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| Pokémon Changes | Personal Stats and Level Up Move Changes
| In this document you'll find any changes made to the abilities, types, stats,
| held items, TM/HM compatibility, evolution method and level up moves to any
| individual Pokémon.
| Level up moves are listed for every Pokémon, regardless of whether they've been
| changed or not. However, a large majority are edited, usually taking the approach
| of rearranging the level up order to make them more accessible to use by bringing
| important moves earlier or shrinking gaps between level up moves (think of how
| Eevee and its evolutions had their level up moves changed in B2/W2).
| Most Pokémon have also been given additional moves in their level up pools; some
| of these are egg moves, move tutor or TM/HM moves that they can learn normally
| anyway, but can be hard to access in the context of the main game of OR/AS. There
| are some Pokémon that have also been given entirely new moves, abilities or TMs
| to play with (e.g. Megahorn Beedrill, Hurricane Sigilyph).
| You can identify these new (and thus illegal in the usual games) additions by the
| asterisk system.
| No asterisk means the Pokémon always can learn this move by level up, have this
| ability etc but it may be at a different level, be a hidden ability etc.
| One asterisk (*) means the Pokémon is able to learn this move but not ordinarily
| by level up, and is most likely pulled from egg moves, TMs/HMs or move tutors.
| These moves are available in the full version as well as the legal only one.
| Two asterisks (**) means the Pokémon is unable to obtain this ability or move
| ordinarily, and is completely illegal outside of the context of this hack.
| The legal moves only version of the a/1/9/1 GARC file omits all of these moves.
| Levels may be adjusted to fill the gap left by a removed move but are not
| documented. There are two specific cases that are documented with what they've
| changed into.
| Additionally, a location on where to obtain a Pokémon (or what to evolve if not)
| is listed for each species, though you'll want to check out the wild document for
| more context.
| Files mentioned in this document
| a/0/1/3 | Pokémon Encounter Data
| a/1/9/1 | Pokémon Level Up Moves
| a/1/9/2 | Pokémon Evolution Methods
| a/1/9/5 | Pokémon Personal Stats

Location: Petalburg Woods
Ability 2: Effect Spore **

1 Tackle
3 Growl
5 Leech Seed
7 Vine Whip
9 Poison Powder
9 Sleep Powder
11 Take Down
13 Razor Leaf
15 Sludge *
18 Magical Leaf *
21 Sweet Scent
24 Growth
27 Worry Seed
30 Double-Edge
33 Synthesis
36 Seed Bomb
39 Power Whip *

Location: Evolve Bulbasaur (Lv. 16)
Ability 2: Effect Spore **

1 Tackle
3 Growl
5 Leech Seed
7 Vine Whip
9 Poison Powder
9 Sleep Powder
11 Take Down
13 Razor Leaf
15 Sludge *
19 Magical Leaf *
22 Sweet Scent
25 Growth
28 Worry Seed
31 Double-Edge
34 Synthesis
37 Solar Beam
40 Power Whip *

Location: Evolve Venusaur (Lv. 32)
Ability 2: Thick Fat **

1 Tackle
3 Growl
5 Leech Seed
7 Vine Whip
9 Poison Powder
9 Sleep Powder
11 Take Down
13 Razor Leaf
15 Sludge *
19 Magical Leaf *
22 Sweet Scent
25 Growth
28 Worry Seed
31 Double-Edge
32 Petal Dance
35 Synthesis
39 Petal Blizzard
43 Solar Beam
47 Power Whip *
51 Leaf Storm *

Location: Route 102
Ability 2: Tough Claws **

1 Scratch
3 Growl
5 Smokescreen
7 Ember
9 Metal Claw *
11 Bite *
13 Dragon Rage
16 Flame Burst
19 Scary Face
22 Fire Fang
25 Slash
28 Dragon Pulse *
31 Flamethrower
34 Crunch*
37 Fire Spin
40 Dragon Dance *
43 Outrage *
46 Inferno

Location: Evolve Charmander (Lv. 16)
Ability 2: Tough Claws **

1 Scratch
3 Growl
5 Smokescreen
7 Ember
9 Metal Claw *
11 Bite *
13 Dragon Rage
17 Flame Burst
20 Scary Face
24 Fire Fang
28 Slash
32 Dragon Pulse *
36 Flamethrower
40 Crunch *
44 Fire Spin
48 Dragon Dance *
52 Outrage*
56 Inferno

Location: Evolve Charmeleon (Lv. 36)
Ability 2: Tough Claws **

1 Flare Blitz
1 Dragon Claw
1 Shadow Claw
1 Air Slash
1 Scratch
3 Growl
5 Smokescreen
7 Ember
9 Metal Claw *
11 Bite *
13 Dragon Rage
17 Flame Burst
20 Scary Face
24 Fire Fang
28 Slash
32 Dragon Pulse *
36 Wing Attack
37 Flamethrower
42 Crunch*
47 Fire Spin
52 Dragon Dance *
57 Outrage *
62 Inferno
67 Heat Wave
72 Flare Blitz

Location: Route 103
Ability 2: Shell Armor **

1 Tackle
3 Tail Whip
5 Water Gun
7 Withdraw
9 Bubble
11 Bite
13 Fake Out *
15 Rapid Spin
17 Water Pulse
19 Yawn*
21 Rapid Spin
24 Protect
27 Aqua Tail
29 Skull Bush
31 Muddy Water *
33 Iron Defense
36 Rain Dance
39 Hydro Pump

Location: Evolve Squirtle (Lv. 16)
Ability 2: Shell Armor **

1 Tackle
3 Tail Whip
5 Water Gun
7 Withdraw
9 Bubble
11 Bite
13 Fake Out *
15 Rapid Spin
18 Water Pulse
21 Yawn*
24 Rapid Spin
28 Protect
31 Aqua Tail
34 Skull Bush
37 Muddy Water *
40 Iron Defense
44 Rain Dance
48 Hydro Pump

Location: Evolve Wartortle (Lv. 36)
Ability 2: Mega Launcher **

1 Water Spout *
1 Aura Sphere *
1 Dragon Pulse *
1 Dark Pulse *
1 Flash Cannon
1 Tackle
3 Tail Whip
5 Water Gun
7 Withdraw
9 Bubble
11 Bite
13 Fake Out *
15 Rapid Spin
18 Water Pulse
21 Yawn *
24 Rapid Spin
28 Protect
31 Aqua Tail
34 Skull Bush
38 Muddy Water *
42 Iron Defense
46 Rain Dance
51 Hydro Pump
56 Water Spout *
61 Shell Smash **

Location: Route 101
Ability 2: Run Away

1 Tackle
1 String Shot
3 Bug Bite
5 Electroweb *

Location: Evolve Caterpie (Lv. 7)

1 Harden
7 Harden
9 Iron Defense

Location: Safari Zone
Ability 2: Tinted Lens
New TM/HMs: Fly

Attack 45 >> 25
Sp. Attack 90 >> 115
Sp. Defense 80 >> 105
Speed 70 >> 95
Total 395 >> 450

1 Confusion
10 Confusion
10 Gust
12 Poison Powder
12 Stun Spore
12 Sleep Powder
14 Struggle Bug
16 Supersonic
18 Air Slash **
20 Psybeam
22 Whirlwind
24 Silver Wind
26 Tailwind
28 Energy Ball *
30 Safeguard
32 Bug Buzz
34 Rage Powder
36 Psychic
38 Captivate
40 Quiver Dance
42 Hurricane **

Location: Route 101
Ability 2: Run Away

1 Poison Sting
1 String Shot
3 Bug Bite
5 Electroweb *

Location: Evolve Weedle (Lv. 7)

1 Harden
7 Harden
9 Iron Defense

Location: Route 101
Ability 2: Sniper
New TM/HMs: Fly

Normal Forme
Attack 90 >> 115
Sp. Attack 45 >> 25
Sp. Defense 80 >> 105
Speed 75 >> 100
Total 395 >> 450
Mega Forme
Defense 40 >> 50
Sp. Attack 15 >> 30
Sp. Defense 80 >> 110
Total 495 >> 550

1 Fury Attack
10 Fury Attack
10 Twinneedle
12 Focus Energy
14 Cross Poison **
16 Pursuit
18 Toxic Spikes
20 Pin Missile
22 Poison Jab
24 X-Scissor *
26 Agility
28 Assurance
30 Endeavor
32 Fell Stinger
34 Drill Run *
36 Acrobatics *
38 Payback *
40 Brick Break *
42 Megahorn **

Location: Route 101

1 Tackle
1 Sand-Attack
4 Gust
7 Quick Attack
10 Uproar *
13 Wing Attack
16 Twister
19 Whirlwind
22 Feather Dance
25 Air Slash
28 Roost
31 Tailwind
34 Double-Edge *
37 Agility
40 Mirror Move
43 Brave Bird *
46 Hurricane

Location: Safari Zone

1 Tackle
1 Sand-Attack
4 Gust
7 Quick Attack
10 Uproar *
13 Wing Attack
16 Twister
20 Whirlwind
24 Feather Dance
28 Air Slash
32 Roost
36 Tailwind
40 Double-Edge *
44 Agility
48 Mirror Move
52 Brave Bird *
56 Hurricane

Location: Soaring in the Sky

1 Hurricane
1 Heat Wave *
1 Ominous Wind *
1 Tackle
1 Sand-Attack
4 Gust
7 Quick Attack
10 Uproar *
13 Wing Attack
16 Twister
20 Whirlwind
24 Feather Dance
28 Air Slash
32 Roost
37 Tailwind
42 Double-Edge *
47 Agility
52 Mirror Move
57 Brave Bird *
62 Hurricane
67 Hyper Beam *

Location: Route 101

1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
4 Quick Attack
7 Focus Energy
10 Bite
13 Hyper Fang
16 Flame Wheel *
19 Pursuit
22 Crunch
25 Revenge *
28 Sucker Punch
31 Super Fang
34 Assurance
37 Reversal *
40 Double-Edge
43 Endeavor
Location: Safari Zone, Sky Pillar

HP 55 >> 60
Attack 81 >> 100
Sp. Attack 50 >> 35
Speed 97 >> 115
Total 413 >> 440

1 Fire Fang **
1 Thunder Fang **
1 Ice Fang **
1 Swords Dance
1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
4 Quick Attack
7 Focus Energy
10 Bite
13 Hyper Fang
16 Flame Wheel *
19 Pursuit
23 Crunch
27 Revenge *
31 Sucker Punch
35 Super Fang
39 Assurance
43 Reversal *
47 Double-Edge
51 Endeavor

Location: Route 103, Mt. Pyre Summit
Ability 2: Sniper

1 Peck
1 Growl
5 Leer
8 Fury Attack
11 Pursuit
14 Aerial Ace
17 Quick Attack *
20 Mirror Move
23 Feint Attack *
26 Drill Peck
29 Agility
32 Assurance
35 Roost
38 Drill Run *

Location: Mt. Pyre Summit
Ability 2: Sniper

Attack 90 >> 100

Sp. Attack 61 >> 60
Sp. Defense 61 >> 60
Total 442 >> 450

1 Drill Run
1 Pluck
1 Peck
1 Growl
5 Leer
8 Fury Attack
11 Pursuit
14 Aerial Ace
17 Quick Attack *
21 Mirror Move
25 Feint Attack *
29 Drill Peck
33 Agility
37 Assurance
41 Roost
45 Drill Run

#023 EKANS
Location: Route 112 North

1 Wrap
1 Leer
5 Poison Sting
8 Bite
11 Glare
14 Screech
17 Acid
20 Stockpile
20 Swallow
20 Spit Up
23 Poison Tail *
26 Mud Bomb
29 Acid Spray
32 Poison Jab
35 Gastro Acid
38 Sucker Punch *
41 Belch
44 Gunk Shot
47 Haze
50 Coil

#024 ARBOK
Location: Route 119

Attack 85 >> 95
Defense 69 >> 70
Sp. Attack 65 >> 55
Sp. Defense 79 >> 85
Speed 80 >> 85
Total 438 >> 450

1 Ice Fang
1 Thunder Fang
1 Fire Fang
1 Aqua Tail *
1 Wrap
1 Leer
5 Poison Sting
8 Bite
11 Glare
14 Screech
17 Acid
20 Stockpile
20 Swallow
20 Spit Up
22 Crunch
24 Poison Tail *
28 Mud Bomb
32 Acid Spray
36 Poison Jab
40 Gastro Acid
44 Sucker Punch *
48 Belch
52 Gunk Shot
56 Haze
60 Coil

Location: New Mauville
Ability 2: Lighting Rod
New TM/HMs: Surf

1 Tail Whip
1 Thunder Shock
5 Growl
7 Play Nice
9 Quick Attack
11 Feint
13 Disarming Voice *
15 Electro Ball
17 Thunder Wave
19 Fake Out *
22 Double Team
25 Spark
28 Discharge
31 Nuzzle
34 Thunderbolt
37 Slam
40 Agility
43 Wild Charge
46 Light Screen
49 Thunder
52 Volt Tackle *

Location: Evolve Pikachu (Thunder Stone)
Ability 2: Lighting Rod
New TM/HMs: Surf

Attack 90 >> 100

Sp. Attack 90 >> 100
Total 485 >> 505
1 Petal Dance **
1 Thunder Shock
1 Tail Whip
1 Quick Attack
1 Thunderbolt

Location: Route 113
Ability 2: Sand Rush

1 Scratch
1 Defense Curl
3 Sand Attack
5 Poison Sting
7 Rollout
9 Rapid Spin
11 Fury Cutter
13 Magnitude
15 Swift
17 Metal Claw *
19 Fury Swipes
22 Sand Tomb
25 Slash
28 Night Slash *
31 Dig
34 Gyro Ball
37 Super Fang *
40 Earthquake
43 Iron Tail *
46 Swords Dance
49 Sandstorm

Location: Route 111
Ability 2: Sand Rush
Held Item: Dome Fossil (50%), Grip Claw (5%)

1 Sandstorm
1 Scratch
1 Defense Curl
3 Sand Attack
5 Poison Sting
7 Rollout
9 Rapid Spin
11 Fury Cutter
13 Magnitude
15 Swift
17 Metal Claw *
19 Fury Swipes
22 Crush Claw
23 Sand Tomb
27 Slash
31 Night Slash *
35 Dig
39 Gyro Ball
43 Super Fang *
47 Earthquake
51 Iron Tail *
55 Swords Dance
59 Sandstorm

Location: Route 103

1 Growl
1 Scratch
1 Poison Sting
6 Tail Whip
9 Double Kick
12 Poison Fang
15 Fury Swipes
18 Bite
21 Poison Jab *
24 Helping Hand
27 Crunch
30 Toxic Spikes
33 Flatter
36 Captivate
39 Skull Bash *
42 Super Fang *

Location: Safari Zone

1 Growl
1 Scratch
1 Poison Sting
6 Tail Whip
9 Double Kick
12 Poison Fang
15 Fury Swipes
19 Bite
23 Poison Jab *
27 Helping Hand
31 Crunch
35 Toxic Spikes
39 Flatter
43 Captivate
47 Skull Bash *
51 Super Fang *

Location: Evolve Nidorina (Moon Stone)

1 Moonlight **
1 Lovely Kiss **
1 Superpower
1 Scratch
1 Tail Whip
1 Double Kick
1 Poison Sting
23 Chip Away
35 Body Slam
43 Earth Power
58 Superpower

Location: Route 103

1 Leer
1 Peck
1 Poison Sting
6 Focus Energy
9 Double Kick
12 Poison Tail *
15 Fury Attack
18 Horn Attack
21 Poison Jab
24 Helping Hand
27 Drill Run *
30 Toxic Spikes
33 Flatter
36 Captivate
39 Horn Drill
42 Head Smash *

Location: Safari Zone

1 Leer
1 Peck
1 Poison Sting
6 Focus Energy
9 Double Kick
12 Poison Tail *
15 Fury Attack
19 Horn Attack
23 Poison Jab
27 Helping Hand
31 Drill Run*
35 Toxic Spikes
39 Flatter
43 Captivate
47 Horn Drill
51 Head Smash *

Location: Evolve Nidorino (Moon Stone)

1 Morning Sun **
1 Lovely Kiss **
1 Megahorn
1 Peck
1 Focus Energy
1 Double Kick
1 Poison Sting
23 Chip Away
35 Thrash
43 Earth Power
58 Megahorn

Location: Meteor Falls

1 Pound
1 Growl
1 Encore
1 Sing
7 Double Slap
9 Defense Curl
11 Disarming Voice
13 Follow Me
15 After You
17 Bestow
19 Healing Wish
21 Psyshock *
23 Moonblast
25 Metronome
27 Cosmic Power
29 Stored Power
31 Lucky Chant
33 Body Slam
35 Moonlight
37 Gravity
39 Meteor Mash
41 Misty Terrain *
43 Belly Drum *

Location: Meteor Falls

1 Petal Dance **
1 Disarming Voice
1 Sing
1 Double Slap
1 Minimize
1 Metronome
25 Psyshock *
35 Moonblast *
45 Meteor Mash *
55 Wish *

Location: Route 112 North, Mt. Pyre
Ability 2: Drought

1 Ember
4 Tail Whip
7 Roar
9 Baby-Doll Eyes
10 Quick Attack
12 Confuse Ray
15 Fire Spin
18 Payback
20 Will-O-Wisp
23 Flame Burst
26 Hex
28 Feint Attack
31 Extrasensory
34 Flamethrower
36 Hypnosis *
39 Safeguard
42 Imprison
44 Fire Blast
47 Grudge
50 Captivate
53 Inferno

Location: Mt. Pyre
Ability 2: Drought

1 Energy Ball *
1 Imprison
1 Nasty Plot
1 Flamethrower
1 Quick Attack
1 Confuse Ray
1 Safeguard

Location: Route 115

Defense 20 >> 40
Sp. Attack 45 >> 60
Sp. Defense 25 >> 40
Total 270 >> 320

1 Sing
3 Defense Curl
5 Pound
7 Play Nice
9 Disarming Voice
11 Round
13 Double Slap
15 Disable
17 Rollout
19 Wake-Up Slap
21 Body Slam
23 Dazzling Gleam *
25 Hyper Voice
27 Rest
29 Mimic
31 Gyro Ball
33 Double-Edge
35 Wish *

Location: Evolve Jigglypuff (Moon Stone)
HP 140 >> 150
Attack 70 >> 80
Defense 45 >> 55
Sp. Attack 85 >> 95
Sp. Defense 50 >> 60
Total 435 >> 485

1 Petal Dance **
1 Double-Edge
1 Play Rough
1 Sing
1 Defense Curl
1 Disable
1 Double Slap
15 Water Pulse *
20 Shock Wave *
25 Icy Wind *
30 Hyper Voice *

#041 ZUBAT
Location: Granite Cave, Scorched Slab, Mt. Pyre, Seafloor Cavern
Ability 2: Infiltrator

1 Leech Life
1 Supersonic
4 Leech Life
7 Bite
10 Wing Attack
13 Confuse Ray
16 Feint Attack *
19 Air Cutter
22 Poison Fang
25 Swift
28 Acrobatics
31 Giga Drain *
34 Mean Look
37 Haze
40 Venoshock
43 Air Slash
46 Hypnosis *
49 Brave Bird *
52 Quick Guard

Location: Meteor Falls, Scorched Slab, Mt. Pyre, Seafloor Cavern, Cave of Origin,
Victory Road
Ability 2: Infiltrator

1 Screech
1 Leech Life
1 Supersonic
4 Leech Life
7 Bite
10 Wing Attack
13 Confuse Ray
16 Feint Attack *
19 Air Cutter
23 Poison Fang
27 Swift
31 Acrobatics
35 Giga Drain *
39 Mean Look
43 Haze
47 Venoshock
51 Air Slash
55 Hypnosis *
59 Brave Bird *
63 Quick Guard

Location: Route 110
Ability 2: Run Away

1 Absorb
3 Sweet Scent
6 Lucky Chant
9 Acid
12 Mega Drain
15 Sleep Powder
15 Stun Spore
15 Poison Powder
18 Venoshock *
21 Giga Drain
24 Moonlight
27 Toxic
30 Sludge Bomb *
33 Natural Gift
36 Moonblast
39 Grassy Terrain
42 Petal Dance

#044 GLOOM
Location: Route 119
Ability 2: Stench

1 Absorb
3 Sweet Scent
6 Lucky Chant
9 Acid
12 Mega Drain
15 Sleep Powder
15 Stun Spore
15 Poison Powder
18 Venoshock *
21 Petal Blizzard
22 Giga Drain
26 Moonlight
30 Sludge Bomb *
34 Toxic
38 Natural Gift
42 Moonblast *
46 Grassy Terrain
50 Petal Dance
Location: Evolve Gloom (Leaf Stone)
Ability 2: Effect Spore

1 Moonblast *
1 Mega Drain
1 Aromatherapy
1 Poison Powder
1 Stun Spore
34 Petal Blizzard
44 Petal Dance
54 Solar Beam

#046 PARAS
Location: Rusturf Tunnel

Attack 70 >> 80
Total 285 >> 295

1 Scratch
1 Bug Bite *
3 Stun Spore
6 Poison Powder
9 Leech Life
12 Bullet Seed*
15 Fury Cutter
18 Cross Poison*
21 Spore
24 Slash
27 Growth
30 X-Scissor
33 Giga Drain
36 Aromatherapy
39 Rage Powder
42 Seed Bomb *

Location: Route 123

HP 60 >> 80
Attack 95 >> 115
Defense 80 >> 90
Sp. Attack 60 >> 45
Sp. Defense 80 >> 90
Total 435 >> 450

1 Seed Bomb *
1 Scratch
1 Bug Bite *
3 Stun Spore
6 Poison Powder
9 Leech Life
12 Bullet Seed *
15 Fury Cutter
18 Cross Poison *
21 Spore
25 Slash
29 Growth
33 X-Scissor
37 Giga Drain
41 Aromatherapy
45 Rage Powder
49 Seed Bomb *

Location: Petalburg Woods

1 Tackle
1 Disable
1 Foresight
5 Leech Life
8 Supersonic
11 Poison Fang
14 Bug Bite *
17 Confusion
20 Poison Powder
23 Stun Spore
26 Sleep Powder
29 Zen Headbutt
32 Signal Beam
35 Venoshock *
38 Energy Ball *
41 Psychic

Location: Route 123

Attack 65 >> 55
Sp. Attack 90 >> 100
Speed 90 >> 100
Total 450 >> 460

1 Quiver Dance
1 Bug Buzz
1 Tackle
1 Disable
1 Foresight
5 Leech Life
8 Supersonic
11 Poison Fang
14 Bug Bite *
17 Confusion
20 Poison Powder
23 Stun Spore
26 Sleep Powder
29 Zen Headbutt
31 Gust
31 Silver Wind
33 Signal Beam
37 Venoshock *
41 Energy Ball *
45 Psychic
49 Bug Buzz
53 Quiver Dance

Location: Fiery Path

1 Scratch
1 Sand Attack
4 Growl
7 Astonish
10 Mud-Slap
13 Magnitude
16 Bulldoze
19 Sucker Punch
22 Mud Bomb
25 Dig
28 Earth Power
31 Slash
34 Earthquake
37 Rock Slide
40 Night Slash
43 Fissure

Location: Route 123

HP 35 >> 45
Attack 80 >> 100
Defense 50 >> 60
Sp. Defense 70 >> 80
Total 405 >> 455

1 Rototiller
1 Tri Attack
1 Scratch
1 Sand Attack
4 Growl
7 Astonish
10 Mud-Slap
13 Magnitude
16 Bulldoze
19 Sucker Punch
22 Mud Bomb
25 Dig
26 Sand Tomb
29 Earth Power
33 Slash
37 Earthquake
41 Rock Slide
45 Night Slash
49 Fissure

Location: Route 112 South, Route 121

1 Scratch
1 Growl
6 Bite
8 Fake Out
10 Fury Swipes
12 Uproar *
14 Screech
16 Feint Attack
18 Slash
20 Taunt
22 Pay Day
24 Hypnosis *
27 Body Slam *
30 Nasty Plot
33 Assurance
36 Captivate
39 Night Slash
42 Feint
45 Hyper Voice *

Location: Route 121

Attack 70 >> 85
Sp. Attack 65 >> 75
Total 440 >> 460

1 Play Rough
1 Switcheroo
1 Scratch
1 Growl
6 Bite
8 Fake Out
10 Fury Swipes
12 Uproar *
14 Screech
16 Feint Attack
18 Slash
20 Taunt
22 Power Gem
24 Hypnosis *
27 Body Slam *
28 Swift
31 Nasty Plot
35 Assurance
39 Captivate
43 Night Slash
47 Feint
51 Hyper Voice *

Location: Route 104 South

1 Water Sport
1 Scratch
4 Tail Whip
8 Water Gun
11 Confusion
15 Fury Swipes
18 Water Pulse
22 Disable
25 Screech
29 Aqua Tail
32 Zen Headbutt
36 Soak
39 Psych Up
43 Amnesia
46 Hydro Pump
50 Wonder Room

Location: Route 118

1 Cross Chop *
1 Petal Dance **
1 Psychic *
1 Aqua Jet
1 Water Sport
1 Scratch
1 Tail Whip
1 Water Gun
4 Tail Whip
8 Water Gun
11 Confusion
15 Fury Swipes
18 Water Pulse
22 Disable
25 Zen Headbutt
29 Screech
32 Aqua Tail
33 Power Gem **
38 Soak
43 Psych Up
49 Amnesia
54 Hydro Pump
60 Wonder Room
66 Psychic *

Location: Route 103, Jagged Pass

1 Scratch
1 Low Kick
1 Leer
1 Focus Energy
5 Fury Swipes
8 Karate Chop
11 Seismic Toss
14 Screech
17 Assurance
20 Swagger
23 Night Slash *
26 Low Sweep *
29 Covet
32 Cross Chop
35 Thrash
38 Acrobatics *
41 Dual Chop *
44 Close Combat
47 Punishment
50 Gunk Shot *
53 Final Gambit

Location: Jagged Pass, Route 123

1 Ice Punch *
1 Fire Punch *
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Scratch
1 Low Kick
1 Leer
1 Focus Energy
5 Fury Swipes
8 Karate Chop
11 Seismic Toss
14 Screech
17 Assurance
20 Swagger
23 Night Slash *
26 Low Sweep *
28 Rage
30 Fling
34 Cross Chop
38 Thrash
42 Acrobatics *
46 Dual Chop *
50 Close Combat
54 Punishment
58 Gunk Shot *
62 Final Gambit

Location: Route 116, Mt. Pyre

1 Roar
1 Bite
6 Ember
8 Leer
10 Odor Sleuth
12 Flame Wheel
17 Helping Hand
19 Reversal
21 Fire Fang
23 Take Down
28 Flame Burst
30 Agility
32 Crunch
34 Flamethrower
39 Retaliate
41 Heat Wave
43 Outrage
45 Flare Blitz
Location: Evolve Growlithe (Fire Stone)

1 Thunder Fang
1 Roar
1 Bite
1 Odor Sleuth
1 Fire Fang
34 Extreme Speed
44 Close Combat *
54 Flare Blitz *

Location: Route 103, Route 117, Scorched Slab, Victory Road

1 Water Sport
5 Water Gun
8 Hypnosis
11 Bubble
14 Double Slap
17 Rain Dance
20 Bubble Beam
23 Body Slam
26 Mud Shot
29 Waterfall *
32 Wake-Up Slap
35 Belly Drum
38 Mud Bomb
41 Hydro Pump

Location: Route 103, Route 107, Scorched Slab, Victory Road
Evolution: Use a King's Rock

1 Water Sport
5 Water Gun
8 Hypnosis
11 Bubble
14 Double Slap
17 Rain Dance
20 Bubble Beam
23 Body Slam
25 Metronome *
27 Mud Shot
31 Waterfall *
35 Wake-Up Slap
39 Belly Drum
43 Mud Bomb
47 Hydro Pump

Location: Evolve Poliwhirl (Water Stone)

1 Circle Throw
1 Bubble Beam
1 Hypnosis
1 Double Slap
1 Submission
25 Dynamic Punch
30 Rock Slide *
35 Wake-Up Slap *
40 Mind Reader
45 Ice Punch *
50 Circle Throw
55 Close Combat **

#063 ABRA
Location: Granite Cave

1 Teleport

Location: Granite Cave, Victory Road
Evolution: Happiness or Level 36

1 Teleport
1 Kinesis
1 Confusion
16 Confusion
18 Disable
21 Psybeam
23 Miracle Eye
26 Reflect
28 Psycho Cut
31 Recover
33 Shock Wave *
36 Telekinesis
38 Psychic
41 Ally Switch
43 Role Play
46 Future Sight
49 Trick

Location: Evolve Kadabra (Happiness / Lv. 36)

1 Teleport
1 Kinesis
1 Confusion
16 Confusion
18 Disable
21 Psybeam
23 Miracle Eye
26 Reflect
28 Psycho Cut
31 Recover
33 Shock Wave *
36 Telekinesis
38 Psychic
41 Ally Switch
43 Calm Mind
46 Future Sight
49 Trick
52 Aura Sphere **

Location: Rusturf Tunnel, Route 123

1 Low Kick
1 Leer
3 Focus Energy
7 Karate Chop
9 Foresight
13 Low Sweep
15 Seismic Toss
19 Revenge
21 Knock Off
25 Vital Throw
27 Wake-Up Slap
31 Dual Chop
33 Submission
37 Bulk Up
39 Cross Chop
43 Scary Face
45 Dynamic Punch
49 Heavy Slam *
51 Close Combat *

Location: Route 123, Victory Road
Evolution: Happiness or Level 39

1 Low Kick
1 Leer
1 Focus Energy
1 Karate Chop
3 Focus Energy
7 Karate Chop
9 Foresight
13 Low Sweep
15 Seismic Toss
19 Revenge
21 Knock Off
25 Vital Throw
27 Wake-Up Slap
33 Dual Chop
37 Submission
43 Bulk Up
47 Cross Chop
53 Scary Face
57 Dynamic Punch
63 Heavy Slam *
67 Close Combat *

Location: Evolve Machoke (Happiness / Lv. 39)
1 Wide Guard
1 Ice Punch
1 Fire Punch
1 Thunder Punch
1 Low Kick
1 Leer
1 Focus Energy
1 Karate Chop
3 Focus Energy
7 Karate Chop
9 Foresight
13 Low Sweep
15 Seismic Toss
19 Revenge
21 Knock Off
25 Vital Throw
27 Wake-Up Slap
33 Dual Chop
37 Submission
43 Bulk Up
47 Cross Chop
53 Scary Face
57 Dynamic Punch
63 Heavy Slam *
67 Close Combat *

Location: Route 102
Ability 2: Gluttony

1 Vine Whip
1 Sweet Scent
3 Growth
6 Wrap
9 Acid
12 Razor Leaf
15 Sleep Powder
15 Stun Spore
15 Poison Powder
18 Acid Spray *
21 Magical Leaf *
24 Knock Off
27 Sludge Bomb *
30 Gastro Acid
33 Slam
36 Wring Out
39 Power Whip *

Location: Route 102, Route 119
Ability 2: Gluttony

1 Vine Whip
1 Sweet Scent
3 Growth
6 Wrap
9 Acid
12 Razor Leaf
15 Sleep Powder
15 Stun Spore
15 Poison Powder
18 Acid Spray *
22 Magical Leaf *
26 Knock Off
30 Sludge Bomb *
34 Gastro Acid
38 Slam
42 Wring Out
46 Power Whip *

Location: Evolve Weepinbell (Leaf Stone)
Ability 2: Gluttony

1 Lovely Kiss **
1 Weather Ball *
1 Sucker Punch *
1 Stockpile
1 Swallow
1 Spit Up
1 Vine Whip
1 Sleep Powder
1 Sweet Scent
1 Razor Leaf
27 Leaf Tornado
37 Leaf Blade
47 Leaf Storm
57 Power Whip *

Location: Route 105, Route 106, Route 107, Route 109, Route 115, Route 127, Route
130, Dewford Town, Team Aqua Hideout, Team Magma Hideout

1 Poison Sting
4 Supersonic
7 Constrict
10 Acid
13 Toxic Spikes
16 Water Pulse
19 Wrap
22 Acid Spray
25 Bubble Beam
28 Barrier
31 Poison Jab
34 Brine
37 Screech
40 Hex
43 Sludge Wave
46 Hydro Pump
49 Wring Out

Location: Route 108, Seafloor Cavern, Underwater, Ever Grande City, Battle Resort

1 Reflect Type
1 Wring Out
1 Poison Sting
1 Supersonic
1 Constrict
1 Acid
4 Supersonic
7 Constrict
10 Acid
13 Toxic Spikes
16 Water Pulse
19 Wrap
22 Acid Spray
25 Bubble Beam
28 Barrier
32 Poison Jab
36 Brine
40 Screech
44 Hex
48 Sludge Wave
52 Hydro Pump
56 Wring Out

Location: Granite Cave, Route 111

1 Tackle
1 Defense Curl
4 Mud Sport
6 Rock Polish
10 Rock Throw
12 Magnitude
16 Smack Down
18 Bulldoze
22 Self-Destruct
24 Stealth Rock
28 Rock Blast
30 Rock Slide *
34 Earthquake
36 Rollout
40 Explosion
42 Stone Edge
46 Double-Edge

Location: Granite Cave, Route 114, Shoal Cave, Victory Road
Evolution: Happiness or Level 36

1 Tackle
1 Defense Curl
4 Mud Sport
6 Rock Polish
10 Rock Throw
12 Magnitude
16 Smack Down
18 Bulldoze
22 Self-Destruct
24 Stealth Rock
30 Rock Blast
34 Rock Slide *
40 Earthquake
44 Rollout
50 Explosion
54 Stone Edge
60 Double-Edge

#076 GOLEM
Location: Evolve Graveler (Happiness / Lv. 36)

1 Hammer Arm *
1 Heavy Slam
1 Tackle
1 Defense Curl
4 Mud Sport
6 Rock Polish
10 Rock Throw
12 Magnitude
16 Smack Down
18 Bulldoze
22 Self-Destruct
24 Stealth Rock
30 Rock Blast
34 Rock Slide *
40 Earthquake
44 Steamroller
50 Explosion
54 Stone Edge
60 Double-Edge
64 Heavy Slam
68 Hammer Arm *

Location: Route 112 South, Route 121
Evolution Level: 40 >> 37

1 Growl
1 Tackle
5 Tail Whip
8 Ember
11 Flame Wheel
14 Stomp
17 Flame Charge
20 Double Kick *
23 Fire Spin
26 Take Down
29 Low Kick *
32 Inferno
35 Agility
38 Hypnosis*
41 Wild Charge *
44 Flare Blitz
47 Bounce
50 Fire Blast
53 Horn Drill *

Location: Route 121

1 Poison Jab
1 Megahorn
1 Drill Run *
1 Growl
1 Quick Attack
5 Tail Whip
8 Ember
11 Flame Wheel
14 Stomp
17 Flame Charge
20 Double Kick *
23 Fire Spin
26 Take Down
29 Low Kick *
32 Inferno
35 Agility
37 Fury Attack
38 Hypnosis *
41 Wild Charge *
44 Flare Blitz
47 Bounce
50 Fire Blast
53 Horn Drill *

Location: Route 104 South
Evolution Level: 37 >> 33
Evolution: Use a King's Rock
New TM/HMs: Waterfall

1 Curse
1 Yawn
1 Tackle
4 Growl
6 Water Gun
8 Confusion
11 Incinerate *
14 Headbutt
16 Disable
19 Zen Headbutt
22 Water Pulse
26 Belch*
30 Slack Off
34 Amnesia
38 Psychic
42 Rain Dance
46 Psych Up
50 Heal Pulse
54 Wonder Room *

Location: Route 118
New TM/HMs: Waterfall

1 Wonder Room *
1 Flamethrower *
1 Curse
1 Yawn
1 Tackle
4 Growl
6 Water Gun
8 Confusion
11 Incinerate *
14 Headbutt
16 Disable
19 Zen Headbutt
22 Water Pulse
26 Belch *
30 Slack Off
33 Withdraw
34 Amnesia
39 Psychic
44 Rain Dance
49 Psych Up
54 Heal Pulse
59 Wonder Room *

Location: Route 110

1 Tackle
5 Supersonic
7 Thunder Shock
11 Sonic Boom
15 Thunder Wave
17 Magnet Bomb
19 Spark
23 Mirror Shot
25 Metal Sound
29 Electro Ball
31 Flash Cannon
35 Screech
37 Discharge
41 Lock-On
43 Magnet Rise
47 Gyro Ball
49 Zap Cannon

Location: New Mauville

1 Zap Cannon
1 Electric Terrain
1 Tackle
5 Supersonic
7 Thunder Shock
11 Sonic Boom
15 Thunder Wave
17 Magnet Bomb
19 Spark
23 Mirror Shot
25 Metal Sound
29 Electro Ball
30 Tri Attack
33 Flash Cannon
39 Screech
43 Discharge
49 Lock-On
53 Magnet Rise
59 Gyro Ball
63 Zap Cannon

Location: Route 117
Type: Normal/Flying >> Fighting/Flying
New TM/HMs: Brick Break, Focus Blast, Rock Smash
EVs: 1 Atk >> 2 Atk

HP 52 >> 65
Attack 65 >> 130
Defense 55 >> 65
Sp. Attack 58 >> 30
Sp. Defense 62 >> 65
Speed 60 >> 120
Total 352 >> 475

1 Peck
1 Sand Attack
1 Leer
1 Fury Cutter
4 Fury Attack
7 Aerial Ace
10 Knock Off
13 Slash
16 Revenge *
19 Leaf Blade *
22 Air Cutter
25 Swords Dance
28 Acrobatics
31 Flying Press **
34 Night Slash
37 Poison Jab
40 Agility
43 Air Slash
46 Feint
49 Brave Bird
52 False Swipe
55 Roost
58 Close Combat **
61 Sky Attack *

#084 DODUO
Location: Route 116, Route 121
1 Peck
1 Growl
5 Quick Attack
9 Rage
11 Fury Attack
15 Pursuit
17 Pluck
21 Double Hit
25 Feint Attack *
29 Acupressure
33 Drill Peck
37 Agility
41 Uproar
45 Endeavor
49 Thrash
53 Brave Bird*

Location: Route 121

1 Brave Bird *
1 Thrash
1 Peck
1 Growl
5 Quick Attack
9 Rage
11 Fury Attack
15 Pursuit
17 Pluck
21 Tri Attack
25 Feint Attack *
29 Acupressure
35 Drill Peck
41 Agility
47 Uproar
53 Endeavor
59 Thrash
65 Brave Bird *

#086 SEEL
Location: Sea Mauville Outside, Route 125, Shoal Cave

1 Fake Out *
1 Headbutt
2 Growl
5 Water Sport
8 Icy Wind
11 Encore
14 Signal Beam *
17 Ice Shard
20 Rest
23 Water Pulse *
26 Aqua Ring
29 Aurora Beam
32 Aqua Jet
35 Brine
38 Ice Beam
41 Take Down
44 Dive
47 Aqua Tail
50 Safeguard
53 Mist
56 Drill Run *

Location: Sea Mauville Outside, Route 125, Shoal Cave

Attack 70 >> 80
Sp. Attack 70 >> 80
Speed 70 >> 60
Total 475 >> 485

1 Fake Out *
1 Headbutt
2 Growl
5 Water Sport *
8 Icy Wind
11 Encore
14 Signal Beam
17 Ice Shard
20 Rest
23 Water Pulse *
26 Aqua Ring
29 Aurora Beam
32 Aqua Jet
34 Sheer Cold
35 Brine
39 Ice Beam
43 Take Down
47 Dive
51 Aqua Tail
55 Safeguard
59 Mist
63 Drill Run *

