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INVITED REVIEW ABSTRACT: The purpose of intraoperative monitoring is to preserve func-

tion and prevent injury to the nervous system at a time when clinical
examination is not possible. Cranial nerves are delicate structures and are
susceptible to damage by mechanical trauma or ischemia during intracranial
and extracranial surgery. A number of reliable electrodiagnostic techniques,
including nerve conduction studies, electromyography, and the recording of
evoked potentials have been adapted to the study of cranial nerve function
during surgery. A growing body of evidence supports the utility of intraop-
erative monitoring of cranial nerve nerves during selected surgical proce-
Muscle Nerve 29: 339 –351, 2004



Department of Neurology, Mayo College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW,
Rochester, Minnesota 55902, USA

Accepted 1 August 2003

Electrophysiological techniques have been used to delicate epineurium. Tumors and other pathology
monitor nervous system function during surgery for distort normal anatomical relationships, which fur-
over three decades. Initially, the presence of a visible ther increases the risk of cranial nerve injury during
muscle twitch following electrical stimulation was surgery.
used as a gross measure of peripheral nerve integrity. Advances in neuroanesthesia, microsurgical tech-
In the 1960s and 1970s, nerve conduction studies niques, and intraoperative electrophysiological mon-
(NCS) were adapted to the intraoperative study of itoring have improved the preservation of cranial
peripheral nerves,43 and the recording of evoked nerves during surgery in the middle and posterior
potentials to the study of visual, auditory, and spinal cranial fossa and in extracranial regions of the head
sensory pathways during surgery.2,11,21,69,76 In 1986, and neck. Cranial nerve function is monitored with
Harner et al.24 first described the use of continuous NCS, EMG, and evoked potentials. Compound mus-
electromyographic (EMG) recordings as an intraop- cle action potentials (CMAPs), nerve action poten-
erative monitoring tool for peripheral nerve func- tials (NAPs), and motor unit potential (MUP) activ-
tion. The past two decades have seen refinement and ity can be evoked during surgery by electrical,
application of these surgical monitoring techniques. mechanical, or metabolic stimuli. Auditory evoked
Cranial nerve dysfunction may occur as the result potentials are easily recorded in the surgical setting.
of either the underlying pathological condition ne- These motor and sensory monitoring modalities pro-
cessitating surgery or the operation designed to treat vide immediate feedback concerning the location
that condition. Damage occurs by mechanical and functional status of specific cranial nerves. In
trauma or ischemia, and frequently produces pain, many situations, the surgical procedure is altered in
functional disability, and cosmetic deformity. The some manner to prevent further compromise of cra-
cranial nerves are particularly susceptible to injury nial nerve function. In other cases, the information
because of their small size, circuitous course, and provided helps to predict the nature and severity of
postoperative deficits, which is useful in counseling
patients in the immediate postoperative period. Cor-
Abbreviations: AEP, auditory evoked potential; BAEP, brainstem auditory relation of physiological data with surgical events
evoked potential; CMAP, compound muscle action potential; CPA, cerebel-
lopontine angle; ECochG, electrocochleography; EMG, electromyography;
helps to understand mechanisms of cranial nerve
LSR, lateral spread response; MUP, motor unit potential; MVD, microvascular injury and thereby leads to improved techniques and
decompression; NAP, nerve action potential; NCS, nerve conduction studies
Key words: brainstem auditory evoked potentials; cranial nerve; electromyo- future surgical outcomes.
graphic monitoring; intraoperative monitoring; surgical monitoring EMG activity, NCS, and auditory evoked poten-
Correspondence to: C.M. Harper; e-mail:
tials are relatively stable signals that are affected
© 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
minimally by anesthetics and other physiological
variables that are of particular importance during

