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aL SIDE. Scanned with CamSx 10. 1 INDO PAK HISTORY OF PAKISTAN “The Vale of Peshawar was he cenke peut the cent of he indus ) Gandara ite Ran hemos famous ton of en Greate, on eight bank ef the nds on jt oank of ea a Kal () Hor {2 Moenosaro (8) None nese Mass conversion olan began athe tne (a) Sober oe {8} ohana in asin {6} Qubusn bak {G) Mamood ot Ghazi The. main occupation of he indus Vale ge = ae ay Aerature (9) Cote eai {3 Aang {3 one ct nese he Great Graney of the indus V 2a, Ge tee fa) oonpa By ones 12 seen (a) take oer means: a Ges Cy b). Beautfl Gardens (c} Mound of te Dead () Cization Indus Civitan als known a: (2) Kot Di Ciizaton 0) Mohenjdaro cxlzaton fc). Tanla Cvizaton {@) Hatrapan Ciiizaton ‘The Indus cilizaton flourished at Harappa and oer ses 2s early as (@ z008c (@) 720080, (@) 240086 {6} 280086 ‘Aexander the Great ative in Tada in (a) s168C (e) 32880 (30586 (@) 22680 eee 2 Ee ree unm i Bes wae y we re ee a 6. t. 8 a, ed @) Baws Farggn or oar yas 23) 8 Stereo oy eae & ean G Horsen iho ponte Busisn ad bat Suit cameo? ete Sala Re gonma {9 fans The guest umes of te cent wed va Sed fa) Pustialawati (0) Taxa (6) Ketu (den ‘Chandra Gupta was also called eh omer, 8 Mauyan Emgir (8) Grbttretmpie (6) Ashoka Emre ‘The fest Musim invasion of nda was ed by: (a), tenmus of Gham f} tunes rn (3) Monammas-ba-Casim () Nene hese ‘hat was the relafon of Mohammad Bin Casi wth Hajal bn Yousa? (a) Nephew ib) Soniniaw {6} Bohvottnese (a) None ofthese tiie od an te one 19 gk (Ms Nunammat Bin Qasim was called back by (a) ald bi Abdul mali {b)_ Sulaiman bin Abdul mac {e}_ Kati bl Abdul malic (@)_ None ofthese Hazrat Data Gun) Bakhsh Al Hajvery came to India along with (@)_ Muhanad bingasim (sarin ger c) Sultan Masud of hana {@) None of hese Which of the European nations came fist ‘Soul Asa as invader? cea a Se Scanned with CamSc 2%. &. 31 3. 3 ‘Shahabu-Din Ghuestabished the Muslim le (a), Westinda (b) Eastin (©) Nortinda ——[d)Noneothem ‘A Berni came to iia long wth Mahmud of io b)Muhammad-bn-Gasim (8 hanna chu None ofthese ‘Aer Arabs which family ruled over Sih? (a). Sadat b) Lodi (6) Soma () Mughal None te at Hs nr et he S- cate Gage Pea Re (Rao Ooi sass f) Reser Be nen Suen atmos Gen aioe he wor (a) "985 AD g we fe) $98 AD (d) 969.40 Who destroyed he temple of Somat? (b) Mahmood Ghazni (a) Ghaun (6) Babar (@) Shah Johan Wich ty Ghaznavids developed as ther conta of lame Culture? f) Deki (b) Amitsar () Lahore (@) Peshawar ‘The Ghamavi Kingdom was overtown near the eng of 12 Century bythe (a). Ghosds (@)Ghazmavids (@) Mughals (6) Loshis Which oly became the sty of mosques, matrassahs and lbraies dueng the reign of Mahmud Ghazni? (o) Gans (Satta Mutan ‘Which of the following bates was fought in 1902 (2) Fist Bate of Taain b) Second Bate of Taran () Bate of Takata (d) None ofthese Firstinvasion of Satan Munammcod of Ghazni in subcontinent was tok pace in (2) 938 f 1000 (@ 998 f) ton ‘th atk of Suton Muiarmood Ghazi India was took place in amide! Qe ) 1907 {3 s02e Om owas ino se "AbductrfS (9) abu Din sat (0) Gesud-dn {¢) Marmeod Gham % a7 #8 2. 40 4 2 4 7. 48, (0) Stanazurun one — Fist ani stale ws established ing () 108 () 1225 (9 1198 (1208 ‘The Sultanate period which ase fr ovr (a) 350 years (0) 370 year {) 200yea5 () 320 jeer “The First dynasty of Sultanate period vas (e) Mughal dyeasty (2) Lochi dynasty G Midhaairesy {2} SavegeSs ‘The last dynasty of Sutanate period was (a) Mughal dynasty (8) Lodhi dynasty (3 ganas (3) Secs Slave dyasty ruled forhow many years? a) 120 years ) SO yeas (0) 84 years (3) 110s Who. laid the foundation of the gx independent Turkish kingdom in India? (2) "Mohammad Bin Qasim (b) Qutubudin Adak (Stain Stan (d) Muhammad Bin Tughiag ‘Who was he fest Musim Governor of Dei? (a) Behl Loch (>) Ghiyasudoin ()_dekdudsin Kasi (8) QubudDin Atak The offal language of the Det sutenae was: (2) ut () Arabic (). Persian (Hind Name the General of Sultan ShahabsidDin who conquered ‘Bengal with only seventen Soldiers (he also conquered Behar? (a) uke inal () Bar () Sher Shah (8) Akbar no amongst te folowing ute te 3 dynasty igned fr the longest peat? (2) udm aba ee ME ) Ghiyasud-bn Batban (©) Nast in Mahmood (@)_Shanssuda tumish ‘After Ghur vino became the kn fn Pl? (2) Jhangin 1) Quabedcin ax (©) Baben (4) Shah Jehan ‘Slave Dynasty of Indo-Pak was founded| by? Ce a ©) Quabidoin — () Garusoin The Save Dynasty ated fom 120616? (2) tan ese ton 4209 {} tao Scanned with CamSx x 50. 51 82 5. 7. (2) Muhammad Bn Tul {2} Manmooto han? {6} Cuubs-n abot {@) Muhammed chun \Who was the frst woman ruler of Delhi? (a) Chand Bho) Nowe eh (6) Razadutina (3) Mmartlna When Quabud Din died? (a) 1208 (@) 1209 (1210 {aan Qutebud-in de while payin (3) Ciket alo (6) Hockey (} Fool Vo contd Masp"Qaat san? (3) shen setan Aba (q) Babar (@) Qutab-vd bin Masid Quvatetslam i located in wich city ees a al (9) Baghded (a). Mansoora \Who completed the consiucion of Guted Minar? (2) Sultan Shamas-ué-Din Atamash (b) Quads. (c) Khawaja Buktiar Kaki (@) Mahmud Ghaznavi ‘Wich ofthe following rulers ced whl playin ‘Chugan”? : (2), Baben ) San (o) Jaalud-Di-Khii (8). Qutab-uc-Din Aibak ‘Who was te founder of Kali Dynasty? (2). Mukamamd Ghori (b) Alauddin Ki (c)Qutubuddin Aiba (@),alabud Din ‘The most important feature in the economic measures pursued by Aaucin Khia: (@) Foreign trade (0) Market contol {o}_ Mining of new coins (None of trese ‘Who among the folowing was not a slave before he became aking? (2) Asud-Din Ki (0) Baban (@) Qutub-ud-in Atak (6) usmish ‘Teimur invaded Inia during te reign of: (@) Alaudin Kr (0) Bahlol Lodhi (@) Feroz Tuchlag {@)_ Nast uddn Mehmood a 62 er. 68. cs 0, 1, 7 Te fet Wn ox Kingdoms of Deccan forces of (2) Muhanad Gh {0} usin ig {6} cuubuasn kibok {6} atmood of Ghar The oxen of he Datsun Engi ns the retest dung teregn fe ‘nov {b) uimash [) Baber Hamad bin Toghog ‘Wien ofthe floning was the major source of royal income in medieval north Inca? Vayeh ty kta 8 at @ ian ali dynasty fr how many yas? ee) zo ce jo ali dynasty cam into eign after the reign of which Khandan? fa) Guiana fb) Shahensha (6). Grarban (3) Shamshiren ‘Amir Kousu’sKazainul Futuh gives information sbout he rign of: (a) Ghiyasudein Tughlag (o) Aeuddin kip ()Cutubuddn Mubarak Shah Ki (9) Jaleut-dn Ki The ‘Sahnana was itn (@) Beran (0) Firdausi (Ami Khusrau (@)_ None of these ‘dau Din was the funder of (a). Sadat Dynasty Tansey ughug Oyest {(@) Savedyasty Wien Dynasly came into power after Khali Dynasty? Gl Taag macy). Sate ay {@) LodhiDynasly (3) Mughal Dynasty “Tughug dynasty ud for how many years? ao eed © 4 is 4 ‘Who among the flowing Sultans of Debi hes been costed by. he histoions the ‘tue of opposes? a) aban 5 agony fc}. Munanmad Tughuq {6} teem Lod In 13s Gas Tha was suede iq (2) shangie (0) Attar {6} MBaTughlag (0) Raab Scanned with CamS« FI Wy 151 Nhammed Tughlag was succeeded i (2) sete {0} Foroz Shan {3 Humayoon (8) tibaak 74 Sadet Dynasty came ino rule afer wich Dynes (@) tai (0). ravi @) Togtag {3} Moat 75. Which ofthe folowing were causes forthe decine of te Deh Sutanate? (2) Weak Goverment (®) Invasion Timur (c) Lack of cearcut suocessionpoey (6) Alotabove 76. The founder of te fst Afghan dynasty in India (2) brahim Lodhi 2) Behe Lodhi (©) skanderLodhi (a) Sher Shah Sui 77. Vasco da Gama came to Inia inthe reign of: (om (@) Mughals (0) Tushiag (Loch 78. Mughal dynasty as to Bahadur Shah Zafar as Loch gant ast: (a) Behlc Loan () Daulst khan Loch (6). brani Loci (6) Skendar Loch 79. Who was the founder of te Lodhi Dynasty? (a) SkandarLoahi' (0) Bahlo!Loaht (@) Akar (@). Shah Jehan 20, Batol was succeeded by his: (2) Brother {b) Son (6) Grandson (@) Broterintaw 81, Between whom the fst war of Panipat was fought? (a) Sutan brahim Lodhi and Bebar (0). Sultan loahim Loch and abtar (@)Sutantorahim Loahi and Ser Shah (@) Satan brahim Lodhi and Behl! Lodhi 22. Name the ast Musi Dynasty rng over Deki tere be rvesen of Mangas (a) LamiDrasly (0) Hal drasy (6) TughugDynasty (6) Sedat Oasy £3 The Loci Dynasty was ended in (2) eee (t) 144s 1825 (1485 6 With whose forces Babur met in the fel of Panipat on Api 21, 1826 and whe defeating tcaptred Dei and Ara? (a) brahim Loghi (0). Akbar Lodhi (c) BeticlLodhi (4). None ofthese Lodhi dynasty ruled for how many years? a) 70 (o) 6 (9 7% ( 78 a. 2. 0. 91 98. 9%. To was he last ule of Lod dyna? {a} Baul an Loaht (.) Batol Loe ( Giintoat (Star, Te onder fe es Aan as nna {a} eahim Lode (B) Bal! Los () Sivarton (Rowe hepa Tots we Sore Ores (0) Mags (6) teas (8) Loon Invose ig Babe ed isan 527 ee ocd Rstoar oP ( rariacn In wich ctvetes Ata cea Gauranes by sump he aie of Sine tn arian an? (a) Bihar (0) Jaunpur (3) Bomhagd (6) Noneofthem Sadat Oat nnd wes eden na mae iss {ss The Dai Sutra vty ended de the Invasion fa) Changez khan (b)- Babar (c) Nadir Shah (4). Taimur Babars 12600 amy force faced a huge foe of Ibrahim Loch tte ist bate of Panipat What asthe number ofhisamy? {e) S000 10} sgoco {6} tooo (6) 6000 hich atte marked an end to he Det Sinan Scone 087 (3 seeaeoest eat ogre :) Baseof anna @)Satiet Panga The famous poet Ac Khusro nicknamed the “Paral ol Indo’ was he conemprary of alo the long excet a) Auddn Kp 5) ‘Stiys-udin Gotan ©) tmish ()Givesud Din Tghiag Who lid the foundation of the fist independent Turkish kngdom ninco? (2) Nonanmad in Gsm (0) Qutubuddin Aibak (©) Ghiasuesn Baton (6) None of ese ‘Who asthe ast ro the Tushiag das of the Delhi Sultanate? sia (9) Fee Shan Tghlag (©) hiyesud-0n Tughag Shai (6) Nasi-udin-Mahmud (6) Nusrat Stan Scanned with CamS« s 100, 1 102, 103, 104 106. 