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DeepGraphONet: A Deep Graph Operator Network

to Learn and Zero-shot Transfer the Dynamic
Response of Networked Systems
Yixuan Sun, Christian Moya, Guang Lin, Meng Yue
arXiv:2209.10622v1 [cs.LG] 21 Sep 2022

Abstract—This paper develops a Deep Graph Operator Net- learning (i) the underlying governing equations [5], [6], [7]
work (DeepGraphONet) framework that learns to approximate or (ii) the future (i.e., the next state) dynamic response [8],
the dynamics of a complex system (e.g., the power grid or traffic) [9]. However, such traditional neural networks often require a
with an underlying sub-graph structure. We build our DeepGra-
phONet by fusing the ability of (i) Graph Neural Networks (GNN) massive amount of data (with a fixed resolution) to learn the
to exploit spatially correlated graph information and (ii) Deep system’s dynamic response to a particular operating condition.
Operator Networks (DeepONet) to approximate the solution For other operating conditions (e.g., different initial condi-
operator of dynamical systems. The resulting DeepGraphONet tions), one often needs to retrain the model with a different
can then predict the dynamics within a given short/medium- dataset. Such a limitation has prevented the wider use of
term time horizon by observing a finite history of the graph
state information. Furthermore, we design our DeepGraphONet traditional neural networks for solving complex dynamical
to be resolution-independent. That is, we do not require the finite systems in science and engineering, where the data is scarce
history to be collected at the exact/same resolution. In addition, and expensive to collect.
to disseminate the results from a trained DeepGraphONet, To address such a limitation, several works have proposed
we design a zero-shot learning strategy that enables using it to learn the solution operator (i.e., a mapping between infinite-
on a different sub-graph. Finally, empirical results on the (i)
transient stability prediction problem of power grids and (ii) dimensional spaces) of complex dynamical systems using, for
traffic flow forecasting problem of a vehicular system illustrate example, Deep Operator Networks (DeepONet) [10], Graph
the effectiveness of the proposed DeepGraphONet. Neural Operators (GNO) [11], or Fourier Neural Opera-
Index Terms—Deep learning, operator regression, graph neu- tors (FNO) [12]. In particular, the DeepONet, introduced in
ral networks, networked dynamical systems the seminal paper [10] and developed based on the univer-
sal approximation theorem for nonlinear operators [13], has
demonstrated remarkable accuracy and generalization capa-
I. I NTRODUCTION bility for learning the solution operator of non-autonomous

N ETWORKED dynamical systems are ubiquitous in sci-

ence and engineering, e.g., the power grid or traffic
networks. To simulate and predict the dynamics of such sys-
We used the DeepONet framework in a recent study [14]
to learn the dynamic response of the power grid after a
tems, researchers have developed sophisticated, high-fidelity disturbance without using recurrence and fixed resolution,
numerical schemes that can accurately solve the corresponding requirements typically adopted by RNNs. However, our work
governing equations. However, for tasks requiring multiple only considered the dynamic response at the bus level. Thus,
forward simulations, e.g., optimization, uncertainty quantifi- it neglects the possibly rich information from the interaction
cation, and control, these high-fidelity schemes may become between a bus and its neighbors. Such a spatial correlation
prohibitively expensive [1]. is critical for learning the solution operator of networked
Deep learning techniques can potentially address this com- dynamical systems, e.g., the power grid or traffic networks.
putational cost problem by acting as a fast surrogate model To enable learning the solution operator of complex net-
trained using data. As a result, many deep learning techniques worked dynamical systems, we propose, in this paper, the
have been proposed in the literature to simulate and predict Deep Graph Operator Network (DeepGraphONet) framework.
complex dynamical systems. For example, one can use tra- DeepGraphONet is a muti-input multi-output Deep Operator
ditional neural networks, such as fully connected neural net- Network that learns the dynamic response of complex net-
works or recurrent neural networks (RNN), for time-dependent worked systems by exploiting spatially correlated information
prediction tasks [2], [3], [4]. Such networks have the goal of from the given underlying graph or sub-graph structure.
Y. Sun and G. Lin are with the School of Mechanical Engineer-
ing, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. E-mail: {yixuan-sun, A. Related Work
C. Moya and G. Lin are with the Department of Mathemat- Learning dynamical systems. Many works have proposed
ics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. e-mail: {cmoyacal, using machine and deep learning to learn unknown dynamical
M. Yue is with the Interdisciplinary Science Department, Brookhaven systems from time-series data. In particular, we classify such
National Laboratory, Upton, NY. e-mail: works into learning the system’s (i) governing equations [5],

