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Directions: Individual work. 15 points. Reflect on Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism.

connections among them. What made the three religions similar?
Complete the statements below.

1. The right view is that there is a recognition and understanding of the true nature of
existence, including the concepts of impermanence, interdependence, and the ultimate
goal of liberation or enlightenment.

2. The four noble truths are the foundational teachings of Buddhism. They are:
a) The truth of suffering (Dukkha): The recognition that suffering is an inherent part of
b) The truth of the origin of suffering (Samudaya): Understanding that suffering arises
from craving and attachment.
c) The truth of the cessation of suffering (Nirodha): The belief that there is a
possibility of ending suffering.
d) The truth of the path to the cessation of suffering (Magga): The Eightfold Path,
which provides guidance on how to overcome suffering and attain enlightenment.

3. One first truth is that life is marked by suffering or dissatisfaction (Dukkha). This
acknowledges that suffering is an inevitable aspect of human existence.

4. The second truth is that the cause of suffering is craving or attachment (Tanha). It is
the desire for pleasure, possessions, and a self-identity that leads to suffering.

5. The third truth is that there is an end to suffering (Nirodha). By letting go of craving
and attachments, one can achieve liberation from suffering.

6. The fourth truth is that there is a path that leads to the cessation of suffering
(Magga). This path is known as the Eightfold Path, which encompasses moral conduct,
meditation, and wisdom.

7. The cure of suffering in Buddhism is achieving Nirvana, which is the ultimate state of
liberation, peace, and enlightenment.

8. The right livelihood means engaging in a profession or occupation that is ethical,

honest, and in line with Buddhist principles. It involves avoiding livelihoods that cause
harm, such as dealing in weapons, engaging in illegal activities, or participating in
exploitative industries.
9. One correct livelihood in Buddhism could be working as a teacher, promoting
education and knowledge. One action that is considered wrong would be engaging in
deceptive practices or cheating others for personal gain.

10. The state of enlightenment is called Nirvana in Buddhism. It is the ultimate goal of
liberation from suffering and the cycle of birth and death. It is a state of complete
awakening, freedom from attachments, and realization of the true nature of reality.

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