的话题只限于对这概念的重新定义。Our today’s topic can
only be confined to redefining the concept. 3.他的交往被限制在很小的范围之
内。He is confined to a very small circle of people for communication.请注意:
confine—词还可用于 to confine something in (within)...的句式。比如:她的
活动仅限于教育界。She confines her activities only in education.

1. Someone is confined to ... because ...
2. Something can only be confined to ...

[178 ] to conform to _ ■•与-'致;遵守(遵循,遵照)…

例句:In theory, the size of one’s pay should conform to how much job
he does but in practice, one’s pay does not always conform to that

注:to conform to ...是个一词多义的常用短语,其意思是“与…相符(吻合,

一致)”,“符合…”,或“遵循(按照)…”等。例如: 1.他言行不一。What
he does doesn’t conform to what he says. 2.他说这批货物的质量与样品不符。
He said that the quality of the goods didn’t conform to the sample. 3.警察最后发
现门上的指纹与鲍勃的指纹完全吻合。The police finally found that the fingerprint
on the door conforms perfectly to Bob’s fingerprint. 4.在本书中我将通篇遵循这
一习惯用法。I shall conform throughout this book to this customary usage.

2. Something doesn’t conform to what one ...
1. Someone found that ... conformed perfectly to ...

[179 ] to be confronted with ...面临…,面对…

例句:Companies in computer technology throughout the world are obvi¬
ously confronted with more and more serious challenges and people
managing these companies commonly feel that their future is not as-

be confronted with something是个常用的固定搭配,其意思是“面临•",,,“面
对…”或“在…之前”。请看下面的例句: 1.他说他们厂的很多工人都面临被
解雇的危险。He says that many workers of the factory are confronted with the dan¬
ger of being unemployed. 2•我们所面临的形势是严峻的。The situation we're
confronted with is rather severe. 3.他向我保证他有能力克服眼前的一切困难。
He assured me that he could overcome all the difficulties he is confronted with.

1. When being confronted with . . .,someone is ...
2.Someone says that ... is already confronted with ...

[ 180 ] to congratulate someone on ...因…向某人表示祝贺,祝


例句:We are writing to warmly congratulate you on the remarkable

achievements you have made in the field of psychology and to let
you know how happy we are to hear of the news.您在心理学领

注:to congratulate someone on something是写祝贺信时常用的一个句式。此语

请看下面的例句: 1.他的亲戚和朋友都为他通过了这次入学考试向他表示祝
一 104 一
贺0 All his relatives and friends congratulated her for having passed the entrance
examination. 2.人们都祝贺这位教授为教育事业所做岀的重要贡献。The pro¬
fessor was congratulated for his valuable contribution to the field of education. 3.
她祝贺自己的男朋友被提升到他梦寐以求的职位。She congratulated her boy¬
friend on his promotion to the position he had craved.请注意:当跟随 congratu-
late —词之后的是反身代词oneself时,其意思就成了 “庆幸自己…”。比如:
他庆幸自己没有卷到这件事情里去。He congratulated himself on not having in¬
volved himself in the case.

1. I’m writing to congratulate you on ...
2.Someone congratulated himself (herself) on ...

[181 ] to be connected with…和…有关,与…有联系

例句:It is said that the sudden disappearance of the football star is closely
connected with the running failures of his opponent team.据i兑球


注:connect作动词用,意为“联系”或“联接”。to be connected with some-

认为,他的辞职和他与那个电影名星的那种关系紧密相关。I think his resigna¬
tion is closely connected with his affair with the film star.再比如:他让我们大家
明白,学校的命运是和教师们的成功紧密联系在一起的。He assured all of us
that the fate of the university is closely connected with the success of the teachers.

1.Something is closely connected with …,though it doesn’t look like ...
2. We believe something is connected with ...

[182] to consider ... as ...把…看作是…,认为…是…

例句: It came quite as a surprise to all of us that he considered the misfor¬
tune as a blessing in disguise rather than a real misfortune.我 门大

注:consider是动词,意为“考虑”或“认为”。短语to consider... as ...常

的一个巨将。Most people consider Bacon as one of the towering giants in the field
of literature, though some people regard him as a great thinker. 再比如:我们都
认为约翰是竞选主席职位的最佳人选。We all consider John as a possible candi¬
date for the chairmanship. 请注意: considei•之后还常跟反身代词oneself,形成
to consider oneself as •• ■的句式。比如:他把自己看作是最能胜任这一职位的
人。He considered himself as being the most qualified for the position.

1. We all consider …as
2.Something is commonly considered as ...

[183] to take something into consideration 把某事考虑进去,


例句:When you compare our price with prices offered by other compa¬
nies ,please take into consideration the herbal elements we have
added to the medicine and the effect it produces on the diseases the
medicine is aimed at.当贵方把我们提供的价格与其他公司的

注:to take something into consideration也是一个常用的词组,其意思是“把某

—106 —
you are making an evaluation of their grades in their studies, please take their age
difference into consideration ■ Only by doing so can you increase the validity of your
evaluation.再比如:当时我没有把这种情况考虑进去。I didn’t take this situation
into consideration.

1. You must take ... into consideration when ...
2.Someone didn’t take . . . into consideration when ...

[184 ] to be consistent with •..与-•致,与…相符

例句:Your report on the happening is not consistent with what the wit¬
nesses of the incident have told me, and the difference comes to me
quite as a surprise.你对该事件发生经过的报告与目击者向我

或“始终如一的”。短语to be consistent with ...主要用来表示“与 ■致”
等意思。比如:这个政策符合公众的利益。This policy is consistent with the
common good of the people.再比如:如果你仔细读一读他的这篇论文,你就
会发现其中很多的观点是相互矛盾的。If you take a careful look at his thesis,
you may find that many of his arguments are not consistent with each other.

1. If you ..., you may find that something is not consistent with …
2.Something is undoubtedly consistent with ...

[185 ] to lose contact with ...与…失去 f 联系

例句:Two hours after the plane took off, the land had lost contact with
the plane and most of the ground workers had the jitters that the
plane might either be hijacked or crashed somewhere.飞机起在两
一 107 —

注:contact是名词,意思是“接触”或“联系”,因此,to lose contact with

失去了联系。Soon after the war broke out, he lost contact with his family in Chi-
na_再比如:不管你走到哪里,一定不要和我们失去联系。No matter where
you go, do not lose contact with us.请注意:与 contact—词有关的短语还有 to
be in contact with…和to be out of contact with…。前者的意思是“与…仍有
我和他的弟弟还会有联系的。If I’m out of contact with John, I'll still be in contact
with his younger brother.

1. Soon after ...,someone lost contact with ...
2. Whatever . • .,you can’t lose contact with ...

[186 ] to be contaminated with …被…污染

例句:Two experts have recently written to warn inhabitants living along

the Red River that the lower reaches of the river is badly contami¬
nated with wastes from two paper mills along the upper reaches of
the river.两位专家最近撰文,提醒住在红河两岸的居民注

注:contaminate是动词,意为“弄赃”或“污染”,所以,to be contaminated
with •••的意思就是“被…污染”。例如:据说这口井里的水已经被造纸厂排
出的废水给 W染 J。It’s said that this well is badly contaminated with the wastes
from the paper mill.再比如:有人已经指控该厂的厂长故意用化工废弃物污染
周围的环境 The boss of the paper mill is charged with intentionally contaminating

the environments with the factory's chemical wastes.

1. It’s found that ... is heavily contaminated with ...
2. According to . . . something is badly contaminated with ...

[187 ] to run counter to…与…相抵触,与…背道而驰

例句:It is obvious that the U.S. government’s recent decision to start a

war on that small country runs counter to the will of all Americans.

注:counter是副词,意为“反方向地”,“相反地”或“对立地”。短语to run
counter to ...的字面意思是“向相反的方向运转”,引申为“与…背道而驰”,
抵触的地步。The feelings of the common folks are to the point of running counter
to the wishes of the government .再比如:试验的结果与他的期望背道而驰。
The result of the test ran counter to his expectations.另外,此语中的动词 run 也
可以换成go或act,意思基本不变。比如: 1 .Things go counter to his wishes.
2.Don't act counter to what your parents wish you to.

1. Something is obviously running counter to ...
2. It is obvious that something runs counter to ...

[188] be covered with…被…覆盖着,覆盖着…

例句:The land is recovering from the sleepy winter and plants begin to
come to life while the top of the mountains are still covered with
thick white snow.大地从冬眠中苏醒,植物重显其勃勃生机,

注:cover是动词,意思是“盖”或“覆盖”。短语to be covered with ...则是

—109 —
地板上到处是血,一片狼籍时,他都惊呆了。He was taken aback at the sight
that the floor of the room was covered with blood and everything in the room went
haywire.再比如:战争结束后,所有的士兵满身是尘埃和血迹。When the bat¬
tle was over, all the soldiers were covered with blood stains and dusts.

1. To our ...,something is covered with ...
2. Someone covered something with ...

[189 ] to crack down on…严厉打击…,严厉制裁…,严惩…

例句:The local government is presently cracking down on crimes con¬

nected with embezzlement, taking and giving bribes and on crimes
connected with pollution.当地政府目前正在严厉打击贪污,

注:to crack down on something 或 to wage a crack-down on something 是个常用

…”。例如:我们必须严惩这类的犯罪活动。We must crack down on these
criminal activities.再比如:你必须严惩这些犯罪分子,对他们绝不能手软。
You must crack down on these criminals. You can’t go easy on these people.

1. The government is presently cracking down on …
2. We must crack down on such crimes as ...

[190 ] to give someone credit for ...应该承认某人的…;因…


例句:I know that the result of his experiments ran counter to your expec-
tations, and yet, you should still give him credit for the efforts he
had put in it and all the pains he had taken in order to make it fruit¬
ful. 我知道他的实验结果没有达到你的要求,可是他为了使

give someone credit for something的字面意思是“因某事给某人赞许或荣誉”,
数据和资料方面所付岀的努力给予了应有的承认。In the preface, the author
gives credit to three of his students and two colleagues for efforts they have made
in collecting data and materials for him.再比如:你应该考虑到她的年龄还很
小。其他像她这么大的女孩子还正在玩儿玩具呢。You should give her credit for
her young age. Other girls at her age are still playing with toys.

1. You should give ... credit for ...
2.In ...,someone gave ... credit for ...,though ...

[191 ] to criticize someone for •批评某人…,因…而批评某人

例句:Many outsiders were criticizing the U.S. Government for interfer¬

ing in the internal affairs of other countries, especially of the third
world countries.很多局外人批评美国政府干涉别国的内政,

注:to criticize someone for something的意思显而易见是“批评某人干某事”

或“因某事而批评某人”。请看下面的例句: 1.老板批评杰克把公司最近要发
动价格大战的计划泄露给其他的公司。The boss criticized Jack for giving mouth
to other companies about his company’s recent plan to launch a price war. 2.她总
是批评丈夫太邋遢。She is always criticizing her husband for being sloppy.另夕卜,
乔因玩忽职守而受到了严厉的批评。Joe was heavily criticized for falling asleep
at the switch.

1. Someone criticized …for …
2.Someone is criticized for ...

[192] to be cross with someone生某人的气,对某人很不高兴

例句:When he learned that his wife went out with that guy again, he was
quite cross with her, threatening her that he would divorce her if
she did it again.当她得知他的妻子又和那个家伙出去了的时

注:to be cross with someone的字面意思是“和某人处于交叉状态”,引申为

“生某人的气”或“对某人很不高兴”。比如:因为保罗约会迟到了 10分钟,
他的女朋友特别生气。Paul’s girlfriend was very cross with him, for he was ten
minutes late for his appointment•再比如:你不应该生她的气,她今年才刚刚8
岁呀。You shouldn’t be cross with her. She's but only eight.

1. Someone was very cross with ...,for ...
2.1 can’t figure out the reason why ... is cross with ...

[193] to be crowded with …挤满了...,充满了…

例句:When he came down from upstairs he saw the hall was crowded
with people whispering to each other, he intuitively realized that
something had happened.当他从楼上下来的时候,看到大厅

注:to be crowded with ...是个简单且常用的句式,其意思是“挤满了…”或

“充满了…”。请看下面的例句: 1 •这条街到处都是一流的商店。This street is
crowded with first class shops. 2•我到那儿时,银行里已经挤满了人。When I
got there, the bank was already crowded with people. 3.那位教授的办公室到处
者P塞满了书籍和杂志。The professor's office is crowded with books and journals.

1. When ... we found that . . . was already crowded with ...
2.Something is often crowded with . . .,especially when ...

[194 ] to be cut out for ...天生适合…

例句:Some people are cut out for doing mental work while others are
good only for doing manual labor, and this difference is the same
as trees,some of which bear fruits while others are good only for
the eye.有些人天生适合干脑力工作,有些人只能干体力活

注:to be cut out for ...是个口语中常用的句式,其意思是“天生适合干某

事”,“是干某事的材料”或“有某事所需的才能”。请看下面的例句: 1.他天
生不适合当老师。He's not cut out for teaching. 2.很显然,他是个天生适合做
领导工作的人。It’s obvious that he’s cut out for leadership roles. 3.她天生适合
当电影演员。She is cut out for acting in films.

1. Someone is especially cut out for ...
2.Someone said that he (she) was not cut out for …

[195 ] to speak daggers to •.恶语中伤…

例句: It’s hard to believe that the two parties who were kissing and hug¬
ging each other in the morning suddenly became hostile and began
to speak daggers to each other.使人难以相信的是,两派的人
—113 —

短语to speak daggers to ...意为“对…恶语中伤”或“辱骂…”。比如:两位
没有想到的。It came to us quite as a surprise that the two managers who had
been on very good terms suddenly became hostile and began to speak daggers to
each other.再比如:你为什么要辱骂她呢?她可从来没有在背后说过你的坏
话呀。Why should you speak daggers to her? She never speaks evil of you behind
your back.

1. It’s hard to believe that . . . was speaking daggers to those who ...
2 • It came to ... as a surprise that • . . even spoke daggers to ...

[196] to do damage to…有损于…,毁坏,损害…

例句:I know you were angiy, but your speaking daggers to her like that
would do great damage to your future relationship with her.我知

注:to do damage to ...是个常用的习惯用语,其意思是“有损于…”,“损害

•••”,“不利于…”或“对…造成很大的损害”。请看下面的例句: 1.这次的事
故对后面的车没有造成很大的损害。The accident didn't do much damage to the
rear car. 2.那将有损于你的形象。That will do great damage to your image. 3.
大群的蝗虫很容易对农作物造成很大的损害。Large swarms of locust can easily
do great damage to the crops. 4.这次地震对该市建筑所造成的损坏比以往任
何一次都大。This earthquake has done greater damage to the city's structures
than anyone proceeding one.

1. Something will do great damage to . •.
2. Something didn’t do any damage to ...

[197 ] to run the danger of…冒着…的危险

例句:He knew he was running the danger of getting caught by plain-

clothed police, but he insisted on trying his luck in order to get that
sum of money.他知道他是冒着被便衣警察逮住的危险,但

注:to run the danger of ...是个常用的句式,其中的danger也可换成risk,

救出 了里面的两个婴儿。The young soldier ran the danger of losing his life when
he plunged into the fire and brought out the two babies.再比如:一些毒品贩子宁
肯冒着被判死刑的危险,也决不放弃其危险的交易。Some drug dealers would
rather run the danger (risk) of being sentenced to death than give up their risky
dealings ■

1. Someone knew he (she) would be running the danger of …
2. You will run the danger of …if you …

[198] to keep someone in the dark about .不让某人知道有


例句:We’d better keep her in the dark about the death of her mother be¬
fore she gets home, or she will be collapsed at the news.在她到

注:to keep someone in the dark about something是个常用的习惯用语,其意思

——115 —
这笔钱的。The three kids decided to keep their parents in the dark about where
they got the money.我不知道为什么要向她隐瞒我们的下一步措施。丨don’t see
anything reason why we should keep her in the dark about our next step.

1. We are still kept in the dark about …
2.Someone decided to keep ... in the dark about ... for the time being

[199 ] to turn a deaf ear to…对…置若罔闻,把…当作耳旁风

0!l 句:He turned a deaf ear to my warning so he was taken to the cleaners
in the deal. He’s now regretting about not following my advice.他

注:to turn a deaf ear to ...的字面意思是“给某人一个聋耳朵”,引申为“把

1 •他们对我们的援助请求置之不理3 They turned a deaf ear to our requests for
help. 2.不要把他的建议当作耳旁风。Don't turn a deaf ear to his advice. 3.那
个女孩子一意孤行,对任何人的忠告都置若罔闻。The girlis bent on having her
way and turns a deaf ear to anyone’s advice.

1. Someone turned a deaf ear to ...
2. Someone turns a deaf ear to…although ...

[200 ] to be dedicated to…献身于…,全身心地投入到…

例句: It’s known to almost every American that Martin Luther King was
dedicated to the liberation of the black Americans and that his dedi¬
cation resulted in the freedom and political status of the American
blacks.众所周知,马丁 •路德•金把自己的一生献给了美国

注:dedicate是动词,意为“奉献”,“贡献”或“致力于”。短语to dedicate
oneself to...常表示“把自己的一生献给…”或“使自己致力于…”之意。
短语 to be dedicated to ...的意思与 to dedicate oneself to . •.的基本一致,常
献给了中国航天事业的研究和发展。The scientist dedicated himself to the re¬
search and development of China’s aeronautics.再比如:她全身心地投入到自己
的科学研究工作,就连自己孩子的教育都给忽视了。She was so dedicated to her
scientific research that she even neglected the education of her own children.

1.Someone is always dedicated to ...
2. Someone was so dedicated to ... that ...

[201 ] to deprive someone of…剥夺某人…的权力;使某人丧


例句:You can deprive him of his leadership role, but you can’t deprive
the citizens’ faith in him as a mayor. And no one can deprive the
people of their trust and confidence in him.你可以剥夺他的领导

注:to deprive someone of ...是个用途较广的习惯用语。此语的意思是“剥

夺…的权力”,但在不同的语境中有不同的译法或意思。请看下面的例句: 1.
这颗大树使房子见不到一点阳光。The tree deprives the house of any light. 2.
你可以剥夺她讲话的自由,但你无法削弱她在该领域的影响。You can deprive
her of her right of speech, but you can’t deprive her of her influence in the field. 3.
你不能因为他是个黑人就剥夺他受教育■的权力。You can't deprive him of his
right to education only because he’s black.
_ 117_
1. You can deprive …of , but you can’t ...
2. Someone is deprived of ...

[202 ] to be deserving of…值得…;配得上…

例句: Those who are deserving people’s confidence and trust cannot usu¬
ally get to the leading positions, and those who are in the leading
positions are nine out of ten not worthy of our faith.男P些值得人

注:deseiving在这里是个形容词,该词源于动词deserve ( “配得上”或“值
得”)。短语to be deserving of ...常用来表示“配得上…”,“值得…”或“该
得到…”的意思。请看下面的例句: 1.这个问题值得引起所有领导人的关注。
This problem is deserving of the attention of all those people who are in the leading
positions. 2.这些人不值得我们信任。These people are never deserving of our
trust. 3.大多数人认为他不配这些荣誉。Most people think that he is not deserv¬
ing of all the honors he’s got.

1. Something is undoubtedly deserving the attention of all those who ...
2. Those who are not deserving ... usually ...

[203 ] to have designs on…对…心怀匠测,对…用心不良

例句:Before she married him, she had designs on his family’s wealth and
now, she has further designs on his father’s influence as one of the
country’s business tycoons.结婚之前她就瞄准了他家的财产。

注:designs原意为“计划”或“规划”;to have designs on ...的字面意思是
或“对…有不良企图”。请看下面的例句: 1.现在她对我突然好起来了。我知
道她是别有用心的。She is being very nice to me now. I know she has designs
on me. 2.对她你要提防。她是看上你爸爸的财产了。Watch out on her. She
has designs on your father's property. 3.自从富兰克的母亲病重后,她就突然
对她好起来了。我看她没打什么好主意。Since Frank's mother fell seriously ill,
she became very nice to her. I think she must have designs on his mother.

1. Someone must have had designs on ...
2. Someone seems to have designs on ... though ...

[204 ] to repress one’s desire for .抑制…的欲望

例句:If one wants to have a sound mind and a sound body,one must re¬
press his desire for such things as excessive material possession,
fame and status.如果一个人想有个健全的身心,那么,他就

或“愿望”。短语to repress one’s desire for…也就是表示“抑制追求某事的
欲望”。比如:佛教要求人们抑制追求名利的欲望。Buddhism requires people
to repress their desire for fame and material gains.再比如:如果一个人想在其领
首位而不是一味地为自己捞油水。If one wants to long remain in his leading posi¬
tion, he then must repress his desire for his own gains and profits before the intere¬
sts of the people.

1. You must repress your desire for such things as ...
—119 —
2. If you want to ...,you must repress your desire for ...

[205 ] to develop a passion for…对…产生激情,开始爱好…

例句:She developed a deep passion for literature ever since she was at
primary school. And her talents in literature began to yield fruit be¬
fore she entered college and now, her accomplishment in the filed
can hardly be equaled by any other girls of her age.还是在念小

develop a passion for ...意为“对某事产生了激情”,“对某事产生了浓厚的兴
趣”或“衷情于某事”。请看下面的例句: 1.如果你能钻到一件事情里面去,
你就一定会对其产生浓厚的兴趣。You’ll certainly develop a deep passion for the
subject if you dig into it. 2.她对艺术显然是产生了兴趣。She’s obviously devel¬
oping a passion for arts. 3.如果你对你所干的事没有什么激情,你就什么事也
甭想干好。If you do not have a passion for the things you are doing, you can’t do
them well. 4.如果你对一件事产生了浓厚的兴趣,你就无疑会对另一件事失去
兴趣。If you are developing a passion for one thing, you’ll certainly lose your inter¬
est in another thing.

1 • If you ... you will develop a passion for ...
2. Someone developed a passion even when she (he) was ...

[206 ] to watch the development of …注视…的发展

例句:Heads of many governments are closely watching the development

of computer technology and some of them even get the jitters that
they may not be able to catch up with the trend.很多政府领导人

注:to watch the development of ...是个常用的句式,主要用来表示“注视…

地以极大的兴趣注视着事态的发展。He was the one who actually provoked the
strife, but now he was watching the development of the situation with keen interest
as if he had nothing to do with it.再比如:很多外国商人都在密切关注中国经济
的发展并等待时机打入中国市场。Many foreign businessmen are now closely
watching the development of China's economy, waiting for an opportunity to enter

its market.

1. We must watch the development of …before we can ...
2. Many ... are closely watching the development of ...

[207 ] to be devoid of…毫无,没有,缺乏…

例句:The statement of his thesis is seemingly forceful but unfortunately,

the whole paper is obviously devoid of convincing facts or factual
details to back up his statement.从表面上看他论文的论点是铿

的”。短语to be devoid of •是个用途很广的搭配,其意思是“毫无…”,“没
有…”或“缺乏…”等。比如••他毫无羞耻之感。He's completely devoid of
shame.再比如:我们的英语老师一点儿幽默感也没有。Our English teacher is
totally devoid of the sense of humor.

1. Something is totally devoid of •..
2. Something is ...,but it is devoid of ...
——121 一
[208] to devote ■ ■. to…把…献给…;把…用于…

例句:He devotes much of the paper to the subject of the backwardness of

our teaching method, severely devoid of concrete suggestions and
measures to be taken to improve the methods.他用论文的大部分

注:devote是动词,意为“把某事献给”,“奉献,,或“专用于”。短语to de-
vote something to something是个用途较广的固定搭配,其意思是“把某事献
给,“把某事用于…”或“将某事用来…”等。请看下面的例句: 1.老师
的知识。The teacher devoted much of the class time to telling stories, giving noth¬
ing useful for improving the students' language skills. 2.他用谈话的大部分时间
来谈论我们所面临的问题,根本就没有提岀解决这些问题的具体建议。He 6e-

voted much of his talk to the problems they are confronted with, giving no sugges-
tions for solving the problems. 3.这份报纸几乎用了整整两个版刊登广告。This
newspaper devotes almost two whole pages to advertisements.

1. Someone devoted • • . to ...
2. Someone devoted much of his …to ...

[209 ] to die of…死于…,因…而死

例句:In the years of the great famine, hundreds of people in the country¬
side died of hunger and diseases.在那些闹饥荒的年月里,成百

注:to die of ...的意思是“死于…”或“因…而死”。比如:死于那种疾病的

人十有八九是性格暴躁的人。People who died of this sort of disease nine out of
ten are hot-tempered•再比如:我们劝他把烟戒掉可是他却不听,结果死于肺

—122 —
癌0 He turned a deaf ear to our advice to give up smoking, and he finally died of
lung cancer.请注意:动词die还有很多其它的固定搭配或词组,其意思也因
语境的变化而变化。例如:be bound to die “注定要灭亡”,die down “平息”,
never die out “永不会停止”,to die by one’s own hand “自杀”,never say die
“不要气馁”,die on the vine “中途夭折”等等。

1. People who died of …were nine out of ten
2. According to ...,many people died of ...

[210 ] to differ from ...与…不同,有异于…

例句:Although the two sisters are the spitting image of each other, they
differ greatly from each other in their ways of thinking and their

注:to differ from ...是个用途很广的词组,其意思基本上是“与…不同”或

“有异于…' 请看下面的例句: 1 •这两个公司的经营方式完全不同。The two
companies differ from each other in their ways of management. 2. 北方的气候与
南方的气候大不相同。The climate in the north differs greatly from that in the
south. 3.那两位经理的性格有很大的差别。The two managers differ from each
other in their personalities. 4.西班牙的烹饪不同于意大利的念饪。Spanish
cooking differs from Italian cooking.

1. The . . . in . . . differs from it is in ...
2.Something differs greatly from . . •

[211 ] to be difficult of ...难以…,不易…

例句:Although this sort of error is difficult of discovering, it may lead to

一 123 一
serious consequences if not corrected when it first makes its appear¬
ance. 这种错误虽然很不容易被发觉,但如果刚一出现时不

注:to be difficult of ...是个简单但又不容易引起注意的句式。在很多情况下,

解决了。The manager says that the problem became more and more difficult of
solution. 2.你为自己所设立的目标很难实现。The target you have set for your-
self is difficult of attainment. 3.这个短语的意思很难理解。The meanings of this
phrase are difficult of comprehending.

1. Someone said that . . . was more and more difficult of ...
2. To many people, ... is difficult of ...

[212 ] to dig into…深入地钻研…

例句:Accomplished people must have been able to dig into the subject of
their interest. They must be able to get absorbed in their subjects
and is bent on doing it well.有很大成就的人一定能够深入钻

注:to dig into ...是个常用的词组,意思是“深入地钻研某事,’。比如:如果

你所了解的东西。If you can dig into the subject, you may find it more and more
interesting and your desire to know more of it knows no bounds.再比如:进入大
步了。Soon after she entered college, she dug into psychology and now she can
hardly tear herself away from it.

l.If you dig into…,you may find that …
2. Soon after …,someone dug into…and began to ...

[213 ] to get in a dig at ...挖苦…,讽刺…

例句:Few of us like to be with her, for she gets in a dig at you if she
gets a chance. I really don’t know what kick she gets out of doing

to give someone a dig的意思就是“捅某人一下”。比如:他睡着了。捅他一
下。He's falling asleep. Give him a dig.再比如:当她谈到他的敏感之处时,我
捅 了她一下让她闭嘴0 When she began to touch his tender spot, ! gave her a dig
in the ribs to stop her.我们在这里谈的 to get in a dig at someone 一语,其意思
是“挖苦某人”或“讽刺某人”。比如:她可爱挖苦别人了。She gets a great
kick out of getting in a dig at others.。再比如:他本想挖苦你几句,但想来想去
还是没有那么做。He was going to get in a few digs at you, but called it quiz after
a second thought. •

1. Someone soon got in a dig at
2. When ...,someone got in a dig at

[214 ] to take a dim view of…对…抱悲观态度;不赞成…

例句:Some scientists began to take a dim view of the development of

modem science and the future of the human race, though some are
still enthusiastic about their researches.虽然有些科学家仍对他

语to take a dim view of…常用来表示“对…持悲观态度”或“不赞同…”等
意思。请看下面的例句: 1.他对该项工程的前景持悲观看法。He takes a dim
view of the prospects of the project. 2.经理不怎么赞同我们提出的建议。The
manager seems to take a dim view of every suggestion we have forwarded • 3 .对
我们即将开始着手干的事持悲观态度往往会使我们的努力付之东流。Taking a
dim view of the things we are to embark on will usually contribute to the failure of
our efforts.

1. People who . . . usually take a dim view of ...
2. Someone began to take a dim view of ... after ...

[215 ] to do the dirty on . • •对…采取卑鄙的手段

例句: If he sees an angle in something, he will not hesitate to do the dirty

on anyone in order to gain an upper hand over them.如果他看一

注:todothedirtyon .••是个口语习语,意思是表示“对…采取卑鄙的手段”,
不惜对他的弟弟耍卑鄙的伎俩。Frank didn’t hesitate to do the dirty on his broth¬
er in order to get their father’s property all to himself.再比如:同他共事你可得多
的狼。You must be careful with him. He’s done the dirty on many people in order
to get filthy money. He’s known as a wolf in a sheep's clothing.

1. Someone always does the dirty on ...
2. Someone didn’t hesitate to do the dirty on ...

[216 ] to be disappointed at (with)...对…感到失望

例句:If you have a high expectation of an event or a thing, you may of¬
ten be disappointed at the result of the event, this is why Bacon
says that if one begins with certainties, he will end in doubts.如果

注:disappoint是动词,意思是“使失望”或“使灰心”。短语to be disappoint¬
ed at (with) ... 是一个常用的词组,意思是“对…感到失望”或“为…感到心
他们很是使他感到心寒。He was very disappointed with his two very good
friends, who had abandoned him when he was in adversity.再比如:虽然我们认
为这个结果还不错,可是经理仍对此感到失望。Although we thought of the re-
sult as being satisfactory, the manager was still disappointed at it.请注意:此语
这使他很失望。He was disappointed to find that Jack took side with his oppo¬
nents .

1. Someone was very much disappointed at the fact that ...
2. Although …,someone was still disappointed at ...

[217 ] to sow discord between ... and ...在…和…之间制造


例句:It is clear that he is trying to sow discord between you and your
girlfriend. You can’t fall for his trick.很显然,他是在你和你的

注:to sow discord between ... and ...的意思是“在…和…之间制造矛盾

—127 —
得利有意在你和你的合伙人之间制造矛盾。You’d better keep a watchful eye
over this guy. He’s trying to sow discord between you and your partner so that he
may reap the third party profit.再比如:她的话听不得。她就会挑拨离间。You
can’t fall for her words. She is fond of sowing discord.请注意:此语中的 discord

1 • Someone always likes to sow discord between . . . and ...
2.Someone is apparently sowing discord between . . . and ...

[218 ] to discourage someone from doing ...阻劝(阻烧)某


例句:The new policy in education is seemingly to lighten the workload

and reduce the pressure of the students, but it actually discourage
students from their enthusiasm in learning, which will undoubtedly
do great harm to their mental development.教育界最近出台的政

注:to discourage someone from doing ...是个常用的句式之一,此语常用来

职业打下牢固的基础。His father discouraged his son from doing business. He
wanted him to further his studies in a university and lay a good foundation for his
future career.再比如:我们劝阻他不要在没有向导的情况下去爬那座山。We
discouraged him from climbing the mountain without a guide.

1. Someone was trying to discourage someone from ...
2. We all discouraged ... from , but

[219 ] to be disgraced for ...因…而丢脸,因…而出丑

例句:He didn’t want to present at the contest, for he was afraid that he
may be disgraced for not being able to answer the question on the

狱。他不但玷污了自己的名声,也为家里人带来了耻辱。Joe committed a
crime and was put into prison and he brought disgrace not only on himself butl also
on his family.短语to be disgraced for ...意为“因…而丢脸”或“因…而出
丑”。比如:他因小偷小摸而给自己的家人丢了脸。His family was disgraced for
his petty theft.再比如:他因回答不上来记者提出的所有问题而当众岀了丑。
He was publicly disgraced for not being able to answer all the reporter’s questions.

1. Someone was disgraced for ...
2. Someone didn’t know that he (she) could be disgraced for ...

[220 ] to make no disguise of …毫不掩饰…

例句:These teenagers made no disguise of their feelings in front of the

film star, whom they admired so much.在那个电影明星的面

注:disguise的意思是“伪装”,“掩饰”或“假扮”,所以,to make no dis¬

guise of ...也就无疑是“毫不掩饰…”之意。比如:在她年迈婆婆的一再追
Being persistently inquired by her aged mother-in-law, she could make no disguise
of her grief and told her the news of the death of her husband in the battlefield ■再
—129 —
比如:最后她再也掩饰不了她对那个老人的爱了。At last, she made no dis¬
guise of her love for that old man.

1. When . . ., someone made no disguise of his (her)...
2. At last, someone made no disguise of ...

[221 ] to feel disgust at…对…感到厌恶

例句:Anyone may feel disgust at those college students who are caressing
and kissing in the open air without making disguise of their sexual

注:disgust意为“厌恶”或“嫌弃”。短语to feel disgust at ...常用来表示

说话假心假意的人就很厌恶。She says she feels disgust at those who speak with
their tongues in their cheeks•再比如:我特别讨厌她和我讲话的那股劲儿。I felt
disgust at her way of speaking me.

1. We all feel disgust at those who…
2. Anyone may feel disgust at ...

[222 ] to enjoy the distinction of …享有…的盛誉

例句: The city of Xi’an enjoys the distinction of being one of the ancient
capitals in China’s history and it is known as the place that abounds
in ancient architectures.西安因是中国历史上的古都之一而享

注:distinction是名词,有“荣誉”,“弛名”或“特别之处”等意。短语to en-
130 —
joy the distinction of…主要表示“有…的盛誉”。比如:弗洛伊德享有五大心
理学派中精神分析法学派之父的盛誉。Freud enjoys the distinction of being the
father of one of the five schools of psychology. 再比如:这个城市享有最古老的
都市的盛誉。This city enjoys the distinction of being the most ancient capital city.

1. Someone enjoys the distinction of ...
2.Some place enjoys the distinction of being the most …

[223 ] to distinguish between ... and …把…和…区分幵来

例句: Most learners of English can hardly distinguish between English

speakers and Australian speakers and even their looks may be hard
to tell from each other.大多数学习英语的人很难把英国人和

注:distinguish是动词,意思是“区别”或“区分”。短语to distinguish be¬

tween • •• and 意为“把…和…区分开”。比如:在大多数的民间故事中,
很难区分哪些是事实,哪些是传说。In most folk tales, it's hard to distinguish
between fact and legend.再比如:他应该是能够分辨是非的了。He should be
able to distinguish between the right and the wrong.请注意:此语中的介词还可
以用from取代between ... and ...。例如:你很难分清这对儿孪生兄弟到底
谁是谁。You can’t distinguish the twins from who is who.

1. You must distinguish between . . . and . . . before you can ...
2. Someone can’t distinguish between ... and …,as

[224 ] to divest oneself of the idea about ...摆脱…的念头

例句:Despite the repeated advice of his friends and relatives against di¬
vorce, he still couldn’t divest himself of the idea about divorcing
——131 一
his wife.尽管亲戚和朋友们再三劝他不要离婚,可他仍摆脱

注:divest是动词,意为“脱下”或“卸下”。短语to divest oneself of the idea

头”。比如:我发现我很难摆脱想辞职的念头。丨find it very hard for me to divest
myself of the idea about quitting the job.再比如:自从看过那部电影以后,很多
男孩子就无法摆脱想学武术的念头了。After seeing the film, many boys couldn't
divest themselves of the idea about going to learn martial arts.

1. Someone can’t divest herself (himself) of the idea about ...
2. Someone finds it very hard to divest himself (herself) of the idea about ...

[225 ] to have a lot to do with…与…有很大的关系

例句:His bad table manners have a lot to do with the way he was brought
up and the bad manners of his parents.他吃饭一点儿样子都没

注:to have a lot to do with ...是口语中常用的句式,其意思是“与…有很大

的关系”。请看下面的例句: 1.经理说这笔生意上的损失与富兰克和他哥哥公
司的来往有很大的关系。The manager says that the loss of the business has a
lot to do with Frank’s relation with his brother’s company. 2.大多数科学家的成就
与他们善于观察的能力有很大的关系。The achievements of most scientists have
a lot to do with their abilities to observe. 3.他的火暴脾气与他的工作压力有关。
His bad temper certainly has a lot to do with his work pressure.

1. Something has a lot to do with …
2. To . . .,something has a lot to do with ...

[226 ] to be doomed to…注定要…

例句:People who tiy to evade tax and rack profits for themselves are
doomed to be condemned by public opinions.那些试图偷税漏税

注:to be doomed to ...是个常用的句式,常用来表示“注定要…”等的意

思。请看下面的例句: 1•依我们大多数人看来,这个计划是注定要失败的。
To most of us, the plan is doomed to failure. 2•由于她太自私,所以她注定要受
到人们的孤立。Being too selfish, she is doomed to isolation. 3.那些趾高气扬,
不可一世的人是注定要垮台的。People that are riding on their high horses are
doomed to fall. 4•如果他现在不开始努力,肯定通不过这次考试。He is
doomed to fail the exam if he doesn't bone up on it now.

1. Something is doomed to failure.
2. People who are ... are doomed to ...

[227 ] to have a great deal of dope on ...有关于…的大量情报

例句: CIA has a great deal of dope on the station of armed forces and the
headquarters of the forces of many countries,including some Asian
and African countries.美国中央情报局对于很多国家军队的部

息”或“可靠的情报”等意思。短语to have a great deal of dope on ...常用
的信息”的意思。比如:In China, the driver of an VIP usually has a great deal
of dope on the organization or administration of which the man he serves for is the
top notch.在中国,给一个组织或管理部门的一把手开车的司机往往很了解这
前,不得投靠任何人。You can’t take side with anyone in the local government
—133 —
before you get the dope on their inter-relationship.

1. Someone has a great deal of dope on ...
2.Someone usually has a great deal of dope on ...

[228 ] to cast doubt on ...对…产生怀疑

例句:Although many people think that his inauguration speech is stimu¬

lating ,but most of them still cast doubt on his ability to carry out
all the promise he has made in the speech.虽然很多人认为他的

注:doubt意为“怀疑”,“疑虑”或“疑问”。比如:我相信她会来的。I have
no doubt that she will come.短语 to cast doubt on …与 to be doubtful about ...
会得到这个职位的能力产生怀疑。丨didn’t cast doubt on her ability to succeed in
getting the post.再比如:看来我说什么话她都不相信。She seems to cast
doubt on everything I say.当然,上述句子也可以用 to be doubtful about …的
句式改写:She seems to be doubtful about what I say.

1. Although …,someone still casts doubt on ...
2.Someone doesn’t cast doubt on …,though …

[229 ] to get down to…开始认真地干…

例句: You have been fooling around for a long time and now it’s really
time for you to get down to something you should do.你已经吊儿

注:to get down to ...是个口语情景中常用的句式,其意思是“开始认真地干
的产品。No sooner after the contract was assigned did all the employees of the
company get down to the production of the items included in the contract.再比如:
开始工作之前,你不知道是否喜欢你所干的工作。You will never know how
much you’d like the job before you get down to it.

1. You must get down to ... before you can ...
2. Someone got down to ... soon after ...

[230 ] to be dubious about ...对…半信半疑

例句:Although Sandra assured me that John was really having a meeting

that evening with some Canadian guests, I’m still dubious about
what she has told me.虽然桑德拉已向我保证那天晚上约翰确

“不敢相信的”。短语to be dubious about ...意思是“对…半信半疑”,“不敢
相信…”或“对…有疑虑”。比如:Although I’ve made full preparations, I still
feel dubious about my chances to succeed.再比如:不管我怎么说,也无论我
怎样表示,她仍然不敢相信我对她是忠诚的。No matter what I say and how I
show, she’s still dubious about my faithfulness to her.