[7], [15] and (ii) future response [8], [9]. For example, in [5], quent tasks. These schemes, however, suffered from high-
the authors use a dictionary of functions to learn a sparse computational costs and were limited to some specific graph
representation of the system’s governing equations. Zhang structures. To alleviate such issues, other works [24], [25], [26]
et al. [15] adopted Bayesian sparse regression to identify build on graph signal processing to develop graph spectral
differential equation terms from a large pool of candidates convolution networks and their localized variants. In graph
with error bars. spectral convolution, one performs the graph convolution
On the other hand, Qin et al. [8] trains a neural network to operation in the Fourier domain. Such spectral convolution
learn the next state response of the system given the current requires the eigendecomposition of the graph Laplacian. Spec-
state. The framework then can predict the system’s future tral convolution, however, is expensive and does not allow
response by recursively using the trained network. In [9], transferring to another graph with a different topology [27],
the authors proposed a multistep method with a feed-forward [28]. This limitation prevents the trained GNNs from achieving
neural network to approximate the dynamical system response. zero-shot learning.
Most of the above works can effectively learn the dynamical On the other hand, similar to standard convolutional neural
system for a single operating condition. However, the above networks, several works [29], [30] proposed non-spectral and
works will require a prohibitive amount of data and training spatial convolution directly defined on the graph. In particular,
resources to learn the system’s response to many operating the spatial convolution locally operates on nodes, and, thus,
conditions. To alleviate such limitations, we will use the novel one can use it on different graphs. Furthermore, by stacking
framework of deep operator learning in this work. spatial convolutional layers, we can effectively process infor-
Deep operator learning. Traditional deep learning tech- mation from nodes located more than one hop away.
niques [16] focus on approximating the mapping between To learn with graph data efficiently and effectively, the
Euclidean spaces. However, these traditional techniques may authors in [31], [32], [33] employed the spatial graph con-
not be adequate for learning the solution operator of a complex volution within a message passing framework. The main idea
dynamical system. To learn such an operator, several works of such a framework is to update the node state information
have proposed designing operator learning frameworks based by aggregating information from neighboring nodes, followed
on deep neural networks [10], [11], [12], [17]. by a neural network-based transformation. In this work, we
We build our work on the Deep Operator Network (Deep- adopt such a message passing framework and, in particular,
ONet) framework introduced in [10]. DeepONet is a neural the framework from GraphSage [33], to process the input
network architecture that can learn nonlinear operators by information to the Deep Operator Network.
using (i) a Branch network to process input information This work aims at learning the dynamic evolution of graph
and (ii) a Trunk network to process query locations within signals using a fixed graph structure. Many studies [34], [35],
the output function domain. Then, one computes the output [36], [37], [38] have combined deep learning techniques for
function at a query location by merging the features from both time series (e.g., RNNs [36], [35] and CNNs [34], [37], [38])
the Branch and Trunk nets using a dot product. DeepONet has with GNNs to produce time-dependent predictions that can
demonstrated its exceptional approximation and generalization take into account spatial correlations. However, such methods
capabilities using a low amount of data for problems in may (i) lack the flexibility and (ii) require high computational-
power engineering [14], electroconvection, and multi-physics cost to learn the solution operator of a networked dynamical
tasks [18], or material science tasks [19]. DeepONet, however, system. Thus, in our work, we will employ the deep operator
is only a single-input single-output operator framework. Thus, learning framework to learn the parametric mapping between
one cannot directly use DeepONet for networked dynamical graph functions directly.
In [20], the authors proposed MIONet, a multi-input func- B. Our Work
tion single-output function DeepONet to alleviate the multiple-
input problem. Nevertheless, the MIONet framework fails The objectives of this work are two-fold.
to consider the spatial correlation among input functions 1) Approximating the solution operator. We aim to derive a
of a networked system and only produces a single output deep learning-based method to approximate the solution
function. Our work effectively alleviates both limitations by operator of a system in which the dynamics evolve
incorporating a Graph Neural Network within the DeepONet within an underlying sub-graph structure. For instance,
framework. we aim to use our method to learn the dynamics of a
Graph Neural Networks. In traditional deep learning, the control area within a large-scale power grid or the traffic
training data, e.g., time series, tabular-like data, and images, dynamics of a city’s neighborhood.
is well-structured, and one assumes it belongs to the Euclidean 2) Zero-shot learning. We aim to apply the trained pro-
space. However, we cannot naturally assume that other forms posed model directly to approximate the solution op-
of data, such as power grid and traffic data, belong to the erator on unseen graphs or sub-graphs with different
Euclidean space. As a result, researchers developed Graph structures. In other words, we aim to achieve zero-shot
Neural Networks (GNN) [21] to capture the spatial correlation learning. For instance, we aim to train the model on a
of data with an underlying graph representation. small sub-graph and then use it to make predictions on
At the early stage, GNNs were used within recursive a larger graph with high accuracy.
schemes [22], [23] to reach steady node states for subse- We detail the contributions of this work next.

