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Social work is an academic discipline and practice-basedprofession concerned with meeting the
basic needs of individuals, families groups communities and society as a whole to enhance their
individual and collective well-being.Social work practice draws from areas, such
as psychology sociology, healthpolitical science community development, lawand economicsto
engage with systems and policies conduct assessments, develop interventions, and
enhance social functioning and responsibility The ultimate goal of social work is the
achievement of social justice

“Social work is a professional service rendered to people for the purpose of assisting them,as
individuals or in group to attain satisfying relationships and standards of life in accordance with
their particular wishes & capacities & in harmony with those of the community.”
“Social work is a practice-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social
change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people.
Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversities are
central to social work.
 To solve psycho-social problems.
 To fulfill humanitarian needs.
 To solve adjustmental problems.
 To create self sufficiency.
 To making harmonious social relations.
 Develop democratic values.
 Provide opportunities for development and social programme.
 Provide socio legal act.
 Change the environment in favour of individuals growth & development.
 Bring Change in social system for social development.
 Acceptance.
 Individualization.

 Purposefull expression of feeling.
 Objectivity.
 Controlled emotional involvement.
 Self determination.
 Access to resources.
 Confidentiality.
 Broker
 Advocate
 Case Manager
 Educator
 Facilitator
 Counselor
 Manager
 Mediator
In the role of a broker, a social worker is responsible for identifying, locating, and linking clients
to needed resources in a timely manner. Once the client’s needs are assessed and potential
services identified, the broker assists the client in choosing the most appropriate service option
and assists in negotiating the terms of service delivery. In this role the social worker is also
concerned with the quality, quantity, and accessibility of services.
In the advocate role, the social worker fights for the rights of those disempowered by society
with the goal of empowering the client. The social worker speaks on behalf of clients when
others will not listen or when clients are unable to do so.
In the role of a Case manager, the social worker locates services and assists their clients to access
those services. Case management is especially important for complex situations and for those
who are homeless or elderly, have chronic physical or mental health issues, are disabled, victims
of domestic or other violent crimes, or are vulnerable children.
In the Educator role, social workers are involved in teaching people about resources and how to
develop particular skills such as budgeting, the caring discipline of children, effective
communication, the meaning of a medical diagnosis, and the prevention of violence.

In this role, social workers are involved in gathering groups of people together for a variety of
purposes including community development, self advocacy, political organization, and policy
change. Social workers are involved as group therapists and task group leaders.
In the role of counselor, the social worker helps clients express their needs, clarify their
problems, explore resolution strategies, and applies intervention strategies to develop and expand
the capacities of clients to deal with their problems more effectively. A key function of this role
is to empower people by affirming their personal strengths and their capacities to deal with their
problems more effectively.
As managers, social workers are better able to influence policy change and/or development, and
to advocate, on a larger scale, for all underprivileged people.
In the mediator role, the social worker intervenes in disputes between parties to help them find
compromises, reconcile differences, and reach mutually satisfying agreements. The mediator
takes a neutral stance among the involved parties.
Social work as a professional practice mainly uses the following methods while accomplishing
its objectives:
 Social casework
 Social group work
 Community Organization
 Social work research
 Social welfare administration
 Social action
The first three methods given above are the primary or direct methods. These are direct and
primary because they are directly applied in the field situation among the people to solve their
problems. These methods solve the problems at the grassroots level through the social worker’s
direct intervention. The latter three are secondary or indirect methods because they are indirectly
involved by some specialised agencies or a set of organised people. Unlike the primary methods,
these methods generally operate at the secondary levels but not with the people directly.
Primary Methods of Social Work :-

There are three primary methods :-
 Social Case work
 Social Group Work
 Community Organization
It is the primary method of social work. It deals with individual problems through one-to-one
relationships guided by the social caseworker’s professional knowledge. Under the method, the
social caseworker attempts to repair the impaired relationship of the client with his social
environment. Through a guided interaction, they enable the client to adapt to their social
environment. Through this method, the caseworker discovers different aspects of the client’s
problem, prepares an appropriate treatment plan, and finally, with professional knowledge of
social relationships, tries to bring about necessary changes in the attitude and behaviour of the
client in favour of his own growth and development.
Social group work is another primary method of social work. It is a process in which the
individuals in a social group are helped by a professionally qualified worker, who guides their
interaction through planned programme activities so that they may be able to relate themselves
with others and find growth opportunities following their needs and capacities towards the noble
end of individual group and community development. In this method, the group worker uses the
group as a potential tool for individuals’ positive change and personality development. In group
work, individuals in the group are most important, and all programme activities revolve around
their needs for growth. Through the group work process, they are helped to improve their
relationship and personality traits, which may help them develop themselves and their
Community organisation as a method of social work is a process through which efforts are
directed towards meeting the community’s needs by organising the human and material
resources of the community. Identifying problems, finding resources relevant to their needs,
developing and managing inter-personal and inter-group relationships, and planning and
executing practical programme activities are some of the specific actions in the community
organisation method. The community members’ organised and collaborative effort for their own
development is the primary concern of this method.
There are three secondary methods :-
 Social Welfare administration

 Social Work Research
 Social Action
Social welfare administration is one of the secondary methods of social work. It refers to how
social policy is transformed into social service. In other words, it is a process to manage social
work or social welfare affairs. Developing programmes, mobilising resources, recruiting and
involving suitable personnel, proper organisation, coordination, skilful leadership, supervision
and staff guidance, budgeting, and evaluation are specified activities in the social welfare
administration method.
Social work research is another important method of social work. It refers to the systematic and
critical enquiry of the questions encountered by social work professionals in the field of
application. This method makes efforts to find answers to the existing and emerging social work
problems to make them useful in functional areas. Like social sciences, social work research
contributes a lot to the storehouse of its knowledge and helps better plan and implement social
work programmes.
The social action method of social work is the one that is used to bring about desirable changes
in the flawed system for ensuring social progress. Through this method, attempts are made to
mobilise people, create awareness of existing problems, organise them and encourage them to
raise their voice against undesirable practices which hampers their development. Finally, create
pressure for bringing about relevant legislation for social progress. This method seeks to relate
the community needs with the solution of the problems mainly through collective initiatives