Cranial Nerve Monitoring MUSCLE & NERVE March 2004 339

surgery. In contrast, the inherent susceptibility of rotonic discharges need to be distinguished from
mid-latency responses such as visual evoked poten- movement artifact as well as random motor unit
tials to anesthetics prevents their effective use as a activity secondary to light levels of anesthesia. Elec-
monitoring tool during surgery.11,39,97 Likewise, al- trode movement produces either low-frequency un-
though potentially useful, technical difficulties with dulation of the baseline or sharp triangular
stimulus artifact, reliability of recordings, origin and monophasic spikes with a rise time ⬍500 ␮s followed
consistency of waveforms, and lack of clear distinc- by a more gradual return of the potential to baseline.
tion between normal and pathological conduction MUP activity that is associated with a lightened level
have limited the utility of trigeminal evoked poten- of anesthesia is similar to voluntary MUP activity
tials in the surgical setting.22,46,67,86 observed during standard needle electromyogra-
This review focuses on the current status of cra- phy.14,28 The activity is random and unrelated to any
nial nerve monitoring during surgery utilizing a va- mechanical stimulation of the nerve or instillation of
riety of techniques including EMG, NCS, and audi- saline into the surgical field. The MUPs discharge at
tory evoked potentials. Both the technical aspects of rates of 10 –30 Hz and usually fire singly or in small
recording these signals during surgery and the appli- groups, rather than leading to a full interference
cation of the techniques to specific surgical procedures pattern.
that risk injury to cranial nerves are considered. Neurotonic discharges consist of bursts or trains
of MUPs that fire in a rapid and irregular manner.
MONITORING TECHNIQUES Bursts are less than 200 ms in duration and consist of
Electromyography. Intraoperative EMG monitoring single or multiple MUPs firing at 30 –100 Hz (Fig. 1).
involves continuous recording of MUP activity in a They appear as single or multiple repetitive bursts
similar manner to standard needle electromyogra- and are typically elicited by touching, rubbing, trac-
phy. Although a number of different types of poten- tion, or other mechanical manipulations of the
tials are encountered, neurotonic discharges are the nerve.6,23,24,26,45 A train of neurotonic discharges
activity of major interest. These were first described consists of MUPs firing at similar frequencies as
and characterized in the 1980s14,24 and are defined short bursts but more continuously for durations of
as high-frequency intermittent or continuous bursts ⬎200 ms (typically 1–30 s) (Fig. 1). Trains are trig-
of MUPs recorded from a muscle in response to gered by mechanical stimuli, saline irrigation, and
mechanical or metabolic stimulation (Fig. 1). Neu- possibly nerve ischemia.6,12,24,26,80,82 At times, multi-

FIGURE 1. Neurotonic discharges recorded from facial muscles during acoustic neuroma resection. Three traces of continuous EMG from
intramuscular wire electrodes in orbicularis oculi (top), masseter (middle), and orbicularis oris (bottom). Inadvertent mechanical manip-
ulation of the facial nerve in the surgical field resulted in a train of neurotonic discharges (360-ms duration) in the orbicularis oculi (top
trace) and a burst of neurotonic discharges (100-ms duration) in the orbicularis oris muscle (bottom trace).

340 Cranial Nerve Monitoring MUSCLE & NERVE March 2004

ple types of neurotonic discharges firing asynchro- infusion of a short-acting neuromuscular blocking
nously and independently are recorded from a sin- drug adjusted to produce a peripheral CMAP that is
gle muscle. 25% of the baseline response.8,49 This technique
Since neurotonic discharges are precipitated by helps prevent head or body movements that may
mechanical stimulation of the motor axon, they are interfere with microsurgical procedures in or
a sensitive indicator of nerve irritation and give im- around the cranial nerves. Increasing the concentra-
mediate information regarding nerve location. De- tion of inhalation anesthetics and intermittent doses
spite their utility, neurotonic discharges do not nec- of a narcotic or benzodiazepine can also be used to
essarily indicate nerve damage and their absence reduce background muscle activity that interferes
does not exclude nerve injury.14,17,24,26,44 Mechanical with the recording of neurotonic discharges.
stimulation may be strong enough to induce neuro-
tonic discharges but not injure the nerve. Likewise, Nerve Conduction Studies (Compound Muscle and
saline irrigation induces trains of neurotonic dis- Nerve Action Potentials). The integrity of peripheral
charges without producing damage to motor or sen- motor axons can be tested by electrically stimulating
sory axons. Sharp transection of a nerve is less likely the nerve in the surgical field while recording a
to produce neurotonic discharges than mechanical CMAP from one or more distal muscles. CMAP re-
manipulation, and damaged nerves are less likely to cordings are made with intramuscular wire or needle
produce discharges than healthy nerves.14,24,26,70 electrodes (as in EMG) or with surface electrodes
A variety of electrodes are used to record EMG (Fig. 2). Intramuscular electrodes provide selective
activity during surgery.14,28,31 Surface and subcutane- recordings from deep muscles or from those located
ous electrodes will capture some neurotonic dis- adjacent to muscles innervated by different nerves.
charges, but cannot reliably record those from deep Surface electrodes are more suitable for quantitative
areas of the muscle. Standard concentric and mo-
nopolar needle electrodes produce recordings of
excellent quality. The size of the electrode to be used
depends on the depth and location of the muscle
being examined. Small (10-mm length, 0.3-mm di-
ameter) stainless-steel needle electrodes are the
most appropriate for cranial muscle recordings.
Larger needle electrodes are bulky, easily dislodged,
and may injure tissue. Malleable wire electrodes in-
serted into the muscle with a small needle, which is
then removed, also work well for cranial muscle
recordings. They require special adapters for the
amplifier connection, but generally produce stable
selective recordings from superficial or deep mus-
cles, with less movement artifact and tissue trauma
than needle electrodes.14,28
Standard needle EMG settings for sensitivities
(50 –200 ␮V), filters (30 –20,000 Hz), and sweep
speeds (10 –100 ms/cm) are used to record EMG
signals during surgery. Recordings can be made
from almost any cranial-innervated muscle including
extraocular, facial, masticatory, laryngeal, upper cer-
vical, and tongue muscles. With an appropriate elec- FIGURE 2. Facial CMAP recorded with intramuscular electrodes
trodiagnostic instrument designed or modified for in the orbicularis oculi (1), orbicularis oris (2), and masseter (3),
and with surface electrodes over the mentalis muscle (4). The
surgical monitoring, EMG recordings are monitored sweep is triggered by electrical stimulation with a small bipolar
from multiple muscles simultaneously. stimulator applied to the facial nerve in the posterior fossa (du-
Cautery, ultrasound, and other electrical equip- ration, 0.05 ms; intensity, 2.7 mA). The CMAP recorded with
ment, and electrode movement account for the ma- surface electrodes is more quantitative than the response re-
jor sources of interference with intraoperative EMG corded from intramuscular electrodes. The intramuscular elec-
trodes are more selective. Note the sharp rise-time of activity
recordings. With experience, these can be elimi- generated from facial muscles in traces 1 and 2, and the slow rise
nated or discounted in the majority of cases. Neuro- time of the response in the masseter, a muscle not activated by
tonic discharges can be recorded with a constant facial stimulation. O, onset; P, peak.

