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by passing the entire buck to its

Another train tragedy - Newspaper - predecessors..
Pakistan has a long history of train
Editorial 07 June 2021
accidents caused by a decaying railway
infrastructure. Apart from major
THE loss of over 40 lives in a train
accidents, scores of minor incidents of
collision near Daharki in Sindh on
derailments take place every year but are
Monday morning is a stark reminder of
not mentioned in the news. Most of
Pakistan Railways’ abysmal passenger
these accidents occur because of
safety record and the unfulfilled
dilapidated tracks, a faulty interlocking
promises of successive governments to
signal system, aging rolling stocks,
revamp its broken infrastructure. The
etc. A look at PR’s record would show
accident also raises questions about the
that the frequency of accidents,
incumbent rulers’ commitment to
including fatal ones, has increased over
modernising the poorly managed
the last few years owing to decades of
railway, and refurbish its aging tracks
underinvestment in rail infrastructure
and erratic signal system for improving
and the absence of passenger safety
passenger safety. Prime Minister Imran
standards. The prime minister has
Khan tweeted that he was “shocked by
repeatedly instructed the railway
the horrific train accident” and had
authorities to take steps to counter
ordered a “comprehensive investigation
decades of neglect and ensure safety
into railway safety fault line”. Is that
protocols, and to hold officials
enough? We have heard such words so
responsible for neglecting passenger
many times before that they have lost
safety, but nothing has come of
their meaning. Everyone is well aware
it. Instead, the government has
of why train accidents happen and what
drastically slashed funds for railway
needs to be done. But no one in the
rehabilitation in the last couple of
government appears to be bothered
years. Last July, it had promised
about fixing the problems. It is, indeed,
additional funds for repairing the tracks
unfair to blame the current government
and signal system, and purchasing new
for the huge mess the railway is in
passenger coaches and locomotives this
today. Yet, it should not escape scrutiny
fiscal year. But the promise remains
for its own contribution to PR’s decline
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Political rhetoric aside, the from Afghanistan. Addressing a press

administration appears as clueless about conference, former deputy speaker of
a revival strategy as any previous the National Assembly Faisal Karim
government. Apparently, it has been Kundi and Senator Rubina Khalid said
hoping that the promised Chinese there should be no closed-door meetings
investment of $6bn in the Main Line-1, on the issue and that parliament should
connecting Peshawar to Karachi, would be fully briefed. The opposition alliance
save the dying railway. With China PDM has also called for an in-camera
reluctant to invest its money in the joint session of parliament on the
project, the government does not have a Afghanistan issue. These demands have
strategy to fall back on to resuscitate the come in the wake of reports that the US
bankrupt department. With or without may be asking Pakistan for use of
Chinese money, the job of putting the facilities including bases for military
railway back on track will not be easy; it use. Pakistan has categorically denied
will take a long time, large investments agreeing to any such requests and
and strong political will. Turning a Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood
company the size of Pakistan Railways Qureshi has said in no uncertain terms
is never easy. However, the government that as long as Imran Khan is the prime
can always start by investing in the minister, Pakistan will never provide its
rehabilitation of the infrastructure to territory for any US bases..
save lives..
The situation in Afghanistan remains
Published in Dawn, June 8th, 2021. unstable as the peace talks between the
US and Afghan Taliban have hit a
Opposition’s demand - Newspaper - roadblock. The intra-Afghan dialogue
DAWN.COM also appears to be a non-starter and
Editorial 07 June 2021 violence is refusing to abate. Pakistan
has played a central role in the peace
PARLIAMENTARIANS belonging to process, including persuading the
the PPP have demanded that the Taliban leadership to participate in it,
government take parliament into and continues to urge all sides to agree
confidence about the emerging regional to a power-sharing arrangement so that
situation in light of the US withdrawal the country does not descend into
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chaos. However, officials in Islamabad Sindh-centre sniping - Newspaper -

