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Self-control procedures as used by children to affect their own behavior were reviewed.
Particular emphasis was placed on self-instruction, self-determined criteria, self-assess-
ment, and self-reinforcement. Self-punishment, comprehensive programs, and innovative
self-control procedures (distraction and restatement of contingencies) were also evaluated.
Basic effectiveness, comparisons with similar externally imposed interventions, main-
tenance, and the augmental value of the procedures were assessed. Important problems
for future research were identified.
DESCRIPTORS: self-control, maintenance, review, children

In addition to developing treatment ap- havior explicitly identified as a self-controlling

proaches to children's problems that emphasize behavior (e.g., self-administration of a rein-
modifications in the child's environment, be- forcer) or a behavior presumably mediated by a
havior therapists have become increasingly inter- self-controlling behavior (e.g., delay of gratifi-
ested in teaching children methods of changing cation). The question asked is, "What can we
their own behavior. This trend has occurred for do to influence the likelihood that the child
a number of reasons. First, acting independently will act to control his own behavior?" The area
is valued and typically expected by our culture. is exemplified by Bandura's (1969) research on
Second, the child's teacher and/or parent may transmissions of patterns of self-reward, some
not always be capable of successfully imple- of Mischel's (e.g., Mischel, Ebbesen, and Zeiss,
menting external controls. Third, when a child 1972) evaluations of delay of gratification, and
controls his/her own behavior well, adults can Aronfreed's (1968) studies of resistance to
spend more time teaching the child other im- temptation-all using laboratory analogue set-
portant skills. Fourth, the self-controlling child tings. On the other hand, much of the applied
is able to learn and behave effectively when adult self-control research is identified by the question,
supervision is not available. Fifth and finally, "What procedures can children use (e.g., self-
teaching children to control their own behavior instructions or self-evaluations) to effectively
may lead to more durable behavioral changes control their own behavior?" Children's use of
than relying solely on external means of in- self-controlling behaviors constitutes the inde-
fluence. pendent variable, and the dependent variables
The term "self-control" has been employed are indices of other child behaviors, for example,
historically as a rubric for two related, but theo- time-on-task, teachers' ratings of classroom be-
retically distinct, areas of research. In one in- havior, and creative writing skills. The follow-
stance, the independent variable (e.g., a model- ing review summarizes this latter area of re-
ing film) is implemented by the experimenter, search. Both clinical applications of self-control
and the dependent variable is either a child be- procedures as well as laboratory studies which
bear directly on clinical issues are included.
Throughout the review, particular attention
Reprint requests should be sent to Susan G. will be paid to the following questions: (a) Are
O'Leary, Department of Psychology, State University
of New York, Stony Brook, New York 11794. self-control procedures effective in producing

behavioral change?, (b) How do self-control (1973) found that in their younger aged experi-
procedures compare in efficacy to external con- mental group, verbalizers had significantly
trol methods?, and (c) Do self-control proce- longer latencies of transgression in the resis-
dures produce maintenance of behavioral ef- tance-to-temptation situation than nonverbaliz-
fects? The final section provides conclusions and ers. In another resistance-to-temptation task,
discussion of issues. children who did not use the self-instruction
were less able to resist talking to a clown puppet
SELF-CONTROL via than those children who did employ the self-
BEHAVIORAL ANTECEDENTS instruction (Mischel and Patterson, 1976).
Clearly, definitive evaluations of self-instruction
Self-Instruction should include assurances that children actually
Self-instruction is defined as verbal state- implement the procedure.
ments to oneself which prompt, direct, or main- Second, the facility with which the children
tain behavior. Children often use self-instruc- can perform the response in question may de-
tions, such as " 'i' before 'e' except after 'c' " and termine the usefulness of a self-instruction.
"stop, look, and listen," to facilitate the correct Higa, Tharp, and Calkins (1978) found that
performance of a subsequent response. The ini- unless kindergarten and first-grade children had
tial documentation of the effectiveness of self- practiced making a motor response, self-instruc-
instruction was provided by Luria in 1961, tions actually interfered with performance.
although several attempts at direct replication Yet another factor which influences the ef-
produced equivocal results (Jarvis, 1968; Joynt fectiveness of self-instructions-history of ad-
and Cambourne, 1968; Miller, Shelton, and herence to self-instructions-was identified by
Flavell, 1970; Wilder, 1969). Other researchers Burron and Bucher (1978). In a paradigm re-
have successfully used self-instructions to affect sembling that used in studies collectively labeled
children's performance on a variety of tasks the "Say-do" literature (Israel, 1978), these
(Bem, 1967; Hartig and Kanfer, 1973; Mei- investigators reinforced either correspondence or
chenbaum and Goodman, 1969; Mischel and noncorrespondence between a self-instruction
Patterson, 1976; Monahan and O'Leary, 1971; and the relevant behavior. In a new situation
K. D. O'Leary, 1968; Palkes, Stewart, and involving response inhibition, seven- and eight-
Freedman, 1972; Palkes, Stewart, and Kahana, year-old children who had been reinforced for
1968). The form of the self-instructions varied correspondence more successfully used self-in-
from "faster" in a finger tapping task, to "Stop, structions than children reinforced for noncor-
listen, look and think before I answer" on the respondence.
Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFF) (Ka- Finally, Mischel and Patterson's (1976) data
gan, Roseman, Day, Albert, and Phillips, 1964). point to a possible differential effect of self-
At least four factors appear to influence the instructions dependent on the focus of the in-
effectiveness of self-instructions. Several authors struction. Their nursery school children were
noted that telling children to use self-instruc- better able to resist talking to a puppet if they
tions did not always guarantee adherence and, specifically instructed themselves not to talk to
subsequently, examined the relationship between the clown than if they reminded themselves to
the use of self-instructions and performance. work on their assigned task. While this result
Monahan and O'Leary (1971) found significant is seriously confounded by the fact that children
correlations ranging from -.55 to -.85 be- who were asked to remind themselves to work
tween correct self-instructions (e.g., "Yes, it on the task often failed to verbalize the self-
should be pressed.") and frequency of cheating instruction, it may be that the relevance of the
on their discrimination task. Hartig and Kanfer instruction with respect to future rewards de-

termined both actual use of the instruction and (1968, 1972) indicated that training on the
its effectiveness. The children were rewarded MFF, embedded figures, and the Trail Making
for resisting temptation, not for completing the Test generalized to performance on the Porteus
task. Sawin and Parke (1979) replicated these Maze. With respect to maintenance, Palkes et
results in a resistance-to-temptation paradigm al. (1968) found that children receiving self-
with first graders but not with second graders. instructional training on other tasks also dem-
The older children used either a prohibitive onstrated significant gains on the Porteus Maze
or a task-directed instruction effectively. Un- but that these gains disappeared after two weeks.
fortunately, the authors did not indicate whether Mechanisms. In determining when and how
the actual use of relevant verbalizations was to use self-instructions, the mechanism by which
comparable across groups. While Sawin and the verbalizations actually influence behavior
Parke (1979) did not contingently reward their should be considered. The instructional com-
children, they made a compelling argument for ponent of the self-verbalization may act as a
differential learning histories of prohibitive and discriminative cue directly increasing the proba-
task directed instruction, with adult prohibitions bility of a correct response. This view is sup-
more frequently followed by consequences than ported by the fact that with Hartig and Kanfer's
response eliciting instructions. This factor was (1973) older subjects, an irrelevant verbalization
proposed to interact with developmental changes ("Hickory, dickory, dock") exerted no control
in responsiveness to the specific content of the over resistance to temptation. Another hypothe-
self-instructions. sis is that self-instructions indirectly affect per-
In summary, self-instructions appear to be formance by focusing attention on the task.
effective self-controlling procedures if the chil- Several studies providing tentative support for
dren actually implement the instructional pro- this hypothesis (Hartig and Kanfer, 1973; Mei-
cedure, if the children use them to influence be- chenbaum and Goodman, 1969; Palkes et al.,
haviors at which they are skilled, if children 1972) have shown that overt (audible) self-
have been reinforced for adhering to their instructions are more effective than covert (si-
self-instructions in the past, and if the focus of lent) instructions. In a related finding, Dubey
the instructions is the behavior most subject to and O'Leary (1975) demonstrated increased
consequences. reading comprehension when the material was
Self vs. external. In a comparison of ex- read orally as opposed to silently. However, for
perimenter and self-verbalized instructions, Mei- the "attention" function to be clearly established,
chenbaum and Goodman (1969) found no sig- a demonstration that overt verbalizations im-
nificant differences between these two conditions prove attention to the task as well as better
when kindergarten children were instructed to task performance is necessary. In any particular
finger tap either "faster" or "slower." With first- situation, the relative importance of the instruc-
grade children, however, more control over tap- tional and attentional components of the self-
ping was established with the external verbaliza- instruction may depend on such factors as task
tions, although the self-verbalizations were also difficulty, age of the child, and the degree to
effective. External verbalizations may be more which the necessary skills have been learned.
salient for first-grade children than they are for Summary. Self-instructions are effective when
kindergartners since first graders have had more used as the sole intervention procedure. Their
experience in receiving instructions and follow- effectiveness depends on frequency of use, the
ing directions in school. child's skill at performing the task involved and
Maintenance. Palkes and her associates as- in following his/her own instructions, and the
sessed both generalization and maintenance ef- focus of the instruction. Self-instruction can be
fects of self-instruction. Results of Palkes et al. as effective as externally imposed instructions.

Limited maintenance and generalization of ef- standard was raised suggest that self-determined
fects have been observed. standards, if they were set high enough, may
enhance the effects of reward.
Self-Determined Criteria Self vs. external. One argument that has
In addition to providing stimulus control been offered as support for the effectiveness of
over their behavior by means of self-instructions, self-determined criteria is that self-imposed stan-
children may also set their own standards of dards are just as effective as externally imposed
performance (e.g., how many math problems standards when both are combined with rewards.
they will do) prior to engaging in a task. Self- The data have consistently supported the
determination of performance criteria could al- equivalence of the two procedures (Bandura and
ter behavior if the procedure: (1) served an Perloff, 1967; Felixbrod and O'Leary, 1973,
instructional or attentional function as self- 1974) and in fact have indicated that self-
instructions apparently do, (2) functioned as a imposed standards were occasionally more ef-
discriminating cue providing information re- fective (Lovitt and Curtiss, 1969; Brownell et
garding the amount of work necessary to earn al., 1977). Unfortunately, even externally im-
a reward, or (3) prompted the child to make posed criteria appear to have little or no influ-
evaluations of his/her behavior in relation to ence on children's behavior in the absence of re-
the goals he/she has set and consequently, to wards (Turkewitz, O'Leary, and Ironsmith,
provide covert or overt consequences for achieve- 1975; Bandura and Perloff, 1967).
