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(Worksheet for practicing)


General Instructions:

1. All questions are compulsory

2. SECTION A carries 1 mark each
3. SECTION B carries 2 mark each
4. SECTION C carries 3 mark each and
5. SECTION D carries 5 mark.
1 Probability density and is always
(a) positive
(b) negative
(c) zero
(d) significant
2 Wave functions pertaining to one-electron species are called?
(a) Hund’s rule
(b) two-electron systems
(c) Pauli exclusion
(d) one-electron systems
3 The number determines the size and to large extent the energy
of the orbital.
(a) azimuthal
(b) magnetic
(c) spin
(d) principal quantum
4 All the are spherically symmetric
a) p orbitals

b) s orbitals

c) d orbitals

d) f orbitals

5 What do you mean by Hund’s Rule of maximum Multiplicity?

6 State Auf Bau Principal.
7 The energy of an electron in a multielectron atom, unlike that of the hydrogen
atom, depends not only on its principal quantum number (shell), but also on
its quantum number (subshell).
a) spin
b) magnetic
c) azimuthal
d) none of the above
8 Given that the values of principal quantum number and azimuthal quantum
number are 3 and 2 respectively, what is the designation of the orbital?
a) 3f

b) 3s

c) 3p
d) 3d
9 What are the possible subshells when n = 4? How many orbitals are
contained by each of these subshells?

10 The maximum number of electrons that may be present in all the atomic
orbitals with principal quantum number 3 and azimuthal quantum number 2

11 What is the significance of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?

12 A) Write a set of quantum numbers for each of the electrons with an n of 4 in
a Se atom.
B) What is the difference between the terms orbit and orbital

13 What will be the maximum numbers of electrons having same spin, present
in an atom for n + l = 4?

The electronic configuration of the valence shell of Cu is 3d10 4s1 and not
3d9 4s2 . How is this configuration explained?

14 Write down electronic configuration for Following elements and fill them in
their respective orbitals: i) Carbon ii) Nitrogen iii) Chlorine iv) Sodium v)


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