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Institute of Information Technology

Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad.

(Local Optimized Cricket Automation)


Khadija Afzal (04161913046)

Ubaid ur Rehman (04161913051)

Dr. Munawar Iqbal

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (2019-2023)

The candidate confirms that the work submitted is their own and appropriate
credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others.
Institute of Information Technology
Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad.

A project presented to
Institute of Information Technology
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad

In partial fulfillment
of the requirement for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (2019-2023)


Khadija Afzal (04161913046)

Ubaid ur Rehman (04161913051)
We hereby declare that this software, neither whole nor as a part has been copied out from any
source. It is further declared that we have developed this software and accompanied report
entirely based on our personal efforts. If any part of this project is proved to be copied out from
any source or found to be reproduction of some other, we will stand by the consequences. No
Portion of the work presented has been submitted of any application for any other degree or
qualification of this or any other university or institute of learning.

Student Name 1 Student Name 2

Khadija Afzal Ubaid ur Rehman

--------------------------- ---------------------------
It is to certify that the final year project of BS (CS) “Project title” was developed by
KHADIJA AFZAL (04161913046) and UBAID UR REHMAN (04161913051) under the
supervision of “DR. MUNAWAR IQBAL” and co supervisor “CO-SUPERVISOR NAME” and
that in (their/his/her) opinion; it is fully adequate, in scope and quality for the degree of Bachelor
of Information Technology.


External Examiner

Head of Department
(Institute of Information Technology)
Executive Summary
Sports play a significant role in many people's lives, both as a form of recreation and as a
competitive activity. They can provide physical and mental benefits, such as improved fitness
and stress relief. They also serve as a way for people to come together and bond over a shared
interest. Additionally, sports can serve as a means for individuals and teams to strive for
excellence and push themselves to achieve their goals. One sport that is most loved and watched
in Pakistan right now is Cricket.

Cricket holds great importance in our country's culture and society. It is considered a source of
national pride. It plays a significant role in Pakistani culture, and it is deeply ingrained in our
identity. Pakistani national cricket team has had great success on the international stage, and the
country has produced many talented cricketers, but the selection procedure has many flaws, and
it is very difficult for a player to get his place in the international team as early as it can be. He
must go through a lot of manual hectic procedures to get their performances highlighted.

To prevent our young stars from leaving their passion because of these flaws, this system is
developed which we have named AutoCrick. It is a social media web application, which
provides solution to many of the problems that the country’s young kids face.

(Local Optimized Cricket Automation) LOCA is an application with a simple and user-friendly
interface designed to make a pathway for our local players to get selected in the team based on
their performances in the tournaments that they are playing in the early days of their career.
Their performance records and stats will be available online and will allow to identify the talent
easily to not only to the selection authorities but also to the fan audience who is always
complaining about the selection of our international team.

Our system will connect the audience to the authorities through the app and make it easier for the
people from underprivileged areas to reach the international team. Moreover, it has features for
our ex-cricketers, coaches, trainers, and designers to collectively support players pursuing their
passion and making the country proud.
All praise is to Almighty Allah who bestowed upon us a minute portion of His boundless
knowledge by virtue of which we were able to accomplish this challenging task.

We are greatly indebted to our project supervisor “DR. MUNAWAR IQBAL”. Without his
personal supervision, advice and valuable guidance, completion of this project would have been
doubtful. We are grateful to him for his encouragement and continual help during this work.

And we are also thankful to our parents and family who have been a constant source of
encouragement for us and brought us with the values of honesty & hard work.

