Ep1 - Final Proyect 1ST Part

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Universidad Politécnica del Estado de Morelos

Interconnection at

◆ Barrios Medrano Maria Fernanda

◆ Miranda Santana Nathalie Guadalupe
◆ Mendoza Bahena Luis Enrique
◆ Saldivar Garcia Kathya
◆ Huerta Herrera Larissa

May 30, 202


This project presents the development made within the elaboration of the work
"INTERCONNECTION IN UPEMOR", which was made by chapters in organized times, the project
starts from a problem, in which it is observed that most of the times it is necessary only to improve
the quality of something that has already been worked with and not necessarily change it in its
totality, in this case the simulation of a network was made to offer better services to the university
UPEMOR and even to use the least amount of resources.

Technologies are necessary today to facilitate activities in people's daily lives, so we thought of
creating a network with security and good connection within UPEMOR.


It is important to solve this problem because it will provide the university with a network with which
you can get a correct communication of devices between the buildings UD1, UD2 and LT1 of
UPEMOR. In addition, this will ensure the access provided to any user within the same network,
since having a reliable network and a solid team of students committed to information technology
helps to provide network coverage.



FN1. Analyze the network infrastructure of buildings UD1, UD2 and LT1.

Analysis of the network infrastructure of

buildings UD1, UD2 and LT1, laboratories and departments, as well as the number of
devices available in each of them.

FN2. Select the network devices for the creation of the simulation in Packet Tracer.

Identification and selection of the most suitable devices for the creation of the simulation with
packet tracer
FN3. Design logical network topology of buildings UD1, UD2 and LT1.

Design of how the devices are distributed in each of the buildings UD1, UD2 and LT1,
as well as how they are connected to each other for proper operation.

FN4. Design physical network topology of buildings UD1, UD2 and LT1.

Design showing the connections between the devices in buildings UD1, UD2 and
LT1, as well as the assigned ip addresses.

FN5. Perform the addressing table of the network devices.

Creation of sub-networks to be used in each of the buildings UD1, UD2 and LT1.

FN6. Correctly connect the devices to each other in the network.

Connection by simulation in packet tracer, taking care to connect each device with
the corresponding cables.

Basic router and multilayer configuration (hostname, vty lines).

Configuration of routers and multilayers used with a name, as well as configuration of lines
that allow "vty" access via telnet.

FN8. Basic configuration of the switches (hostname, vty lines).

Configuration of the switches used with a name, as well as the configuration of the lines that
are to be used. allow "vty" access via telnet.
FN9. Assign addresses to all devices (switches, routers, PCs).

Assignment of IP addresses to each of the devices used in the network simulation,

taking into account the subnet to which each of them belongs.

FN10. Configure password encryption on the router.

Assigning a password to the router used in the network simulation, once the password
is configured, it is encrypted using commands.

FN11. Configure password encryption on switches and multilayers.

Password assignment to the switches and multilayers used in the network simulation,
once the password is configured, it is encrypted using commands.

FN12. Verify the password request to the user.

When entering the password and if it is not the correct one, access to the device is not
allowed until the correct password is entered.

FN13. Perform VLAN segmentation for buildings UD1, UD2 and LT1.

Segmentation of VLANs for buildings UD1, UD2 and LT1, where a VLAN is created per
building, as well as subnets are assigned for each of the VLANs to be implemented.


As for the experience gained from the project, we realized that to approach a project
for a company or in general, you must have a good organization of the procedures or
stages that implement this, it is a bit complicated to start a project when you do not
have the objectives or the needs of this and especially when you do one constantly
must be prepared for changes within this and of course the errors or failures that were
not foreseen.

As a team, we realized that by carrying out the interconnection project at UPEMOR, we

were able to effectively apply the knowledge acquired in this area, as well as other
areas. We are our pleasure to point out that the final product of the project fulfils the
general objective previously seen, as well as each one of the specific and also each of
the specific objectives.


Como Configurar Cisco Packet tracer. (s/f). Packet Tracer Network. Recuperado el 31 de mayo de
2023, de https://packettracer.network/como-configurar-cisco-packet-tracer/

Configuración de un router básico con Configuration Professional. (2023, enero 6). Cisco.

Sepúlveda, M. (2019, noviembre 4). Configuracion basica de un switch Cisco - eClassVirtual - Cursos
Cisco en línea. eClassVirtual - Cursos Cisco en línea.


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