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Dawn Editorials & Opinions

Call it a split or not, the formation of the

The threat within - Newspaper - PTI forward bloc at the centre and in
DAWN.COM Punjab has exposed the weak
Editorial 20 May 2021 foundations of the party and the
government. This should send alarm
ESTRANGED PTI leader Jehangir bells ringing in the ruling party since Mr
Khan Tareen wants his pound of Tareen’s actions are clearly meant to
flesh. Even though Mr Tareen insists send a strong message to both the prime
that he and his group remain a part of minister and the beleaguered Punjab
the PTI, his decision to nominate Chief Minister Usman Buzdar to desist
‘parliamentary leaders’ from among the from hurting Mr Tareen’s business
legislators supporting him in the interests or acting against his supporters
National Assembly and the Punjab in parliament. It is also a clever way of
Assembly shows that he is prepared to showing that he enjoys enough clout
go to any lengths to force the hand of his within the party to disrupt the PTI’s
once close friend Prime Minister Imran apple cart if pushed to the wall
Khan. With some 30 MPS and almost 10 further. How far Mr Khan can or will go
MNAs standing ‘firmly’ with him, he to accommodate him to avert this danger
has the magical numbers to turn the to his frail government remains to be
tables on his leader both at the centre seen. The pause in the inquiry has
and in the largest province if the already damaged the credibility of the
government does not stop the FIA from prime minister’s claims of across-the-
investigating him and his son on board accountability. .
multiple charges of money laundering,
Meanwhile, Mr Tareen’s repeated show
fraud and corruption. Mr Khan appears
of power at his dinners for ‘dissident’
to have already caved in to the
PTI parliamentarians and during his
pressure. The speed of the probe has
court appearances indicate that he will
slowed down with the formation of a
leave no stone unturned to extort
one-man commission to look into
concessions from his old
allegations of injustice against Mr
friend. Whether the pro-Tareen
Tareen at the behest of some powerful
parliamentarians will remain a pressure
aides to the prime minister..
group or move further to forge a deal
with the opposition to bring about a
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change at the centre or in Punjab notoriety, particularly when it came to