Student Name 1 Student Name 2


------------------------ ----------------------------
SRS Software Require Specification

PC Personal Computer
LOCA Local Optimized Cricket Automation
Table of Contents
1.1 Vision Statement........................................................................................................................10
1.2 Related System Analysis/Literature Review..............................................................................10
1.3 Project Deliverables...................................................................................................................11
1.4 System Limitations/Constraints.................................................................................................11
1.5 Relevance to Course Modules....................................................................................................12
2 PROBLEM DEFINITION.....................................................................................................13

2.1 Problem Statement.....................................................................................................................13

2.2 Problem Solution.......................................................................................................................13
2.3 Objectives of the Proposed System............................................................................................13
2.4 Scope.........................................................................................................................................14
2.5 Modules.....................................................................................................................................14
Module 1: Player account:...................................................................................................................14
Module 2: Coach account:...................................................................................................................14
Module 3: Umpire account:.................................................................................................................14
Module 4: Teams account:...................................................................................................................14
Module 5: Tournament organizers account:.........................................................................................15
Module 6: Match recording tool:.........................................................................................................15
Module 7: Match Summary tool:.........................................................................................................15
Module 8: New Tournament:...............................................................................................................15
Module 9: Tournament Summary tool:................................................................................................15
Module 10: Ground location via google maps:....................................................................................15
Module 11: Records and stats of players dashboard:...........................................................................15
Module 12: Upcoming events:.............................................................................................................15
Module 13: Newsfeed:.........................................................................................................................15
Module 14: Messenger:........................................................................................................................15
Module 15: New post:..........................................................................................................................16
Module 16: Kit design:........................................................................................................................16
3 REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS..............................................................................................17

3.1 User classes and characteristics..................................................................................................17

3.2 Requirement Identifying Technique...........................................................................................18
3.3 Functional Requirements...........................................................................................................18
3.4 Non-Functional Requirements...................................................................................................21
3.5 External Interface Requirements................................................................................................21
3.6 User Interfaces Requirements....................................................................................................22
3.7 Software interfaces.....................................................................................................................23
3.8 Communications interfaces........................................................................................................23
4 DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE........................................................................................24

4.1 Architectural Design..................................................................................................................24

4.2 Context level diagram:...............................................................................................................25
4.3 Class diagram:............................................................................................................................26
4.4 Activity diagram:.......................................................................................................................27
4.5 Sequence diagram:.....................................................................................................................28
4.6 Use case diagrams:.....................................................................................................................29
4.7 Table 4.1 Use Case Fan Account...............................................................................................35
4.8 Table 4.2 Use Case Player Account...........................................................................................35
4.9 Table 4.3 Use Team Manager Account......................................................................................36
4.10 Table 4.4 Use Case Tournament Organizer Account.................................................................36
4.11 Table 4.5 Use Case Umpire/Coaches/Ex Players Account.........................................................37
4.12 Table 4.6 Use Case All types of Account...................................................................................38
4.13 Human Interface Design............................................................................................................39
AutoCrick is an Optimized Local Cricket Automation System that focuses on the betterment of
the cricket of Pakistan by giving coverage and maintaining record of local tournament. It will
connect the huge Pakistan cricket fan community on a single platform. Through our social
media-based web application; players, local teams, local tournament organizers, coaches,
umpires, former cricketers, and fans will have a platform to maintain their profiles, watch cricket
related posts, analysis, pictures, videos and much more on a single place. Our web application
will provide an equal opportunity to each talented individual to showcase his/her talent.

It will help Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) to automate its various manual procedures. PCB can
take over the features of our website and merge it into their website. This product will also help
PCB improve its official website which looks more like a blog website. We can improve our
cricket by improving facilities at grassroot levels. This web application will provide the
functionalities for obtaining those facilities.

Along with many other features such as live match coverage, post-match analysis, player of the
match predictor, player of the tournament predictor, player’s average, marking undiscovered
grounds, fan polls, customize your team shirts etc. It will improve and automate the selection
procedure with giving everyone a fair chance to showcase their talent and be a part of Pakistan’s
International Cricket team.

1.1 Vision Statement

Our project is for those emerging stars of our country who give up on their dream of becoming a
professional Cricket player because of the limitations of our existing manual system. AutoCrick
is a web-based social media application that will also connect the fan audience of our country. It
will provide them a platform to share their views and expertise about the sport. This project will
honor our previous, current, and future stars by properly maintaining their data of stats, records
and playing history as well. Unlike the current manual system that judges players from one day’s
performance in nets either bowling 6 balls or playing them. Our system will not only connect
audiences’ country wide but also help players present their talent to the world and thus help
selectors select players based on available stats which means on open merit.

