Articulo Cirugia Mucogingival

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J Clin Periodontol 2011; 38: 661–666 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2011.01732.

The interproximal clinical Francesco Cairo, Michele Nieri,

Sandro Cincinelli, Jana Mervelt and
Umberto Pagliaro

attachment level to classify Department of Periodontology, University of

Florence, Florence, Italy

gingival recessions and predict

root coverage outcomes: an
explorative and reliability study
Cairo F, Nieri M, Cincinelli S, Mervelt J, Pagliaro U. The interproximal clinical
attachment level to classify gingival recessions and predict root coverage outcomes:
an explorative and reliability study. J Clin Periodontol 2011; 38: 661–666. doi:

Background: The aims of this study were (i) to test the reliability of a new
classification system of gingival recessions using the level of interproximal clinical
attachment as an identification criterion and (ii) to explore the predictive value of the
resulting classification system on the final root coverage outcomes.
Material and methods: Patients showing at least one buccal gingival recession were
recruited by one operator. Three recession types (RT) were identified. While class RT1
included gingival recession with no loss of interproximal attachment, class RT2
recession was associated with interproximal attachment loss less than or equal to the
buccal site and class RT3 showed higher interproximal attachment loss than the buccal
site. The classification was tested by two examiners blinded to the data collected by the
other examiner. Intra-rater and inter-rater agreement was assessed. Furthermore, the 6-
month root coverage outcomes of consecutively treated gingival recessions were
retrospectively evaluated in order to explore the predictive value of the proposed
classification on the final recession reduction (Rec Red).
Results: The new classification system of gingival recessions was tested in a total of
116 gingival recessions (mean 3.2  1.2 mm) in 25 patients. The intra-class correlation
coefficient (ICC) for inter-rater agreement was 0.86, showing an almost perfect
Key words: aesthetics; classification; clinical
agreement between the examiners. The RT classification was predictive of the final attachment level; diagnosis; gingival
Rec Red (po0.0001) at the 6-month follow-up in 109 treated gingival recessions. recession; periodontal disease; root coverage
Conclusions: The evaluation of interproximal clinical attachment level may be used
to classify gingival recession defects and to predict the final root coverage outcomes. Accepted for publication 20 March 2010

Marginal tissue recession is defined as gin apical to the cemento-enamel junc- oral hygiene (Löe et al. 1992, Serino
the displacement of the soft tissue mar- tion (CEJ) (American Academy of et al. 1994) and may be associated with
Periodontology 1996) and it is a fre- mechanical factors such as traumatic
quent clinical feature in the general tooth-brushing (Sangnes & Gjermo
Conflict of interest and source of population (Baelum et al. 1986, 1976) and orthodontic movement
funding statement Yoneyama et al. 1988, Löe et al. 1992, (Joss-Vassalli et al. 2010), even if no
The authors certify that there is no conflict Serino et al. 1994). Localized loss of definitive evidence is currently available
of interest concerning the contents of the attachment with gingival recession is (Rajapakse et al. 2007).
study. This study has been self-supported frequently located at buccal tooth sur- Some classifications of gingival
by the authors. faces in patients with high standards of recession are reported in the periodontal
r 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S 661
662 Cairo et al.