An internship provides the work experience that helps students put their education into
practice develop their leadership skills and give them a competitive advantages as they
pursue a permanent position.
A social work internship is a professional program offered can by organization to students
who are almost finished completing an educational program or to degree holders seeking
experience . Typically candidates are completing their undergraduate or graduate degrees .
Social work field placement provide students a leg up in their profession providing them
with practical experience and practice dealing with challenges and issues they are likely to
face on the job social work interns also give their communities while they honetheir skills .
 Critical thinking
 Problem solving
 Leadership
 Flexibility
 Specific skill building
 Professional behavior
 Project related skills
 Enhancing activities
 Time menagment
 Organization planning
 Professional Behaviour and or knowledge


Government of the Punjab established Child Protection and Welfare Bureau in March, 2004. The
Bureau established Child Protection Institution at Rawalpindi in November 2007 and started its
field operations in March 2008. In order to provide care, rehabilitation, education and training to
the destitute and neglected children.
This institution not only provides food and shelter but also imparts education and skills to these
children to make them useful citizens.
The Bureau endeavors for reunification of these children with their families. Besides this, the
child psychologists take various measures for mental development and rehabilitation for these
Not only this but a child protection court has also been established which addresses the issues
like custody and legal reunification of the children with their parents. A child helpline has also
been set up which provides guidance, help and coordination for their rescue and protective
This Bureau has a dedicated team of highly educated professionals and motivated officers which
include child protection officers, psychologists, law officers and doctors, etc. To extend its
services the Bureau has established Child Protection Institutions in Faisalabad, Gujranwala,
Multan, Rawalpindi, Sialkot, Rawalpindi and Bahawalpur where destitute and neglected children
are being provided all these facilities and services.
By taking a glimpse of the history of civilization, we find that each war, famine and natural
calamity has killed millions of children. For those who survived, the future remains dark for
The First World War and Second World War killed millions of innocent people most of whom
were children. These and other wars not only victimized but made them helpless orphans. This
has not only created catastrophe in human society but also made the future ‘unsafe’.
For a vision of a secure future people all over the world have been fighting for the restoration of
peace, human right and social justice. In order to protect children from harm, devastation and
crisis, the world community has been continuously working for the rights of the children. If we
go back through our history of civilization, religion and philosophy, we will surely find different
concepts for the protection of children and their childhood.


Child Protection & Welfare Bureau aims to help the Destitute and Neglected Children to turn
into useful and productive citizens of beloved nation.
All Children have the right to protection. They have the right to be provided with food, shelter,
education, health, play and leisure. Realizing the importance of children and to safeguard the
rights of children in the society, Child Protection & Welfare Bureau was established under
Punjab Destitute & Neglected Children Act, 2004 as an autonomous body of Government of
Punjab. Currently Child Protection & Welfare Bureau is functioning in seven major cities of
Punjab including Lahore, Gujranwala, Faisalabad, Multan, Rawalpindi, Sialkot and Bahawalpur.
The Bureau provides ideal environment to the Destitute and Neglected Children for their
protection and rehabilitation with provision of education, health care and psychological
 Medical
 Quran Lessons
 Hostel
 Library
 Field Trips
 Prayer Hall
 Nursery
 Sports Ground
 Co-Curricular Activities
 Making Them Skilled
 Rescue
 Legal
 Family Tracing
 Rehabilitation
 Reunification
 Psychological Counseling
 Open Reception Centers
 Helpline
 Capacity Building
 Mass Awareness
 Research Monitoring and Evaluation

 Child Protection Courts
 Child protection school
 Child protection institue
There are so section of child protection and welfare bureau .
 Child protection school
 Social section
 Psychology section
 Helpline
 Legal section
 Medicine
Child Protection & Welfare Bureau is currently working in eight districts of Punjab including
Lahore, Gujranwala, Multan, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, Sialkot, Bahawalpur and Rahim Yar Khan.
Though the CPWB has had considerable success in addressing these issues, it aims to widen its
scope of impact by engaging the public at large in combating this menace. It has set up a Child
Helpline (1121) which you can call any day, any time, to report suspected maltreatment of
children. The CPWB will then take measures to remove the child from that situation, assist in
his/her rehabilitation and where possible reunite children with their families. So if you have
information to share, CALL NOW and be a part of fighting this terrible threat to our children –
our future.
The day-to-day responsibilities of a child welfare social worker are wide-ranging. They make
home visits to investigate reports of abuse or neglect, assess children’s living situations, and
provide services. These services can include counseling, housing assistance, and parent
education and support, as well as helping families apply for social benefits or child care
Child welfare social workers protect children. They are prepared with the skills and knowledge
needed to ensure the welfare and well-being of infants, children, teens, and families.
There are numerous responsibilities associated with child protection social work. Some of them
include the counseling of children, their rehabilitation and also includes placement related work.
The child protection social worker therefore is expected to be extremely responsible, equipped
with good an educational qualification and a good background of clinical experience as he/she
will be dealing with children and families who are often in dire straits. It is a very challenging

profession but taking up the challenge or risk does not go in vain. People soon find out that this
type of work is very fulfilling.
Child protection social work is a task that involves coming up with solutions that can solve a
crisis. It is an ethical duty. These social workers are required to intervene with the family. They
teach them how to keep a child safe, bring positivity in to their lives and yet not make them feel
that an intervention was caused. Therefore, they need to be equipped with skills which will help
them to make decisions which will be ethical and at the same time cautious and intelligent. They
must be equipped with proper rationalizing and fact-finding skills.
The child protection social workers need to make accurate investigations and develop instinctive
thoughts. Each and every case that they come across demands their complete attention and focus
as each one of them is equally important. They need to be emotionally touchy and flexible. They
need to be skillful and have a healthy relationship with children, their parents, guardians and all
the other professionals and organizations who work for child protection and care.



