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1. Explain Agile in brief.

2. Explain the difference between traditional Waterfall model and Agile testing

Different in - life cycle – continuous iteration, linear sequential

Rigidity- flexible, rigid

Collaboration- highly collaborative, very less collaborative

Process – iterative sprints, several phases

Changes – easy to adapt changes, can’t be changed after development starts

SW development- collections of many difft projects or deliverable, single project/deli’s

Testing – performed in the same iteration, comes after build phase

3. What are some important parts of Agile process?

a. Customer satisfaction
b. Welcome changes
c. Frequent delivery
d. Work together
e. Motivated team
f. Self-organized
g. Face-to-face conversation
h. Working Software
i. Constant Pace
j. Good design
k. Simplicity – focusing on the task at hand
l. Reflect & Adjust
4. Explain iterative and Incremental development in Agile.
a. Evolve, build on top of previous iterations, ultimate product, feedback in each iterative, new
5. Different types of agile methodologies
a. Extreme Programming
b. Kanban
c. Lean (popular & well acknowledged)
d. Scrum (very popular)
e. Crystal
6. Principles of Agile Testing

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