1. Although …,someone is still dubious of …
2. No matter how …,someone is still dubious of ...

[231 ] to be earnest about (over)…认真地对待…

例句:I admit most of your employees are earnest about their work, but I
still doubt their work efficiency and their true contribution to the
development of the company.我承认你们公司的多数职员工作

决心的”。比如:她是个很认真的学生。She is an earnest student.短语to be
earnest about (over)...常用来表示“认真地对待…”或“干…很认真”之
计地向他们请教有关的问题。She’s bent on becoming a teacher, so she’s ear¬
nest about all teachers' suggestions and she loses no opportunity to pick their
brains about things concerned.再比如:她干什么事都没有认真过。She is not
earnest about everything she does.但是,如果想表示“在干某事方面很认真”
现状的。She was earnest in her efforts to improve your marriage.

1.1 know they are earnest about …,but they are not competent in ...
2.Someone is not so earnest about ...

[232 ] to move heaven and earth to do…竭尽全力地去干…

例句: In order to help you, he moved heaven and earth to find the job.
But now you complain about the harshness of the job. Can’t you be
a little sensible?为了帮助你,他走南闯北跑断了腿才给你找

注:to move heaven and earth to do ...是英美人日常生活中常用的一条习惯

到那块手表,他把家里翻了个底儿朝天。He moved heaven and earth in order to
find his watch.再比如:为了得到提升,他想千方设百计地讨好总经理。He
moved heaven and earth to please the general manager so as to get the promo¬

1. In order to ...,someone moved heaven and earth to…
2. Someone would move heaven and earth to ...

[233 ] to go easy on ...对…手下留情;节省使用…;宽宏大量


例句: Go easy on these criminals, or they may take their revenge on you
when they are out of the cage.对这些囚犯不要太心狠了,要不

注:to go easy on ...是一条用途极广的习惯用语,其大致意思是“对…手下

下面的例句: 1.要省着点用纸。物价在上涨,纸的价钱可贵了。Go easy on
the paper. The price is going up and paper becomes very expensive. 2.这些饮料
要省着点喝。我们离发工资那天还远着呢。Go easy on the drinks. We are still
far away from the payday. 3.我不赞同宽大处理违反交通规则的人。丨am not
for the idea of going easy on traffic violators. 4.对她你要手下留情。她必竟还是
个孩子。Go easy on her. She is still a little girl.

1. You must go easy on . . .,as ...
2. Go easy on ...,because ...

[234 ] to economize on…节约…,节省…

例句:It’s good of you to pinch pennies in making your daily purchases,
but you can’t economize on your children’s education, or you will
do great harm to their future.你平常买东西花钱很节省是件好

注:to economize on ...是个书面用语,其意思是“节约”或“节省”。比如:

你干什么都可以节省,但决不能在吃上太节省了。You can economize on any¬
thing ,but you can’t economize on your food.再比如:如果你有一辆很昂贵的汽
车,要想在保养方面不舍得花钱那可就大错特错了。If you have an expensive
car, it would be a mistake for you to economize on its maintenance.另夕卜,我们
大家要节约用水。He called on us to economize on the use of water.

1. We must economize on ...
2. You can economize on ...,,but you can’t economize on ...

[235 ] to efface one’s memory of…消除某人对…的记忆

例句:Nothing could efface my sweet memory of the years I have spent in

Canberra and my days with the Australians will never fail my mem¬
ory of them.任何事都不能使我忘记在堪培拉的那些幸福日

注:efface是动词,意为“擦掉”,“抹去”或“消除”。短语to efface one’s

memory of ...主要用来表示“消除某人对…的记忆”的意思。比如:这场车
祸使他丧失了对往事的所有记忆。This car accident had effaced his memory of
all his past.再比如:他们企图让那个女人服用一种药以抹去她对他们长相的
i己f乙。They tried to make the lady take some drugs so as to efface her memory of
their looks.请注意:在efface之后还可以加上反身代词oneself,形成to ef-
一 138 一
face oneself by doing ...以表示“用…的方式不让别人注意到自己”之意。

1. He found it veiy hard to efface his memory of ...
2.Someone tried to efface his (her) memory of ...

[236 ] to have an effect on .. ■对…有影响,对…有作用

例句:The professor’s talk last week on the future of the young people is
obviously having a strong effect on the students’ enthusiasm about
deepening their studies.教授上周所做的有关年轻人前途的报

注:effect是名词,意思是“效力”,“作用”或“影响”。短语to have an ef¬

fect on (upon) ... 表示“对…有影响”或“对…有作用”之意。比如:他本
他的话没有引起任何注意。学生们根本就没有把他的演讲当回事。He thought
his speech would have some effect on the learning initiatives of the students but to
his disappointment, it almost fell on an deaf ear. It didn’t make a dent in the stu¬
dents. 再比如:大麻毒品和电视暴力节目对青少年的健康成长有很恶劣的影
响。Marihuana and TV violence have very bad effects upon the healthy develop¬
ment of the young.

1. Something is apparently having an effect on ...
2. It would have some effect on …if it had been ...

[237 ] to make every effort to do ...竭尽一切努力…

例句:The mediator country made every effort to get the two nations to
stop their hostility and get reconciled.调停国采取一切办法使两
注:to make every effort to do…是个常用的句式,其意思是“尽一切努力”,
最般配。He made every effort to make her believe that he is her best match.再比
如:老板竭尽全力使职员相信他有能力扭转乾坤。The boss made every effort
to convince the employees of his ability to turn the tables.

1. Someone made every effort to ... in order to ...
2. To help …,someone made every effort to …

[238 ] to elaborate on (upon)…详细阐述…

例句:In his recent book British Literature, the author elaborates upon the
development of the British literature with substantial details.作者

elaborate on (upon)...意思是“详尽阐述…”或“仔细推敲…”。比如:你应
should further elaborate the major points in your report before you can expect to
make it more convincing.再比如:合同中的有关条款应该给予更详尽的说明。
Some items in the contract should be further elaborated.

1. You should elaborate on ...
2.Something in should be further elaborated

[239 ] to rub elbows with…与…接近,与…套近乎

例句: Soon after she moved to New York, she began to rub elbows with
—140 一
social notables in the city and she made every effort to set up her
relation net for her future maneuvers.她移居纽约后不久,就开

注:elbows意为“胳膊肘”,rub是动词,意为“磨擦”,to rub elbows with ...

近”。比如:她知道该怎样去接近她想利用的人。She knows how to rub elbows
with those people she wants to take advantage of.再比如:她吹嘘说在这次博览
会上她结识了不少社会名流。She boasted that she had rubbed elbows with sev¬
eral social celebrities at the fair.

1. Someone tried to mb elbows with ...
2. Someone knows how to mb elbows with those ...

[240 ] to be elevated from ... to ...从…提升到…

例句:He used to be a factory worker. But in 1989, he was, all of a sud¬

den, elevated from his work post to a high-ranking government of¬
ficial .他过去是个工人。1989年,他突然从一个普通的工人

注:to be elevated from • • • to . • •的意思是“从某个地位或职位提升到某个地

副总经理。Because of his excellent performance, he was soon elevated from the
department manager to the deputy manager of the corporation.再比如:这个词
已在60年代从俚语升至习语的范畴。This word was elevated in 1960s from be¬
ing slangy to the idiom category.

1. Someone was elevated from ... to ...
2.Something was elevated from ... to ...
[241 ] to be eligible for ...适合…,有资格…

例句:Those who have not obtained a BA degree in language teaching are

not eligible for a post in this university.那些没有获得语言教学

上或法律上合格的”。短语to be eligible for…常用来表示“适合…”或“有
native-born citizens are eligible for this election.再比如:你没有受过多少教育,
所以你不适合干这种工作。You haven’t received much education, so you are not
eligible for this post.另外,eligible之后也可跟动词不定式。比如:那些不满十
八岁的公民没有资格参加选举。Those who are below the age of eighteen are not
eligible to vote.

1. Someone is not eligible for ...
2.Only those who are . . . are eligible for ...

[242 ] to achieve eminence in ...在…方面取得卓越的成就

例句:After ten years of arduous work in his research, he finally achieved

eminence in physics and he’s now established himself as one of the
most accomplished physicists.经过十年艰苦的研究和探索,他

注:eminence意为“出众”,“卓越”,“显赫”或“杰岀”。短语to achieve em-

inencein ...用来表示“在方面取得卓越的成就”的意思。比如:尽管他只有
25岁,可是他在油画艺术方面已经取得了很大的成就。Although he's only 25,
he has already achieved eminence in the art of oil painting.再比如:弗洛伊德的
—142 —
就。Before his first essay was published in the U.S.A., Freud had already achie¬
ved much eminence in the field of psychoanalysis.请注意:当 eminence 一词跟
名著名的小提琴家。She won eminence as a violinist when she was only eigh¬

1. Before …,someone had already achieved eminence in ...
2. Someone achieved eminence in the field of ... even before ...

[243 ] to place emphasis on ...重视,强调…;着重于…

例句:He places much emphasis on a person’s inner quality rather than on

her pretty looks as many other men would do • This may well be the
reason why he has built a solid ground for his marriage. X寸于女

注:to place emphasis on ...表示“强调某事”,“重视某事”或“着重于某

事”的意思。请看下面的例句: 1.你不应该过分重视一个人所说的话。You
should not put too much emphasis on what a person says. 2.你应该更重视文章
的论据,而不应该把注意力放在修辞上。You should place more emphasis on
the factual details than on the rhetoric. 3.如果我是你的话,我不会把着重点放
在公司的规模上。我会更重视公司的实力。If丨were you, I would not place
much emphasis on the size of the company, but on the strength of it.

1. Someone places emphasis on …rather than on ...
2. You should place more emphasis on ... so that you can ...

[244 ] to be enamored of…倾心于…,迷恋于…

例句:Those who are enamored of arts usually have a different pattern of
thinking from those people engaged in other professions.那些倾

be enamored of (with)...可用来表示“倾心于…”,“迷恋于…”或“喜爱…”
等意思。请看下面的例句: 1.她说她不太喜欢在合资企业打工。She says
she’s not much enamored of working in a joint venture. 2.她很欣赏自己清脆的

嗓音。She’s much enamored with her silvery voice. 3.那些倾心于研究的人是不

会喜欢干这种事的。Those who are much enamored of research work do not fall
for this sort of things.

1. Someone seems to be enamored of …
2. Someone is not so much enamored of ...

[245 ] to be endowed with…天生具备…,赋有…

例句:As an artist, she’s endowed by nature with the power of acute ob¬
servation and she seems to be equipped with abilities to pick up
small details of things around her.作为一名艺术家,她天生就

很多单词以新的含义。This movement had endowed a range of words with new
meanings.短语to be endowed with ...常用来表示“具备”或“赋有”等意。
比如:他有很高的文学天赋。He’s endowed with literary talent.再比如:美国的
创始人认为上帝赋予了每个人追求幸福的权力。The founder of America be¬
lieved that everyone was endowed with the right to the pursuit of happiness.

1. Someone is endowed with . . . and is marvelous at ...
2. Those who are endowed with ... are usually ...

[246 ] to be engaged in…从事…,致力于…

例句:He began to be engaged in various social welfare activities even be¬

fore he graduated from college and now his work is highly spoken
of not only by the common people, but also by some high-ranking
government officials.还是在大学毕业之前他就已经开始从事

注:to be engaged in ...是个常用的句式,主要用来表示“从事…”或“致力

于…”等意思。请看下面的例句: 1.他现在正和几个同行在进行激烈的辩论。
He’s now engaged in a hot argument with some of his fellow travelers. 2.自从大
学毕业以后他就一直在从事社会活动。He has been engaged in social activities
since he graduated from college. 3.从事写作的人都知道“没时间感到孤独”
的真正意味。People who are engaged in writing know what is meant by “too busy
to feel lonely” ■

1. Someone is presently engaged in ...
2. People who are engaged in ... are usually …

[247 ] to be engrossed in ...埋头于…,热衷于…

例句:Newton was so engrossed in his experiment that he even forgot that

he had invited friends to dinner.牛顿埋头搞他的实验以至把他

短语to be engrossed in ...的意思是“热衷于”,“埋头于”或“完全倾注于”。
—145 —
比如:我的工作全被这日复一日的日常杂事给占去了。My time is totally en¬
grossed in the day-to-day routine of doing the odds and ends.再比如:他埋头搞
他的科研,几乎没有时间跟家人在一起。He’s totally engrossed in his research
and has little time for his family.

1. Someone seems to be very much engrossed in ...
2. Something is totally engrossed in ...

[248 ] to inquire of someone about ...向某人打听有关…的情况

例句: I went to have a talk with someone and I inquired of him about our
next step to be taken to enlarge the business range. But to my dis¬
appointment, he didn’t breathe a word about it.我去和某人谈了

注:to inquire of someone about ...是个常用的句式,其意思是“向某人打听

有关的情况”。比如:你不妨向他打听一下有关该项目的具体情况。You may
well go and inquire of him about the details of the project. 再比如:我想和老板打
听一下有关申请住房的事,可他却说他们还没有做出最后的决定。丨wanted to
inquire of the boss about the application of housing, but he said that they hadn't
come to the final decision.

1 • If you want to . ..,you may inquire of someone about ...
2. He wanted to inquire of ... about ...,but ...

[249 ] to be enthusiastic about …对…充满热情

例句:The boss didn’t seem to be very enthusiastic about our suggestions,

though he didn’t directly say that he objected to the suggestions.
—146 —

注:to be enthusiastic about ...是个常用的句式,其意思是“热心于…”或

“对…充满了热情”。请看下面的例句: 1.看来她对这份工作并不怎么热心。
She didn’t seem to be enthusiastic about this job. 2.大多数的年轻老师对提高他
们的教学方法充满了激情。Most of the young teachers are enthusiastic about im¬
proving their teaching method. 3.他对实施这个计划并不怎么热心。He was not
enthusiastic at all about carrying out the plan.

1. Someone doesn’t seem to be enthusiastic about ...
2. Those who are seem to be very enthusiastic about ...

[250 ] to be entitled to do…有资格干…

例句:He insisted that those who have not had any teaching experience are
not entitled to be made Chairman of the department, but his insis¬
tence resulted only in the abhorrence of the upper notches.他坚持

注:to be entitled to do ...的意思是“有资格干…”。请看下面的例句: 1.富

Frank is not entitled to make any comment on John’s work, as he knows nothing
about his field. 2.无论社会地位如何,任何人都不能不劳而获。Nobody is enti¬
tled to reap without sowing, no matter what social position he has. 3. 英国的每一
个儿童都有接受学校免费教育的机会。Every child in Britain is entitled to free
education at school.

1. Those who are . . . are not entitled to…
2. Nobody is entitled to ... without ...
—147 —
[251 ] to be envious of…忌妒,对…很羡慕

例句:People tend to be more envious of others’ achievements than appre¬

ciative of the pains they have taken and the efforts they have made
in their achievements.人们往往忌妒别人所取得的成就,而看

不断找儿媳妇的毛病。The envious mother-in-law kept finding fault with her
daughter-in-law.短语to be envious of ...常用来表示“忌妒…”,“对…很羡
慕”等意思。请看下面的例句: 1.汤姆羡慕他哥哥的成功。Tom is envious of
his brother’s success. 2.玛丽老是忌妒妹妹的美貌。Mary was always envious
of her sister’s beauty. 3.这个孩子很穷,非常羡慕那些上得起学的孩子。The
poor child was envious of those children because they could afford to go to school.

1. Someone is extremely envious of ...
2. People tend to be envious of those who are ...

[252 ] to feel equal to…感到有能力做…,能胜任…

例句: Some modern-day company bosses do not feel equal to the chal¬
lenges they are confronted with and, more often than not, they feel
they are far unable to cope with the tremendous pressures in the rat

上,女人必须与男人平等。Women must be equal to men in economics and poli¬
tics. 此外,equal也有“有做…的能力(力量或勇气等)”或“能胜任…”等
意,所以,短语to feel equal to ■…就是用来表示“感到有能力做…”或“能
—148 —
胜任…”等意思。请看下面的例句: 1.他能应付这种局面。He was equal to
the situation. 2.我经验不足,感到不能胜任这一职务。I'm not experienced
enough to feel equal to the position. 3 ■走10英里的路她可受不了。She was not
equal to a ten-mile walk.请注意:此语中介词to的后面还可跟动名词。例如:
玛格丽特小姐身体不适,不能接见客人。Miss Margaret did not feel equal to re¬
ceiving guests.

1. Someone doesn’t feel equal to ...,so he (she)
2. Someone is not ...,so he (she) does not feel equal to ...

[253 ] to establish ... as ...确立…的地位,使…成为…

例句:Freud established himself as an accomplished psychologist with the

publication of his Dream Analysis.弗洛伊德《梦的解析》一书

注:establish为动词,意为“建立”,“设立”或 “ 确立”。例如:establish a
new nation “建立一个新的国家”;establish friendly relations “建立友好关系”;
Newton conclusively established the law of gravity.牛顿最终确立了万有引力定
律。短语to establish ... as ...表示“确立…为…”等意思。请看下面的例
句: 1.漫画家已被公认是有影响的社会评论员。Cartoonists have established
themselves as powerful social commentators. 2.《了不起的盖茨比》确立了菲茨
杰拉德作为美国重要作家之一的地位。The Great Gatsby established Fitzgerald
as one of the important writers in American literature. 3•建国后,中国政府确立
10月1日为中国人民的国庆日。After the founding of the new nation, the Chi¬
nese government established October 1 as the National Day for the Chinese peo-
一个新的国家。Only a little more than two hundred years ago was the United
States established as a new nation.

1. Someone has established himself (herself) as a . . • since ...
2. Someone had established himself (herself) as a before ...

[254 ] to speak evil of…说…的坏话,诽谤…

例句:Those who are always speaking evil of others must be evil men

themselves and those who like to speak highly of others may not
necessarily be virtuous men.爱说别人坏话的人自己肯定就不


恶”,“坏话”或“诽镑”等意。短语to speak evil of someone是个常用的习惯
的坏话。Don’t speak evil of people behind their backs.再比如:很多人都喜欢诽
谤那些刚岀名的人。Many people are fond of speaking evil of those who have just
become famous.

1. Someone is the sort of person who always speak evil of ...

2. Those who speak evil of ... are nine out of ten ...

[255 ] to find an excuse for ...为…找借口

例句:I don’t want to find an excuse for my inability to fulfill the task,

but I must say no one could possibly finish the work within such a
short time.我不想为我未能完成这项工作找什么借口,但是


是为他的迟到找借口。He is always making excuses for being late.短语 to find
an excuse for ...表示“为…找借口”。请看下面的例句: 1_因为找不到不参

—150 —
加今晚排练的理由,玛丽没有接受詹姆斯请她看电影的邀请。Marry didn't ac¬
cept James’ invitation for cinema because she couldn't find an excuse for her ab¬
sence from that night’s rehearsal. 2.每当帝国主义国家要发动侵略战争时,他
们总能为自己的行为找到借口。Whenever the imperialist countries are intended
to launch an aggressive war, they can always find very good excuses for their ac¬
tion. 请注意:除可用find之外,还可以用look for (寻找),have (有)或
concoct (编造)等动词。

1. Someone was trying to find an excuse for not being able to ...
2. Don’t try to find an excuse for ...

[256 ] to exercise influence on ...对…施加影响

例句:He thought he could make the chairman exercise influence on the

approval of his project, but to his disappointment, the chairman’s
words didn’t make a dent in the decision.他本想主席能够对其

多时,我们必须运用我们的自制力来克制我们的欲望。When there is too much
and too powerful temptation in the outside world, we must exercise our self-control
to repress our desires.此外,exercise还可以和其他名词连用。例如:exercise
patience (运用耐力),exercise one’s rights (行使权利),exercise one’s brain
(动脑筋),exercise skills (发挥技巧),exercise power (施加威力),exercise
restraint (进行节制),exercise a country's sovereignty (行使一个国家的主权)
等等。短语to exercise influence on ...常用来表示“对…施加影响”等意思。
例如:在购买行为中,商品广告对消费者施加了很大影响。Advertisements of
the commodities exercise treat influence on consumers in their purchasing activity.
再比如:在现代社会,大众传媒对每个人都产生着不容质疑的影响。In this
modern world, the mass media exercises indisputable influence on everybody's
1. Someone had exercised great influence on ... in ...
2.Someone can exercise influence on …

[257 ] to drive extinction 使…灭绝(绝种)

例句:The villagers’ abusive hunt has almost driven all the species of wild
animals of this area to extinction.村民们忙乱捕猎使这一地区

危险。Many species are already in peril of extinction because of our destruction of
their natural habitat.再比如:人们已经做出努力防止野牛绝种。Efforts have
been made to prevent the extinction of the buffalo.短语 to drive something to ex-
么使恐龙矢然从地球上绝迹的吗? Do you know what drove the dinosaur to ex-
tinction from the earth?再比如:如果这种捕获动物的行径得不到制止,几种珍
贵的动物很可能就会因此而绝迹。If the act of the killing of the animals is not
cracked down on, it will certainly drive several rare animals to extinction.

1. The act of . . . has almost driven ... to extinction
2.If .. .,they will be likely to drive ... to extinction

[258 ] to exult over…对…幸灾乐祸;为…欢欣鼓舞

例句:It’s natural that your friends feel grieved at your sufferings and your
enemies exult over your misfortune.对你的痛苦,朋友们感到

—152 —
她表面上虽未显示出任何高兴的样子,但内心里却是欣喜若狂。Having won
the first prize, she didn’t show any sign of joy, but exulted inwardly.短语 to exult
over something有两个不同的意思:一是“为…而欢欣鼓舞”,二是“对…幸灾
乐祸”。请看下面的例句: 1.例如:他为这一可喜的变化而感到兴高采烈。He
exulted at the happy change. 2.他为妹妹的成功而欢欣鼓舞。He exulted in his
younger sister’s success. 3.这个小伙子因击败了情敌而感到非常得意Q The
young fellow exulted over his defeated rival. 4.为同学不及格而幸灾乐祸是不对
的。It’s not right to exult over a peer’s failure in the exam. 5.他是一个卑鄙的小
人,总是对别人的不幸幸灾乐祸。He is a very mean person and always exults
over other’s misfortune.

1. Someone exulted over ... and was extremely …
2. When …,someone exulted over ... and ...

[259 ] to keep an eye open for ...密切注视…

例句:He asked me to keep an eye open for a rental place that he could
use for his restaurant business, but so far I haven’t run into such a

注:短语to keep an eye open for ...是个口语中常用的习惯用语,其意思是

一个扒手。Keep an eye open for the boy in a red cap and red sweater. He is a
pickpocket.该短语也可写成 keep one’s eyes open for . ••或 keep one’s eyes
peeled (skinned, polished) for ...0请看下面的例句: 1.他在密切注视机械设
计方面的新趋势。He is keeping his eyes open for modern trends in machine de¬
signs. 2.男孩子们走过草丛的时候,睁大双眼寻找着蛇的踪影。When they
walked through the grass, the boys kept their eyes skinned for snakes. 3.小偷小
心翼翼地提防着警察。The thief kept his eyes peeled for the police.

1. Please keep an eye open for ...
2. You must keep an eye open for ... and …

[260 ] to see eye to eye with …与…意见一致

例句:Although the Board usually think alike, they could not see eye to
eye with one another on their recent investment.虽然董事会的成

注:to see eye to eye with •• •直译为“与某人眼对眼”,引申义是“与某人意

的。丨see eye to eye with Jane on most things.再比如:他因为在很多重要问提
上与老板意见不一致而辞了职。He resigned as he did not see eye to eye with
his boss on many important matters.但有时其中的介词with可以省略。例如:
陪审团成员全部同意判定这个虐待妻子的男人有罪。The jury saw eye to eye
on the conviction of the man who maltreated his wife.

1. Someone couldn’t see eye to eye with on the issue of ...
2. Although • • .,they could not see eye to eye with each other.

[261 ] to face up to…敢于(勇敢)面对…

例句:Although he knew of the practice of playing solo by most authori¬

ties, he could not face up to their recent decision and tolerate their
being so imperious.虽然他领教过当权者独断专行的作风,

注:to face up to ...是个常用的短语,其意思常因语境的变化而变化。请看

—154 —
难,有决心克服所有的困难。He faced up to the difficulties and was determined
to overcame them. 2.我们要敢于正视现实,而不要逃避现实。We should face
up to the reality instead of escaping them. 3.当公司面临倒闭的时候,他勇敢地
承担起自己的责任,并帮助总经理度过了难关。When the company was on the
verge of bankruptcy, he faced up to his responsibilities manfully and helped the
general manager to pull through. 4.他无法接受自己已经老得做不了这份工作的
事实。He couldn’t face up to the fact that he is too old for the job. 5.在长征途
On the Long March, the Red Army soldiers faced up to all the dangers and difficul¬
ties they met and finally conquered them.

1. Although • ..,someone boldly faced up to ...
2. You cannot ...,but face up to

[262 ] to cultivate a faculty of (for)…培养…的能力

例句: We must first of all cultivate in our college students a sense of jus¬
tice and responsibility before we should cultivate in them a faculty
of creative thinking. Otherwise, our education will not achieve
what it’s aimed at.我们必须首先培养大学生并使他们有局度

注:短语to cultivate a faculty of ...中的faculty意为“技能”,“才能”或“能

力”。例如:这孩子极赋学习语言的才能。The child has a great faculty for le-
arning languages.再比如:这个老牧羊人虽说已经85岁,可视力、听力和说
话、理解等能力还都不错。The old shepherd at the age of 85 still enjoys the full
possession of his faculties.此语中的动词cultivate意为“培养”或“养成,因
此,to cultivate a faculty of (for)...就是用来表示“培养…的能力”或“培养
We should cultivate in the children a faculty of saying things with propriety when
they are still young.再比如:大学教育帮助青年人培养辨别美与丑的能力。
——155 —
University education helps the young people to cultivate a faculty for distinguishing
between the good and the bad.

1. We must cultivate in ... a faculty of ...
2.Something aims at cultivating in ... a faculty of . •.

[263 ] to fag for…为…跑腿,为…疲于奔命

例句:At the public schools in England, it used to be a common practice

that a senior student asked a junior student to fag for him.过去在

他看上去累得要死。He looked fagged to death when we climbed to the top of the
mountain.再比如:回到家时我已是精疲力尽了。| was fagged out when I got
home.短语to fag for 表示“为某人或某事跑腿,’或“为某人或某事疲于奔
命”的意思。比如:我搞不懂你怎么会为这样阴险的人疲于奔命。丨can’t see
why you should fag for such an evil character.再比如:他这样为你跑腿而你还

1. What can you get from fagging for …?
2. Some fagged for ... on the assumption that ...

[264 ] to be too familiar with…同…有暧昧关系

例句:Henry put his foot down and told the boss not to be too familiar
with his wife, but his words didn,t seem to make a dent with the
—156 ——
注:familiar是形容词,有“熟悉的”或“了解的”等意。短语to be too famil-
iar with someone的意思是“与某人的关系过分密切”或“与某人有嗳昧关
系”。例如:保罗想要和杰克决裂,因为杰克和他的妻子太亲近了。Paul want¬
ed to break with Jack, because Jack was too familiar with his wife.除此之外,用
来表疋相同意思的另一个短语是make oneself too familiar with someone。比
如:你要当心这个家伙,他和你女儿亲密得过分了。You’d better keep an eye
on this guy. He has made himself too familiar with your daughter.

1. Don’t get yourself too familiar with …!
2. Someone has been too familiar with ...

[265 ] to familiarize oneself with …使自己熟悉…

例句: Soon after he arrived in Canada, John was trying to familiarize

himself with the local culture and the ways of life of both the
French and English communities.到加拿大后不久,约翰就尽

意。短语to familiarize oneself with ...是个常用的习惯用语,其意思是“使自
University students usually start in their third or fourth year to familiarize themselves
with social life through part-time jobs so that they may feel easier to adapt them¬
selves to society after graduation.再比如:这是一套很先进的设备,在使用前
你要先熟悉一下它的操作步骤。This is very advanced equipment. You must fa¬
miliarize yourself with the operation before using it.

1. Before doing . . .,you’ll have to familiarize yourself with ...
—157 —
2.Someone tried to familiarize himself (herself) with ... in order to ...

[266 ] to find fault with ...挑剔,指责…,对…吹毛求疵

例句:There’s something strange between Henry and his wife, Betty:

Henry always seems to find fault with Betty,but Betty never talks
back and always seems to be willing to give her head for the wash¬
ing. 在亨利和贝蒂之间有些事使人很难理解:亨利老是找贝

注:to find fault with ...是个常用的习惯用语,其意思是“找…的岔子”,“挑

…的不是”,“指责…”,“挑剔…”或“对…吹毛求疵' 例如:她总是对我的
衣着吹毛求疵。She is always finding fault with the way I dress.再比如:因为她
对自己的丈夫不满意,所以就总是挑他的不是。Feeling dissatisfied with her
husband, she was always finding fault with him.此外,此语的否定形式是:to
find no fault with…例如:别人对你所做的一切无可挑剔。Others have no fault
to find with what you’ve done.

1. Someone is always trying to find fault with ...
2. Don’t try to find fault with ...

[267 ] to curry favor with…拍…的马屁,巴结…

例句:I know why she never go against anything the boss says. That’s her
way to curry favor with people in the authority.我知道她为什么

在孩子多的家庭里,母亲不宜过于偏爱任何一个孩子。In a family with many
children, the mother shouldn’t show too much favor to any of the children. 此语中
—158 —
curry是动词,意为“用刷子刷洗”。短语to curry favor with someone是个常用
好她。Jim tried to curry favor with the new girl by telling her she was the prettiest
in the class.再比如:为了得到提升,杰克在竭力拍老板的马屁。Jack is trying
to curry favor with his boss to get a promotion.

1. Someone tried to cuny favor with . . . by
2.Someone tries to curry favor with ... in order to ...

[268 ] to feast one’s eyes on . • ■饱赏…,对--睹为快

例句:Hardly had the Olympic Games come to an end when the sports
fans began to look forward to the next one, for it’s the time when
they can feast their eyes on the wonderful performances of the play¬
ers of different events.奥运会刚刚结束,体育爱好者们便又开

语to feast one’s eyes on ...是个常用的习惯用语,常用来表示“饱赏”,“饱
览”或“大饱眼福”等意思。例如:游客们饱览了桂林的奇丽风光。The tour¬
ist feasted their eyes on the spectacular scenery in Guilin.又如:在这次画展上,
参观者们饱赏了中国水墨画的美。At this painting exhibition, visitors feasted their
eyes on the beauty of the Chinese watercolor paintings.

1. Someone feasted his (her) eyes on ...
2. You can feast your eyes on . . . if you ...

[269 ] to feel like doing ...想要…,有…的心思

例句: I wanted to have a talk with her about her sad plight, but turned me
down, saying that she didn’t feel like talking with anyone about her

注:to feel like doing ...是口语中常用的句式,意思是“想干某事,’,“有干某

事的意愿”或“有干某事的心思”。请看下面的例句: 1.我现在很累,不想说
话。I’m tired and don't feel like talking. 2.和母亲大吵一场之后,她不再想吃什
么东西了。After a big quarrel with her mother, she didn't feel like eating anything
more. 3.我太生气了,真想给他一拳。 I was so angry that I felt like giving him a
punch.此外,介词like之后也可以跟名词。例如:你想去游泳吗? Do you feel
知道自己犯了个多么愚蠢的错误时,我感到自己就像个大笨蛋。When I real¬
ized what a stupid mistake I had made, I felt like a big fool.

1.Someone said that he (she) didn’t feel like doing ...
2.Someone is so . .. that he (she) doesn’t feel like doing •

[270 ] to fight against …与…做斗争

例句:In the latter half of the eighteenth century, the thirteen colonies in
America fought against the British control and won their indepen¬
dence at last. 18世纪下半叶,美洲的十三个殖民地为反对英

fight against ■. •表示“与…做斗争”或“与…抗争”。例如:原始人要不断地
与大自然做斗争才得以生存。The primitive man had to constantly fight against
nature to survive.再比如:布日常生活中,我们会经常遇到需要与自己的情感
与欲望做斗争的情况。in daily life, we may often encounter circumstances under
which we are called to fight against our own feelings and desires.请注意:当此语

—160 —
中的介词换成with,形成to fight with ...时,基本上可以表达两个不同的意

1. Someone fought against …in order to…
2. To do…,someone fought against ...

[271 ] to be filled with ...充满,填满,装满…

例句:After learning the news that a chemical plant was to be built along
the river near the village, most of the villagers were filled with in¬
dignation. 听到在村子附近的河边要建造一个化工厂的消息,

注:tobe filled with ...是个常用的习惯用语,常用来表示“充满…”,“装

满…”,“填满…”或“满是…”或“到处是…”等意思。请看下面的例句: 1.
那个人送来的包里装满了钞票。The bag that man sent here was filled with cash.
2. 一回想起昨晚与情人的约会,她的心里就感到美滋滋的。On recalling last
night’s meeting with her lover, she was filled to the brim with happiness. 3.他月亩
子里充满了奇思怪想。His mind was filled with fanciful ideas.

1.When someone got to . . ., he (she) found that it was filled with ...

2.Someone was filled with . . . when ...

[272 ] to forgive someone for ...原谅某人…

例句:I can forgive you for one or two mistakes you have done, but I
can’t forgive you for your being indifferent to the needs of other

是个轻易宽恕别人的人。You’d better not offend him, he is not a man who for¬
gives easily.短语to forgive someone for…表示“原谅某人干的…”的意思。
When Jack proposed reconciliation to Martha, Martha said that she would never
forgive him for what he had said that night.再比如:汤姆请求老师原谅他昨天没
能来参加排练。Tom asked the teacher to forgive him for not having been able to
attend the rehearsal yesterday.

1. Someone begged ... to forgive …for ...
2. We can’t forgive …for …

[273 ] to be in a happy frame of mind 心情愉快

例句:When a person is in a happy frame of mind, he may agree on the

thing that he won’t tolerate doing when he is not in the right frame
of mind. 一个人心情愉快的时候很可能会同意干他心情不好

注:to be in a happy frame of mind是个常用的习惯用语,其意思是“心情愉

快”或“心情很好”。请看下面的例句: 1.他心情愉快的时候是一个人,而当
他心情不好的时候他简直就成了另一个人了。He is one person when he’s in a
happy frame of mind, but he’s simply a different kind of person when he is not in
the right frame of mind. 2.萨莉是个很通情达理的孩子。她从来不在爸爸心情
不好的时候让他给自己买她急切想要的东西。Sally is a sensible girl. She never
asks her father to buy her the item that she is longing for when her father is not in
a happy frame of mind.

1. He would ... when he is in a happy frame of mind
2. When someone is not in a happy frame of mind, he (she) will not …
一 162 —
[274 ] to take freedoms with…对…放肆,随便,无礼

例句: You can’t take freedoms with what you say to anyone, and you
can’t do so even to a person you are on very good terms with.你

你有完全的行动自主权。去做你认为最合理的事吧。You have complete free¬
dom of action in dealing with the matter. Do exactly what you think best.但是,
思。例如:罗斯教授很不喜欢那个男生跟她说话的无礼态度。Professor Rose
resented the freedom with which that boy student addressed her.短语 to take free¬
doms with ...表示“对…放肆”,“对…无礼”或“对…过分随便”等意思。
止他们。Although Janet is an easy-going teacher, she will stop the students when
they take freedoms with her.再比如:妈妈嘱咐淘气的儿子不要对今晚的客人
太放肆,因为他是爸爸的顶头上司。The mother warned her naughty son not to
take freedoms with the guest of tonight, because he was nobody but his father’s
immediate superior.

1. You can never take freedoms with ...
2. You have the freedom to do…,but you can’t take freedoms with ...

[275 ] to fret about…为…着急,因…感到烦躁不安

例句:Have you noticed that Sandra is fretting about something? Her jit¬
ters must have something to do with her husband, who is involved
in a case of embezzlement.你发现桑德拉这几天总是心神不定

烦躁。Small babies often fret in hot days.再比如:这种持续不断的噪音使得这
个女人心绪不宁。The continual noise had fretted the woman’s nerves.短语 to
fret about ...常用来表示“为…着急”,“因…感到烦躁不安”或“因…感到心
神不定”等意思。例如:不要为这件小事而感到太苦恼了Q Don't be fret about
such a minor incident.再比如:虽然医生已向她保证她丈夫的病情会有好转的,
可是她对他的病情仍是放心不下Q She's still fretting about her husband’s condi¬
tion, though the doctor assured her of his recovery.请注意:除了 about 之夕卜,
为他的安全担忧。When her husband went away on business this time, she fret¬
ted over his safety out of no specific reason.

1. Although …,someone is still fretting about ...
2. Someone fretted about …,though ...

[276 ] to be frightened of…害怕…,对…感到恐惧

例句:John was involved in a case of embezzlement, which is presently

being investigated by the police, so John’s now very frightened at
the possibility that he will be charged with embezzlement.约翰牵

注:to be frightened of (at)...是个常用的句式,主要意思是“对…感到很害

怕”,“因…感到很恐惧”或“对…感到提心吊胆”。请看下面的例句: 1.一想
到丈夫要抛弃她,她就怕得要死。She was deeply frightened at the prospect of
being deserted by her husband. 2.自从那次被蛇咬了之后,她就一直很怕蛇。
Since a snake struck her, she has been frightened of snakes. 3.如果她不是怕孤
独的话,她是决不会嫁给这样一个男人的。If she were not so terribly frightened
of loneliness, she would never have married such a man.另外,与 to be fright¬
ened 搭配使用的另一个短语是to be at the thought of ...,其意思是“一想到
—164 —
• ••就很害怕”。比如:一想到即将到来的考试他就很害怕。He was frightened at
the thought of the coming examination.

1.Someone is very frightened at the (sight) thought of •..
2. Someone is very frightened of ...

[277 ] to be furnished with…配备有…,装备有…

例句: Modem hotel rooms are all furnished with such facilities as a tele¬
phone ,a TV set and a refrigerator, and some rooms are even fur¬
nished with a fax machine and a computer.现代化宾馆的房间通

注:furnish为动词,有“供给”,“装备”或“配备”等意。短语to be fur¬
nished with ...表示“配备有…”,“装备有…”或“摆设有…”等意思。请看
下面的例句: 1.我们家客厅里摆设着一套从丹麦进口的豪华家具。Our living
room is furnished with luxurious furniture from Denmark. 2.这个实验室配备有目
前最先进的仪器。This laboratory is furnished with so far the most modem instru¬
ments. 该短语也可以用来描述人。如:探险队备有充足的生活必需品。The
exploration team was well furnished with the basic necessities. if1、注意:司
与此结构搭配的副词有,sparsely (家具很少),handsomely (漂亮),plainly
(朴素),elegantly (典雅)等等。

1. Something is well furnished with such things as ...
2.Something will be furnished with . . •

[278 ] to be glad of…为…感到高兴

例句:John’s mother was very glad of John’s maturity and his strong sense
of responsibility for everything he does.约翰的母亲很是为他的

有机会跟你谈心我感到很尚兴。丨feel very glad to have the opportunity of talking
with you.再比如:母亲的病终于好了,吉姆很高兴。Jim was very glad that his
mother finally recovered from her illness, glad 经常作表语用,它后面除了常跟不
定式或从句外,也常与一些介词搭配使用,of是其中之一。be glad of ...表
示“为…感到高兴”的意思。例如:有你做伴,我们会很高兴。Well be glad
of your company.再比如:简在演讲比赛中获得了第一名,她父母为她的成功
感到由衷地局兴。Jane’s parents felt heartily glad of her success in winning the
first prize in the speech contest•再比如:虽然挣钱不多,他还是很高兴当老师。
Although he is not making much money, he is glad of the position of schoolmaster.

此语适用的句子结构 -
1. Someone is very glad of someone,s ...
2.Someone is very glad of the fact that ...

[279 ] to steal a glance at …偷看-▲眼,瞥-•眼

例句:Joe stole a glance at the girl sitting in the opposite direction and
lowered his head, pretending that he was not seeing her.乔偷看

注:glance在这里是名词,意为“瞥”,“看一眼”或“扫视,’。短语to steal a
glance at…意思是“偷看…一眼”或“瞥…一眼”。例如:在晚饭桌上,马
事。Martin stole a glance at his serious-looking father at the dinner table, wonder¬
ing if he had been informed pf the news that he was dismissed from school.再比
如:当老师问是谁打破了玻璃时,丽丽瞥了一眼杰克。When the teacher asked
who broke the window, Lily stole a glance at Jack.