literature. In a classical article, soft consensus on the use of a specific sys- Exclusion criteria were:
tissue defects at mandibular incisors tem exists.
were divided into four classes: ‘‘nar- Clinical variables involved in gingival  Tooth with a prosthetic crown or
row’’, ‘‘wide’’, ‘‘shallow’’ and ‘‘deep’’ recession might also be evaluated for restoration involving CEJ.
(Sullivan & Atkins 1968). Better root anticipating a possible prognosis of root  Presence of dental/root abrasion at
coverage outcomes following a gingival coverage outcomes. Miller (1985) the CEJ level.
graft procedure for narrow-shallow hypothesized the feasibility of complete
defects were reported (Sullivan & root coverage (CRC) using the free gin- The following periodontal variables
Atkins 1968). Mlinek et al (1973) iden- gival graft (FGG) procedure for class I were recorded in a preliminary evaluation:
tified ‘‘shallow-narrow’’ defects as and II, only a partial coverage for class III
recession o3 mm, while ‘‘deep-wide’’ and no root coverage for class IV. More  Recession depth (REC) at both buc-
defects were recessions 43 mm. Miller recently, other possible prognostic factors cal and interproximal sites.
(1985) proposed four classes of margin- such as the amount of baseline recession  Probing depth (PD) at both buccal
al tissue recessions based on both the (Clauser et al. 2003), the dimension of and interproximal sites.
level of gingival margin with respect to interdental papilla (Saletta et al. 2001)  Clinical attachment level (CAL) at
the muco-gingival junction (MGJ) and and the tooth type (Müller et al. 1998) both buccal and interproximal sites
the underlying alveolar bone. In class I, were suggested as being likely to influ- was then calculated.
the recession did not extend to the MGJ, ence the final outcomes. On the other Taking into account the desirable
while in class II the gingival margin hand, the possible loss of interproximal characteristics of a classification system
reached MGJ, both showing no loss of attachment may also be able to predict (usefulness, exhaustiveness, disjointness
interproximal bone. In the class III the recession reduction (Rec Red). and simplicity) suggested by Murphy
recession defect, the gingival margin The aims of this study were: (1997), the following classification of
was located to or beyond the MGJ gingival recession was then identified
with interproximal bone loss and/or 1. To test the reliability of a new clas- based on the assessment of CAL at both
tooth malpositioning. Finally, class IV sification system of gingival reces- buccal and interproximal sites.
showed serious interproximal bone loss sions using the level of interproximal
and/or severe tooth malpositioning. clinical attachment as an identifica-  Recession Type 1 (RT1): Gingival
More recently, a compound index of tion criterion. recession with no loss of interprox-
recession was also proposed (Smith 2. To explore the predictive value of the imal attachment. Interproximal CEJ
1997) to assess both vertical and hor- resulting classification system on the was clinically not detectable at both
izontal extent of the defect. The degree final root coverage outcomes. mesial and distal aspects of the tooth
of horizontal component was expressed
(Fig. 1a–c).
as a value ranging from 0 to 5 depending
 Recession Type 2 (RT2): Gingival
on the severity of CEJ exposure, while
recession associated with loss of inter-
the vertical extent of recession was Material and Methods proximal attachment. The amount of
measured in millimetres using a perio-
Part 1: Reliability study of a new interproximal attachment loss (mea-
dontal probe on a 0–9 range (Smith classification of gingival recessions using sured from the interproximal CEJ to
1997). the interproximal CAL the depth of the interproximal pocket)
In the last two decades, Miller’ clas-
Patients showing at least one buccal was less than or equal to the buccal
sification has become very popular and
gingival recession were consecutively attachment loss (measured from the
is widely used. Recently, some criti-
recruited by the same periodontist (F. buccal CEJ to the depth of the buccal
cisms to this classification were reported
C.) in order to test the reliability of a pocket) (Fig. 2a–c).
such as the difficult differential diagno-
new classification of gingival recession  Recession Type 3 (RT3): Gingival
sis between Miller class I and II, the
defects. All patients were recruited in recession associated with loss of inter-
unclear procedures to ascertain the
the same private practice setting and proximal attachment. The amount of
amount of soft/hard tissue loss in the
signed a written informed consent in interproximal attachment loss (mea-
interdental area to differentiate class III
accordance with the Helsinki Declara- sured from the interproximal CEJ to
and IV and the unclear influence of
tion of 1975 as revised in 2000. Entry the depth of the pocket) was higher
tooth malpositioning (Pini-Prato 2011).
criteria were: than the buccal attachment loss (mea-
Furthermore, the possible need for a
sured from the buccal CEJ to the depth
new classification system taking into
of the buccal pocket) (Fig. 3a–c).
account the progress made in the diag-  The presence of a buccal recession
nosis and in the treatment of gingival defect at one or more teeth, irres- When both mesial and distal sites of
recessions has been suggested recently pective of the amount of clinical the experimental tooth showed a CEJ
(Mahajan 2010) in order to improve the attachment loss at the interproximal with associated attachment loss, the
simplicity of the diagnosis and the stan- sites. interproximal site with the highest loss
dardization of the clinical case. Finally,  Completion of causal-related ther- of attachment was considered for the
reliability and validity are central to apy when necessary. identification of the type of recession.
determining the utility of any clinical  Full-mouth plaque score (FMPS)
parameters (Karras 1997) but informa- and Full-mouth bleeding score Validation session
tion on the reliability of the published (FMBS) o15% (four sites/tooth).
systems as the Miller’s classification is  Detectable CEJ at the tooth with a Two periodontal examiners (J. M.-
currently not available and no general recession. examiner n.1 and S. C.-examiner n.2)
r 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S
Interproximal CAL for gingival recessions 663

