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The Internationai Journal of Penodonlics & Restorative Dentistry


The Bilateral Pedicle Flap-Tunnei

Technique: A New Approach to
Cover Connective Tissue Grafts

Rafaei Juan Blanes. DDS, MS' The ultimate gool in the treotment
Edward Patrick Aiien. DDS, PhD" of the soff tissue marginal reces-
sion is the complete coverage of
the denuded root, resulting in on
esthetic ond naturol appeor-
A new surgical technique for the treatment of adjacent soft tissue marginol
recession is presented. This technique cambines the use of a tunnei proce-
ance ofthe newiy gained tissue.'
dure with doublQ lateral pedicle flaps ta cover a connective tissue graft. To occomplish this objective
This approach combines the advantages af the tunnei technique with the many surgioal techniques have
inoreosed blaod supply ond protection pravided by pedicle flaps. been described.^'^ The first
Indications include adjacent Class i and II deep, wide recessions: however, approach, the ioteral siiding flap
the procedure may aiso be applied to miid Class lii reoessions. Two case by Grupe and Worren,^ dates
reports are presented to illustrate this new technique. (Int J Periodontics baok to 195Ó. Although innovo-
Restorative Dent 1999,19:471-479.) tive, ttie technique did not pro-
vide predictable root coverage,
with only 65% to 75% mean root
ooveroge reported.'" Further-
more, it wos inodequate in oases
with a shaiiow vestibule or insutfi-
cient gingival dimensions Iateroi
to the site of recession.
Langer ond Coiagna* intro-
duced q new approach to treot
marginoi tissue recession, the
subepitheiiai oonnective tissue
graft. This technique used a con-
nective tissue groft covered with
•Graduate Resident, Department of Periodontics, Baylor College of
Dentistry Dolías, Texas.
o repositioned spiit-thickness Hap.
"Clinical Protessor, Department of Periodontics, Baylor College of The success reported with this sur-
Dentistry. Dolías, Texas. gioal approach wos attributed to
the double blood supply at the
Reprint requests: Dr Ratoel Juon Blones, 8335 Walnuf Hill Lone, Suite
210, Dallas, Texas 75231.
recipient site trom the underlying

Volume 19, Number 5,1999


connective tissue base and the the recipient bed. The use of fhis
overiying recipient fiap. ivlodifi- technique enabled the author fo
cations of this fechnique have accomplish predictabie roof cov-
been reported, wifh aiferafions in erage in shaiiow, narrow reces-
fhe connecfive fissue flap cover- sions with 97% mean root cover-
age. Raetzke'' designed the age, but as fhe depfh and widfh
"enveiope" technique, in which of the recession increased the
the connective tissue graft was predictability decreased. Mean
seafed in an envelope that is cre- root coverage decreased to 75%
ated in the fissue around fhe when the depth was > 4 mm and
denuded root surface with an to 76% when the width was
undermining partial-fhickness inci- greater than 3 mm.'"Reasons for
sion. The author reported 80% fhis incompiete root coverage
mean rootcoverage.Alien" pro- might be related to the lack of
posed a coronaiiy positioned split- biood supply over the exposed
thickness flap in 1993. Nelson,^ in coronal portion of the connec-
1987, described a full fhickness- tive tissue graft. The coliaterol
dcuble papilla flap to cover the biood supply provided by the
graft. This mefhod was modified enveiope may be sufñcienf in shai-
in 1992 by Harris,'^who performed iow, narrow recessions but not in
a spiit thickness-double papiiia wider and deeper recessions.
flap, in a later pubiicaticn the The purpose of fhis arficie is to
same author reporfed the use cf describe a periodontai plastic
the fechnique in 100 consecu- surgery procedure where a bilat-
tiveiy treafed defects with a eral pedicle flap and a tunnel are
mean root coverage of 97.1%.'^^ combined to compensate for fhe
The advanfages of fhe latter 2 lack of blood supply fhat fhe fun-
techniques inciude highiy pre- nel technique offers in deep or
dictable root coveroge and fhe wide adjacenf recessions.
possibilify of covering the con-
nective tissue graft in situations in
which the coronally positioned
fiap may be contraindicafed,
such as in sites with a shaliow
vestibuiar depth. Allen,' in a mod-
ification of Raetzke's technique,
described the "tunnel"technique,
in which no horizontal or vertical
incisions are made, in sites with 2
adjacent recessions a tunnel
underneath the interproximal
pdpiila is created and the con-
nective tissue graft is drawn
fhrough fhe tunnel and sutured to