1. Someone stole a glance at ... and …
2. Someone stole a glance at ...

[280 ] to gloat over someone’s misfortunes 对幸灾乐祸

例句:A man of integrity will not gloat over other people’s misfortunes.
They’d rather show their sympathy than take a kick out of their mis¬
fortunes .一个正直的人对他人是不会幸灾乐祸的。对他人的

看”等意。该词后跟介词over,形成to gloat over someone’s misfortunes的句
因车祸不能继续参加比赛时,他忍不住对此幸灾乐祸Q When he learnt that his
opponent couldn't attend the contest because of a traffic accident, Jackson couldn't
help but gloat over his rival’s misfortunes.再比如:自私的人才会对别人的不幸
幸灾乐祸,善良的人只会去帮助他。Only the selfish gloats over other’s misfor¬
tunes ,kind-hearted people would only help him.

1. Someone always gloats over the sufferings and ... of other people.
2. He’d gloat over ... rather than offering a helping hand

[281 ] to handle ... with kid gloves谨填对待…,小ll、对待…

例句:This is a sticky business. You must handle the matter with kid
gloves or you will blow the whole thing.这是一'个很棘手的冋

注:kid gloves原意为“小山羊皮手套”,引申为“温柔”或“细致”。短语to
——167 —
handle ... with kid gloves是一个常用的习惯用语,其意思是“谨慎处理…”
若珍宝,总是轻拿轻放的。She handles the wristlet that her grandmother sent
her with kid gloves.再比如:处理这类的事情时你一定要谨慎再谨慎。You
must handle this sort of problems with kid gloves.

1. You must handle …with kid gloves
2. This sort of ... must be handled with kid gloves

[282 ] to remain glued to ...和…粘在一起,离不开…

例句:Sandra and Frank seem to be remaining glued to each other since

they met at the dance party, but Sandra’s friends doubt that Frank
will go steady with her, for he has taken many other girls for a

注:glue意为“胶,’或“胶水”。短语to remain glued to…的字面意思是

句: 1.孩子们目不转睛地盯着电视机。The children’s eyes remained glued to
the television. 2.小女孩寸步不离地跟在妈妈身边,生怕走丢了。The little girl
stayed glued to her mother’s side for fear that her mother may lose her. 3.他和萨
利形影不离,搞得可热乎了。He remained glued to Sally, getting on with her like
a house on fire.

1.1 can’t understand why she remains glued to ...
2.Someone remained glued to . . . as if ...

[283 ] to do grace to…为…增添光彩

例句:Tom knows how much respect his father gets from the whole na¬
tion ,so he’s trying to do grace to his father’s prestige and the
whole family, never doing harm to them.汤姆知道他爸爸受到

注:grace是名词,意为“典雅”,“荣幸”或“光彩”。短语to do grace to ...

添了很大的光彩。His remarkable achievements in the field of psychology have
not only greatly contributed to the development of psychology,but also done grace
to his motherland.再比如:富兰克的巨大成功为他的家族增添了不少光彩。
The great success Frank has made this time had done much grace to his big fami¬


1. Someone’s ... has done much grace to ...
2. Someone has done ...,which has done grace to ...

[284 ] to graduate from ... in ...毕业于…学校…学科

例句: In 1986,Henry graduated from Oxford in politics and two years

later, he was made a high-ranking government official and started
his political career. 1986年,亨利毕业于牛津大学政治专业。

注:to graduate from ... in ... as ...用来表示“毕业于…(学校)…(专

业)并获得…(学位)”的意思。请看下面的例句: 1.1983年,他毕业于牛津
大学法学专业,并获博士学位。In 1983, he graduated from Oxford in law as a
Doctor 2.1898年,他毕业于哈佛大学,获得了教育学的博士学位。He gradu-
一丨69 一
ated from Harvard as a Doctor in education. 3.他从剑桥大学毕业之后便回到了
中国。He returned to China after he graduated from Cambridge. 4. 因为家里穷,
他中学毕业后便参加了工作。He had to go to work after he graduated from high

1. In . . ., someone graduated from ... in ... as …

2. Someone graduated from ... as ...

[285 ] to express one’s gratitude for •..对…表示感谢

例句:During the interview, the mayor expressed his heart-felt gratitude

through the reporters for die timely assistance and support that peo¬

ple from other cities have kindly rendered to his citizens after the

city was struck by severe earthquakes.在采访期间,市长通过


注:to express one's gratitude for ...是个常用的句式,意思是“对…表示感

谢”。清看下面的例句: 1•我送她一个很好看的花瓶以表示我对她的感激。|
gave her a lovely vase in gratitude for her kindness. 2.对你的帮助,我真不知道
怎样表达我的谢意。 I hardly know how to fully express my gratitude for your help.
3.她回国后写r一封长信来感谢我对她的热情款待。She wrote me a long let-
ter after she returned to her country to express her gratitude for my hospitality.

1. Someone expressed his (her) gratitude for someone for ...

2. To express one’s gratitude for someone’s . . . , he (she) did...

[286 ] to be greedy of …贪图…

例句:Nowadays people are too greedy of money or fame and status. But
they never know these should be the byproducts of their life rather
than the highest goals of it.现代人过分贪图金钱或名利和地

靠不住的。Greedy man cannot be trusted•短语 to be greedy of …意为“贪
子。Because he was greedy of power, he married his daughter to the emperor as
a concubine•再比如:他因过分贪图名利而最终把自己弄得身败名裂。His life
was completely ruined because he was too greedy of fame and status.请注意:
的资产阶级迫切要得到土地和劳动力。The rising capitalists were greedy for land
and labor.

1.Someone is so greedy of ... that …
2.Someone ... for being too greedy of ...

[287 ] to hold a grudge against …对…怀恨在心

例句:He’s the sort of person who would hold a grudge against anyone
who is, in a decision-making situation, not in favor of his opin¬
ions. 在决策时,如果有人不支持他的意见,他就会对其怀

人民对他怨声载道。All over the country there was a grudge against him.短语 to
hold a grudge against ...用来表示“怨恨…”或“对…怀恨在心”之意。比
如:她对我心存积怨已经好几年了。She's held a grudge against me for years.
;已、0 Although you ever criticized me in public, I have held no grudge against you
because what you said was right.此语中的动词除用hold之外,也可以用诸如
have, bear, harbor, carry或nurse等动词取代。例如:他因为老师曾因作弊没
i上他通过考试而对她怀恨在心很多年。He bore a grudge against his teacher be¬
cause she once failed him in an examination for cheating.再比如:因为约翰占了
他在篮球队中的位置,汤姆对他心生不满。Tom nursed a grudge against John
took his place on the basketball team.

1. Someone will bear a grudge against ... if ...
2.Someone held a grudge against all those who have ...

[288 ] to feel guilty about…对…感到有罪,内疚

例句:According to some recent psychological studies, people who are

constantly feeling guilty about the things they do are more prone to
mental diseases than those who are in the right frame of mind.最

注:guilty是形容词,有“有罪的”或“有过失的”等意。短语to feel guilty

about ...意思是“对…感到有罪”或“对…感到内疚' 例如:他说他为没能
尽快给你回信感到内疚。He said that he felt guilty about not being able to reply to
your letter the soonest.再比如:对账上那个差错我依然感到内疚。我早应该注
意到而且改正过来的。I still feel guilty about that error in the accounts, I ought to
have noticed it and corrected !t•请注意:此语中除了可以使用about之外,还可
以用for或at等介词。例如:他为拋弃妻子而感到内疚。He felt guilty at de¬
serting his wife.再比如:他因嘲弄他人而感到内疚。He felt guilty for his scoff¬

1. Someone felt guilty about . . . and ...
2.Someone still feels guilty about ...

[289 ] to break oneself of the habit of …克服…的习惯

例句:He was trying to break himself of the habit of drinking cold water
while eating, but he found it very hard to give the habit a kick.他

注:与habit有关的习惯用语有两个:其一是to be in the habit of ...,其二是

to break oneself of the habit of ... 0前者意为“总是习惯干某事”,后者意思是
“克服掉…的习惯”。请看下面的例句: 1 ■他总是习惯在睡觉前吃东西。He’s
in the habit of eating something before going to bed. 2.他总是习惯一边打字一边
吸烟。He’s in the habit of smoking while typing. 3.因为得了肺病,他必须戒烟
了。He has to break himself of the habit of smoking now that he's got some lung
disease. 4.你能不能帮这个孩子克服咬指甲的习惯?你看,他的大拇指都肿
了。Can you help the child to break himself of the habit of biting his nails? You see
his thumb is swollen•此外,break后边也可以跟其他人称代词或名词,表示
孩子改掉吃饭看书的习惯。We must break the boy of his habit of reading while
eating dinner.再比如:这是一个他无法让他儿子克服的习惯。It was a habit he
could not break his son of.

1 • You must break yourself of the habit of ...
2. Someone’s determined to break himself (herself) of the habit of . . •

[290 ] to do harm to…有害于…

例句:Although doctors the world over have constantly warned that smok¬
ing does great harm to health, the number of smokers is still on the
increase and they do not seem to care about the warning at all.虽

注:to do harm to ...是个常用的短语,意思是“有害于…”或“对…造成损

害”。请看下面的例句: 1.干旱对庄稼造成了很大伤害。The drought did a lot
of harm to the crops. 2.吸烟喝酒对人都有害。Smoking and drinking both do
harm to people’s health. 3.你岀了个差错,好在没有产生什么危害。You made
a mistake but no harm done. 4.政府督促一些工厂停止用煤做燃料,因为这样
会对环境造成污染。The government urged a number of factories to stop using
coal as fuel, since it does great harm to the environment.

1. You must stop . .., for it will do great harm to ...
2. Something does great harm not only to ...,but also to ...

[291 ] to feel hate towards …憎恨…,仇恨…

例句:According to my own observation and judgement feeling, most Jap¬

anese feel a sort of hate towards foreigners who are likely to do bet¬
ter in the community.根据我自己的观察和判断,大多数的日

注:to feel hate towards ...是个口语句式,主要用来表示“憎恨”,“仇恨”

或“厌恶”的意思。请看下面的例句: 1.他嫉恶如仇。He felt strong hate to¬
ward evil. 2.作为一个中国人,他特别憎恨虐待父母的行为。As a Chinese, he
feels hate towards mistreatment of parents. 3.他对敌人充满仇恨。He felt bitter
hate towards his enemies. 4.他明显是憎恨势力眼的。He obviously feels hate
towards snobbish people.

1. Those people who are ... usually feel hate towards ...
2.Someone feels hate towards those who are ...

[292 ] to play havoc with…对…造成破坏,使…陷入混乱

例句: This earthquake had played havoc with most of the old structures of
the area.这次地震对该地区的旧式建筑造成了很大的破坏。

乱”,“杂乱”等。例如:这次地震造成了巨大的破坏和伤亡。The earthquake
caused havoc and loss of life.再比如:那洪水造成了严重的灾害。The flood
caused terrible havoc.再比如:孩子们有时会把房间弄得乱糟糟的Q Children
sometimes can create havoc in a house.短语 to play havoc with ...表示“对…
大面积的破坏。Last night's storm has played havoc with the crops.再比如:数
绝。The cats that had grown out of number have played havoc with the island's
bird population and have almost killed off some of the native species.再如,周期
性大危机使经济陷人了混乱。The great cyclical crisis had played havoc with eco¬
nomic situation.请注意:此语中的动词除了用play外,还可以用wreak,raise,
杀和捕猎对野生动物造成了严重的破坏。They wrought dreadful havoc among
the wildlife by shooting and trapping.

1. Something played havoc with both . . . and the ...
2.Someone tried to play havoc with . . ., hoping that ...

[293 ] to get to the heart of…抓住…的要点,角虫及…的实质

例句: I know that most reformers are enthusiastic about the current reform
in education, but what worries us is that they haven’t got to the
heart of the problems in education and they do not know what they
would reform or which direction they will follow.我知道大多数

注:短语to get to the heart of…中的heart除了有“心”或“心脏”的意思

外,还可引申为“中心”,“要点”或“实质”。例如:the heart of a problem
“问题的实质' 因此,该短语就有“抓住…的要点”或“触及…的实质”等意
思。请看下面的例句: 1.如果想快捷有效地解决一个问题,就必须先抓住它
的要害。If we want to solve a problem with efficiency, we must first get to the
heart of it. 2.这些都是不太相关的东西,让我们来谈一谈事情的实质吧。
These are all not very relevant. Let’s get to the heart of the matter. 3.他在讲话
中很快便触及问题的要点:中国的农业为什么搞不上去? He soon got to the
heart of the subject: why hasn’t China made great progress in agriculture?

1. You must get to the heart of . . . before you can ...
2. Someone hasn’t got to the heart of …though ...

[294 ] to open one’s heart to…向…倾诉衷肠;同情(帮助)…

例句:Those people who have been constantly worried about something

need to open their hearts to someone of their confidence and find an
outlet for the deeply buried worries.那些为某些事经常忧心忡

注:短语to open one’s heart to…是个口语句式,表示“向…倾诉衷肠”,“和

…讲讲心理话”或“同情(帮助)…”等意思。请看下面的例句: 1.约翰向
贝蒂倾诉衷肠之后感觉好多了。John felt much better after he opened his heart
to Betty. 2.玛丽忧心忡忡地在屋里走来走去之后才跟妈妈讲岀了心里话。Af-
ter she went around worrying, Mary opened her heart to her mother. 3.当一个人
满怀烦恼而又无人倾诉时,他是最可怜的。He who is greatly vexed but has no
one to open his heart to is the most wretched. 4.史密斯太太帮助了那个向她乞
讨的穷孩子。Mrs. Smith opened her heart to the poor little boy who begged her
—176 —
for food.

1. You really need to open your heart to someone and ...
2. Someone opened his heart to ... and found that ...

[295 ] to have a hunch that …预感到…,总觉得...

例句: I have a hunch that something is preying heavy on the manager’s

mind, probably something about his wife’s relation with one of the
local government officials.我总觉得经理这几天有什么心事,

注:hunch是名词,有“直觉”或“预感”等意。短语to have a hunch

that ...表示“预感到…”或“总觉得…”等意。请看下面的例句: 1.凭直觉
我认为他不会同意我们的看法。I have a hunch that he would not agree with us.
2.我们快回家吧,我总觉得不对劲。Let’s go home now, I have a hunch that
something goes wrong. 3.我早就预感到老板和萨莉的关系不一般^ I did have a
hunch that the boss is on intimate terms with Sally.

1.1 have a hunch that ...
2. After …,I had a hunch that ...

[296 ] to be imbued with .•.充满…,富有…

例句:He is a man imbued with a strong sense of responsibility and the

milk of human kindness. He devoted all his time and energy to his
work, never seeking profit for himself.他是一个极富有责任感

尔使英国人民满怀爱国主义。Churchill imbued the Englishmen with enormous
patriotism.短语to be imbued with…是个常用的习惯用语,意为“充满…”
或“富有…”。请看下面的例句: 1 •真正的科学家总是充满着对人类及其生存
环境做岀新发现的欲望。A true scientist is imbued with the urge to discover
something new about man and his environment. 2.总统应该对国家充满责任心。
A president should be imbued with a sense of responsibility for the nation. 3. 他是
一个极富正义感的人。He is imbued with the spirit of justice. 4.他的书里充满进
化论的思想。His work is imbued with the volutionary spirit.请注意:有时 to be
imbued with…也可用来表示“受…的影响”的意思。例如:埃及贫民深受伊
斯兰教的影响。The Egyptian poor are deeply imbued by the teachings of Islam.

1. Someone is imbued with ...
2. Those who are imbued with ... are usually ...

[297 ] to be immersed in…沉浸于…,埋头于…,陷入…

例句:He was soon immersed in the books about stock exchange.他很快


浸人液体的时候,它就会明显失去重量。When an object is immersed in a fluid,
it apparently loses weight.此语常引申为“使沉浸在…”,“使专心于…,,或
immersed himself in writing, having almost no time for his family.短语 to be im¬
mersed in …表示“沉浸于…”,“埋头于…”或“陷人…”等意思。请看下
面的例句: 1.当我晚上去他们家的时候,他们全家人都在聚精会神地读书。
When I visited them in that evening, the entire family was immersed in reading. 2.
我走进书房,发现和往常一样,约翰逊先生正在埋头写作。丨walked in the
study and found Mr. Johnson immersed in writing, as usual. 3.他迷上了赌博,
已经负债累累了。He takes to gambling and is now immersed in debts.
1. Someone is immersed in …,having little time for …
2.Someone is totally immersed in . . . and ...

[298 ] to have an impact on • _.对…有影响(冲击)

例句:Psychological studies have constantly indicated that parents,behav¬

ior and their ways of doing things have a great impact on the devel¬
opment of their children and therefore, psychologists suggest par¬
ents give enough heed to how they influence their children. 理

注:impact是名词,意为“冲击”,“撞击”或“碰撞”。短语to have an impact

on ...是个常用的句式,表示“对…有影响”或“冲击…”等意思。请看下
面的例句: 1.这本书对它的读者有很强烈的影响。The book had a great impact
on its readers. 2.这次俄美高级会谈对世界和平有重大影响。This summit
meeting between Russia and the United States had a major impact on world
peace. 3.东南亚金融危机对中国的经济产生了很大影响。The financial crisis
in Southeast Asia had a significant impact on China's economic situations.

1. Something has a great impact on ...
2.Something didn’t have any impact on …,though …

[299 ] to impose ... on ...把…强加给…,对…施加影响

例句: We don’t want to impose any other conditions on our clients so long
as they are observing our policy.只要我们的客户按照我们的政

impose ... on ...意思是“把…强加给…”或“对…施加影响”。请看下面的
例句: 1 .征服者把不平等的议和条件强加给战败国。The conqueror imposed
unfair conditions of peace on the defeated country. 2.我讨厌别人把他自己对一
部电影的看法强加给我。丨 hate people to impose on me their own ideas about a
电话一打就是半个小时,你不觉这是在占人家便宜吗? Don't you think you're
imposing on your neighbor when you used his telephone for half an hour?再比如:
谢谢,今晚我不住在这儿了。我不想给你添麻烦。Thank you, but丨don’t think
I’ll stay the night. I don’t want to impose on you.

1. Someone imposed …on …in order to ...
2. Someone didn’t impose ... on those who…

[300 ] to be impressed with (by)...被…所感动,对…留下深


例句:We were all very much impressed by the little girl’s quick response
to the joke and her unusual minds in answering the questions that
may even put adults to shame.那个小女孩儿对我们给她开的

“使…深受感动”等。短语to be impressed with (by) ...是个常用的句式,意
为“被…所感动”或“给…留下了深刻的印象”。请看下面的例句: 1.观众被
该剧的剧情深深地打动了。The audience was deeply impressed by the plot of the
play. 2.他的外貌给我留下很好的印象。丨was favorably impressed by his ap¬
pearance. 3.她的坚强意志和刻苦精神使我大为感动。I was greatly impressed
—180 —
by her strong will power and hard-working spirit.

1. Someone was greatly impressed by ...
2.Someone was not only touched by . . . , but also impressed with ...

[301 ] to be incompatible with…与…不一致(不协调,不相


例句:Socialism and capitalism are basically two different social systems

that are largely incompatible with each other.社会主义和资本主

的”,“不相容的”或“不一致的”等含义。例如:incompatible ideas “互不相
容的思想”;swing between two incompatible policies “摇摆于两种相对立政策之
间”等。短语to be incompatible with ...表示“与…不相容”,“与…不一致”,
Excessive drinking is incompatible with democratic principles.再比如:友谊和原
则是水火不相容的两件事。Friendship and principles are two different things that
are incompatible with each other.

1. Something is absolutely incompatible with ...
2. The two ... are two different ... that are incompatible with each other.

[302 ] to be indifferent to…对…漠不关心,无动于衷

例句: After her second divorce she became indifferent to anyone, includ¬
ing her relatives and those friends she used to trust.第二次离婚之
如:他怎么能在这么混乱的状态下还保持无动于衷呢? How can he remain in¬
different in such a commotion?短语 to be indifferent to…意思是“对…漠不关
心”,“对…无动于衷”或“对…满不在乎”。请看下面的例句: 1.他装作对表
扬不感兴趣的样子。He pretends to be indifferent to praise. 2.对于这些孩子的
苦难没有人能够做到无动于衷。Nobody can remain indifferent to the sufferings of
the children? 3.那些探险家对于探险中遇到的艰苦与危险毫不在乎。Those ex¬
plorers were indifferent to the discomforts and dangers of the expedition. 4.这位作
家对任何评论,无论好坏,都满不在乎。The writer is indifferent to criticism,
good or bad.

1. Someone became indifferent to ... after ...
2. Someone is indifferent to ...

[303 ] to indulge in…沉溺于…,纵情于…

例句: Some modem men know pretty well how to indulge in such things
as eating, drinking, playing and entertainment.现代人非常清楚

等意。例如:迁就一个生病的孩子有时是必要的。It's sometimes necessary to
indulge the fancies of a sick child.再比如:她纵容儿子,他要吃什么就给什么。
She indulges her son in whatever he wishes to eat.短语 to indulge in …常用来
1.她任性地发了一通脾气。She indulged in a fit of temper. 2.考试结束后,我
们尽情享受 f 一顿丰盛的晚餐。We indulged in a luxurious supper after the ex¬
amination. 3.在晚会上他肆意自吹自擂直到他发现所有的客人都躲开了他。
He indulged in self-glorification at the party until he noticed that all guests had shied
away from him. 4.国王一味奢侈淫靡,致使全国上下道德沦丧。The king in¬
dulged in luxury and extravagance so that the whole country degraded in morality.
1. Someone indulged himself/herself in …
2.1 would never indulge in such things as ...

[304 ] to be inferior to ...劣于(次于,低于,不如)…

例句:According to some psychological studies, those people who con¬

stantly feel that they are inferior to their peers are most likely to de¬
velop some negative attitude towards their own life in particular and
the world as a whole.有些心理学研究表明,那些经常感觉到

短语to be inferior to…常用来表示“劣于…”,“次于…”,“低于…”或“不
如…”等意思。请看下面的例句: 1.女人在很多方面并不比男人差。Women
are, in many respects, not inferior to men. 2.老师有意对这个男孩多关注一些,
因为他总是觉得自己不如别人。The teacher intentionally gave more attention to
the boy, for he always felt inferior to others. 3.少校级别低于上校,这是个连小
孩儿都知道的事实。A major is inferior to colonel, a fact of which is known even
to a small child. 4.现在中国生产的某些电器也不比外国的差了。Some of the
electric appliances made in China are no longer inferior to those made by other
countries now.

1. Those who are inferior to ... are usually less . . . than ...
2. Something is obviously inferior to ... in regard to ...

[305 ] to inform someone of • ■.使某人 了解…

例句: There must be someone who had informed the owner of the bathing
center of the sudden crack-down or he wouldn’t be able to escape

注:inform意为“通知”,“告知”或“报告”。短语to inform someone of …

某人”等意思。请看下面的例句: 1 ■他尚未把他的度假计划告诉我。He has
not yet informed me of his plans for holidays. 2.你有没有通知邮局你已改变地
址? Did you inform the post office of the change of your address? 3.有人肯定把
我们的计划告诉给他们了。Someone must have informed them of our plan.另
夕卜,该短语也可用于被动语态。例如: 1 •他要求他的下属随时向他报告计划
进展的情况。He asked his men to keep him informed of the program’s progress.
2.我已经知道这件事了。丨 have been informed of the matter.

1. Please inform …of …
2. Someone must have informed ... of the ...

[306 ] to inhibit someone from doing …禁止某人干(做)…

例句:He does not take any leadership role in the college, but this has not
inhibited him from influencing the authorities on important deci¬
sions. 他在学院没有担任领导职务,但这并没有妨碍他对校

了这一疾病的传播a The medicine inhibited the spread of the disease.再比如:
girl’s honesty inhibited her impulse to keep the ring she found.短语 to inhibit
someone from doing something常用来表示“禁止某人干(做)某事”,“限制某
人干某事“或”阻止某人干某事”等意思。请看下面的例句: 1.他所受的严
格的教养使他怯于提问。His strict upbringing inhibited him from asking questions.
2•恐惧使我不敢说话。Fear inhibited me from talking.有时,该短语也可以表
示妨ib的意思。3.他糟糕的炎语使他无法和当地人顺利地交往。His Door
—184 —
English inhibited him from naturally communicating with the native speakers.

1. Something has greatly inhibited someone from ...
2. Nothing could inhibit . . . from ...

[307 ] to give someone an inkling of …给某人一丝…的暗亦;


例句:Nobody had given him an inkling of the crackdown before the po¬
lice arrived, so it was too late for him to transfer all the drugs to
other places.在警察赶到之前没有人把这次突击检查的消息

如:这里没有路,甚至连人踩过的地方都没有。There was no path—no inkling
even of a track.再比如:我对目前所发生的事已略有所知。I've got an inkling
of what is happening.短语 to give someone an inkling of •. • 表示“给某人一丝
点。丨 gave her an inkling of her shortcomings.此外,inkling 前面的冠词 an 也可
的事一定很重要。The hustle and bustle of her family gave little Helen some in¬
kling of the significance of what was going to happen.

1. Nobody had given someone an inkling of . . . before ...
2.Someone had already given someone an inkling of . . . before ...

[308 ] to inquire into…追究(调查,查问)…

例句:Someone has written and asked the police to inquire into the
principal’s relations with the head of the accounting department of

——185 —
the college.有人已经写信要求警方调查校长与学校财务处处

去火车站怎么走。He inquired of a girl the way to the railway station.此外,in-
quire也有“查冋”,“查究”或“调查”等意,因此,短语to inquire into…常
例句: 1 •警方调查了这个自称是阿尔弗雷德夫人的女人的背景。The police in¬
quired into the background of the woman who called herself Mrs. Alfred. 2.他们
仔细调查 f 事情的是非曲直。They inquired closely into the merits of the case.
3.政府不可以过问宗教信仰。The government cannot inquire into religious conv-
iction. 4.警方正在调查这起谋杀案。The police are inquiring into the murder. 5.
总经理亲自查N 了这件事。The general manager inquired into the matter by his
own person.

1. Someone has asked ... to inquire into ...
2. Someone will inquire into ...

[309 ] to be inseparable from .. • 与…密不可分

例句:Most of the crimes, such as gambling, prostitution, tax evasion,

embezzlement and official corruption, are obviously inseparable
from the rotten social system and the rotten minds of the govern¬
ment officials.诸如赌博、卖淫、偷税漏税、贪污以及官员腐

如:这个 _人与他的狗形影不离。The blind man and his dog are inseparable
网比如:我们坚持认为台湾是中.国不可分割的一部分。We insist that Taiwan is
an inseparable part of China.短语 to be inseparable from …表示“与…密不可
一 186 —
This question is inseparable from the main question.再比如:个人行为是无法与
社会行为分离开来的。The activities of an individual are inseparable from that of

1. Something is inseparable from ...
2. Most . .. think ... is inseparable from ...

[310 ] to have the inside on ...掌握有关…的内幕

例句:Drivers working for VIPs usually have the inside on the activities of
their masters and therefore, most VIPs take care not to offend these
“small potatoes”.给大人物开车的司机通常了解其主人活动

注:短语to have the inside on ...是个常用的句式,主要用来表示“掌握有关

用got或learned代替。请看下面的例句: 1 .这个侦探已经了解到这伙盗贼下
次行动的内幕。The detective has learnt the inside of the next action of the rob¬
bers. 2.他掌握了会议的内情。He has the inside on what happened at the conv¬
ention. 3.教练对于我们能赢这场比赛很有把握,因为他已经掌握了对手训练
情况的内幕。The coach is quite sure that we can win the match because he has
the inside on how our opponent team is training. 4.很少有人了解总统个人生活
的内情0 Few people get the inside on the president’s private life.

1. Someone has already had the inside on ...
2. Few people get the inside on ...

[311 ] to insist on ...坚持要…

例句:I urged her to take a good break,but she insisted on keep on work-
—187 —
ing till she succeeded in the experiment.我催促让她好好休息休

术。The young doctor insisted that the patient should be operated on immediately.
短语to insist on ...意为“坚持要干某事”。请看下面的例句: 1.我坚持要他
与我们同行。I insisted on her coming with us. 2.门外那个男人坚持要见你。
The man at the gate insists on seeing you. 3.俄罗斯人坚决主张所有决定都必
须全票通过。The Russians insist on all decisions being unanimous.此外,介词
on后面也可直接跟一个名词。例如:我要求给予答复。丨insist on an answer.
用。例如:这男孩坚持说自己是无辜的。The boy insisted on his innocence.再
比如:今天老师又一次强调守时的重要性。The teacher insisted again on the
importance of being punctual today.

1. Someone insisted on ... although ...
2. Because ...,someone insisted on ...

[312 ] to inspire something into ...向…灌输某种思想

例句■■ It is a simple truth that responsible parents will subconsciously in-

spire a sense of responsibility into their children and humorous par-
ents pass a sense of humor onto their saplings.有高度责任感的

、激起,引起,“注人”或“灌注,’等。短语to inspire •• • into someone基
本上是表7K “把…灌输给某人,’,“向某人灌输…”或“引起某人…’’等的意
思。请看下面的例句: 1.我意识到他们是在努力地想引起我对他们对手的敌
视。I realized that they had been trying to inspire a hate into me towards their
188 —
foes. 2.她努力地向学生们灌输一种责任感。She was trying to inspire a sense
of responsibility into the students. 3.我们必须让孩子们有幽默感。We must in¬
spire a sense of humor into our children.

1. We must inspire .. . into ... so that ...
2.Someone was tiding to inspire .. . into ...

[313 ] to draw inspiration from ...从…中得到灵感,从…中得


例句:I have drawn a great deal of valuable inspiration from wide reading
and constant observations, and from analyzing my observations of
the daily occurrences, and this inspiration has enabled me to have
many new and valuable discoveries.从广泛的阅读、不断的观

等。例如:如果没有灵感你一幅好画也画岀不来。丫ou can not produce a single
good painting without inspiration.再比如:牛顿在刹那之间得到启发,发现了引
力定律。Newton discovered the laws of gravity in a flash of inspiration.短语 to
draw inspiration from ...表示“从…中获得灵感”或“从…中获得启发”等意
的作品 0 The writer drew his inspiration from the simple story of the ordinary wom¬
an, and wrote a realistic yet moving work.再比如:我是从你刚才的话里得到启
发,想岀这个办法的。I drew my inspiration from what you said just now and
worked out this solution.

1. Someone has drawn great inspiration from ...
2.Someone drew great inspiration from . . .,which resulted in ...

[314 ] to have an instinct for…有…的本能,天性爱好…

例句:The human body has an instinct for protecting itself, and when it
confronts with a threat or a danger, it knows in most cases how to
deal with them.人体有保护自身的本能,当它遇到威胁或危

智的支配,而且还受某种本能的支配。It’s said that man is controlled by his in-
stincts as well as by reason.此外,instinct还有“天生的本领”,“天资”或“天
赋”等意。因此,短语to have an instinct for ...就是用来表示“有…的本能”
或“天性爱好”等意思。请看下面的例句: 1.朵拉天生对色彩感兴趣,所以
她决定学艺术。Dora has such an instinct for color that she will study art. 2.她总
是能够本能地选出最好的东西。She has an instinct for picking the best. 3.有些
人好像天生就喜欢制造麻烦。Some people seem to have an instinct for trouble.

1. Someone has an instinct for ... and ...
2. If you have an instinct for ...,you’ll ...

[315 ] to intend • ■. as…打算使…成为,想拿…作为…

例句:I intended the remark as a joke to break the ice and to get the meet¬
ing off the ground,but to my dismay it turned out to be offensive
to some of the attendants.我本想说句玩笑话以打破当时的局

家,没想到下起雨来了。丨 intended to go to your place last night, but it started
raining.短语to intend ... as ...是个常用的句式,表示“打算使…成为”或
“想拿…作为…”等意思。请看下面的例句: 1.他对人生的意义做这番阐述,

—190 —
只是想开个玩笑罢了。His interpretation of life was intended as a joke. 2.我想拿
它凑个数。丨intend it as a stopgap. 3.他送我一本书,希望以此感谢我对他的
帮助。He intended the book he sent me as a mark of his appreciation of my help.

1.Someone intended ... as …,but it turned out to be
2.1 didn’t intend …,though …

[316] to interfere with ...干涉(干预,防碍)…

例句:Some big power has been trying to interfere with the internal affairs
of many other countries.某个超级大国一直在干涉很多其他国

干扰,这个买卖不会泡汤。If you had not interfered the business would not land
on the rocks.短语to interfere with…是个常用的句式,表示“干涉…”,“干
下面的例句: 1.你只要不依着这个小孩子,他就会拿小手抓你。The baby will
claw you if you interfere with what he wants. 2.不管你脑子里边有什么计划,我
都不会插手干涉。丨 would not interfere with any plan you have in view. 3.外面的
噪音使玛丽无法安心学习。The noise outside interferes with Mary’s study. 4.他
的鼾声搅得我睡不着觉。His snores interfered with my sleep. 5.任何国家都没
有权力干涉他国内政。No country is entitled to interfere with the internal affairs of
other countries.

1. Please do not interfere with ...
2. Someone is not entitled to interfere with ...

[317 ] to intervene in ...插手(干预,调停)…

例句:Many of the local people have written and asked the local govern¬
ment to intervene in the pollution caused by the paper plant.当地

例如:圣诞节与元旦之间隔着一个星期。A week intervenes between Christmas
and New Year's day.再比如:如果不发生意外的话,我下周一就动身。I shall
leave next Monday if nothing intervenes.除此之外,intervene 还有“干涉”,“干
爸爸就来干预了。The two brothers were about to fight when their father inter¬
vened .短语to intervene in ...常用来表示“插手…”,“干预…”或“调停…”
等意思。请看下面的例句: 1 .我们无意干涉别国内政。We have no intention to
intervene in the internal affairs of other countries. 2.我们都很敬佩她,因为她敢
于站出来阻止这场正在不断升级的争执。We all admired her greatly because
she had the netve to intervene in the dispute when it was escalating. 3. 最后,政
府不得不干预这次罢工事件。In the end, the government had to intervene in the

1 - As , someone had to intervene in …and ...
2. Someone asked ... to intervene in ...,as ...

[318 ] to be involved in ...被卷人…;与…有牵连

例句:The word is that several secretaries of high-ranking government of¬

ficials have been involved in the case of tax evasion, and two of
them are even involved in a case of embezzlement.人们传闻说有

如:这个年轻人几句无意的话使他卷进了一场官司。The young man’s heedless
—192 —
remarks involved him in a lawsuit.再比如:她压根儿就不想跟他有任何瓜葛。
She never had the slightest intention of involving herself with him.该词作为“牵
涉”解释时也可以不跟介词。比如:这次调查牵连到许多无辜者。This investi¬
gation involved many innocent people.短语 to be involved in ...常用来表示“被
卷人…”或“被牵涉到…”等意思。比如:总统卷人性丑闻。The president
got involved in sexual scandals.再比如:他的儿子与犯罪活动有牵连。His son
became involved in criminal activities.请注意:to be involved 也可与介词 with 连
美的时候,和一些贩卖毒品的人混在了一起,」When he was in South America,
he became involved with a group of people engaged in drug trafficking.

1. Someone is said to be involved in …
2. Those who got involved in . . . will ...

[319 ] to be irritated against (at) • ■ ■对…感到恼火,生…的气

例句: Most of the professors of the university were very much irritated at
the recent decision made by the school authorities, which is much
more in favor of the those who take a leadership than in favor of
those who are only engaged in teaching.校方最近做出的决定过

苍绳使那匹马很烦躁。The flies irritated the horse.短语 to be irritated at
(against) ...常用来表示“对…感到恼火”或“很是生…的气”等。请看下面
的例句: 1.她无缘无故地开始生起他的气来。Out of no reason, she became
irritated against him. 2.史密斯夫人因受到儿媳的冷遇而恼火。Mrs. Smith was
irritated at her daughter-in-law’s indifference to her. 3.批改作业时,奈特教授看
到学生们出了那么多错误,越来越感到恼火,While professor Knight was cor¬
recting his student’s assignments, he grew irritated at the number of mistakes his
students had made.
1.Someone was very much irritated at (against)
2.When . . .,someone got very much irritated at (against)

[320 ] to keep up with…赶上…,不落后于…

例句: We must keep up with the development of the world’s leading en¬
terprises before we can keep pace with the changing of the interna¬
tional situations.我们决不能落后于世界领先企业的发展,只

注:to keep up with ...是个常用的固定搭配,意思是“赶上…”或“不落后

于…”等。请看下面的例句: 1.既然你儿子跟不上班里的其他同学,我建议
你给他请一名家庭教师。Now that your son has difficulty in keeping up with the
rest of his class, I suggest that you hire a tutor for him. 2.我最近涨工资了,但
它跟不上通货膨胀的涨幅。丨 got a raise in my salary recently, but it cannot keep
up with the inflation. 3.小女孩跑了几步,以便跟上她妈妈。The little girl ran for
a few steps so as to keep up with her mother.请注意:to keep up with someone
tried to keep up with her friends in China after she returned to America.再比如:
亚当特别留心计算机科学的最新发展。Adam is very careful to keep up with the
latest developments in computer science.

1. You must keep up with . . . before you can ...
2.Someone finds it very hard to keep up with ...

[321 ] to get a kick out of…从…中得到乐趣

例句: Some people get a great kick out of doing useful things for other
people while others seem to get a kick out of twiddling their thumbs
—194 —
and doing nothing useful either for other people or for themselves.

激”或“极大的乐趣”等。例如:他把别人差来遣去,从中取乐。He gets his
kicks bossing people around.再比如:赌博给他带来极大的乐趣。Gambling
gives him a kick.短语to get a kick out of…意思是“从…中得到乐趣”。请看
下面的例句: 1.他从航海中得到很大的乐趣。He gets a kick out of sailing. 2.
他自赛车中得到极大的乐趣。He gets a good deal of kick out of motor racing. 3.
这个女孩以开快车为乐。The girl got a big kick out of speedy driving. 4.有些人
特別喜欢拿别人开心。Some people get a great kick out of making fun of other

1. Someone seems to get a great kick out of ...
2.Someone enjoys doing . . . and get a kick out of ...

[322 ] to kneel at someone’s feet 拜倒在某人的脚下

例句:Joseph Heller is a great novelist that has thrilled thousands of read¬

ers, so much so that many American accomplished novelists kneel
at his feet and can’ help singing his praises.约瑟夫•海勒是个吸


掉的一枚钱币。He knelt down to look for a coin he had dropped.再比如:在中
国封建社会,人们见了皇帝都要下跪。In feudal China, one had to kneel when
he saw the emperor.短语 to kneel at someone’s feet 表示“拜倒在某人的脚 F”

—195 —
及类似的意思。请看下面的例句: 1.这位年轻人制服了洪水之后,全村人都
拜倒在他脚下,请求他做他们的首领。When the young man succeeded in
bringing the flood under control, ail the people in the village knelt at his feet, asking
him to be their chieftain. 2.她是一个岀了名的美女,很多小伙子都拜倒在她的
石楷裙 F了。She was a knock-out and many lads literally knelt at her feet.

1. Someone is so ... that many . . . kneel at his (her) feet
2. Even . . . may kneel at her feet for ...

[323 ] to be known for…因…而著称

例句:Freud is known for his psychoanalysis and his Dream Analysis and
he is one of the greatest psychologists the world has ever known.

注:to be known for •••是个极其常用的句式,主要用来表示“以…而著称”

及类似的意思。请看下面的例句: 1.马克•吐温以他的幽默而著称。Mark
Twain is known for his humor. 2.大家都知道他乐于助人。He is known for his
readiness to help others. 3.桂林因其秀丽的风景而闻名。Guilin is well known
for its beautiful scenery.值得引起注意的是,另一个词组,其形式与之近似,
但是意思却大不相同:to be known as…这个短语的意思是“被视作…”,
最伟大的科学家。Darwin is known as the greatest scientist before the 21st centu¬
ry- 另外,to be known to ...也晕个常用的词组,其意思是“为…所熟知”
等。例如:这是一个为大家所熟知的道理。This is a truth that is known to ev¬
eryone .

