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“Supreme Student Government”

Campaign and Election

By: Sio,John Karl T.

Days have passed inside the grounds of Bettbien High. During our time together from
August to October we have missed a lot of special moments for our school year and so
we finally decided to issue the campaigning and electing of our SSG members.

The day was Oct 3, 2022 each grade level had the privilege of running for a position in
the student government. Three groups were registered them being “TINIG partylist,
OMSIM partylist, and HIRAYA partylist.

Each group showed individuality and appeal towards their members. Shining the
spotlight towards each other. They gave their credentials, ideals, promises and
words of power towards their audience in order to win them the honor of being

Despite being on combating teams these three partylists showed equal support and
spite towards their opponents and good sportsmanship with each other. That day
marked the start of the fun and unforgettable moments we the Bettbien High students
enjoyed and cherish.

On Oct 4, 2022 the day of the election. The election took place on an online platform
using google forms each grade level was given specific time stamps to vote for their
favored candidate.

On the following day the results were posted on the bulletin of Bettbien High. The
results of the election both gave out screams of joy and sadness. In the end despite the
setbacks and problems we all honor and respect our aspiring and ever shining:


Gwyneth Gomez - SSG PRESIDENT

Lian Nicole Sanqui - SSG VICE PRESIDENT
Helaena Morales - SSG SECRETARY
Ladhine Yein - SSG TREASURER
Kaori Origuchi - SSG AUDITOR
Julliana Cordova - SSG PIO (INTERNAL)
John Karl Xiao - SSG PIO (EXTERNAL)
Aaron Sevilleja - GRADE 10 Representative
Ashlee Villanueva - GRADE 9 Representative
Danielle Fiesta - GRADE 8 Representative
Alexa Corbe - GRADE 7 Representative

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