ment. Maintenance. When maintenance of behavior
The data bearing on the question of whether following withdrawal of criterion setting pro-
self-determination of criteria, when used alone cedures was evaluated, Felixbrod and O'Leary
(i.e., with no reward), can significantly change (1974) found that response rate declined and
behavior are unambiguous. Both Bandura and significant differences between self-determined,
Perloff (1967) and Sagotsky, Patterson, and externally determined, or control groups did not
Lepper (1978) have shown that when criterion persist. Brownell et al. (1977) reported that the
setting is the sole intervention, children in lab- academic performance of children who had de-
oratory and applied settings perform no better termined their own standards was maintained
than control children. However, if children are at a higher level following two extinction ses-
rewarded for their achievement in addition to sions than the performance of children receiving
determining their own criteria, they generally externally determined criteria, although neither
perform better than control children experienc- group showed greater maintenance than the un-
ing neither criteria nor contingent rewards treated control group. Support for the sug-
(Bandura and Perloff, 1967; Felixbrod and gestive results of Brownell et al. (1977) was re-
O'Leary, 1974). One might conclude from these ported by Weiner and Dubanowski (1975)
results that self-determined criteria have no in- using a nonapplied laboratory task. Greater
fluence on children's behavior. However, such resistance to extinction was demonstrated for a
a conclusion is unwarranted until the additive self-determined criteria group as compared to a
effect of self-determined criteria over other pro- yoked external criteria control when the cri-
cedures is examined. Sagotsky et al. (1978) terion was relatively stringent (FR-4) but not
failed to find augmental effects of self-deter- when it was more lenient (FR-1 or FR-2).
mined criteria over self-monitoring. Related Leniency. One concern regarding the applied
reports (Masters, Furman, and Barden, 1977; use of criterion setting is whether children will
Brownell, Coletti, Ersner-Hershfield, Hershfield, establish overly lenient criteria. Bandura and
and Wilson, 1977) indicating that children's Perloff (1967) observed variable patterns in this
performance improved as an externally set regard, i.e., one-half of the 20 children altered

their criteria on a wheel-turning task by choos- responses. Thus, a child who indicates on a chart
ing more lenient standards while only 6 chose that he has completed his daily chores may by
more stringent ones. However, these children his act of self-assessment elicit covert responses
had only one opportunity to change their cri- such as, "I am a good boy."
teria. Felixbrod and O'Leary (1973, 1974) If self-assessment does lead to evaluative
found that children became progressively more statements on the part of the child, it should
lenient in their academic standards when they have the potential function of either increasing
were given several opportunities to change their or decreasing rates of behavior, depending upon
standards. The complexity of the leniency issue the motivations of the child as well as the
is underlined by Brownell et al. (1977). Chil- demands and expectations of significant others.
dren instructed to use stringent standards (i.e., Increases in behavior, such as attending in the
a small number of points for each correct arith- classroom (Broden, Hall, and Mitts, 1971), aca-
metic problem) spent more time on the task demic response rate (Lovitt, 1973), and class
than children not so instructed, but the strin- attendance (McKenzie and Rushall, 1974), have
gency instruction had no effect on the number of been noted. Decreases in behavior, such as talk-
problems completed correctly. ing out in class (Broden et al., 1971; Lovitt,
Summary. Criterion-setting used alone 1973) and aggression (Lovitt, 1973), have also
(whether self- or externally determined) does been found. Presumably, assessing desired be-
not appear to control behavior effectively. When havior results in positive covert self-reinforcing
combined with rewards, self-determined criteria statements, while assessing undesired behaviors
are as effective as externally controlled criteria. results in negative covert self-consequences.
Whether criterion-setting enhances the effects As an isolated procedure, self-assessment with
of reward is not known; however, some data children has not been particularly effective.
suggest that self-determined criteria might lead Both Santogrossi, O'Leary, Romanczyk, and
to increased maintenance of treatment effects. Kaufman (1973) and Turkewitz, O'Leary, and
Several studies suggest that stringent criteria Ironsmith (1975) instructed disruptive children
have more impact than lenient criteria, both in to make global ratings of their social behavior
terms of initial gains and later maintenance. in the classroom. In neither study was there
a reduction in disruptive behavior. Similarly, a
SELF-CONTROL via study by Layne, Rickard, Jones, and Lyman
BEHAVIORAL CONSEQUENCES (1976) demonstrated the failure of self-assess-
ment to strengthen room-cleaning behavior. On
Self-Assessment the other hand, Sagotsky et al. (1978) found a
Self-monitoring, self-recording, and self-eval- self-assessment procedure to be highly effective
uation are some of the terms describing proce- in reducing off-task behavior and increasing aca-
dures by which children assess the quantity or demic rate and accuracy, and Nelson, Lipinski,
quality of their own behavior. The initial use and Boykin (1978) successfully taught retarded
of self-assessment in clinical research was as adolescents to increase their rates of appropriate
a method for gathering baseline data prior to verbalizations by using a self-recording pro-
an intervention (Kazdin, 1974). However, re- cedure.
ports of reactive effects of this procedure Three factors may influence the effectiveness
prompted its use as a therapeutic intervention. of self-assessment procedures: accuracy of the
The assumption made by several researchers assessments, difficulty of the task, and type of
(Cautela, 1971) has been that self-assessment child. While children are capable of accurately
functions to change behavior through its elicita- assessing their behavior (e.g., Santogrossi et al.,
tion of covert self-reinforcing or self-punishing 1973, reported 95 % reliability with indepen-

dent observers), additional training is sometimes assessment may not be an effective procedure
necessary. Both Hundert and Bucher (1978) and initially, it may be successful in maintaining
Nelson et al. (1978) successfully taught in- behavior change achieved via an externally im-
creased accuracy of self-recording with respect posed token program. Bolstad and Johnson
to arithmetic performance and appropriate (1972), Turkewitz et al. (1975), and Seymour
verbalizations. The training procedures in- and Stokes (1976) implemented a system of
volved contingently rewarding recordings which self-assessments without rewards, following suc-
matched those of independent observers. Match- cessful token programs. In all cases, the effects
ing contingencies can be faded to a minimal of the token programs were maintained with
checking routine without loss of accuracy (see self-assessment alone perhaps because the token
Wood and Flynn, 1978). However, in neither programs increased the children's motivation to
of these cases did increased accuracy lead to exhibit appropriate behavior or increased the
better performance. Hypothesizing that the ef- likelihood that self-evaluations prompted covert
fect of accuracy on performance might depend self-reinforcing statements.