• We first build (in Section III) a Deep Graph Opera- Solution operator. Our goal is to approximate the dynamic
tor Network (DeepGraphONet) framework that learns response of (1) described via the solution operator (also known
to approximate the solution operator of a dynamical as flow map):
system with an underlying connected sub-graph structure. Z t
DeepGraphONet fuses the ability of (i) Graph Neural F(x(t0 ); G)(t) ≡ x(t) = x(t0 ) + f (x(β); G)dβ,
Networks (GNN) to exploit the graph information and (ii) t0

DeepONets [10] to approximate the solution operator of for all t ∈ [t0 , tf ], where [t0 , tf ] ⊂ [t0 , ∞) denotes a finite
nonlinear systems. The proposed DeepGraphONet takes time interval where the solution operator exists and is unique.
as inputs (i) a finite history of the graph state information For large-scale networked dynamical systems, i.e., when
and (ii) the desired query location with an arbitrary |V |  1, learning the above solution operator may be pro-
resolution for short/medium term prediction. Compared hibitively expensive. Moreover, one may not have the access to
to the vanilla DeepONet [10], the proposed DeepGra- all graph states and may be interested in learning the dynamics
phONet is (i) a multi-input multi-output framework and of a sub-region within the network, i.e., a sub-graph. For
(ii) resolution-independent in the input function; that is, example, for power grids, we may want to learn the dynamic
we do not require the Branch sensors to be fixed. response of a Control Area, or, for traffic networks, we may
• We then propose (in Section IV) a zero-shot learning want to approximate the dynamic response of a city or a
strategy that exploits the property of message passing district.
GNNs to enable directly using a trained DeepGraphONet To this end, let us split the graph-valued state function as
on a different graph or sub-graph for the same task. x = (xS , xS c ). Here, S = (VS , ES ) denotes the sub-graph
• Finally, we verify the efficacy of the DeepGraphONet on region of interest within the network, where VS ⊂ V is a
(i) the transient stability prediction problem of the IEEE connected set of nodes within V and Es ⊂ E, and S c denotes
16-machine 68-bus system and (ii) the traffic dynamics the complement of S. To describe the dynamics of xS (t), we
forecasting problem using the METR-LA dataset, which employ the Mori-Zwanzig formalism [40], [41], which yields
contains traffic information measured using loop detectors Z t
in the highway of Los Angeles County [39]. xS (t) = R(xS (t); S) + K(xS (t − β), β)dβ + N (x0 )
dt t0
We organize the rest of this paper as follows. Section II
In the above, the first term R is the Markovian term, which
introduces the problem of approximating the solution oper-
depends on the current value of xS ; the second term is the
ator of a dynamical system with an underlying sub-graph
memory integral, which depends on the values of the state
structure. The DeepGraphONet framework to approximate
and input variables from the initial time β = t0 to the current
such a solution operator is detailed in Section III-A. We
time β = t. This memory integral involves K, which is
present the resolution-independent DeepGraphONet and our
commonly known as the memory kernel. Finally, the third term
zero-shot learning strategy in Section III-B and Section III-C,
is the “noise” term, which depends on the initial condition x0 .
respectively. Numerical experiments are used to illustrate the
Decaying memory assumption. Learning the memory inte-
efficacy of DeepGraphONet in Section IV. Finally, Section V
gral from the initial time β = t0 is a challenging task. To
discusses our future work and Section VI concludes the paper.
alleviate such a challenge, we assume the memory decays
over time, that is, there exists tM ∈ (t0 , t) (we treat tM as
a hyperparameter in this paper) such that we can neglect the
II. P ROBLEM S ETTINGS effect of the memory for all β ∈ [t0 , t − tM ). Formally, this
corresponds to the following approximation of the memory
We consider a complex networked dynamical system. integral. For any given  > 0, there exists t0 < tM < t such
We model its (i) networked structure using the undirected that:
graph G = (V, E), where V is the set of |V | nodes and E is Z t Z tM

the set of |E| edges, and (ii) dynamics using the initial value K(x (t − β), β)dβ − K(x (t − β), β)dβ <
problem (IVP): t0 t0
d Discrete representation of the integral. In practice, one
x(t) = f (x(t); G) computes the truncated integral using some discretized scheme
dt (1)
x(t0 ) = x0 (e.g., quadrature) such that for any given κ > 0, we have
Z tM

K(xS (t − β), β)dβ
Here x(t) ∈ X ⊂ Rd×|V | is the graph-valued state function,
x0 ∈ X the initial condition, and f : X → X the unknown (3)

vector field. For simplicity, we assume each node’s state −Q(xS (t − τ1 ), . . . , xS (t − τm )) < κ,
has the same dimension d = 1 and, with some abuse of
notation, we make explicit the dependency of the dynamics f where the memory partition of size m (we treat this memory
on the underlying graph structure G. We also let for future resolution m as a hyperparameter in this paper) is arbitrary
work the case when we know an approximate model of the and satisfies 0 ≤ τ1 , . . . , τm ≤ tM and {t − τi }m
i=1 ⊂ [t −
dynamics fapprox ≈ f . tM , t].

GNN-Branch Net
{t ⌧i } m
message Trunk
{x(k) (t ⌧i )}m
i=1 2 3
Pq (1)
6 j=1 bj · 'j (hn ) 7
6 7
* 6 Pq
6 (2) 7
6 j=1 bj · 'j (hn )) 7
6 P 7
GNN-based 6 q (3) 7
dot product
6 j=1 bj · 'j (hn ) 7
hn 6 7
6 .. 7
0 h Trunk Net 6 . 7
6 7
4 Pq (|V |) 5
j=1 bj · 'j (hn ))
neural network

Fig. 1: The DeepGraphONet architecture. The Branch Net (i) is a Graph Neural Network that uses message passing to learn the nodes’ representation on the
networked system’s graph S and (ii) takes as input the graph state signals {xS (t − τi )}m
i=1 , τ ∈ [0, tM ]. The Trunk Net is a feed-forward neural network that
takes as input the query location hn within the prediction horizon [0, h]. We obtain the DeepGraphONet’s output Fθ ({xS (t − τi )}m i=1 ; S)(hn ) by applying
the GNN-based dot product between the GNN-Branch Net and the Trunk Net. The GNN-based dot product performs the standard dot product between each
node in the Branch Net-produced graph and the Trunk Net.