1. Someone is particularly known for ...
2. Someone is known for ... and his ... is …

[324 ] to lay a finger on ...触碰(伤害) 參• •

例句:If he ever dares to lay a finger on you, let me know. I’ll certainly
let him have it.如果他再敢碰你一个手指头的话,你告诉我。

注:to lay a finger on ...直译为“往…上放一个手指头”,引申为“触碰…”

或“伤害…”。请看下面的例句: 1.我不许你碰那个男孩。丨forbid you to lay a
finger on the boy. 2.你要敢碰我女儿一个手指头,我马上就叫警察。If you so
much as lay a finger on my daughter, I'll call the police immediately. 3.花瓶不是
我摔碎的,我从未碰过它。丨 did not break the vase; I hadn’t even laid a finger on
it.请注意:有时该短语也可写成to lay a hand on ...,其意思相同。例如:没
有人伤害过我。Nobody laid a hand on me.

1. If you dare to lay a finger on ...,I’ll ...
2.1 don’t think he’ll ever dare to lay a finger on ...

[325 ] to go to the length of…居然会…,竟然会…

例句:If he has set his heart and decided to beat someone’s time for the
girl he is aiming at, he may go to the length of flinging mud at the
man or even killing him.如果他瞄上T哪个女孩儿并决心要把

去。The free discussion is often carried to even more absurd lengths.短语 to go
to the length of ...表示“居然会…”,“竟然会…”,“到…的地步”或“甚至
于…”等意思。请看下面的例句: 1.他为了她竟然做伪证。He went to the
length of perjuring for her sake. 2.她居然说我是为了钱故意骗她的。She went
—197 —
to the length of saying I had deliberately cheated her of the money. 3.这个丧心病
狂的杀人犯竟然把自己的父母也杀了,就是为了不让人告发他。The unscru-
pulous murderer went to the length of killing his parents as well when they attempt¬
ed to report him to the police.

1. In order to . . .,someone may even go to the length of ...
2. Someone went to the length of ... regardless of ...

[326 ] to be licensed to do…被许可干…

例句:If you are careful enough in your observation, you may notice that
there are not a few companies and individuals that engage them¬
selves in handling EMS, who are actually not licensed to do so.

者们在这些水域里钓鱼。The county licensed the landowners to fish these wa¬
ters. 短语to be licensed to do something表示“被许可干…”或“允许干...”
等意思。请看下面的例句: 1•这家餐馆获准岀售啤酒,但不准岀售烈性酒。
The restaurant is licensed to sell beer, but not spirits. 2.他刚毕业,还没获准开
业行医。He is just graduated and not yet licensed to practice medicine. 3■这家
商店获得卖烟草的许可。The shop is licensed to sell tobacco.请注意:license
除上述意思外还可以当“准许”讲。例如:我得到许可把此事告诉你3 I'm li¬
censed to tell you that.

1. Someone is not licensed to do ...
2. Someone was licensed to do .. . but not ...

[327 ] to keep the lid on …隐瞒(掩盖) » » ♦

例句:The manager promised to give Jack a raise and asked him to keep
the lid on what he had known about his affair with the new secre¬
tary, but Jack didn’t seem to be satisfied with the offer and insisted
to take the lid off the matter.经理答应给杰克长一级工资,让

注:lid意为“盖子”。比如:他掀开盖子朝里面看了看。He lifted the lid of the

box and looked inside.与 lid 相关的短语有很多,其中包括 blow (flow) one’s lid
“发脾气”;put a lid on “限制,制止,抑制”;take the lid off “揭露…的真相”
等等。短语to keep the lid on ...是个常用的句式,意思是“保守…的秘密”,
“隐瞒…”或“掩盖…”等。请看下面的例句: 1.他无法隐瞒自己在谋杀案中
所扮演的角色。He is unable to keep the lid on his role in the murder. 2.那个坏
蛋给了两个孩子一些糖果,让他们对所看到的一切保守秘密。The rascal gave
the two children some candy and asked them to keep the lid on what they saw. 3.
新闻单位不该帮助政府官员隐瞒他们普遍受贿的丑事。The press should not
have helped the government officials to keep the lid on the wide-spread graft-taking
among them.请注意:to keep the lid on ...也有“继续限制…”,“控制住…”
或“抑制住…”等意。例如:他们被迫紧紧压抑住自己的感情。They were
forced to keep tight lid on their emotions.

1. Someone asked ... to keep the lid on ...
2.Someone was unable to keep the lid on …

[328 ] to place a limit on ...对…加以限制

例句:We must place a limit on the power and rights of all those who as¬
sume a leadership role. Only by doing so can we reduce the possi¬
bility of their corruption to the minimum.我们必须对担任领导
—199 —

越来越大时,就会知道自己能力有限。As we grow older we learn the limits of
our abilities.短语to place a limit on something表示“对…加以限制”及类似的
意思。请看下面的例句: 1.据说,从明年开始旅游局将限制参观该旅游区的
人数。It is said that the tourism administration will place a limit on the number of
visitors to this tourist spot from next year on. 2.你已经发胖了,最好限制一下饮
食。You are gaining weight, you’d better place a limit on your diet. 3.国家决定
对进口家电加以限制。The government is determined to place a limit on the im¬
port of household appliances.

1. In order to . . .,someone decided to place a limit on ...
2. We must place a limit on . . . before we can ...

[329 ] to keep close links with…与…保持密切联系

例句:It’s said that in this city if the owner of a restaurant wishes to avoid
sticky things, he or she must keep close links with some of the lo¬
cal policemen.据说在这个城市中,饭馆老板如果想避免麻

注:link除了 “环”,“节”或“圈”等意外还有“纽带”,“联系”或“关系”
等意思。例如:这条路是连接我们和村庄的惟一纽带。The road is our only link
with the village.再比如:这名女性吸烟者发现了吸烟与肺癌之间的关系,起诉
f 烟草公司。This woman smoker found a link between smoking and lung cancer
and sued the tobacco company.短语 to keep close links with ... 表示“与…保
持密切联系”及类似的意思。例如:他与黑社会依然保持着密切联系。He still
keeps close links with the underworld.再比如:作为一名现实主义作家,老舍先
生一直与普通百姓保持着密切的联系。As a realistic writer, Mr. Lao She had al¬
ways been keeping close links with the ordinary people.

— 200 —
1. Someone keeps close links with ... in order to ...
2.If you want to . . .,you must keep close links with ...

[330 ] to pay lip service to…对…开空头支票

例句:The common folks will not be satisfied with the government’s only
paying lip service to improving their life; they want to see the gov¬
ernment take some practical measures instead of shouting slogans.

注:lip是“嘴唇”,lip service是个固定搭配,意为“口头许诺”,与汉语口语
中的“空头支票”近义。短语to pay lip service to •意为“向…开空头支

票”。请看下面的例句: 1.老板总是给我们开空头支票,却从来不给予实际的
奖赏。The boss always paid lip services to us but never gave us factual awards.
都知道他不过是又在对他们幵空头支票。When the mayor announced that he
would raise the unemployment benefits next year, nobody believed him any more
because they all knew that the mayor was but paying another lip service to them.

1. Nobody could believe . ..,because ... always pays lip service to ...
2. Someone paid lip service to . • .,who ...

[331 ] to be at loggerheads with…和…发生争执,和…顶牛

例句:I don’t know why you should always be at loggerheads with your
father. He must have been very disappointed when you behave like

注:to be at loggerheads with ...是个口语中常用的固定搭配。其中的logger-

heads 向对方泼柏油。 16世纪后to be at loggerheads产生了 “相互争执”的意
思。请看下面的对话: 1.他们多年来一直同邻居们不和。They have been at
loggerheads with their neighbors for years. 2.她经常为一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事和
丈夫吵架。She is often at loggerheads with her husband over the most trivial mat-
ters. 3.目前两个国家因其边境问题发生了争执。The two countries are pres¬
ently at loggerheads with each other over the boarder issues.请注意:logger-
heads还经常与come, fall, get, go等动词构成短语,即come (fall, get,或go)
to loggerheads,表示“相互争吵起来”或“打起架来”等。例如:这群歹徒因
为分赃不均打了起来。The gangsters fell to loggerheads over unequal division of
their spoils.

1 • The two ... are now at loggerheads with each other over ...
2.Someone always seems to be at loggerheads with . . . for ...

[332 ] to louse up…把…搞得一团糟

例句:When the manager asked John if he was sure of his ability to get
the contract, he assured him of his confidence in getting the cont¬
ract signed. But he loused up the whole business, the result of
which was quite out of his own expectation.当经理问约翰对得

的虱子”。短语to louse up _ 是个口语中常用的词组,字面意思是“某事像
面的例句: 1. 一场雨使这次野餐泡汤了。The rain loused up the picnic. 2.赌
一 202 —
博成性毁了他的一生。Chronic gambling loused up his life. 3.当我们赶到那里
时发现旅馆房间的预定搞得一团糟。When we got there, we found the hotel res¬
ervations had got loused up.

1. Someone loused up ... and …
2. When …,someone loused up the …

[333 ] to be mad about…对…着迷,狂热地迷恋…

例句:Nowadays, many young boys and girls are mad about singing stars
and movie stars.现在很多男孩女孩对歌星、影星可着迷了。

男孩被这个疯女人吓哭了。The boy was so scared by the mad woman as to start
短语to be mad about something表示“着迷于…”或“对…如醉如痴”的意
思。例如:最近我儿子迷上了电子游戏。Recently my son became mad about
playing video games.再比如:这个女孩一心想买一部新汽车。The girlis mad
about buying a new car.请注意:当mad后的介词为at或with时,该短语表tk

大为恼火。She was mad at me for breaking her vase.再比如:她跟他一生气就
会许多天不理他。If she gets mad with him, she will not speaking to him for

1. Someone is so mad about .. . that ...
2. Nowadays there are more and more people who are mad about ...

[334 ] to make do with ...用…凑合

例句:Travelers will constantly have to make do with canned foods and

— 203 —
they may not be able to get a warm meal for days.旅游的人时常

注:to make do with ...是口语中极其常用的一个词组,其具体意思根据上下

“将就着用…”。请看下面的例句: 1.我们的煤气用完了,晚餐只好用冷肉将
就了。We ran out of gas, so we’ll make do with cold meat for dinner. 2.我们没
有新毛巾r,你能将就着用这条旧的吗? We don’t have new towels. Can you
make with this old one? 3.椅子还没运来,所以我们只好坐在这些箱子上了。
The chairs have not arrived yet, so we shall have to make do with these boxes.请
咖啡,但是我们凑合着过来了。During the war, we had no butter or coffee, but
we made do.再比如:一件衬衫他能凑合着穿一个星期。He can make one
shirt do for a week.

1. Someone had to make do with ... as he (she)
2. We can make do with ... since ...

[335 ] to make place for…让位于…;为…腾出地方

例句:He knows that he can no longer contribute to the school, but he re¬
fuses to make place for anyone who may do a much better job.他

注:短语to make place for ...是个常用的词组,意思是“给…腾出个地方”

或“让位于…”等。请看下面的例句: 1 •在公共汽车上,我们经常看到年轻
人为老年人让位的情景。On buses we can often see young people make place
for the old. 2.我们把这个书箱搬出去,腾岀地方来摆个书架。Let's move the
bookcase out to make place for a bookshelf. 3.院长让某个系主任把位置让给年
轻人。The president asked some department head to make place for a younger
— 204 —
man.此外,to make place for ...还可以表示地位的转让。例如:系主任说他
要退休了,要把位子让给年轻人。The department chairman said he would retire
to make place for younger people.

1. If you cannot …,you should make place for …
2. Someone asked ... to make place for ... who may ...

[336 ] to have the makings of • ■ •具备…所需要的品质(素质)

例句:Most of the schoolteachers looked down on Jack and sadly enough,

they thought he was already past praying for. But his math teacher
thought quite otherwise: he thought the boy had had all the mak¬
ings for an accomplished mathematician.学校的大多数老师看不

注:在to have the makings of —语中,makings意为“素质”,“内在因素”

备…的素质”等意思。请看下面的例句: 1.他有成为伟人的特质。He has in
him the makings of a great man. 2.你具备成为一名优秀医生的素质。You have
all the makings of a good doctor. 3.霍金教授看完保罗的作文后,评价说他具
备成为作家的基本素质。After reading Paul’s essay. Professor Hawking com¬
mented that he had the makings of a writer.

1. Someone is seen to have the makings of ...
2. Someone has spotted ... as the one who has the makings of ...

[337 ] to bear malice to (towards)...对…怀有恶意

例句:Some people bear someone a grudge that goes against him, other
people bear malice towards those who are doing a better job than
they do, and I become thankful to all those who either go against
me or do a better job than me.有些人对反对他们的人怀恨在

He had no malice towards anyone.短语 to bear malice to (towards) • ■ ■表示
“对…怀有恶意”或“对…不怀好意”的意思。请看下面的例句: 1.他对你毫
无恶意。He bears no malice towards you. 2.仅仅因为你舅舅批评了你就对他
心怀恶意是不对的。It’s wrong to bear malice to your uncle only because he criti¬
cized you. 3.有些日本人对那些比他们干得好的外国人是不怀好意的。Some
Japanese bear malice towards outsiders who may be likely to do better than they do.

1. Someone bears malice towards those who ...
2.Someone bears no malice toward those who ...

[338 ] to map out a plan for…制定(拟定)…的计划

例句:At the press conference, the mayor told the reporters that his gov¬
ernment would map out a crackdown on such crimes as tax evasion,
embezzlement and, gambling and anything that is in line with pros¬
titution. f记者招待会上,市长告诉在场的记者说他的政府

次探险之后,探险家们就能够标出该岛在地图上的位置了。The explorers will
be able to map the position of the island after this expedition.短语 to map out a
— 206 —
等。例如:当地政府拟定岀个计划,决定在东郊建一个大型公园。The local
government mapped out a plan to build a large park on the east outskirts.再比如:
很多年轻的父母在孩子刚一出生时就开始为他们规划人生。Many young par¬
ents begin to map out a plan for their children's life as soon as they are born.请注
意:短语to map out也经常和其它名词搭配使用。例如:为未来制定计划map
out one’s future;为新的事业拟订计划map out a new career等等。再比如:公
司为新产品制定了一项广告推广计划。The company mapped out an advertising
campaign for the new product.

1. Someone will map out a plan and decided to ...
2. After . . . someone mapped a plan to •..

[339 ] to strip off the mask of…剥去…的伪装,扯下…的面罩

例句:When Sandra became handicapped because of an accident,Frank

stripped off the mask of loving her all his life and decided to give
her the air for a new girlfriend.当桑德拉因车祸而致残时,富

的是假面具。In this play some actors wore masks.此外,mask 也有“伪装”
后。He hid his hatred for his master under a mask of loyalty, strip 是动词,有
“脱去”,“剥去”或“除去”等意。短语to strip off the mask of…的意思是
子革命者的伪装。They stripped off the mask of revolutionary from this double-
dealing hypocrite.再比如:父亲生意的破产帮助她剥去了杰克爱的假面具,因
为不久他便抛弃了她。The bankruptcy of her father’s business helped her to strip
off the mask of love from Jack, for he deserted her soon afterwards.请注意:
mask还可以与其它动词或动词词组搭配使用。例如:drop (throw off, put off)
one's mask “摘下假面具”;pull off (tear off) someone’s mask “撕下某人的假

1. Realizing that . . .,someone stripped off the mask of ...
2.Someone stripped off the mask of . . . and ...

[340 ] to measure up to…符合(达到)…的要求

例句:Many of those people who are shouldering a leadership role have

not measured up to the expectations of the common people, who
are trying to rack profits for themselves instead of working for the
common good of the citizens.很多肩负领导责任的领导干部辜

服。The tailor measured me for a mew suit.此外,measure 也可作“调整”或
“调节”解释。例如:老师根据学生的反映调节着自己的讲话速度。-me teach¬
er measured her speech by the students’ reaction.短语 to measure up to…常
用来表示“符合…”,“达到…的要求”或“够得上…”等意思。例如: 1.这
批产品不符合标准。The products don’t measure up to the required standards. 2.
公寓的条件不符合要求。The conditions in the apartment didn’t measure up to
her expectation. 3.从任何方面讲他都能胜任这项工作^ He measured up to the
job in every way.但有时介词to也可以省略。例如:他未能得到那份工作,因
为他的条件不够。He didn’t get the job because he just didn’t measure up.

1. Something does not measure up to
2.Someone did not measure up to

[341 ] to meditate on (upon)对…沉思,深刻思索…

例句: After having meditated upon all the happenings and how people
around him act in front of him, he had a rude awakening to the
— 208 —
fact that most of his colleagues and friends were all having a design
on him rather than being kind and friendly as they acclaim.他对


注:meditate是动词,意为“沉思”,“深思”或“反省”。短语to meditate on
(upon) ...是一条较正式的用语,其意思是“深刻思索…”,“反复考虑…”
或“仔细琢磨…”。例如: 1.当前来慰问的人们都走了而只剩下她一个人时,
她不禁为自己的未来陷入沉思。When all the consoling people were gone and
she was left alone, she began to meditate upon her future. 2.他反思过去,发现
自己虚度了光阴。He meditated on the past and found that he had dreamed away
his time. 3.他坐在那里咀嚼着自己的不幸。He sat there meditating on his mis¬
fortunes. 4.当人们都在嬉戏作乐时,他在默默地制定着复仇计划。While all
others were full of frolic, he was meditating upon his plans for revenge.

1. Someone meditated upon ... and suddenly realized that ...
2. After meditating upon …,someone decided that ...

[342 ] to meet the needs of…满足…的需求

例句 _• To meet the needs of the growing market, the manufacturer decided

to purchase another production line and increase their production by
a big margin.为了满足日益增长的市场需求,制造商决定再

注:to meet the needs of ...是一个极其常用的习惯用语’其意思是M足…

的需求”。请看下面的例句,注意此语在句子中所处位置的变化。1 ■ 21世纪
的大学生应能满足新时代的要求。"twenty-first century college students
should be able to meet the needs and demands of the new age. 2.星级宾馆能满
足客人对高质量服务的要求。Starred hotels can meet the needs of their custom¬
ers for services of high quality. 3.为了满足残疾人的需要,挡地政府决疋在该
一 209 —
市的主要街道铺设专门供残疾人使用的便道。To meet the needs of the dis¬
abled, the government decided to build special paths for the handicapped along the
main streets of the city.

1. to meet the needs of , someone decided to ...
2. Someone did ... to meet the needs of ...

[343 ] to cherish the memory of …怀念…,回忆…

例句:With more and more people feeling like a square peg in a round
hole in the modem society, an increasing number of the aged began
to cherish the memory of the good old days when there was no
pressure, no worries and no uneasy feelings.在现代社会,有越

注:memory意为“回忆”或“记忆' 例如:这首歌使我回忆起在农村生活
的那段时光。The song brought back the memory of the time I spent in the coun-
tryside.短语中的cherish是动词,意为“抱有,,或“怀有,,等,因此,to cher¬
ish the memory of ...就用来表示“怀念…”或“回忆…”等意思。请看下面
的例句: 1.虽然祖母已经去世多年,我仍然很怀念她。| still cherish the mem¬
ory of my grandma although she passed away many years ago. 2.她一人独处
时’经吊回忆起她与托尼在意大利时的种种幸福往事。When she was left
alone, she always cherished the happy memories of the past when she and Tony
stayed in Italy. 3.我们将永远怀念那些为了中国人民的解放事业而献岀生命的
烈士们。We’ll cherish the memory of the martyrs forever who have dedicated their
lives to the liberation of the Chines people.

1 • Someone always cherishes the memory of ... when ...
2. When . . •,someone began to cherish the memory of ...

一 210——
[344 ] to make a mental note of …记住…

例句:Being a taxi driver,one must always take care not to offend his cli¬
ents, for some of the offended may make a mental note of the plate
number and wait for a chance to take their revenge of him.作为


等意。例如:她承受着内心的巨大痛苦。She is suffering mental anguish.再比
如:听了他的精彩描述,你完全可以想象出巴黎的情景。On his excellent de¬
scription, you can definitely form a mental picture of Paris.短语 to make a mental
note of ...是口语中常用的一个词组,意思是“记住…”或“用脑子记下来”
辆车的车牌号码。Although I had no pen or paper at hand, I make a mental note
of the number of the car that hit me down.再比如:这里不允许拍照,所以我只
好用脑子记住我所看到的一切。Photo taking is forbidden here, so I have to
make a mental note of what I see.

1. Someone may make a mental note of . . . since ...
2. Someone made a mental note of all .. . which ...

[345 ] to leave…at the mercy of…听任…由…摆布

例句: Once bitten, twice shy. After the failure of her third marriage,
Sandra felt that she had to leave herself at the mercy of God and re¬
fused to remarry, though many of her friends had been encouraging
her by saying that she might run into a good guy so long as she
would not give up hope. 一'朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。第二次婚

们对仇敌毫无怜悯之心。They showed little mercy to their enemies.再比如:囚
犯请求得到法官的宽恕,但是无济于事。The prisoner begged the mercy of the
judge, but in vain.短语to be at the mercy of .. _是个极其常用的习惯用语,意
们的生死完全由征服者决定。They were at the mercy of the conquerors.再比
如:小船随着狂风巨浪漂泊。The boat is at the mercy of the wild waves.我们这
里列举的to leave oneself at the mercy of ...与上述句式的意思基本相同,表
就这样听任命运的安排,终于找到了一条岀路。The young man got lost in the
jungle, but he didn’t want to leave himself at the mercy of fate and eventually found
away out•再比如:殖民地人民不希望任由殖民者来支配自己国家的未来,奋
起为自由而战。The colonial people didn’t like the idea of leaving the future of their
country at the mercy of the colonists, so they rose to fight for their freedom and lib¬

1.Someone felt he (she) had to leave himself (herself) at the mercy of ...
2. After . . .,someone left himself (herself) at the mercy of ...

[346 ] to merge with …与…合并

例句:According to China Daily, there will be two more colleges that will
merge with the Qinghua University, and this news has put many
other colleges on edge, for the heads of these colleges do not hope
that will happen to their schools.根据中国日报的报道,还有
上。 *

几家小商行合并成一家大公司。The board of directors decided to merge several
small firms into one large company.再比如:两条河流在此汇合。The two rivers
merged here.短语to merge with ...用来表示“与…合并”的意思,其具体意
思依上下文而定。例如: 1.一些好战的黑人领导人要和白人中的激进派联合,
成立新的“人民党”。Some militant black leaders want to merge with white radi¬
cals in a new “People’s Party”. 2.几个人的嗓音交织在一起。The voices
merged with one another. 3.好领导总能与群众打成一片。Good leaders can al¬
ways merge with the masses. 4.我们正在与那家为我们提供汽车配件的公司合
并。We are merging with the company that supplies components for our cars.

1. In order to ...,... will merge with ... to form ...
2. The two . . . have been merged with ... so as to ...

[347 ] to give one’s mind to . •.专心于…,致力于…

例句:If you give your mind to a subject or an area of research, you’ll

certainly be rewarded for your devotion: God will bless you with
what you have even not dreamed of.如果你全身心地去研究一

什么具体的计划。There is no specific plan in my mind.再比如:他的心思不在
功课上,而是在想些别的事情。His mind is not on the studies but on something
else.短语to give one’s mind to ...直译为“把心思给…”,即“专心于…”或
“致力于…”。例如: 1.当老师发现有一个学生在课堂上心不在焉时,教训他
说:“认真听课!” When the teacher noted that one of the students was absent-
minded in class, she said to him, “Give your mind to what I’m talking about!” 2.
如果她不专心干她的工作,她永远也不会成功。She will never succeed unless
she gives her mind to her work. 3.开着电视你怎么能学得进去呢? How can you
— 213 —
give your mind to your study while the TV is on?请注意:短语 to keep one’s mind
on • •.或to put one’s mind on .也可表达相近的含义,即“专心致志地做…”
或“聚精会神地干某事例如:春天使人难以安心工作。Spring makes it hard
to keep one’s mind on work.再比如:专心致志地做一件工作,你会完成得更
快。You can fulfil it faster if you put your mind on your work.

1. If you give your mind to . • .,you will certainly ...
2. You must give your mind to . • . before you can •..

[348 ] to give a mirror to…真实(准确)地反映…

例句:Dickens’s novel gave a mirror to the life of the poverty-stricken

people of England and it vividly described how a people lived in the
early the 20th century.狄更斯的小说真实地反映了英国人贫困
潦倒的生活,生动地描述了 20世纪初一个民族的生活状况。

作家柏比斯的“日记”是他那个时代的一面镜子。Pepsy’s “diary” is a mirror of
the times he lived in.再比如:报刊是忠实反映舆论的镜子。The press is a mir¬
ror of public opinion.短语to give a mirror to…表示“真实(准确)地反映…”
及类似的意思。例如: 1.今天在会上的表现真实地暴露岀他的本质。His con¬
duct at today's meeting gives a mirror to his personality. 2.这个小村子的选举结
果可以准确地反映全国的选举情况。The election result in this village will give a
mirror to the voting of the country as a whole. 3.他的这幅画真实地反映岀他的
内心世界。This painting gave a mirror to his inner world.

1. Something gave a mirror to…and reflected the ...
2. Someone had given a mirror to…and ...

[349 ] to dispatch a mission to…派遣代表团前往…

例句:According to a major U.S. newspaper, president Clinton will dis¬
patch a mission to the country to investigate the cause of the sudden
disappearance of the two diplomats.据美国一家大报报道,克林


注:mission是名词,有“外交使团”及“代表团”等意。例如:trade mission
to South America “派往南美的贸易考察团”;an exchange of cultural missions
调遣了三辆消防车去救火。Three fire engines were dispatched to combat the
blaze.短语to dispatch a mission to…表示“派遣代表团前往…”及类似的意
思。例如: 1. 土耳其遭受地震袭击之后,中国派医疗队前往救援。China dis¬
patched a medical mission of doctors and nurses to Turkey when the country was
hit by earthquakes. 2.日本在上个月派了一个贸易代表团前往美国进行市场调
查。Japan dispatched a trade mission to America last month to do some market
research. 3. 一个特使团已经被派往俄罗斯。A special mission has been dis¬
patched to Russia.

1.. . . will dispatch a mission consisting ... to ...
2. A mission consisting …was dispatched to ... to do ...

[350 ] to mistake…for…误把…当作…

例句:Many of China’s rural population have been mistaking family vio¬

lence for their own family matters totally denying outside interfer¬
ence, and only recently have some of them realized that every fami¬
ly member’s physical safety is strictly protected by law.在中国,
“弄错”。例如:对不起,我误解了你的意思。Sorry, I mistook your intention.
此外,mistake作动词常与介词for连用,形成to mistake ... for ...的句式,
表示“误把…当作…”及类似的意思。例如: 1.唐•吉诃德错把风车当成巨
人。Don Quixote mistook the wind mills for giants. 2.人们经常把他错当成他的
孪生哥哥。People often mistake him for his twin brother. 3.你不能把没有受过
正规教育和缺乏智慧混为一谈。You mustn’t mistake lack of formal education for
lack of wisdom.该短语也常用于被动语态。例如:他被误认为是敌人,挨了一
抢。He was mistaken for enemy and received a shot.再比如:他家常被人错当
成旅店。His house is often mistaken for a hotel.

1. Don’t mistake …for …
2. Someone had mistaken …for …since ...

[351 ] to be not in the mood for…没有…的兴趣(心情)

例句:If one is not in the mood for doing a particular thing, he should not
be forced to do it, for the possibility of a thing that can be done
well is closely related to the doer’s mood.如果一•个人没有心情

他现在心情不好,所以你最好别再烦他。You’d better not bother him, for he is
in a bad mood now.短语 to be not in the mood for ...是口语中常用的一个句
式,常用来表示“没有…的兴趣”或“不想做…”等意思。例如: 1.我现在
心里感觉特别烦,没心思跟你开玩笑。I’m feeling terrible now and not in the
mood for joking with you. 2.她感觉很累,跟本没有心情跟任何人跳舞。She is
feeling very tried, not in the mood for dancing with anyone now. 3.她说这几天她
特别憋闷得慌,没有心情干任何事。She says that she feels very bored these
days and is not in the mood for doing anything.请注意:除了介词 for 之外,在
—— 216 ——
它。I received a big parcel but wasn’t in the mood to open it.

1. Someone is very ... and is not in the mood for ...
2.Someone doesn’t seem to be in the mood for ...

[352 ] to leave a bad taste in someone’s mouth ...给某人留下


例句:Everyone seems to praise that the Grant Hotel is the best in the
city,but its poor service and the quality of the food had left a very
bad taste in the mouths of most foreign travellers.人们似乎都夸

can’t endure the taste of garlic.但taste引申还有“感受”或“体会”之意。例
如:这是他第一次尝到成功的甜头。It was his first taste of success.短语to
leave a bad taste in someone's mouth直译是“给某人的口中留下了不好的味
道”,引申为“给某人留下很不好的印象”。例如: 1•那顿饭给我留下很不好
的回味。The poor dinner left a bad taste in my mouth. 2.那个海滨胜地的肮脏
环境给我留下很糟糕的印象。The filthy environment of that seaside resort left a
bad taste in my mouth. 3.与他合作的经历给我留下的印象不太好。The experi¬
ence of working with him left a bad taste in my mouth.请注意:此语中的 bad 也
可用good代替,表示“给某人留下很好的印象”。另外,a bad (good) taste in
the mouth也可与介词with合用。例如:他们怀着美好的心情回了家。They re¬
turned home with a good taste in their mouths.

1.Something left a very bad taste in someone’s mouth.
2.Someone had left a very bad taste in the mouths of those who ...
[353 ] to make the first move towards ...朝…迈岀第一步

例句:He made the first move towards the studies of psychology soon after
middle school and he was spotted by a famous psychologist as a
budding psychologist even before graduation from college.中学毕

等意。例如:所有设法使战争停止的措施都没有成功。None of the moves to
stop the war was successful.短语 to make the first move towards .…表示“朝…
迈出了第一步”等意思。例如: 1.在你们两个人陷于冷战之中的时候,是谁
朝和解迈岀了第一步? Who made the first move towards reconciliation when you
two were in a cold war? 2.资本家终于派岀代表与工人领袖谈判,算是朝着平
息罢工迈出了第一步。The capitalists made the first move towards settling the
strike by sending some representatives to negotiate with the worker leaders. 3.这
是我国朝着改革开放迈岀的第一步。This is the first move our country made to¬
wards reform and opening up.

1.Someone made the first move towards ... before someone had done ...
2. He dare not make the first move towards ...,for ...

[354 ] to fling mud at…往…脸上抹黑;诽镑(诬蔑)…

句:Always take care not to offend that fellow or not to even have any¬
thing to do with that guy, for he may easily take your offense and
fling mud at you in public if he bears you a grudge.你要当心,
注:to fling mud at someone是口语中常用的习惯用语,其意思是“往某人的
脸上抹黑”,“诽谤某人”或“诬蔑某人”。例如: 1.有些人在能力上比不过别
人时便诬蔑人家的名声。Some people choose to fling mud at others when they
can’t compete with them in competence. 2.为了在选举中获胜,各候选人不惜
一切代价编造有关对手的丑闻,相互诋毁。In order to win the election, each
candidate tried at any cost to fling mud at his rivals by making up all kinds of scan¬
dals about them. 3.如果你得罪了他,他就会设法找机会诬蔑你甚至会对你施
暗箭。If you have offended him, he may seek every opportunity to fling mud at
you or even hit you below the belt.请注意:除fling夕卜,此语中的动词还可以用
一套。I knew he was trying to throw mud at you, but none of us got fooled by

1. Someone was trying to fling mud at ... who had ...
2. Don’t throw mud at anyone, who may ...

[355 ] to make a mystery of…把…搞得十分神秘

例句:Some professors are extremely fond of making a mystery of the the¬

ories of the subjects they are teaching and some other professors
like to show off to their students how knowledgeable they are in¬
stead of passing the -practical skills on to the students as they are ex¬
pected to do so.有些教授特别喜欢把他们所教科目的理论搞

前仍是个谜。The identity of the dead is still a mystery.再比如:对于世人来说
埃及金字塔的建筑仍旧是个谜。It still remains a mystery to the world how the
Egyptian Pyramids were built.短语 to make a mystery of ...表示“把…搞得十
——219 —
分神秘”及其类似的意思。例如: 1.你把这件事搞得过于神秘了。You have
made too much of a mystery of the business. 2.我觉得我们没有必要把这次试
验搞得十分神秘。I don’t think we need to make a mystery of the experiment. 3.
father deliberately made a mystery of the arrangement for their holiday in order to
give more pleasant surprises to his children. 4.你没有必要把连一个小孩子都能
懂得的事实搞得神乎其神的。You don’t have to make a mystery of a simple fact
that even a small child can understand.

1. Someone made a mystery of ... just to…
2. You don’t have to make a mystery of ...,which …

[356 ] to feel the necessity of ...感到有必要…

例句: Now there are more and more parents who feel the necessity of edu¬
cating their children at much an earlier stage than they used to thi¬
nk, and most of them think it extremely important for them to cre¬
ate a favorable environment for their healthy development.现在有

如:他迫不得已才为饿得要死的孩子们去偷东西吃。He was driven by necessi¬
ty to steal food for his starving children.再比如:离开车时间还早,你没有必要
那么急。There is much time before the train starts, so no necessity for you to hur¬
ry. 短语to feel the necessity of…表示“感到有必要…”及其类似的意思。例
如: 1 •看到这对好朋友因为误解而反目为仇,我感到有必要为他们解释一下^
Seeing the two close friends turned against ench other because of misunderstand¬
ing, I felt the necessity of some explanation for them. 2.格林太太觉得有必要让
丈夫岀外度假一次,因为她看到他被工作累得不断生病。Mrs. Green felt the
high necessity of a holiday for her husband when she found he constantly fell ill be¬
cause of the heavy workload.请注意:有时该短语后面也可以用不定式。例如:

—. 220 ——
冬天又要来了,她感到有必要给儿子买件新大衣了。Winter is coming again,
and she feels the necessity to buy a new coat for her son.

1. Someone began to feel the necessity of ... as
2. After . . .,someone felt the necessity of ...

[357 ] to (meet) satisfy the needs of …满足…的需要

例句:Many colleges and universities extended their enrollment so as to

satisfy the needs of society for more intellects. And this move is
seen as an important achievement in the reform of education.为 r

注:to (meet) satisfy the needs of ...是日常生活中一个常用的习惯用语,是

用来表示“满足…的需要”及类似的意思。例如: 1.他是个老师,挣的钱足
以满足家里人对衣食的需求。He earns enough as a teacher to satisfy the needs
of his family for food and clothing. 2.这本书满足了人们对纯文学作品的需要。
This book satisfied the needs of belletristic works. 3.很多高速公路都修通了,为
的是满足人们对速度和效率的需要。Many express ways have been constructed
in order to satisfy people's needs of speed and efficiency.当然,如果要表示“不
能满足…的需要”及类似的意思,只需加上个副词not,形成not to (meet)
satisfy the needs of ...的句式。例如:看来我们学生知识的局限性已不能满足
社会的需要。The limitations of our student’s learning do not seem to meet the
needs of the society.

1. To satisfy the needs of , someone did ...
2. Something is no longer able to meet the needs of ...

[358 ] to negotiate with ... over…就…与…进行谈判(协商,交涉)

例句:The president said that he would dispatch a special mission to Iraq
to negotiate with their government over the release of the hostages.

意商讨,但不想讨价还价。We are ready for discussions but not inclined to nego-
tiate.再比如:两个交战国顺利地就边界的划分问题进行了谈判。The two war¬
ring nations successfully negotiated the division of their boarders.短语 to negotiate
with ... over ...是现代政界或商界常用的一个句式,其意思是“与…进行谈
判(协商,交涉)”或“就…问题与…进行谈判(交涉,协商)”。例如: 1.美
国正在与南斯拉夫就释放被南军俘虏的美国士兵问题进行谈判。The United
States is negotiating with Yugoslavia over the release of the captured American sol¬
diers. 2.工会与厂主就新契约进行了交涉。The trade union negotiated with the
owner of the factory over the new contract.另外,此语中的介词over 也可用on
decided to negotiate with the employers about our wage claims.再比如:几个国
家的领导正在就裁军问题进行协商。The leaders of some countries are negotiat¬
ing with each other on the issue of disarmament.

1. Someone will negotiate with ... over ...
2. They have decided to negotiate with ... on the issue of ...

[359 ] to be nervous about…对…感到很紧张(担心,害怕)

例句:Most of the political students are nervous about the coming test, as
the result of this test will largely determine their future posts.大多

等意。例如:每当我要在公开场合讲话的时候,我总是很紧张。I’m always
— 222 —
nervous when I have to make a speech in public.再比如:那个女人歇斯底里的
笑声把我的女儿吓得够呛。The woman's nervous laughter scared my daughter.
短语to be nervous about •是个常用的习语,意思是“对…感到紧张”,“担
心…”或“害怕…”等。例如: 1.很多学生都害怕考试,可是杰克却不怕。
Many students are nervous about exams, but Jack isn’t. 2.今天晚上你最好回
家,你妈妈会为你的安全担心的。You’d better go back home tonight. You
mother will be nervous about your safety.请注意:about 后面也可跟动名词。例
如:她很害怕晚上一个人去那条胡同。She is nervous about going through that
alley by herself at night.再比如:她说她特别害怕看到他的那双眼睛。She said
that she was nervous about seeing his eyes.

1.Someone is very nervous about ...
2. When doing ...,someone is very nervous about ...

[360 ] to give a nod to…同意(答应,允许,批准)…

例句: Sandra’s mother was trying not only to make her husband give a
nod to their daughter’s wish to marry Henry, but also to convince
her husband that Sandra had made the right choice.桑德拉的母亲

边走过时,朝我点头打了个招呼。She nodded to me as she passed.再比如:
主席朝我点点头示意我说下去。The chairman nodded at me to continue, nod也
不断向他点头以示鼓励。From time to time, the teacher gave him an encourag¬
ing nod as Tom was answering the question.短语 to give a nod to ...表示“同
意…”,“答应…”,“允许…”或“批准…”等意思。例如: 1.父亲同意了保
罗岀国学习的计划。Father gave a nod to Paul’s plan for studying abroad. 2.当
他要求我为他保密时,我点头答应了。When he asked me to keep it a secret for
him, I gave him a nod. 3.政府批准了我们购进一套新的实验设备的请求。The
— 223 —
government gave a nod to our request for a set of new experimental instrument. 4.
保罗的父母不同意他娶这位出身低微的女孩。Paul’s parents refuse to give a
nod to his marrying the humble girl.

1. Someone refused to give a nod to . . . , reasoning that ...
2. Considering . . ., someone finally gave a nod to ...

[361 ] to be noted for…以…著名,因…而出名

例句:Kuwait used to be noted for its rich petroleum deposits, but now
experts predict that the reserve will not last as long as most people
would think.科威特曾以丰富的石油储量而闻名于世,然而

注:短语 to be noted for ...所表达的语意与 to be famous for ...和 to be

known for...所表达的语意基本近似,都是用来表示“以…著名”或“因…
质的瓷器而闻名全国。Jingdezhen is nation-wide noted for its high quality chi-
naware. 2.鲁迅以笔锋犀利而著称。Lu Xun is noted for his trenchant style. 3.
拉斯维加斯因其发达的赌博业而出名。Las Vegas is noted for its prosperous
gambling industry.请注意:noted除了与for搭配使用外,也经常与介词as合
暑胜地。The island is noted as a summer resort.再比如:谁都知道他善于制造
麻烦。He is noted as a troublemaker.

1. Some place is noted for ...
2. Someone is not only noted for , but also known as ...

[362 ] to make nothing of ...不把…当回事

例句:The general manager likes to fly solo and is very self-conceited,
making nothing of our suggestions and advice. This may be one of
the main factors that resulted in the failures of the company.总经

报纸上没有什么有趣的东西。There is nothing interesting in the newspaper.再比
如:他出身低贱而又一无所成。He is a nothing out of nothing.短语to make
nothing of ...主要用来表示“不把…当回事”及类似的意思。例如: 1.他认
为一篇作文里岀了几个拼写错误算不了什么。He makes nothing of a few spell¬
ing mistakes in an essay. 2.他这种不负责任的人根本不会把我们的劝告当回
事的。He is such an irresponsible person that he will make nothing of our advice.
3.他根本不把她当回事。He makes nothing of her. 4.这个男孩子觉得一天走
15英里算不了什么。The boy made nothing of walking 15 miles a day.请注意:
to make nothing of ...除表示上述含义外,还可用来表示“搞不懂…”,“弄不
老师的批评摸不着头脑。The boy could make nothing of the teacher’s reproach¬
es. 再比如:我看不懂他的信。I could make nothing of his letter.我们没能利用
这次机会。We made nothing of the opportunity.