1.2 Related System Analysis/Literature Review

Cricket Social is a social media site available for all the cricket fans worldwide who want to
share their passion of cricket with others and play together in teams, but this site is not limited to
Pakistan only and thus is very complex for our people to be on. Also not well maintained and not
much popular. Cricinfo is also a global site that provides stats of big matches worldwide. Cricket
Web allows people to share their views and talk on cricket. We aim to combine all these
functionalities offered by various sites and provide them all in one place which will be
Table 1 Related System Analysis with proposed project solution

Application Name Weakness Proposed Project Solution A global website more like a Scope of our web app is limited
social website. Not maintained. to country level and our project
target grassroot level problems. A global website providing ball Scope of our website is limited to
by ball coverage in form of text regional cricket tournaments.
of international, league and Such tournaments which have
domestic cricket matches. watching audience from 1000 to
5000+ peoples. Just a discussion forum. Not Our web app has more features.
maintained/updated. Discussion forum is only one part
of it. A blog website. Using old Our website will use latest tools
technology and technologies.

1.3 Project Deliverables

Project Deliverables:
 A user interface of the website with its logo design keeping it as simple as possible.
 A prototype of the project.
 User and Organizer account modules for user input and a well-defined pathway for the
registration of the tournaments, players, and teams.
 A Detailed database of the all the registered players and tournaments.

1.4 System Limitations/Constraints

1. Sometimes the server can go down and the website can crash with heavy traffic.
2. Reaching up to the right audience can become very difficult.
3. Kits can get out of stock so the sellers must update on the site timely to avoid any order
4. Ball by ball coverage of only local tournaments will be possible.
5. If there is no internet facility at the ground, then live coverage will not be possible.

Table 2: Tools and Technologies for Proposed Project

Tools Version Rationale

MS Visual Studio Code 1.74 IDE
MongoDB 6.0 DBMS
Tools Figma, Canva 9.0, 2022 Design Work
And Technology Version Rationale
Technologies React JS 18.2 Front-end Development
Django Python 4.1 Back-end Development
PyScript, Bootstrap 1.3,5 Front-end Development
1.5 Relevance to Course Modules

 Computer Programming and helped us build our basics in computer programming.

 Object-Oriented Programming gave us the ability to understand the essence of modern
software design techniques and principles.
 Introduction to Data Structures introduced us to the world of data structures and how
we can use these data structures to improve the shape of our code.
 Web Engineering course help us develop the basis of web development. We got to know
how we can use html, CSS, JavaScript to make visually sound and appealing web
 Introduction to Database the course made us able to make database that can store the
data efficiently and taught us how to communicate between application and data layer.
 Software Quality Assurance helped us by introducing the DevOps and new tools to ease
our development work.
 Software Project Management helped us a lot during the planning and requirement
engineering of the project.
 System Analysis Design helped us understand the UML and the design work of our
 Software Engineering helped us understand different architectures to develop software
systems and how to improve on time delivery and reduce overall cost.
This chapter discusses the precise problem to be solved.

2.1 Problem Statement

The roadmap for the selection in Pakistan’s International Cricket team is not defined. There is no
equal opportunity for everyone. Young players don’t have proper playing grounds for practice
neither do they have proper playing equipment. They only get some better facilities in some local
tape ball or hard ball tournament. The data obtained from their performances in these
tournaments under different scenarios (like while setting or chasing a target, bowling/batting in
powerplay or death overs) can be used to build various machine learning models to predict their
strengths and weaknesses. Many players have great talent and potential, but they don’t have the
financial power to nourish their abilities, eventually many deserving players lose their charm and
gets out from the race of getting into the national side. The selection process is so hidden and
complex that it becomes very difficult for players from far flung to even reach to the authorities.
Our retired cricketers are also not utilized in any way to groom our young talent. Our proposed
app is providing the solution to all above stated issues.