107, 108, 108 Who amongst te folowing Sdlans of Te Site Dyan con ote ages pra? (a) cuba Bn ata B) Ssan sats [| Nsradn Mma {6} Stones ch The Suton of Det ho i opted to have Bul Be Bopest reo of eon I (3) tush {©} hyosusin Tughiag {0) Fro Shan Tugtag (6) None of hese Te Dai Suara vey ended ce he (2) Chengicknan (3) Babar (6) NaarShan” (3) Noneot hese The fist sim invasion of ca was ey {2} Mahmud of Graz * 2} Munanmss Ghot ().Munarenadin Gas () None oft Fist voyage of Vasco da Gamat India (scoot f seas route Ina ate Cope &f Good Hope} wasin fa) 8 ) 1478 (188 (15 Who was he last er of Loi nasty? (a) Batol toe (2) Daulatkhan Los e) lain Lod 6 Stendartea The founder of the est landmass ee (mite, tulas {6} Skandartosi —(@) None of Bese “The ughl Eno was ude by Bebari (ise is (ie {5 i823 Babu captured to cies in 1513 the help cite Sah of Persia Name the es? fe) Samarkand 8 Bothara {0) en ane Ara {6} Boknara & Hae {6} ent ane Bethra Who wes famaus by name of he hero of he nce fits? : (tans todos {6} AtbarLoan’ (9) Rana Sangha With whose faces Babu met in the fel of Paxil on Ag 2, 1626 an while defeating cobra ard Ae? (Stra Ladi) Sta at (9) AtbarLodhi (6) None ofthese Theft Bate of Panipat was fought i 110, m m2. 13, 114 115, 16. 1", 118. 119. 100. we @) 1658 is 6 i32 Inv trina? @) ech och {3} Gaston ct | Abr Loch ld) Rana Sangha Which batle marked a» end to be Det ‘Sutanaten Sb-ontnent in 1528? Sec Pot Bate of Goya | Bate of Khanna (G) FrstBatleot Panipat i fe log she rane of Be Baburs autbigrp (itis ( faecbai (@) Babumamah None of hese Babur's Merri wor fst writen in Turkish, "Name he wer who vansatd iio Persian? a)" Agu Rehman Khan-eshanam ) Hea Sua fe) Humayun (@) Shah Jehan Babur was sucoseded by: (a) Sher Shah Sun (0) Akbar (9 Humayun (G). Shah Jenan When was Babar succeeded by is son Humayun? @ 160 (1520 (1510 @ 135 Inch bate Humayun deleted the Alans inhi 52 (a Bate nay ate of Panipat (¢) Bale of atran {6} Bae orkatut ‘Who was fe songest enemy of Huan? (swan 1) Ser Shan Sa (6) Basi San {6} ttaread Loni The Red Feo Des we ut Mighl ing 4 (aca 0) tan 8 Sec Seri Wc) tale made Humayun tones ("Oxy ff 0) om {3 Panes) Rtn ese “The young king of Persia accorded Humayun a tamer Nae eg oc) “Gan Tahmasp ) shatoot (Shah Joc Scanned with CamSx T2. Which state(s) Humayun captured in 1545 with Sagan ary ern su mage dareas PR oes, 1 Wop gt te andhar Benga rar F amoun ber Sharla 125, Shr hah estonia 72a oe ey tem tw 128 no ye Tat She a pap tod Sh Be” Siceas tli See geen ) Giubmsios (ines Pose 127. In 1822 Sher Shah entered into the serve of an independent rer of Bhar, Name the ler? (0) Sharla eh Kner Sha (6). Behram Khan Lohan (@) Lohani Shan 128, In 1890, Sher Shah captured the important foctess of Chunar after the deab of is rer. Name eer? 3)" Kean 2) ina Khan (2) Chevron {) airetan 128, hic incident brought Sher Sha ino dct cri i a) Cepture of Lhe btu of Grae fo}. Capture of Kanpur {6} Hitch on Deh 190. Whole te Mughal serie in 15282 son f) kiminn 6) Banacurran (8) Noveothese 131. hin ul lero maces pit She Shah and the ltr saved himsel by tnely stmisson? 2) Humayun 6} Babar 132. Name the rer of Bhar who sought the help of Mahmud Stan, the ruler of Bengal '0 oust Sher Shah from power? ign (bo). Jalal nan () Istamihan ——()_LohaniKhan 196 198 137 138 138. 141 142, 143, Which ot of Grand Tra of Ll Gi, Dei Peer yucton of Sala Sah {Cerca inte Sas Sher Shah Su cused Humayun fesse i) 1592 ) 045 {6 tse {$5 Wich Mughal Emperor 38 comet one Rivet February. 16557 (Humayun) Aber {3 Stavlanen (9) Hone ot ese ‘er yas comed on at ()Kanur (0) Oana ish = Some ‘the tine of accession othe Bron, star tos a toy ofteen. Who wes ape ot his guarion? (e) Baram Khan (b)- Jalal Han (@ Fruzkhan = (@) Islam khan ‘Akbar was ded inthe auturn of 1605: (TB (b)_ ating trom stars (c) Olartiea (@) Faing from horse Which Islamic scholar pracialy ‘Akbar's so-called Deen-+liahi?- eres {@) on win Cass {e) Haz hein ahmed Serhan lo) Daa Ganj Saks Hazrat Gass Oraz Which philosophy was presented by Hazzt Sheikh Ahmad Sathandi apanst the movement of Wehdatul Wajood? (a) wahadatulistam (b) Wahdat-ul-Shahud (¢) eomotsese {8 Noneot ese bar as succeded Aaa) Sonat cerange | () Haman On the eighth day of his father's deat zhang ascended the tone (a) Dehli Patna ©) Age 6} None of ese ‘The nickname of Shehzada Slaeem was: os (o) thn (3 Staktoo —() Km In which year Sher Shah invaded Bengal an appeared before the gates of Gaur? (2) 1537 Q {sa (e) 1539 Scanned with CamSx 1, 8. ut. 148 9. 1 182 153, 197. (27 me death of Sher Shah under wih We 1s $0" dail Khan ascended the eh an Stak tartan ison Shan was son ho as murares by he wns Shak Raney not mana! At f) Encl Net (6) Nett Shan} Spat Eat nis elon dean had ofa a setts stato etl hea for Name hs on? tls i kan ) tee 6 kos ae Aa cngiere to sates in 1881 & 1605 (b) Mebmud sah (6) Jala Khan (2) Sroh Ba (©) Sach Brat (6) Shah Bachan (@) Son & Sena In hich year Qendahar was recaptured by he Perio King tah Abbas? hws” gw b) 1628 ) 1628 (3) 1825, Whats the duration of hangs eqn? (2) 160510 1628 (b) 10050 1609 (©) 1605101620 @) 160510 1630 Tes of het es (@) Standatah ) Aame @ ae 9 Ser Shan sat Who buit the mausoleum of Jshangir and where? (2) Nur Jahan at Lahore (b). Shafjanan at Agra (6) Srabahan Den, (0) Nur Jaan at Fatehpur Sisi When & ere was Shah Jahan bom? (9 tame late (9 18830en! () 1582Deni ‘Shah Jahan ruled over te Sub continent for (2) Byeas (0) 25yeas (9 30jeas (@) S5yeas A val age Sha) Jahan vas marie fo famans Bogen ria aay? ave t) 2 @ 2 @ 2 eect ene @ ) @ (6) Bra Mariage of Jahangir with Nur Jahan is one of he most important events in the history of Mughals. What was her ea nae? ("Nest (0) Noocuntise 158, 189 140, 161, 182, 183, 165, 167, 18 168, (9 Weteunctisa (Raza Begum Themausclaum cl Nor Jean is stuated at (o) Shahdara ie (Anal (a) Deri Wo wes sent by hah Jahan to met wth gr handegnes of Poruguese? a) Aaltan (0) sin Kran fe} rtizar khan fa) ai khan During, wich Mughal emperors reign te Regi of he Ss ell soqston the Sub content was wines?” () ) toh ohan 8 ate") so The Fos nfa Capen) oteced ‘onal echesn dee Beto eso 3 imo} fave Te aah Yeti, haar, pane fe canpanané ote tee Gvsone 0 Stu the oamy "one foment, ober fom ‘toc and third (a) Kashmir b). Peshawar le) Kabul (9) Jhelum Who was posted by Aurangaeb at Jamrud to see the movemens of Alghans? (a) Raja Jasvant Singh (b)Reja Danie (@) Raja Harikumar~——(o}RajaJaypal Wat was the duration ofthe eign of Mughal emperor, Shah Janan? (a) 1628-1661 b) 1678-1660 () 1626-1658 (g)_ 1626-1650 nthe fourth & ft years of Shah Jaha's gn @ lemble calamity sled. Gujat) Krandesh & Decean, Name that cali (a). Flo (2) in (© HaiSiom Ear Quack ‘Sah Jahn was usted by his son Aurangzeb ‘Alargiin: 1858 aries 8 ise 8 ie For how many years Shah Jahan remained oder be capi otis son ange ard de (9 dnonts () Smonts {6 mans ) tyear ho waste lst Mughal emperor to ston the peacock tone? (@) Behadur Sah Zar (0) Aurangeeb (0) Muhammad Shah (8) Sah alam The Peacock throne was made for (ae: (0) Akbar 6) Shatjanan——()Aurangred Scanned with CamSx THO Trotastofne goa ugha gs eee ) ayn (2 Aurangreblange (3) Ait 174, When Arango stared uo oe Ini? (@) teor or tess () 407 172. Aloe which bat, Aurangred coped Aa fn primed heal ths emparer of De goa 8 ke 173. Which Mughal emperr discontinued the hi er of Adbar to satay the Suni Musims? (2) Aurangeed = (o)-Hamayu, (@) Stahdanan ——_(@). Bahadur Shah 174, Which qu of Sikhs fought agaist Mughals ‘ul was detested and his two sons were put eat? (a) Govinda (by Nanak (@) Ajun () Mahabet Singh 475. Which rging of revolt n sou was a great foc recone win tng Be eo (Rates b) Morhatas () Sikhs (@) None of these 176 Nathatas proved great vouble for ‘Aurangzeb, Wha was the leader? tea 6) Se ibe (3) seve sgn 177. ch eon of Lata deal be ro Nar fj far Sh? (2) Khusrau 9) Khurram 8 dea () rem 178, As a result of Prince Khuram's rebelion, which oy was lost to the Mughals? a) (2) andsher Ob {6} Amodorapa 179, Jahengc died in (a) 1628 (o) 1629 iw (ies 480. How many Mughal emperors rued over Sub- niet? aca ) @ 9 @ 2 181, Mughals nied over the Subcontinent fo) aoa (b) S31 yeas (9 400 years (0) S00yeas 482. When and where dd Ahmad Shah Abdel aly caush down te revo of Marhalas? f@) 1760Panpat (0). 1761 Panipat (@) 1762Penpat © —_(6)_1763 Panipat 483, angi ied in Deccan in 1707 at (a). Gauhat (b) Atmadneger () andar () Debi BF Voinvades he intros? (ay. Are Shah Ab) Na (B somottiese (3) Merman 185, Ven Nadie Shah of Persia invates te Cent and sacked Deli? be tantra (1a © 1739 (q) 1639 (6) ta 186, The Eas Ina Company bil 2 fst fy the west coast ly of - 2) rath (Aga 6} Surat (@) Norotnene 467. Which Mughal Emperor erected the Zareere. aa (Chamn of Juste) eis reign? (a) Babur (@) Jehange (6) Harun (@)_Atbar 188, In which century the Bish begen to cae iy the Subcontinent? my in 7 ish ue 189, Tell of lansoy was ut er to) est 8 rs stor 190. Who yas th wer of Fis Anglos ir? (a) Sits 3) Crane @ Sus (3) Noneat bese 491, Babe laid the foundation of Mughal empie in 1526 by deteaing (Baoan as) ai (3) Rana Sanga (6). Alauddin kp 192 The fst Mughal empere to issue a fan favour ofthe Brish fo open a factory at Svat {o) Aurangzeb (0) hang @ Sai, Na" 499. The court language of Mughals was: (@) Arabic (O) Hag (Persian (6) Ura 94, When was the seoond bate of Pare fought? pts (bo) 1540 (e) 1556, (a 1757 195. First Ambassador of England Sir Thomas Foe visisJehangir (2) 1678 ty) 1778 (1616 (Gta 196, The Engish permited to tade in he (* Bengal) (2) 1609 ty) 1590 (q 1634 see 497. Construction of Taj Mahal was complete” (2) 1640 b) 1647 (o) 1634 (6) 1638 Scanned with CamSx @ 198, 20. am mm. 3. om. 488. Who bait the mausoleum of Jahangir an Who salem of Jahangir and (3) "Nu John at atre £3) Shaina tra (9 Stayenen ae (6) Nardatan aati Te Peacock tone was mae or ie ar Sano) Asoo Which Mighl_enpwee wate al and iestces he sme tey ane ‘Khan as the vazir? ae (3) alba b) snag © Stn) ora, Dutng erin of tas ich ee of he tloung was sher oan must? ta) tesa (chr @ i {8 aye Dug whos ein waste avad oe he ‘han nosed ore noes de Da Ean 8 Bae peegthen 15 (o) 14 ecare Sia ale nom (2) Chaudhari {o) Rawat oa gay Who among the folowing unearthed ne ashes of ie Budcha fom tr eriginal est pace? fo) pasha”) Katte (2) Kalasoka (3) Asoka ‘Who was the only Hindu King who ever ruled the Del tone? (a) Priti Raj Chauhan (b) Raja Man singh (eo) Rana Patap (@) Hema ‘The architect who designed the Ta Mahal was alen— (a) Arad {o) Indian (¢) Hain (arian The eatiest suviving bulling in India containing a tue domes the (2) GolGumbed (o) Atal Din Ka shops c) Tomb of Sutan Garhi (d) AsiDarwaza Wo ste founder of Mughal Empire? (@) Babu (0) Akbar (cq) SherSheh (6), Jahangir a n 212 218. 