Location: Fiery Path
Evolution Level: 38 >> 35

1 Pound
1 Poison Gas
4 Harden
7 Mud-Slap
10 Disable
13 Sludge
16 Mud Bomb
19 Minimize
22 Shadow Sneak *
25 Fling
28 Sludge Bomb
31 Poison Jab *
34 Sludge Wave
37 Shadow Punch *
40 Gunk Shot
43 Screech
46 Acid Armor
49 Belch
52 Memento

#089 MUK
Location: New Mauville

1 Fire Punch *
1 Pound
1 Poison Gas
4 Harden
7 Mud-Slap
10 Disable
13 Sludge
16 Mud Bomb
19 Minimize
22 Shadow Sneak *
25 Fling
28 Sludge Bomb
31 Poison Jab *
34 Sludge Wave
35 Venom Drench
38 Shadow Punch *
42 Gunk Shot
46 Screech
50 Acid Armor
54 Belch
58 Memento

Location: Dewford Town, Sea Mauville, Route 125, Shoal Cave

1 Tackle
4 Withdraw
7 Supersonic
10 Icicle Spear
13 Bubble Beam *
16 Protect
19 Clamp
22 Leer
25 Ice Shard
28 Razor Shell
31 Aurora Beam
34 Whirlpool
37 Brine
40 Iron Defense
43 Ice Beam
46 Shell Smash
49 Hydro Pump

Location: Dewford Town, Route 125, Shoal Cave

1 Hydro Pump
1 Shell Smash
1 Toxic Spikes
1 Withdraw
1 Supersonic
1 Protect
1 Aurora Beam
16 Spike Cannon
22 Spikes
28 Razor Shell *
34 Rock Blast *
40 Icicle Crash

Location: Rusturf Tunnel, Mt. Pyre
New TM/HMs: Sludge Wave

1 Hypnosis
1 Lick
1 Spite
5 Mean Look
8 Clear Smog *
11 Night Shade
14 Hex*
17 Curse
20 Confuse Ray
23 Dark Pulse
26 Payback
29 Shadow Ball
32 Sucker Punch
35 Dream Eater
38 Destiny Bond
41 Nightmare

Location: Mt. Pyre, Victory Road
Evolution: Happiness or Level 36
New TM/HMs: Sludge Wave

1 Hypnosis
1 Lick
1 Spite
5 Mean Look
8 Clear Smog *
11 Night Shade
14 Hex *
17 Curse
20 Confuse Ray
23 Dark Pulse
25 Shadow Punch
27 Payback
31 Shadow Ball
35 Sucker Punch
39 Dream Eater
43 Destiny Bond
47 Nightmare

Location: Evolve Haunter (Happiness / Lv. 36)
New TM/HMs: Sludge Wave

1 Icy Wind *
1 Giga Drain *
1 Hypnosis
1 Lick
1 Spite
5 Mean Look
8 Clear Smog *
11 Night Shade
14 Hex *
17 Curse
20 Confuse Ray
23 Dark Pulse
25 Shadow Punch
27 Payback
31 Shadow Ball
35 Sucker Punch
39 Dream Eater
43 Destiny Bond
47 Nightmare

#095 ONIX
Location: Granite Cave, Scorched Slab
Evolution: Use a Metal Coat

HP 35 >> 65
Attack 45 >> 75
Speed 70 >> 100
Total 385 >> 475

1 Mud Sport
1 Tackle
1 Harden
1 Bind
4 Curse
7 Rock Throw
10 Rock Tomb
13 Rage
16 Smack Down
19 Rock Polish
20 Dig
22 Rock Slide
25 Gyro Ball
28 Slam
31 Dragon Breath
34 Screech
37 Sand Tomb
40 Iron Tail
43 Stealth Rock
46 Stone Edge
49 Double-Edge
52 Sandstorm

Location: Route 114, Route 121
1 Pound
1 Hypnosis
1 Disable
5 Confusion
8 Headbutt
11 Poison Gas
14 Meditate
17 Psybeam
20 Headbutt
23 Zen Headbutt
26 Shadow Ball *
29 Psyshock
32 Psych Up
35 Synchronoise
38 Psychic
41 Swagger
44 Nasty Plot
47 Future Sight

#097 HYPNO
Location: Route 121

1 Future Sight
1 Nasty Plot
1 Nightmare
1 Switcheroo
1 Pound
1 Hypnosis
1 Disable
5 Confusion
8 Headbutt
11 Poison Gas
14 Meditate
17 Psybeam
20 Headbutt
23 Zen Headbutt
26 Shadow Ball *
29 Psyshock
32 Psych Up
35 Synchronoise
38 Psychic
41 Swagger
44 Nasty Plot
47 Future Sight

Location: Route 105, Route 106
New TM/HMs: Waterfall

1 Mud Sport
1 Bubble
3 Vice Grip
6 Leer
9 Bubble Beam
12 Harden
15 Mud Shot
18 Knock Off *
21 Crabhammer
24 Metal Claw
27 Stomp
30 X-Scissor *
33 Protect
36 Slam
39 Brine
42 Guillotine
45 Flail

Location: Route 105, Route 106
New TM/HMs: Waterfall

1 Wide Guard
1 Superpower *
1 Mud Sport
1 Bubble
3 Vice Grip
6 Leer
9 Bubble Beam
12 Harden
15 Mud Shot
18 Knock Off *
21 Crabhammer
24 Metal Claw
27 Stomp
28 Hammer Arm **
31 X-Scissor *
35 Protect
39 Slam
43 Brine
47 Guillotine
51 Flail

Location: Route 110

1 Charge
1 Tackle
5 Sonic Boom
7 Eerie Impulse
9 Spark
11 Rollout
13 Screech
15 Charge Beam
17 Thunder Wave *
19 Swift
21 Electro Ball
23 Self-Destruct
25 Signal Beam *
27 Light Screen
29 Discharge
31 Foul Play *
33 Explosion *
35 Thunderbolt *
37 Gyro Ball
39 Mirror Coat

Location: New Mauville

1 Magnetic Flux
1 Charge
1 Tackle
5 Sonic Boom
7 Eerie Impulse
9 Spark
11 Rollout
13 Screech
15 Charge Beam
17 Thunder Wave*
19 Swift
21 Electro Ball
23 Self-Destruct
25 Signal Beam *
27 Light Screen
29 Discharge
32 Foul Play *
36 Explosion *
40 Thunderbolt *
44 Gyro Ball
48 Mirror Coat

Location: Route 104 South
Ability 2: Harvest

1 Barrage
1 Uproar
1 Hypnosis
1 Bullet Seed
6 Confusion
9 Grass Knot *
12 Reflect
15 Stun Spore
15 Poison Powder
15 Sleep Powder
18 Extrasensory
21 Worry Seed
24 Giga Drain *
27 Natural Gift
30 Bestow
33 Psychic *
36 Ancient Power *
39 Solar Beam

Location: Route 104 South
Ability 2: Harvest

1 Seed Bomb
1 Barrage
1 Hypnosis
1 Confusion
1 Stomp
7 Egg Bomb
17 Low Kick *
27 Psyshock
37 Wood Hammer
47 Leaf Storm

Location: Granite Cave

1 Growl
4 Tail Whip
7 Bone Club
10 Headbutt
13 Leer
16 Focus Energy
19 Boomerang
22 Double Kick *
25 Rage
28 False Swipe
31 Thrash
34 Iron Head*
37 Bone Rush
40 Fling
43 Endeavor
46 Skull Bash *
49 Double-Edge
52 Retaliate
55 Earthquake *

Location: Granite Cave, Victory Road

HP 60 >> 70
Speed 45 >> 60
Total 425 >> 450

1 Fire Punch *
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Sing **
1 Growl
4 Tail Whip
7 Bone Club
10 Headbutt
13 Leer
16 Focus Energy
19 Boomerang
22 Double Kick *
25 Rage
28 False Swipe
31 Thrash
35 Iron Head *
39 Bone Rush
43 Fling
47 Endeavor
51 Skull Bash *
55 Double-Edge
59 Retaliate
63 Earthquake *

Location: Evolve Tyrogue (Lv. 20, Atk > Def)

1 Reversal
1 Close Combat
1 Mega Kick
1 Revenge
1 Double Kick
5 Meditate
9 Rolling Kick
13 Jump Kick
17 Brick Break
20 Rolling Kick
21 Focus Energy
25 Feint
29 High Jump Kick
33 Mind Reader
37 Foresight
41 Wide Guard
45 Blaze Kick
49 Endure
53 Mega Kick
57 Close Combat
61 Reversal
65 Bounce *

Location: Evolve Tyrogue (Lv. 20, Def > Atk)

1 Close Combat
1 Counter
1 Focus Punch
1 Revenge
1 Comet Punch
6 Agility
11 Pursuit
16 Mach Punch
16 Bullet Punch
20 Mach Punch
21 Feint
26 Drain Punch *
26 Vacuum Wave
31 Quick Guard
36 Thunder Punch
36 Ice Punch
36 Fire Punch
41 Sky Uppercut
46 Mega Punch
50 Detect
56 Focus Punch
61 Counter
66 Close Combat

Location: Route 114

1 Lick
4 Supersonic
7 Defense Curl
10 Wrap
13 Knock Off
16 Disable
19 Stomp
22 Magnitude *
25 Zen Headbutt *
28 Slam
31 Rollout
34 Chip Away
37 Body Slam *
40 Me First
43 Muddy Water *
46 Power Whip
49 Screech
52 Refresh
55 Wring Out

Location: Fiery Path
Evolution Level: 35 >> 33
New TM/HMs: Sludge Wave

1 Poison Gas
1 Tackle
4 Smog
7 Smokescreen
10 Assurance
13 Clear Smog
16 Self-Destruct
19 Sludge
22 Psybeam *
25 Haze
28 Gyro Ball
31 Sludge Bomb
34 Flamethrower *
37 Explosion
40 Shadow Ball *
43 Destiny Bond
46 Belch
49 Memento
52 Sludge Wave *

Location: New Mauville
New TM/HMs: Sludge Wave

1 Poison Gas
1 Tackle
4 Smog
7 Smokescreen
10 Assurance
13 Clear Smog
16 Self-Destruct
19 Sludge
22 Psybeam*
25 Haze
28 Double Hit
31 Sludge Bomb
35 Flamethrower *
39 Explosion
43 Shadow Ball *
47 Destiny Bond
51 Belch
55 Memento
59 Sludge Wave *

Location: Granite Cave, Scorched Slab
Evolution Level: 42 >> 39

1 Horn Attack
1 Tail Whip
1 Fury Attack
5 Scary Face
9 Smack Down
13 Bulldoze
17 Stomp
21 Magnitude *
25 Chip Away
29 Rock Blast
33 Drill Run
37 Take Down
41 Stone Edge
45 Earthquake
49 Megahorn
53 Horn Drill

Location: Scorched Slab, Cave of Origin
Evolution: Use a Protector

1 Horn Drill
1 Fire Fang *
1 Thunder Fang *
1 Ice Fang *
1 Horn Attack
1 Tail Whip
1 Fury Attack
5 Scary Face
9 Smack Down
13 Bulldoze
17 Stomp
21 Magnitude *
25 Chip Away
29 Rock Blast
33 Drill Run
37 Hammer Arm
39 Take Down
45 Stone Edge
51 Earthquake
57 Megahorn
63 Horn Drill

Location: Route 117

1 Double-Edge
1 Defense Curl
1 Pound
1 Growl
3 Tail Whip
6 Refresh
8 Double Slap
12 Soft-Boiled
15 Bestow
18 Take Down
21 Minimize
24 Round *
27 Sing
30 Hyper Voice *
33 Heal Pulse
36 Egg Bomb
39 Light Screen
42 Healing Wish
45 Double-Edge

Location: Route 115

1 Ingrain
1 Constrict
4 Sleep Powder
7 Vine Whip
10 Absorb
14 Poison Powder
17 Bind
20 Growth
23 Mega Drain
27 Knock Off
30 Stun Spore
33 Giga Drain
36 Ancient Power
38 Natural Gift
41 Slam
44 Tickle
46 Wring Out
48 Grassy Terrain
50 Power Whip

Location: Granite Cave, Safari Zone
1 Double-Edge *
1 Hammer Arm *
1 Comet Punch
1 Leer
6 Fake Out
10 Tail Whip
14 Bite
18 Double Hit
22 Rage
26 Mega Punch
30 Chip Away
34 Dizzy Punch
38 Crunch
42 Endure
42 Reversal
46 Outrage
50 Sucker Punch
54 Hammer Arm *
58 Double-Edge *

Location: Slateport City, Route 132, Route 133, Route 134

1 Bubble
1 Smokescreen
4 Twister
8 Water Gun
12 Leer
16 Octazooka *
20 Dragon Rage *
24 Bubble Beam
28 Focus Energy
32 Brine
36 Agility
40 Dragon Pulse
44 Dragon Dance
48 Hydro Pump

Location: Slateport City, Route 132, Route 133, Route 134
Evolution: Use a Dragon Scale

1 Outrage *
1 Hydro Pump
1 Bubble
1 Smokescreen
4 Twister
8 Water Gun
12 Leer
16 Octazooka *
20 Dragon Rage *
24 Bubble Beam
28 Focus Energy
33 Brine
38 Agility
43 Dragon Pulse
48 Dragon Dance
53 Hydro Pump
57 Outrage *

Location: Petalburg City, Safari Zone

1 Peck
1 Tail Whip
1 Water Sport
5 Supersonic
8 Horn Attack
11 Flail
14 Water Pulse
17 Aqua Ring
20 Waterfall
23 Fury Attack
26 Knock Off *
29 Agility
32 Aqua Tail *
35 Drill Run *
38 Soak
41 Skull Bash *
44 Bounce *
47 Horn Drill
50 Megahorn

Location: Petalburg City, Safari Zone

Attack 92 >> 100

Defense 65 >> 80
Sp. Attack 65 >> 40
Speed 68 >> 80
Total 450 >> 460

1 Megahorn
1 Poison Jab
1 Peck
1 Tail Whip
1 Water Sport
5 Supersonic
8 Horn Attack
11 Flail
14 Water Pulse
17 Aqua Ring
20 Waterfall
23 Fury Attack
26 Knock Off *
29 Agility
32 Aqua Tail *
36 Drill Run *
40 Soak
44 Skull Bash*
48 Bounce *
52 Horn Drill
56 Megahorn
Location: Route 105, Route 106, Lilycove City

1 Tackle
1 Harden
4 Water Gun
7 Rapid Spin
10 Recover
13 Psywave
16 Bubble Beam
19 Swift
22 Camouflage
25 Brine
28 Gyro Ball
31 Power Gem
34 Psychic
37 Reflect Type
40 Confuse Ray
43 Minimize
46 Light Screen
49 Cosmic Power
52 Hydro Pump

Location: Route 105, Route 106, Lilycove City, Underwater

1 Hydro Pump
1 Water Gun
1 Rapid Spin
1 Recover
1 Swift
40 Confuse Ray

#122 MR. MIME

Location: Safari Zone

1 Misty Terrain
1 Magical Leaf
1 Quick Guard
1 Wide Guard
1 Power Swap
1 Guard Swap
1 Barrier
1 Confusion
4 Copycat
8 Meditate
11 Double Slap
15 Mimic
15 Psywave
18 Encore
22 Light Screen
22 Reflect
25 Psybeam
29 Substitute
32 Recycle
36 Trick
39 Psychic
43 Role Play
46 Baton Pass
50 Safeguard

Location: Route 112 South
Evolution: Use a Metal Coat

1 Vacuum Wave
1 Quick Attack
1 Leer
4 Focus Energy
8 Pursuit
12 Agility
16 Fury Cutter
20 Slash
23 Bug Bite *
26 Wing Attack
29 False Swipe
32 Razor Wind
35 Double Team
38 X-Scissor
41 Night Slash
44 Double Hit
48 Swords Dance
52 Air Slash
56 Feint
60 Reversal *

#124 JYNX
Location: Shoal Cave

1 Petal Dance **
1 Draining Kiss
1 Perish Song
1 Pound
4 Lick
6 Lovely Kiss
10 Powder Snow
12 Double Slap
16 Ice Punch
18 Heart Stamp
22 Mean Look
24 Fake Tears
28 Psyshock *
30 Wake-Up Slap
34 Avalanche
38 Body Slam
42 Ice Beam *
46 Wring Out
50 Perish Song
54 Blizzard
58 Psycho Boost **

Location: New Mauville
Ability 2: Vital Spirit
Evolution: Use an Electirizer

1 Quick Attack
1 Leer
5 Thunder Shock
8 Low Kick
11 Swift
14 Shock Wave
17 Thunder Wave
20 Electro Ball
23 Light Screen
26 Brick Break *
29 Thunder Punch
33 Discharge
37 Screech
41 Thunderbolt
45 Cross Chop *
49 Wild Charge *
53 Thunder

Location: Safari Zone
Ability 2: Vital Spirit
Evolution: Use a Magmarizer

1 Smog
1 Leer
5 Ember
8 Smokescreen
11 Feint Attack
14 Fire Spin
17 Clear Smog
20 Flame Burst
23 Confuse Ray
26 Brick Break *
29 Fire Punch
33 Lava Plume
37 Sunny Day
41 Flamethrower
45 Cross Chop *
49 Flare Blitz *
53 Fire Blast

Location: Route 112 North

1 Vice Grip
1 Focus Energy
4 Bind
8 Seismic Toss
11 Harden
14 Revenge
17 Vital Throw
20 Bug Bite *
23 Double Hit
26 Brick Break
29 X-Scissor
32 Quick Attack *
35 Submission
38 Storm Throw
41 Swords Dance
44 Close Combat *
47 Thrash
50 Superpower
53 Guillotine
56 Megahorn **

Location: Route 112 South

1 Rock Climb *
1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
4 Rage
8 Horn Attack
12 Scary Face
16 Pursuit
20 Rest
24 Payback
28 Work Up
32 Zen Headbutt
36 Take Down
40 Wild Charge *
44 Swagger
48 Thrash
52 Iron Tail *
56 Earthquake *
60 Megahorn **
64 Giga Impact

Location: Route 111, Route 115, Sootopolis City
Ability 2: Rattled

1 Splash
1 Tackle
1 Bubble **
10 Flail
20 Bounce *

Location: Route 111, Route 115, Sootopolis City
Ability 2: Moxie

1 Thrash
20 Bite
23 Dragon Rage
26 Aqua Tail
29 Leer
32 Twister
35 Ice Fang
38 Crunch
41 Rain Dance
44 Hydro Pump
47 Dragon Dance
50 Hyper Beam
53 Outrage *

Location: Sea Mauville, Route 125

1 Sing
1 Growl
1 Water Gun
4 Mist
7 Confuse Ray
10 Ice Shard
13 Water Pulse
16 Body Slam
20 Rain Dance
24 Perish Song
28 Ice Beam
32 Brine
36 Freeze-Dry *
40 Safeguard
44 Hydro Pump
48 Sheer Cold
52 Dragon Dance *
56 Shell Smash **

#132 DITTO
Location: Route 115, Mirage Island, Mirage Forest, Mirage Cave, Mirage Mountain
Ability 2: Imposter

1 Transform

#133 EEVEE
Location: Route 116
Base Happiness: 70 >> 140

1 Helping Hand
1 Growl
1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
5 Sand Attack
9 Baby-Doll Eyes
10 Swift
13 Quick Attack
17 Bote
20 Refresh
23 Covet
25 Take Down
29 Charm
33 Baton Pass
37 Double-Edge
41 Last Resort
45 Trump Card

Location: Evolve Eevee (Water Stone)
Ability 2: Hydration

1 Helping Hand
1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
5 Sand Attack
9 Water Gun
13 Quick Attack
17 Water Pulse
20 Aurora Beam
25 Aqua Ring
29 Acid Armor
33 Haze
37 Muddy Water
41 Last Resort
45 Hydro Pump
50 Acid Spray **

Location: Evolve Eevee (Thunder Stone)
Ability 2: Quick Feet

1 Helping Hand
1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
5 Sand Attack
9 Thunder Shock
13 Quick Attack
17 Double Kick
20 Thunder Fang
25 Pin Missile
29 Agility
33 Thunder Wave
37 Discharge
41 Last Resort
45 Thunder
50 Extrasensory **

Location: Evolve Eevee (Fire Stone)
Ability 2: Guts
New TM/HMs: Rock Slide, Wild Charge

Sp. Attack 95 >> 65

Speed 65 >> 95

1 Helping Hand
1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
5 Sand Attack
9 Ember
13 Quick Attack
17 Bite
20 Fire Fang
25 Fire Spin
29 Scary Face
33 Smog
37 Lava Plume
41 Last Resort
45 Flare Blitz
50 Close Combat **

Location: New Mauville
Evolution: Use an Up-Grade

1 Conversion 2
1 Tackle
1 Conversion
1 Sharpen
7 Psybeam
11 Agility
15 Recover
19 Magnet Rise
23 Signal Beam
27 Tri Attack
31 Recycle
35 Discharge
39 Lock-On
43 Magic Coat
47 Zap Cannon

Location: Seafloor Cavern, Revive Helix Fossil
Evolution Level: 40 >> 37

1 Constrict
1 Withdraw
6 Bite
10 Water Gun
14 Rollout
18 Leer
22 Mud Shot
26 Brine
30 Protect
34 Ancient Power
38 Tickle
42 Rock Blast
46 Earth Power *
50 Shell Smash
54 Hydro Pump

Location: Seafloor Cavern

1 Hydro Pump
1 Constrict
1 Withdraw
6 Bite
10 Water Gun
14 Rollout
18 Leer
22 Mud Shot
26 Brine
30 Protect
34 Ancient Power
37 Spike Cannon
40 Tickle
46 Rock Blast
52 Earth Power *
58 Shell Smash
64 Hydro Pump

Location: Seafloor Cavern, Revive Dome Fossil
Evolution Level: 40 >> 37

1 Scratch
1 Harden
6 Absorb
10 Leer
14 Mud Shot
18 Sand Attack
22 Endure
26 Aqua Jet
30 Knock Off *
34 Mega Drain
38 Ancient Power
42 Waterfall *
46 Stone Edge *
50 Metal Sound
54 Wring Out

Location: Seafloor Cavern

1 Night Slash
1 Feint
1 Scratch
1 Harden
6 Absorb
10 Leer
14 Mud Shot
18 Sand Attack
22 Endure
26 Aqua Jet
30 Knock Off *
34 Mega Drain
37 Slash
37 X-Scissor *
40 Ancient Power
46 Waterfall *
52 Stone Edge *
58 Metal Sound
64 Wring Out
70 Night Slash

Location: Seafloor Cavern, Cave of Origin, Revive Amber Fossil
Held Item: Flying Gem (100%)

1 Iron Head
1 Ice Fang
1 Fire Fang
1 Thunder Fang
1 Wing Attack
1 Supersonic
1 Bite
1 Scary Face
7 Roar
11 Agility
15 Ancient Power
19 Crunch
23 Take Down
27 Sky Drop
31 Rock Slide
35 Iron Head
39 Dragon Claw *
43 Aqua Tail *
47 Stone Edge *
51 Sky Attack *
55 Hyper Beam
59 Giga Impact
63 Brave Bird **

Location: Route 113

1 Lovely Kiss **
1 Tackle
1 Defense Curl
4 Amnesia
8 Lick
12 Chip Away
16 Yawn
20 Body Slam
24 Rest
24 Snore
24 Sleep Talk
28 Rollout
32 Crunch
36 Belly Drum
40 Block
44 Zen Headbutt *
48 Heavy Slam
52 Seed Bomb *
56 Double-Edge *
60 Giga Impact

Location: Mirage Mountain
Ability 2: Snow Cloak

1 Freeze-Dry
1 Gust
1 Powder Snow
5 Mist
10 Ice Shard
15 Mind Reader
20 Ancient Power
25 Agility
30 Ice Beam
35 Roost
40 Reflect
45 Hail
50 Tailwind
55 Hurricane
60 Blizzard
65 Sheer Cold

Location: Mirage Mountain
Ability 2: Static

1 Heat Wave *
1 Peck
1 Thunder Shock
5 Thunder Wave
10 Detect
15 Pluck
20 Ancient Power
25 Charge
30 Agility
35 Roost
40 Discharge
45 Rain Dance
50 Light Screen
55 Drill Peck
60 Zap Cannon
65 Thunder

Location: Mirage Mountain
Ability 2: Flame Body

1 Tailwind *
1 Wing Attack
1 Ember
5 Fire Spin
10 Agility
15 Endure
20 Ancient Power
25 Flamethrower
30 Safeguard
35 Roost
40 Air Slash
45 Sunny Day
50 Heat Wave
55 Hurricane
60 Solar Beam
65 Sky Attack

Location: Slateport City, Meteor Falls, Route 132, Route 133, Route 134
Ability 2: Marvel Scale

1 Wrap
1 Leer
5 Thunder Wave
9 Twister
13 Dragon Rage
17 Slam
21 Agility
25 Dragon Tail
29 Aqua Tail
33 Dragon Pulse *
37 Dragon Rush
41 Safeguard
45 Dragon Dance
49 Outrage
53 Extreme Speed *
57 Hyper Beam

Location: Slateport City, Meteor Falls, Route 132, Route 133, Route 134
Ability 2: Marvel Scale

1 Wrap
1 Leer
5 Thunder Wave
9 Twister
13 Dragon Rage
17 Slam
21 Agility
25 Dragon Tail
29 Aqua Tail
34 Dragon Pulse *
39 Dragon Rush
44 Safeguard
49 Dragon Dance
54 Outrage
59 Extreme Speed *
64 Hyper Beam

Location: Soaring in the Sky
Ability 2: Multiscale

1 Hurricane
1 Fire Punch
1 Thunder Punch
1 Roost
1 Wrap
1 Leer
5 Thunder Wave
9 Twister
13 Dragon Rage
17 Slam
21 Agility
25 Dragon Tail
29 Aqua Tail
34 Dragon Pulse *
39 Dragon Rush
44 Safeguard
49 Dragon Dance
54 Outrage
55 Wing Attack
60 Extreme Speed *
66 Hyper Beam
72 Hurricane

Location: Mirage Cave
Ability 2: Unnerve

1 Confusion
1 Disable
1 Safeguard
1 Swift
5 Future Sight
10 Psych Up
15 Miracle Eye
20 Psycho Cut
25 Power Swap
25 Guard Swap
30 Recover
35 Psychic
40 Barrier
45 Drain Punch *
50 Amnesia
55 Aura Sphere
60 Mist
65 Me First
70 Psystrike

#151 MEW
Location: Mirage Island

1 Pound
1 Reflect Type
1 Transform
5 Mega Punch
10 Metronome
15 Me First
20 Barrier
25 Ancient Power
30 Amnesia
35 Psychic
40 Baton Pass
45 Nasty Plot
50 Aura Sphere
Location: Route 101
Ability 2: Natural Cure **

1 Tackle
1 Growl
5 Razor Leaf
7 Poison Powder
9 Synthesis
11 Grass Whistle *
13 Nature Power *
15 Magical Leaf
17 Reflect
19 Natural Gift
21 Giga Drain *
23 Ancient Power *
25 Body Slam
28 Sweet Scent
31 Light Screen
34 Safeguard
37 Aromatherapy
40 Solar Beam
43 Leaf Storm *

Location: Evolve Chikorita (Lv. 16)
Ability 2: Natural Cure **

1 Tackle
1 Growl
5 Razor Leaf
7 Poison Powder
9 Synthesis
11 Grass Whistle *
13 Nature Power*
15 Magical Leaf
18 Reflect
21 Natural Gift
24 Giga Drain *
27 Ancient Power *
30 Body Slam
34 Sweet Scent
38 Light Screen
42 Safeguard
46 Aromatherapy
50 Solar Beam
54 Leaf Storm*

Location: Evolve Bayleef (Lv. 32)
Ability 2: Natural Cure **

1 Tackle
1 Growl
5 Razor Leaf
7 Poison Powder
9 Synthesis
11 Grass Whistle *
13 Nature Power *
15 Magical Leaf
18 Reflect
21 Natural Gift
24 Giga Drain *
27 Ancient Power *
30 Body Slam
32 Petal Dance
32 Petal Blizzard
35 Sweet Scent
40 Light Screen
45 Safeguard
50 Aromatherapy
55 Solar Beam
60 Leaf Storm *

Location: Rusturf Tunnel
Ability 2: Flash Fire

1 Tackle
1 Leer
5 Ember
7 Smokescreen
9 Quick Attack
11 Reversal *
13 Flame Wheel
15 Defense Curl
17 Flame Burst *
19 Swift
21 Flame Charge
24 Rollout
27 Extrasensory *
30 Lava Plume
33 Double-Edge
36 Flamethrower
39 Inferno
42 Eruption

Location: Evolve Cyndaquil (Lv. 14)
Ability 2: Flash Fire

1 Tackle
1 Leer
5 Ember
7 Smokescreen
9 Quick Attack
11 Reversal *
13 Flame Wheel
15 Defense Curl
17 Flame Burst *
20 Swift
23 Flame Charge
27 Rollout
31 Extrasensory *
35 Lava Plume
39 Double-Edge
43 Flamethrower
47 Inferno
51 Eruption

Location: Evolve Quilava (Lv. 36)
Ability 2: Flash Fire

1 Eruption
1 Fire Punch*
1 Thunder Punch*
1 Tackle
1 Leer
5 Ember
7 Smokescreen
9 Quick Attack
11 Reversal *
13 Flame Wheel
15 Defense Curl
17 Flame Burst *
20 Swift
23 Flame Charge
27 Rollout
31 Extrasensory *
35 Lava Plume
40 Double-Edge
45 Flamethrower
50 Inferno
55 Eruption

Location: Route 104 South
Ability 2: Sheer Force

1 Scratch
1 Leer
5 Water Gun
7 Rage
9 Bite
11 Scary Face
13 Metal Claw *
15 Aqua Jet *
17 Ice Fang
19 Flail
21 Chip Away
23 Aqua Tail
25 Slash
28 Crunch
31 Screech
34 Thrash
37 Dragon Dance *
40 Superpower
43 Hydro Pump
Evolution: Evolve Totodile (Lv. 18)
Ability 2: Sheer Force

1 Scratch
1 Leer
5 Water Gun
7 Rage
9 Bite
11 Scary Face
13 Metal Claw *
15 Aqua Jet *
17 Ice Fang
20 Flail
23 Chip Away
26 Aqua Tail
29 Slash
33 Crunch
37 Screech
41 Thrash
45 Dragon Dance *
49 Superpower
53 Hydro Pump

Location: Evolve Croconaw (Lv. 30)
Ability 2: Sheer Force

1 Ice Punch *
1 Scratch
1 Leer
5 Water Gun
7 Rage
9 Bite
11 Scary Face
13 Metal Claw *
15 Aqua Jet *
17 Ice Fang
20 Flail
23 Chip Away
26 Aqua Tail
29 Slash
30 Agility
34 Crunch
39 Screech
44 Thrash
49 Dragon Dance *
54 Superpower
59 Hydro Pump

Location: Route 101

1 Scratch
1 Foresight
4 Defense Curl
7 Quick Attack
10 Fury Swipes
13 Helping Hand
16 Slam
19 Follow Me
22 Rest
25 Sucker Punch
28 Amnesia
31 Hyper Voice
34 Me First
37 Baton Pass
40 Double-Edge *

Location: Safari Zone
Ability 1: Run Away >> Limber **

HP 85 >> 95
Attack 76 >> 85
Defense 64 >> 65
Sp. Attack 45 >> 40
Speed 90 >> 100
Total 415 >> 440

1 Double-Edge
1 Aqua Tail *
1 Iron Tail *
1 Covet *
1 Scratch
1 Foresight
4 Defense Curl
7 Quick Attack
10 Fury Swipes
13 Helping Hand
15 Slash *
17 Slam
21 Follow Me
25 Rest
29 Sucker Punch
33 Amnesia
37 Hyper Voice
41 Me First
45 Baton Pass
49 Double-Edge *

Location: Route 103, Mt. Pyre
Effort Values: 1 HP >> 1 Sp. Def

Attack 30 >> 25
Defense 30 >> 25
Sp. Attack 36 >> 45
Sp. Defense 56 >> 65
Total 262 >> 270

1 Tackle
1 Growl
1 Foresight
1 Hypnosis
6 Echoed Voice
9 Peck
12 Uproar
15 Air Cutter *
18 Confusion
21 Reflect
24 Extrasensory
27 Take Down
30 Air Slash
33 Synchronoise
36 Zen Headbutt
39 Psycho Shift
42 Psychic *
45 Roost
48 Dream Eater
51 Hurricane **

Location: Safari Zone, Mt. Pyre
Ability 2: Keen Eye >> Analytic
Effort Values: 2 HP >> 2 Sp. Def
Type: Normal/Flying >> Psychic/Flying

Attack 50 >> 30
Defense 50 >> 60
Sp. Attack 76 >> 90
Sp. Defense 96 >> 110
Speed 70 >> 75
Total 442 >> 465

1 Hurricane **
1 Dream Eater
1 Sky Attack
1 Heat Wave *
1 Hyper Voice *
1 Tackle
1 Growl
1 Foresight
1 Hypnosis
6 Echoed Voice
9 Peck
12 Uproar
15 Air Cutter *
18 Confusion
22 Reflect
26 Extrasensory
30 Take Down
34 Air Slash
38 Synchronoise
42 Zen Headbutt
46 Psycho Shift
50 Psychic *
54 Roost
58 Dream Eater
62 Hurricane **
Location: Route 104 North

Attack 20 >> 50
Sp. Attack 40 >> 20
Total 265 >> 275

1 Tackle
1 Supersonic
6 Comet Punch
8 Bug Bite *
10 Light Screen
10 Reflect
12 Aerial Ace *
14 Safeguard
16 Mach Punch
18 Swift
20 Drain Punch *
22 Acrobatics *
24 Baton Pass
26 U-turn *
28 Agility
30 Silver Wind
32 Double-Edge
34 Focus Punch *
36 Bug Buzz
38 Meteor Mash **

Location: Safari Zone
New TM/HMs: Fly

Attack 35 >> 110

Sp. Attack 55 >> 40
Total 390 >> 450

1 Tackle
1 Supersonic
6 Comet Punch
8 Bug Bite *
10 Light Screen
10 Reflect
12 Aerial Ace *
14 Safeguard
16 Mach Punch
18 Thunder Punch *
18 Ice Punch *
19 Swift
22 Drain Punch *
25 Acrobatics *
28 Baton Pass
31 U-turn *
34 Agility
37 Silver Wind
40 Double-Edge
43 Focus Punch *
46 Bug Buzz
49 Meteor Mash **

Location: Rusturf Tunnel

Attack 60 >> 70
Speed 30 >> 40
Total 250 >> 270

1 Poison Sting
1 String Shot
1 Electroweb *
6 Scary Face
8 Constrict
10 Leech Life
12 Bug Bite *
14 Night Shade
16 Shadow Sneak
18 X-Scissor *
20 Fury Swipes
22 Cross Poison
24 Night Slash *
26 Sucker Punch
28 Spider Web
30 Agility
32 Pin Missile
34 Psychic
36 Poison Jab
38 Sticky Web
40 Megahorn *

Location: Safari Zone, Sky Pillar

Attack 90 >> 120

Sp. Attack 60 >> 50
Speed 40 >> 80
Total 390 >> 450

1 Venom Drench
1 Fell Stinger
1 Poison Sting
1 String Shot
1 Electroweb *
6 Scary Face
8 Constrict
10 Leech Life
12 Bug Bite
14 Night Shade
16 Shadow Sneak
18 X-Scissor *
20 Fury Swipes
23 Cross Poison
26 Night Slash *
29 Sucker Punch
32 Spider Web
35 Agility
38 Pin Missile
41 Psychic
44 Poison Jab
47 Sticky Web
50 Megahorn *

Location: Meteor Falls
Ability 2: Infiltrator

1 Cross Poison
1 Screech
1 Leech Life
1 Supersonic
4 Leech Life
7 Bite
10 Wing Attack
13 Confuse Ray
16 Feint Attack *
19 Air Cutter
23 Poison Fang
27 Swift
31 Acrobatics
35 Giga Drain *
39 Mean Look
43 Haze
47 Venoshock
51 Air Slash
55 Hypnosis *
59 Brave Bird *
63 Quick Guard

Location: Route 108, Route 109, Route 124

1 Bubble
1 Supersonic
6 Thunder Wave
9 Electro Ball
12 Water Gun
17 Confuse Ray
20 Bubble Beam
23 Spark
28 Signal Beam
31 Discharge
34 Flail
39 Take Down
42 Thunderbolt *
45 Aqua Ring
47 Hydro Pump
50 Ion Deluge
52 Charge

Location: Route 108, Route 109, Route 124, Underwater
1 Eerie Impulse
1 Bubble
1 Supersonic
1 Thunder Wave
1 Electro Ball
6 Thunder Wave
9 Electro Ball
12 Water Gun
17 Confuse Ray
20 Bubble Beam
23 Spark
27 Stockpile
27 Swallow
27 Spit Up
29 Signal Beam
33 Discharge
37 Flail
43 Take Down
47 Thunderbolt *
51 Aqua Ring
54 Hydro Pump
58 Ion Deluge
61 Charge

#172 PICHU
Location: Petalburg Woods
Ability 2: Lightning Rod
Base Happiness: 70 >> 200

1 Thunder Shock
1 Charm
5 Tail Whip
9 Sweet Kiss
13 Nasty Plot
17 Thunder Wave

Location: Meteor Falls
Base Happiness: 70 >> 200

1 Round
1 Charm
4 Encore
7 Sing
10 Sweet Kiss
13 Copycat
16 Magical Leaf

Location: Route 115
Base Happiness 70 >> 200

1 Sing
1 Charm
3 Defense Curl
5 Pound
9 Sweet Kiss
11 Copycat

Location: Route 104 North
Base Happiness: 70 >> 180

1 Growl
1 Charm
1 Metronome
1 Extrasensory *
6 Fairy Wind **
9 Sweet Kiss
12 Yawn
15 Draining Kiss **
18 Encore
21 Nasty Plot *
24 Ancient Power
27 Follow Me
30 Bestow
33 Wish
36 Safeguard
39 Baton Pass
42 Double-Edge
45 Last Resort
48 After You

Location: Evolve Togepi (Happiness)

1 Silver Wind *
1 Magical Leaf
1 Growl
1 Charm
1 Metronome
1 Extrasensory *
6 Fairy Wind
9 Sweet Kiss
12 Yawn
15 Draining Kiss ** (Fairy Wind + Air Cutter on legal moves version)
18 Encore
21 Air Cutter *
24 Ancient Power
27 Follow Me
30 Bestow
33 Wish
36 Safeguard
39 Baton Pass
42 Double-Edge
45 Last Resort
48 After You

#177 NATU
Location: Route 116, Mt. Pyre
1 Peck
1 Leer
6 Night Shade
9 Stored Power
12 Calm Mind *
15 Air Cutter *
18 Teleport
21 Ominous Wind
24 Confuse Ray
27 Wish
30 Psychic
33 Miracle Eye
36 Lucky Chant
39 Psycho Shift
42 Future Sight
45 Guard Swap
45 Power Swap
48 Me First

#178 XATU
Location: Mt. Pyre

1 Hurricane **
1 Tailwind
1 Silver Wind *
1 Giga Drain *
1 Heat Wave *
1 Peck
1 Leer
6 Night Shade
9 Stored Power
12 Calm Mind *
15 Air Cutter *
18 Teleport
21 Ominous Wind
24 Confuse Ray
25 Air Slash
28 Wish
32 Psychic
36 Miracle Eye
40 Lucky Chant
44 Psycho Shift
48 Future Sight
52 Guard Swap
52 Power Swap
56 Me First
60 Hurricane **

