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Experiment No.

5 Bending Tests on rolled steel Joists

Group: K2

Aim : To study the behavior of rolled steel joists under bending

Details of Test specimen:

Apparatus used:
1. The beam - ISMB 200
- Length =200 cm,
- Flange width = 100 mm,
- Flange Thickness = 10.8 mm,
- Web Thickness = 5.7 mm
- Depth = 200 mm.
- Izz = 2.235 x 10-5 m4
- Zzz = 2.235 x 10-4 m3

2. Support: Simply supported at both ends.

3. Loading: two-point loading, applied at 1/3rd and 2/3rd of the span (33.5 mm on
either side of the center of the beam, 67 cm from the ends)
4. Hydraulic jack
5. LVDT: Three LVDTs - one at mid span of the beam and other two at the points of
loading. LC=0.01mm
6. 10 Strain Gauges
- 5 individual gauges located at the midpoint of the beam. (Gauge 1 at the
top and 5 at the bottom of the flange, Gauge 2 and 4 at +50 and -50 mm
from the neutral axis and gauge 3 is at the neutral axis.)
- Two rosettes of 3 gauges and 2 gauges respectively. (Gauges 6, 7, 8 are
arranged in tri-element strain rosettes of 0˚-45˚-90˚ to find the principal
axes. This rosette is located at the left loading point on the neutral axis.
Gauges 9 and 10 form a two-element strain rosette at 45˚-135˚w.r.t to the
longitudinal axis. This rosette is located at 33.5 cm (1/6th of the span)
from the left again on the neutral axis.)

1. Assumptions in the theory of beam bending and its implications for this
- The beam is subject to pure bending, the shear force is zero, and that no
torsional or axial loads are present -- But in reality bending will induce axial
forces in the beam.
- The material is isotropic and homogeneous – Material imperfections have not
been taken into consideration in deriving the theoretical values.
- The material obeys Hooke's law (it is linearly elastic and will not deform
plastically) – To ensure this the beam should be loaded so that the stresses are
well below the yield point.
- The beam will fail by bending rather than by crushing, wrinkling or sideways
buckling – ISMB 200 satisfies this criterion. Load applied is well below the elastic
limit to satisfy this condition
- Plane sections of the beam remain plane before and during bending –a
consequence of our assumption – pure bending scenario. Here we assume that
no shear stresses are present in the cross section which is not true for the same
reasons refuting assumption #1. Consequently, some shear deformation is
expected which will cause deviations.
- The majority of the deviations from the theoretical values occur because of our
idealized assumptions which are not truly practical in reality.
2. Brief derivation of the flexure formula
- In order to compute the value of bending stresses developed in a loaded
beam, let us consider the two cross-sections of a beam HE and GF,
originally parallel as shown in fig 1(a).when the beam is to bend it is
assumed that these sections remain parallel i.e. H'E' and G'F' , the final
position of the sections, are still straight lines, they then subtend some
angle .

- Consider now fiber AB in the material, at a distance y from the N.A, when the
beam bends this will stretch to A'B'

- Since CD and C'D' are on the neutral axis, it is assumed that the Stress on the
neutral axis is zero. Therefore, there won't be any strain on the neutral axis.
- Consider any arbitrary cross-section of a beam, as shown above now the
strain on a fiber at a distance ‘y' from the N.A, is given by the expression.
- This equation is known as the Bending Theory Equation. The above
proof has involved the assumption of pure bending without any shear
force being present. Therefore this is termed as the pure bending
equation. This equation gives distribution of stresses which are normal to
cross-section i.e. in x-direction.

3. Methods of Determining Beam Deflections

Numerous methods are available for the determination of beam deflections.
These methods include:
1. Double-integration method
2. Area-moment method
3. Strain-energy method (Castigliano's Theorem)
4. Conjugate-beam method
5. Method of superposition

4. Equation for the deflected shape of a simply supported beam subjected to

two-point loading
The shear force diagram for the 2 point loading is given below, from that we see
From the bending moment and shear force diagrams, the shape of the beam will
be different in the 1st and last 1/3rd portions and the middle third portion subject
to pure bending will have a different shape.
- 1st 1/3rd portion: Taking origin at the left end of the beam:
Since shear is constant (= P/2), the deflected shape has a cubic profile. So let
- To find the value of C, Take the middle 1/3rd of the beam. For our
convenience we will choose the origin at L/3 from the left. i.e. Define x’ = x
- L/3. In pure bending the shape is quadratic:

- Since the slope is continuous across the length of the beam, this is the slope at x
= L/3. Hence

- So the shape of the beam is given by the equations:

- The shape on the second half of the beam span is a mirror image of the shape
on the first half of the span owing to symmetry and so we have not considered it
separately. It can be described by the same equations by shifting the origin to the
right side end of the beam and analyzing the beam from right to left.
5. Theory of Strain Rosette
- Strain Rosette: Arrangements of gauge lines at a point in a cluster are
called strain rosettes. The three strain measurements taken from a rosette
suffice to determine the state of plane strain at a point.

- Since a single gauge can only measure the strain in only a single direction, two
gauges are needed to determine strain in the εx and εy. However, there is no
gauge that is capable of measuring shear strain. But any rotated normal strain is
a function of the coordinate strains, εx, εy and γxy, which are unknown in this
case. Thus, if three different gauges are all rotated, that will give three equations,
with three unknowns, εx, εy and γxy. These equations are,
Applying this equation to each of the three strain gauges results in the following
system of equations

- To increase the accuracy of a strain rosette, large angles are used. A common
rosette of three gauges is where the gauges are separated by 45o , or θa = 0o ,
orθb = 45o , or θc = 90o . The three equations can then be simplify to
Solving for εx, εy and γxy gives,


Experimental Data:
Raw data (taken at intervals of 250 kg load till 2500kgs)

LOAD LVDT_1 Middle lvdt LVDT_3 SG_1 SG_2 SG_3

kg mm mm mm µm/m µm/m µm/m
0 -0.0000260416673 -0.0000651041 -0.0002604166 0.3166666832 0.358333352 0.3416666845

247.0208407 -0.06340494945 0.07408854553 -0.0948958356 -18.82500098 -9.108333808 0.2333333455

498.8385565 -0.1458854202 0.1631184981 -0.1859179733 -36.71666858 -17.93333427 1.01666672
755.5833559 -0.2278059951 0.2531412892 -0.2802799547 -54.13333616 -26.10833469 2.283333452
1003.890655 -0.3069596428 0.3413248876 -0.3743229257 -70.333337 -33.9583351 3.433333512
1249.598996 -0.3835351655 0.4242513242 -0.4619531362 -85.92500448 -41.57500217 4.858333587
1506.291712 -0.4624544383 0.5063639587 -0.5489388154 -101.7083386 -48.47500253 6.708333683
1751.828177 -0.5388672005 0.5851074524 -0.6304948069 -117.1083394 -55.6750029 8.141667091
1998.25006 -0.6165039212 0.666129592 -0.7158984548 -132.2416736 -62.64166993 9.725000507
2246.849025 -0.6930143397 0.7413737366 -0.8018164257 -147.9500077 -69.86667031 11.06666724
2500.963616 -0.7716406437 0.8146810321 -0.8921419487 -164.0166752 -77.3166707 12.72500066
2522.010492 -0.7789062689 0.8210286887 -0.9005859593 -165.658342 -77.9583374 12.68333399
2499.656324 -0.7800521022 0.8221191835 -0.9006250218 -164.2833419 -77.40000404 12.60000066
2252.692775 -0.716510434 0.7688314203 -0.828404968 -149.7916745 -70.72500369 11.23333392
2001.213601 -0.6426237135 0.6890625359 -0.7410026221 -134.3583403 -63.69166999 9.691667172
1748.213594 -0.5649479303 0.6060872712 -0.6525976721 -118.2166728 -56.02500292 8.450000441
1509.093795 -0.4917968869 0.5310384392 -0.5708073055 -102.6500054 -49.01666922 7.47500039
1288.354205 -0.4267773541 0.461686222 -0.4961523558 -88.20833793 -41.80000218 6.650000347
980.0416959 -0.3319075601 0.3569498884 -0.3836588635 -67.61667019 -31.96666833 5.408333615
748.838564 -0.2586849021 0.2803385563 -0.3000846427 -51.70833603 -24.21666793 4.616666907
462.7343888 -0.1670833374 0.1853352961 -0.1984635465 -31.20000163 -14.1416674 3.941666872
50.93229318 -0.02966145905 0.04407552313 -0.0405729176 -0.466666691 1.175000061 3.175000166