on task difficulty, Peacock, Lyman, and Rick- Augmental value. In a number of other
ard (1978) examined the reactivity of self- studies, self-assessment has been combined with
monitoring room-cleaning tasks. When ado- reinforcement procedures, and its additive effect
lescent boys were rewarded for accurately has been evaluated. Salzberg (1972) found no
monitoring easy tasks, both accuracy and task incremental effect of self-assessment over a
performance increased. In contrast, increased strong contingency on rate of arithmetic prob-
reliability of monitoring hard tasks was not ac- lem completion. Similarly Knapczyk and Liv-
companied by parallel task improvements. Thus, ingston (1973) found that a system of tokens
accuracy may be a factor in determining the plus self-assessment was no different from to-
reactivity of self-assessment, but perhaps only kens alone in terms of effects on accuracy of
when the task is easy for that child to accom- reading assignments. Only Seymour and Stokes
plish. The type of child using the self-assessment (1976) reported increments in the amount of
may also be important. The studies by Santo- work behavior observed for three of four un-
grossi et al. (1973), Turkewitz et al. (1975), socialized girls when self-assessment was added
and Layne et al. (1976) involved children with to a relatively ineffective token program. It may
a history of behavioral difficulties. In all of these be that the additive effects of self-assessment
studies, self-assessment failed as an intervention. are obscured by powerful reward programs.
The study by Sagotsky et al. (1978), however, Self vs. external. Comparative research indi-
was performed with unselected elementary cates that self-assessment is just as effective as
school students. Thus, one could speculate that external assessment when both are followed by
the disruptive children in the former three stu- rewards. Bolstad and Johnson (1972) compared
dies did not generate negative self-evaluations self- and external assessment procedures in the
when rating their own behavior as clearly in- regulation of first- and second-graders' disruptive
appropriate. In the Sagotsky et al. (1978) study, behavior. Both groups were rewarded on the
the normal school population could be expected basis of the assessments. These children showed
to value success in terms of what others may ex- significantly more improvement than no-treat-
pect of them. Therefore, self-assessment might ment control children, and no differences were
be a useful procedure for those children who observed between self- and external assessment.
already demonstrate a clear motivation to im- Frederiksen and Frederiksen (1975) recently
prove their behavior. demonstrated a similar result in a study with
Further support for a motivational factor mildly retarded children as did Wood and Flynn
comes from the observation that although self- (1978) with predelinquent youths.

Maintenance. The usefulness of self-assess- other interventions are withdrawn. Finally, re-
ment as a maintenance strategy has been demon- cent findings strongly suggest that experience
strated (see above). The more direct question using self-assessment facilitates maintenance of
of whether experience using self-evaluation fa- treatment gains even when all programmatic
cilitates maintenance when both assessment and treatment is terminated.
contingencies are withdrawn was addressed by
Wood and Flynn (1978), and the results were
encouraging. Youngsters in a residential setting Self-Reinforcement
were taught better room-cleaning habits via Theoretical discussions of self-reinforcement
either an external evaluation or self-evaluation by Catania (1975) and Bandura (1976) illus-
system with tokens contingent on clean rooms. trate the complexities in conceptualizing this
The self-evaluation skills were developed in the process of self-control and in agreeing on a
context of a faded matching program a la Turke- language system for communicating constructs,
witz et al. (1975). During rather lengthy ex- operations, and findings. In spite of their differ-
tinction periods (60 and 22 days) when neither ences, both Bandura and Catania ultimately
evaluations nor tokens were used, children who concluded that self-reinforcement can be fruit-
had participated in self-evaluation maintained fully studied only in the context of self-evalua-
high levels of task performance. In contrast, tions that are compared to some criterion. That
the external evaluation group showed a marked is, the self-administration of contingent rewards
decrease in room-cleanliness. Although this necessitates an observation and evaluation of the
work remains to be replicated, the hypothesis response in question in the same way that ex-
that self-assessment would facilitate mainte- ternal administration of rewards requires noting
nance following program termination was that a response which meets an established cri-
clearly confirmed. terion of adequacy has occurred. This concep-
In addition to being a procedure that is less tualization of the self-reinforcement process may
time consuming for the adult, self-assessment accurately describe many naturally occurring
can be useful as a priming device. Broden et al. instances. However, Masters and Santrock
(1971) found that a teacher who had previously (1976) successfully isolated self-administered
refused to praise a child did so following an in- consequences from both observation and evalu-
crease in the child's on-task behavior which re- ation in a laboratory setting. The experimenter
sulted from self-assessment. Self-assessment in- repeatedly instructed children to utter one of a
creased on-task behavior sufficiently to facilitate variety of verbalizations each time an externally
the application of a more powerful procedure. determined criterion had been met. Persistence
Summary. Self-assessment used alone does not on the task was significantly greater when chil-
appear to effect significant changes in the behav- dren were told to verbalize pride in their
ior of those children who are in need of clinical work than when they were told to utter neutral
interventions. It may be more effective with statements. Results from this and additional ex-
children who already demonstrate a desire to periments led Masters and Santrock to conclude
perform appropriately. Accuracy of the assess- that not only the content of these self-adminis-
ments and task difficulty are also apparently im- tered consequences but also the affective compo-
portant factors to consider. Self-assessment does nent of the verbalizations influenced perfor-
not add significantly to the effects of an already mance. Similarly, Kanfer, Karoly, and Newman
effective reward system. When used in con- (1975) periodically told children in a dark-
junction with rewards, however, self-assessment tolerance test to say "I am a brave boy (girl). I
is as effective as external assessment. Self-assess- can take care of myself in the dark." This self-
ment may be useful for maintaining effects when reinforcing statement was significantly more

effective than verbalizing "Mary had a little various aspects of writing was also systematically
lamb...." related to the accuracy of the children's self-
Self vs. external. When combined with either recordings. For example, when the number of
an explicit or implicit self-evaluation process, different action words was reinforced, the ac-
self-reinforcement effectively modifies children's curacy of self-recording that behavior was sig-
behavior in both laboratory (Bandura and Per- nificantly higher (70%) than during phases
loff, 1967; Montgomery and Parton, 1970) and of the study when other skills were reinforced
applied (Glynn, 1970) settings and produces ef- (24% and 51%). (Further discussion of self-
fects equivalent to those achieved when the reinforcement used in combination with other
evaluations and consequences are externally de- procedures appears in the previous Self-Assess-
termined (Bandura and Perloff, 1967; Glynn, ment section and the Comprehensive Programs
1970). Switzky and Haywood (1974) replicated section to follow.)
