Tarnow 1986

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Semilunar coronally repositioned Dennis P.

Department of Periodontics and
Prosthodontics, New York University, College
of Dentistry, USA

Tarnow DP: Semilunar coronally repositioned flap. J. Clin. Periodontol 1986: 13:

Abstract. A semilunar coronally positioned flap is described. The technique

involves a semilunar incision made parallel to the free gingival margin of the
facial tissue, and coronally positioning this tissue over the denuded root. This Key words: Gingival resession - repositioned
technique has the advantage over other coronally positioned flaps, in that no flaps - coronally repositioning - semilunar
sutures are required, there is no tension on the llap, there is no shortening of the
vestibule, and the existing papillae are not interfered with. Accepted for publication January 16, 1985

The coronally repositioned periodontal connected with an intrasulcular in-

flap, has been reported by many differ- cision, made mid-facially. (Fig. 3).
ent people in the literature. Kalmi (5) The mid-facial tissue is then cor-
(1949), first described a type of coronal onally positioned to the CEJ, or to the
repositioned flap that was performed af- height of the adjacent papilla in cases
ter a gingivoplasty of the attached gingi- of interproximal recession. (Fig. 4).
va. Nordenram (1969) and Harvey (6) The tissue is held in place with
(1965, 1970) also employed surgical Fig. 2. Semilunar incision made. moist gauze against the tooth for 5 min.
techniques to cover denuded roots by Die halhmotidfdrttiige htzisioti. (7) A free gingivai graft may have to
coronally repositioning mucopcriostial Linci.sioti seini-iunaire e.st faite. be placed if a fenestration is present in
flaps. In addition, Sumner (1969) and the donor site.
Ward (1973) have modifications of the
coronal repositioned flap to repair gin-
gival recession using straight horizontal Technique
incisions in the alveolar mucosa. Berni- The semilunar coronally repositioned flap
moulin et al. (1975), reported on the (1) Initial preparation - plaque control
clinical evaluation of a two-step cor- instruction, scaling and root planing 2
onally repositioned periodontal flap. weeks prior to surgery if gingival in-
They describe doing vertical incisions, flammation is present. There should be
and coronally repositioning the tissue 2 minimal pocket depth labially at the
months after placing the free gingival time of surgery.
graft. These articles, as well as others, (2) Root plane exposed root surfaces
have affirmed the clinical usefulness of to be covered (Fig. 1). Fig. 3. Split thickness dissection with 15C
the coronally repositioned llap in perio- (3) Make semilunar incision follow- scalpel blade.
dontics to cover denuded root surfaces ing the curvature of the free gingival Der Spaitsclinitt iiiit cinem Si<aipeiibiatl No.
as a result of recession of the gingiva. margin (Fig. 2). The incision may have 15 C.
to extend into the alveolar mucosa if Dissection d'epai.s.setir partieiie avec line lame
there is not enough keratinized tissue to ISC.
cover the recession. The incision should
curve apically far enough midfacially to
ensure that the apical part of the (lap
rests on bone after it is brought down
to cover the exposed root. The incision
should end into the papilla on each end
of the tooth, but not all the way to the
tip of the papilla. At least 2 mm must
Fig. J. Recession present on labial of maxil- be left on either side of the flap, since
lary cuspid. this is the main area from which the
Labiate Rezes.siott an einent Oiierkiefercck-
blood supply will come.
zahn. (4) Using a number 15c blade, a split Jig. 4. Tissue in final coronal position.
Reccs.'iion presetUe citi cote facial de la canitte thickness dissection is made from the Das Gewebe im endgiiitigen Situs.
.mperietire. initial incision line coronally. This is Tisstt en position coronaire finale.
Semihitmr Coronally Repositioncd Flap 183

Fig. 5. (a) Clinical recession of ma.xillary left central ineisor that was
cosmetically unacceptable (b) Tissue coronally positioned at the time
of surgery. No sutures are utilized, (e) One year post surgery. Tissue
has maintained its coronal position at the C.E.J.
(a) Klinisehes Bild einer Recession am mittteren Oberkieftersehneide-
zahn. Die Situation war kosmetisch nieht akzeptabel. (b) Das nach
koronal verschobene Gewebe zur Zeit des chirurgischen Eingriffes. Ndh-
te warden nicht angebraeht. (c) Ein Jalir nach dem ehirwgischen Ein-
griff. Das Gewebe hat seinen Silus in Hohe der SchmelzjZementgrenze
(a) Aspect ctinique d'une recession sur t'incisive cenlrate superieure
gauche, esthctiqiiement inacceptable. (b) Le tissu positionne coronaire-
ment au moment de I intervention, (c) Vn an apres I'intervention. Le
tissu a maintenu sa position, coronairement par rapport a la jonction