These decaying memory and discrete representation as- A. The Deep Graph Operator Network
sumptions lead to the following approximate dynamics of xS :
Building on the DeepONet, introduced in [10], we propose
d DeepGraphONet Fθ , a multi-input multi-output Deep Graph
xS (t) = R(xS (t)) + Q(xS (t − τ1 ), . . . , xS (t − τm )). Operator Network, which consists of two neural networks (see
(4) Fig. 1): the Branch network and the Trunk network.
The Branch network. The Branch net is a Graph Neural
In this paper, we employ the local solution operator within Network (GNN) that processes the finite history of the graph-
the arbitrary interval [t, t + hn ], hn ∈ [0, h], where h is the state information. The Branch maps the graph-state informa-
predicting horizon, and we treat it as a hyperparameter in this tion {xS (t − τi )}m |S|
i=1 , where xS (t − τi ) ∈ R , to the graph-
paper. For all t > t0 , the local memory sensor locations satisfy based coefficients b ∈ R q×|S|
{t − τi }m
i=1 ⊂ [t − tM , t]. With this local memory, the local To build the proposed GNN-based Branch network, we use
solution operator is:
a collection of message passing convolutional graph layers,
F̃(xS (t),{xS (t − τi )}m which we adopted from [33]. For all i ∈ S, the forward pass
i=1 ; S)(hn ) = xS (t)
Z t+hn of the corresponding message passing layer reads:
+ R(xS (β); S)dβ
t x0i (t) = σ(W1 xi (t) + W2 · meanj∈Ni (xj (t))),
+ Q(xS (t − τ1 ), . . . , xS (t − τm )).
where xi (t) is the ith node’s state at time t, Ni is the set of
In the above, we emphasized that the solution operator depends nodes adjacent to the ith node, W1 , W2 are trainable weights,
on the finite history of the sub-graph state information xS (t) and σ is a non-linear activation function.
within the time interval [t − tM , t]. By stacking these message passing layers, we can transport
Our goal in this paper is to design a Deep Graph Operator information from nodes located two or more hops away to the
Network (DeepGraphONet) Fθ , with trainable parameters ith node. Such a process allows the network to learn automat-
θ ∈ Rp , to approximate the solution operator F̃ for all ically spatial dependencies among nodes. Furthermore, since
hn ∈ [0, h]. To control the approximation power of the our goal is to obtain the dynamic response of all nodes, we
proposed DeepGraphONet, we will use two hyperparameters: do not use a readout (pooling) in the proposed GNN-based
the memory’s (i) size tM and (ii) predicting horizon h. Branch net.
Remark. Fixed v.s. resolution-independent sensors. If the sen-
III. M ETHODS sor locations used to discretize the input representing the finite
history of graph-state information {xS (t − τi )}m i=1 are fixed
This section describes the proposed Deep Graph Operator (as in [10]), then we denote the proposed framework as the
Network (DeepGraphONet) Fθ to approximate the solution standard DeepGraphONet. If, on the other hand, the sensor
operator F̃. locations can change over time, then we denote the proposed

framework as the resolution-independent DeepGraphONet (see

Section III-B for more details). a GNN-Branch Net
The Trunk network. The Trunk net is a multi-layer percep- {t ⌧i } m
tron (MLP) that maps a given query location hn , within the message
prediction horizon [0, h], to a collection of trainable Trunk {x(k) (t ⌧i )}m
basis functions:

ϕ := (ϕ1 (hn ), ϕ2 (hn ), . . . , ϕq (hn ))> ∈ Rq .

input for the Branch Net
Finally, we compute the DeepGraphONet’s output for each {{xS (t ⌧i )}mi=1 , S}
node i ∈ S by merging the corresponding Branch coeffi-
cients b(i) with the Trunk basis functions ϕ using the dot GNN-Branch Net
product: {t ⌧i } m
(i) (i)
Fθ ({xS (t − τi )}m
i=1 ; S)(hn ) = bj · ϕj (hn ). {x(k) (t ⌧i )}m