have also voiced fears that if a civil war DAWN.COM
were to break out in Afghanistan once Editorial 07 June 2021
the US forces have withdrawn within
their stipulated deadline, Pakistan could A WAR of words between the centre
face adverse repercussions. In such an and the Sindh government has been
unsettled situation, it is important that underway for the past several days, with
the entire political leadership is brought both sides accusing each other of doing
into the loop as far as Pakistan’s policy nothing for the province. Sindh Chief
options and decisions are Minister Murad Ali Shah had written to
concerned. The opposition is justified in the prime minister accusing the PTI-led
demanding that the government and its federal government of harbouring
concerned institutions provide a detailed “abject bias” against the province, while
briefing to parliament and allow them to also criticising the proposed PSDP
provide recommendations and allocations as “lopsided”. Planning
suggestions for all possible Minister Asad Umar hit back at the
scenarios. One way could be for the Sindh administration, claiming that
concerned authorities to brief the “never before has any federal
relevant parliamentary committees. This government in history ... spent so much
could be followed by an open debate in money in Sindh”, while adding that the
both houses. The policy on Afghanistan centre had earmarked funds for both the
needs to be well-deliberated and urban and rural parts of the province..
bipartisan in nature. We should learn
from the mistakes of the 1980s and This testy exchange between the centre
1990s and carve out a long-term and the province would actually have
approach to Afghanistan. The been quite amusing for the people of
government has taken a sensible step in Sindh had the situation on the ground
engaging all ethnic groups in not been so pathetic. The fact is that
Afghanistan as well as regional neither Islamabad nor the PPP-led
countries. It should follow the same provincial administration has done
approach towards parliament.. anything worthwhile for Sindh, as the
infrastructure of the province’s rural and
Published in Dawn, June 8th, 2021. urban parts crumbles. The federal
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government has announced grandiose Human rights — a short story -

schemes for Karachi and other Newspaper - DAWN.COM
districts. But what has practically been By Arifa Noor
done? Take the Green Line bus
scheme. The federally funded transport PARLIAMENT has become so
project that kicked off in 2016 has yet to incidental to our politics, we rarely
see the light of day as deadlines for its notice small but significant changes
inauguration keep getting pushed back taking place within its hallowed
indefinitely. On the other hand, the halls. This isn’t just because of our
Sindh government is also prone to parties and their way of doing
announcing seemingly impressive governance, though they share a greater
schemes, often with funding from responsibility than others..
foreign lenders. Yet after nearly 13
years of post-Musharraf rule over the Another reason for this has been
province, can the PPP in all honesty television channels — controversial
claim that it has brought positive statements, ambiguous bayans which
changes to Sindh? Karachi, the lead to headlines and breaking news,
provincial capital, is in an advanced and fights between politicians are now
state of disrepair, while even in the brought to our homes every night, seven
‘interior’ of the province — which days a week. With these daily bulletins,
happens to be the PPP’s stronghold — few are interested in the speeches being
health, education and civic facilities are made on the floor of parliament or the
in an extremely poor state. The fact is confrontations taking place there. (Even
that instead of politicking, both the the parties themselves prefer those who
centre and Sindh government need to get can frequent talk shows over those who
down to the serious work of revamping can carry out legislative work or deliver
the province’s infrastructure and civic meaningful speeches on the floor)..
As a result, parliamentary happenings
Published in Dawn, June 8th, 2021. have been reduced to the bits and pieces
— mostly statements — appearing in
news stories, which pale in front of the
shorter, spicier talk shows (with a
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variety of politicians). No wonder then This time around, the

that the star journalists of the olden Ganges is flowing in
days, the reporter in the press gallery, reverse but no one has any
assigned to report the proceedings, has answers..
now been replaced by the anchor with a
prime-time show. It is the latter who the And this is why perhaps, us oldies who
politicians now woo.. still remember the good ol’ days were
happy with Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar,
There is, however, another result of this who allowed us a brief trip down
transition to television — in times of memory lane. Heading the human rights
print, the various committees of committee of the Senate, he highlighted
parliament provided much fodder to the issues close to us bleedin’ heart types..
hacks. Most of us in the business always
knew that even if parliament was not in He allowed stories about the people to
session, the committee meetings meant a resonate in a building which has become
nugget or two could always be found in rather distant from the citizens it is
a dusty meeting room here and supposed to represent. And apart from
there. And sometimes ever more. For the angry speeches in parliament, stories
example, in 2010, the health secretary about the people began in parliament
told a Senate health committee that and then made their way to the screen..
relief operations for the flood survivors
He called in young students who had
were not possible in Jacobabad because
been charged with sedition for their sin
the Shehbaz airbase was with the
of protesting for their rights on the roads
Americans. The story echoed for days in
of Lahore. He invited over young
Islamabad. And in the heady days after
Baloch students who told us how they
2008, the Public Accounts Committee,
were pressured by the staff of their
led by Chaudhry Nisar, whose vocal
educational institutes. He took up
cords needed no rest, led the charge
cudgels for Sarmad Khoosat’s film,
against the Musharraf regime much to
Zindagi Tamasha, when it ran into
our delight. But since then it too has
trouble with the righteous lot. Detractors
become rather lacklustre..
say he cherry-picked issues and left out
X,Y,Z but at least A, B, C got