Bandura and Perloff's (1967) results and in ad- Maintenance. The maintenance of effects fol-
dition identified a significant interaction between lowing self-reinforcement has not been assessed,
the motivational orientation of the children and although Bolstad and Johnson (1972) reported
the efficacy of self- vs. external reward. Chil- no difference in extinction following self- and
dren who described themselves as being moti- externally controlled programs involving a com-
vated primarily by self-satisfaction performed bination of evaluation and reinforcement. Sug-
best under the self-control condition while chil- gestive evidence that self-reinforcement may
dren who emphasized the importance of external facilitate maintenance was provided by Masters,
contingencies responded best under externally Gordon, and Clark (1976). Children observed a
imposed reinforcement. Support for the poten- model receive self-dispensed or externally dis-
tial superiority of self- as compared to external pensed rewards. Viewing a self-rewarding model
reinforcement was also obtained by Brigham and led to the greatest recall of which behaviors
Stoerzinger (1976). Responding on a labora- were rewarded indicating that self-reward may
tory task for equivalent experimenter-selected or increase the salience of the behaviors involved
self-selected reinforcers, children worked harder which, in turn, could facilitate maintenance.
for self-selected rewards and for the opportunity Summary. Self-reinforcement is clearly one
to earn that choice of rewards. of the most powerful self-control procedures-
Augmental value. In evaluating additive ef- effective when used alone, incremental when
fects of self-reinforcement, Spates and Kanfer added to other procedures, and equal to or better
(1977) examined whether self-praise and self- than external reinforcement. Although com-
reprimands ("I'm right," or "I'm wrong") would parative maintenance effects have not been as-
improve arithmetic performance over and above sessed, the self-reinforcement research illustrates
a self-instructional procedure. While no signifi- the importance of describing the populations for
cant gains were reported, it should be noted that which self-control procedures may be most ap-
the children were not provided with any infor- plicable.
mation (e.g., the answers to the problems) on
which to base their self-reinforcement and no Self-Punishment
data were presented indicating whether the Notably absent from the literature on applica-
children accurately administered their own con- tions of self-control in children are studies in-
sequences. In contrast, Ballard and Glynn volving self-administered aversive stimulation,
(1975) demonstrated that self-reinforcement or self-punishment. However, some determi-
added significantly to the effects of self-recording nants of when children use mild punishment in
when applied to classroom writing skills. The the form of self-criticism have been delineated
sequential addition of self-reinforcement to (Aronfreed, 1968; Grusec, 1966). Masters and
Santrock (1976) evaluated the effects of self- gains on the MFF, Porteus Maze, and pro-
critical statements on laboratory task perfor- rated WISC IQ were maintained at a 1-month
mance. These statements as well as verbaliza- follow-up. The procedure also augmented the
tions emphasizing negative affect (e.g., "Ugh, effects of a modeling intervention. However, no
this is no fun," "This is hard") produced less generalization to measures of classroom behav-
persistence at the task than did neutral or posi- ior or teachers' ratings of self-control was
tive comments. observed.
Another method of decreasing the frequency The Meichenbaum-Goodman procedure has
of a behavior involves the removal of positive been repeatedly implemented and the early re-
reinforcers, commonly referred to as "response- sults largely replicated. Douglas, Parry, Marton,
cost." Kaufman and O'Leary (1972) utilized and Garson (1976) provided their hyperactive
response-cost and reward programs to maintain subjects with a much longer training program
the classroom social behavior of a group of hos- (24 sessions over 3 months) incorporating
pitalized adolescents. Following the termination similar procedures and partially augmented with
of an externally imposed program, a self- direct instruction and contingency management
determined response-cost program maintained consultation to parents and teachers (18 ses-
disruptive behavior at a low level and was as sions). These children made significant gains on
effective as a self-determined reward system. several nonacademic laboratory tasks both at
No adverse effects of the cost procedure were posttreatment assessment and at a 3-month
noted. Similar results were reported by Hum- follow-up as compared to an untreated control
phrey, Karoly, and Kirschenbaum (1978) in group. Some effects were also noted on achieve-
a normal second-grade reading class. Children ment tests, but no generalization to the class-
self-evaluated their workbook performance and room was observed.