Training the DeepGraphONet Fθ . To train the parame-

ters θ of the proposed DeepGraphONet, we minimize, using input for the Branch Net
gradient-based optimization schemes (e.g., Adam [42]), the {{xS (t ⌧i )}m
i=1 , {t ⌧i }m
i=1 , S}

loss function:
Fig. 2: The input for the Branch Net in standard and resolution-independent
1 X k k
DeepGraphONet. a. shows the input for the Branch Net in the standard
L(θ; D) = xS (t + hkn ) − Fθ ({xkS (t − τi )}m
i=1 )(hn ) 1 . DeepGraphONet, where the network takes the input function values at a fixed
N set of sensors. b. presents, in a resolution-independent DeepGraphONet, the
Branch Net takes both input function values and their locations. The fixed set
of sensors requirement is eliminated.
using the dataset D of N := |D| triplets:
D := {xkS (t − τi )}m k k k
i=1 , hn , xS (t + hn ) k=1 . C. Zero-Shot Learning Scheme
generated using the true solution operator F. In this paper, we build the proposed DeepGraphONet
framework to be versatile. That is, once we have trained the
DeepGraphONet Fθ∗ using the graph S, we expect to use it
B. Resolution-independent DeepGraphONet with high accuracy on a different graph S 0 6= S (with possibly
different number of nodes) for the same task.
The vanilla DeepONet, introduced in [10], effectively and Such a zero-shot learning capability of the proposed Deep-
accurately approximates single-input single-output solution GraphONet is achieved immediately due to the message-
operators F. Thus, DeepONet can predict at arbitrary locations passing nature of the GNN-based Branch network. In partic-
within the output function domain [0, h]. However, the main ular, we can directly apply DeepGraphONet to S 0 because
limitation of the vanilla DeepONet is that it requires a fixed the trainable weights of the GNN-based Branch depend on
set of sensors within the input function domain [t − tM , t]. the node feature dimension and not on the adjacency matrix.
This requirement forces the network to take new data points Thus, the proposed DeepGraphONet is inductive, and we may
with the same resolution, which, in turn, prevents the flexible use it beyond the graph S used during training. In Section IV,
application of the trained network, e.g., in scenarios where (i) we will show that DeepGraphONet can effectively approxi-
sampling may be inexact or (ii) recursive prediction is needed. mate the solution operator of networked dynamical systems
To address such a limitation, we propose a simple, intuitive within sub-graph structures S 0 not used during training; thus,
solution that allows using resolution-independent sensors, as achieving zero-shot learning.
shown in Fig. 2. More specifically, we enable the GNN-based
Branch network to take as inputs not only the graph-state
memory input {xS (t − τi )}m IV. E XPERIMENTS
i=1 , but also the corresponding,
possibly time-variant, sensor locations. To this end, for each To evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed
node i ∈ S, we construct the input function by concatenating DeepGraphONet, we test it on two different tasks: (i) predict-
the node-state function values {xS (t − τi )}mi=1 with its corre- ing the transient response of power grids (Section IV-A) and
sponding sensor location {t − τi }m i=1 . These function-location (ii) forecasting traffic on highway networks (Section IV-B).
value pairs provide complete information about the input, In the experiments, we use tM , m, h, and hn to denote
enabling us to relax the fixed sensors’ requirement. In section the memory length, number of sensors within the memory,
IV, we will demonstrate that the resolution-independent Deep- prediction horizon, and query location within the prediction
GraphONet does not cause performance degradation when horizon, respectively. We treat tM and h as hyperparameters
compared to the standard DeepGraphONet. in this paper and explore the model performance.

Neural networks and implementation protocols. We use Algorithm 1: Complete Trajectory Prediction Scheme
the same neural network architecture to build two DeepGra- Require: system graph S; trained
phONets: the (i) standard DeepGraphONet, which has fixed DeepGraphONet Fθ∗ ; hyperparameters (tM , m, h,
sensors as in [10], and (ii) resolution-independent DeepGra- hn ); initial local memory {xS (t − τi )}m
i=1 ; complete
phONet, which we proposed in this paper (see Fig. 2) to trajectory length L;
alleviate these fixed sensors constraint. To build the DeepGra- initialize an empty list for saving the predictions C;
phONets’ architecture, we proceed as follows. The Branch Net let N = d (L−t h
uses twenty message passing graph convolution layers, and the for n = 0, . . . , N − 1 do
Trunk Net uses five feed-forward layers. The output dimension for each hn ∈ [0, h] do
is 100 neurons for both the Branch and Trunk Nets.
We prepared the data to align with the DeepGraphONet’s use the DeepGraphONet’s forward pass to
formulation, where we set a memory partition and an output compute the prediction
function domain bound h. With regard to the resolution-
x̄(t+hn ) = Fθ∗ ({xS (t−τi )}m m
i=1 , {τ }i=1 ; S)(hn ).
independent DeepGraphONet, with the memory partition size
m, we randomly sampled b m 2 c sensors and stacked them with append x̄(t + hn ) to C;
their locations as additional feature channels for the Branch
Net. end for
Algorithm 1 shows the procedure of using trained DeepGra- update the current time
phONet to predict the complete future trajectories. With the
t ← t + h;
trained network, we use the initial memory and partition to
produce predictions covering the entire prediction horizon. We new observations come in
then repeat this process with the newly observed ground truth
{xS (t − τi )}m
i=1 ;
as the memory for the next prediction horizon until reaching
the end of the trajectory. end for
For example, in the power grid problem, we have a trained concatenate C;
DeepGraphONet with memory length tM = 200 ms and Return the concatenated predicted trajectories;
prediction horizon h = 20 ms. In testing time, we want to
produce predictions of the entire trajectory of size 700 ms after
the initial memory. We start with using the initial memory and G14 G1 G8
66 53 60
the trained network to make predictions for the next 20 ms and 41 40 48 47 25 29
2 26 28 61
save the predictions to a list. We then use the new observations 24
1 27
to produce predictions for another 20 ms until reaching the end 31
3 17