Definitions of what constitutes child abuse vary among professionals, between social and
cultural groups, and across time .The terms abuse and maltreatment are often used
interchangeably in the literature .Childe maltreatment can also be an umbrella term covering all
forms of child abuse and child neglect  Defining child maltreatment depends on prevailing
cultural values as they relate to children, child development and parenting Definitions of child
maltreatment can vary across the sectors of society which deal with the issue, such as child
protection  agencies, legal and medical communities, public health officials, researchers,
practitioners, and childe advocator. Since members of these various fields tend to use their own
definitons, communication across disciplines can be limited, hampering efforts to identify,
assess, track, treat, and prevent child maltreatment


Child abuse or child maltreatment is physical sexual, and/or psychological maltreatment
or neglect of a child or children, especially by a parent or a caregiver. Child abuse may include
any act or failure to act by a parent or a caregiver that results in actual or potential harm to a
child and can occur in a child's home, or in the organizations, schools, or communities the child
interacts with.
Different jurisdictions have different requirements for mandatory reporting and have developed
different definitions of what constitutes child abuse, and therefore have different criteria to
remove children from their families or to prosecute a criminal charges
Definitions of what constitutes child abuse vary among professionals, between social and
cultural groups, and across time .The terms abuse and maltreatment are often used
interchangeably in the literature .Childe maltreatment can also be an umbrella term covering all
forms of child abuse and child neglect  Defining child maltreatment depends on prevailing
cultural values as they relate to children, child development and parenting Definitions of child
maltreatment can vary across the sectors of society which deal with the issue, such as child
protection  agencies, legal and medical communities, public health officials, researchers,
practitioners, and childe advocator. Since members of these various fields tend to use their own
definitions, communication across disciplines can be limited, hampering efforts to identify,
assess, track, treat, and prevent child maltreatment.

As of 2006, the World Health Organization distinguishes four types of child
maltreatment: physical abuse sexual abuse emotional (or psychological) abuse; and neglect.

Among professionals and the general public, there is disagreement as to what behaviors
constitute physical abuse of a child. Physical abuse often does not occur in isolation but as part
of a constellation of behaviors including authoritarian control, anxiety-provoking behavior, and a
lack of parental warm The WHO defines physical abuse as:
Intentional use of physical force against the child that results in or has a high likelihood of
resulting in harm for the child's health, survival, development, or dignity. This includes hitting,
beating, kicking, shaking, biting, strangling, scalding, burning, poisoning, and suffocating. Much
physical violence against children in the home is inflicted with the object of punishing.
Overlapping definitions of physical abuse and physical punishment of children highlight a subtle
or non-existent distinction between abuse and punishment, but most physical abuse is physical
punishment "in intent, form, and effect" .As of 2006, for instance, Paulo Sergio Pinheir wrote in
the UN Secretary-General's Study on Violence Against Children:
Corporal punishment involves hitting ('smacking', 'slapping', 'spanking') children, with the hand
or with an implement – whip, stick, belt, shoe, wooden spoon, etc. But it can also involve, for
example, kicking, shaking or throwing children, scratching, pinching, biting, pulling hair or
boxing ears, forcing children to stay in uncomfortable positions, burning, scalding, or forced
ingestion (for example, washing children's mouths out with soap or forcing them to swallow hot
Most nations with child abuse laws deem the deliberate infliction of serious injuries, or actions
that place the child at obvious risk of serious injury or death, to be illegal .Bruises, scratches,
burns, broken bones, lacerations as well as repeated "mishaps," and rough treatment that could
cause physical injuries can be physical abuse .Multiple injuries or fractures at different stages of
healing can raise suspicion of abuse
. Physical abuse as a child can lead to physical and mental difficulties in the future, including re-
victimization, personality disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), dissociative
disorders, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, eating disorders, substance use disorders, and
aggression. Physical abuse in childhood has also been linked to homelessness in adulthood

Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a form of child abuse in which an adult or older adolescent abuses a
child for sexual stimulation. Sexual abuse refers to the participation of a child in a sexual act
aimed toward the physical gratification or the financial profit of the person committing the act.
Forms of CSA include asking or pressuring a child to engage in sexual activities (regardless of
the outcome), indecent exposure of the genitals to a child, displaying pornography to a child,
actual set the sexual with a child, physical contact with the child's genitals, viewing of the child's
genitalia without physical contact, or using a child to produce child selling the sexual of children
may be viewed and treated as child abuse rather than simple incarceration.
Effects of child sexual abuse on the victim(s) include guilt and self blame flashback ,nigtahmer
insoomia, fear of things associated with the abuse (including objects, smells, places, doctor's
visits, etc.), self -estem difficulties,sexual dysfunction ,corhonic pain ,self-addiction
injury sucid,iaLideation, somatic,complaints, deppressioN,PTSD,anxity,
other mentalillness including broader line disorder and dissociatitve identity disorder propensity
tore-victamiaztion in adulthood, bulimia nerviousa and physical injury to the child, among other
problems. Children who are the victims are also at an increased risk of sexually transmitted
infections due to their immature immune systems and a high potential for mucosal tears during
forced sexual contact. Sexual victimization at a young age has been correlated with several risk
factors for contracting HIV including decreased knowledge of sexual topics, increased
prevalence of HIV, engagement in risky sexual practices, condom avoidance, lower knowledge
of safe sex practices, frequent changing of sexual partners, and more years of sexual activity.
As of 2016, in the United States, about 15% to 25% of women and 5% to 15% of men were
sexually abused when they were children. Most sexual abuse offenders are acquainted with their
victims; approximately 30% are relatives of the child, most often brothers, sisters, fathers,
mothers, uncles or cousins; around 60% are other acquaintances such as friends of the family,
babysitters, or neighbours ; strangers are the offenders in approximately 10% of child sexual
abuse cases. In over one-third of cases, the perpetrator is also a minor.
In 1999 the BBC reported on the RAHI Foundation's survey of sexual abuse in India in which
76% of respondents said they had been abused as children, 40% of those stating the perpetrator
was a family member.
United States federal prosecutors registered multiple charges against a South Korean man for
reportedly running the world's "largest dark web child porn marketplace." Reportedly, the
English translated website "Welcome to Video", which has now been taken consisted of more
than 200,000 videos or 8TB of data showing sexual acts involving infants, children and toddlers
and processed about 7,300 Bitcoini.e. $730,000 worth of transactions.

