Plastic Waste

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Plastic waste:

Nowadays, the plastic is more than essential.

This matter emerge in 1900 for replace the elephant ivory, since
then it starts used in practically everything, in industries, clothing
Plastic is originated by resins derived from petroleum, it is on the
group of polymers, there are many types and formats, they can
be rigid or flaccid, cheap or expensive and, in some cases,
The real problema is that plastic brings toxic substances to the
The increase in high investments in new factories and
technologies became responsible for the growth of plastic

Its impacts:
In health, it can cause:
A bad lifestyle.
respiratory problems.
cardiac diseases,
In the ocean
in marine species causes:
chronic problems
it harms maritime navigation.

According to ONU, in the world are generated, in one year about:

 300 million tons of plastic waste.
 8 million tons go to the oceans.

We can adopt habit changes to make a positive diference.

 Use ecobags at the supermarket.

 Buy products with biodegradable packaging.
 Use returnable bottles.
 Reusing plastic containers;
 Separate the waste.
 Use solid soap.
 …

if we do recycling, the plastic is reused in a good way, through

technical recycling ways:
mechanical process:
it is the most used method, the plastic is separated, crushed
and melted to
transforming itself into other things.

chemical process:
the plastic is separated to make the depolymerization process
to generate different materials.
energy process:
burning plastic to create heat and steam, electrical energy.

that way the garbage doesn't go to the sea, recycling is so


plastic can take over 400 years to decompose.
In 2050 there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish.
91% of the plastic used in the world is not recycled.
plastic islands appear and spoil the biodiversity.
For example:
Ecuador's Galapagos archipelago is one of many places
threatened by pollution. However, one of the few that
promote large campaigns to preserve the environment.
Now I'm going to show you a video for you to understand the

Thank you for listening

I hope you like it.
O arquipélago de Galápagos no Equador é um dos muitos locais ameaçados pela poluição. No
entanto, um dos poucos que promovem grandes campanhas de preservação do ambiente.

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