SG_4 SG_5 SG_6 SG_7 SG_8 SG_9 SG_10

µm/m µm/m µm/m µm/m µm/m µm/m µm/m

0.333333350 0.250000013 0.600000031 0.300000015 1.008333386 0.266666680 -0.016666667

9.341667154 17.83333426 3.558333519 -4.958333592 -1.941666768 -9.358333821 8.950000467
19.19166767 36.44166857 6.366666999 -12.38333398 -9.008333803 -20.39166773 16.67500087
29.47500154 55.40000289 9.033333804 -20.23333439 -17.77500093 -32.65833504 23.54166789
39.35000205 73.48333717 11.5250006 -28.43333482 -26.64166806 -44.84166901 29.65833488
48.82500255 91.54167144 13.52500071 -36.21666856 -36.59166858 -57.09166964 35.56666852
59.48333644 110.3666724 16.78333421 -44.1250023 -45.75000239 -69.85000364 42.25833554
69.17500361 128.2166734 19.56666769 -51.68333603 -53.91666948 -81.80000427 48.40000252
79.09167079 145.7416743 22.10833449 -57.85833635 -61.76666989 -93.2583382 54.76666952
88.70833796 163.1083418 24.54166795 -64.05000334 -69.30833695 -104.8916721 60.99166985
98.72500515 181.2666761 27.03333474 -70.43333701 -76.93333735 -116.5000061 67.64167019
99.48333852 182.6416762 27.12500141 -70.9500037 -77.57500405 -117.6416728 68.00000355
98.55000514 181.2666761 26.8250014 -70.52500368 -76.86667068 -116.6000061 67.45833685
89.54167134 164.8083419 24.37500127 -65.2250034 -69.90000365 -105.0166721 61.31666986
79.94167084 147.358341 21.99166781 -59.4500031 -61.9916699 -93.3333382 54.75000286
70.358337 130.1083401 20.05833438 -52.77500275 -54.09166949 -81.35000424 48.55000253
61.25000319 113.7666726 18.00000094 -45.50833571 -45.20000236 -69.38333695 42.8666689
53.19166944 98.40833847 16.61666753 -37.95833531 -36.22500189 -57.86666968 38.300002
41.35833549 76.50000399 14.27500074 -26.8250014 -23.35000122 -41.67500217 31.45000164
32.39166836 59.70000311 12.45000065 -18.28333429 -14.16666741 -29.85000156 26.07500136
21.30000111 38.80833536 10.06666719 -7.98333375 -3.816666866 -15.90833416 18.72500098
5.37500028 8.300000433 4.791666917 3.000000156 3.733333528 0.841666710 4.60000024
Corrected data:

LOAD LVDT_1 Middle lvdt LVDT_3

kg mm mm mm
0 0 0 0

247.0208407 -0.06337890778 0.0741536497 -0.09463541896

498.8385565 -0.1458593785 0.1631836023 -0.1856575566
755.5833559 -0.2277799534 0.2532063934 -0.280019538
1003.890655 -0.3069336012 0.3413899918 -0.3740625091
1249.598996 -0.3835091239 0.4243164284 -0.4616927195
1506.291712 -0.4624283966 0.5064290629 -0.5486783987
1751.828177 -0.5388411589 0.5851725566 -0.6302343903
1998.25006 -0.6164778795 0.6661946962 -0.7156380382
2246.849025 -0.692988298 0.7414388408 -0.801556009
2500.963616 -0.771614602 0.8147461362 -0.891881532
2522.010492 -0.7788802272 0.8210937928 -0.9003255426
2499.656324 -0.7800260606 0.8221842877 -0.9003646051
2252.692775 -0.7164843923 0.7688965245 -0.8281445513
2001.213601 -0.6425976718 0.6891276401 -0.7407422054
1748.213594 -0.5649218887 0.6061523754 -0.6523372554
1509.093795 -0.4917708452 0.5311035433 -0.5705468888
1288.354205 -0.4267513124 0.4617513262 -0.4958919391
980.0416959 -0.3318815185 0.3570149926 -0.3833984468
748.838564 -0.2586588604 0.2804036605 -0.299824226
462.7343888 -0.1670572957 0.1854004003 -0.1982031298
50.93229318 -0.0296354178 0.0441406273 -0.0403125009

