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Name : Vicuna, Nikka Date : 10/15/2022

Section: BSTM 3B Professor: Aefre S. Gesmundo


Recover, Revamp, Restart: Issues and Trends in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry.

Ms. Bee Bernabe is a vlogger and content creator, she is also an Influencer of Concentrix
Ph,media producer, an advocate of equality and a proud member of the LGBTQ. Sponsored by
several brands like CebuPac and many more. She shares her experience and knowledge about the
Tourism and Hospitality Industry. She discussed the topic of traveller vs. tourist, she said that
traveller loves to experience new local culture during her journey while tourists prefer to stay in
their comfort zone and more relax rather than engrossing to another culture. She also shared her
tipid tips to save money. Ms. Bernabe tells us about the immigration guidelines and requirements
when travelling abroad. In guidelines, we should be confident in immigration. We must also
bring the original copy of our documents and avoid digital copy documents instead provide
hardcopy. And in requirements, the passport should not expire before 6 months. If you are
employed, bring a company ID or COE/BIR. If you are unemployed, bring the supporting
documents to travel and itinerary.
Photos / Screenshot of the webinar

Copy of E-certificate

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