The International Journol of Periodantics & Restorative Dentistry


fig la Recipient site preparation. Hori- Fig Ib Gratt placement. The graft IS Fig Ic Lateral pedicle flops are rotat-
zontal incisions are pioced at fhe ievel drawn underneath the papiiia and ed mesidiy and sutured over the taciai
of the cementoenamei junction. Verfi- sutured wäh interrupted sutures apically aspect of fhe rocts wifh siing sufures. The
cai incisions at the end of the homantai and coronaily. Siing sutures may be mesial borders ot the iateroi pedicle
incisions extend approximafeiy Wto 12 used to secure the graft coronaliy. flaps may be sutured to the interproxi-
mm apically. Split-thiciiness laterai pedi- mal papiiia wifh Interrupted sutures.
cie naps are reflected without disturb-
ing the interpraximai papiiia at the mid-
line. The interproximal pdpiiid is under-
mined by sharp dissect ion.

Surgicai procedure Suicuiar incisions are made, stop- adequatefit:the graft is trimmed
ping at the interproximal papilla. as needed. The graff is then
Recipienf and donor site Spiit-thickness laferai pedicle flaps drawn underneath the papilla
preparation are elevated by sharp dissection with the oid of a suture plooed in
without disturbing the midline the distal end ot the connective
Two adjacent Class Hi soft tissue interproximal pdpilla. Next, the tissue graff end o tissue forceps af
marginai recessions are pre- midline interproximai popiiia is the other end. Interrupted sutures
sented as an example, initially the undermined by sharp dissection pidced both apioaliy and coro-
root surtaces are planed, follov/ed to oredte a tunnel (Fig 1 a). naliy ore used to secure the graft
by citric acid appiicaticn for 30 A conneotive tissue grdff is to the recipient bed (Fig 1 b). Sling
seconds. After saline irrigation, two harvested from fhe premolar sutures may be used to addpf fhe
horizontol incisions are piaced ot region of the right palate foiiow- groft coronaily The laterai pedicle
the level of the cementoenamei ing the technique described by fidps are rotated mesially and
junction distal to the teeth Vi/ith Bruno.^^ sutured v/ith chromic # 5-0 sling
recession, extending towdrd the sutures to cover the entire con-
adjdcent tooth. Vertical incisions nective tissue graft (Fig Ic).
ore piaced at each end of fhe Graft piacemenf Inferrupfed sutures may be used
horizonfal incisions, extending to secure the pedicle flaps to the
approximately 10 to 12 mm api- The grdft is positioned over interproximai popula and fo
cally into the alveolar mucosa. the recipient site to evdiuafe reduce the Iateroi groft exposure.

Volume 19. Number 5,1999


Fig 2a Case I • a 5ó-year-oid patient Fig 2b incision design. Fig 2c Placement of the graft onto
with 3-mm mdrginal tissue recession the recipient bed.
and a iack of attached gingiva facial
to mandibuiar centrai incisors.

Fig 2d Suturing of the graft to the Fig 2e Closure Of the pedicle flaps. Fig 2t Note the root coverage (95%)
recipient bed. and the adequate band af keratinized
tissue 3 months posttieatment.

Case 1 teeth (Fig 2a).The etioiogy of the to correct the mucogingivol

recession was related to a history probiem (Figs 2b to 2e), Post-
A 56-year-old Caucasian waman of infiammatory periodontai dis- operative care inciuded chior-
presented to fhe Department of ease in the presence of a fhin hexidine as a mauthrinse and in
Periodontics at Baylor Ccllege of periodontium. Initiai therapy, a topical applicatian with a cot-
Dentistry suffering from discom- which Inciuded scaiing, raot ton swab twice a day.The patient
fort upon brushing the mandibu- pianing, and poiishing, wifh the was foiiowed up every 2 weei<s
iar central incisors. Oral exami- introduction of fhe modified during the firsf month and month-
nation revealed a 3-mm Class lii Stiiiman brushing method, did not ly thereafter up to 8 months. Each
recession faciai to these teeth. resoive the patient's discomfort. recail inciuded removai of
There was inadequate attaohed A connective tissue graft com- plaque deposits with a prophy
gingiva and plaque deposits bined with a biiateral pedicle cup and evaluation of healing.
over the root surfaces of both flap-funnel fechnique was used One week after the surgery the

The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry


Fig 3a Cose 2: mandibular central Fig 3b Recipient site preparation. Fig 3c Piaoement of the gratt and
incisors with Class III marginai tissue ciosure of fhe flaps.
recession and a iack af attaohed gingi-
vo in a äö-year-old patient.