then self-imposed either a reward or a response- Hypothesizing that self- and external control
cost. Both procedures increased the number of procedures might be differentially effective de-
pages completed with self-reward proving pending on the child's attribution of causality
slightly, but not significantly, more effective. and medication status, Bugental, Whalen, and
These two studies suggest that self-administered Henker (1977) evaluated these effects with
response-cost can be effective as either a main- hyperactive children on the Porteus Mazes and
tenance strategy or a primary intervention. teacher ratings. The 12-session tutorial pro-
gram consisted of either social reinforcement or
self-control training a la Meichenbaum and
SELF-CONTROL PROGRAMS Goodman. Although no changes were obtained
on the teacher rating scale, maze performance
Attempts to teach children a wide range of indicated that the self-control training was par-
self-management skills as the primary treatment ticularly successful for nonmedicated children
regimen have met with varying degrees of suc- who attributed good grades to their own efforts
cess. The prototypic example of implementing rather than to luck. Social reinforcement tended
a comprehensive self-control program was de- to benefit medicated children who reported few
scribed by Meichenbaum and Goodman (1971). personal causality attributions. In a 6-month
Second-grade children exhibiting hyperactivity follow-up evaluation of these children, Bugen-
and poor self-control were taught to define the tal, Collins, Collins, and Chaney (1978) found
task, verbalize a strategy for accomplishing it, that both self- and external control groups dem-
evaluate their performance, and praise them- onstrated maintenance of maze performance
selves on a series of sensory-motor and concep- gains. The self-control group showed improved
tual laboratory tasks. Generalized posttreatment (more internalized) locus of control scores,

whereas the external control group evidenced agement skills used to maintain behavior suc-
improved social behavior. The authors appropri- cessfully in the classroom.
ately suggested that a combination of the two The potential of comprehensive self-control
procedures with emphasis placed on the proce- programs has not been fully realized. As pro-
dure fitting the child's attributional status would grams are implemented that take advantage of
be ideal. the information now available for maximizing
Thus, the Meichenbaum-Goodman procedure the impact of each component of the program,
has effects on tasks similar to those used in train- more accurate evaluations of the impact of
ing and augments the effects of modeling (Mei- comprehensive training will be possible.
chenbaum and Goodman, 1971) and praise and
feedback (Robin, Armel, and O'Leary, 1975).
Generalization of this training to other labora- INNOVATIVE
tory tasks has been well-substantiated, unless
the training was conducted on a very restricted This review emphasizes the analysis of behav-
range of tasks as occurred in Robin et al. (1975). ior according to antecedents, responses, and con-
They found no generalization from the letters sequences. A growing body of reports describes
used in handwriting training to other letters or procedures, some of which are not as easily cate-
geometric forms. The failure of the Meichen- gorized as antecedents or consequences but
baum-Goodman procedure to produce general- which enable children to control their own be-
ized effects in the classroom is also very consis- havior. These procedures have been variously
tent, the only exception being reported by labeled cognitions, plans, or strategies. We will
Bornstein and Quevillon (1976) who achieved discuss them under the rubrics of distraction
generalization to classroom on-task behavior and restatement of contingencies in an attempt
with three overactive preschool boys. A repli- to identify possible differences in the procedures
cation of the Bornstein and Quevillon procedure which may relate to their functional roles in
with second- and third-grade hyperactive chil- controlling other behaviors.
dren by Friedling and O'Leary (1979) was not
successful. The observed lack of generalization Distraction
to other settings has probably been due to in- Children who count to 10 may distract them-
adequate systematic programming of general- selves from provoking situations and thereby
ized use of the procedures. As with self-instruc- improve their inhibition of aggressive responses.
tion and self-assessment, a faded checking The distractor does not explicitly focus on the
approach would seem advisable. behavior being controlled in the way self-
Comprehensive self-control programs have instructions or self-evaluations do, or on its
been successfully implemented as maintenance consequences as in self-reinforcement, but may
strategies following the withdrawal of externally function as an effective self-control procedure
imposed treatment programs. Most of the re- primarily by influencing the child's affective
search focusing on transfer from external to state. Not only has the effectiveness of distrac-
self-control has employed a combination of self- tion been documented but information is avail-
evaluation and self-reinforcement (Anderson, able on the characteristics of distractors that
Fodor, and Alpert, 1976; Bolstad and Johnson, make them most effective. Using a delay of
1972; Drabman, Spitalnik, and O'Leary, 1973; gratification paradigm, Mischel and Ebbesen
Glynn, Thomas, and Shee, 1973; Turkewitz et (1970) and Mischel, Ebbesen, and Zeiss (1972),
al., 1975). Neilaus, Israel, and Pravder (Note for example, showed that instructing children
1) included criterion setting in the self-man- to think "fun things" enabled them to forego an
immediate, less preferred food for a delayed but pear to be most effective if they focus on irrele-
more preferred food. Looking at either or both vant stimuli and engender a positive affect (e.g.,
foods or thinking "sad things" resulted in signifi- "fun things" or relaxing).
cantly briefer delays or waiting periods. Kanfer,
Karoly, and Newman (1975) increased the Restatement of Contingencies
tolerance of kindergarten children for darkness Relatively little is known about whether and
by having them say "The dark is a fun place to how a restatement of contingencies (sometimes
be. There are many good things in the dark," called a reason) can be successfully imple-
statements which emphasize positive affect. Hav- mented by children as a self-control procedure.