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highlighted. And in Pakistan, every little PPP holding chair of HR in both houses
bit matters.. so it [chairmanship of the Senate
Committee on Human Rights] was given
In all of this, he was supported by the to PML N. But after N traded it for
rest of the committee. Most people on defence directly [with] Govt, Sen Reza
the Senate human rights committee Rabbani and I spent the whole day
seemed to feel equally strongly about trying to get the committee back from
such issues. But times have changed; Govt in a trade for IPC [Interprovincial
parliament is now a sideshow, and Committee] once N had given it to
human rights have always been one.. them. But told no.”.

And so it seems we are going back to The government is probably relieved

normal — in the dust kicked up by the that the committee will no longer be
Senate elections in March, Khokhar’s embarrassing them for its poor human
relationship with his party leadership rights record..
was also a casualty. Even before the
Senate committees were finalised, few The PML-N is quiet. Not a peep from
expected him back.. them, even if asked. The party can hold
forth eight hours a day on all things
But what we didn’t expect was that the principled such as ‘vote ko izzat do’ and
committee would go back to the an executive’s constitutional rights but it
government because the PML-N has offered no explanation for choosing
exchanged it for defence!. defence over human rights. Perhaps, it is
going to use this platform to point the
Senior members of the Senate say that
guns at its chosen enemy or to underline
the human rights committee traditionally
its pragmatism. We don’t know and
goes to the opposition, while defence
neither do we know if this exchange was
goes to the government. Yet this time
a party decision or the choice of a lone
around, the Ganges is flowing in reverse
ranger. Mushahid Hussain is now
but no one has any answers..
heading the defence committee..
From the PPP, Senator Sherry Rehman
But to be fair, the PML-N is not alone in
is the only one who has bothered to offer
its disinterest..
some explanation. “Lot of opposition to
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A cursory glance at the channels over chance that his party could be defeated
the weekend showed the usual inUttar Pradesh in elections due in
debates. The growth rate, the politics of March. Given the recent state results
the opposition and who said what and (and several earlier ones) the possibility
what it could have meant — all the usual of his defeat has grown. When India’s
masala was there but little about this most populous state changes hands, it
small, side story about a Senate could also decide the opposition’s
committee.. chances of dethroning the prime
minister in 2024 just as it critically
And in this silence lies the real story helped him win power in 2014 and again
about how important human rights are to in 2019..
us, as a people. No wonder, the previous
Senate committee and its proceedings Excellent chances exist for the script to
may end up as an aberration. The short work against the BJP. UP Chief Minister
story some of us will remember while Yogi Adityanath has made a hash of the
the majority is transfixed by the saga Covid-19 handling in the state. Visual
about elections, the establishment, images of bodies floating in rivers are
growth rates and other hefty too gut-wrenching to dwell on. He has
themes. Perhaps the big shots feel that denied charges of callous neglect,
once the saga ends in a happily ever naturally, and has threatened to put
after, the short story will also, critics in jail..
automatically, get a happy ending..
The Achilles heel he can’t do much
The writer is a journalist.. about though is that Hindu farmers of
western UP who had led the BJP’s anti-
Published in Dawn, June 8th, 2021. Muslim campaign ahead of the 2014
elections have almost completely
Can the right be dislodged? - deserted the party. In fact, their leaders
Newspaper - DAWN.COM campaigned against Modi in West
By Jawed Naqvi Bengal and Assam, and they have
threatened to do it again in UP. The
A USEFUL pointer to Narendra Modi’s chief minister has emerged as a one-
political quandary lies in the clear trick pony and could try to whip up anti-