val recessions with or without interprox-

imal loss of clinical attachment at
baseline were included in this retrospec-
tive analysis. In order to explore the
predictive value of interproximal CAL
on the 6-month root coverage outcomes,
the following periodontal variables were
then collected:

 the baseline depth of gingival reces-

sion (REC 0) at the buccal site,
 the baseline clinical attachment
Fig. 1. (a) A buccal gingival recession at the upper left canine, (b) the level of buccal clinical
attachment was 3 mm, (c) the interproximal cemento-enamel junction is not detectable: the
level (CAL B 0) at the buccal site,
final diagnosis is recession type 1.  the baseline clinical attachment
level (CAL int) at interproximal
 the final depth of gingival recession
(REC 1) at the buccal site,
 the resulting Rec Red following
 the type of surgical procedure.
The type of gingival recession (RT1,
RT2 or RT3) was then assessed retro-
Fig. 2. (a) A buccal gingival recession at the upper left canine, (b) the level of buccal clinical
attachment was 4 mm, (c) the level of interproximal clinical attachment was 3 mm: the final
diagnosis is recession type 2. Statistical Analysis
Descriptive statistics with mean  stan-
dard deviation [minimum; maximum]
were performed.
The two-way random ICC and 95%
confidence interval (CI) were used to
assess the intra-rater and inter-rater
agreement among the two periodontal
examiners for the RT and REC. In
addition, inter-rater agreement (ICC
Fig. 3. (a) A buccal gingival recession at the upper left lateral incisor, (b) the level of buccal
and 95% CI) were also assessed among
clinical attachment was 6 mm, (c) the level of interproximal clinical attachment was 8 mm: the two periodontal examiners and the
the final diagnosis is recession type 3. first author (F. C.).
These statistical analyses were per-
formed using R software (version 2.9.2,
were recruited for the study. Both exam- sions was calculated using a minimal The R Foundation for Statistical Com-
iners were informed about and trained acceptance level of an intra-class corre- puting, Package ‘‘irr’’).
on the use of the proposed classification lation coefficient (ICC) of 0.80 with an A six-level nomenclature was used to
system and were blinded with respect to alternative hypothesis of 0.90, 2 opera- assess the level of agreement (Landis &
the evaluation of the first author (F. C.). tors, a 5 0.05 and b 5 0.01 (Walter et al. Koch 1977):
All needed clarifications were provided 1998). With these parameters, the
before the study. Only one private office required number of recessions was 114.  poor agreement: o0.00,
was involved in the study.  slight agreement: 0.00–0.20,
The examiners evaluated each  fair agreement: 0.21–0.40,
selected gingival recession twice, inde- Part 2: Retrospective analysis to explore
the predictive value of the resulting  moderate agreement: 0.41–0.60,
pendently and blindly. REC, PD and  substantial agreement: 0.61–0.80,
classification system on root coverage
CAL were recorded for each defect. outcomes  almost perfect agreement: 0.81–
The examiners rated the recessions 1.00.
using the above-mentioned classifica- Subsequently, the primary author (F. C.)
tion system. There was no time restric- selected periodontal chartings of In order to explore the predictive
tion during the procedure. patients treated with different mucogin- value of RT1 and RT2 class on Rec
gival procedures, including gingival Red outcome, a mixed model (REML)
Sample size calculation
augmentation. All patients were conse- was used with the patient as a random
cutively treated by the same operator (F. effect and REC 0 and RT as explicative
The sample size to test the reliability of C.) in a private practice setting from variables. RT3 recessions were not
the new classification of gingival reces- January 2006 to December 2008. Gingi- included in this analysis as these defects
r 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S
664 Cairo et al.