Location: Route 116

1 Tackle
1 Growl
4 Thunder Wave
7 Thunder Shock
10 Cotton Spore
13 Shock Wave *
16 Charge
19 Take Down
22 Electro Ball
25 Power Gem
28 Discharge
31 Confuse Ray
34 Signal Beam
37 Thunderbolt *
40 Cotton Guard
43 Light Screen
46 Thunder

Location: Route 121

1 Tackle
1 Growl
4 Thunder Wave
7 Thunder Shock
10 Cotton Spore
13 Shock Wave *
16 Charge
20 Take Down
24 Electro Ball
28 Power Gem
32 Discharge
36 Confuse Ray
40 Signal Beam
44 Thunderbolt *
48 Cotton Guard
52 Light Screen
56 Thunder

Location: Evolve Flaaffy (Lv. 30)

1 Zap Cannon
1 Magnetic Flux
1 Ion Deluge
1 Fire Punch
1 Thunder Punch
1 Tackle
1 Growl
4 Thunder Wave
7 Thunder Shock
10 Cotton Spore
13 Shock Wave *
16 Charge
20 Take Down
24 Electro Ball
28 Power Gem
30 Dragon Pulse
33 Discharge
38 Confuse Ray
43 Signal Beam
48 Thunderbolt *
53 Cotton Guard
58 Light Screen
63 Thunder
68 Tail Glow **

Location: Evolve Gloom (Sun Stone)
Ability 2: Healer
Move Tutor: Earth Power

1 Earth Power **
1 Leaf Storm
1 Leaf Blade
1 Mega Drain
1 Sweet Scent
1 Stun Spore
1 Sunny Day
24 Magical Leaf
34 Petal Blizzard
44 Leaf Storm
54 Quiver Dance **

Location: Petalburg City, Route 123

1 Tackle
1 Water Gun
2 Tail Whip
5 Water Sport
7 Bubble
10 Defense Curl
10 Rollout
13 Bubble Beam
16 Helping Hand
20 Aqua Tail
23 Play Rough
28 Aqua Ring
31 Rain Dance
37 Double-Edge
40 Superpower
47 Hydro Pump

Location: Petalburg City, Route 123, Victory Road

Sp. Attack 60 >> 80

Total 420 >> 440

1 Tackle
1 Water Gun
2 Tail Whip
5 Water Sport
7 Bubble
10 Defense Curl
10 Rollout
13 Bubble Beam
16 Helping Hand
21 Aqua Tail
25 Play Rough
31 Aqua Ring
35 Rain Dance
42 Double-Edge
46 Superpower
55 Hydro Pump

Location: Safari Zone

HP 70 >> 80
Attack 100 >> 110
Defense 115 >> 125
Sp. Attack 30 >> 40
Sp. Defense 65 >> 75
Total 410 >> 460

1 Wood Hammer
1 Copycat
1 Flail
1 Low Kick
1 Rock Throw
5 Flail
8 Low Kick
12 Rock Throw
15 Mimic
15 Slam
19 Feint Attack
22 Rock Tomb
26 Block
29 Rock Slide
33 Counter
36 Sucker Punch
40 Double-Edge
43 Stone Edge
47 Hammer Arm

Location: Evolve Poliwhirl (King's Rock)

1 Bubble Beam
1 Hypnosis
1 Double Slap
1 Perish Song
25 Swagger
30 Round *
35 Bounce
40 Mud Bomb *
45 Hyper Voice

Location: Route 104 North, Route 114
New TM/HMs: Fly

Attack 35 >> 50
Sp. Attack 35 >> 50
Sp. Defense 55 >> 60
Speed 50 >> 55
Total 250 >> 280

1 Splash
1 Synthesis
1 Tail Whip
4 Tackle
6 Mega Drain
8 Fairy Wind
10 Poison Powder
12 Stun Spore
14 Sleep Powder
16 Acrobatics
18 Bullet Seed
20 Leech Seed
22 Giga Drain
24 Silver Wind *
26 Rage Powder
28 Cotton Spore
30 U-turn
32 Worry Seed
34 Bounce
36 Memento
38 Cotton Guard **

Location: Route 114
New TM/HMs: Fly

Attack 45 >> 65
Sp. Attack 45 >> 65
Sp. Defense 65 >> 75
Total 340 >> 390

1 Splash
1 Synthesis
1 Tail Whip
4 Tackle
6 Mega Drain
8 Fairy Wind
10 Poison Powder
12 Stun Spore
14 Sleep Powder
16 Acrobatics
19 Bullet Seed
22 Leech Seed
25 Giga Drain
28 Silver Wind *
31 Rage Powder
34 Cotton Spore
37 U-turn
40 Worry Seed
43 Bounce
46 Memento
49 Cotton Guard **
Location: Evolve Skiploom (Lv. 27)
New TM/HMs: Fly

Attack 55 >> 75
Sp. Attack 55 >> 75
Total 460 >> 500

1 Splash
1 Synthesis
1 Tail Whip
4 Tackle
6 Mega Drain
8 Fairy Wind
10 Poison Powder
12 Stun Spore
14 Sleep Powder
16 Acrobatics
19 Bullet Seed
22 Leech Seed
25 Giga Drain
29 Silver Wind *
33 Rage Powder
37 Cotton Spore
41 U-turn
45 Worry Seed
49 Bounce
53 Memento
57 Cotton Guard **

#190 AIPOM
Location: Jagged Pass

1 Scratch
1 Tail Whip
4 Sand Attack
8 Astonish
11 Baton Pass
14 Tickle
17 Fury Swipes
20 Swift
23 Knock Off *
25 Screech
27 Agility
29 Acrobatics *
30 Fake Out *
32 Double Hit
35 Fling
38 Nasty Plot
42 Bounce *
45 Last Resort

Location: Route 115

1 Absorb
1 Growth
4 Ingrain
7 Grass Whistle
10 Mega Drain
13 Leech Seed
16 Razor Leaf
19 Worry Seed
22 Giga Drain
25 Endeavor
28 Synthesis
31 Natural Gift
34 Solar Beam
37 Double-Edge
40 Sunny Day
43 Seed Bomb

Location: Evolve Sunkern (Sun Stone)

HP 75 >> 95
Attack 75 >> 55
Defense 55 >> 95
Sp. Attack 105 >> 125
Sp. Defense 85 >> 105
Total 425 >> 505

1 Flower Shield
1 Absorb
1 Pound
1 Growth
4 Ingrain
7 Grass Whistle
10 Mega Drain
13 Leech Seed
16 Razor Leaf
19 Worry Seed
22 Giga Drain
25 Bullet Seed
28 Petal Dance
31 Natural Gift
34 Solar Beam
37 Double-Edge
40 Sunny Day
43 Mystical Fire **
46 Earth Power *
49 Petal Blizzard
52 Leaf Storm

#193 YANMA
Location: Route 115
New TM/HMs: Fly

1 Tackle
1 Foresight
1 Quick Attack
6 Double Team
10 Sonic Boom
14 Wing Attack
18 Silver Wind *
22 Detect
26 Supersonic
30 Uproar
34 Ancient Power
38 Signal Beam *
42 Air Slash
46 Hypnosis
50 U-turn
54 Screech
58 Bug Buzz

Location: Route 110

Attack 45 >> 55
Defense 45 >> 55
Total 210 >> 230

1 Water Gun
1 Tail Whip
6 Mud Sport
10 Mud Shot
14 Slam
18 Mud Bomb
22 Aqua Tail *
26 Amnesia
30 Yawn
34 Earthquake
38 Rain Dance
42 Mist
42 Haze
46 Muddy Water
50 Recover *

Location: Route 110, Route 119

Attack 85 >> 95
Defense 85 >> 95
Total 430 >> 450

1 Water Gun
1 Tail Whip
6 Mud Sport
10 Mud Shot
14 Slam
18 Mud Bomb
24 Aqua Tail *
28 Amnesia
32 Yawn
36 Earthquake
40 Rain Dance
44 Mist
44 Haze
48 Muddy Water
52 Recover *

Location: Evolve Eevee (Happiness, Day)
Ability 2: Magic Bounce

1 Power Gem **
1 Helping Hand
1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
5 Sand Attack
9 Confusion
13 Quick Attack
17 Swift
20 Psybeam
25 Future Sight
29 Psych Up
33 Morning Sun
37 Psychic
41 Last Resort
45 Power Swap
50 Mystical Fire **

Location: Evolve Eevee (Happiness, Night)
Ability 2: Poison Touch **

1 Helping Hand
1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
5 Sand Attack
9 Pursuit
13 Quick Attack
17 Confuse Ray
20 Feint Attack
25 Assurance
29 Screech
33 Moonlight
37 Mean Look
41 Last Resort
45 Guard Swap
50 Moonblast **

Location: Jagged Pass, Mt. Pyre

1 Peck
1 Astonish
6 Pursuit
10 Haze
14 Wing Attack
18 Night Shade
22 Assurance
26 Feint Attack
30 Drill Peck *
34 Taunt
38 Mean Look
42 Foul Play
46 Tailwind
50 Sucker Punch
54 Brave Bird *
58 Torment
62 Quash

Location: Route 118
New TM/HMs: Waterfall

1 Wonder Room *
1 Power Gem
1 Hidden Power
1 Ice Beam *
1 Curse
1 Yawn
1 Tackle
4 Growl
6 Water Gun
8 Confusion
11 Incinerate *
14 Headbutt
16 Disable
19 Zen Headbutt
22 Water Pulse
26 Belch *
30 Nasty Plot
34 Swagger
38 Psychic
42 Trump Card
46 Psych Up
50 Heal Pulse
54 Wonder Room *
58 Aura Sphere **

Location: Route 114
Type: Ghost >> Ghost/Fairy

1 Growl
1 Psywave
1 Spite
5 Astonish
8 Confuse Ray
11 Mean Look
14 Hex
17 Disarming Voice *
20 Psybeam
23 Power Gem
26 Shadow Ball
29 Payback
32 Pain Split
36 Moonblast **
40 Perish Song
44 Grudge
48 Nasty Plot *

#201 UNOWN
Location: Cave of Origin
New TM/HMs: Secret Power, Nature Power

HP 48 >> 50
Attack 72 >> 150
Defense 48 >> 50
Sp. Attack 72 >> 150
Sp. Defense 48 >> 50
Speed 48 >> 50
Total 336 >> 500

1 Nature Power **
1 Earth Power **
1 Secret Power **
1 Ancient Power **
1 Cosmic Power **
1 Hidden Power
1 Stored Power **

Location: Safari Zone

HP 190 >> 240

Attack 33 >> 30
Defense 58 >> 60
Sp. Attack 33 >> 30
Sp. Defense 58 >> 60
Speed 33 >> 30
Total 405 >> 450

1 Safeguard
1 Counter
1 Mirror Coat
1 Destiny Bond
15 Mimic **

Location: Route 112 South

1 Power Swap
1 Guard Swap
1 Astonish
1 Tackle
1 Growl
1 Confusion
6 Odor Sleuth
10 Assurance
14 Stomp
18 Psybeam
22 Agility
26 Double Hit
30 Zen Headbutt
34 Crunch
38 Baton Pass
42 Nasty Plot
46 Psychic
50 Hyper Voice *

Location: Jagged Pass
Ability 2: Overcoat

1 Tackle
1 Protect
6 Self-Destruct
9 Bug Bite
12 Take Down
15 Rapid Spin
18 Bide
21 Revenge *
24 Natural Gift
27 Spikes
30 Payback
33 Gyro Ball
36 Drill Run *
39 Explosion
42 Pin Missile *
45 Iron Defense
48 Double-Edge

Location: Route 123
Ability 2: Overcoat

1 Heavy Slam
1 Zap Cannon
1 Toxic Spikes
1 Tackle
1 Protect
6 Self-Destruct
9 Bug Bite
12 Take Down
15 Rapid Spin
18 Bide
21 Revenge *
24 Natural Gift
27 Spikes
30 Payback
31 Mirror Shot
32 Autotomize
34 Gyro Ball
38 Drill Run *
42 Explosion
46 Pin Missile *
50 Iron Defense
54 Double-Edge
58 Magnet Rise
62 Zap Cannon
66 Heavy Slam
Location: Fiery Path
Ability 2: Run Away >> Pixilate **
Type: Normal >> Normal/Fairy

HP 100 >> 110

Attack 70 >> 80
Defense 70 >> 80
Speed 45 >> 55
Total 415 >> 455

1 Rage
1 Defense Curl
1 Rollout
4 Spite
7 Pursuit
10 Screech
13 Yawn
16 Ancient Power
19 Take Down
22 Roost
25 Play Rough **
28 Glare
31 Dig
34 Double-Edge
37 Coil
40 Endure
43 Drill Run
46 Endeavor
49 Flail

Location: Jagged Pass
Held Items: Razor Fang (50%)
New TM/HMs: Fly

1 Poison Sting
4 Sand Attack
7 Harden
10 Knock Off
13 Quick Attack
16 Fury Cutter
19 Feint Attack
22 Acrobatics
25 Cross Poison *
28 Slash
31 U-turn
34 Screech
37 X-Scissor
40 Earthquake *
43 Night Slash *
46 Sky Uppercut
49 Swords Dance
52 Guillotine

Location: Granite Cave, Scorched Slab, Victory Road

1 Thunder Fang
1 Ice Fang
1 Fire Fang
1 Mud Sport
1 Tackle
1 Harden
1 Bind
4 Curse
7 Rock Throw
10 Rock Tomb
13 Rage
16 Smack Down
19 Autotomize
20 Dig
22 Rock Slide
25 Gyro Ball
28 Slam
31 Dragon Breath
34 Screech
37 Crunch
40 Iron Tail
43 Stealth Rock
46 Stone Edge
49 Double-Edge
52 Sandstorm

Location: Route 104 North

1 Tackle
1 Scary Face
1 Tail Whip
1 Charm
7 Headbutt
10 Bite
13 Lick
16 Ice Fang
16 Fire Fang
16 Thunder Fang
19 Payback
22 Play Rough
25 Roar
28 Rage
31 Crunch
34 Close Combat *
37 Wild Charge *
40 Double-Edge *

Location: Route 123

1 Lovely Kiss **
1 Tackle
1 Scary Face
1 Tail Whip
1 Charm
7 Headbutt
10 Bite
13 Lick
16 Ice Fang
16 Fire Fang
16 Thunder Fang
19 Payback
22 Play Rough
26 Roar
30 Rage
34 Crunch
38 Close Combat *
42 Wild Charge *
46 Double-Edge *
50 Outrage

Location: Route 110, Route 114, Safari Zone

Attack 95 >> 100

Speed 85 >> 90
Total 430 >> 450

1 Spikes
1 Tackle
1 Poison Sting
1 Harden
1 Minimize
6 Bubble
9 Rollout
12 Toxic Spikes
15 Stockpile
15 Spit Up
18 Aqua Jet *
21 Revenge
24 Aqua Tail
27 Pin Missile
30 Poison Jab
33 Take Down
36 Brine
39 Destiny Bond
42 Hydro Pump
45 Fell Stinger

Location: Route 112 South

1 Feint
1 Bullet Punch
1 Crabhammer **
1 Quick Attack
1 Leer
4 Focus Energy
8 Pursuit
12 Agility
16 Fury Cutter
20 Slash
23 Bug Bite *
26 Metal Claw
29 False Swipe
32 Razor Wind
35 Iron Defense
38 X-Scissor
41 Night Slash
44 Double Hit
48 Swords Dance
52 Iron Head
56 Feint
60 Reversal *

Location: Lilycove City, Seafloor Cavern

1 Sticky Web
1 Withdraw
1 Constrict
1 Bide
1 Rollout
5 Encore
9 Wrap
12 Struggle Bug
16 Safeguard
20 Rest
23 Rock Throw
27 Gastro Acid
31 Power Trick
34 Shell Smash
38 Rock Slide
42 Bug Bite
45 Power Split
45 Guard Split
49 Stone Edge
53 Sticky Web

Location: Route 112 North

1 Arm Thrust
1 Bullet Seed
1 Night Slash
1 Tackle
1 Leer
1 Horn Attack
1 Endure
7 Feint
10 Aerial Ace
16 Chip Away
19 Counter
22 Bug Bite *
25 Fury Attack
28 Brick Break
31 Pin Missile
34 Take Down
37 Megahorn
40 Rock Blast *
43 Close Combat
46 Reversal

Location: Shoal Cave
Ability 2: Keen Eye >> Technician **
Held Items: Razor Claw (50%), Quick Claw (5%)

1 Scratch
1 Leer
1 Taunt
1 Icy Wind
6 Quick Attack
9 Feint Attack
12 Ice Shard
15 Fury Swipes
18 Agility
21 Metal Claw
24 Hone Claws
27 Beat Up
30 Screech
33 Low Kick
36 Slash
39 Snatch
42 Dark Pulse *
45 Punishment
48 Icicle Crash *
51 Crunch **

Location: Rusturf Tunnel

1 Covet
1 Scratch
1 Baby-Doll Eyes
1 Lick
1 Fake Tears
5 Fury Swipes
8 Feint Attack
11 Sweet Scent
14 Play Nice
17 Metal Claw *
20 Slash
23 Night Slash *
26 Charm
29 Take Down *
32 Rest
35 Snore
38 Seed Bomb *
41 Play Rough *
44 Thrash
47 Close Combat *
50 Fling

Location: Victory Road

1 Hammer Arm
1 Covet
1 Scratch
1 Leer
1 Lick
1 Fake Tears
5 Fury Swipes
8 Feint Attack
11 Sweet Scent
14 Play Nice
17 Metal Claw *
20 Slash
23 Night Slash *
26 Charm
29 Take Down *
30 Crunch *
33 Rest
37 Snore
41 Seed Bomb *
45 Play Rough *
49 Thrash
53 Close Combat *
57 Hammer Arm

Location: Fiery Path
Evolution Level: 38 >> 33

HP 40 >> 50
Attack 40 >> 50
Defense 40 >> 50
Sp. Attack 70 >> 80
Sp. Defense 40 >> 50
Total 250 >> 300

1 Yawn
1 Smog
6 Ember
9 Rock Throw
12 Harden
15 Incinerate
18 Clear Smog
21 Ancient Power
24 Flame Burst
27 Rock Slide
30 Lava Plume
33 Amnesia
36 Body Slam
39 Recover
42 Flamethrower
45 Earth Power
48 Power Gem **

Location: Fiery Path
Ability 1: Magma Armor >> Solid Rock **

HP 50 >> 80
Sp. Attack 80 >> 115
Sp. Defense 80 >> 110
Total 410 >> 505

1 Earth Power
1 Yawn
1 Smog
6 Ember
9 Rock Throw
12 Harden
15 Incinerate
18 Clear Smog
21 Ancient Power
24 Flame Burst
27 Rock Slide
30 Lava Plume
33 Shell Smash
34 Amnesia
38 Body Slam
42 Recover
46 Flamethrower
50 Earth Power
54 Power Gem **

Location: Shoal Cave

1 Tackle
1 Odor Sleuth
4 Mud Sport
7 Powder Snow
10 Mud-Slap
13 Endure
16 Mud Bomb
19 Icy Wind
22 Ice Shard
25 Take Down
28 Avalanche *
31 Body Slam *
34 Mist
37 Earthquake
40 Flail
43 Freeze-Dry *
46 Icicle Crash *
49 Superpower *
52 Blizzard
55 Amnesia

Location: Shoal Cave

1 Ancient Power
1 Peck
1 Odor Sleuth
4 Mud Sport
7 Powder Snow
10 Mud-Slap
13 Endure
16 Mud Bomb
19 Icy Wind
22 Ice Fang
25 Take Down
28 Avalanche *
31 Body Slam *
33 Fury Attack
35 Mist
39 Earthquake
43 Thrash
47 Freeze-Dry *
51 Icicle Crash *
55 Superpower *
59 Blizzard
63 Amnesia

Location: Route 105, Route 106, Dewford Town, Route 107, Route 108, Route 109,
Lilycove City, Ever Grande City, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Underwater
Ability 1: Hustle >> Regenerator
Held Item: Prism Scale (50%), Luminous Moss (5%)
Hidden Ability: Regenerator >> Hustle
New TM/HMs: Waterfall, Dive

HP 55 >> 75
Defense 85 >> 105
Sp. Attack 65 >> 85
Sp. Defense 85 >> 105
Total 380 >> 460

1 Tackle
1 Harden
4 Bubble
8 Recover
10 Bubble Beam
13 Refresh
17 Ancient Power
20 Spike Cannon
23 Lucky Chant
27 Brine
29 Iron Defense
31 Rock Blast
35 Endure
38 Aqua Ring
41 Power Gem
45 Mirror Coat
47 Earth Power
50 Flail

Location: Route 110
1 Water Gun
6 Lock-On
10 Psybeam
14 Aurora Beam
18 Bubble Beam
22 Focus Energy
26 Water Pulse
30 Signal Beam
34 Ice Beam
38 Bullet Seed
42 Hydro Pump
46 Hyper Beam
50 Soak

Location: Route 110

1 Gunk Shot
1 Rock Blast
1 Constrict
1 Psybeam
1 Aurora Beam
1 Water Gun
6 Lock-On
10 Psybeam
14 Aurora Beam
18 Bubble Beam
22 Focus Energy
25 Octazooka
27 Water Pulse
32 Signal Beam
37 Ice Beam
42 Bullet Seed
47 Hydro Pump
52 Hyper Beam
57 Soak

Location: Shoal Cave
Ability 2: Hustle >> Aerilate **
Hidden Ability: Insomnia >> Hustle

HP 45 >> 65
Attack 55 >> 80
Defense 45 >> 65
Sp. Attack 65 >> 110
Sp. Defense 45 >> 65
Speed 75 >> 120
Total 330 >> 505

1 Hurricane **
1 Gunk Shot *
1 Seed Bomb *
1 Sky Attack *
1 Present
8 Icy Wind *
12 Aurora Beam *
16 Fake Out *
20 Ice Shard *
24 Quick Attack *
28 Freeze-Dry *
32 Future Sight *
36 Swift *
40 Ice Beam *
44 Rapid Spin *
48 Destiny Bond *
52 Spikes *
56 Hurricane **

Location: Route 108, Route 124, Battle Resort
New TM/HMs: Fly

1 Psybeam
1 Bullet Seed
1 Signal Beam
1 Tackle
1 Bubble
1 Supersonic
1 Bubble Beam
3 Supersonic
7 Bubble Beam
11 Confuse Ray
14 Wing Attack
16 Headbutt
19 Water Pulse
23 Wide Guard
27 Take Down
32 Agility
36 Air Slash
39 Aqua Ring
46 Bounce
49 Hydro Pump
52 Mirror Coat *

Location: Route 113

1 Leer
1 Peck
6 Sand Attack
9 Metal Claw
12 Air Cutter
15 Fury Attack
18 Feint
21 Steel Wing
24 Swift
27 Drill Peck *
30 Spikes
33 Agility
36 Iron Head *
39 Slash
42 Metal Sound
45 Air Slash
48 Autotomize
51 Night Slash
54 Brave Bird *

Location: Route 116, Safari Zone

1 Leer
1 Howl
1 Ember
4 Bite
7 Smog
10 Odor Sleuth
13 Fire Fang
16 Feint Attack
19 Snarl *
22 Beat Up
25 Embargo
28 Flamethrower
31 Foul Play
34 Roar
37 Crunch
40 Nasty Plot
43 Dark Pulse *
46 Inferno

Location: Safari Zone

1 Thunder Fang
1 Nasty Plot
1 Dark Pulse *
1 Inferno
1 Leer
1 Howl
1 Ember
4 Bite
7 Smog
10 Odor Sleuth
13 Fire Fang
16 Feint Attack
19 Snarl *
22 Beat Up
26 Embargo
30 Flamethrower
34 Foul Play
38 Roar
42 Crunch
46 Nasty Plot
50 Dark Pulse *
54 Inferno

Location: Route 132, Route 133, Route 134

1 Outrage *
1 Hydro Pump
1 Yawn
1 Bubble
1 Smokescreen
4 Twister
8 Water Gun
12 Leer
16 Octazooka *
20 Dragon Rage *
24 Bubble Beam
28 Focus Energy
33 Brine
38 Agility
43 Dragon Pulse
48 Dragon Dance
53 Hydro Pump
57 Outrage *

Location: Route 116
Ability 2: Sand Veil

1 Odor Sleuth
1 Tackle
1 Growl
1 Defense Curl
6 Flail
9 Rollout
12 Natural Gift
15 Endure
18 Body Slam *
21 Ice Shard *
24 Slam
27 Take Down
30 Play Rough*
33 Charm
36 Last Resort
39 Head Smash *
42 Double-Edge

Location: Victory Road
Ability 2: Sand Veil

1 Fire Fang
1 Thunder Fang
1 Horn Attack
1 Bulldoze
1 Growl
1 Defense Curl
6 Rapid Spin
9 Rollout
12 Assurance
15 Knock Off
18 Body Slam *
21 Ice Shard *
24 Slam
25 Fury Attack
28 Magnitude
32 Play Rough *
36 Scary Face
40 Earthquake
44 Head Smash *
48 Giga Impact

Location: Evolve Porygon (Up-Grade)

1 Zap Cannon
1 Magic Coat
1 Conversion 2
1 Tackle
1 Conversion
1 Defense Curl
7 Psybeam
11 Agility
15 Recover
19 Magnet Rise
23 Signal Beam
27 Tri Attack
31 Recycle
35 Discharge
39 Lock-On
43 Magic Coat
47 Zap Cannon
51 Hyper Beam

Location: Route 112 South

1 Wild Charge *
1 Me First
1 Tackle
3 Leer
6 Astonish
9 Hypnosis
12 Stomp
15 Sand Attack
18 Take Down
21 Confuse Ray
25 Calm Mind
29 Role Play
33 Zen Headbutt
37 Jump Kick
41 Thrash *
45 Megahorn *
49 Imprison
53 Captivate
57 Me First
61 Wild Charge *

Location: Route 117
1 Sketch
11 Sketch
21 Sketch
31 Sketch
41 Sketch
51 Sketch
61 Sketch
71 Sketch
81 Sketch
91 Sketch

Location: Fiery Path

1 Tackle
1 Helping Hand
1 Fake Out
1 Foresight
5 Mach Punch *
15 Pursuit *
25 High Jump Kick *

Location: Evolve Tyrogue (Lv. 20, Atk = Def)

1 Endeavor
1 Close Combat
1 Revenge
1 Rolling Kick
6 Focus Energy
10 Pursuit
15 Quick Attack
19 Triple Kick
20 Triple Kick
24 Rapid Spin
28 Counter
33 Feint
37 Agility
42 Gyro Ball
46 Wide Guard
46 Quick Guard
50 Detect
55 Close Combat
60 Endeavor

Location: Shoal Cave

1 Pound
4 Lick
6 Sweet Kiss
10 Powder Snow
12 Confusion
16 Sing
18 Heart Stamp
22 Mean Look
24 Fake Tears
28 Psyshock *
30 Lucky Chant
32 Avalanche
34 Psychic
38 Ice Beam *
40 Copycat
44 Perish Song
46 Blizzard

Location: Route 112 North
Ability 2: Vital Spirit

1 Quick Attack
1 Leer
5 Thunder Shock
8 Low Kick
11 Swift
14 Shock Wave
17 Thunder Wave
20 Electro Ball
23 Light Screen
26 Brick Break *
29 Thunder Punch
32 Discharge
35 Screech
38 Thunderbolt
41 Cross Chop *
44 Wild Charge *
47 Thunder

#240 MAGBY
Location: Route 112 North
Ability 2: Vital Spirit

1 Smog
1 Leer
5 Ember
8 Smokescreen
11 Feint Attack
14 Fire Spin
17 Clear Smog
20 Flame Burst
23 Confuse Ray
26 Brick Break *
29 Fire Punch
32 Lava Plume
35 Sunny Day
38 Flamethrower
41 Cross Chop*
44 Flare Blitz*
47 Fire Blast

Location: Route 112 South

1 Tackle
3 Growl
5 Defense Curl
8 Stomp
11 Milk Drink
15 Bide
19 Rollout
23 Body Slam
27 Zen Headbutt
31 Captivate
35 Wake-Up Slap
40 Gyro Ball
45 Heal Bell
49 Hammer Arm *
54 Double-Edge *

Location: Evolve Chansey (Happiness)

1 Double-Edge
1 Defense Curl
1 Pound
1 Growl
3 Tail Whip
6 Refresh
8 Double Slap
12 Soft-Boiled
15 Bestow
18 Take Down
21 Minimize
24 Round *
27 Sing
30 Hyper Voice *
33 Heal Pulse
36 Egg Bomb
39 Light Screen
42 Healing Wish
45 Double-Edge

Location: Trackless Forest, Mirage Forest
Ability 2: Volt Absorb

1 Bite
1 Leer
5 Thunder Shock
10 Roar
15 Quick Attack
20 Spark
25 Reflect
30 Crunch
35 Thunder Fang
40 Discharge
45 Extrasensory
50 Rain Dance
55 Aura Sphere *
60 Calm Mind
65 Thunder

#244 ENTEI
Location: Trackless Forest, Mirage Forest
Ability 2: Flash Fire

1 Bite
1 Leer
5 Ember
10 Roar
15 Fire Spin
20 Stomp
25 Flamethrower
30 Swagger
35 Fire Fang
40 Lava Plume
45 Extrasensory
50 Fire Blast
55 Sacred Fire
60 Calm Mind
65 Eruption

Location: Trackless Forest, Mirage Forest
Ability 2: Water Absorb

1 Bite
1 Leer
5 Bubble Beam
10 Rain Dance
15 Gust
20 Aurora Beam
25 Mist
30 Mirror Coat
35 Ice Fang
40 Tailwind
45 Extrasensory
50 Hydro Pump
55 Air Slash *
60 Calm Mind
65 Blizzard

Location: Meteor Falls
Ability 2: Sand Veil

1 Bite
1 Leer
5 Sandstorm
9 Screech
13 Chip Away
17 Rock Slide
21 Scary Face
25 Thrash
29 Crunch
33 Payback
37 Dark Pulse
41 Earthquake
45 Stone Edge
49 Dragon Dance *
53 Hyper Beam

Location: Meteor Falls

1 Bite
1 Leer
5 Sandstorm
9 Screech
13 Chip Away
17 Rock Slide
21 Scary Face
25 Thrash
29 Crunch
30 Iron Defense *
34 Payback
39 Dark Pulse
44 Earthquake
49 Stone Edge
54 Dragon Dance *
59 Hyper Beam

Location: Evolve Pupitar (Lv. 55)
Ability 2: Unnerve

1 Dragon Claw *
1 Thunder Fang
1 Ice Fang
1 Fire Fang
1 Bite
1 Leer
5 Sandstorm
9 Screech
13 Chip Away
17 Rock Slide
21 Scary Face
25 Thrash
29 Crunch
34 Payback
39 Dark Pulse
44 Earthquake
49 Stone Edge
54 Dragon Dance *
60 Hyper Beam
66 Giga Impact

#249 LUGIA
Location: Sea Mauville, Mirage Mountain
Ability 2: Multiscale
1 Whirlwind
1 Weather Ball
5 Gust
10 Dragon Rush
15 Extrasensory
20 Rain Dance
25 Future Sight
30 Natural Gift
35 Punishment
40 Ancient Power
45 Safeguard
50 Recover
55 Aeroblast
60 Hydro Pump
65 Calm Mind
70 Sky Attack

#250 HO-OH
Location: Sea Mauville, Mirage Mountain
Ability 2: Regenerator

1 Whirlwind
1 Weather Ball
5 Gust
10 Brave Bird
15 Extrasensory
20 Sunny Day
25 Future Sight
30 Natural Gift
35 Punishment
40 Ancient Power
45 Safeguard
50 Recover
55 Sacred Fire
60 Fire Blast
65 Calm Mind
70 Sky Attack

Location: Mirage Forest

1 Leech Seed
1 Confusion
1 Recover
1 Heal Bell
5 Safeguard
10 Magical Leaf
15 Perish Song
20 Baton Pass
25 Natural Gift
30 Healing Wish
35 Heal Block
40 Ancient Power
45 Psychic *
50 Leaf Storm
55 Future Sight
Location: Route 101, Breed Grovyle
Ability 2: Unburden

1 Pound
3 Leer
5 Absorb
7 Quick Attack
9 Mega Drain
11 Dragon Breath *
13 Double Kick *
15 Grass Whistle *
17 Agility
19 Giga Drain
21 Pursuit
23 Energy Ball
25 Slam
27 Detect
29 Crunch *
31 Endeavor
33 Quick Guard
35 Screech
37 Leaf Storm *

Location: Route 119
Ability 2: Unburden

1 Pound
3 Leer
5 Absorb
7 Quick Attack
9 Mega Drain
11 Dragon Breath *
13 Double Kick *
15 Grass Whistle *
16 Fury Cutter
18 Agility
21 Giga Drain
24 Pursuit
27 Leaf Blade
30 Acrobatics *
33 Detect
36 Crunch *
39 Endeavor
42 X-Scissor
45 Quick Guard
48 Screech
51 Leaf Storm *

Location: Evolve Grovyle (Lv. 36)
Ability 2: Unburden

1 Leaf Storm
1 Night Slash
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Pound
3 Leer
5 Absorb
7 Quick Attack
9 Mega Drain
11 Dragon Breath
13 Double Kick *
15 Grass Whistle
16 Fury Cutter
18 Agility
21 Giga Drain
24 Pursuit
27 Leaf Blade
30 Acrobatics *
33 Detect
36 Dual Chop
37 Crunch *
41 Endeavor
45 X-Scissor
49 Dragon Pulse *
53 Screech
57 Leaf Storm *

Location: Route 101, Breed Combusken
Ability 2: Speed Boost

1 Scratch
3 Growl
5 Ember
7 Sand Attack
9 Peck
11 Fire Spin
13 Feather Dance *
15 Flame Charge
17 Night Slash*
19 Quick Attack
21 Flame Burst
23 Aerial Ace *
25 Focus Energy
27 Slash
29 Bounce *
31 Flamethrower
33 Mirror Move
35 Reversal *
37 Fire Blast *

Location: Route 120
Ability 2: Speed Boost

1 Scratch
3 Growl
5 Ember
7 Sand Attack
9 Peck
11 Fire Spin
13 Feather Dance *
15 Flame Charge
16 Double Kick
18 Night Slash *
21 Quick Attack
24 Flame Burst *
27 Low Kick *
30 Bulk Up
33 Focus Energy
36 Slash
39 Bounce *
42 Flamethrower *
45 Mirror Move
48 Sky Uppercut
51 Flare Blitz

Location: Evolve Combusken (Lv. 36)
Ability 2: Speed Boost

1 Flare Blitz
1 Fire Punch
1 Thunder Punch
1 High Jump Kick
3 Growl
5 Ember
7 Sand Attack
9 Peck
11 Fire Spin
13 Feather Dance *
15 Flame Charge
16 Double Kick
18 Night Slash *
21 Quick Attack
24 Flame Burst *
27 Low Kick *
30 Bulk Up
33 Focus Energy
36 Blaze Kick
37 Slash
41 Bounce*
45 Flamethrower *
49 Brave Bird
53 Sky Uppercut
57 Flare Blitz

Location: Route 101, Breed Marshtomp
Ability 2: Damp

1 Tackle
3 Growl
5 Water Gun
7 Mud-Slap
9 Foresight
11 Bide
13 Rock Throw
15 Water Pulse *
17 Yawn*
19 Protect
21 Aqua Tail *
23 Mud Sport
25 Whirlpool
27 Sludge Wave *
29 Take Down
31 Avalanche *
33 Endeavor
35 Mirror Coat *
37 Hydro Pump

Location: Route 120
Ability 2: Damp

1 Tackle
3 Growl
5 Water Gun
7 Mud-Slap
9 Foresight
11 Bide
13 Rock Throw *
15 Water Pulse *
16 Mud Shot
18 Yawn *
21 Mud Bomb
24 Aqua Tail *
27 Rock Slide
30 Muddy Water
33 Sludge Wave *
36 Take Down
39 Earthquake
42 Avalanche *
45 Endeavor
48 Mirror Coat *
51 Hydro Pump *

Location: Evolve Marshtomp (Lv. 36)
Ability 2: Damp

1 Hydro Pump
1 Ice Punch
1 Stone Edge
1 Tackle
3 Growl
5 Water Gun
7 Mud-Slap
9 Foresight
11 Bide
13 Rock Throw *
15 Water Pulse *
16 Mud Shot
18 Yawn *
21 Mud Bomb
24 Aqua Tail *
27 Rock Slide
30 Muddy Water
33 Sludge Wave *
36 Hammer Arm
37 Take Down
41 Earthquake
45 Avalanche *
49 Endeavor
53 Mirror Coat *
57 Hydro Pump *

Location: Route 101

1 Tackle
4 Howl
7 Sand Attack
10 Bite
13 Odor Sleuth
16 Assurance
19 Roar
22 Crunch
25 Swagger
28 Scary Face
31 Take Down
34 Taunt
37 Play Rough *
40 Embargo
43 Sucker Punch

Location: Route 121

Attack 90 >> 110

Speed 70 >> 80
Total 420 >> 450

1 Sucker Punch
1 Fire Fang *
1 Thunder Fang *
1 Ice Fang *
1 Poison Fang *
1 Super Fang *
1 Tackle
4 Howl
7 Sand Attack
10 Bite
13 Odor Sleuth
16 Assurance
20 Roar
24 Crunch
28 Swagger
32 Scary Face
36 Take Down
40 Taunt
44 Play Rough *
48 Embargo
52 Sucker Punch

Location: Route 101

Attack 30 >> 40
Sp. Attack 30 >> 20

1 Tackle
1 Growl
5 Tail Whip
7 Sand Attack
9 Headbutt
11 Baby-Doll Eyes
13 Odor Sleuth
15 Covet
17 Pin Missile
19 Mud Sport
21 Flail
24 Seed Bomb *
27 Bestow
30 Take Down
33 Belly Drum
36 Rest
39 Gunk Shot *
42 Fling
45 Extreme Speed *

Location: Route 101, Route 118

HP 78 >> 80
Attack 70 >> 90
Defense 61 >> 60
Sp. Attack 50 >> 40
Sp. Defense 61 >> 60
Speed 100 >> 110
Total 420 >> 440

1 Extreme Speed *
1 Switcheroo
1 Tackle
1 Growl
5 Tail Whip
7 Sand Attack
9 Headbutt
11 Rototiller
13 Odor Sleuth
15 Covet
17 Fury Swipes
19 Mud Sport
20 Play Rough
22 Slash
26 Seed Bomb *
30 Bestow
34 Double-Edge
38 Belly Drum
42 Rest
46 Gunk Shot *
50 Fling
54 Extreme Speed *

Location: Route 102
Ability 2: Run Away

1 Tackle
1 String Shot
1 Poison Sting
3 Bug Bite
5 Electroweb *

Location: Evolve Wurmple (Lv. 7)

1 Harden
7 Harden
9 Iron Defense *

Location: Safari Zone
Ability 2: Rivalry
New TM/HMs: Fly

HP 60 >> 65
Defense 50 >> 55
Sp. Attack 100 >> 120
Sp. Defense 50 >> 55
Speed 65 >> 85
Total 395 >> 450

1 Gust
10 Gust
12 Absorb
14 Struggle Bug *
16 Stun Spore
18 Morning Sun
20 Air Cutter
22 Mega Drain
24 Silver Wind
26 Attract
28 Giga Drain
30 Bug Buzz
32 Whirlwind
34 Rage
36 Energy Ball *
38 Psychic *
40 Air Slash **
42 Quiver Dance
44 Hurricane **
Location: Evolve Wurmple (Lv. 7)