(8) The area is packed. There should be an adequate zone of ful to various degrees and none of the
(9) The patient is placed on a soft diet existing keratinized tissue. If there is flaps have sloughed. Approximately 2
for a period of 10 days, at which time not, it should be created 2 months pre- to 3 mm of root coverage can be ob-
the packing is changed for another 5 to viously by means of a free autogenous tained with this procedure. Further
7 days. soft tissue graft. The procedure can be study is now proceding to determine the
(10). The patient is told to use mini- used where esthetics due to recession is exact amount of root coverage ob-
mal pressure when brushing, and to use a problem that could not be controlled tained.
a soft nylon bristle brush during the non-surgically (Fig. 5). The procedure
next 2 to 3 weeks following pack re- can also be used where there has been
moval. recession around previous full coverage Zusammenfassung
restorations in the anterior section of Halbmondfdrniiger, koronaler Fersehiebe-
the mouth, where the patient has a high lappen
Discussion enough lip line when smiling to show Ein halbmoiidtormiger, nach koronal ver-
The new semilunar coronally repo- the denuded roots. The coronal pos- schiebbarer Lappen wird beschrieben. Das
sitioned (lap being presented in this arti- itioning of the tissues before placement tcchnische Vorgehen sieht cine, parallel zum
cle has the following advantages. of the new restoration will allow the freien Gingivalsaum angebraehte. halbmond-
restorative dentist the ability to make formige Inzisioii in das faziale Gewebe vor
(1) There is no tension on the flap und dann das Verschieben dieses Gewebes
after coronally repositioning it. shorter clinical crowns, instead of long-
uber den entblossten Wurzxlteil. Diese Tech-
(2) There is no shortening of the vesti- er unesthetic ones (Fig. 6).
nik hat gegenuber anderen koronalen Ver-
bule. Over 20 teeth have been treated at schiebelappen den Vorleil, dass ein Vernahen
(3) The papillae mesial and distal to the time of writing this article. All of entfallt und auch ein Strecken des Lappens
the tooth being treated remain cos- these flaps have been clinically success- vermieden wird. Eine Verflachung des Vesti-
metically unchanged.
(4) No sutures are needed because of
the lack of tension of the tissue being
coronally positioned.
The indications for the procedure are References
when there is gingival recession with Bernimoulin, J. P., Luscher, B. & Muhlemann, H. R. (1975) Coronally repositioned perio-
minimal labial sulcus depth present. dontal flap. Clinieai indication after one year. Journal of Clinieai Periodontology 2, 1.
184 Tarnow

Fig. 6. (a) Patient with old crowns - on roots with recession that
are scheduled for replacement, (b) Multiple (8) semilunar coronally
positoned flaps performed, (c) 2-week post surgery showing root
coverage, (d) Final restorations in place 6 months post-surgically, (e)
Higher magnification of (d) showing normal clinial crown length.
(a) Ein Patient mit alten Kronen - und Wurzetn tnit Rezessionen, deren
Korrektur geplant ist. (b) Eine Anzahl (S) halbtnondfortnige. nach
koronal zu verschiebende, Lapperteingriffe wurden ausgefiihrt, (c) Da.i
2 Wochen naeh dem ehirurgisehen Eingriff aufgcnommetw Bild zeigt
die Wurzetdeckung. (d) Die inkorporierten endgultigen kiinstliehen
Kronen 6 Monate nach detn ehirurgisehen Eingriff. (c) Holtere Vergros-
serung der (d): die klinische Ldtige der Krone erseheini normal.
(a) Patient avee eouronne.s aneienne.f - sur des racines avee recession
- lex eouronnes doivent etre retnplacees. (b) Les lambeaux .semi-lunaires
multiples (8) ont ete positionnes coronairement. (c) Aspeet 2 semaines
apres Vintervention: noter le reeomremem des racines. (d) Restaura-
tions definitives en place - 6 mois apres ^intervention, (e) Plus fort
grossissement de (d): noter la longueur normale des eouronnes.

bulum tritt nicht ein und die vorhandenen Harvey, P. M. (1965) Management of advance periodontitis. Part 1. Preliminary report of a
Papillen werden bei diesem Vorgchen nicht method of surgical reconstruction. New Zealand Dental Journal 61, 180.
in den Eingriff einbezogen. Harvey, P. M. (1970) Surgical reconstruction of the gingiva. Part II, procedure. New Zealand
Dental Journal 66, 42.
Kalmi, J., Moscor, M. & Goronov, Z. (1949) The solution of the aesthetic problem in the
Resume treatment of periodontal disease of anterior teeth: Gingivoplastic operation. Paradentologie
Lambeau semi-tunaire de repositionnement
Nordenram, A. & Landt, H. (1969) Evaluation of a surgical technique in the periodontal
treatment of maxillary anterior teeth. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 11, 283.
Un lambeau semi-lunaire de repositionne-
ment eoronaire est ici decrit. Cette technique Sumner, C. F. (1969) Surgical repair of recession on the maxillary cuspid. Incisally reposition-
comporte une incision semi-lunaire du tissu ing the gingival tissues. Journal of Periodontologv 40, 119.
Semilunar Coronally Reposilioned Flap 185

du cote facial, faite parallclement au bord Ward. H. & Simering M. (1973) Manual of clinical periodonties. pp. 81=82. St. Louis: C. V.
gingival libre, et le positionnement coronaire Mosby Co.
do ce tissu sur la racine denudce. Cette techni-
que a sur les autres lambeaux positionnes
coronairement les avanUiges suivants: il n'est '^^^^'
pas nccessaire de faire de sutures, il n'y a pas D. P. Tarnow
de tension dans le lambeau, il n'y a pas de 205 East 6lsl Street
retrecissement du vestibule, enfm les papilles New York, NY I002I
existantes son respectces. USA

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