Table 1. Reliability study of the new classification of gingival recession: distribution of recession type (RT) at different teeth
Class Upper Upper Upper Upper Lower Lower Lower Lower Total
incisors cuspids pre-molars molars incisors cuspids pre-molars molars

RT1 1 14 3 - 6 4 3 1 32
RT2 14 5 12 - 15 2 2 - 50
RT3 7 6 3 2 9 3 4 - 34
22 25 18 2 30 9 9 1 116

were treated only for gingival augmen- Table 2. Reliability study of the new classification of gingival recession: intra-rater agreement
tation and not for root coverage finality. for examiner n.1 (J. M.) and examiner n.2 (S. C.) for recession type (RT) and recession depth
Variable Examiner n.1: ICC (95% CI) Examiner n.2: ICC (95% CI)
Results RT class 0.93 (0.90;0.95) 0.93 (0.90;0.95)
A total of 25 patients (mean age REC 0.93 (0.89;0.95) 0.87 (0.82;0.91)
43.9  11.7 years [23; 66]) were ICC, intra-class correlation coefficient; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval.
enrolled in order to test the reliability
of a new classification of gingival reces-
sion. Sixteen patients were females. A Table 3. Descriptive statistics of defects analysed in the explorative analysis for the predictive
total of 116 gingival recessions were value of the proposed classification on the final recession reduction
evaluated. The mean buccal recession Variable RT1 (n 5 76) RT2 (n 5 33) RT3 (n 5 24)
assessed by the primary author before
the validation session was 3.2  1.2 mm REC 0 (mm) 2.8  1.0 3.2  1.4 3.5  0.5
[1; 6]. Sixty-seven were located in the CAL B 0 (mm) 3.9  1.0 4.3  1.5 4.6  0.7
maxillary arch and 49 recessions were CAL int (mm) 00 1.6  0.6 6.6  0.8
scored in the lower jaw. Twenty-two Rec Red (mm) 2.5  0.9 2.2  0.8 0.4  0.9
REC 1 (mm) 0.3  0.5 1.1  0.9 3.3  0.6
defects were found at the upper incisors,
Sites with CRC 56 (74%) 8 (24%) 0 (0%)
30 at lower incisors, 25 at upper cuspids,
nine at lower cuspids, 18 at upper pre- The defects were retrospectively categorized according to gingival recession types.
molars, nine at lower pre-molars, two at RT1, Recession Type 1; RT2, Recession Type 2; RT3, Recession Type 3; REC 0, buccal recession at
the upper molars and one at a lower the baseline; CAL B 0, buccal clinical attachment level; CAL int, interproximal clinical attachment
molar. Based on the preliminary assess- level at baseline; Rec Red, recession reduction; REC 1, buccal recession at the 6-month follow-up;
ment of the first author (F. C.), a total of Sites with CRC, number of defects with complete root coverage at the 6-month follow-up.
32 defects (28%) were considered as
class RT1, 50 as class RT2 (43%) and the predictive value of RT class on the Table 4. Mixed model (REML) using patient
the 34 as class RT3 (29%). The details final root coverage outcomes. The mean as a random effect to explore the predictive
of the descriptive statistics are reported age was 37.6  11.4 years [21; 62]; 19 value of REC 0, RT1 and RT2 on the recession
in Table 1. patients were smokers. The treatment reduction outcome. N 5 109; R2 5 0.83
ICC and 95% CI between the two outcomes of 133 gingival recessions Estimate Standard p-value
examiners (inter-rater agreement) were were then evaluated: 5% were at central error
calculated for RT and REC. It was 0.86 upper incisors, 10% at lateral upper
(0.80;0.90) for the RT class and 0.88 incisors, 30% at upper cuspids, 15% at Intercept 0.40 0.17
REC 0 0.65 0.05 o0.0001
(0.83;0.91) for REC, showing an almost upper pre-molars, 3% at upper molars,
Class [RT1] 0.29 0.07 o0.0001
perfect agreement for both the variables. 19% at lower incisors, 10% at lower
The ICC for intra-rater agreement was cuspids, 7% at lower pre-molars and 1% REC 0, baseline depth of gingival recession at
0.93 for the variable RT and ranged at lower molar. The mean baseline buc- both buccal site; Class, recession type.
from 0.87 to 0.93 for the variable REC cal recession defect was 3.0  1.1 mm
(Table 2). ICC and 95% CI for RT and [1; 8]; the mean buccal loss of attach- with CAF plus enamel matrix derivative
REC were also assessed among the two ment was 4.1  1.3 mm [2; 9]; and the (CAF1EMD), two recessions with the
periodontal examiners and the primary mean loss of interproximal attachment laterally positioned flap and two reces-
author (F. C.). On comparing examiner was 1.6  2.5 mm [0; 8]. A total of 35 sions with FGG1CAF.
1 with the primary author, the ICC was recessions were treated using the coron- In Table 3, the details of the descrip-
0.90 (0.86;0.93) for RT and 0.86 ally advanced flap for multiple reces- tive statistics of treated gingival reces-
(0.80;0.90) for REC. On comparing sions (CAF multi), 19 recessions with sions included in the explorative study
examiner 2 with the primary author, coronally advanced flap for single for the predictive value of RT class are
the ICC was 0.88 (0.83;0.91) for RT recession (CAF), 28 recessions with reported. The mixed model (Table 4)
and 0.89 (0.85;0.93) for REC. CAF plus connective tissue graft was limited to 109 out of the 133
A different group of 66 patients (36 (CAF1CTG), 36 recessions with the selected defects, corresponding to
females and 30 males) treated with FGG, eight recessions with double classes RT 1 and RT2 recessions only.
different mucogingival procedures was papilla flap with a connective tissue Data for the residual 24 RT3 recessions
enrolled in the study in order to explore graft (DPF1CTG), three recessions treated with gingival augmentation pro-
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Interproximal CAL for gingival recessions 665