1.Someone made nothing of ... though ...
2. Because someone makes nothing of ...,he (she) ...

[363 ] to notify someone of sth ...通知某人某事

例句:In my letter dated May 4th, 1999, I had already notified their com¬
pany of our policy change and the change of the price of the articles
of their interest, however, they still insist on purchasing the articles
on the basis of the original price.我在 1999年5月4日的信涵

职员明天早晨8点到我的办公室开会。Please notify the staff to meet in my office
at eight next morning.再比如:老师通知我们下周一考试。The teacher notified
us that there would be an exam next Monday.除了跟不定式或宾语从句之外,
notify还经常与介词of搭配使用,构成to notify someone of ...的句式。该短
…”等意思。例如: 1.请通知我货什么时候能到,我好做相应的准备。Please
notify me of the goods' arrival time so that I could make appropriate preparations.
2.你把我们地址改变了的事通知给朋友们了吗? Did you notify our friends of
the change of our address? 3.我们已向警察局报告了财务损失情况。We have
notified the police of the loss of our property.但有时此语也可用作被动语态。例
如:我已经知道你要来了。I’ve been notified of your coming.请注意:有时此
语还可写成 to notify something to someone.例如:向警察报案 notify the case to
the police 等等。

1.1 have already notifed …of …
2. Someone had been notified of …before ...

[364 ] to be objective to…客观对待…,对…无偏见

例句:A good literary critic should be objective to the writer or the work
that he criticizes, and should not mix his personal feelings into his

注: objective是形容词,意为“客观的”,“如实的”,“不带感情色彩的”或
“无偏见的”。例如:他正在做客观数据的调查研究。He is making a research of
objective data.再比如:那位作家在评估他最近的新作时尽量做到不偏不倚。
The writer tried to be as objective as possible in evaluating his latest work.短语 to
be objective to ...是个常用的句式,主要用来表示“客观地对待…”或“对…
— 226 —
无有偏见”及类似的意思。比如: 1 •一些体育裁判员因歧视某些国家而对该
国运动员不够公正。Some umpires are not objective to the players who are from
countries that they discriminate. 2.他在评论这位作家在文学领域所做的贡献时
不够客观。He was not so objective to his comments on the contribution the writer
has made in the filed of literature. 3.在评价他对该领域所做岀的贡献方面你应
该更客观些。You should be more objective to him when making comments on his
contribution to the field.

1. You should be objective to . .. when ...
2.Someone was not objective to . .. in ...

[365 ] to have an obligation to do…有义务…

例句:After the man and woman got married and have had a baby, both
the husband and wife have an obligation to nurture an atmosphere
for the healthy growth of the child and to fully support the child in
both his physical and mental development.男女双方婚后有了孩

注: obligation是名词,意为“义务”或“责任”。例如:纳税是每一个人都要
承担的义务。Taxes are an obligation that may fall on everybody.再比如:有人
认为妻子的首要责任是照顾丈夫和孩子。Some people maintain that a wife’s
first obligation is to her husband and children.短语 to have an obligation to…表
示“有义务干…”之意。例如: 1.每个子女都有义务赡养父母。Every child
has an obligation to support his parents. 2.你一旦签署了合同,你就有责任完成
合同中的每项要求。Once you sign a contract, you have an obligation to fulfill ev¬
ery term of it. 3.在像我们这样一个社会,富裕起来的人有义务帮助穷人改善
他们的生活。In a society like ours, those who have become rich have an obliga¬
tion to help the poor to improve their life.请注意:有时obligation 后也可以跟介
— 227 —
词to,意思是“对…有责任”等。例如:父母对子女有义务。Parents have ob¬
ligations to their children. 再 比如: 每个公民都有义务承担社会责任。Every citi¬
zen has an obligation to the society.

1. Everyone who ... has an obligation to …
2. When you , you have an obligation to…

[366 ] to be obliged to do…被迫(不得不)…;有责任(应该)…

例句:In most societies, those who are taking a lerdership role in their so¬
ciety or community are obliged to commit themselves to the well-
fare and the common good of the society and the people to which
and whom they are responsible. They should never use their power
to rack for their own profits.在大多数国家内,在其所在社区

注: oblige是动词,有“强迫”或“迫使”等意。例如:警察迫使他离开。
The police obliged him to leave.再比如:日渐衰弱的身体状况迫使他在56岁时
就退休了。川 health obliged him to retire at early age of fifty-six.短语 to be
obliged to do ...是个常用的习惯用语,常用来表示“被迫…”,“不得不…”
或“应该…”等意思。例如: 1.为了还清债务他们不得不把自己的房子卖掉。
They were obliged to sell their house in order to pay their debts. 2.尽管我知道我
不该说,可我还是不得不讲:你这个决定绝对是错误的。i feel obliged to tell
you although I know I shouldn’t that this decision of yours is absolutely wrong. 3.
由于参加了他们的晚会,我们就应该邀请他们来参加我们的。Having been to
their party, we were obliged to invite them to ours.另外,此语中的 be 动词还可
多数人都感到应该帮助这位孤寡老人摆脱其困境。Most of us fee! obliged to
help the lonely old lady out of her plight.
1. All those people who…are obliged to ...
2. Someone felt obliged to…as ...

[367 ] to be oblivious of…忘记(没注意,不顾)…

例句:Many people are totally oblivious of how stupid and how ridiculous
they seem to be when speaking to a large crowd,until they have
seen their manners that have been filmed.在没有看到自己讲话

注: oblivious是形容词,常有“忘记了的”,“健忘的”,“没有注意到的”或
“不知不觉的”等意。短语to be oblivious of ...是个值得中国学生注意并学会
When he was recovered from his wound, he was totally oblivious of the situation in
which he was on the edge of being killed. 2.每当他陷入沉思的时候,就好像忘
记了其他人的存在。When he was immersed in thought, he always seemed obliv¬
ious of others’ presence. 3.这个老学究从来不注意自己的外表。The old schol¬
ar is always oblivious of his own appearances. 4.她一旦决定了自己要做什么,
就不会去在意别人说什么。Once she is determined to do something, she will be¬
come oblivious of what others say about her. 5.看来很多中国厂家根本就不注意
他们产品的外观和包装。Many Chinese manufacturers seem to be oblivious of
the presentation and packaging of their products.请注意: oblivious 也常与介词 to
Seeing the beautiful flowers that are blooming before us, we seemed to become
oblivious to our fatigue.

1. Someone was obviously oblivious of the
2. People who ... tend to be oblivious of …that …

[368 ] to be obsessed with (by)…被…所缠绕(困扰)

例句: After the middle of the 1990s, many enterprises began to be deeply
obsessed with the declining economy and many people become rest¬
less about the scarcity of jobs while many young people are worried
about their little chances to succeed in life. 90年代中期以来,

注: obsess是动词,意为“占据心思”,“不断困扰”或“使心神不宁”等。
“被…所困扰”等多种意思,其具体意思大都取决于上下文。例如: 1.他一心
追求物质享受。He is obsessed with a craving for materialistic gratification. 2.为
父王报仇的想法一直困扰着哈姆雷特。Hamlet had been obsessed by the idea of
revenging his father king. 3.普通的工人进入50岁以后就开始不断被失业的恐
惧所困扰。Once an ordinary worker enters his fifties, he begins to be constantly
obsessed by the fear of unemployment. 4.他财迷心窍。He is obsessed with
money. 5.儿子的安危使他心神不宁Q He was obsessed by the safety of his
son. 6.很多优等生由于太注意分数而不能享受学校生活的乐趣。Many top
students are so obsessed with grades that they never enjoy their school years.

1 • Someone is very much obsessed with ...
2.Most people who ... are obsessed by the fact that ...

[369 ] to take the occasion to do…抓住(利用)机会做(干)…

例句:Nowadays there are many forms of embezzlement, one of which is

to take the occasion to pad the bills when purchasing things with
— 230 —
public money.近年来出现了很多不同形式的贪污现象,其中

注: occasion是名词,意为“时机”或“机会”。例如:圣诞节经常是人们进
行狂欢活动的好机会。Christmas is always a good occasion for merrymaking.再
比如:奈特对图书馆的参观使他得以查阅百科全书。Nat's visit to the library
gave him the occasion to consult the encyclopedia。短语 to take the occasion to
do…表tk “抓住机会干…”或“利用某一机会干…”等意思,在occasion前
除定冠词外还可用this或that特指某一机会。例如: 1.本杰明很想提高自己
的法语,所以抓住一切机会练习。Eager to improve his French, Benjamin took
every occasion to practice. 2.请允许我利用这个机会对你们前来参加我儿子的
婚礼表亦感谢。Please allow me to take this occasion to thank you for attending
my son's wedding ceremony. 3.她过去的一个老师来北京岀差,所以她就利用
这个机会请老师到她家来做客。One of her former teachers came to Beijing on
business, so she took the occasion to invite the teacher to her home for dinner.

1. Being eager to . . .,someone took the occasion to ...
2. Because . . .,someone took this occasion to ...

[370 ] to be occupied in ...忙于(专注于)…

例句:Professor Hopkins has been occupied not only in his daily instruc¬
tions and his engagement in the graduate course, but also in his re¬
search on short-term memory reinforcement.霍普金斯教授不仅

注: occupy是动词,意为“占据时间(空间,注意力,心思等)”,“使全神贯
注”或“使忙碌”等。例如:餐宴和演讲占了三个小时。The dinner and
speeches occupied three hours.再比如:许多忧虑盘踞在我的心头。Many anxi¬
eties occupied my mind.动词occupy经常用过去分词作表语,后面跟介词in,
构成搭配词组to be occupied in ...用以表示“忙于…”或“专注于…”等意
— 231 —
思。例如:开学后的第一周他忙着给家人和朋友们写信。He was occupied in
writing letters to his family and friends in the first week after school started. 再比
如:这些年他一直专心研究和翻译莎士比亚的悲剧。He has been occupied in
the studies and translating Shakespeare's tragedies all these years. 请注意:该短
语中的介词也可用with代替。例如:她正忙着辅导侄女学数学。She is occu¬
pied with helping her niece with mathematics.再比如:我们的系主任整天忙于曰
常锁事而根本没有心思顾及系里的管理工作。The chairman of our department
is totally occupied with the daily chores all day long, without having any mind for
the management of the department.

1. Someone has been fully occupied in ...
2. Someone was fully occupied in ...,without having any time for ...

[371 ] to have an open mind to…虚心接受…,对…思想幵明

例句:As far as I know, most Americans in their leading positions have an

open mind to ideas and suggestions that are either favorable or un¬
favorable and even to criticisms that are unpleasant to anyone’s
ears. This may be one of the major differences between American
leaders and leaders of other countries.就我所知,大多数的美国

注:to have an open mind to ...直译是“有个对…敞开的头脑”,引申为“能

虚心接受…”,“对…思想开放”或“易于接受…”等。例如: 1.尽管该教授
或建议。Although the Dean is always caught short of ideas, he never has a mind
to suggestions and always objects to ideas and suggestions from other people. 2.
grandpa still has an open mind to what we young people think and do although he
一 232 —
is already in his seventies. 3.好的领导干部总能虚心接受各种意见和建议。A
good leader always has an open mind to all sorts of advice and suggestions.请注
他成名后依然能虚心接受别人的批评。He keeps an open mind to criticism after
he became quite a celebrity.

1. Although …,someone still has an open mind to ...
2. Those who have an open mind to ... are ...

[372 ] to have a high opinion of ...对…评价很高,尊重…

例句: I cannot figure out the reason why some authorities are always hav¬
ing a high opinion of those who are capable of doing nothing except
being obedient. Are these people the ones that they must respect?

注: opinion是名词,有“意见”,“看法”,“评价”或“主张”等意。例如:
你没有资格就此事发表意见。You are not in the position to give an opinion on
this matter.短语to have a high opinion of…常用来表示“对…评价很高”,
板对他评价很高。The boss has a high opinion of him since he fulfilled the task
successfully. 2.他自命不凡。He has a high opinion of himself. 3.虽然这次试验
失败了,我们仍然很尊重你为它所付岀的努力。We have a high opinion of the
efforts you put into the experiment although it failed.请注意:此语中opinion 之前
的形容词除了 high之外,还可以用low (“评价低”,“看不起”),good (“对…
有好评价”),poor或ill ( “评价不高”,“评价不好”)等等。例如: 1.大多数
的人对这部电影的评价都不好。Most people have an ill opinion of this fiim. 2.
那位老师对约翰的女儿评价很好。The teacher has a good opinion of John’s
daughter. 3.看不起别人的人通常没有什么好伙伴。People who have a low
opinion of others are usually having few comnpanions.
一 233 —
1. Most people have a high opinion of ...
2. I don’t know why you are always having a high opinion of those who
are ...

[373 ] to be opposed to…反对…,与…对抗

例句: Most middle school students and their teachers are opposed to the
so-called reformed format of the entrance examination, which
brings about more pressure on the teachers and students than bene¬
fits. 大多数中学生以及他们的老师强烈反对所谓的高考试卷

注: opposed作为动词,常有“反对”,“反抗”或“抵抗”等意思。例如:他
从一开始就反对这次军事活动。He had opposed to this military operation from
the very start.再比如:我并不反对你所讲的一切,但是你一定要小心。丨don’t
oppose what you’ve just said, only that you have to be careful.短语 to be op¬
posed to ...是个常用的句式,表示“反对…”或“与…对抗”等意思。例
如: 1.我不反对威廉加入我们俱乐部。I’m not opposed to William’s entry to our
club. 2.他的父母反对这门婚事。His parents are opposed to this match. 3.我
坚决反对你出国。I’m firmly opposed to your going abroad. 4.真理与谬误相对
立。Truth is opposed to falsehood. 5.这种事与我的处事原则格格不入。This
sort of thing is utterly opposed to all of my principles.请注意: opposed 前面可以
用副词修饰,除 firmly 和 utterly 之外,还有 bitterly, totally, strongly, violently,
vigorously, very much, resolutely 等等。

1. Most people who ... are opposed to ...
2. Someone was firmly opposed to the new policy and ...

[374 ] to be optimistic about ...对…持乐观态度

例句:Most scientists are not so optimistic about the future of the globe
and the development of modem schience, as more and more social
problems start to appear and more and more disasters are closely
connected with the development of modem schience.由于有越来

注: optimistic是形容词,意为“乐观的”,“乐观主义的”或“有信心的”。例
如:他对事情总是持有乐观态度,但这次感到有点受挫。He always holds an
optimistic view of things, but this time he was somewhat frustrated.短语 to be op¬
timistic about ...是个常用的习惯用语,主要用来表示“对…持乐观态度”的
意思。例如: 1.不管怎样,我对人类的未来还是很乐观的。Anyway I'm quite
optimistic about the future of the human race. 2.他对这次会议的结果依然持乐
观态度。He is still optimistic about the fruit of this meeting. 3.年轻人应该对人生
持乐观态度。Young people should be optimistic about life.另外,要表示“对某
事持悲观态度”或“对某事并不很乐观”等意思,可以用not to be optimistic
about something 或 to be pessimistic about something 的句式。比如:大多数的
下岗工人对其未来生活感到很悲观。Most laid-off workers are pessimistic about
their future life.

1. Although ...,someone was still optimistic about …
2.Someone seems to be very optimistic about .. . though ...

[375 ] to place an order for…提交…的订单,订购…

例句: Our clients said that they might place a much larger order for this
model if we could reduce the price by another 0.5 percent, but I
was not in the position to make the decision so I lost their order.

注: order是名词,意为“订购”,“订货”或“订单”。例如:这位商人接到一
份要求大量供应煤炭的订单。The merchant received a large order for coal.再比
如:我向杂货店老板订购两打鸡蛋。I gave a grocer an order for two dozens of
eggs.短语to place an order for ...的意思是“提交…的订单”或“订购...”
等。例如:我向他们提交了一个购买五台电脑的订单。I placed an order for 5
computers.再比如:他们又订购了 60个键盘。They placed another order for 60
他们巳向波音公司订购30架中型客机。They have placed an order with the
Boeing Company for 30 new middle-size airliners.再比如:他们已经向我们提交
r价值两沿万美兀的军用物资的订单。They have placed an order with us for a
million dollars' worth munitions.有时,如果不需要表示所订购的内容,可省略
其中的介词for。例如:请及早订货,以免后悔。To avoid disappointment,
please place your orders as early as possible.

1 .He said that he would place an order for …before ...
2.Someone placed an order for …

[376 ] to owe ... to ...把…归功于…

例句:Most people agree that we should owe all of human progress and
civilization and the modernity of our modem life to our ancestors
and scientists like Einstein, Newton and Watt, without whose in¬
ventions there would be no modernity and human progress that we
can be proud of.很多人认为,人类的文明和进步以及我们现

注: owe是动词,基本意思是“欠”。例如:那个国家的大部分外债是向私营
银行借的。Most of that country's external debts were owed to private banks.该词
的另一个含义是“应该把…归功于…”,常与介词to搭配使用。例如: 1.她
把她的成功归因于辛勤工作。She owed her success to hard work. 2.我认为他
的获胜多半靠运气,极少靠实力。I think he owed his victory to luck more than to
思。例如: 1.她能活过来都亏了你。She owes her life to you. 2.多亏了爱迪
生我们才有了电灯。We owed light bulbs to Edison. 3.多亏了你的帮助我才完
成了这个任务。丨owe the fulfillment of the task to you.

1. We owe all …to ...,without ...
2. You must owe …to ...,for ...

[377 ] to keep pace with…与…保持同步,跟得上…

例句: As far as I can see, if we are only satisfied with being able to keep
pace with the world’s development of schience and technology,
we’ll never be able to get ahead of other countries in the develop¬
ment. 以我之见,如果我们只满足于能够跟得上世界科技发

姆以飞快的速度从山上跑下来,跑向米勒夫人。Jim was running at a tremen¬
dous pace down the hill to Mrs. Miller.再比如:我们要加快科技创新的步伐。
We should speed up the pace of innovation in science and technology.短语 to
keep pace with ...表示“与…保持同步”,“跟得上…”等意思。例如: 1•这
匹马身体太弱,没法跟得上其它的马。The horse is too weak to keep pace with
other horses. 2.这个孩子-.路小跑着,努力跟上大人们。The child ran along,
trying to keep pace with the adults. 3.他发现很难与核物理方面的所有发展保持
同步。He found it hard to keep pace with all the developments in nuclear physics.
4.价格的提高跟不上成本的增长。Price increase failed to keep pace with rising
237 ——

1. If you want to • ..,you must be able to keep pace with ...
2. You can’t .. . before you are able to keep pace with ...

[378 ] to play a part in…在…中扮演角色,在…起作用

例句:It is a simple fact that the correct idiology and the sound education
of high-ranking government officials play a very important part in
maintaining a good moral standard of a nation and achieving pros¬
perity for its people, without which a nation can never become a
powerful nation leading other countries. 一个国家高级政府官员

在这些事件中只起到了很小的作用。I had only a small part in these events•再
比如:演员们都知道他们在剧中的角色了吗? Do all actors know their parts in
the play?短语to play a part in…是个常用的句式,除表示“在…中扮演角
色”之意外,还可用来表示“在…起作用”等意思。例如: 1.他在《哈姆雷
特》中扮演主角。He played the leading part in “Hamlet”. 2.他当演员已经好几
年广,司是一直跑龙套0 He has been an actor for many years, but he is always
playing minor parts. 3.我的父亲在这次起义中扮演了重要的角色。My father
played an important part in this uprising. 4.为确保这一计划的成功他起了很大的
作用。He played a big part in ensuring the success of this scheme. 请注意•.可
以用于修饰part的形容词还包括small, great和active等。

1. Someone played an important part in ...
2.Something is obviously playing a major part in …

[379 ] to have a partiality for (to, towards)…袒护…,偏爱…

例句:It’s natural that people in the leading positions all have a partiality
towards those obedient people who never say no to what they want
them to do and who act just like sort of doormat and are willing to
be led by the nose. I do not get the preference only because I am
not up to their requirements, so I never blame them.领导者们偏

注:partiality是形容词partial (偏向一方的,偏心的,偏袒的)的名词形式,
袒显而易见。The referee’s partiality towards the home team was obvious.再比
如:这位官员在提拔他的老朋友担任此职的做法上表现岀了偏心。The officer
showed partiality in promoting his old friend to the post.短语 to have the partiality
for ...表示“袒护…”或“偏爱…”等意思。例如: 1.老师偏爱不大淘气的
学生是很自然的事。It’s natural that teachers have partiality for less troublesome
students. 2.随便派给我哪个年轻人做我的助手都行,我无所谓。It’s all right
for you to assign any young person to be my assistant. I have partiality towards
none. 3.她特喜欢月下散步。She has a partiality for moonlight walks.

1. Someone has the partiality for ...
2. Those who have the partiality towards ... are usually ...

[380 ] to bring ... to a pretty pass使…陷人困境,把…搞得一


例句: Jack's interference with his brother-in-law’s marriage with his sister
had brought their marriage to a pretty pass, making a relationship
unworkable that could have been saved without his interference.杰

注:to bring ... to a pretty pass是一条常用的习惯用语,其意思是“使…陷人

pretty是形容词,在这里意为“很小的”或“很关键的' 整条习语直译是“把
1.旁观者人数的增加使杰克和桑德拉的争吵闹得不可收拾了。The increasing
number of the onlookers had brought the quarrel between Joe and Sandra into a
pretty pass. 2.经理的思想落后且没有接受过高等教育,这便把该公司的生意
带到了山穷水尽的地步。The manager’s old-fashioned ideas and his lack of col¬
lege education have brought the company's business to a pretty pass. 3.对于他
们之间的矛盾,如果你再插手,就会使他们的关系无法挽回。You will help
bring their relationship to a pretty pass if you interfere in their conflict.

1. Something had brought …to a pretty pass
2. If you ...,you will certainly bring …to a pretty pass

[381 ] to pave the way for…为…铺平道路

例句: The Premier’s visit to the European countries had not only paved
the way for opening markets for China’s products and China’s future
cooperation with Europe, but also contributed significantly to the
present talks between France and China.总理的欧洲之行不仅为
在用石板铺筑大堂前的广场。The workers are paving the square before the hall
with slabs of stone.再比如:这个公园里的路有些是用石板铺的,有些是用木
板铺的。Some of the paths in this park are paved with slabs of stones, some with
blocks of wood.短语to pave the way for ...直译是“为…铺好路”,引申为
“为…做准备”或“为…铺平道路”。例如: 1.这一协议为持续和平铺平了道
路。The agreement paved the way for a lasting peace。2.《解放奴隶宣言》的
发表为美国黑人获得法律上的自由铺平了道路。The issue of the Proclamation
of Emancipation paved the way for the legal freedom of American blacks。3.他做
了很多细致的工作来为我做准备。He paved the way for me by doing careful
将为欧洲的和平铺平道路。丨 believe this treaty will pave the way to peace in Eu¬
rope. 再比如:有影响力的合同为他的成功铺平了道路。Influential contracts
paved the way to his success j

1. Something has paved the way for ...
2. Someone’s ... paved the way not only for ... but also for ...

[382 ] to have no patience with…对…失去信心;对…没有耐心

例句:She does not seem to be cut out for being a teacher or doing things
with people of varied interests, because she does not have patience
with people or things that are not up to her requirements.看来她


他大喊大叫需要有极大的忍耐。It took a vast amount of patience not to shout at
him.再比如:我没有耐心再听你抱怨。丨have no patience to hear your com¬
plaints again.短语to have no patience with…,表示“对…失去耐心”,“对…
不耐烦”或“对…忍无可忍”等意思。例如: 1.她不能容忍那些经常牢骚满
一 241 一
腹的人。She has no patience with those who are always grumbling. 2.我对那种
自命不凡的人忍无可忍。丨 have no patience with those who always have a high
opinion of themselves. 3.她受不了虚情假意的表现。She has no patience with
false display of affection. 4.我们的老师容不得作弊行为。Our teacher has the
least patience with cheating.

1. Someone is so . • . that he (she) has no patience with ...
2.If you do not have patience with . . .,you cannot ...

[383 ] to pay off old scores with…和…算老账,报复…

例句:Mind you! If you dare to offend him again, she will not only pay
off old scores with you, but also give you a dose of your own med-

注•- pay是动词,有“支付”,“缴纳”或“偿还”等意。例如:如果你星期五能
把钱还给我,我就借款给你。If you can pay me on Friday, I'll loan you the mon-
ey. to pay off表示“还清债务”或“清偿欠某人的债务”的意思。例如:他希
望在年底还清所有债务。He expects to pay all his debts off by the end of the
year, score是名词’指“账”或“账目”。to pay off old scores直译为“付清旧
表示“和…算老账”或“报复…”的意思。例如: 1.约翰打了鲍勃一顿,算是
和他算了老账。John paid off an old score with Bob by beating him. 2.他娶了一
个比琼更漂觉的女孩,希望以此报复他的情敌。He expected to have paid off
old scores with his rival when he married a girl prettier than Joan.请注意:与
score连用的其它动词还有settle或wipe off等。例如:我要跟那个家伙算一些
老账。I have some old scores to settle with that fellow.

1. Someone is to pay off old scores with all those who have
2. Someone is likely to pay off old scores with ... who
[384 ] to be peculiar to…是…所特有的

例句:Being lazy and greedy is peculiar to selfish people, who are also
self-conceited, the puculiar type of snobbery.懒惰和贪婆是自私

特有的声音。Every bell has its peculiar sound.再比如:他有自己独特的处理问
题的方式。He has his own peculiar way of dealing with problems.短语 to be pe¬
culiar to ...表示“是…所特有的”等意思。例如: 1.这种风格是他特有的。
The style is peculiar to him. 2.和服是日本民族特有的服装。The kimono is pe¬
culiar to the Japanese people. 3.这种菜谱只有四川人用。The recipe is peculiar
to Sichuan locals.请注意:peculiar to…的搭配也可单独使用,常作定语。
例如:这座大厦以18世纪特有的风格建成。The building was built in a style pe¬
culiar to the 18th century.再比如:他们的讲话方式是这个小岛上的居民所独有
的。They spoke in a way peculiar to people on this small island.

此语适用的句子结构 ^
1. Something is peculiar to ... who ...
2.Something is peculiar to . .. which ...

[385 ] to put a period to…结束(终止)…

例句:If I were you, I would cut the knots and put a period to the mar¬
riage instead of letting it drag along like this. And this will do good
to both of you.如果我是你,我就会快刀斩乱麻,赶紧结束

祝活动持续了两个星期。The celebrations lasted over a period of two weeks.再
比如:我们将到曰本做短期访问。We are going to visit Japan for a short period
—— 243 —
of time.但是,period意为“句号”或“句点”。例如:书写英语时不要忘了在
每个句子结尾处点上句点。Don’t forget to put a period at the end of each sen-
tence when you write English.短语 to put a period to…直译是“为…点上个句
点”,引申为“结束…”或“终止…' 例如: 1.天晚了,我们得结束今天的讨
论了。It’s late, and we’ll have to put a period to our discussion today. 2.嫌疑犯
业已供认,调查就此终止。The suspect’s confession put a period to the investiga-
tion. 3.院长的总结发言终止了两个小时的会议。president's conclusive
speech put a period to the two hour meeting. 4.他们决定 了结这个案子 They
decided to put a period to the case.

1. Someone decided to put a period to ...
2 -Thinking . • .,someone decided to put a period to ...

[386 ] to be pessimistic about…对…持悲观态度

例句:According to psychological studies, those who are always pessimis-

tic about things around are more disease-prone than those who are
optimistic and open-minded. For this reason, psychologists advise
people to be optimistic about their things in life.心理学研究表

欢他对事物的悲观态度。丨 don’t like his pessimistic view of things.短语 to be
pessimistic about .. •表示“对…持悲观态度”等意思。例如:彳.有些人对地
球的未来持比较悲观的态度。Some people are quite pessimistic about the future
of the earth. 2.结婚6 t月后,她对他们的婚姻不再乐观。She became pessi-
mistic about their marriage six months after they got married. 3.我对于自己能否
得到这份工作很悲观。I am pessimistic about my chances of getting this job. 4.
没右彳I么可悲观的。There’s nothing to be pessimistic about. 5.他对公司的未来
— 244 —
不很乐观。He is rather pessimistic about the future of the computer.

1. Those who are pessimistic about ... are more prone to . . . than ...
2. Don’t be so pessimistic about ...

[387 ] to be touched with pity for …对…动了恻隐之心

例句:He had intended to kill the old and sick cow, but seeing his eyes
glistening with tears he was touched with pity for him and eventual¬
ly gave up the idea.他本想杀了那头老病牛,可是看到它眼中

大家的同情。The sad story aroused everyone’s pity.再比如:我丝毫不同情那
些因自己的愚蠢而吃苦头的人。I have no pity for people who suffer through their
own folly.动词touch意为“感动”或“触动”。例如:她的话感动了我们。His
words touched us.因而,短语 to be touched with pity for ...表示“对…动了恻
隐之心”等意思。例如: 1.乔曾经是保罗的情敌,但当保罗看到他病倒在街
头的时候,还是对他动了恻隐之心,把他送进了医院。Joe used to be Paul's ri¬
val, but when Paul met him sick in the street, Paul was touched with pity for him
and sent him to the hospital. 2.他原本已经决定和他妻子离婚,但是,当他意
不忍心使她遭受离婚之苦。He had actually decided to divorce his wife,but when
he realized that she had been more faithful and diligent than most other women he
had known, he was touched with pity for her and therefore, didn't have the heart to
victimize her with divorce.

1. When …,someone was touched with pity for ...
2. Those who are will never be touched with pity for ...

[388 ] to take pity on…同情(怜惘,可怜) • • •

例句:People are generally supposed to take pity on those that are in hot
water and to help to bail them out of the situation. But to our great
disappointment, the person who had been helped will in most cases
bit the hand that feeds him. This may be the reason why people
nowadays seldom offer to help.照常讲,人们应该可怜那些陷

注:pity意为“同情”,“怜悯”或“可怜”。短语to take pity on ...表示“同

情,“怜悯…”,“可怜…”等意思。例如: 1.我妹妹总是很可怜那些迷路
的小猫、小狗。My sister always takes pity on some stray cat or dog. 2. 一群乞
丐在街上拦住了他,求他可怜可怜他们,给他们点钱。A gang of beggars
stopped him in the street and asked him to take pity on them by giving them some
money. 3•我向来不同情自作自受的人。|’ve never taken pity on those who suf¬
fer from their own action.请注意:该短语也可写成 to have pity on someone。例
如:那个暴君丝毫也不怜悯苦难深重的人民。The tyrant had no pity on his peo¬
ple who were suffering miserably.

].Someone always takes pity on those who are ...
2. If you take pity on . . .,you may find that ...

[389 ] to play up to…向…献媚,拍…马屁

例句:The boss of a large restaurant in the locality hints that he that wish¬
es to run a restaurant or manage a shop in this area without running
into future trouble, will have to play up to some of the lcx:al po¬
licemen and offer to give them some pay-offs.当地一家大餐馆
— 246 ——

注:短语to play up to someone是口语情景中常用的一个习惯用语。此语常用

来表示“向…献媚”或“拍…的马屁”等意思。例如: 1.他是个喜欢经常拍
上司马屁的人。He is a person who would always play up to his superiors. 2■别
再那样向玛丽献媚了!这太明显了,你跟她也不可能怎么样。Stop trying to
play up to Mary like that. It’s so obvious—and you'll get nowhere with her. 3■他
对老太太的虚荣心大加迎合,以获得她的支持。He played up to the old lady's
vanity to get her support.另外,此语也可用作被动语态。比如:他讨厌别人拍
他的马屁。He is the sort of person who dislikes being played up to. 请注意:to
Play up to someone所表示的另一层含义是“给…当配角”或“配合…”。例如:
他说他曾经给一位大明星当过配角。He said he had played up to a super star.
再比如:我女儿出色地配合了我这次劝说她妈妈休假的行动。My daughter
played up beautifully to my act of hoaxing her mother into taking a holiday.

1. Someone was trying to play up to ... in order that ...
2.So as to . ..,someone decided to play up to those who ...

[390 ] to take a pleasure in…以…为乐,喜欢…

例句:I can’t really make out the reason why you are always taking a great
pleasure in badmouthing other people or trying to dig dirt about
them. Don’t you know that evils bounce back?我真的搞不懂为

你得一等奖的消息,我很高兴。It gave me much pleasure to hear the news that
you won the first prize.再比如:我主动提岀和他一起去,他却没有表现岀高兴
的样子。He showed no pleasure when I offered to go with him.短语 to take (a)
pleasure in ...同enjoy doing something所表示的意思基本一致,均是“以…
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为乐”,“喜欢…”或“从…中得到很大的乐趣”等。例如: 1.见到他的孩子们
坐在草地的情景,他心里很高兴。He took pleasure in the sight of his children sit¬
ting on the lawn. 2.有些男孩很喜欢逗比他们小的女孩子。Some boys take
great pleasure in teasing younger girls. 3.他似乎颇以做饭为乐。He seems to
take a pleasure in cooking. 4.总是有些人特别喜欢看到别人受折磨。There are
always some people who take a great pleasure in seeing other people suffer.

1. Someone takes a great pleasure in ...
2.1 can’t understand why you always take pleasure in ...

[391 ] to plume oneself on…因…而自鸣得意(沾沾自喜)

例句: Soon after his promotion, he was almost beside himself and plumed
himself on getting the position he had been dreamed of and on the
flattery that had been showered onto him.被提升后不久,他得

打扮”等意。例如:麻雀在泥浴后用樣整理羽毛。The sparrow plumed itself af¬
ter a mud bath.此语中的plume与反身代词搭配使用,后面跟介词on,构成一
喜”等意思。例如: 1.他并不因自己的成就而自夸。He doesn't plume himself
on his achievements. 2.她为自己有一张漂亮的脸蛋而沾沾自喜。She plumes
herself on her good looks. 3.他因为自己在第一轮表现不错而自鸣得意,结果
在后几轮的比赛中遭受失败。He plumed himself on his good performance in the
first round of the game, which led to his failure in the following rounds.

1. Someone plumed himself on , forgetting that ...
2. After . . .,someone plumed himself and ...
[392 ] to be popular with…深受…的喜爱(欢迎)

例句: Obscene publications, all sorts of obscene articles, are actually not
so popular with educated people in such countries as Australia and
Canada, but they become so popular in Southeast Asian countries
with not only the under-educated people, but also with some edu¬
cated persons.下流的、形形色色的黄色出版物,在诸如澳大

意。例如:他很会搞政治,但却不得人心。He is a good politician, but isn't pop-
ular.再比如:她刚参加工作就成为一名广受欢迎的教师。She became a popu¬
lar teacher shortly after she started her career.短语 to be popular with • •.用来表
示“受到…的喜欢”或“受到…的欢迎”等意思。例如: 1.汤姆很讨姑娘们
的喜欢。Tom is very popular with girls. 2.我丈夫受到邻居们的喜爱。My hus¬
band is popular with our neighbors. 3.她的书在年轻人当中很受欢迎。Her
books are quite popular with young people. 4.这种款式的服装受到中老年妇女
的青睐。Dresses of this style are popular with mid-aged and old women.请注意:
The teacher is very popular among girl students.

1 • Someone is particularly popular with ...
2. Something is extremely popular with ..., especially with those who are ...

[393 ] to be in a position to…有能力…,能够…,有权…

例句: As a matter of fact, people who have had no teaching experience in

the classroom are not in a position to decide on the format of exam¬
inations, but in some cases, the format of some examination papers
is often decided by authorities who actually have no teaching expe¬
rience. 按理说,那些没有课堂教学经验的人是没有资格选择

的位置吗? Can you find our present position on the map?再比如:如果总统能终
止这场战争,他在国内的地位将大大加强。If the president can put an end to the
war, his domestic position will be enormously strengthened.短语 to be in a posi¬
tion to 表示“有能力…”,“能够…”,“有权力…”或“有资格…”等意思,
多用于否定句。例如: 1 •很抱歉,眼下我不能给你明确的答案。I am sorry not
to be in a position to give you a definite answer at the moment. 2.你找错人了,
我没有权力同意你做这件事情。You came to the wrong person. I'm not in a po¬
sition to give you permission to do this. 3.兰妮,你无权对他横加指责。Lanny,
you are not in a position to blame him.值得注意的是,有时此语也可用于肯定
句。例如:或许下周我能帮你。Perhaps I shall be in a position to help you next
week.再比如:他可以结婚。He is in a position to marry.

1. People who ... are not in a position to • •.
2. He that ... is usually not in a position to ...

[394 ] to be possessed of …拥有(具有)…

例句:Although the director admitted that the girl seemed to be possessed

of some qualities and attributes for acting in films, he didn’t em¬
ploy her as a candidate, reasoning that she lacked professional

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他一直拥有很好的身体。He never possessed much money, but he always pos¬
sessed good health.短语to be possessed of ...表示“拥有…”或“具有…”
等意思。例如: 1.这个家族拥有大量财富。The family is possessed of a large
fortune. 2.她拥有很多优良品质。She is possessed of many good qualities. 3.
他极有自信。He was possessed of great confidence. 4.我祖母身体很健康。My
grandma is possessed of good health. 5.那些拥有大量财富的人通常缺少美德,
而那些具有美德的人又时常手无分文。Those people who are possessed of
great wealth are usually not possessed of virtue and those who are possessed of
virtue are often penniless.

1. Someone is appearantly possessed of ...
2. Those people who are not ... are usually possessed of ...

[395 ] to praise…for…因…而称赞…

例句:Some parents, or even some school teachers,are often reluctant to

praise their children or students for their strengths while not a few
parents and school teachers get a great kick out of complaining
about what they do, the result of which will no doubt do great harm
to their healthy development.有些父母,甚至包括有些老师,

们多年来吃过的最好的一顿。Our guests praised the dinner as the best they had
had for years.短语to praise ... for ...主要用来表示“因…而称赞…”或
“对…赞不绝口”等意思。例如: 1.为了帮助这位学生树立信心,哪怕是很小
的进步老师都不会忘记表扬。In order to develop confidence in the student, the
teacher never failed to praise him, even for the smallest progress. 2.所有评论家
都赞许这出新剧富有独创性。All critics praised the new play for its originality. 3.
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他的老板称赞他这次工作完成得很出色。His boss praised him for his excellent
performance in fulfilling the job. 4.如果别人做得比你好而你又拒绝称赞他们,
那么你会发现当你做得比别人好的时候你也绝不会得到应有的承认。If you
refuse to praise other people for what they have done better than you do, you may
find that you will never get due recognition when you are doing a better job.

1. Someone praised …for ... and congratulated …on
2. You should have praised ... for ...

[396 ] to sing high praise for ...为…大唱赞歌

例句:It is preposterous that our present society likes to sing high praises
for those people who are not actually contributing to the advance¬
ment of human civilization and those people who have actually
helped to push human history forward seldom get what they de¬
serve. 可笑的是,现在这个社会对那些没有促进人类文明发

好人更好而坏人更坏。Praise makes good men better and bad men worse.再比
如:只是做了这么一件小事,我不配得到这么多赞扬。丨don’t deserve so many
praises for such a small thing.短语 to sing high praises for …表示“为…大唱赞
歌”或“大加赞颂…”等意思。例如: 1.惠特曼在他的很多诗歌中歌颂了美
国的民主与自由。Whitman sang high praise for the American democracy and
freedom in many of his poems. 2.报纸上的很多文章都大力赞扬了他为保护人
民的生命财产安全与歹徒进行搏斗的勇敢精神。Many articles in the newspa¬
pers sang high praises for the bravery he demonstrated in his fighting against the
gangsters in order to protect the people’s lives and property.请注意:该短语也可
写成 to sing someone's praises 或 to sing the praises of ... 例如:首场演出之
后,各报都对这名新演吊人加赞誉After his first performance, all the newspap-
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ers sang the praises of this new actor.

1. Someone was actually singing high praises of . . . instead of ...
2. We should not sing high praises of ...,but of ...