ing the children say "Mary had a little lamb. Its However, several examples of the potential use-
fleece was white as snow" had little effect on fulness of this approach are available. One
dark tolerance.' Mischel (see Yates and Mischel, verbalization effectively employed by Patterson
1979) concluded that the best distractors or at- and Mischel's (1976) children was to remind
tentional strategies for delaying gratification in themselves that they could "play later." The "if
preschool children were attending to a real but I don't . ." portion of the contingency state-
irrelevant stimulus or to a symbolic representa- ment was not explicitly included. MacPherson,
tion of the reward. Attending to the real reward Candee, and Hohman (1974) found that asking
or to a symbolic but irrelevant stimulus hin- children to copy "mediation essays" augmented
dered delay. Yates and Mischel (1979) col- the impact of externally imposed contingencies
lected normative data on the distractors chosen on inappropriate lunchroom behavior. These es-
by preschool through third-grade children. Pre- says described the inappropriate lunchroom be-
school children always preferred a real rather havior, its aversive consequences, an appropriate
than a symbolic stimulus, but the older children behavior, and its positive consequences. Al-
preferred irrelevant distractors. Apparently chil- though this procedure was used as a punishment
dren must and do learn to choose effective dis- for inappropriate behavior and was not imple-
tractors. In addition to looking at a distracting mented independently by the children, restate-
stimulus or verbalizing a distracting statement, ment of the contingencies was explicit, written
children have been taught distracting motor by the children, and superior in effect to copying
responses. Robin, Schneider and Dolnick (1976) from a health text. Kanfer and Zich (1974)
evaluated a self-control procedure designed to effectively enhanced resistance to temptation by
reduce tantrums and aggression in the classroom playing a tape of either the experimenter or
that involved imitating a turtle pulling into its the child himself saying "If you (I) do not turn
shell, relaxing, and problem-solving. Aggression around and look at the toys, you (I) will be a
was decreased in two classrooms, although the very, very good boy." The best resistance was
relative contributions of the distracting responses displayed by children who heard their own voice
(doing "turtle" and relaxing) and problem solv- with the experimenter absent from the room.
ing were not assessed.2 In sum, distractors ap- Although the child did not control the restate-
ment of contingencies, the effects of the proce-
'The most effective self-statement was "I am a dure as externally imposed were clear. Finally,
brave boy (girl). I can take care of myself in the
dark." This statement seemed to be more than a dis- Snyder and
White (1979) instructed institu-
tractor, at least implicitly focused on the target be- tionalized, conduct-problem adolescents to use
havior, and may have functioned as a self-reinforcer. restatements of contingencies along with speci-
Also the demand characteristics appeared to be fication of task demands and self-reinforcement
strongest for this condition.
2See Goldfried and Trier (1974) for a discussion of in their daily lives to successfully alter their
relaxation as a self-control procedure for adults. inappropriate behavior in the context of an on-

going token program. This self-verbalization where the target procedure was combined with
procedure was more effective than simple discus- another procedure, usually reinforcement. Third,
sion of contingencies or no additional inter- when comparative maintenance effects have
vention. Conclusions based on these results must, been assessed, the results have been positive.
however, be tempered by a number of method- Fourth, the intricacies of how and when self-
ological concerns which the authors discussed. controlling behaviors can be effectively taught
To summarize, restatement of contingencies may and implemented are becoming clearer. Finally,
be a useful self-control procedure and probably the creative combination of traditional self-
functions both as a self-instruction would and control techniques and the development of new
perhaps as an immediate self-reinforcement for approaches indicate that teaching children meth-
behavior leading to more long-term rewards. ods for controlling their own behavior merits
The results regarding distractions and restate- further and more sophisticated attention.
ments of contingencies are encouraging, and the Several factors have been identified as de-
procedures are both theoretically and clinically termining the effectiveness with which children
creative. Other self-control procedures which employ self-control procedures. Whether the
have been used effectively with adults but rarely child "correctly" implements the self-control
with children deserve attention. For example, procedure is a primary factor. Telling a child
problem solving has been successfully imple- to self-instruct does not always ensure imple-
mented by adults (D'Zurilla and Goldfried, mentation, but both correlational data and direct
1971) but only in conjunction with other proce- manipulations which either cue the child or re-
dures by children (Camp, Blom, Hebert, and van quire overt self-instructions strongly support
Doorninck, 1977; Robin et al., 1976). Manipu- the benefits of the procedure when it is used.
lations of stimulus conditions, effective in help- Inaccurate self-assessment has no impact on be-
ing adults control their eating behavior (Stuart, havior, while accurate assessments result in be-
1967) have not, to these authors' knowledge, havior change, at least if the tasks are easy to
been similarly documented with children. perform. The positive effects of self-reinforce-
ment have been found with methodologies
which ensured use of the procedure. When steps
DISCUSSION have been taken to maximize actual implemen-
Many children varying considerably in age tation of the more complex self-control proce-
and clinical status have been taught a wide dures (e.g., Robin et al. 1976; Snyder and
range of techniques intended to help them con- White, 1979), success was reported. Even in
trol their own behavior. Beyond the summaries the case of criterion-setting, which is not a par-
of results with specific procedures appearing ticularly powerful procedure, the most encour-
throughout this review, several general conclu- aging data come from children who have been
sions can be drawn. First, most of the self-control reinforced for setting stringent criteria, pre-
techniques, when implemented alone rather than sumably the most appropriate way to implement
in combination with other procedures, have suc- the procedure.