In 1995, APSAC defined it as: spurning, terrorizing, isolating, exploiting, corrupting, denying
emotional responsiveness, or neglect" or "A repeated pattern of caregiver behavior or extreme
incident(s) that convey to children that they are worthless, flawed, unloved, unwanted,
endangered, or only of value in meeting another's needs"
Some have defined it as the production of psychological and social defects in the growth of a
child as a result of behavior such as loud yelling, coarse and rude attitude, inattention, harsh
criticism, and denigration of the child's personality. Other examples include name-calling,
ridicule, degradation, destruction of personal belongings, torture or killing of a pet,
excessive criticism inappropriate or excessive demands, withholding communication, and routine
labeling or humiliation
In 2014, the APA found that child psychological abuse is the most prevalent form of childhood
abuse in the United States, affecting nearly 3 million children annually. Research has suggested
that the consequences of child psychological abuse may be equally as harmful as those of sexual
or physical abuse.
Victims of emotional abuse may react by distancing themselves from the abuser, internalizing
the abusive words, or fighting back by insulting the abuser. Emotional abuse can result in
abnormal or disrupted attachment development, a tendency for victims to blame themselves
(self-blame) for the abuse, learned helplessness, and overly passive behavior.

Child neglect is the failure of a parent or other person with responsibility for the child, to provide
needed food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision to the degree that the child's health,
safety or well-being may be threatened with harm. Neglect is also a lack of attention from the
people surrounding a child, and the non-provision of the relevant and adequate necessities for the
child's survival, which would be a lack of attention, love, and nurturing.
Some observable signs of child neglect include: the child is frequently absent from school, begs
or steals food or money, lacks needed medical and dental care, is consistently dirty, or lacks
appropriate clothing for the weather. The 2010 Child Maltreatment Report (NCANDS), a
yearly United States federal governmentreport based on data supplied by state Child Protective
Services (CPS) Agencies in the U.S., found that neglect/neglectful behavior was the "most
common form of child maltreatment ".
Neglectful acts can be divided into six sub-categories:
 Supervisory neglect: characterized by the absence of a parent or guardian which can lead
to physical harm, sexual abuse, or criminal behavior

 Physical neglect: characterized by the failure to provide the basic physical necessities,
such as a safe and clean home;
 Medical neglect: characterized by the lack of providing medical care
 Emotional neglect: characterized by a lack of nurturance, encouragement, and support;
 Educational neglect: characterized by the caregivers lack to provide an education and
additional resources to actively participate in the school system; and
 Abandonment: when the parent or guardian leaves a child alone for a long period of time
without a babysitter or caretaker.

Neglected children may experience delays in physical and psychosocial development,

possibly resulting in psychopathology and impaired neuropsychological functions
including executive function, attention processing speed language, memory and social
skills Researchers investigating maltreated children have repeatedly found that neglected
children in the foster and adoptive populations manifest different emotional and
behavioral reactions to regain lost or secure relationships and are frequently reported to
have disorganized attachments and a need to control their environment. Such children are
not likely to view caregivers as being a source of safety, and instead typically show an
increase in aggressive and hyperactive behaviors which may disrupt healthy or secure
attachment with their adopted parents. These children seem to have learned to adapt to an
abusive and inconsistent caregiver by bec oming cautiously self-reliant, and are often
described as glib, manipulative and disingenuous in their interactions with others as they
move through childhood.Children who are victims of neglect can have a more difficult
time forming and malater in life due to the lack of attachment they had in their earlier
stages .

LAHORE:Child Protection and Welfare Bureau (CPWB) prepared the child protection policy
draft with the technical support of Unicef Pakistan. The draft of the policy has been sent to Home
department for approval, said a press release issued by Child Protection Bureau on Wednesday.
While talking to Pakistan Today, CPWB chairperson Sara Ahmed said, “The draft of the policy
was prepared by the previous government but it was lacking some points. We have added various
suggestions in the policy which include that the CP&WB will monitor the NGOs who are
working on child protection issues. Similarly, it is also added in the policy that the government
will give incentives to the parents of child beggars to discourage this curse”.
Sara Ahmed further said, “The draft is ready to be sent to the concerned departments and we
hope that the policy will be approved very soon and it will help to protect our children. With the
implementation of significant political and legal reforms, we can enhance the progress of the
child protection system. I have personally met the chief secretary Punjab to discuss the matters of
CP&WB and he assured me that government will fully support in this matter”.
“Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has also given us the instructions to speed up the work
against the child beggary and we are efficiently working on it. Recently we have also conducted
the rescue operations against the child baggers and recovered almost 400 minors. With the vision
of Prime Minister and our hardworking there is a decrease of 20 per cent in child beggary in
Lahore”, she added.
“We are also planning to develop the capacity of other departments especially police on the same
issue. Unfortunately, our previous governments were unable to fulfil their role in the child
protection system due to the lack of clarity in guidelines and procedures. It is imperative to
involve the local community to solve the issues which are related to child protection. The child
protection policy will help to stop the child abuse, child labour, child begging and other issues
related to child protection”, she concluded.

The Child Helpline - 1121 provides prompt assistance and support to children subjected to
violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect. It is also utilized for dissemination of information and
guidance in respect of child rights.
In the Financial Year 2014 – 2015.
 1565 information calls and 566 service calls were received
 441 helpline rescue operation were conducted
 On the basis of these help-needed calls, 811 children were rescued

Social section is the main operational section of Child Protection & Welfare Bureau in which
neglected and destitute children are rescued from roads, streets and other vulnerable places. The
children who are abused, exploited, used for commercial sexual exploitation, without parental
care, or used for child trafficking, abduction and sale are rescued by the officers from Social
Section. The Social section has provided services to 78753 children in all districts.