depends on the extent to which Mr Khan the abuse of prisoners’ rights and the
chooses to accommodate them. His flouting of due process. Amongst
party’s former secretary general has Guantánamo’s prisoners is Saifullah
cleverly pushed the ball back in Mr Paracha, a septuagenarian Pakistani
Khan’s court. Should the Tareen group businessman who has been held in the
succeed in forcing him to accepting its gulag for over 16 years. While the
demand, it could lead to the activation of Americans claim he was an Al Qaeda
other dormant pressure groups within ‘facilitator’, Mr Paracha denies the
the PTI, which would further charge. It is important to note he has
compromise Mr Khan’s control over the never been charged with a crime, while
party and his ability to govern he claims he was abducted in Bangkok
effectively. Mr Khan may have skirted and tortured at Bagram,
the threat to his rule from the divided Afghanistan. Saifullah Paracha’s long
opposition. But will he survive the threat nightmare may be about to end as he has
from within his party?. been approved for release as the US
feels he is “not a continuing
Published in Dawn, May 20th, 2021. threat”. However, his attorney adds it
may take several months for him to be a
Guantánamo release? - Newspaper - free man..
Editorial 20 May 2021 While transnational terrorism has
thrown up unique challenges for the
GUANTÁNAMO Bay, the American global community, nothing justifies the
gulag in Cuba, is one of the more torture and abuse of prisoners, or
egregious examples of how democracies holding individuals without charge for
can bend and break the rules when it over a decade, as is the case with
suits them. The detention camp entered Guantánamo. The Biden administration
the popular global lexicon in the must speed up the process of closing
aftermath of the 9/11 events, when the down the facility permanently. While at
US started holding terror suspects in the one time it housed over 700 prisoners,
facility. However, over the years the today around 40 are still incarcerated at
penitentiary developed a reputation for the detention centre. Former US
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president Barack Obama had early in his charged mob attacked a police station in
tenure called for closing down the gulag the federal capital on Monday. Armed
but he failed to do so while Donald with batons and iron rods, the angry
Trump put the brakes on the process crowd surrounded the Golra police
altogether. Now, Joe Biden must do the station and broke into the premises,
needful. If there are individuals the US damaging the offices of the moharrir,
believes have aided or participated in investigation officers and the station
acts of terrorism, they should be tried in house officer. The law-enforcement
courts of law. If not, they should be officials tried to protect themselves by
released. The fact that Washington locking themselves up but had to seek
opened the facility in the first place help from another police contingent that
indicates the Bush administration’s included personnel of the anti-terrorist
hesitation in allowing the cases to be squad, the anti-riot unit and the
heard in normal courts. Extra- counterterrorism department. It took a
constitutional and extralegal methods heavy police contingent an hour of tear-
must be avoided as due process is gas shelling and baton-charge before the
sacrosanct. The lives of numerous charged crowd could be dispersed. The
individuals have been destroyed in protesters wanted the custody of a
Guantánamo, while they have not been suspect who was under investigation for
convicted of the crimes they were a blasphemy-related
accused of. How can states that swear by complaint. Increasingly, there is a
fundamental rights justify the use of tendency to ignore the fact that the fora
such methods in the name of security?. to probe any offence are the law
enforcers and the courts, and not a
Published in Dawn, May 20th, 2021. violent mob. What incidents such as
these show is a deep distrust of the
Mob attack - Newspaper - judicial system. Even if someone is
DAWN.COM under investigation and in police
Editorial 20 May 2021 custody, the vigilantes want to
administer their own barbaric form of
IN yet another display of vigilante ‘justice’..
justice that has, unfortunately, become a
regular feature of national life, a highly
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It is unfortunate that no action has been refusing to echo the so-called conspiracy
taken to curb such behaviour and theory that Donald Trump lost the
thinking — the consequences of not presidency because the 2020 election
addressing the regressive ways of was rigged. We say this conspiracy
society. Mob justice is not limited to theory is ‘so-called’ because the fraud
cases of alleged blasphemy. Mobs have allegation was concocted in the open
beaten an alleged teen robber to death in and peddled by Trump
Karachi (2019) and lynched two himself. Conspiracies are supposed to be
brothers in Sialkot under the very nose secret affairs but times have
of police officials (2010), and ransacked changed. Things are getting out of hand
a traffic police picket in Rawalpindi when conspiracies are conducted
(2017). Not only do these incidents casually in public..
expose the weakness of the state and its
inability to impose its writ and win the The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary
confidence of the public through good defines a conspiracy as “a secret plan by
governance, they also expose the a group of people to do something
failings of our weak judicial system that harmful or illegal”. What is harmful is
often tends to favour the rich and not necessarily illegal. Indeed, a
powerful rather than protect the conspiracy, as some droll wit observed,
vulnerable. The country needs fair and may simply be any scheme that you are
transparent rule of law, and it needs it not part of. Conspiracies, according to
urgently.. crabby political cynics, are insider
operations against the public good that
Published in Dawn, May 20th, 2021. somehow haven’t been legalised yet. So
the mark of a really mature democracy
Conspiracies in the - Newspaper - is that most conspiracies take place in
DAWN.COM public view where there is nothing much
Sayeed Hasan Khan | Kurt Jacobsen anyone lacking riches or high status can
do about them..
THE US just witnessed the startling
Conspiracies are no longer
spectacle of hardcore conservative
secret affairs..
Republican politician Liz Cheney
getting punished by her own party for
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Think of all those US politicians doing in anticipation of the right panic button-
the bidding of their hefty campaign pushing moment? .
donors. Financiers and merchants? It
was Adam Smith, author of The Wealth Richard Nixon launched the
of Nations (1776) and sainted hero of conspiratorial Watergate events that
free market fans who never read him, sabotaged him in 1974 because he
who observed that “People of the same believed he was being conspired
trade seldom meet together, even for against. The Pentagon Papers showed
merriment and diversion, but the that the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident
conversation ends in a conspiracy was contrived in a conspiratorial way to
against the publick, or in some justify full-scale military intervention in
contrivance to raise prices.” Free Vietnam. Does the unseemly and
markets must arise, if they do, in spite of unjustifiable rush into the 2003 Iraq
big business, not because of invasion qualify as a conspiracy? Can
it. Conspiracy theory is supposed to anyone really prove who killed John
mark the outermost fringe areas of any F. Kennedy? Then there are revelations
nation’s political life but evidently not of the behind-the-scenes mischief of
any longer. It can be trying these days to Blairites inside the British Labour Party
figure out which conspiracy accusations to eject leader Jeremy Corbyn, whose
are loony and which are accurate.. egalitarian ways were not to their liking,
and so actually strived to lose
What about the five conservative elections. Do the Panama Papers,
supreme court judges who hand- detailing intricate rings of tax avoidance
delivered the 2000 election to George by the super-wealthy, not attest to a
W. Bush, unable to provide any sensible plush conspiracy?.
legal justification for it? How did the
massive tome comprising the Patriot Too often it appears a ‘conspiracy
Act, exquisitely designed to infringe on theory’ is what genuine conspirators
individual civil liberties while protecting label anything that might blow the cover
the government from scrutiny, get rolled on their own shoddy plots. One irony is
out so swiftly in the US after 9/11 that the same folks who revile Trump
except by careful backroom preparation supporters for believing the last election
was rigged simultaneously peddle