2, 218, 216 2m. 218 218 200. m2 223. 224 Calvan of obacen was mr duted in tie dang helo aie @ eg. {8 Srononon ——G) farang Hata conta was rt inbedatn Mesea (Shr an Su) Mowe {6} Baton ttn Th cin fab wa fest baled by Git” fname) Shaan Cons he loving fin vis foe Moga Erp: Wo onang then wae Fret ions? 9 Feemir Golan amu wer ds Gerr! @ ae usage (@)Shatjanan ‘Air Kuso was @ court poet of (2) Alsucdn Ki (0) Akbar (2) Humayun (@). Shatjanan Which European exonial power was last to comet nia? a) France o) Denmark id) Span (9) Netherands Permanent Setloment of land in Bengal was, mmadein aime ph re (1768 (1757 Dutch Est na Company was founded in @) 1600 e) 1601 | (1602 (a) 1604 Portuguese East nda Company was founded () 1622 (0) 1624 () 1626 (6) 1628 French East Ida Company was founded in (a) 1682 ib) 668 (©) 1688 (@) 1688 dahangir seta letter to James through Sir Thoms Roe ndgavpernsaon (2) Bul feces (b)- Make army {9 suissceos {8} Nenec Bese Bish East Inia Company was but fist fectoyin gt (b) Cateuta (6). Madras (6) Bombay Bish East India Company was bull fst factory in Surat in ko (bo) 1612 lo) 1614 (@) 1616 Kingdom of Great Britain was created in ges (o) i707 () 1708 (@) 1703 Scanned with CamSx 25. Pondiiery, on Bo sauhaaw coal of ha as a coloy ef wich European power? (Rape Portage ©) Netheronés {9} Span 225, Vinich one ofthe flowing Mughal princes ereded wih mantaing on Boum of Mghol paintings? 2). Kuram (®) Saim on Coghtt Sah Fath yar 27. What ae in Indian History i asthe atau nda toyed oa (a) Ancient (b) Maurya (2) Gupta {6} Mughal 228 Which king had nine "gems" (hat i, vory talented persons) in is court? (2) Aurangzeb (e) Akbar (@) Shah ahan——(@) Humayun 228, Who defeated the Maratha in the hid battle of Panipat? ‘The Afghans (a) The Brits () (©) The Mughals (4). The Raputs 230, Which Mughal King was remarkable for his fasten suman {6} ater {6} ranged 231, Who defeated the Maratas inthe tid bate ho erish The Ah {2} etgnas —{@) The rags 232, Who completed the constuction of Cub Minar atehi? (2) Cuibudin Abek (6) Babur (2) uimsh (6) Humayun 238. Who was the first Mughal emperor of India? fo) eatin eo)” Sta (Akbar (Babar 234, What rulers refered to as the ‘Mad Monarch’? {a} Mohammad bin Tuahiag ‘Ashoka c) Alber (8) Hyder 235. Name the Rajput princess whom Akbar maried f) Noor Jehan (b)_ Jodha Bal () Mumiaz Mahal (0) ja Bal 226. The capital ofthe kingdom of Maharaja Rant Sagh was (2) Amrisar (0) Patiala (@ Keputhala (9) Lahore 237. Which Mughal Emperor was deported to Rengoon by the Bish? (@) Behedur Shah Zafar (0) Jahangir {e) Akbar Shan (4) Shah Jahan Tai io Fa sscovered the sea continent (@)_ Dutch (0) Por 3) French (6) Engich wa oe (a) 1601 (b) 1602 oe 2, enya ae (a) 1664 (0) 1663 ise ee j Nawab of Bengal and Orissa? me the a) 1727 b) 1728 Bie 9) 19 2. Who became te Nawab of engtn 7 2 Raitoan @) Seteres () Retmontnen (3) nares 243, Who was commanding the army of Nei ‘Siaj.ue-Dahulah inthe Bate of Pasey ven betrayal wih Nawab resulted in the oe Bengal? (a) ir Sag (b) Mie Jar (@) Mir Ameen ()Nirkran 244, Who was installed on the throne of Beng iy ‘760, afler a successful revo apn Yo) Mea rs {3 vircsin—_() Ml 245, The war of Plassey was fought between: (9 Suedinlns rch b) Sattar Khan & Engh (©) Sajuddaueh &Engish (@) Allctthe above 246. In the war of Buxar in 1784, Mir Cas ws goaeiatehasct () Engl Bish 6 sie (8 ase 247. Towhom Ml Qasim dethroned in 1760? (2) Mi Sadiq (b) Mr Jafar @ Mirwos——( Mraren 248. What is the duration of Lord Cive's seo Govermorship in the Sub-contnent? @ 1785 ) 1765-67 (c) 1765-68 (@) 1765-69 248. Haider Ali was the ruler of (a) Agra (b) Maysore (@) Deni {3 esate 250. In which bate Haider All was defeated 2 forced to fiee from the battlefield? (2) Panipat ( adi Hanval (c) Maysore id) None of tes? Scanned with CamSx BBW aon of ae Albocane poplar name. pu Satan? POY Be (a) fateh 3) Fah Bahagu (6) Fateh ten {6} Halder Sant 252. Tpu Suan ascended he ene at Pane )eauta deen (3) Nayar 253. How many years Tpu Suen cule? () ieyeas yy yeas © tyes (6) 5 yeas 254, Tu Suton was a vigorous water but could sat achieve his ubmate ends doe othe Ear of hs Gon hen ht (2) Shi 1799) sthdune 1790 fe) Srauyi7e9 {Shamus 100 255, Name te Governor-General who etbishod the PemanenSetlerent in Benga (2) Low comalis")' Logipon {) towvivel (9) LoResang 25. ame be beta Voetoy of Ia, who intutes he Famine Code? (@) tere Cemwats () Lord pon {3 Coaviarel (9) LorReadng 257. Who remaed te tenperey Govenor of inde fom e510 (705 ("ate ans {5} Srdom tacprson {6 Welosey {6 Neneothese 258, Fem which yer to 1798, Sit don Shore femined he Govenar General of na? (1 eine {e itat (178) 258. i te peed of Ler Wetesly, tho Fourh a 2 Angle Maysore War was foughl Which great Musi eder was deested and ded in tis (2) Header Al (b) Tipu Sultan {@) Bahadur Shen —() Syed Atmed Wo remained the Governor General of India from 1805 to 1807? (a Gere Eaton) tod in (c)_ Lad Amherst Nene of these ign Governor Gener time-period in India is 1007-18137 (a) Lord Aucitand —(b) Lord Minto (¢) Witten Bentnck (6) Lord Hardings Who was the Governor General of India fem 1823 1028? (a) Legamnerst —() Lord Auchind (6) Wodtedngs —(@) Lod into ach of te folowing was the Governor Genero a fem 1088 s 2427 286 288 26. 28 70. mm, m2. 273. mm 6, @ Ganiioe 6 Endres tee ei re ae (a) 1891 g 1591 6 1791 (qd) 1391 (cre of te Subemtzent ate Ht (a) Svat Aas {Sean Hwa Mino war, founder of te movement of rosie Savane? rae, hod Sate ( Shaapracane (d) Data Ganj Bakhs Mat was he pupae tind atid uf I: nent by ore sea gen (} Tene Sone Soerment Basten san eernen {9 fowateen hen Sys Aad Steed mye wh mma Ponoatdact™ 8 ise G ten ln 1880, how many educational insttuions ware therein Calcut or Musims? (2) four (b) three (0 (@) one “Tu Mi as bom in: a) 1700 ) 781 (1782 i) 1763 ‘Fatal Tereok’ was stared inthe Subs content to demolish those traditions which were based on Stick Who started this ‘movement? (a) Syidhic est At Hai Shavitutah (c). Sheikh Ahmad Serhan (None ofthese When War of Independence was fought? es ar i) 1857 () 1457 The Queen's proclamation was read at a Darbar. Where tat Darbar was held? () Age () Dent (9 Catuta (6) Alahabad Pitts til came to be caled Pitts India Ac. Wien it was passed? a). 1782 () 1783 ) tee {3 i Scanned with CamS« oo a yi wh snes _—_ mo id [ac laa lec |ea |e [a |Mec | o ot. b [ez a [63a [64 c [65a [66 bd |67 b |68b |62a | 70 © te fee ee les fee ee fon fee feet Lee we fet [ee [es [ee fos [oe (ee fae aos [or [to2¢ | to3.c | 104b | 105. | 106.2 | 107.4 | 1082 | 109.2_| 110.2 wie |uze [ic [the [5a | wea [arc [ee | 40a | 1503 tsa | i620 | 153 [1540 [1550 | 1562 [157.c [15.0 | 159.b | 160.b toc | 1620 | 163.0 | 1640 | 165. | 166.6 | 167.¢ | 168.c | 169.¢ | 170.¢ wie [ib [ie [ime [175 | 176» [77 [1eb | 17. | 1808 vat. [1820 [103.0 [104.0 [105.0 [196.0 [197.5 [162 | 180.4 [190.0 fot.b [1926 [193.0 [1946 | 1956 | 196. | t97.b | 198.a | 199.6 | 200.6 zor.e [2022 | 20a. | 204.0 | 205.4 | 206.4 | 207.4 | 208.4 | 209. | 2106 [ab [226 [213d [214 | 25a [2t6b | 217. | 2186 | 2194 | 20 zie [za [2b [2b | 225.0 | 260 | 277.0 | 228.b | 29. | 230.6 zip [220 [2d [ama [725.6 | 2366 | 237.0 | 238. | 2306 | 240.8 za [2b [orb [240 [asc | 2460 | 247.b | 248. | 249.6 | 250.0 2st. [red _|25ab | 254.2 | 255.2 | 256.2 | 257.b | 258.0 | 259.6 | 260. 21.6 [62a | 26. [264.0 | 265.0 | 266.4 | 267.b | 268.0 | 269.) | 270.¢ zie [as [ae [ad | 75.0 [276.0 Scanned with CamSx FREEDOM MOVEMENT OF PAKISTAN FROM 1857 TO 1947 What was the Immediate cause of Reval of 1857 (War of independence of 1857)? (2) Anmexaton of Avadh onthe ground of ba govemance (0) Ineficient adnate machinery of the company (©) Growing suspicion among rave urs over Lord Dahousies poles of Doctine of Lapse (8) Greased Cartes “The vol of 1857 was supposed to have lated on May 31, 1857 as decided. But the Merut incidence led to eal breaking ofthe reve on, (a) May 10,1857” (8) May 17,1867 (©) May2t, 1857 (@) May 27,1057 Sent Secaty vane be moan wok ah Urs a Ur ah G} peBinte Undo (9) Mebicte Ue The Hind. Urdu controversy began in which year atbanzes? (a) 1887 () 1968 (1868 (6) 1870 hen Se Syed Ahead Kan weno Egan? (a) 1867 1968 (1369 (@) 1870 In which year MAO High School was established at Aga? (a) tes ga (@ 1873 1 ia gare str en 1868? aneeta ()aeter ne founded the Muhammaden Edveatonal Conference in 1886? (a). Syed Mahmood (b) Se Syed Ahmad Kan () Suth Numani (6) Syes Ameer a In which year MAO shook wes upgraded tothe status ofa colege? (a) 187 ) 1877 (187 (@ 1879 8 4 15 6. 1. AO coege was inaugurated (3) tae Becon Leyte {6} Cea asings (o) Loe Hating MAO Cotege became Univsiy inte yar a (a) 1918 ia ss {a} tae ‘The inden National Congress was founded on theiniabve of ey ei lea me {Sata Wo was AO, Hume? (}-Arered member of Ov Serice Govena Gener ofa ().Vieroy ein. (3) Memtr of ish Priament hen a Sara akan (2) 1830 ) ts) 1828 weg When Arya Samaj was founded at Bombay by Dayanande Saraswat? (@) 1875 @ i (1680 a) 1884 ‘Who was he funder of Shui movernent? (a), Dayananda Saasvat (nde c) Mol Lal (9) en Cope Yo apie rt seta of he Boat “rset Abgath {oy GhahyRetnata 2). Syed Mahmood 6) Syd Aa an (Sb uma Who ole an “Essays on the eof Muanena'? (a) Shah Wal eh 8) Sed Sulean Nasi ¢) Sr Syed Armed Kran (@) Gngiat Kran Who published he magazine Tehabul kg (a) Sr Syed Ahad Khan {0} Gudtu Mion (6). Mukammad At Johar {@) Mohammed i Shaat ded by Raja Ram Scanned with Cams ‘BE Foundation of incian National Congress by AO. Hume in fs) 1887 b) 1885 i) 1888, (a) 1892 21, When Anjumane-Himayatedstam established? ‘ 24" December 1864 was 25 Deoember 1664 25" Deoember 1654 27 Devember 1864 22 Who was et present of Aruman-einaya (2) Gaz khalia Hemesdad Din (0) Saku. Din (@) isamueoin (@) hsarue-Da 23, When Hasan A laid down the foundation of Sindh Madrassahulslam? (a) 1883 (1904 (9 1885 (a) 1866 24, Mrs. Annie Besant was avery ave member of ‘Theosopticl Socely in India. She belonged to when county? (a) eland (b) Usa (@ nda (6) France 25, ho nas te intr and conde of Faas (2). Haj Sharatutan (b). Gopal krshna Gokhale (@)_ Avanindra Nath Thakur (@) Bankim Chandra Chateree 26, When te Cental National Muhammad ‘Associaton was founded? (a) (877 () 1870 fe) 1880 (o) 1982 21. ‘lama abl was bom in Siok (a) stiNlovember 1277 (0) So tach 1057 ) November re (3) Sth November 1879 28, Mauna Muhammad Al Johar was bom (a) 1878 wy) 1877 (1882 (3) 1685 22. The Cental Natona! Muhammad Associaton was founded by (a) SeSayad (0) Wagers {¢) Nawab Saleem Uieh (6) Sapyad Ami Al 130. When Urdu Defence Associaton was founded? (a) Apa 1902) August 1605 fe) Ages t800 (@) Aen 1900 31. Winer Benga was Ged nto two provinces? (a). 