1 Harden
7 Harden
9 Iron Defense *

Location: Safari Zone
Ability 2: Compound Eyes
New TM/HMs: Fly

Sp. Attack 50 >> 85

Sp. Defense 90 >> 120
Total 385 >> 450

1 Gust
10 Gust
12 Confusion
14 Struggle Bug *
16 Poison Powder
18 Moonlight
20 Venoshock
22 Psybeam
24 Silver Wind
26 Light Screen
28 Psychic *
30 Bug Buzz
32 Toxic
34 Protect
36 Sludge Bomb *
38 Shadow Ball *
40 Roost *
42 Quiver Dance

#270 LOTAD
Location: Route 102

1 Astonish
1 Growl
5 Absorb
7 Bubble
10 Natural Gift
13 Mega Drain
16 Bubble Beam
19 Mist
22 Nature Power
25 Rain Dance
28 Giga Drain
31 Zen Headbutt
34 Energy Ball

Location: Safari Zone
1 Astonish
1 Growl
5 Absorb
7 Bubble
10 Fury Swipes
13 Mega Drain *
14 Fake Out
18 Bubble Beam
22 Water Sport
26 Nature Power
30 Giga Drain *
34 Uproar
38 Knock Off
42 Zen Headbutt
46 Energy Ball *
50 Hydro Pump

Location: Evolve Lombre (Water Stone)

1 Ice Punch *
1 Fire Punch *
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Drain Punch *
1 Astonish
1 Growl
1 Mega Drain
1 Nature Power
23 Teeter Dance *
38 Rain Dance *
53 Hydro Pump *

ocation: Route 102

1 Bide
3 Harden
6 Bullet Seed *
9 Growth
12 Nature Power
15 Synthesis
18 Seed Bomb
21 Sunny Day
24 Explosion

Location: Safari Zone

1 Pound
3 Harden
6 Fake Out
9 Growth
12 Nature Power
14 Razor Leaf
15 Torment
19 Feint Attack
23 Razor Wind
27 Leaf Blade
31 Dark Pulse *
35 Swagger
39 Low Kick *
43 Extrasensory

Location: Evolve Nuzleaf (Leaf Stone)

1 Twister *
1 Ominous Wind *
1 Silver Wind *
1 Razor Leaf
1 Feint Attack
1 Whirlwind
1 Nasty Plot
20 Leaf Tornado
32 Hurricane
44 Leaf Storm

Location: Route 104 South
Ability 2: Scrappy

1 Peck
1 Growl
5 Focus Energy
9 Quick Attack
13 Wing Attack
17 Double Team
21 Aerial Ace
25 Quick Guard
29 Agility
33 Air Slash
37 Endeavor
41 Brave Bird

Location: Route 115
Ability 2: Scrappy

Attack 85 >> 95
Sp. Defense 50 >> 60
Total 430 >> 450

1 Brave Bird
1 Air Slash
1 Pluck
1 Peck
1 Growl
5 Focus Energy
9 Quick Attack
13 Wing Attack
17 Double Team
21 Aerial Ace
26 Quick Guard
31 Agility
36 Air Slash
41 Endeavor
46 Brave Bird
51 Superpower **
56 Extreme Speed **

Location: Route 104 South, Route 106, Dewford Town, Route 107, Route 109, Route
105, Route 118, Route 126, Route 131
Ability 2: Rain Dish
New TM/HMs: Surf, Waterfall, Dive

1 Growl
1 Water Gun
5 Supersonic
8 Wing Attack
12 Mist
15 Water Pulse
19 Quick Attack
22 Air Cutter
26 Pursuit
29 Aerial Ace
33 Roost
36 Agility
40 Air Slash
43 Hurricane

Location: Route 106, Dewford Town, Route 107, Route 109, Route 105, Route 118,
Route 126, Ever Grande City, Route 131, Battle Resort
Ability 2: Rain Dish
New TM/HMs: Waterfall, Dive

HP 60 >> 80
Total 430 >> 450

1 Hurricane
1 Hydro Pump
1 Tailwind
1 Soak
1 Shock Wave *
1 Growl
1 Water Gun
1 Water Sport
5 Supersonic
8 Wing Attack
12 Mist
15 Water Pulse
19 Payback
22 Roost
25 Protect
28 Brine
33 Stockpile
33 Swallow
33 Spit Up
39 Fling
44 Tailwind
50 Hydro Pump
55 Hurricane

#280 RALTS
Location: Route 102, Mt. Pyre

Sp. Attack 45 >> 65

Sp. Defense 35 >> 55
Total 198 >> 238

1 Growl
4 Confusion
6 Double Team
9 Teleport
11 Disarming Voice
14 Magical Leaf
17 Draining Kiss
19 Lucky Chant
22 Heal Pulse
24 Psychic
27 Calm Mind
29 Imprison
32 Future Sight
34 Charm
37 Hypnosis
39 Dream Eater
42 Stored Power

Location: Mt. Pyre

Sp. Attack 65 >> 85

Sp. Defense 55 >> 75
Total 278 >> 318

1 Growl
1 Confusion
1 Double Team
1 Teleport
4 Confusion
6 Double Team
9 Teleport
11 Disarming Voice
14 Magical Leaf
17 Draining Kiss
19 Lucky Chant
23 Heal Pulse
26 Psychic
30 Calm Mind
33 Imprison
37 Future Sight
40 Charm
44 Hypnosis
47 Dream Eater
51 Stored Power

Location: Evolve Kirlia (Lv. 30)

1 Moonblast
1 Stored Power
1 Misty Terrain
1 Healing Wish
1 Growl
4 Confusion
6 Double Team
9 Teleport
11 Disarming Voice
14 Magical Leaf
17 Draining Kiss
19 Wish
23 Heal Pulse
26 Psychic
30 Hyper Voice *
31 Calm Mind
35 Imprison
40 Future Sight
44 Captivate
49 Hypnosis
53 Dream Eater
58 Stored Power
62 Moonblast

Location: Route 102
Ability 2: Speed Boost **

Attack 50 >> 60
Sp. Attack 60 >> 62
Total 269 >> 289

1 Bubble
1 Sweet Scent
1 Fell Stinger
6 Quick Attack
9 Struggle Bug *
12 Bubble Beam
14 Water Sport
16 Agility
18 Aqua Jet
20 Mist
22 Psybeam *
24 Haze
26 Baton Pass
28 Signal Beam *
30 Sticky Web
32 Hydro Pump *

Location: Safari Zone
Ability 2: Levitate **
New TM/HMs: Fly, Surf, Waterfall, Dive
Type: Bug / Flying >> Bug / Water

Attack 60 >> 50
Defense 62 >> 65
Sp. Attack 80 >> 105
Sp. Defense 82 >> 105
Speed 60 >> 85
Total 414 >> 480

1 Quiver Dance
1 Bubble
1 Sweet Scent
1 Fell Stinger
6 Quick Attack
9 Struggle Bug *
12 Bubble Beam
14 Water Sport
16 Agility
18 Aqua Jet
20 Mist
22 Gust
22 Silver Wind
23 Psybeam *
26 Haze
29 Signal Beam
32 Baton Pass
35 Ominous Wind
38 Bug Buzz
41 Air Slash
44 Whirlwind
47 Hydro Pump *
50 Hurricane **
53 Quiver Dance

Location: Petalburg Woods

1 Absorb
1 Tackle
5 Stun Spore
8 Leech Seed
11 Mega Drain
14 Headbutt
17 Bullet Seed *
20 Poison Powder
23 Worry Seed
26 Giga Drain
29 Growth
32 Toxic
35 Seed Bomb
38 Spore

Location: Petalburg Woods, Safari Zone
1 Superpower *
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Absorb
1 Tackle
5 Stun Spore
8 Leech Seed
11 Mega Drain
14 Headbutt
17 Bullet Seed *
20 Feint
23 Counter
23 Mach Punch
27 Force Palm
31 Mind Reader
35 Drain Punch *
39 Sky Uppercut
43 Seed Bomb
47 Dynamic Punch
51 Superpower *

Location: Petalburg Woods

1 Scratch
1 Yawn
6 Encore
9 Slack Off
12 Feint Attack
15 Chip Away
18 Covet
21 Amnesia
24 Counter
27 Body Slam *
30 Flail
33 Play Rough

Location: Safari Zone

1 Reversal
1 Scratch
1 Focus Energy
6 Encore
9 Uproar
12 Fury Swipes
15 Chip Away
18 Slash
22 Endure
26 Counter
30 Night Slash *
34 Focus Punch
38 Reversal

Location: Evolve Vigoroth (Lv. 36)
1 Hammer Arm
1 Punishment
1 Fling
1 Ice Punch *
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Fire Punch *
1 Scratch
1 Yawn
6 Encore
9 Slack Off
12 Feint Attack
15 Chip Away
18 Covet
22 Amnesia
26 Counter
30 Body Slam *
34 Flail
36 Swagger
39 Play Rough *
44 Fling
49 Punishment
54 Hammer Arm

Location: Rusturf Tunnel
Ability 2: Run Away

1 Scratch
1 Harden
1 Leech Life
1 Mud-Slap
5 Sand Attack
9 Fury Swipes
13 Bug Bite *
17 Night Slash *
21 Metal Claw
25 Mind Reader
29 Bide
33 False Swipe
37 Dig

Location: Evolve Nincada (Lv. 20)
Ability 2: Infiltrator
New TM/HMs: Fly

1 Scratch
1 Harden
1 Leech Life
1 Agility
5 Sand Attack
9 Fury Swipes
13 Bug Bite
17 Night Slash *
20 Double Team
20 Fury Cutter
20 Screech
23 Slash
28 Mind Reader
33 X-Scissor
38 Swords Dance
43 Baton Pass
48 Extreme Speed **

Location: Evolve Nincada (Lv. 20)

1 Scratch
1 Harden
1 Leech Life
1 Spite
5 Sand Attack
9 Fury Swipes
13 Bug Bite *
17 Night Slash *
21 Shadow Sneak
25 Mind Reader
29 Shadow Ball
33 X-Scissor *
37 Phantom Force
41 Heal Block
45 Grudge

Location: Rusturf Tunnel
Ability 2: Rattled

1 Pound
4 Echoed Voice
7 Astonish
10 Howl
13 Screech
16 Stomp
19 Supersonic
22 Uproar
25 Extrasensory *
28 Roar
31 Rest
34 Sleep Talk
37 Hyper Voice
40 Synchronoise

Location: Victory Road
Ability 2: Scrappy

1 Pound
4 Echoed Voice
7 Astonish
10 Howl
13 Screech
16 Stomp
19 Supersonic
20 Bite
23 Uproar
27 Extrasensory *
31 Roar
35 Rest
39 Sleep Talk
43 Hyper Voice
47 Synchronoise

Location: Evolve Loudred (Lv. 40)
Ability 2: Scrappy

1 Boomburst
1 Hammer Arm *
1 Ice Fang
1 Fire Fang
1 Thunder Fang
1 Pound
4 Echoed Voice
7 Astonish
10 Howl
13 Screech
16 Stomp
19 Supersonic
20 Bite
23 Uproar
27 Extrasensory *
31 Roar
35 Rest
39 Sleep Talk
40 Crunch
44 Hyper Voice
49 Synchronoise
54 Boomburst
59 Hyper Beam

Location: Granite Cave

1 Tackle
1 Focus Energy
4 Sand Attack
7 Arm Thrust
10 Fake Out
13 Force Palm
16 Whirlwind
19 Knock Off
22 Vital Throw
25 Belly Drum
28 Smelling Salts
31 Seismic Toss
34 Wake-Up Slap
37 Endure
40 Close Combat
43 Reversal
46 Heavy Slam
49 Cross Chop *

Location: Granite Cave, Victory Road

1 Brine
1 Ice Punch *
1 Fire Punch *
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Tackle
1 Focus Energy
4 Sand Attack
7 Arm Thrust
10 Fake Out
13 Force Palm
16 Whirlwind
19 Knock Off
22 Vital Throw
26 Belly Drum
30 Smelling Salts
34 Seismic Toss
38 Wake-Up Slap
42 Endure
46 Close Combat
50 Reversal
54 Heavy Slam
58 Cross Chop *

Location: Route 104 South
Base Happiness 70 >> 200

1 Splash
1 Water Gun
2 Tail Whip
5 Water Sport
7 Bubble
10 Charm
13 Bubble Beam
16 Helping Hand
20 Slam
23 Bounce

Location: Granite Cave

1 Tackle
4 Harden
7 Block
10 Rock Throw
13 Thunder Wave
16 Rest
19 Spark
22 Rock Slide
25 Power Gem
28 Rock Blast
31 Discharge
34 Sandstorm
37 Earth Power
40 Stone Edge
43 Lock-On
43 Zap Cannon
46 Head Smash **

Location: Route 116

Sp. Attack 35 >> 45

Sp. Defense 35 >> 45
Total 260 >> 280

1 Fake Out
1 Growl
1 Tail Whip
1 Tackle
5 Foresight
7 Attract
9 Sing
11 Disarming Voice
13 Round *
15 Double Slap
17 Shock Wave *
18 Icy Wind *
19 Mud Bomb *
21 Copycat
23 Assist
24 Charm
26 Hyper Voice *
28 Feint Attack
31 Wake-Up Slap
33 Moonblast **
36 Covet
39 Heal Bell
43 Double-Edge
46 Captivate
49 Play Rough

Location: Route 116
Effort Values: 1 HP, 1 Speed >> 2 Sp. Atk

HP 70 >> 80
Sp. Attack 55 >> 100
Sp. Defense 55 >> 65
Speed 70 >> 80
Total 380 >> 455

1 Hyper Voice
1 Moonblast **
1 Ice Beam *
1 Thunderbolt *
1 Shadow Ball *
1 Fake Out
1 Sing
1 Attract
1 Double Slap

Location: Granite Cave, Cave of Origin

Normal Forme
HP 50 >> 55
Attack 75 >> 80
Defense 75 >> 80
Sp. Attack 65 >> 70
Sp. Defense 65 >> 70
Speed 50 >> 55
Total 380 >> 410

Mega Forme
HP 50 >> 55
Attack 85 >> 90
Defense 125 >> 130
Sp. Attack 85 >> 90
Sp. Defense 115 >> 120
Speed 20 >> 25
Total 480 >> 510

1 Leer
1 Scratch
4 Foresight
6 Night Shade
8 Astonish
11 Fury Swipes
13 Detect
14 Shadow Sneak
16 Feint Attack
19 Fake Out
21 Punishment
24 Knock Off
26 Recover *
28 Shadow Claw
29 Confuse Ray
32 Zen Headbutt
35 Sucker Punch *
36 Power Gem
39 Shadow Ball
41 Foul Play
44 Quash
46 Mean Look
49 Metal Burst *

Location: Granite Cave, Cave of Origin

Normal Forme
HP 50 >> 55
Attack 85 >> 90
Defense 85 >> 90
Sp. Attack 55 >> 60
Sp. Defense 55 >> 60
Speed 50 >> 55
Total 380 >> 410

Mega Forme
HP 50 >> 55
Attack 105 >> 110
Defense 125 >> 130
Sp. Attack 55 >> 60
Sp. Defense 95 >> 100
Speed 50 >> 55
Total 480 >> 510

1 Taunt
1 Growl
1 Fairy Wind
1 Astonish
6 Fake Tears
9 Sweet Scent
12 Bite
15 Fire Fang *
15 Thunder Fang *
15 Ice Fang *
15 Poison Fang *
18 Vice Grip
21 Crunch
24 Play Rough
27 Baton Pass
30 Iron Defense
33 Iron Head
37 Sucker Punch
41 Stockpile
41 Swallow
41 Spit Up
45 Super Fang *
49 Metal Burst *

#304 ARON
Location: Granite Cave, Scorched Slab

1 Tackle
1 Harden
4 Mud-Slap
7 Headbutt
10 Metal Claw
13 Rock Tomb
16 Protect
19 Roar
22 Iron Head
25 Rock Slide
28 Take Down
31 Metal Sound
34 Iron Tail
37 Iron Defense
40 Double-Edge
43 Autotomize
46 Heavy Slam
49 Metal Burst

Location: Granite Cave, Scorched Slab, Cave of Origin, Victory Road

1 Tackle
1 Harden
1 Mud-Slap
1 Headbutt
4 Mud-Slap
7 Headbutt
10 Metal Claw
13 Rock Tomb
16 Protect
19 Roar
22 Iron Head
25 Rock Slide
28 Take Down
31 Metal Sound
35 Iron Tail
39 Iron Defense
43 Double-Edge
47 Autotomize
51 Heavy Slam
55 Metal Burst

Location: Evolve Lairon (Lv. 42)

1 Avalanche *
1 Superpower *
1 Tackle
1 Harden
4 Mud-Slap
7 Headbutt
10 Metal Claw
13 Rock Tomb
16 Protect
19 Roar
22 Iron Head
25 Rock Slide
28 Take Down
31 Metal Sound
35 Iron Tail
39 Iron Defense
42 Dragon Rush *
45 Double-Edge
51 Autotomize
57 Heavy Slam
63 Metal Burst
69 Head Smash *

Location: Jagged Pass, Mt. Pyre
Evolution Level: 37 >> 35

1 Bide
4 Meditate
7 Confusion
9 Detect
12 Endure
15 Feint
17 Force Palm
20 Hidden Power
22 Calm Mind
24 Psycho Cut *
26 Mind Reader
28 High Jump Kick
31 Psych Up
33 Acupressure
35 Zen Headbutt *
37 Power Trick
39 Reversal
41 Recover
44 Counter

Location: Mt. Pyre, Victory Road

1 Fire Punch
1 Thunder Punch
1 Ice Punch
1 Bide
4 Meditate
7 Confusion
9 Detect
12 Endure
15 Feint
17 Force Palm
20 Hidden Power
22 Calm Mind
24 Psycho Cut *
26 Mind Reader
28 High Jump Kick
31 Psych Up
33 Acupressure
35 Fake Out *
37 Zen Headbutt
42 Power Trick
47 Reversal
53 Recover
59 Counter

Location: Route 110

1 Tackle
1 Thunder Wave
4 Leer
7 Howl
10 Quick Attack
13 Spark
15 Odor Sleuth
18 Electro Ball *
21 Thunder Fang
24 Bite
28 Discharge
33 Roar
37 Thunderbolt *
41 Wild Charge
45 Charge
49 Thunder

Location: Route 118

1 Electric Terrain
1 Fire Fang
1 Tackle
1 Thunder Wave
1 Leer
1 Howl
4 Leer
7 Howl
10 Quick Attack
13 Spark
15 Odor Sleuth
18 Electro Ball *
21 Thunder Fang
24 Bite
26 Flame Burst *
29 Discharge
34 Roar
39 Thunderbolt *
43 Wild Charge
48 Charge
54 Thunder
60 Electric Terrain

Location: Route 110
Ability 2: Victory Star **

HP 60 >> 70
Attack 50 >> 60
Defense 40 >> 50
Sp. Attack 85 >> 95
Sp. Defense 75 >> 85
Speed 95 >> 105
Total 405 >> 465

1 Nuzzle
1 Play Nice
1 Growl
1 Thunder Wave
1 Quick Attack
4 Helping Hand
7 Spark
10 Encore
13 Bestow
16 Swift
19 Electro Ball
22 Copycat
25 Charm
28 Charge
31 Discharge
34 Baton Pass
37 Agility
40 Last Resort
43 Thunder
46 Nasty Plot
49 Entrainment

#312 MINUN
Location: Route 110
Ability 2: Victory Star **

HP 60 >> 70
Attack 40 >> 50
Defense 50 >> 60
Sp. Attack 75 >> 85
Sp. Defense 85 >> 95
Speed 95 >> 105
Total 405 >> 465

1 Nuzzle
1 Play Nice
1 Growl
1 Thunder Wave
1 Quick Attack
4 Helping Hand
7 Spark
10 Encore
13 Switcheroo
16 Swift
19 Electro Ball
22 Copycat
25 Fake Tears
28 Charge
31 Discharge
34 Baton Pass
37 Agility
40 Trump Card
43 Thunder
46 Nasty Plot
49 Entrainment

Location: Route 117
Effort Values: 1 Speed >> 1 Attack
New TM/HMs: Wild Charge
Type: Bug >> Bug/Fairy

Attack 73 >> 105

Defense 55 >> 60
Sp. Attack 47 >> 45
Sp. Defense 75 >> 80
Speed 85 >> 95
Total 400 >> 450

1 Wild Charge **
1 Acrobatics *
1 Brick Break *
1 U-turn*
1 Flash
1 Tackle
5 Double Team
8 Confuse Ray
11 Quick Attack
14 Bug Bite *
17 Moonlight
20 Play Rough
23 Thunder Punch *
26 Signal Beam
29 Thunder Wave *
32 Zen Headbutt
35 Tail Glow
38 Bug Buzz
41 Protect
44 Helping Hand
47 Moonblast **
50 Double-Edge
53 Wild Charge **

Location: Route 117
Effort Values: 1 Speed >> 1 Sp. Atk
Type: Bug >> Bug/Fairy

Attack 47 >> 45
Defense 55 >> 60
Sp. Attack 73 >> 105
Sp. Defense 75 >> 80
Speed 85 >> 95
Total 400 >> 450

1 Thunder *
1 Giga Drain *
1 Shadow Ball *
1 U-turn*
1 Play Nice
1 Tackle
5 Sweet Scent
8 Charm
11 Quick Attack
14 Struggle Bug
17 Moonlight
20 Moonblast **
23 Thunderbolt *
26 Signal Beam
29 Thunder Wave *
32 Zen Headbutt
35 Wish
38 Bug Buzz
41 Encore
44 Helping Hand
47 Play Rough
50 Covet
53 Thunder *

Location: Route 117

1 Absorb
4 Growth
7 Poison Sting
10 Stun Spore
13 Mega Drain
16 Leech Seed
19 Magical Leaf
22 Venoshock *
25 Giga Drain
28 Grass Whistle
31 Extrasensory *
34 Toxic Spikes
37 Petal Dance
40 Sweet Scent
43 Sleep Powder *
46 Ingrain
49 Toxic
52 Aromatherapy
55 Synthesis
59 Petal Blizzard

Location: Route 110

1 Pound
1 Yawn
6 Poison Gas
9 Sludge
12 Amnesia
14 Acid Spray
16 Encore
18 Venoshock *
21 Toxic
24 Stockpile
24 Spit Up
24 Swallow
27 Sludge Bomb
30 Gastro Acid
34 Sludge Wave *
38 Belch
41 Wring Out
44 Seed Bomb *
48 Gunk Shot

Location: Safari Zone

1 Gunk Shot
1 Wring Out
1 Pound
1 Yawn
6 Poison Gas
9 Sludge
12 Amnesia
14 Acid Spray
16 Encore
18 Venoshock *
21 Toxic
24 Stockpile
24 Spit Up
24 Swallow
26 Body Slam
29 Sludge Bomb
33 Gastro Acid
37 Sludge Wave *
41 Belch
45 Wring Out
50 Seed Bomb *
55 Gunk Shot

Location: Route 118, Mossdeep City
Ability 2: Speed Boost

1 Leer
1 Bite
4 Rage
7 Focus Energy
10 Aqua Jet
13 Assurance
16 Screech
19 Swagger
22 Ice Fang
25 Poison Fang
28 Waterfall *
31 Scary Face
34 Crunch
37 Thrash *
40 Agility
43 Take Down
46 Hydro Pump *

Location: Route 118, Mossdeep City
Ability 2: Speed Boost

1 Night Slash
1 Zen Headbutt *
1 Feint
1 Leer
1 Bite
4 Rage
7 Focus Energy
10 Aqua Jet
13 Assurance
16 Screech
19 Swagger
22 Ice Fang
25 Poison Fang
28 Waterfall *
30 Slash
32 Scary Face
36 Crunch
40 Thrash *
44 Agility
48 Skull Bash
52 Hydro Pump *
56 Taunt
60 Night Slash

Location: Slateport City, Sea Mauville, Magma Hideout, Aqua Hideout, Route 129
Evolution Level: 40 >> 37

1 Splash
4 Growl
7 Water Gun
10 Rollout
13 Whirlpool
16 Astonish
19 Water Pulse
22 Mist
25 Brine
28 Rest
31 Body Slam *
34 Dive
37 Zen Headbutt *
40 Amnesia
43 Water Spout
46 Bounce
49 Hydro Pump
52 Double-Edge *
55 Fissure *
58 Heavy Slam

Location: Route 129

1 Heavy Slam
1 Splash
4 Growl
7 Water Gun
10 Rollout
13 Whirlpool
16 Astonish
19 Water Pulse
22 Mist
25 Brine
28 Rest
31 Body Slam *
34 Dive
37 Hyper Voice *
38 Zen Headbutt *
42 Amnesia
46 Water Spout
50 Bounce
54 Hydro Pump
58 Double-Edge *
62 Fissure *
66 Heavy Slam

#322 NUMEL
Location: Fiery Path

1 Growl
1 Tackle
5 Ember
8 Focus Energy
12 Magnitude
15 Flame Burst
19 Amnesia
22 Lava Plume
26 Earth Power
29 Curse
31 Take Down
36 Yawn
40 Earthquake
43 Flamethrower
47 Double-Edge

Location: Safari Zone

1 Fissure
1 Eruption
1 Growl
1 Tackle
1 Ember
1 Focus Energy
5 Ember
8 Focus Energy
12 Magnitude
15 Flame Burst
19 Amnesia
22 Lava Plume
26 Earth Power
29 Curse
31 Take Down
33 Rock Slide
39 Yawn
46 Earthquake
52 Flamethrower
59 Double-Edge

Location: Fiery Path
Ability 2: Shell Armor

1 Ember
4 Smog
7 Withdraw
10 Rapid Spin
13 Fire Spin
15 Smokescreen
18 Flame Wheel
22 Curse
25 Lava Plume
27 Body Slam
30 Protect
34 Flamethrower
38 Iron Defense
40 Earth Power *
42 Amnesia
45 Flail
47 Heat Wave
50 Shell Smash
53 Inferno
57 Superpower *
60 Eruption *

Location: Jagged Pass

1 Splash
5 Psywave
8 Odor Sleuth
11 Psybeam
14 Psych Up
17 Confuse Ray
20 Magic Coat
23 Power Gem
26 Psyshock *
29 Rest
32 Snore
35 Zen Headbutt
38 Payback
41 Psychic
44 Bounce

Location: Jagged Pass, Safari Zone

1 Splash
5 Psywave
8 Odor Sleuth
11 Psybeam
14 Psych Up
17 Confuse Ray
20 Magic Coat
23 Power Gem
26 Psyshock *
29 Rest
32 Teeter Dance
34 Snore
38 Zen Headbutt
42 Payback
46 Psychic
50 Bounce

Location: Route 113

HP 60 >> 80
Attack 60 >> 80
Defense 60 >> 80
Sp. Attack 60 >> 80
Sp. Defense 60 >> 80
Speed 60 >> 80
Total 360 >> 480

1 Tackle
4 Copycat
7 Feint Attack
10 Psybeam
13 Hypnosis
16 Dizzy Punch
19 Sucker Punch
22 Teeter Dance
25 Assist *
28 Uproar
31 Fake Out *
34 Psycho Cut *
37 Double-Edge
40 Shadow Ball *
43 Flail
46 Thrash
49 Superpower *
52 Psycho Boost **

Location: Route 111
Held Item: Jaw Fossil (50%), Soft Sand (5%)

1 Sand Attack
1 Bite
1 Faint Attack
1 Bide
5 Mud-Slap
8 Bulldoze
12 Sand Tomb
15 Rock Slide
19 Dig
22 Crunch
26 Earth Power
29 Feint
33 Earthquake
36 Sandstorm
40 Superpower
43 Hyper Beam
47 Fissure

Location: Route 111

1 Sand Attack
1 Sonic Boom
1 Feint Attack
1 Bide
5 Mud-Slap
8 Bulldoze
12 Sand Tomb
15 Rock Slide
19 Supersonic
22 Screech
26 Earth Power
29 Bug Buzz
33 Earthquake
35 Dragon Breath
36 Sandstorm
40 Uproar
43 Hyper Beam
47 Boomburst

Location: Evolve Vibrava (Lv. 45)

Attack 100 >> 110

Sp. Attack 80 >> 90
Speed 100 >> 110
Total 520 >> 550

1 Sand Attack
1 Sonic Boom
1 Feint Attack
1 Bide
5 Mud-Slap
8 Bulldoze
12 Sand Tomb
15 Rock Slide
19 Supersonic
22 Screech
26 Earth Power
29 Dragon Tail
33 Earthquake
35 Dragon Breath
36 Sandstorm
40 Uproar
43 Hyper Beam
45 Dragon Claw
47 Dragon Rush
51 Quiver Dance **

Location: Route 111
Ability 2: Water Absorb
Held Item: Root Fossil (50%), Sticky Barb (5%)

1 Poison Sting
1 Leer
4 Absorb
7 Growth
10 Leech Seed
13 Sand Attack
16 Ingrain
19 Feint Attack
22 Needle Arm
25 Payback
28 Spikes
31 Seed Bomb *
34 Poison Jab *
37 Sucker Punch
40 Pin Missile
43 Energy Ball
46 Cotton Spore
49 Sandstorm
52 Destiny Bond
55 Fell Stinger *

Location: Evolve Cacnea (Lv. 32)
Ability 2: Water Absorb

1 Fell Stinger *
1 Destiny Bond
1 Revenge
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Poison Sting
1 Leer
4 Absorb
7 Growth
10 Leech Seed
13 Sand Attack
16 Ingrain
19 Feint Attack
22 Needle Arm
25 Payback
28 Spikes
31 Seed Bomb *
32 Spiky Shield
35 Poison Jab *
39 Sucker Punch
43 Pin Missile
47 Energy Ball
51 Cotton Spore
55 Sandstorm
59 Destiny Bond
63 Fell Stinger *

Location: Route 114, Mt. Pyre
Ability 2: Cloud Nine
Evolution Level: 35 >> 33
1 Peck
1 Growl
3 Astonish
5 Sing
7 Fury Attack
9 Safeguard
11 Disarming Voice
13 Mist
15 Round
18 Natural Gift
21 Take Down
24 Pluck *
27 Cotton Guard
30 Mirror Move
33 Refresh
36 Dragon Pulse
39 Moonblast
42 Hyper Voice *
45 Perish Song
48 Double-Edge *

Location: Route 120, Sky Pillar
Ability 2: Cloud Nine

1 Sky Attack
1 Outrage*
1 Peck
1 Growl
3 Astonish
5 Sing
7 Fury Attack
9 Safeguard
11 Disarming Voice
13 Mist
15 Round
18 Natural Gift
21 Take Down
24 Pluck *
27 Cotton Guard
30 Dragon Dance
33 Dragon Breath
34 Refresh
38 Dragon Pulse
42 Moonblast
46 Hyper Voice *
50 Perish Song
54 Double-Edge *
58 Outrage *
62 Sky Attack

Location: Route 114
Ability 2: Toxic Boost

1 Close Combat
1 Swords Dance
1 Ice Punch *
1 Fire Punch *
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Scratch
1 Leer
5 Quick Attack
8 Fury Cutter
11 Pursuit
14 Hone Claws
17 Slash
20 Revenge
23 Crush Claw
26 Night Slash *
29 False Swipe
32 Embargo
35 Detect
39 X-Scissor
43 Taunt
47 Swords Dance
50 Close Combat

Location: Route 114
Ability 2: Infiltrator

1 Wrap
1 SWagger
4 Bite
7 Lick
10 Poison Tail
13 Screech
16 Venoshock
19 Glare
22 Poison Fang
25 Venom Drench
28 Night Slash
31 Gastro Acid
34 Poison Jab
37 Haze
40 Crunch
43 Belch
46 Coil
49 Wring Out
52 Gunk Shot **

Location: Meteor Falls

HP 70 >> 80
Defense 65 >> 80
Sp. Attack 95 >> 110
Sp. Defense 85 >> 100
Total 440 >> 495

1 Tackle
1 Harden
1 Confusion
1 Rock Throw
6 Hypnosis
9 Rock Polish
12 Psywave
15 Embargo
18 Ancient Power *
21 Psyshock *
24 Icy Wind *
27 Moonblast
30 Psychic
33 Heal Block
36 Power Gem **
39 Future Sight
42 Ice Beam *
45 Earth Power *
48 Explosion
51 Blizzard *
54 Magic Room
57 Moonlight **

Location: Meteor Falls

HP 70 >> 80
Attack 95 >> 110
Defense 85 >> 100
Sp. Defense 65 >> 80
Total 440 >> 495

1 Tackle
1 Harden
1 Confusion
1 Rock Throw
6 Fire Spin
9 Rock Polish
12 Psywave
15 Embargo
18 Rock Slide
21 Zen Headbutt *
24 Will-O-Wisp *
27 Overheat *
30 Psychic
33 Heal Block
36 Stone Edge
39 Solar Beam
42 Heat Crash **
45 Earthquake *
48 Explosion
51 Flare Blitz **
54 Wonder Room
57 Morning Sun **

Location: Route 111, Route 120, Scorched Slab, Safari Zone

1 Mud-Slap
1 Mud Sport
1 Water Sport
6 Water Gun
9 Mud Bomb
12 Amnesia
15 Water Pulse
18 Magnitude
21 Spark *
24 Aqua Tail
27 Rest
27 Snore
30 Earthquake
33 Thrash *
36 Muddy Water
39 Dragon Dance *
42 Future Sight
45 Earth Power *
48 Fissure
51 Hydro Pump *

Location: Route 111, Route 120, Scorched Slab, Safari Zone

1 Mud-Slap
1 Mud Sport
1 Water Sport
6 Water Gun
9 Mud Bomb
12 Amnesia
15 Water Pulse
18 Magnitude
21 Spark *
24 Aqua Tail
27 Rest
27 Snore
30 Zen Headbutt
31 Earthquake
35 Thrash *
39 Muddy Water
43 Dragon Dance *
47 Future Sight
51 Earth Power *
55 Fissure
59 Hydro Pump *

Location: Route 102, Route 123

1 Bubble
1 Harden
4 Vice Grip
7 Aqua Jet *
10 Leer
13 Bubble Beam
16 Razor Shell
19 Protect
22 Crabhammer
25 Knock Off
28 Double Hit
31 Night Slash
34 Taunt
37 Crunch
40 Swords Dance
43 Superpower *
46 Guillotine
49 Dragon Dance *

Location: Route 102, Route 123

1 Superpower *
1 Avalanche *
1 Bubble
1 Harden
4 Vice Grip
7 Aqua Jet *
10 Leer
13 Bubble Beam
16 Razor Shell
19 Protect
22 Crabhammer
25 Knock Off
28 Double Hit
30 Swift
32 Night Slash
36 Taunt
40 Crunch
44 Swords Dance
48 Superpower *
52 Guillotine
56 Dragon Dance *

Location: Route 111
Held Item: Helix Fossil (50%), Light Clay (5%)

1 Harden
1 Confusion
4 Rapid Spin
7 Mud-Slap
10 Heal Block
13 Rock Tomb
16 Psybeam
19 Ancient Power
22 Cosmic Power
25 Power Trick
28 Extrasensory
31 Earth Power
34 Guard Split
34 Power Split
37 Self-Destruct
40 Psychic *
43 Sandstorm
46 Trick Room *
49 Imprison
52 Explosion

Location: Sky Pillar
New TM/HMs: Fly

1 Teleport
1 Harden
1 Confusion
4 Rapid Spin
7 Mud-Slap
10 Heal Block
13 Rock Tomb
16 Psybeam
19 Ancient Power
22 Cosmic Power
25 Power Trick
28 Extrasensory
31 Earth Power
34 Guard Split
34 Power Split
36 Hyper Beam
39 Self-Destruct
43 Psychic *
47 Sandstorm
51 Trick Room *
55 Imprison
59 Explosion

Location: Seafloor Cavern, Revive Root Fossil
Ability 2: Storm Drain
Evolution Level: 40 >> 37

1 Astonish
1 Constrict
4 Acid
8 Ingrain
12 Confuse Ray
16 Ancient Power
20 Brine
24 Giga Drain
28 Gastro Acid
32 Amnesia
36 Energy Ball
40 Earth Power *
44 Stockpile
44 Spit Up
44 Swallow
48 Recover *
52 Wring Out

Location: Seafloor Cavern
Ability 2: Storm Drain
1 Wring Out
1 Astonish
1 Constrict
4 Acid
8 Ingrain
12 Confuse Ray
16 Ancient Power
20 Brine
24 Giga Drain
28 Gastro Acid
32 Amnesia
36 Energy Ball
41 Earth Power *
46 Stockpile
46 Spit Up
46 Swallow
51 Recover *
56 Wring Out

Location: Seafloor Cavern, Revive Claw Fossil
Ability 2: Swift Swim
Evolution Level: 40 >> 37

1 Scratch
1 Harden
4 Mud Sport
7 Water Gun
10 Fury Cutter
13 Smack Down
16 Aqua Jet *
19 Metal Claw
22 Ancient Power
25 Bug Bite
28 Brine
31 X-Scissor
31 Cross Poison *
34 Rock Slide *
37 Slash
40 Crush Claw
43 Knock Off *
46 Protect
49 Rock Blast

Location: Seafloor Cavern
Ability 2: Swift Swim

1 Stone Edge *
1 Superpower *
1 Rock Blast
1 Scratch
1 Harden
4 Mud Sport
7 Water Gun
10 Fury Cutter
13 Smack Down
16 Aqua Jet *
19 Metal Claw
22 Ancient Power
25 Bug Bite
28 Brine
31 X-Scissor
31 Cross Poison *
34 Rock Slide *
37 Aqua Tail *
39 Slash
44 Crush Claw
49 Knock Off *
54 Protect
59 Rock Blast
64 Superpower *
69 Stone Edge *

Location: Route 118, Route 119
Evolution: Use a Prism Scale

1 Splash
1 Tackle
10 Flail
20 Mud Sport *

Location: Route 119

1 Wrap
1 Water Gun
1 Water Sport
5 Refresh
8 Twister
11 Captivate
14 Attract
17 Water Pulse
20 Disarming Voice
23 Dragon Tail
26 Mirror Coat *
29 Recover
32 Dragon Pulse *
35 Hypnosis *
38 Aqua Tail
41 Safeguard
44 Coil
47 Rain Dance
50 Hydro Pump

Location: Weather Institute
Effort Values: 1 HP >> 1 Sp. Atk

HP 70 >> 60
Attack 70 >> 60
Defense 70 >> 60
Sp. Attack 70 >> 100
Sp. Defense 70 >> 100
Speed 70 >> 100
Total 420 >> 480

1 Tackle
10 Water Gun
10 Ember
10 Powder Snow
15 Headbutt
20 Rain Dance
20 Sunny Day
20 Hail
25 Weather Ball
35 Hydro Pump
35 Fire Blast
35 Blizzard
45 Hurricane

Location: Route 123
Ability 2: Protean

HP 60 >> 80
Attack 90 >> 100
Defense 70 >> 80
Total 440 >> 480

1 Thief
1 Tail Whip
1 Astonish
1 Lick
1 Scratch
4 Bind
7 Shadow Sneak
10 Feint
13 Fury Swipes
16 Feint Attack
19 Psybeam
22 Ancient Power
25 Slash
28 Camouflage
31 Shadow Claw
34 Screech
37 Fake Out *
40 Substitute
43 Sucker Punch
46 Recover *
49 Synchronoise

Location: Fiery Path, Route 121, Mt. Pyre
Evolution Level: 37 >> 34

1 Knock Off
4 Screech
7 Night Shade
10 Spite
13 Shadow Sneak
16 Will-O-Wisp
19 Feint Attack
22 Hex
25 Curse
28 Shadow Ball
31 Embargo
34 Gunk Shot *
37 Sucker Punch
40 Snatch
43 Grudge
46 Trick
49 Phantom Force
52 Destiny Bond *