Cranial Nerve Monitoring MUSCLE & NERVE March 2004 341

measurements because they record activity from a distant nerves. An absent CMAP or NAP may indi-
larger number of muscle fibers. cate lack of nerve function or a variety of technical
NAPs recorded directly from peripheral nerves problems such as stimulator failure (faulty connec-
during surgery represent activity in sensory and mo- tions, poor contact with nerve, current shunting,
tor axons when triggered by electrical stimulation, or inadequate stimulation intensity, or incorrect re-
in sensory axons when triggered by auditory stimu- cording parameters) or excessive use of neuromus-
lation (Fig. 3).93 Averaging is often needed to record cular blocking agents.
NAPs during surgery because of their small size. In With supramaximal stimulation, the size of the
addition, NAP recordings are often limited by stim- CMAP (recorded from surface electrodes) or NAP is
ulus artifact caused primarily by the close proximity proportional to the number of functioning axons
of stimulation and recording electrodes. Small hook between the point of stimulation and recording.43,93
or wire electrodes that can be applied directly to the Stimulation of cranial nerves proximal to the poten-
nerve exposed at surgery are used for recording tial site of intraoperative injury (usually close to the
NAPs. brainstem) at regular intervals during the course of
Hand-held sterile stimulators of various sizes and surgery gives an accurate picture of the amount of
configurations are used intraoperatively.14,93 Factors functional loss occurring as a result of the operative
to consider in choosing the most appropriate stimu- procedure.20,24,26 Although the pathophysiology
lator include the size and location of the nerve and (conduction block or axon loss) of this immediate
the ability to isolate the nerve from surrounding change cannot be determined, useful information
fluid or tissue. Cranial nerves generally require small regarding the presence or absence of nerve injury is
stimulating electrodes. Stimulators that expose only obtained. Preservation of the response with proxi-
1–3 mm of the electrode tip minimize current shunt- mal stimulation reassures the surgical team that no
ing and are therefore more selective than larger significant injury has occurred. A partial loss of am-
stimulators. Bipolar stimulators (cathode and anode plitude may lead to alteration of the surgical ap-
applied along the nerve and separated by 1–20 mm) proach in an attempt to preserve function, whereas
produce a localized flow of current that is less likely the absence or severe reduction in size of the re-
to spread to adjacent nerves.43,93 With selectivity, sponse correlates directly with the severity of imme-
some degree of sensitivity is sacrificed as the local- diate and long-term postoperative cranial nerve def-
ized flow of current may be subthreshold when the icit.20,23,24,26,84
nerve is distant or fluid causes shunting. Monopolar
stimulators (cathode on the nerve and anode placed Auditory Evoked Potentials. Auditory evoked poten-
away from the nerve by at least several centimeters) tials (AEPs) are generated in the cochlea, auditory
reduce the chance of subthreshold stimulation, but nerve, cochlear nuclei in the medulla, and dorsolat-
increase the risk of current spread to other nerves eral regions of the pons and midbrain.13,47 Brain-
resulting in nonspecific and less selective activa- stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs), electroco-
tion.28,31 chleography (ECochG), and NAPs recorded directly
Very low stimulation intensity (1–5 mA) and du- from the eighth cranial nerve have been used to
ration (0.05– 0.1 ms) are typically required for cra- monitor auditory nerve function during sur-
nial nerve activation during surgery. Higher intensi- gery.18,21,29,54 –56,59,62,73,75,95 Stimulation parameters
ties may be required if the nerve is damaged, distant, are similar for all three techniques. The stimulus is
or insulated by tissue or fluid, but stimulus intensi- delivered through an external ear canal electrode
ties greater than 5 mA increase the risk of current designed to provide a watertight seal and reduce the
spread and unintended activation of adjacent or introduction of ambient noise into the canal. For
BAEP recordings, the ear insert incorporates a re-
cording electrode, which enhances the resolution of
wave I.28,66 The external canal electrode is refer-
enced to a scalp electrode for BAEP recordings. For
ECochG, a needle recording electrode is placed
through the tympanic membrane into the soft tissue
covering the bony promontory of the middle ear and
referenced to the ipsilateral mastoid.73,98 The audi-
FIGURE 3. Nerve action potential recorded from an electrode
placed on the auditory nerve in the posterior fossa during acous-
tory NAP is recorded with an electrode placed di-
tic neuroma resection. The sweep is triggered by an auditory rectly on the auditory nerve at or near the brainstem
stimulus of 85dB at a frequency of 10.1 HZ. when the nerve is exposed during posterior fossa