2.2 Problem Solution

Performances backed with proper stats and record will make it easy for both selectors and
players to get their answers. The web app will act as free of cost learning platform for those who
want to learn cricket from experts in the field. Players will have a proper guide to make their way
to national team. Our unexplored grounds will get a chance to be utilized. The areas in which
more players of good stats are located can be recommended to organizers to organize
tournaments. Automated record of each player will help maintain a record at an early stage of
their career to save our talent and not let them get lost in registers. The places with talented but
improper grounds and lacking facilities can be helped by getting funds from people. Ex crickets
and coaches who are even at their homes can make tutorials that will help young talent.
Designers who want to work for the kits of the team are also visible to all the cricket enthusiasts,
who can vote for the best designs. All those valuable suggestions can be made reachable to PCB
from the cricket journalists that are lost on twitter and other social media platforms. Players will
have an easier and fair way to make their careers making our country proud. A system with the
sole proposes of using the money effectively.

2.3 Objectives of the Proposed System

1. A proper roadmap for selection in the national team.

2. Data of thousands of players for making various machine learning models.
3. Helping players getting financial assistance and scholarships.
4. Helping local teams find local talent.
5. Connecting local players teams and tournament organizers.
6. Automated match recording tool.
7. Post-match analysis and summary.
8. Video tutorials from experts and retired cricketers.
9. Players getting spotlight through outstanding performance, from uploaded videos of that
10. Customizing shirts and kits.
11. Cricket fans and enthusiasts’ involvement in the game through various posts, pictures,
videos, polls, comments and sharing options.

2.4 Scope
We are aiming to design a social media website which will specifically allow all the cricket fans
to connect online. Furthermore, we are planning to automate the record of local tournaments for
detailed analysis and a clear picture of the deserving talent of the country. It is limited to
Pakistan only and is designed keeping in mind our local audiences. We are designing a system
that is for everyone who is associated to the gentle men’s game. By using our system, selectors
will be able to build a best team with a best Players in a region. Ground owners will be able to
earn money by lending their grounds for matches to the tournaments, hosted by best organizers
in a town. This platform will also help the tournament organizers to make their events successful.
Different sponsors will be attached with our application who will sponsor our events/players to
help them building their career. The beauty of this system is that it will provide employment to
those who have cricketing experience and are unemployed. They will be our umpires. They will
be umpiring in each tournament, hosted through our platform and will get paid a handsome
amount of money.

2.5 Modules

Module 1: Player account:

 Add player account, update bio data, browse newsfeed, upload text, images, and videos.

Module 2: Coach account:

 Add Coaching account, watch newsfeed, post newsfeed, upload educational content.

Module 3: Umpire account:

 Add Umpiring account, browse newsfeed, upload educational content.

Module 4: Teams account:

 Add teams account, select players for team, browse local tournaments, enroll for a
 Select custom kits, Contact team players.

Module 5: Tournament organizers account:

 Add organizer account, add a tournament, confirm teams applied for tournament.
 Customize tournament homepage, set rules for tournament.
 Contact match officials and umpires.

Module 6: Match recording tool:

 Record match live by adding ball by ball details.

 Add player name, enter runs scored on each ball of the over.
 Add bowler name, enter runs conceded, wickets taken.

Module 7: Match Summary tool:

 Update match summary, add or remove details entered previously.

 Generate report and Stats.

Module 8: New Tournament:

 Add new tournament, update already present tournaments.

Module 9: Tournament Summary tool:

 Provide all tournaments summary, with stats and reports.

Module 10: Ground location via google maps:

 Add undiscovered grounds, add location of these grounds.

 Mark grounds boundary on google maps.

Module 11: Records and stats of players dashboard:

 View players stats and records.

 Generate reports.

Module 12: Upcoming events:

 Add details of upcoming tournaments, cricket events.

Module 13: Newsfeed:

 Add pictures, add any kind of cricket related posts.

 Scroll newsfeed.
Module 14: Messenger:

 Contact players, fans, teams, and organizers.