Location: Route 121, Mt. Pyre

1 Knock Off
4 Screech
7 Night Shade
10 Spite
13 Shadow Sneak
16 Will-O-Wisp
19 Feint Attack
22 Hex
25 Curse
28 Shadow Ball
31 Embargo
34 Shadow Claw *
35 Gunk Shot *
39 Sucker Punch
43 Snatch
47 Grudge
51 Trick
55 Phantom Force
59 Destiny Bond *

Location: Fiery Path, Mt. Pyre
Ability 2: Frisk
Evolution Level: 37 >> 34

1 Leer
1 Night Shade
1 Disable
6 Astonish
10 Foresight
14 Shadow Sneak
18 Pursuit
22 Will-O-Wisp
26 Shadow Ball
30 Confuse Ray
34 Curse
38 Hex
42 Mean Look
46 Payback
50 Future Sight
54 Phantom Force **

Location: Mt. Pyre
Ability 2: Frisk
Evolution: Use a Reaper Cloth

1 Phantom Force **
1 Future Sight
1 Pain Split *
1 Fire Punch
1 Ice Punch
1 Thunder Punch
1 Gravity
1 Bind
1 Leer
1 Night Shade
1 Disable
6 Astonish
10 Foresight
14 Shadow Sneak
18 Pursuit
22 Will-O-Wisp
26 Shadow Ball
30 Confuse Ray
34 Shadow Punch
35 Curse
40 Hex
45 Mean Look
50 Payback
55 Future Sight
60 Phantom Force **

Location: Route 119

HP 99 >> 105
Attack 68 >> 75
Defense 83 >> 105
Sp. Attack 72 >> 85
Sp. Defense 87 >> 105
Speed 51 >> 60
Total 460 >> 535

1 Hurricane **
1 Leaf Storm
1 Leer
1 Gust
1 Growth
1 Razor Leaf
6 Sweet Scent
10 Stomp
14 Magical Leaf
18 Whirlwind
22 Leaf Tornado
26 Air Slash
30 Giga Drain *
34 Body Slam
38 Natural Gift
42 Dragon Pulse *
46 Bestow
50 Synthesis
54 Energy Ball
58 Solar Beam *
62 Leaf Storm
66 Hurricane **

Location: Mt. Pyre

HP 65 >> 80
Attack 50 >> 35
Defense 70 >> 85
Sp. Atk 95 >> 110
Sp. Def 80 >> 95
Speed 65 >> 80
Total 425 >> 485

1 Healing Wish
1 Synchronoise
1 Wrap
4 Growl
7 Astonish
10 Confusion
13 Yawn
16 Psywave
19 Cosmic Power *
22 Extrasensory
25 Heal Bell
28 Wish*
31 Uproar
34 Safeguard
37 Psychic *
40 Double-Edge
43 Hypnosis *
46 Heal Pulse
49 Hyper Voice *
52 Synchronoise
55 Healing Wish

#359 ABSOL
Location: Route 120

1 Perish Song
1 Future Sight
1 Scratch
1 Feint
4 Leer
7 Quick Attack
10 Pursuit
13 Taunt
16 Bite
19 Double Team
22 Slash
25 Swords Dance
28 Night Slash
31 Detect
34 Psycho Cut
37 Sucker Punch
40 Play Rough *
43 Me First
46 Razor Wind
49 Megahorn *
52 Future Sight
55 Perish Song

Location: Safari Zone

1 Splash
1 Charm
1 Encore
15 Counter
15 Mirror Coat
15 Safeguard
15 Destiny Bond

Location: Shoal Cave
Evolution Level: 42 >> 39

1 Powder Snow
1 Leer
5 Double Team
10 Ice Shard
14 Icy Wind
19 Bite
23 Ice Fang
28 Headbutt
32 Protect
37 Frost Breath
41 Crunch
46 Blizzard
50 Hail

Location: Shoal Cave

1 Head Smash **
1 Double-Edge *
1 Sheer Cold
1 Powder Snow
1 Leer
5 Double Team
10 Ice Shard
14 Icy Wind
19 Bite
23 Ice Fang
28 Headbutt
32 Protect
37 Freeze-Dry
38 Frost Breath
44 Crunch
50 Blizzard
56 Hail
62 Sheer Cold
68 Double-Edge *
74 Head Smash **

Location: Sea Mauville Outside, Shoal Cave

1 Defense Curl
1 Powder Snow
1 Growl
1 Water Gun
5 Rollout
9 Encore
13 Ice Ball
17 Brine
21 Aurora Beam
26 Body Slam
31 Rest
31 Snore
36 Hail
41 Blizzard
46 Sheer Cold

Location: Shoal Cave

1 Defense Curl
1 Powder Snow
1 Growl
1 Water Gun
5 Rollout
9 Encore
13 Ice Ball
17 Brine
21 Aurora Beam
26 Body Slam
31 Rest
31 Snore
32 Swagger
38 Hail
45 Blizzard
52 Sheer Cold

Location: Evolve Sealeo (Lv. 44)

1 Crunch
1 Defense Curl
1 Powder Snow
1 Growl
1 Water Gun
5 Rollout
9 Encore
13 Ice Ball
17 Brine
21 Aurora Beam
26 Body Slam
31 Rest
31 Snore
32 Swagger
38 Hail
44 Ice Fang
44 Super Fang *
49 Blizzard
60 Sheer Cold

Location: Dewford Town, Lilycove City, Route 126
Ability 2: Rattled

1 Clamp
1 Water Gun
1 Whirlpool
1 Iron Defense
17 Muddy Water *
34 Shell Smash

Location: Dewford Town, Underwater
Ability 2: Water Veil

1 Whirlpool
1 Bite
5 Screech
9 Scary Face
11 Feint Attack
14 Water Pulse
16 Ice Fang
19 Brine
23 Sucker Punch
26 Dive
29 Baton Pass
34 Crunch
39 Aqua Tail
45 Coil
50 Hydro Pump

Location: Lilycove City, Underwater
Ability 2: Hydration

1 Whirlpool
1 Confusion
5 Water Sport
9 Agility
11 Draining Kiss
14 Water Pulse
16 Amnesia
19 Aqua Ring
23 Captivate
26 Dive
29 Baton Pass
34 Psychic
39 Aqua Tail
45 Coil
50 Hydro Pump

Location: Route 124, Route 126, Route 127, Route 128, Route 129, Route 130,
Underwater, Seafloor Cavern Outide

1 Head Smash
1 Tackle
1 Harden
1 Mud Sport
1 Water Gun
6 Mud Sport
10 Water Gun
14 Rock Tomb
18 Ancient Power
22 Dive
26 Zen Headbutt *
30 Aqua Tail *
34 Rock Slide *
38 Take Down
42 Yawn
46 Rest
50 Hydro Pump
54 Double-Edge
58 Head Smash

Location: Route 104 South, Route 128, Ever Grande City, Battle Resort
Ability 2: Cute Charm **
Effort Values: 1 Spd >> 2 Spd
Held Item: Heart Scale (100%)
New TM/HMs: Dazzling Gleam
Type: Water >> Water/Fairy

HP 43 >> 45
Sp. Attack 40 >> 100
Sp. Defense 65 >> 90
Speed 97 >> 145
Total 330 >> 465

1 Tackle
1 Charm
1 Misty Terrain **
4 Sweet Kiss
7 Water Gun
10 Draining Kiss
13 Attract
16 Water Pulse
19 Agility
22 Scald *
25 Aqua Ring
28 Moonblast **
31 Captivate
34 Take Down
37 Lucky Chant
40 Hydro Pump
43 Flail
46 Safeguard
49 Heal Pulse
52 Light of Ruin **

#371 BAGON
Location: Meteor Falls
Ability 2: Sheer Force

1 Rage
4 Ember
7 Leer
10 Bite
13 Dragon Breath
17 Headbutt
21 Focus Energy
25 Crunch
29 Dragon Claw
34 Zen Headbutt
39 Scary Face
44 Flamethrower
49 Double-Edge

Location: Meteor Falls
Ability 2: Overcoat
Held Item: Salamencite (50%), Dragon Fang (5%)

1 Rage
4 Ember
7 Leer
10 Bite
13 Dragon Breath
17 Headbutt
21 Focus Energy
25 Crunch
29 Dragon Claw
30 Protect
35 Zen Headbutt
42 Scary Face
49 Flamethrower
56 Double-Edge

Location: Meteor Falls
Ability 2: Moxie
Held Item: Salamencite (50%), Dragon Fang (5%)

1 Hydro Pump *
1 Hyper Voice *
1 Dragon Tail
1 Fire Fang
1 Thunder Fang
1 Rage
1 Bite
4 Ember
7 Leer
10 Bite
13 Dragon Breath
17 Headbutt
21 Focus Energy
25 Crunch
29 Dragon Claw
30 Protect
35 Zen Headbutt
42 Scary Face
49 Flamethrower
50 Fly
63 Double-Edge

Location: Meteor Falls
Ability 2: Light Metal
Catch Rate: 3 >> 45

1 Take Down
1 Iron Defense *
1 Iron Head *
1 Zen Headbutt *

Location: Meteor Falls, Cave of Origin
Ability 2: Light Metal
Catch Rate: 3 >> 45

1 Magnet Rise
1 Take Down
1 Iron Defense *
1 Iron Head *
1 Zen Headbutt *
20 Confusion
20 Metal Claw
23 Pursuit
26 Bullet Punch
29 Miracle Eye
32 Zen Headbutt
35 Scary Face
38 Psychic
41 Agility
44 Meteor Mash
47 Iron Defense
50 Hyper Beam
Location: Evolve Metang (Lv. 45)
Ability 2: Light Metal
Catch Rate: 3 >> 45
New TM/HMs: Fly

1 Magnet Rise
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Ice Punch *
1 Take Down
1 Iron Defense *
1 Iron Head *
1 Zen Headbutt *
20 Confusion
20 Metal Claw
23 Pursuit
26 Bullet Punch
29 Miracle Eye
32 Zen Headbutt
35 Scary Face
38 Psychic
41 Agility
44 Meteor Mash
45 Hammer Arm
52 Iron Defense
60 Hyper Beam

Location: Route 111
Ability 2: Sturdy

1 Explosion
1 Stomp
1 Rock Throw
1 Charge Beam
1 Bulldoze
7 Rock Throw
13 Charge Beam
19 Bulldoze
25 Curse
31 Ancient Power
37 Iron Defense
43 Stone Edge
49 Hammer Arm
55 Lock-On
55 Zap Cannon
61 Superpower
67 Hyper Beam

Location: Route 105
Ability 2: Ice Body

1 Explosion
1 Stomp
1 Icy Wind
1 Charge Beam
1 Bulldoze
7 Icy Wind
13 Charge Beam
19 Bulldoze
25 Curse
31 Ancient Power
37 Amnesia
43 Ice Beam
49 Hammer Arm
55 Lock-On
55 Zap Cannon
61 Superpower
67 Hyper Beam

Location: Route 120
Ability 2: Light Metal

1 Explosion
1 Stomp
1 Metal Claw
1 Charge Beam
1 Bulldoze
7 Metal Claw
13 Charge Beam
19 Bulldoze
25 Curse
31 Ancient Power
37 Iron Defense
37 Amnesia
43 Iron Head
43 Flash Cannon
49 Hammer Arm
55 Lock-On
55 Zap Cannon
61 Superpower
67 Hyper Beam

Location: Southern Island, Mirage Island
Held Item: Soul Dew (100%)

1 Dragon Pulse
1 Helping Hand
1 Wish
1 Psywave
1 Safeguard
4 Water Sport
7 Charm
10 Stored Power
13 Refresh
16 Heal Pulse
20 Dragon Breath
24 Mist Ball
28 Psycho Shift
32 Recover
36 Reflect Type
41 Healing Wish
46 Zen Headbutt
51 Guard Split
56 Psychic
61 Dragon Pulse

Location: Southern Island, Mirage Island
Held Item: Soul Dew (100%)

1 Dragon Pulse
1 Helping Hand
1 Heal Block
1 Psywave
1 Safeguard
4 Protect
7 Dragon Dance
10 Stored Power
13 Refresh
16 Heal Pulse
20 Dragon Breath
24 Luster Purge
28 Psycho Shift
32 Recover
36 Telekinesis
41 Memento
46 Zen Headbutt
51 Power Split
56 Psychic
61 Dragon Pulse

Location: Cave of Origin, Mirage Cave

1 Ancient Power
1 Water Pulse
5 Scary Face
15 Aqua Tail
20 Body Slam
30 Aqua Ring
35 Ice Beam
45 Origin Pulse
50 Calm Mind
55 Muddy Water
60 Sheer Cold
65 Hydro Pump
70 Double-Edge
75 Water Spout

Location: Cave of Origin, Mirage Cave

1 Ancient Power
1 Mud Shot
5 Scary Face
15 Earth Power
20 Lava Plume
30 Rest
35 Earthquake
45 Precipice Blades
50 Bulk Up
55 Solar Beam
60 Fissure
65 Fire Blast
70 Hammer Arm
75 Eruption

Location: Sky Pillar

1 Twister
5 Scary Face
15 Ancient Power
20 Crunch
30 Air Slash
35 Rest
45 Extreme Speed
50 Dragon Pulse
60 Dragon Dance
65 Fly
75 Outrage
80 Hyper Voice
90 Hyper Beam

Location: Mirage Cave

1 Wish
1 Confusion
5 Rest
10 Swift
15 Helping Hand
20 Healing Wish
25 Refresh
30 Rest
35 Zen Headbutt
40 Double-Edge
45 Gravity
50 Psychic
55 Iron Head *
60 Future Sight
65 Doom Desire
70 Cosmic Power
75 Last Resort
80 Meteor Mash *

Location: Sky Pillar

Normal Forme
1 Leer
1 Wrap
7 Night Shade
13 Teleport
19 Knock Off
25 Pursuit
31 Psychic
37 Snatch
43 Psycho Shift
49 Zen Headbutt
55 Cosmic Power
61 Recover
67 Psycho Boost
73 Hyper Beam

Attack Forme
1 Leer
1 Wrap
7 Night Shade
13 Teleport
19 Taunt
25 Pursuit
31 Psychic
37 Superpower
43 Psycho Shift
49 Zen Headbutt
55 Cosmic Power
61 Zap Cannon
67 Psycho Boost
73 Hyper Beam

Defense Forme
1 Leer
1 Wrap
7 Night Shade
13 Teleport
19 Knock Off
25 Spikes
31 Psychic
37 Snatch
43 Psycho Shift
49 Zen Headbutt
55 Iron Defense
55 Amnesia
61 Recover
67 Psycho Boost
73 Counter
73 Mirror Coat

Speed Forme
1 Leer
1 Wrap
7 Night Shade
13 Double Team
19 Knock Off
25 Pursuit
31 Psychic
37 Swift
43 Psycho Shift
49 Zen Headbutt
55 Agility
61 Recover
67 Psycho Boost
73 Extreme Speed

Location: Route 104 North
Ability 2: Shell Armor

1 Tackle
5 Withdraw
8 Absorb
11 Razor Leaf
14 Sand Tomb *
17 Curse
20 Bite
23 Mega Drain
26 Leech Seed
29 Synthesis
32 Body Slam *
35 Crunch
38 Seed Bomb *
41 Giga Drain
44 Leaf Storm

Location: Evolve Turtwig (Lv. 18)
Ability 2: Shell Armor

1 Tackle
5 Withdraw
8 Absorb
11 Razor Leaf
14 Sand Tomb *
17 Curse
21 Bite
25 Mega Drain
29 Leech Seed
33 Synthesis
37 Body Slam *
41 Crunch
45 Seed Bomb *
49 Giga Drain
53 Leaf Storm

Location: Evolve Grotle (Lv. 32)
Ability 2: Shell Armor

1 Wood Hammer
1 Iron Head *
1 Tackle
5 Withdraw
8 Absorb
11 Razor Leaf
14 Sand Tomb *
17 Curse
21 Bite
25 Mega Drain
29 Leech Seed
32 Earthquake
34 Synthesis
39 Body Slam *
44 Crunch
49 Seed Bomb *
54 Giga Drain
59 Leaf Storm
64 Shell Smash **

Location: Rusturf Tunnel
Ability 2: Iron Fist

1 Scratch
1 Leer
5 Ember
8 Taunt
11 Fury Swipes
14 Fake Out *
17 Flame Wheel
20 Uproar *
23 Submission *
26 Torment
29 Nasty Plot
32 Facade
35 Fire Spin
38 Acrobatics
41 Slack Off
44 Flamethrower

Location: Evolve Chimchar (Lv. 14)
Ability 2: Iron Fist

1 Scratch
1 Leer
5 Ember
8 Taunt
11 Fury Swipes
14 Mach Punch
15 Fake Out *
19 Flame Wheel
23 Uproar *
27 Submission *
31 Torment
35 Close Combat
39 Feint
43 Fire Spin
47 Acrobatics
51 Slack Off
55 Flare Blitz

ocation: Evolve Monferno (Lv. 36)
Ability 2: Iron Fist

1 Flare Blitz
1 Fire Punch *
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Scratch
1 Leer
5 Ember
8 Taunt
11 Fury Swipes
14 Mach Punch
15 Fake Out *
19 Flame Wheel
23 Uproar *
27 Submission *
31 Punishment
35 Close Combat
40 Feint
45 Fire Spin
50 Acrobatics
55 Calm Mind
60 Flare Blitz

Location: Route 103
Ability 2: Defiant

1 Pound
1 Growl
5 Bubble
8 Water Sport
11 Bubble Beam
14 Peck
17 Icy Wind *
20 Bide
23 Yawn *
26 Fury Attack
29 Brine
32 Drill Peck
35 Whirlpool
38 Mist
41 Ice Beam *
44 Hydro Pump

Location: Evolve Piplup (Lv. 16)
Ability 2: Defiant

1 Tackle
1 Growl
5 Bubble
8 Water Sport
11 Bubble Beam
14 Peck
16 Metal Claw
18 Icy Wind *
22 Bide
26 Yawn *
30 Fury Attack
34 Brine
38 Drill Peck
42 Whirlpool
46 Mist
50 Ice Beam *
54 Hydro Pump

Location: Evolve Prinplup (Lv. 36)
Ability 2: Defiant

1 Flash Cannon *
1 Hydro Pump
1 Tackle
1 Growl
5 Bubble
8 Swords Dance
11 Bubble Beam
14 Peck
16 Metal Claw
18 Icy Wind *
22 Swagger
26 Yawn *
30 Fury Attack
34 Brine
36 Agility *
39 Drill Peck
44 Whirlpool
49 Mist
54 Ice Beam *
59 Hydro Pump
64 Flash Cannon *

Location: Route 101
Ability 2: Reckless

1 Tackle
1 Growl
5 Quick Attack
8 Wing Attack
11 Double Team
14 Endeavor
17 Whirlwind
20 Revenge *
23 Aerial Ace
26 Take Down
29 Agility
32 Final Gambit
35 Brave Bird
38 Double-Edge *

Location: Safari Zone
Ability 2: Reckless

1 Tackle
1 Growl
5 Quick Attack
8 Wing Attack
11 Double Team
14 Endeavor
18 Whirlwind
22 Revenge *
26 Aerial Ace
30 Take Down
34 Agility
38 Final Gambit
42 Brave Bird
46 Double-Edge *

Location: Soaring in the Sky
Ability 2: Reckless

1 Tackle
1 Growl
5 Quick Attack
8 Wing Attack
11 Double Team
14 Endeavor
18 Whirlwind
22 Revenge *
26 Aerial Ace
30 Take Down
34 Close Combat
35 Agility
40 Final Gambit
45 Brave Bird
50 Double-Edge *

Location: Route 101

1 Tackle
5 Growl
8 Defense Curl
11 Headbutt
14 Rollout
17 Hyper Fang
20 Aqua Tail *
23 Yawn
26 Take Down
29 Amnesia
32 Super Fang
35 Curse
38 Superpower
41 Double-Edge *

Location: Safari Zone

HP 79 >> 90
Attack 85 >> 95
Defense 60 >> 65
Speed 71 >> 75
Total 410 >> 435

1 Double-Edge *
1 Rototiller
1 Tackle
5 Growl
8 Defense Curl
11 Headbutt
14 Rollout
15 Water Gun
18 Hyper Fang
22 Aqua Tail *
26 Yawn
30 Take Down
34 Amnesia
38 Super Fang
42 Curse
46 Superpower
50 Double-Edge *

Location: Route 104 North
Ability 2: Run Away

1 Growl
1 Bide
1 Struggle Bug
5 Bug Bite
10 Endeavor

Location: Safari Zone
Ability 2: Technician

HP 77 >> 80
Attack 85 >> 110
Defense 51 >> 65
Sp. Defense 51 >> 65
Total 384 >> 440

1 Growl
1 Bide
10 Fury Cutter
13 Leech Life
16 Sing
19 Slash
22 X-Scissor
25 Focus Energy
28 Aerial Ace *
31 Fell Stinger
34 Night Slash
37 Screech
40 Taunt
43 Sticky Web
46 Bug Buzz
49 Perish Song

#403 SHINX
Location: Route 116

1 Tackle
1 Leer
5 Charge
8 Quick Attack *
11 Spark
14 Baby-Doll Eyes
17 Bite
20 Thunder Fang
23 Roar
26 Double Kick *
29 Wild Charge
32 Crunch
35 Swagger
38 Discharge
41 Scary Face
44 Sucker Punch **
47 Volt Tackle **

#404 LUXIO
Location: Route 118

1 Tackle
1 Leer
5 Charge
8 Quick Attack *
11 Spark
14 Payback **
18 Bite
22 Thunder Fang
26 Roar
30 Double Kick *
34 Wild Charge
38 Crunch
42 Swagger
46 Discharge
50 Scary Face
54 Sucker Punch **
58 Volt Tackle **

Location: Evolve Luxio (Lv. 30)
New TM/HMs: Payback, Dark Pulse
Type: Electric >> Electric/Dark

1 Electric Terrain
1 Volt Tackle **
1 Sucker Punch **
1 Ice Fang *
1 Fire Fang *
1 Tackle
1 Leer
5 Charge
8 Quick Attack *
11 Spark
14 Payback **
18 Bite
22 Thunder Fang
26 Roar
30 Night Slash *
31 Double Kick *
36 Wild Charge
41 Crunch
46 Swagger
51 Discharge
56 Scary Face
61 Sucker Punch **
66 Volt Tackle **
71 Electric Terrain

#406 BUDEW
Location: Route 104 North
Base Happiness: 70 >> 200

1 Absorb
4 Growth
7 Water Sport
10 Stun Spore
13 Mega Drain
16 Worry Seed

Location: Evolve Roselia (Shiny Stone)

1 Venom Drench
1 Grassy Terrain
1 Weather Ball
1 Poison Sting
1 Mega Drain
1 Magical Leaf
1 Sweet Scent
22 Venoshock *
37 Petal Dance *
47 Petal Blizzard *

Location: Seafloor Cavern, Revive Skull Fossil
Ability 2: Sheer Force
1 Headbutt
1 Leer
6 Focus Energy
10 Pursuit
14 Take Down
18 Scary Face
22 Assurance
26 Chip Away
30 Ancient Power
34 Iron Head *
38 Zen Headbutt
42 Thrash *
46 Crunch *
50 Screech
54 Head Smash

Location: Seafloor Cavern
Ability 2: Sheer Force

1 Head Smash
1 Fire Punch *
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Headbutt
1 Leer
6 Focus Energy
10 Pursuit
14 Take Down
18 Scary Face
22 Assurance
26 Chip Away
30 Outrage *
31 Ancient Power
36 Iron Head *
41 Zen Headbutt
46 Thrash *
51 Crunch *
56 Screech
61 Head Smash

Location: Seafloor Cavern, Revive Armor Fossil
Ability 2: Soundproof

1 Tackle
1 Protect
6 Taunt
10 Metal Sound
14 Take Down
18 Iron Defense
22 Swagger
26 Ancient Power
30 Curse *
34 Stealth Rock
38 Endure
42 Metal Burst
46 Iron Head
50 Rock Blast *
54 Heavy Slam

Location: Seafloor Cavern
Ability 2: Soundproof

1 Magnet Rise *
1 Tackle
1 Protect
6 Taunt
10 Metal Sound
14 Take Down
18 Iron Defense
22 Swagger
26 Ancient Power
30 Avalanche *
31 Curse *
36 Stealth Rock
41 Endure
46 Metal Burst
51 Iron Head
56 Rock Blast *
61 Heavy Slam

#412 BURMY
Location: Route 104 North
Ability 2: Overcoat

1 Protect
1 Tackle
1 Bug Bite
1 Electroweb *
15 Hidden Power

Location: Safari Zone
Ability 2: Overcoat

Plant Cloak
HP 60 >> 80
Attack 59 >> 50
Defense 85 >> 100
Sp. Attack 79 >> 90
Sp. Defense 105 >> 110
Speed 36 >> 30
Total 424 >> 460

1 Protect
1 Tackle
1 Bug Bite
1 Electroweb *
15 Hidden Power
20 Confusion
20 Razor Leaf
23 Signal Beam *
26 Giga Drain *
29 Growth
32 Psybeam
35 Energy Ball *
38 Bug Buzz **
41 Captivate
44 Flail
47 Attract
50 Psychic
53 Leaf Storm

Sandy Cloak
HP 60 >> 80
Attack 79 >> 90
Defense 105 >> 110
Sp. Attack 59 >> 50
Sp. Defense 85 >> 100
Speed 36 >> 30
Total 424 >> 460

1 Protect
1 Tackle
1 Bug Bite
1 Electroweb *
15 Hidden Power
20 Confusion
20 Rock Blast
23 Steamroller *
26 Bulldoze *
29 Harden
32 Psybeam
35 Earthquake *
38 Megahorn **
41 Captivate
44 Flail
47 Attract
50 Psychic
53 Fissure

Trash Cloak
HP 60 >> 80
Attack 69 >> 70
Defense 95 >> 105
Sp. Attack 69 >> 70
Sp. Defense 95 >> 105
Speed 36 >> 30
Total 424 >> 460

1 Protect
1 Tackle
1 Bug Bite
1 Electroweb *
15 Hidden Power
20 Confusion
20 Mirror Shot
23 Signal Beam *
26 Gyro Ball *
29 Metal Sound
32 Psybeam
35 Flash Cannon *
38 Bug Buzz **
41 Captivate
44 Flail
47 Attract
50 Psychic
53 Iron Head

Location: Safari Zone
Ability 2: Tinted Lens
New TM/HMs: Fly

HP 70 >> 80
Attack 94 >> 100
Sp. Attack 94 >> 100
Speed 66 >> 80
Total 424 >> 460

1 Energy Ball *
1 Protect
1 Tackle
1 Bug Bite
1 Electroweb *
15 Hidden Power
20 Confusion
20 Silver Wind
20 Gust
23 Signal Beam *
26 Air Cutter *
29 Poison Powder
32 Psybeam
35 Air Slash
38 Bug Buzz
41 Camouflage
44 Acrobatics *
47 Quiver Dance
50 Psychic
53 Hurricane **

Location: Route 104 North
Ability 2: Hustle

1 Sweet Scent
1 Gust
10 Bug Bite
15 Air Cutter *
20 Bug Buzz

Location: Route 104 North
Ability 2: Unnerve
New TM/HMs: Fly

1 Fell Stinger
1 Destiny Bond
1 Sweet Scent
1 Gust
1 Poison Sting
1 Confuse Ray
5 Fury Cutter
9 Pursuit
13 Fury Swipes
17 Air Cutter *
21 Attack Order
21 Defend Order
21 Heal Order
25 Power Gem
29 Slash
33 Air Slash
37 Toxic
41 Captivate
45 Swagger
49 Destiny Bond
53 Fell Stinger

Location: Route 118
Ability 1: Adaptability **

HP 60 >> 70
Attack 45 >> 60
Defense 70 >> 90
Sp. Attack 45 >> 60
Total 405 >> 465

1 Ion Deluge *
1 Magnet Rise *
1 Helping Hand *
1 Growl
1 Bide
1 Charge *
5 Quick Attack
8 Charm
11 Spark
14 Endure
17 Nuzzle
20 Swift
23 Electro Ball
26 Sweet Kiss
29 Thunder Wave
32 Super Fang
35 Discharge
38 Rollout *
41 Fake Tears *
44 Last Resort
47 Hyper Fang

Location: Route 103, Route 120, Scorched Slab
Ability 2: Water Veil

1 Sonic Boom
4 Growl
7 Water Sport
10 Quick Attack
13 Water Gun
16 Pursuit
19 Swift
22 Headbutt *
25 Aqua Jet
28 Double Hit
31 Aqua Tail
34 Whirlpool
37 Razor Wind
40 Agility
43 Hydro Pump

Location: Route 103, Route 120, Scorched Slab, Victory Road
Ability 2: Water Veil

1 Tail Slap *
1 Ice Fang
1 Sonic Boom
4 Growl
7 Water Sport
10 Quick Attack
13 Water Gun
16 Pursuit
19 Swift
22 Headbutt *
25 Aqua Jet
26 Crunch
29 Double Hit
33 Aqua Tail
37 Whirlpool
41 Razor Wind
45 Agility
49 Hydro Pump

Location: Route 117

1 Morning Sun
1 Tackle
5 Growth
8 Leech Seed
11 Helping Hand
14 Nature Power *
17 Magical Leaf
20 Sunny Day
23 Petal Blizzard
26 Worry Seed
29 Take Down
32 Dazzling Gleam *
35 Energy Ball *
38 Lucky Chant
41 Solar Beam

Location: Evolve Cherubi (Lv. 25)

Overcast Form
Sp. Attack 87 >> 90
Sp. Defense 78 >> 80
Total 450 >> 455

Sunshine Form
Defense 70 >> 80
Sp. Attack 87 >> 120
Sp. Defense 78 >> 110
Speed 85 >> 115
Total 450 >> 555

1 Morning Sun
1 Tackle
5 Growth
8 Leech Seed
11 Helping Hand
14 Nature Power *
17 Magical Leaf
20 Sunny Day
23 Petal Blizzard
25 Weather Ball *
25 Petal Dance
26 Worry Seed
30 Take Down
34 Dazzling Gleam *
38 Energy Ball *
42 Lucky Chant
46 Solar Beam

Location: Route 103

1 Mud-Slap
3 Mud Sport
6 Harden
9 Water Pulse
12 Mud Bomb
15 Sludge *
18 Hidden Power
21 Rain Dance
24 Brine *
27 Body Slam
30 Muddy Water
33 Earth Power *
36 Recover
Location: Safari Zone

1 Mud-Slap
3 Mud Sport
6 Harden
9 Water Pulse
12 Mud Bomb
15 Sludge *
18 Hidden Power
21 Rain Dance
24 Brine *
27 Body Slam
31 Muddy Water
36 Earth Power *
41 Recover
46 Sludge Wave *

Location: Safari Zone

1 Last Resort
1 Seed Bomb *
1 Gunk Shot *
1 Scratch
1 Tail Whip
4 Sand Attack
8 Astonish
11 Baton Pass
14 Tickle
17 Fury Swipes
20 Swift
23 Knock Off *
25 Screech
27 Agility
29 Acrobatics *
30 Fake Out *
32 Double Hit
35 Fling
38 Nasty Plot
42 Bounce *
45 Last Resort

Location: Route 110

1 Constrict
1 Minimize
3 Astonish
6 Gust
9 Focus Energy
12 Payback
15 Ominous Wind
18 Air Cutter *
21 Hex
24 Acrobatics
27 Clear Smog *
30 Stockpile
30 Swallow
30 Spit Up
33 Shadow Ball
36 Hypnosis *
39 Amnesia
42 Baton Pass
45 Explosion

Location: Route 120

1 Hurricane **
1 Phantom Force
1 Weather Ball *
1 Icy Wind *
1 Constrict
1 Minimize
3 Astonish
6 Gust
9 Focus Energy
12 Payback
15 Ominous Wind
18 Air Cutter *
21 Hex
24 Acrobatics
27 Clear Smog *
31 Stockpile
31 Swallow
31 Spit Up
35 Shadow Ball
39 Hypnosis *
43 Amnesia
47 Baton Pass
51 Explosion
55 Phantom Force
59 Hurricane **

Location: Route 104 North
Base Happiness: 0 >> 140

1 Defense Curl
1 Splash
1 Pound
1 Foresight
5 Endure
8 Baby-Doll Eyes
11 Frustration
14 Quick Attack
17 Jump Kick
20 Baton Pass
23 Dizzy Punch
26 Agility
29 Bounce
32 After You
35 Charm
38 Fake Out
41 Entrainment
44 Healing Wish

Location: Evolve Buneary (Happiness)

1 High Jump Kick

1 Fire Punch *
1 Ice Punch *
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Bounce
1 Rototiller
1 Mirror Coat
1 Magic Coat
1 Defense Curl
1 Pound
1 Foresight
5 Endure
11 Return
14 Quick Attack
17 Jump Kick
20 Baton Pass
23 Dizzy Punch
26 Agility
29 Bounce
32 After You
35 Charm
38 Fake Out
41 Entrainment
44 Healing Wish
47 High Jump Kick

Location: Mt. Pyre
Type: Ghost >> Ghost/Fairy

1 Mystical Fire
1 Power Gem
1 Phantom Force
1 Lucky Chant
1 Magical Leaf
1 Shadow Ball *
1 Moonblast **
1 Growl
1 Psywave
1 Spite
1 Astonish

Location: Soaring in the Sky

1 Night Slash
1 Sucker Punch
1 Astonish
1 Pursuit
1 Haze
1 Wing Attack
27 Swagger
33 Drill Peck *
39 Nasty Plot
45 Foul Play
51 Night Slash
57 Brave Bird *
63 Quash
69 Dark Pulse

Location: Jagged Pass
Evolution Level: 38 >> 33

1 Fake Out
1 Scratch
4 Growl
7 Bite *
10 Hypnosis
13 Feint Attack
16 Fury Swipes
19 Knock Off *
22 Charm
25 Covet *
28 Assist
31 Slash
34 Sucker Punch
37 Captivate
40 Attract
43 Foul Play *
46 Hone Claws
49 Play Rough

Location: Route 120

1 Fake Out
1 Scratch
4 Growl
7 Bite *
10 Hypnosis
13 Feint Attack
16 Fury Swipes
19 Knock Off *
22 Charm
25 Covet *
28 Assist
31 Slash
33 Swagger
35 Body Slam
39 Captivate
43 Attract
47 Foul Play *
51 Hone Claws
55 Play Rough
Location: Mt. Pyre
Base Happiness 70 >> 200

1 Wrap
4 Growl
7 Astonish
10 Confusion
13 Yawn
16 Last Resort
19 Entrainment
32 Uproar

Location: Jagged Pass

1 Scratch
1 Focus Energy
1 Poison Gas
4 Screech
7 Fury Swipes
10 Smokescreen
13 Feint
16 Flame Burst *
19 Slash
19 Night Slash
22 Toxic
25 Acid Spray
28 Poison Jab *
31 Crunch *
34 Sucker Punch *
37 Memento
40 Belch
43 Explosion

Location: Route 120

1 Play Rough *
1 Iron Tail *
1 Scratch
1 Focus Energy
1 Poison Gas
4 Screech
7 Fury Swipes
10 Smokescreen
13 Feint
16 Flame Burst *
19 Slash
19 Night Slash
22 Toxic
25 Acid Spray
28 Poison Jab *
31 Crunch *
34 Flamethrower
35 Sucker Punch *
39 Memento
43 Belch
47 Explosion
51 Play Rough *

Location: Route 113, Mt. Pyre

1 Tackle
1 Confusion
6 Imprison
9 Confuse Ray
12 Psywave
15 Hypnosis
18 Gyro Ball
21 Iron Defense
24 Extrasensory
27 Future Sight
30 Feint Attack
33 Metal Sound
36 Payback
39 Heal Block
42 Heavy Slam
45 Gravity *

Location: Mt. Pyre
New TM/HMs: Fly

1 Sunny Day
1 Rain Dance
1 Tackle
1 Confusion
6 Imprison
9 Confuse Ray
12 Psywave
15 Hypnosis
18 Gyro Ball
21 Iron Defense
24 Extrasensory
27 Future Sight
30 Feint Attack
33 Block
34 Metal Sound
38 Payback
42 Heal Block
46 Heavy Slam
50 Gravity *

Location: Route 117

1 Fake Tears
1 Copycat
5 Flail
8 Low Kick
12 Rock Throw
15 Mimic
19 Feint Attack
22 Rock Tomb
26 Block
29 Rock Slide
33 Counter
36 Sucker Punch
40 Double-Edge

#439 MIME JR.