342 Cranial Nerve Monitoring MUSCLE & NERVE March 2004

surgery.54,63 Wave I of the BAEP, N1 of the ECochG, crease by 1.0 –1.5 ms due to nerve cooling (Fig. 4).
and the auditory NAP recorded when the electrode This change occurs over several minutes, stabilizes,
is placed near the internal auditory canal all repre- and is not associated with postoperative hearing loss.
sent activity generated in the lateral portion of the Cerebellar retraction may stretch the eighth nerve,
auditory nerve.47,48,54,73 Waves II and III of the BAEP typically increasing the latency of wave V with no
and the auditory NAP recorded when the electrode significant change in the ECochG. Moderate trac-
is placed medially near the brainstem represent ac- tion or contusion of the nerve typically causes in-
tivity generated in the medial auditory nerve and the creased latency and reduced amplitude of waves I–V
cochlear nuclei.48,62,63 Waves IV and V of the BAEP of the BAEP, N1 of the ECochG, and the auditory
are generated bilaterally in the medial lemniscus NAP.48,50,62,63 An increased latency of greater than
and inferior colliculus.47,63 1.0 ms or a 50% reduction in amplitude are usually
The BAEP is the most widely used of the three considered significant enough to alert the surgeon.
auditory techniques. BAEP recordings are noninva- The surgeon must interpret the changes in the con-
sive and relatively easy to perform, monitor the en- text of the surgical situation. Repositioning the cer-
tire auditory pathway, and can be used throughout ebellar retractor or a change in the approach to the
the surgical procedure. The BAEP is a sensitive in- dissection frequently reverses or stabilizes the abnor-
dicator of damage to the auditory pathway, as ab- mality (Fig. 5). At other times, the BAEP is gradually
sence of wave V of the BAEP at the end of surgery is lost despite efforts to modify the dissection. Wave I
associated with hearing loss in the majority of of the BAEP or the N1 potential ECochG may be
cases.18,21,29,56,62,63,75,89 However, limitations of the spared if the cochlear blood supply is preserved and
BAEP technique include poorly defined responses in the lateral portion of the auditory nerve is not in-
some cases of posterior fossa tumors (e.g., acoustic jured. Either avulsion of the nerve from the cochlea
neuromas) and reduced specificity compared to the or interruption of the internal auditory artery results
other techniques. This is illustrated by reported in rapid irreversible loss of all potentials and hearing
cases of retained useful hearing despite the irrevers- (Fig. 6).
ible loss of wave V during surgery.18,29,68,73
ECochG has been used as an alternative to BAEP APPLICATIONS
monitoring particularly in the setting of acoustic
Middle Cranial Fossa. EMG and NCS are used to mon-
neuromas, when the BAEP is often poorly de-
itor the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves
fined.50,68,73,98 Retention of at least minimal hearing
is predicted by preservation of the N1 potential at
the end of surgery.50,73 However, since the N1 po-
tential originates from the lateral portion of the
auditory nerve, damage that is limited to the medial
portion of the nerve or the brainstem will not be
detected by ECochG monitoring. Thus, significant
loss of hearing can occur despite the preservation of
the N1 at the end of surgery. Technical problems
related to dislodgment of the recording electrode
during surgery are common as well. The auditory
NAP recording is a sensitive real-time monitor of
eighth nerve function, but is only available when the
nerve is exposed and is difficult to use when patho-
logical tissue (e.g., tumors) occupies significant
space within the cerebellopontine angle.
Changes in the auditory NAP and the BAEP
have been correlated with specific operative
events.35,48,54,56,63,96 Some changes are reversible by
altering the surgical approach, whereas others are FIGURE 4. Minor change in the latency of waves I–V of the BAEP
permanent and correlate with hearing loss postop- caused by cooling of the auditory nerve after spinal fluid drainage
eratively. Traction, compression, ischemia, avulsion, and exposure of the nerve to air in the posterior fossa. Fifteen
traces displayed with 3 min elapsed time between each trace
or transection are mechanisms of auditory nerve (stimulus intensity, 65dB; rate, 10.1 HZ; 400 sweeps averaged).
injury. When the nerve is exposed to air after the Waves I–V are labeled. Waves IV and V frequently have a bifid
dura is opened, the latency of waves II–V may in- configuration. Waves II and III are often variable during surgery.