62 21
of the trajectory. Finally, we concatenate the saved predictions G11
30 18
as the predicted complete trajectory. 46
G10 32
We implemented the DeepGraphONet in PyTorch and 67
33 4 22
trained and tested it with an Nvidia GPU. The source code G15
34 14
19 58
35 36 5 12 56
of the model can be accessed on GitHub 1 . We measured and 50
64 G16
6 11
compared the performance of all trained models in terms of L1 52
45 G12 8 13
G4 23
68 44 59
relative error (%), which can be interpreted as the percentage 37
G16 39 43 G7
absolute deviation from the true values. 65
G13 G3 G5

A. Experiment 1: Power transient stability Fig. 3: One-line diagram of the New York-New England 16-generator 68-bus
Dataset. The power grid dataset consisted of 1830 inde- power grid. We train our DeepGraphONet using the arbitrary subgraph of
buses S := {15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 24} ⊂ G, highlighted with red dots.
pendent trajectories on a sub-graph with 6 nodes (red buses
in Fig. 4). For each trajectory, there were 701 time-steps
with a resolution of 1 ms. For more details about the data
settings were within 1%. Moreover, the resolution-independent
generation process, one can refer to [14]. Among the available
DeepGraphONet, taking the input function representation with
trajectories, 60%, 20%, and 20% of them were used for
arbitrary resolution, did not show performance degradation
training, validation, and testing, respectively. We then applied
compared to the standard (Figure 6b).
the trained model to the entire region (marked in blue in Figure
4), achieving zero-shot learning. Varying Memory Lengths. We explored the impact and
Testing Accuracy. We show the model testing results in sufficiency of local memory lengths. We trained the DeepGra-
Fig. 5, Table I and II. Overall, our trained both standard and phONet with different memory lengths, tM = 50 ms, tM =
resolution-independent DeepGraphONets accurately approxi- 100 ms, tM = 200 ms, and evaluated the networks on the
mated the solution operator for the power grid problem. The testing dataset. The prediction results suggest that with larger
L1 relative errors of all short- and medium-term forecasting tM , the average model performance improves (Fig. 5(d)(e)(f)).
We observed the same trend in both original and resolution-
1 The repository will be public upon the acceptance of the manuscript independent DeepGraphONets, as shown in Table II.

Table III: The mean and standard deviation ( of the L1 -relative error
G1 G8
(%) between the predicted and actual traffic trajectories for multiple time
G14 G1 G8
53 60
25 29
66 53 60 horizons T and using the (i) standard DeepGraphONet and (ii) resolution-
41 40 48 47 25 29

28 61
2 26
28 61 independent DeepGraphONet.
G9 1 27
3 17 31
21 3 17
18 62 21
16 G11
30 18
16 h (min) 15 30 60
15 G10 32
46 15
4 22 67
33 4 mean 5.52 7.60 10.79
19 58 49 14
5 12 56 G15 51
36 5 12
58 9.49 14.74 22.05
G16 50
64 G16
6 11 G4 23 6 11
8 13
59 52 8 13
G4 23 mean 6.84 8.62 11.87
54 10 20 68
59 res.ind.
G2 55 57 G7
G16 39 43
57 G7 12.56 16.79 23.57
7 65
G3 G5 7
G13 G3 G5