16 Occbe, 1305 (0) 8 Desert 158 22, 38. 37 2. 40, 4 4 "e)_ 16 Seplember, 1906 (6) toAuqust 1960 Who sided Bengalina vo provinces? {a} Loe pen 2) coy Curzon fe} Lee Lningthow () Sirdames, What fe sionifcance of 18th Otte regeténg Bengal? = {a} is anor was announces 1) een of draws res {c) English was dedared as ofical an {6} None ofthese sad When lad he foundaton of A Ia Husn (a) 30h Qecember 1908 {8} Zam Deco: 108 {e) dat December 1508 {6} 25h Decomber 1608 Wet lid the foundaton of Al Ina Musi League? (gi a (9) Debi {@) Lahore Wino fst wrote the constton of the Musi League? (a) Sr Sayad Ahmad Khan {0} Malone Shout At (6) Modena tuner A oter {6} Nawab Samutan Who was the fs president of Al na Musin League? {@)Nanab Saoedx Zaman (0) Nawab Sleer-Uian (6) SrAgha khan (@) Nanab Higa The Headguarer ofthe A India Muslim League vas esabished a: (a) Chaka ) Lucknow (3) Algah id) Deli Wn led the Simla Deputaton? ‘Mama ighal fo) Sir Agha Khan (c) Ch. Rehmat Ai {d) Liaquat Al Kian When the delegation of Simla Deputaton met with the viceroy of Hind? (2) 9 Octobert906 () 20 October 1906, (2) Sed October 1907 (d) Ist October 1908 How many Muslim leaders were included in he Sila Deputaton? ) 37 ws ) 38 ) 81 In 1816, the Muslim League and the Congress elds jt session (2) Lutron (0) Debi (©) Bembay —— (6) Lahore Scanned with CamS« ‘FF ede Tu Ulema was estabished in vo F oy 6 es ean Sis Aner Al esa a Se shed Mus Leo ia i 0) 108 6 IS am tt 5 ten ed in eape a) iets 0 oo Gist i toe 1s, Mhooteted Fig of atonal agi? eo 3 eae Somer”) Sou ar Jala Bagh massacre coseden: ia tay ieee sade Bite 1020 (ay 1880 1, The Comoe which sbrited {Ebeashesced by — (o lowetercal Neh ) Sranr Lal News f} otal Nes {6} Bovetond Nenu 16, Niten the ft sesson of A Ina ius Libevewashels tara? {6 zi 25 December 005 ) 2 0ceber eos (6) 225 September, 209 {@) 2500 December 1807 50, Win was te Chaiman of fet sessen of Al IS sim League? (@)gradanjee Piha {8 SrAgtaknan Nawab Seem Uah {@) Rano Wogorut ti 51, no posed over te anual session 1818 of hus Leoque? (a) Guads-zam {o} ama oa ) Setomat St ) Srgha Khan 2. no was ald ne “True Abssador cf Hd Mustn sn? 6) Scones Si (3 betta And (6) taharad 88 Jah 52. When pation of Benga was annul? a) 1318 yt fe) 1310 ‘sit 54, Tec acta Lsknow pacts: (Wadena Shaka AE &) Quagetzan 6 Seaameat (6 PanatNeeu TH. The demand of coparale elsclrele wae inaprated n (9) eters Niniotlrey eters (India tt () Indi a 1618 6, nen he it meeting of at Commitee as hele? (a) 23 September 1918 ) 23May 1916, () 23 ay 1915 23Novenber 1919 87, Were waste Round Table Confrence el in tai? (2) London (0) Pais {9 deh (@) Geneva ‘58. ho was the major Muslm Leader who stonghy ‘opposed nen-cooperation programme? (@) Alama gba b) Quad (e) Aba Kalam azed squat Al Kran 59, When Quaid-Azam resigned from Congress? (a) 1925, b) 1922 (3) 1918 (1000 60. When Gandhi caled off Non-cooperaton Movement? (a) February 1922 (o) February 1921 (&) Ape 1819) March 1915 61. Inubich incidence 22 palce-men had been shut upin ahuge and burt ave by a frenzied mob? {@)Arestof Netru (0) Chau Chaura (@)_Jalanwala Bagh (3) Ares of Patel 62, In 1911 the capital of Inia was shifted from Calcutta to (@) Aga () Assam (q) Deti (a) Lahore 63. When the Home Rule League established in Inia? (a) 1913 () 1914 (1915 (6) 1916 64, The Goverment ofa tt 119 wat matty ased on {a} Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms b} Montagueinio Reforms (c)_Invn-Chelmsford Reforms (4) None of these 65, Which Act authorized the goverment, to imprison a person without tial and conviction? a) Rawat Act ‘Albert Bil (¢) Irn il (d) None ofthese 66, Jolianwala Bagh Tragedy was occurred when eope gure pecely i Ansar aast 2 b) Albert Bil (8) None ofthese (2) Rawiat Act (@) rwin git Scanned with CamS« 87. Offaly tow many people wore tiled in Jlianwala Bagh tragedy? i) Zapeone "(1 79peone C} ropeone {i} dropeie 68. The Simon Coniston sbniteiseptin be ) ies 68, When Poona Pact was ae (a}_ 25 September, 1983 (b)_ 25 September, 1934 6 25 September, 1935 25 September, 1932 Under Govt. of india Act, 1935 the elections for the rove legsltve Councis were el in (3) sama etary of 185 “anuary February of 1998 (0) January-February of 1937 (@) Sanvary-February of 1938 tat Day was cbsened in he Subnet @ 27 October, 1919 Bose ie beeen 185 (d) 25 September, 1905 72. Qusitezam preseid tis frou Foren fae (0) 1928 a 3 te (ts 78. One fevent appeal ef Muss, wen dt uatte-zam ene bak subcoinen om fee 8 1922 (bd) 1933 x 1 lo) 1935 (d) 1994 74, When Muhammad Ali Jinnah was given the tile of Quaid-eAzam? o) 1998 (2) 1935 (1925 (6) 1928 75. When Chaudhry Rehmal Al presented the name of Pakistan? (a) 1930 (o) 1932 (1931 (o) 1938 76, Allama Iqbal gave tis historical Presidential ‘Address at Allahabad (b) 1930 Gis ies TT. Who was the last ‘ey of india? a) Ladle (Lo umbaten (q) Lord Lintngow (4) Lord Hasting 78. The second Round Table Conference was held in (2) 1935-96 fb) 1930-34 (@ 1941-42 () 1931-32 7. 0. co 82 83, a, 8. ca a7 88, Ea “Ten te Fel Round Tate On London? (a) 1930 (o) 1235 (q 1940 (@) 198 ‘The third Round Table Conference held during the reign of Lord Walingtan Bongese ed nat tend Veron be ge te) 1sst {e) 932 (3) sa Pru: Rap wes publishes in he ‘ea {b) 1939 {2 tow tout ‘Musims celebrated tha ‘Day o Deliverance on (2) 2nd Docember 1939 {0}. 2sin December 1829 fe) 2h Decade 1939 (d) 23rd December 1939 Lahore Resolutions also known as {@) League Resoliion (0) Pakistan Resolution {c} Khilafat Resolution {8} None ot hese ‘The Pakistan Resolution was moved an (a). Zard March, 1940 b) 2a Marc, 1840 c) 14 Augus, 1947 (@) 6 Seplember, 1947 ‘The Paistan Resolution was passed on (@) 23rd March, 1940 (@) 2a Waren; 1940 (c}. 14 August, 1947 (@) 6 September, 1947 Who, presented Lahore Resolution on Zi Mac 82 iaquat Al Khan (b)_ Alama lal &} aktFoauti (@) Qian Who tanslted Paista's Resolution ino Ur? {a) Ch. ae z-Zaman {0} Hussain Shaheed Sunarwardy () Maulana Zafer Al Kran {d) Abdul Rab Nishtar When Pakistan Resolution was presented in 1940, who supported the same in 2 very effective wayimanner? (a). Sardar Aurangzeb {o). Abul Rab Nishi {c) Ch. Khaiquz-zaman (Hussain Shaheed Sunarwardy The Lahore Resolution was supported by Qazi uammad Ia fom the province of (a) Balochistan (D) KPK {e) Purjan (Sindh Name the Sindhi leader who supported EalsisResaiuion fom the prove in Scanned with CamS« 7 eae Gees /__ supported the Pakistan’s resolution, aaa be {@) Punjab {e) Sindh pega Fiat 8 ne cy A ieee See (eee pm ae reen"e es pa ee. © ese eae fh seater Fea lire ge Perec, * BS secmuumonerntcates i to erento 5, Wave! plan wich was ahi opposed by Quai e-Azam was presented on fe) 1944 (1948 (1945 (@ 1983 ar. Simla Confrence started on {a}. 24th June, 1985 (0) 24h June, 1946 (c}_ Zand Seplember 1945 (6), Zand September, 1948 98, When the Musim League joined the interim (government in 1946.,Liquat Ali Khan was ‘esigned the porta of (a) Foveign affairs (b) Home {@) Finance ——_()_Defence 98. Inthe elections of 1945-46 out of total Musi feals of 119, how many seats Bengal Musim tegue wor? (a) 114 o) 110 15 (9 13 400. How many members were nominated by Muslim League for he Inerim-Goverment? a) 5. re () 10 ) 15 401. Musi Leggue celebrated “Direct Acton Day on (a) Yoh August 1945 (b) 17h August 1945 7 hh (an nag 0 win 102. ¥ihen a atin (a) Masi Loa agst 7, 1986, Coober 1, 1845 re be conference of ferent pares was Ted to dseuse he Wael Pan? (2) tahore (@) Caluta (@) Smia {a} Berbay 404. Musims celebrated Vitny Day 27 (a). 1th January 1946 b} rh August 1945 i} temo }) tein August 1946 105m 1946 the mission sent by Bish government is caled (2) Spril Mission (b) Cripps lan {Seuss () Slaton 106, When the inion independence Bl was moved inthe Bish Pariament? Gy siy ioe so. 7 (G) 2uy 1947 (6). Buty 1967 107. When Cebnet Mission announced its pan on? ig) Nay 1986 (0) 16May 1955 fg) 8 aay 1880 (6) 16 ay 1895, 108. How many members were nominated by Muslim {eaque for he inten Government? 5 ee @ 0 @ 8 108. The inten Government of India was organized under the lesership of (Q isigtem Jawahar Net le) Gandhi (a) MR Jayakar 110. The Cabinet of Interim Government ook oath on (a), 2nd September, 1943 (0). dnd Seplomber, 1944 (gma Setome tte (2nd September, 1946 411. The Radelife Line, the border between Union of India and Dominion of Pakistan is reveled on (@) 12h August 1947 (o) 14th August 1947 (mde a () 19h August 1847 112.Who was the chalman of | Boundary Commissions of? (a) Abbot Radcliff (b) Cy Radel } Norman Radcif (4). Sir Radel 113. When the Lord Mountbatten was sent athe last ‘Viceroy and Governor General of India? (a) Nar 987 eae {o) May, 1947 (@), June, 1987 Scanned with CamSx TWitadecan wa eon has be fat Governor-General ef Pakistan a: (a) 18 august 187 (0) 15° August 1847 {e) te augut 947 (6) sre august 1997 115. India and Pakistan form soparateindopendet- arson on {e)" toh Aust 1947 (©) 11m august 1947 {6} 12m August 1847 (G)_ tam august 1967 116. Who took oath rom Governor-General Cust ‘em? (@) dustce Abdur Rasheed R) sete he ames istee Son 117. ¥ha tok ot om Piva Mise aga 4g on (3) Justice Abdur Rasheed f} skeeAzam fe) dusoe un Ried Ibstes Shan On 1 la eit stort alan ag (aad Salim ah Khan ) oniknesqu zaren veo Were Naa Hots Mk 8 ustice Patel ANSWERS [petoa tea lea lee [oe [ze fe» fo» Tos [re Tae [xe [ee fe [ea [me [ee [oe [wy [aa [oa tae [es [oe lee ime [ea lad [me [se [2p [ae [ee [se [oe [ae [ee [seb [aoe [ae [2a [oe [ue [aa [ee la» [ac [ad [sa [ace [sa [sud (ob [55b [566 [oz [58 » [oc [ea [erp /e2c |exa [os a lesa [66 a | 67 b [68d 16.4 | 7 ¢ [te |72 2 |73¢ [74 > [75 ¢ [76> [7b [78.6 17a [aoe sta [ez le» [ea [65 » [06 c ler ec ea (00 9 |e a sie [22 [oe [oe [sc [oc [os [o¢ foe (te ora [ioe [se fre [ose | 1060 [tora [1082 | 126 [Hos nine [ib [a [ree [rs¢ [nea [ib [tap Scanned with CamS« a 01 what date dd ho Ouida Ram toss ‘he Constuont Asse for to rt ne? (a) 10 august 1987, 41 August 1947 {eh August 1947 (G) 25 august 1047 AS Who was the fist President ofthe Consent a. 2. %. 