Location: Route 117

1 Tackle
1 Barrier
1 Confusion
4 Copycat
8 Meditate
11 Double Slap
15 Mimic
18 Encore
22 Light Screen
22 Reflect
25 Psybeam
29 Substitute
32 Recycle
36 Trick
39 Psychic
43 Role Play
46 Baton Pass
50 Safeguard

Location: Route 114

1 Pound
1 Charm
5 Copycat
9 Refresh
12 Sweet Kiss

Location: Route 118
Ability 1: Gale Wings **
Effort Values: 1 Atk >> 1 Sp. Atk, 1 Spd

HP 76 >> 80
Defense 45 >> 55
Sp. Attack 92 >> 110
Sp. Defense 42 >> 55
Speed 91 >> 110
Total 411 >> 475

1 Boomburst *
1 Hurricane **
1 Heat Wave
1 Chatter
1 Confide
1 Taunt
1 Peck
5 Growl
8 Mirror Move
11 Sing
14 Fury Attack
17 Echoed Voice
20 Taunt
23 Round
26 Mimic
29 Chatter
32 Roost
35 Uproar
38 Synchronoise
41 Hyper Voice
44 Feather Dance
47 Nasty Plot
50 Hurricane **
53 Boomburst *

Location: Sea Mauville, Sky Pillar
Ability 2: Infiltrator

1 Curse
1 Pursuit
1 Confuse Ray
1 Spite
1 Shadow Sneak
7 Feint Attack
13 Hypnosis
19 Dream Eater
25 Ominous Wind
31 Sucker Punch
37 Nasty Plot
43 Memento
49 Dark Pulse
55 Pain Split *

#443 GIBLE
Location: Route 111
Ability 2: Rough Skin
Held Item: Skull Fossil (50%)

1 Tackle
4 Sand-Attack
7 Dragon Rage
11 Sandstorm
15 Take Down
19 Sand Tomb
23 Slash
27 Body Slam *
31 Dig
35 Dragon Rush
39 Iron Head *
43 Thrash *
47 Outrage *

Location: Victory Road
Ability 2: Rough Skin

1 Tackle
4 Sand-Attack
7 Dragon Rage
11 Sandstorm
15 Take Down
19 Sand Tomb
23 Slash
24 Dual Chop
28 Body Slam *
33 Dig
38 Dragon Rush
43 Iron Head *
48 Thrash *
53 Outrage *

Location: Evolve Gabite (Lv. 48)
Ability 2: Rough Skin

1 Fire Fang
1 Tackle
4 Sand-Attack
7 Dragon Rage
11 Sandstorm
15 Take Down
19 Sand Tomb
23 Slash
24 Dual Chop
28 Body Slam *
33 Dig
38 Dragon Rush
43 Iron Head *
50 Thrash *
57 Outrage *
64 Extreme Speed **

Location: Route 113

1 Last Resort
1 Recycle
1 Metronome
1 Odor Sleuth
1 Tackle
1 Defense Curl
4 Amnesia
8 Lick
12 Chip Away
16 Screech
20 Body Slam
24 Stockpile
24 Swallow
28 Rollout
32 Fling
36 Belly Drum
40 Natural Gift
44 Zen Headbutt *
48 Snatch
52 Seed Bomb *
56 Double-Edge *
60 Last Resort

#447 RIOLU
Location: Route 103

1 Foresight
1 Quick Attack
1 Endure
6 Counter
10 Feint
14 Force Palm
18 Copycat
22 Sky Uppercut *
26 Screech
30 Reversal
34 Blaze Kick *
38 Nasty Plot
42 High Jump Kick
46 Final Gambit

Location: Evolve Riolu (Happiness @ Day)

1 Extreme Speed
1 Dragon Pulse
1 Bullet Punch *
1 Foresight
1 Quick Attack
1 Detect
1 Metal Claw
6 Counter
10 Feint
14 Power-Up Punch
18 Swords Dance
22 Sky Uppercut *
26 Metal Sound
30 Bone Rush
34 Blaze Kick *
38 Aura Sphere
42 Quick Guard
46 Me First
50 Calm Mind
54 Heal Pulse
58 Close Combat
62 Dragon Pulse
66 Extreme Speed

Location: Route 111
Ability 2: Sand Force
Held Item: Armor Fossil (50%)

1 Tackle
1 Sand-Attack
7 Bite
10 Yawn
13 Take Down
16 Dig
19 Curse *
22 Sand Tomb
25 Slack Off *
28 Bulldoze *
31 Crunch
34 Rock Slide *
37 Earthquake
40 Double-Edge
43 Fissure
46 Superpower *

Location: Evolve Hippopotas (Lv. 34)
Ability 2: Sand Force

1 Ice Fang
1 Fire Fang
1 Thunder Fang
1 Tackle
1 Sand-Attack
7 Bite
10 Yawn
13 Take Down
16 Dig
19 Curse *
22 Sand Tomb
25 Slack Off *
28 Bulldoze *
31 Crunch
35 Rock Slide *
39 Earthquake
43 Double-Edge
47 Fissure
51 Superpower *

Location: Route 114
Evolution Level: 40 >> 37

1 Bite
1 Poison Sting
1 Leer
5 Knock Off
8 Pin Missile
11 Acupressure
14 Pursuit
17 Bug Bite
20 Poison Fang
23 Venoshock
26 Poison Tail *
29 Night Slash
32 Cross Poison
35 X-Scissor *
38 Hone Claws
41 Crunch
44 Toxic Spikes
47 Scary Face
50 Fell Stinger

Location: Route 119

1 Aqua Tail
1 Thunder Fang
1 Ice Fang
1 Fire Fang
1 Bite
1 Poison Sting
1 Leer
5 Knock Off
8 Pin Missile
11 Acupressure
14 Pursuit
17 Bug Bite
20 Poison Fang
23 Venoshock
26 Poison Tail *
29 Night Slash
32 Cross Poison
35 X-Scissor *
39 Hone Claws
43 Crunch
47 Toxic Spikes
51 Scary Face
55 Fell Stinger

Location: Jagged Pass, Safari Zone
Evolution Level: 37 >> 35

1 Astonish
3 Mud-Slap
6 Poison Sting
9 Taunt
12 Pursuit
15 Feint Attack
18 Revenge
21 Swagger
24 Mud Bomb
27 Sucker Punch
30 Fake Out *
33 Drain Punch *
36 Venoshock
39 Poison Jab
42 Nasty Plot
45 Sludge Bomb
48 Cross Chop *
51 Belch
54 Flatter
57 Gunk Shot *

Location: Safari Zone

1 Gunk Shot *
1 Ice Punch *
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Astonish
3 Mud-Slap
6 Poison Sting
9 Taunt
12 Pursuit
15 Feint Attack
18 Revenge
21 Swagger
24 Mud Bomb
27 Sucker Punch
30 Fake Out *
33 Drain Punch *
37 Venoshock
41 Poison Jab
45 Nasty Plot
49 Sludge Bomb
53 Cross Chop *
57 Belch
61 Flatter
65 Gunk Shot *

Location: Route 119

1 Bind
1 Growth
4 Bite
8 Vine Whip
12 Sweet Scent
16 Bug Bite *
20 Ingrain
24 Feint Attack
28 Stun Spore *
28 Sleep Powder *
32 Leaf Tornado
36 Seed Bomb *
40 Stockpile
40 Spit Up
40 Swallow
44 Crunch
48 Wring Out
52 Power Whip

Location: Route 108, Route 109, Route 122, Safari Zone

1 Pound
6 Water Gun
9 Attract
12 Rain Dance
15 Water Pulse
18 Gust
21 Sweet Kiss *
24 Silver Wind
27 Aurora Beam *
30 Captivate
33 Safeguard
36 Aqua Ring
39 Whirlpool
42 U-turn
45 Bounce
48 Soak

Location: Route 108, Route 109, Route 122, Safari Zone

HP 69 >> 75
Attack 69 >> 80
Defense 76 >> 85
Sp. Attack 69 >> 80
Sp. Defense 86 >> 90
Speed 91 >> 95
Total 460 >> 505

1 Soak
1 Signal Beam *
1 Psybeam *
1 Air Cutter *
1 Ominous Wind *
1 Pound
6 Water Gun
9 Attract
12 Rain Dance
15 Water Pulse
18 Gust
21 Sweet Kiss *
24 Silver Wind
27 Aurora Beam *
30 Captivate
34 Safeguard
38 Aqua Ring
42 Whirlpool
46 U-turn
50 Bounce
54 Soak

Location: Route 108, Route 124

1 Tackle
1 Bubble
3 Supersonic
7 Bubble Beam
11 Confuse Ray
14 Wing Attack
16 Headbutt
19 Water Pulse
23 Wide Guard
27 Take Down
32 Agility
36 Air Slash
39 Aqua Ring
46 Bounce
49 Hydro Pump
52 Mirror Coat *

Location: Shoal Cave
Ability 2: Soundproof

1 Powder Snow
1 Leer
4 Razor Leaf
8 Icy Wind
12 Grass Whistle
16 Swagger
20 Mist
24 Ice Shard
28 Avalanche *
32 Ingrain
36 Wood Hammer
40 Frost Breath *
44 Seed Bomb *
48 Blizzard
52 Sheer Cold

Ability 2: Soundproof

1 Ice Punch
1 Powder Snow
1 Leer
4 Razor Leaf
8 Icy Wind
12 Grass Whistle
16 Swagger
20 Mist
24 Ice Shard
28 Avalanche *
32 Ingrain
36 Wood Hammer
40 Frost Breath *
44 Seed Bomb *
48 Blizzard
52 Sheer Cold

Location: Shoal Cave
Ability 2: Technician **
Held Items: Grip Claw (50%), Quick Claw (5%)

1 Icicle Crash *
1 Embargo
1 Revenge
1 Assurance
1 Scratch
1 Leer
1 Taunt
1 Icy Wind
6 Quick Attack
9 Feint Attack
12 Ice Shard *
15 Fury Swipes
18 Nasty Plot
21 Metal Claw
24 Hone Claws
27 Fling
30 Screech
33 Low Kick
36 Night Slash
39 Snatch
42 Dark Pulse
45 Punishment
48 Icicle Crash *
51 Crunch **

Location: Evolve Magneton (New Mauville)

1 Zap Cannon
1 Magnetic Flux
1 Mirror Coat
1 Barrier
1 Electric Terrain
1 Tackle
5 Supersonic
7 Thunder Shock
11 Sonic Boom
15 Thunder Wave
17 Magnet Bomb
19 Spark
23 Mirror Shot
25 Metal Sound
29 Electro Ball
33 Flash Cannon
39 Screech
43 Discharge
49 Lock-On
53 Magnet Rise
59 Gyro Ball
63 Zap Cannon

Location: Route 114

1 Lick
4 Supersonic
7 Defense Curl
10 Wrap
13 Knock Off
16 Disable
19 Stomp
22 Magnitude *
25 Zen Headbutt *
28 Slam
31 Rollout
34 Chip Away
37 Body Slam *
40 Me First
43 Muddy Water *
46 Power Whip
49 Screech
52 Refresh
55 Wring Out

Location: Evolve Rhydon (Protector)

1 Rock Wrecker
1 Horn Drill
1 Fire Fang *
1 Thunder Fang *
1 Ice Fang *
1 Poison Jab
1 Horn Attack
1 Tail Whip
1 Fury Attack
5 Scary Face
9 Smack Down
13 Bulldoze
17 Stomp
21 Magnitude *
25 Chip Away
29 Rock Blast
33 Drill Run
37 Hammer Arm
39 Take Down
45 Stone Edge
51 Earthquake
57 Megahorn
63 Horn Drill
69 Rock Wrecker

Location: Evolve Tangela (Level w/Ancient Power)
1 Block
1 Ingrain
1 Constrict
4 Sleep Powder
7 Vine Whip
10 Absorb
14 Poison Powder
17 Bind
20 Growth
23 Mega Drain
27 Knock Off
30 Stun Spore
33 Giga Drain
36 Ancient Power
39 Natural Gift
43 Slam
46 Tickle
49 Wring Out
50 Grassy Terrain
53 Power Whip
56 Block

Location: Evolve Electabuzz (Electirizer)
Ability 2: Vital Spirit
Type: Electric >> Electric/Fighting

1 Volt Tackle **
1 Electric Terrain
1 Ion Deluge
1 Hammer Arm *
1 Fire Punch
1 Ice Punch *
1 Quick Attack
1 Leer
5 Thunder Shock
8 Low Kick
11 Swift
14 Shock Wave
17 Thunder Wave
20 Electro Ball
23 Light Screen
26 Brick Break *
29 Thunder Punch
33 Discharge
37 Screech
41 Thunderbolt
45 Cross Chop *
49 Wild Charge *
53 Thunder
57 Giga Impact
61 Electric Terrain
65 Volt Tackle **

Location: Evolve Magmar (Magmarizer)
Ability 2: Vital Spirit
1 Thunder Punch
1 Smog
1 Leer
5 Ember
8 Smokescreen
11 Feint Attack
14 Fire Spin
17 Clear Smog
20 Flame Burst
23 Confuse Ray
26 Brick Break *
29 Fire Punch
33 Lava Plume
37 Sunny Day
41 Flamethrower
45 Cross Chop *
49 Flare Blitz *
53 Fire Blast
57 Hyper Beam
61 Magma Storm **

Location: Soaring in the Sky

1 Moonblast **
1 After You
1 Sky Attack
1 Extreme Speed
1 Aura Sphere
1 Air Slash

Location: Route 115
New TM/HMs: Fly

1 Hurricane **
1 Bug Buzz
1 Giga Drain *
1 Night Slash
1 Feint
1 Tackle
1 Foresight
1 Quick Attack
6 Double Team
10 Sonic Boom
14 Slash
18 Silver Wind *
22 Detect
26 Supersonic
30 Uproar
34 Ancient Power
38 Signal Beam *
42 Air Slash
46 Hypnosis *
50 U-turn
54 Screech
58 Bug Buzz
62 Hurricane **

Location: Evolve Eevee (Petalburg Woods)
Ability 2: Chlorophyll

1 Tail Whip
1 Tackle
1 Helping Hand
5 Sand Attack
9 Razor Leaf
13 Quick Attack
17 Grass Whistle
20 Magical Leaf
25 Giga Drain
29 Swords Dance
33 Synthesis
37 Sunny Day
41 Last Resort
45 Leaf Blade
50 Psycho Cut **
50 Night Slash **

Location: Evolve Eevee (Shoal Cave)
Ability 2: Ice Body

1 Water Pulse *
1 Helping Hand
1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
5 Sand Attack
9 Icy Wind
13 Quick Attack
17 Bite
20 Ice Fang
25 Ice Shard
29 Barrier
33 Mirror Coat
37 Hail
41 Last Resort
45 Blizzard
50 Earth Power **

Location: Evolve Gligar (Razor Fang + Level Up @ Night)
New TM/HMs: Fly

1 Guillotine
1 Thunder Fang
1 Ice Fang
1 Fire Fang
1 Poison Jab
4 Sand Attack
7 Harden
10 Knock Off
13 Quick Attack
16 Fury Cutter
19 Feint Attack
22 Acrobatics
25 Cross Poison *
28 Slash
31 U-turn
34 Screech
37 X-Scissor
40 Earthquake *
43 Night Slash *
46 Sky Uppercut
49 Swords Dance
52 Guillotine

Location: Evolve Piloswine (Level w/Ancient Power)

1 Scary Face
1 Ancient Power
1 Peck
1 Odor Sleuth
4 Mud Sport
7 Powder Snow
10 Mud-Slap
13 Endure
16 Mud Bomb
19 Hail
22 Ice Fang
25 Take Down
28 Avalanche *
31 Body Slam *
33 Double Hit
35 Mist
39 Earthquake
43 Thrash
47 Freeze-Dry *
51 Icicle Crash *
55 Superpower *
59 Blizzard
63 Scary Face

Location: Evolve Porygon2 (Dubious Disc)

1 Trick Room
1 Zap Cannon
1 Magic Coat
1 Conversion 2
1 Tackle
1 Conversion
1 Nasty Plot
7 Psybeam
11 Agility
15 Recover
19 Magnet Rise
23 Signal Beam
27 Tri Attack
31 Embargo
35 Discharge
39 Lock-On
43 Magic Coat
47 Zap Cannon
51 Hyper Beam

Location: Evolve Kirlia (Dawn Stone ♂)
Ability 2: Justified

1 Stored Power
1 Close Combat
1 Leaf Blade
1 Night Slash
1 Leer
1 Confusion
1 Double Team
1 Teleport
4 Confusion
6 Double Team
9 Teleport
11 Quick Guard
14 Slash
17 Wide Guard
19 Fury Cutter
23 Heal Pulse
26 Psycho Cut
31 Swords Dance
35 Helping Hand
40 Feint
44 False Swipe
49 Protect
53 Close Combat
58 Stored Power

Location: Granite Cave

1 Magnet Rise
1 Gravity
1 Wide Guard
1 Tackle
4 Iron Defense
7 Block
10 Magnet Bomb
13 Thunder Wave
16 Rest
19 Spark
22 Rock Slide
25 Power Gem
28 Rock Blast
31 Discharge
34 Sandstorm
37 Earth Power
40 Stone Edge
43 Lock-On
43 Zap Cannon
46 Head Smash **

Location: Evolve Dusclops (Reaper Cloth)
Ability 2: Frisk

1 Phantom Force **
1 Future Sight
1 Pain Split *
1 Fire Punch
1 Ice Punch
1 Thunder Punch
1 Gravity
1 Bind
1 Leer
1 Night Shade
1 Disable
6 Astonish
10 Foresight
14 Shadow Sneak
18 Pursuit
22 Will-O-Wisp
26 Shadow Ball
30 Confuse Ray
34 Shadow Punch
35 Curse
40 Hex
45 Mean Look
50 Payback
55 Future Sight
60 Phantom Force **

Location: Shoal Cave
Ability 2: Cursed Body

1 Destiny Bond
1 Weather Ball *
1 Powder Snow
1 Leer
5 Double Team
10 Ice Shard
14 Icy Wind
19 Astonish
23 Draining Kiss
28 Ominous Wind
32 Confuse Ray
37 Shadow Ball
38 Wake-Up Slap
44 Captivate
50 Blizzard
56 Hail
62 Destiny Bond
#479 ROTOM
Location: New Mauville

Frost Rotom
Heat Rotom
Mow Rotom
Wash Rotom
1 Pain Split *
1 Trick
1 Astonish
1 Thunder Wave
1 Thunder Shock
1 Confuse Ray
8 Uproar
12 Double Team
16 Shock Wave
20 Ominous Wind
24 Substitute
28 Electro Ball
32 Hex
36 Discharge
40 Charge
44 Shadow Ball *
48 Thunderbolt *
52 Foul Play *
56 Dark Pulse *
60 Thunder

Fan Rotom
1 Hurricane **
1 Pain Split *
1 Trick
1 Astonish
1 Thunder Wave
1 Thunder Shock
1 Confuse Ray
8 Uproar
12 Double Team
16 Shock Wave
20 Ominous Wind
24 Substitute
28 Electro Ball
32 Hex
36 Discharge
40 Charge
44 Shadow Ball *
48 Thunderbolt *
52 Foul Play *
56 Dark Pulse *
60 Thunder

#480 UXIE
Location: Nameless Cavern, Mirage Cave
Type: Psychic >> Psychic/Fairy
1 Memento
1 Natural Gift
1 Flail
1 Rest
1 Confusion
6 Imprison
12 Endure
18 Swift
24 Yawn
30 Future Sight
36 Amnesia
42 Extrasensory
48 Flail
50 Moonblast **
56 Natural Gift
64 Memento

Location: Nameless Cavern, Mirage Cave
Type: Psychic >> Psychic/Fairy

1 Healing Wish
1 Natural Gift
1 Copycat
1 Rest
1 Confusion
6 Imprison
12 Protect
18 Swift
24 Lucky Chant
30 Future Sight
36 Charm
42 Extrasensory
48 Copycat
50 Moonblast **
56 Natural Gift
64 Healing Wish

#482 AZELF
Location: Nameless Cavern, Mirage Cave
Type: Psychic >> Psychic/Fairy

1 Healing Wish
1 Last Resort
1 Rest
1 Confusion
6 Imprison
12 Detect
18 Swift
24 Uproar
30 Future Sight
36 Nasty Plot
42 Extrasensory
48 Last Resort
50 Moonblast **
56 Natural Gift
64 Explosion

Location: Soaring in the Sky, Mirage Mountain
Ability 2: Telepathy

1 Dragon Breath
1 Scary Face
6 Metal Claw
10 Ancient Power
15 Slash
19 Power Gem
24 Metal Burst
29 Dragon Claw
33 Earth Power
37 Aura Sphere
42 Iron Tail
46 Roar of Time
50 Flash Cannon

Location: Soaring in the Sky, Mirage Mountain
Ability 2: Telepathy
New TM/HMs: Waterfall

1 Dragon Breath
1 Scary Face
6 Water Pulse
10 Ancient Power
15 Slash
19 Power Gem
24 Aqua Tail
29 Dragon Claw
33 Earth Power
37 Aura Sphere
42 Aqua Tail
46 Spacial Rend
50 Hydro Pump

Location: Scorched Slab
Ability 2: Flame Body

1 Fire Spin
1 Ancient Power
10 Leer
15 Fire Fang
20 Metal Sound
25 Crunch
30 Scary Face
35 Lava Plume
40 Fire Spin
45 Iron Head
50 Earth Power
55 Heat Wave
60 Stone Edge
65 Magma Storm

Location: Route 105

1 Dizzy Punch
1 Knock Off
1 Confuse Ray
1 Foresight
10 Revenge
15 Wide Guard
20 Zen Headbutt
25 Fire Punch
30 Ice Punch
35 Thunder Punch
40 Payback
45 Crush Grip
50 Heavy Slam
55 Giga Impact

Location: Soaring in the Sky
Ability 2: Telepathy

1 Dragon Breath
1 Scary Face
6 Ominous Wind
10 Ancient Power
15 Slash
19 Shadow Sneak
24 Destiny Bond
29 Dragon Claw
33 Earth Power
37 Aura Sphere
42 Shadow Claw
46 Shadow Force
50 Hex

Location: Crescent Isle, Mirage Island

1 Confusion
1 Double Team
10 Safeguard
15 Mist
20 Aurora Beam
25 Future Sight
30 Slash
35 Moonlight
40 Psycho Cut
45 Psycho Shift
50 Psychic
55 Lunar Dance
60 Moonblast

Location: Slateport City, Route 132, Route 133, Route 134

1 Bubble
1 Water Sport
5 Charm
10 Supersonic
15 Bubble Beam
20 Acid Armor
25 Whirlpool
30 Water Pulse
35 Aqua Ring
40 Dive
45 Rain Dance

Location: Mirage Island

1 Tail Glow
1 Bubble
1 Water Sport
5 Charm
10 Supersonic
15 Bubble Beam
20 Acid Armor
25 Whirlpool
30 Water Pulse
35 Aqua Ring
40 Dive
45 Rain Dance
50 Heart Swap

Location: Mirage Island

1 Ominous Wind
10 Disable
15 Quick Attack
20 Hypnosis
25 Feint Attack
30 Nightmare
35 Double Team
40 Haze
45 Dark Void
50 Nasty Plot
55 Dream Eater
60 Dark Pulse

Location: Mirage Forest

1 Growth
5 Magical Leaf
10 Leech Seed
15 Synthesis
20 Sweet Scent
25 Natural Gift
30 Worry Seed
35 Aromatherapy
40 Energy Ball
45 Sweet Kiss
50 Seed Flare
55 Healing Wish

Location: Mirage Mountain

1 Seismic Toss
5 Cosmic Power
10 Natural Gift
15 Punishment
20 Gravity
25 Earth Power
30 Hyper Voice
35 Extreme Speed
40 Refresh
45 Future Sight
50 Recover
55 Hyper Beam
60 Perish Song
65 Judgment

Location: Mirage Island

1 Searing Shot
1 Focus Energy
1 Confusion
1 Incinerate
1 Quick Attack
5 Endure
10 Headbutt
15 Flame Charge
20 Reversal
25 Flame Burst
30 Stored Power
35 Inferno
40 Double-Edge
45 Flare Blitz
50 Zen Headbutt
55 Final Gambit
60 Overheat
65 V-Create *

#495 SNIVY
Location: Petalburg Woods
Ability 2: Contrary

1 Tackle
3 Leer
5 Vine Whip
7 Wrap
9 Growth
11 Leaf Tornado
13 Twister *
15 Leech Seed
17 Glare *
20 Mega Drain
23 Slam
26 Leaf Blade
29 Coil
32 Giga Drain
35 Wring Out
38 Gastro Acid
41 Leaf Storm

Location: Evolve Snivy (Lv. 17)
Ability 2: Contrary

1 Tackle
3 Leer
5 Vine Whip
7 Wrap
9 Growth
11 Leaf Tornado
13 Twister*
15 Leech Seed
17 Glare *
20 Mega Drain
24 Slam
28 Leaf Blade
32 Coil
36 Giga Drain
40 Wring Out
44 Gastro Acid
48 Leaf Storm

Location: Evolve Servine (Lv. 36)
Ability 2: Contrary
Type: Grass >> Grass/Dragon
Move Tutor: Draco Meteor

Attack 75 >> 80
Sp. Attack 75 >> 80
Total 528 >> 538

1 Dragon Tail
1 Aqua Tail
1 Tackle
3 Leer
5 Vine Whip
7 Wrap
9 Growth
11 Leaf Tornado
13 Twister *
15 Leech Seed
17 Glare *
20 Mega Drain
24 Slam
28 Leaf Blade
32 Coil
36 Dragon Pulse *
38 Giga Drain
43 Wring Out
48 Gastro Acid
53 Leaf Storm
58 Outrage *

#498 TEPIG
Location: Granite Cave
Ability 2: Thick Fat

1 Tackle
3 Tail Whip
5 Ember
7 Odor Sleuth
9 Defense Curl
11 Flame Charge
13 Covet *
15 Smog
17 Magnitude *
20 Rollout
23 Yawn *
26 Heat Crash
29 Take Down
32 Flamethrower
35 Assurance
38 Head Smash
41 Sucker Punch
44 Roar
47 Flare Blitz

Location: Evolve Tepig (Lv. 17)
Ability 2: Thick Fat

1 Tackle
3 Tail Whip
5 Ember
7 Odor Sleuth
9 Defense Curl
11 Flame Charge
13 Covet *
15 Smog
17 Magnitude *
17 Arm Thrust
20 Rollout
24 Brick Break *
28 Heat Crash
32 Take Down
36 Flamethrower
40 Assurance
44 Head Smash
48 Sucker Punch
52 Roar
56 Flare Blitz

Location: Evolve Pignite (Lv. 36)
Ability 2: Reckless

Attack 123 >> 128

Total 528 >> 533

1 Fire Punch *
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Zen Headbutt *
1 Tackle
3 Tail Whip
5 Ember
7 Odor Sleuth
9 Defense Curl
11 Flame Charge
13 Covet *
15 Smog
17 Magnitude *
17 Arm Thrust
20 Rollout
24 Brick Break *
28 Heat Crash
32 Take Down
36 Hammer Arm
37 Flamethrower
42 Assurance
47 Head Smash
52 Sucker Punch
57 Roar
62 Flare Blitz

Location: Route 104 South
Ability 2: Shell Armor

1 Tackle
5 Tail Whip
7 Water Gun
9 Water Sport
11 Focus Energy
13 Razor Shell
15 Fury Cutter
17 Water Pulse
20 Vacuum Wave **
23 Air Slash *
26 Revenge
29 Aqua Jet
32 Encore
35 Aqua Tail
38 Retaliate
41 Swords Dance
44 Hydro Pump
Location: Evolve Oshawott (Lv. 17)
Ability 2: Shell Armor
Type: Water >> Water/Fighting

1 Tackle
5 Tail Whip
7 Water Gun
9 Water Sport
11 Focus Energy
13 Razor Shell
15 Fury Cutter
17 Water Pulse
20 Vacuum Wave **
24 Air Slash *
28 Revenge
32 Aqua Jet
36 Encore
40 Aqua Tail
44 Retaliate
48 Swords Dance
52 Hydro Pump

Ability 2: Shell Armor
New TM/HMs: Focus Blast
Type: Water >> Water/Fighting

Sp. Attack 108 >> 113

Total 528 >> 533

1 Secret Sword **
1 Megahorn
1 Tackle
5 Tail Whip
7 Water Gun
9 Water Sport
11 Focus Energy
13 Razor Shell
15 Fury Cutter
17 Water Pulse
20 Vacuum Wave **
24 Air Slash *
28 Revenge
32 Aqua Jet
36 Encore
36 Slash
36 Sacred Sword **
41 Aqua Tail
46 Retaliate
51 Swords Dance
56 Hydro Pump
61 Secret Sword **
66 Shell Smash **

Location: Route 103

1 Tackle
3 Leer
6 Bite
8 Hypnosis
11 Hyper Fang
13 Sand Attack
16 Crunch
18 Detect
21 Super Fang
23 After You
24 Seed Bomb *
26 Work Up
28 Bide
31 Mean Look
33 Baton Pass
36 Zen Headbutt *
38 Slam

Location: Safari Zone

HP 60 >> 65
Attack 85 >> 95
Defense 69 >> 70
Sp. Defense 69 >> 70
Speed 77 >> 80
Total 420 >> 440

1 Rototiller
1 Tackle
1 Leer
1 Bite
1 Low Kick
3 Leer
6 Bite
8 Hypnosis
11 Hyper Fang
13 Detect
16 Crunch
18 Sand Attack
20 Confuse Ray
22 Super Fang
25 After You
27 Seed Bomb *
29 Psych Up
32 Bide
36 Mean Look
39 Baton Pass
43 Zen Headbutt *
46 Slam

Location: Route 103

1 Leer
1 Tackle
1 Odor Sleuth
5 Bite
7 Baby-Doll Eyes
9 Helping Hand
12 Covet *
15 Take Down
18 Work Up
21 Crunch
24 Roar
27 Retaliate
30 Reversal
33 Yawn *
36 Play Rough
39 Last Resort
42 Giga Impact

Location: Route 121

1 Leer
1 Tackle
1 Odor Sleuth
5 Bite
9 Helping Hand
12 Covet *
15 Take Down
19 Work Up
23 Crunch
27 Roar
31 Retaliate
35 Reversal
39 Yawn *
43 Play Rough
47 Last Resort
51 Giga Impact

Location: Route 121

1 Ice Fang
1 Fire Fang
1 Thunder Fang
1 Leer
1 Tackle
1 Odor Sleuth
5 Bite
9 Helping Hand
12 Covet *
15 Take Down
19 Work Up
23 Crunch
27 Roar
32 Retaliate
38 Reversal
44 Yawn *
50 Play Rough
56 Last Resort
62 Giga Impact

Location: Route 103

1 Thief *
1 Scratch
4 Growl
6 Assist
8 Feint Attack *
10 Sand Attack
12 Pay Day *
14 Fury Swipes
16 Pursuit
18 Torment
20 Fake Out
22 Hone Claws
24 Slash
26 Night Slash
28 Assurance
30 Captivate
32 Sucker Punch
34 Snatch
36 Play Rough
38 Nasty Plot
40 Foul Play *
42 Dark Pulse *

Location: Route 123

HP 64 >> 65
Attack 88 >> 90
Sp. Attack 88 >> 90
Speed 106 >> 115
Total 446 >> 460

1 Dark Pulse *
1 Copycat *
1 Yawn *
1 Thief *
1 Scratch
4 Growl
6 Assist
8 Feint Attack *
10 Sand Attack
12 Pay Day *
14 Fury Swipes
16 Pursuit
18 Torment
21 Fake Out
24 Hone Claws
27 Slash
30 Night Slash
33 Assurance
36 Captivate
39 Sucker Punch
42 Snatch
45 Play Rough
48 Nasty Plot
51 Foul Play *
54 Dark Pulse *

Location: Petalburg Woods
Ability 2: Overgrow
Move Tutor: Grass Pledge

1 Scratch
1 Play Nice
4 Leer
7 Vine Whip
10 Lick
13 Fury Swipes
16 Seed Bomb
19 Bite
22 Leech Seed
25 Torment
28 Acrobatics
31 Fling
34 Grass Knot
37 Recycle
40 Natural Gift
43 Crunch

Location: Evolve Pansage (Leaf Stone)
Ability 2: Overgrow
Move Tutor: Grass Pledge, Frenzy Plant

1 Crunch *
1 Leer
1 Lick
1 Fury Swipes
1 Seed Bomb

Location: Petalburg Woods
Ability 2: Blaze
Move Tutor: Fire Pledge

1 Scratch
1 Play Nice
4 Leer
7 Incinerate
10 Lick
13 Fury Swipes
16 Flame Burst
19 Bite
22 Yawn
25 Amnesia
28 Acrobatics
31 Fling
34 Fire Blast
37 Recycle
40 Natural Gift
43 Crunch

Location: Evolve Pansear (Fire Stone)
Ability 2: Blaze
Move Tutor: Fire Pledge, Blast Burn

1 Crunch *
1 Leer
1 Lick
1 Fury Swipes
1 Flame Burst

Location: Petalburg Woods
Ability 2: Torrent
Move Tutor: Water Pledge

1 Scratch
1 Play Nice
4 Leer
7 Water Gun
10 Lick
13 Fury Swipes
16 Scald
19 Bite
22 Water Sport
25 Taunt
28 Acrobatics
31 Fling
34 Brine
37 Recycle
40 Natural Gift
43 Crunch

Location: Evolve Panpour (Water Stone)
Ability 2: Torrent
Move Tutor: Water Pledge, Hydro Cannon

1 Crunch *
1 Leer
1 Lick
1 Fury Swipes
1 Scald

#517 MUNNA
Location: Route 115

1 Psywave
1 Defense Curl
5 Lucky Chant
7 Yawn
11 Psybeam
13 Imprison
17 Moonlight
19 Hypnosis
23 Zen Headbutt
25 Synchronoise
29 Nightmare
31 Psychic
35 Calm Mind
37 Future Sight
41 Dream Eater
43 Telekinesis
47 Stored Power

Location: Evolve Munna (Moon Stone)

1 Moonblast **
1 Moonlight *
1 Defense Curl
1 Lucky Chant
1 Psybeam
1 Hypnosis

Location: Route 103
New TM/HMs: Acrobatics

1 Hypnosis *
1 Gust
3 Growl
7 Quick Attack
9 Leer
11 Pluck*
13 Roost
17 Air Cutter
19 Facade
21 Detect
23 Taunt
27 Air Slash
29 Night Slash *
33 Razor Wind
35 Feather Dance
37 Brave Bird **
39 Swagger
43 Tailwind
45 Sky Attack

Location: Safari Zone
New TM/HMs: Acrobatics

1 Hypnosis *
1 Gust
3 Growl
7 Quick Attack
9 Leer
11 Pluck *
13 Roost
17 Air Cutter
19 Facade
22 Detect
25 Taunt
28 Air Slash
31 Night Slash *
38 Razor Wind
41 Feather Dance
44 Brave Bird **
47 Swagger
53 Tailwind
56 Sky Attack

Location: Soaring in the Sky
New TM/HMs: Acrobatics

1 Sky Attack
1 Frustration *
1 Return *
1 Hypnosis *
1 Gust
3 Growl
7 Quick Attack
9 Leer
11 Pluck *
13 Roost
17 Air Cutter
19 Facade
22 Detect
25 Taunt
28 Air Slash
31 Night Slash *
39 Razor Wind
43 Feather Dance
47 Brave Bird **
51 Swagger
59 Tailwind
63 Sky Attack

Location: Route 112 South, Route 121

1 Quick Attack
3 Tail Whip
6 Charge
10 Shock Wave
13 Thunder Wave
16 Flame Charge
19 Double Kick *
22 Spark
25 Pursuit
28 Stomp
31 Discharge
34 Wild Charge
37 Agility
40 Thrash
43 Bounce *

Location: Route 121

1 Volt Tackle **
1 Flare Blitz **
1 Ion Deluge
1 Quick Attack
3 Tail Whip
6 Charge
10 Shock Wave
13 Thunder Wave
16 Flame Charge
19 Double Kick *
22 Spark
25 Pursuit
26 Jump Kick **
29 Stomp
33 Discharge
37 Wild Charge
41 Agility
45 Thrash
49 Bounce *
53 Ion Deluge
57 Flare Blitz **
61 Volt Tackle **

Location: Granite Cave
Ability 2: Sand Force

1 Tackle
4 Harden
7 Sand Attack
10 Headbutt
13 Smack Down
16 Mud-Slap
19 Iron Defense
22 Rock Blast
25 Magnitude *
28 Rock Slide
31 Stealth Rock
34 Sandstorm
37 Autotomize *
40 Stone Edge
43 Explosion

Location: Granite Cave, Route 114, Shoal Cave, Victory Road
Ability 2: Sand Force
Evolution: Happiness or Level 36

1 Tackle
4 Harden
7 Sand Attack
10 Headbutt
13 Smack Down
16 Mud-Slap
19 Iron Defense
22 Rock Blast
25 Power Gem
26 Magnitude *
30 Rock Slide
34 Stealth Rock
38 Sandstorm
42 Autotomize *
46 Stone Edge
50 Explosion

Location: Evolve Boldore (Happiness / Lv. 36)
Ability 2: Sand Force

1 Tackle
4 Harden
7 Sand Attack
10 Headbutt
13 Smack Down
16 Mud-Slap
19 Iron Defense
22 Rock Blast
25 Power Gem
26 Magnitude *
30 Rock Slide
34 Stealth Rock
38 Sandstorm
42 Autotomize *
46 Stone Edge
50 Explosion
54 Heavy Slam *

Location: Granite Cave, Scorched Slab
Base Happiness: 70 >> 140

1 Confusion
4 Odor Sleuth
7 Gust
10 Heart Stamp
13 Assurance
16 Imprision
19 Air Cutter
22 Knock Off *
25 Psyshock *
28 Attract
31 Amnesia
31 Calm Mind
34 Air Slash
37 Signal Beam *
40 Psychic
43 Future Sight
46 Endeavor
49 Stored Power *
52 Hurricane **

Location: Scorched Slab, Seafloor Cavern

HP 67 >> 75
Attack 57 >> 60
Defense 55 >> 60
Sp. Attack 77 >> 95
Sp. Defense 55 >> 60
Speed 114 >> 115
Total 425 >> 465

1 Heat Wave *
1 Giga Drain *
1 Shock Wave *
1 Confusion
4 Odor Sleuth
7 Gust
10 Heart Stamp
13 Assurance
16 Imprision
19 Air Cutter
22 Knock Off *
25 Psyshock *
28 Attract
31 Amnesia
31 Calm Mind
34 Air Slash
37 Signal Beam *
40 Psychic
43 Future Sight
46 Endeavor
49 Stored Power *
52 Hurricane **

Location: Rusturf Tunnel, Scorched Slab

1 Scratch
1 Mud Sport
6 Rapid Spin
9 Mud-Slap
12 Fury Swipes
15 Dig
18 Metal Claw
21 Hone Claws
24 Slash
27 Drill Run
30 Rock Slide
33 Submission *
36 Sandstorm
39 Earthquake
42 Fissure

Location: Scorched Slab

1 Iron Head *
1 Rototiller
1 Scratch
1 Mud Sport
6 Rapid Spin
9 Mud-Slap
12 Fury Swipes
15 Dig
18 Metal Claw
21 Hone Claws
24 Slash
27 Drill Run
30 Rock Slide
31 Horn Drill
34 Submission *
38 Sandstorm
42 Earthquake
46 Fissure
50 Iron Head *

Location: Route 115

1 Last Resort
1 Misty Terrain
1 Play Nice
1 Pound
1 Growl
1 Helping Hand
5 Baby-Doll Eyes
9 Refresh
13 Disarming Voice
17 Double Slap
21 Attract
25 Secret Power
29 Entrainment
33 Take Down
37 Moonblast **
41 Heal Pulse
45 After You
49 Simple Beam
53 Double-Edge
57 Wish *
61 Healing Wish *
65 Last Resort

Location: Rusturf Tunnel, Scorched Slab
1 Pound
1 Leer
4 Focus Energy
7 Bide
10 Low Kick
13 Rock Throw
16 Wake-Up Slap
19 Mach Punch *
22 Chip Away
25 Bulk Up
28 Drain Punch *
31 Rock Slide
34 Dynamic Punch
37 Scary Face
40 Hammer Arm
43 Stone Edge
46 Focus Punch
49 Superpower

Location: Scorched Slab, Victory Road

1 Pound
1 Leer
4 Focus Energy
7 Bide
10 Low Kick
13 Rock Throw
16 Wake-Up Slap
19 Mach Punch *
22 Chip Away
25 Bulk Up
29 Drain Punch *
33 Rock Slide
37 Dynamic Punch
41 Scary Face
45 Hammer Arm
49 Stone Edge
53 Focus Punch
57 Superpower

Location: Evolve Gurdurr (Happiness / Lv. 36)

1 Ice Punch *
1 Fire Punch *
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Pound
1 Leer
4 Focus Energy
7 Bide
10 Low Kick
13 Rock Throw
16 Wake-Up Slap
19 Mach Punch *
22 Chip Away
25 Bulk Up
29 Drain Punch *
33 Rock Slide
37 Dynamic Punch
41 Scary Face
45 Hammer Arm
49 Stone Edge
53 Focus Punch
57 Superpower

Location: Route 102
New TM/HMs: Waterfall, Dive

1 Bubble
1 Growl
4 Supersonic
7 Round
10 Bubble Beam
13 Mud Shot
16 Aqua Ring
19 Uproar
22 Mud Bomb *
25 Muddy Water
28 Rain Dance
31 Flail
34 Echoed Voice
37 Earth Power *
40 Hydro Pump
43 Hyper Voice

Location: Safari Zone
New TM/HMs: Waterfall, Dive

1 Bubble
1 Growl
4 Supersonic
7 Round
10 Bubble Beam
13 Mud Shot
16 Aqua Ring
19 Uproar
22 Mud Bomb *
26 Muddy Water
30 Rain Dance
34 Flail
38 Echoed Voice
42 Earth Power *
46 Hydro Pump
50 Hyper Voice

Location: Safari Zone
New TM/HMs: Waterfall, Dive

1 Acid
1 Bubble
1 Growl
4 Supersonic
7 Round
10 Bubble Beam
13 Mud Shot
16 Aqua Ring
19 Uproar
22 Mud Bomb *
26 Muddy Water
30 Rain Dance
34 Flail
36 Sludge Wave *
38 Drain Punch
43 Echoed Voice
48 Poison Jab
53 Earth Power *
58 Hydro Pump
63 Hyper Voice

