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On the 29th May, 2023, Nigerians will be celebrating 24 years of uninterrupted democratic

governance. Below are the opinions of a cross section of Nigerians as they assess the
country and list out their expectations in various aspects.

Over the past two decades, Nigeria's economy has experienced both ups and downs. While the
country has witnessed periods of economic growth, there have been challenges such as high
inflation rate, youth unemployment, and income inequality. We spoke to several individuals to
get their opinions on Nigeria's economic progress and they responded as follows:
John, a businessman in Uyo, stated, "The economy has seen some positive growth, but the
benefits have not trickled down to the majority of Nigerians. We need more inclusive policies to
ensure that everyone can benefit from economic progress."
Mary, an unemployed graduate, expressed her frustration, saying, "Finding a job has been
extremely difficult. Despite having a degree, I have been unemployed for years. The government
should prioritize job creation and address the skills gap in the country."
Meanwhile, economists and experts have highlighted the need for diversification, as Nigeria's
economy heavily relies on oil revenues. They emphasize the importance of investing in sectors
such as agriculture, manufacturing, and technology to create sustainable and inclusive growth.
On their part, the Federal Government has embarked on several Poverty Alleviation
Programmes. These programmes have been implemented to some extent to improve the welfare
of the poor and vulnerable. Examples include the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) scheme,
Youth Empowerment Programmes, and the National Social Investment Programme (NSIP).
In Akwa Ibom for instance, the current administration made Industrialization and Job Creation its
priority. Governor Udom Emmanuel has focused on industrialization as a key driver of economic
growth and job creation in Akwa Ibom State. Under his administration, industrial projects such
as the Ibom Deep Seaport, Ibom Air (the state-owned airline), and the Syringe Manufacturing
Company have been initiated, attracting investments and creating employment opportunities.
Despite the achievements, many Nigerians expect the governments both at federal and state
levels, to implement policies that promote economic diversification, attract foreign investments,
and improve the business environment. They also call for more transparency and accountability
in public spending.

Health Sector
Healthcare is another critical aspect of Nigeria's democracy. Despite progress in some areas, the
health sector faces numerous challenges, including inadequate infrastructure, brain drain, and
limited access to quality healthcare services. Here are the opinions of some nigerians as it affects
healthcare in the country.
Aisha, a mother of two, said, "Access to good healthcare remains a challenge, especially in rural
areas. We need more well-equipped hospitals, trained medical personnel, and affordable
healthcare services."
Dr Ubong, a healthcare professional, expressed his concerns, stating, "The brain drain in the
healthcare sector is a significant issue. Many well-trained doctors and nurses are leaving the
country in search of better opportunities abroad. The government should prioritize investing in
healthcare, retaining skilled professionals and give globally acceptable welfare packages to all
our medical personnel to encourage them to stay back in Nigeria."
As a way out, health experts emphasize the need for increased investment in healthcare
infrastructure, improved training and retention of healthcare professionals, and the
implementation of universal health coverage. They also highlight the importance of preventive
healthcare measures and disease surveillance systems. This, they believe, will curb brain drain
and strengthen our health sector.
To this end, Nigerians expect both Federal and State governments to allocate more funds to the
health sector to avoid incessant strikes by doctors, prioritize primary healthcare services,
improve access to quality medical facilities, and tackle the brain drain issue. They also hope for
better emergency response systems and increased healthcare research and development.
There have been some notable improvements in the health sector in Akwa Ibom State. The
governor has prioritized healthcare infrastructure and services. The construction and equipping
of new hospitals, such as the 300-bed Specialist Hospital in Ituk Mbang, the Dialysis Center in
Ikot Ekpene, and the renovation of General Hospitals across the state, are part of the efforts to
improve healthcare delivery.

Education Sector
Education is a crucial pillar of any democracy. It is also said that education is the bedrock of any
society or nation. Nigeria has made significant strides in expanding access to education, but there
are still challenges in terms of quality, infrastructure, and funding. Below are some opinions:
Chinedu, a teacher, expressed his opinion, saying, "While efforts have been made to increase
access to education, the quality of education is declining. We need better-trained teachers,
improved infrastructure, and up-to-date curricula."
Mrs Emem Usoro, a parent, stated, "The cost of education is becoming increasingly unaffordable
for many families, especially for private schools. The government should prioritize funding
education and provide scholarships or grants to deserving students."
Education experts however, emphasize the need for increased investment in the sector, improved
teacher training and welfare, modernization of curricula, and enhanced infrastructure. This could
be seen in Akwa Ibom where the Governor has made efforts to enhance the quality of education
in Akwa Ibom State. The administration has provided free and compulsory education at the
primary and secondary school levels, increased funding for the education sector, and established
new schools. Additionally, scholarship programmes have been initiated to support indigent
students in their pursuit of higher education. And most recent and thanks to Covid-19, many
schools have been fenced round.
Agriculture and Food Sufficiency:
In Akwa Ibom, the Governor has promoted agricultural development and food sufficiency.
Programmes such as the FADAMA III Project, Greenhouse Farming, and provision of improved
seedlings and agricultural inputs have been implemented to support farmers and boost
agricultural productivity. Soft loans have been given to traders by the state and federal
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI):
The governor has actively sought foreign direct investment to stimulate economic growth and
development in the state. His administration has attracted investments in various sectors,
including oil and gas, manufacturing, and agriculture, creating employment opportunities and
fostering economic diversification. This is made possible by the prevailing peace the state
Peace and Security:
Many Nigerians express concerns about the security situation in the country. Issues such as
terrorism, insurgency (especially in the northeast region), communal clashes, kidnappings, armed
robberies, and farmer-herder conflicts have created a sense of insecurity. While some people
acknowledge the government's efforts to address security challenges through the deployment of
security forces, others criticize the response as inadequate and call for more effective strategies.
Meanwhile, Governor Udom Emmanuel of Akwa Ibom State has prioritized peace and security
in the State. Collaborating with security agencies, the state government has implemented
measures to enhance the safety of residents and protect lives and properties.

Increased Freedom of Expression

Many believe that democracy has allowed for greater freedom of expression and speech in
Nigeria. Citizens can express their opinions, criticize the government, and participate in public
debates without fear of repression. This has led to an expanded Media Space. There has been a
significant expansion of the media landscape in Nigeria. The proliferation of private radio and
television stations, as well as online platforms, has provided diverse sources of information and
platforms for public discourse.
Infrastructure Development:
Efforts have been made to invest in infrastructure development across the country. Construction
of roads, bridges, airports, and other public infrastructure has taken place, although more needs
to be done to address the infrastructure deficit.
In Akwa Ibom, the governor has prioritized infrastructure development across the state. Notable
projects include the construction and rehabilitation of road networks, such as the construction of
the Uyo-Etinan Road, Etinan-Ndon Eyo Road, and Etinan-Eket Road, Ring Road III and Ring
Road II and expansion of Airport Road. Infrastructure projects also encompass the expansion of
healthcare facilities, renovation of schools, and construction of new classroom blocks.

Since Nigeria's return to democratic governance in 1999, several dividends of democracy have
been experienced in the country. While progress has been made in various areas, it's important to
note that challenges persist, and not all Nigerians have equally benefited from these dividends of
democracy. There is still work to be done to address issues such as corruption, insecurity,
poverty, inequality as well as incessant strikes in the education and health sectors.

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