Module 15: New post:

 Start new post, add text, images, and videos.

Module 16: Kit design:

 Design custom shirts and trousers for your teams.

Requirement analysis is the first step in the systems engineering process and software
development process. The fastest way through a project is to use good engineering practices.
Information and requirement Gathering form the basis of a project and takes 80% of the total
time. It is essential to solve the correct problem which we intended to solve from the start.
Approaches for proposed project are Interviews and Questionnaires. These will be used to get
user input and feedback for our project. It will help us to better understand user and stakeholder

3.1 User classes and characteristics

User class Description
Players A Player will create account on the app and will be able to
socialize with all the fans, experts, and other players on the app.
A player has his own profile displaying detailed stats of his

Umpires Umpires can apply for officiating local tournaments easily

through our app for their selection in matches.
Organizers Organizers can organize matches in different locations and update
details on the app accordingly. Players can then apply there, or
organizers can reach them viewing their performances and scores.

Kit Designers Anyone can design a kit for himself or for his team or for teams in
the tournament.
Public General Fan Accounts who will watch the live ball by ball
coverage, like and upvote their favorite player’s profile to give
them a greater reach.
Coaches Cricket experts can upload video tutorials and tips for our
emerging talent to help them learn their favorite game and follow
the footsteps of our famous cricket stars.
Ex-Players All the Local, National, and International retired players can join
this platform and guide the youngsters about the game and carry
on other related activities.
Philanthropis Donors will donate kits and send donations to those players who
t are from underprivileged areas and cannot afford these things.
Moreover, these donations can help reconstruct a cricket ground
pitch as well in unseen locations.

3.2 Requirement Identifying Technique

Use case (use case diagram + detail use case) is an effective technique for interactive end-user
applications. UML Diagrams, Questionaries and Forms helped us gather information on how our
public would want to see a social media application that is based on Pakistan cricket.

3.3 Functional Requirements

This section describes the functional requirements of the system expressed in the natural
language style. This section is typically organized by feature as a system feature name and
specific functional requirements associated with this feature. It is just one possible way to
arrange them.
Functional Requirement 1
Itemized specific functional requirement associated with each feature. These are the software
capabilities that must be implemented for the user to carry out the feature’s services or to
perform a use case.
Table 3 Description of FR-1
Identifier FR-1
Requirement user perspective
All users shall be able to make account on the application to have their
identity on the platform.
system perspective
The data collected will be then saved in the database for the personal
record of every user.
Source System
Rationale To maintain record and stats.
Priority High

Functional Requirement 2
Table 4 Description of FR-1
Identifier FR-2
Title Account Type
Requirement user perspective
All users must select an account type either player, coach, empire,
audience, or designer.
system perspective
The data collected will be then saved in the database for the personal
record of every user.
Source End users
Rationale To maintain record and stats.
Priority High

Functional Requirement 3
Table 5 Description of FR-1
Identifier FR-3
Title Sign up through other Accounts
Requirement user perspective
All users shall be able to log in through Google and Facebook as well.
Source System
Rationale For ease of the user.
Priority High

Functional Requirement 4
Table 6 Description of FR-1
Identifier FR-4
Title Password Verification
Requirement user perspective
All users must select a secure password following the must have’s rule.
system perspective
A secure password enhances security.
Source System
Rationale To maintain security.
Priority High

Functional Requirement 5
Table 7 Description of FR-1
Identifier FR-5
Requirement user perspective
All users shall be able to access the news feed to get updates about others
posts and views.
Source System
Rationale To share information with everyone.
Priority High

Functional Requirement 6
Table 8 Description of FR-1
Identifier FR-6
Title Ranking and Stats
Requirement user perspective
All users must be able to see the updated stats of all the players registered.
system perspective
All the calculated records from the database will be displayed giving
players a rank according to performance.
Source System Database
Rationale To be able to select players fairly.
Priority High

Functional Requirement 7
Table 9 Description of FR-1
Identifier FR-7
Title Contact Players
Requirement user perspective
Organizers must be able to contact and reach players for matches.
Source Organizer
Rationale To offer matches to deserving players.
Priority High
3.4 Non-Functional Requirements

AutoCrick will show fast and accurate results without any lag 90% of the time in a month.