Fig. 4: Zero-shot learning on a larger subgraph. We train the DeepGraphONet

on an arbitrary small subgraph (marked in red) and directly apply the trained well with a L1 relative error of 0.686%.
network to a much larger subgraph (marked in blue) to achieve high predicting With the above, we conclude the proposed DeepGraphONet
performance (0.686% L1 relative error). can successfully learn the solution operator with local mem-
ories for predicting the transient stability of power grids.
Table I: The mean and standard deviation ( of the L1 -relative error (%)
between the predicted and actual transient response trajectories for multiple Particularly, the resolution-independent DeepGraphONet, al-
time horizons h and using the (i) standard DeepGraphONet and (ii) resolution- though having the flexibility of taking the discrete input func-
independent DeepGraphONet. tion representation with arbitrary resolution, does not show
h (ms) 2 10 20 200 performance degradation. In addition, one can directly apply
the trained DeepGraphONet to solve the power grid transient
mean 0.21 0.64 0.71 2.57
standard stability problem with a different underlying graph structure, 0.74 2.71 2.62 4.89
achieving zero-shot learning.
mean 0.37 0.62 0.72 1.71
res.ind. 1.62 2.57 2.61 3.58
B. Experiment 2: Traffic forecasting
Dataset. We used the METR-LA dataset [39], containing
Varying Horizons To investigate the performance change
179 loop detectors, shown in Fig. 8. The dataset contained
of DeepGraphONet with respect to the change of the output
speed measurements of the year 2018, with a resolution of
function domain, we varied the prediction horizons h. In
5 min. Due to the lack of independent trajectories, we split
particular, we trained the networks with h = 2 ms, h =
the data based on the time for training, validation, and testing
10 ms, h = 20 ms, h = 200 ms with the same memory
purposes. We used the data from January to June 2018 for
length, tM = 50 ms. The results (Fig. 5abc, and Table I) show
training, July to September 2018 for validation and October
for all prediction horizons, both the standard and resolution-
to December 2018 for testing. We trained and evaluated the
independent DeepGraphONet made accurate approximations
network using the first 20 nodes in the graph and directly
to the solution operators. Furthermore, the network perfor-
applied the trained network to the entire graph for zero-shot
mance increases as h decreases. For short- and medium-term
forecasting, the networks led to L1 relative errors of less than
Varying Horizons. We investigated the DeepGraphONet’s
1%, whereas when h = 200 ms, the relative error was over
performance in traffic forecasting under the commonly used
2%. However, with longer local memory (tM = 200 ms),
horizons [43], h = 15 min, h = 30 min, h = 60 min with
the trained DeepGraphONet accurately predicted the longer
the local memory length fixed as tM = 60 min. Fig. 9 shows
horizon (h = 500 ms), shown in Fig. 6a.
the prediction results from the randomly picked 4 nodes in
Zero-shot Learning Finally, we applied the trained model
the graph where the predicting horizon was h = 60 min.
to a larger sub-graph from the same power grid model. The
DeepGraphONet captured the future speed of all nodes at the
new sub-graph has 34 nodes and contains the graph used
same time accurately using the history observation, while at
during training. By directly applying the trained model to the
some sharp turning points, the model did not match the oscil-
larger sub-graph without further training, we achieved zero-
lation exactly but captured the average behavior. The results
shot learning with high accuracy. Fig. 7 depicts the prediction
suggest that as increasing horizon, the model performance
results on 9 randomly selected nodes of the new sub-graph.
decreased overall and the error range became larger. Table III
For these nodes, the predictions aligned with the ground truth
lists the mean and standard deviation of the L1 relative error
of the models, both for original and resolution-independent
Table II: The mean and standard deviation ( of the L1 -relative error (%) DeepGraphONet, with different predicting horizons on the
between the predicted and actual transient response trajectories for multiple
memory resolutions m and using the (i) standard DeepGraphONet and (ii)
testing set. The results imply the great ability of the proposed
resolution-independent DeepGraphONet. DeepGraphONet in predicting the traffic dynamics for all
nodes present in the network simultaneously, with ∼ 6% error
tM (ms) 50 100 200 for short-term (5 min) prediction and ∼ 11% for long-term (1
mean 0.71 0.70 0.66 hour). 2.62 2.82 3.14
a) Zero-shot Learning: To test the DeepGraphONet’s po-
mean 0.72 0.71 0.68 tential of zero-shot learning for traffic forecasting, we directly
res.ind. 2.60 3.46 2.98
applied the trained network to the entire METR-LA network

a b c
voltage (V )

voltage (V )

voltage (V )
1.04 1.0
1.02 1.00
1.00 0.9 0.95
0.98 0.8 0.90
0.96 0.7 0.85
24 600 24 600 24 600
bu 21 19 400 ) bu 21 19 400 ) bu 21 19 400 )
sn sn sn
um 17 200 (ms um 17 200 (ms um 17 200 (ms
ber 15 16 0 time ber 15 16 0 time ber 15 16 0 time

d e f
voltage (V )

voltage (V )

voltage (V )
1.00 1.02 1.00
1.00 0.95
0.95 0.98 0.90
0.90 0.96 0.85
24 600 24 600 24 600
bu 21 19 400 ) bu 21 19 400 ) bu 21 19 400 )
sn sn sn
um 17 200 (ms um 17 200 (ms um 17 200 (ms
ber 15 16 0 time ber 15 16 0 time ber 15 16 0 time

Fig. 5: Comparison of the DeepGraphONet predicted transient trajectories (dashed red lines) with the actual trajectories (solid black lines) on the subgraph
of buses S := {15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 24} ⊂ G. DeepGraphONet generated all predictions at the same time given the memory trajectory (dashed gray lines).
We test multiple prediction horizons h and memory resolutions tM . In particular, a. h = 2 ms with tM = 50 ms; b. h = 10 ms with tM = 50 ms; c.
h = 20 ms with tM = 50 ms; d. h = 200 ms with tM = 50 ms; e. h = 20 ms with tM = 100 ms; and f. h = 20 ms with tM = 200 ms.

voltage (V )
voltage (V )

1.00 0.9
0.95 0.8
0.90 0.7
24 600 600
bu 21 19 27
sn 400 ) bu 2518 2 400
(ms sn 36 )
um 17
ber 15 16 time um 7 200
0 ber 4 5 0 time

Fig. 7: Zero-shot learning results. Comparison of the DeepGraphONet pre-

dicted transient trajectories (dashed red lines) with the actual trajectories (solid
voltage (V )

black lines) on a sub-graph of buses S 0 := {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 18, 25, 27} ⊂ G
0.8 different from the training subgraph S.