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unsupportable charges that the Russians otherwise could boost the income of
are stealing US elections and, what’s every earner in the lower 90pc by
more, persist in doing it so 20pc. Conspiracy theories abound where
conspicuously that no one can possibly citizens experience themselves as
miss it. Given that everything that goes disconnected and disenfranchised. So
awry is blamed by centrist Democrats on it’s surprising that conspiracy theories
Russians, Putin likely is having a hard aren’t even more widespread. The
time living up to his diabolical image. In upside is that four of five Americans
fact, no one meddles in US elections still believe the system can be repaired,
(and elections elsewhere) better than and want to do it. .
Americans themselves do..
The writers are authors of No Clean
There of course are many conspiracy Hands, Parables of Permanent War and
theories that are paranoiac idiocies, such other books..
as QAnon with its bigoted patchwork
creed. It remains worth trying to Published in Dawn, May 20th, 2021.
distinguish as best as one can between
the two kinds because not all The moon and Mars - Newspaper -
conspiracies are fictions. A 2020 Pew DAWN.COM
Research survey reports that only about By FS Aijazuddin
20 per cent of Americans trusted their
government “to do the right thing”. A PAKISTAN was given independence by
recent study entitled Democracy in the departing British in August
America? (note the question mark) 1947. The People’s Republic of China
found that what many Americans fought for and declared independence in
suspect is true, that scarcely any October 1949..
legislation passes that opposes upper-
class interests.. On May 15, the Chinese successfully
landed its Tianwen-1 spacecraft on
You don’t double the income of the top Mars, while on earth Pakistanis argued
1pc over several decades without whether the Shawwal moon had been
deliberate policy pressure. That sighted or not..
doubling, economist Dean Baker notes,

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The Chinese space lander and rover To historians, perhaps the most telling
(named Zhurong after the Chinese god achievement is that the Chinese space
of fire) is the most recent of a number of programme is home-grown. They did
missions to Mars — by the United not abduct German scientists as the
States, the Russians, and in their wake Americans and the Russians did
an unlikely United Arab Emirates with following the defeat of Germany in
its Hope orbiter.. 1945. The American Operation
Paperclip secreted over 1,600 scientists,
The achievements of the Chinese technicians and skilled engineers (many
Zhurong mission deserves plaudits for a of them card-carrying Nazis) to the US
number of reasons. The time it took: the to kick-start its missile and space
spacecraft left Earth in July 2020 and programme. The Russians, using the
arrived at Mars 10 months later. The Alsos programme, trawled the Nazi
complexity of the task: according to one research facilities equally
scientific report, “landing on Mars is assiduously. Ironically, German brains
notoriously difficult, not least because provided the fission that exploded
engineers back on Earth have no control bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
over it in real time, and must leave pre- took Sputniks into space, sent men to the
programmed instructions to play moon, and fuelled a simmering Cold
out. Many missions have been lost, or War. .
have crashed on arrival”. The mission’s
uniqueness: it was a one-shot In the 1950s, the Soviet Union shared
exercise. As the China National Space their technological know-how with their
Administration explained: “Each step Chinese comrades. The Chinese, having
had only one chance, and the actions learned how to fish, became their own
were closely linked. If there had been fishermen, especially after the Sino-
any flaw, the landing would have Soviet rift in the 1960s..
What is it though that has propelled the
What has fused China’s Chinese from being a nation of a billion
raw ore into indomitable bicycles to becoming an interplanetary
iron?. power? What has fused their raw ore
into indomitable iron?.