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Muslim mayhem as his best bet. With a democracy, the only way the country of
growing constituency of upper and hyper-economic and social disparities
backward caste Hindus who voted for can become cohesive and respected in
him being forced to rethink their the world again — not in the military
preference the communal soufflé may sense of imported hardware and
not rise for the BJP again.. expedient jingoism, but in an all-round
bonding of its varied people that would
Speculation is rife that Modi wants to less biliously address domestic
eject the unpopular Yogi to improve the differences from Kashmir to Nagaland
BJP’s chances but the cost could be and work sincerely for a more agreeable
prohibitive. The chief minister is neighbourhood? The truthful answer is,
notionally a BJP member but doesn’t no, dethroning Modi may not return
belong to the RSS stable. He runs his India to the Nehruvian tryst in the near
private group of militant Hindu future. But it remains a vital condition
youth. The fear is that Yogi could go for the country to move in that very
Udhav Thackeray’s way by breaking desirable direction..
away from the BJP. Although he doesn’t
command a fraction of Thackeray’s The current trend in different parts of
political sway he could yet further the world, however, indicates that the
damage the BJP and Modi’s 2024 defeat of a right-wing demagogue does
prospects if alienated.. not necessary lead to the sugar candy
mountain for the people, to borrow a
Though the battle lines phrase from Orwell. Two of Modi’s
have changed considerably, most egregious right-wing mates are
the penchant for down but not necessarily out — Donald
opportunism among Trump in the US and Benjamin
political parties has Netanyahu in Israel. Both were accused
remained intact.. of grossly mishandling the Covid-19
outbreak in their countries, among other
There is a question, however, snapping
derelictions, a charge that has found
at the heels of the BJP’s likely
increasing traction against Modi. Yet,
embarrassment in Uttar Pradesh. Would
even if they won’t return to power by
the ensuing alternative to Modi put India
the popular route, their right-wing
back on the path of an equanimous
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constituencies are here to stay for as far Though the battle lines have changed
in the future as one can see.. considerably, the penchant for
opportunism among political parties has
The coalition in Israel that has come remained intact. Will Congress, the only
together with the sole purpose of party with an India-wide footprint, play
keeping Netanyahu out, and to probably ball with the opposition? Its political
make him face criminal charges pending choices have not yielded great results so
before the courts, may achieve this far, not for the party and not for the
laudable goal in the end. But who can opposition. The left has also passed
deny that it is a union led by rabid right- blind self-love as political strategy, for
wingers who have more in common with example, in West Bengal. However, the
Netanyahu’s worldview than with their larger opposition can ignore it without
left-liberal supporters, if at all Israeli seriously damaging its cohesion. After
politicians can be of left-liberal hue. As the drubbing in recent polls, the
the party of Israeli Arabs is also Congress and the left have an
supporting the coalition of pro-settlers opportunity to unconditionally support
leadership, the event finds a familiar local groups in UP and retrieve their lost
echo in the Indian context.. appeal..