2. io Gla einton Css mae 2 En. one oe Beer Ian» When the fst consititon of Paistan was cenorod? (e) Zid macy, 1956 b) 2a Mare, 1958 6) Bia. () 26m narch, 1956, Fist mein wich Constatin Paistan was ecard Republic? gis om ld) 1982 () 1988 uoidzam was appointed as Governor SSenerai of Pakistan by he (@) Referendum {e) Elecon (king (None ofthese How many members of fist Constiuet Assembly were there? () 67 ge On (69 How many years the tst Consuent Assembly lee i. a) 5 4 What waste offi language decae in 1956 Seren? : (@)_ Urdu Bengal § divesn Bags Who abrogated tne Constuon of 1956 (3) Ayton) Yaya tan (©) Tikakhen (8). Sikander Mirza \When the 1962 Constuton came int fore? (2) SJune 1952 (0) 18 June 1952 (©) 0dune 1962 (6) 26 June 1962 When Mariel Law of Ayub abolished? ee ive 2 6) m0. 1 Gears &) Ramee a 31 2. 38. a7. 2. 40 08 kee Yo‘jaetn fy tomes Bee wns Potn ot be ttt ty tan cot 9) Stroma cout Py Se Jodo Couch stot sore tinen the Cente! ASSERY pny dan Resse (o) 12 (toon Gy February 1948 (b) March aye (apa 1949 (3) Maren 1043 ‘Who was te est Vice President of Palit (o), NurulAmia {b) Cn, Fazal Eli {c)_ Hussain Shaheed sherawardi {9} None of hese J took ovr te ron of the county wg Tepes’ atl law" Ta Palisa "3 Saber 5s? (a) Ghlam Muhammad (b) Skinder Mirza Satie Inwhich yer HS. Suharwary vised Ch ay 93h O) 1958 6 ts (@) 1089 The Objeties Resolution means betes rh ee Pats wie eng (b) Objectives on which hee constuton was tobe based fg, Geeta Pasan None of tese Accocding 1 the fst report BaP Commie’ t'whom the Prime Mero bameveair a)" Lower House (0) Upper House {3 vesdctsne (3 Sopase Who was france minister in Kava ‘ud-Din's cabinet? : sees (a) Zafarullah Khan | Chund C) Muhammad A Boga (d) Ghulam Muhammad ‘When the Mohammad Ali Bogra presented te third draft constitution in the | assembly? (a) 7th October, 1953 {b) 8th October, 1953 (©) 9th October, 1963 (9) 10th October, 1953 ‘The greatest achievement of Muhammad AS Cabinet "was the esleblshment. Scanned with CamSx ‘—Palisian Act that amalgamated te prownces 4 2. 4 4. 48. 9. 5 Inioone. Menten the date? (a) 28th September, 1955 (0) 23h Seplember, 1955 fc) 30th September, 1955 (@) 31st September, 1855 When, Governor-General convened the 2nd ConstiventAssembiy? (o) May 1955 (b) Apr 1055 (e) uy 1955, (3) June 1055 ‘The 2nd Consent Assembly was consisted of (a) GSmembers ——&). 60 members (¢) SOmenbers —d)TOmenbers Under the Constulon of 1956, how many seals were reserved for women in East Pakistan? 7 ) 4 1 wat oy yo EOS gaa er ee ES i a ge gk Pe eco ayy Bald (9) mentee) SB ments (9 7members 88 members How many members of fist consituion assembly from East Bengal? (2) 43members ——{b) 44 members (© members (6) 48members Number of the members of fist Constivent ‘Assembly was increased from 69 to (a) S9members—(b) 68 members () 79members (4) 89members How many members of fst conituton assembly fom West Pakistan? (2) 35menbes (6) 37 members (9 Smembers —(d) 36menbers Wen Second Constivent Assembly adopted fest constitution of Pakistan 19567 (@) 19 February, 1956 (0) 24 February, 1956 53. 58. sr. 2. Ci 6, On ic da, saga a coup deat? (a) 4h October 1956 (b) Sh October 1956, (c) Sh October 1956 (G) Th October 1356 Who abrogated the 1996 constitution? (a) Az Ahmad () Iskandar Mirza {6 tltannad yu kn (@) None of ese We imposed martial law in 19587 () Ae Arad S) fnartica 6) Mohammad Ayub Khan () None ofthese Who sppdinted General Mohammad Ayub ‘Khan asthe Chet Maral Law Administrator? a) kandar Mirza (0) Aziz Ahmad le) YahayaKnan —() None of hese ‘Who was appointed as Secretary General and Deputy Chie Marta Law Administrator? (@) Azz Ahmad Iskandar Mirza Mohamad Ayub Khan (@) None nese General Mohammad Ayub Khan appointed 2s, ‘he Prime Minister of Pakistan on (2) 21 October 1958, (b) 24 October 1958, (27 October 1958, (@) 290cober 1958, Iskandar Nrza deposed on (2). 23 Oclber 1958 (bo) 24 October 1958 (c)_ 25 October 1958 (d) 27 October 1958 What age was specifed for the head of the slale— president inthe Constitution of 19627 (2) 40 years (b) 35 years (@) 30 years (@) 33years How the president was tobe elected aocordi to he Consituton of 19627 (a) byelectons (0) byNatonal Assembly (9) byof Senate members (@) None of these How many members were there in the Natonal fssembly according t0 the Constuion ‘of 88 8 8 Scanned with CamSx 52 Tiow many seas were reserved foto warn in Natoral Assembly seeotdng) 10 he Constuton of 19627 pe (5 ee i 6 63. How many seats wore resened for Inlet, nominate bythe goverment. it the atonal Assembly n Consiuton of 055? () 10 8 ©) 6 5 64. Under the Constitution of many geals wore reseed for he wow, in the Nabonal Assomiy? ) 8 i) 4 ge ae 65. Wo became Natl Law Adnnistatar of Palm ator yan {@) Gener Yelyarbon 8 Sonera Tata Hoan [General shan (6) General Rehen 66 Who romulgaed he “egal Framework Bees ai (Agha tnanead Yatya Kan eons (Tas nen oc 87. Dung be Bhuto er when the Maral law wasifed tome contyt () Saon 873) 14 apse {6 ieapaiore {3} isapacre 68 When the Natonal Assembly apcied 9 cenmites fr prepaing. at Corson (a aon ee) 18a00 172 @ wAmise (saute 62 Who. was appoined. the head of the Consfituent Assembly, during Bhutto era? (@) Nara rasa | Aad ater Pade ¢}Moeen Gueshi (6) SM Zafer 70. Dusting hut ue when the Consent Conmite presented the craft conttton before National Assemoly? (a) itera 1972 () afer 7 c) Sd Febrary 1972 (d) 41th February 1973 71. When the 1973 Constitution was enforced? (a) deus 673)" aut 73 (©) ‘Saugus 1873) 2 Angust 189 72 Which kind of system of Goverment was ‘nvoduced inthe 1873 Contin? (2) Presiental” (0) Patlanentary 1. 1, 15. 6. 7 8. 83 Mino se er czrdng he fy even {3 Charman of Senat pocading '0 the 1973 Go cst mute sin, (2), Senatetiatonal Assen {0} Seneto {6}. Senate 2 Natonal Assembly 1d) Rone ofthese ion the tem for the present prescteeg IneCoratiion 3732 (@) 8yeas (0) Syeas (6) Syees (Aya cho the fling resticon was imposed in pean 119 Contant {@)" resent shouldbe of 55 years (8) Present cannot be electe for moe than two tems (2) Presiden! shouldbe of 85 years (G)_ President cennot be eleced for mare then thee terms Wo elects the Prime Minister acorsing to the CConstuton of 1873? {@)_ National Assombly (0) Senate (President (6) None of tese The prime minister and is cabinet is ‘esponsbe to: {@). President (Senate eo) Natonal Assembly (@) Nene of these ‘Whose ofce is excluded from the paament? (2) President ()) Prime Minster (©) Chaiman of Senate(@). Speaker NA In partamentary system of Government wo is ete fect ahr? (2). Present (0). rime Mister {6} National Assembly (¢).Senatz, Aocoring fo which ace of 1873 Constuten, the Federal Goverment is composed of Prime Minster and his cabinet? (a) Ate sp (b) Ais 85 (9) Article 80 (@). Ace 75 ‘Aer how many days of general elections, Bim minister is elected, according to be ‘fginl Constitution of 19737 (2) 40 days (0) 35 days Bae Sia Invwich constuton of Pakistan the camer legislature wes provided forthe st me? (2) 1956 (b) 1962 (9 1987 @ 1973 Scanned with CamSx BL What age was specifed fora paren, w he 6 Fe a. ®. 0. a, 8. Consitution of 1973, who wants to'bo {re member of Parliament? aos (a) Notess an 35 years {9 Notessthan Jens {e) Notes than 3 Jeo {@) Noles than 35 Joos Terese pois apron quite 2 tie oft. Supena Gout Wt te cee (eerie farm ‘Appeals from judgments and orders in Hudood gat om ders in (@). Federal Shaiat Cour High Court c) Supreme Court (Spec Courts When East Pakistan was seperated tom Pakistan? 10th Dec. 1971 Gr imoe iar ) iSmoe: tert (tans tt The defeat of Pakistan in the war of 1971 raced te ay, So Yahya Hho et he veriment by handing overpower to a) General Fale Elan ib) ZA Bhutto {e) Iskandar Nirza (Gd). None Bhutio replaced Yahya Kan and became the President of Pakistan on (2) 18060 1971" (0) t9Dec.1971 (©) 20Dec 1971 (6) 21Dee. 1871 Menton the yearn wich Bhutto became the fora minster of Pakistan? at ) 1958 1963 i} 1866 ‘Which political party got mor inthe general lectons of 19777 (a) PNA (bo) PEP ae {6 Pe During Zia era who had the authority to ban tre palel pany? oy oman fos 6 met oe ee re" 9 we oe Be The elections of 1983 to the foal bodies were held on the nonpary basis, Whal was the term of ese instutons? (a) Syears ( dyors (©) 3yea () yeas 9%, @. 9. %, 100 101 102. 104, Fao wah PrP" ti Beas syean BiG Skee Name the US ambassador to Pakistan who ashi wth Genera Za in C-120 plane? (2) Arnold Raft (0) Mayo fe) Walingdon (6). Hastings Where the plane C-120 crashed on 17 August, 1908? (a) NearBahawelpur (o) Near shore (6) Nearlslomabad (6) NearMuten ‘fer te death of General Zia, who became ‘he acing President of Paistan? i) Ghulam Mustela Jat b) rs Aslam Bag {e). Ghuiam shag Kan (a) Waseem Sajad ‘When the elections for National and provincist assembles were held 19887 (a). 10m ana 11m November ) man ep norenter (} ath and 1h November () 16h and 19h November When a ful scale war broke out on the West Pakistan Inga border and Kashmir Valley? (@) SdNovember 1971 b) 4th December 1971 (o) 2 December. 