Cranial Nerve Monitoring MUSCLE & NERVE March 2004 343

normal anatomical relationships, making it difficult to
identify cranial nerves III, IV, and VI. These nerves are
also at risk during repair of vascular lesions in the
middle fossa, such as carotid or ophthalmic artery an-
eurysms. EMG and CMAP signals are recorded from
intramuscular electrodes inserted into extraocular
muscles through the conjunctiva or eyelid under anes-
thesia prior to surgery.1,28,80 Continuous EMG activity is
monitored for the occurrence of neurotonic dis-
charges triggered by mechanical or metabolic stimula-
tion of the nerves (Fig. 7). Selective direct electrical
stimulation is used to identify the nerves. No controlled
studies are available to determine whether cranial
nerve monitoring during middle cranial fossa reduces
the risk of postoperative ophthalmoplegia.

Posterior Cranial Fossa. The posterior fossa is a rel-

atively large area extending from the petrous ridge
of the temporal bone to the foramen magnum. The
trigeminal, facial, auditory, glossopharyngeal, vagus,
spinal accessory, and hypoglossal nerves are in or
near the posterior fossa and are either involved in
FIGURE 5. BAEP monitoring during resection of a small acoustic pathology or at risk of injury during a variety of
neuroma. Series of 24 consecutive recordings with 3 min be- surgical procedures involving the skull base. The
tween each trace. Waves I, III, and the IV–V complex of the trigeminal and facial nerves are at risk for injury
BAEP are well defined at the beginning of surgery. After the
cerebellar retractor was placed into the surgical field, waves III–V
during resection of cerebellopontine angle (CPA)
gradually disappeared, but then reappeared and returned close tumors,24,25,28 microvascular decompression (MVD)
to baseline levels for amplitude and latency shortly after the or open rhizotomy procedures for trigeminal neu-
cerebellar retractor was repositioned (stimulus intensity, 85dB; ralgia,5,10,57 and MVD for hemifacial spasm.4,57,59
rate, 10.1 HZ; 400 sweeps averaged). Cranial nerve monitoring techniques have been
employed during resection of a variety of CPA tu-
mors including acoustic, facial, and trigeminal neu-
during surgery in the middle cranial fossa.1,28,80,81 romas, meningiomas, epidermoids, glomus tumors,
These nerves may be affected by meningiomas, carci- chordomas, and metastases.17,53,78,82 Various combi-
nomas, lymphomas, pituitary tumors, or other malig- nations of monitoring techniques have been re-
nancies in the region of the orbit, supraorbital ridge, ported but the majority involve continuous EMG
sella, cavernous sinus, or petrous portion of the tem-
poral bone. Neoplasms in these areas often distort

FIGURE 6. BAEP monitoring during acoustic neuroma resection. FIGURE 7. EMG monitoring of extraocular muscles during resec-
There was a sudden loss of all waves when a blood vessel on the tion of a cavernous sinus meningioma. Intramuscular wire elec-
surface of the tumor was cauterized. This presumably interrupted trodes were placed in the superior oblique (1), lateral rectus (2),
blood flow through the internal auditory artery, producing isch- and medial rectus (3) muscles under anesthesia immediately
emia of the auditory nerve and cochlea. Hearing was absent prior to surgery. Trace 3 displays neurotonic discharges recorded
postoperatively (stimulus intensity, 85dB; rate, 10.1 HZ; 400 from the medial rectus muscle in response to inadvertent me-
sweeps averaged). chanical stimulation of cranial nerve III.

344 Cranial Nerve Monitoring MUSCLE & NERVE March 2004

monitoring of muscles innervated by the trigeminal being mechanically stimulated, which in some cases
and facial nerves, CMAP recordings from facial (and leads to nerve injury.
in some cases trigeminal) muscles, and auditory Direct electrical stimulation helps to identify and
evoked potentials. Using modern multimodality re- distinguish the trigeminal and facial nerves. A mo-
cording equipment allows simultaneous monitoring nopolar stimulator is generally used when scanning
of continuous EMG activity from multiple muscles, the surface of the tumor to see whether the facial
intermittent electrical stimulation for threshold or nerve is in close proximity before proceeding with
CMAP recordings, and repeated acquisition of audi- further dissection.41,51,61,100 A small bipolar stimula-
tory evoked potentials (Fig. 8). Neurotonic dis- tor is used when the nerve is clearly visible.41,80,82,87
charges occur in response to mechanical or meta- Measurement of stimulus threshold has been corre-
bolic (saline) stimulation of cranial nerves V and lated with postoperative function.17,32,52,101 With this
VII.14,24,26,28,31,44 This helps to locate the nerve and in technique, the stimulator is applied to the facial
the absence of irrigation indicates that the nerve is nerve in the cerebellopontine angle near the brain-