Legal section.
Legal Section comprises of Legal Officers who supervise prosecution accused of special
offences relating to the destitute and neglected children as defined in PDNC Act. The legal
officers also produce rescued children in court for obtaining legal custody in the best interest of
the child. The Legal section has got legal custody of 78753 children since inception. The legal
section of Child Protection & Welfare Bureau has lodged 180 FIRs against different person
involving in different cases against children under section 34, 35, 37, 38 and 40 of PDNC Act. 


The most important feature of this section is the reunification of the rescued children (kidnapped,
run away, lost, missing and trafficked children) with their families and to make sure that these
children are passing their lives in safe environment and are provided with all basic necessities
along with education and vocational training as required.
Follow up section maintains constant touch with the parents (of rescued children), NGOs and
other community organizations. Family tracing is a process to trace out or contact rescued child’s

family. It is an activity carried out by Child Protection Officer for the purpose of locating parents
or other relatives of a child under protective custody of CPWB. CPWB also traces the family for
reunification in order to eliminate the child’s deprivation of separation from family. Family
tracing involves different steps for tracing the families of child into protective custody. The
officers contact families of children directly and also through print and electronic media.
The family tracing section has so far touched all the borders of the country through its activities
and traced out thousands of families of rescued children. The process of family tracing is not an
easy task as often officers have to burn the mid night oil during their endeavors, but the joy of
reunion on the faces of both the parents and children acts as stimulant for their entire team.

CPWB is the organization in Pakistan which provides different services (food, clothing, boarding
and education) to Destitute and Neglected Children under one roof.
Destitute and Neglected Child is produced before the Child Protection Court
and the Presiding Officer interviews the Destitute and Neglected Child.
Presiding   Officer orders for rehabilitation of child in the following area;
 School administration
 Shelter
 Physical therapy
 Family teracing
 Adoption reunification

The role of the family in raising children is recognized universally and it is widely accepted that
the state assists children only when parents are unable to do soAt CPWB, the family tracing
section is assigned the task of locating rescued children’s families for the purpose of
reunification. The reunification process is based on the concept that it is the child’s right to be
cared for by his parents and family.
Since rescued children are victims of neglect, abuse and exploitation; the Bureau aims to place
them in a family environment as soon as possible, so that their self-respect and dignity are
restored and chances of their emotional and physical recovery are enhanced.


Psychology deals with study of mind and observable human behavior.  The level of attachment
in any relationship can be defined on the basis of expectations, behaviors and feelings. So it
helps people to gain control over their feelings
.Destitute and neglected children are residing in Child Protection & Welfare Bureau (CP&WB)
since 2004, most of the children belong to very illiterate, backward and slum areas having
traumatic experiences with street history. Psychological counseling is provided to children and
their parents (Family Counseling) both in individual and group form
900/- under PDNC Act. Many factors contribute in child's psychological disorder such as family
structure, relationship history of parents, parenting practices, cultural context and experiences,
child abuse (physical, emotional, sexual, verbal) and broken family
.In Psycho-counseling Section, child psychologist pays attention to their emotional, social,
educational, development, vocational, health related and organizational concerns.


Mass Awareness section of the CP&WB functions with multipurpose objectives in order to reach
profound communities through different interventions. On one side, it issues press releases
covering various activities of the Bureau and on the other side it reaches public and stake holders
through community meetings, seminars, doors to door announcement campaigns, banners and
billboards, etc. It helps in establishing deep roots of the CP&WB by formulating child protection
committees which act as guardians of child rights at indigenous localities.1000s of banners,
leaflets, flayers and other media campaign for public awareness, motivation and participation
.Dozens of NGOs, philanthropists and individual supporters have joined since its establishment.
With the financial assistance of Pepsi, 15 large sized advertisements (half page) were given in
the newspapers. Different documentaries were presented on the TV channels for mass awareness
campaign. Awareness Campaign in entire province of Punjab is on gining  under the Supervision
of Chairpoerson Sarah Ahmed and Director General Muhammad Athar Masood. More than 3500
press releases were issued during this period for the orientation of the public. Communication
Spot, on the directions of the Chief Minister Punjab, launched a very comprehensive.


Children in babul Islam was mostly girls and some new born babies. They live together there and
take care of each other.
They are living healthy and saved life there, they got their meal 3 times a day, they got their
clothes, shoes and each and every accessory there. So, it was a good experienced.
 Labored
 Servant
 Kidnapped
 Admitted
 Rapped
 Homeless
 Orphan
The nursery is actively functioning in the Child Protection Institute (Girls) of CPWB, Lahore.
The infants are nurtured in a healthy way. The environment of the nursery is very hygiene.
Miss Faiqa Hafeez was our supervisor. Our duty was at Girls Hostel, there we were in group and
Mam Faiqa sent us and provide us with 20 to 22 girls to do some activities with them.
Firstly, we introduce ourselves with them, get their basic information like their name, age, family
background, education etc. Then we play different games with girls. Then we asked them to
write their name on board with one adjective, they all were like this game and enjoyed it very
well and play missing letters game with them. We also performed different activities related to
their studies such as find the missing letters, complete the sentences, word meaning, quiz, truth
and dare, lagging behind etc.

Activity 01:
We played Truth & Dare with them and they get relaxed and amused them
Purpose of the activity:
The purpose of the activity was to get their involvement with us and to get their history from
them and making them relaxed.

Activity 02:
We played Meaning of the words with them, to get their involvement towards learning.
Purpose of the activity:
The purpose behind this activity is to moved their involvement towards knowledge and to learn
difficult meaning of the words which they can speak in daily routine.

Activity 03:
We played Laging Behind to take their mind fresh and healthy because they get suck off from
the games related knowledge.
Purpose of the activity:
To make them healthy physically and mentally, so they told us and we the same.
Objectives of the activities :-
 To develop us confidence level
 Children enjoyment
 Team work
 To develop communication skills
 Improve general knowledg


Comfortable clean and hygine atmosphere has been provide to the resident of CPIs , along
with special traninig through thier teachers and doctor on personal hygiene and enviromental
cleaniless to ensure tha the children understand the basic rules healthy living . A balance diet
menu and a healthy nutrition plan have been approve by a completed keeping in view the
preper nurishment standards of these children .