LOAD SG_1 SG_2 SG_3 SG_4

kg µm/m µm/m µm/m µm/m
0 0 0 0 0
247.0208407 -19.14166766 -9.46666716 -0.108333339 9.008333803
498.8385565 -37.03333526 -18.29166762 0.6750000352 18.85833432
755.5833559 -54.45000284 -26.46666805 1.941666768 29.14166819
1003.890655 -70.65000368 -34.31666846 3.091666828 39.0166687
1249.598996 -86.24167116 -41.93333552 4.516666902 48.4916692
1506.291712 -102.0250053 -48.83333588 6.366666999 59.15000308
1751.828177 -117.4250061 -56.03333626 7.800000407 68.84167026
1998.25006 -132.5583402 -63.00000329 9.383333823 78.75833744
2246.849025 -148.2666744 -70.22500366 10.72500056 88.37500461
2500.963616 -164.3333419 -77.67500405 12.38333398 98.3916718
2522.010492 -165.9750087 -78.31667075 12.34166731 99.15000517
2499.656324 -164.6000086 -77.75833739 12.25833397 98.21667179
2252.692775 -150.1083412 -71.08333704 10.89166723 89.20833799
2001.213601 -134.675007 -64.05000334 9.350000488 79.60833749
1748.213594 -118.5333395 -56.38333627 8.108333756 70.02500365
1509.093795 -102.966672 -49.37500258 7.133333705 60.91666984
1288.354205 -88.52500462 -42.15833553 6.308333662 52.85833609
980.0416959 -67.93333688 -32.32500169 5.066666931 41.02500214
748.838564 -52.02500271 -24.57500128 4.275000223 32.05833501
462.7343888 -31.51666831 -14.50000076 3.600000188 20.96666776
50.93229318 -0.7833333742 0.8166667093 2.833333481 5.04166693

SG_5 SG_6 SG_7 SG_8 SG_9 SG_10

µm/m µm/m µm/m µm/m µm/m µm/m
0 0 0 0 0 0
17.58333425 2.958333488 -5.258333608 -2.950000154 -9.625000502 8.966667134
36.19166855 5.766666967 -12.68333399 -10.01666719 -20.65833441 16.69166754
55.15000288 8.433333773 -20.5333344 -18.78333431 -32.92500172 23.55833456
73.23333715 10.92500057 -28.73333483 -27.65000144 -45.10833569 29.67500155
91.29167143 12.92500067 -36.51666857 -37.60000196 -57.35833632 35.58333519
110.1166724 16.18333418 -44.42500232 -46.75833577 -70.11667032 42.2750022
127.9666733 18.96666766 -51.98333604 -54.92500286 -82.06667095 48.41666919
145.4916743 21.50833446 -58.15833637 -62.77500327 -93.52500488 54.78333619
162.8583418 23.94166792 -64.35000336 -70.31667033 -105.1583388 61.00833652
181.0166761 26.43333471 -70.73333702 -77.94167073 -116.7666728 67.65833686
182.3916762 26.52500138 -71.25000372 -78.58333743 -117.9083395 68.01667021
181.0166761 26.22500137 -70.82500369 -77.87500406 -116.8666728 67.47500352
164.5583419 23.77500124 -65.52500342 -70.90833703 -105.2833388 61.33333653
147.108341 21.39166778 -59.75000312 -63.00000329 -93.60000488 54.76666952
129.8583401 19.45833435 -53.07500277 -55.10000287 -81.61667092 48.5666692
113.5166726 17.40000091 -45.80833572 -46.20833574 -69.65000363 42.88333557
98.15833845 16.0166675 -38.25833533 -37.23333528 -58.13333637 38.31666867
76.25000398 13.67500071 -27.12500141 -24.3583346 -41.94166885 31.46666831
59.4500031 11.85000062 -18.5833343 -15.17500079 -30.11666824 26.09166803
38.55833534 9.46666716 -8.283333765 -4.825000252 -16.17500084 18.74166764
8.05000042 4.191666885 2.700000141 2.725000142 0.57500003 4.616666907

