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The Little Witch

I love them oh my birthday party is
going to be so great I wish it was your
birthday every day
she's hacksing us who's Lucinda the
little witch
oh my lanterns
stop that get out of here
and now she's ruined my birthday party
don't worry Jade it's just a few
mushrooms and beehives everything will
be okay
let's have the party inside great idea
birthday and I'm having a party at my house
thank you
for a very bad witch thank
what's that it's a tail silly
ah well she's not going to stop unless
someone asks her to
I'll be right back
who I'm
Sophia why are you dressed like that are
you some kind of princess I am a prince
I know that's the point well you
wouldn't play mean tricks on your own
friends would you uh I wouldn't know
wait do you want to be invited to Jade's
party no why would I want that you do I
have to go wait
you do want friends I really have to go
now it's okay if you do everyone needs
friends even witches leave me
right put me down
okay you're right so if you want to make
friends why do you act so mean I don't
know how else to act what hexing is all
I know how to do yep hex hex hex x x x x
x x x x hex
so we have a hard time getting on I
needed practice and a little help so if
you wanted I could help you make friends
but who'd want to be friends with
everyone in the village then the first
thing you should do is apologize to
everyone in the village oh I'm not good
at apologies almost try again I'm
sorry sorry
okay we'll work on it on the way okay
let me grab my broom
Ruby Jade Sophia watch out behind you
behind you behind you a witch it's okay
she's with me
sorry really sorry for texting you
I don't believe her I'll never invite
sorry oh
right I'll undo that now
trying to change really I am huh I'm
still not inviting you where are you
going Jade I gotta get which wall no a
witch trap
hopeless Jade's never going to be
friends with it's just going to be
harder than one apology harder you know
how hard it was to say sorry I'm gonna
go back look out
are you okay
that's what you should do then the other
kids will know you're really sorry and
they'll want to be friends with you wait
what do you want me to do
so if I were you
here's what I do
they'll give you a chance if you make a
so what do you think you want me to undo
all of my hexes uh-huh then everyone
will even the really really bad ones
even the worst ones okay hop on
let's walk
wait Lucinda's not here to hex you
she's yes I turned your clogs into frogs
and yes I changed your flute to a news
but now I'd like to show that I'm so
you'll see I'm not gonna stop until
they're good as new
cause I wanna be a good little
I don't believe it yeah she's always
hexing us
look this was my favorite toy balls had
a box full of crayons now this blob is
all that I've got and yes my little
Basset Hound's cute but my mascara since
she'll make a switch if we give her a
street thank you my turn now me no me
fix me don't worry I'm gonna fix
I forgive you
so do I
and they're making a brand new start
from now watch
I knew you could do it Lucinda I just
want you to know if I could I would
invite you to Jade's Park
well I gotta go help Jade set up for the
party see you there Sophia
the party's not perfect then she can
have her party outside again she'll be
so happy she'll definitely invite you
hey Sophia
um no thanks come on it'll be fun it
wasn't so fun last time that's cause
you're supposed to it's the best part of
being a witch you're going to love it
you really think so would I lie to my
only friend I don't know
this is amazing
Jordan maybe you'll have two
that's her house down there hold on
Jade is going to love it
it's Lucinda I knew it
this time I'm going to stop her with my
witch strap
I don't believe her
you definitely
the Trap was for me everything's ruined
not the cake
I knew you would never forgive me
Lucinda wait
Hardy she came over to fix your garden
oh see
where is she going I don't know come on
Lucinda what do you want I just want to
talk you don't have to say anything else
I get the message
here what do you mean
when Newton improved birthday party
coming right up let's start with these
make them big
oh let's put this pinata back together
and change it into something
I can top that with candles
Jade you invited Lucinda yep we're
friends now
you're the best witch
thank you
English (auto-generated)

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