24 600
bu 21 19 400 )
um 17 200 (ms
ber 15 16 0 time

Fig. 6: Comparison of the DeepGraphONet predicted transient trajectories

(dashed red lines) with the actual trajectories (solid black lines) on the
subgraph of buses S := {15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 24} ⊂ G using the proposed
resolution-independent DeepGraphONet. We test two time horizons h and
memory resolutions tM . a. h = 500 ms with tM = 200 ms and b.
h = 2 ms with tM = 50 ms.

with 179 nodes. Fig. 10 shows the visualized model prediction

Fig. 8: METR-LA traffic network (adopted from [36]). The black dots
results on 4 randomly picked nodes among the 179. With 1 represent the loop detectors, which we regard as the nodes of the graph G.
hour predicting horizon, the trained model closely predicted
the future on the unseen graph structure for all nodes at the
same time, resulting in the L1 relative error of 10.79%. the DeepGraphONet can be better implemented for practical
The experiment results for the traffic forecasting problem applications for it is easy to train, can produce predictions at
strongly suggest our proposed DeepGraphONet was powerful arbitrary time-step within the horizon, and does not require
in learning the solution operator for the traffic dynamics. Also, forward dependency to obtain the value at this step.

provide next a preamble for our future work:

50 node #: 13 • On Physics-Informed DeepGraphONet. Our current work
focuses on developing a physics-informed version of
75 DeepGraphONet. We plan to use first-principles models
50 node #: 8 to (i) train the DeepGraphONet without data or (ii) use
25 them as prior information during data-driven training.
speed (mph)

75 • On Anomaly Detection with DeepGraphONet. We will

50 node #: 6 focus part of our future work on using DeepGraphoNet
25 for detecting anomalies. To this end, we must endow the
75 proposed DeepGraphONet with the ability to estimate the
50 node #: 1 network’s edges status using graph trajectory data.
• On Learning Networked Control Systems. We plan to
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
extend the proposed DeepGraphONet for learning net-
worked control dynamical systems. This problem is more
time (h)
challenging because we need to learn the system’s re-
Fig. 9: Comparison of the DeepGraphONet predicted trajectories (dashed red sponse using graph trajectory and its response to external
lines) with the actual trajectories (solid black lines) on the subgraph S :=
{1, 6, 8, 13} of the highway network G using tM = 60 (minutes) memory
inputs. If successful, our DeepGraphONet for control may
length. become an essential tool for implementing model-based
multi-agent continuous reinforcement learning.
• On Predicting Long-term Trajectories. We plan to de-
velop effective training strategies to alleviate error ac-
50 node #: 21
cumulation such that we can recursively use the trained
DeepGraphONet to forecast trajectories for long-term
75 horizons with high accuracy.
50 node #: 121
speed (mph)

50 node #: 172
25 In this paper, we introduced the Deep Graph Operator Net-
work (DeepGraphONet) framework to predict the dynamics
node #: 165
of complex systems with underlying sub-graph structures. By
fusing the ability from (1) Graph Neural Networks to correlate
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 graph trajectory information and (2) DeepONet to approximate
nonlinear operators, we achieved significant results on com-
time (h) plex problems such as predicting the (i) transient stability of a
Fig. 10: Zero-shot learning results. Comparison of the DeepGraphONet control area of a power grid and (ii) the traffic flow within
predicted trajectories (dashed red lines) with the actual trajectories (solid black a city or district. Moreover, we built our DeepGraphONet
lines) on all the 179 nodes of the METR-LA highway network G. We illustrate to be resolution-independent, i.e., we do not require a set of
the predicted trajectories for the following four nodes {21, 121, 165, 172},
which we selected uniformly at random. fixed sensors to encode the graph trajectory history. Finally,
we designed a zero-shot learning strategy that enables using
the proposed DeepGraphONet on a different sub-graph with
V. D ISCUSSION AND F UTURE W ORK high predicting performance.
We used the proposed DeepGraphONet to learn the solution
operator of networked dynamical systems and demonstrated ACKNOWLEDGMENT
its effectiveness in power grid transient stability and traffic This work was supported by the Advanced Grid Mod-
forecasting tasks. In particular, the resolution-independent eling Program, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy
DeepGraphONet demonstrated excellent accuracy in approxi- Reliability of the U.S. Department of Energy. GL, CM,
mating the solution operator without performance degradation and YS gratefully acknowledge the support of the Na-
while having the ability of flexible discrete input function tional Science Foundation (DMS-1555072, DMS-2053746,
representation. and DMS-2134209), Brookhaven National Laboratory Sub-
We demonstrated that the trained DeepGraphONet can pro- contract 382247, and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office
duce predictions at arbitrary query locations within the output of Science Advanced Scientific Computing Research program
function domain and does not require forward dependency in DE-SC0021142).
the output sequence. In addition, we showed that one could
directly apply the DeepGraphONet, trained on a small sub-
graph region, to a larger graph region for the same task, achiev- R EFERENCES
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