There are two types of boys hostel in child protection bearue .
 . Babul iman(5 to 12 years )
 Babul salat (13 to 18years)
Miss Faiqa Hafez was our supervisor . We are 10 girls in a group our supervisor . we devided us
in two groups . she send one group in babul iman hostel and other half group member, s in
babul salat hostel .
Miss Saba Was our supervisor in babul iman hostel .
Sir Zafar was our supervisor in babul salat hostel.
In first week we a group of five members goin into boys hostel miss saba inchareg of boys
hostel provide us room , where we dived five rooms into five groups each member sixteen
children then i introduce myself with them , take general information of these children like their
name address , and family background etc. i asked the kides about their daily routin . then we
heard some poems , national anthemand some quranic verse from the children . then we aske
general question s. We askesd the childern to islamic questions we also counselling different
children which are distrubed with some issues . then we decide to do severl curriculm activites
and play different games with them , such as drewaing , ludo , caram board,, quize etc.


The most important feature of this section is the reunification of the rescued children
(kidnapped, run away, lost, missing and trafficked children) with their families and to make sure
that these children are passing their lives in safe environment and are provided with all basic
necessities along with education and vocational training as required.
Follow up section maintains constant touch with the parents (of rescued children), NGOs and
other community organizations. Family tracing is a process to trace out or contact rescued child’s
family. It is an activity carried out by Child Protection Officer for the purpose of locating parents
or other relatives of a child under protective custody of CPWB. CPWB also traces the family for
reunification in order to eliminate the child’s deprivation of separation from family. Family
tracing involves different steps for tracing the families of child into protective custody. The
officers contact families of children directly and also through print and electronic media.
The family tracing section has so far touched all the borders of the country through its activities
and traced out thousands of families of rescued children. The process of family tracing is not an
easy task as often officers have to burn the mid night oil during their endeavors, but the joy of
reunion on the faces of both the parents and children acts as stimulant for their entire team.
The follow up section facilitates in the following ways in order to reunite the rescued children:
 Sharing of in the electronic and print media as well as through website
 Sharing detail about information the child with NGOs, human right activists and child
protection committees in different areas
 Correspondence with well-known opinion leaders, local councilors, teachers, etc
 . Dissemination of information in all sub-office of CPW


Child helpline provide instant health to vulnerable children. Child Helpline is functioning round
the clock 24/7. Helpline has been established to rescue the child on immediate basis. In the
month of July, Helpline received information and service calls related to lost, runaway. Destitute
neglected, beggar and adoption procedure. Helpline number is 1121. The child helpline 1121
provides prompt assistance and support to children subjected to violence, exploitation, abuse and
neglect. It is also utilized for dissemination of information and guidance in respects of child
Ms. Humaira was our supervisor in helpline section. She guides us about helpline section and
how to work in this section. She guides us about Istagasa and Social Investigation Report. She
also tells us there are two types of call which receive in this section. First one is information call
and the other is service call.
Today our day was at Helpline. We reached at 9:30 according to given time. It’s main sector of
CPWB. There are three shifts of helpline with the interval of 8 hours. It’s the backbone of
organization. There are two types of calls first one is information call and second is service call.
Information call is also called general call which is about adoption. Second call is service call
which is related with violence and begging. Second call is for visit or operation. Team visits
according to give information and keep records in receiving foam from the source person.
Important information base on name, full name, signature, ID card or statement. When there is
serious condition then child brings to Child Protection and Welfare Bureau. Custody foam
submits in CPI and keeps evidence. Istagasa and SIR are also made for keeping record or history.
Istagasa is legal custody which is presented in court before judge, MPR (Monthly progress
report) is also prepared for keeping record. The Directorate of Monitoring (DOM) is also
working with them. Its mandate is to carry out independent third party. Monitoring and
evaluation of security agencies as tasked by the government. The initial task was to supervise,
monitor, inspect and evaluate the Punjab Highway Patrol (PHP), which was being established as
a new proactive Police Force, different from the already existing Punjab Police.
My role in this section is to write down Istagasa and Social Investigation Report about rescued
child through helpline call. Istagasa is legal custody which is presented in court before judge.
When we rescued the child through helpline first, we took his custody and then we send 27 the
child to court. My role is to prepared daily status that how much rescued the children in different
district. My role in this section is to rescue the child through information call and we go and

rescue the children and then we took his/her custody and then send their court. My role in this
section is to attend the call and to call the people for follow up and my also role in this section is
to call the couple and getting basic information for child adoption and make report. In this report,
I put the court references and writing down the basic information about family background and
lastly, I mention their own suggestion about family. And attach the court orders.


Child Protection & Welfare Bureau provides basic necessities of life to the destitute and
neglected children including health facility. The medical section of Bureau is established for the
provision of medical facilities to the destitute and neglected children. Every rescued child is
taken to the medical section for the Initial Health assessment conducted by the qualified doctor
peads and relevant staff. All the residing children at Bureau have the access to the healthcare
facilities round the clock. These children are examined at the regular intervals and vaccinations
are also administered. Children’s health records are properly maintained and shared with the
families upon reunification. Total 9824 children were treated by the medical section during
Financial Year 2018-19.


In medical section my role as a social worker i provide basaic treatment for orphan, losst ,
neglected , and destitue children and check fever, hight, wieght ,etc in which some children
have fever i provide medicine and provide guidence for the rehbilitation.