cedure were excluded from the analysis than or equal to the buccal site (i.e. a proximal CAL is the coronal limit of the
as the treatment had no root coverage gingival recession associated with hor- achievable amount of root coverage at
finality. The results of the analysis izontal bone lone loss), RT3 recessions the buccal site after surgery. This may
showed that RT class is a strong pre- showed higher interproximal attachment be associated with stability and blood
dictor (po0.0001) of the final Rec Red loss than the buccal site (i.e. a gingival supply provided by interproximal soft
(Table 4). When considering a similar recession associated with an interprox- tissue to the buccal flap/graft during the
baseline REC 0 for RT1 and RT2 imal infrabony defect). This differential healing process. When considering a
classes, RT1 showed a higher mean diagnosis may help clinicians in select- similar baseline REC 0 for RT1 and
Rec Red (0.57 mm) compared with ing the proper treatment. RT2 classes, RT1 showed a higher
RT2 (95% CI: from 0.31 to 0.84 mm). The reliability of this system is con- mean Rec Red (0.57 mm) compared
firmed by the intra-rater agreement with the RT2 class: this finding supports
(ICC 5 0.86), with an almost perfect the importance of baseline interproxi-
agreement between the two examiners. mal CAL for the prognosis of gingival
Discussion Similar outcomes were obtained on recession treatment. Interestingly, 8 out
The treatment of gingival recession is a assessing intra-rater reliability and com- of 33 RT2 defects (24%) reported CRC
common question in patients with a high paring the two examiners with the pri- after different root coverage procedures.
standard of oral hygiene. Different sur- mary author. A possible explanation for Although it is suggested that only a
gical procedures are associated with the these findings may be related to the fact partial root coverage can be anticipated
CRC (Cairo et al. 2008) and the final that only defects with a CEJ showing no for gingival recession with interdental
improvement of aesthetics (Cairo et al. tooth abrasion in the cervical area were bone loss (Miller 1985), this finding
2009, Kerner et al. 2009, Cairo et al. included, leading to a simple CAL supports the initial observations from a
2010). The classification of the type of assessment. Furthermore, only patients randomized study reporting the feasibil-
gingival recession is a very important with minimal gingival inflammation ity of CRC for multiple recessions with
issue in clinical trials dealing with root (FMPS and FMBS o15%) were interproximal bone loss and treated with
coverage procedures. In the last two enrolled in this study, thus reducing the tunnel technique plus CTG (Aroca
decades, Miller’s classification has the possible apical displacement of the et al. 2010). However, further well-
become a very popular approach in probe tip during the measurements designed trials are needed to explore
identifying soft tissue recessions (Miller (Armitage et al. 1977). This condition the predictability of CRC in relation to
1985). Recently, the use of Miller’s may have improved the reliability of the specific surgical procedures for the
classification was reviewed and the dif- measurements. It must also be taken into treatment of single RT2 recession
ficult inclusion for some recessions in a account that no assessment of kerati- defects. On the other hand, RT3 reces-
specific class was outlined (Mahajan nized tissue (KT) surrounding the gingi- sions were not included in this explora-
2010, Pini-Prato 2011). The develop- val recession was performed in this tive analysis as these defects were
ment of a new classification system of classification. Although the baseline treated with FGG only for gingival
gingival recession on the basis of the KT amount might be useful in the augmentation and not for root coverage
characteristics of suitable taxonomy and selection of the surgical procedure, the finality. However, a slight coronal
validated by reliability study for its use influence of KT on root coverage out- improvement of the gingival margin