We are approaching the 46th year of There’s some good news for genuine
Indira Gandhi’s emergency she declared democracy though. Should there be a
on June 26, 1975. Who were its change in Brazil, where Modi’s friend
supporters and who its opponents? The Jair Bolsonaro appears to be on a sticky
pro-Soviet communists supported the wicket, his potential challenger Lula da
move in concert with the right-wing Silva could defeat him next year. The
Shiv Sena that backed her to the hilt. A supreme court has given Lula a clean
similarly opportunistic left-right chit ahead of the 2022 presidential
combination worked for the opponents polls. Brazil’s economic and health
of the emergency. Ranged against Mrs conditions look primed to canvass
Gandhi were the pro-China communists, against Bolsonaro. Polls give Lula 50
the socialists, the Jamaat-i-Islami, the per cent of the vote compared to
Hindu revivalist Jana Sangh and its Bolsonaro’s 38pc. Will Bolsonaro
mentor, the RSS.. become the first Brazilian president to
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be denied a second term? He has always wildfires. They strike with greater
praised the politicised anti-left military intensity and less predictability. A recent
that ruled Brazil from 1964 to UNEP report, Making Peace with
1985. Bolsonaro has fired his defence Nature, shows how humanity has — in
minister and three military heads the words of Secretary General António
suddenly, and people suspect his Guterres — “left the planet broken” and
intentions, as they do right-wing gives a blueprint for government action,
demagogues. They remain sadly well as well as the needed engagement from
entrenched, often on both sides of the businesses, civil society and individuals
equation.. to address these emergencies. Fresh
scientific evidence tells us of the impact
The writer is Dawn’s correspondent in of the triple emergency of climate
Delhi.. change, nature loss and pollution, in line
with warnings from other scientific
bodies on climate and the
Published in Dawn, June 8th, 2021. environment. These planetary crises are
showing no signs of subsiding..
The climate crisis - Newspaper -
Internationally agreed goals and targets
on climate change, biodiversity and
By Jamil Ahmad pollution are very ambitious and
aspirational. Countries have approved
A TRIPLE planetary emergency is national legislations, established new
compounding poverty, leading to structures and initiated collaborative
economic instability, exacerbating food actions in line with their treaty
insecurity and threatening our obligations. However, recent years have
health. Most of all, it is affecting the witnessed several major environmental
poor. Climate change, nature loss and goals being missed by large margins,
pollution are a trio that poses an notwithstanding the high level of
existential threat to the planet.. commitment regularly exhibited for
treaties on climate and environment. A
Global warming results in extreme
case in point of such failure are the
weather events, such as cyclones,
Aichi Biodiversity Targets which missed
droughts, extreme heat and
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the 2020 deadline, leaving the earth’s have not even reached the $80bn mark
marine ecosystems in an extremely yet..
fragile state. The Paris climate
agreement will falter too if countries do Other misplaced priorities of some rich
not ramp up their national countries are further deepening the gap
contributions.. in climate finance. Unfair subsidies for
fossil fuels and agriculture worth
So why are these efforts falling short? hundreds of billion of dollars, as well as
Why is the planetary emergency restrictive policies on the transfer of
continuing to grow when so much appropriate technologies to poor nations,
political will is on display? Why are are among the factors that exacerbate the
environmental treaties and agreements triple planetary emergency. These are
bedevilled by a serious implementation worrying signs as we move to achieve
deficit?. the Sustainable Development Goals by
2030 and a carbon neutral-world by
Why are efforts to tackle 2050..
the climate emergency
failing?. Yet we need to go beyond ringing the
alarm bells. By shifting to renewable
Multiple reasons are cited. Low-income energies, both large and small
countries ascribe their weak compliance economies can decarbonise. The
with agreed goals to insufficient economic slowdown caused by the
technical and financial resources. They Covid-19 pandemic offers an
also point out the unmet promises of opportunity for moving away from a
development partners of financial carbon-intense industry to investments
support and transferring appropriate in green technologies, even if the signals
technologies. In the 2009 Copenhagen so far are not encouraging — an analysis
Climate Summit, high-income countries of 50 leading economies by UNEP and
pledged to jointly mobilise $100 billion the Oxford University Economic
a year by 2020 to assist low-income Recovery Project found that since the
countries in addressing climate onset of the pandemic, nations were
change. That pledge was then extended badly lagging in their commitment to
through 2025. Despite measures taken invest sustainably in recovery..
by several high-income countries, they
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Strenuous endeavours will be required The writer is director of

to reverse negative trends in the short intergovernmental affairs, United
time that we have. Major economies Nations Environment Programme..
have the chief responsibility to create
enabling conditions and lead by Published in Dawn, June 8th, 2021.
example. Restructuring economies on a
path to sustainability would require the Policing challenge - Newspaper -
involvement of all stakeholders. A DAWN.COM
breakthrough in climate finance and By Maria Taimur
adaptation will only be possible through
collective action by governments, the GENDER-BASED violence (GBV) is
private sector, business and the product of a bigoted society. Also
communities. A crucial step for known as gendered violence, it is the
governments would be to put a price on harm caused to individuals or groups as
carbon and redirect huge subsidies from a result of normative or cultural
fossil fuels to renewables and nature- perceptions of gender roles and power
based solutions. The UN chief has urged distribution between the genders. In
the world to make this a decade of Pakistan’s context, gender-based
transformation and translate violence is primarily directed towards
commitments into concrete and girls and women because of the
immediate action. By opting for green patriarchal structure of society which
recovery plans of economies, this defines the power distribution
transformation can be expedited.. mentioned above..