Our webapp will allow users to see the newest stats of their favorite players on one click. An
easy-to-use interface will enhance the usability even more.

95% of webpages generated by our system shall download completely within 4 seconds from the
time the user requests the page over a 25 Mbps or faster Internet connection.

All passwords will be encrypted using hash function and will use multi factor authentication. The
web app is secure and protect user data from unauthorized access, hacking, and other security

The system shall be available all the time.

The system shall be able to handle large amount of data.

The system will be compatible with all the major browsers including Firefox, chrome etc.

3.5 External Interface Requirements

User authentication:
The web app provides a way for users to register and log in to their accounts.

The web app has a clear and easy-to-use navigation menu that allows users to quickly find the
content they are looking for.

The web app has a search feature that allows users to find specific content or information within
the app.

Responsive design:
The web app is designed to work seamlessly on a variety of devices and screen sizes, including
desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

The web app is compatible with modern web browsers and operating systems, including
Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer.

The web app is accessible to users with disabilities, including those who use screen readers or
other assistive technologies.

The web app loads quickly and is responsive to user input, with minimal delays or lag.

Error handling:
The web app handle errors gracefully and provide clear and helpful error messages to users when
something goes wrong.

Help and Support:

The web app provides easy access to help resources, including documentation, tutorials, and a
support center.

3.6 User Interfaces Requirements

GUI standards:
The web app follows the standard guidelines for GUI design and user experience, such as
Material Design or Apple's Human Interface Guidelines.

Fonts, icons, and images:

The web app uses standard fonts, icons, and images that are consistent with the theme and style
of the app.

Screen layout and resolution:

The web app is designed to work seamlessly on a variety of devices and screen sizes, including
desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

The web app has a clear and easy-to-use navigation menu that allows users to quickly find the
content they are looking for.

Shortcut keys:
The web app provides shortcut keys for commonly used functions and navigation links.

Message display conventions:

The web app uses standard message display conventions, such as toast notifications or modal
dialogs, to provide feedback to users.

Cricket-related features:
The web app allows users to view and interact with cricket-related content, including live scores,
match schedules, player statistics, and news updates.

Social media integration:

The web app should allow users to connect and interact with other users, including sharing
updates, posting comments, and sending messages.

3.7 Software interfaces

The User shall be able to enter his own details and track record of his previous achievement if
any through our interactive and programmatic interface.

3.8 Communications interfaces

The kit designer shall send an email or text message (based on user account settings) to the
recipient to confirm acceptance of an order, price, or delivery instructions.
Design and architecture of our system are as follows:

4.1 Architectural Design

A basic architecture of AutoCrick is as follows:

Box-and-Line Diagram
Box-and-line diagrams are often used to describe the business concepts and processes during the
analysis phase of the software development lifecycle. These diagrams come with descriptions of
components and connectors, as well as other descriptions that provide common inherent
Data Flow Diagram (Level 0 Context)

Mainly there are three characters users, AutoCrick and admin. User will create and account
selecting account type (Player, fan, coach, umpire, manager etc.). Once account is created player
can log into his account and interact with the interface of webapp. Scroll through the features.
Use the app as desired. The webapp will be interactive and responsive. It will respond in
accordance with the user activity. Admin at the back end will be able to look after all the
ongoing process. He can delete fake accounts, inappropriate post, any harmful activity that is
reported. Admin will make sure that app is active, stable, and running always.