cessfully enabled some children to control both In addition to ensuring accurate and appro-
academic and social behaviors. The outstanding priate use of the procedures, we should consider
exception to this conclusion is criterion-setting. the level of competence the child has to perform
Second, self-control procedures are probably as the behavior he/she wishes to control. The
effective as similar, externally imposed proce- principle of shaping, so carefully considered in
dures. The tentative nature of this conclusion conducting externally imposed procedures, has
is based on the fact that most self- vs. external received no attention in the self-control litera-
comparisons have been made in circumstances ture. That skill level can be a relevant factor

has been documented (Higa et al., 1978; Pea- history of reinforcement for following self-
cock et al., 1978). If children were taught to instructions facilitated future successful imple-
shape their own behavior while using self-con- mentation of the procedure (Burron and Bucher,
trol procedures, certainly the effectiveness of the 1978). The differential findings related to locus
procedures would be improved. Other important of control and clinical status suggest that a
information about the most effective methods history of experiencing consistent external con-
for teaching children self-control procedures is tingencies increases the saliency and use of self-
contained in the modeling literature. For ex- administered consequences. Thus, if the child's
ample, children: (a) closely matched the pat- own past has not properly prepared him/her
terns of self-reward displayed by models (Ban- for successfully using self-control procedures,
dura and Kupers, 1964), (b) rejected the criteria an appropriate history may need to be estab-
of a model whose performance was extremely lished prior to teaching self-control techniques.
superior to their own (Bandura and Whalen, Self-control procedures have been developed
1966), and (c) adopted stringent criteria if the and evaluated partially in the hope that better
model was potentially rewarding (Mischel and generalization and maintenance could be
Liebert, 1967). It would behoove applied re- achieved with these procedures than with ex-
searchers to take more cognizance of this sub- ternally imposed interventions (Stokes and Baer,
stantial body of data. 1977). Clear conclusions regarding this ex-
The implications are clear. Children must be pectation are difficult to draw because these
taught, not just told, to use self-controlling effects have been assessed much less frequently
skills. Adequate teaching involves overt use of than has the initial influence of the procedures
the skill initially, reinforcement for that use, and most of the laboratory analogue studies
fading of external checking, and training covert assessed the effect of the procedures on only one
implementation-all with shaping the behavior occasion and one task. When generalization was
in mind. Not only is this factor clinically rele- evaluated, positive results were usually reported
vant, but conclusions regarding the effectiveness (Bornstein and Quevillon, 1976; Douglas et al.,
of using self-control procedures are limited by 1976; Meichenbaum and Goodman, 1971;
the quality of the training and the extent to Palkes et al., 1968, 1972; Turkewitz et al.,
which evaluations are made after external con- 1975). A characteristic of all the procedures
trol over implementation has been largely with- producing generalization was nonspecificity of
drawn. We do not know, for example, the self-instructions. For example, Palkes et al.'s
effects of self-reinforcement without external (1968) self-instruction, "Look and think before
prompts or checking and with shaping. I answer," was not response-specific. No gen-
Other predictors of effectiveness are the char- eralization was achieved when Robin et al.'s
acteristics of the child involved. Age has been (1975) children verbalized instructions specific
noted as a factor in some of the self-instructional to the letter of the alphabet they were attempt-
research. Locus of control predicts responsive- ing to write. With respect to maintenance, the
ness to self-reinforcement and more compre- results are somewhat mixed but appear to inter-
hensive programs. Clinical status relates to the act with the quality of the training. The effects
impact of self-assessment. All of these character- of self-instructional training were not main-
istics point directly or indirectly to important tained (Palkes et al., 1968) but when self-
aspects of the child's history with respect to the evaluation and self-reinforcement were added
procedures in question. Sawin and Parke (1979) to self-instruction (Meichenbaum and Goodman,
speculated that the most effective types of self- 1971), effects were maintained at one-month
instruction are those most frequently associated follow-up. Allowing children to impose lenient
with consequences when externally imposed. A criteria (Felixbrod and O'Leary, 1973) led to

rapid extinction, but when strict criteria were behavior on a continuing basis with a minimum
imposed (Weiner and Dubanowski, 1975), bet- of external support.
ter maintenance was demonstrated for self- than Research efforts which would most fruitfully
for externally set standards. Excellent mainte- foster achievement of this goal include:
nance was reported by Wood and Flynn (1978)
following implementation of a self-evaluation 1. Laboratory analogue studies to establish or
procedure which the children were taught to use better document the effects of (a) self- vs.
in the context of a carefully faded matching external instructions, (b) criterion-setting
program. The limited data regarding main- with appropriate attention to shaping and
tenance are encouraging and highlight the im- stringency, (c) self-reinforcing statements
portance of providing proper training in the on self-assessment, (d) self-reinforcement
use of self-control techniques. It is not known, without prompts, and (e) restatement of
however, if better maintenance or generalization contingencies.
is achieved with self- rather than externally im- 2. Applied evaluations of self-instructions
posed procedures, because children continue to implemented with faded adherence check-
use the procedures in the absence of systematic ing, of self-reinforcement, and of distrac-
external prescriptions to do so, or whether an- tion.
other unidentified factor accounts for the differ- 3. Comparisons of self- vs. external main-
ential results. No one has, for example, at- tenance effects particularly with self-in-
tempted to assess whether children actually struction, self-determined criteria, and self-
continue to use the self-control procedures they reinforcement with shaping and fading
have been taught. procedures held constant.
Throughout this review, we have noted the 4. Determinations of the child characteristics
relative influence of self- vs. externally imple- that interact with effectiveness of self-
mented procedures and have concluded that the control procedures.
initial effects are probably comparable and that
self-control may be more advantageous with
respect to maintenance. The distinction thus REFERENCE NOTE
made between self- and external control is not 1. Neilaus, T. H., Israel, A. C., and Pravder, M. D.
meant to imply that the use of self-control The effectiveness of transition to a multiple com-
procedures and the behaviors they influence can ponent self-control program in maintaining
changes in disruptive behavior produced by a
somehow exist and persist in spite of or in the teacher-controlled intervention. Unpublished man-
absence of external contingencies. Most theorists uscript, State University of New York at Albany,
(e.g., Skinner, 1953; Thoresen and Mahoney, 1977.
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