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Meeting Name: Shelter/NFI Cluster Coordination Meeting (Sub-National) – Mekelle, Tigray

Date of Meeting 07 June 2023 Time 2:00 pm

Minutes prepared by: ES/NFI Cluster Location IOM Office, Mekelle
Meeting Participants were from IOCC, DEC, UNHCR, OCHA, COOPI, DPO, HOH, IOM, OSSD, ANE, ZOA, ACDD
1. Introduction
2. Review of previous Action Points
3. General Situation update
4. Zonal Coordination Update
5. Relocation and resource allocations progress
6. Partners Update
7. AOB

- SC-4 Shelter maintenance Progress.

- Cluster Proposed Field Visits
- PDM and PCM
Agenda and notes. Decisions, issues
Introduction The attendees introduced themselves, and a warm welcome was extended to everyone.
Mohammed Kaigama was introduced as the Interim Sub National Cluster coordinator for the
SNFI Mekelle AoR. He expressed his enthusiasm for joining the team and working
collaboratively to address the shelter and NFI needs of affected communities in the region.
The attendees warmly welcomed Mohammed and expressed their support for him during his
tenure as the Interim Sub National Cluster Coordinator. They emphasized their willingness to
provide assistance and work closely with him to ensure effective coordination and response

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Situation Update (Refer to Meeting Presentation)

 A situational update was provided for the Mekelle Area of Responsibility (AoR) during
the meeting. The update included the status of shelter and non-food items (NFI) needs
any changes or developments in the affected communities, and the overall humanitarian
response efforts in the area. The attendees were briefed on the key challenges, progress
made, and any emerging trends that may impact the shelter cluster's work in the region.
General update

 Maintenance activities are suspended due to looting of shelter maintenance materials

disrupting the shelter cluster partners' ability to achieve their targets.
 The Mekelle city administration has recommended Elshadai and SC-4 sites as relocation
options for IDPs living in schools.
 The ES/NFI cluster conducted field visits to Wukro, Frewoini, Edaga Hamus, and
Adigrat towns to discuss alternative shelter options for IDPs. They also engaged with
CRS/ADCS regarding the distribution of repair kits in Gulomekda Wereda. Issues
between the three partners have been resolved.
 Urgent intervention is needed to reduce overcrowding and protect vulnerable
populations from exposure and risks caused by the reopening of schools.
 IDPs in Adigrat and Edaga Hamus need support, non-food items, and partitioning of
ballrooms/warehouses to improve living conditions.
 IDPs in collective centers visited by the cluster expressed their willingness to return to
their places of origin.
 The zonal BoLSA has recommended the expansion of the EX-UNMEE collective center
and commission to accommodate 300 HH.
 The ES/NFI cluster discussed alternative shelter options and shelter protection in SC-4
until a responsible party is identified.
 The return exercise is on hold due to a lack of funds for transportation and MPC.
Situation and Response update by Zone
 The ES/NFI cluster has conducted damage assessment in SC-4 unoccupied shelters,
 IOM completed maintenance of 50/510 unoccupied shelters,
 Discussed relocation of IDPs from schools to Elashadai and SC-4,
 Conducted joint visit in Elshadai alternative shelter option,
 Discussed how to protect the ongoing looting shelters in SC-4.
 It has also attended the IDP leaders meeting and visited Alene and Mekelle health center
IDP sites.
 ES/NFI cluster discussed shelter options for IDPs living in congested rooms in Wukro
Frewoini, Edaga Hamus and Adigrat Towns.
 IDPs in Wukro collective centers have enough space/rooms, with 80% from western
Tigray. Food, water and NFIs are the most priority needs, and food was distributed in
Jan 023. IDPs are eager to return to their place of origin but were not informed to

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 Over 390 HHs are living in four collective centers in Firewoini, three of which are not
recognized by CCCM. The IDPs in the Tourist hotel are living in congested rooms and
all female headed. RRF PM promised to provide plastic sheet and shelter in the camp.
 IDPs from western Tigray are living in Edaga Hamus high school, mostly in a big hall
They need to separate the entrance and exit and are sleeping on the floor without a
sleeping mat or blanket due to the cold.
 IDPs in Adigrat are sleeping in congested rooms 20-23HH/room due to the resumption
of education.
 Maida agame: IDPs were living in 42 rooms previously now merged to 10 rooms, 189
HHs are sleeping in 10 room/18-20/room. All the IDPs are from western Tigray, sharing
facilities with students.
 In Finote Birhan 220 HH IDPs are merged to 20 rooms from 55 rooms, living in very
crowded rooms with no communal kitchen. 104 HH IDPs from western and Zalambesa
are living in Agazi elementary school, and 72 HH IDPs are living in commission
warehouse. The zonal BoLSA has recommended EX-UNMEE collective center and
commission for expansion, and CRS/ADCS has distributed 445 repair kits in
Gulumekda, Gantaafeshum and Hawzen. ZOA plans to distribute 500 repair kits in
 47,817 HH/216,144 Ind IDP were returned to different parts of southeastern zone
 12,313HH/38,228 Ind IDP are living IDP sites in southeastern zone
 21,619 HH/87,247 Ind IDPs are loving in collective centers and with host community.
 49,553, HH/ 165,952 Ind IDP are IDPs were returned to southern zone.
 813 IDP HH were returned to different parts of northwestern
 Planned to distribute repair kit to 78 returnee HH in Abergele
 Still significant number of IDPs are demanding shelter and NFI assistance in Abiy adi
and the area

