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Task Compilation 2 (TC2)

Reading Material, Diagnostics (page 95-96)


Exercise 1. Reading Comprehension Task (page 103)

1. The types of happiness stated by Aristotle in the record of his lecture notes titled;
“Nichomachean Ethics” shows us the different methods at achieving a goal. There are
instrumental goods and ultimate goods. According to Aristotle, this so called instrumental good
is a means to achieve a goal, an ambition, a dream. Studying to have a chance at obtaining your
dream job, being rich in order to feel pleasure, feeling pleasure in order to feel happy. Whereas
the ultimate good is the dream itself, it is good itself, it is happiness, the ultimate goal, the
ultimate good. Therefore, the ultimate good will always be better than an instrumental good, for
the ultimate good embodies that of goodness itself, that of which instrumental goods are
merely used to achieve.

2. An example of an instrumental good would-be pleasure. One seeks to feel pleasure to satiate
something all of us humans experience, to satiate a need. But pleasure is something that is not
synonymous with the phrase “long-term”, it is short, it is in the moment, and in the larger scale
of things, one could say it is instant. One could feel pleasure from an exquisite experience but
would still be stressed about the numerous work-related, school-related, and personal problems
they may be experiencing. In contrast, happiness is the ultimate goal, it is what one seeks to
achieve. Being happy is something one experiences in the long run, to flourish, to excel, to live
well and to do well. Pleasure could be related to the phrase “this is nice.”, whereas happiness
could be related to the phrase “this is good.”

3. According to Aristotle, the good life, or a life of living well and doing well is achieved through
virtues. Through obtaining, embodying, and embracing these virtues can one be successful. For
example, when one embodies the virtues of wisdom and understanding to guide themselves
through life and to an outcome of success, good health, and close and meaningful relationships,
you could say that the person in question is living well and doing well. But as with all things,
when dealing with virtues, one needs to have balance in their handling of their virtues. A vice is
a virtue taken to its extreme, whether that be in the low or the high end. When one handles the
virtue of wisdom and understanding incorrectly, they may steer their life in the wrong way and
be wrong in their judgements. This can lead to a very disastrous life.
4. But going back to virtues, Aristotle mentioned two types of virtues that can aid us in our pursuit
of happiness, these two types are called Intellectual Virtue and Moral Virtue. Intellectual Virtues
are virtues that can be achieved through the pursuit of knowledge. Through studying, patience,
and experience. These are the virtues that are achieved through one’s scientific achievements.
Moral virtue is the virtue achieved through the practice of doing the actions that the virtue
entails. An example being the virtue of generosity being achieved and embodied through one’s
actions of unselfishness and selflessness.

5. One could relate the life of living well and doing well to the medium of Science and Technology.
One could obtain the good life through science and technology. Through the pursuit of
knowledge and experience, one can gain wisdom and understanding. Through the different
discoveries they make, they can progress their lives and the lives of others, therefore practicing
and exercising their values of humility and generosity. Science and technology have the
potential to make numerous people happy, to affect their lives in a way that will be able to make
the idea of ‘a life of living well and doing well’ a possibility.

Assignment 7. Field Study (page 109)

Hidden Sugar Found on the Label: Glucose Syrup

The Hidden sugar found on the back of a pack of Bear Brand powdered milk is Glucose syrup, a
substance that is often used in the making of candy, beer, and premade baking goods. This hidden sugar
is used commercially and in so many different products due to its properties of not being able to
crystalize. Note that, glucose syrup is not glucose, one is a chemical substance used a sweetener, while
the other is a carbohydrate that is a preferred energy source of the body. This sugar is made through a
fairly complicated and advanced process called enzymatic hydrolysis, where different types of starches
(usually that of potatoes, cassava, wheat, or corn) are broken down and the resulting chemical reaction
is a high-glucose, concentrated substance.

Glucose syrup has a very cheap production and is a preservative, add that to the fact that it
doesn’t crystallize, and it not surprising to see its popularity in the production of many different
consumables, an example of which being the milk powder that is featured on the picture. However,
glucose syrup offers no nutritional value and is also detrimental to one’s health. This syrup is what is
essentially a concentrated form of calories, sugar, and not that much else. For comparison, one
tablespoon of the syrup can contain sixty-two calories, which is four times that of white sugar. Due to its
high caloric value, regular consumption of glucose syrup could lead to higher risk of obesity, high blood
sugar, high blood pressure, various heart diseases, and even heart failure.

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