FIGURE 8. Multimodality monitoring including BAEP (1), EMG from facial muscles [intramuscular electrodes in orbicularis oculi (2),
orbicularis oris (3), and masseter (4) muscles], and set up for CMAP recordings (5– 8) during acoustic neuroma resection. Only waves
I and II are present on the BAEP recording in channel 1. Channels 2– 4 are recording trains of neurotonic discharges in facial and
trigeminal innervated muscles in response to saline irrigation of the posterior fossa. Channels 5– 8 are set up for CMAP recordings
triggered by electrical stimulation of the facial or trigeminal nerves in the operative field. The electrical stimulator is currently turned off.
When electrical stimulation is performed, traces 5–7 will display triggered CMAPs from intramuscular electrodes (same input as channels
2– 4), while trace 8 will display the facial CMAP recorded from the mentalis muscle. Amp, amplifier; Free, free-running sweep; Trig,
triggered sweep.

Cranial Nerve Monitoring MUSCLE & NERVE March 2004 345

stem. Short-duration (0.5-ms) stimuli are applied spective, matched, controlled studies that suggest
and the stimulus intensity threshold required for EMG, NCS, and AEP monitoring have contributed
minimal facial contraction (as measured by surface significantly to improved facial and auditory func-
or intramuscular electrodes) is determined. Utiliz- tion during surgical treatment of CPA tumors.26,29
ing this technique, Fenton et al.17 prospectively stud- Harner et al.26 compared a group of 48 patients who
ied 67 patients undergoing resection of acoustic neu- underwent acoustic neuroma resection with facial
roma with normal preoperative facial function and nerve monitoring (continuous facial EMG and inter-
an anatomically intact facial nerve at the end of mittent electrical stimulation of the facial nerve) to
surgery. Multivariate regression analysis revealed 48 historical controls matched for age, tumor size,
that the facial nerve stimulus intensity threshold and type of surgical procedure, and surgical team. The
tumor size were the greatest independent predictors rate of anatomical preservation of the facial nerve
of postoperative facial nerve function. In a similar was 67% in monitored patients compared to 33% for
study of 27 patients, Hone et al.32 showed that a those without monitoring. Although no difference
facial nerve stimulus threshold ⬎0.1 mA was signifi- was noted in quantitative assessment of facial weak-
cantly associated with facial weakness at 6 days, 1 ness in the immediate postoperative period, by 3
month, and 6 months after surgery. Similar results months the degree of improvement was significantly
were reported by other investigators.52,101 greater in the monitored group, particularly for me-
In addition to stimulus threshold, the size of the dium and large tumors. Utilizing a similar matched
facial CMAP recorded from surface electrodes with study design with 90 monitored cases of acoustic
supramaximal stimulation proximal to the injured neuroma resection, Harper et al.29 demonstrated
area (next to the brainstem) is an excellent measure that BAEP monitoring was associated with a higher
of the amount of nerve injury occurring during the rate of hearing preservation and a greater chance
course of surgery.14,20,24,26,28 Using this technique, that the hearing preserved was clinically useful, es-
Harner et al.26 showed that the size of the facial pecially in patients with tumors ⬍2.5 cm in diameter.
CMAP at the end of surgery correlated with imme- Surgical procedures for the treatment of trigem-
diate and long-term facial nerve function. Specifi- inal neuralgia, hemifacial spasm, and chronic vertigo
cally, if the nerve was anatomically intact and a facial (MVD or rhizotomy) are associated with a 10 –15%
CMAP was recorded, then recovery at 3 and 6 risk of hearing loss and a slight risk of facial nerve
months was excellent. Goldbrunner et al.20 reported injury.3,4,5,19,77 Because of this risk, AEP and contin-
similar findings comparing the facial CMAP ampli- uous EMG from facial muscles are frequently moni-
tude ratio between stimulation sites proximal and tored during these procedures.5,19,77 Retrospective
distal to the area of tumor resection in a series of 137 case-controlled studies have suggested that BAEP
cases undergoing acoustic neuroma surgery. The monitoring reduces the risk of hearing loss during
risk of exhibiting severe facial weakness 6 months MVD for trigeminal neuralgia.75 Hemifacial spasm is
after surgery increased from 1.6% for an amplitude associated with hyperexcitability of facial neu-
(proximal/distal) ratio of ⬎0.8 to 75% for a ratio rons.64,72 Electrophysiologically, this is manifested by
⬍0.1. variable synkinesis of the blink reflex3 and by the
Changes in the BAEP, ECochG, or auditory NAP ability to induce an action potential in one branch of
occur with cooling, traction, and mechanical trauma the facial nerve by an antidromic stimulus of a sep-
to cranial nerve VIII.35,48,54,56,62,63,96 These changes arate terminal branch. This phenomenon has been
are often reversed when cerebellar retraction is less- termed the “lateral spread reflex” (LSR) and is
ened or the surgical dissection is altered. Immediate thought to be caused by ephaptic transmission be-
loss of auditory potentials indicates nerve avulsion or tween facial axons at the site of vascular compression
ischemia and is usually irreversible. near the brainstem or hyperexcitability of the facial
Prior to the advent of modern imaging and mi- nucleus in the pons.60,64,72 The LSR persists during
crosurgical techniques, the incidence of permanent anesthesia and in many cases can be recorded intra-
facial paralysis following removal of acoustic neuro- operatively.
mas or other CPA tumors was as high as 30%, and Elimination or reduction in size of the LSR dur-
hearing preservation was rare.27 Over the past 20 ing surgery generally predicts a good clinical re-
years, advances in imaging and microsurgery, and sponse to MVD for hemifacial spasm.30,33,42,60,65,83
the application of EMG, NCS, and AEP monitoring Moller and Jannetta60 reported the outcome of 67
have dramatically improved the rates for preserva- consecutive patients who underwent MVD for hemi-
tion of facial motor function and hear- facial spasm with intraoperative monitoring of the
ing.23,26,35,40,53,56,71,94,95 There are data from retro- LSR. Of the 44 patients in whom the LSR disap-