[397 ] to prefer ... to ...喜欢…而不喜欢…

例句:It’s ridiculous that many people today prefer splashing their money
about on health-building facilities and using these facilities to acti¬
vate their bodies to doing physical exercises in the open air.现在

我更喜欢靠近海边的那座公寓。丨prefer the apartment near the sea.再比如:他
觉得还是做好准备之后再做演讲更可取。He prefers making speeches after
careful preparation.短语to prefer ... to ...是口语情景中常用的习惯用语,常
用来表示“喜欢…而不喜欢…”等意思。例如: 1.我喜欢蔬菜而不喜欢肉。I
prefer vegetables to meat. 2.他性格内向而且又非常用功,所以他宁愿学习而
不愿意参加任何形式的娱乐活动。Reserved and studious, he prefers study to
amusement of any kind. 3.我宁愿步行也不愿意坐那么拥挤的汽车。丨prefer
walking to taking so crowded buses. 4.我宁愿-个人在家呆着也不想和他一起
去度假。I prefer staying at home by myself to going to take a holiday with him.请
something;但是如果prefer后面跟的是doing something,那么介词to的后面
也要跟doing something。比如:我喜欢写而不喜欢读。I prefer writing to read-
ing.再比如:我喜欢茶而不喜欢咖啡。I prefer tea to coffee.

1. Someone preferred ... to…when ...
2. Most people prefer …to ... in doing ...
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[398 ] to have a prejudice against ...对…有偏见

例句:Although the Prime Minister expressed his welcome to foreign in¬

vestors to Japan, many Japanese businesspersons appearantly have a
prejudice against foreigners, thinking that they impose a great threat
on their own chances to succeed.尽管首相表示欢迎外国人到日

见。A judge must be free from prejudice.再比如:老师对他有偏爱。The teach¬
er holds a prejudice in his favor.短语 to have a prejudice against …表示“对…
抱有偏见”的意思 例如: 1.我敢肯定裁判对我们抱有偏见。I’m sure the

judge had a prejudice against us. 2.他对现代诗抱有偏见。He has a prejudice

against modern poetry. 3.由于历史原因,很多美国白人对黑人抱有根深蒂固的
偏见。Owing to historical causes, many American white people have a deep-root¬
ed prejudice against blacks. 4.这个老师对农村来的孩子抱有偏见。The teacher
has a prejudice against students from the countryside.但有时此语也可表示“不
他。He has a prejudice against lending money to others because he is afraid he
may not be repaid.请注意:此语中的have也可由hold代替。例如:很多公司
在面试时对女性求职者怀有偏见。Many companies hold prejudice against wom¬
en candidates in job interviews.

1. Most people who…hold a prejudice against ...
2. Those people who . .. should not have a prejudice against ...

[399 ] to make a pretext for…为…找借口,为…辩护

例句:When people failed an attempt, nine out of ten will try and make a
pretext for his or her inability to succeed. Few of them would seek
truth from fact and admit their inability.当一次尝试失败后,人

Tom used his sore finger as a pretext for not going to school.再比如:他借口说
忘了拿什么东西,又回到了她的房间。He returned her room on the pretext of
having forgotten something.短语 to make (find) a pretext for ...用以表示“为
…找借口”或“为…辩解”等意思。例如: 1.玛丽帮我找了个借口拒绝和他
一起去游泳。Mary helped me make a pretext for refusing him to go swimming. 2.
你能为你迟到了半小时辩解吗? Can you make a pretext for your having been
late for half an hour? 3.他绞尽脑汁想为自己再次去见她找个借口。He racked
his brains to make a pretext for going to see her again. 4.我终于找到了一个好
借口可以不去参加他的聚会了。I finally found a pretext for not attending his par¬

1. Don’t try to find a pretext for ...
2.Someone tried to make a pretext for not being able to ...

[400 ] to prevent ... from ...阻止 (防止)…,使…不能

例句: As a matter of fact, we should work out laws to prevent people

from comitting crimes instead of making laws after crimes have tak¬
en shape but unfortunately, we are putting the forse before the cart
by forcing our laws to run after crimes. This might be the reason
why crimes keep coming up with more and more laws being made.

雨使我们未能岀发。The storm prevented our departure.再比如:我不知道有什
么可以阻止他去赌博。丨 don’t know of anything to prevent his going to gamble.
短语to prevent •• • from ...是个常用的习惯用语,用来表示“阻止…使不致
…”,“使…不能”或“防止…发生”等意思。例如: 1.我们采取了一切措施
阻止这场癌疫的传播。We took every measure to prevent the pestilence from
spreading. 2.既然你已成年,谁能阻止我们结婚呢? Who can prevent us from
getting married now that you are of age? 3.孩子的一句笑话阻止了夫妻间又一
场战争的发生。A playful word from their child prevented another fight from taking
place between the couple. 4.我们必须尽一切努力防止这类事情的再次发生。
We must do everything possible to prevent this from happening again.

1. We must do everything possible to prevent . . . from ...
2. Someone ... to prevent ... from …

[401 ] to pride oneself on…为…而感到自豪,自夸…

例句: There are more and more people who would like to pride them¬
selves on having bigger material possession than their peers, but
they never know there are great many people who do not own what
they do, and yet they enjoy a happier life and healthier life.有越

着自己的儿子。He looked at his son with pride.再比如:他的自尊心不允许他
乞求钱财。His pride does not allow him to beg for money.但是,pride 也可用作
动in],主要用来表示“使…得意”或“以…为自豪”之意。短语to pride oneself

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哥以会说13种语言而自豪。My brother prides himself on his ability to speak thir¬
teen languages. 2.他为自己弹钢琴的技巧感到自豪。He prided himself on his
skill as a pianist. 3.布莱姆威尔夫人为自己的厨艺而自夸。Mrs. Bramwell her¬
self on her cooking.请注意:介词on的后面也可跟动名词。例如:他为自己是
一个有自制力的人而自感骄傲。He prides himself on being a man of self-control.
再比如:他为在美国有很多的亲戚而感到自豪。He prides himself on having a
lot of relatives in the United States.

1.Someone prides himself (herself) on his (her) ability to ...

2. Someone prides himself (herself) on having ...

[402 ] to have priority over…比…优先,优先于…

例句:It’s natural that graduates with Doctoral degrees have priority over
graduates with M. A. Degrees in choosing a job in today’s market.


如: 1.有一个想入非非的百万富翁甚至企图确立其对月亮的优先享有权^ 0ne
crazy millionaire even attempted to establish his priority of claim to the moon. 2•这
个实验班的学生在选择课程和借阅图书方面都享有优先权。Students in this ex¬
perimental class get priority in selecting courses and borrowing books. 3.;要及
时解决的问题将在会上优先处理。The problems requiring immediate solution will
be given priority at the meeting.短语 to have priority over _.. in . •.表示“比…
优先”,“优先于…”等意思。例如•• 1.他们坚持认为生存权利应放在其他一
切考虑因素之上。They insisted that the right to live should have priority over ail
other considerations. 2.消防车及救护车比其他车辆有优先通行权。Fire en¬
gines and ambulances have priority over other traffic. 请注意:该短语有时也可以
写成to take priority over ...。例如:伤势严重的人员比伤势轻的优先获得医疗
护理。The badly wounded take priority for medical attention over those only slightly
一 257 —

1. Those who ... usually have priority over …in
2.If you have priority over ... in …,you should ...

[403 ] to be proficient at (in)…精通于…

例句:In finding a better job,those who are proficient in two or more for¬
eign languages usually have priority over those who speak only one
foreign language.那些精通两门以上外语的人找起好工作来比

熟练地运用天文望远镜了。The students became more proficient with astronomi¬
cal telescopes.短语to be proficient in (at)…是个常用的句式,用来表示“精
通于…”的意思。例如: 1.玛丽非常精通音乐。Mary is very proficient in mu¬
sic. 2.他声称他精通5国语言。He claims that he is proficient in five foreign lan¬
guages. 3.我弟弟手风琴弹得很熟练了。My little brother became quite proficient
at the organ. 4.她精于针线活。She is proficient at needlework. 5.如果你想搞
语言的比较研究,你就必须精通两门以上的外语。If you want to make compar¬
ative studies of languages, you should be proficient in more than two foreign lan¬

1. You cannot ... unless you are proficient in more than two foreign lan¬

2.If you want to be proficient at . . .,you must be able to dig into it

[404 ] to prohibit . from…禁止…做…,限制…去…

例句:His weakening health prohibited him from going into the depth of
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the subject, although he said that nothing could prevent him from
doing the research.虽然他说什么也阻碍不了他的研究工作,

的商店里吸烟。Many firms prohibit smoking in their shops.再比如:法律禁止酒
后驾车。The law prohibits driving after drinking.短语 to prohibit ... from .…表
示“禁止…做…”或“限制…去…”等意思。例如: 1.法律禁止18岁以下少
年饮酒。The law prohibits adolescent below eighteen from drinking alcohol. 2.他
们的母亲禁止他们在晚上岀去。Their mother prohibited them form going out in
the evening. 3.在那个国家,成年人禁止儿童观看这类的电影。In that country
adults prohibit children from seeing this sort of films.请注意:此语也常用于被动
语态。比如:经济舱乘客禁止使用头等舱休息室。Tourist class passengers are
prohibited from using the first-class lounge.再比如:在这个国家,女人是禁止
干这种工作的。In this country, women are prohibited to do this sort of work.

1. Those who…are prohibited from doing …
2.In …,tradition prohibits …from ...

[405 ] to be prone to . ••易于…,有…的倾向,很容易…

例句:Weak people are prone to such minor diseases as colds and stom¬
achaches. 那些体弱的人很容易得诸如感冒和腹痛等类的小

思。短语to be prone to ...常用来表示“易于…”,“有…的倾向”或“很容
易…”等意思。例如: 1.不懂法律的人是容易上当受骗的。People who are
law-illiterate are prone to get conned. 2.医生们认为,很少干体力活儿的人比体
力工人更容易得感冒。Doctors believe that people who do little physical labor are
more prone to catch cold physical laborers. 3.没有接受过课堂训练的人更容易
犯这类的语法错误。Learners who are not professionally trained in the classroom
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are more prone to make this sort of gramatical mistakes.值得注意的是,此语中
介词to后面所跟随的名词常有:accident, error, idleness和headaches等等。
例如:酒后开车的司机很容易岀车祸事故。Drivers who drink alcohol before
driving are very much prone to car accident.再比如:长时间使用电脑的人很容
易患头痛病。People who work with computers for long hours are prone to head¬
aches. 请注意:prone后面也可以跟不定式,表示“容易做某事(常指不好的
事)”的意思。例如:有些人不太相信陌生人。Some people are prone to dis¬
trust strangers.再比如:人在疲劳的时候更容易犯错误. One is more prone to
make mistakes when he is tired.

1. One is more prone to ... when he is
2. People who are ... are more prone to . . . than those who are ...

[406 ] to be prophetic of…预言到…,预见到…

例句:In his book The Future of the Globe,many parts are devoted to the
prediction of the things that will disappear in another fifty years in
the world and some statements are obviously prophetic of the disas¬
ters that will be most likely to happen.在他的《世界的未来》

注:prophetic是名词prophet (预言家,先知)的形容词形式,常有“预言性
的”,“预示的”或“预言者的”等意。例如:一则预言a prophetic saying;警
世预言prophetic warnings等等。再如:他书中的很多观点都是具有预言性的。
Many ideas in his book are prophetic•短语 to be prophetic of .. •表示“预言
到…”或“预见到…”等意思。例如:1.雷声往往是阵雨的预兆。Thunder is of¬
ten prophetic of showers. 2.据说大多数宗教领袖都有未卜先知的能力。It was
said that most religious leaders were prophetic of future. 3. 她12岁时的作品就已
经预示 r她来日伟大的成就。The works she accomplished at the age of twelve
had been prophetic of her future greatness. 4.他的文章预言有一场革命的暴风
雨即将到来。His article was prophetic of the arrival of a great storm of revolution.
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1. Something is often prophetic of ...
2 • Most of ... are prophetic of those things that will ...

[407 ] to protect ... against…保护…免受…,防御…

例句:As more and more middle school students waste more and more
time in the “Chat Room” on computers, the harm resulted from
“Chat Room” attraction is like a red flag to both their schoolteach-
ers and their parents. They are raising a cry against their children’s
such a prepoisterous interest and appealing to the whole society for
effective measures to be taken to protect school children against be¬
ing further harmed by this disasterous attraction.由于有越来越多

的颁布是为了保护国家的野生动物资源。The new law is issued to protect the
nation's wild life resources.再比如:战士们在为保卫祖国而战.The soldiers are
fighting to protect their country.短语 to protect …against ...是个常用的词组,
其意思是“保护…免受…”或“防御…”等。例如: 1.在边界线上修筑了一
排堡垒,以此来保护国家免受侵略。A line of forts was built along the border to
protect the country against attack. 2.原始人生活在洞穴里以保护自己免受恶劣
天气以及野兽的侵袭。The primitive man lived in caves to protect themselves
against bad weather and wild beasts. 3.我们必须保护这些动物以防受到进一步
的屠杀。We must protect these animals against being slaughtered.请注意:pro-
例如:他抬起胳膊挡住了脸,以免被打中。He raised his arm to protect his face
一 261 —
from the blow.再比如:很多人在夏天戴墨镜以防止阳光的照射。Many people
wear dark glasses to protect their eyes from the sun.

1. We must protect ... from ...
2.In order to protect …from , someone did …

[408 ] to be proud of…为…感到骄傲,为…感到自豪

例句:I have been proud of many things and I am proud of a number of

people, but none of the things was done in a five-star hotel and
none of the people was enjoying an extravagent and luxurious life.

的”等意。例如:能做你的朋友我感到很荣幸。I feel proud to be your friend.
再比如:我们的足球队今年屡战屡胜,为此我们颇感得意。We feel proud that
our football team has won every match this year.短语 to be proud of ...是个常
1 •我为我的这个学生在心理学领域所取得的成就感到由衷的自豪。丨am very
proud of this student of mine who has made great achievements in the field of psy¬
chology. 2.我们为人类做了这些小事,对此我们没有理由感到骄傲。We have
no reason to feel proud of these little things we have donefor mankind. 3.她为自
己拥有如此聪明、漂亮的女儿感到自豪。She feels proud of having such an in¬
telligent and pretty daughter. 4. If I have ever been proud of anyone, the first is my
mother, and the second is also my mother, but I am still oblivious of any others.

1. Some is particularly proud of …

2. This is the only thing we can be proud of ... among ...

[409 ] to provide …for . • •向…提供…

例句:Many teachers can provide their students with enough materials and
language items to satisfy their eyes, but few can provide them with
a way or ways that is good enough to satisfy their real needs.很多

饭店供应几十种传统的中国菜。That hotel provides tens of traditional Chinese
dishes.再比如:这些树木给人们带来阴凉。The trees provide shade.短语to
provide ... with…基本表示“向…提供…”等意思。例如: 1.学校应该为学
生们提供很好的学习环境。Schools are supposed to provide their students with
very good learning environments. 2.据说,他向那个国家的有关人士提供了一
些有关中国陆军的机密文件。It is said that he had provided someone of that gov¬
ernment with some confidential documents about China’s armed forces.请注意:
与provide 一词相关的结构还有:to provide something for ... “把某物提供给某
人”,和to provide for “为某人准备某物”。比如: 1.他答应为我们所有的
人提供一些参考材料。He promised to provide some reference books for all of
us. 2.我们必须为我们的客人做好准备。We must provide for our visitors. 3.他
要养活一大家子的人。He has a big family to provide for.

1. Someone promised to provide …with ...

2.Something is supposed to be able to provide . . . with ...

[410 ] to keep one’s finger on the pulse of …了解(熟悉)…


例句: As the president of such an influential international group, you
must keep your finger on the pulse of the world’s market and any
possible market changes that are most likely to influence the struc¬
ture of your products.作为如此有影响力的跨国公司的总裁,

搏很弱。The doctor says that the patient’s pulse is very weak.再比如:中国医
生一般的做法是先给病人诊脉,然后再向病人询问有关情况。It's a common
practice for Chinese doctors to feel the pulse of the patient before asking related
questions.短语 to keep one’s finger on the pulse of …的字面意思是“把某人
掌”。例如: 1 •他对总统大选的情况了如指掌。He kept his finger on the pulse
of the presidential election. 2.我们年青人要把握时代的脉搏,随时调整自己,
以适应时代的要求。We young people should keep our fingers on the pulse of the
age and adjust ourselves to its demands whenever necessary. 3.这位科学家经常
scientist often reads new books and articles of his field so as to keep his finger on
the pulse of new development in the field. 4.如果我是你公司的老板,我就会找
一个人专门把握市场的动态。If 丨 were the boss of your company, I would en¬
gage someone to keep his finger on the pulse of the market.

1. You must keep your finger on the pulse of . . . before you can ...
2. As .. •,someone always pays much heed to keeping his finger on the
pulse of …

[411 ] to be qualified for ...胜任…,有资格…

伊j句:According to an underground newspaper, over 45 percent police¬

men in this area are not quite qualified for their jobs and over 12
— 264 ——
percent of them are totally devoid of attributes to be a policeman.

受的训练使他有资格作一名英语教师。His training qualifies him as a teacher of
English•再比如:她的能力使她能够胜任这项工作。Her ability qualified her for
the job.短语to be qualified for •是个常用的句式,用来表示“胜任…”或
“有资格…”等意思。例如: 1.凭着他在英国接受的教育,他完全有资格担任
那项工作。With the education he received in England, he is highly qualified for
that post. 2.他不能胜任指导性的工作。He is not qualified for directing others.
3.他们当中只有百分之二的人能胜任技术性工作。Only two percent of them
are qualified for skilled work. 4.他确实是个很能干的人。据说他能胜任多种工
作。He is indeed a very capable man, who is said to be qualified for many kinds of
jobs.请注意:to be qualified之后除了可以用for之外,还可跟动词不定式。例
如:他完全有资格告诉你该怎么做。He's fully qualified to tell you how to do it.
team didn’t qualify for the semifinals.再比如:你已有选举资格,但是你弟弟到
18岁才能参加。You qualify for the vote, but your brother won’t qualify until he’s

1. Someone is qualified for …
2.Someone doesn’t seem to be quite qualified for ...

[412 ] to possess the qualifications of …具备…的条件(资格)

例句:You should get your son an opportunity for some special training in
law,since he seems to possess the qualifications of a lawyer.因为


如:除了不偏不倚这一点之外,他具备担任那项工作的一切资格。He had ev¬
ery qualification for the job except impartiality.再比如:只有具备合适条件的申请
者才会得到考虑。Only applicants with the proper qualifications will be consid¬
ered. 短语to possess qualifications of…表示“具备…的条件”等意思。例
can only tell you that your son possesses all the qualifications of a secretary I had
hoped for.再比如:你是否具备当一名律师的条件? Do you possess the qualifi¬
cations of a lawyer?请注意:除of外,qualifications之后也可跟介词for。例如:
你弟弟具备当飞行员的体格条件? Does your brother possess the physical quali¬
fications for pilots? 再 比如: 他具备做这项工作的条件。He possesses the quali¬
fications for the job.

1 • Someone seems to possess all the qualifications of ...
2. Someone doesn’t seem to have the qualifications for ...

[413 ] to make no question of…对…不加怀疑,认为…是理


例句:The directors said that he made no question of your daughter’s

physical qualifications for being an film actress, but he doubted
that she has the inner qualities for playing different roles.那位导

She asked a lot of questions about his childhood.再比如:关于总统要辞职的事
是毫无疑问的。There is absolutely no question as to the resignation of the presi¬
dent. 短语to make no question of…表示“对…不加怀疑”或“认为…是理
所当然的”等意思。例如: 1.约翰是个很容易相信别人的人。当我告诉他明
— 266 ——
天的考试取消了时,他对此毫不怀疑。John is a credulous person. He made no
question of it when I told him that tomorrow’s exam was canceled. 2.迷信的人们
对这个家伙所讲的八月份世界末日到来的事深信不疑。Superstitious people
made no question of what the guy said about the coming of Doomsday by August.
3•他并不怀疑他的真诚,但他怀疑他是否有能力把这个工作干好。He didn't
make any question of his sincerity, but he doubted his abilities to do the job well.
个赛季获胜是理所当然的。The fans of the Bulls made no question about the vic¬
tory of it in the next season.

1. He made no question of , but he doubted …
2. When he accepted ...,he made no question of ...

[414 ] to quote for…提出…的报价

例句:I quoted for all the spare parts of the latest model of the engine last
month, but they asked us to quote for the price again and asked us
if we could reduce the price by another 0.5 percent.上个月我已

1.他在文中多次引用了莎士比亚的诗句。He quoted Shakespeare several times
in his article. 2.这是我能向你提岀的最好价钱了。This is the best price I can
quote you. 3.他们向我们报价5,000美元。They quoted us 5,000 dollars. 4.
雾油报价为每桶17美元。The heavy oil was quoted at $ 17 per barrel.短语 to
quote for ...意为“提出…的报价”。例如: 1.请给提及的物品报个价。
Please quote for the articles named. 2.请环卫部门来开价清理这堆垃圾。Ask
the refuse department to come and quote for removing the stuff. 3.他们拒绝把备
件的价格报给我们,这倒引起我们对他们用心的怀疑。They refused to quote
for the spare parts, which caused us suspicion of their motives. 4.这张画请您开

— 267 —
个价。Please quote for this painting

1. We asked ... to quote for all the ...

2. Please quote for all the . . . before we can decide ...

[415 ] to rain benefits on ...施恩惠于…

例句:From the way he is raining benefits on Sally’s father, you know

that he has a design on his daughter.从他对萨莉父亲大施恩惠


注:rain作动词用,意为“大量降下”或“倾泻”。例如:伤口 ni流如注。The
wound rained blood.再比如:那位老人接连遭受不幸。Misfortunes have rained
heavily upon the old man.此语中的benefit是名词,意为“益处”,“好处”或
“帮助”。例如:早起锻炼对你的健康有很大好处。Morning exercises will do
great benefit to your health.短语 to rain benefits on …是个很生动的表示法,
意思是“施恩惠于…' 例如: 1.当国王的一个妃子终于为他生下一个继承人
时,国王便对该妃子的家人大施恩惠。When one of his concubines finally gave
birth to an heir for him, the king rained benefits on her folks. 2.他知道该怎样去
施恩于他将利用的人。He knows how to rain benefits on the one he is going to
take advantage of. 3•如果有人对你好得过头,你知道他一定是别有用心的。If
someone is raining benefits on you,you know he has some design on you • 4 .他
被提升以后,职员们对他可好了。After he was promoted, many clerks tried to
rain benefits on him.

1. If someone is raining benefits on ... you know ...

2. He tried to rain benefits on . . . before ...

[416 ] to rain praise on ...对…赞不绝口

例句: From the way most of the clerks are trying to rain praise on the
general manager’s daughter, you know that they are all availing the
opportunity to flatter their boss for a closer relationship.从大多数
it 匕
―v o

注:to rain praise on…的修辞手法和前面讲的to rain benefits on ...如出一

辙,其直译都是“把大量的…往…上泼”,意为“对…大加…”。短语to rain
praise on…意为“对…赞不绝口”或“大肆夸奖…”。例如: 1.各报刊都对
这位年轻演员在这部戏中的岀色表演大加赞扬。All newspapers and magazines
were raining praise on the young actor for his excellent performance in the play. 2.
客人们对我家居布置的能力赞不绝口。The guests rained praise on my capability
in house decoration. 3.外国游客们无不对中国菜肴的美味与精致赞不绝口。
None of the foreign visitors hesitated to rain praise on the superb taste and delicacy
of Chinese food. 4.对萨莉在演讲比赛中的杰出表现,所有的老师都赞不绝口。
All the teachers rained praise on Sally’s outstanding presentation at the Speech

1. After . . .,all the ... rained praise on ... who ...
2. From the way someone was raining praise on . . .,you know that ...

[417 ] to raise money for ...为…募捐(筹款)

例句:The local Red Cross has engaged a number of people to raise mon¬
ey for the medical treatment of the ten seriously injured workers.

注:raise是动词,有“招募”或“募集”等意。例如: 1.叛乱领袖已招募了
一支队伍。The leader of the rebellion has rained an army. 2.他们以征集1万人
签名为目标。They aim to raise ten thousand signatures. 3.他妻子把首饰卖掉
以后才筹集了这笔钱。His wife raised the money by selling her jewelry.短语 to
— 269 ——
raise money for ...表示“为…募捐”或“为…筹款”等意思。例如:他们正
在筹款建房。They are trying to raise money for a new building.有时,money —
词也可由cash (现金),fund (资金)等词或货币数额来代替。例如: 1_她要
为参加州长竞选筹集两千万美元。She has to raise 20 million dollars for the
governor’s election. 2.我们正在为红十字募捐。We’re trying to raise funds for
the Red Cross. 3.我们已为度假筹到了一大笔钱。We have raised a large sum
of cash for the holiday. 4.北京电视台为这次庆功活动筹集了一笔数额可观的
资金。BTV has raised a handsome amount of money for the celebrations.

l.In order to…,someone raised enough funds for ...
2. Someone raised a handsome sum of money for the coming ...

[418 ] to raise wide concern about…引起人们对…的广泛关注

例句:The change of the format of the College Entrance Examination has

raised wide concern about its impact and pressure on both school¬
teachers and their students, and most of the parents of these stu¬
dents began to feel restless, terribly being worried about their
children’s not being used to the new format.高校招生考试模式


起”或“激起”等含义。例如:歌声唤起他对往事的回忆。The song raised
his memories of the past.再比如:飞驰而过的汽车扬起一片尘土。The speedy
car raised a cloud of dust.此语中的concern是名词,有“关心”或“关注”等
意。短语to raise wide concern about ...是一个值得中国学生熟练使用的句式,
此语常用来表示“引起人们对…的广泛关注”之意。例如: 1.这场洪水引起
了人们对长江两岸森林资源保护的广泛关注。The floods raised wide concern
about the protection of the forest resources along the Yangtse River. 2.这个女学

一 270 —
生的自杀引起了人们对青少年心理健康的广泛关注。The girl student’s suicide
raised wide concern about the psychological health of adolescents. 3.印度与巴基
斯坦的核实验竞赛引起了人们对这一地区和平的广泛关注。The competition
over nuclear tests between India and Pakistan raised wide concern about the peace
of this area. 4.这种现象引起了人们对人类未来的广泛关注。This phenomenon
raised wide concern about the future of mankind.

1. Something raised wide concern about ...
2. Something raised wide concern about not only the ...,but also the ...

[419 ] to rank second (next) to…位居…之下,仅次于…

例句:Many drivers may think American cars are more luxious than other
cars, but to me, the Benz sedan ranks second to none. I have driv¬
en almost all the American class A cars and the best of Japanese
cars, but I still think the Benz sedan is the tip-top.很多司机都可

注:rank是动词,有“加入序列”,“歹II入”或“占特定等级”等意。比如: 1.
少校军衔高于上尉。A major ranks above a captain. 2.纽约是全世界最大城市
之一。New York ranks as one of the world’s largest cities. 3.在我优先考虑的名
单上,约翰的位置比较靠后。John ranks low on my list of priorities.短语 to rank
second to ...或to rank next to ...表示“位居…之下”或“仅次于…”的意
思。例如: 1.这种酒在受大众喜爱的程度上仅次于白酒。It now ranks second
in popularity to white wine only. 2.在海军里,中校是军阶仅次于上校的军官。
In the Navy, a commander is an officer ranking next to a captain. 3. 在我所喜欢
的作家中,他位居简•奥斯丁之下。He ranks second among my favorite writers
to Jane Austin.请注意:当要表示“不次于…”的意思时,只需把其中的介词
一 271 一
to的后面加上个none,形成to rank second (next) to none的句式。比如:中国
生产的电冰箱不次于任何国家生产的电冰箱。China-made refrigerators rank
second to none in the world.

l.In terms of ...,something ranks second only to …
2.Something ranks next only to…and …

[420 ] to have reason for ...有…的理由

例句:The common folks have reasons for complaining about our work

and we have every reason to understand them and try to improve

our work. But we do not have any reason to get irritated by their
complaints, nor do we have any reason to take our revenge on
them just because of their complaints.老百姓抱怨我们的工作是

诚实呢? Is there any reason not to believe his honesty?再比如:请你把没去开
会的理由告诉他。Please give him your reasons for your absence form the meet¬
ing. 短语to have reason for ...表示“有…的理由”或“有干某事的理由”。
例如: 1.我有正当的理由拒绝入会。丨have good reasons for refusing to join the
club. 2.你完全有理由接受他的邀请。You have every reason for accepting his
invitation. 3.他没有任何理由产生这种优越感。He has no reason for feeling su¬
perior. 4.看来他们确实有理由否认这个指控。It seems that they do have rea¬
sons for refusing the charge.请注意:reason后有时也跟不定式。例如:你没
有理由离开现场。You didn’t have any reason to leave the spot.再比如:我有很
多理由让他相信这是真的。丨 have many reasons to convince him of the truth.

1. Someone had every reason for ...
2. They didn’t have any reason for ...,though they ...

[421 ] to pay due recognition to…给…以应有的承认

例句:Many of our fellow researchers devoted most of their time and

much of their life to their researches, not for themselves or their
family memebers, but for the prosperity of the whole country and
for the benefits of the whole people. Therefore, the whole society
should pay due recognition to their selflessness and their great con¬
tributions .我们有很多的研究人员把他们的大部分时间和他

得到教育部的认可。The school hopes for recognition by the Ministry of Educa-
tion.再比如:他得到一张25英镑的支票作为对他服务的报酬。He was given a
check of £25 in recognition of his services.短语 to pay recognition to ...表示
“给…应有的承认”的意思。例如: 1.政府对那些在战争中做出了贡献的士兵
给予了应有的承认。The government paid due recognition to the soldiers who had
played their parts in the war. 2.我不想要更多的东西,我只希望你对我所付岀
的努力给予应有的承认。I don’t want anything more. I only want you to pay due
recognition to the efforts that I have made. 3.你应该对他在该领域做出的贡献给
予应有的承认。You should have paid due recognition to his contribution to the

1. You should pay due recognition to all those people who have ...
2. Someone paid due recognition to all those who have ...

[422 ] to reduce ... to ...使…沦为…,把…贬低为…

例句: At the beginning of the questioning, the suspect stood firm and re¬
fused to answer all the questions the police asked him, but when
confronted with all the evidence and the two witnesses, he was in¬
stantly reduced to silence and had to admit his guilt.在审讯开始

塘里的水经蒸发减少了很多。Evaporation greatly reduced the water in the pond.
再比如:大火将整个森林烧得只剩下几棵树。The great fire reduced the forest
to a few trees.短语to reduce ... to…是个用途广泛的词组,意思是“把…
校把这位中士降为列兵。The colonel reduced the sergeant to private. 2.挥霍无
度使他从富足的生活沦落为一贫如洗。His extravagance reduced him from plen¬
ty t0 poverty. 3.赌博最终使他沦为街头乞丐。Gambling eventually reduced him
to begging in the street.该短语也可用于被动语态。4.到了荒年,很多人只能
罪吃草根和树叶来维持生活。During the famine, many people were reduced to
eating grass and leaves. 5.她由于饥寒交迫沦为妓女。She was reduced to a
streetwalker because of hunger and cold.

1. Something reduced …to…
2. Something was greatly reduced to ...,leaving ...

[423 ] to give a reference to…提及(介绍)…

例句:The author doesn’t want to get involved in today’s politics, nor

does he want to give his readers the impression that he is going
against the present government. But in his recent book, he un-
avoidably gives some reference to the inability of the government to
cope with social problems.该作者不想牵涉到当今的政治问
— 274 ——

例如:你应该参考一下字典,把这些词的意思搞清楚。You should make refer¬
ence to the dictionary for the exact meanings of these words. 匕如:@$书中
提到了很多很多我非常熟悉的地方。The book is full of references to places that
I know well.短语to give a reference to ...用来表示“提及到…”或“介绍
了…”等意思。例如: 1.在他的这本新书中,提到了他的西藏之行。In his
new book, he gave a reference to his journey to Tibet. 2.在他关于最新科技发展
的讲座中提到 了克隆技术。He gave a reference to cloning in his lecture on the
latest development in science and technology. 3.在他讲述爱默生的时候,也介
绍 了一下梭罗。He gave a reference to Thoreau when he talked about Emerson.
4.在你最近的报告中,你应该介绍一下当地政府有关投资的政策。You should
give some references to the local government’s policies concerning investment in
your recent report.

1 • You should give some references to ... so that ...
2.Someone gave some reference to . . . in ...

[424 ] to regard ... as ...把…视为…

例句:People’s indifference to the occurrences in recent years should be

regarded as an indication of their unsatisfaction of the government’s
administration rather than as their lack of responsibility.人们对近

饶有兴趣地看待妻子的行为。He regards his wife’s behavior with amusement.再
比如:我对这件事情的看法不同。丨regard this matter in a different light.短语to
一 275 —
regard ... as • • •是个常用的固定搭配,用来表示“把…看作”,‘‘把…视为

…”等意思。例如: 1.他总把我当成一个算不了什么的小孩子。咖regards
me as a little kid who counts for nothing. 2.我认为这是我所看过的最糟糕的一
部电影。I regard the movie as one of the worst I have ever seen. 3.我觉得这很
不公平。丨regard it as unjust.另外,regard—词的后面也可跟介词短语或分词
结构。比如:他认为这样的会面毫无意义。He regarded such a meeting as of
little significance.再比如:本书作者认为父母应负责管教子女。The author of
the book regards parents as being responsible for the control of their children.

1.1 regard . . • as . . . more than ...

2. People tend to regard ... as • . . rather than ...

[425 ] to keep a register of …登记(记录)…

例句:A careful observer always takes care to keep a register of every de-
tail of an occurrence and his instant perceptive understanding of the

event,and this careful register usually contributes significantly to

his new discoveries and his academic achievements.—'个细心的


看到他的死亡记录。No register of his death was found.再比如:这个班级共有
30名学生注册。The class has a register of 30 students.短语 to keep a register
of •• •表7K “登记…”或“记录…”等意思。例如: 1.宾馆一般都要登记客
人的姓名和地址。Usually a hotel keeps a register of the names and addresses of
the guests that check in. 2.县里的办事员负责登记该县人口的出生与死亡情

况。The county clerk is responsible to keep a register of births and deaths of the
oxjnty. 3.这位教师详细地记录了每位学生的每次考试成绩,以便掌握他们的

学习状况。This teacher is keeping a careful register of the grade of each student

in every test and exam so as to have a good command of the students,learning
status. 4.他甚至要把每天接到的电话内容都记录下来。He even keeps a _

— 276 ——
register of each telephone message he receives.

1. Someone keeps a register of . . . in order to ...
2.Someone is asked to keep a register of ...

[426 ] to feel regret for…对…感到遗憾

例句:When a person becomes older, he or she usually feels regret for not
being able to stick to one or two important things and carry it
through. However, I do not have this feeling. What I feel regret
for is not being able to cover some bases I should have covered.当

我后悔参加了这次宴会。I regret having attended the dinner party.再比如:我
为自己说过的话感到后悔。I regret what I said.除作动词外,regret也常用作
I have no regrets about what I did.再比如:无尽的遗憾袭上他的心头。A feel¬
ing of infinite regret came over him.短语 to feel regret for ... 表示“对…感到遗
憾”或“对…感到抱歉”等意思。例如: 1.我对你没能得到这份工作感到遗
憾。I felt regret for your failure in obtaining the job. 2.听说你摔断了一条肋骨,
他感到很遗憾。He felt regret for you when he heard that you broke a rib. 3. 不能
去机场为你送行,我感到很遗憾。丨feel regret for not being able to see you off at
the airport. 4.我依然为当时没能帮上你的忙而感到遗憾。I still feel regret for
not being able to help you at that time.

1. Someone feels greatly regret for not being able to ...
2. Most people would feel regret for . . . when . . •
[427 ] to bear no relationship to…与…毫无关系

例句:Many people claim that many modem diseases bear no relationship

with modem science and technology, but they will soon be con¬
vinced that modem science and technology are the major cause of
many of today’s prevailing and dreadful diseases that were hardly
existences ten years ago.有许多人宣称很多现代疾病与现代科

间通常有一种内在的关系。There is usually an inter relationship between content
and form.再比如:他与海伦的关系很奇特。His relationship to Helen was pecu¬
liar. 短语to bear no relationship to…常用来表示“与…毫无关系”或“与…
没有什么联系”等意思。例如: 1.虽然他是在史密斯家长大的,但是他与史
密斯家毫无血缘关系。Although he was brought up in the Smiths, he bore no re¬
lationship to the family by blood. 2.这个塔名叫雷峰塔,但与无私奉献的精神的
化身-雷锋毫无关系。The tower was named Leifeng, but it bears no relation¬
ship to Lei Feng, a person who is regarded as the embodiment of the spirit of un¬
selfish devotion.请注意:relationship前的形容词也可以用little或some等词,

1. It is evident that something bears no relationship to ...
2. Most people claim that something bears little relationship to ...

[428 ] to be relevant to…与…有关,与…很贴切

例句:The tutor of the thesis gave a distinction rating to the paper and
commented that the paper is original and informative. I’ve read it
through and to my surprise, many of the facts and the data are not
— 278 —
quite relevant to the thesis statement and some of the facts even go
against the statement.该论文的指导老师把其评定为“优秀”,

你准备好所有的相关文件了吗? Did you get all the relevant documents ready?再
比如:警察请证人尽可能多地提供与案件相关的事实。The policeman asked
the witness to supply as many as possible facts relevant to the case.短语 to be
relevant to ...表示“与…有关”或“与…很贴切”等意思。例如: 1.他的肤
色与他是否是个好律师无关。His color isn’t relevant to whether he is a good
lawyer. 2.这部电影与我们在课堂上讨论的内容有关。The film is relevant to
what we discussed in class. 3.我觉得他文不对题。丨 don’t think his remarks are
relevant to the subject. 4.这个事例与我们正在研究的理论很贴切。The case is
relevant to the theory we're studying. 5.我让他把论文中与主题无关的细节删
去,让他加上一些具有说服力的论据。丨required him to delete all the details that
are not relevant to the statement of the paper and asked him to add some convinc¬
ing facts to the paper.

1.1 don’t think ... is relevant to ...
2. You should delete from ... all the . . . that are not relevant to ...

[429 ] to give relish to ...对…添油加醋,给…增加乐趣,给…


例句:As a person who is engaged in academic research, I seek truth from

facts and keep register of what I actually see and feel. I do not like
to exaggerate any of my findings and the significance of these dis¬
coveries ,nor do I like to exaggerate or give relish to the contribu¬
tion I may make to the field of my research.作为一个从事学术


饿的时候吃什么都香。Hunger is the best relish for food.再比如:这种酱汁会
使这些三明治更好吃。This sauce will add relish to these sandwiches.该词引申
The teacher has no relish for John’s jokes.再比如:危险性使得这次探险更富有
乐趣。Danger added relish to the adventure.短语 to give relish to ...有两层含
味。Hunger gives relish to simple food.其二是“给…增加乐趣”和“给…增加
色彩”,与汉语的“给…添油加醋”的意味很接近。请看下面的例句: 1.探险
精神使生活更富情趣。A spirit of adventure gives relish to life. 2.较多的细节使
得课堂记笔记更有意思。Many details give relish to taking notes in class. 3.他
的想象力给整个事件添油加醋了。His imagination gave relish to the whole thing.
4.这件小事使得此次旅行更值得回味。The incident gave relish to this travel. 5.
到的事情添油加醋。When you report your witness to the police, you should stick
to the facts and you should never give relish to what you actually saw.

1. Something may give great relish to ...
2. You should always avoid giving relish to ...

[430 ] to be reluctant to do…勉强…,不情愿…

例句: It’s very disappointing that many people today are reluctant to ac¬
cept suggestions and advice that are benefitial to the soul • It’s even
more disappointing that many people place more emphasis on mate¬
rial gains than things that are good for both the body and mind.令
一 280 —

不情愿的男孩去上学。Mother sent the reluctant boy to school.再比如:在我们
坚持不懈的要求下,公司终于勉强作出了承诺。Upon our persistent request,
the company finally made a reluctant promise.短语 to be reluctant to ...表示
“勉强…”或“不情愿…”等意思。例如: 1 •在冬天的早晨我很不愿意起床。I
am reluctant to get out of bed on winter mornings. 2.他很不情愿把书借给我。
He was reluctant to lend me the book. 3.他好像很勉强答应跟我们一起去。He
seemed reluctant to agree to go with us. 4.我们都不愿意与你告别,但是没有
别的办法。We are all reluctant to say good-bye to you, but we have no choice.