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Zonal Coordination  The cluster delegated DEC to represent cluster in the planned ICCG by OCHA in Abiy
Meeting Update Abdi
 The cluster encourage its focal points that any agency encountered challenges to liase
with OCHA for support and put cluster in the loop for follow at Mekelle AoR

Relocation and  Government plans to relocate IDPs from school which have been used as shelters for
Resource Mapping affected populations in Mekelle, Adigrat, Maichew and Mekhoni
 IDPs within Mekelle the government plans to relocate them to SC4 and Elshadai
 Maintenance at SC4 is onhold due to the looting related concerns which disrupt the
 BoLSA in conjuction with CCCM cluster are working on the framework of the looting
concern which defines the roles and responsibilities of the concern stakeholders when
validated the maintenance will continues in SC4 by cluster partner
 The cluster inform CCCM cluster that sites requiring partitioning lies on CCCM
partners as part of site development.
 CCCM cluster highlighted that not all IDPs agreed to relocate to SC4 and also 150HH
willing to relocate to Elshadai
 SNFI Cluster highlights that CCCM cluster, OCHA and BoLSA to discuss on way
forward on the relocation of IDPs to SC4 before the maintenance of shelter is complete
by the SNFI cluster partner.
1. Partners Update UNHCR: Distributed CRIs to more than 60k returnees
 Planned to be partitioning the halls in Elshadai and they have resource for 300.
ZOA: planned to distribute 500 return kits in Erob next week, cash for rent in pipeline for 850
HH and 500 repair kits to be distributed in eastern zone and northwestern.
CRS/ADCS: distributed cash for repair kit to 886HH (135 HH in Hawzen, 140 Tsaedaemba,
136 T/milash and 200 K/temben. 445 repair kits distributed in Gulomekada, planned to
distribute 214 repair kits in Erob wereda
DPO: distributed cash for NFI for 1180 HH and 200 repair kits in tsirae wenberta, committed
unconfirmed amount of cash for rent
DEC: distributed NFI to 60HH in Mekoni
IOM: planned to distribute 700 repair kit in Gulomekda, Gantafeshum and Hawzen.
 Completed maintenance of 52 unoccupied shelters and 35 occupied shelters in Mekelle
SCI: prepositioned 2465 ES/NFI in Mekelle warehouse- to allocate by the cluster
 Planned to distribute 3000 partial repair kit in southern, eastern and north western 1000
a. SC-4 Shelter maintenance Progress:
It was reported that IOM will continue to maintain their shelters in SC-4 once all the
necessary frameworks are in place. Currently, 50 out of 510 shelters have been achieved
The cluster requested that any partner with the capacity to assist should get in touch with
the cluster to contribute to the maintenance efforts.

b. Partners participation in coordination meeting Cluster Proposed Field Visits

The cluster informed its partners about the planned visits within June to the Southern
zone, especially Maichew and Mekhoni. The purpose of the visit is to gather firsthand
information on the current situations, strengthen coordination with various stakeholders,
and understand the activities of current partners. The cluster encouraged active

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participation from partners in these field visits.

c. PDM and PCM

The cluster informed its partners that PDM and PCM are mechanisms to collect and
understand affected populations' feedback on the quality, sufficiency, utilization, and
effectiveness of the assistance provided to them. It emphasized the importance of
partners sharing all PDM and PCM findings to capture lessons learned and identify areas
for improvement in interventions.

Next Meeting Date The next meeting was scheduled for 21st June 2023 at 2:00PM (Email notification to be shared
by Cluster). All attendees were requested to prepare their updates accordingly.

Action Item Assigned To Deadline

DEC – Abiy Abdi
The zonal focal point for Cluster to share ADCS – Adigrat -Eastern
Before the next meeting 21st June
update in the next coordination meeting Zone
LWF – Southern Zone
DPO -South Eastern
CRS to Share beneficiary list with IOM to
avoid duplication of effort for the plan CRS 9th June 2023
repair kits distribution

Partners to share PDM and PDM with cluster All SNFI cluster partners Based on activity completed

Cluster to share tentative plan for the

proposed field visit to Southern Zone –
SNFI Cluster On or before 15th June 2023
Maichew and Mekhoni for partners willing
to join the visit
Cluster partners to inform any proposed
intervention so as cluster with guide on SNFI Cluster Continues/base on request
prioritization of worredas

Meeting Attendance

Participant full
S/N Agency Position Email Telephone
1 Abadi Haileslassie IOCC zmenkir@iocc.or 914735466
2 DEC Program Coord 914493709
3 Hayelom  Teklay UNHCR Shelter Officer 914126440
4 CRS Protection 938399311
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5 Samuel Hagos OCHA HAO 922771358
6 Yared Tegegn COOPI FWS 968836923
7 Mohammed Mitku DPO PC 964400235
8 Frut H/sslassie HOH ES/NFI Officer 908208337
9 Samuel Bekele  IOM project Clerk 914729232
10 Ataklti Berhe UNHCR Field Associate 914752569
Ass. Program
11 Temesgen Kahsay OSSD 914016353
Mohamednur Shelter Team
12 ANE 914757584
Abderezak  Lea
13 Meles G/mariam ZOA EPM 913714300
14 Negasi Hagos ACDD Shelter officer 914181525
15 Atsibiha Alemsged SRO Director  
Wash and
16 Biniam Amare  Goal 925444111
shelter Exp.
17 Aklil W/giorgis BoLSA Expert   914553233
18 Tirhas Tewele Shelter Officer 920860816
19 Adonay Egzihaye SCI ES/NFI Coord. 933100674

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