346 Cranial Nerve Monitoring MUSCLE & NERVE March 2004

peared during surgery, 42 were free from hemifacial trodes in the soft palate, laryngeal nerves with
spasm postoperatively. The prognosis was also excel- electrodes in the cricothyroid (external laryngeal) or
lent for 16 patients who had reduction in the size but vocalis (recurrent laryngeal) muscles, spinal acces-
not total disappearance of the LSR, with 14 being sory nerve with sternocleidomastoid or trapezius
cured of their motor disturbance. In contrast, four of electrodes, and the hypoglossal nerve with elec-
seven patients with no change in the LSR during trodes in the tongue. Continuous EMG activity is
surgery had persistent hemifacial spasm. A similar monitored for neurotonic discharges, and direct
experience was reported by other investigators,42,83 electrical stimulation is used to identify nerves.14,28,82
but some have questioned the predictive value of the Although reported to be useful,36,53,82 there are no
LSR, citing a high rate of elimination of clinical controlled data to indicate that the risk of cranial
symptoms even in cases with a persistent LSR.30,65 nerve injury is lessened by monitoring.
For example, in a series of 33 consecutive patients NCS have been used as a monitoring tool during
studied, Hatem et al.30 reported that the LSR was selective rhizotomy of the glossopharyngeal and sen-
eliminated during the course of surgery in 23 pa- sory portions of the vagus nerve in cases of intracta-
tients, and in 20 this correlated with immediate dis- ble glossopharyngeal neuralgia.14,88 With electrodes
appearance of hemifacial spasm postoperatively. in the laryngeal muscles (cricothyroid and/or voca-
However, 7 of the remaining 10 patients that had a lis), direct electrical stimulation of rootlets exiting
persistent LSR at the end of surgery also were cured. the lateral medulla is used to determine the margin
These, and other similar studies,65 do not report of transition between glossopharyngeal and laryn-
patients with a decrease in size of the LSR separately geal innervation, helping to prevent dysphonia as a
from those that had no change in the LSR during complication of the procedure. Further experience
surgery, which might account for differences be- is needed to determine the utility of this technique
tween their observations and those of Moller and since it has only been reported in a few cases.14,88
Jannetta.60 Thus, elimination of the LSR during sur-
gery predicts disappearance of the hemifacial spasm, Head and Neck Surgery. The trigeminal, facial, la-
but persistence of the LSR does not exclude an ryngeal, and spinal accessory nerves are at risk dur-
excellent surgical outcome. Particularly in severe ing a variety of extracranial surgical procedures of
cases of hemifacial spasm, the LSR may persist im- the head and neck. The mandibular division of the
mediately following adequate MVD, only to disap- trigeminal nerve is sometimes injured during man-
pear along with clinical spasms hours, days, or sev- dibular sagittal-split osteotomy for treatment of jaw
eral weeks after surgery.79 deformities.90 Far-field trigeminal evoked potentials
NCS and EMG have been used to identify and recorded from the scalp following mental nerve stim-
preserve the motor nuclei of cranial nerves V and VII ulation have been used to monitor these cases, but a
during resection of brainstem cavernous malforma- more reliable technique involves recording of the
tions.12 The technique involves placement of elec- inferior alveolar NAP.34 The technique involves stim-
trodes in muscle groups innervated by these nerves ulation with small stainless steel needle electrodes
and recording mechanically induced neurotonic dis- inserted near the mental foramen while the inferior
charges as well as CMAPs triggered by electrical stim- alveolar NAP is recorded from a silver wire electrode
ulation of the corresponding brainstem nuclei. Neu- placed on the nerve at the level of the foramen ovale.
rotonic discharges were observed in 7 of 11 patients Preliminary studies showed that reliable NAP record-
during resection of the malformation.12 Surgical de- ings were obtained at various intervals during sur-
cisions were guided by the EMG activity and, in some gery, and that changes in the amplitude and latency
cases, only partial resection was accomplished be- of the inferior alveolar NAP appeared to correlate
cause of proximity to the cranial nuclei. One patient with the degree of mandibular retraction.34 Whether
had transient postoperative facial paresis. this or other monitors of trigeminal function will
The lower cranial nerves (IX–XII) are at risk reduce the risk of inferior alveolar nerve injury dur-
during a variety of posterior fossa procedures. There ing sagittal-split osteotomy is yet to be proven.
are numerous reports of monitoring, either alone or The facial nerve is often entrapped by dense
in combination, of the glossopharyngeal, laryngeal fibrous tissue in recurrent parotid tumors. Continu-
branches of the vagus, spinal accessory, and hypo- ous EMG monitoring for neurotonic discharges and
glossal nerves during surgical resection of tumors in selective electrical stimulation help identify
the region of the foramen magnum, jugular fora- branches of the facial nerve involved with scar tissue
men, and clivus.31,53,82 The motor axons of the glos- or tumor.9,15,91,99 With this technique, intramuscular
sopharyngeal nerve are monitored with wire elec- wire or needle electrodes are inserted into muscles