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The first characteristic is an almost While the current missions are exploring
genetic obedience to authority. The the surface of Mars, it may take some
West mocked it as oriental time for them to return with rock
‘kowtowing’. The Thais still practise it samples. The first consignment of 50
by lolling on the ground before their moon rocks was brought back by US
playboy king. The British observe a Apollo XI’s astronauts in
form of it when they bow or curtsey 1969. President Richard Nixon, in a
before their monarch and less deserving gesture of universality, sent fragments
royals. The Americans do it by voting taken from them to every government on
for Donald Trump. We Pakistanis do it our planet. Part of its own share is
instinctively with every change of displayed in the Smithsonian Institution
regime.. in Washington DC. The sliver sent to
Pakistan is in the drawing room of the
The second attribute that distinguishes late president Yahya Khan’s
the Chinese is their heightened sense of grandson. As far as the Pakistani public
destiny. The PRC has been in existence is concerned, it might as well have
for 72 years. The Chinese Communist remained on the moon..
Party will be celebrating its centenary
this July. Chinese history though bears If and when a Pakistani sets foot on the
the footprint of innumerable moon, he may well find that the Chinese
dynasties. A road that is so well have already established a Special
travelled cannot end in a cul de sac, for Economic Zone there, for to the
Fate has chosen China to be its next Chinese, the One Belt, One Road
favourite.. initiative is one step of many — first
encompass the globe and then extend
The next attribute to China’s success markets into the stars..
must be its ethnic self-confidence. And
finally, is the Chinese work ethic which National introspection is never wasted
can painstakingly carve adamantine jade time. We need to acknowledge that the
into miniature floating clouds and earnestness of our leaders exceeds their
fragile blossoms, and at the same time competence. Their policies are grouted
send Tianwen-1 to Mars with faultless in quicksand. They use laws as weapons
precision.. against their enemies rather than tools to

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calibrate the machinery of corporates. Why are people not getting

governance. Their ministers rotate it?.
aimlessly in orbit around self-centred
suns.. The answer is simple: these things have
little to do with most people. The poor
Why can’t we take one small step into do not toil to plug your deficits. They
the future, instead of making giant leaps toil to feed their families. These
backwards? . indicators refer to an economy that most
people are not familiar with, and frankly
The writer is an author.. speaking, don’t care much about. They
describe developments in what
textbooks call the macroeconomy that
Published in Dawn, May 20th, 2021. matters more to government, its
creditors and big business. They matter
The wages of truth - Newspaper - little to those who struggle to put food
DAWN.COM on the table and pay their bills..
By Zahid Hussain Try telling the man on the street that
interest rates have been slashed or the
THE government’s spokespeople (both current account is in surplus and listen
official and unofficial) have been trying to the response. The only way you can
hard to build a narrative that the link these indicators to the lot of the
economy is improving, yet that narrative common citizenry is by assuming that
is finding little traction on the ground what is good for big business is good for
where lived reality matters more. The the people; that money made by
current account has come into surplus, corporates today will ‘trickle down’ in
they tell us. Exports are rising and the form of employment and wages for
remittances are showing record the poor tomorrow. There is now
increases month after month. Growth is sufficient evidence to establish that this
returning, as evidenced in indicators like rarely happens in reality..
the quantum index of large-scale
manufacturing, cement and automobile If there is an indicator that
sales, and rising profitability of listed matters to ordinary people
it is real wages..
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Look at the trend in real wages for increase annually during these four
example. A few weeks ago, I wrote years to just over 2 per cent” he
about the stagnation in real wages — writes. From 2013 till 2018 this went up
which measures wages for various to 4pc per annum. Please understand
segments of the working classes these are average annual increases every
adjusted for inflation — and argued that year after inflation..
this stagnation is one of the most
important developments in the economy “Therefore, the period from 2008-9 to
today. Take a deeper look and you’ll be 2017-18 has been relatively good for
surprised at the picture that emerges.. employed workers,” he says. “They
have seen an average annual increase in
The single most detailed examination of real wages of over 3pc.”.
real wages that I can find is by Dr Hafiz
Pasha published back in December By October 2018, real wage growth
2020. He looked carefully at real wage slowed to an average of 1.7pc, he finds,
data from 2008 till 2018 using labour and then fell sharply, with the rate of
force participation surveys, and used the decline ranging from 0.9pc to 8.2pc
Pakistan Bureau of Statistics’ monthly depending upon the category of
figures for 2019 and 2020 because no worker. “Cumulatively, over the two
surveys have been conducted in these year period after October 2018, real
years. Recall that 2008 was the critical wages have fallen by 6pc in the case of
year when the transition to democracy electricians to 12pc for carpenters,” he
happened, and Imran Khan has gone to says. “There is no doubt that labour
considerable lengths to vilify these years market conditions have severely
repeatedly in his public remarks, deteriorated in the last two years.”.
pointing to the mounting public debt
Pasha finds that “perceptions of a boom
burden that these years brought..
in construction activity since March
But those who live on wages are asking 2020”, the month in which the fiscal
themselves a simpler question: was I incentives and amnesty scheme for
better off in those years than I am today? builders and real estate magnates was
Pasha’s data says yes. Between 2009 announced, “are
and 2013 “real wages showed an exaggerated. Construction activity has
not risen enough to raise the demand for
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construction workers sufficiently to lead through steady annual increases that