in clinical practice was then advocated comes is still a controversial topic was detected at the 6-month follow-up
(Pini-Prato 2011). (Cairo et al. 2008). On the other hand, (mean Rec Red 0.4  0.9), probably
The first aim of this study was to test if the final target of the procedure is the associated with a creeping attachment
the reliability of a new classification CRC along with an increase of KT, the following FGG (Matter 1980). Based on
system for gingival recessions using combination between CAF1CTG was this observation, it might be hypothe-
the level of interproximal CAL as an associated with better clinical outcomes sized that interdental soft/hard tissue
identification criterion. This approach is (Cairo et al. 2008). reconstruction with a gain in clinical
based on the observation that the CAL is The prediction of the amount of Rec attachment seems to be mandatory
used extensively to evaluate periodontal Red following root coverage is another before considering a predictable root
conditions (Papapanou & Lindhe 2008). important issue in current practice. coverage procedure at the buccal site
The interproximal CAL may also be Recently, a method of pre-determination in RT3 recessions.
considered as a reliable tool to indirectly of the final position of the gingival The limits of this explorative study
assess the presence of bone loss (Papa- margin using the height of the interden- may be related to the selection of gingi-
panou & Wennström 1989). In this tal papilla was suggested (Zucchelli val recessions associated with a com-
classification, gingival recessions with- et al. 2010). This procedure was able pletely detectable CEJ for assessing the
out loss of interproximal attachment to predict in 71% of treated cases the reliability of the new classification sys-
were considered as RT1 defects, repre- position of the gingival margin 3 months tem of gingival recession. On the other
senting defects most likely associated after surgery (Zucchelli et al. 2010). The hand, a recent study proposing a classi-
with traumatic toothbrushing only in second aim of our study was to explore fication of dental defects in areas with
healthy periodontal tissue. Gingival the predictive value of RT class on the gingival recession reported that CEJ
recessions associated with the presence final root coverage outcomes. The may not be identifiable in some cases
of clinical attachment loss were divided results of the analysis showed that (Pini-Prato et al. 2010). In this condi-
into classes RT2 and RT3, thus cluster- this variable is a strong predictor tion, a different fixed point for CAL
ing defects associated with periodontal (po0.0001) of the final Rec Red after assessment, such as the incisal margin,
disease. While RT2 defects showed an different surgical procedures. It should is needed. However, a possible combi-
amount of interproximal attachment less be hypothesized that the level of inter- nation of both classifications for asses-
r 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S
666 Cairo et al.

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Clinical Relevance tion following root coverage is a the proposed classification was pre-
Scientific rationale for the study: No controversial issue. dictive of the final root coverage
information on the reliability of clas- Principal findings: Using the level of outcomes at the 6-month follow-up.
sifications of gingival recessions is interproximal clinical attachment as Practical implications: A classifica-
currently available and there is no an identification criterion, the pro- tion system of gingival recessions
general consensus on the use of a posed classification of gingival based on the interproximal CAL
specific system. In addition, the pre- recessions showed an ICC 5 0.86 may aid clinicians in a reliable cate-
diction of the gingival margin posi- (almost perfect agreement) among gorization of defects and an effective
different examiners. Furthermore, prediction of treatment outcomes.

r 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S

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