Depth of
LOAD Moment Neutral axis Curvature SG_9 SG_10
kg (N-m) (mm) (ø) µm/m µm/m
0 0 100 0 0 0
247.0208 807.758016 100 -0.108333339 -9.625000502 8.966667134
498.8386 1631.202222 100 0.6750000352 -20.65833441 16.69166754
755.5834 2470.757718 100 1.941666768 -32.92500172 23.55833456
1003.891 3282.72357 100 3.091666828 -45.10833569 29.67500155
1249.599 4086.18873 100 4.516666902 -57.35833632 35.58333519
1506.292 4925.57484 100 6.366666999 -70.11667032 42.2750022
1751.828 5728.47756 100 7.800000407 -82.06667095 48.41666919
1998.25 6534.2775 100 9.383333823 -93.52500488 54.78333619
2246.849 7347.19623 100 10.72500056 -105.1583388 61.00833652
2500.964 8178.15228 100 12.38333398 -116.7666728 67.65833686
2522.01 8246.9727 100 12.34166731 -117.9083395 68.01667021
2499.656 8173.87512 100 12.25833397 -116.8666728 67.47500352
2252.693 7366.30611 100 10.89166723 -105.2833388 61.33333653
2001.214 6543.96978 100 9.350000488 -93.60000488 54.76666952
1748.214 5716.65978 100 8.108333756 -81.61667092 48.5666692
1509.094 4934.73738 100 7.133333705 -69.65000363 42.88333557
1288.354 4212.91758 100 6.308333662 -58.13333637 38.31666867
980.0417 3204.736359 100 5.066666931 -41.94166885 31.46666831
748.8386 2448.702222 100 4.275000223 -30.11666824 26.09166803
462.7344 1513.141488 100 3.600000188 -16.17500084 18.74166764
50.93229 166.5485883 100 2.833333481 0.57500003 4.616666907

1. Plot of depth vs. strain for various loads:
2. Plot of load vs. deflection (3 curves):

3. Plot of moment vs. curvature:

4. Plot of load vs. principle direction
5. Plot of load vs. shear strain

Flexural rigidity=EI:
Theoretically, flexural rigidity= E*I = 200000*21200000 = 4.24*1012 Nmm2
1. From moment vs curvature graph
𝒅2𝒚/𝒅𝒙2 = 𝑴/ 𝑬𝑰
Experimentally, from the moment curvature graph, the slope value = 30.8°
Experimental EI = tan-1(30.83)= 4.04*1012 Nmm2

2. From load vs deflection graph,

LVDT 1 - Flexural rigidity = 5* L3 *9.81 * slope / 324 = 3.63*1012 Nmm2
LVDT 2 -Flexural rigidity = 13* L3 *9.81 * slope / 648 = 4.723*1012 Nmm2
LVDT 3 -Flexural rigidity = 5* L3 *9.81 * slope / 324 = 4.844*1012 Nmm2
Flexural Rigidity = (3.63+4.723+4.844) 1012 /3 = 4.399*1012 Nmm2

Shear rigidity:
From Load vs shear strain graph,
Shear modulus of rigidity = 9.81 / 𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 ∗ 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑐/𝑠
= 9.81/ 0.0258 * 10−6 * 30.8 * 10−4 = 77.9 𝐺𝑃𝑎
Theoretical shear modulus of rigidity = 𝐸 / 2(1+𝑣) = 76 GPa

Observations & Discussion

- Load vs Deflection and Moment vs Curvature Graphs come out to be linear as
expected theoretically. This also means that the experiment was conducted well
within the elastic range.
- Some of the reasons for the variations in observed and theoretical values are
a) As the same beam is being tested for some time there may be some residual strains
in the beam because of previous loading.
b) As the beam is not exactly of the same dimensions as that of ISMB200 there are
some variations in the values that we get.
c) Self-weight of the beam is ignored while doing calculations. It can influence the
values we observe during the experiment.
d) Load is applied over a small area but not on a point. The strains observed in strain
gauge 3 are nearly zero as it is located on the neutral axis
e) The material may not be isotropic and homogeneous and there may be some
structural variations or impurities.
f) Inaccuracies due to faulty gauges
g) Effects like creep, corrosion and fatigue over the service life of the beam
- The assumption of plane sections remaining plane, before and after bending
was proved to be considerably accurate.

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