to a rise in real wages”. Recall here that outpaced inflation. Likewise with
Khan billed his “construction package” salaries of government employees on
specifically as a benefit for “daily wage which private sector salary increments
earners” back in the Covid lockdown are pegged. This government has only
days.. now woken up to the importance of
these two crucial wage
Some may want to attribute this to negotiations. They raised basic pay of
collapsing growth due to a government employees by 25pc this
macroeconomic adjustment under an March, following street protests and
IMF programme. But notice that real may well announce a large increase in
wages continued rising after 2008 even the minimum wage in the forthcoming
though that adjustment programme was budget. But it’s too little too late. The
at least as tough and the attendant drop wages of truth are bitter, and the bitter
in growth was also as sharp. Those who truth is that this government has ignored
want to blame Covid need to answer the poor for too long and now the
why corporate profits have risen by consequences are piling up faster than
record amounts in the years 2019 and they can address them. .
2020, the same years in which worker
incomes fell sharply when adjusted for The writer is a business and economy
inflation. Listen carefully to how they journalist..
build their argument — that this fall in
real wages is temporary — and you will
hear ‘trickle-down economics’..
Twitter: @khurramhusain.
If there is an indicator that matters to
Published in Dawn, May 20th, 2021.
ordinary people it is real wages. No
democratic government has allowed this
A reform agenda - Newspaper -
indicator to go negative. The minimum
wage set by the federal government was
Rs4,600 in the last budget of the By Tariq Khosa
Musharraf regime in 2007. Ten years
later, in 2017 it had gone up to Rs15,000 POWER and celebrity status act like
drugs, warping one’s sense of reality
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and weaving a web of deceit, wherein and governance

too many in positions of power come to framework..
believe that laws and rules do not apply
to them. This must change. While There is an urgent need to agree upon an
reflecting upon our follies of the past, it effective internal security and
is time to rethink and change course for, governance framework. The following
as Khalil Gibran said: “Progress lies not are some recommendations: 1) The
in enhancing what is, but in advancing National Internal Security Policy 2018-
toward what will be.” . 23 is quite comprehensive with a sound
interprovincial institutional coordination
Can our planners focus on a vision mechanism. The cabinet may task the
based on the concept of a care economy interior ministry with initiating the
— health, education, housing, jobs, process of implementation, for what
poverty alleviation, social welfare, good are the policies if they are not to be
justice? Can we tax the rich and give implemented? 2) All provinces have
relief to the disadvantaged sections of come up with rule-of-law roadmaps. The
society? We talk about Islamic interior ministry must coordinate with
humanism, but can we formulate them and launch an initiative to improve
concrete action plans around this the capacity of police, prosecution, the
concept of the state caring for society? courts and prisons. 3) The Intelligence
While addressing structural reforms in Bureau is a key instrument of support in
economic sectors, ideally a charter of matters related with criminal
economy should be agreed upon by all intelligence and facilitating law-
major political parties. However, in a enforcement agencies in combating
divisive political milieu, this appears to organised crime. It should make a
be wishful thinking. Can we ever think difference..
of gross national happiness by reducing
the huge chasm between the rich and 4) The National Counter Terrorism
poor?. Authority was established in 2009 to
come up with counterterrorism and
We urgently need an counter violent extremism policies and
effective internal security strategies. Kinetic and CT-related
measures adopted in the 20-point