Psychology deals with the study of mind an observable human behaviour. The level of
attachment in any relationship can be defined on the basis of expectations, behaviour and
feelings. So, it helps people to gain control over their feelings. Destitute and neglected children
are residing in child protection and welfare bureau since 2004, most of the children belong to
very literate, backward and slum areas having traumatic experience with street history.
Psychological counselling is provided to children and their parents (family counselling) both on
individual and group form. Many factors contribute in child’s psychologist disorder such as
family stricter, relationship history of parents, parenting practices, cultural contexts and
experience, child abuse ( physical, emotional, sexual and verbal) and broken family. In psycho
Counselling section, child psychologist pays attention to their emotional. Social, educational,
development, vocational, health related and organizational concerns.
This section is dedicated to:
 Facilitate personal and interpersonal functioning across the life spam.
 Implement behaviour modification techniques to deal with the child’s dysfunctional
 Provide problem solving assistance to children and their families.
 Build trust.
 Deal with child’s fear, anxiety, anger, stress and disruptive behavioural problems.
Parents play an important role in child’s personality and self-grooming as a guardian, Educator,
painter, and a friend. In family counselling, special attention is paid to the interpersonal
relationships with child, among parents and with siblings. Psycho-education is provided
regarding adequate parenting skills, communication and parenting styles for trust building and
positive parenting to strengthen parent-child relationship.
“Richness should not only be measured by money; you can also be rich by your habits, dealings,
value, vision, commitments and good discipline.”
Prime objectives of family counselling are enlisted below:
 To discuss the pros and corns of authoritarian styles of parenting.

 To highlight the successful parenting practices for rearing children in current social set
 To throw the light on the issue of disturbed family set-up due to communication gap
among parents and children.
 To strengthen the relationship between parents and children.
 To bring change in thinking and dealing patterns for the development of child’s
emotional, educational and physical as well as psychological well-being.

Each child is different and unique due to his/her own personality and characteristics; their issues
are also different due to underlying factors and severity level. Child Psychologist applies
different techniques for psycho-counselling to deal with their aggressive mood, difficult
temperaments, frustrations, anxiety, stress, anger and for crises management.
Ms. Maria was my supervisor in psychological section. She guides us how work in this section.
She told us that there are three psychologists in this section. The first thing we need to do it that
is initial assessment. She guides me how to initial assessment about children who are mentally
disturbed. She gave me initial assessment form and told me about how to fill it.
My role as a professional social worker is to involve the children in recreational activity. My role
in this section was to give them some relief from their studies and get them involved in other
activity and to enhance self-esteem and confidence. Through art and crafts, children learn to
values and appreciate artifacts and images across cultures and time.

Social Section is the main operational section of Child Protection & Welfare Bureau in which
neglected and destitute children are rescued from roads, streets and other vulnerable places. The
children who are abused, exploited, used for commercial sexual exploitation, without parental
care or used for child trafficking, abduction and sale are rescued by the officers from Social
Section. Child Protection and Welfare Bureau conducted operation in different areas of the
provincial capital. CPWB team warned the parents of child beggars, that action would be taken
against them if they would continue to send their children for begging in the streets. On street
children’s category work and live on the streets and off-street children’s category work and go
back to their families.
Sir Umar Draz Bhatti was our supervisor in social section. He guides us how to make
socioeconomic report about families. Those families who adopt the child.
After giving instructions about social section Mam Faiqa sent us towards social section. In social
section Sir Shah Nawaz Bhatti was our supervisor. He briefly Describe about the CPWB and
discuss its section; social section is one of them. In social section he described that basic purpose
of social section is written down Istagasa and SIR (Social Investigation Report) of children. The
children at CPWB because of Four category the first one is Rescue, second is Through
Operation, third is through Helpline and last one is because of ORC (Open Reception Center).
According to first category Rescue is based on according to given schedule and second one is
planed category and about third one category is that Helpline calls are taken at 1121 for destitute
children and last one ORC is about admission of poor families’ children. Sir filled SIR and
Istagasa before us. So, that we can teach the way to filled it. Detail Description of Istagasa and
SIR are given below.
 In the name of.
 Registration Number.
 Name of Children.
 Father Name.
 Age.
 Gender.
 Caste.
 Temporary Address.
 Permanent Address.
 Contact Number.
 Complainant.
 Time.
 Rescue Date.
 Place of Rescue.
 Export Items.
 Short story of Explanation.
 Documents.
SIR (Social Investigation Report) :-
 Serial Number.
 Registration Number.
 District.
 Admitted Date.
 The means of bringing the child to the center.
1. Rescue.
2. Through Operation.
3. Helpline.
4. Through Police.
5. Through NGO.
6. Through Parents.
7. Any other reason.
 Nature of child.
1. On.
2. Off
3. Street.
 Name of children.
 Name of Father.
 Name of Mother.
 Gender.
 Age.
 Name of Guardian.
 Relationship with Guardian.
 Permanent Address.
 Temporary Address.
 Contact Number.
 Father’s Employment.

 Mother’s Employment.
 Nature of relationship between parents.
 Living Address.
 Sibling’s Name.
 Education Detail.
 What do you want to become?
 Family’s Detail.
 Have you ever rescued it before?
 What was the reason you came to the institution?

Child Protection & Welfare Bureau has focused to provide quality education to the destitute and
neglected children. For this purpose, Child Protection Schools have established to provide basic
education to these children. Child Protection School, Lahore is upgrade to Middle Level and
registered with Education Department of Punjab Government. The children, who passed their
middle level, are providing Secondary Education out sourced. The rescued children residing at
Child Protection Institute are enroll in the Child Protection Schools. Apart from the traditional
school education, Child Protection & Welfare Bureau has laid focus on providing Religious
education to these children as well. The religious teachers are appointed. Ensuring that adults,
who are working in the school, including volunteers, do not pose a risk to children. Making sure
staff has trained; know how to respond to concerns and keep-up-to-date with policy and practice,
teaching children and young people about staying safe, maintaining an environment where
children feel confident to approach any member of staff if they have a worry or problem. The
school is responsible for keeping them safe from harm and abuse. The school should create a
safe learning environment, identify pupils who are suffering or at risk of human and take suitable
action. The school also needs to train staff in child protection.
Miss Faiqa was our supervisor in School Section. She guides us about the destitute children and
assigns us different classes in which teachers were already presents.
In the last week of internship, Miss Faiqa assigned us duty in Child Protection School. There
were two sections in Child Protection School. The first one Boys section in Lower Floor and the
second one Girls section in Upper Floor. There were also a stitching center in CPS upper floor.
We worked five days in CPS. Children were very naughty and some are restless. All were so
cute but with different issues. Some children were quite because they were depressed. At this
point, I built rapport with them and trying to feel them comfort and then discussed their issues
with them. I asked children to solve some mathematics question with me; they all were
participate with me in solving questions. After spending a lot of time with them, I judge that they
all are almost moody. The teacher in the class was appreciable because she deals them according
to their mood and requirement. There was also a proper arrangement for their lunch during break
time. Teachers in the class provided all the stationary and educational material to children. There
were different type of children as destitute, beggars, from broken families, and poor families.
Children were happy to got education from CPS. They all were wants to become an Army
Officer, Teacher, Engineer, Doctor, etc in future. I also told them about the benefits to studied in
CPS as per they all were became a good human, and serve for humanity.