1. Although someone was reluctant to . . ., he still ...
2. Most people are reluctant to ...

[431 ] to replace…with…用…取代…,用…代替…

例句: No matter what advancement modem science and technology make

make, translators and interpreters can never be replaced with any
machine, and hand-written letters can never be replaced with any
telecommunication invention.无论现代科技取得何等进步,机

在迅速取代打字机。The computer is rapidly replacing the typewriter.再比如:有
什么东西可以取代母亲的爱与关怀吗? Can anything replace a mother's love and
care?短语to replace ... with ...表示“用…取代…”或“用…代替…”等意
思。例如: 1.要想得到大家的信任,你必须用行动来代替语言。If you want to
gain everybody else’s trust, you’ll have to replace words with deeds. 2.我们用机
一 281 —
器取代了人工劳动。We replaced man labor with machines. 3.我们用什么来代
替这套旧设备呢? What can we replace the set of old equipment with?请注意:
上课? Can we replace teachers by computers to give lessons to students?再比
如:这个城市很早就用天然气代替煤做燃料了。The city has long replaced coal
by natural gas as fuel.

1. Some . .. believe that human beings will soon be able to replace ...
with …
2. With the advancement of technology, we now can replace …with

[432 ] to be replete with …充满(塞满)…

例句:He seems to be replete with many odd ideas, and sometimes he

even thinks that some day in the futurte either men or women will
suddenly disappear from the earth.他满脑子都充满了稀奇古怪

用语。例如:饱含最新技术的发动机an engine replete with the latest technolo-
gy。短语to be replete with…表示“充满…,,或“塞满…”等意思。例如:
1-他是一个饱学之士。He is a mind that is replete with learning. 2.我们的旅行
充满了意想不到的刺激的经历。Our trip was replete with unexpected thrills. 3.
房子里摆'滅了各种现代化设备。The house is replete with every modem conve-
nience. 4.所有的防务报告都有对战略形势提出的警告。The defense reports
are replete with warnings about the strategic situation.此外,短语 to be replete
with 也可单独使用作定语。例如:上面的“他是一个饱学之士”也可以写
作:He is a mind replete with learning.再比如:我决不加人一个充斥着腐败与
航脏行为的组织。I will never join an association replete with corruption and dirty

1. Someone is replete with …
2. Something is replete with …,leaving no room for ...

[433 ] to bring reproach on (upon)…给…带来耻辱

例句:No parent wants any of their children to bring reproach on the fami¬
ly, and nobody wants to bring reproach on him or herself, either.
But, the ridiculous thing is that many children have been encour¬
aged in one form or another to bring disgrace to their families and
many individuals are trying to bring dirt on themselves. '没有明f 个

无言的责备。Mother gave me a mute reproach.再比如:他的回答在我听来像
是责备。His reply sounded to me like a reproach.此语中 reproach 一词的另一层
但可以加不定冠词。例如:贫民窟是文明的耻辱。Slums are a reproach to civi-
lization.再比如:一个官员有这样的行为对于政府来说是一种耻辱。Such con¬
duct on the part of an officer is a reproach to the government.短语 to bring re¬
proach on (upon)...表示“给…带来耻辱”的意思。例如: 1.这个年轻人的
恶劣行为不断给他父母带来耻辱。The youth’s bad behavior brought constant re¬
proach on his parents. 2. 一些党员的腐败行为给党带来了耻辱。The corrupt
practices of some party members have brought reproach on the Party. 3. 她与人
私奔,玷辱了门庭。Her elope brought reproach upon her family.

1. Those who . . . will certainly bring reproach on ...
2. Children are taught in most cultures not to bring reproach on ...

[434 ] to reproach someone for…因…而责备(谴责,责难,

例句:It’s really a sad fact that many parents like to reproach their children
for their not measuring up to parents, wishes or for their not being
able to go on better. They never like to encourage their children to
do a better job in the things of their interest, nor do they like to
praise them for things they have done well.很多家长喜欢责备孩

为“责备”,“指责”,“斥责”等。例如:她向我投来责备的眼光。Her eyes
reproached me.再比如:她信中的每一句话都在责备我。Every sentence in her
letter reproached me.短语 to reproach someone for …表示“因…而责备(谴
责、责难、斥责)某人…”等意思。例如: 1.莫尔先生严厉斥责了儿子的粗
鲁无礼行为。Mr_ More reproached his son bitterly for his rudeness. 2.朋友们都
责备他太奢侈了。All his friends reproached him for extravagance. 3.老板因我
再次迟到而责备了我。My boss reproached me for being late again.请注意:re-
proach也经常与介词with搭配。例如:妈妈斥责我太懒。Mother reproached
me with laziness (for being lazy).再比如:我们没有什么需要自责的。We
have nothing to reproach ourselves with.

1. Someone reproached ... for ...
2. People tend to reproach ... for ...

[435 ] to meet the requirements for . _.符合…的要求(需要)

例句:University students of today are all trying hard to acquire knowledge

— 284 —
of different fields in order to meet the requirements of the times for
all-round people.现在的大学生都在努力获取多领域的知识,

My requirements are few and reasonable.再比如:目前的供应超过了需求。
Present supplies are beyond requirements.短语 to meet the requirements for ...
表示“符合…的要求”或“满足…的要求”等意思。例如: 1.你必须学好数
学,这样才能成为合格的会计。You’ll have to learn maths well to meet the
requirements for a career in counting. 2.他受到的训练使他达到了当律师的要
求。His training helps him to meet the requirements of a lawyer. 3.看来她不具备
当电影演员的条件。She doesn't seem to meet the requirements for being a film
actress.请注意:此语中的动词meet也可用fulfill, fill等代替。

1. In order to meet the requirements for , someone ...
2. We must instill in our students a sense of responsibility to meet the
requirements for ...

[436 ] to harbor resentment against ...对…怀恨在心

例句:People who harbor resentment against other people may often find
that their resentament brings more harm to themselves than to any¬
one else.对别人怀恨在心的人时常会发现,他们这样做伤害

如:她的话充满了怨恨之情。Her words were full of hatred and resentment•再
比如:尽管玛丽对简很不好,简却不生气。Although Mary treated Jane badly,
Jane did not feel resentment.此语中的harbor是动词,引申为“心怀”,“怀藏”
或“暗怀”等意思。例如:不要心怀恶意。Don't harbor unkind thoughts.再比
如:这个男孩子心中暗藏着一个秘密,就是想当一名政治家。The boy harbors
— 285 —
a secret wish to become a statesman.短语 to harbor resentment against ...表示
“对…怀恨在心”的意思。例如: 1.她对继母已怀恨多年。She hatred re¬
sentment against her stepmother for years. 2.这个男学生因为考试不及格便对
老师怀恨在心。The boy student harbored resentment against his teacher because
she failed him in an exam. 3.她不怀恨任何的人,包括那些对她背后使坏的人。
She doesn’t harbor resentment against anyone, including those who hit her below
the belt.请注意:这里的harbor也可用cherish代替,其意思基本相同。

1. Someone harbored resentment against …because …
2. Someone harbored resentment against all those people who had ...

[437 ] to be resolved to do…决心要…

例句:It’s evident to most of us that the Premier was resolved to crack

down on all forms of corruptions and to set right all the affairs that
hinder China’s development.总理决心惩治形形色色的腐败现

注:resolve是动词,意为“决定”或“决心”。例如: 1.我们决定每年至少去
一次欧洲。We resolved to visit Europe at least once a year. 2.她决定鼓足勇气
拒绝他。She resolved that she summon up her courage and refuse him.短语 to
be resolved to ...是个常用的句式,意思是“下定决心要…”或“有决心
去…”。例如: 1 .我的女儿下定决心在即将到来的学校考试中考岀好成绩。My
daughter is keenly resolved to do well in the coming school examinations. 2. 她有
决心成为一名岀色的芭蕾舞演员。She was resolved to become a good ballet
dancer. 3.他决心参加明年的总统竞选。He was resolved to enter for next
year's presidential election. 4.他当了校长以后,决心把那些不能履行职责的系
主任撤换。After he became the president of the university, he was resolved to get
rid of all the department chairpersons who have been unable to fulfill their responsi¬

1. Someone was resolved to ... in order to ...
2. Although . . .,someone was still resolved to ...

[438 ] to resort to…诉诸于…,求助于…,使用…

例句:The county magistrate thinks they have to resort to outside investi-

ment to give a boost to the further development of the county’s
economy,as he thinks the county abounds in natural and mineral
resources and outside investment will make use of these advantag-

resort to ...是个常用的句式,意思是“诉诸于…”,“求助于…”,“采取…的
措施”或“把…作为最后手段”等。例如: 1.如果其他手段都不能成功,我
们将不得不诉诸武力。If all other means fail, we shall have to resort to force. 2.
ing to the cost of animal protein,the poor world is forced to resort almost entirely to
plant protein. 3.妻子离开他之后,约翰便整日饮酒。When his wife left him,
John resorted to drink. 4.汤姆不得不向父亲求助来帮他解决这个难题。Ton
had to resort to his father to solve this hard problem. 5.这位母亲用惩罚的办法
来卩t]孩子听话。The mother resorts to punishment to make the child obey. 6.他
太穷了,只得以偷窃的方式维持生活。He was so poor that he had to resort to

1.As someone .. .,he (she) had to resort to . . . to ...
2.Someone thought he (she) had to resort to ... in order to ...

[439 ] to be respectful of (to) ...尊敬…,尊重…

例句: In the whole of the United States, Americans, men and women,
old and young, are highly respectaful not only to those scientists
and university professors, but also to super business tycoons and
big companies bosses who enjoy high prestige both in and outside

的”或“有礼貌的”。例如: 1.我们应该尊敬老人。We ought to be respectful
to elderly people. 2.现在有很多孩子对父母不够尊敬。Nowadays many children
are not very respectful towards their parents. 3.看到校长走了过来,他马上做出
一副必恭必敬的样子。Seeing the president approaching, he immediately put on
a respectful look.短语 to be respectful of (to)…表示“尊重…”或“尊敬…”
的意思,只是of后面常接something, to后面常接somebody。例如: 1.无论社
会怎样发展,我们都要尊重传统。We should be respectful of tradition despite all
the social advancement. 2•这个老太太尊奉着自己的迷信观点。The old lady
was most respectful of her superstitions. 3.作为一名司法人员,你要尊重事实,
而不能受个人感情的左右。Being a personnel of the judiciary, you must be re¬
spectful of facts rather than subject to your personal feelings.

1. We should be respectful not only of ... but also of ...
2 • In . . .,most people are highly respectful of those who are ...

[440 ] to bear no responsibility for • •.对…不负任何责任

例句:The librarian said to Allan, “We feel very sorry that your books
were lost in the reading room, but Fm afraid that we bear no re¬
sponsibility for the loss."图书馆的工作人员对艾伦说:“你的
等意。例如:医生要对自己的病人负责。A doctor has a responsibility to his pa¬
tients. 再比如:妈妈不在家的时候,珍妮特对家里的所有事情全权负责。
When mother was away, Janet took the responsibility for everything in the house.
使用。短语to bear no responsibility for ...表示“对…不负任何责任”的意思。
例如: 1.医院坚持认为,他们对该病人手术后死亡一事不负任何责任。The
hospital insisted that they bore no responsibility for the death of the patient after the
The insurance company finally claimed that they should bear no responsibility for
this sort of damage of cars.请注意:此语中表示全部否定的no也可由some,
much, little等词代替,意思分别是“对…有一些责任”,“对…负很大的责任”,
They said that you should bear some responsibility for the damage.再比如:最后
法院认定,该公司对这次事故负有很大的责任。The cx)urt finally decided that
the company should bear much responsibility for this inccident.

1.Someone claimed that he (she) should bear no responsibility for ...
2. The court finally decided that . . . should bear much responsibility for
the ...

[441 ] to be responsible for…对…负责,其原因在于…

例句:To most of us, the government’s inability to map out long-term

plans for the development of the country is most responsible for the
slack economy and the worries of most of the people.依我们看

一 289 —
的”等。短语to be responsible for…表示“应对…负责”的意思。例如: 1.
飞机驾驶员对旅客的安全负责。The pilot of an airliner is responsible for the safe¬
ty of the passengers. 2.政府对国民的安康负责。The government is responsible
for the nation’s welfare. 3.大楼管理员每晚负责锁楼门。The caretaker of the
building is responsible for getting the building locked every night.除此意外,to be
于…”等意思。例如: 1.天气太糟是今天上课出勤率低的原因。The bad
weather is responsible for today’s small attendance. 2.他的粗心造成了这场事
故。His carelessness is responsible for the accident. 3. 这场暴风雨使庄稼受到
大范围毁坏。The storm is responsible for the extensive damage in the crops.

1. It is evident that someone should be responsible for ...
2. Something is no doubt responsible for all these ...

[442 ] to rest content with ...满足于…

例句:It’s almost a tragedy as far as their future is concerned that many

young college teachers rest content with the money they get from
teaching both in and outside their workplace. They pay almost no
heed to furthering the research of the subjects they teach and few of
them are willing to sacrifice their nearest pay for future benefits by
digging into a subject or by steadily enriching their knowledge
through wide reading.很多年轻的大学老师只满足于在校内校

如:您尽可放心,一切都会按照您的要求去做。You may rest assured that ev¬
erything will be done according to your requirement. 再比如:那件事仍然是个谜。
— 290 —
The affair rests a mystery.此语中的content是个形容词,有“满意的”或“满
足的”等意。例如:我对我目前的生活很满意。I'm very content with my pre¬
sent life.再比如:看来他很愿意在电视机前坐个通宵。It seems that he
is quite content to sit in front of the television all night long.因此,短语 to rest
content with ...可用来表示“满足于…”的意思。例如: 1.获得了这几场胜
利他就心满意足了。He will rest content with these victories. 2.我们不能满足于
已有的成绩,而应继续努力获得新的成绩。We can't rest content with the
achievements of the past, but should word hard for new ones. 3.我们大家都认
认为,他说有很多的事情还没有完成。We all think with what he has achieved
he can comfortably rest content with his life, but he thinks otherwise and says that
he has many other bases he hasn't yet covered.

1. With . . .,someone may well rest content with ...
2. Although someone has . . .,he (she) never thinks he (she) could rest
content with ...

[443 ] to reveal an aptitude for…显示岀…的倾向(才干,素


例句:Although the professor’s son is only six, he is revealing a great ap¬

titude for language and acting, which convinced the professor that
it’s quite whorthwhile for his family to devote more time and energy
to his education and to creating a more favorable atmosphere for his
时间和精力去培养孩子并为他创造有益于他发展的环境 D

破夹克都露胳膊財了。His worn jacket revealed his elbows.再比如:他把窗帘
拉开,一座美丽的花园展现在眼前。She drew the curtains aside and a beautiful
一 291 一
garden was revealed.此语中的aptitude是名词,有“资质”,“才能”或“天
赋”等意思。因此,短语to reveal an aptitude for ...可用来表示“显示岀…的
自然倾向”,“显示出…的才干”或“显示出…的天赋”等意思。例如: 1.霍
华德这时已显示岀一定的修理东西的才能。Howard now revealed a certain apti¬
tude for fixing things. 2.他在这首小诗中显示出他诗歌方面的天赋。He re¬
vealed an aptitude for poetry in this short poem.请注意:有时此语中的不定冠词
干就不能得以展tk 了。But for the party, he would not have had the opportunity to
reveal his aptitude for management •

1. Someone revealed a great aptitude for …when he (she) was ...
2.Someone didn’t reveal his (her) aptitude for . . . untiul ...

[444 ] to take revenge on _. •对…进行报复,向…报仇

例句: There are obviously many ways to take revenge on your enimies,
and one of the ways is to build your own tower of happiness and let
your enemies be inwardly tortured with the sight of how you enjoy
your life. And for those who often resort to violence for the re¬
venge are well advised to learn to change their methods.很显然,

之仇。Hamlet wanted revenge for his father's murder. 再比如:他的心中燃烧着
复仇之火。A desire for revenge burned within him.短语 to take revenge on ...
是个常用的句式,主要用来表示“ “对…进行报复”或“向…报仇”等意思。
例如: 1•如果人类继续破坏自然界的平衡,大自然会痛加报复。Nature will
take terrible revenge on man if he keeps on destroying the balance of nature. 2 •战
— 292 —
士们下定决心要为死难的烈士报仇。The soldiers were resolved to take revenge
for the martyr’s death on the enemy. 3.他对她气愤已极,却只能拿她的猫撒
气。He was so angry with her but he could only take revenge on her cat. 请注意:
对公司进行报复。The man said to the manager that he would get his revenge on
the company for dismissing him.

1. Someone insisted on taking revenge on ... for ...
2. Someone is resolved to take revenge on ... not only because of ... but
also because ...

[445 ] to feel reverence to…觉得…可敬,对…肃然起敬

例句:The professor’s resistence to pay-offs and any form of bribing has

made many of his colleagues and students feel great reverence to

为了表tk对耶穌名字的敬畏,在讲到这个词时总要低下头。Some people show
their reverence for the name “Jesus” by bowing their heads. 再比如:他为人正
直,我十分敬重他。丨 hold him in great reverence for his integrity.短语 to feel
reverence for ...常用来表示“觉得…可敬”或“对…肃然起敬”等意思。例
如: 1•听了王教授的讲座,我们对他渊博的学识感到肃然起敬。We all felt
reverence to professor Wang for his profound knowledge after attending his lecture.
2.这个小女孩乐于助人的精神令我肃然起敬。The young girl's readiness to
help made me feel reverence to her. 3.中国人很少像西方人那样对教堂肃然起
敬的。Few Chinese feel reverence to the church like the westerners.请注意:除
了 feel之外,reverence还经常跟诸如show或have等动词搭配使用,表示
益无私奉献,全县人民对他怀有无限的崇敬之情。They all showed their great
reverence for the county's magistrate for his selfless devotion to the common good
— 293 —
of the whole people.

1. Someone felt reverence for as soon as ...
2. All those participants who . . . showed their great reverence for ...

[446 ] to reward someone for…因…而奖赏(酬谢)某人

例句:Being the general manager of the company, he knows how to pun¬

ish department heads and employees for their misdeeds and how to
reward them for the contribution to the development of the
company’s business.作为该公司的总经理,他知道该怎样惩

注:reward是动词,常有“报答' “报偿”,“酬谢,’或“奖赏”等意。例如:
我怎么才能报答你的好意呢? How can I reward your kindness?再比如:谁能把
项链归还,将得到丰厚的报酬。Anyone returning the necklace will be handsome¬
ly rewarded.短语to reward someone for…表示“因…而奖赏某人”或“因…
答谢(酬谢)某人”的意思。例如: 1.应该对他提供的服务给予奖赏。|
should reward him for his services. 2.这位夫人奖赏了搬运工,因为他给她搬行
李时很卖力。The lady rewarded the porter for his efforts in carrying her luggage.
3-因为小男孩把她丢失的小狗找了回来,老太太奖给他1英镑。The old lady
rewarded the boy with £ 1 for bringing back her lost dog.此外,该短语也常用作
被动语态。例如:矿工们觉得他们的危险工作没有得到足够的报酬。The min¬
ers feel that they are inadequately rewarded for the dangerous work they do.

1. It goes without saying that we should reward ... for ...
2. Someone was rewarded for . . . and for ...

[447 ] to get rid of…摆脱,除掉,戒掉…

例句: As there are no effective killers available in the market so far that
can help get rid of the cockroaches that keep bothering thousands of
households, some experts are aiming at the vacancy and working
hard to search for the killer that can root out this nuisnace.到目前

如: 1.他走了,我很高兴摆脱了这个叫人生气的家伙。He’s gone, and I’m
glad to rid myself of this irritating fellow. 2.牙医把那颗牙拔掉了,为他解除了痛
苦。The dentist rid him of his pain by taking out the tooth. 3.父亲发誓要把房子
里的老鼠清除掉。My father vowed to rid the house of mice.短语 to get rid of ...
思。例如: 1.她请我帮她解除这个家伙的纠缠。She asked me to help her to
get rid of the lousy fellow. 2.毒药会把仓库里的老鼠毒死。Poison will get rid of
the rats in the bam. 3.让我把这些旧杂志处理掉吧。它们没什么用了。Let me
get rid of these old magazines. They are of no value. 4.你能不能戒掉挖鼻孔的
毛病? Can you get rid of the habit of picking the nose?

1. It is extremely hard to get rid of . . . when ...
2. Because . . .,someone is determined to get rid of ...

[448 ] to take the risk of ...冒…的危险,冒…的风险

例句:In recent years, people become more and more selfish. Few people
would like to take the risk of sacrificing their own benefits for the
good of other people, and no one seems to be willing to risk their
own lives in the rescue of the lives of other people.近年来,人们


注:risk是名词,意为“危险”或“风险”。例如: 1.渔夫们在日常生活中面
临着很多危险。Fishermen face a lot of risks in their daily lives. 2.他冒着生命危
险救了我。He saved my life at the risk of his own. 3.这个小男孩蹲下,以免让
人发现。The boy sank to his knees to reduce the risk of being discovered.短语 to
take the risk of…是个常用的句式,用来表示“冒…的危险”或“冒…的风
险”等意思。例如: 1.当他把这个病倒在路边的乞丐送到医院去的时候,他
是冒着第一次面试迟到的危险的。He was taking the risk of being late for the first
interview when he sent to the hospital the beggar who had fallen ill on the street.
2.我宁肯冒失去这个机会的危险也不愿去行贿。丨would rather take the risk of
losing the opportunity than pay a bribe. 3.她说她不愿意为了使公司里的几个人
高兴就冒险去得罪老板。She said that she would not take the risk of offending
the boss just to please a few of the employees of the company.

1. Someone would not take the risk of . . . just in order to ...
2.Someone decided to take the risk of . . . in order to ...

[449 ] to assume the role of ...承担…的责任,承担…的任务

例句:When the president of the university was killed in the accident on

his trip abroad, the vice president assumed the role of leadership
and took over the job of the president.当该大学的校长在国外旅

woman college student took the leading role in the film.此夕卜,role 还有另——层含
力适应她作为家庭主妇的新角色。Daisy proceeded to try to adapt herself to her
new role as housewife immediately after the honeymoon.再比如:语言在人们的
日常生活中起着重大作用。Words play a tremendous role in our daily life.短语
— 296 —
to assume the role of •• •常用来表示“担任…的角色”或“承担…的任务”等
意思。例如: 1•孩子们的母亲死后,他们的姑姑便承担起他们母亲的责任。
The aunt of the children assumed the mother role (the role of mother) since their
mother died. 2.每当朋友间发生争执时,总是鲍勃站出来做调解人。Whenever
there is a fray among his friends. Bob wouid assume the role of a mediator.请注

1. After …,someone assumed the role of …
2. Nobody likes to assume the role of . . . that ...

[450 ] to leave room for .留有…的余地

例句:It’s a common practice for most dealers not to offer the rock-bottom
prices when they have the first round of talks, not for anything but
for leaving enough room for further bargaining.多数经销商经常

1.你的工作做得不错,不过还有改进的余地。You’ve done a pretty good job of
it, but there is still room for improvement. 2.好像还有协商的可能3 There seems
room for negotiation. 3.他认为在农村没有他施展才华的机会。He thought that
in the countryside he had no room to display his prowess.短语 to leave room for
no, little或some等形容词。例如: 1 .他的回答不容置疑。His answer left no
room for doubt. 2.很多商贩都不会马上把商品的价格告诉你,为的是留有讨
价还价的余地0 Many peddlers would not tell you the prices of their goods all at
once, in order to leave room for bargaining. 3.先不要把时间定死,万一发生了
什么事也好做改动。Don't fix the time now so as to leave room for changes in
case something crops up.

1 • You must leave room for ... so that you can ...
2.Something left little room for . . . as ...

[451 ] to rub shoulders with…与…接近,与…来往密切

例句:Who can believe that a plain Jane like Sandra could be able to mb
shoulders with almost every social celebrity in New York that she
wants to approach? And she even has the charm to make some fa¬
mous people have a crush on her at the first sight.有谁能相信像

蹭来蹭去。The horse rubbed its head against my shoulder.再比如:你的外套蹭
到未干的油漆上了。You’ve rubbed your coat against some wet paint.短语 to mb
shoulders with someone直译是“与某人磨擦肩膀”,引申为“与…接近”,“与
自己地位高的人等。例如: 1.这是个难得的与内阁部长们密切交往的机会。It
was a rare opportunity to rub shoulders with cabinet ministers. 2.他很轻易地就进
入了那些外省工业区的中心,并且与当地人打成一片。He had freely ventured
into the very heart of the industrial provinces and rubbed shoulders with the aborigi¬
nes. 3.这不是那种大人物与平民百姓可以打成一片的地方。This is not the
sort of club where the great rub shoulders with the humble. 4.我可不想与这种人
打交道。I should scorn to mb shoulders with such a person.请注意:该短语也
可写成to rub elbows with someone,其意思基本不变。

1. Someone is quite good at rubbing shoulders with ...
2. You need to be able to rub shoulders with those people who ...

[452 ] to rule out ...把…排除在外

例句: It seems that our victory over other companies in the sales is in the
bag, but still we can’t count the chickens before they are hatched,
for we cannot rule out the possibility of another dark horse in the

年。George I ruled Great Britain for 60 years.再比如:从某种程度上讲,美国
由华尔街控制着。In a sense, America was ruled by Wall Street.短语 to rule
out ...表示“把…排除在外”或“排除…的可能性”等意思。例如: 1.医生
给他做了 X光透视以排除骨折的可能。The doctor took X-rays to rule out the
chance of broken bones. 2.警方在少女死亡案中已排除他杀的可能性。The
police have ruled out murder in the case of the girl’s death. 3.这位受伤的职业拳
击手认为不能排除他再度出战的可能性。The injured prizefighter refused to rule
out the possibility that he could fight again.另外,该短语也常用于被动语态。例
如:这种可能性不应该排除在外。This is a possibility that can’t be ruled out. if
注意:rule out也有“使…不可能”的含义。例如:父亲的去世也许会使简不
能再去上大学了。Father’s death seems to rule out college for Jane.

1. Although . . .,we can still not rule out the possibility of ...
2. If we can rule out the possibility of , we can ...

[453 ] to run around with …与…一起鬼混

例句:When dark falls, you may see in New York many yongsters run¬
ning around with some shady-looking guys, but during the day,
you may also see poor peple greedily fumbling in garbage bins
searching for items that can be sold foe a few pence.当夜幕降

注:短语to run around with ...是个常用的口语句式,多用来表示“与-起

鬼混”,“和…经常在一起”或“和…在一起寻欢作乐”等意思。例如: 1.我
从各种渠道听说你现在常和一群行为放荡的人在一起鬼混。丨hear from all sorts
of sources that you’re running around with a loose crowd. 2.最近,弗兰克正和
隔壁办公室的一个女孩混在了一起。Recently, Frank has been running around
with a girl from the next-door office. 3.不要再让露丝和那些爱去跳舞的女孩子
混在一起了。Stop Ruth from running around with those girls who like to go danc¬
ing. 3.约翰十分气愤,坚持不准许他的女儿再和不三不四的人在一起鬼混。
John put his foot down and insisted on his daughter not running around with shady-
iooking guys.请注意:to run around with someone 有时同 to fool around with

1. Someone is always running around with those who are ...
2.Someone insisted that someone not running around with • . •

[454 ] to run out of…用完…,耗尽…

1列句:We must get the car filled with enough petrol before we start our
journey to the mountains, for if we run out of petrol in the moun¬
tains there is nowhere to get it filled and then we’ll have to push the
car back home.向山里出发之前,我们必须给车加满油,因

注:短语torunoutof .■•是个用途很广的词组,意思是“用完…”,“耗
尽…”。例如: 1.当那家伙发现车里的油快没有了的时候,他就跳下车,拦截
r一辆大卡车逃跑了。When the guy noticed that his car was running out of
petrol, he jumped out of his car and stopped a truck and ran away. 2. 月底当马
— 300 ——
the end of the month when Martin is running out of money, he always has some¬
one to turn to and there is always someone who is willing to lend him the money.
3.你去买些盐吧,家里的盐快用完了。Can you go to buy some salt? We are
running out out of it. 4.对于如何巧妙地布置社交聚会会场,玛丽有用之不尽的
主意。Mary never runs out of ideas for clever party decorations.请注意:run out
物供给了。All of our food supply has run out.再比如:他的力气用尽了。His
strength ran out.

1. Before someone was running out of ... he (she) ...
2. Wer’ll soon run out of ...,so we have to go easy on ...

[455 ] to satisfy the interest of …满足(迎合)…的兴趣

例句: In recent yerars, some colleges and universities proposed to tailor

everything of their teaching to satisfy the interest of the students,
but this can’t be a more dangerous thinking, for students’ growth
need both satisfaction and pressure.近年来,有些大学和学院提

符合那个学校的人学条件吗? Do you satisfy the entry requirements for that col¬
lege? 再比如:这消息可以满足你的好奇心了吧? Will this information satisfy
your curiosity? interest是名词,有“兴趣”或“爱好”等意。例如:他生活中
的两大爱好是音乐和绘画。His two great interests in life are music and painting.
短语to satisfy the interest of…意思是“满足…的兴趣”或“迎合…的兴趣”。
例如: 1.某些作家为迎合一些读者的低级趣味而降低作品的品位,我不赞同
这种{故法。I don’t approve of the way some writers degrade their works to satisfy
the interest of some low-tasted readers. 2.这个电视栏目的开播满足了老年观众
— 301 ——
的兴趣。The start of the television program satisfied the interest of the old-aged
audience. 3.看来她干什么事都是为了迎合孩子们的兴趣。It seems that she
does everything to satisfy the interest of the kids.

1. Someone does everyhting to satisfy the interest of ...
2. We cannot tailoy everything of . . . just to satisfy the interest of ...

[456 ] to be scarce of…缺乏…,缺少…

例句:This area used to be scarce of drinking water. And now there is a

profussion of water, but it is heavily polluted so drinking water is
still as scarce as oil.这个地区过去饮用水极为缺乏。而现在水

如: 1.第二次世界大战期间,黄油紧缺,要定量配给。During World War H ,
butter was scarce and rationed. 2.秃头鹰现在在北美洲很少见。Bald eagles
are now fairly scarce in North America. 3.如今,冬季里水果不再像过去那样供
应不足了。Fruits are no longer as scarce as they used to be in winter.短语 to be
scarce of ...表示“缺乏…”或“缺少…”等意思。例如: 1.荒漠地区缺乏
水源。Desert areas are scarce of waterQ 2.在铁路建成以前,这个地区的煤总
是很紧缺。Before the railway was built, this area was always scarce of coal. 3.
这个城市缺少娱乐场所。The city is scarce of recreational centers. 4.校长说他
president said that they had enough teachers in the university, but that they were
still scarce of qualified teachers who have potentials in furthering their researches.

1. This area used to be scarce of . . . and ...
2.Someone said that . . . was still scarce of ...

[457 ] scarcely…when…一…就…;冈【J…就…

例句: It’s really strange that scarcely did good news put on its trousers
when bad news had already reached almost every comer of the
whole world.说来也怪,好消息还没来得及长上翅膀,坏消

如:我们没有来得及吃早饭就岀发了。We scarcely had time for breakfast before
we set out.再比如:我们在瑞士时的向导几乎一句英文也不懂。The guide we
had in Switzerland scarcely knew a word of English. Scarcely ... when ...意思
句首,主语与谓语要倒装,动词用完成时。例如: 1.我一进大厅,讲座就开
始了。I had scarcely come into the auditorium when the lecture began. 2.我们刚
走出大楼就听到楼里一声巨响。We had scarcely left the building when we heard
a great explosion from within.这一结构经常用于倒装。3.他刚岀门天就下起雨
来。Scarcely had he gone out when it began to rain. 4.她一进房间电话铃就响
了。Scarcely had she entered the room when the telephone rang.

1. Scarcely had someone done …when …did ...
2.Scarecely had something be done when …did

[458 ] to schedule…for…把…安排在…

例句:The Chairman of the department decided to schedule the outing for

the end of April, but most of the teachers insisted that the outing be
arranged somewhere in mid-May, reasoning it is still a bit cold be¬
fore May.系主任决定把这次春游安排在四月底,但是多数

例如:她有一个习惯就是把自己的收人与花费列成清单。She kept it a habit to
schedule her income and expenses.再比如:史密斯先生叫他的秘书把同格林
小姐的约会列入时间表。Mr. Smith asked his secretary to schedule his appoint¬
ment with Miss Green.在美语中,schedule还有“安排”、“排定”或“调度”
等意。例如:他的秘书正在尽力排定本月的约会。His secretary is trying to
schedule the month’s appointment ■短语 to schedule ... for ...多用来表示
“把…安排在…”或类似的意思。例如: 1.我和牙医约好星期五见面。I
scheduled an appointment with my dentist for Friday. 2.请把会议安排在本月28
号。Please schedule the meeting for the twenty-eighth of this month.此外,该词
组也经常用于被动语态。例如:他定好下周四到达。His arrival is scheduled for
next Thursday.再比如:他们定在下午两点离开。Their departure is scheduled
for 2: 00 p. m.

1. Someone had already scheduled …for ...
2.Someone decided to schedule ... for ...,reasoning that ...

[459 ] to give someone scope for…给某人以施展…的机会

例句: As many college graduates are aiming at jobs with a higher pay,
Sandra crave for a job that gives her scope for her talents and that
can help tap her potentials for her research in the field of psycholin¬
guistics. 当很多大学毕业生把目标投向高工资的工作时,桑

大学里,大学生们有充分的余地开展活动。College students have free scope for
their activities at university.再比如:在热带国家销售煤的机会不多。There is
not much scope for selling coal in tropical countries.短语 to give someone scope
一 304 —
for ...意思是“给某人以施展…的机会”。例如: 1.足球运动可以为青年人提
供施展勇气与敏捷思维的机会。Football gives young people scope for courage
and quick thinking. 2.他的新工作给了他充分施展才能的机会。His new job
gives him full scope for his abilities.另外,介词for后面也可跟动名词。例如:
这种简单的体力劳动使他无法施展才华。Such simple manual work didn’t give
him any scope for displaying his gifts.

1. Something will give ... scope not only for ... but also for ...
2. Something will give ... scope for doing ...

[460 ] to put the screw on .. _对…施加压力,强迫…

例句:It’s obvious that that big power is trying to use their economic
strength as a political leverage and under the cover of the human
rights issues to put the screw on weaker nations to yield to their he-

旋,把它旋紧。Turn the screw to the right and tighten it.该词引申为“压力”。
例如:自从接手一项新工程以来,他紧张得快要受不了了。He was strained to
the last screw he could bear since accepting the new project.再比如:他要是还
不告诉我们文件藏在哪里,我们就再给他施加点压力。If he still refuses to tell
us where the document is kept, we'll give him another turn of the screw.短语 to
put the screw on ...表示“对…施加压力”或“强迫…干某事”等意思。例
如: 1.如果他不把钱给我们,我们就不得不对他施加压力了。If he won't give
us the money, we'll have to put the screws on him. 2.那群强盗逼迫老人交出保
险柜钥匙。The robbers put the screw on the old man to give them the key to the

1. In order to . . .,someone put the screw on ...
2.It’s obvious that ... is trying to put the screw on those who ...

[461 ] to scruple about…对…有所顾忌

例句:The county magistrate’s evil doings are like a red flag to all the
people in the country. But although many of them feel that they can
no longer out up with him, they are still scrupling about raising a
protest against him or charging him with such things as embezzle-
ment,tax evasion and taking bribes.县长的胡作非为引起了全

如:骗子不会为欺骗别人而感到于心不安的。A dishonest man does not scruple
to deceive others.再比如:当她需要违背父亲时,她产生了顾虑。She scru-
pled when it came to disobeying her father.短语 to scruple about …表示“对…
有所顾虑”,“不敢大胆地…”或“不知道该不该…”等意思。例如: 1.她对
单独留下与一位绅士在一起感到有所顾虑。She scrupled about being left alone
with a young gentleman. 2.只要有利于实现她的目的,她不惜撒谎。She
doesn’t scruple about lying when it serves her purpose. 3.我们知道比利是她惟
消息。Knowing that Billy is her only son and that her husband just died, we scru¬
pled about telling Billy’s death on the battlefield.

1.Although …,someone is still scrupling about ...
2 • Someone does not scruple about ...

[462 ] to be sensible of…意识到…,察觉到…

例句:After the news that the Higher Court had imposed a life prison sen¬
tence on the former provincial governor, many other officials at
both the provincial and municipal levels began to be sensible of the
government’s determination to crack down on officials engaged in
illegal dealings at these levels.高级法院判处这位前任省长无期

意。例如:你这样做是明智的。That's very sensible of you.再比如:这是一个
明智的选择。This is a sensible choice.除此之外,sensible还有“知道的”,
“意识到的”或“觉察的”等意思。因此,短语to be sensible of…就多用来
表示“已意识到…”或“已察觉到…”等意思。例如: 1.当猫偷偷地向老鼠
靠近时,老鼠觉察到自己的危险,钻回洞里。When the cat was sneaking to¬
wards him, the rat became sensible of his danger and slunk away into his hole. 2.
他充分地意识到自己的弱点。He was fully sensible of his own shortcomings. 3.
他考试作弊时,没有觉察到老师就站在他面前。He wasn't sensible of the
teacher's presence in front of him when he was cheating on the exam.

1. Someone was already sensible of ...
2. You should have been sensible of the ...

[463 ] to be sensitive about ...对…十分敏感

例句:Sandra is extremely sensitive about what other people say, even

about their tones and the facial expressions, but when she says
things to others, she never cares a damn about the impact of her re¬
marks on other people.桑德拉对别人说的话特别敏感,即使

意。例如:别这么敏感,我只不过是开个玩笑Q Don't be so sensitive. I’m only
joking.再比如:艾丽斯受了批评后很爱生气。Alice is sensitive when scolded.
短语to be sensitibe about •. •多用来表示“对…十分敏感”的意思。例如: 1.
他对自己丑陋的外貌很敏感。He is very sensitive about his ugly appearance. 2.
这个乡下来的女孩对自己的家庭背景很敏感。The girl from the country is very
sensitive about her own family background.此外,介词 about 后也常跟动名词。
例如:很多学生在刚开始练习英语会话时,很怕岀错。Many students are very
sensitive about making mistakes when they just begin to practice talking in English.
易感受到…”的意思。例如: 1.她对别人的批评很敏感。She is sensitive to
criticism. 2.眼睛对光很敏感。The eye is sensitive to light. 3.艺术家对美的感
觉很敏锐。An artist is sensitive to beauty.

1. Don’t be so sensitive about ...
2.Someone is so sensitive about ... that ...

[464 ] to separate ... from ...把…与…分离幵

例句:If someone is not able to make a sound judgement on things she is

required to comment on, he or she is usually the one who can not
separate the goat from the sheep.如果一个人需要对一件事进行

村子让一条河隔开了。The two villages are separated by a river.再比如:把这
些梧子分成九份。Separate the oranges into nine sections.短语 to separate
洲大陆分隔开。The Atlantic Ocean separates America from Europe. 2.英法两国
被英吉利海峡隔开。The English Channel separates England from France. 3.我
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们把好苹果与坏苹果分开Q We separated the good apples from the bad ones. 4.
一道栅栏把花园与人行道隔开了。A fence separates the garden from the side¬
walk. 5.你可以把我儿子从我身边夺走,但你甭想割断我们的父子情。You
may be able to separate my son from me, but you cannot separate the love
bounds between us.

1. You must be able to separate . . , from ...
2.If someone is not able to separate ... from ..., you bet he (she) is ...