Fig 3d No retraction of the flap or graft

hos occurred 2 weeks postoperative.

fig 3e (rigtit) Complète root coverage

has been achieved 6 months postoper-

graffed area showed fhe typical esthetic result. Since thickened Case 2
pestsurgicoi edema. The resuits gingivei contours were present
qt the 8-menth evqiuation dis- at the final follow-up, a gingivo- A 45-year-old femóle dentist pre-
cicsed almost cempiete root plesty was offered to fhe pafient sented in private practice com-
coverage and an adequate to accomplish a more natural plaining of e progressive reces-
band of qffqched gingiva facial appearance. However, the sion of fhe merginal fissue fociol to
fo bofh teeth (Fig 2f).The petient patient was satisfied with the the mandibular central incisors
reported more comfcrtable resuits and declined further treot- (Fig 3e). Orei examinatien show-
toothbrushing and a satistoctory ment. ed 3-mm Class Hi recession with

Volume 19, Number 5,1999


insuffioienf oftaohed gingiva on 2 iateroi pedicle tiaps distal to the

fhe fociol aspecfs ot fhese teeth. adjacent recessions. This aiter-
Oral hygiene was exceilent ond ation in the teohnique provides
the tissues were free of inflam- biood supply to the entire surfooe
mation. A connective tissue graft of the groff; the original suprape-
harvested from the tuberosity re- riosteal pouch technique pro-
gion was used with the biioteral vides double blood supply in the
pedicle flap-tunnel technique to apicai portion of the groft, but no
treot this probiem (Figs 3b and blood supply for the exposed por-
3c). The patient was advised to tion of the grotf overiying the root
ovoid brushing ond mostiootion surface. The presenf orficle
at the grafted site for 3 weeks and presents a combined bilateral
was evaiuated at 2 weeks and 1, pedicie-tunnel oonneotive tissue
2, 3, and ó months postsurgiool. graft thot has resulted in opprox-
Compiete survivai of the graft imately 95% root ooverage in ó
without retraction of the tlap wos potients followed for at leqsf ó
nofed at 2 weeks (Fig 3d) and months. This new approach to
complete root coveroge was cover oonnective tissue graffs
apparent and remained through offers the foliowing advantoges:
ó months (Fig 3e).
• increased biood supply to the
connective tissue grqft by
Discussion covering the grqft compietely
with bilateral pedicle flaps
Predictabie root ooverage in • Better adaptation and stobility
shaiiow (< 3 mm), narrow Class I ot the graft to fhe recipient site
to li recessions with the suprope- as q resuit of the compressing
riosteal pouch technique has etfect of the tunneled infer-
been shown to be excellent, with proximal papilla
97% mean root coverage.''' • Complefe coverage of the
However, as the depth ond width grqft when the coronolly posi-
of the recession increased the tioned flap is contrqindi-
prediotabiiity deoreased. Mean coted, such as in a shallow
root coverage deoreased to 75% vestibuie
when the depth was greoter Prevention of qpicol retrqo-
thqn 4 mm and to 7ó% when the tion of the overlying flap, os is
width was greater than 3 mm. commonly seen in the man-
The teohnique described in this dibular incisor region ond
article is o modification of the other sites with q shoiiow
supraperiosteal pouch tech- vestibule
nique to provide a greoter blood • Less surgicql trquma and
supply to the graft and thus more more rapid healing by pre-
predictable root coverage. This serving the interproximai
modification includes the use of pqpillq

The Internationol Journal ot Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry


After fhe palafal harvesfing horizonfal incisions because fhey

of fhe connecfive fissue graft a could interfere with the nourish-
collar of epitheiium normally ment of the facial flap. He sug-
remains as part of fhe graft. In our gesfed thaf lateral and, to a
coses we ieft the epithelium lesser extent paplllory biocd sup-
undisturbed. Some aufhors hove ply may be enough fo enhance
hypofhesized thaf when cover- graff nutrition to the exposed por-
ing the epithelium with the flap tion of the graft when using the
there is a possibility of cysf forma- tunnel technique. However, fur-
fion.i^ On the other hand, Bouch- fher blood supply may be
ord and Etienne^' sfudied fhe ef- needed in deep and wide reces-
fect of ieaving the epithelium sions to achieve o complete root
exposed compared fo removing coverage, '"^ ond for thot reason
ttie epifhelium and covering the the tunnel procedure may ben-
entire graft wifh fhe facial flap. efit from the use of a pedicle flap.
They found betfer esthetic results A coronally positioned flap has
with the latter approach, al- fhe disadvantage of being more
though more keratinized tissue difficult fo combine wifh a funnel
was gained by leaving the epi- prooedure and sfiii ochieve com-
thelium exposed. No data were piefe coverage of fhe graft,
presented when the epithelium especiaily in deep recessions
was leff intact and entireiy cov- with d shallow vestibule. Lateral
ered by the facial flap, as pre- pedicle flaps seem to be a bet-
sented in ihis study. Since there is ter selection since they are easy
no evidence-based dota on the to combine with the tunnel tech-
esthetic and histoiogic impact of nique and require minimal peri-
fhis epithelium remnant on the osteal release, which facilitâtes
finol oufcome of fhe grafting pro- their use in a shallow vestibule.
cedure, if is the opinion ot fhe au- It could be argued that a
thors that the elimination of the double pedicle fiap would be o
epifhelium is nat d necessary sur- more simple procedure to
gical step. In addition, there is not achieve root coverage. However,
certainty that the entire epithe- the use of double pedicie flaps
lium has been removed when aione in adjacenf recessions
using a blade for removal. could be contraindicated in
A partial-fhiokness dissection cases where fhe inferproximal
of fhe recipienf site was used in papilla is too narrow, in those ciin-
these cases because it was con- icai sifuaficns the creation of the
sidered to offer a better blood mesial pedicle flaps may ieave
supply and ftierefore faster revas- fho flaps more slender, which may
cularization af fhe connective fis- complicafe sufuring and jeopar-
sue graff ."^ dize their blood supply By com-
Allen''' expressed concern bining a tunnel and distal pedicle
with the use of verfical and flaps, trauma to the interproximal

Volume 19, Number 5,1999


papula is minimized, providing deep and Vi/ide adjocent soft tis- compietely cover the connec-
better blood supply to the graft. sue marginai recession vi/ith shal- tive tissue graff. This opproach
"Butt joint" inoisions are pre- iow vestibuiar depth: (2) Cioss i fo offers a better biood suppiy to
ferred to the beveied graff edges ii deep dnd wide adjdcenf soft fhe graff, vi/hich could enhance
fhot were advocated in the su- tissue mdrgind! recession with a the predicfabiiity of the tech-
praperiosteal enveiope tech- norrow interproximal pdpiiia; or nique in treating Class I and II
nique.' According to that author, (3) Class 111 adjacent soft tissue recessions > 3 mm deep and > 2
beveled incisions provide inti- marginal recession where some mm wide.
mate bilaminar oontoot with the gain in papillary height may be
invoived fissues, ensuring better attempted—this is a c c o m -
loterai biood suppiy to fhe graft. plished by undermining the inter-
The use of beveled graft edges proximoi tissue and roising it with
seems to be important in the o siing suture.
supraperiosteal envelope tech- Soft tissue marginai reces-
nique since the only biood supply sions in the mandibular onterior
orises trom the edges of the graft. teeth represent an excelient oiin-
With the moditication presented ical indication for this surgioai
in this article there is no need fo technique. The mondibulor ante-
bevel fhe edges of fhe graft rior sextont normaiiy displays a
since biiaminar biood supply is shdliow vestibule, a thin peri-
provided over the entire graft. In odontium, and multipie adjaoent
addition, a butt joint relationship soft tissue marginal recessions.
to ttie recipient site was preferred The disruption of the interproxi-
fo achieve better marginai mai papulae could jeopardize
dddptotion of fhe graft to the wound heaiing by eariy fiap
reoipient bed. to ensure uniform retroction ond therefore jeopar-
connective tissue thickness dize graft survivai. The use ot a
throughout the graft, and to pre- conservative approach such as
vent any tearing of the graff af the biiateral pedicle fiap-tunnel
the time ot suturing. technique could improve the
Thickening of the recipient clinicai predictobiiity of com-
site after connective tissue graft- plete roof coverage.The resuifs of
ing has been documenfed.'^ fhese ó cases v^^arrant furfher
Thdf effect was seen to some research to evaiuate the pre-
degree in this study, A gingivo- dictobiiity of this technique in
piasty procedure was offered to Ciass i to il deep and wide reces-
one patient to smooth fhe gingi- sions ond early Ciass ili soft tissue
vai contours. The patient, how- marginal recessions using a lorger
ever, declined that aiternotive sample population.
since her concerns were resolved A modification of the previ-
wifh the firsf surgical procedure. ously described supraperiosteai
The indicdfions for fhe use of envelope connective tissue graft
the bilaterai pedicie flap-tunnel technique is presented, where bi-
technique are: (1) Ciass I to II lateral pedicie flaps are used to

The international Journal of Pericdontics & Restorative Dentistry


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Volume 19, Number 5,1999

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