Introduction :-
About 3.3 million of Pakistani children are trapped in child labor, depriving them of their
childhood, their health and education, and condemning them to a life of poverty and want.
Main objectives of child protection institute:
 Protection.
 Temporary shelter.
 Reunification
Types of children in CPI:
 Kidnapped
 Run away
 Lost
 Missing
 Trafficked
 Child beggars
 Child labourers
For rescued children who cannot be placed in safe family environment, the Bureau has
established standardized alternative care institutions. Child Protection Institutions managed by
the Bureau provide residence, food, education, health care, psychological counseling and
recreation to destitute and neglected children upon admission till the time that the children are
reunited into their families. 59106 children were admitted in CPIs so far in different district
offices of the Child Protection & Welfare Bureau from 2004 to 2020.
Working in CPI :-
In CPI (Child protection institution) has two types of hostels. One for girls other for boys
When the children are rescue, after making their SIR and istagasa the children taken in
protection. Received custody list from the social section. After receiving custody list from social
section wait for court orders. According to situation children surrender form is filled arrival
departure in the form of signature. Follow up is also including in process. Daily status of CPI
boys section keep in a view. CPI is the foam of hostel for girls and boys. It’s a place of
rehabilitation and social orphanage. Newborn to 18 years old children live in a h

Activity no 1
Stop Bullying
Venue: Babul Salat

The activity was arrange by us for stop bullying in children. We want to develop sense of
positivity in children for others.
 To develop positivity in children.
 To build up confidence level.
 To do team work with children.
The main purpose of this activity was to improve the behavior of children and teach them the
good way through which they stay out from bad habits, and annoying any other.
Miss Maria incharge of psychology section in C.P.W.B. assigned us to do an activity on the topic
stop bullying. The activity was conduct in Babul Salat, I decided to have the children sit in a
circle and then we introduce the lesson on stop bullying. Tell them about the disadvantages of
bullying, the bad effects of bullying on human health. Children enjoyed the lecture. Some
children shared their experience of bullying with us. After that, we play a game with them we
gave them a copy, advise them to pass it to other, and told us about the other person one good
quality. Children like this game and played it willingly. They all were happy and insisting us to
came daily and doing this type of activities with them.

Activity no 2
Rescue Children Counseling

Venue: Boy hostel (Babul Iman)

Give professional help and advice to resolve personal and psychological problems.
Perform activity in two hours from (10am to 12am).
Numbers of Children’s:
There are almost 30 to 35 children’s in activity.
 To develop up confidence level
 Children enjoyment
 Team work
Activity purpose:
This the activity is meant to stimulate the mental and psychological well-being of children and
the mind fresh.
Include Activities:
 Musical chair
 Story telling
 English and urdu poems listening
Miss Faiqa our supervisor sent us to perform an activities at the boys hostel (Babul Salat), I had
to do an activity with the rescued children’s to calm down some of distressed children. We had
an room there with at least twenty- five to Thirty children’s. Which was a very easy task to
handle, and it was huge task for us, So me and my class fellow we decided first of all make a list
of these children and wrote there names, and then thought to do something with them, so that
these children join us. Furthermore after written names we focus upon the depressed children

whose are looking soo sad. After Counseling of those children we go to perform activity of
musical chairs. During activity children’s was looking fresh and active. After performed first
activity and it was time of changing the environment of room so we moved forward according to
our task and start to tell story’s and some of these children tell us English or urdu poems and
story’s in front of everyone. We spend about two hours with these kids and we have a great time
with them and the kids really enjoyed this activity.

Activity No 3

VENUE: Child Protection School (CPS).

A country’s Independence Day is the day on which its people celebrate their Independence from
another country that ruled them in the past. In the Pakistan, Independence Day is celebrated each
year on 14th August.
Perform activity in two hours from (10am to 12am).
There are almost 15 to 20 children in activity.
Making charts with children regarding Independence Day and rehearsing national songs.
Miss Faiqa our supervisor sends us to perform an activity at the Child Protection School (CPS).
We had to do an activity with the students of different classes.
We make different charts regarding Independence Day with help of students. We listen to
different national songs from the children. And we rehearsed national songs.
After these activity children looks very happy, satisfied and excited for the function of
Independence Day.


External Supervisor.
Our supervisor ms. Faiqa hafeez taught us about she has great knowledg and skills , she provide
us knowledge about work and guided us about child protection and welfare beauru . on every
moment , her support made internship much knowledgeable.
Internal Supervisor .
our internal supervisor Ms majidah yahya is good teacher . she gave us all information about
internship and also guide us on every step . her support give us confidence . she has stron grip
on the subject which she teaches she guide us in every problem


A more special thanks to Allah Allmighty who made for everything possible for me . I am also
thanks to my parents who support me . a thank to our respectable teachers specialy Mam Majida
Yahya. thanks to my external supervisor Miss faiqa who bestowed us with the kind guidance
Who guide me in every step of project .
"I really appreciate the opportunity." "I am really grateful for this opportunity." "Thank you for
making time to speak with me today." "Thank you for the learning experience."



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