1971, (6) November 1971 Who was elected fist Chief Mister of Gigi Balisian? (y Weta teh at sha (e)_Sejd-Sheh——(d)_ Nawaz Shah Aol to le api ay cat i coe canes 8 ate wns {c) Civil Judges: (@) Alofthese Te Gwen as etd Fete cgay. sist (seston name ner tce ‘rege aerate Le 6) Edsall shies Edam Mo spy he escent mi eyue traf atoca’ dae torn nieay ‘Scene Tes eara chet Sn teas Bites =f) fies Scanned with CamSx 705 When Pena’ Mushral look over the responsi of goverment Toot Nawaz Sva's Goverment? : {oy 10 cuore {8} Stwcobertovo 6) 120caber 1999 6) {So cccbrts89 108. Aer the end of Benazir goverment when ciecens wena (a) 24 Ccoer 1500 fe) 25 October 280 (3 Bester fe () 27 Oaaber, 260 ‘fer sckng Nowez_Shaifs goverment which the oving cce Pea Hashana tok ehinset sisi (=) Present 10) Prime ister {6} Che Wart Law Administer {6} Chet enbve When fist general eecons were el ding Pena Musharl ign? (a) 13 October 200%" 0) 19 ccopr 2002 (©) t0Cetber 2002. {6} 50 Gciober 2002 Wen Pervez Mushara tok cat fr tis cond five years te? {ay teNoverber 202 (0) 20November 202 {o) 10Novenber 2002 {6} 18 0cober a000 The fateh ste removed toms ofc in Pasetan (2) Justice har Muhammad Chaudhri B ste Jasim Hasan Shan () ‘07. 108. 108, 110, ‘Justice Saad Hussain (d) nonecr he above Wich amendment has ceased the powers of the President to. disove the Natonal Assembly? ae @) 12 ie) 148 (@) 168 Eighteenth amendment sboshed which arile Osea.” 9e9 @) Y 8 8G) fh fee The Senate sa continuous body Its members aedkctedtoaiemal (a) 4 years years 8 aieas 3 Ntmertee 114, Halfo them (Senators are relied ater ever: (e) 2yeas dy (6) 4 yeas (d) Syeers ‘8th emendment was passed on (2) tet Ape 2010 (0) 19.Apr 2010 (6) 20m Ape 2010 (¢) 25 Api 2010 Mt 112 these 113 118, aT a7. 118 18 100. 124, 122. 123. 128, 126, 128. Tahaan et lnary 21 {0) Sh Joruory 201 eth ara 2081 (6) Zam Jonas 201 20h sentient as passed on ia sao Feary 2012 S| em eens 2012 6) dan Feousry 2012 (6) Zan Fetus 2012 Nano the fit female spesker of Hato! Aunty of atta for fgets tem {6} Fehmescatirza (8) Amn Fahim Yen Goer Yaya ssumed te Sueme Saemsnde he ames crs 286? (a) 0hMarch— (O) Ist March (@) IstApd (0). 2nd pei ‘no was the founder of Pakistan Peeples Paty? (a) Moira maid (t) Fade Eiht (@) Zager Al Shuto {6} Ghulam istte ti ‘On whose shoulders the ture of Pakisten had forestier he electors of 170? (@) PP (Aaa rope {6} Bom ottese (Nene hate Wen goverment of Pkistn conceded before the supreme cout that tt consiered lise itkhar Muhammed Chaudry 2 the (a) feat aon) 27 Aor 2007 a i z ()_ 24m Ap 20076). 27h Api 2007 Full bonch of Supreme Court gave his vert. cn presdetals rternce “against Chat dsioe of" Pakistan iihar Muhammad CChaughy on (2) 20h July 2007 fo) 26th July 2007 (@) 2am Juy 2007 (a) 25 duly 2007 A slanding committee was established for resloration of judges on (isto am (9) Pasion ae (0) 2d Api 2008 2ath Ap 2008 Supreme Court ordered to disqualify the Yusuf Raza Gilani as Member National Assemtly NA) of Pakistan on ) (ene 012 15.June 2012 (2) 18une 2012 (6) 19.une 2012 0,1 se, 2012, Becton Conmisn : akistan (ECP) issued notification to disqua Yosut Raza ‘Glens Member abona Assembly (MNA) of Pakistan with effect from (a) Apa 16,2012 (b) Apri 26, 2012 (@) Apri 23,2012 (4) Apri 26,2012 Scanned with CamSx T peooming the fst Prime Minster of Patistan who Is convicted by the Supreme Court on a Ta OE Toumif Raza Glo made Nsiory today by TC Nalonal Faso of Parstan on 2 uy 2008 fan il 2016 aid rotecton of Paki srpeS Sint te aban No milary offensive against the vies nie — ngs By fz, 202” (Ape 26, 2012 Micron Te re ys {6} apm 2mm, 2012 (6) ap 26m, 2012 (9) Twoyeas ( Foyoos ai ime Mister Gla wos found guy fr 19. ch coi beames tat assole CERN pret of cout, over esl iS eby a Wn ct et her Rese!) sae wie be ars n Suet freer tam as? Sf sarons or yeaa) ina Secs acne tee (6) apa (2) Beecons (6) Gdswcon 435 Under tich_ amendnent. Speci itary 1 Whois 2 Pine Mier Paksan? ous a ebiceam Pakion? (a) Doctor Abdul Malik (a) 21 ) 17 Bekins G2 Ae (c) Shahid Khakan Abbasi ”> Caretaker Prime a G Saeioaar Ae 19. Mp, coat Pe ite 50, mh enaaent wes psteden (ee a Na ay ioe sgn 018 B) 19 tay 018 {Sioa an abs @ Sintayaris(@ antlyatia (Suis ts ti 431. Special military courts are established under (d) Mian Shahbaz Sharif SACHS i pele) Nt © sie Nasa ak took oth on 1 une é nie (a) tyears: (b) 2years: 138. imran Khe took oath as Prime Minister of sje News Patonon tsa. TH Det there ate Now many Coens bh fou 2018 Ereranens nade 574 cohen tenant 18 Pour? ) tamaagst 2018 ae 2 G tanagunt 18 (9) 2 (g) 19 439. 26th amendment was passed by National 188. Operon Zateetan wes launched by he Aesatyen Pakistan Armed Forces on (a) 1300 April 2019 (b) 19 August 2019 Griese ames SSmaty sors (@) Zhu 20t8 isiinezte (arin ate ASHER fi. Lala [4 es [oe [tee [8 oe jere 10-5 Tectia 113 a [14 | Sa] 16. bP, af 18, | 198. ef Oe galas (we tee ee tee tee tes 30. e ote [ue [se ob [aa [on [ee Loe te tee tue [5c [ae fe [ob [oe Tene ete le bps ek a [orb [68g [6a b fen a Sites [ab [esa [esa [ora [os a [exp [mp trees me [ee |e» [> [ree [72 [oe Tez ee. ¢ [ea [ea [e652 lod [ea [aoc |ooc re Tee [ob es b [ose oz onc [oa a [toe yore [103 104d |105¢ | 106.2 | t072d | r0x¢ [10.2 [108 Tecie Tae tee tee [ize [ree [ted | 106 ete [ie [sé me ore [ma [me [ie aeelise Lie Tike [es [re [ee [nee Scanned with CamS« 10 tt 12 13, 14 GEOGRAPHY OF PAKISTAN ‘Whats the total area of Pakistan? (2) 78906 sai (78,08 san (©) 798,094 sqm (d) 799,097 sqkm ‘Name the area which separates Pakistan from Cental Asian States 9 roo) ae (©) Khyber Pass (d) None of nese ‘The atea Baluchistan makes up per oent of Pakistan; @ 43 () 50 (@ 2 (6) 34 Land stated between two vers is known: (a) Doab (kta (9) Desert () Bar ‘The cimate of Pakistan is most refered as (2) Hotand dry (o) Hot and moist {6} Cold and dry) None of hese In which province ofthe Pakistan there is no desert? (@) KPK (b) Baluchistan (9 Sindh (a) Punjab Winch desert of Punjabis the continuation of he ‘Thar Deset in Sindh and Rajasthan Deser in India? (2) Chotstan —(b). Thal (@) Kraren (6) None ofthese ‘Whats the total area of Punjab? (2). 128,122sqkm (o) 210232.sqkm {6} 205344sqm (A) None of ese In which province of Pakistan, the desert of Thal (a) Puls (2) Sth i) Pui ce (6) Baluchistan ical Pein peated (2) ease (b) South Asia 8 Genvaase (i) Made East Wai the ota area of Sah? (2) 294ne qin (0) 138592 sghm {2 Wassosaum (@) oot sgkm Wai the area of Balutitan? (3) er tsosqem (0) 228.190 sqhm {e) Sestansahm (3) 286160 qhm Whats the tare of WEP? (a) 75,464 sqkm — (b) 75968 sq km (8) faset sain) 74968 km ‘What is the total area of Islamabad? (@) 906 qh (e) 9659q km 18. 19. a, 2 2B. 2. %. 2. em 1 seme 8 ‘28572 sq km —(b) 27,220 sq km (c) 26325 sq km i aa 'sqkm (a) 24°N Pea) (b) Fa Fans ees ateue @ sebe {c) 66°10 78.8°E (d) 8 Sir Radcliffe ine (d) None of these @ tec @ cece Wats the toa length of Pek-China boundary Gf me @ etme fetes Sie steep ate Geib @ eats 8 Pakistan & Afghanistan b). Pakistan & ran (o)_ ran & Afghanistan (d) Russia & Pakistan \Wich province is known as "Bab-utslam? (2) Punjab (b) Sah (} Batctiston (8) KEK Pakistan China border treaty was signed in which year? Q 3 (ts (c} 1964 (¢) 1983 Balt Fort, a symbol of Traditional Architecture is located in fy i {) Kashmir c) Lada (3) Hunza Whats the largest tbe of Bajaur Agency? (2) Tarkanai "—”(b), Mamund (2) Utrmanknet (4). None ofthese Wats the total area of lamabad? (2) 606.50 km? 708.50 km? {e) 80650 Kn? 08.50 kn? OUAIIIEU WILT Lat 1ot eee eee HCW 6 We a ar a Patra bay —— ie? (3 S95knelers 0) 685 domes {§ stioetes (} enstacoas aa, Tol Sona Netona Pat saad ear Oca fl Rese {8 Rimdpercon (3) Bee kage 40, Palin's plans ae died ina two (i) Thee {2 Fo {3} Fe 31, Tepper nds plans em ata By Sea {6 trong (3 han 42, The upper nds plan ends at Oe en @ kowos (3 Thats 46, Te ners pln stats fom (a kaon 1) atan @ kee (3 hata 14, Desa of Past starts fom wlan!) Modan @ kwon (3) Thao 438, Presely, ow many areas have been declared a8 Nal Parks in Paistn by government? fq) 2 4 @ 8 @ 7 38, The llamabadis located atthe fot of? Gg) Kalorama (ans (@) KetnarRange (€) Marga Hills ST, Which port is the hub of Pakistan's entre fecanomso acts 2s 98 percent ofthe entre foreign ade is conducted tough ths port? (Gaver For (Kara at (@ Bnei (d) Nonecf ese 38. Gorath Hill Staton of Kithar Range is located 2). atu ) Thatta fd) Hydecabad © () Nawab Shah 58. Wat isthe total length of Pakingia boundary line? {a} 1610Kiometers (b) 1670 kiometers (@) 1810Kiometers (d) None ofthese 40, Wats the total lengh of coast of Pista? (a) 1020im = (b) 1046 km (9 1095im = (é)1126km 41, Pakistan is connected through Sik Road wit (2) India (0) China {Afghanistan (6). None ofthese 42 Wich ste largest desert of Peistan? (2) Thal (o) Thar (@) Cholsten (a) Naren 48. Which is located in noth and noth east of Pakistan? (@) ken (India 1 Gina (6) Mihariston 44, ‘Wiican in eas of Pita? fo Agnnsen (0) Ca @) tan (s) India 45, Mactara National Paris Located inthe (Bann) eh ) KEK (Gd) Bead hash 48, Which dost often called ne Friendly Desert? (a) Threat (oa Oe (6) KraranDesert (@) Hone of¥ese 47. The word. Chosian Is derives from "Chana hich means kewe —) S (Stem. (3) Poon 48, Where the Cuningham Clek-tower is stuated? fe fansan sana () Hangu (@) Mansetra 49, The Kharan Qaser, also known Iocaly as the “Sandy Desert, ocated in norhwest of fa) Balochistan (B)Punjad i) eK (@) Sign 50, 4.624 millon hector area of Pakistan is covered by fests eh i the ofthe total lend ea? (a ase o) 52% i) 45% (a 47% 51, Juniper Forests. the second largest, Juniper Terai inthe world (aor Calfrnia, USA), some as old a 5000-7000 years are localed (a) erat (ga sen (6) Chhanga Manga (@). Sibi 52. Where are the largest man made forests of Pakistan located? (a) dat (0) Nawab Shah {@)Chhanga Manga (a). Sibi 58, Which slocatedin South of Pakistan? (den Gozen (da ) China Russia 4, Which the hotest place n Pakistan? (a) Sibi {b) Kashmor {e) Jacobabad (6), Mianwali 55, Which i the smallest bal Agency of FATA in term of aca? (2) Kryber—(b). Bajaur () South Waziristan) Mhmand 56, hich th largest Tia Agency of FATA in 7 area? Bae ey kiyber (0) Bajaur {2 Sol atistn@) and 57. ven te smalest Titel Ageny of FATA n {erm of Population? Daca 5) Sejaur {3 Solcrsan() iene Scanned with CamS« BE Which is fe largest bal Agency of PATA term of Population? (a) Khyber (0) Bau {@) South Wazsstan(a) Wtmand 58, Which of following places is the ranist of Pann? (a) Maree ft) Rowand (3) Keachi —(@)- Cue ANSWERS fae a seas] Gayest acai Goe ose ie ee ease be ae bas |e bea Td ae [ors [ae | [bos Ts Ta Sa [ae [es [ib [es ee Tb ab [ae be To a [as [aa 1b #3 180-91 5]-a 1526 Sia [Sc 1 55-6 sé [Sb MOUNTAINS, GLACIERS & PASSESOF PAKISTAN 4. The highest peak of Karakram Range (2) Parr (e) Nango Peat ( Ke {a} Ratepst 2. Kdisaso Known as: a) Goodwin sin (0) Broad Peak (3 Rotenbeat” (} Sokeen 3, Whats he eight of Tc ic peak? (oes) 7 res @ feromtes() TeiOmets ‘4. Watis the height of Nanga Parbat peak? (a) 8118metes—(b). B125meles (@) b185meters (6) 101 meters 5. Whatis the total height of K-2 peak? (@) e610meler (0) 8840 meter (6) 8611 meter (@) 8691 meter 6. Name the Glacier which i located in Karakoram ‘mountain ange? (@). Sechen, Hispar(t) Batra, Biafo (6) Chogo Lungma f) Allo above 7, Thehighes peak af the Kohe-Sufid ranges, @) Stes (San (@) Broad Peak —().Rekaposhi Wich ishe highest peek of Himalayas range in (A NangaPatat (@) Repost (a) Nanga Pata a G) Seatren (3) Ratpesn p 13. 