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National Action Plan since 2015 have purposes at the behest of the ruling elite
resulted in a 70 per cent reduction in and security establishment. An
acts of terror but specific measures independent commission against
against religious extremism remain corruption must be established to review
unimplemented. Nacta undertook a their performance and introduce
policy review of CT NAP in 2019. Its meaningful reforms to promote
national coordinator may brief the integrity, ensure neutrality and enhance
National Security Committee suggesting professionalism of these instruments of
changes required for latest CT and CVE accountability. .
strategies. 5) The cabinet approved the
setting up of a CE Commission in 8) The criminal justice system is broken
November 2020 and referred to its sub- and requires far-reaching reforms. This
committee on new legislative involves a concerted effort by the
measures. The terms of reference may interior and law ministries, the attorney
be finalised, and an independent CE general’s office and the Law and Justice
commissioner appointed for three Commission to come up with an action
years. . plan. A criminal justice commission, to
be headed by a former Supreme Court
6) The federal government must come chief justice of impeccable credentials is
up with a national strategy against the need of the hour. 9) The National
organised crime. The FIA is the lead Police Bureau in the interior ministry
institution against interprovincial and should implement police reforms. A
transnational organised crimes. An inter- Police Reforms Committee constituted
agency task force may be constituted to by the SC in May 2018, among whose
come up with a national strategy against members are nine retired and all the
TOC (including money laundering and current serving IGPs, submitted its
terror financing). This institutional report to the Law and Justice
measure will also help Pakistan address Commission in January 2019. The report
FATF’s concerns. 7) FIA and NAB are in two volumes was sent to the federal
premier anti-corruption institutions, with government (interior and law ministries)
overlapping legal and provincial governments (chief
mandates. Unfortunately, both have secretaries) for implementation. Vested
been often misused for political
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interests have scuttled the efforts to and an undercurrent of mistrust between

introduce meaningful police reforms.. the military and civilian leadership. It
reflects a paradox of power. The
9) Reforming the Punjab Police should military draws a clear distinction
be accorded the highest priority; what between the defenders of state — the
was achieved in KP in 2013-18 is doable embodiment of the national interests —
in Punjab too. A start could be made by as opposed to those who are perceived
establishing an independent police as defenders of special interests, like the
complaints authority under the police leadership of political parties, feudal
law of 2002. A retired judge or police barons and business tycoons. It is in fact
officer of unimpeachable integrity a crisis of leadership and
should be appointed for three years, institutions. Sadly, our political
along with six non-political members by leadership has often faltered in
the public service commission, to promoting good governance and setting
address public complaints against the an example of probity and wisdom in
police, especially at operational steering the ship of the state under
levels. 10) Civil service reforms are crises. The responsibility for good
direly needed. While some measures governance is on the political
have been recommended by the task leadership. If they think that by giving
force for restructuring of government extension in service to army chiefs, they
machinery, what is really needed is to can attain stability of tenure and
depoliticise the bureaucracy and promote the mantra of civilian and
inculcate public service ethos. This can military on same page, they are sadly
only be achieved through security of mistaken. Both may be on the same page
tenures, merit-based recruitments and but reading different books. .
proper career planning. .
Pakistan needs to choose between
Finally, let us frankly admit that in decline under an authoritarian state or
Pakistan we have failed to resolve the the renewal of the vision of its founding
conflict between the state and the father to be a democratic, enlightened
republic. Frequent military rule has and progressive republic. Both the state
resulted in erosion of democratic and the republic need to converge
institutions. There is a constant tension around this democratic way forward. .
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The writer is former IG police and

author of The Faltering State and
Inconvenient Truths..

Published in Dawn, May 20th, 2021.

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