#538 THROH
Location: Route 112 North

1 Ice Punch *
1 Fire Punch*
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Knock Off *
1 Bind
1 Leer
5 Bide
9 Focus Energy
13 Seismic Toss
17 Vital Throw
21 Revenge
25 Storm Throw
29 Body Slam
33 Bulk Up
37 Circle Throw
41 Endure
45 Wide Guard
48 Superpower
50 Reversal

#539 SAWK
Location: Route 112 South

1 Ice Punch *
1 Fire Punch *
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Knock Off *
1 Rock Smash
1 Leer
5 Bide
9 Focus Energy
13 Double Kick
17 Low Sweep
21 Counter
25 Karate Chop
29 Brick Break
33 Bulk Up
37 Retaliate
41 Endure
45 Quick Guard
48 Close Combat
50 Reversal

Location: Route 104 South
Base Happiness: 70 >> 140

1 Tackle
1 String Shot
5 Bug Bite
8 Razor Leaf
11 Struggle Bug
14 Endure
17 Sticky Web
20 Bug Buzz
23 Flail

Location: Safari Zone
Base Happiness: 70 >> 140

1 Grass Whistle
1 Tackle
1 String Shot
1 Bug Bite
1 Razor Leaf
20 Protect

Location: Safari Zone

1 False Swipe
1 Tackle
1 String Shot
5 Bug Bite
8 Razor Leaf
11 Struggle Bug
14 Endure *
17 Sticky Web *
20 Bug Buzz *
23 Flail *
26 Slash
29 Knock Off *
32 Leaf Blade
35 X-Scissor
38 Helping Hand
41 Fell Stinger
44 Entrainment
47 Swords Dance
50 Leaf Storm
Location: Petalburg Woods

1 Twinneedle *
1 Defense Curl
1 Rollout
5 Poison Sting
8 Screech
11 Pursuit
14 Poison Tail
17 Protect
20 Bug Bite
23 Venoshock
26 Agility
29 Steamroller
32 Poison Jab *
35 Toxic
38 Venoshock
41 Rock Climb
44 Double-Edge

Location: Safari Zone

1 Twinneedle *
1 Defense Curl
1 Rollout
5 Poison Sting
8 Screech
11 Pursuit
14 Poison Tail
17 Protect
20 Bug Bite
22 Iron Defense
23 Venoshock
27 Agility
31 Steamroller
35 Poison Jab *
39 Toxic
43 Venom Drench
47 Rock Climb
51 Double-Edge

Location: Evolve Whirlipede (Lv. 30)

1 Megahorn
1 Aqua Tail *
1 Twinneedle *
1 Defense Curl
1 Rollout
5 Poison Sting
8 Screech
11 Pursuit
14 Poison Tail
17 Protect
20 Bug Bite
22 Iron Defense
23 Venoshock
27 Agility
30 Baton Pass
32 Steamroller
37 Poison Jab *
42 Toxic
47 Venom Drench
52 Rock Climb
57 Double-Edge
62 Megahorn

Location: Petalburg Woods

1 Absorb
1 Fairy Wind
4 Growth
7 Leech Seed
10 Stun Spore
13 Mega Drain
16 Cotton Spore
19 Razor Leaf
22 Giga Drain
25 Poison Powder
28 Dazzling Gleam *
31 Charm
34 Energy Ball
37 Cotton Guard
40 Sunny Day
43 Endeavor
46 Solar Beam

Location: Evolve Cottonee (Sun Stone)

1 Encore *
1 Switcheroo *
1 Tickle *
1 Moonblast
1 Grass Whistle *
1 Growth
1 Leech Seed
1 Mega Drain
1 Cotton Spore
23 Gust
29 Tailwind
35 Hurricane
41 Moonblast

Location: Petalburg Woods

1 Absorb
4 Growth
7 Leech Seed
10 Mega Drain
13 Sleep Powder
16 Synthesis
19 Magical Leaf
22 Stun Spore
25 Giga Drain
28 Aromatherapy
31 Energy Ball
34 Helping Hand
37 Entrainment
40 Sunny Day
43 After You
46 Leaf Storm

Location: Evolve Petilil (Sun Stone)
New TM/HMs: Dazzling Gleam

1 Growth
1 Leech Seed
1 Mega Drain
1 Synthesis
23 Teeter Dance
29 Quiver Dance
35 Petal Dance
41 Petal Blizzard

Location: Route 104 North, Route 111, Victory Road

1 Thrash
1 Flail
1 Tail Whip
1 Tackle
1 Water Gun
4 Uproar
7 Headbutt
10 Bite
13 Aqua Jet
16 Chip Away
19 Take Down
22 Crunch
25 Aqua Tail
28 Revenge *
31 Soak
34 Zen Headbutt *
37 Double-Edge
40 Scary Face
43 Flail
46 Final Gambit
49 Thrash
52 Superpower *

Location: Route 111
Held Item: Claw Fossil (50%)

1 Leer
1 Rage
4 Bite
7 Sand Attack
10 Torment
13 Sand Tomb
16 Assurance
19 Mud-Slap
22 Embargo
25 Swagger
28 Crunch
31 Dig
34 Scary Face
37 Foul Play
40 Earthquake
43 Sandstorm
46 Thrash

Location: Evolve Sandile (Lv. 29)

1 Leer
1 Rage
4 Bite
7 Sand Attack
10 Torment
13 Sand Tomb
16 Assurance
19 Mud-Slap
22 Embargo
25 Swagger
28 Crunch
32 Dig
36 Scary Face
40 Foul Play
44 Earthquake
48 Sandstorm
52 Thrash

Location: Evolve Krokorok (Lv. 40)

1 Outrage
1 Fire Fang *
1 Thunder Fang *
1 Aqua Tail *
1 Iron Tail *
1 Leer
1 Rage
4 Bite
7 Sand Attack
10 Torment
13 Sand Tomb
16 Assurance
19 Mud-Slap
22 Embargo
25 Swagger
28 Crunch
32 Dig
36 Scary Face
42 Foul Play
48 Earthquake
54 Sandstorm
60 Outrage

Location: Route 111
Ability 2: Inner Focus
Held Item: Cover Fossil (50%)

1 Tackle
3 Rollout
6 Incinerate
9 Rage
11 Fire Fang
14 Headbutt
17 Uproar
19 Facade
22 Fire Punch
25 Work Up
27 Thrash
30 Belly Drum
33 Flare Blitz
35 Taunt
39 Superpower
42 Overheat

Location: Route 111
Ability 2: Zen Mode

1 Tackle
1 Rollout
1 Incinerate
1 Rage
3 Rollout
6 Incinerate
9 Rage
11 Fire Fang
14 Headbutt
17 Uproar
19 Facade
22 Fire Punch
25 Work Up
27 Thrash
30 Belly Drum
33 Flare Blitz
35 Hammer Arm
39 Taunt
47 Superpower
54 Overheat
Location: Route 111
Held Item: Plume Fossil (50%), Miracle Seed (5%)

1 Spiky Shield
1 Cotton Guard
1 After You
1 Peck
1 Absorb
3 Sweet Scent
6 Growth
9 Pin Missile
12 Mega Drain
15 Synthesis
18 Cotton Spore
21 Needle Arm
24 Giga Drain
27 Acupressure
30 Grass Whistle *
33 Ingrain
36 Petal Dance
39 Bounce *
42 Sucker Punch
45 Sunny Day
48 Petal Blizzard
51 Solar Beam
54 Cotton Guard
57 After You

Location: Rusturf Tunnel

1 Fury Cutter
4 Rock Blast
7 Withdraw
10 Sand-Attack
13 Feint Attack
16 Smack Down
19 Rock Polish
22 Bug Bite
25 Stealth Rock
28 Rock Slide
31 Slash
31 Night Slash *
34 X-Scissor
37 Shell Smash
40 Stone Edge *
43 Flail
46 Rock Wrecker

Location: Lilycove City, Seafloor Cavern

1 Shell Smash
1 Rock Blast
1 Withdraw
1 Sand Attack
4 Rock Blast
7 Withdraw
10 Sand-Attack
13 Feint Attack
16 Smack Down
19 Rock Polish
22 Bug Bite
25 Stealth Rock
28 Rock Slide
31 Slash
31 Night Slash *
35 X-Scissor
39 Shell Smash
43 Stone Edge *
47 Flail
51 Rock Wrecker

Location: Route 104 South
Evolution Level: 39 >> 34

1 Leer
1 Fake Out *
1 Low Kick
4 Sand Attack
7 Feint Attack
10 Headbutt
13 Swagger
16 Brick Break
19 Payback
22 Drain Punch *
25 Chip Away
28 High Jump Kick
31 Scary Face
34 Zen Headbutt *
37 Crunch
40 Facade
43 Dragon Dance *
46 Rock Climb
49 Focus Punch
52 Head Smash

Location: Route 120

1 Ice Punch
1 Fire Punch
1 Thunder Punch
1 Leer
1 Fake Out*
1 Low Kick
4 Sand Attack
7 Feint Attack
10 Headbutt
13 Swagger
16 Brick Break
19 Payback
22 Drain Punch *
25 Chip Away
28 High Jump Kick
31 Scary Face
35 Zen Headbutt *
39 Crunch
43 Facade
47 Dragon Dance *
51 Rock Climb
55 Focus Punch
59 Head Smash

Location: Route 111, Sky Pillar
Held Item: Old Amber (50%)

1 Gust
1 Miracle Eye
4 Hypnosis
7 Psywave
10 Tailwind
13 Whirlwind
16 Psybeam
19 Air Cutter
22 Light Screen
22 Reflect
25 Synchronoise
28 Mirror Move
31 Gravity
34 Air Slash
37 Ancient Power *
40 Heat Wave *
43 Psychic
46 Cosmic Power
49 Hurricane **
52 Sky Attack
55 Stored Power *
58 Psycho Shift *

Location: Mt. Pyre

1 Astonish
1 Protect
5 Disable
9 Haze
13 Night Shade
17 Hex
21 Will-O-Wisp
25 Ominous Wind
29 Curse
33 Power Split
33 Guard Split
37 Shadow Ball
41 Grudge
45 Mean Look
49 Destiny Bond
53 Pain Split *

Location: Mt. Pyre

1 Nasty Plot *
1 Astonish
1 Protect
1 Disable
1 Haze
5 Disable
9 Haze
13 Night Shade
17 Hex
21 Will-O-Wisp
25 Ominous Wind
29 Curse
33 Power Split
33 Guard Split
34 Scary Face
39 Shadow Ball
45 Grudge
51 Mean Look
57 Destiny Bond
63 Pain Split *
69 Metal Burst **

Location: Seafloor Cavern, Revive Cover Fossil

1 Bide
1 Withdraw
1 Water Gun
5 Rollout
8 Bite
11 Protect
15 Aqua Jet
18 Ancient Power
21 Crunch
25 Wide Guard
28 Brine
31 Smack Down
35 Aqua Tail
38 Curse
41 Shell Smash
45 Rock Slide
48 Rain Dance
50 Hydro Pump

Location: Seafloor Cavern

1 Bide
1 Withdraw
1 Water Gun
5 Rollout
8 Bite
11 Protect
15 Aqua Jet
18 Ancient Power
21 Crunch
25 Wide Guard
28 Brine
31 Smack Down
35 Aqua Tail
40 Curse
45 Shell Smash
51 Rock Slide
56 Rain Dance
61 Hydro Pump

Location: Seafloor Cavern, Revive Plume Fossil

1 Quick Attack
1 Leer
1 Wing Attack
5 Rock Throw
8 Double Team
11 Scary Face
15 Pluck
18 Ancient Power
21 Agility
25 Quick Guard
28 Acrobatics
31 Dragon Breath
35 Rock Slide
38 Crunch
41 Endeavor
45 U-turn
48 Stone Edge *
50 Dragon Claw
54 Thrash
55 Earth Power *
59 Head Smash *

Location: Seafloor Cavern

1 Quick Attack
1 Leer
1 Wing Attack
5 Rock Throw
8 Double Team
11 Scary Face
15 Pluck
18 Ancient Power
21 Agility
25 Quick Guard
28 Acrobatics
31 Dragon Breath
35 Rock Slide
40 Crunch
44 Endeavor
49 U-turn
54 Stone Edge *
58 Dragon Claw
61 Thrash
65 Earth Power *
68 Head Smash *

Location: Route 110
Evolution Level: 36 >> 34

1 Pound
1 Poison Gas
3 Recycle
6 Toxic Spikes
9 Acid Spray
12 Double Slap
15 Sludge
18 Stockpile
18 Swallow
21 Take Down
24 Rock Blast *
27 Sludge Bomb
30 Clear Smog
33 Toxic
36 Seed Bomb *
39 Amnesia
42 Belch
45 Gunk Shot
48 Explosion

Location: New Mauville

1 Pound
1 Poison Gas
3 Recycle
6 Toxic Spikes
9 Acid Spray
12 Double Slap
15 Sludge
18 Stockpile
18 Swallow
21 Body Slam
24 Rock Blast *
27 Sludge Bomb
30 Clear Smog
33 Toxic
38 Seed Bomb *
42 Amnesia
46 Belch
50 Gunk Shot
54 Explosion
#570 ZORUA
Location: Route 103

1 Scratch
1 Leer
1 Pursuit
4 Fake Tears
7 Feint Attack
10 Scary Face
13 Extrasensory *
16 Snarl *
19 Fury Swipes
22 Sucker Punch *
25 Taunt
28 Foul Play
31 Torment
34 Night Daze
37 Agility
40 Punishment
43 Embargo
46 Nasty Plot
49 Imprison

Location: Route 103

1 Flamethrower
1 Imprison
1 U-turn
1 Scratch
1 Leer
1 Pursuit
4 Hone Claws
7 Feint Attack
10 Scary Face
13 Extrasensory *
16 Snarl *
19 Fury Swipes
22 Sucker Punch *
25 Taunt
28 Foul Play
30 Night Slash
32 Torment
36 Night Daze
40 Agility
44 Punishment
48 Embargo
52 Nasty Plot
56 Imprison

Location: Route 110

1 Pound
3 Baby-Doll Eyes
5 Helping Hand
8 Tickle
11 Double Slap
14 Encore
17 Swift
20 Sing
23 Tail Slap
25 Charm
27 Wake-Up Slap
30 Echoed Voice
33 Slam
36 Captivate
39 Hyper Voice
42 Last Resort
45 After You

Location: Route 110

1 Icicle Spear **
1 Bullet Seed
1 Rock Blast
1 Helping Hand
1 Tickle
1 Sing
23 Iron Tail *
23 Aqua Tail *
23 Tail Slap

Location: Route 102, Mt. Pyre
Evolution Level: 32 >> 26

1 Pound
3 Confusion
5 Tickle
7 Play Nice
10 Fake Tears
13 Double Slap
16 Psybeam
19 Embargo
22 Psyshock
25 Feint Attack
28 Flatter
31 Future Sight
34 Psychic
37 Heal Block
40 Dark Pulse *
43 Telekinesis
46 Charm
49 Magic Room

Location: Mt. Pyre
Evolution Level: 41 >> 39

1 Pound
3 Confusion
5 Tickle
7 Play Nice
10 Fake Tears
13 Double Slap
16 Psybeam
19 Embargo
22 Psyshock
25 Feint Attack
26 Shock Wave *
29 Flatter
33 Future Sight
37 Psychic
41 Heal Block
45 Dark Pulse *
49 Telekinesis
53 Charm
57 Magic Room

Location: Evolve Gothorita (Lv. 39)

1 Pound
3 Confusion
5 Tickle
7 Play Nice
10 Fake Tears
13 Double Slap
16 Psybeam
19 Embargo
22 Psyshock
25 Feint Attack
27 Shock Wave *
29 Flatter
33 Future Sight
37 Psychic
39 Thunderbolt *
42 Heal Block
47 Dark Pulse *
52 Telekinesis
57 Charm
62 Magic Room

Location: Route 102, Mt. Pyre
Evolution Level: 32 >> 26

1 Psywave
3 Reflect
5 Trick*
7 Rollout
10 Snatch
13 Hidden Power
16 Night Shade *
19 Charm
22 Psyshock
25 Recover
28 Endeavor
31 Future Sight
34 Psychic
37 Pain Split
40 Trick Room *
43 Skill Swap
46 Heal Block
49 Wonder Room

Location: Mt. Pyre
Evolution Level: 41 >> 39

1 Psywave
3 Reflect
5 Trick *
7 Rollout
10 Snatch
13 Hidden Power
16 Night Shade *
19 Charm
22 Psyshock
25 Recover
26 Shock Wave *
29 Endeavor
33 Future Sight
37 Psychic
41 Pain Split
45 Trick Room *
49 Skill Swap
53 Heal Block
57 Wonder Room

Location: Evolve Duosion (Lv. 39)

1 Psywave
3 Reflect
5 Trick *
7 Rollout
10 Snatch
13 Hidden Power
16 Night Shade *
19 Charm
22 Psyshock
25 Recover
27 Shock Wave *
29 Endeavor
33 Future Sight
37 Psychic
39 Energy Ball *
42 Pain Split
47 Trick Room *
52 Skill Swap
57 Heal Block
62 Wonder Room
Location: Route 117
Evolution Level: 35 >> 33
New TM/HMs: Waterfall

1 Water Gun
3 Water Sport
6 Defog
9 Wing Attack
12 Water Pulse
15 Aerial Ace
18 Bubble Beam
21 Icy Wind *
24 Feather Dance
27 Air Slash
30 Roost
33 Rain Dance
36 Aqua Ring
39 Tailwind
42 Brave Bird
45 Hurricane

Location: Route 117, Safari Zone
New TM/HMs: Waterfall

1 Water Gun
3 Water Sport
6 Defog
9 Wing Attack
12 Water Pulse
15 Aerial Ace
18 Bubble Beam
21 Icy Wind *
24 Feather Dance
27 Air Slash
30 Roost
34 Rain Dance
39 Aqua Ring
43 Tailwind
47 Brave Bird
51 Hurricane

Location: Route 114, Shoal Cave
Ability 2: Weak Armor
Evolution Level: 35 >> 33

1 Icicle Spear
4 Harden
7 Astonish
10 Uproar
13 Icy Wind
16 Mist
19 Avalanche
22 Taunt
25 Mirror Shot
28 Water Pulse *
31 Acid Armor
34 Ice Beam
37 Hail
40 Flash Cannon *
43 Mirror Coat
46 Blizzard
49 Sheer Cold

Location: Shoal Cave
Ability 2: Weak Armor
Evolution Level: 47 >> 44

1 Icicle Spear
4 Harden
7 Astonish
10 Uproar
13 Icy Wind
16 Mist
19 Avalanche
22 Taunt
25 Mirror Shot
28 Water Pulse *
31 Acid Armor
35 Ice Beam
39 Hail
43 Flash Cannon *
47 Mirror Coat
51 Blizzard
55 Sheer Cold

Location: Evolve Vanillish (Lv. 44)
Ability 2: Weak Armor

1 Sheer Cold
1 Ice Shard *
1 Signal Beam *
1 Freeze-Dry
1 Weather Ball
1 Icicle Spear
4 Harden
7 Astonish
10 Uproar
13 Icy Wind
16 Mist
19 Avalanche
22 Taunt
25 Mirror Shot
28 Water Pulse *
31 Acid Armor
35 Ice Beam
39 Hail
43 Flash Cannon *
48 Mirror Coat
53 Blizzard
58 Sheer Cold

Location: Route 117

1 Tackle
1 Camouflage
4 Growl
7 Sand Attack
10 Double Kick
13 Leech Seed
16 Facade *
19 Faint Attack
22 Take Down
25 Jump Kick
28 Aromatherapy
31 Energy Ball
34 Charm
37 Nature Power
40 Double-Edge
43 Solar Beam

Location: Route 117

1 Megahorn
1 Wild Charge *
1 Tackle
1 Camouflage
4 Growl
7 Sand Attack
10 Double Kick
13 Leech Seed
16 Facade *
19 Faint Attack
22 Take Down
25 Jump Kick
28 Aromatherapy
31 Energy Ball
34 Horn Leech
36 Charm
40 Nature Power
44 Double-Edge
48 Solar Beam

Location: Route 118
Ability 2: Motor Drive
New TM/HMs: Fly

HP 55 >> 60
Attack 75 >> 85
Defense 60 >> 65
Sp. Attack 75 >> 85
Sp. Defense 60 >> 65
Speed 103 >> 105
Total 428 >> 465

1 Thunder Shock
4 Quick Attack
7 Tail Whip
10 Charge
13 Spark
15 Nuzzle
16 Pursuit
19 Double Team
22 Shock Wave
26 Electro Ball
30 Acrobatics
34 Light Screen
38 Air Slash *
42 Discharge
46 Encore
50 Volt Switch
54 Agility
58 Thunderbolt *

Location: Route 114
Evolution: Level with Shelmet in Party

1 Peck
5 Leer
8 Endure
11 Fury Cutter
14 Fury Attack
17 Bug Bite *
20 Headbutt
23 Knock Off *
26 Bug Buzz
29 Slash
32 X-Scissor
35 Drill Run *
38 Take Down
41 Scary Face
44 Flail
47 Swords Dance
50 Double-Edge
53 Megahorn *

Location: Evolve Karrablast (Lvl with Shelmet in Party)

1 Double-Edge
1 Fell Stinger
1 Needle Arm **
1 Drill Peck **
1 Peck
5 Leer
8 Quick Guard
11 Twineedle
14 Fury Attack
17 Bug Bite *
20 Headbutt
23 Knock Off *
26 Bug Buzz
29 Slash
32 X-Scissor
35 Drill Run *
38 Iron Head
41 Iron Defense
44 Reversal
47 Swords Dance
50 Giga Impact
53 Megahorn *
56 Fell Stinger

Location: Route 119
Ability 2: Regenerator
Evolution Level: 40 >> 37

1 Absorb
4 Growth
7 Astonish
10 Bide
13 Mega Drain
16 Venoshock *
19 Ingrain
22 Feint Attack
25 Sweet Scent
25 Poison Powder *
25 Stun Spore *
28 Giga Drain
31 Toxic
34 Sludge Bomb *
37 Defense Curl *
37 Rollout *
40 Synthesis
43 Clear Smog
46 Solar Beam
49 Rage Powder
52 Spore

Location: Route 119
Ability 2: Regenerator

1 Absorb
4 Growth
7 Astonish
10 Bide
13 Mega Drain
16 Venoshock *
19 Ingrain
22 Feint Attack
25 Sweet Scent
25 Poison Powder *
25 Stun Spore *
28 Giga Drain
31 Toxic
34 Sludge Bomb *
37 Body Slam *
38 Defense Curl *
38 Rollout *
42 Synthesis
46 Clear Smog
50 Solar Beam
54 Rage Powder
58 Spore

Location: Route 105, Route 106, Dewford Town, Route 107, Route 109, Route 122,
Route 128
Evolution Level: 40 >> 37

1 Bubble
1 Water Sport
1 Confuse Ray *
1 Pain Split *
5 Absorb
9 Night Shade
13 Bubble Beam
17 Recover
21 Water Pulse
25 Ominous Wind
29 Brine
33 Rain Dance
37 Hex
41 Giga Drain *
45 Shadow Ball *
49 Hydro Pump
53 Wring Out
57 Water Spout

Location: Route 108, Route 122, Route 128, Ever Grande City, Underwater, Seafloor
Cavern, Battle Resort

1 Water Spout
1 Wring Out
1 Bubble
1 Water Sport
1 Confuse Ray *
1 Pain Split *
5 Absorb
9 Night Shade
13 Bubble Beam
17 Recover
21 Water Pulse
25 Ominous Wind
29 Brine
33 Rain Dance
38 Hex
43 Giga Drain *
48 Shadow Ball *
53 Hydro Pump
58 Wring Out
63 Water Spout

Location: Route 105, Route 106, Route 107, Route 108, Route 109, Route 122,
Lilycove City, Route 124, Mossdeep City, Route 125, Route 126, Route 127, Route
128, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131

1 Hydro Pump
1 Wide Guard
1 Healing Wish
1 Pound
1 Water Sport
6 Aqua Ring
9 Aqua Jet
12 Double Slap
15 Heal Pulse
18 Protect
21 Water Pulse
24 Wake-Up Slap
27 Soak
30 Wish
33 Knock Off *
36 Brine
39 Safeguard
42 Waterfall *
45 Helping Hand
48 Bounce *
51 Wide Guard
54 Healing Wish
57 Hydro Pump

Location: Rusturf Tunnel
Evolution Level: 36 >> 33

1 String Shot
1 Leech Life
1 Spider Web
4 Thunder Wave
7 Screech
10 Electroweb
13 Fury Cutter
16 Struggle Bug *
19 Bug Bite
22 Gastro Acid
25 Electro Ball
28 Slash
31 Signal Beam
34 Discharge
37 Agility
40 Sucker Punch
43 Bug Buzz

Location: Victory Road

1 Sticky Web
1 Giga Drain *
1 String Shot
1 Leech Life
1 Spider Web
4 Thunder Wave
7 Screech
10 Electroweb
13 Fury Cutter
16 Struggle Bug *
19 Bug Bite
22 Gastro Acid
25 Electro Ball
28 Slash
31 Signal Beam
36 Discharge
41 Agility
46 Sucker Punch
51 Bug Buzz
56 Sticky Web

Location: Meteor Falls
Evolution Level: 40 >> 37

1 Tackle
1 Harden
3 Rollout
6 Curse
9 Metal Claw
12 Pin Missle
15 Gyro Ball
18 Bullet Seed *
21 Iron Defense
24 Mirror Shot
27 Iron Head
30 Ingrain
33 Seed Bomb *
36 Self-Destruct
39 Rock Climb *
42 Payback
45 Flash Cannon
48 Explosion

Location: Meteor Falls

1 Tackle
1 Harden
3 Rollout
6 Curse
9 Metal Claw
12 Pin Missle
15 Gyro Ball
18 Bullet Seed *
21 Iron Defense
24 Mirror Shot
27 Iron Head
30 Ingrain
33 Seed Bomb *
36 Self-Destruct
37 Power Whip
40 Rock Climb
46 Payback
51 Flash Cannon
56 Explosion

#599 KLINK
Location: New Mauville
Evolution Level: 38 >> 33

1 Vice Grip
5 Charge
9 Thunder Shock
13 Bind
17 Charge Beam
21 Gear Grind
25 Autotomize
29 Mirror Shot
33 Discharge
37 Screech
41 Wild Charge *
45 Shift Gear
49 Metal Sound
53 Lock-On
57 Zap Cannon
60 Hyper Beam

#600 KLANG
Location: New Mauville
Evolution Level: 49 >> 44
New TM/HMs: Rock Slide

1 Vice Grip
5 Charge
9 Thunder Shock
13 Bind
17 Charge Beam
21 Gear Grind
25 Autotomize
29 Mirror Shot
34 Discharge
38 Screech
43 Wild Charge *
47 Shift Gear
51 Metal Sound
55 Lock-On
59 Zap Cannon
63 Hyper Beam

Location: Evolve Klang (Lv. 44)
New TM/HMs: Rock Slide

1 Magnetic Flux
1 Zap Cannon
1 Vice Grip
5 Charge
9 Thunder Shock
13 Bind
17 Charge Beam
21 Gear Grind
25 Autotomize
29 Mirror Shot
34 Discharge
38 Screech
43 Wild Charge *
48 Shift Gear
53 Metal Sound
58 Lock-On
63 Zap Cannon
68 Hyper Beam
73 Magnetic Flux

Location: New Mauville
Evolution Level: 39 >> 34

1 Tackle
1 Thunder Wave
1 Spark
1 Charge Beam

Location: New Mauville, Seafloor Cavern

1 Headbutt
1 Thunder Wave
1 Spark
1 Charge Beam
9 Bind
13 Acid
17 Acid Spray
21 Discharge
25 Crunch
29 Giga Drain *
33 Aqua Tail *
37 Thunderbolt
41 Wild Charge
45 Coil
49 Gastro Acid
53 Zap Cannon
57 Thrash

Location: Evolve Eelektrik (Thunder Stone)
1 Thrash
1 Zap Cannon
1 Gastro Acid
1 Coil
1 Ion Deluge
1 Crush Claw
1 Headbutt
1 Acid
1 Discharge
1 Crunch

Location: Mt. Pyre
Evolution Level: 42 >> 39

1 Confusion
4 Growl
7 Heal Block
10 Miracle Eye
13 Psybeam
16 Headbutt
19 Hidden Power
22 Imprison
25 Shock Wave *
28 Simple Beam
31 Zen Headbutt
34 Psych Up
37 Psychic
40 Recover
43 Thunderbolt *
46 Calm Mind
49 Guard Split
49 Power Split
52 Synchronoise
55 Wonder Room

Location: Mt. Pyre

1 Wonder Room
1 Synchronoise
1 Nasty Plot *
1 Confusion
4 Growl
7 Heal Block
10 Miracle Eye
13 Psybeam
16 Headbutt
19 Hidden Power
22 Imprison
25 Shock Wave *
28 Simple Beam
31 Zen Headbutt
34 Psych Up
37 Psychic
41 Recover
45 Thunderbolt *
49 Calm Mind
53 Guard Split
53 Power Split
57 Synchronoise
61 Wonder Room

Location: Fiery Path, Mt. Pyre
Evolution Level: 41 >> 34

1 Ember
1 Astonish
3 Minimize
5 Smog
7 Fire Spin
10 Confuse Ray
13 Night Shade
16 Will-O-Wisp
19 Flame Burst
22 Imprison
25 Hex
28 Clear Smog *
31 Memento
34 Shadow Ball
37 Flamethrower *
40 Inferno
43 Curse
46 Pain Split
49 Overheat

Location: Mt. Pyre

1 Ember
1 Astonish
3 Minimize
5 Smog
7 Fire Spin
10 Confuse Ray
13 Night Shade
16 Will-O-Wisp
19 Flame Burst
22 Imprison
25 Hex
28 Clear Smog *
31 Memento
35 Shadow Ball
39 Flamethrower *
43 Inferno
47 Curse
51 Pain Split
55 Overheat

Location: Evolve Lampent (Dusk Stone)
1 Pain Split
1 Smog
1 Confuse Ray
1 Flame Burst
1 Hex

#610 AXEW
Location: Granite Cave
Evolution Level: 42 >> 32

1 Scratch
1 Leer
5 Assurance
9 Dual Chop
13 Scary Face
17 Dragon Rage
21 Slash
21 Night Slash *
25 False Swipe
29 Dragon Claw
33 Dragon Dance
37 Taunt
41 Dragon Pulse
45 Swords Dance
49 Guillotine
53 Outrage
57 Giga Impact

Location: Victory Road

1 Scratch
1 Leer
5 Assurance
9 Dual Chop
13 Scary Face
17 Dragon Rage
21 Slash
21 Night Slash *
25 False Swipe
29 Dragon Claw
34 Dragon Dance
39 Taunt
44 Dragon Pulse
49 Swords Dance
54 Guillotine
59 Outrage
64 Giga Impact

Location: Evolve Fraxure (Lv. 48)

1 Outrage
1 Scratch
1 Leer
5 Assurance
9 Dual Chop
13 Scary Face
17 Dragon Rage
21 Slash
21 Night Slash *
25 False Swipe
29 Dragon Claw
34 Dragon Dance
39 Taunt
44 Dragon Pulse
50 Swords Dance
56 Guillotine
62 Outrage
68 Giga Impact

Location: Shoal Cave
Ability 2: Rattled

1 Growl
4 Powder Snow
7 Bide
10 Icy Wind
13 Play Nice
16 Fury Swipes
19 Brine
22 Endure
25 Charm
28 Slash
31 Low Kick *
34 Avalanche *
37 Flail
40 Night Slash *
43 Rest
46 Play Rough *
49 Blizzard
52 Hail
55 Thrash
58 Sheer Cold

Location: Shoal Cave
Ability 2: Tough Claws **
New TM/HMs: Waterfall
Type: Ice >> Ice/Fighting

1 Sheer Cold
1 Thrash
1 Superpower
1 Aqua Jet
1 Growl
4 Powder Snow
7 Bide
10 Icy Wind
13 Play Nice
16 Fury Swipes
19 Brine
22 Endure
25 Charm
28 Slash
31 Low Kick *
34 Avalanche *
37 Icicle Crash
38 Flail
42 Night Slash *
46 Rest
50 Close Combat **
54 Blizzard
58 Hail
62 Thrash
66 Sheer Cold

Location: Sea Mauville, Shoal Cave

1 Sheer Cold
1 Night Slash
1 Ice Shard
1 Mist
1 Haze
1 Bind
5 Ice Shard
9 Sharpen
13 Rapid Spin
17 Icy Wind
21 Mist
21 Haze
25 Aurora Beam
29 Acid Armor
33 Ice Beam
37 Light Screen
37 Reflect
41 Slash
45 Confuse Ray
49 Recover
50 Freeze-Dry
53 Solar Beam
57 Night Slash
61 Sheer Cold

Location: Route 114

1 Leech Life
4 Acid
7 Bide
10 Curse
13 Struggle Bug
16 Mega Drain
19 Yawn
22 Signal Beam *
25 Protect
28 Acid Armor
31 Giga Drain
34 Body Slam
37 Bug Buzz
40 Recover
43 Sludge Bomb *
46 Guard Swap
49 Final Gambit

Location: Evolve Shelmet (Lvl with Karrablast in Party)

1 Water Shuriken
1 Final Gambit
1 Power Swap
1 Leech Life
4 Acid Spray
7 Double Team
10 Quick Attack
13 Struggle Bug
16 Mega Drain
19 Swift
22 Signal Beam *
25 Me First
28 Agility
31 Giga Drain
34 U-turn
37 Bug Buzz
40 Recover
43 Sludge Bomb *
46 Power Swap
49 Final Gambit
52 Extreme Speed **

Location: Route 119

1 Fissure
1 Flail
1 Tackle
1 Water Gun
1 Mud-Slap
1 Mud Sport
5 Bide
9 Thunder Shock
13 Mud Shot
17 Camouflage
21 Mud Bomb
25 Discharge
29 Endure
33 Bounce
37 Muddy Water
41 Thunderbolt
45 Earth Power *
49 Sludge Wave *
53 Revenge
57 Flail
61 Fissure
Location: Route 112 North
Evolution Level: 50 >> 36

1 Pound
1 Meditate
4 Detect
8 Fake Out
11 Knock Off *
14 Double Slap
17 Swift
20 Force Palm
24 Calm Mind
28 Drain Punch
32 Acrobatics *
36 Jump Kick
40 U-turn
44 High Jump Kick
48 Quick Guard
52 Bounce
56 Reversal
60 Aura Sphere

Location: Route 120, Sky Pillar

1 Aura Sphere
1 Reversal
1 Pound
1 Meditate
4 Detect
8 Fake Out
11 Knock Off *
14 Double Slap
17 Swift
20 Force Palm
24 Calm Mind
28 Drain Punch
32 Acrobatics *
37 Jump Kick
42 U-turn
47 High Jump Kick
52 Wide Guard
57 Bounce
62 Reversal
67 Aura Sphere

Location: Meteor Falls, Sky Pillar

1 Leer
1 Scratch
5 Hone Claws
8 Bite
11 Scary Face
14 Dragon Rage
18 Slash
21 Glare *
23 Fire Fang *
23 Thunder Fang *
26 Night Slash
28 Dragon Claw
30 Poison Tail *
32 Chip Away
35 Revenge
38 Crunch
41 Dragon Tail
45 Gunk Shot *
49 Rock Climb
53 Superpower
59 Outrage

Location: Route 113
Evolution Level: 43 >> 39

1 Pound
1 Astonish
1 Defense Curl
5 Mud-Slap
9 Rollout
13 Shadow Punch
17 Iron Defense
21 Magnitude
25 Mega Punch
27 Drain Punch *
30 Dynamic Punch
34 Night Shade
39 Earthquake
42 Curse
46 Hammer Arm
50 Focus Punch

Location: Sky Pillar

1 Phantom Force
1 Focus Punch
1 Ice Punch *
1 Fire Punch *
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Pound
1 Astonish
1 Defense Curl
5 Mud-Slap
9 Rollout
13 Shadow Punch
17 Iron Defense
21 Magnitude
25 Mega Punch
27 Drain Punch *
30 Dynamic Punch
34 Night Shade
39 Heavy Slam
40 Earthquake
46 Curse
52 Hammer Arm
58 Focus Punch
64 Phantom Force

Location: Route 112 North, Route 120
Evolution Level: 52 >> 37

1 Scratch
3 Leer
6 Fury Cutter
8 Torment
11 Feint Attack
14 Dual Chop *
18 Scary Face
21 Metal Claw
23 Knock Off*
26 Slash
29 Revenge *
31 Night Slash
33 Assurance
37 Iron Head
41 Metal Sound
45 Embargo
48 Psycho Cut *
51 Iron Defense
55 Swords Dance
59 Sucker Punch *
63 Guillotine

Location: Route 120

1 Guillotine
1 Sucker Punch *
1 Leaf Blade **
1 Metal Burst
1 Scratch
3 Leer
6 Fury Cutter
8 Torment
11 Feint Attack
14 Dual Chop *
18 Scary Face
21 Metal Claw
23 Knock Off *
26 Slash
29 Revenge*
31 Night Slash
33 Assurance
38 Iron Head
43 Metal Sound
48 Embargo
53 Psycho Cut *
58 Iron Defense
63 Swords Dance
68 Sucker Punch *
73 Guillotine

Location: Route 113

1 Pursuit
1 Leer
6 Rage
10 Fury Attack
14 Horn Attack
18 Scary Face
22 Revenge
26 Focus Energy
30 Head Charge
34 Zen Headbutt *
38 Megahorn
42 Skull Bash *
46 Reversal
50 Thrash
54 Wild Charge *
58 Swords Dance
62 Outrage *
66 Giga Impact

Location: Route 120
Evolution Level: 54 >> 39

1 Peck
1 Leer
5 Fury Attack
9 Wing Attack
13 Hone Claws
17 Scary Face
21 Aerial Ace
25 Slash
29 Defog
33 Tailwind
37 Sky Drop
41 Crush Claw
45 Air Slash
49 Whirlwind
53 Brave Bird
57 Thrash

Location: Route 120

1 Thrash
1 Brave Bird
1 Whirlwind
1 Superpower
1 Zen Headbutt *
1 Peck
1 Leer
5 Fury Attack
9 Wing Attack
13 Hone Claws
17 Scary Face
21 Aerial Ace
25 Slash
29 Defog
33 Tailwind
37 Sky Drop
39 Close Combat **
42 Crush Claw
47 Air Slash
52 Whirlwind
57 Brave Bird
62 Thrash

Location: Route 120
Evolution Level: 54 >> 39

1 Gust
1 Leer
5 Fury Attack
9 Pluck
13 Nasty Plot
17 Flatter
21 Feint Attack
25 Punishment
29 Defog
33 Tailwind
37 Foul Play *
41 Air Slash
45 Dark Pulse
49 Embargo
53 Brave Bird
57 Whirlwind
61 Mirror Move

Location: Route 120

1 Mirror Move
1 Whirlwind
1 Brave Bird
1 Bone Rush
1 Knock Off *
1 Gust
1 Leer
5 Fury Attack
9 Pluck
13 Nasty Plot
17 Flatter
21 Feint Attack
25 Punishment
29 Defog
33 Tailwind
37 Foul Play *
42 Air Slash
47 Dark Pulse
52 Embargo
57 Bone Rush
62 Brave Bird
67 Whirlwind
72 Mirror Move

Location: Route 112 South, Cave of Origin

1 Inferno
1 Hone Claws
1 Tackle
1 Incinerate
1 Lick
5 Odor Sleuth
9 Bind
13 Fire Spin
17 Fury Swipes
21 Snatch
25 Flame Burst
29 Bug Bite
33 Slash
37 Knock Off *
41 Flamethrower
45 Giga Drain *
49 Amnesia
53 Stockpile
53 Spit Up
53 Swallow
57 Heat Wave *
61 Inferno