The good news is that much can be done Investigations of GBV cases expose the
to tackle the triple environmental threat clear control of men over women in
we are facing. Science has clearly practically all spheres of life — social,
identified options and mustering the moral, economic and political. A
political will to do that is in every patrilineal society like Pakistan favours
citizen’s hands. We have another male lineage in terms of property,
opportunity to revitalise our privilege and family name. In such a
commitments to a sustainable future.. skewed, gendered distribution of power,
men are expected to exercise complete
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control over women’s behaviour and more physical harm than expected
socioeconomic roles. When women are which can result in homicides. Even
perceived to be deviating from the such extreme violence is internalised by
standards set by men, they are subjected women, and propagated, especially by
to violence as a ‘corrective’ older women, as ‘she got what she
measure. Most of the time, women’s deserved’ and ‘she asked for it’ and
deviation from the accepted norms is ‘good women do not get beaten
seen as an outrage and a rebellious up’. Most girls and women take years to
response to male dominance and access the criminal justice system
supremacy and consequently an affront because of older women advising them
to male ‘honour’. This concept of to adapt and normalise violent male
honour extends to all male members of a behaviour..
clan or family and ‘entitles’ men to
rectify the aberrant behaviour of With such patriarchal power
females, leading to several forms of distribution, it is naive to expect that
gender-based violence, ranging from men in general, including men in the
inflicting physical harm to murder.. police, are above discriminatory
practices. The challenges of the police in
To make matters worse, the patriarchal investigating GBV cases have many
definition of a ‘good woman’ is dimensions but cognitive dissonance —
accepted by women themselves — often where people can hold two sets of
to reduce pain, anxiety and tension and beliefs without noticing the inherent
to adjust to unfavourable contradiction between them — is the
circumstances. In households, mostly biggest stumbling block. It underlies the
older women become a part of this approach in investigating offences and
power distribution and propagate interferes with the just application of the
theories and advice such as exercising law, leading to gaps in the
patience, taking violence as a norm, implementation of the latter when it
keeping quiet about abuse, obeying men comes to the protection of women..
unconditionally and remaining in a bad
marriage rather than going for other Policemen have a gendered
options. These shared values about view of GBV..
controlling women often result in even
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During the investigation of GBV cases, she might have on all other women by
frequent interactions with investigating exhibiting such ‘delinquency’. If
officers reveal a dismal paradox: punishment is meted out to the woman
individually, they recognise the injustice in the form of physical violence, it is the
to a woman but collectively stick to the outcome of a shared norm and silent
shared code of power and control among agreement among the men. These so-
men. As GBV is deeply embedded in called correctional measures and penal
society’s patriarchal system and is based systems devised by men are tacitly
on power distribution among males and shared and accepted by the police and
females, men in the police also believe take precedence over the laws of the
in the shared code. In cases of domestic country..
violence, police officers mediate and
often enforce ‘reconciliation’ on the Consistent efforts at gender sensitisation
grounds that women have no individual through curriculum and training in the
identity outside the domain of their male last decade has enabled police to
family members and are always recognise the problem but a greater,
recognised either by the name of their more focused approach is needed to
father or husband.. address the underlying cognitive
dissonance in police practices. The
Similarly, investigations in ‘honour’ police, as an implementing arm of state
killing cases are generally kept pending law, must stand on the side of vulnerable
till an out-of-court settlement is groups and strive to rise to exemplary
reached. This reprehensible practice is levels of non-discrimination..
perceived as a family matter where
social roles have been defined and the The writer is a police officer..
women are the property of men and
Published in Dawn, June 8th, 2021.
subject to their approval for any social
activity. Men are the custodians of their
bodies and minds and exercise full
control over their actions. It is an
outrage to all men even if one woman is
seen to deviate from prescribed
behaviour because of the ‘bad’ impact
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