Data Analysis Notes

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Data Analysis Notes

 First look at the questions then the graph then the key + highlight what’s important
 Command terms:
o Compare: similarities
o Contrast: differences
o Distinguish: differences
o Describe: give a big picture summary but also an element of quantification (numbers)
o Outline: give a big picture summary of what is going on + detailed description that
quantitatively trace the changes of each group are unnecessary and may in fact never
include identification of any trends
o Suggest: use your knowledge from different areas of the syllabus to provide or
extrapolate one or many possible causes for the results.
o Explain: scientifically give reasons or deduce a scientific conclusion
o Evaluate:
1. Evaluate data: to comment on validity of data and reliability, for example by looking
at error bars. Also mention the limitations, for example number of trials.
2. Evaluate the hypothesis: you should write how the trends support or do not support
the hypothesis. There is no point in describing the data or quoting values. You may
also have to refer to the previous pieces of data that were presented in the question.
Depending on the data provided, sometimes all the evidence clearly supports the
hypothesis or it does not. Sometimes results are contradictory and other times there is
no enough data to support or not support the hypothesis.
Common limitations of data:
1. Experiments done in animal models being extrapolated to humans
2. Small size of data
3. Highly variable data
Percentage increase = final – initial / initial x 100

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