Cranial Nerve Monitoring MUSCLE & NERVE March 2004 347

innervated by the temporal, zygomatic, buccal, and sies.7,58,85 Again, no controlled data are available to
mandibular branches of the facial nerve. Mechanical confirm that these monitoring procedures reduce
manipulation of facial branches induces neurotonic the risk of lower cranial nerve injury during head
discharges, and electrical stimulation elicits small and neck surgery.
CMAPs in facial muscles. Two large published series
suggest that monitored patients undergoing paroti- CONCLUSIONS
dectomy for recurrent tumors have a 0 – 4% risk of
permanent facial paralysis.9,15 These studies were un- Several conclusions can be drawn from two decades
controlled, however, and it therefore remains un- of experience with intraoperative monitoring of cra-
clear whether monitoring significantly reduces the nial nerves during a variety of intracranial and ex-
risk of facial nerve injury. One retrospective case- tracranial surgical procedures. First, the basic tech-
controlled study concluded that facial nerve moni- niques of EMG, NCS, and recording of auditory
toring reduced the incidence of short-term paralysis evoked potentials represent accurate and real-time
but did not change the incidence of permanent measures of cranial nerve physiology at a time when
paralysis.91 A similar study showed no difference in clinical detection of nerve injury is impossible. Sec-
the incidence of transient or permanent facial paral- ond, observational studies have identified particular
ysis in monitored cases compared to unmonitored changes in NCS (e.g., reduced size of facial
historical controls.99 Thus, the utility of facial nerve CMAP,20,26 change in LSR60) and auditory evoked
monitoring during parotidectomy remains in ques- potential recordings (e.g., permanent loss of waves I
tion and awaits prospective controlled trials particu- or V of the BAEP) that can be used to predict
larly targeted at high-risk subgroups. postoperative function. Third, intraoperative moni-
The superior and recurrent laryngeal nerves have toring has improved understanding of the mecha-
been monitored during complicated neck dissec- nisms of cranial nerve injury, and thereby contrib-
tions such as those for recurrent thyroid cancer16,38 uted to technical improvements by surgical teams
or benign goiter,92 or during anterior cervical spine that utilize monitoring. Fourth, there are controlled
fusion.37 Intramuscular wire electrodes are placed data to suggest that monitoring reduces the risk of
into the cricothyroid muscle through the skin, and cranial nerve injury in selected situations (e.g., facial
in the vocalis muscle via direct laryngoscopy. EMG nerve during acoustic neuroma resection,26 and au-
activity is recorded during surgery when the laryn- ditory nerve during acoustic neuroma29 and MVD75
geal nerves are stimulated mechanically (neurotonic surgery).
discharges) or electrically. Contraction of the vocalis Thus, although it may be difficult to prove that
muscle in response to electrical stimulation can also cranial nerve monitoring reduces the risk of injury in
be confirmed visually with fiberoptic laryngoscopy. all instances, the techniques reviewed in this article
The published data on laryngeal muscle monitoring should be viewed as neurophysiological tools that,
clearly demonstrate that the techniques are reliable when used in the proper setting and with an under-
and help to identify the external and recurrent standing of the nature and limitations of informa-
branches of the laryngeal nerves,16,37,38,74 but only tion provided, can be logically applied in an attempt
one study has attempted to determine whether mon- to reduce the risk of nerve damage during surgery
itoring reduces the risk of laryngeal nerve injury.92 involving the skull base, head, and neck.
Thomusch et al.92 prospectively surveyed 4,382 pa-
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