4 5 46. 1. 18. 2 B. (a) Hispar {2} siacren (8) Batre Name the range which sevarates Patio ‘Aghanisia? fe eas ah ange S) nls Regs Pardons {G Saioan ange 10 hott iloig ment pak ced is oon? {a}. NangaParbat (0) Pamir (9 2 (8) Pakaposhi Vitis he total length of Siachen glace? (@) Sahm {b) 74m (@ Tsk (6) 7254m Baloo glace is siated inthe mounzin ange c ) fariron 0) Sign facets, (3 msoyes The wea btvaen Tha Jan Bal Hs Tee Ree nda o Seon outan ce famieee dy ey caters cba Rance 8 eheelinan (3) Kone Sued von many mown pats in Pkian ctl Be vende ie pats) mt 2 13 @ 4 Name igest itn Hn Kush eee yaar G) iiteveres {6} Mange Pama ow many pets Pan ae he en Sttonedt gs 3 ) 8 (2 ‘The highest of Koh-e Sulaiman range is fa) Tifehic 2 () Takhti-Sulaiman(d) Sakar Siachen glaciers located in he regen of (aoe (b) Chiral (0). Stara (3) Balistan \Whichis he highest peak of Pakistan? (@) Pamir (b) Nanga Paroat (9 k2 (6) Rakepesti ‘Wiichs the secon highest peak ofthe war? a co {Banga ) K2 (@)_Rkapost Which range separates China rom Pakistan? (2) Hind Kush Range 5) Pai Ran le) Himalayas Benge 3) Kaakoran Range Scanned with CamSx ojos Sop = z jo" heron “a ‘en oe Fon tag fs) tna 1s. Wien Pas comets ral wth Gig ome fl Sharla Bass { kandPass (2) Spgs 15. Win Pst th highest Pes of Pt (3) erage Pace) aisare a ( esogePass (3) foomaes oss 27 Which of he flog pss comets Br vide 6 pas comers Dr ad juawePss —() atu Pa (yas (2) olan Pass Daragai Pass 28 Which of the folowing pass connects Sin Pian wi Gueta? P28 Comets Sindh (0) Boroohil Pass (0) ik Pass {Kan Kun Pass (6) Bolan Pass 28, which afte folowing pass connects Chil wit {@) Barogh Pass (0) Mote Pass (6) Muziagh Pass (@) Darah Pass <0. Which ofthe foloving pass comets Dera Isa Khan with haan ghana? (oma pee) En ae (:) GomalPass (@) TochiPass 31. Which ofthe folowing pass connedts Gila ‘Abdul with Cheman? (a) Mirtakaass (0) Khoiak Pass {6} Doren Pass (@). Muzigh Pass 32. Which pass inks Quetta wth Si? (Heras ("Sin Fase (9 TeciPass (6) ZojLaPass 53. Which ofthe folowing pass connects Mardan wih Malakand? (a) Gomal Pass (0) DagsiPass (©) TochiPass —(d) Oocah Pass A. Whic of te floing pass comets Peshawar wi Kabul Afghanistan? (an Pass (Gone Pass (6) Lawai Pass (¢) Khyber Pass 45, The most wellknown and wel-vaveed pass is be iyi Pass. ial ie ng of yee 288? (@) S3kiometer —(b). 54 klometer (9) S6kiometer (@)_S8klometer 58. Which pass connects Graznin Afghanistan wit Baomsln Pakistan a) Knyber Pass n Pass (Q Teeees” Canalo [7 Which of te folowing pass connects Abbotabad and gt? (@) BabusarPass (b) Tochi Pass (6) BolanPass (6). Dargai Pass 5B, Vic of the fallowing pass connects Peshawar wih Chival? i) anand Pant fy Daas Pa {G Sdents (2) Baca ‘ANSWERS i se a fei ee Paces eee | Wa eee 1d ate fae ieee ee [a-s—ta-¢—tarb eb 3b 18d 1c | a tss— RIVERS & LAKES 1. Indus Basa Wer Teay was signed beeen Patan ar el Seembar 2, which be he layed te le clan erediary? Me fe) ews Bare () UNicer {a} UNHCR 2. nen ndus Water Teay was signed? (9) Teh tae {ah Sepebe 182 {G) fon Seconbar 75 (@) None of ese 2. Under Indus Water Treaty which svers were gen tingar (a) Rovere Beas {0} Indus, hem and Chena ¢) Ste Rav and Sess Noneolhese 4. Under indus Wale Treaty the vers given to Patan ae indus nelum and Chena ‘nds and le) av ana Beas {8} None ttese 5. Which ofthese rivers is NOT a major eer of Palas? (Chena) Rav (@) aw (@} Indus 6 Chena River isjcined by the Jhelum River at (@) Winan Kot (2) Maktan Coast, (3 Timms {@) That 7. Sie River tows through Indian Punjab ia trem nda ts sources in Tibet near (Meat ash) acon Case fc) ) Asin india None of hese 8, Which is the largest fresh water lake of Pakistan? a. (c) SatParaLake (6) None ofthese 9, Manchhar Lake is found in (a) Thattadistict (b) Khushab Disict (6) OaduDistict (4) None ofthese Scanned with Cams 0 1. Famous Lake Saiful Maukis stualedin (3) Zarat () Swat () Batistan (6) Kaghan ‘Thelargest Lake of Pakistanis {e) Sifaa G) acre (©) Manchhar (4) None of these 12, 13. 18. 19. Ea a 2 In which Distict of Punjab Kallar Kahar Lake is sated? (@) them () Chall (c) Sargodna (a) Mianwalt Kebul River is located in hich Province of Pakistan? (a) Baluciston (8) Pura () KP.K () Singh “hob and Mula vers are ated in 8 ‘Baluchistan —(b)Potwar Plateau (c} Salt Range (@) None of these “The Indus River es om (a) China g Tibet {3 Jammu @) Nepal Which ig the longest wer of Baluctistn Province? (2) Bolen (0) Hingt (6) Dasht {@) Pubehen SSoan and Haro are famous vers of (2) Pottwhar Pateau (2) Baluchistan Plateau (e) Hindu Kush Range (@)_ None ofthese ‘ich rivers called “Nie of Pekisten"? (3 gs" ee G Sanever” (3 Nonwor ese Nan he most poled er of Palsn (a) Ravi {i Indus () katu i} Nonearese Panjgara ive is ted in wich Poi of (pie) Seth a) Pa kee satan Bolan River is located in which Province of Pakistan? (2) arsine () KPK @} Puno Name the lngest er of Pasian (2) dus (0) Kabul {3 Chere ——_(d) None ofthese The atea was nce well alee by the rer Ghaggar now called the Haka in Pakistan and known in Vecic tes asthe (a) Parustni —(b).Askini c) Saresvat (a) Vilasta Wit isthe total length of indus River? (@) 2700km = (B) 2800km (@) 2896km = (d)_ 2635 km {@) Baluchistan — (0) Pu (9 Sinan (@ ¥ 28. Dasht River is located in which Province of Ptistan? (a) KK (0) Punjab (6) Sindh () Balucistan 27. Vinch Lake is located near Thatta (Say? (2) SalPare (0) Phander eonper (3) Hama 28, Rawal Lake is stated in fa) Islomabad—(b) Peshawar @) Gite {3 Nenoctbee 29, Hina Lakes situated near (a) Peshawar (b) Quetta {8 fmee fe) Kanan 30, Hale Lake is stated in (a) Puniab (0) Sindh (@ ke (Balochistan 31, Which ofthe folowing ake is called "Paradise of Bids"? (@) HubLake ——(b)- Mancha Lake {) HolejiLake (6) None ofthese 32, Which ig the man made largest Lake of Pakistan? (a) HubLake —(b) Manga Lake {c} KeenftarLake (6) None ofthese ANSWER i Se [ee |7—a 18a Be 0-6 ie 1 we [4a [6b 116. 7a a [ac [ae a 1%8-d [97-6 1 28a 2b [30b Pe P32 DAMS, BARRAGES & POWER. RESOURCES, 4. Warsak Damis located on (2) Gomal River” (b) Karam River (©) BeraRiver —(d) Kabul River 2. On which rver Manga Dam is built? (@) Indus (b)Chenab (@)dhelum (d) None ofthese 3. Ghulam Muhammad Barrage was constructed ‘on River: (2) Kabul (bo). Swat (0) Jeblum (@) indus 4, What is the installed generation capacity of Mangia Dam? (2) 130M (b) 1400 MW (©) 1000Mv ——(d)_ None of hese Scanned with Camsc 5" Mate Wal sonraion cgay ot Wasa you) 20 6 Sot 8 Rete 6. TatlaOan vos cst (yaa my sre Oi BR 1. un Manga Dan was xm fa) 1968 if 1970 " @ tes 3) er Bao Heads wos ten her ee ae Q Ss 3) en 41. Tattle Cams lage dam on he nds ier inPakistn A reser si 36 eae ee 50 kz aks he ges eat hed as th wot The cam was compte 2) 1873 () te fe} tare med 10. Wal wl be the eight of DiamerShasha Dam erconglebon? io i ©) aon 3 smn) Sion 11, Danerhasha Dam hasbeen planed in be Neti Aas of Paisan one feof (3) Chena (lan {Rew (2) Inds ther 12 Bakasar Dan is being constructed in whch fonetotPuae? (2) Koushab——&).Chakwal (@ detium (6) Muitan 18, Neolum Jhelum projet wil produce hysto power generation of (@ 4eomw = (o) seam ( semw (a) seam 14 ni Dam mutpupose project on be River 5D Hlomahes west of Ttbl he iran Division. f) River Dashi —(o)_ River ungo () River Swat (6)_ River Bolan 15, Tanda Dam was bitin 1960s in? (a) KPK ose 8 botisen (Bro 8 Producing capacity of elecicty of Ghazi Barotha Dam is fg eso Tso {ssw ‘so 17, Damer Basha dam wil produce eet ater carpi fa azomw (450M (6) eaoomw (3) cago Mr 18 The Mangla Dam is the twelth largest dam in the word twas constucted in 1967 across the shelum River in which esti? (2) Mirpur distict (b) Ghazipur (9) Islamabad (¢)_Jeblum al eee, IMPORTANT MINERALS OF PAKISTAN 1. Kohs.Sutan is located in i ane Si @) Batetstn (tne 2. Whereis Emerls found n Pakistan? fe) tuna) Dasss {2 Sat {8} kaghon 3. Where ae aquamarine fundin Pista? (2) essa srat (3 Sis.) Rina 4, hich one's second inporant gas reserve? {3} tan 0) has {3 Arkon) ugha as Mun Bagh wich fans for rei is Behan 8) St ster 0) Copper el Ge 8. Where are Ruby found in Pakistan? (o) Signo) ca {2 Sea 3) Kaghen 10. Which ea amous or gad? Chis eit (6) Morden {3} inca 11, Stink poet is preduin are ephemera a Chinas) Rusia Fence (3) Nove athese 12 Which of the ftowng ate the bogest deposits of coalin Pakistan? a a) Thr coal deposts Maker deposts c)Kalboghdeposts (3) Noe a hese 18, Zain, Ma are famous forthe (2 Sete Bata (©) Gypsum’ {3} Nonect these Scanned with CamSx 14, Musim Bagh Toeaedi (a) Puna i) KPK (@) Bauersten (3) San 15. Which ig the biggest natu fe Which ig be beget nate gas felt of (Baten ex 8 Sessa 6} khand kot (Sah) (| None ofthese 18. Wich povnes isthe largest producer of? (a) Pongd By Sach {@) Baucisten (3) None ofthese 17, The Potwar plateau is ery chin (2) Olandges (0) Chrome (6) Amini’ (3) None ofthese 18. inwhich area of Pakistan Arsenic found? (a) konat, (0) Chis (©) Kohe-suaiman (@).Gigt 18. Suphuris found inthe aroas of Pitan (a) Chive (o) Konstan Ten comecied by the