[465 ] to shed one’s blood for …为…而献身

例句:Young people today cannot really understand those heroes in history

who were willing to devote themselves to national liberation and to
the struggles against foreign invaders,nor can they fully understand
why people were so brave in shedding their blood for the survival
of the motherland.现在的年轻人并不真正理解历史上英雄们

流饭流一滴眼泪。Don't shed any tears over that scoundrel.再比如:他们要推
翻政府,但不希望流血。They wanted to bring down the government, but without
shedding Wood.短语 to shed one’s blood for ...表示“为…而献身”的意思。
例如: 1.这位老太太有两个儿子在抗日战争中为国捐躯。Two of the old lady’s
sons shed their blood for the country in the Anti-Japanese War. 2.为正义的事业
流血牺牲,我死而无怨。I would not regret to shed my blood for the cause of jus¬
tice. 3.很多英雄为了革命的胜利而献身。Scores of heroes have shed their
blood for the victory of the revolution.

1. Someone was willing to shed his (her) blood for ...
2. Those who had shed their blood for ... were ...
[466 ] to be under the shelter of …在…的庇护下

例句:The UN troops,under the shelter of peace-keeping operation, actu¬

ally did more harm than good in Somali.联合国部队以维护和平

用作可数名词。例如:树木可以遮挡阳光。Trees are a shelter from the sun.
再比如:他冒雨跑向公共汽车站的候车棚。He made a dash through the rain to
the bus shelter.但是,shelter也常用作不可数名词,意为“掩避”、“遮掩”或
“庇护”等。例如:在暴风雨中,我们躲避在树下。In the storm we took shelter
under a tree.再比如:我们为这位老人提供了过夜的地方。We gave the old
man shelter for the night.短语 to be under the shelter of …表示“在…的庇护
下”及类似的意思。例如: 1.外交大臣的儿子经常在他父亲的权势庇护下欺
压百姓0 The foreign minister’s son often bullies and oppresses the common peo¬
ple under the shelter of this father’s influence. 2.某些西方大国总是在联合国的
庇护下干涉他国内政。Some Western countries always interfere with other
countries’ affairs under the shelter of the United Nations.

1. Someone was trying to . . . under the shelter of ...
2. Under the shelter of ...,someone did

[467 ] to take a shine to…爱上(看中,喜欢上)…

例句: Some young people say that the feeling of falling with someone at
the first sight is simply great, but I never seem to be able to take a
shine to anyone at the first sight, so I will never know how great
that feeling is.有些年轻人说一见钟情的感觉妙不可言,可是
停,又是阳光灿烂。The rain stopped and the sun shone gloriously again.此夕卜,
Give your shoes a good shine.再比如:我怎么才能把裤子上臀部那块光亮去
掉呢? How can I take the shine out of the seat of my trousers?在俚语中,shine
常用来表示“迷恋”或“喜爱”,因此短语to take a shine to ...的意思就是
“一下子就喜欢上…”或“一下子就爱上…”。例如: 1.我七岁的儿子从第一
天上学起就喜欢上了他的语文老师。My seven-year-old son took a shine to his
language teacher the first day of school. 2.这两个年轻人第一次见面后便相互
看中,坠入爱河。The young couple took a shine to each other after the first
meeting and fell in love. 3.他说他一眼就看上那个女士了。He said that he took
shine to the lady at the first sight.

1.Someone told me that he (she) took a shine to ...
2.1 couldn’t believe I could take a shine to . . . when ...

[468 ] to run short of…缺乏,缺少…

例句:The manager said that they were running short of hands in the
sales, so it woulkd be a good opportunity for your daughter to
show her paces in the sales.经理说他们在这次销售活动中缺少

那个屠户又因为卖肉缺斤短两受罚了。The butcher was fined again for giving
short weight.再比如:现在很难买到瓷茶杯。供应严重不足。It’s difficult to
buy china cups. They’re in very short supply.短语 to go (fall) short of . _ •多用
M示“不足的”,“缺乏的”或“达不到目标的”等意。例如: 1.票房收入
未达到经理的期望。The box-office receipts fell short of the manager’s expecta¬
tions. 2.虽然他家很穷,他却从不让孩子们缺少学习上的必需品。Although
they’re poor, he has never allowed his children to go short of anything necessary
— 311 —
for their education.除了经常与动词fall和go等搭配使用外,short也经常与run
连用,因此,短语to run short of ...就是用来表示“缺乏…”或“缺少…”等
意。例如: 1 .我们得找个地方过夜了,因为汽油快用完了。We'll have to find
a place for the night because we’re running short of gas. 2.这家人、没有吃的了,
只得跟邻居去借。The family ran short of food and had to borrow some from their

1. Someone is running short of ... so ...
2. We must ... in case that we are running shourt of ...

[469 ] to be sick of…厌恶…,对…感到厌倦

例句:She said that she was sick of those people who like to flatter her in
her face, from which you know that she is not an ordinary girl.她

六周了。He’s been sick for six weeks.再比如:这种气味让我恶心。The smell
makes me sick.短语to be sick of ...是口语中常用的句式,可用来表示“厌
恶,“对…感到厌倦”或“讨厌…”等意思。例如: 1.我对每天一成不变
的生活感到厌倦了。I’m getting sick of the same old routine every day. 2.我讨
厌听你没完没了地讲你做出的牺牲。I’m sick of hearing your never-ending claims
of the sacrifices you made. 3.每件差错都归咎于我,真把我烦死了。I’m sick to
death of being blamed for everything that goes wrong. 4.我对他从心里感到厌
烦。I’m heartily sick of him.此语中的动词除了可以用have外,还可用feel,其
格^[艮难过。My sister was rather sick at failing to pass the exam.

J. I am sick of those people who are ...
一 312 —
2.Most people in . . . feel sick of those people who are

[470 ] to show no sign of…没有显示岀…的迹象

例句:Soon after Beijing TV’s exposure of the pollution of the river, the
local government expressed their deep concern and determination to
investigate the causes and to take some effective measures to stop
the pollution. However, three years have passed since then, and
they have showed no sign of doing anything about it. Instead, the
factories in the upper reaches are still discharging and pouring a lot
of their wastes into the river.北京电视台将这条河的污染状况

如:尽管历经磨难,她的脸上却没有任何苦难的痕迹。There's no sign of mis¬
ery on her face although she has undergone all kinds of hardships and sufferings.
再比如:这是改善的好兆头。That’s a good sign of improvement.短语to show
no sign of ...意思是“没有显示出…的任何迹象”。例如: 1 •农业在经过数年
的衰退之后正在显示出复苏的征兆。After years of decline, agriculture is show¬
ing signs of rejuvenation. 2.这些衣服看得岀已经穿旧了。These clothes are
showing sign of wear. 3.听到自己被一所重点大学录取的消息,列娜没有表不
出任何兴奋来。Lena showed no sign of excitement at the news that she had been
admitted to a key university. 4.谈判之后总经理依然没有表现岀想要与该公司
合作的意向。After the negotiation, the general manager still showed no sign of in¬
tention to cooperate with that company.

1. Although . . .,they still show no sign of ...
2. Something showed no sign of ...,though ...
[471 ] to be similar to ...类似于…,与…相似

例句:Although some Koreans and Japanese are not willing to say that
much of their culture stems from that of the Chinese culture, many
admit in their hearts that theirs is very much similar to the Chinese
culture, at least their languages contain many Chinese characters.

妻子和我在音乐方面有相似的爱好Q My wife and丨have similar tastes in music.
English and French realistic writers had a similar view of life on the whole.短语 to
be similar to…是个常用的句式,表示“类似于…”或“与…相似”等意思。
例如: 1.金和黄铜的颜色相似。Gold is similar in color to brass. 2.你的观点
和我的观点略有相似之处。Your views are slightly similar to mine. 3.小麦与大
麦看上去很相似。Wheat looks similar to barley. 4.他的大多数论点类似于弗洛
伊德的观点。Most of his arguments are very much similar to Freud’s points of

1. Something is very much similar to that of ...
2. The ... are similar to each other in ...,though …

[472 ] to sing one’s own praises 自我标榜,自吹自擂

例句: In our daily conversations, there are many questions that sound
very silly. One of them is, “Do you think your melons are
sweet?” It’s a stupid question indeed because we all know that all
sellers like to sing their own praises. Who would say that his mel¬
ons are bitter?在我们日常生活的对话中有很多提问是可笑或
— 314 ——

的英勇业绩。The sailors sang the captain’s gallant exploits.再比如:荷马歌颂
特洛伊战争。Homer sang the praise of the Troy War.此语中的 praise 是名词,
意为“赞扬”,“表扬”或“颂扬”。短语to sing one’s own praise无疑是用来表
示“自我标榜”或“自吹自擂”的意思。例如: 1.他整天无所事事,却从不
忘自吹自擂。He’s fooling around all day, doing nothing singing his own praises.
2.我不会招收喜欢自我标榜的人作我的雇员^ I will never employ those who
tend to sing their own praises. 3.喜欢自我标榜的人很少愿意表扬别人^ He that
likes to sing his own praises is never willing to praise others.

1. someone was singing his own praises and claimed that …
2. People all like to sing their own praises ... for ...

[473 ] to have a smack of…有…的味道(风格,特色),有点


例句:To nonprofessionals,his singing does have a smack of that of a

professional singer but to professional singers,his singing was but
like a farmer’s humming in the field.对于非职业歌手们来说,

味。Mike a slight bitter smack in my coffee.再比如:这布丁有一点桂皮香味。
There’s a smack of cinnamon in the padding.此夕卜,smack 也常弓I 申为“气息”,
“风格”或“特色”的意思。例如:空气中略有秋意。There's a smack of au¬
tumn in the air.因此,短语to have a smack of…表示“有…的味道”,“有…
的风格”,“有…的特色’’以及“有点像…”等意思。例如: 1.这药有点硫磺
味。The medicine has a smack of sulphur. 2.这个老头的性格颇有点固执。The
old man really has a smack of obstinacy in his character. 3.这位亚洲女孩有点像
印第安人。The Asian girl has a smack of the Indians. 4.他夸奖自己那张邮票时
的口气很像街道商贩卖狗皮膏药的味道。His praise of his stamp had a smack of
a street peddler’s selling his snake oil.

1. Someone’s ... sounds to have a smack of ...
2.Something has a smack of ...,very much similar to ...

[474 ] to find a solution for .找到…的解决办法

例句: Confronted with the situation, I suggested we find a practical solu¬

tion for the conflicts between the two factories over the boundary is¬
sues. But then, they were all looking at me in a way that is almost
untolerable and asked me to propose a solution.对两个工厂因厂

后常跟的介词有to, of和for。例如: 1.诉诸武力不是解决两国间争端的最好
办法。Resource to arms is not the best solution to a quarrel between two coun¬
tries. 2.节俭能否解决你财务方面的困难? Might economy be the solution to
(for, of) your financial trouble? 3.警方正在寻找破案方法。The police are seek¬
ing a solution of the crime.短语 to find a solution for …表示“找到…的解决办
法”的意思。例如: 1 .你找到解决交通问题的办法了吗? Did you find a solu¬
tion for the traffic problem? 2.世界各国的专家都在力图寻找解决能源危机的办
法。Experts from all countries over the world are trying to find a solution for the en¬
ergy crisis.

1. Someone is trying to find a solution for ...
2. As . ..,we must find a pratical solution for ...

[475] to be sparing of…节约(爱惜)…,缺乏…

例句:Human beings do not know how to be sparing of their environment

and the natural resources. Sooner or later, they will have a dose of
their own medicine and find it too late for them to find them back
when the environment is past praying for and the natural resources
are used up.人类不知道珍惜赖以生存的自然环境和自然资

意。例如:她对家里的预算支出总是精打细算。She is sparing with the family
budget.再比如:他话很少。He is sparing with words.短语 to be sparing of …
“爱惜”,而且还可以表示“缺乏”或“少有”等意思。请看下面的例句: 1.
你应该省着点精力,我们离山顶还远呢。丫ou should be more spring of your en¬
ergy, for we still have a long way to the top of the mountain. 2.小女孩得到父亲
的称赞很高兴,因为她爸爸不轻易称赞人。The little girl was very pleased to be
praised by her father since the father was sparing of his compliments. 3.评论家
们对约翰逊的新书吝于赞扬。The critics are very sparing of praises about
Johnson's latest novel. 4.我建议你不要买这本书,因为它外表华丽,内容却
;[艮贫乏。I suggest you not buying the book because it looks brilliant but it is spar¬
ing of information.

1.You should be sparing of …because ...
2.Someone is quite sparing of …since …

[476 ] to speak volumes for ...充分证明…,有力地说明…

例句:According to my research and based on my observations, the out¬
lines of the building and the color of the building of a company
speaks volumes for the characteristics of the company, the same as
the clothing and the hairstyle of a person speak volumes of the per¬
sonality of that person.根据我的研究和观察,一个公司办公

达概念”的解释。例如:行动胜过空话。Action speaks louder than words. #
比如:这人物像画得很逼真。The portrait speaks likeliness.短语 to speak vol¬
umes for ...多用来表示“充分证明…”或“有力地说明…”等意思。例如:
1 .叶芝先生对慈善事业的捐助充分地表明他的慷慨。Mr. Yeats' donations to
charity speak volumes for his generosity. 2.她对那个令人厌恶的年青人不生气,
充分说明她是有耐心的。Her refusal to become angry to that very unpleasant
young man spoke volumes for her patience. 3.我女儿送你的那件可爱的礼物充
分表明了她对你的喜爱程度。The nice present my daughter gave to you speaks
volumes for how much she likes you.

1. Something not only speaks volumes for …,but also reveals ...
2. Something speaks volumes for how ... and why ...

[477 ] to be the spitting image of …和-4莫一样的人或物

例句: Sandra is the spitting image of her father and his brother, Frank, is
the spitting image of his mother. Is it what we call “Like father,
like son?"桑德拉和她的爸爸长得一模一样,而他的弟弟富

— 318
dead spit of ...,意思是“和-■模一样”。比如:他活像他的爹。He is the
dead spit of his dad.我们在这里介绍的 to be the spitting image of …也是口语
的“一模一样”。请看下面的例句: 1 •两个孪生兄弟和他们的母亲长得一模一
样。Both the twins are the spitting image of their mother. 2. 有人说杰克长得特别
像他的爸爸,但我看他更像他的妈妈,并不很像他的爸爸。Someone says that
Jack is the spitting image of his father, but to me, he is more like his mother than
his father. 3.你看!这辆车和一周前约翰丢的那辆车简直没什么两样。Look!
This car is the spitting image of the car John had lost last week.

1 • Something is the spitting image of ...
2. Someone is the spitting image of ...

[478 ] to have a soft spot for…对…有特别的好感

例句:The ridiculous thing is that if someone dances attendance on Frank’s

father, he will have a soft spot for that person regardless of that
person’s sincerity. But he will at once bear him a grudge that cont¬
radicts him, whether he is right or wrong.令人啼笑皆非的是,

它身上的斑点。(意即“本性难移”。)The leopard cannot change his spots.再
比如:这就是他被谋杀的地点。This is the very spot where he was murdered.
处。Don’t touch her tender spot.短语 to have a soft spot for ...引申为“对…
有特别的好感”及类似的意思。例如: 1.我妈妈特别喜欢琼瑶的言情故事。
My mother has a soft spot for Qiong Yao’s love stories. 2.很多女大学生对身材

——319 一
高大、肌肉发达、体格健壮的男影星有特别的好感。Many college girl students
have a soft spot for tall, strong and muscular male movie stars. 3.因为自己出生
在农村,这位女教师特别喜欢刻苦好学的农村学生。Being brought up in the
countryside, the woman teacher has a soft spot for the hard-working students from
the countryside.

1. We tend to have a soft spot for those who ...
2. He never has a soft spot for ...

[479 ] to be squeamish about…对…过分讲究;过分挑剔…

例句:I find that those people who are too squeamish about their clothing
and their food are often not only very selfish, but also very narrow¬
minded while those who are squeamish about what they do are nine
out of ten generous and broad-minded.我发现,那些过分讲究

究。Our new lodger is a squeamish scholar with a pair of thick glasses.短语 to be
squeamish about ...是个很有用的句式,意思是“对…过分讲究”或“对…过
于拘谨”。例如: 1.自从他学了营养学专业以后,他对自己日常饮食的营养搭
酉己非常讲究0 He became squeamish about the balance of nutrition in his diet since
he took nutrition as his major. 2.他在暴力问题上向来持刻板的态度。He has
always been somewhat squeamish about violence. 3.我希望你不要过于讲究形
式。I hope you are not so squeamish about the form.

1. Don’t be so squeamish about …
2.Someone is too squeamish about ...

[480 ] to stay clear of…回避(躲避)…,不接近…

例句: In the present condition of our society, one may wish to stay clear
of bad elements or bad things that are commonly frowned upon in
the society, but one can hardly stay clear of trouble caused by these
bad elements and the social evils.在我们目前这个社会的状态

周末我一般呆在家里。丨usually stay at home on weekends.但stay还有“继续
没睡觉,呆到半夜。We had to stay awake until midnight to see the eclipse.再
比如:失业率保持在5%以下。Unemployment rate stays below five percent.这
里所谈的to stay dear of ...是口语中常用的习惯用语,用来表示“离开…”,
面的例句: 1.请你告诉他们不要接近耙区。Please tell them to stay clear of the
target area. 2.你最好别跟那个家伙来往。You’d better stay clear of the fellow.
3.他总是回避同事之间的争吵。He always stays clear of quarrels between his
colleagues. 4.他总是教他的女儿远离男孩子们。He often teaches his daughter
to stay clear of boys.

1. You’d better stay clear of . . . so that ...
2. Someone knoiws how to stay clear of ... who ...

[481 ] to get stuck on ... 一时想不起…的答案,因.••而停顿下来

例句:Nobody seems to avoid embarrasment and no one can be sure that

he will never be cornered by any question. This is for sure. And
those schoolteachers know the feeling when they get stuck on a sim¬
ple question raised by a student.看来,谁都免不了会有K尬的

等。例如:汽车陷进泥里了。The car was stuck in the mud.再比如:钥匙卡
在锁里了。The key stuck in the lock.短语 to get stuck on ... 常用来表示“一
时也可表示“在某个问题上卡壳了”及类似的意思。例如: 1.我被我的所得
税单弄蒙了,怎么也弄不明白是怎么回事。丨got stuck on my income tax form.
It’s too hard for me to figure out. 2.我想和他打招呼,却一时想不起他的名字
来。丨 wanted to greet him but got stuck on his name.有时 get 也可由动词 be 代
替。例如:我昨天晚上做英语作业时有一道题不会做,所以没有完成。I didn’t
finish my English homework because I was stuck on one question while I was try¬

1. Someone got stuck on ... when ...
2.Nobody knows what to do when he (she) gets stuck on ...

[482 ] to keep a large stock of…储备有大量…的存货

例句: In those famine-stricken years, the government constantly urged

people of the whole country to keep a large stock of grains when
they had a fairly good harvest and warned them against forgetting
the disasters caught by draught.在那些经常闹自然灾害的年月

约为一亿册。These libraries have a total stock of some 100 million books.再比
如:他正在低价出售库存品。He is selling off his stock•此语中的stock经常用
322 —
于短语a ... stock of ...的形式,意为“一批…的存货”或“储备有…的存
货”。而我们这里谈的to keep a large stock of ...无疑是“储备有大量的…存
货”的意思。例如: 1.这家商店储备有大量的玩具。This shop has (keeps) a
large stock of toys. 2.我们店男童鞋的存货很多。We have a good stock of
boy’s shoes. 3.圣诞节前后,这家店备有大量的礼品包装纸。The shop carries
a large stock of giftwrapping paper around Christmas. 4.经理说这些原材料应该
多存一些,原因是很快会涨价。The manager says that we need to keep a large
stock of these materials, because prices will soon go up.

1. We must keep a large stock of .. . so that ...
2. We don’t think it necessary to keep a large stock of ...

[483 ] to strike ... as ...给…以…的印象

例句: It’s strange that the person who struck me as a most trustworthy
person at the first sight will usually turn out to be a dishonest one.
But the person who struck me as a tiring and boring person at the
first sight will nevertheless become the one that helps me a great

下巴上。He struck me on the chin.再比如:他重重地拍了一下桌子。He struck
the table with a heavy blow.另外,strike也常引申为“给予…的感觉”或“给
…以深刻的印象”。例如:你感觉他的诗怎么样? How does his poetry strike
you?再比如:他的话在听众中引起恐惧。His words struck fear in the listeners.
短语to strike .... as ...是“给…以…的印象”之意。例如: 1.这个女孩子给
我的印象是不诚实。The girl struck me as dishonest. 2.这个主意最初给我的感
觉是很愚蠢,但现在我觉得它不错。The idea first struck me as stupid, but now
I think it is a good one.除了可以使用形容词外,as后面也可以跟名词或动名

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词。例如:新老师给我们的印象是缺乏幽默感。The new teacher struck us as
being lacking in humor.再比如:我觉得他是个热心肠的人。He struck me as a
warm-hearted man.

1.Someone struck me as …,but I didn’t think he (she) could be …
2.Something struck …as

[484 ] to strive for…为…而努力,力争…

例句:We must clearly analyze the cause of all the problems in our educa¬
tion and strive for a better, more scientific and sound system in our
education instead of devoting ourselves to a given problem of it.
This is because a sound system tightly controls all the links of the

如:杰克总是设法赢得老师的欢心。Jack always strove to please his teacher
(或to win his teacher’s favor).再比如:我们已经竭尽全力去说服他,但毫无
进展。We’ve striven to the full to convince him, but we have made no headway.
短语to strive for…常用来表示“为…而努力”或“力争…”等意思。例如:
1.很多医学专家都在为获得癌症研究方面的突破而努力奋斗。Many medical
experts are striving for a breakthrough in cancer research. 2•过去,革命者为了
人民的解放与目由而斗争;现在,人们为个人的财富与利益而奋斗。In the
past, revolutionaries strove for the liberation and freedom of the people, now peo¬
ple are striving for their own wealth and interests. 3.尽管我知道几乎不可能实现
这个目标了,我还是要力争获得比较好的结果。I will strive for better results al¬
though I realized that it was almost out of the question to fulfil the goal.

1. We must strive for ... instead of ...
2. We must strive for . . . so as to ...

[485 ] to be stuffed with…填满(塞满,充满)…

例句: It’s preposterous that a person whose mind is stuffed with selfish¬
ness and ideas about their personal gains can usually get to the posi¬
tion he longs for while those who genuinely strive for the benefits
of the people will never get chance to be promoted.凡满脑子是

接介词with。例如: 1.小女孩把她的衣兜装满了糖块。The little girl stuffed all
her pockets with candies. 2.不要把什么东西都装进袋子里,否则袋子会胀破
的。Don’t stuff everything in or the bag will burst. 3.每次周末回家妈妈都会没完
没了地让我吃东西。Every time I went back on weekends, mother would keep
stuffing me with foods.短语 to be stuffed with ...常用来表示“填满了…”,“塞
满了…”,“充满了…”或“满…都是…”等意思。例如: 1.壁橱里塞满了旧
的或过时的衣服。The cupboard is stuffed with old or out-of-fashion clothes. 2.
每逢周末,公共汽车里总是挤满了人。On every weekend, buses are stuffed
with passengers. 3.我的小儿子满脑子都是怪异的想法。My little son’s brain is
stuffed with fantastic ideas. 4.这是一篇充斥着陈词滥调的文章。This article is
stuffed with cliches.

1. If someone’s mind is stuffed with …,he will usually ...
2.Someone’s mind is stuffed with . .. and ...

[486 ] to stumble on (upon)…无意中发现…,偶然找到…

例句:When I was almost at my wits’ end about what to do about the situ¬
ation the company is deeply bogged down in, I suddenly stumbled
upon a danty idea, which can help me to turn the tables within a
couple of months.公司深陷困境,而我对此智穷力竭。这时

词over或on等连用。例如:他在地毯边绊了一下,跌倒了。He stumbled over
the edge of the carpet and fell.再比如:他在石头上泮了一政。He stumbled on
a stone.此外,stumble还可用来表示“偶然遇到…”或“碰巧找到…”的意
思。因此,短语to stumble on (upon)…表示“无意间发现…”或“偶然找
到…”等意思。例如: 1.这位作家无意中在一家旧的书店发现了自己几年前
送给朋友约翰的一本书。The writer stumbled in a second-hand bookstore upon
one of his books that he sent his friend John several years ago. 2.约翰逊侦探在
审讯一位证人时突然想到了破案方法。Detective Johnson stumbled on the solu¬
tion to the crime while interrogating a witness.另夕卜,此语中的介词宾语也可以
是人。例如:无论我走到哪里都能碰到人们在谈论这件事。Whenever I went, I
stumbled upon people talking about the issue.请注意:除了用on 或 upon,
偶然发现了几百篇因长久不用而尘封的原始文件。Ferreting about in the muse¬
um, he stumbled onto hundreds of original documents dusty with disuse.再比如:
你猜我昨天碰到谁了? Guess whom I stumbled across yesterday?

1.Someone stumbled upon . . . just when he (she) was ...
2. You may stumble on ... when you ...

[487 ] to be subject to…易遭受…;受…的支配;必须以…为


例句:Now the managers have almost agreed upon our proposal to invest
— 326 —
in the project, but whether we should take part in the bid is totally
subject to the general manager.现在经理们基本上同意了我们

“受…支配的”以及“由…而决定的”,“取决于…的”等。所以,短语to be
subject to…的基本意思是“易遭受…”,“容易受…”或“受…所约束”。例
如: 1 •这一地区常遭受台风的袭击。This area is subject to typhoons. 2.体质
弱的人容易得感冒。People of weak constitution are subject to colds. 3.他生前
经常遭到嘲笑。He was subject to ridicule in all his life. 4.我们都要受自然规律
的制约。We are all subject to the laws of nature. 5.这个学生不守纪律。This
pupil is not subject to discipline.另外,此语还可用来表示“必须以…为条件”,
The plan is subject to approval.在这种用法中,subject to可单独使用,引导短
语作状语。例如:老师说我可以早走,但是得经过校长的同意。The teacher
says that I can go, subject to the headmaster’s approval.再比如:我们的计划将
视天气情况而变更。Our plan may change subject to the weather.

1. Something is totally subject to , although ...
2. You may , but ... must be subject to…

[488 ] to subsist on ...靠…维持生计,靠…度日

例句:In China today many people have to subsist on the peanuts they get
from the “stable” job they never dare to give up, and other people
have to subsist on the hundreds of yuan they get by selling some
daily necessities on the pavements of the street.今天,中国有4艮
注:subsist是动词,有“生存”,“活下去”或“维持生活”等意。而to sub¬
sist on ... 常用来表示“靠…维持生计”或“靠…度日”等意思。例如: 1.居
住在北部地区的人们主要吃鱼和肉。People in the northland mainly subsist on
fish and meat. 2.地震发生后,这一地区的人们只得靠赈灾组织提供的玉米和
一点牛奶度日。After the earthquake, people of the area had to subsist on the
corn and a little milk supplied by the relief organization. 3.在大萧条时期,很多家
庭靠施舍维持生活。During the Depression, there were many families subsisting
on charity. 4.贝利一家靠每周20英镑的收入维持生活。The Baileys subsisted
on 20 pound a week.

1. Someone had to subsist on the only …he could …
2. There are still some people in . .. who have to subsist on ...

[489 ] to suffer from…受…之苦(折磨)

例句: Most people do not mind suffering from a physical injury, but
when people are suffering from an emotional hurt, most people
would feel choked and it would be very hard for them to erase their
memories of the trauma.大多数人不会在乎肌体受伤的疼痛。

受这样的痛苦而不管。丨can’t stand by and let Annie suffer like this.再比如:他
父亲去世时他不堪痛苦。He suffered terribly when his father died.短语 to suffer
from ...表示“受…之苦”或“深受…的折磨”等意思。例如: 1.他倍受饥
寒交迫之苦。He suffered a great deal from cold and hunger. 2.这一地区又遭旱
灾。This area suffers again from drought. 3.贸易由于战争而遭受损失Q Trade
suffered from the war. 4.这对老夫妇正在承受失去亲生儿子的痛苦折磨。The
一 328 —
old couple are suffering from the loss of their son.此外,该短语也可指“患有某

种疾病”。例如:我父亲患有心力衰竭。My father suffers from heart failure.再

比如:琼总是失眠。Joan frequently suffers from insomnia.

1. If one suffers from …,he will ...
2. Those who are ... are likely to suffer from ...

[490 ] to come as no surprise to…不会为…感到吃惊

例句:The news that the couple got divorced came as no surprise to any¬
one of us, because John started to lead a double life several years
ago and his wife is actually on some very intimate terms with her
boss. It is said that she started to have a fair with one local govern¬
ment official long ago.听说那对夫妻离婚了,我们当中无人感

听到这个消息后他的脸上没有表现出任何惊奇的神情。 He gave no sign of sur¬
prise on his face when he heard the news.再比如:比利的落选并未引起人们太
多的惊奇。Billy’s defeat in the election didn’t cause much surprise.此外,sur¬
prise 用作名词经常出现在一些短语中。 例如:in surprise “惊奇地”;catch by
surprise “使…吃惊”,“使…诧异”以及take…by surprise “使吃惊”,“岀其
不意”或“进行突然袭击”。短语to come as no surprise to someone表示“不
令某人吃惊”的意思。例如: 1.他平时一点也不用功,所以他高考落榜的消
息没有让任何人感到吃惊。He is usually not diligent, so the news that he failed
in the entrance examination to college came as no surprise to anyone. 2. 他受到
人的人。He being awarded a prize came as no surprise to us all, for he is a
warm-hearted and forthcoming person in our neighborhood.请注意:该短语也可

— 329 —
以写成to come as quite a surprise to…,表示“使…感到十分惊奇”之意。
例如:这一事实完全岀乎我的意料。The fact came quite as a surprise to me.

1. Something came as no surprise to . . . as ...
2.Something came quite as a surprise to . . . who ...

[491 ] to be susceptible to…对…很敏感,易受…,易患…

例句:To me, he’s not manly. His opinion is very susceptible to others
and he is always blowing hot and cold, chaging his ideas at the
drop of a hat.依我看,他根本就不是个男子汉。他的主意特

的”等意。短语to be susceptible to…常用来表示“对…很敏感”,“易受…”
或“易患…”等意思。例如: 1.我丈夫很容易感冒。My husband is susceptible
to colds. 2.爱慕虚荣的人易受谄媚。Vain people are most susceptible to flat-
tery. 3.玛丽很容易受别人的建议的影响(即玛丽很没主见)。Mary is quite
susceptible to suggestions. 4.史蒂芬对讽刺很敏感。Stephen is susceptible to
satire.再比如:这种病毒好治吗? Is this virus susceptible to treatment? 5.这个
问题是可以解决的。This problem is susceptible to solution.

1 • Something is extremely susceptible to . • .,especially when ...
2. Someone is susceptible to ...,having no ...

[492 ] to suspect someone of ...怀疑某人…

例句:Some women suspect Sandra of having an intimate relation with a

business tycoon in the city and they spread the news that her hus¬
band is using her relation with that guy for booming his own busi-
— 330 —

实。Seeing his eyes shunning from mine, I began to suspect the truth of the story
he just told me.再比如:对于简能写岀这么好的书来我们毫无疑问。We don’t
suspect that Jane can write such a good book.短语 to suspect someone of ...是
等意思。例: 1.他的邻居怀疑他盗窃。His neighbors suspect him of theft. 2.
他被政府抓了起来,因为他们怀疑他有革命的意图。The police arrested him
because they suspected him of some revolutionary designs.请注意:介词of 之后
也可跟动名词或动词不定式。例如:警方怀疑他谋杀了妻子。The police sus¬
pect him of murdering his wife.再比如:他们怀疑他是贼。They suspected him
to be a thief.

1. We all ssuspect her of ...
2. Nobody would suspect …of ...

[483 ] to be suspicious of (about)...对…怀疑,怀疑…

例句:If one is suspicious about his ability to succeed, he will usually find
that he seldom succeeds in doing things; if one is suspicious of oth¬
er people’s sincerity, he may also find that nobody will be friendly
and sincere to him.如果一个人不相信自己有成功的能力,他

例如:当我告诉他我知道那女孩住哪时,他一点都没有怀疑。He was not in
the least suspicious when I told him that I knew where the girl lived.再比如:她向
— 331 —
我投来怀疑的一瞥。She shot a suspicious glance at me.短语 to be suspicious
1 •这个男人对所有的邻居都有疑心。The man is suspicious of all his neighbors.
2.我对任何企图向我兜售商品的人都持有怀疑态度。丨am suspicious of all that
want to sell me something on the cheap. 3.由于父亲拋弃了母亲和她,这个女
孩对所有的男人都表示怀疑。Since he father has deserted her and her mother,
the girl became suspicious of any man. 4.她慢慢对我离开这么久产生了怀疑。
She’s getting suspicious about my staying away so long.

1. Someone is usually suspicious of ...
2.Someone became very suspicious of . .. after ...

[494 ] to be swamped with ...忙于应酬…,对…应接不暇

例句:The Chairman of the department has little time for improving the
quality of management, nor does he have time to upgrade his level
of leadership, for he is always swamped with his lessons and the
daily chaos of the working staff.系主任根本就没有时间改进他

浪淹没了那只小船。A big wave swamped the boat.再比如:船上所有的东西
都浸水了。Everything in the boat was swamped.短语 to be swamped with ...
于…而不能脱身”等意思。例如: 1 ■每到年底我们都会被工作压得透不过气
来。As a rule, we are swamped with work at the end of the year. 2.自从我们在
报上登了广告以后,电话之多使我们应接不暇。We were swamped with tele¬
phone calls after our advertisement was put in the paper. 3.大量的求职信使我们
难于应付。We are swamped with application letters.请注意:跟在 with 后面作
介词宾语的名词还有orders (订单),replies (回复),applications (申请书),
telephone calls (电话)等等。
1. Someone has no time for ...,because he is already swamped with ...
2. If one is swamped with ...,you bet he (she)

[495 ] to be taken for ...被当作…

例句:The man was trying to save the murdered man, but when the police
were arrived, he was taken for the murderer. SP个人正在想、力、法

为”。例如:我还以为你很诚实呢。丨took you to be an honest man.再比如:你
以为我是傻瓜吗? Do you take me for a fool?短语to be taken for…是个用途
广泛的习惯用语,表示“被误当成了…”的意思。例如: 1•珍妮特的西班牙
语讲得这么好,很多人还以为她是本地人呢。Janet speaks Spanish so well that
she’s often taken for a native. 2.我把房门钥匙丢了。当我想要砸碎玻璃进屋
时,人家把我当成了贼。I was taken for a burglar when I was about to break the
window to enter my house since I lost my key. 3.她常被人当成她的姐姐。She
is often taken for her elder sister.请注意:此语的主动语态更为常用。例如:不
要把别人都当成傻子。Don't take everyone as a fool.再比如:很多人都会把她
当成经理的秘书。Most people would take her as the manager’s decretary.

1. Something was taken for ...
2.Someone was liklely to be taken for . . . as ...

[496 ] to be tender for (of)...害怕…,顾虑…

例句:If you are too tender hurting other people, then, you are most like¬
ly to hurt everyone you meet. But if you are not afraid of hurting
others, it is likely that few people dare to hurt you.如架你总是
——333 —

如:这是些极易打碎的蛋。请小心轻放。These are some extremely tender
eggs. Please handle them with care.再比如:他讲话很粗,但心肠很软。He
talks tough but has a tender heart.此外,tender还可以引申为“审慎的”,“爱

惜的”或“对…顾虑多的”等意。因此,短语to be tender of ...常用来表示

“害怕…”,“顾虑…”等意思。例如: 1.她很顾虑自己的名声。She is tender
for her reputation. 2.我母亲有一副慈悲心肠,很怕伤害别人的感情。My
mother has a tender heart and is tender of hurting other’s feelings. 3.史密斯先生
不轻易表扬人。Mr. Smith is tender of his praises. 4.无能的人往往特别害怕别
人的批评。Unable people are usually tender of criticisms.

1. Those who are ... are usually more tender of ...
2. If one is .. •,he is most likely to be tender for ...

[497 ] to turn thumbs down on…反对(贬低,不赞成)…

例句:Although Mr. Li is among the richest men in the whole world and
the second biggest business tycoon is Asia, he still remains a simple
and modest man, turning thumbs down on all the evil things that
many other tycoons are stealing into doing.虽然李先生是全世
不得人的丑事。 一

例如:be all thumbs,或者have ten thumbs,意为“十分笨拙”,“笨手笨脚”
再比如:under someone’s thumb,作“受…的控制”解释。短语to thumb down
一 334 —
on ...是个常用的习惯用语,意思是“反对…”,“贬低…”,“不赞成…”。例
如: 1 ■我真不明白他们为什么要反对这项提议。I just can't see why they turn
thumbs down on this proposition. 2.这本书岀版后,评论家们纷纷贬低它,称
其是他们所见过的最糟糕的东西。When the book was published critics turned
thumbs down on it one after another, calling it the worst thing they’d ever read. 3.
世界上的大多数人都讨厌小偷小摸的行为。Most people in the world thumb
down on petty theft.

1. Most people in . . . thumb down on such things as • . . and ...
2. Although …someone still thumbs down on …

[498 ] to tickle someone’s vanity (fancy)满足某人的虚荣心;


例句:I have my own principles in doing things. I will never go against

my own will just in order to tickle other people’s fancy or to please
anyone for a particular favor.我有我自己的办事原则。我决不

轻的父亲搔孩子的脚逗她乐。The young father tickled the baby’s foot and made
her laugh.再比如:他拿羽毛逗我。He tickled me with a feather.此外,tickle
逗人群开心。The comedian tickled the crowd with his jokes.短语 to tickle
someone's fancy (vanity)是口语中常用的句式,主要用来表示“满足某人的
虚荣心”或“投其所好”等意思。例如: 1.他们极力称赞他的工作以满足他
的虚荣心。They tickled his vanity by praising his work to the skies. 2.老师当着
全班的面表扬了戴丽莎,这使她的虚荣心得到满足。The teacher's praise in the
presence of the class tickled Teresa’s vanity. 3.这个有趣的玩具引起 J 他的兴
趣,于是他给女儿买了下来。The amusing toy tickled his fancy, so he bought it
for his daughter.
1.1 won’t .. . just in order to tickle the fancy of . . •
2.In order to tickle the vanity of , someone ...

[499 ] to keep track of…记录…,了解…的动态

例句:The doctor asked the nurse to keep track of the changes of the
patient’s blood pressure and to make sure that nothing goes wrong.

野兔留在雪地上的足迹。The hunter followed the tracks left by a rabbit in the
snow.再比如:我们在帐篷四周看到了野兽的足迹。We saw tracks of wild ani-
mals around the camp.短语to keep track of…是个极为常用的习惯用语,常
用来表示“i己录…”,“了解…的动态”或“监视…的情况”等意思。例如: 1.
老师要求我们每天读报以了解时事。The teacher asked us to read newspapers
every day to keep track of current affairs. 2.史蒂文斯先生生病住院期间,通过
电话 解生意情况。Mr• Stevens kept track of his business by telephone when he
was in the hospital. 3.我有用铅笔和纸记录自己的活动内容的习惯。| have the
habit of keeping track of my activities with pencil and paper.

1. We must keep track of ... so that we can ...
2. In order to make sure that ...,someone kept track of ...

[500 ] to warn someone of…提醒某人…,警告某人…

例句:I already warned her of the danger of being cheated by that guy,
but she insisted doing things her way.我已经提醒她很可能会上

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路上结了冰v很滑。He warned us that the road was icy.再比如:我必须警告
你,如果再迟到的话我就罚你款。丨must warn you that if you come late again I’ll
fine you.短语to warn sosmeone of ...是个常用的句式,常用来表示“提醒某
人某事”或“警告某人某事”等意思。例如: 1.当吉米告诉我他爱上了一名
女演员时,我提醒他,他的父母亲肯定会反对。When Jim told me that he fell in
love with an actress, I warned him of the opposition from his parents. 2.这些乌
云向我们预示,暴风雨即将来临。The black clouds warned us of the approach¬
ing storm. 3.有人警告过他有危险,可是他不听。He was warned of the dan¬
ger, but he wouldn't listen.请注意:除of 外,warn 也可与介词 about 或 against
搭配使用。例如:他跟我们谈了我们面临的严峻形式。He warned us about the
serious situation that confrontad us.例如:医生告诫病人不要吸烟。The doctor
warned the patient against smoking.再比如:我警告过你不要玩火嘛! I warned
you not to play with fire, didn’t I?

1.1 have already warned …of ...
2. You must warn ... against ... so that ...




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