Context Level Data Flow Diagram

4.2 Level 1 DFD:
4.3 Class diagram:

Figure 4.3 Class diagram for webapp

4.4 Activity diagram:

Figure 4.4 Activity diagram for Fan Account

4.5 Sequence diagram:

Figure 4.5 Sequence diagram for Fan Account

4.6 Use case diagrams:

Figure 4.6 Use Case diagram for Fan Account

Figure 4.7 Use Case diagram for Player Account
Figure 4.8 Use Case diagram for Team Manager Account
Figure 4.9 Use Case diagram for Tournament Organizer Account
Figure 4.10 Use Case diagram for Coaches/Umpires/Ex players Account
Figure 4.11 Use Case diagram for all types of account activities
4.7 Table 4.1 Use Case Fan Account

Use case ID 1

Use case Name Fan Account

Actor Fan, General Public

Description A fan user will be able to interact with multiple options present in webapp

Pre-condition User must have active and stable internet access.

Post-condition User is logged in and he/she can use the webapp in the way they want.

Basic Flow User logs in and he/she can see the Interface of webapp to do one of the
many possible things. Watch ball by ball commentary, update profile,
scroll newsfeed etc.
Exceptional Flow Fan user denied access if wrong credentials are entered while sign in.

4.8 Table 4.2 Use Case Player Account

Use case ID 2

Use case Name Player Account

Actor Cricket playing individual

Description A player will be able to interact with multiple options present in webapp

Pre-condition User must have active and stable internet access.

Post-condition User is logged in and he/she can use the webapp in the way they want.

Basic Flow User logs in and he/she can see the Interface of webapp to do one of the
many possible things. Watch ball by ball commentary, update profile,
scroll newsfeed etc.
Exceptional Flow User denied access if wrong credentials are entered while sign in.

4.9 Table 4.3 Use Team Manager Account

Use case ID 3

Use case Name Team Manager Account

Actor Manager of a team

Description Team Manager will be able to interact with multiple options present in
Pre-condition User must have active and stable internet access.

Post-condition User is logged in an he/she can use the webapp in the way they want.

Basic Flow User logs in and he/she can see the Interface of webapp to do one of the
many possible things. Manage Team, watch ball by ball commentary,
update profile, scroll newsfeed etc.
Exceptional Flow User will be denied access if wrong credentials are entered while sign in.

4.10 Table 4.4 Use Case Tournament Organizer Account

Use case ID 4

Use case Name Tournament Organizer Account

Actor Tournament Organizer

Description User will be able to interact with multiple options present in webapp

Pre-condition User must have active and stable internet access.

Post-condition User is logged in an he/she can use the webapp in the way they want.

Basic Flow User logs in and he/she can see the Interface of webapp to do one of the
many possible things. Watch ball by ball commentary, start a new
tournament, update profile, scroll newsfeed etc.
Exceptional Flow User will be denied access if wrong credentials are entered while sign in.

4.11 Table 4.5 Use Case Umpire/Coaches/Ex Players Account

Use case ID 5

Use case Name Umpire/Coaches/Ex Players Account

Actor Umpire, Coaches, Ex Players Account

Description User will be able to interact with multiple options present in webapp

Pre-condition User must have active and stable internet access.

Post-condition User is logged in and he/she can use the webapp in the way they want.

Basic Flow User logs in and he/she can see the Interface of webapp to do one of the
many possible things. Watch ball by ball commentary, start a new
tournament, update profile, scroll newsfeed etc.
Exceptional Flow User will be denied access if wrong credentials are entered while sign in.
4.12 Table 4.6 Use Case All types of Account

Use case ID 6

Use case Name All types of account

Actor Fan User, Player, Team Manager, Tournament Organizer, Umpire,

Coaches, Ex Players Account
Description User will be able to interact with multiple options present in webapp

Pre-condition User must have active and stable internet access.

Post-condition User is logged in and he/she can use the webapp in the way they want.

Basic Flow User logs in and he/she can see the Interface of webapp to do one of the
many possible things. Watch ball by ball commentary, start a new
tournament, update profile, scroll newsfeed etc.
Exceptional Flow User will be denied access if wrong credentials are entered while sign in.

4.13 Human Interface Design

Following is a wireframe of AutoCrick webapp. In this wireframe it can be seen how our webapp
will look like to an end user. A user can browse through various features of webapp to utilize his
time in accordance with one’s interests.
Figure 4.12 Human Interface design of the webapp

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