Mairan Coal ae 2) Bekin can rennet ) Greserrot”” (3) Nereot bese Farol tenant ape ene ‘spats ena ) Rise” {3 ae Sha ae wages n yore e 8) isons 8 (3 Neve 8 {9 iNoveber 8 fay aries was bse n Kx, Sic Sais ty Ras rest operons 2) 1990 (ey 1991 ) 1982 (ao) 1983 Which was the fist aitine of Patistan and esablahed in’ 1946 wih base In. Cakuta Ina? I was the fest and only Muslim owned rine in pre partion naa ae ee es BE secncezetonha 2 Searontsposmnyceer ones) dear EA, om ee 2 Shen eo pn a ecigipcionnns * i (a) Platinum o) Uranium Leow awe eater pte Hut oat 2, These fs cored Pls 182 fleece a ake on a 10. When isthe lngest Pakistan's priate siine? FeO ee nna eet 8 (9 ne rma het E9 get” ye ; | Bee BE 45 a "2 Name we Hoy wich comes Plein Ei Foe toon fae Boge TRANSPORTATION 13. The Karakoram Highway start from: a mn 1. by le anaes 14. Karakoram Highway ends at: ieee (o) 186t (2) Sost { ‘Khunjeab Te oe Oe ee 2 men rt tg ery 9p sme sn Malte? Hlometres west of Karachi, which has areaiy (e) 25h (@) 915k be Scanned with CamSx FS WE The Super Highvay slat fom Karachi and ons (e) Fyseraboa 0) Th a See 6 Ra ih ote long he nest oto fa) hg Slowea res omy? § hs 6 he 1 Has gO Ho che ihn) 136m oe {9 kn onatx-Psnavar ay a) 1SSKin Ton ) zokm {Sok % Reeénanediar Rel (a) pera haya) Sk Road siantiey') Sag 21, Who bit G7, Road? Seat mae (3 Babar) Haman 22, Fist raiay ine was opened fr publ tate Etweon Karec Cy and Kot, he tance of {fedkm) s05 mies (niente ey apn ae {3 tanvayiese (Q) taney 69 22. What isthe length of kalkar Keech (M7) Noiorway? fen (o) At km () 361 km (@) SB1km 24, Whats total length of Pakistan Rsway nes? fp siverdeio (ers adein (@) 8375routekm (9) 8.775route km 25, Pabistan Intemational Aiines (PIA) was established in fy ge (o) 1955 (1960 (1965 26. National Shipping Corporation was setup in (a) 1948 To) 1957 6 ts (@) 1966 27. What is the total length of Makran Coastal Highway which Is consvucled with the help of fee 9am (o) 653km 28, MB Motocway is fom (@) Ratoder to Karachi (©) Ratodoro to Sukkar Fabee oGavase (@) None of hese 23, What is the length of Peshawar to Karachi railway route? 2) 1605km ——(o) 1651 km eatin 2. %. 3. 3. %. 2. Tay ese Laersamabad Maeray i eaten) ark (2 Senn Som Part sims stated nea te cy of: tare) Pesan {3 kescn ——_G)ycerabaa “Th fet ray back was estabihed betwen: fy kara a Kt 8) Giore and Grae ) Pestawar and Jomeud uate ard Chane Fatn to gen tpt vate ois oe Feboutng oat a Sn) oman 3 nepa (Anita What fengh of FaisebedMutan (4) tote? (a) 243m ) 288m Qin Bain What isthe length of Mtn-0., Kan (MS) Moiovay? (e) 85km @ km @ ohm (@ 654m ‘hat is the length of the MG 0.6. Khan to Kekker Motorway? (@) 487k 437k (49th (@) S10km, Wat isthe length of Pind Bhatian-Feiselabad Motorway M3? 52km (6) 80Km a) tebe ) taoken ati a eng of rad tuk road (NS) wich ninfom Pech Keach? (@) 1535 km (b) 1635 km_ {3 asim (3) t83bkm Nairan Coastal Highway (Nalonl Hh Nijemess os 8 soil {a} Karachi to Gwadar(b)Lahore to Gwadar (c) Multan to Gwadar(d)Karachi to Multan ANSWERS z z 6 10 14 18 2 %. 30 a. 3 7. TT 1% 16. 2. 8. 2. dasa} alate Scanned with CamSx ISLAMIYAT Lape ae ns of, feu iiss bal Sidi sie zZ taco suel 625K EMU Lub AH pal = Eble sntorte fie Piny AAA AAAAAAAAAAAA < Lib Ree were? 4 (ie? neg pviok =P4 Vabuvint oct ss Geka Aaerese? Eze rat Sf tisoclbit (Wie UNS AaL pation < Foren 4 PFeP EVAL << We Vibe LE GM bke? Portevitien Nie RAS vin} VOUAEL 42> alway ele, +306 pin? SiS Siew < PAP Guise? wo L ip, Lilie Med ite > 4 LISS LoPiiar le < ELIS Lepr ORT Scanned with CamSx (ede-S5 nd Lienp56 PL tT} “2 eC Ft Se heh ELI e igleIs5 Fite? dL bse HBP. wena Te Sue eee iT vate there, = po eoneraeD weer i teen nthe Pir lL put i in PD, KL SBS HOB LIL ah LY ro nett oes f muted; fen tute Sonar ee” epi Petes Grtnlbuitep ak (2b fehl eg? ws Ug 6 ae58 etl eon doth ude genet Lif Le FRS UAL ES ua ty et tf ol} D116 666 CEST 21558 Plover bee SIP < < Opel fey ites tery 7 Ct PEA cer We ELE. = Hele 2 phere rasan 1 Str bane 86.49 Suir & 4 --28 ai br ba Z ibd bird - < < < < A Bout ut Pipste tess AAAA A Une ures werd Sr colice echt wthe 2 PLES #5 0S Pe AAA Scanned with CamSx Sag Lahr eyed" Lee let oe Welw Seek PAS ats! eee Seroty wt BLIP ar lweLS ALA 4 alehae aye wee re ly) 4 tL er TPCe 4 LL Lewlihidetheli ast maga Lulr gtd wa Lent p09" Loh Soi? BH pessebors SUMMERS LaF 68 LF Le PP he LUE PP he tut ae (LURE KL acter we AA AAAA AAAAAAAAA 4 ea LNA ent FfuS sie ond end a VLA le wg Sp BL OMGHB Ld of ent BUM tian? 2 tS 810 1L 39 bar IT RAAT L ot auth Lefawlitie ter Pret h bhi eStart Lie Mi Be ee oe Lite Pfs ersdulie mbedtLeut Aidt ne3 £5100 aul Wipe ey ZL mde ar er ». ye, AT, Me hI Ps ete? SPSL BS SWerhlerh 2P4 Vito Spor LSet y SPL 88 CW pe AAAAAAL Scanned with CamS« Pity 4 WspendriSeLuen 4 wLeiuSat} AE630SAB LE in PALE Ausds LIF LEM 4 ite (ep lg 4 ate Mt badegss 4 < b < < 4 Bier Awe < 4 220 4 eet 4 < at AA Bee re yUteh < eo 4 BLK Ariat Arlagrern 4 sidicedeLoLe sig Lr aevgotutntuts <4 de dudeubadtges dou <4 < a < < < : 4 < 2A10 Sib feel di Fa 0 < ~etnate ptt < nf 610 wean pL burp POE < bod <4 < < nd uprdie99£ fiipiee 4 od eet 45-22. ssl Beats peep trgigoum 4 WemlgvticPrKlso B YES brio kptiss Ab Mie PU Ee Puy? Laer & ef OWL top 4 she eslT£. Scanned with CamSx ENGLISH Scanned with CamSx ' GRAMMAR The sto ules and examples deang with he sjlax and word stuctres ef language is called {@)_ltorupting Porase fb} Sentence fe) Grammar {@) tom A sel expression of two oF more werds that ‘means. something. after than’ the eral meanings os indhidual words scaled {2} Interuping Phrase (0) Sentence {6}. Grammar (@ ldor Aword which is @ person, place, hing oi Award peso, place, ting oie (a) Adverd (bo) Proncun {6} Noun (8) Adjective NountEverestis grammatical cated {@) Adve (0). Pronoun (Noun () Adjective Book, horse, Aslam, stength, car, Empice Sate Building, China, house and chid are all in grammar (a) Adverbs (o). Pronouns (@) Nouns (3d) Adjectives ‘word tals used to take the place ofa noun is caled (@) Adver> {6} Pronoun (6) Noun (3) Adjective 1 they, the, ourseves, se, your, my, rcbody, who, which, her, we’ are all in grammar caled fa) Adverbs ) Pronouns () Nouns (d) Adjectives ‘A word that is used to describe @ noun or pronoun scaled (2) Conjunction __(b)_Preposition (o Advers (6) Adjective Proud, purple, French, few, this, huge, sad, second, none ae usualy used 2s (2) Conjuncons(b) Prepostons (9 Adverbs (6) Adjectives ‘word tha indicates an action, being or stale ‘or being scaled (2) Peposion ——() Ate (©) Adjective (ver 1, 2. 4. 18. 1. 18. 2, Pray, un, tk, sy, sal, wa be, feneune and ar uly used 3 (a) aes Adeeios {2 Mets {6 fer 2 wad that i used o deste vt wien ition th. ensonea 8 ne Sy jt AS" (8 Neneortese Carly, oer, very, neigenty, aie, te ‘aya ver ae Us Used os BR 8 eve aie (veo ‘nd, or, bu, neither, because, while, since and ‘though ae usually used 2s (o) Gerona (e) Advert (6), Prepaston A. word used indicating the relationship between a noun or pronoun to another word is called f) Prepostion ——_(b) Conjunction c). Adjective (8) Adverd| In, unt, of rom, after, under, beyond, across ‘and toward are usually used as 8 Prepositions )) Conjunction ()Adecive ()ntejecbon 2 singe word used to express strong emotion (sealed ce ( Georion 8) canngin (6) Adjective ()ntejecton Wout An! Oh! And No! ae usualy used as (a) Preposition {b) Conjunction {c) Adjective (@) lntenecton Use a period to end a complete sentence, ‘Which mark is used for Period? @ . (bo). (7 @! i ak wad Comat 8 () | | ike reading, listening to music, taking tong waks, and visting with my fends They’ would tke books, magazines, DVDs, Scanned with CamSx 2B. video casseies, and ober eaming mates {ore Hbvary. Which Punchuaon Is used in tis sentence? (2) peed ©) comma (©). queston mark (@) excamaton mak ‘The question marks used at the end ofa (2) Queston (b) Every Sentence (©) Lastword (d) None ofthese ‘To separate two independent causes. One or both ofthe dauses are short and the ideas expressed are usualy very sinilay, which ‘punctuation is used? (2). question mark (b) exclamation mark {¢) calon (@)_ semicolon heh na su Sep? a) ¢ © @ 5 ‘hicg marks usd for exon? )? ! 6 t ‘Acalon canbe uses fo pups ot: (a) To provide aational etas (b) To provide explanation (9 BohaaD (6) None ofthese ‘A noun (Such 2s courage or freedom) that names an idea, event, quay, or concept i ales (2) AbsvactNoun {®) Common noun (6) Mass noun (©) Concrete noun ‘The ver form or oie in which he subject of the sentence perfoons or causes he acion expressed by the vet (3) comparetve (0) superaive (e) Aeive Voie (4) Passive Voice Aver form in which the subject recives te vertsacionis called (2) comparaive —(b) superaive (©) Awe Voice (4) Passive Vote Which ofthe folowings are atectve forms? (2) postive (0) comparaive (©) supetae (6) Aol these ‘A noun, nun phrase, or series of nouns used 1 ienty x rename anoter acu, noun ase, o pronoun is cated (2 sees te Vw () Passve Voice (6) Aide ‘typeof deteminer that precedes noun: for exatpe a. an, ote ecaied, (2) Appostne |" (0) Active Voce (©) Fassie Voce (6) Artde % 38. 3. 2. 41 2 ‘A verb that determines the mood or tense gf anober vein aver phrase {@) helping verb (0) Aviary {G) ledcalverd = (d) Bothadb Avis ls noun 2s 2 (9 Neeiee () Nncc tte Aa You ae paying les ato o your sues tnjatenbee 8 adiew 8 Mee ‘The Population of Plan is thn at ot Chin fice ga 6) Nun He want ve thousand dlrs toby acre testi sia ans" Adject Wvert tess Gorn ‘are men of like build and stature. ty saved (0) Adecive (c) Verb. (@) Pronoun ‘There is file danger in going there. (@) Proxan Ader (©) aici (6) Verb Mote ofys dein bed tan outa eee (0). Pronoun adres {8} Adecie Ly nad ae es (a) veo (0) Pronoun (2 Nain (6) daveb Is tet to negate whee nse wi bust. = 2) Pomp Ho S| Prepeston aver 44 Haisnaz elton, (a) Agecie (Ader fe) Nom {3 Veo 45a yong on een 6) pave fe) Noun {8 Foca ANSWERS wef ais eloelee sols [ea featine Welwe leet Tes ia tia fee ae roles laa tae [ase we tae [ma tm e [0d Sd te ala ota [se 3d (o a tose [eb We eee las laa [Sb ovanmeu wiur variS¢

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