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Which of the following is the correct steps of Kolb’s learning cycle in sequence :
a. Step 1 : learner tries again and hope to improve, step 2 : learner does something, step
3 : learner thinks about what was happened, step 4 : learner works out why it
b. Step 1 : learner does something, step 2 : learner thinks about what just happened, step
3 : learner works out why it happened, step 4 : learner tries again and hope to improve
c. Step 1 : learner thinks about what was happened, step 2 : learner works out why it
happened, step 3 : learner tries again and hope to improve, step 4 : learner does
d. Step 1 : learner works out why it happened, step 2 : learner does something, step 3 :
learner thinks about what has happened, step 4 : learner tries again and hope to

2. Which of the following refer to the people that apply for a job :
a. Applicants
b. Candidates
c. Prospective employees
d. All of the above

3. Which of the following is not refer to the element of personal effectiveness

a. Time management
b. Lack of motivation
c. Personal goals
d. Creativity

4. Which of the following is not the examples of hazards :

a. Poor lighting
b. Machines with guards
c. Uneven flooring
d. Faulty wiring
5. Which of the following is the correct steps of training cycle :
a. Training needs analysis, training design, training materials development, training
delivery, training evaluation
b. Training needs analysis, training materials development, training design, training
delivery, training evaluation
c. Training evaluation, training needs analysis, training materials development, training
design, training delivery
d. Training evaluation, training design, training needs analysis, training materials
development, training delivery

6. Which of the following is refer to the element of personal effectiveness :

a. Personal goals
b. Time management
c. Creativity
d. All of the above

7. Which of the following is not refer to the characteristics of people who are most likely to
benefit from development opportunities :
a. Not flexible
b. Willing to change
c. Motivated
d. Enthusiastic

8. Which of the following is not refer to a goal :

a. Something to aim for
b. Something you want to achieve
c. The energy and driving force which makes you want to achive your goals
d. None of the above

9. Which of the following is a physical reaction to a major change :

a. Regret
b. Depression
c. Palpitations
d. Panic attacks

10. Which of the following is not refer to the five step health and safety management
procedure :
a. Carryout regular risk assessments
b. Organize suitable staff training
c. Carryout staff training need analysis
d. Record your findings

11. Which of the following is the benefits of attending course as part of a group :
a. Having a knowledgeable and experienced trainer on-hand to answer questions
b. Being able to choose when to study
c. Being able to choose when and where to study
d. Having immediate feedback from the computer programs, so you know wheter or not
you answered the questions correctly

12. Meaningful goals should be SMART. Which of the following is refer to Realistic :
a. So you have a specific deadline for completion
b. So you can feel that your goals are sensible and meaningful
c. So you have a good chance of success
d. So you know exactly what it is you want to achieve
13. Which of the following is refer to the people who attend work-related training course :
a. Delegates
b. Facilitators
c. Tutors
d. Trainers

14. Activist learners will learn best from :

a. Solitary activities
b. Learning by doing
c. Reading about the theories
d. New challenges

15. Which of the following can be used in order to find out about an individual’s personality,
interests and values :
a. Psychometric questionnaires
b. Random sampling
c. Probability sampling
d. Survey

16. Your goal is to achieve on MBA within two years. Which of the following is the correct
steps when setting your goal :
a. Step 1 : talk to the manager to discuss possibilities and get approval, step 2 : convert
spare bedroom into home office/study and buy a computer, step 3 : apply for a place
on a course which offers open learning plus residential weekends, step 4 : enroll on
b. Step 1 : talk to the manager to discuss possibilities and get approval, step 2 : apply for
a place on a course which offers open learning plus residential weekends, step 3 :
convert spare bedroom into home office/study and buy a computer, step 4 : enroll on
c. Step 1 : apply for a place on a course which offers open learning plus residential
weekends, step 2 : enroll on course, step 3 : convert spare bedroom into home
office/study and buy a computer, step 4 : talk to the manager to discuss possibilities
and get approval
d. Step 1 : talk to the manager to discuss possibilities and get approval, step 2 : enroll on
course, step 3 : convert spare bedroom into home office/study and buy a computer,
step 4 : apply for a place on a course which offers open learning plus residential

17. From the staff point of view, which of the following results of the re-structuring :
a. It cause stress and anxiety
b. It cause fear and resentment
c. It cause disaster such as closure
d. A and B is the correct answer

18. Which of the following refer to counselling?

a. It is the process of talking through, with another person, work-related or personal
problems which are affecting their working life
b. It is the process of providing one-to-one practical help and tuition to enable one
person to learn something from another
c. It is the process of providing ongoing support, guidance and help across a wide range
of topics and activities
d. It presents information to a group of people who are being taught all at the same time

19. Which of the following are the 3 main pressures on your time :
a. Planning things
b. Dealing with people
c. Doing things
d. All of the above

20. Which of the following is not the advantages of creating a weekly action plan :
a. You have clear overview of the weekend ahead
b. You are likely to forget any important task
c. You can see whether you have time to take any additional task or not
d. You can see where you have allocated time for your personal project

21. Which of the following is refer to the people who deliver work related training course :
a. Facilitators
b. Delegates
c. Participants
d. None of the above

22. Which of the following is not a simple breathing exercise in stress management
techniques :
a. The alternate breath
b. The purifying breath
c. Simple meditation
d. Aerobics

23. Which of the following is the correct four steps of the risk assessment :
a. Step 1 : look for hazards, step 2 : work out who might be harmed, step 3 : evaluate the
risk and take appropriate action, step 4 : record your findings
b. Step 1 : record your findings, step 2 : evaluate the risk and take appropriate action,
step 3 : workout who might be harmed, step 4 : look for hazards
c. Step 1 : look for hazards, step 2 : record your findings, step 3 : work out who might
be harmed, step 4 : evaluate the risk and take appropriate action
d. Step 1 : look for hazards, step 2 : record your findings, step 3 : evaluate the risk and
take appropriate action, step 4 : workout who might be harmed

24. Which of the following is not the best way to avoid discrimination when offering a job :
a. Meets the requirements of the job specifications
b. People that can do the job
c. Treating people differently because their age
d. Matches the person specifications

25. Which of the following is not describes on a job specifications :

a. Job title
b. Purpose of the job
c. Attitudes of the applicants
d. The responsibilities, tasks and duties involved in the job

26. Which of the following is refer to the internal factors which force organizations to change
a. Reduced turnover
b. Mergers acquisitions
c. New technology
d. Organizational transformation

27. Whih of the following involves in coaching :

a. Focus on specific task or activity
b. Takes place in a class room
c. It provides information to a group of people who are being taught all at the same time
d. It involves asking the learners to provide an element of written work

28. There are 7 steps for the process of managing performance, which of the following step is
correct when it refers to observe progress :
a. Step 1 & step 3
b. Step 7a & step 7b
c. Step 3 & step 5
d. Step 5 & step 6

29. Which of the following is the advantages for the organization when the candidates is
sending their own CV :
a. Each applicant will hopefully have answered every question and will have supplied
all the information the organization needs
b. Each applicant will be the same length, so interviewers are not required to read
through pages and pages of information
c. Being able to prepare a smart-looking document, which is hopefully will impress a
prosepective employer
d. Being able to look through all of the information contained which may provide an in-
depth account of the candidate’s life and career to date

30. Which of the following is refer to workplace welfare :

a. It is concerned in make sure that people at works are healthy and safe
b. It is concerned in make sure that people at work are having high salary
c. It is concerned in make sure that people at work fulfill their self-actualization
d. It is concerned in make sure that people at work to be creative

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