Location: Scorched Slab, Cave of Origin

1 Metal Sound
1 Guillotine
1 Iron Defense
1 Vice Grip
1 Sand Attack
5 Fury Cutter
9 Bite
13 Agility
17 Metal Claw
21 Bug Bite
25 Crunch
29 Iron Head
33 Dig
37 Thunder Fang *
41 X-Scissor
45 Superpower *
49 Entrainment
53 Iron Defense
57 Guillotine
61 Metal Sound

#633 DEINO
Location: Meteor Falls
Evolution Level: 50 >> 39

1 Tackle
1 Bite
1 Dragon Rage
5 Focus Energy
9 Headbutt
13 Dragon Breath
17 Roar
21 Ice Fang *
21 Thunder Fang *
21 Fire Fang *
25 Crunch
29 Slam
33 Dragon Rush
37 Body Slam
41 Outrage
45 Work Up
49 Dragon Pulse
53 Scary Face
57 Hyper Voice
61 Dark Pulse *

Location: Meteor Falls
Evolution Level: 64 >> 59

1 Double Hit
1 Bite
1 Dragon Rage
1 Focus Energy
5 Headbutt
9 Dragon Breath
13 Roar
17 Zen Headbutt *
21 Ice Fang *
21 Thunder Fang*
21 Fire Fang *
25 Crunch
29 Slam
33 Dragon Rush
37 Body Slam
39 Head Smash *
42 Outrage
47 Work Up
52 Dragon Pulse
57 Scary Face
62 Hyper Voice
67 Dark Pulse *

Location: Evolve Zweilous (Lv. 59)

1 Dark Pulse *
1 Earth Power *
1 Heat Wave *
1 Tri Attack
1 Bite
1 Dragon Rage
1 Focus Energy
5 Headbutt
9 Dragon Breath
13 Roar
17 Zen Headbutt *
21 Ice Fang *
21 Thunder Fang *
21 Fire Fang *
25 Crunch
29 Slam
33 Dragon Rush
37 Body Slam
39 Head Smash *
42 Outrage
47 Work Up
52 Dragon Pulse
57 Scary Face
63 Hyper Voice
69 Dark Pulse *

Location: Scorched Slab
Ability 2: Swarm
Evolution Level: 59 >> 50

1 Ember
1 String Shot
5 Leech Life
10 Take Down
15 Flame Charge
20 Bug Bite
25 Double-Edge
30 Flame Wheel
35 Bug Buzz
40 Giga Drain *
45 Amnesia
50 Flamethrower *
55 Thrash
60 Flare Blitz

Location: Scorched Slab
Ability 2: Swarm

1 Quiver Dance
1 Fiery Dance
1 Hurricane
1 Morning Sun *
1 Ember
1 String Shot
5 Leech Life
10 Gust
15 Fire Spin
20 Whirlwind
25 Silver Wind
30 Heat Wave
35 Bug Buzz
40 Giga Drain *
45 Rage Powder
50 Quiver Dance
50 Flamethrower *
55 Hurricane
60 Fiery Dance

Location: Pathless Plain, Mirage Forest

1 Quick Attack
1 Leer
5 Double Kick
10 Metal Claw
15 Take Down
20 Helping Hand
25 Retaliate
30 Zen Headbutt *
35 Iron Head
40 Sacred Sword
45 Swords Dance
50 Quick Guard
55 Work Up
60 Metal Burst
65 Close Combat

Location: Pathless Plain, Mirage Forest

1 Quick Attack
1 Leer
5 Double Kick
10 Smack Down
15 Take Down
20 Helping Hand
25 Retaliate
30 Zen Headbutt *
35 Rock Slide
40 Sacred Sword
45 Swords Dance
50 Quick Guard
55 Work Up
60 Stone Edge
65 Close Combat

Location: Pathless Plain, Mirage Forest
1 Quick Attack
1 Leer
5 Double Kick
10 Magical Leaf
15 Take Down
20 Helping Hand
25 Retaliate
30 Zen Headbutt *
35 Giga Drain
40 Sacred Sword
45 Swords Dance
50 Quick Guard
55 Work Up
60 Leaf Blade
65 Close Combat

Location: Soaring in the Sky, Mirage Island
Ability 2: Defiant

1 Uproar
1 Astonish
1 Gust
5 Swagger
10 Bite
15 Revenge
20 Air Cutter
25 Extrasensory
30 Agility
35 Air Slash
40 Crunch
45 Tailwind
50 Rain Dance
55 Hurricane
60 Dark Pulse
65 Hammer Arm
70 Thrash

Location: Soaring in the Sky, Mirage Island
Ability 2: Defiant

1 Uproar
1 Astonish
1 Thunder Shock
5 Swagger
10 Bite
15 Revenge
20 Shock Wave
25 Heal Block
30 Agility
35 Discharge
40 Crunch
45 Charge
50 Nasty Plot
55 Thunder
60 Dark Pulse
65 Hammer Arm
70 Thrash

Location: Soaring in the Sky, Mirage Mountain

1 Fire Fang
1 Dragon Rage
5 Imprison
10 Ancient Power
15 Flamethrower
20 Dragon Breath
25 Slash
30 Extrasensory
35 Fusion Flare
40 Dragon Pulse
45 Imprison
50 Crunch
55 Fire Blast
60 Outrage
65 Hyper Voice
70 Blue Flare

Location: Soaring in the Sky, Mirage Mountain

1 Thunder Fang
1 Dragon Rage
5 Imprison
10 Ancient Power
15 Thunderbolt
20 Dragon Breath
25 Slash
30 Zen Headbutt
35 Fusion Bolt
40 Dragon Claw
45 Imprison
50 Crunch
55 Thunder
60 Outrage
65 Hyper Voice
70 Bolt Strike

Location: Soaring in the Sky, Mirage Island
Ability 2: Sheer Force

1 Block
1 Mud Shot
1 Rock Tomb
5 Imprison
10 Punishment
15 Bulldoze
20 Rock Throw
25 Extrasensory
30 Swords Dance
35 Earth Power
40 Rock Slide
45 Earthquake
50 Sandstorm
55 Fissure
60 Stone Edge
65 Hammer Arm
70 Outrage

Location: Gnarled Den

Standard Kyurem
1 Icy Wind
1 Dragon Rage
5 Imprison
10 Ancient Power
15 Ice Beam
20 Dragon Breath
25 Slash
30 Scary Face
35 Glaciate
40 Dragon Pulse
45 Imprison
50 Endeavor
55 Blizzard
60 Outrage
65 Hyper Voice

White Kyurem
1 Icy Wind
1 Dragon Rage
5 Imprison
10 Ancient Power
15 Ice Beam
20 Dragon Breath
25 Slash
30 Fusion Flare
35 Ice Burn
40 Dragon Pulse
45 Imprison
50 Endeavor
55 Blizzard
60 Outrage
65 Hyper Voice

Black Kyurem
1 Icy Wind
1 Dragon Rage
5 Imprison
10 Ancient Power
15 Icicle Crash ** (Ice Punch on legal moves version)
20 Dragon Breath
25 Slash
30 Fusion Bolt
35 Freeze Shock
40 Dragon Pulse
45 Imprison
50 Endeavor
55 Blizzard
60 Outrage
65 Hyper Voice

Location: Mirage Forest
New TM/HMs: Waterfall, Dive

1 Secret Sword *
1 Aqua Jet
1 Leer
5 Double Kick
10 Bubble Beam
15 Take Down
20 Helping Hand
25 Retaliate
30 Icy Wind *
35 Aqua Tail
40 Sacred Sword
45 Swords Dance
50 Quick Guard
55 Work Up
60 Hydro Pump
65 Close Combat

Location: Mirage Forest

1 Relic Song *
1 Round
5 Quick Attack
10 Confusion
15 Sing
20 Teeter Dance
25 Acrobatics
30 Psybeam
35 Echoed Voice
40 U-turn
45 Wake-Up Slap
50 Psychic
55 Hyper Voice
60 Role Play
65 Close Combat
70 Perish Song

Location: Mirage Cave

1 Fell Stinger
1 Techno Blast
1 Quick Attack
1 Magnet Rise
1 Metal Claw
1 Screech
5 Fury Cutter
10 Lock-On
15 Flame Charge
20 Magnet Bomb
25 Slash
30 Metal Sound
35 Signal Beam
40 Tri Attack
45 X-Scissor
50 Bug Buzz
55 Simple Beam
60 Zap Cannon
65 Hyper Beam
70 Self-Destruct

Location: Route 102
Ability 2: Bulletproof

1 Tackle
1 Growl
5 Vine Whip
7 Rollout
9 Bite
12 Leech Seed
14 Dual Chop *
17 Pin Missile
19 Take Down
22 Seed Bomb
25 Mud Shot
28 Drain Punch *
31 Bulk Up
34 Body Slam
37 Iron Head *
40 Pain Split
43 Wood Hammer

Location: Evolve Chespin (Lv. 16)
Ability 2: Bulletproof

1 Tackle
1 Growl
5 Vine Whip
7 Rollout
9 Bite
12 Leech Seed
14 Dual Chop *
16 Needle Arm
18 Pin Missile
21 Take Down
25 Seed Bomb
29 Mud Shot
33 Drain Punch *
37 Bulk Up
41 Body Slam
45 Iron Head *
49 Pain Split
53 Wood Hammer

Location: Evolve Quilladin (Lv. 36)
Ability 2: Bulletproof

1 Feint
1 Hammer Arm
1 Belly Drum
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Tackle
1 Growl
5 Vine Whip
7 Rollout
9 Bite
12 Leech Seed
14 Dual Chop *
16 Needle Arm
18 Pin Missile
21 Take Down
25 Seed Bomb
29 Mud Shot
33 Drain Punch *
36 Spiky Shield
38 Bulk Up
43 Body Slam
48 Iron Head *
53 Pain Split
58 Wood Hammer
63 Hammer Arm
68 Giga Impact

Location: Route 101
Ability 2: Magician

1 Scratch
1 Tail Whip
5 Ember
7 Howl
9 Flame Charge
12 Psybeam
14 Fire Spin
17 Lucky Chant
19 Psyshock
22 Light Screen
25 Flamethrower
28 Hypnosis *
31 Will-O-Wisp
34 Psychic
37 Sunny Day
40 Magic Room
43 Fire Blast
Location: Evolve Fennekin (Lv. 16)
Ability 2: Magician

1 Scratch
1 Tail Whip
5 Ember
7 Howl
9 Flame Charge
12 Psybeam
14 Fire Spin
16 Incinerate *
18 Lucky Chant
21 Psyshock
25 Light Screen
29 Flamethrower
33 Hypnosis *
37 Will-O-Wisp
41 Psychic
45 Sunny Day
49 Magic Room
53 Fire Blast

Location: Evolve Braixen (Lv. 36)
Ability 2: Magician

1 Future Sight
1 Role Play
1 Switcheroo
1 Shadow Ball
1 Scratch
1 Tail Whip
5 Ember
7 Howl
9 Flame Charge
12 Psybeam
14 Fire Spin
16 Incinerate *
18 Lucky Chant
21 Psyshock
25 Light Screen
29 Flamethrower
33 Hypnosis *
36 Mystical Fire
38 Will-O-Wisp
43 Psychic
48 Sunny Day
53 Magic Room
58 Fire Blast
63 Future Sight

Location: Route 104 North
Ability 2: Protean
1 Pound
1 Growl
5 Bubble
7 Quick Attack
9 Lick
12 Water Pulse
14 Smokescreen
17 Round
19 Fling
22 Smack Down
25 Scald *
28 Acrobatics *
31 Toxic Spikes *
34 Substitute
37 Bounce
40 Double Team
43 Hydro Pump

Location: Evolve Froakie (Lv. 16)
Ability 2: Protean

1 Pound
1 Growl
5 Bubble
7 Quick Attack
9 Lick
12 Water Pulse
14 Smokescreen
16 Low Kick *
18 Round
21 Fling
25 Smack Down
29 Scald *
33 Acrobatics *
37 Toxic Spikes *
41 Substitute
45 Bounce
49 Double Team
53 Hydro Pump

Location: Evolve Frogadier (Lv. 36)
Ability 2: Protean

1 Night Slash
1 Role Play
1 Mat Block
1 Gunk Shot *
1 Pound
1 Growl
5 Bubble
7 Quick Attack
9 Lick
12 Water Pulse
14 Smokescreen
16 Low Kick *
18 Shadow Sneak
21 Spikes
25 Feint Attack
29 Scald *
33 Acrobatics *
36 Water Shuriken
38 Toxic Spikes *
43 Substitute
48 Extrasensory
53 Double Team
58 Haze
63 Hydro Pump
68 Night Slash

Location: Route 101

1 Tackle
1 Agility
1 Leer
4 Quick Attack
7 Defense Curl *
10 Double Slap
12 Mud-Slap
14 Rollout *
16 Take Down
19 Mud Shot
21 Double Kick
24 Dig
27 Odor Sleuth
30 Flail
33 Bounce
36 Earthquake
39 Facade
42 Super Fang

Location: Route 121

HP 85 >> 96
Defense 77 >> 80
Sp. Defense 77 >> 80
Total 423 >> 440

1 Hammer Arm
1 Rototiller
1 Swords Dance
1 Tackle
1 Agility
1 Leer
4 Quick Attack
7 Defense Curl *
10 Double Slap
12 Mud-Slap
14 Rollout *
16 Take Down
19 Mud Shot
20 Bulldoze
22 Double Kick
26 Dig
30 Odor Sleuth
34 Flail
38 Bounce
42 Earthquake
46 Facade
50 Super Fang
54 Hammer Arm

Location: Route 101
Ability 2: Gale Wings

1 Tackle
1 Growl
6 Quick Attack
9 Peck
12 Agility
15 Flail
18 Roost
21 Flame Charge
24 Razor Wind
27 Acrobatics
30 Natural Gift
33 Me First
36 Tailwind
39 Steel Wing

Location: Safari Zone
Ability 2: Gale Wings

1 Tackle
1 Growl
6 Quick Attack
9 Peck
12 Agility
15 Flail
17 Ember
18 Roost
22 Flame Charge
26 Razor Wind
30 Acrobatics
34 Natural Gift
38 Me First
42 Tailwind
46 Steel Wing

Location: Soaring in the Sky
Ability 2: Gale Wings

1 Brave Bird
1 Tackle
1 Growl
6 Quick Attack
9 Peck
12 Agility
15 Flail
17 Ember
18 Roost
22 Flame Charge
26 Razor Wind
30 Acrobatics
34 Natural Gift
36 Flare Blitz
39 Me First
45 Tailwind
51 Steel Wing
57 Brave Bird

Location: Route 104 North

1 Tackle
1 String Shot
1 Stun Spore
3 Bug Bite
5 Electroweb
7 Rage Powder *

Location: Evolve Scatterbug (Lv. 9)

1 Harden
9 Protect
11 Iron Defense

Location: Evolve Spewpa (Lv. 12)
Effort Values: 1 SAtk, 1 Spd >> 2 SAtk
New TM/HMs: Fly

Attack 52 >> 50
Defense 50 >> 55
Sp. Attack 90 >> 115
Sp. Defense 50 >> 55
Speed 89 >> 100
Total 411 >> 455

1 Gust
12 Struggle Bug
14 Gust
16 Stun Spore
16 Poison Powder
16 Sleep Powder
18 Psybeam
20 Supersonic
22 Draining Kiss
24 Aromatherapy
26 Bug Buzz
28 Safeguard
30 Hurricane
32 Powder
34 Psychic *
36 Tailwind *
38 Energy Ball *
40 Light Screen
42 Quiver Dance

Location: Route 116
Evolution Level: 35 >> 33

1 Tackle
1 Leer
4 Ember
7 Work Up
10 Headbutt
13 Incinerate
16 Noble Roar
19 Snarl *
22 Echoed Voice
25 Fire Fang
28 Take Down
31 Flamethrower
34 Endeavor
37 Crunch
40 Hyper Voice
43 Overheat

Location: Safari Zone

1 Hyper Beam
1 Tackle
1 Leer
4 Ember
7 Work Up
10 Headbutt
13 Incinerate
16 Noble Roar
19 Snarl *
22 Echoed Voice
25 Fire Fang
28 Take Down
31 Flamethrower
35 Endeavor
39 Crunch
43 Hyper Voice
47 Overheat
51 Hyper Beam

Location: Route 104 North
Ability 2: Symbiosis
1 Tackle
1 Vine Whip
5 Fairy Wind
8 Razor Leaf
11 Wish
14 Magical Leaf
17 Nature Power *
20 Lucky Chant
23 Dazzling Gleam *
26 Grass Knot *
29 Grassy Terrain
32 Petal Blizard
35 Moonblast
38 Aromatherapy
41 Petal Dance
44 Misty Terrain
47 Solar Beam

Location: Route 115
Ability 2: Symbiosis

Red/Yellow/Orange/Blue/White Flower
1 Tackle
1 Vine Whip
5 Fairy Wind
8 Razor Leaf
11 Wish
14 Magical Leaf
17 Nature Power *
21 Lucky Chant
25 Dazzling Gleam *
29 Grass Knot *
33 Grassy Terrain
37 Petal Blizard
41 Moonblast
45 Aromatherapy
49 Petal Dance
53 Misty Terrain
57 Solar Beam

Eternal Flower
1 Tackle
1 Vine Whip
5 Fairy Wind
8 Razor Leaf
11 Wish
14 Magical Leaf
17 Nature Power *
21 Lucky Chant
25 Dazzling Gleam *
29 Grass Knot *
33 Grassy Terrain
37 Petal Blizard
41 Moonblast
45 Aromatherapy
49 Petal Dance
50 Light of Ruin
53 Misty Terrain
57 Solar Beam

Location: Evolve Floette (Shiny Stone)
Ability 2: Symbiosis

1 Disarming Voice
1 Lucky Chant
1 Wish
1 Magical Leaf
1 Flower Shield
1 Grass Knot
1 Grassy Terrain
1 Petal Blizzard
1 Misty Terrain
1 Moonblast
1 Petal Dance
1 Aromatherapy

Location: Route 110
Ability 2: Grass Pelt

1 Tackle
1 Growth
5 Vine Whip
8 Tail Whip
11 Razor Leaf
14 Leech Seed
17 Worry Seed
20 Horn Leech
23 Take Down
26 Bulldoze
29 Seed Bomb
32 Synthesis
35 Zen Headbutt *
38 Bulk Up
41 Double-Edge
44 Leaf Blade
47 Milk Drink

Location: Safari Zone
Ability 2: Grass Pelt

1 Tackle
1 Growth
5 Vine Whip
8 Tail Whip
11 Razor Leaf
14 Leech Seed
17 Worry Seed
20 Horn Leech
23 Take Down
26 Bulldoze
29 Seed Bomb
32 Aerial Ace
33 Synthesis
37 Zen Headbutt *
41 Bulk Up
45 Double-Edge
49 Leaf Blade
53 Milk Drink
57 Earthquake
61 Wild Charge *

Location: Route 116

1 Tackle
1 Leer
6 Arm Thrust
9 Work Up
12 Karate Chop
15 Comet Punch
18 Knock Off *
21 Slash
24 Circle Throw
27 Vital Throw
30 Body Slam
33 Crunch
36 Storm Throw *
39 Entrainment
42 Drain Punch *
45 Parting Shot
48 Sky Uppercut

Location: Route 116

1 Entrainment
1 Hammer Arm
1 Ice Punch *
1 Fire Punch *
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Tackle
1 Leer
6 Arm Thrust
9 Work Up
12 Karate Chop
15 Comet Punch
18 Knock Off *
21 Slash
24 Circle Throw
27 Vital Throw
30 Body Slam
34 Crunch
38 Storm Throw *
42 Entrainment
46 Drain Punch *
50 Parting Shot
54 Sky Uppercut
58 Hammer Arm
62 Taunt
66 Low Sweep

Location: Route 116

1 Frustration *
1 Return *
1 Tackle
1 Growl
4 Sand-Attack
8 Baby-Doll Eyes
12 Headbutt
16 Tail Whip
20 Bite
24 Retaliate
28 Odor Sleuth
32 Take Down
36 Zen Headbutt *
40 Sucker Punch
44 Iron Tail *
48 Charm
52 Cotton Guard

Location: Route 113

1 Scratch
1 Leer
5 Covet
9 Confusion
13 Light Screen
17 Psybeam
19 Fake Out
22 Disarming Voice
25 Psyshock

Location: Safari Zone

Male Meowstic
1 Quick Guard
1 Mean Look
1 Helping Hand
1 Scratch
1 Leer
5 Covet
9 Confusion
13 Light Screen
17 Psybeam
19 Fake Out
22 Disarming Voice
25 Psyshock
28 Charm
31 Miracle Eye
35 Reflect
40 Psychic
43 Role Play
45 Imprison
48 Sucker Punch
50 Misty Terrain
53 Quick Guard

Female Meowstic
1 Stored Power
1 Me First
1 Magical Leaf
1 Scratch
1 Leer
5 Covet
9 Confusion
13 Light Screen
17 Psybeam
19 Fake Out
22 Disarming Voice
25 Psyshock
28 Charge Beam
31 Shadow Ball
35 Extrasensory
40 Psychic
43 Role Play
45 Signal Beam
48 Sucker Punch
50 Future Sight
53 Stored Power

Location: Route 113

1 Tackle
1 Swords Dance
6 Fury Cutter
9 Metal Sound
12 Pursuit
15 Shadow Sneak
18 Autotomize
21 Aerial Ace
24 Retaliate
27 Shadow Claw *
30 Slash
33 Iron Head
36 Iron Defense
39 Night Slash
42 Power Trick
45 Sacred Sword

Location: Safari Zone

1 Tackle
1 Swords Dance
6 Fury Cutter
9 Metal Sound
12 Pursuit
15 Shadow Sneak
18 Autotomize
21 Aerial Ace
24 Retaliate
27 Shadow Claw *
30 Slash
33 Iron Head
37 Iron Defense
41 Night Slash
45 Power Trick
49 Sacred Sword

Location: Evolve Doublade (Dusk Stone)

1 Fury Cutter
1 Pursuit
1 Autotomize
1 Shadow Sneak
1 Slash
1 Iron Defense
1 Night Slash
1 Power Trick
1 Iron Head
1 Head Smash
1 Swords Dance
1 Aerial Ace
1 King's Shield
1 Sacred Sword

Location: Route 104 South
Ability 2: Aroma Veil

1 Sweet Scent
1 Fairy Wind
5 Sweet Kiss
8 Odor Sleuth
11 Echoed Voice
14 Calm Mind
17 Draining Kiss
20 Aromatherapy
23 Attract
26 Moonblast
29 Charm
32 Flail
35 Misty Terrain
38 Skill Swap
41 Psychic
44 Disarming Voice
47 Trick Room *

Location: Evolve Spritzee (Sachet)
Ability 2: Aroma Veil

1 Sweet Scent
1 Fairy Wind
5 Sweet Kiss
8 Odor Sleuth
11 Echoed Voice
14 Calm Mind
17 Draining Kiss
20 Aromatherapy
23 Attract
26 Moonblast
29 Charm
32 Flail
35 Misty Terrain
38 Skill Swap
41 Psychic
44 Disarming Voice
47 Trick Room *
50 Aromatic Mist
53 Heal Pulse
56 Reflect
59 Psych Up

Location: Route 104 South
Ability 2: Unburden

1 Sweet Scent
1 Tackle
5 Fairy Wind
8 Play Nice
11 Draining Kiss
14 Round
17 Cotton Spore
20 Endeavor
23 Play Rough
26 Aromatherapy
29 Fake Tears
32 Energy Ball
35 Cotton Guard
38 Wish
41 Light Screen
44 Safeguard
47 Belly Drum *

Location: Evolve Swirlix (Whipped Dream)
Ability 2: Unburden

1 Sweet Scent
1 Tackle
5 Fairy Wind
8 Play Nice
11 Draining Kiss
14 Round
17 Cotton Spore
20 Endeavor
23 Play Rough
26 Aromatherapy
29 Fake Tears
32 Energy Ball
35 Cotton Guard
38 Wish
41 Light Screen
44 Safeguard
47 Belly Drum *

#686 INKAY
Location: Route 118

1 Tackle
1 Peck
1 Constrict
4 Reflect
7 Foul Play
10 Swagger
13 Psywave
16 Topsy-Turvy
19 Hypnosis
22 Psybeam
25 Switcheroo
28 Payback
31 Psycho Cut
34 Pluck
37 Light Screen
40 Slash
43 Night Slash
46 Superpower

Location: Route 118

1 Superpower
1 Reversal
1 Tackle
1 Peck
1 Constrict
4 Reflect
7 Foul Play
10 Swagger
13 Psywave
16 Topsy-Turvy
19 Hypnosis
22 Psybeam
25 Switcheroo
28 Payback
31 Psycho Cut
34 Pluck
37 Light Screen
40 Slash
43 Night Slash
46 Superpower

Location: Route 111
Evolution Level: 39 >> 34
New TM/HMs: Waterfall, Dive

1 Shell Smash
1 Scratch
1 Sand Attack
4 Water Gun
7 Withdraw
10 Fury Swipes
13 Slash
16 Mud-Slap
19 Clamp
22 Rock Polish
25 Ancient Power
28 Hone Claws
31 Fury Cutter
34 Rock Slide *
37 Night Slash
40 Razor Shell
43 X-Scissor *
46 Cross Chop

Location: Lilycove City
New TM/HMs: Waterfall, Dive

1 Skull Bash
1 Stone Edge
1 Dragon Claw *
1 Shell Smash
1 Scratch
1 Sand Attack
4 Water Gun
7 Withdraw
10 Fury Swipes
13 Slash
16 Mud-Slap
19 Clamp
22 Rock Polish
25 Ancient Power
28 Hone Claws
31 Fury Cutter
34 Rock Slide *
38 Night Slash
42 Razor Shell
46 X-Scissor *
50 Cross Chop
54 Dragon Claw *
58 Stone Edge
62 Skull Bash
Location: Route 107, Route 127, Route 131
Evolution Level: 48 >> 35

1 Tackle
1 Smokescreen
1 Water Gun
5 Feint Attack
8 Tail Whip
11 Bubble
14 Acid
17 Camouflage
20 Water Pulse
23 Poison Tail
26 Double Team
29 Sludge Bomb
32 Toxic
35 Aqua Tail
38 Sludge Wave *
41 Dragon Pulse
44 Hydro Pump

Location: Route 107, Route 127, Route 130, Underwater

1 Dragon Tail
1 Tackle
1 Smokescreen
1 Water Gun
5 Feint Attack
8 Tail Whip
11 Bubble
14 Acid
17 Camouflage
20 Water Pulse
23 Poison Tail
26 Double Team
29 Sludge Bomb
32 Toxic
35 Twister
36 Aqua Tail
40 Sludge Wave *
44 Dragon Pulse
48 Hydro Pump
52 Dragon Tail

Location: Route 107, Route 131
Evolution Level: 37 >> 33

1 Splash
1 Water Gun
6 Water Sport
9 Vice Grip
12 Bubble
15 Smack Down
18 Bubble Beam
21 Flail
24 Water Pulse
27 Crabhammer
30 Swords Dance
33 Aqua Jet
36 Flash Cannon *
39 Muddy Water

Location: Route 107, Route 131

1 Heal Pulse
1 Splash
1 Water Gun
6 Water Sport
9 Vice Grip
12 Bubble
15 Smack Down
18 Bubble Beam
21 Flail
24 Water Pulse
27 Crabhammer
30 Swords Dance
34 Aqua Jet
38 Flash Cannon *
42 Muddy Water
46 Dark Pulse
50 Dragon Pulse
54 Aura Sphere

Location: Route 111
Held Item: Sail Fossil (50%)

1 Pound
1 Tail Whip
4 Thunder Shock
8 Charge
12 Mud-Slap
16 Quick Attack
20 Razor Wind
24 Parabolic Charge
28 Thunder Wave
32 Bulldoze
36 Thunderbolt
40 Signal Beam *
44 Electrify
48 Volt Switch

Location: Evolve Helioptile (Sun Stone)

1 Eerie Impulse
1 Electrify
1 Dragon Pulse *
1 Razor Wind
1 Quick Attack
1 Thunder
1 Charge
1 Parabolic Charge
43 Hyper Voice *

Location: Seafloor Cavern, Revive Jaw Fossil
Ability 2: Sturdy

1 Tail Whip
1 Tackle
6 Roar
9 Stomp
12 Bide
15 Stealth Rock
18 Bite
21 Charm
24 Ancient Power
27 Dragon Tail
30 Crunch
34 Dragon Claw
38 Thrash
42 Earthquake
46 Horn Drill
50 Outrage *

Location: Seafloor Cavern
Ability 2: Rock Head

1 Head Smash
1 Zen Headbutt *
1 Ice Fang *
1 Fire Fang *
1 Thunder Fang *
1 Tail Whip
1 Tackle
6 Roar
9 Stomp
12 Bide
15 Stealth Rock
18 Bite
21 Charm
24 Ancient Power
27 Dragon Tail
30 Crunch
34 Dragon Claw
38 Thrash
43 Earthquake
48 Horn Drill
53 Outrage *
58 Head Smash
63 Rock Slide
68 Giga Impact
Location: Seafloor Cavern, Revive Sail Fossil
Ability 2: Snow Warning

1 Growl
1 Powder Snow
6 Thunder Wave
9 Rock Throw
12 Icy Wind
15 Take Down
18 Mist
21 Aurora Beam
24 Ancient Power
27 Round
30 Discharge *
33 Avalanche
36 Hail
39 Nature Power
42 Ice Beam
45 Encore
48 Hyper Voice *
51 Light Screen
54 Hyper Beam
57 Blizzard

Location: Seafloor Cavern
Ability 2: Snow Warning

1 Growl
1 Powder Snow
6 Thunder Wave
9 Rock Throw
12 Icy Wind
15 Take Down
18 Mist
21 Aurora Beam
24 Ancient Power
27 Round
30 Discharge *
33 Avalanche
36 Hail
39 Freeze-Dry
43 Nature Power
47 Ice Beam
51 Encore
55 Hyper Voice *
59 Light Screen
63 Hyper Beam
67 Blizzard

Location: Evolve Eevee (Fairy Move & Amie Affection)
Ability 2: Pixilate
1 Disarming Voice
1 Tail Whip
1 Tackle
1 Helping Hand
5 Sand Attack
9 Fairy Wind
13 Quick Attack
17 Swift
20 Draining Kiss
25 Skill Swap
29 Misty Terrain
33 Light Screen
37 Moonblast
41 Last Resort
45 Psych Up
50 Hyper Voice *

Location: Route 115

1 Fire Punch *
1 Thunder Punch *
1 Swords Dance
1 Tackle
1 Hone Claws
6 Karate Chop
9 Wing Attack
12 Roost
15 Aerial Ace
18 Encore
21 Fling
24 Flying Press
27 Bounce
30 Endeavor
33 Drain Punch *
36 Acrobatics *
39 Zen Headbutt *
42 High Jump Kick
45 Feather Dance
48 Iron Head *
51 Dual Chop *
54 Sky Drop
57 Sky Attack

Location: Route 118
New TM/HMs: Dazzling Gleam

HP 67 >> 75
Attack 58 >> 60
Defense 57 >> 60
Sp. Attack 81 >> 90
Sp. Defense 67 >> 70
Speed 101 >> 110
Total 431 >> 465

1 Covet *
1 Super Fang *
1 Tackle
1 Tail Whip
6 Thunder Shock
9 Charge
12 Charm
15 Parabolic Charge
18 Nuzzle
21 Thunder Wave
24 Volt Switch
27 Rest
27 Snore
27 Sleep Talk*
30 Charge Beam
33 Play Rough
36 Discharge
39 Entrainment
42 Moonblast **
45 Thunder

Location: Meteor Falls
Ability 2: Sturdy

1 Tackle
1 Harden
4 Rock Throw
8 Sharpen
12 Smack Down
16 Reflect
20 Stealth Rock
24 Moonblast
28 Ancient Power
32 Guard Split
36 Flail
40 Power Gem
44 Skill Swap
48 Earth Power *
52 Stone Edge
56 Light Screen
60 Safeguard

#704 GOOMY
Location: Route 119

1 Tackle
1 Bubble
5 Absorb
9 Protect
13 Bide
17 Dragon Breath
21 Rain Dance
25 Flail
29 Sludge Wave *
33 Body Slam
37 Muddy Water
41 Dragon Pulse
45 Acid Armor *

Location: Route 119

1 Tackle
1 Bubble
5 Absorb
9 Protect
13 Bide
17 Dragon Breath
21 Rain Dance
25 Flail
29 Sludge Wave *
33 Body Slam
37 Muddy Water
42 Dragon Pulse
47 Acid Armor *

Location: Evolve Sliggoo (Lv. 50 + Rain)

1 Feint
1 Tackle
1 Bubble
5 Absorb
9 Protect
13 Bide
17 Dragon Breath
21 Rain Dance
25 Flail
29 Sludge Wave *
33 Body Slam
37 Muddy Water
42 Dragon Pulse
47 Acid Armor *
50 Aqua Tail
55 Power Whip
60 Outrage

Location: Route 113
Ability 2: Magician

1 Fairy Lock
1 Tackle
4 Fairy Wind
7 Astonish
10 Metal Sound
13 Spikes
16 Draining Kiss
19 Mirror Shot
22 Crafty Shield
25 Play Rough
28 Foul Play
31 Torment
34 Imprison
37 Flash Cannon *
40 Recycle
43 Magic Room

Location: Petalburg Woods
Evolution: Happiness or Level 23

1 Tackle
1 Confuse Ray
6 Astonish
9 Growth
12 Horn Leech
15 Ingrain
18 Feint Attack
21 Shadow Claw
25 Leech Seed
29 Curse
33 Will-O-Wisp
37 Forest's Curse
41 Wood Hammer
45 Phantom Force
49 Destiny Bond

Location: Evolve Phantump (Happiness / Lv. 23)

1 Tackle
1 Confuse Ray
6 Astonish
9 Growth
12 Horn Leech
15 Ingrain
18 Feint Attack
21 Shadow Claw
25 Leech Seed
29 Curse
33 Will-O-Wisp
37 Forest's Curse
41 Wood Hammer
45 Phantom Force
49 Destiny Bond

Location: Petalburg Woods
Evolution: Happiness or Level 23

1 Trick
1 Trick-or-Treat
1 Astonish
7 Confuse Ray
10 Razor Leaf
13 Scary Face
16 Shadow Sneak
19 Bullet Seed
22 Leech Seed
26 Seed Bomb
30 Pain Split
34 Worry Seed
38 Shadow Ball
42 Petal Blizzard **

Location: Evolve Pumpkaboo (Happiness / Lv. 23)

1 Explosion
1 Phantom Force
1 Trick
1 Trick-or-Treat
1 Astonish
7 Confuse Ray
10 Razor Leaf
13 Scary Face
16 Shadow Sneak
19 Bullet Seed
20 Flame Charge
22 Leech Seed
26 Seed Bomb
30 Pain Split
34 Worry Seed
38 Shadow Ball
42 Petal Blizzard **
46 Phantom Force
50 Explosion

Location: Shoal Cave

1 Tackle
1 Bite
1 Harden
9 Powder Snow
12 Icy Wind
15 Take Down
18 Sharpen
21 Curse
24 Ice Fang
27 Ice Ball
30 Rapid Spin
33 Rock Slide *
36 Avalanche
39 Recover
42 Blizzard
45 Stone Edge *
48 Double-Edge

Location: Shoal Cave

1 Iron Defense
1 Crunch
1 Skull Bash
1 Tackle
1 Bite
1 Harden
9 Powder Snow
12 Icy Wind
15 Take Down
18 Sharpen
21 Curse
24 Ice Fang
27 Ice Ball
30 Rapid Spin
33 Rock Slide *
36 Avalanche
40 Recover
44 Blizzard
48 Stone Edge *
52 Double-Edge
56 Skull Bash
60 Crunch

Location: Scorched Slab
Evolution Level: 48 >> 44

1 Screech
1 Supersonic
1 Tackle
5 Leech Life
8 Gust
11 Bite
14 Wing Attack
17 Agility
20 Air Cutter
24 Roost
28 Razor Wind
32 Dragon Pulse *
36 Air Slash
40 Tailwind
44 Whirlwind
48 Super Fang
52 Hurricane

Location: Scorched Slab, Seafloor Cavern, Cave of Origin, Sky Pillar

1 Boomburst
1 Hurricane
1 Moonlight
1 Heat Wave
1 Screech
1 Supersonic
1 Tackle
5 Leech Life
8 Gust
11 Bite
14 Wing Attack
17 Agility
20 Air Cutter
24 Roost
28 Razor Wind
32 Dragon Pulse
36 Air Slash
40 Tailwind
45 Whirlwind
50 Super Fang
55 Hurricane
60 Boomburst

Location: Mirage Forest

1 Heal Pulse
1 Aromatherapy
1 Ingrain
1 Take Down
5 Light Screen
10 Aurora Beam
15 Gravity
20 Horn Leech
25 Night Slash
30 Misty Terrain
35 Geomancy
40 Nature Power
45 Megahorn
50 Psych Up
55 Moonblast
60 Close Combat
65 Giga Impact
70 Outrage

Location: Mirage Mountain

1 Hurricane
1 Razor Wind
1 Taunt
1 Roost
5 Double Team
10 Air Slash
15 Snarl
20 Disable
25 Foul Play
30 Phantom Force
35 Sucker Punch
40 Dark Pulse
45 Psychic
50 Dragon Rush
55 Focus Blast
60 Oblivion Wing
65 Hyper Beam
70 Sky Attack

Location: Mirage Cave

1 Glare
1 Bulldoze
1 Dragon Breath
1 Bite
5 Safeguard
10 Dig
15 Bind
20 Sandstorm
25 Haze
30 Camouflage
35 Land's Wrath
40 Crunch
45 Earthquake
50 Dragon Pulse
55 Dragon Dance
60 Coil
65 Thousand Arrows **
65 Thousand Waves **
70 Extreme Speed
75 Outrage

Location: Mirage Cave
Held Item: Diancite (100%)

1 Tackle
1 Harden
5 Rock Throw
8 Sharpen
12 Smack Down
18 Reflect
21 Stealth Rock
27 Guard Split
31 Ancient Power
35 Flail
40 Skill Swap
46 Trick Room
49 Stone Edge
50 Moonblast
50 Diamond Storm
60 Light Screen
70 Safeguard

#720 HOOPA
Location: Mirage Island
Held Item: Prison Bottle (100%)

Hoopa Confined
1 Trick
1 Destiny Bond
1 Ally Switch
1 Confusion
5 Astonish
10 Magic Coat
15 Light Screen
20 Psybeam
25 Skill Swap
30 Power Split
30 Guard Split
35 Phantom Force
40 Zen Headbutt
45 Shadow Ball
50 Hyperspace Hole
55 Trick Room
60 Wonder Room
65 Nasty Plot
70 Psychic

Hoopa Unbound
1 Trick
1 Destiny Bond
1 Ally Switch
1 Confusion
5 Astonish
10 Magic Coat
15 Light Screen
20 Psybeam
25 Skill Swap
30 Power Split
30 Guard Split
35 Phantom Force *
40 Knock Off
45 Dark Pulse
50 Hyperspace Fury
55 Trick Room
60 Wonder Room
65 Nasty Plot
70 Psychic

Location: Mirage Cave

1 Flare Blitz
1 Take Down
5 Mist
10 Haze
15 Flame Charge
20 Water Pulse
25 Stomp
30 Scald
35 Weather Ball
40 Body Slam
45 Hydro Pump
50 Steam Eruption
55 Flare Blitz
60 Overheat
65 Explosion

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