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Name : Rose Mae T.

Yr/Sec: BEED 2-B
1. Why is it important to learn mathematics in the intermediate grades ? Cite
some experiences to support your answer.
Ans: When I was in elementary level I hate math so much and I don’t want this
subject at all. I don’t know why but I don’t like this , but when my teacher teach
us I listen, but I ignore I didn’t really put in my brain what my teacher discussed
all about, then the day after he asked me what the square root of 100 is, I was
nervous I was stunned I couldn't move my hands then I was ashamed of myself
why I didn't answer her question. Because of what happened , I really
strengthened myself to learn so that it wouldn't happen again . That’s why It is
important to learn mathematics in the intermediate grades is because the study
of mathematics builds problem-solving skills. All citizens need to know how to
reason and analytically think through a problem. It helps them how to solve
problems and meet the practical needs such as collect, count, and process the
data. The habits of mind associated with learning mathematics trains our brains
to seek solutions in a logical way .

2. Have you experience mathematics anxiety? If not do you know someone who
did? Describe your experience below . Focus on how viewed math, math
class, and your math teacher during the times when you had mathematics

Ans: Yes, when I was grade 8 , at first it seemed like I was just excluding
nothing, but as the days went by I couldn't understand why my head seemed
to hurt and I was exhausted when I solved a problem , like getting the ratio ,
finding the value of x , finding the terms of a sequence and etc. In that case
I’m really confused, I can’t get the right answer. I lost interest of this subject
because of my teacher he was very unafiable when her questions were not
answered. So that’s why when she asked me about what he really discussed
all about I ignore her , because of that I can’t get a good grades. But I’m
wrong, you really need to study everything, not just that when you’re having
a hard time you’ll lose your interest, you have to be patient and expand your
understanding. Be active in everything and don’t lose self -confidence you
are smart in your own way, so you should fight even if you are not sure do
your best.

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